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1 Executing Arbitrary Commands Without Active Scripting or ActiveX Advisory by
Advisory by GreyMagic Security explains how a vulnerability in elements can be exploited with data binding.
Html Greymagic Exploit Scripting Internet Microsoft Software Activex Security Explorer Products Spybot Ie Binding Active Specialist Gm
2 GreyMagic Security: Appendix to 'IE allows universal Cross Site Scripting' Explains how
Explains how the 'ANALYZE.DLG' resource can be manipulated to allow the execution of arbitrary code in the My Computer' zone.
Navigationshilfe Ty
3 Retrieving Information on Local Files in IE Explains how
Explains how the IMG elements dynsrc attribute can be exploited to test the existence of, find the size of, find the date last updated/modified of, and the creation date of, an arbitrary local file. By GreyMagic Security.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 GreyMagic Security Advisory: Reading Any Local File in Opera Security vulnerability
Security vulnerability in Opera 6.01 and 6.02. Describes how a character entity can be used to upload an arbitrary local file to a remote server, without the users knowledge.
5 GreyMagic Security Advisory: Reading Local Files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla Describes how
Describes how Mozillas version of XMLHTTP, the XMLHttpRequest object, allows reading of arbitrary local files. Includes a demonstration of the exploit. (No longer an active bug in new versions of Mozilla)
Mozilla Netscape Greymagic Explorer Nt Linux Security Files Win Subscribe Software Disk Internet Local Reading News Netscapes Tested

5. Sports Websites concerning Greymagic

6. Society, Arts and Greymagic Crafts