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Kiosks Experience


1 Advanced Kiosks Self-Service Computer Kiosk Machine Kiosk
Concord, NH
Self-service kiosks and computer kiosk machine manufacturer. We engineer complete touchscreen kiosk systems ready to plug and play!... Kiosks Advanced Kiosk Ubuntu Our Arial Self We Helvetica Service Systems Sans Lucida Computer Machine
1 Cheap Kiosks Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of enclosures, computers, touchscreen kiosks, retail, software, printers, bill accepters and credit card swipes.
Kiosk Kiosks Nova Usa Systems Cheapkioskscom Kioskrentals Standard Custom Offer Clientlist Kiosksoftware Outdoorkiosks Unique Well Suite
2 CheapKiosks Custom-built Public
Custom-built Public Access Kiosks, custom enclosures, internet terminals, payment acceptance devices. Specializing in turnkey Internet Kiosks.
3 Avante Custom POP
Custom POP displays and kiosks.
4 Ipm Group Manufactures and
Manufactures and distributes payphones, kiosks and equipment.
5 Carriage Works Food and
Food and beverage carts and kiosks.
6 Display Studios, Inc. Trade show
Trade show displays, graphics and kiosks.
Studios Display Kansas Contact Leading Designers Services Results Inspired Since Inc Portfolio Builders Success Y
7 Partners By Design Creates modular
Creates modular and portable food kiosks and carts.
Design Food Carts Kiosks Partners Retail Merchandising Units Portables Store Concession Welcome Implementation Equipment Turnkey
8 ISIS Corporation Software developer
Software developer of multimedia applications for ID photobooth kiosks.
9 Intercept Corporation Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of portable kiosks and rotating lightbox displays.
Kiosk Table Sampling Marketing Demo Health Tables Portable Food Stand Recruiting Kwikstand Public Kiosks Stations Total Steel Demonstrations Photo Lifetime
10 mediaVision Interactive Focused digital
Focused digital signage kiosks. United Kingdom.
11 METALfx Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of customized wooden and metal internet access kiosks.
12 Cuesol Personalized kiosks
Personalized kiosks, touch screens, and digital shopping assistants.
13 Can Do Cash Limited Provides POS
Provides POS kiosks, automated banking machines and POS debit terminals.
14 Duke Manufacturing Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of equipment for the food service industry. C-store and kiosks.
Duke Holding Cold Product Units Pans Cooled Well Request Manufacturing Slimline Oven Parts Serving Mechanically Drop Insslide Ins Rapid Cook Europe North
15 M. Kaser & Associates, Inc. Designs and
Designs and produces kiosks, displays, graphics, and store programs.
16 Woodys Hot Dogs Mobile fast
Mobile fast food using carts, kiosks and modular concessions.
17 Magnum Telecom Wholesaler of
Wholesaler of payphones, call meters kiosks and related equipment.
18 Code Blue Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of vandal resistant emergency telephone systems and kiosks.
Blue Product Code Products Videos Guides Support Parts Tech Current Executives Catalog User Models Photos Media Disclaimer Drawings Hires
19 CommStar, Inc. Supplies credit
Supplies credit card readers and hardware, for use in vending machines and kiosks.
20 Sales and
Sales and rental of trade show exhibits, displays, booths and kiosks.
21 Snoshack Shaved Ice Snow cone
Snow cone concessions trailers, vending carts, and kiosks manufacturer.
Shack Order Supplies Shaved Stories Business Sno Water Success Ice Right Flavor Investment Inc Learning Shacksupplies Financial
22 Snowie Shaved Ice Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of ice shaver equipment and kiosks for ice cone flavor concentrated drinks.
23 Take One Productions Film and
Film and video production for multimedia videowalls, plasma screen displays, and kiosks.
Take Productions Design Effects Tradeshow Digital Visual Lancaster Film Video Presentations Production Cinematography Well Whether Center Work Recent Create
24 DEI Design, Inc. Manufactures vending
Manufactures vending carts and kiosks. Includes online shopping and contact form.
Vending Carts Kiosks Help Umbrellas Cargo Utilityself Contained Informacion Legal Account Trailers Notices Cambro
25 Heritage Industries Diverse product
Diverse product line of ATM kiosks, surrounds, backdrops, and sign canopies.
26 Day Design Environments for
Environments for tradeshows and corporate offices. Manufactures kiosks, signage, and Point-Of-Sale architecture.
Daydesign Trade Show Tradeshow Connecticut Exhibits Design Exhibit Displays Call Supplier New Futura Marketing Rental
27 Companion Systems Designs and
Designs and manufactures enclosures for brand delivery in financial services and interactive kiosks.
28 Couvrette Building Systems Design and
Design and engineering firm that manufacturers ATM kiosks, canopies, surrounds, and toppers.
29 Digital View Ltd. Makes LCD
Makes LCD, PDP, and other flat panel controller interfaces, monitors, kiosks, marine systems.
30 Dynamic Resources Provides maintenance
Provides maintenance, installation and project management of store fixtures, interiors and on-site kiosks.
Retail Work Graphic York Dynamic Dublin Fixture Installation Displays Resources New Services Dubai London Portland Drawings Drops Millwork Office
31 Strecker, Chris Graphic artist
Graphic artist specializing in multimedia and 3D design for CD-ROMs, Kiosks, and web sites. Based in Florida.
Graphic Game Design Artist Located Orlando Gaming Maps Rhubarb Florida Studios Games Warfare Cast Portable Education
32 MG Design A full-service
A full-service exhibit company designing and producing trade show exhibits, displays, and kiosks.
Design Exhibit Rental Solutions Account Marketing Services Show Executive Global Custom Express Brand Exhibits Systems Award Winning High Impact Partnership
33 thomas brady and associated artists provides holiday
provides holiday decorations, banners, light shows and kiosks for business, municipalities, and organizations.
Decor Commercial Decorations Christmas Holiday Brady Design Thomas Display Production Featuring Rightsreserved Winter Entities Po Holidaydecor
34 Feature Factory Designs, fabricates
Designs, fabricates, and installs custom kiosks, displays, exhibits, theming, and architectural features.
Walters Group Red Approaching Feature Inc Steel Cityplace Sandwich Ispan Construction Profile Joist Contact Sculpture Locations Arrives
35 The Tablet and Ticket Co. Specializes in
Specializes in building sign directories, changeable letter boards, and kiosks. Photo samples provided.
Cases Display Illuminated Boards Building Kiosks Exterior Directories Custom Non Changeable Signs Letter Lobby Information Architectural
36 Western Communication Systems, Inc. Payphone service
Payphone service provider for payphones, pre-paid calling card machines and internet kiosks.
37 Hurco Design & Manufacturing Designers and
Designers and manufacturers of custom retail store fixtures, displays, cash wraps and kiosks.
38 MVM Sheet Metal (UK) CAD design
CAD design and moduling system producing such items as phone booths, kiosks, enclosures. Marine engineering.
Mvm Sizepx Manufacturing Products Sheet Phone Boxes Design Metal Msfont Cad Cam Laser Services Poole Dorset Cutting
39 WB, Incorporated Design and
Design and construction of high quality custom exhibits for trade shows, museums, retail kiosks, and business conferences
Inc Login Administrator Client Incorporated Wb Manage Museum Business Specific Exhibits Tradeshow Profiles * Clientfont Want Familyarialcolorffcccurrently Experience
40 Tablet & Ticket Co. Specializes in
Specializes in directories, changeable letter boards, and kiosks. Photo samples provided. West Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Illuminated Cases Display Boards Building Exterior Directories Changeable Non Kiosks Custom Letter Information Signs Lobby Message Tablet
41 thomas brady & associated artists provides holiday
provides holiday decorations, banners, light shows and kiosks for business, shopping malls, municipalities and organizations.
Decor Commercial Christmas Decorations Holiday Display Production Thomas Brady Design Projects Edecorsourcecom Mall Summer Pole
42 Ertug Group Turkish wholesale
Turkish wholesale manufacturer/exporter and subcontractor of signage, display, canopy, ATM kiosks. ISO certification at 12.000 sqmeter factory.
English ErtuÄŸ Türkçey
43 The Crisp Hut Offer UK
Offer UK Operators Licence for trailer kiosks which produce hand-made potato crisps, served hot for events, markets and shows.
44 Integrity Installation Group Full service
Full service fixture installations including kiosks, warehousing, and project management. Includes contacts and services.
45 RedyRef Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of telephone enclosures and booths, internet kiosks, acoustical panels, alcoves and rooms, swing-up book and directory tables.
46 ImagiCorps Designs and
Designs and produces custom point-of-purchase displays, exhibits and interactive kiosks, and provides graphic design, consulting and project management services.
47 JFS Design Group Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of custom kiosks, inline stores, re-imageing, POP, mall carts, banners, marketing services, 3-D animation, and architectural drawings.
48 touchvision provides end-to-end
provides end-to-end solutions using touchscreen kiosks, the internet, and digital displays by integrating systems, publishing and distributing broadband media and creating e-commerce enterprises.
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49 Visual Imapct Systems Display and
Display and exhibit products, graphic design from concept to final output for displays, print, web, video, and interactive kiosks.
50 Self Service World News and
News and information covering electronic self service kiosks and devices.
51 Airworks Manufactures tradeshow
Manufactures tradeshow displays, booths, kiosks, and point of purchase displays.
52 Merchandising Frontiers, Inc. Custom manufacturer
Custom manufacturer of carts, kiosks and retail merchandising units.
53 The Phone Man Nationwide distributors
Nationwide distributors of Internet kiosks and public Internet access terminals.
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54 Starlite Design & Display Manufacturer specializing
Manufacturer specializing in display showcases and kiosks.
55 All A Cart Manufacturing. Inc. Custom manufacturing
Custom manufacturing kiosks, trailers, vans and modular merchandising systems.
Food Cart Ice Vending Mobile Water Custom Manufacturing Truck Kitchen Create Profit Trailer Badge Oven Electric Gyro Stainless Trailers Fryer
56 Vertigo Interactive Offers interactive
Offers interactive web sites, cd-roms, business cards on cd-rom, kiosks and custom design.
57 Fastrac Carts, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of custom concession carts, kiosks, trailers, and retail merchandise units.
Engine Services Fastraccartscom Ranking Cart Fastrac Leading Register Report Optimization Enginerankingsregistration Jointhousands Net
58 Thinformation LLC. Full scale
Full scale provider of digital signage and kiosks for advertising and information exchange. Includes installation, software, and content creation. Based in Davenport, IA.
59 Ambassadors International, Inc. Software and
Software and service for managing events. Solutions include event registration, exhibit sales, abstract collection, message centers and kiosks.
60 Exhibit Design Consultants Exhibit systems
Exhibit systems concentrating on portables, pop-ups, custom modular kiosks, and podiums. Michigan.
Design Ftp Do Contact Consultants Exhibit Sustainable Content Challenge Hombre Sorry Aveturner Grandrapids
61 On Call Interactive A Chicago
A Chicago multimedia company specializing in the development of CD-ROMs, interactive games, kiosks and web site design.
62 The Espresso Shack Designer and
Designer and manufacturer of espresso carts, equipment, kiosks and drive through buildings. Products and contact details.
63 Galvanon Inc. Helps healthcare
Helps healthcare organizations develop customer relationship management strategies and deploy technologies such as interactive web sites, kiosks, patient self-service integration and CRM solutions.
Medikiosk Heritage Valley Medical Upmc Westchester Galvanons Galvanon Galvanoncom Through Groups System Center Schwartz Health Centricitysoftware Quote
64 MT Case Company Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of stock and custom road cases, flight cases, equipment racks, and corporate show kiosks.
Cases Custom Mt Case Av List Client Flight Catalog Ata Construction Register Recording Carrying Materials Trade Container Bass
65 Whitco Sign and Manufacturing Company Supplier offering
Supplier offering kiosks, custom, traffic and street signs, outdoor banners, and sign materials.
66 Modular Display Systems Design company
Design company and fabrication facility, specializing in marketing event exhibits, tradeshow booths, props, interactive kiosks, turntables, and stage sets.
67 Lacor Streetscape Design and
Design and manufacture urban, landscape and transit furniture. Products includes shelters, benches, and kiosks. Includes a downloadable brochure.
Wherever Searching Blurbs Intelligent Cash Pregnancy Mango Where African Miracle Any Berry Filed Buy Tagged Choice Monitor Peeing Privided Garden Asus
68 Schades - all over Europe European manufacturer
European manufacturer of receipt paper rolls for cash registers, fax machines, calculators, ATM machines, Kiosks, tickets & tags, and self adhesive labels.
69 AccessVia Software solutions
Software solutions for automated consumer messaging and multichannel display solutions, including sign printing, plus kiosks, Internet, wireless, and e-mail presentation.
70 3-Dimensional, Inc. Design consultancy
Design consultancy specializing in exhibit design, kiosks, industrial design and corporate environments for businesses.
71 Custom Plastics Group, LTD BC, Canada.
BC, Canada. Fabrication of thermoforming and thermoset composites. Manufacture kiosks, housing, enclosures, cabinets, bezels for electronic, computer, medical, dental, recreational and industrial equipment
72 Scala Broadcast Multimedia Multimedia software
Multimedia software used to create, distribute, and playback content for digital signage, television, kiosks, and menu boards. Appropriate for large visual networks.
73 Scala Broadcast Multimedia Multimedia software
Multimedia software used to create, distribute, and playback content for digital signage, television, kiosks, and menu boards. Appropriate for large visual networks.
74 LaBrosse Ltd. Chicago scene
Chicago scene studio featuring customized production solutions for theater, childrens museum exhibits, corporate theater, television, and trade show kiosks.
75 Michaelo Espresso, Inc. Seattle based
Seattle based importer of conventional and super-automatic espresso machines. In-house design and manufacture of espresso carts and kiosks.
76 Vixen Hill Factory direct
Factory direct manufacturer of prefabricated modular western red cedar gazebos, park pavillions, bandstands, shelters, kiosks, porches and custom cedar shutters.
77 Schadebo Showcases Specialists in
Specialists in creating showcases and display cases for counters, suspended and wall cases, kiosks, and jewelry.
Showcases Contact Products Production Portfolio Trade Retail Rental Youtube Shows Blog Instagram Social Museums Currently Goods For Your Gallery Gogh
78 Columbia Equipment Co. Prefabricated aluminum
Prefabricated aluminum transit, advertising and smoking shelters as well as kiosks, canopies, equipment shelters and street furniture.
79 Security Cart System Inc. Development, design
Development, design, and manufacturing of embedded digital video security system kiosks.
80 AV Images Offers creative
Offers creative audio visual communication solutions featuring plasma displays, projection systems, lighting, sound reinforcement, visual streaming, presentations, set design and interactive kiosks.
81 APD - Advanced Packaging & Displays Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of thermoformed clamshells, retail packaging, displays, and kiosks.
Future Soon Coming Something Cool Owner Please Yourehome Checkvisitor Launch Log
82 TGA Recording Company Training and
Training and promotional video, duplication of CDs, DVDs and VHS copies, interactive multimedia production for touchscreen kiosks and CD-ROM applications, digital audio recording. In (Benton Harbor, Michigan) studio or on location.
83 Direct Images Interactive Provides multimedia
Provides multimedia design, digital video production and motion graphics for film and video, CD-ROMs, DVDs, kiosks, interactive presentations, demos and web sites.
Interactive Video Design Marketing Production Images Media Animation New Direct Agency Server Graphics Comprehensivefull
84 Rapid Displays Design engineering
Design engineering solutions for multi-dimensional kiosks, counter-top and free standing floor displays with customized design components such as lighting, motorization, or interchangeable panels.
85 Estemils Design Firm offering
Firm offering print design for logos, advertising, direct mail, and exhibition kiosks, plus digital design for web sites, CD ROM’s, and Internet. Online client list. Stratford. [Requires Flash]
86 Timbercraft Timber Frame Homes Timber frame
Timber frame home design and planning, plus roof systems, trusses, garden shelters and outdoor structures, pergola kits, coffee kiosks and trellises.
87 Certified Folder Display Service, Inc. Professional brochure
Professional brochure distribution and display service. Maintains a network of visitor information display racks and kiosks throughout the United States.
88 Exhibit Company Custom exhibit
Custom exhibit booth design and fabrication. Modular tradeshow exhibits, rentals, store displays, kiosks, and custom displays.
Exhibit Company Library Rentals Trade Custom Show Design Displays Rental Contact | Banner Pop Policy Ups Booth Graphics Modulars—
89 Showcase Depot Free-standing showcases
Free-standing showcases, counter showcases, wall cases, suspended showcases, jewellery showcases, cabinets, vitrines, curio cabinets, and kiosks
Showcases Display Cases Jewelry Kiosks Custom Glass Showcase Counter Retail Carts Tower Wall Museum Best
90 KIOSK marketplace Provides up-to-date
Provides up-to-date news and information from the world of electronic kiosks. Includes daily news, information centers, features, classified advertising, storefronts, message boards and research centers.
Kiosks Kiosk Digital Retail Self Signage Experience Interactive Customer News Software Information Marketplace Payment Touchscreen Sci Fi Check Incheck Outkiosks
91 Vixen Hill Gazebos and Shutters Factory direct
Factory direct manufacturer of prefabricated modular western red cedar gazebos, park pavilions, bandstands, shelters, kiosks, porches and custom cedar shutters.
92 Richter Brothers Studios Chicago-based video
Chicago-based video and multimedia production company. Provides proprietary solutions and processes to corporate customers throughout the United States. Marketing tools created for customers include: CDs, DVDs, HDTV, interactive presentations, commercials, kiosks, trade show presentations, product launches, tutorials, print, 3D, and web video.
Production Video Rsaquo Photography Richter | Studios Professional Corporate Company Content Services Permanently The Ludacris Main Dreamsquot Quotstadium Spans Commercials
93 WireSpring - Linux digital signage and kiosk software solutions FireCast, by
FireCast, by WireSpring Technologies, is a Linux-based platform for deploying and remotely managing networks of interactive kiosks. FireCast OS, the Linux kiosk operating system, uses embedded Mozilla browsers for everything from displaying client content to providing GUI management tools.

2. Shopping and Kiosks Trade

1 HoneyCom Solutions Pty Specializing in
Specializing in touch screens and kiosks, as well as audio visual accessories.
Lcd Touch Touchscreen Interactive | Touchscreens Displays Kiosk Public Plasma Solutions Sydney Screen Enclosures Professional Digital

3. Kiosks Recreation

1 Unicorn Kiosks Sales of
Sales of restored British kiosks and telephones.
Telephone Kiosk Unicorn Red Kiosks London Boxes British Box Order Telecom Furniture Iron Enquiries@unicornkioskscom Heritage Buying Cast Magic
2 Healthnotes Retail Kiosks Deploys kiosks
Deploys kiosks worldwide and provides health and lifestyle content for retail applications.
3 Healthnotes Provides health
Provides health and lifestyle information products for intranets, Web sites, and touch screen kiosks.
Aisle Store Mobile Vitamin Checker Advisor Healthnotes Guides Training Interaction Backed Customer Partners Resources Implementation Company
4 Cowell Architecturals Dealer of
Dealer of antique telephone kiosks, post boxes, garden antiques and pub memorabilia in Preston, Lancashire, UK
5 English Phone Boxes K2 and
K2 and K6 phone kiosks, English antique garden ornaments, restoration of phoneboxes, pillar boxes and ironwork
Phone Boxes English Antique Box Telephone Kiosks Red Pillar Restoration Uk Phoneboxes Ornaments Click Old

4. Computer & Kiosks Games Websites

1 NeoProducts A world
A world leader in kiosks with operations in the UK and Australia. Since 1989 Neo has shipped over 30,000 touchscreen kiosks.
Kiosk Kiosks Touch Services Product Development Screen Entertainment Media Hitnet Retail Industries Studies Neo Design Innovation Hospitality Employment Monitors Manufacturer
2 Affordable Kiosks Bargain deals
Bargain deals on kiosks and related parts.
Affordable Kiosksy
3 Envision Kiosks Canadian vendor
Canadian vendor of Internet kiosks to fit any budget.
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4 Kiosks and Multimedia Corporation Touchscreen kiosks
Touchscreen kiosks, turnkey or barebones.
5 DNA Lounge: Source Code: Diskless Linux Kiosks Howto setup
Howto setup kiosks to boot over a network, NFS mount everything, and run applications locally.
6 Promedia Features kiosks
Features kiosks, software, and web development for business, government and hospitals. Provide Internet enabled cyber-kiosks with interactive touch screens.
Software Applications High Hotel Performance Survey Promedia Remote Booking Monitoring Solutions Apps Developers Development Support Los Leasing
7 Cheap Kiosks Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of enclosures, computers, touchscreen kiosks, retail, software, printers, bill accepters and credit card swipes.
Kiosk Kiosks Usa Nova Cheapkioskscom Systems Kioskhardware Well Kioskrentals Offer Customkiosks Arizona Unique Clientlist Outdoorkiosks East
8 Healthnotes Retail Kiosks Deploys kiosks
Deploys kiosks worldwide and provides health and lifestyle content for retail applications.
Aisle Store Checker Advisor Mobile Vitamin Healthnotes Interactions Resources Best Implementation Mission Science Interaction Partners Events
9 FMA Kiosks Frank Mayer
Frank Mayer & Associates, Inc., has been producing kiosks and interactive displays for over 20 years. One-stop source for interactive displays and custom kiosk enclosures.
Kiosk Interactive Kiosks Solutions Retail Team Store Station Whitepapers Production Reader Join Cost Frank Engineering Design Creative
10 CheapKiosks Custom-built Public
Custom-built Public Access Kiosks, custom enclosures, internet terminals, payment acceptance devices. Specializing in turnkey Internet Kiosks.
Kiosk Kiosks Nova Usa Systems Cheapkioskscom Customkiosks Well Kiosksoftware Arizona Offer Inc Standard Custom Unique Outdoorkiosks Cheapkiosks
11 Multilingual Information kiosks Indian company
Indian company manufacturing touch screen based multilingual interactive information kiosks.
Apache Server Permanently The Portz
12 IBM Kiosk Technology Services Provider of
Provider of interactive multimedia touchscreen kiosks and interactive display systems. Kiosk consulting services, standard and custom cabinet enclosure, and remote monitoring services for deployed kiosks.
13 Kioscosnet Implements solutions
Implements solutions for Internet kiosks.
Web Netshift Hoteles Para Mexico Torreon De En Kioscos Design Diseño Gobierno Soluciones Internet Inteligentes
14 Klearflex Manufactures transparent
Manufactures transparent kiosks for marketing purposes.
15 OpenTech Alliance, Inc. US manufacturer
US manufacturer of kiosks for the self-storage industry.
Insomniac Storage Kiosk Self Opentech Alliance Facility Mini Partners Success Public Webinars Facilities Kiosks Live Newsletters Ilock
16 ComputerGrafix Offers interactive
Offers interactive CDs, kiosks, presentations and web design.
Document Untitledy
17 Spin Group Image, sound
Image, sound and interactive solutions for the web and kiosks.
Group Spin Website Web Inc Milwaukee Design News Frogneck Development Articles Resources Maritime Services Acquires Based
18 Web Doodle Creators of
Creators of web sites, CD-ROM presentations, kiosks and tradeshow packages.
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19 Closeout Kiosks Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of supplies, software, and components.
Kiosk Kiosks Closeout Components Manufacturer Software Solutions Closeoutkiosks Self Internet Public Payphones Products Screen Touch
20 Operand Creating and
Creating and producing digital experiences e.g. websites, kiosks and exhibits.
Team Process Services Operand Contact Portfolio Philosophyinteractivity Legalblog Career | Explore
21 Media Tres CD authoring
CD authoring, kiosks, and web design. Based in Catania, Italy.
Siti Per Di Kiosk Web Software Soluzioni Progettazione Partners Università Cd Con Multimediali Telematici Realizzati Monitor
22 New World Media, Inc. Services offered
Services offered include: design, kiosks, education, and cd-rom.
23 PieLINK Internet Kiosks Offering targeted
Offering targeted online advertising for business.
24 Data Asia Technology Ltd. Hong Kong
Hong Kong distributor of touchscreen systems and kiosks.
Touch Screen Monitor Asia Data Technology Touchscreen Version Vartechsystem Elo Products Netshift Touchmonitor Kiosk Internet Explorer Embedded Kong Kioskmonitor Dataasia
25 I.D.E.A., Inc. Provider of
Provider of solutions including multimedia design and development for the Internet, CD-ROMs and kiosks.
26 Belview Technologies Manufactures kiosks
Manufactures kiosks, panel and booksize PCs, as well as touch screen monitors.
27 SeePoint, Inc. Designs and
Designs and manufactures panel PCs, internet kiosks, and touch screen terminals.
Services Support Product Management Solutions Seepoint | Kiosk Design Touch Manufacturing Signage Software Kiosks Products Multi Quatred Deploying Programs
28 SDS EASY Kiosk project Public access
Public access kiosks software and networks development.
29 Absolute Thinking CD authoring
CD authoring, kiosks, and web design. Based in Rye, New Hampshire, United States.
Design Web Absolute Thinking Launches Website Learning Services Rye Hampshire Wordpress Boston Dental New Studio Based Security Multimedia Database Part
30 Maritime New Media Produces interactive
Produces interactive multimedia CDs, web projects, kiosks, presentations and photographic VR.
New Programming Vr Multimedia Maritime Photographic Media Mysql Backend Orleans Director Raybroussard@coxnet Ray Php Quicktime Demolition
31 eAnytime Kiosks Custom kiosk
Custom kiosk, software and business system developer from Ohio.
Kiosks Contact Signature Custom Cleaning Ticketing Pickupâ„¢ Professional Made Servicedropoffâ„¢ Welcome Pickupâ„¢manufacturingshop Servicedry Accountdirectory Suppliesprescriptiondropoffâ„¢ Kiosksself Shoe
32 Alpha Dog Inc. Media marketing
Media marketing company specializing in websites, CD-ROMs, kiosks, and animation.
| Designer Harris Branding David Design Illustration Ohio Delaware Years Interactive Illustrator Contact Web Columbus
33 Pixio Oregon based
Oregon based supplier of interactive point-of-decision retail kiosks.
34 Productive Computer Systems Developers of
Developers of interactive presentations, training materials and kiosks.
Systems Oleg Business Google Computer Productive Information Contact Design Blog Solutions Pcs Custom Technology Specifiable Call Look Budget
35 Modstar Productions Inc. Web site
Web site design, Flash, CD-ROMs, interactive kiosks and e-commerce.
Design Development Management Web Modstar Analysis Media Content Interactive Auditing Animation Business Brand Planning Editing Ford Cost Effective Message Millionaire
36 Wescan Systems Limited Canadian manufacturer
Canadian manufacturer of multimedia, self service, touch screen kiosks.
Kiosk Systems Wescan Surveillance Self Touch Touchscreen Cutting Contact Limited Kiosks Technologies Metal Linatrol Rental Canadian News Customer
37 Source Technologies Solutions campany
Solutions campany based in Charlotte, NC, with wide experience especially in retail kiosks.
Micr Printing Learn Check Toner Secure Contact Printer Printers Support Source Software Technologies Industries Solutions Small For Checkprinting Compliance Program
38 Healthnotes Provides health
Provides health and lifestyle information products for intranets, Web sites, and touch screen kiosks.
Aisle Store Checker Advisor Vitamin Mobile Healthnotes Training Best Backed Status System Team Practices Interactions News Pharmacy
39 Brinckmann & Associates Develops turn-key
Develops turn-key applications for video conferencing kiosks, multimedia and web sites.
Island Belvedere Plantation Html Contact Reserved Simple Complicated They Insistconfucius Isn’t Rights Really Making Everything
40 SurferQuest Provider of
Provider of self contained High-End Dell Kiosks PCs, specially developed for the hospitality industry.
Software Kiosk Internet Business Public Center Revenue Information Support Centers Surferquesttm Hotel Product Sharing Partnering Resys Flighttimetv Hospitals Stations Motels Related
41 Meridian Kiosks Offers custom
Offers custom kiosk manufacturing and design with 24 hour monitoring and service.
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42 Abuzz Interactive kiosks
Interactive kiosks, touchscreen software, CD-ROMs, 3D animation, web sites, film and video.
Directories Learn Abuzz Solutions Wayfinder Support Hardware Services Cloud Mapp™ Concierge Directory Contact Wifi Business Whatever Design Experience
43 Abuzz Interactive kiosks
Interactive kiosks, touchscreen software, CD-ROMs, 3D animation, web sites, film and video.
44 Companion Systems Designs and
Designs and manufactures enclosures for brand delivery in financial services and interactive kiosks.
Atm Systems Companion Bank Branding Signage Precision Fully Surrounds Enclosures Brand Environments Sales Canopies Metal Manager Advertising
45 Kiosks at WDC New Jersey
New Jersey based kiosk and ATM sales, installation, repair, maintenance and remote management company.
Navigationshilfet Y
46 Kiosks at WDC Details of
Details of ATM sales, installation, repair, remote management, marketing plan development and implementation.
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47 Digital View Ltd. Makes LCD
Makes LCD, PDP, and other flat panel controller interfaces, monitors, kiosks, marine systems.
Digital Media Display Controllers Blog Solutions Contact Lcd Signage Solution System Generator Controller Builder View Experts
48 Pie Media Offers targeted
Offers targeted online advertising in internet kiosks located in Australia and United Kingdom.
49 American Kiosks by CompAmerica Embedded Kiosk
Embedded Kiosk PCs with Pentium 4 and Celeron CPUs that run Windows, Linux and IRmx.
Computer Kiosk Pc Auto Built Low Embedded Personal Pcs Useful Specialty Consumptionpowerful Jets
50 Binary Vision, Ltd. Produces interactive
Produces interactive programs for the web, CD-ROM, Intranets, and kiosks. Based in Clerkenwell, United Kingdom.
Vision Binary Clients Digital Contact Blog Accessibility Think People Say Health Feature Environmental Equal Mura Corporate Media Because
51 Lumenphon Creators of
Creators of Internet content, video and audio productions for advertising, presentations, kiosks and entertainment.
Lumenphoncom Clickgo Here Z
52 High Ground Digital, LLC Specializing in
Specializing in interactive multimedia, corporate presentations, kiosks, and web site production.
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53 Maritime New Media Interactive multimedia
Interactive multimedia production for Web, CD-ROM and kiosks. Experts at Flash, Director, QTVR, Quicktime, PHP and mySQL.
Vr Programming Multimedia New Photographic Maritime Media Backend Quicktime Orleans Php Mysql Ray Raybroussard@coxnet Director Quarter Shockwave
54 Madison Productions Inc. A muti-media
A muti-media firm which produces video, interactive kiosks, e-cards, web training, and web sites.
Contact Inc Madisonproductions
55 Protech U.S. Manufacturer
U.S. Manufacturer of industrial grade (NEMA 4)compact and durable outdoor kiosks, suitable for any software application.
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56 Kios Solutions Indian suppliers
Indian suppliers of touch screen based interactive kiosks for a wide range of applications.
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57 First Impression 2000 A Danish
A Danish manufacturer of info kiosks in stainless steel, for public internet access and for exhibitions.
First Impressiony
58 Excel Trading Australian suppliers
Australian suppliers of high quality, custom made, coin operated Internet Kiosks.
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59 Terminal Systems German seller
German seller of kiosks, terminals and components like coin acceptors for POS marketing and Internet Cafes.
Terminal Читать подробнее доступной Shop одежды Instagram Пункты Abc Терминал Вконтакте Shopcom Office@terminal Каталог Акции
60 An online
An online store for complete kiosks and kiosk components, division of Pierpoint-Martin of Hungtington Beach CA.
61 OnDemand Interactive Inc. Offer CD
Offer CD authoring, kiosks, web design, Flash. Located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois United States.
Skills Interactive Clients Case Industries Html Desktop Group Css Studies Contact Tablet Us We Ondemand Chicago Consulting Marketing Inc Message*
62 NetShift Supplier of
Supplier of solutions including hardware and software for internet kiosks, ATMs, Multimedia Payphones and self-service terminals.
Netshift Products Kiosk Solutions Software Applications Enterprise Services Client Contact Pangbournesales@netshiftcomhorseshoe
63 End Point Communications Providing convenient
Providing convenient high-speed internet access to the public through Cafe Net Kiosks. San Diego, USA based.
Navigationshilfe Ty
64 Alpha Dog, Inc. Interactive projects
Interactive projects including websites, CD-ROMs, kiosks, audio creation, video capture, digitizing and animations.
| Designer Branding Harris David Years Interactive Delaware Web Design Columbus Ohio Contact Illustrator Illustration Adobe Accomplished
65 Beehive Media Provides site
Provides site creation, Intranets, Extranets, CD-ROMs, kiosks, and software applications. Offers project samples.
Check Data Visualization Knowledge Information See Interactive Fundamentals Design Beehive Model Action Business Organizations Driven Actually Johnson Bank Working
66 Interactive Network Group CD/DVD authoring
CD/DVD authoring, kiosks, web design, animation and video. Based in Pacifica, California, United States.
Interactive Video Cd Rom Dvd Programming Design Streaming Kiosk San Media Duplication Francisco Valley Network Encoding
67 Accurate Imaging Technology consulting
Technology consulting, to CD-ROMs, DVDs, kiosks, custom online applications, and traditional print materials.
Marketing Development Aimg Website Design Services Content Web Optimization Engine Solutions Planning Blog Success Consultation Non Profit Migration
68 Mountain IT CD authoring
CD authoring, presentations, kiosks, business cards, and training applications. Based in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, United States.
69 BKR Studo Inc. CD/DVD authoring
CD/DVD authoring, kiosks, web design, video production, and digital photography. Based in South Bend, Indiana, United States.
Web Design Engine Development Contact Portfolio Studio Testimonials Redesign Optimization Bkr Studies Case Bend Faqs
70 Inhance Digital Corporation CD/DVD authoring
CD/DVD authoring, kiosks, web design, 2D/3D animation, and video services. Based in San Jose, California, United States.
Inhance News Interactive Awards Digital Wins Marketing Event Award Contact Serious Play Experience Careers Founders Multi Screen Training Animation Revolutionize Products Case
71 blueunderground Multimedia CD-ROMs
Multimedia CD-ROMs, DVDs and interactive kiosks using Macromedia Flash, avi, Quick Time Movies, mpeg-1 and -2, and Real Media.
Design Logo Website Arlington Graphic Virginia Branding Development Portfolio Wordpress Brand + Contact Services Drupal Street Testimonials
72 BKR Studo Inc. CD/DVD authoring
CD/DVD authoring, kiosks, web design, video production, and digital photography. Based in South Bend, Indiana, United States.
Web Design Engine Development Contact Portfolio Studio Testimonials Optimization Redesign Studies Case Bkr Marketing Hosting
73 Superior View Immersive Solutions 360 degree
360 degree virtual tours using IPIX-based multimedia technology for San Diego Web sites, kiosks, CD & DVDs.
Web Solutions Contact Map Websites Promotion Domain Custom Design Rosart Careers News Names Legal Httpfacebookcomephost Costs* Surveyed Webmaster
74 Asteres Inc. Manufactures automated
Manufactures automated inventory management kiosks for the purchasing and delivery of consumer products, healthcare medications and supplies, and finished prescriptions.
Creating Scriptcenter Sorrento Main+ Boulevardsan Maintenance Tailored You Mail Asterescom Support+ Contactbusy Fax Diego
75 PublicDataWeb British suppliers
British suppliers of a total package for touch screen Public Access Kiosks. We include the hardware, the software and the business plan.
Public Dataweb Kiosks Outdoor Interactive Kiosk City Web Specialists Hardware Contact Company Expertise Blog Projects Content
76 Alphalogic Systems E-business, e-commerce
E-business, e-commerce, interactive multimedia, CD-ROM development, kiosks, graphic design, catalogs, shopping carts and web site marketing.
Help Under Click Construction Help * Contentin Inetmgr Dynamic Access Runmanager Open Information Disabling
77 Nameless UK Services include
Services include design, development, marketing, database applications, digital presentations, CDROM, and kiosks. Bristol, United Kingdom.
Ukcom St_nameless ドãÆ’©ã‚¤ãƒãÆ’¼æ±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡äººz ブãÆ’­ã‚°
78 Phil-O-Net Ltd. Provides web
Provides web and e-commerce development services, multimedia applications, including Info-kiosks. Hosting, consulting and training. Portfolio and contact details.
Phil Net Contact Cyprus Services Profile Showcase Home Free Group Andreou Here Copyrightltd
79 Phil-O-Net Ltd. Provides web
Provides web and e-commerce development services, multimedia applications, including Info-kiosks. Hosting, consulting and training. Portfolio and contact details.
Phil Net Contact Cyprus Showcase Services Profile Group Here Andreou Freeunsure Info@phil Consultation
80 Beehive Media Provides site
Provides site creation, Intranets, Extranets, CD-ROMs, kiosks, and software applications. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Check Data Visualization Information Knowledge Interactive See Fundamentals Design Business Model Beehive Action Lyndacom Driven Organizations Need Visualisation It United
81 EACOMM Corporation Services include
Services include web development utilizing PHP, CGI and Flash and offers advanced products such as multimedia applications, kiosks, games and school annuals.
Development Eacomm Multimedia Cloud Corporation Software Technology Services Application Web Systems Mobile Business Based Process Custom Built Voice Internet Philippines Customized
82 Open Domain Offers off-the-shelf
Offers off-the-shelf products, complete customized solutions and professional services for secure web applications, smart cards and interactive kiosks.
83 Concept Offers design
Offers design, hosting, multimedia, internet, internet, and interactive kiosks.
84 QCL UK provider
UK provider of a wide range of touchscreen PCs and kiosks to a wide variety of markets.
85 Engine Digital Inc. Services include
Services include multimedia interaction design, web development, digital presentations and kiosks.
Digital Case Engine York Agency Vancouver Study New Permanently The Policy Cross Server Social Use Brand Terms
86 Moneda Multimedia Custom web
Custom web applications, CBTs, kiosks, training systems Flash, Director, Toolbook, HTML, audio, video production and interactive music CDs.
Moneda Multimedia Here Enter Computer Wordpress Cbts Kiosks Download [ Monedacomrequest ] Email
87 OmniMedia Group 10 years
10 years of interactive multimedia expertise. 3-d animation, kiosks, DVD, cd-rom, presentations, web design, development, hosting, and e-commerce. From Fortune 500 to arts orgs. Ann Arbor, MI.
Center Virtual Arboretum Game Tour Exhibit Volkswagen Omnimedia Omni Automesse Louis Group Frankfurt Dana Mountain Mott Science Spray Mcauliffe
88 Content Arts , Inc. Creating photographic
Creating photographic virtual reality experiences for multi-media, Web, cdrom and kiosks. Using quicktime VR, we deliver high impact visual information
Slot Machines Baccarat Giocare Consigli Casino Casinò Strategie CasinÃ’ Giochi Machine Quando Progressive Scegliete Spesso Seavevate Line
89 j2 Kiosks Provides custom
Provides custom kiosk and cybercafe solutions for user conferences, trade shows, retail or custom applications.
Navigationshilfe Ty
90 KWCC from KAL KWCC is
KWCC is a secure and robust web browser for self-service kiosks from simple internet surfing to transactional terminals.
Atm Software Kalignite Products Kal Management Application | Request Platform Applications Platforms Servers Kalvideo Kalcom ç®Ã¢â€šÂ¬ä½Ã¢â‚¬Å“中æ–‡
91 Touch Controls, Inc. Manufactures ruggedized
Manufactures ruggedized touch screens and other products such as kiosks for demanding industrial and public access.
92 Touch Controls, Inc. Manufactures ruggedized
Manufactures ruggedized touch screens and other products such as kiosks for demanding industrial and public access.
93 Evergreen Systems International Industrial-Military quality
Industrial-Military quality trackballs and keyboards with trackballs for use in Kiosks and all types of environments and applications.
Evergreen Nema Made Industrial Trackballscom Products Ball Quadrature Track Compliance Precision Systems Trackball Replacement International Kiosks
94 SiteKiosk Versatile secure
Versatile secure internet browser for cyber cafes, internet terminals, kiosks or touch screen devices.
Kiosk Software Public Browser Digital Signage Secure Internet Information Terminal Touch Self Retail Screen Application Siteremote
95 Almighty Media CD authoring
CD authoring, kiosks, web design, programming, hosting and graphic design. Based in Ontario, United Sates.
Listing Directory Errordirectory Deniedvirtualdeniedthis
96 Visual Automation Developer of
Developer of applications to secure Windows desktops used for industrial automation, retail Point Of Sales terminals and kiosks.
Desktop Secure Windows Coldkey Xp Server Explorer Inc Internet Automation Application Security Visual Aware Store Features
97 MidNite Media CD authoring
CD authoring, kiosks, web design, illustration, 3D animation, and print design. Based in Canton, Georgia, United States.
Grasse Training Multimedia Interactive Illustration Computer Based Video Animation Editing Portfolio Digital Production William Technical Illustrator Lectora Canton
98 Creative Data Systems Touch screens
Touch screens, interactive solution, complete information about interactive kiosks and digital signage in the Middle East.
Line Object Error Version Source Please Object_ Stack Boolean Exception Reference Framework Mecomwwwrootviewssharedwebsitemaster Y
99 MontegoNet Provider of
Provider of interactive touch screen kiosks - self-service terminals that are capable of delivering valuable information and services in a public setting by leveraging the dynamic content of the Internet.
Servicenetworkscom Marketing Gift Loyalty Shopper Self Info@self Giftwise Cards Solutions Privacy Policy News Shopfusion Y
100 The Kiosk Factory Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of custom designed interactive touch-screen kiosks and terminals for sports venues, entertainment facilities, educational, tourism, and museums. Based in Canada.
Kiosk Design Factory Industrial Kiosks Designers Construction Prototyping America Exterior Builders Technology North Use Commercial Featured
101 Total Control Solutions Computer hardware
Computer hardware supplier featuring custom design kiosks, PC chassis, rackmounts, and industrial control and display technologies.
Rackmount Embedded Pc Industrial Learn Panel Solutions Medical Computing Control Pcs Total Browse Build Software Contact Warranty Eto
102 M Fusion Multimedia Services include
Services include CD development, corporate presentations, kiosks, electronic catalogues, and web design solutions. Located in Inglewood, Western Australia, Australia.
Wordpress Dont Password Youmay Title Hint Readme Check Privacy Information Needed Please Mail Double Allowusername Usernames
103 Aim23 UK based
UK based company offers website designing, programming, Internet kiosks, Internet promotion, hosting, e-payment solutions, content management and consultancy.
Error Requesty
104 2Can Design Website design
Website design, graphic design, touch screen kiosks, domain hosting and registration, promotional and instructional CDs, and Flash.
Design Web Services Hosting Affordable Graphic Portfolio Estate Registration Management Solutions Multimedia Mississippi Real Domain River
105 Touch Screens Inc. Makers of
Makers of touch membranes for attaching to monitors and touch kiosks.
Touch Screens Screen Readers Contact Support Systems Sale Credit Printers Brackets Card Displays Power Computers Paper Ribbons Labels Check
106 Industrial Computers, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of thin client terminals, flat panel monitors, computers, and kiosks. Also provide custom solutions, enclosures, touch screens, and integration services.
Industrial Computers Rackmount Computer Pc Mount Rack Pcs Panel Monitors Contact Inc Rugged Embedded Information Long Life Disclaimer
107 Vesper Software, LLC Developed custom
Developed custom reporting software for the grocery store industry. Our products include an electronic journal for the NCR 2127 and interactive, multi-media touch screen kiosks.
Software Vesper Ncr Gap Value Cash Exit User Llc Contact Voucher Technology Cvv Services * Usgap Public
108 Antifact Multimedia Production Professional Multimedia
Professional Multimedia Production in Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington. CD-ROMs, Kiosks and Wesites.
Antifact Portland Multimedia Oregon Professional Production Programing Mac Rights Info@antifactcom Database Kiosk Francisco Consulting San Production *
109 Patron Works Retail point
Retail point of sale products for loyalty marketing, gift cards, stored value, point of sale systems, and kiosks.
Features Software Restaurant Sale System Gift Card Point Patronworks Patronpal Pos Office Gallery Benefits Register Gnugpl Creates Operational Control
110 Storefronts Photo Kiosk Provides a
Provides a full-featured solution for digital and print to print photo kiosks.
Photokiosk Kiosk Inc Station Products Event Awards Services Neo Photo Order Company Careers Bundled Legal Instant Suite Photokiosks
111 XcelleNet Provides management
Provides management software and services for smart mobile devices such as laptops, handhelds, smart phones and interactive pagers, as well as remote systems such as kiosks and point-of-sale devices.
Sybase Mobile Services Management Enterprise Office Analytics Information Data Contact Platform Ianywhere Email Solution Solutions Financial Education
112 Industrial Computers, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of kiosks, touchs screens, rack mount computer, industrial computer, and industrial thin client terminal.
Industrial Computers Rackmount Computer Pc Mount Rack Pcs Panel Kvm Inc Information Contact Embedded Monitors
113 Magicgate Software Provide CD
Provide CD authoring, kiosk development, CD duplication/replication, custom software development, web design, and hosting. Also run two podcasts, one on Director, the other on kiosks. Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States.
Magicgate Software Multimedia Subscribe Development Web Because Awesome Whole Contact Industrydont Copyright Submit
114 LeapFrog Interactive media
Interactive media using multimedia development for, websites, CD-ROMs, kiosks, digital advertising, traffic building and media marketing tools, rich or streaming media, and application development.
Agency Marketing Case Study Digital Integrated + Advertising Social Strategy Media Agencies Services Firm Interactive Design Planning Why
115 KIS Kiosk Information Systems Provides turnkey
Provides turnkey Internet kiosks and custom solutions including hardware, enclosures, software and consulting. ISO9001 and UL-listed certified. Core competencies include Internet, Wi-Fi Hotspots, and human resources solutions.
Kiosk Kiosks Services Contact Outdoor Vending Lockers Information Downloads Edge Custom Support Ticketing Quote Gaming Market Field American
116 WTI Inc. Kiosk Reboot Products Design and
Design and manufacture of remote power reboot units for 115/230VAC power management of remote servers or kiosks.
Power Reboot Switch Console Switches Learn Basic Pdu Outlet Metered Cables Dc Adapters Switched + Remote Servers Cam Managers
117 GTKeyboard GTKeyboard is
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
118 GTKeyboard GTKeyboard is
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
Navigationshilfe Ty
119 Industrial Audio Software Provides audio
Provides audio software for radio broadcasting, radio and emergency call archiving, live event CD production, podcasting, entertainment kiosks, voice disguising and encrypting, and other applications.
Podcasting Software Audio Podcast Epodcast Industrial Podcasters Recording Join Tools Producer List Education Tutorials Demo Directories Creation
120 Acnodes Corp-Panel PC, Kiosks, touch screen Industrial control
Industrial control panel computer, including panel pc, Kiosk Panel PC, Panel mount pc, wall mount panel pc
Rackmount Drawer * Items Room Javascript Account News Products Panel Monitors * Cart Whoops Monitor Switchkeyboard Support
121 Creative Solutions Interactive Offers CD/DVD
Offers CD/DVD authoring, design of kiosks, presentations, web sites, and computer based training, and provides programming, graphic design, audio/video production, hosting, duplication, instructional design, storyboarding and scripting services. Located in Westminster, California, United States.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Restricted Client Please Host This Protection Z
122 Cityspace Urban Digital Networks Cityspace develop
Cityspace develop & operate urban digital networks (street kiosks) providing free news, Council information, email, transport & tourist info in 25 UK cities.
Kizoom Brand Update Here Under Address Bookmarkswant Proceed Map Together Cityspace Wwwkizoomcom Changemoreread
123 Duthie Associates, Inc. Services include
Services include corporate training and development, marketing, website design/positioning, consulting, training, economic development, information kiosks, electronic catalogs and brochures, tracking and testing, trade show displays, software training and seminars in Macromedia products and cd-memories electronic photo archiving.
Loop Cruising Great River Rv Jul Cruise Sep Stories Touring Jun Oct Aug Feb Mar Here Rvers Cruiseguides Marais
124 Richter Brothers Studios Chicago-based video
Chicago-based video and multimedia production company. Provides proprietary solutions and processes to corporate customers throughout the United States. Marketing tools created for customers include: CDs, DVDs, HDTV, interactive presentations, commercials, kiosks, trade show presentations, product launches, tutorials, print, 3D, and web video.
Video Production Rsaquo Photography Richter | Studios Company Professional Services Content Corporate Jeremy Encouraged New
125 Kiosk Information Systems Kiosk Information
Kiosk Information Systems provides turnkey internet kiosks and custom solutions including hardware, enclosures, software and consulting. With over 100 years of combined experience we are ISO9001 and UL-listed certified. Internet, Wi-Fi Hotspots, Human resource and HR solutions are core competencies.
Kiosk Kiosks Internet Photos Self Digital Design Custom Gaming Information Manufacturer Wedge Stealth Desktop Download
126 WireSpring - Linux digital signage and kiosk software solutions FireCast, by
FireCast, by WireSpring Technologies, is a Linux-based platform for deploying and remotely managing networks of interactive kiosks. FireCast OS, the Linux kiosk operating system, uses embedded Mozilla browsers for everything from displaying client content to providing GUI management tools.
Digital Signage Learn Firecast Device Management Software Blog Continue Solutions Video Enterprise Internet Content Things Call Action Large

5. Sports Websites concerning Kiosks

6. Society, Arts and Kiosks Crafts

1 Muze Longtime publisher
Longtime publisher (over 50 years) of directories of recorded music for retail stores, their data is now available for purchase to place on other websites and in-store kiosks.
Rovi Services Guide Guides Entertainment Advertising Management Application How See Optimization Discovery Bull Technology Audience Digital Innovative
2 All Music Guide Comprehensive guide
Comprehensive guide to recordings in every genre. Cross-indexed source of reviews, essays, and ratings, all available online, on in-store kiosks, and in print form. Uses submissions from readers.
Poprock Rating Allmusic Releases New User Premiere Articles Electronic Featured Choice Reviews Album John Classical Sunn Editors First Ross Manhattan

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