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Expatriate Experience


1 Masson Group of Companies Offers relocation
Offers relocation and expatriate services.
2 Crossing Cultures Responds to
Responds to the needs of the expatriate to make the transition as smooth as possible.
3 Nationwide International Provides offshore
Provides offshore banking and expatriate savings accounts.
4 Henner Group Providing services
Providing services on expatriate healthcare insurance, assistance and health.
5 Tucker International Provides intercultural
Provides intercultural training, expatriate personnel assessment, and consulting to companies relocating their employees internationally.
Assessment Expatriate International Training Tucker Oai Assignment Intercultural Inventory Overseas Mobility Selection Development Cultural Repatriation
6 Stephen J. Dann Advising online
Advising online on UK taxation including property letting, capital gains and expatriate issues.
7 Protax Consulting Services Specializing in
Specializing in tax planning and compliance for high net worth individuals and businesses. Extensive focus in foreign national and expatriate tax.
8 April Relocation Expatriate consultant
Expatriate consultant offering services for those wishing to relocate to Barcelona and Catalonia. Includes company overview and contact information.
Aprilrelocation Contacto Servicios Line Propuesta Telfax Info@aprilrelocationcom Clientes Calle Calabria De Barcelonamapa
9 April Relocation Expatriate consultant
Expatriate consultant offering services for those wishing to relocate to Barcelona and Catalonia. Includes company overview and contact information.
10 Worthen Pacific Limited Executive relocation
Executive relocation, tenancy management, and expatriate administration for multinational corporations moving into China and other parts of Asia.
Worthenpacificcom Go Hereclick Z
11 Clements and Company Expatriate insurance
Expatriate insurance worldwide, virtually every type of insurance.
Insurance International Expat Property Clements Health Car Worldwide Click Here Commercial Quote News Motor Expatriate Guide
12 Birchtree A human
A human resources consulting firm. Services include strategic planning, compensation programs, benefits, staffing, training, expatriate policies, and performance systems.
13 Dave Tester Expatriate Insurance Services Offering health
Offering health, life, and disability insurance for visitors to the United States and Canada.
Insurance Islands Health Republic Expatriate United International Term Services States Island Life Travel Medical Korea Guiana Guinea Bissau Djibouti Kingdom Haiti
14 Dave Tester Expatriate Insurance Services Offering health
Offering health, life, and disability insurance for visitors to the United States and Canada.
Insurance Islands Republic Health Expatriate International United Term States Island Services Life Travel Medical Korea Guinea Bissau Arabia Sudan Expats
15 Dave Tester Expatriate Insurance Services Offering health
Offering health, life, and disability insurance for visitors to the United States and Canada.
Insurance Islands Health Republic Expatriate United International Term Island Services States Life Travel Medical Overseas Bahrainbangladesh Leone Guinea Bissau Luxembourg Mongoliamontserrat Pitcairn
16 Dave Tester Expatriate Insurance Services Offering health
Offering health, life, and disability insurance for visitors to the United States and Canada.
17 Revel Miller Consulting RMC specializes
RMC specializes in leadership coaching and consulting for executives, expatriate and repatriate managers, and teams for multinational corporations.
18 Expatriate Financial Services International financial
International financial planning brokerage specialising in the financial affairs of expatriates.
Banking Medical International Insurance Retirement Property Pension Montpelier Offshore Analysis Life Blogs Portfolio Services Savings Live Ltd
19 BUPA International Provides international
Provides international health and medical insurance worldwide, focusing on expatriate services. Site offers quote, products, company history, contact links, and policy holder services.
Health Bupa Insurance International Information Medical Contact Careers Financial Sorry Membersworld Business Opinion Individual Cover France
20 Political Evacuation and Repatriation Insurance (PERI) Protects a
Protects a companys expatriate staff in the event of actual or life threatening political instability. Site describes cover and benefits. [English, French, Spanish, Dutch, some content in Mandarin]
21 Dot-Connect Cross Cultural Training Training organization
Training organization specializing in communication, cross-cultural training, presentation and negotiations. Workshops in expatriate relocation coaching, diversity management and teamworking. Based in Finland.
Training Cross Cultural Dot Finland India Connect Presentation Business Tips Terminology Culture China Managing Doing Program Communicating
22 Organization Resources Counselors, Inc. Services include
Services include compensation consulting and data services for domestic, expatriate, and international needs, organization and management consulting, OSHA consulting, labor relations, and performance management.

2. Shopping and Expatriate Trade

1 Puerto Vallarta on 49 Brain Cells a Day Expatriate living
Expatriate living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Available online and at Folk Art Store in Vallarta
Hello World マイカなmatterの番目の毎日 Wordpress Just 年月日 Wordpresssite Another への件のコメント未分類 年月 Z

3. Expatriate Recreation

1 Aikido Filipino Club Traditional style
Traditional style taught to expatriate fillipino workers in UAE. Includes contact details.
Web Filipino Thanks Hosting Free United Philippines Please Click Viewing Image Dont High Introduction Better
2 Care the World Organisation serving
Organisation serving the Japanese expatriate community since 1988 providing information about childbirth and childcare practices of more than 60 countries.
3 Mongkol Varee Golf Presents English-speaking
Presents English-speaking coach, teaching mainly expatriate children in Thailand. Program schedules and philosophy.
Webs Page Business Brought Vistaprint Today Cards Free Facebook Sign Create Found Reserved Premium Publish Help Longer

4. Computer & Expatriate Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Expatriate

1 Aikido Filipino Club Traditional style
Traditional style taught to expatriate fillipino workers in UAE. Includes contact details.
Close Thanks Filipino Sign Hot Java Dhabi Viewing Welcome Plug Officers Aikido United Club Y
2 Mongkol Varee Golf Presents English-speaking
Presents English-speaking coach, teaching mainly expatriate children in Thailand. Program schedules and philosophy.
Frozenwereplease Frozen Contactowner Sorry

6. Society, Arts and Expatriate Crafts

1 Expatriate Groups Directory of
Directory of expatriate discussions at Yahoo.
Yahoo Please Help Policy Central Copyright Terms Onlineservices Inc Yahoos Navigationshilfe Also Privacypage
2 Wrrldgrrls A virtual
A virtual salon for expatriate, international and worldly lesbians.
Yahoo Help Wrrldgrrls Please Groups Autos Onlineservices Weather Music Style Answers Real Food Inc Owner@yahoogroupscom
3 The Adventures of John and Darcy Site chronicling
Site chronicling the travels of an expatriate American couple living overseas.
Schuyler John Darcy Thailand Gwendolyn Adventures Pakistan Texas Japan Narita France Holland Egypt Chile Amsterdam Wind Range Italy
4 Resource offering
Resource offering country profiles, business and finance, money, politics, IT, lifestyle and expatriate activities.
Belgium Switzerland Luxembourg Portugal Spain France Netherlands Germany Expatica Africa Moscow South News Uk Country
5 The Expatriate Cafe Meeting place
Meeting place for American teachers living in Spain, offers news, discussion, and service information.
Spain English Re Expat_teacher Teaching Warning Expatriate Lo Madridchika Failed Madrid Sean Sea Que Do Native Non Eu Warninginclude_oncekundenhomepagesdhtdocsexpatriatecafeversionphp[functioninclude Once] Started Big
6 Boomers Abroad Explores retirement
Explores retirement in exotic settings and expatriate communities with a focus on Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.
7 Aussie in America Experiences from
Experiences from an Australian expatriate living in the United States of America.
8 Eamonn Fitzgeralds Rainy Day An expatriate
An expatriate Irishman in Munich applies a Central European perspective to music, wine, travel, books, politics, terror, fun, and life.
9 News India Times English language
English language news and comment website aimed at the Indian expatriate audience in the United States.
India Politics Business Lifestyle West Seeks Pakistani Modi Death Coast Minister Wife New Murder Convicted Co Champs East Grads South Community Evil Hanging Khan
10 British Pensions in Australia (BPIA) Not-for-profit association
Not-for-profit association of volunteer expatriate British State pensioners offering advocacy and assistance.
11 British Expatriate Networks Devoted to
Devoted to expats worldwide. Provides latest news, live chat room, message board, supplies, book store, links and online survey.
Maintenance System Britnetz Well
12 Expatriate Bangladeshi 2000 Bangladeshi expatriates
Bangladeshi expatriates aim to create a common information network and pathways for the development of Bangladesh. The forum is not-for-profit and religiously and politically non-aligned.
Yahoo Help Eb Groups Attachments Please Central Makers Onlineservices Page Mobile Celebrity Mail Food Autos
13 Protest group
Protest group of expatriate Americans planning demonstration rallies against Bush offers news and resources. Includes news items of concern to expatriates.
14 TheBrits Devoted to
Devoted to serving the expatriate community in the United States since 1994. Offers the latest news, points of view, online surveys, features and articles, book and film reviews and a live chat room.
Brit World Football Community Slang Music Shop Daily News Thebritscom Limey Shirts Original Nosh Rugby Regional Must Haves Ex Pats Sound Group
15 Australia Society Tokyo Australian society
Australian society in Tokyo which organises social funtions and events for the expatriate community
Tokyo Society Australia Australian Policy Privacy Email Sponsors Government Events Smartraveller News Renewal Application Work Japan Meetup People
16 Expat Blog Share your
Share your expat experience the worldwide online expatriate community. Free blog, directory, resources, forum for expatriates.
Expat Forum Guide Directory Business Arabia India Morocco Arab Mexico Philippines Spain England Emirates City
17 bray, d.w. (bill) a brief
a brief biography of bill bray, farmer, scientist, expatriate, husband, and father.
18 Expat Canadian Meetup Canadian expatriate
Canadian expatriate meetup day, find and get together with other Canadian expatriates in hundreds of cities.
Expat Canadian Expats New American French Social People Friends Meetup Meeting London Group Town Culture
19 Roaming Vikings Stir Valleys Melting Pot Article tells
Article tells about the Silicon Vikings, expatriate Scandinavians working to preserve their culture while living and working in Silicon Valley. [USA Today]
Document Movedthis Objecty
20 PMI Expatriate Mail Service Mail forwarding
Mail forwarding service for expatriates founded in 1987. Provides mail forwarding, record keeping and description of services offered.
Package Mail Forwarding Services Fulfillment Corporate Parcel Order Sponsored Contact Personal Individual International Now Certificates
21 cnn: prosecution uses bin laden interview in embassy bombings trial 'osama bin
'osama bin ladens historic hour-long interview with cnn was played wednesday for the jury deciding whether four men are part of an alleged decade-long conspiracy led by the saudi expatriate and aimed at killing americans and destroying u.s. property abroad.'
Apacheport Serverpermanently The
22 British Pensioners Association of Western Canada Assists expatriate
Assists expatriate British Pensioners living in Western Canada with applying for British Pensions and equality.
British Pension Pensioners Pensions Association Se Street Uk Calgary Avenue Expat State Canada Voting Brits Organization Background Non Profit
1 irregular ramblings the daily
the daily journal of expatriate brit, johanna mead.
Ramblings Irregular Yestermonth Journal Woman Francisco Author Archive Parcels Ticking Fiction Latest Webrings Writingfemale
2 robert w. norris author of
author of two expatriate novels, a novella used as a textbook, and several articles on teaching english in japan.
3 emanuel, james a. a bibliography
a bibliography on the works of this expatriate african-american poet, author, and professor of english.
4 an american learns to love life in japan newspaper article
newspaper article about author sara backers experiences as an expatriate.
Advertiser Privacy Hawaiicom Local Island Honolulu Terms Life Hawaii Archives Gannett Hawaiinewsnow Weekend Around Y
5 Sammi Expatriate: Sammi
Expatriate: Sammi Davis glad to be out of England and in LA. Interview with Soren Andersen
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Internet Reachmovies Finance Archives Sports Hosting Terms
6 maguire, kristie leigh author of
author of emails from the edge (the life of an expatriate wife), desert triangle - 1st novel in the marcie trilogy, contributor to calliopes mousepad: women writers online
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing App Local Help Gallery Advisor Hosting Developer Network Inc Blogs
7 Daniel Ridgway Knight (1839-1924) Information concerning
Information concerning the life and work of the American expatriate artist Daniel Ridgway Knight (often misspelled Ridgeway). Site includes information concerning the current catalogue raisonne project and a link to an online exhibition of Knights work.

Expatriate Dictionary

exile expatriate / expat: a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country, "American expatriates"
expatriate: move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad
expatriate / deport / exile: expel from a country, "The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions" Reviews for Expatriate. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Expatriate" (visitors of this topic page). Expatriate › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Expatriate Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

An expatriate is a person temporarily or permanently residing, as an immigrant, in a country other than that of their citizenship. The word comes from the Latin terms ex and patria .

8 results for Expatriate: