1 Jerome Magid
Portfolio of
Portfolio of people, industrial, and automotive imagery. Based in Birmingham.
Portfolio of people, industrial, and automotive imagery. Based in Birmingham.
2 Magid Glove and Safety Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturer, importer
Manufacturer, importer, and distributor of industrial work gloves, protective clothing, and safety products.
Manufacturer, importer, and distributor of industrial work gloves, protective clothing, and safety products.
2. Shopping and Magid Trade
3. Magid Recreation
4. Computer & Magid Games Websites
5. Sports Websites concerning Magid
6. Society, Arts and Magid Crafts
1 Koan Commentaries by Barry Magid
Barry Magid
Barry Magid teaches at the Ordinary Mind Zendo as an affiliate of the San Diego Zen Center.
Barry Magid teaches at the Ordinary Mind Zendo as an affiliate of the San Diego Zen Center.
3 Bodhidharma Pacifies the Mind: the Gateless Barrier Case 41
Case and
Case and commentary by Barry Magid Senesi, of the Ordinary Mind School.
Case and commentary by Barry Magid Senesi, of the Ordinary Mind School.
4 Fighting Child Porn Resource
A report
A report by Larry Magid guiding net users to help fight child porn.
Article Larry Google Googles Apple Microsoft Cnet Page Hands Review News Steve Book California Ergorapido Project Maps Magid
A report by Larry Magid guiding net users to help fight child porn.
Article Larry Google Googles Apple Microsoft Cnet Page Hands Review News Steve Book California Ergorapido Project Maps Magid