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1 zxJDBC Database connectivity
Database connectivity in Jython (Python on the Java platform). [Open Source, Python license]
Jython Part Notes Jyni Released Pydev Cpython Java Sikuli Guide Python License Proxymaker Please Websphere
2 Learning Python By Mark
By Mark Lutz, David Ascher. Samples from OReilly book. Has manipulating data structures, files, programs, internet programming, JPython, now Jython, Python implementation for the Java platform.
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3 Programming Python, 2nd Edition By Mark
By Mark Lutz. OReilly book sample. Introduces Internet related topics: Zope (web publishing framework), HTMLgen (makes web pages from objects), Jython (Python for Java), XML processing, server pages, Windows web scripting extensions, restricted execution mode tools.
Python Java Jpython Html Example Zope Internet Grail Windows Htmlgen Figure Scripting Pythons Com Active
4 Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries: A Tutorial for Building Web and Enterprise Applications with Jython By Richard
By Richard Hightower, Addison-Wesley, 2002, 0201616165. Begins with Python basics, many exercises, interactive sessions. Shows programming novices concepts and practical methods. Shows programming experts Pythons abilities and ways to interface with Java APIs. [publisher website]
Press Web Python Programming Professional Source Cunningham Promotions Used Addison Wesley Books Open Tutorial Publishing Katie Enterprise Pearson Errata Hall Ahmadia

5. Sports Websites concerning Jython

6. Society, Arts and Jython Crafts