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1 Second Annual Pharmaceutical Industry Regulatory and Compliance Summit Intended for
Intended for pharmaceutical executives, compliance and privacy officers, providers, attorneys, and lawmakers, this focuses on legal, regulatory, and compliance issues in pharma. Issues include privacy, HIPAA, and DHHS/OIG moves to develop model guidelines for pharma. June 10-12, 2001.
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1 Congress Takes On Spam The e-attention
The e-attention of Washington lawmakers is turning to the scourge of unsolicited email. Will this result in useful legislation, or just a lot of posturing? [ISP-Planet]
2 Lawmakers want to legalize service Several U.S.
Several U.S. congressmen have introduced new legislation that would legalize the services for which faces potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in copyright damages. []
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3 Congress, critics wrinkle noses at spam bills Spam may
Spam may be an unwanted staple in your in-box, but dont expect lawmakers to serve up new regulations anytime soon.
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4 WebReference Update: Scholars Discuss Open Code Benefits Fans of
Fans of free software and music found some allies this weekend who said if lawmakers dont understand technology they shouldnt try and regulate it.
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5 Microsoft-backed bill would dilute spam law, state says The state
The state Attorney Generals Office has convinced lawmakers that a proposal being pushed by Microsoft Corp. would weaken Washingtons landmark law against unwanted and misleading e-mail.
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5. Sports Websites concerning Lawmakers

6. Society, Arts and Lawmakers Crafts

1 JS Online: Lawmakers hear stories of Ritalin overuse Lawmakers on
Lawmakers on the House Education and Workforce Committee hear complaints and comments about the use and abuse of Ritalin.
2 lawmakers standing on same side of aisle, at least for now partisanship in
partisanship in congress likely to resurface soon, members note.
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3 lawmakers see need to loosen rules on c.i.a. americas spy
americas spy agencies should be allowed to combat terrorism with more aggressive tactics.
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4 journal sentinel - 'state lawmakers vow to fight for death with dignity bill' information about
information about proposed measures to legalize physician assisted dying in wisconsin.
5 spending bill on terrorism brings split within g.o.p. republican lawmakers
republican lawmakers criticized the white house for refusing to spend as much money on the military and domestic defense as congress wants.
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6 i want my mp3 an open
an open letter to lawmakers stating that musicians and singers must conform to technological changes and find new ways to make money off their talents. asserts that propping up the old market paradigm will not work.
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7 lawmakers fail on oversight legislation - report comprehensive investigation
comprehensive investigation on the lack of regulation over assisted living facilities in new york state, from staff reporter lauren terrazzano.
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8 the nation - sinclairs continued charade despite the
despite the outcry from consumers, lawmakers, advertisers, press experts and media watchdog groups, sbg still airs a political attack show as 'news' a week before the november 2004 election.
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9 lawmakers approve $40 billion in emergency aid congress unanimously
congress unanimously approved a $40 billion emergency aid package for relief and counter-terrorism measures.
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10 top lawmakers urge bush to expand afghan force beyond kabul senior senators
senior senators from both parties urged the bush administration to support an expansion of isaf. new york times, us (free registration required).
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11 janes defence weekly: us to put $40 billion downpayment on fighting terrorism 'the administration
'the administration of president george bush requested $20 billion, but lawmakers proposed doubling that amount to pay for disaster relief and readying the military for possible action.'
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12 Pro-tobacco group sponsors retreat for lawmakers Dozens of
Dozens of congressmen and congressional aides spent the weekend at a lavish resort in a getaway sponsored by the tobacco industrys lobbying group.
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13 congress, united, attends to financial concerns after attacks congress goes
congress goes back to work allotting funds for emergency efforts. many lawmakers call the attacks an act of war, and urge a swift response.
14 Big Tobacco Crashes the Party by Funding Fetes Seattle Times
Seattle Times article on tobacco money at the 2000 DNC convention. Barred from the official sponsor status at the convention, the industry instead gave undisclosed and unregulated gifts to buy private parties for lawmakers.
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15 proposed anti-piracy bill braws fire 'government and
'government and industry leaders say lawmakers would in effect decide the tech industrys winners and losers if proposed government controls on digital media devices become reality.' by stefanie olson. [cnet]
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16 ips: tehran to become a theatre of diplomatic ballet tehran. 'responding
tehran. 'responding to demands by many iranian reformists, including officials, lawmakers and experts on president khatami to play a more active role, mr. kharrazi held extensive telephone conversations with several european, arab and central asian colleagues, not forgetting the russians.' iran press service.
Iran Tehran Straw British Foreign Iranian Minister Secretary United Kharrazi Khatami Washington American States Ballet Become Irna Khalqorganization