1 AlcherBio
Features a
Features a company that works with biotechnology companies to identify potential animal health applications for their innovations and with animal health companies to identify new platform technologies and compounds for their pipelines.
Features a company that works with biotechnology companies to identify potential animal health applications for their innovations and with animal health companies to identify new platform technologies and compounds for their pipelines.
2 Image Identity Ltd
Helping clients
Helping clients identify who they are, and shape how others perceive their organization.
Helping clients identify who they are, and shape how others perceive their organization.
3 aquentis
leak detection
leak detection specialists,provides a range of tools and technologies to identify leaks
leak detection specialists,provides a range of tools and technologies to identify leaks
4 PPO Check
Contracts with
Contracts with hospitals to identify and recover erroneous managed care discounts.
Contracts with hospitals to identify and recover erroneous managed care discounts.
5 Moses Associates
Specialize in
Specialize in helping growth companies identify and acquire top talent.
Specialize in helping growth companies identify and acquire top talent.
6 Monopoly Investing
Model to
Model to helps identify young companies that often become great monopolies.
Model to helps identify young companies that often become great monopolies.
7 SR Analyst
Identify support-resistance
Identify support-resistance, trend lines and cycles. Requires eSignal.
Identify support-resistance, trend lines and cycles. Requires eSignal.
8 LRI Management Services
Helps organizations
Helps organizations identify, diagnose and respond to employee relations problems.
Union Employee Relations Consulting Free Survey Satisfaction Managing Bargaining Campaign Avoidance Videos Media Shop Positive Strategy
Helps organizations identify, diagnose and respond to employee relations problems.
Union Employee Relations Consulting Free Survey Satisfaction Managing Bargaining Campaign Avoidance Videos Media Shop Positive Strategy
9 grafoplast
wire marking
wire marking system, identify wires, cables, relays, terminal blocks.
Markers Grafoplast Sleeves Products Marking Cable Kits Wire List Clip Terminals Halogen Relay Thermal Grafoplastreg Printer Contactor Starter Tie
wire marking system, identify wires, cables, relays, terminal blocks.
Markers Grafoplast Sleeves Products Marking Cable Kits Wire List Clip Terminals Halogen Relay Thermal Grafoplastreg Printer Contactor Starter Tie
10 nordic bioscience diagnostics
develops immunodiagnostic
develops immunodiagnostic products to identify diseases affecting bone and cartilage.
develops immunodiagnostic products to identify diseases affecting bone and cartilage.
11 Applied Investment Research
Tools to
Tools to help investors identify, characterize and monitor capital market trends.
Tools to help investors identify, characterize and monitor capital market trends.
12 TelSoft Solutions
Call accounting
Call accounting software to reduce phone cost and identify fraud and abuse.
Management Solutions Mvne Suite Tem Wireless Mts Telecom Customers Expense Mvnos Solution Center Legal Ltd Announces Policy
Call accounting software to reduce phone cost and identify fraud and abuse.
Management Solutions Mvne Suite Tem Wireless Mts Telecom Customers Expense Mvnos Solution Center Legal Ltd Announces Policy
13 Arthur M. Schneiderman
Helps organizations
Helps organizations identify and manage the important processes. Site also contains a few articles related to the topic.
Helps organizations identify and manage the important processes. Site also contains a few articles related to the topic.
14 Stout Causey Consulting
Recovery audit
Recovery audit services helping our clients identify and recover lost profits.
Recovery audit services helping our clients identify and recover lost profits.
Retail property
Retail property and casualty agents can use this site to identify, contact and evaluate specialty market providers.
Retail property and casualty agents can use this site to identify, contact and evaluate specialty market providers.
16 biocatalytics, inc.
established to
established to help companies identify opportunities for the application of enzymes, and then rapidly develop and implement enzyme-based processes.
established to help companies identify opportunities for the application of enzymes, and then rapidly develop and implement enzyme-based processes.
17 Advanced Brain Monitoring
Develops portable
Develops portable devices that interpret electrical activity and identify levels of alertness or drowsiness.
Sleep Advanced Eeg Terms Monitoring Brain Apnea Headsets Software Series Novel Solutions Targeted Profilerâ„¢ Guard®
Develops portable devices that interpret electrical activity and identify levels of alertness or drowsiness.
Sleep Advanced Eeg Terms Monitoring Brain Apnea Headsets Software Series Novel Solutions Targeted Profilerâ„¢ Guard®
18 Progressive Healthcare, Inc.
A management
A management and consulting organization that focuses on the operations to identify, develop and reach operational goals and objectives
Healthcare Progressive Advisory Services Leading Firm Reserved Servicesto Operational Mattersprovidesconsulting Inc Organizations Outpatient
A management and consulting organization that focuses on the operations to identify, develop and reach operational goals and objectives
Healthcare Progressive Advisory Services Leading Firm Reserved Servicesto Operational Mattersprovidesconsulting Inc Organizations Outpatient
19 Cellavision
Offers automated
Offers automated digital cell morphology software which locate, identify and pre-classify white blood cells.
Cellavision Financial Blood Clinical Support Software Cell Press Analysis Events Morphology Career Contact Cells Company Quality Archive Governance
Offers automated digital cell morphology software which locate, identify and pre-classify white blood cells.
Cellavision Financial Blood Clinical Support Software Cell Press Analysis Events Morphology Career Contact Cells Company Quality Archive Governance
20 BioCatalytics, Inc.
Established to
Established to help companies identify opportunities for the application of enzymes, and then rapidly develop and implement enzyme-based processes.
Established to help companies identify opportunities for the application of enzymes, and then rapidly develop and implement enzyme-based processes.
Focus: seek
Focus: seek to identify, fund and nurture business ideas through participation of our members to create and capture new markets.
Npdcinccom Leading Npdc Audits Help Federalincome Levy Income Debt Join Nettax Financial Planning
Focus: seek to identify, fund and nurture business ideas through participation of our members to create and capture new markets.
Npdcinccom Leading Npdc Audits Help Federalincome Levy Income Debt Join Nettax Financial Planning
22 Cellavision
Offers automated
Offers automated digital cell morphology systems which locate, identify and pre-classify white blood cells.
Offers automated digital cell morphology systems which locate, identify and pre-classify white blood cells.
23 The Baldrige Management Model
Dedicated to
Dedicated to help organizations identify, understand, and manage the factors that determine their success. Located in Minnesota, USA.
Dedicated to help organizations identify, understand, and manage the factors that determine their success. Located in Minnesota, USA.
24 Positive Productions Inc.
Point of
Point of purchase displays and signage help showcase your products and identify your customers interests. Located at Batavia, OH.
Productions Positive Exhibits Graphics Boxes Contact Drop Pop Exhibit Inc Rental Used Producing Industrywe Phone Ohio Y
Point of purchase displays and signage help showcase your products and identify your customers interests. Located at Batavia, OH.
Productions Positive Exhibits Graphics Boxes Contact Drop Pop Exhibit Inc Rental Used Producing Industrywe Phone Ohio Y
25 Positive Productions Inc.
Point of
Point of purchase displays and signage help showcase your products and identify your customers interests. Located at Batavia, OH.
Productions Positive Exhibits Drop Contact Pop Boxes Graphics Exhibit Inc Used Rental Ohio Print Producing
Point of purchase displays and signage help showcase your products and identify your customers interests. Located at Batavia, OH.
Productions Positive Exhibits Drop Contact Pop Boxes Graphics Exhibit Inc Used Rental Ohio Print Producing
26 OTC Growth Stock Watch
Seeks to
Seeks to identify stable, fast-growing small cap Nasdaq companies with strong management among other factors.
Seeks to identify stable, fast-growing small cap Nasdaq companies with strong management among other factors.
27 Upper Quadrant
Analytic-driven sales
Analytic-driven sales and marketing firm dedicated to helping companies identify, target, and acquire more of the right customers.
Analytic-driven sales and marketing firm dedicated to helping companies identify, target, and acquire more of the right customers.
28 VeriChip Corporation
Provides security
Provides security solutions to identify, locate, and protect people and assets. Includes product and company information, and media resources.
Provides security solutions to identify, locate, and protect people and assets. Includes product and company information, and media resources.
29 JPickrell and Associates, Inc.
Strategic plans
Strategic plans to identify objectives, clarify messages, set goals, plan tactics and develop timetables and accountability structures.
Strategic plans to identify objectives, clarify messages, set goals, plan tactics and develop timetables and accountability structures.
30 Emersus Consulting, Inc.
Helps you
Helps you identify and develop the human talent and the organizational structures and systems required to compete successfully today and in the future.
Helps you identify and develop the human talent and the organizational structures and systems required to compete successfully today and in the future.
31 Odellion
ROI consulting
ROI consulting and research Company providing a comprehensive solution to identify, evaluate, and measure the financial benefits of software and information technology investments.
ROI consulting and research Company providing a comprehensive solution to identify, evaluate, and measure the financial benefits of software and information technology investments.
32 biocatalytics, inc.
established to
established to help companies identify opportunities for the applications, and develop and implement enzyme-based processes. lists patents and contacts pasadena, california.
established to help companies identify opportunities for the applications, and develop and implement enzyme-based processes. lists patents and contacts pasadena, california.
33 Biocatalytics, Inc.
Established to
Established to help companies identify opportunities for the applications, and develop and implement enzyme-based processes. Lists patents and contacts Pasadena, California.
Codexis Linkedin Enzymes Events Information Biocatalysis Releases Center Work Products Pharmaceutical Results Chemicals Quarter Enzyme Corporate Protocols Codeevolverreg
Established to help companies identify opportunities for the applications, and develop and implement enzyme-based processes. Lists patents and contacts Pasadena, California.
Codexis Linkedin Enzymes Events Information Biocatalysis Releases Center Work Products Pharmaceutical Results Chemicals Quarter Enzyme Corporate Protocols Codeevolverreg
34 National Sign Display
Sign frames
Sign frames to identify products or services.
Sign frames to identify products or services.
35 Shazam Music Recognition
Service that
Service that lets identify music that is being listened, through a mobile, whatever the model.
Service that lets identify music that is being listened, through a mobile, whatever the model.
36 Scintrex Trace Corp
Explosive detection
Explosive detection systems to trace and identify bombs, contraband and narcotics.
Explosive detection systems to trace and identify bombs, contraband and narcotics.
37 Inrico
Identifies, assesses
Identifies, assesses, and evaluates hazards to identify cost effective risk reduction strategies. Operates in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
Risk Loss Inrico America Engineering Control Prevention Latin Rico Mexico Puerto Offices Property Pulp Brazil
Identifies, assesses, and evaluates hazards to identify cost effective risk reduction strategies. Operates in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
Risk Loss Inrico America Engineering Control Prevention Latin Rico Mexico Puerto Offices Property Pulp Brazil
A quantitative
A quantitative analysis of stocks using Welles Wilders Directional Movement calculations to identify stocks trending 'up' and 'down'.
Request Nginx Informationsquelle Beste Dmtrend Dass Hoffen Dmtrendcom Finden Ersteinteressanteerfolgreich
A quantitative analysis of stocks using Welles Wilders Directional Movement calculations to identify stocks trending 'up' and 'down'.
Request Nginx Informationsquelle Beste Dmtrend Dass Hoffen Dmtrendcom Finden Ersteinteressanteerfolgreich
39 Mosaic, Inc.
Software Risk
Software Risk Management Services that are designed to identify and reduce the risks inherent in developing software systems.
Testing Quality Software Management Test Automation Mosaic Assurance Measurement User Defect Acceptance Framework Dstar Inc Automated Techniques Rstar
Software Risk Management Services that are designed to identify and reduce the risks inherent in developing software systems.
Testing Quality Software Management Test Automation Mosaic Assurance Measurement User Defect Acceptance Framework Dstar Inc Automated Techniques Rstar
40 Yellowpage Publishing Benchmarking Association
Conducts benchmarking
Conducts benchmarking studies to identify practices that improve the overall operations of the members of companies and organizations.
Conducts benchmarking studies to identify practices that improve the overall operations of the members of companies and organizations.
41 powertronics
manufacturing tools
manufacturing tools to help identify and solve power quality related problems, power line monitors and data loggers.
Cords Amp Powertronics Shop Selection Shipping Voltage Server Contact Termsconditions Single Nema Permanently The
manufacturing tools to help identify and solve power quality related problems, power line monitors and data loggers.
Cords Amp Powertronics Shop Selection Shipping Voltage Server Contact Termsconditions Single Nema Permanently The
42 Beval Engineering
Experienced industrial
Experienced industrial and manufacturing engineering expertise to assist in solving production problems and/or identify and reduce the cost to manufacture.
Moroccan Gifts Source Berber Hair Rajasthan Teddy Articlerichcom Power Landscape Jodhpur Australia Land Utah Article Gastric Measures Systems Legal Besamin Greatest Talking Door
Experienced industrial and manufacturing engineering expertise to assist in solving production problems and/or identify and reduce the cost to manufacture.
Moroccan Gifts Source Berber Hair Rajasthan Teddy Articlerichcom Power Landscape Jodhpur Australia Land Utah Article Gastric Measures Systems Legal Besamin Greatest Talking Door
43 Scintrex Trace Corp.
Bomb and
Bomb and explosive detection systems to help law enforcement agencies worldwide to trace and identify bombs, contraband and narcotics.
Bomb and explosive detection systems to help law enforcement agencies worldwide to trace and identify bombs, contraband and narcotics.
44 Rabbitt Analytics
Offers quantitative
Offers quantitative statistical system ranks 3,000 stocks daily. Attempts to identify the stocks that will likely outperform and underperform the market.
Offers quantitative statistical system ranks 3,000 stocks daily. Attempts to identify the stocks that will likely outperform and underperform the market.
45 Huebner Roofing
Installation services
Installation services, and helpful tips to identify problems with slate and tile and other types of roofing. Serving Illinois and Indiana.
Installation services, and helpful tips to identify problems with slate and tile and other types of roofing. Serving Illinois and Indiana.
46 Tucker Street Associates
A consulting
A consulting firm providing marketing strategy development and implementation to businesses and professional services firms, with a focus on customers: how to identify them, reach them, and retain them.
A consulting firm providing marketing strategy development and implementation to businesses and professional services firms, with a focus on customers: how to identify them, reach them, and retain them.
47 4Dstrategy
Consultancy working
Consultancy working with clients to identify and realise value over time by providing strategic support and advice. Details of method, case studies, team and focus. Based in London, UK.
Consultancy working with clients to identify and realise value over time by providing strategic support and advice. Details of method, case studies, team and focus. Based in London, UK.
48 BuzzLogic
Offers software
Offers software solution to identify who is influential within specific conversations taking place in social media so that firms can manage brands, reputations, products and customer relationships.
Offers software solution to identify who is influential within specific conversations taking place in social media so that firms can manage brands, reputations, products and customer relationships.
49 Ernst & Young
One of
One of the worlds leading professional services organizations, helps companies across the globe to identify and capitalize on business opportunities. Their site includes a library, and a career center.
Services Advisory Tax Business Transaction Financial Ey Capital Assurance Transactions Global Managing Unternehmenskultur Mittelstand Cleantech Schuldenfalle Policy + Power Kommunen Sector Restructuring Veranstaltungen Reporting
One of the worlds leading professional services organizations, helps companies across the globe to identify and capitalize on business opportunities. Their site includes a library, and a career center.
Services Advisory Tax Business Transaction Financial Ey Capital Assurance Transactions Global Managing Unternehmenskultur Mittelstand Cleantech Schuldenfalle Policy + Power Kommunen Sector Restructuring Veranstaltungen Reporting
50 Ernst & Young
One of
One of the worlds leading professional services organizations, helps companies across the globe to identify and capitalize on business opportunities. Their site includes a library, and a career center.
One of the worlds leading professional services organizations, helps companies across the globe to identify and capitalize on business opportunities. Their site includes a library, and a career center.
51 American Capital Resources Inc.
AMCAP works
AMCAP works with businesses to identify the type of asset-based loan that fits their business circumstances and then presents the information to a variety of specialty lenders.
AMCAP works with businesses to identify the type of asset-based loan that fits their business circumstances and then presents the information to a variety of specialty lenders.
52 GlycoMar Ltd.
An innovative
An innovative drug discovery and development company pursuing untapped biological and chemical diversity to identify new drug candidates from marine organisms.
An innovative drug discovery and development company pursuing untapped biological and chemical diversity to identify new drug candidates from marine organisms.
53 Raam Universe Investments Technologies Ltd.
The model
The model generates Buy and Sell signals for QQQ. The model tries to identify medium and long term trends on the stock market.
The model generates Buy and Sell signals for QQQ. The model tries to identify medium and long term trends on the stock market.
54 CARE (Child and Adolescent Risk Evaluation)
Assessment tool
Assessment tool to help clinicians identify youth who are at risk for committing acts of violence. Includes information and references.
Assessment tool to help clinicians identify youth who are at risk for committing acts of violence. Includes information and references.
55 Technology Diffusion Associates
Helps companies
Helps companies identify markets for new medical technologies, determine the size and valuation of those markets, and plan and execute strategies to reach them.
Helps companies identify markets for new medical technologies, determine the size and valuation of those markets, and plan and execute strategies to reach them.
56 MedMined, Inc.
Provide hospitals
Provide hospitals with infection control surveillance via data mining technology to pinpoint nosocomial infection outbreaks and identify local changes in antimicrobial resistance.
Provide hospitals with infection control surveillance via data mining technology to pinpoint nosocomial infection outbreaks and identify local changes in antimicrobial resistance.
57 Donald F. Dzurilla International Co.
Since 1991
Since 1991, a retainer based firm, serving domestic and foreign-based financial services organizations to identify and recruit key executives.
Since 1991, a retainer based firm, serving domestic and foreign-based financial services organizations to identify and recruit key executives.
58 Singular ID
Provides individually
Provides individually tailored tagging solutions designed to combat counterfeiting and forgeries. The technology offers unique, irreproducible tags with nanoscale magnetic regions that act like fingerprints to identify each tagged item.
Z Finanziellesinteressecom Y
Provides individually tailored tagging solutions designed to combat counterfeiting and forgeries. The technology offers unique, irreproducible tags with nanoscale magnetic regions that act like fingerprints to identify each tagged item.
Z Finanziellesinteressecom Y
59 HeartVentures
On site
On site, lifestyle modification program to identify employees at high risk for heart disease and implement preventive measures. Includes motivational posters, formal lectures, and group sessions.
On site, lifestyle modification program to identify employees at high risk for heart disease and implement preventive measures. Includes motivational posters, formal lectures, and group sessions.
60 Predictive Diagnostics
Developing diagnostics
Developing diagnostics to identify biomarker fingerprints for ovarian, breast, lung, prostate, and pancreatic cancer. Includes overview of company in Vacaville, California.
Developing diagnostics to identify biomarker fingerprints for ovarian, breast, lung, prostate, and pancreatic cancer. Includes overview of company in Vacaville, California.
61 Strategic Programs, Inc.
Provides innovative
Provides innovative high-tech measurements to identify the causes of turnover, to assess individual, team performance and organizational climate, and implements high-touch solutions.
Provides innovative high-tech measurements to identify the causes of turnover, to assess individual, team performance and organizational climate, and implements high-touch solutions.
62 Trotter Trading Systems
S&P 500
S&P 500 trading system, designed to identify market direction over the short term. Offers option calculator, volatility statistics and put/call ratios.
S&P 500 trading system, designed to identify market direction over the short term. Offers option calculator, volatility statistics and put/call ratios.
63 Pinkananas Image Consultancy
Italian personal
Italian personal image consultant, Nicoletta Adda helps you identify your own individual style, manage your wardrobe, shop effectively. London, UK.
Image Personal Pinkananas Nicoletta London Stylist Power Consultant Corporate Contact Adda Successful Shopping Shopper Brand Media
Italian personal image consultant, Nicoletta Adda helps you identify your own individual style, manage your wardrobe, shop effectively. London, UK.
Image Personal Pinkananas Nicoletta London Stylist Power Consultant Corporate Contact Adda Successful Shopping Shopper Brand Media
64 c.j. brown energy, p.c.
professional engineering
professional engineering firm specializing in energy utilization and conservation with a primary mission to identify, analyze and implement realistic improvements to facilities and processes.
Energy Cj Brown Pc Engineering Building Clients Nyserda State Utilization Commissioning Buffalo Fax Costs York Development
professional engineering firm specializing in energy utilization and conservation with a primary mission to identify, analyze and implement realistic improvements to facilities and processes.
Energy Cj Brown Pc Engineering Building Clients Nyserda State Utilization Commissioning Buffalo Fax Costs York Development
65 c&i inspections, llc infrared thermography
using advanced
using advanced infrared technology locate and identify problems not visible to the eye. verify many items, giving hard copy documentation of the conditions inspected.
using advanced infrared technology locate and identify problems not visible to the eye. verify many items, giving hard copy documentation of the conditions inspected.
66 Calendar Research, Inc.
Technical analysis
Technical analysis and research focused on the time dimension. Identify periods of emotional excess where mob psychology is manifest in fear and greed, and changes in financial trends are more likely.
Market Pump Gold Crude Bonds Silver Printing Commentary Level Money Loaded General Sp Calendar Update Merry Go
Technical analysis and research focused on the time dimension. Identify periods of emotional excess where mob psychology is manifest in fear and greed, and changes in financial trends are more likely.
Market Pump Gold Crude Bonds Silver Printing Commentary Level Money Loaded General Sp Calendar Update Merry Go
67 International Trade Team Partners
Offers practical
Offers practical advice and assistance for UK companies to identify and successfully export to overseas markets, including accessing export grants and loans.
Offers practical advice and assistance for UK companies to identify and successfully export to overseas markets, including accessing export grants and loans.
68 briggs marine
provision of
provision of oil and gas marine facilities management, consultancy services to identify and minimize risks and developing contingency plans for industrial and marine companies.
Marine Briggs Environmental Services Jump Subsea Energy Terms Conditions Vessel Navigation Renewable Contractors Civil Engineering Gas Operations Briggs Spectrum
provision of oil and gas marine facilities management, consultancy services to identify and minimize risks and developing contingency plans for industrial and marine companies.
Marine Briggs Environmental Services Jump Subsea Energy Terms Conditions Vessel Navigation Renewable Contractors Civil Engineering Gas Operations Briggs Spectrum
69 briggs marine
provision of
provision of oil and gas marine facilities management, consultancy services to identify and minimize risks and developing contingency plans for industrial and marine companies.
Marine Briggs Environmental Jump Services Subsea Conditions Terms Energy Navigation Renewable Engineering Vessel Contractors Civil
provision of oil and gas marine facilities management, consultancy services to identify and minimize risks and developing contingency plans for industrial and marine companies.
Marine Briggs Environmental Jump Services Subsea Conditions Terms Energy Navigation Renewable Engineering Vessel Contractors Civil
70 extranet benchmarking association
a forum
a forum for business and government members to identify the best practices of extranet initiatives through benchmarking.
Benchmarking Management Customer Contact Information Technology Center Satisfaction Association Human Resources Services Finance Procurement Corporate Development Suppliers
a forum for business and government members to identify the best practices of extranet initiatives through benchmarking.
Benchmarking Management Customer Contact Information Technology Center Satisfaction Association Human Resources Services Finance Procurement Corporate Development Suppliers
71 circuit detective
using advanced
using advanced technology the circuit detective helps you map out your circuits. simply plug the transmitter into the outlet and then scan your panel to identify the breaker.
using advanced technology the circuit detective helps you map out your circuits. simply plug the transmitter into the outlet and then scan your panel to identify the breaker.
72 Tresury Management Benchmarking Association
An association
An association of treasury managers within major organizations that conducts benchmarking studies to identify practices that improve the overall operations of the members.
An association of treasury managers within major organizations that conducts benchmarking studies to identify practices that improve the overall operations of the members.
73 10K Financial Recruiters
A Chicagoland
A Chicagoland professional search firm hired by large corporations and public accounting firms to identify and recruit accounting and financial professionals.
Resume Sourcing Login Click Here Accounting Recruiters Employers Finance Headhunters Guarantee Staffing Employer Database Candidates Solutions Contingent
A Chicagoland professional search firm hired by large corporations and public accounting firms to identify and recruit accounting and financial professionals.
Resume Sourcing Login Click Here Accounting Recruiters Employers Finance Headhunters Guarantee Staffing Employer Database Candidates Solutions Contingent
74 Mobile Air Conditioners Summit
Works to
Works to identify issues that may affect policies to reduce greehouse gases from mobile air conditioners in the EU and elsewhere, following the adoption of the Directive to phase out HFC-134a.
コãÆ’¡ãÆ’³ãƒˆã‚’ã©ã†ãž 年月æâ€‥ ãÆ’¬ã‚¤ã‚¯ã®ç″ãÂÂâ€â€è¾¼ã¿ã®æµÃ‚Âã‚Œ ãÆ’â€â€ãƒミス利ç
Works to identify issues that may affect policies to reduce greehouse gases from mobile air conditioners in the EU and elsewhere, following the adoption of the Directive to phase out HFC-134a.
コãÆ’¡ãÆ’³ãƒˆã‚’ã©ã†ãž 年月æâ€‥ ãÆ’¬ã‚¤ã‚¯ã®ç″ãÂÂâ€â€è¾¼ã¿ã®æµÃ‚Âã‚Œ ãÆ’â€â€ãƒミス利ç
75 Triage Consulting Group
Reviews records
Reviews records and contracts to identify underpayments for hospitals and healthcare organizations, additional consulting services include contract negotiations, litigation support, and managed care education.
Reviews records and contracts to identify underpayments for hospitals and healthcare organizations, additional consulting services include contract negotiations, litigation support, and managed care education.
76 industrial technology associates (ita) inc.
ita works
ita works closely with industrial, governmental, and large commercial clients to identify measurable cost savings at their facilities. no- and low-capital energy conservation projects are ita’s primary focus.
Associates Technology Industrial Contact Ita Approach Technologies Provide Services Results Shiver Downloads Webmaster Inc Contactshiver Assessmentexists Little Evaluate
ita works closely with industrial, governmental, and large commercial clients to identify measurable cost savings at their facilities. no- and low-capital energy conservation projects are ita’s primary focus.
Associates Technology Industrial Contact Ita Approach Technologies Provide Services Results Shiver Downloads Webmaster Inc Contactshiver Assessmentexists Little Evaluate
77 ISP Benchmarking Association
An association
An association of procurement and supply chain organizations within major corporations. ISPBA conducts benchmarking studies to identify practices that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Contact Register Network Provider Information Internet Industry Free Process Associations Inc Management Request
An association of procurement and supply chain organizations within major corporations. ISPBA conducts benchmarking studies to identify practices that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Contact Register Network Provider Information Internet Industry Free Process Associations Inc Management Request
78 Trenchless Technology Consultants Company, Inc.
TTCCI lets
TTCCI lets you keep your business operational above ground while rehabilitating your pipelines below. We specialize in trenchless pipe repair and rehabilitation and can safely and effectively identify pipeline problems in a variety of settings.
TTCCI lets you keep your business operational above ground while rehabilitating your pipelines below. We specialize in trenchless pipe repair and rehabilitation and can safely and effectively identify pipeline problems in a variety of settings.
79 Ovatec Horse and Cow Breeding Device
Technical information
Technical information on the Ovatec, a vaginal probe that detects optimum time to breed, also can identify breeding problems and assist in gender selection.
Technical information on the Ovatec, a vaginal probe that detects optimum time to breed, also can identify breeding problems and assist in gender selection.
80 Jennifer Armstrong Executive Search, LLC
An independent
An independent executive search firm retained by leading corporations in the technology industry to identify and recruit senior executives and board members.
An independent executive search firm retained by leading corporations in the technology industry to identify and recruit senior executives and board members.
81 Advanced Brain Monitoring
Develops portable
Develops portable brain monitoring devices that interpret the brains electrical activity and identify levels of alertness or drowsiness, using patent-pending B-Alert software.
Develops portable brain monitoring devices that interpret the brains electrical activity and identify levels of alertness or drowsiness, using patent-pending B-Alert software.
82 Identification of Synthetic Fibers Used in Rope Making
Comprehensive article
Comprehensive article describing test methods to identify the various types of man-made fibers used in the manufacture of rope materials. Tension Technology International, Inc.
Rope Fiber Fibers Table Further Testing Polyethylene Test Synthetic Hmpe Ropes Melt Characteristics Identification Marker High Modulus Gravity Observe Modeller Guides
Comprehensive article describing test methods to identify the various types of man-made fibers used in the manufacture of rope materials. Tension Technology International, Inc.
Rope Fiber Fibers Table Further Testing Polyethylene Test Synthetic Hmpe Ropes Melt Characteristics Identification Marker High Modulus Gravity Observe Modeller Guides
83 ActiveEM Imaging for Geophysics and Mining
See through
See through the earth with Active Electromagnetic Imaging, identify ore bodies, geologic structures, old workings, and hazards. Offshore, use high resolution seismic with solid streamer cable towed hydrophone arrays.
Acoustics Marschall Solid Intellectual Technology Patents Property Licensing Design Audio Copyrights Secure Group Streamer Sonar Low Imaging Macarthur Enquiry
See through the earth with Active Electromagnetic Imaging, identify ore bodies, geologic structures, old workings, and hazards. Offshore, use high resolution seismic with solid streamer cable towed hydrophone arrays.
Acoustics Marschall Solid Intellectual Technology Patents Property Licensing Design Audio Copyrights Secure Group Streamer Sonar Low Imaging Macarthur Enquiry
84 Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association, Inc.
Trade association
Trade association for the states nurserymen, landscapers, and related businesses. Includes certification information, member directory, announcements of upcoming events, and species database to identify plant suppliers.
Trade association for the states nurserymen, landscapers, and related businesses. Includes certification information, member directory, announcements of upcoming events, and species database to identify plant suppliers.
85 Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association, Inc.
Trade association
Trade association for the states nurserymen, landscapers, and related businesses. Includes certification information, member directory, announcements of upcoming events, and species database to identify plant suppliers.
Tnla Lutonsweb News Contact Login Buyers Events Membership Publicationsresources Guide
Trade association for the states nurserymen, landscapers, and related businesses. Includes certification information, member directory, announcements of upcoming events, and species database to identify plant suppliers.
Tnla Lutonsweb News Contact Login Buyers Events Membership Publicationsresources Guide
86 Immucor, Inc.
Develops, manufactures
Develops, manufactures, and sells reagents and systems used to detect and identify cell and serum components of human blood prior to blood transfusions. International distriubuter contacts, with headquarters in Norcross, Georgia, USA. (Nasdaq: BLUD).
Develops, manufactures, and sells reagents and systems used to detect and identify cell and serum components of human blood prior to blood transfusions. International distriubuter contacts, with headquarters in Norcross, Georgia, USA. (Nasdaq: BLUD).
87 Welch Allyn
The place
The place where healthcare professionals learn about all Welch Allyn medical diagnostic equipment, select the right instruments, identify authorized distributors, and use a growing desktop reference of clinical information.
Medical Veterinary Diagnostic Pressure Blood Scales Wall Equipment Services Students Welch Stethoscopes Allyn Systems System Physicians Company Suppliers Surface
The place where healthcare professionals learn about all Welch Allyn medical diagnostic equipment, select the right instruments, identify authorized distributors, and use a growing desktop reference of clinical information.
Medical Veterinary Diagnostic Pressure Blood Scales Wall Equipment Services Students Welch Stethoscopes Allyn Systems System Physicians Company Suppliers Surface
88 emission control specialists
practical and
practical and cost effective solutions for your emission control needs. we will identify the source of the problem and determine if it can be eliminated through process changes or by a control system.
practical and cost effective solutions for your emission control needs. we will identify the source of the problem and determine if it can be eliminated through process changes or by a control system.
89 Business to Consumer (B2C) Benchmarking Association?
Assists business
Assists business to consumer managers identify the best business practices and compare operating performance.
Benchmarking Management Customer Contact Information Technology Center Satisfaction Association Human Resources Procurement Services Corporate Finance
Assists business to consumer managers identify the best business practices and compare operating performance.
Benchmarking Management Customer Contact Information Technology Center Satisfaction Association Human Resources Procurement Services Corporate Finance
90 Reuters Risk Management
Offers risk
Offers risk management products and complementary services to identify, measure and manage financial risk in global trading operations and investments.
Services Management News Research Thomson Reuters Financial Corporate Intelligence Law Pharma Risk Development Compliance Information Legal Intellectual Scholarly Trust United Valuation Professional
Offers risk management products and complementary services to identify, measure and manage financial risk in global trading operations and investments.
Services Management News Research Thomson Reuters Financial Corporate Intelligence Law Pharma Risk Development Compliance Information Legal Intellectual Scholarly Trust United Valuation Professional
91 Employer Health Register
The Employer
The Employer Health Register was created to identify, compare and evaluate which creative solutions will work to maximize your workforce performance.
The Employer Health Register was created to identify, compare and evaluate which creative solutions will work to maximize your workforce performance.
92 Employer Health Register
The Employer
The Employer Health Register was created to identify, compare and evaluate which creative solutions will work to maximize your workforce performance.
The Employer Health Register was created to identify, compare and evaluate which creative solutions will work to maximize your workforce performance.
93 samaritan pharmaceuticals, inc.
biopharmaceutical company
biopharmaceutical company focused on saving lives utilizing samaritan laboratories, georgetown universitys school of medicine, to identify and design drugs for alzheimers, aids, cancer and cholesterol and process resulting 'drug candidates' through the fda to obtain approval.
biopharmaceutical company focused on saving lives utilizing samaritan laboratories, georgetown universitys school of medicine, to identify and design drugs for alzheimers, aids, cancer and cholesterol and process resulting 'drug candidates' through the fda to obtain approval.
94 Security Assessments International (SAI)
Assists healthcare
Assists healthcare facilities identify organizational strengths and weaknesses in physical protection and security practices, consulting services include analysis of existing protocols, policies, and procedures and development of recommendations to improve security.
Assists healthcare facilities identify organizational strengths and weaknesses in physical protection and security practices, consulting services include analysis of existing protocols, policies, and procedures and development of recommendations to improve security.
95 Klondike media agency
Klondike are
Klondike are a Media Strategy agency based in London. They focus on helping clients identify the most effective communications channels for their marketing spend.
Klondike are a Media Strategy agency based in London. They focus on helping clients identify the most effective communications channels for their marketing spend.
96 Plants Poisonous to Livestock - Western U.S.
Provides livestock
Provides livestock owners with information to help identify poisonous plants, prevent poisoning and recognize and respond when it occurs.
Provides livestock owners with information to help identify poisonous plants, prevent poisoning and recognize and respond when it occurs.
97 recycled plastic products directory
helps private
helps private and public sector buyers identify products made with or packaged in recycled plastic.
Safety Chemical Domain Hosting Product Resources Media Energy Marketing Network Technology Solutions Room Web Chemistry Spray Technical Council Program
helps private and public sector buyers identify products made with or packaged in recycled plastic.
Safety Chemical Domain Hosting Product Resources Media Energy Marketing Network Technology Solutions Room Web Chemistry Spray Technical Council Program
98 North Carolina - Professional Insurance Agents of North Carolina (PIANC)
Mission is
Mission is to enhance the members ability to prosper, to represent the members interests, and to identify and address consumers needs.
Mission is to enhance the members ability to prosper, to represent the members interests, and to identify and address consumers needs.
99 Three Capital Management
An investment
An investment management company focusing on capital preservation and stock market appreciation by screening thousands of publicly traded companies to identify potential value-added companies.
An investment management company focusing on capital preservation and stock market appreciation by screening thousands of publicly traded companies to identify potential value-added companies.
100 Envien Group
Identify, develop
Identify, develop, and promote new business opportunities using business plans, multimedia, marketing communications, and online marketing with a focus in the Spanish speaking and Latin markets in the US and in Latin America.
Identify, develop, and promote new business opportunities using business plans, multimedia, marketing communications, and online marketing with a focus in the Spanish speaking and Latin markets in the US and in Latin America.
101 BMI Audit Services, LLC
Provides health
Provides health care audits, prescription drug audits, COBRA audits and other services for self-insured medical plans, services designed to identify errors, implement corrective actions, and eliminate erroneous benefit payments.
Learn Audit Services Audits Eligibility Claim Dependent Medical Care Firm Solutions Policy Bmi Login Health
Provides health care audits, prescription drug audits, COBRA audits and other services for self-insured medical plans, services designed to identify errors, implement corrective actions, and eliminate erroneous benefit payments.
Learn Audit Services Audits Eligibility Claim Dependent Medical Care Firm Solutions Policy Bmi Login Health
102 Time Management Training Institute
Time management
Time management training courses designed to help participants identify and overcome barriers. Includes basic information as well as upcoming courses and seminars.
Time management training courses designed to help participants identify and overcome barriers. Includes basic information as well as upcoming courses and seminars.
103 Customer Service Benchmarking Association
Association of
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
104 Customer Service Benchmarking Association
Association of
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Customer Process Contact Information Studies Best Practices International Releases Research Data Business Face Kpis Content
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Customer Process Contact Information Studies Best Practices International Releases Research Data Business Face Kpis Content
105 Customer Service Benchmarking Association
Association of
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Management Customer Contact Information Technology Center Satisfaction Association Human Resources Corporate Procurement Development Finance Best
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Management Customer Contact Information Technology Center Satisfaction Association Human Resources Corporate Procurement Development Finance Best
106 Customer Service Benchmarking Association
Association of
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Customer Process Studies Information Practices Best Contact Releases Research Data Database Face Request Kpi Industry Leave Kpis
Association of companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding customer service issues that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Customer Process Studies Information Practices Best Contact Releases Research Data Database Face Request Kpi Industry Leave Kpis
107 March Biological
Every pest
Every pest has a natural enemy, the key to successful pest control is to identify the pest and its natural enemy, releasing the Beneficial Insect early when pest levels are low and let nature take its course.
Every pest has a natural enemy, the key to successful pest control is to identify the pest and its natural enemy, releasing the Beneficial Insect early when pest levels are low and let nature take its course.
108 Electric Utility Benchmarking Association
An association
An association of electric utility companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the practices that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Utility Electric Register Network Contact Euba Industry Process Management Inc Free Information Associations Help
An association of electric utility companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the practices that improve the overall operations of the members.
Benchmarking Association Utility Electric Register Network Contact Euba Industry Process Management Inc Free Information Associations Help
109 JyeJiang
Jyejiang is
Jyejiang is a supplier of machine vision systems. Our machine vision systems gauge, guide, inspect, and identify products.
Jyejiang is a supplier of machine vision systems. Our machine vision systems gauge, guide, inspect, and identify products.
110 Strategic Change
This journal
This journal aims to provide a collection of authoritative and topical papers which together identify external sources of change, evaluate the options for responding to change, and examine the implementation and management of the change process. The journal has an international scope, reflecting the current trend towards intense global competition and increasing global management.
This journal aims to provide a collection of authoritative and topical papers which together identify external sources of change, evaluate the options for responding to change, and examine the implementation and management of the change process. The journal has an international scope, reflecting the current trend towards intense global competition and increasing global management.
2. Shopping and Identify Trade
Offers a
Offers a blood test system to identify allergies. UK based.
Allergy Kit Test Testing Milk Tests Screen Airborne Egg Dust Cat Self Mite Articles Reports
Offers a blood test system to identify allergies. UK based.
Allergy Kit Test Testing Milk Tests Screen Airborne Egg Dust Cat Self Mite Articles Reports
2 Birth-Mark Inc.
Featuring non-toxic
Featuring non-toxic, semi permanent ink pens designed to identify and protect children.
Leading Birthmarks Markcom Birthweb Net Youfound Z
Featuring non-toxic, semi permanent ink pens designed to identify and protect children.
Leading Birthmarks Markcom Birthweb Net Youfound Z
3 ClearPlan Easy
Monitor designed
Monitor designed to identify the most fertile days in the menstrual cycle. Also articles and information.
Monitor designed to identify the most fertile days in the menstrual cycle. Also articles and information.
4 Conjecture
Sculpt something
Sculpt something out of modeling dough and your team mate has to identify it. British Columbia, Canada. [order online or toll-free]
Puzzles Games Family Iq Noggin Trivia Piece News Videos Puzzle Watch Retailers Buster Retailer Best Image Toys Job
Sculpt something out of modeling dough and your team mate has to identify it. British Columbia, Canada. [order online or toll-free]
Puzzles Games Family Iq Noggin Trivia Piece News Videos Puzzle Watch Retailers Buster Retailer Best Image Toys Job
5 ACS Herbal Tea Co.
Offers herbal
Offers herbal products, as well as tests designed to identify use of alcohol, THC, cocaine, opiates and nicotine.
Test Drug Pass Urine Detox Panel Tests Saliva Body Wash Total Shampoo Marijuana Toxin Flush Carbo Natural Users
Offers herbal products, as well as tests designed to identify use of alcohol, THC, cocaine, opiates and nicotine.
Test Drug Pass Urine Detox Panel Tests Saliva Body Wash Total Shampoo Marijuana Toxin Flush Carbo Natural Users
6 Lost And Found Tag
Tags to
Tags to identify equipment such as mobiles, cameras, laptops with contact details to report them if found.
Tags to identify equipment such as mobiles, cameras, laptops with contact details to report them if found.
7 Dennis Waters, Fine Daguerreotypes
Offers a
Offers a selection of vintage daguerreotypes for sale. Includes information on the history of daguerreotypes, and how to identify, date, and buy images.
Dag Cards Sale Daguerreotypes Greeting Antechamber Photos Dags History Salon Images Vignettes Waters Daguerreian Sites Profile Artistic Mining
Offers a selection of vintage daguerreotypes for sale. Includes information on the history of daguerreotypes, and how to identify, date, and buy images.
Dag Cards Sale Daguerreotypes Greeting Antechamber Photos Dags History Salon Images Vignettes Waters Daguerreian Sites Profile Artistic Mining
8 Lenehan Research
Makes and
Makes and sells a handheld analyzer to identify whether fuel, ignition or injection causes intermittent stalling and an oxygen sensor tester that shows dynamic operation and tests auto engine computers.
Makes and sells a handheld analyzer to identify whether fuel, ignition or injection causes intermittent stalling and an oxygen sensor tester that shows dynamic operation and tests auto engine computers.
9 Labelatelier
Offering iron-on
Offering iron-on clothing labels to identify clothing and other items. Offering a selection of colorful patterns and designs.
Cgi Bin Ftpquotay
Offering iron-on clothing labels to identify clothing and other items. Offering a selection of colorful patterns and designs.
Cgi Bin Ftpquotay
10 New World Treasures
Spanish, Spanish
Spanish, Spanish Colonial, and shipwreck coin sales and information to help identify Spanish Colonial coins.
Coins Spanish Shipwreck Coin Ancient Atocha Jewelry World Colonial Treasure Gold Artifacts Treasures Galleon Silver Contact
Spanish, Spanish Colonial, and shipwreck coin sales and information to help identify Spanish Colonial coins.
Coins Spanish Shipwreck Coin Ancient Atocha Jewelry World Colonial Treasure Gold Artifacts Treasures Galleon Silver Contact
11 Piano Showcase
Piano parts
Piano parts, tools, tuning supplies, benches and accessories. Provides piano diagrams to identify parts.
Piano Tools Covers Parts Tuning Music Benches Bench Lamps Dollies Cushions Orders Order Cabinets Supplies Track
Piano parts, tools, tuning supplies, benches and accessories. Provides piano diagrams to identify parts.
Piano Tools Covers Parts Tuning Music Benches Bench Lamps Dollies Cushions Orders Order Cabinets Supplies Track
12 Charlies Charts
Charlies Charts
Charlies Charts are a series of cruising guides to assist a cruising sailor to identify anchorages and towns and river entrances where marinas are located.
Charts Cruising Charlies Guides Gear Coast Navigation Journey Across Cortez Polynesia French Been Since Events Nav
Charlies Charts are a series of cruising guides to assist a cruising sailor to identify anchorages and towns and river entrances where marinas are located.
Charts Cruising Charlies Guides Gear Coast Navigation Journey Across Cortez Polynesia French Been Since Events Nav
13 Dietary Journal for Emotional Eaters
A way
A way to chart eating habits and identify emotions that may contribute to overeating. Offers articles explaining how eating habits are often related to particular emotions.
Under Developmenty
A way to chart eating habits and identify emotions that may contribute to overeating. Offers articles explaining how eating habits are often related to particular emotions.
Under Developmenty
14 The Bully: A Discussion and Activity Story
A discussion
A discussion and activity story that helps young children and parents identify and deal with bullying issues in a positive manner. Offers book reviews, e-books, and resources.
Bully Bullying Books Book Hill Birds Publishing Activity Reviews Anti Contact Discussion Story Partners Children Coloring
A discussion and activity story that helps young children and parents identify and deal with bullying issues in a positive manner. Offers book reviews, e-books, and resources.
Bully Bullying Books Book Hill Birds Publishing Activity Reviews Anti Contact Discussion Story Partners Children Coloring
3. Identify Recreation
1 Choosing Your Next Anemone
How to
How to identify and care for different anemones.
They Points Good Anemones Inc Fins Giant Keep Neptune City Publications Marine Allen Aquarium Feeding African Y
How to identify and care for different anemones.
They Points Good Anemones Inc Fins Giant Keep Neptune City Publications Marine Allen Aquarium Feeding African Y
Identify your
Identify your unique menopause type. Learn which treatments are right for you.
Menopause Type® Healthcare Professional Learn Type Copyright Welcome Thyroid Professionals Questionnaire Management Take Inc Formulations Program
Identify your unique menopause type. Learn which treatments are right for you.
Menopause Type® Healthcare Professional Learn Type Copyright Welcome Thyroid Professionals Questionnaire Management Take Inc Formulations Program
3 How to Identify Real Photo Postcards
From the
From the Postcard Auctions at Playles.
Page Secondsplease Playles Pages Longer Foundthis Bookmarks Beforwarded Prior Existbookmarked Active Revisit Create
From the Postcard Auctions at Playles.
Page Secondsplease Playles Pages Longer Foundthis Bookmarks Beforwarded Prior Existbookmarked Active Revisit Create
4 Tits or Eyes?
Visitors are
Visitors are given the chance to identify a stylized anatomical part.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Movies Terms Machine Visit Mail Sites User Reach Newslongeravailable Games
Visitors are given the chance to identify a stylized anatomical part.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Movies Terms Machine Visit Mail Sites User Reach Newslongeravailable Games
5 Football Network
The company
The company works with professional clubs across the UK to identify players of potential.
The company works with professional clubs across the UK to identify players of potential.
6 Mycokey
Interactive key
Interactive key to identify fungi to family. Photographic gallery of mushroom species.
Mycokey Key Multi Access Sopp Clave Ressources Nyckel Download Nøkkel Jens Champignons Fungi ключ Clés Random Baral Rouge
Interactive key to identify fungi to family. Photographic gallery of mushroom species.
Mycokey Key Multi Access Sopp Clave Ressources Nyckel Download Nøkkel Jens Champignons Fungi ключ Clés Random Baral Rouge
7 The Disneyland Game
Identify the
Identify the locations in the park from these personal pictures taken by the site owner.
Dosarrest Security Internet Restricted Ddosprotection Client Protectionhost Please
Identify the locations in the park from these personal pictures taken by the site owner.
Dosarrest Security Internet Restricted Ddosprotection Client Protectionhost Please
8 Dealing with Your PMS
Physical and
Physical and emotional aspects of Premenstrual Syndrome how to identify and deal with them. By Carol Watkins, M.D.
Disorder Adolescents Mental Children Give Safe Still Dealing Mood Antidepressants Why Disorders County Psychiatric Associates Obsessive Compulsive Health Spectrum
Physical and emotional aspects of Premenstrual Syndrome how to identify and deal with them. By Carol Watkins, M.D.
Disorder Adolescents Mental Children Give Safe Still Dealing Mood Antidepressants Why Disorders County Psychiatric Associates Obsessive Compulsive Health Spectrum
9 Blade Shark
Site for
Site for helping identify Chinese characters used on Japanese swords and fittings.
Appendix Sword Japanese Bladeshark Counter Table Fittings Free Modified Jim Mail Meyerlast Kanjiz
Site for helping identify Chinese characters used on Japanese swords and fittings.
Appendix Sword Japanese Bladeshark Counter Table Fittings Free Modified Jim Mail Meyerlast Kanjiz
10 Jenceks Obverse Legends
Alphabetical list
Alphabetical list to help identify the Roman emperor who had the coin minted.
Coins Terms Worldcart Jhe Copy Enterprise Ancient Server Reserved Categories Legends Rights
Alphabetical list to help identify the Roman emperor who had the coin minted.
Coins Terms Worldcart Jhe Copy Enterprise Ancient Server Reserved Categories Legends Rights
11 Land Rover - a Lovers Guide
Provides a
Provides a brief description and picture to help quickly identify type by appearance.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Helpsites Maps Machine Games Sorry News Archives Hosting Longeravailable
Provides a brief description and picture to help quickly identify type by appearance.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Helpsites Maps Machine Games Sorry News Archives Hosting Longeravailable
Illustrated guide
Illustrated guide on how to inspect, evaluate and identify potential problem areas of used vehicles prior to purchase.
Used Car Reviews Toyota How Mazda Honda Check Checklist Guide Illustrated Accord Nissan Step Engine Mid Size Checking Currently
Illustrated guide on how to inspect, evaluate and identify potential problem areas of used vehicles prior to purchase.
Used Car Reviews Toyota How Mazda Honda Check Checklist Guide Illustrated Accord Nissan Step Engine Mid Size Checking Currently
13 The Passive-Aggressive Male
Article that
Article that appeared in Esquire magagzine for professionals to identify behavior traits and patterns.
Marriage San Office Counseling Couples Blog Therapist Menlo Redwood Francisco Mateo Passive Campbell Request Services
Article that appeared in Esquire magagzine for professionals to identify behavior traits and patterns.
Marriage San Office Counseling Couples Blog Therapist Menlo Redwood Francisco Mateo Passive Campbell Request Services
14 Swatch Forum
Includes images
Includes images of error and collectible watches, forums, links, history, information and how to identify varieties.
Swatch Topics Posts Forum Register Last Watches Discuss Omega Login Harry Breguet General Irony Community Sale Skin Whats
Includes images of error and collectible watches, forums, links, history, information and how to identify varieties.
Swatch Topics Posts Forum Register Last Watches Discuss Omega Login Harry Breguet General Irony Community Sale Skin Whats
15 East Coast Fish-Watch Project
Designed to
Designed to help people to learn more about South Africas marine fishes and how to identify them.
Tripod Create Hostingtripodcom Please Check Page Lycoscom Signup Couldnt Lycoswebsite Requested
Designed to help people to learn more about South Africas marine fishes and how to identify them.
Tripod Create Hostingtripodcom Please Check Page Lycoscom Signup Couldnt Lycoswebsite Requested
16 Canadian scientists identify specific virus in samples from six SARS patients
The finding
The finding of human metapneumovirus (a paramyxovirus) only adds to the mystery.
Health Canadacom Video Food Sports Prostate News Blogs Canada Happening Travel Football Galleries Post Photo Family Entertainment Province Relationships Soccer
The finding of human metapneumovirus (a paramyxovirus) only adds to the mystery.
Health Canadacom Video Food Sports Prostate News Blogs Canada Happening Travel Football Galleries Post Photo Family Entertainment Province Relationships Soccer
17 Dog Detectives
An article
An article from the New York Times discusses how dogs are trained to identify substances and people. Viewing requires free registration.
Terms York Times New Help Privacy Rss Video Advertisecopy Map Delivery Company Page Choices
An article from the New York Times discusses how dogs are trained to identify substances and people. Viewing requires free registration.
Terms York Times New Help Privacy Rss Video Advertisecopy Map Delivery Company Page Choices
18 Common Heart Tests
Offers information
Offers information about diagnostic procedures used to identify conditions and diseases. Features discussions and links to related articles.
Heart Disease Common Thyroid Scan Aboutcom Most Tests Health Risk Stress Policy Drugs Cardiac Diet Ethics Symptom Checker High Failure
Offers information about diagnostic procedures used to identify conditions and diseases. Features discussions and links to related articles.
Heart Disease Common Thyroid Scan Aboutcom Most Tests Health Risk Stress Policy Drugs Cardiac Diet Ethics Symptom Checker High Failure
19 Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Guide
Pictures, how
Pictures, how to identify plants, where they are located, treatment of rashes, medical emergencies, myths and folklore, and how to prevent outbreaks.
Poison Ivy Oak Sumac Treatment Safety Kids Outdoorplacescom Basics Survival Hiking Guide Pictures Disclaimer Summary Related Permanently The [park
Pictures, how to identify plants, where they are located, treatment of rashes, medical emergencies, myths and folklore, and how to prevent outbreaks.
Poison Ivy Oak Sumac Treatment Safety Kids Outdoorplacescom Basics Survival Hiking Guide Pictures Disclaimer Summary Related Permanently The [park
20 Plant Constituents
Links to
Links to resources to identify the chemical constituents of medicinal herbs and their properties
Medical Herbal Constituents Herbalism Phytochemistry Education Bookstore Medica Plant Advanced Classroom Submit Journals Medicine Materia Researchabstracts Botanical Reference Clinical
Links to resources to identify the chemical constituents of medicinal herbs and their properties
Medical Herbal Constituents Herbalism Phytochemistry Education Bookstore Medica Plant Advanced Classroom Submit Journals Medicine Materia Researchabstracts Botanical Reference Clinical
21 The Ultimate Counterfeit Cuban Cigar Primer
Tips to
Tips to identify genuine Cuban cigars.
Indexhtm Temporarilypagefound Troubleshooting Check Suggestions
Tips to identify genuine Cuban cigars.
Indexhtm Temporarilypagefound Troubleshooting Check Suggestions
22 Evaluating Birdpoop
Monitoring bird
Monitoring bird droppings can help identify illness in a bird. By Birds n Ways.
Forum Eclectus Birdsnways Birds Articles Illness Droppings Evaluating Birdpoop Poop Health Exotic Parrots Pets Ways Loose
Monitoring bird droppings can help identify illness in a bird. By Birds n Ways.
Forum Eclectus Birdsnways Birds Articles Illness Droppings Evaluating Birdpoop Poop Health Exotic Parrots Pets Ways Loose
23 Fifth Disease: Dr. Greenes HouseCalls
Discusses slap
Discusses slap cheek (or fifth disease), contagiousness, and how to the identify symptoms.
Dr Greene Health Disease Baby Preschool Md Pregnancy Childhood Green Infant Rashes Cold Diseases Allergies Toddler Training Roseola Low Common
Discusses slap cheek (or fifth disease), contagiousness, and how to the identify symptoms.
Dr Greene Health Disease Baby Preschool Md Pregnancy Childhood Green Infant Rashes Cold Diseases Allergies Toddler Training Roseola Low Common
24 Snake Utopia
Collection of
Collection of pictures to help you identify what snake you have. Also offers information on snakes, as well as other reptiles and amphibians.
Frozenfrozenwere Owner Sorrycontact Please
Collection of pictures to help you identify what snake you have. Also offers information on snakes, as well as other reptiles and amphibians.
Frozenfrozenwere Owner Sorrycontact Please
25 Buyers Guide Shawnee Cookie Jars
Offering a
Offering a guide to help identify authentic models from reproductions.
Offering a guide to help identify authentic models from reproductions.
26 Katzin, Carolyn - The DNA Diet
Nutritional genetic
Nutritional genetic testing to identify common variations and to recommend diets to reduce risk of chronic conditions and optimize health.
Diet Weight Genes Dna Nutrition Carolyns System Healthy Gain Carolyn Plan Health Personalized Contact Store Testedgenes Results Healthaids
Nutritional genetic testing to identify common variations and to recommend diets to reduce risk of chronic conditions and optimize health.
Diet Weight Genes Dna Nutrition Carolyns System Healthy Gain Carolyn Plan Health Personalized Contact Store Testedgenes Results Healthaids
27 Chemists Identify Key Gene In Development Of Type 1 Diabetes
Article discusses
Article discusses a proinflammatory protein that may be involved in the cascade of immunological events that leads to the destruction of the pancreas.
Cancer Health Diabetes Type Society Story Disease Full News Topics Medicine Cell Lung Brain Al Abed Non Small
Article discusses a proinflammatory protein that may be involved in the cascade of immunological events that leads to the destruction of the pancreas.
Cancer Health Diabetes Type Society Story Disease Full News Topics Medicine Cell Lung Brain Al Abed Non Small
28 Forward Alliance
Coaching to
Coaching to develop a compelling future vision, gain clarity about values, and identify and deal with the self-defeating aspects of your personality. Telephone sessions
Coaching Therapy Executive Coach Family Couples Behavioral Why Cognitive Hire Career Subscribe Via Designintelligent Growth
Coaching to develop a compelling future vision, gain clarity about values, and identify and deal with the self-defeating aspects of your personality. Telephone sessions
Coaching Therapy Executive Coach Family Couples Behavioral Why Cognitive Hire Career Subscribe Via Designintelligent Growth
29 You Are Not Crazy Abuse Site
Listen to
Listen to a bona-fied verbally abusive conversation and learn how to identify abuse.
Verbal Abuse Crazy Abusive Listen Recognize Wordslinger Abused Really Episode Game Help Always Patricia Tape
Listen to a bona-fied verbally abusive conversation and learn how to identify abuse.
Verbal Abuse Crazy Abusive Listen Recognize Wordslinger Abused Really Episode Game Help Always Patricia Tape
30 Scientists Identify Gene for Familial Mediterranean Fever
An article
An article covering the discovery of the gene causing the disease.
Main Menu *tenetscareers Contact Brands Group
An article covering the discovery of the gene causing the disease.
Main Menu *tenetscareers Contact Brands Group
31 Fish Identification Guide
Fieldguide structured
Fieldguide structured to provide an aid to divers wanting to identify fish theyve encountered.
Fishes Wildlife Guide Species Enature Field Guides Advanced Archive Long Fieldguides Nature Birding Ecards Birds Regional Plant Hawkwatch
Fieldguide structured to provide an aid to divers wanting to identify fish theyve encountered.
Fishes Wildlife Guide Species Enature Field Guides Advanced Archive Long Fieldguides Nature Birding Ecards Birds Regional Plant Hawkwatch
32 RealAge Seasonal Allergy Center
Learn how
Learn how to identify seasonal, nasal, sinus, or spring allergies and ease symptoms.
Seasonal Allergy Allergies Assessment Symptoms Take How Sharecare Allergens Avoid Common Dont Dr Most Tested
Learn how to identify seasonal, nasal, sinus, or spring allergies and ease symptoms.
Seasonal Allergy Allergies Assessment Symptoms Take How Sharecare Allergens Avoid Common Dont Dr Most Tested
33 Forward Alliance
Coaching to
Coaching to develop a compelling future vision, gain clarity about values, and identify and deal with the self-defeating aspects of ones personality. Telephone sessions. (Chicago)
Coaching Therapy Executive Behavioral Family Cognitive Coach Hire Career Why Couples Growth Newforward
Coaching to develop a compelling future vision, gain clarity about values, and identify and deal with the self-defeating aspects of ones personality. Telephone sessions. (Chicago)
Coaching Therapy Executive Behavioral Family Cognitive Coach Hire Career Why Couples Growth Newforward
34 Support for Trinbagonians with H
Caters to
Caters to those who have herpes who live in the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The site offers advice and comfort to those seeking friendship with others who can identify and relate.
Caters to those who have herpes who live in the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The site offers advice and comfort to those seeking friendship with others who can identify and relate.
35 Texas Paint and Quarter Horse Web Ring
Sites that
Sites that identify horses and their owners that are shown, bred, owned or for sale in Texas.
Horses Ring Web Texas Quarter Paint Horse Forum Here Close Hub Sale Whether Server Y
Sites that identify horses and their owners that are shown, bred, owned or for sale in Texas.
Horses Ring Web Texas Quarter Paint Horse Forum Here Close Hub Sale Whether Server Y
36 Real Photo Postcard Stamp Boxes
Taken from
Taken from the back of postcards, helps to date and identify real photos. Pictures and descriptions included.
Photo Real Postcards Postcard Stamp Identify Paper John Backs Playles Boxes Date Vintage Auctions David Bill Postcardsfor Images
Taken from the back of postcards, helps to date and identify real photos. Pictures and descriptions included.
Photo Real Postcards Postcard Stamp Identify Paper John Backs Playles Boxes Date Vintage Auctions David Bill Postcardsfor Images
37 East Coast Fish Watch Project Website
Learn about
Learn about South Africas fascinating marine fish and how to identify them while scuba diving.
Tripod Create Found Page Signup Login Check Website Hosting Errorpage Shopping Tripodcom Lycos Requestedcouldnt
Learn about South Africas fascinating marine fish and how to identify them while scuba diving.
Tripod Create Found Page Signup Login Check Website Hosting Errorpage Shopping Tripodcom Lycos Requestedcouldnt
38 Low VHF Scanning
Information on
Information on long distance scanner reception from Europe and how it occurs. Hear and identify American signals. With equipment and logging information.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Guidelinesmachine Sites Toolbar Visit Internet Popular Finance Hosting
Information on long distance scanner reception from Europe and how it occurs. Hear and identify American signals. With equipment and logging information.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Guidelinesmachine Sites Toolbar Visit Internet Popular Finance Hosting
39 Asia Travel Photographs
Interactive challenge
Interactive challenge to identify photos from Thailand, Nepal, Malaysia, India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Php Bluehostcom Affordable Business Name Front Names Affiliates Marketing Internet
Interactive challenge to identify photos from Thailand, Nepal, Malaysia, India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Php Bluehostcom Affordable Business Name Front Names Affiliates Marketing Internet
40 Important Bird Areas of Canada
Project to
Project to identify a network of critical sites to conserve the natural diversity and populations of Canadian bird species.
Bird Areas Canada Important Canada’s Program Ibas Canadian Caretakers Explore Iba News Studies Involved Engine Birds
Project to identify a network of critical sites to conserve the natural diversity and populations of Canadian bird species.
Bird Areas Canada Important Canada’s Program Ibas Canadian Caretakers Explore Iba News Studies Involved Engine Birds
41 Live And Let Live Group
For people
For people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning their sexual orientation and who have a desire to recover from alcohol or drug addiction.
Create Tripod Login Tripodcom Lycos Please Couldnt Lycoscom Shopping Requested Checkpage Signup Website
For people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning their sexual orientation and who have a desire to recover from alcohol or drug addiction.
Create Tripod Login Tripodcom Lycos Please Couldnt Lycoscom Shopping Requested Checkpage Signup Website
42 Core Belief Engineering
An alternative
An alternative form of psychotherapy that helps clients identify and re-engineer limiting core beliefs held at the subconscious level.
Belief Core Engineering Therapy Therapist Self Mind Psychotherapy Subconscious Lisa Skype Change Inner Complementary Sidorowicz Problems Confidence
An alternative form of psychotherapy that helps clients identify and re-engineer limiting core beliefs held at the subconscious level.
Belief Core Engineering Therapy Therapist Self Mind Psychotherapy Subconscious Lisa Skype Change Inner Complementary Sidorowicz Problems Confidence
43 The Foundation for Diabetes Education
Seeks to
Seeks to identify and educate children with type 2 diabetes and enable them to make the transition to a lifestyle that will lessen complications of the disease.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Seeks to identify and educate children with type 2 diabetes and enable them to make the transition to a lifestyle that will lessen complications of the disease.
Navigationshilfe Ty
We mix
We mix flavors of Gatorade and identify new, better flavors.
Create Tripod Websitelycos Please Signup Check Page Lycoscom Login Shopping Requestedtripodcom Couldnt
We mix flavors of Gatorade and identify new, better flavors.
Create Tripod Websitelycos Please Signup Check Page Lycoscom Login Shopping Requestedtripodcom Couldnt
45 Bridge of the Month Quiz
An image
An image is posted inviting entrants to identify the feature. A free copy of a book on the subject is awarded to one correct entrant per month.
Bridge Spain France Italy Pont Portugal Ponte Sep Oregon Br Texas Dec Usa Mar Hill
An image is posted inviting entrants to identify the feature. A free copy of a book on the subject is awarded to one correct entrant per month.
Bridge Spain France Italy Pont Portugal Ponte Sep Oregon Br Texas Dec Usa Mar Hill
46 Conquer Anxiety
Self Help
Self Help Anxiety Treatment Program to overcome anxiety and panic attacks and identify their symptoms.
Anxiety Free Disorder Panic Conquer Success Program Step Social Freedom Deanne Click Bonus Value Programâ„¢ Risk Kevin Expert Unique
Self Help Anxiety Treatment Program to overcome anxiety and panic attacks and identify their symptoms.
Anxiety Free Disorder Panic Conquer Success Program Step Social Freedom Deanne Click Bonus Value Programâ„¢ Risk Kevin Expert Unique
47 Core Belief Engineering
An alternative
An alternative form of psychotherapy that helps clients identify and re-engineer limiting core beliefs held at the subconscious level. Lisa Sidorowicz.
Belief Core Engineering Therapy Therapist Subconscious Sidorowicz Lisa Mind Psychotherapy Self Complementary Inner Skype Change Control
An alternative form of psychotherapy that helps clients identify and re-engineer limiting core beliefs held at the subconscious level. Lisa Sidorowicz.
Belief Core Engineering Therapy Therapist Subconscious Sidorowicz Lisa Mind Psychotherapy Self Complementary Inner Skype Change Control
48 Empathology - a Journey to Self.
Empathology helps
Empathology helps people identify the inner programming from past experience that drives a persons life. The goal is to change what doesnt work - learn the process through mentoring.
Empathology helps people identify the inner programming from past experience that drives a persons life. The goal is to change what doesnt work - learn the process through mentoring.
49 Doll Reference
Features a
Features a guide to help identify dolls - Antique to Vintage, A to Z, with over 5,000+ photos, descriptions and markings included. Dolls made in all eras and types are listed on each manufacturers page.
Features a guide to help identify dolls - Antique to Vintage, A to Z, with over 5,000+ photos, descriptions and markings included. Dolls made in all eras and types are listed on each manufacturers page.
50 Constella Group
Provider of
Provider of outsourced health intelligence and technology services to help public sector, not-for-profit, and commercial clients identify and address critical issues affecting human health.
Provider of outsourced health intelligence and technology services to help public sector, not-for-profit, and commercial clients identify and address critical issues affecting human health.
51 Bridge of the Month Quiz
Features a
Features a picture of a bridge that changes every month to identify. Includes pictures of previous months bridges.
Bridge Spain France Italy Pont Portugal Ponte Oregon Sep Br Dec Texas Usa California Skyway China Arizona
Features a picture of a bridge that changes every month to identify. Includes pictures of previous months bridges.
Bridge Spain France Italy Pont Portugal Ponte Oregon Sep Br Dec Texas Usa California Skyway China Arizona
52 Kidsource: Behavioral Disorders - Focus on Change
Provides information
Provides information regarding how parents and caregivers can identify and cope with a variety of behavioral disorders in children.
Behaviors Children Digangi Focus Disorders Education Other Skills Kids Exceptional Eric Students Reston Council Change Self Esteem Need Above
Provides information regarding how parents and caregivers can identify and cope with a variety of behavioral disorders in children.
Behaviors Children Digangi Focus Disorders Education Other Skills Kids Exceptional Eric Students Reston Council Change Self Esteem Need Above
53 Depression in Children and Adolescents
Information on
Information on how to identify signs of depression from early childhood children through adolescence. Discussion of treatment options.
Disorder Children Depression Adolescents Still County Give Safe Disorders Mood Antidepressants Adhd Spectrum Psychiatric Wide Obsessive Compulsive Dementia Women
Information on how to identify signs of depression from early childhood children through adolescence. Discussion of treatment options.
Disorder Children Depression Adolescents Still County Give Safe Disorders Mood Antidepressants Adhd Spectrum Psychiatric Wide Obsessive Compulsive Dementia Women
54 WorkSmart Solutions, Inc.
Occupational health
Occupational health and safety services and first aid training. Will assess, audit, and identify solutions and training requirements. Canada.
Occupational health and safety services and first aid training. Will assess, audit, and identify solutions and training requirements. Canada.
55 Field Guide Wildflowers
This guide
This guide is designed to help identify desert wildflowers by color, scientific name, region and common name.
Desert Wildflower Places Flowers Videos Desertusa Plant Reports Guide Go Wildflowers Cactus Yucca Animal Deserts Trails
This guide is designed to help identify desert wildflowers by color, scientific name, region and common name.
Desert Wildflower Places Flowers Videos Desertusa Plant Reports Guide Go Wildflowers Cactus Yucca Animal Deserts Trails
56 The Foragers Virtual Wild Food Field Guide
A guide
A guide for helping find, identify, and use several edible wild mushrooms and plants of the northeastern US.
Wild Food Field Morels Chanterelles Guide Trumpets Leeks Virtual Black Brook Mushrooms Forager Disclaimer Foragers Foraging Poison Credo Gyromitra
A guide for helping find, identify, and use several edible wild mushrooms and plants of the northeastern US.
Wild Food Field Morels Chanterelles Guide Trumpets Leeks Virtual Black Brook Mushrooms Forager Disclaimer Foragers Foraging Poison Credo Gyromitra
57 Infotech 2003 Catalogues
Portal to
Portal to catalogues of canadian and world banknotes. The purpose for these catalogues is to help you identify your collector items with color pictures and give you the most accurate retail prices.
Portal to catalogues of canadian and world banknotes. The purpose for these catalogues is to help you identify your collector items with color pictures and give you the most accurate retail prices.
58 Riding Arizona
Arizona off-road
Arizona off-road vehicles. Helps riders to identify the best riding opportunities in the state.
Arizona off-road vehicles. Helps riders to identify the best riding opportunities in the state.
59 50s Walking Dolls
Offers guide
Offers guide for collectors to identify small hard plastic walking or Ginny type dolls. Includes photographs, descriptions, forum, and links.
Soon Hereclickupload Coming Web Ftp Information
Offers guide for collectors to identify small hard plastic walking or Ginny type dolls. Includes photographs, descriptions, forum, and links.
Soon Hereclickupload Coming Web Ftp Information
60 North American Tour ca 1885
A site
A site created to help try to identify the people and locations in a collection of 19th Century round photographs. Identified views include Yosemite and Hotel Del Monte, a Victorian hotel in Monterey CA.
Movedapache Server Permanently The Port
A site created to help try to identify the people and locations in a collection of 19th Century round photographs. Identified views include Yosemite and Hotel Del Monte, a Victorian hotel in Monterey CA.
Movedapache Server Permanently The Port
61 Young Jumper Championships Futurity
Designed to
Designed to identify the most promising five and six-year-old show jumping prospects competing in the United States. Developed in cooperation with the International Jumper Futurity.
Yjc Young Jumper Finals Graduate League Results Championships Continue Reading Ijf Win Shows $ Prix Grad Noir Cyklon
Designed to identify the most promising five and six-year-old show jumping prospects competing in the United States. Developed in cooperation with the International Jumper Futurity.
Yjc Young Jumper Finals Graduate League Results Championships Continue Reading Ijf Win Shows $ Prix Grad Noir Cyklon
62 Trapper Owners Association
Helps owners
Helps owners exchange views and ideas and stay in touch, and helps new or potential owners to identify and solve problems.
Page Sign Thanks Click Close Dont Moved Just Owners Associationwe Yestrapper Welcome Here Please
Helps owners exchange views and ideas and stay in touch, and helps new or potential owners to identify and solve problems.
Page Sign Thanks Click Close Dont Moved Just Owners Associationwe Yestrapper Welcome Here Please
63 Staph Skin Infections and MRSA
Learn to
Learn to identify and treat common skin infections caused by the staph bacteria, including impetigo, boils, and abscesses.
Mrsa Infections Staph Skin Symptoms Health Pediatric Pediatrics Aboutcom Medical Advice Calculator Policy Parenting Bacterial Gluten Free Write Fat Problem Staphylococcus Recalls
Learn to identify and treat common skin infections caused by the staph bacteria, including impetigo, boils, and abscesses.
Mrsa Infections Staph Skin Symptoms Health Pediatric Pediatrics Aboutcom Medical Advice Calculator Policy Parenting Bacterial Gluten Free Write Fat Problem Staphylococcus Recalls
64 Identify Your Comet Torque Converter Series
Use this
Use this page to determine which Comet Torque Converter Belt Drive System you own. Identification is key to acquiring the correct replacement parts for your application.
Series Comet Torque Parts Belts Symmetric Page Clutches Converters Belt Drive Spring Asymmetric Charts Kart Max
Use this page to determine which Comet Torque Converter Belt Drive System you own. Identification is key to acquiring the correct replacement parts for your application.
Series Comet Torque Parts Belts Symmetric Page Clutches Converters Belt Drive Spring Asymmetric Charts Kart Max
65 National Register of Historic Places
Part of
Part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect historic and archeological resources. Listings of historic and vacant places.
Historic Register National Places Historical Listings Districts State Old Questions Forms Updates Preservation American Renovation Restaurants Locate
Part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect historic and archeological resources. Listings of historic and vacant places.
Historic Register National Places Historical Listings Districts State Old Questions Forms Updates Preservation American Renovation Restaurants Locate
66 World Federation for Mental Health
Seeks to
Seeks to improve mental health services, reduce the stigma associated with mental and emotional disorders, protect human rights of the mentally ill, promote mental health, and identify mental health issues.
Mental Health Wmhd World Depression Global Federation Family Presidents Reports Advocacy Initiatives Past Plan Living International Information Presidents Matters Account
Seeks to improve mental health services, reduce the stigma associated with mental and emotional disorders, protect human rights of the mentally ill, promote mental health, and identify mental health issues.
Mental Health Wmhd World Depression Global Federation Family Presidents Reports Advocacy Initiatives Past Plan Living International Information Presidents Matters Account
67 Genetic variation in the Australian Dingo
The dingo
The dingo is in danger of extinction in the wild. Hybridisation with domestic dogs being common, with hybrids being difficult to distinguish from pure dingoes. Breeding programs to preserve the dingo have begun, but the purity of their breeding stock is unknown. The DNA tests developed in this project will be used to identify pure dingoes.
Australian Dingo Wardancer Articlesvariationgenetic
The dingo is in danger of extinction in the wild. Hybridisation with domestic dogs being common, with hybrids being difficult to distinguish from pure dingoes. Breeding programs to preserve the dingo have begun, but the purity of their breeding stock is unknown. The DNA tests developed in this project will be used to identify pure dingoes.
Australian Dingo Wardancer Articlesvariationgenetic
68 Vintage Gas Pump Virtual Museum
Visit this
Visit this virtual museum containing photographs old Gas Stations, Pumps, Signs, and items used around the station. Need to identify your old gas pump? Don Sherwood of Shady Cove, Oregon has listed the makes and models of hundreds of old pumps. View original and restored gas pumps, to give you ideas on paint colors for your pump. None of these items are for sale, just for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
Museum Vintage Gas Signs Pumps Station Filling Images Oldgascom Contact Porcelain Sherwood Harley Directory Decoration Listed Museum Click Theme
Visit this virtual museum containing photographs old Gas Stations, Pumps, Signs, and items used around the station. Need to identify your old gas pump? Don Sherwood of Shady Cove, Oregon has listed the makes and models of hundreds of old pumps. View original and restored gas pumps, to give you ideas on paint colors for your pump. None of these items are for sale, just for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
Museum Vintage Gas Signs Pumps Station Filling Images Oldgascom Contact Porcelain Sherwood Harley Directory Decoration Listed Museum Click Theme
4. Computer & Identify Games Websites
1 eMailTrackerPro
Helps identify
Helps identify the true source of e-mails, to help identify and report spammers. Analyzes e-mail headers and provides the IP Address of the machine that sent the e-mail.
Email Trace Portal Download Spam Filter Support Learn Header Server Test Location Compare Screenshots Tutorials Found The
Helps identify the true source of e-mails, to help identify and report spammers. Analyzes e-mail headers and provides the IP Address of the machine that sent the e-mail.
Email Trace Portal Download Spam Filter Support Learn Header Server Test Location Compare Screenshots Tutorials Found The
2 Intel VTune Performance Analyzer
Time- and
Time- and Event-Based, System-Wide Sampling estimates the actual performance of software with negligible overhead. Call graph profiling displays program flow to quickly identify critical functions and call sequences. Counter monitor allows the tracking of system activity during runtime, to identify performance issues. Supports most commonly used programming languages and environments including Microsoft C# and .NET, Compaq Visual Fortran and Java*, thereby allowing developers to use the product in their specific environment. Linux support is provided through a remote agent.
Object Herey
Time- and Event-Based, System-Wide Sampling estimates the actual performance of software with negligible overhead. Call graph profiling displays program flow to quickly identify critical functions and call sequences. Counter monitor allows the tracking of system activity during runtime, to identify performance issues. Supports most commonly used programming languages and environments including Microsoft C# and .NET, Compaq Visual Fortran and Java*, thereby allowing developers to use the product in their specific environment. Linux support is provided through a remote agent.
Object Herey
3 Digital Stakeout
Provides a
Provides a self-managed scanning solution to identify and help defend against vulnerabilities.
Media Digitalstakeout Social Demo Intelligence Lexisnexis Features Blog Staking Products Police Contact Status Careers Poke
Provides a self-managed scanning solution to identify and help defend against vulnerabilities.
Media Digitalstakeout Social Demo Intelligence Lexisnexis Features Blog Staking Products Police Contact Status Careers Poke
5 ePredix
Provides predictive
Provides predictive assessment to identify high-performing applicants as soon as they apply online.
Word Health Travel Loans Policy Privacy Insurance Banking Education Terms Popular Followers Topic Rights Y
Provides predictive assessment to identify high-performing applicants as soon as they apply online.
Word Health Travel Loans Policy Privacy Insurance Banking Education Terms Popular Followers Topic Rights Y
6 Control Scan
Provides third
Provides third party verification and services to identify, measure and prioritize security.
Pci Compliance Assessment Web Network Hipaa Application Eipa Controlscan Dss Support Services Request Contact Social Engineering Security Strategic
Provides third party verification and services to identify, measure and prioritize security.
Pci Compliance Assessment Web Network Hipaa Application Eipa Controlscan Dss Support Services Request Contact Social Engineering Security Strategic
7 Jacadis LLC
Offers services
Offers services to help companies identify, prioritize and manage security weaknesses and threats.
Contact Jacadis Manage Assess Respond Build Security Defend Blog Deploy Measure Recover Information Smith Steak Business Leadership
Offers services to help companies identify, prioritize and manage security weaknesses and threats.
Contact Jacadis Manage Assess Respond Build Security Defend Blog Deploy Measure Recover Information Smith Steak Business Leadership
8 ICG, Inc.
Conducts Internet-based
Conducts Internet-based investigations to identify individuals and groups engaging in improper or illegal activities.
Group Cyber Threat Ithreat Early Media Controlling Awareness Copyright Mitigation Analysisprinceton Industries Company
Conducts Internet-based investigations to identify individuals and groups engaging in improper or illegal activities.
Group Cyber Threat Ithreat Early Media Controlling Awareness Copyright Mitigation Analysisprinceton Industries Company
9 Voice Security Systems (VSS)
uses the
uses the voices multitude of speech tones and tempos to uniquely identify individuals.
Voice Patent Biometric Security Systems Technology Demonstration Location Page Chip Based Biometrics Vss Investor History Applications Support Store Global Navigation
uses the voices multitude of speech tones and tempos to uniquely identify individuals.
Voice Patent Biometric Security Systems Technology Demonstration Location Page Chip Based Biometrics Vss Investor History Applications Support Store Global Navigation
10 Identify Direct
UK distributor
UK distributor of microscan bar code scanners, RFID technology and other identification equipment for data capture.
Barcode Contact Scanners Readers Identification Tutorials Nerlitemachine Lighting Blog Terms Accessories Verifiers Engines Imagers Testimonials Uk Based Account Machine
UK distributor of microscan bar code scanners, RFID technology and other identification equipment for data capture.
Barcode Contact Scanners Readers Identification Tutorials Nerlitemachine Lighting Blog Terms Accessories Verifiers Engines Imagers Testimonials Uk Based Account Machine
11 Service Oriented Architecture
By Samudra
By Samudra Gupta. Lays out the ground work for SOA and shows us how to identify potential Services.
Apachemoved Permanently The Serverport
By Samudra Gupta. Lays out the ground work for SOA and shows us how to identify potential Services.
Apachemoved Permanently The Serverport
12 Advanced Business Systems
ABS can
ABS can identify, design, code, test, install and maintain your companys software operation.
Advanced Business Systems Software Basic Wwwabseriecom_ Hardware Computer Accounting Reserved Government Municipal +menui[i]+ Total Construction
ABS can identify, design, code, test, install and maintain your companys software operation.
Advanced Business Systems Software Basic Wwwabseriecom_ Hardware Computer Accounting Reserved Government Municipal +menui[i]+ Total Construction
13 Chord Arranger Pro
Creates styles
Creates styles from any MIDI file and is able to identify chords and convert song measures into style parts.
Midi Rmca Chords Pro Chord Music Accompaniment Styles Arranger Live Accompaniments Keyboard Style Songs Auto Types
Creates styles from any MIDI file and is able to identify chords and convert song measures into style parts.
Midi Rmca Chords Pro Chord Music Accompaniment Styles Arranger Live Accompaniments Keyboard Style Songs Auto Types
14 CD-Runner
CD-handling software
CD-handling software that has the ability to identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio from CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, and creates ID3 tags.
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Audio Radio Freedb Media Equalizer Touchpad Awards Cddb Idv Internet Beyond New
CD-handling software that has the ability to identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio from CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, and creates ID3 tags.
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Audio Radio Freedb Media Equalizer Touchpad Awards Cddb Idv Internet Beyond New
15 CD-Runner
CD-handling software
CD-handling software that has the ability to identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio from CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, and creates ID3 tags.
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Audio Radio Freedb Stereo Band Equalizer Server Wav Icecast Software Beyond Cddb Streaming
CD-handling software that has the ability to identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio from CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, and creates ID3 tags.
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Audio Radio Freedb Stereo Band Equalizer Server Wav Icecast Software Beyond Cddb Streaming
Intrusion Reporting
Intrusion Reporting and Response. Users forward firewall logs that are aggregated and analysed to identify incidents that are reported to the responsible party.
Services Investigations Firm Analysis Network Contact Mynetwatchman Seccheck Main Services Mynetwatchman Georgia | Financial Mynetwatchman Mynetwatchmanusa
Intrusion Reporting and Response. Users forward firewall logs that are aggregated and analysed to identify incidents that are reported to the responsible party.
Services Investigations Firm Analysis Network Contact Mynetwatchman Seccheck Main Services Mynetwatchman Georgia | Financial Mynetwatchman Mynetwatchmanusa
17 Workshare
Software to
Software to identify and remove metadata from Microsoft documents, compare document versions, create PDFs and block disclosure of forbidden content.
Workshare Compare Work Account Free Document Contact Sign File Blog Products Server Protect Pricing Comparison Support Collaborate Terms Account Companies
Software to identify and remove metadata from Microsoft documents, compare document versions, create PDFs and block disclosure of forbidden content.
Workshare Compare Work Account Free Document Contact Sign File Blog Products Server Protect Pricing Comparison Support Collaborate Terms Account Companies
18 IP-Country mapping Database
Commercial database
Commercial database to identify visitors geographical location from IP address
Country Address Ip Database Number Geo Mapping Targeting Region Visitors Buy Tutorial Articles Fraud
Commercial database to identify visitors geographical location from IP address
Country Address Ip Database Number Geo Mapping Targeting Region Visitors Buy Tutorial Articles Fraud
19 Datamatics
Software to
Software to help organizations identify and resolve bottlenecks, track and clear deadlocks, and provide a methodology for continuous flow and concentrates on pre to post implementation services.
Solutions Services Management Analytics Datamatics Document Company Insights Application Global Finance Publishing Accounting Billing Research Point Corporationlimited Follow
Software to help organizations identify and resolve bottlenecks, track and clear deadlocks, and provide a methodology for continuous flow and concentrates on pre to post implementation services.
Solutions Services Management Analytics Datamatics Document Company Insights Application Global Finance Publishing Accounting Billing Research Point Corporationlimited Follow
20 FaceBase, Inc.
Provides biometric
Provides biometric face recognition applications using undithered bilevel images, reducing the risks of 'racial profiling' and identify theft based on facial photos.
Binary Facebase Vision Face Facts Inc Page Main Biometric Corporate Reserved Center_celebrity Recognition
Provides biometric face recognition applications using undithered bilevel images, reducing the risks of 'racial profiling' and identify theft based on facial photos.
Binary Facebase Vision Face Facts Inc Page Main Biometric Corporate Reserved Center_celebrity Recognition
21 Digimarc
The companys
The companys digital watermark is used to identify, track and manage visual communications for such applications as image identification, brand management, copyright communication, and video.
Digimarc Discover Images Sign Learn Digital Mobile Edition Technology News Audio Materials Demo Free Digimarcreg Value Added Print Patent
The companys digital watermark is used to identify, track and manage visual communications for such applications as image identification, brand management, copyright communication, and video.
Digimarc Discover Images Sign Learn Digital Mobile Edition Technology News Audio Materials Demo Free Digimarcreg Value Added Print Patent
22 Research-It
Look up
Look up the meaning of a word, find out when a famous person lived, or identify a foreign language at this one-stop research center.
Tools Google Internet Translate Itools Best Norwegian Arabic People Korean Spanish Dutch Japanese German Russian Finnish French Scrabulous Literati Polish Croatian Yellowpages Translator
Look up the meaning of a word, find out when a famous person lived, or identify a foreign language at this one-stop research center.
Tools Google Internet Translate Itools Best Norwegian Arabic People Korean Spanish Dutch Japanese German Russian Finnish French Scrabulous Literati Polish Croatian Yellowpages Translator
23 sentryware
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of server security products intended to safeguard HTTP transactions, identify and protect against web server vulnerabilities.
Manufacturer of server security products intended to safeguard HTTP transactions, identify and protect against web server vulnerabilities.
24 Wordspot Keyword Report
Weekly top
Weekly top 200 keyword searches emailed to your inbox upon sign-up. Helps identify search trends.
Keyword Wordspot Tools Research Article Internet Keywords Resources Symbols Culture Engineering Tips Words Here Click Tags Searched
Weekly top 200 keyword searches emailed to your inbox upon sign-up. Helps identify search trends.
Keyword Wordspot Tools Research Article Internet Keywords Resources Symbols Culture Engineering Tips Words Here Click Tags Searched
25 Career Assessment Center
The Collector
The Collector Profile helps identify those applicants who should feel most comfortable and less frustrated by the demands of employment as a collector.
Domain Wwwvcom Name Beian Others Numbers Sold Price High Value Trading Sale Skype Code Premium
The Collector Profile helps identify those applicants who should feel most comfortable and less frustrated by the demands of employment as a collector.
Domain Wwwvcom Name Beian Others Numbers Sold Price High Value Trading Sale Skype Code Premium
26 NetWitness
Network monitoring
Network monitoring tool that helps identify inappropriate use of network resources using live traffic analysis or output from other IDS systems.
Security Analytics Emc Network Netwitness Rsa Sales Contact Chat Training Linkedin Data Privacy Policy Monitoring Live
Network monitoring tool that helps identify inappropriate use of network resources using live traffic analysis or output from other IDS systems.
Security Analytics Emc Network Netwitness Rsa Sales Contact Chat Training Linkedin Data Privacy Policy Monitoring Live
Corrective action
Corrective action tracking system for quality control. Identify nonconformances and disposition corrective actions. Used for ISO, QS certification and compliance.
Assurx Quality Management Compliance Nerc Energy Utility Utilities News Solutions Medical Events Software Resource Industries
Corrective action tracking system for quality control. Identify nonconformances and disposition corrective actions. Used for ISO, QS certification and compliance.
Assurx Quality Management Compliance Nerc Energy Utility Utilities News Solutions Medical Events Software Resource Industries
28 Magic MP3 Tagger
Windows MP3
Windows MP3 tagger that has been designed to automatically identify MP3 files. Supports all ID3 tag versions and enables to rename, sort and tag music collections.
Mp Magic Tag Tagger Identify Found The Correctly Port Automatically Found Collection Fixedit Music
Windows MP3 tagger that has been designed to automatically identify MP3 files. Supports all ID3 tag versions and enables to rename, sort and tag music collections.
Mp Magic Tag Tagger Identify Found The Correctly Port Automatically Found Collection Fixedit Music
29 Data ID Systems
Offering an
Offering an array of integrated bar-code readers, printers and software. These can be integrated with communications to identify, monitor and track far more than just stock.
Asset Tracking Code Data Tigereyes Systems Fixed Scanners Ocr | Solutions Check Printers Bar Readers Computers Caere Glossary
Offering an array of integrated bar-code readers, printers and software. These can be integrated with communications to identify, monitor and track far more than just stock.
Asset Tracking Code Data Tigereyes Systems Fixed Scanners Ocr | Solutions Check Printers Bar Readers Computers Caere Glossary
30 IBMs Intelligent Miner Family
Collection of
Collection of tools to identify and extract high-value business intelligence from DB2 data assets. Powerful visualization built in. A Text Mining tool is also available
Navigationshilfet Y
Collection of tools to identify and extract high-value business intelligence from DB2 data assets. Powerful visualization built in. A Text Mining tool is also available
Navigationshilfet Y
31 Omniture
Develops and
Develops and markets SiteCatalyst which is aimed at enterprise companies to monitor visitor and commerce activity, identify specific points of change, and drive business decisions that increase ROI.
Adobe Marketing Cloud New [opens Window] Management Products Digital Creative Web Privacy Business Company Students
Develops and markets SiteCatalyst which is aimed at enterprise companies to monitor visitor and commerce activity, identify specific points of change, and drive business decisions that increase ROI.
Adobe Marketing Cloud New [opens Window] Management Products Digital Creative Web Privacy Business Company Students
32 Bitzi
Community-built media
Community-built media encyclopedia where file-sharing users identify and rate digital files, including images, MP3s/music, videos/movies, and software.
Request Bitzicom Nginx Archive Cloudflare Homepagez Internet Archived
Community-built media encyclopedia where file-sharing users identify and rate digital files, including images, MP3s/music, videos/movies, and software.
Request Bitzicom Nginx Archive Cloudflare Homepagez Internet Archived
33 Media Detective
Finds and
Finds and removes pornographic media files from a PCs hard drive. Detects skin color in movies and images to help identify nudity.
Contact Media Software Detective Order Download Support Features Detect Free Now Remove Here Products Safely Files Home
Finds and removes pornographic media files from a PCs hard drive. Detects skin color in movies and images to help identify nudity.
Contact Media Software Detective Order Download Support Features Detect Free Now Remove Here Products Safely Files Home
34 Outgun
Color coded
Color coded mail, filter your incoming mail with colors to help identify important messages, 10 Megabytes of available disk space, messageboard and chat.
Reuters Kara Dioguardi Google Rather Karadioguardi Outgun Webmail Myspace Street Wikipedia News Ebay Vaughn Vince Youtube Sanaa Quote Police
Color coded mail, filter your incoming mail with colors to help identify important messages, 10 Megabytes of available disk space, messageboard and chat.
Reuters Kara Dioguardi Google Rather Karadioguardi Outgun Webmail Myspace Street Wikipedia News Ebay Vaughn Vince Youtube Sanaa Quote Police
35 The Stickybeak
Uses dynamically
Uses dynamically generated images to provide a cross domain logging solution. The system utilizes P3P architecture to allow a single cookie to identify users across multiple domains. [Open source, GPL]
Best Watches Replica Watch Rolex Stickybeak Swiss Download Men Examples Documentation Brands Fake Sale World
Uses dynamically generated images to provide a cross domain logging solution. The system utilizes P3P architecture to allow a single cookie to identify users across multiple domains. [Open source, GPL]
Best Watches Replica Watch Rolex Stickybeak Swiss Download Men Examples Documentation Brands Fake Sale World
36 TekGuard
Free SMTP mail server and optional MS Outlook PlugIn with C# source code. Receive, filter, identify and eliminate incoming spam mail.
Email Spam Interceptor Outlook Smtp Pop Mail Tekguard Server Anti Free Guardian Source Code Security
Free SMTP mail server and optional MS Outlook PlugIn with C# source code. Receive, filter, identify and eliminate incoming spam mail.
Email Spam Interceptor Outlook Smtp Pop Mail Tekguard Server Anti Free Guardian Source Code Security
37 TD History System
z/OS software
z/OS software that performs simulations to build filter lists that identify categories of data that should be managed by DFSMShsm on DASD, or by a Virtual Tape System (VTS).
Navigationshilfe Ty
z/OS software that performs simulations to build filter lists that identify categories of data that should be managed by DFSMShsm on DASD, or by a Virtual Tape System (VTS).
Navigationshilfe Ty
38 Cisco Certification in Houston
The CCNA program is designed to prepare the professionals to identify, design and recommend the best Cisco solutions for small to medium-sized business.
The CCNA program is designed to prepare the professionals to identify, design and recommend the best Cisco solutions for small to medium-sized business.
39 Succession Wizard
Offers succession
Offers succession planning software to identify management succession issues within organizations.
Succession Planning Software Wizard Management Free Prices Hr Match Information Complete Download Today Workforce Tutorials Image
Offers succession planning software to identify management succession issues within organizations.
Succession Planning Software Wizard Management Free Prices Hr Match Information Complete Download Today Workforce Tutorials Image
40 SuperVision Enterprise Management Suite
Software supplies
Software supplies the ability to identify, evaluate, resolve and automate any task, event or response on virtually every mainframe and midrange platform in a data center, including MVS, VW, VSE, TPF, UNIX, AS/400, NT, S/390 and HMC.
Management Software System Enterprise Lpar Scraping Patented Ibm Lan Voice Supervision Network Data Remote Mainframes
Software supplies the ability to identify, evaluate, resolve and automate any task, event or response on virtually every mainframe and midrange platform in a data center, including MVS, VW, VSE, TPF, UNIX, AS/400, NT, S/390 and HMC.
Management Software System Enterprise Lpar Scraping Patented Ibm Lan Voice Supervision Network Data Remote Mainframes
41 CD-Runner
Designed to
Designed to automatically identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, creates MP3 ID3 tags, and automatically downloads CD information from the CDDB over the Internet. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Radio Audio Freedb Icecast Equalizer Awards Stereo Software Media Idv Beyond Latest Flac
Designed to automatically identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, creates MP3 ID3 tags, and automatically downloads CD information from the CDDB over the Internet. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Radio Audio Freedb Icecast Equalizer Awards Stereo Software Media Idv Beyond Latest Flac
42 CD-Runner
Designed to
Designed to automatically identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, creates MP3 ID3 tags, and automatically downloads CD information from the CDDB over the Internet. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Audio Radio Freedb Software Touchpad Cddb Stereo Streaming Media Icecast Beyond Parametric
Designed to automatically identify and play media of all types, from CD to MP3. It also rips audio CD tracks, converts WAV to MP3, creates MP3 ID3 tags, and automatically downloads CD information from the CDDB over the Internet. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Cd Runner Mp Ripper Audio Radio Freedb Software Touchpad Cddb Stereo Streaming Media Icecast Beyond Parametric
43 Dedupe Software
Provides a
Provides a brief list of dedupe software that will help identify and remove duplicated records from lists, databases, spreadsheets and other sources.
Software Dedupe Review Full Admin Match Best Deduplication Dedupeit Click Linkagewiz Clean Dataqualitytools Reviewed Datamatch
Provides a brief list of dedupe software that will help identify and remove duplicated records from lists, databases, spreadsheets and other sources.
Software Dedupe Review Full Admin Match Best Deduplication Dedupeit Click Linkagewiz Clean Dataqualitytools Reviewed Datamatch
44 Identify Software
Specializing in
Specializing in application management software, black box software and help desk software for Windows, .NET and J2EE applications. [Commercial]
Contact Protection Brand Identify Name Domain Request Rethink Resources Reserved Help Report Message Reduce Quickly
Specializing in application management software, black box software and help desk software for Windows, .NET and J2EE applications. [Commercial]
Contact Protection Brand Identify Name Domain Request Rethink Resources Reserved Help Report Message Reduce Quickly
45 WiFi and wireless spectrum analysis tools
WiFi tools
WiFi tools and embedded technologies that help identify, determine impact, and eliminate interference.
WiFi tools and embedded technologies that help identify, determine impact, and eliminate interference.
46 Software Verification
Software tools
Software tools to help identify and fix common programming errors, such as memory leaks, code coverage analysis tools.
Software C++ Net Profiling Deadlock Fortran Java Wpf Delphi Vbnet Verification News Javascript Suites Ruby Code Visual Tools Php Performance Press Products Blog
Software tools to help identify and fix common programming errors, such as memory leaks, code coverage analysis tools.
Software C++ Net Profiling Deadlock Fortran Java Wpf Delphi Vbnet Verification News Javascript Suites Ruby Code Visual Tools Php Performance Press Products Blog
47 Enterprise Advisors Inc.
You need
You need to automate your financial processes -- At Enterprise Advisors, we specialize in helping you identify, define and reach your goals every step of the way.
You need to automate your financial processes -- At Enterprise Advisors, we specialize in helping you identify, define and reach your goals every step of the way.
48 SecurityProNews
Advice on
Advice on how to identify the best type of intrusion detection system for a particular environment, develop organizational guidelines for passwords, set general computer security policies, and perform a security review and risk assessment.
Share Linkedin Google+ Security Internet Securitypronews Explorer Apple Email Chrome Malware Policy Google Heartbleed Yahoo
Advice on how to identify the best type of intrusion detection system for a particular environment, develop organizational guidelines for passwords, set general computer security policies, and perform a security review and risk assessment.
Share Linkedin Google+ Security Internet Securitypronews Explorer Apple Email Chrome Malware Policy Google Heartbleed Yahoo
49 Internetwork Design Guide
This publication
This publication provides internetworking design and implementation information and helps you identify and implement practical internetworking strategies that are both flexible and scalable
Training Terms Help Services Contacts Statement Policy Page Trademarks Found Conditions Worldwideprivacy Ciscocom
This publication provides internetworking design and implementation information and helps you identify and implement practical internetworking strategies that are both flexible and scalable
Training Terms Help Services Contacts Statement Policy Page Trademarks Found Conditions Worldwideprivacy Ciscocom
50 WebTrends Corporation
Offers enterprise
Offers enterprise solutions to provide advanced real-time analysis and reporting to identify customer trends, maximize return on investment, optimize content and campaigns and forecast revenue for their e-business initiative.
Webtrends Optimierung Digital Testing Analytics Marketing Mobile Social Measurement Echtzeit Targeting Mail Konversion Follow Webseiten Vervierfacht „collaboration
Offers enterprise solutions to provide advanced real-time analysis and reporting to identify customer trends, maximize return on investment, optimize content and campaigns and forecast revenue for their e-business initiative.
Webtrends Optimierung Digital Testing Analytics Marketing Mobile Social Measurement Echtzeit Targeting Mail Konversion Follow Webseiten Vervierfacht „collaboration
51 N-Stealth Security Scanner
Vulnerability-assessment product
Vulnerability-assessment product that scans web servers to identify security problems and weaknesses on local and remote web servers. Commercial and free editions are available.
Stalker Security Scanner Web Contact Bank Injection Products Xss Updated Community Banking Pmwiki Financial Vulnerability Latest Bra Customers
Vulnerability-assessment product that scans web servers to identify security problems and weaknesses on local and remote web servers. Commercial and free editions are available.
Stalker Security Scanner Web Contact Bank Injection Products Xss Updated Community Banking Pmwiki Financial Vulnerability Latest Bra Customers
52 Qwaq, Inc.
Makes, sells
Makes, sells, supports secure interactive, persistent, virtual workspaces for businesses, allows collaboration in ways impossible before, working with others to identify and solve problems, raises productivity of distributed teams by grouping critical resources as if they are in one physical location.
Terf Dicc Terfâ„¢ Use Contact Virtual Tips Customer Deep Software Product Tricks Collaboration Business Talk Blog
Makes, sells, supports secure interactive, persistent, virtual workspaces for businesses, allows collaboration in ways impossible before, working with others to identify and solve problems, raises productivity of distributed teams by grouping critical resources as if they are in one physical location.
Terf Dicc Terfâ„¢ Use Contact Virtual Tips Customer Deep Software Product Tricks Collaboration Business Talk Blog
53 Image Catalog
IMCAT is thumbnailing utility that is capable of unlimited batch jobs with unlimited number of directories to process. It can identify and delete orphan thumbnails, guess image title from file name.
Request Errory
IMCAT is thumbnailing utility that is capable of unlimited batch jobs with unlimited number of directories to process. It can identify and delete orphan thumbnails, guess image title from file name.
Request Errory
54 Retsel Group
Report Miner
Report Miner documents Crystal Report files for both developers and end-users to enhance understanding of reports and can identify differences between report files.
Report Miner Crystal Reports Rptdiff Documentation Extract Support Add Click Using Version Word Suite Suites
Report Miner documents Crystal Report files for both developers and end-users to enhance understanding of reports and can identify differences between report files.
Report Miner Crystal Reports Rptdiff Documentation Extract Support Add Click Using Version Word Suite Suites
55 IT Security and Audit Solutions
Since 1990
Since 1990 ETI has been providing premier information security and IT audit solutions to prominent businesses. Our team of professionals identify with our clients complex concerns and issues.
Cannot Pageproviderforcontact Please Error Displayed
Since 1990 ETI has been providing premier information security and IT audit solutions to prominent businesses. Our team of professionals identify with our clients complex concerns and issues.
Cannot Pageproviderforcontact Please Error Displayed
56 MinuteMan
Program focuses
Program focuses on providing the basic functions needed to effectively manage projects. Identify the dates of tasks and milestones, record useful notes on each task, assign people and define expenditures, print Gantt and Pert Charts and a handful of concise schedule and budget reports.
Costs Schedules Project Management Software People Plan Tracking Resources Planningmaking Optional Use Alternative
Program focuses on providing the basic functions needed to effectively manage projects. Identify the dates of tasks and milestones, record useful notes on each task, assign people and define expenditures, print Gantt and Pert Charts and a handful of concise schedule and budget reports.
Costs Schedules Project Management Software People Plan Tracking Resources Planningmaking Optional Use Alternative
57 MinuteMan
Program focuses
Program focuses on providing the basic functions needed to effectively manage projects. Identify the dates of tasks and milestones, record useful notes on each task, assign people and define expenditures, print Gantt and Pert Charts and a handful of concise schedule and budget reports.
Schedules Project Management Costs Software People Plan Makingplanning Use Easy Alternative Tracking Optional
Program focuses on providing the basic functions needed to effectively manage projects. Identify the dates of tasks and milestones, record useful notes on each task, assign people and define expenditures, print Gantt and Pert Charts and a handful of concise schedule and budget reports.
Schedules Project Management Costs Software People Plan Makingplanning Use Easy Alternative Tracking Optional
58 Euclid Technology, LLC.
Web-based Customer
Web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Member Relationship Management (MRM) software used to identify complete customer profile, products recommendations, campaign management and order processing.
Clearvantage Euclid Support Association Software Membership Mobile Connect Management Services Request Blog Experts Modules Industry Architecture
Web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Member Relationship Management (MRM) software used to identify complete customer profile, products recommendations, campaign management and order processing.
Clearvantage Euclid Support Association Software Membership Mobile Connect Management Services Request Blog Experts Modules Industry Architecture
Identify broken
Identify broken links in your site for free.The broken link checker will search your site, testing each link it finds and report the status of each link.
Hosting Hosts Hostpulse Reviews Articles Server Functioninclude Warning Country Host Contact Ecommerce South Windows Unix Reseller
Identify broken links in your site for free.The broken link checker will search your site, testing each link it finds and report the status of each link.
Hosting Hosts Hostpulse Reviews Articles Server Functioninclude Warning Country Host Contact Ecommerce South Windows Unix Reseller
60 Proactive Windows Security Explorer
A password
A password security test tool thats designed to identify and close security holes by executing an audit of account passwords, and exposing insecure account passwords.
Password Network Security Proactive Passwords Ppa Elcomsoft Audit Recovery Account Safety Examine Securing Auditor Documentation Controller Promotions
A password security test tool thats designed to identify and close security holes by executing an audit of account passwords, and exposing insecure account passwords.
Password Network Security Proactive Passwords Ppa Elcomsoft Audit Recovery Account Safety Examine Securing Auditor Documentation Controller Promotions
61 Psiber Data Systems, Inc.
Expert tools
Expert tools for network professionals. Hand held test tool used on Fast Ethernet and Standard Ethernet network segments to verify link operation and identify capabilities of equipment attached to the link.
Lanmaster Cable Testing English Lanexpert Psiber Profile Pingerpro Tester Network Company Contact Wirexpert Systems Tool Patch Cord Asia Offices Onlineshop
Expert tools for network professionals. Hand held test tool used on Fast Ethernet and Standard Ethernet network segments to verify link operation and identify capabilities of equipment attached to the link.
Lanmaster Cable Testing English Lanexpert Psiber Profile Pingerpro Tester Network Company Contact Wirexpert Systems Tool Patch Cord Asia Offices Onlineshop
62 Probabilistic Combination of Content and Links
It introduces
It introduces a probabilistic model that integrates link topology (used to identify important pages), anchor text (used to augment the text of cited pages), and activation (spread to linked pages). Experiments are on MSN Directory. [PDF format]
Page Missingspelling Report Verify Microsoft Share Checktroubleshooting Tips * Punctuation Translator
It introduces a probabilistic model that integrates link topology (used to identify important pages), anchor text (used to augment the text of cited pages), and activation (spread to linked pages). Experiments are on MSN Directory. [PDF format]
Page Missingspelling Report Verify Microsoft Share Checktroubleshooting Tips * Punctuation Translator
63 Parse HTML
A component
A component to parse either an HTML text string or HTML file into its basic components of tags and text. It also provides methods which can identify tags and return their name and attributes. By Cimarron Ravine Technologies.
A component to parse either an HTML text string or HTML file into its basic components of tags and text. It also provides methods which can identify tags and return their name and attributes. By Cimarron Ravine Technologies.
64 Anticipating Minds
devAdvantage: a
devAdvantage: a programming tool that finds bugs and issues in .NET C# code and collaborates with developers to fix them. devMetrics: a software management tool that gathers metrics on .NET C# code to identify issues and make informed project decisions. ArtificialMind .NET: free SDK for developing applications that employ Artificial Intelligence algorithms.
devAdvantage: a programming tool that finds bugs and issues in .NET C# code and collaborates with developers to fix them. devMetrics: a software management tool that gathers metrics on .NET C# code to identify issues and make informed project decisions. ArtificialMind .NET: free SDK for developing applications that employ Artificial Intelligence algorithms.
65 Surge Technology Services
We partner
We partner with your small business to help move your business forward. We work with you to identify areas of your business that can benefit from technology. Surge Technology Services offers computer and network maintenance, web site design and development and strategic technology planning
Laquolaquoread Gray Michael Computer Technology Services Surge Wordpress Data Free Should Phone Sell Before Fall Customer
We partner with your small business to help move your business forward. We work with you to identify areas of your business that can benefit from technology. Surge Technology Services offers computer and network maintenance, web site design and development and strategic technology planning
Laquolaquoread Gray Michael Computer Technology Services Surge Wordpress Data Free Should Phone Sell Before Fall Customer
66 - Joseph Atick: How the facial recognition security system works - October 1, 2001
Dr. Joseph
Dr. Joseph Atick is a co-founder of Visionics Corporation, and currently serves as President and CEO. He and his colleagues have developed FaceIt face recognition, a biometric technology that can automatically detect and capture faces from security cameras and identify them against a database of known terrorists. He joined chat room on Monday, October 01, 2001.
Atick Joseph Chat Participant Cnncom Cnn Face Security Corporation They United Visionics Wouldnt Faceit President
Dr. Joseph Atick is a co-founder of Visionics Corporation, and currently serves as President and CEO. He and his colleagues have developed FaceIt face recognition, a biometric technology that can automatically detect and capture faces from security cameras and identify them against a database of known terrorists. He joined chat room on Monday, October 01, 2001.
Atick Joseph Chat Participant Cnncom Cnn Face Security Corporation They United Visionics Wouldnt Faceit President
67 performance test tool for Oracle Forms
Forms2test is
Forms2test is the performance test solution for predicting system behavior and performance of Oracle Forms applications. With forms2test you can obtain an accurate picture of end-to-end system performance and identify performance bottlenecks before go-live
Navigationshilfet Y
Forms2test is the performance test solution for predicting system behavior and performance of Oracle Forms applications. With forms2test you can obtain an accurate picture of end-to-end system performance and identify performance bottlenecks before go-live
Navigationshilfet Y
68 Mnemonic Technology, Inc.
Mnemonic Technology
Mnemonic Technology develops systems that automatically learn to make optimal decisions, even in the presence of uncertainty. Our intelligent decision systems have priced credit risk for consumer debt and set loss reserves for asset-backed securities. They have optimized consumer response in internet direct marketing campaigns, traded futures contracts, and learned to identify relevant messages from only a handful of examples, without any human intervention.
Mnemonic Predictive Toolkit Products Modeling Information Sites Contact Technology Google Testimonials Filter They Lost Misinformed
Mnemonic Technology develops systems that automatically learn to make optimal decisions, even in the presence of uncertainty. Our intelligent decision systems have priced credit risk for consumer debt and set loss reserves for asset-backed securities. They have optimized consumer response in internet direct marketing campaigns, traded futures contracts, and learned to identify relevant messages from only a handful of examples, without any human intervention.
Mnemonic Predictive Toolkit Products Modeling Information Sites Contact Technology Google Testimonials Filter They Lost Misinformed
69 CSCW Evaluation in Five Types
One of
One of the potentially confusing aspects of evaluation within computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) is that there are many activities one might wish to carry out at different times that evaluate socio-technical systems. I identify five ideal types: the effects of a new computer system in an organisation, the formative development of a piece of software, the evaluation of conceptual developments, the evaluation of a cooperative system where factors other than the computers are more interesting, and the determination of which piece of software to buy.
Latest Contact Business Undergraduate Notice Research Events News Problem Navigation Information Scc Science Privacy Scc@lancasteracuk
One of the potentially confusing aspects of evaluation within computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) is that there are many activities one might wish to carry out at different times that evaluate socio-technical systems. I identify five ideal types: the effects of a new computer system in an organisation, the formative development of a piece of software, the evaluation of conceptual developments, the evaluation of a cooperative system where factors other than the computers are more interesting, and the determination of which piece of software to buy.
Latest Contact Business Undergraduate Notice Research Events News Problem Navigation Information Scc Science Privacy Scc@lancasteracuk
1 Blert Inc
Identify short
Identify short forms and abbreviations.
Shorts Blert Board Games Briefs Abbreviations Forms Party Fun Family Created Boardgamesgame Inc
Identify short forms and abbreviations.
Shorts Blert Board Games Briefs Abbreviations Forms Party Fun Family Created Boardgamesgame Inc
2 WEBoggle
Online version
Online version of Boggle. Players compete against each other to try and identify as many words as possible within a fixed time limit from a random grid of letters. 4x4 and 5x5 grids available.
Patchserver Forbiddenapache Php +lennydav Port Forbidden You Suhosin
Online version of Boggle. Players compete against each other to try and identify as many words as possible within a fixed time limit from a random grid of letters. 4x4 and 5x5 grids available.
Patchserver Forbiddenapache Php +lennydav Port Forbidden You Suhosin
3 Whos in the Bag?
Game in
Game in which each team tries to identify as many personalities on the cards as possible before the timer runs out and the bag or hat passes to the next team.
Here Click Whosinthebagcom Datenschutzrichtlinienz
Game in which each team tries to identify as many personalities on the cards as possible before the timer runs out and the bag or hat passes to the next team.
Here Click Whosinthebagcom Datenschutzrichtlinienz
5 Whats In My Pocket
Use clues
Use clues to try and identify four famous people each week. A new clue is revealed every day from Monday to Thursday. Weekly, monthly, and annual cash prizes are awarded to top players.
Use clues to try and identify four famous people each week. A new clue is revealed every day from Monday to Thursday. Weekly, monthly, and annual cash prizes are awarded to top players.
6 Tune Trivia On CD From American Oldies
Music trivia
Music trivia game great for parties and road trips. Listen to and identify original oldie clips from the 50s through the 80s. Includes audio timer and answers.
Sign Account Everything Policy Places Now Lifestream People Youre Networks Learnmore Trademarks Privacy Simplifying Terms
Music trivia game great for parties and road trips. Listen to and identify original oldie clips from the 50s through the 80s. Includes audio timer and answers.
Sign Account Everything Policy Places Now Lifestream People Youre Networks Learnmore Trademarks Privacy Simplifying Terms
7 Name That Flag
Identify two
Identify two monthly flags of the world. Players with a correct answer will be entered in a monthly drawing to win an actual flag.
Flag Winners Name Rules Flags Answer Ill Namethatflag@triadrrcom Contest World Contact Privacy Nameflag@futchercom Flaglinecom Managed Ive
Identify two monthly flags of the world. Players with a correct answer will be entered in a monthly drawing to win an actual flag.
Flag Winners Name Rules Flags Answer Ill Namethatflag@triadrrcom Contest World Contact Privacy Nameflag@futchercom Flaglinecom Managed Ive
8 Avant Gaming
Blog and
Blog and a directory of 'avant games'. Seeks to identify and catalog games, and related resources, that challenge and subvert mainstream gaming conventions.
Code Evaldfatal Error Call Z
Blog and a directory of 'avant games'. Seeks to identify and catalog games, and related resources, that challenge and subvert mainstream gaming conventions.
Code Evaldfatal Error Call Z
9 Image
A review
A review of the 3M Bookshelf Game Image (1972). Another trivia game, the object of Image is to identify famous people by their 'personality profiles'. Each player is dealt a hand of five cards. The cards are of five types, Place, Time, Activity (sports, religion, and music), Status (dead, and fictional) and Letter. In each turn, players start or extend 'images' by playing cards on a track on the playing field.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A review of the 3M Bookshelf Game Image (1972). Another trivia game, the object of Image is to identify famous people by their 'personality profiles'. Each player is dealt a hand of five cards. The cards are of five types, Place, Time, Activity (sports, religion, and music), Status (dead, and fictional) and Letter. In each turn, players start or extend 'images' by playing cards on a track on the playing field.
Navigationshilfe Ty
5. Sports Websites concerning Identify
1 Football Network
The company
The company works with professional clubs across the UK to identify players of potential.
The company works with professional clubs across the UK to identify players of potential.
2 Texas Paint and Quarter Horse Web Ring
Sites that
Sites that identify horses and their owners that are shown, bred, owned or for sale in Texas.
Horses Web Texas Quarter Ring Paint Horse Serving State Identify Great Owners Bred Apache Found The
Sites that identify horses and their owners that are shown, bred, owned or for sale in Texas.
Horses Web Texas Quarter Ring Paint Horse Serving State Identify Great Owners Bred Apache Found The
3 Young Jumper Championships Futurity
Designed to
Designed to identify the most promising five and six-year-old show jumping prospects competing in the United States. Developed in cooperation with the International Jumper Futurity.
Yjc Jumper Young Finals League Uncategorized Futurity Championships Continue Graduate Reading New Eastern Grand Horse They Trainers What’s Western
Designed to identify the most promising five and six-year-old show jumping prospects competing in the United States. Developed in cooperation with the International Jumper Futurity.
Yjc Jumper Young Finals League Uncategorized Futurity Championships Continue Graduate Reading New Eastern Grand Horse They Trainers What’s Western
4 Identify Your Comet Torque Converter Series
Use this
Use this page to determine which Comet Torque Converter Belt Drive System you own. Identification is key to acquiring the correct replacement parts for your application.
Series Comet Torque Parts Belts Symmetric Page Clutches Converters Belt Spring Drive Asymmetric Charts Converter Max
Use this page to determine which Comet Torque Converter Belt Drive System you own. Identification is key to acquiring the correct replacement parts for your application.
Series Comet Torque Parts Belts Symmetric Page Clutches Converters Belt Spring Drive Asymmetric Charts Converter Max
6. Society, Arts and Identify Crafts
1 nation plunges into fight with enemy hard to identify
todays attacks
todays attacks plunged the nation into a warlike struggle against an enemy that will be hard to identify with certainty and hard to punish with precision.
Times Nytimescom Page York Most Help Terms Business Youre Health Topics Articles Jobs Opinion Archives Todays
todays attacks plunged the nation into a warlike struggle against an enemy that will be hard to identify with certainty and hard to punish with precision.
Times Nytimescom Page York Most Help Terms Business Youre Health Topics Articles Jobs Opinion Archives Todays
2 Not100M
For those
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel 100% male inside.
Yahoo Groups Help Lists Sharing Group Forum Photo File Free Mailing Community Please Central Answers Homes Calendars Yahoos
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel 100% male inside.
Yahoo Groups Help Lists Sharing Group Forum Photo File Free Mailing Community Please Central Answers Homes Calendars Yahoos
3 Not100M
For those
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel 100% male inside.
Yahoo Help Groups Please Sports Beauty Autos News Copyright Shopping Health Parenting Mobile Music Makers
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel 100% male inside.
Yahoo Help Groups Please Sports Beauty Autos News Copyright Shopping Health Parenting Mobile Music Makers
4 Not100F
For those
For those who identify as MTF Transgendered, but dont feel that theyre 100% female inside.
Yahoo Help Groups Sharing Lists Group Forum Photo Community Free Please Mailing File Sign Shopping Suggestions Music Interests
For those who identify as MTF Transgendered, but dont feel that theyre 100% female inside.
Yahoo Help Groups Sharing Lists Group Forum Photo Community Free Please Mailing File Sign Shopping Suggestions Music Interests
5 Not100M
For those
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel that theyre 100% male inside.
Yahoo Help Please Groups Shopping Copyright Tech Create Beauty Music Sports Inc Mail Screen Onlineservices
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel that theyre 100% male inside.
Yahoo Help Please Groups Shopping Copyright Tech Create Beauty Music Sports Inc Mail Screen Onlineservices
6 Not100M
For those
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel that theyre 100% male inside.
Yahoo Help Groups Please Page Terms Politics Beauty Tv Tech Movies Sports Onlineservices Mobile Answers
For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but dont feel that theyre 100% male inside.
Yahoo Help Groups Please Page Terms Politics Beauty Tv Tech Movies Sports Onlineservices Mobile Answers
7 Bill Gothards Ecumenism
Criticizes the
Criticizes the leader for failing to identify himself as a fundamentalist.
Gothard Seminar Bill Ecumenism Gothards Brethren Much John America Church Baptist Ashbrook Sbcs United Conflicts
Criticizes the leader for failing to identify himself as a fundamentalist.
Gothard Seminar Bill Ecumenism Gothards Brethren Much John America Church Baptist Ashbrook Sbcs United Conflicts
8 all look same
tests the
tests the readers ability to identify people by asian descent in 18 individual photographs.
Tweet Dyske Asians Follow @dyskes Chinese Sector Halloween Tech China Chu American Kickstarter Arthur Kskstudios Madrigal Mora Japan Japanese Tell Diversity
tests the readers ability to identify people by asian descent in 18 individual photographs.
Tweet Dyske Asians Follow @dyskes Chinese Sector Halloween Tech China Chu American Kickstarter Arthur Kskstudios Madrigal Mora Japan Japanese Tell Diversity
9 Julie Posey
Author and
Author and consultant provides information to help identify past and potential offenders.
Adhd Caution Entering Zonez
Author and consultant provides information to help identify past and potential offenders.
Adhd Caution Entering Zonez
10 security officials trying to identify culprit
describes scramble
describes scramble to define list of suspects in terrorist attacks.
describes scramble to define list of suspects in terrorist attacks.
11 1st or 5th Group Special Forces
Help identify
Help identify the guest from the wedding of Cpt. Collins in Nha Trang, Vietnam at the Club Nautic.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Help identify the guest from the wedding of Cpt. Collins in Nha Trang, Vietnam at the Club Nautic.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Serves the
Serves the Bay Area communities for females who identify as males and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Baboyz Help Please Groups Movies Celebrity Answers Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Estate Parenting Shopping Sports Mobile Morexc
Serves the Bay Area communities for females who identify as males and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Baboyz Help Please Groups Movies Celebrity Answers Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Estate Parenting Shopping Sports Mobile Morexc
Serves the
Serves the Bay Area communities for females who identify as males and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Baboyz Help Please Groups Terms Page Health Homes Style Weather Shopping Music Inc Onlineservices
Serves the Bay Area communities for females who identify as males and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Baboyz Help Please Groups Terms Page Health Homes Style Weather Shopping Music Inc Onlineservices
14 Not For Profit Benchmarking Association
Provides NPO
Provides NPO management professionals a forum in which to compare operating performance and identify the best business practices.
Benchmarking Management Contact Information Customer Technology Center Satisfaction Services Human Network Resources Finance Procurement Shared Nfpbatm Leading
Provides NPO management professionals a forum in which to compare operating performance and identify the best business practices.
Benchmarking Management Contact Information Customer Technology Center Satisfaction Services Human Network Resources Finance Procurement Shared Nfpbatm Leading
15 Quintam
Developed a
Developed a Palm-based ADA compliance checklist designed to help identify accessibility problems in existing facilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Developed a Palm-based ADA compliance checklist designed to help identify accessibility problems in existing facilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 u.s. pursues numerous credible leads
fbi director
fbi director reports that they know the identity of the suicide hijackers and are working to identify associates.
News Dc National Terms Post Washington Business World Politics Opinions Local Trump Virginia Sports Policy Self Driving Bio Threats Pope Early Jose Uproar
fbi director reports that they know the identity of the suicide hijackers and are working to identify associates.
News Dc National Terms Post Washington Business World Politics Opinions Local Trump Virginia Sports Policy Self Driving Bio Threats Pope Early Jose Uproar
17 The Bear Ring Webring on WebringSystem
Bringing gay
Bringing gay men who identify themselves as bears, otters, cubs, and wolves together with over 1100 members.
Apacheserver Found The Foundport
Bringing gay men who identify themselves as bears, otters, cubs, and wolves together with over 1100 members.
Apacheserver Found The Foundport
18 TrannyBoi
Information, education
Information, education, transitioning tips, and personal journals aiding those who identify or are a SOFFA of a FtM or trangender male.
Drag Tranny Shemale Questions Porn Queenking Butch Trannyboi Also Kings Queens They Note Stereotypes Mean Apache Here Port
Information, education, transitioning tips, and personal journals aiding those who identify or are a SOFFA of a FtM or trangender male.
Drag Tranny Shemale Questions Porn Queenking Butch Trannyboi Also Kings Queens They Note Stereotypes Mean Apache Here Port
19 mountain of rubble becoming an everest of despair
explanation of
explanation of dna tests which may help identify remains from pentagon and world trade center.
News Post Dc Policy Terms Live Washington World Business Politics National Sports Halloween Tv Maryland Help Year Old Where Confesses Star Canada
explanation of dna tests which may help identify remains from pentagon and world trade center.
News Post Dc Policy Terms Live Washington World Business Politics National Sports Halloween Tv Maryland Help Year Old Where Confesses Star Canada
20 GeoTrust TrustWatch
Antiphishing browser
Antiphishing browser extensions identify the certification status of sites listed in Google search outputs.
Ssl Certificates Geotrust Security True Signing Products Solutions Partners Businessid Enterprise Document Web Account Certificate Sites
Antiphishing browser extensions identify the certification status of sites listed in Google search outputs.
Ssl Certificates Geotrust Security True Signing Products Solutions Partners Businessid Enterprise Document Web Account Certificate Sites
21 Alt.Support.Intergendered
Web-ring for
Web-ring for the growing subgroup within the transgendered community who do not identify as either a man or woman, but as somewhere in between, or as neither, placing themselves outside of the gender spectrum completely.
Altsupportintergendered Intergendered Sphere Androgyny Androgyne Charter Join Webring Interdressing Questions Deird Welcome Asked Want Rarely Problem
Web-ring for the growing subgroup within the transgendered community who do not identify as either a man or woman, but as somewhere in between, or as neither, placing themselves outside of the gender spectrum completely.
Altsupportintergendered Intergendered Sphere Androgyny Androgyne Charter Join Webring Interdressing Questions Deird Welcome Asked Want Rarely Problem
22 The Eirou Werepack
A pack
A pack, or chosen family, of people who identify as Werewolves or Were Polymorphs. Includes section for each member, and events of the group.
Create Tripod Shopping Lycoscom Found Errorpage Website Please Login Requested Check Page Lycos Hostingsignup
A pack, or chosen family, of people who identify as Werewolves or Were Polymorphs. Includes section for each member, and events of the group.
Create Tripod Shopping Lycoscom Found Errorpage Website Please Login Requested Check Page Lycos Hostingsignup
23 Realities of Smoking
Online educational
Online educational presentation that helps to identify the causes and effects of smoking.
Navigationshilfet Y
Online educational presentation that helps to identify the causes and effects of smoking.
Navigationshilfet Y
24 More Than Just Friends
For women
For women over the age of 50 who wish to contribute to the empowerment of each other. This is a safe haven for women who identify as lesbians.
Yahoo Morethanjustfriends Help Please Groups Inc Screen Food Central Policy Music Onlineservices Morethanjustfriends@yahoogroupscom Real Weather
For women over the age of 50 who wish to contribute to the empowerment of each other. This is a safe haven for women who identify as lesbians.
Yahoo Morethanjustfriends Help Please Groups Inc Screen Food Central Policy Music Onlineservices Morethanjustfriends@yahoogroupscom Real Weather
25 Bear Organists
A directory
A directory of gay male organists and pipe organ enthusiasts who identify themselves as Bears.
Notfound Notfoundï½Ã…“ã‚°ãÆ’«ãÆ’¡copyright Reserved Rights Z
A directory of gay male organists and pipe organ enthusiasts who identify themselves as Bears.
Notfound Notfoundï½Ã…“ã‚°ãÆ’«ãÆ’¡copyright Reserved Rights Z
26 LIFE Online: Millennium
Time and
Time and Life magazines identify the top 100 events of the past 1,000 years.
Photos Pictures Hellip Classic Hoffman World America Life Privacy Rare Hindu Muslim Indias Subscribe Boing Pitch Britannia Lifecom Robert California
Time and Life magazines identify the top 100 events of the past 1,000 years.
Photos Pictures Hellip Classic Hoffman World America Life Privacy Rare Hindu Muslim Indias Subscribe Boing Pitch Britannia Lifecom Robert California
27 Huzbears on WebringSystem
Huzbears: collection
Huzbears: collection of websites for and about bear couples. For gay men that identify as Bears and their partners. Since 1998.
Navigationshilfe Foundapacheserver Found The Port
Huzbears: collection of websites for and about bear couples. For gay men that identify as Bears and their partners. Since 1998.
Navigationshilfe Foundapacheserver Found The Port
Serves the
Serves the Bay Area FTM communities i.e. those born female-bodied who now identify as male or masculine in some way (including transmen, FTM, F2M, and boydykes) and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Help Groups Lists Baboyz Group Sharing File Photo Community Mailing Free Forum Please Mail Sports Screen
Serves the Bay Area FTM communities i.e. those born female-bodied who now identify as male or masculine in some way (including transmen, FTM, F2M, and boydykes) and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Help Groups Lists Baboyz Group Sharing File Photo Community Mailing Free Forum Please Mail Sports Screen
Serves the
Serves the Bay Area FTM communities i.e. those born female-bodied who now identify as male or masculine in some way (including transmen, FTM, F2M, and boydykes) and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Help Baboyz Groups Please Xhome Estate Copyright Real Answers Ifyoure Mobile Onlineservices Morexc Flickr
Serves the Bay Area FTM communities i.e. those born female-bodied who now identify as male or masculine in some way (including transmen, FTM, F2M, and boydykes) and their significant others, partners, friends, and allies.
Yahoo Help Baboyz Groups Please Xhome Estate Copyright Real Answers Ifyoure Mobile Onlineservices Morexc Flickr
30 American Research Bureau (ARB)
International probate
International probate researchers identify and find missing heirs and unknown heirs.
Research Probate Case Bureau Estate Contact Glossary Process Careers Letters Library Clients Show Team Meet American Services Since
International probate researchers identify and find missing heirs and unknown heirs.
Research Probate Case Bureau Estate Contact Glossary Process Careers Letters Library Clients Show Team Meet American Services Since
31 Lesbian Professionals
Limited to
Limited to professional women (female born) who identify as lesbian, 30+ years old, undergraduate degree.
Yahoo Help Groups Lists Sharing Lesbianprofessionals Group Please Free Mailing Forum Photo Community File Boards Ifyoure Onlineservices
Limited to professional women (female born) who identify as lesbian, 30+ years old, undergraduate degree.
Yahoo Help Groups Lists Sharing Lesbianprofessionals Group Please Free Mailing Forum Photo Community File Boards Ifyoure Onlineservices
32 A Course in Happiness
Free course
Free course to help identify the underlying causes of unhappiness and determine a path to higher awareness, understanding, and acceptance, includes course contents and definitions of happiness.
Foundport Server Apachefound The
Free course to help identify the underlying causes of unhappiness and determine a path to higher awareness, understanding, and acceptance, includes course contents and definitions of happiness.
Foundport Server Apachefound The
33 EverySchool Alliance
Seeks to
Seeks to identify and strengthen Christian outreach ministries to public and private schools in America. Features resources, stories, and Adopt-a-School for Christ prayer initiative.
Every Contact School Videos Alliance Donate Student Resources Campus Question Movement Connect Ideas Downloads Articles Leadership Cart
Seeks to identify and strengthen Christian outreach ministries to public and private schools in America. Features resources, stories, and Adopt-a-School for Christ prayer initiative.
Every Contact School Videos Alliance Donate Student Resources Campus Question Movement Connect Ideas Downloads Articles Leadership Cart
34 Lessenger Family
Pictorial history
Pictorial history presented by Dean Salisbury. Attempting to identify photos taken circa 1902, possible relatives of the Salisbury, Gabb and Gray lineages.
Tripod Create Tripodcom Couldnt Shopping Check Please Hosting Signup Lycoscom Lycoslogin Website Page
Pictorial history presented by Dean Salisbury. Attempting to identify photos taken circa 1902, possible relatives of the Salisbury, Gabb and Gray lineages.
Tripod Create Tripodcom Couldnt Shopping Check Please Hosting Signup Lycoscom Lycoslogin Website Page
35 eschaton management planning group
an ongoing
an ongoing project attempting to identify technologies that would be necessary in order to restart civilization after an end-of-the-world event, explain how to recreate these technologies, and widely distribute this information.
Eschaton Curator Pm Technology Penicillin Survival Florey Management However Project Planning Future Thursday Foundational Penicillium Action United Impossible Carefully Triage Vegetarians
an ongoing project attempting to identify technologies that would be necessary in order to restart civilization after an end-of-the-world event, explain how to recreate these technologies, and widely distribute this information.
Eschaton Curator Pm Technology Penicillin Survival Florey Management However Project Planning Future Thursday Foundational Penicillium Action United Impossible Carefully Triage Vegetarians
36 Etz Haim Press
'Understanding the
'Understanding the Exodus and Other Mysteries of Jewish History' employs archeology, science and ancient documents to identify the origin of fundamental concepts in Judaism and the relationship between Judaism and other religions.
Book Order + Reader Summary Additional Global Author Subjects Insert Warming Contact Meta Contained Characters Description
'Understanding the Exodus and Other Mysteries of Jewish History' employs archeology, science and ancient documents to identify the origin of fundamental concepts in Judaism and the relationship between Judaism and other religions.
Book Order + Reader Summary Additional Global Author Subjects Insert Warming Contact Meta Contained Characters Description
37 - how to detect and avoid copy-controlled cds
information for
information for classical music listeners to help them identify copy-controlled cds, including the graphics that appear on the packaging.
Cds Cccds Music Virgin Cccd Copy Early Book Controlled Sony Update Bmg Detect Newoldecom Emi Polifemo_ Playback Handel
information for classical music listeners to help them identify copy-controlled cds, including the graphics that appear on the packaging.
Cds Cccds Music Virgin Cccd Copy Early Book Controlled Sony Update Bmg Detect Newoldecom Emi Polifemo_ Playback Handel
Real world
Real world community for dykes who identify as Butch or Femme. Free galleries, mailing lists, photo personals, and forums.
Butch Femmecom Area Thru Sept Weekend Yay Femmes Femme Lill Gender Register Forum Love Aggressive Words
Real world community for dykes who identify as Butch or Femme. Free galleries, mailing lists, photo personals, and forums.
Butch Femmecom Area Thru Sept Weekend Yay Femmes Femme Lill Gender Register Forum Love Aggressive Words
39 just facts - abortion
large collection
large collection of short 'facts' about scientific, constitutional, political and other aspects of the abortion debate. fully footnoted to identify the sources of the information.
Choices Multiple Abortionbasicsasp Abortionssenateasp Abortionkoopasp Abortionshouseasphowever Abortionasp Abortionblackmunaspabortionpbaasp
large collection of short 'facts' about scientific, constitutional, political and other aspects of the abortion debate. fully footnoted to identify the sources of the information.
Choices Multiple Abortionbasicsasp Abortionssenateasp Abortionkoopasp Abortionshouseasphowever Abortionasp Abortionblackmunaspabortionpbaasp
40 stop bullying now!
a social
a social worker tells how to identify and prevent and intervene in bullying in schools. tells what doesnt work and what does. includes questions to ask bullys and links.
Youth Voice Building Project Bullying School Charisse Interventions Advice Book Maine Nixon Stop Hosting Supporting Contact Peer Teens Cyberbullying Here
a social worker tells how to identify and prevent and intervene in bullying in schools. tells what doesnt work and what does. includes questions to ask bullys and links.
Youth Voice Building Project Bullying School Charisse Interventions Advice Book Maine Nixon Stop Hosting Supporting Contact Peer Teens Cyberbullying Here
41 Skepdic - Fast Cash
Includes information
Includes information about how to identify and avoid fast cash scams.
Skeptics Russian New Spanish Japanese Science Korean Cash$$$ Frauds Dictionary Carroll French Whats Alternative Conspiracies Dutch $$$fast Paranormal
Includes information about how to identify and avoid fast cash scams.
Skeptics Russian New Spanish Japanese Science Korean Cash$$$ Frauds Dictionary Carroll French Whats Alternative Conspiracies Dutch $$$fast Paranormal
42 Fraternal Slip-on-Badges
Slip-on-Badges to
Slip-on-Badges to identify officials and members of organizations.
Request Rejectedy
Slip-on-Badges to identify officials and members of organizations.
Request Rejectedy
43 Sumerian Cylinder Seals
Examples and
Examples and information on cylinder-shaped stones carved with a decorative design when rolled over wet clay would mark or identify clay tablets, envelopes, ceramics and bricks.
Cylinder Seals Crystalinks East Sumer Civilizations Alchemy Alphabetical Page Reading Ellie Sumerian Middle Seal Size
Examples and information on cylinder-shaped stones carved with a decorative design when rolled over wet clay would mark or identify clay tablets, envelopes, ceramics and bricks.
Cylinder Seals Crystalinks East Sumer Civilizations Alchemy Alphabetical Page Reading Ellie Sumerian Middle Seal Size
44 Atypical Feminists
Mailing list
Mailing list for those who identify as feminist but have slightly skewed ethics that relate back to their style of feminism. This list exists to honestly explore 'unusual' or 'politically incorrect' feminism.
Yahoo Help Atypical Feminists Attachments Groups Please Mail Food Style Terms Celebrity Autos Homes Inc Sports Mobile
Mailing list for those who identify as feminist but have slightly skewed ethics that relate back to their style of feminism. This list exists to honestly explore 'unusual' or 'politically incorrect' feminism.
Yahoo Help Atypical Feminists Attachments Groups Please Mail Food Style Terms Celebrity Autos Homes Inc Sports Mobile
45 Geek Code
The official
The official site. If you hadnt got sick of it you can still identify exactly what sort of geek you are and create your own Geek Code Block.
Geek Code Internet Status Idid Robert Hayden Thinkabout Sincerely Howeverseveral Welcome Aol Xfiles
The official site. If you hadnt got sick of it you can still identify exactly what sort of geek you are and create your own Geek Code Block.
Geek Code Internet Status Idid Robert Hayden Thinkabout Sincerely Howeverseveral Welcome Aol Xfiles
46 cross cultural management co., ltd.
teaches people
teaches people to learn to identify and deal with the barriers that face any cross cultural team and build a team with increased assertiveness, accountability, and understanding.
Cultural Management Cross Learn Programs House Intercultural Assessment Public Communication Customers Thailand Publications Successful Team Thai
teaches people to learn to identify and deal with the barriers that face any cross cultural team and build a team with increased assertiveness, accountability, and understanding.
Cultural Management Cross Learn Programs House Intercultural Assessment Public Communication Customers Thailand Publications Successful Team Thai
47 Pack Contributions: Tobacco lobbyists do a smokin business with politicians
Recent reports
Recent reports identify Philip Morris as the single largest contributor to politicians. A report on Colorado politicians whove taken money, and what Big Tobacco has gotten in return.
Best Reviews Denver Article Film Sign Marijuana Concert Calendar Food Longform Music Found Promotions Zombie Lounges Profiles Arts
Recent reports identify Philip Morris as the single largest contributor to politicians. A report on Colorado politicians whove taken money, and what Big Tobacco has gotten in return.
Best Reviews Denver Article Film Sign Marijuana Concert Calendar Food Longform Music Found Promotions Zombie Lounges Profiles Arts
48 Unenrolled Bahai - Yahoo Discussion Group
An online
An online support group for persons who identify with some of the Teachings of Bahaullah while not being enrolled with the Bahai Administration. Members only Yahoo group.
Yahoo Help Unenrolledbahai Groups Please Answers Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Tech Mail Privacy Parenting Real Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Travel Central
An online support group for persons who identify with some of the Teachings of Bahaullah while not being enrolled with the Bahai Administration. Members only Yahoo group.
Yahoo Help Unenrolledbahai Groups Please Answers Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Tech Mail Privacy Parenting Real Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Travel Central
49 Cigarette Ads Stomp Out Anti-Smoking Efforts
Study concludes
Study concludes that cigarette ads lead young people to identify smoking with popularity and relaxation, and these associations are stronger than any perceived risk picked up from anti-smoking ads.
News Money World Smoking Good Video Health Fusion Anti Lifestyle Live Sports Tech Entertainment Study Photos Graduation Policy Ballmer
Study concludes that cigarette ads lead young people to identify smoking with popularity and relaxation, and these associations are stronger than any perceived risk picked up from anti-smoking ads.
News Money World Smoking Good Video Health Fusion Anti Lifestyle Live Sports Tech Entertainment Study Photos Graduation Policy Ballmer
50 Bible Character Clues
Identify the
Identify the Bible characters based on the clues provided. Bible verses to justify the answers are provided.
Youre Found Ever Error Happened Visitor Things Ownerwrong Placesure Feel
Identify the Bible characters based on the clues provided. Bible verses to justify the answers are provided.
Youre Found Ever Error Happened Visitor Things Ownerwrong Placesure Feel
51 Its All in Your Hands
Hand Analysis
Hand Analysis is Palmistry for the new millennium. Find out what your hands reveal. Identify strengths and natural advantages. Learn how to do hand analysis. Tutorial on how to do it and what your hands reveal.
Line Reveals Reveal Palm Lines Mercury Fingers Reading Head Other Mound Psychic Hand Center Lawrence Rodrigues
Hand Analysis is Palmistry for the new millennium. Find out what your hands reveal. Identify strengths and natural advantages. Learn how to do hand analysis. Tutorial on how to do it and what your hands reveal.
Line Reveals Reveal Palm Lines Mercury Fingers Reading Head Other Mound Psychic Hand Center Lawrence Rodrigues
52 Missouri Term Limits Ballot Measure goes to U.S. Supreme Court (
The U.S.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of a Missouri law that requires notices on ballots that identify candidates who do not support term limits.
Serverpermanently The Port Apache
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of a Missouri law that requires notices on ballots that identify candidates who do not support term limits.
Serverpermanently The Port Apache
53 Risk Values -
Risk Values
Risk Values is a tool to help financial services professionals identify account holders and applicants for business who may display personality traits that indicate the potential to use an account relationship for the purposes of funding terrorism, money laundering or fraud. The first Risk Values product is called RV1 and uses a simple questionnaire that financial services businesses can incorporate into their application forms and/or CRM surveys.
Risk Values Financial Cdd Edd Money Customer Assessment Crime Diligence Identifies Description Risk Please Propensity Profiling
Risk Values is a tool to help financial services professionals identify account holders and applicants for business who may display personality traits that indicate the potential to use an account relationship for the purposes of funding terrorism, money laundering or fraud. The first Risk Values product is called RV1 and uses a simple questionnaire that financial services businesses can incorporate into their application forms and/or CRM surveys.
Risk Values Financial Cdd Edd Money Customer Assessment Crime Diligence Identifies Description Risk Please Propensity Profiling
54 Community Noise Strategy Plan
The CALM network will establish a Community Noise Research Strategy Plan based on the work and reports of expert Noise Working Groups appointed by the European Commission and in cooperation with the relevant industry sectors, research institutions and interest organisations. The aim is to clearly identify links and gaps between current noise abatement technology and future EU noise reduction and regulation goals in the fields of air traffic, road and rail transport, marine technologies and outdoor equipment.
Z Ftpquota Y
The CALM network will establish a Community Noise Research Strategy Plan based on the work and reports of expert Noise Working Groups appointed by the European Commission and in cooperation with the relevant industry sectors, research institutions and interest organisations. The aim is to clearly identify links and gaps between current noise abatement technology and future EU noise reduction and regulation goals in the fields of air traffic, road and rail transport, marine technologies and outdoor equipment.
Z Ftpquota Y
1 zombie warning
how to
how to identify, avoid and destroy zombies.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policyarchiveorg Sites Trying Guidelines User Hosting Popular Archives
how to identify, avoid and destroy zombies.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policyarchiveorg Sites Trying Guidelines User Hosting Popular Archives
2 English Through Art
Requires students
Requires students to identify, examine and describe art pieces.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Help Local Gallery App Hosting Advisor Privacy Has Network Screen
Requires students to identify, examine and describe art pieces.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Help Local Gallery App Hosting Advisor Privacy Has Network Screen
3 domenico zipoli
examination of
examination of his life and the musicological detective work needed to properly identify his works after years of confusion with michel corrette.
一覧表示 Musicpv Collection Elyma Abc Silentsiren「alarm〠Link Yuki Maiko Z「moonlightwalker〠Asai Gcue David Dobermaninfinity「jumparound∞〠Miyahara Fujibayashi Miliyah スã‚ÂマスイッãƒÂ「ãƒÂナツ〠ä¸Â島愛 西内ã¾りや
examination of his life and the musicological detective work needed to properly identify his works after years of confusion with michel corrette.
一覧表示 Musicpv Collection Elyma Abc Silentsiren「alarm〠Link Yuki Maiko Z「moonlightwalker〠Asai Gcue David Dobermaninfinity「jumparound∞〠Miyahara Fujibayashi Miliyah スã‚ÂマスイッãƒÂ「ãƒÂナツ〠ä¸Â島愛 西内ã¾りや
4 rainbow connection
musicians that
musicians that identify with perths queer community [wa, australia], accessible to group members only. bulletin boards, polls and photos.
Yahoo Help Perthqueermusos Please Groups Shine Policy Onlineservices Finance Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Flickr Sports Homes Food Yahoos
musicians that identify with perths queer community [wa, australia], accessible to group members only. bulletin boards, polls and photos.
Yahoo Help Perthqueermusos Please Groups Shine Policy Onlineservices Finance Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Flickr Sports Homes Food Yahoos
5 Houstons Tattoo Removal
Discusses one
Discusses one cities attempt to help individuals who have previously obtained permanent markings that identify them as gang members. [Your Familys Health]
Found Found Thesunday Please Z
Discusses one cities attempt to help individuals who have previously obtained permanent markings that identify them as gang members. [Your Familys Health]
Found Found Thesunday Please Z
6 90s lyric quiz
a site
a site where you can test your knowledge of 90s music by trying to identify the song by its lyric.
Disabled Website Requested Been Zsorry
a site where you can test your knowledge of 90s music by trying to identify the song by its lyric.
Disabled Website Requested Been Zsorry
7 Research-It
Look up
Look up the meaning of a word, find out when a famous person lived, or identify a foreign language at this one-stop research center.
Tools Google Internet Translate Itools People Just Dutch German Word Spanish Spokeo Arabic Tool Googles Best Email Legal Money Street Searchengines
Look up the meaning of a word, find out when a famous person lived, or identify a foreign language at this one-stop research center.
Tools Google Internet Translate Itools People Just Dutch German Word Spanish Spokeo Arabic Tool Googles Best Email Legal Money Street Searchengines
8 The Innocent Kiss
Includes photos
Includes photos from a show in Nashville, a now-closed contest to identify fans and members by photos of their mouths, and lyrics.
Page Sites Click Kiss Here Innocent Check Matt Vending Random Plastic Light Machine Little List Band Contest
Includes photos from a show in Nashville, a now-closed contest to identify fans and members by photos of their mouths, and lyrics.
Page Sites Click Kiss Here Innocent Check Matt Vending Random Plastic Light Machine Little List Band Contest
9 Who was Alfredo Saldivar?
Attempt to
Attempt to identify a wealthy Mexico City family of the early 1900s, from stereoscopic negatives of their vacation photos. Includes pictures of a boy and his colegio, and construction of the Revolutionary Monument.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Attempt to identify a wealthy Mexico City family of the early 1900s, from stereoscopic negatives of their vacation photos. Includes pictures of a boy and his colegio, and construction of the Revolutionary Monument.
Navigationshilfe Ty
10 Eternal Principles of Storytelling
Screenwriting seminars
Screenwriting seminars which identify the principles that have given the great stories their potency and how those principles can be used in a writers work.
Screenwriting seminars which identify the principles that have given the great stories their potency and how those principles can be used in a writers work.
11 The Newsletter Resource
Newsletter author
Newsletter author, George R Franklyn, uses his 30+ years of insider knowledge to identify the most useful newsletter resources on the web today.
Newsletter author, George R Franklyn, uses his 30+ years of insider knowledge to identify the most useful newsletter resources on the web today.
12 London Script Consultancy
A range
A range of script services to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of your screenplay. We can prescribe a full development programme to prepare your script for the commercial market place
Script London Consultancy Screenwriting Scripts Course Scriptwriting Even Readers Philosophy Options Only Coverage Sell Printable
A range of script services to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of your screenplay. We can prescribe a full development programme to prepare your script for the commercial market place
Script London Consultancy Screenwriting Scripts Course Scriptwriting Even Readers Philosophy Options Only Coverage Sell Printable
13 Phonics for Free
Program uses
Program uses reading tests to identify weak skills, then provides lessons for skills that need work. Includes over 100 illustrated pages to print for phonics sounds.
Phonics Reading Free Phonemic Learning Sight Basics Target Words Worksheets Tests Awareness Alphabetics Helpful Hints
Program uses reading tests to identify weak skills, then provides lessons for skills that need work. Includes over 100 illustrated pages to print for phonics sounds.
Phonics Reading Free Phonemic Learning Sight Basics Target Words Worksheets Tests Awareness Alphabetics Helpful Hints
14 The Brat Pack Quiz
A quiz
A quiz to identify Which Brat Packer are you?
A quiz to identify Which Brat Packer are you?
15 Wattage: Fight Club - Violence as Yoga
An essay
An essay on Fight Club as a spiritual allegory: a search for identity in a world of consumerism and abstraction. Jack uses violence as yoga to destroy the illusions that identify him.
Jack Tyler Watts Fight Club Jack’s Buddhism Zen Durden Buddhist Buddha Dzintars Dzilna Anonymous Indeed
An essay on Fight Club as a spiritual allegory: a search for identity in a world of consumerism and abstraction. Jack uses violence as yoga to destroy the illusions that identify him.
Jack Tyler Watts Fight Club Jack’s Buddhism Zen Durden Buddhist Buddha Dzintars Dzilna Anonymous Indeed
Identify Dictionary
identify: consider to be equal or the same, "He identified his brother as one of the fugitives"identify / place a: recognize as being, establish the identity of someone or something, "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster"
identify discover key / key_out / distinguish describe / name a: identify as in botany or biology, for example
identify: consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else, "He identified with the refugees"
identify: conceive of as united or associated, "Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus"
name identify: give the name or identifying characteristics of, refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property, "Many senators were named in connection with the scandal", "The almanac identifies the auspicious months" Reviews for Identify. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Identify" (visitors of this topic page). Identify › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Identify Opening Times and Reports. Date: