Topic: OR City:
Best reviews ›

Minutes Experience


1 The Write Speech Ready-to-go speeches
Ready-to-go speeches within minutes.
2 The Perfect Sommelier Offers a
Offers a product to age a wine in less than 30 minutes.
3 Laser Video Corporation Midia duplicator
Midia duplicator minutes outside Philadelphia.
4 provides a
provides a tool that sets up a fully functioning e-commerce web store within minutes.
5 RKB Inc. Manufactures a
Manufactures a portable power unit mounted on a trailer that sets up in minutes.
6 pet express a 24hr
a 24hr pet pick up and delivery service located in the south bay area, minutes away from lax.
7 magictan inc. distributes tanning
distributes tanning booths that give a lasting tan in minutes and do not use ultraviolet rays.
Mallsoft Found Instahost Page Inc Business Copyright Hosting Means Good Wwwinstahostcomplease Techsupport@instahostcom Z
8 CobraAid Provides a
Provides a complete COBRA manual with all forms, plus 60 minutes of toll free consultation each year.
Cobra Employers Cobraaid Smaller Notices Web Based Loading Email Unlimitednotice Questions Simple Support
9 Portable Design Shelter Soft-walled aluminum
Soft-walled aluminum framed shelters which can be erected in 30 minutes and require no tools for set up.
Shelter Design Shelters Water Inc Workforce Camping Ecotourism Military Management Emergency Remote Kits Contact Testimonials Custom Anchor President  arctic
10 Apple Valley Alpacas Huacaya alpaca
Huacaya alpaca breeders in Pennsylvania just minutes from the borders of Maryland and West Virginia.
11 Meals in Minutes Sample menus
Sample menus, chef biography, frequently asked questions, rates, and contact information.
Minutes Meals Chef Lynns Serving Contact Area Metro Personal Bookings Atkins South Gluten Watchers Lynn Meal Magazine Forwouldnt Client Available Watch
12 Curtis E Harrison Photography Professional wedding
Professional wedding, engagement, and senior portraits. Located in NW Wisconsin only 20 minutes north of Eau Claire
Comcurtie Inc Wwwcurtiecom Dot
13 Japan - Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market Committee Includes minutes
Includes minutes of meetings and a list of members, with more content in Japanese.
–m•¶Ã¢â‚¬Ëœæ‰ñ‰ï‡‹cŽ–˜^ ƒƒ“ƒo[ ‘gd“™ Market Tokyo Committee Exchange “Œ‹žŠo‘ˆ×‘ÖŽsêˆÏˆõ‰ï Foreign ‰p•¶Ã¢â‚¬Ëœæ‰ñ ‘æ‰ñ‰ï‡‹cŽ–˜^ Æ’tÆ’hÆ’Å’Æ’bÆ’nÆ’xeÆ’zÆ’~Æ’i[‚Ì‚²Ã‹â€ Ä“à “Œ‹žÅÂ
14 Curtis E. Harrison Photography Professional wedding
Professional wedding, engagement, and senior portraits. Located in NW Wisconsin only 20 minutes north of Eau Claire.
Wwwcurtiecominc Com Curtiedot
15 Arbinet-thexchange, Inc. International spot
International spot market and exchange for wholesale voice minutes. Includes membership registration information.
16 fast track expediting facility is
facility is 2 minutes from lax. services include warehousing, on-demand delivery, parts stocking, transportation and logistics.
17 Poly All Fast Set International, Inc. Polyall 2000
Polyall 2000, use to repair rotten wood, use for castings, wood turning, sets in minutes.
18 Free USA
Free USA painting contractor directory. Anonymously submit your project to multiple painters in 2 minutes, and receive bids instantly. Manage your quotes. Automated estimates.
Contractors Painting House Free Contractor New Project Listings Directory Improvement Bids Painters Estimates Quotes Painter Plumbing Montana Quote Residential
19 Callscripter Provides workflow
Provides workflow management software for contact centers. Allows call scripts to be written in minutes by non-technical users, including screen popping and full reporting suite.
20 Little Bitty Burro Farm Located 45
Located 45 minutes north of Pittsburgh, PA, we are a hobby farm that raises all colors of quality miniature donkeys.
21 InfoLink Creates newsletters
Creates newsletters based on content from meetings of any scale. Also prepares minutes, daily newsletters, and detailed records of discussion.
22 GA Checkpoint Yamaha We are
We are a full service Yamaha power sports dealer located on Canadas west coast, just minutes away from Vancouver and the U.S. border.
23 Sprint Graphics Commercial printing
Commercial printing company offers four color and digital printing. Online selection, quotes, and orders takes only five minutes.
24 Long Plains Alpacas This 230
This 230 year old farm is being brought back to its former beauty and intent with alpacas. It is located in Buxton, Maine just minutes from Portland.
25 Compusoft Norway. Computer
Norway. Computer aided design and sales tool for the kitchen and bathroom industry. Create advanced designs of kitchen or bathrooms within minutes.
26 Quick Brochures Deliver a
Deliver a perfect copy of your original printed advertising, brochures, and other materials via the web in minutes, not days. No postage, handling, or printing costs.
Errordocumentgone Additionally Gone Thefound Please
27 New Life Food Club Dayton, Ohio.
Dayton, Ohio. Natural foods buying club. Includes calendar, meeting minutes, message board, and links.
Create Tripod Login Shopping Lycos Requested Couldnt Signup Please Page Tripodcom Lycoscomhosting Website
28 Willow Ridge Farm Raising prime
Raising prime boer meat and breeding goats on a farm 45 minutes from New York City. Ranch located in Putnam Valley, NY, USA.
29 Polaris West Premier power
Premier power sports dealer, just minutes from Houston, specializes in Ducati, Triumph, Victory motorcycles, Polaris ATVs, PWCs and Sonic Jet Boats.
Polaris Parts Inventory Department West New Dealer Katy Texas Scooters Bike Pre Owned Suzuki Triumph Used Houston Contact City
30 Gateway Co-op Comprehensive United
Comprehensive United States-based site which offers agricultural market data and news (with price quotes delayed by 15 minutes), and detailed weather data.
31 Western North Carolina Human Resources Association Affiliate chapter
Affiliate chapter of Society for Human Resource Management(SHRM). Features by-laws, meeting minutes, newsletter, officers, and events.
32 Formco Metal Products, Inc. Four-slide and
Four-slide and multi-slide manufacturer of precision metal stampings located just minutes from O Hare.
33 repairs wood in minutes, polyall 2000 2-part polyurethane
2-part polyurethane repair kit. repairs wood, fiberglass, concrete or any porous material.
34 Web Xamine E-commerce Transaction
E-commerce Transaction monitoring service. 24/7 E-Commerce Monitoring and Testing. Test your site every 20 minutes.
Amine Offer Web Policy Webxaminecom Privacywebxaminecomoffer | Z
35 Northern Ireland Region of Shopping Centres Promotes area
Promotes area shopping centers and communication between center managers. Features members area with reports and meeting minutes.
36 springfield branson regional airport conveniently located
conveniently located in southwest missouri, just 35 minutes north of branson, 4 hours from little rock, and approximately 3 hours from st. louis, kansas city and tulsa.
Airport Springfield Click Flight Eg Here Information Airline Cityairport Sgf Travel Chicago Airlines Branson O`hare Non Stop
37 community water company of green valley member owned
member owned water utility serving residential & commercial customers in a retirement community in southern arizona. about 20 minutes south of tucson.
Bill Water • Forms Xpress Report Quality Pay Renews Project Valley Customer Corporate Request Green Sewer Contact Year Connection
38 Southwest Washington Llama Association Group of
Group of llama breeders and owners. Providing a list of board members, board minutes, bylaws, calendar of events, and member photo album.
39 Archival and
Archival and contemporary footage. Clips delivered within minutes via e-mail. Offering includes cartoons, Hollywood features, horror, romance, westerns and action, Newsreels, comedies, educationals,documentaries and original 35mm contemporary shoots.
40 springfield branson regional airport located in
located in southwest missouri 35 minutes north of branson, 4 hours from little rock, and approximately 3 hours from st. louis, kansas city and tulsa. schedules, news, faq, weather and employment information.
Airport Springfield Click Flight Eg Here Airline Information Chicago Parking Travel Cityairport Airlines Sgf O`hare Branson Non Stop Atlanta Guide Everything
41 east troy municipal airport offers information
offers information about the airport including local business, frequency and runway information, area activities, organizations and airport advisory committee meeting minutes.
42 springer and associates, inc. located in
located in escondido, california, 30 minutes north of san diego, specializing in tribal environmental project support, ecological and hydrological investigations, environmental assessments, watershed assessments, and water quality monitoring and assessment programs.
43 renown electric motors and repair inc. a full
a full service motor repair facility located within minutes of the toronto airport. a modern facility with the expertise and production capacity to remanufacture all major ac & dc motors.
Motors Electric Motor Renown Services Machine Analysis Repair Repairs Phase Implementation Partners Guards Vibration Company
44 east troy municipal airport offers information
offers information about the airport including local business, frequency and runway information, area activities, organizations and airport advisory committee meeting minutes. located in southeastern wisconsin.
45 central virginia aviation at new kent county airport (w96) new kent
new kent airport is located 15 minutes east of downtown richmond, virginia. 100ll self fuel, jet a, cessna pilot center, mechanic, aircraft charter, aircraft rental and flight school.
46 Island West Alpaca, Vashon, WA Island West
Island West Alpacas. Your personal alpaca resource on Vashon Island, WA. Just minutes from Seattle, WA, we specialize in alpaca products and helping you learn about the alpaca lifestyle.

2. Shopping and Minutes Trade

1 Plast-aid Solutions to
Solutions to repair broken items in only 15 minutes.
Repair Server Closed Connection Model Swimming Plumbing Spa Plastic Hobby Tub Hardware Fix Broken Antiques
2 Air au Vin Markets a
Markets a device that is claimed to allow wine to breathe in minutes rather than hours. Based in the UK.
Plastics Design Wine Breather Contact Show Electronics Aav Party Hands Free Studies Safety Plate Email Products Barrier Food
3 Night Star Sells flashlight
Sells flashlight where 30 seconds of shaking provides 20 minutes of light.
Access Forbidden Errorusing Directory Permission Supplied Deniedyou Pagethecredentials Server
4 Diet-Step: 20 Grams/20 Minutes A plan
A plan to lose weight and get fit without starving.
5 5 Minutes to Live Specializes in
Specializes in off-the-wall genres and bizarre, hard-to-find footage.
Sale Datenschutzrichtlinientodayminutestolivecom Inquire Domain Here Click
6 Microwaves Corporation Microwavable heat
Microwavable heat cap uses warm steam to curl hair in 7 minutes.
Heat Warm Hair Styles Steamy Style Gift Cap Microwavesr Hairstyles Smooth Short Gifts Air Fashion Thenatural Fast First Naturally
7 EasyAwn Provides do-it-yourself
Provides do-it-yourself canvas awnings for windows and doors that install in under 30 minutes with basic tools.
Awning Awnings Wide Canopy Canvas Easyawn Door Thanks Window Fabric Dome Spear Round Quarter Learn Rosa Save_
8 Photos In Minutes Film processing
Film processing, photo greeting cards and gifts. Long Island, NY.
Now Domain Request Photosinminutescom Price Sale Domainmarketcom Helps Business Buy Thousands Premium Remember Photosinminutescom_this Y
9 5 Minutes To Live Rare, hard-to-find
Rare, hard-to-find and unusual videos from around the world, including reviews and articles.
Design Australia Responsive Sleeper Categories Weight Ive Sofas Five Travel Quick Lifting Garden Minutes Technology Web Failure Even
10 Thinkfit Makes Smartbells
Makes Smartbells, new weights that combine yoga, tai chi and weight training for a total body workout in less than 10 minutes.
Request Error Pilatescomy
11 Wheel Ability Portable automobile
Portable automobile hand control that is used on any automatic transmission vehicle, fits in carry-on luggage, installs in 3 minutes and is easy to use.
Phc Hand Portable Controls Control Photographs Drivers Additional Guarantee Satisfaction Order Disabled Since Jean Road Assessing Free
12 Mitch Young Ceramic Potter in
Potter in the Ozarks located minutes from Branson, Missouri. Includes galleries of commissions, sculpture and objects and figure tiles.
Yung Mitch Design Sculpture Ceramic Wall Objects Heads Kansas Missouri Sunset Drive Commissions Media University Fine Arizonastate
13 Auto Expressions Teeth for
Teeth for your car. Many styles of teeth available, installation in minutes, made of exterior grade plastics.
Auto Automotive Purchases Expressionscom Automobile Leading Expression Join Movingprices Net Equipmentcareers Mats
14 Not Nice to Lice Safe, fast
Safe, fast, organic lice and nit remover, 30 minutes and kids are back in school.
Z Httpsafeusecom Y
15 FatCat Scones Their scones
Their scones come frozen in six packs. Each pack includes a container of topping, and is fresh baked in thirty minutes.
Scones Fatcat Services Learn Contact Products Tools Follow Natural Artisan Pastries Way Frozen Dough Fresh Learnmore Plus Foodservice Stay Natural…
16 Poly All Fast Set International, Inc. Polyall 2000
Polyall 2000, use to repair rotten wood, use for castings, wood turning, sets in minutes.
Polyall Applications Inc Fast Contact International Comparison Data Reasons Hard Durable Fiberglass Buy Casting Mixes
17 Proheat Products,Inc. We manufacture
We manufacture and distribute automotive engine preheaters to insure cold weather starts.Permanent mount,no mechanic needed. Installation time less than 10 minutes.
Heater Engine Proheat Products Tank Block Heating Oil Inc Systems Motor Contact Preheat Automobile Physics
18 High-tech toys
High-tech toys and gadgets. Currently offering a precision machined metal top that spins for several minutes, a set of neodynum magnets, and a computer-designed sliding block puzzle.
Just Wordpress Quirkle Anotherz
19 Beach Body Fitness tapes
Fitness tapes sold on TV: abs, legs, buns, and stretch routines to tone your body in under ten minutes a day. Special discounts for Internet buyers.
Learn Fitness Videos Dvds Pxr Workout Bands Programs Beachbody Weight Px Insanity Gear Mills Anti Aging Results
20 Cookbook of the Year Features nutritional
Features nutritional meals in 30 minutes or less, healthy menus all year long, complete-meal recipes and weekly grocery lists.
21 Herd Management 2000 Easy to
Easy to use equine management software for record keeping. User can create custom reports in minutes. Free evaluation download available.
22 Mianne Benchwork Eliminates the
Eliminates the hassles of bench construction for the model railroader. You can assemble your own custom model railroad bench in just minutes with only a screwdriver.
Train Mianne Benchwork Model Trains Layout Layouts Review Sets Assembly Catalog Railroading Lift Gate Features Railroads Kit
23 Spin-x Sells a
Sells a clothes centrifuge said to save minutes in the clothes dryer and thus save energy.
Spin Dryer Spindryer Clothes Energy Minutes Drying Laundry Articles Swimsuit Contact Centrifuge Savings Skin Saving Mail Left
24 doHOOPS Software Statistical software
Statistical software designed for use during games, using voice commands, mouse or keyboard. The software offers automatic handling of shot locations, minutes, assists and rebounds as well as custom reports.
Download Hoppra Dohoops Statistics Software Basketball Purchase Maxpreps Col Llc Just Doupload Page Html Recording
25 Breakthrough-Letters Write letters
Write letters online, in your own words, using breakthrough templates that guide you and personalize your letters by adding stationery, fonts and music, in minutes.
人気楽器の買取なら専門業者で買い取~る! Martinを買取 オーディオの買取を大阪 アコースティックギターの中で、プロ・アマ問わず高い評価を受けているブランド、それはmartinです。一度聞いたら離れなãÂ
26 BioScan Rapid Drug Screen A complete
A complete line of drug screening and alcohol testing products that yield proven laboratory accurate results in minutes. Adulteration screening products also available. Features live, on-line product training video.
Drug Screening Screen Tests Drugs Free Bioscan Testing Test Alcohol Results Quality Workplace Icup Volume Post

3. Minutes Recreation

1 Visitors can
Visitors can take over the front page of the site to gain fifteen minutes of fame.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Bonnechere Caves Offering guided
Offering guided tours that leave every twenty minutes and last approximately forty five minutes to one hour. Includes a schedule, rates, photos, articles and directions to the location in Eganville, Ontario.
Bonnechere Caves Eganville Underground Ontario Ottawa River Tour Bat Minutes Hockey Song Renfrew De Natural Reality Special Music Wonder Owned
3 Boston-Providence Skydiving Center Located at
Located at North Central Airport in Lincoln, RI, 40 minutes from Boston and 10 minutes from Providence.
4 Anagram Puzzler See how
See how many of these can you solve in 30 minutes.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Privacy User Trying Sorry Longeravailable Mail Sports Internet Guidelines
5 Yahoo! Pets: You Can Teach Your Cat To Sit In 10 Minutes! How to
How to train a cat to sit.
6 Latimer County Firefighters Association Contains minutes
Contains minutes, bylaws and links.
Fire Minutes County Mail Latimer Association Oklahoma Firefighters Manufactures Wilburton Office Ems Training Suppliers Radio Depts Osu
7 Ten Minute College Attend the
Attend the school of your dreams, and graduate in 10-minutes.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Trying Incmachine Popular User Toolbar Guidelines Sports Maps
8 Dad Gone Mad: 10 Minutes and a Cloud of Smoke Humorous recollection
Humorous recollection of a recent vasectomy.
Rss Dadgonemad Mad Entries Eingestellt Pflegerin Polen Pflegeservice Dad Warum Leistungen Polinpflegekraft Alten
9 Chapter 75 - Quad Cities Members projects
Members projects, minutes of meetings, and a newsletter.
Tripod Create Websitehosting Lycos Lycoscom Please Login Shopping Requested Signup Checkcouldnt Tripodcom
10 Troop 22 - Amherst Includes forms
Includes forms, committee minutes and program information.
Pictures Troop Using Bsa Pleaseconnectiondial Download Amherst
11 Crew 255 - Hai An Pagoda Includes pictures
Includes pictures, meeting minutes, calendar and contacts.
Owner Thispleasefrozen Sorry Frozenwere Contact
12 Xtreme Paintball Outdoor field
Outdoor field located 30 minutes east of Dayton.
Paintball Guns $ Packages Dye Rated Clearance Shipping Empire Under See Pants Jerseys % Store
13 News from
News from over 15,000 sites searched every 5 minutes plus pop / smtp based email.
Displayed Cannoterrorcontact Providerfor Please Page
14 Seminole-Lake Gliderport At Clermont
At Clermont 20 minutes south of Orlando FL. Instruction and rental
Airfield Gliderport Seminole Lake Annual Store Contest Accommodations Training Galleryevents Upcoming Meet Videos Fly Camp Page Central
15 Parkview Fairways Golf Course A 18
A 18 hole course open to the public in Bloomfield, NY, 20 minutes from Rochester.
Golf Parkview Fairways Course Scorecard Rates Directions Range Google Leagues Memberships Sites Driving Gallery Please Boughton
16 Boy Scout Troop 35 Contains members
Contains members section, policies, committee minutes, and activity calendar.
Navigationshilfe Ty
17 Includes songs
Includes songs, SMs Minutes, Eagle Scout ideas, and skits. US-oriented.
Activities Fundraisers Scout Scouts Derby Pinewood Resources Fundraising Eagle Skits Projects Ideas Songs Sites Minutes Leadership Recipes Scouters Free
18 1st Orleans Scouts Group Calendar, minutes
Calendar, minutes, contacts, sponsors and links pages.
Navigationshilfet Y
19 Galarosa Stables Offers trail
Offers trail riding and lessons, 30 minutes from Santa Fe, Galisteo.
Navigationshilfe Ty
20 Circle R Campground RV park
RV park with a Western flavor. Just minutes from the EAA Museum and famous fly-in location.
Oshkosh Attractions Campground Circle Rates Accommodate Reservations Museum Area Testimonials Room Large Email Campground_ Facilities Eaashow Eaa Pleasant
21 Carillon Boxers Located 30
Located 30 minutes north of Dothan, Alabama, with pictures of their two dogs
Oakley Sunglasses Asian Oo_cheap Unique Black Cheap Style Sale Shipping Free Antix Sunglass Outlet Coloredlens
22 Troop 22 - Amherst, New Hampshire Includes forms
Includes forms, committee minutes, and program information.
Troop Pictures Please Download Dial Using Amherst Bsaconnection
23 Stonebridge Golf Club An 18-hole
An 18-hole par 71 course located 20 minutes east of downtown Memphis.
Stonebridge Club Golf Course Events Membership Times Clinics Tee Leagues Menu Welcome Rates Tournaments Book Calendar Photos
24 Fairfax Bass Club Provides history
Provides history, rules, roster, results, minutes, and news.
Dカップのç¾Ã…½巨乳 デãÆ’ªãÆ’ËœãÆ’«å¬¢ã«å‘いている女達 歳の独身女性 代の若妻 è‹&y
25 Gordons 15 Minutes for Cancer Tracking his
Tracking his personal efforts to raise funds for research.
Cancer Minutes Donate Pictures Quotin Tips Warhol Quothow Lanoiecom Minutesquot Future Famequot Use Helping Everyone Investors Financial
26 Scouts Canada, Kanata 3rd - Wolf Cub Pack B Contains newsletter
Contains newsletter, events, forms, minutes, and contacts.
Watch Strap Mm Alligator Price Michele Garnet Shop Request Jewelry Rss Watches Puma Grey Garnetmichele Womens Leather
27 ThePoleVaultPit Up to
Up to the minutes pole vaulting news, results, articles, interviews, polls and discuassion.
28 Circle R Campground RV park
RV park in Oshkosh with a Western flavor. Just minutes from the EAA museum and famous fly in location.
Oshkosh Attractions Circle Campground Reservations Email Rates Facilities Area Museum Room Campground_ Large Accommodate Testimonials Events Andmemorable Enough Wireless
29 SMT Adventures Indoor/outdoor field
Indoor/outdoor field and proshop in Smith Falls Ontario, 30-45 minutes from Ottawa.
30 SnowPilots Fully guided
Fully guided tours for all ages. Located in Honey Harbour, only 90 minutes from Toronto.
Navigationshilfet Y
31 Tim Butt British and American Athlete One of
One of the youngest runners ever to break four minutes for 1500 metres.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Archiveorg Internet Mailmovies Games Visit Longeravailable Sports
32 Briarcliff Mx, LLC A facility
A facility catering for motocross and supercross. Located 15 minutes East of Newark, Ohio.
Posted Uncategorized Honda Videos Briarcliff Marysville Motorsports Battle Archive Motocross Facility Ohio Polls Sherwin National Camera Media Lynns Qualifier Williams
33 NetWoods Virtual Campsite Campfires, ceremonies
Campfires, ceremonies, cooking, games, and Scoutmasters Minutes. US-oriented.
Textdrive Garden Kaizen Glacier Wired Industry Turning York Longer Virtualmins Idea Request Week Host Countdown Customeraccounts ‘mini Chicago
34 Murrysville Golf Club Public course
Public course located 30 minutes from Pittsburgh. Scorecard, directions and rates are listed.
Murrysville Golf Club Welcome Leagues Rates Juniors Scorecard Club * Sardis Contact Home * Road Events Y
35 Troop 35 - Johnson City Contains members
Contains members section, policies, committee minutes, activity calendar, and contacts.
36 Wirral Sunday League Results, fixtures
Results, fixtures, tables, officers, reports, clubs, minutes and contacts.
Broadband Freeuk Website Dial Once Support Contact Tutorials Webmail Retain Status Wish Check Log Need Wewill
37 University of Oregon Contains news
Contains news items, pictures, a listing of members, meeting minutes, and past results.
38 West Saskatoon Rovers Includes photographs
Includes photographs of the crew and Camp Seeonee, minutes and a calendar of events.
Saskatoon West Rovers Visit Sponsoredcome Close Z
39 Troop 880 - South Windsor Includes program
Includes program information, calendar, camps, meeting minutes, and contacts.
Page Troopy
40 Troop 337 - Rossville Includes events
Includes events, calendar, committee minutes, news, message board, and contacts.
41 Fast Trak Fitness Strength training
Strength training and cardiovascular workout for women in 30 minutes, also hydromassage therapy. Katy.
Fitness Personal Texas Trainer Sessions Katy Fast Trak Training Lisa Exercise Workout Group Advocare Gym
42 Chapter 286 - North San Diego County Contact information
Contact information, links, member projects, meeting minutes and events.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Mail Usermachine Privacy Trying Archives Popular Guidelines
43 Princeton Rod and Gun Club Features current
Features current news and events, meeting minutes, newsletters and photos. Located in Chatsworth.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Newsinternet User Finance Inc Longeravailable Machine Archiveorg
44 Kellys Located 40
Located 40 minutes north east of Minneapolis and St. Paul. General information, pictures and contact details.
Ragdoll Ragdolls Kittens Cattery Cats Information Gallery Minnesota Photo Breeder Cat Large Kellys Photos Contact Mitted
45 Scouting in Canada Resources Topics include:
Topics include: Games, program ideas, Scoutmasters Minutes, books by BP and others, outdoors.
Scouting Scouts Resources Canada Camping Information Leadership Games Pennythotz Songs Stuff Historical Venturers Menu Brunswick Citizenship
46 Troop 22 - Woodland Hills Contains calendar
Contains calendar of events, photos, committee minutes, downloadable forms, links, and maps.
Troop Training Camporee Tier Message Posted Meeting Qnguyen Crews Hills Woodland Peace Scout Amazon Boy
47 Skydive Twincities Tandem and
Tandem and accelerated freefall jumps for new and experienced jumpers. Located 30 minutes from Minneapolis/St Paul.
Skydive Skydiving Cities Twin Jump Baldwin Minnesota Minneapolis Tandem Stories Accelerated Freefall Wisconsin St Lake Subscribe Area Love
48 Troop 529 - Shalimar Contains history
Contains history, patrol profiles, leadership contacts, scoutmasters minutes, program information, and photos.
49 The White Cockatoo Tropical accommodation
Tropical accommodation, 10 minutes from Port Douglas, 1 hour north of Cairns, in Queensland, Australia.
50 East Midlands Public Authority Football League News, fixtures
News, fixtures results, tables, minutes, and contacts.
Division Authorities East Public League Midlands Refs Email Navigation Mobile Season Feedssign Competitionempal
51 Pacific County Search and Rescue Provides membership
Provides membership requirements, contact information, events calendar, meeting minutes and photos.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Help Advisor Local Gallery App Hosting Sell Finance Privacy News Real
52 Canadian Soccer Referees Association Includes the
Includes the CSRA directory, minutes of meetings, AGM information and a mission and vision statement.
Create Tripod Check Lycoscom Shopping Couldnt Requested Signup Page Lycoshosting Tripodcom Please Login
53 North East Colorado Basketball Officials Association News, schedules
News, schedules, meeting dates, assessments, minutes, and rules changes.
Navigationshilfe Ty
54 Pipers Glen R V Resort Beautiful lakeview
Beautiful lakeview setting 90 minutes west of Prince George BC.Enroute to Alaskan and B C ferries
Lake Fraser Glen Resort Pipers Persons Central Showers Hook Ups Sites Computers Design Park Httpstuartnechakocafraser Columbia Camping Toilets Grass Volley Phone
55 Hermon Meadow Golf Club Public course
Public course 6 minutes from Bangor Airport. Includes rates, directions and contact information.
Health Care Hermonmeadowcom Hermon Leading Meadow Safety Fitness Products Healthcare Joingroup Technology Net
56 Western International Walking Horse Association Includes contacts
Includes contacts, rules, forms, meeting minutes, and show results.
Horse Wiwha Walking Association Western Mintues International Swingly Arnold Linda Futurity Meeting Nancy Tennessee Brown Conference Contacts Organization
57 St. Margarets Golf and Country Club Located 5
Located 5 minutes from Dublin Airport, home to the Ladies and the Seniors Irish Opens.
Eur Golf Club Margarets Dublin Membership Saturday Ireland Levies Phone Info@stmargaretsgolfcom Holes Joining Fees Memberships
58 Chapter 1331 - Wautoma Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes, membership information, fly-ins and special events, member projects, officers and newsletter.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Sports Sorry Popular Hosting Games News Archiveorg Terms Privacy
59 FATCAT Paintball & Supply Store and
Store and 10-acre field located 30 minutes north of Tampa in Spring Hill, Florida.
Disabled Websiterequested Been Sorry Z
60 Southern Eagles Soaring Private club
Private club operation located at LaGrange, Georgia, about 45 minutes Southwest of Atlanta. Nice photos.
Welcome Eagles Atlanta Soaring Lagrange Gliders West Georgia Southern Auburn Airport Galagrange Hes Alabama Homepage Fleet
61 Green Valley Country Club An 18-holes
An 18-holes golf course designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr. Located at Samutprakarn, 30 minutes from Bangkok.
Golf Green Valley Bangkok Course Robert Country Club Package Airport Trent Jr Jones Paradise Near
62 Vista Balloon Adventures Hot air
Hot air ballooning over Oregons wine country from Newberg. Guaranteed memories just 35 minutes from Portland, April to October.
Adventures Balloon Vista Hot Air Atttractions Getaways Credits Grants Area Wine Tweet Welcome Country Tourism
63 Scouts Canada, Burlington - 1st Port Nelson Venturer Company Ontario. Includes
Ontario. Includes meeting minutes, bylaws, photos, contacts.
Navigationshilfe Ty
64 Club de Golf Pont-Rouge A nine
A nine hole course over 3,008 yards, 25 minutes from Quebec City. Describes facilities, fees and contact details.
Golf Pont Rouge Quebec Courses Club De Tees Greens Course Fees Privacy Directory Golfable Policy
65 Pack 567 - Bangor Subase Includes program
Includes program information, dens, leadership contacts, events and activities, committee minutes, and newsletter.
Fileerror Removed Directory Looking Might Been Server Resource Foundthe Unavailablenamechanged Temporarily
66 Black Hills Resorts Cabins, full
Cabins, full RV service, swimming pool, hot tub and wooded hiking trails, all just a 15 minutes drive from Mt. Rushmore.
Resort Black Hills Information South Mountain Mystery Resorts Attractions Dakota Best Rental Cabins Here Additional Rv Photo Germany Houses Trailer
67 Pine Ridge RV Camping Tree-shaded campsites
Tree-shaded campsites, within minutes of historic Frankenmuth and the Birch Run Outlet Malls. Provides rates and area attractions.
Pine Birch Run Ridge Camping Rv Mi Frankenmuth Michigan Splendor Minutes Historicshaded Tree
68 Mount Tom Day Camp For children
For children ages 3-12, located in the Pelham Manor area of Westchester County, a few minutes north of the New York City line.
Camp Mount Welcome Join Day School Activities Tom Camps Programs Schedule Team Contact Training Directions Request Tour Early Creative
69 Lake Somerset Holiday Park Information on
Information on camping, cabin accommodation, fishing and water sports on this 45 hectare property 15 minutes from Kilcoy.
Holiday Park Info@lakesomersetcomau Port Information Location Lake Close Deals Book Playground Watersport | Now Facilities Room
70 Freedom Chapter: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Features calendar
Features calendar of events, membership information, meeting minutes, and links to related sites.
71 Total Body Fitness Professional service
Professional service helps to make workouts enjoyable and rewarding. 5 minutes from the Honda manufacturing plant, Riverside.
Best Healthclubdirectorycom Credit Free Cheap Apparel Rates Internet Registercom Parental Cars Soon Lookup Insurance Report Relief Coming Luxury Health High Tutor
72 The Bay Club Golf course
Golf course located in Berlin, MD just minutes outside of Ocean City. Advanced reservations, discount coupons, score card, and layout maps.
Times Membership Instruction Calendar Tee Club Outings Book Courses Rates Golf Bay Llc Apache Email
73 Blast Camp This large
This large 28-acre paintball field is located on a retired military base near Hobart, just 40 minutes East of Chicago, Illinois.
Paintball Blast Camp Airsoft Blastcamp Release Events History Safety Welcome Paint Form Rates Ball Pictures Reservation West
74 If Only Farm Quality boarding
Quality boarding and listing of training facilities. Offering lessons to riders aged 4 to 72. Horses and ponies for sale and 10 minutes from Ithaca.
Farm Only Equestrian Center Ny Freeville Sales Horse Riding Design Rencis Boarding Declerck Page Lessons Wonderfullyforgiving
75 Hermitage Golf Course Located 20
Located 20 minutes from downtown Nashville. Home of the LPGA Sara Lee Classic, offers two top-ranked courses near the Cumberland River.
Course Golf Hermitage Presidents Rates Foreup Retreat Contact Reserve Tour Public Video Times Best Generals Beauty Course” Hgc
76 Coondle Nunile Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Features photographs
Features photographs, meeting minutes, rosters and off-road driving manual. Located near Toodyay.
Fire Brigade Bush Nunile Coondle Volunteer Beanland Peter Secretary Ruthven Mike Csiro Toodyay Western Australia Rogers Swift Keith
77 Bay Areas Sunol Paintball Outdoor field
Outdoor field catering to beginners, corporate events, and private parties. Located 10 minutes from Fremont and between San Francisco and San Jose.
Paintball Sunol Rental Field Pricing News Directions Group Only Paintballs Must Area Equipment Players Awesome Shirt Learn Prices
78 Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Southern California Includes news
Includes news, schedules and photographs of specialties and other events, rescue, and minutes of recent meetings.
Sign Lifestream Places Updated People Now Policy Everything Login Terms Account Email Simplifying Create Reserved
79 Scouts Scope
Scouts Scope Newsletter, news, and resources including games, program ideas, Scoutmasters Minutes, books by BP and others, and the entire Jim Speirs archives.
Library Scoutscan Scoutscancom Canada Scout Scouts Canadian Hosted Scouting Song Pages Issues Email Membership Resources Beavers New Baden Powell
80 Edmonton District Badminton Association Contains details
Contains details about area clubs, interclub competition, minutes from past meetings, and tournament information. Based in Alberta.
Found The Foundy
81 Buechel Fire Department Provides the
Provides the chiefs page, roster, calendar of meetings, minutes, maps, statistics, training and recruiting information, and a memorial section.
Archive Fire District Buechel Protection Burton Crusade Captain Children Click Tornado Code Major Flags Sign Events
82 Coondle Nunile Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Features photographs
Features photographs, meeting minutes, rosters and off-road driving manual. Located near Toodyay.
Fire Brigade Bush Coondle Nunile Volunteer Beanland Peter Secretary Ruthven Isbill Rogers Csiro Forecast Michael Mike Reilly Weather Frank
83 West Waterford Golf Eddie Hackett
Eddie Hackett design, 30 minutes from Waterford airport.
Notes Golf Course Th Apr Ladies Gents Club Irish Ireland Mar Dungarvan Gallery Golfing Hole
84 Beach Acres Campground Just minutes
Just minutes to the ocean, relaxing on the beach or enjoying all that there is to do in the area.
Maine Wells Seasonal Sites Beach Southern Available Ocean Campground Coast Acres Camping Coastal Recreation Campsite Easy Rates
85 Pine Hills Golf Course A public
A public golf course minutes away from Versailles State Park.
Golf Course Pine Hills State Park Indiana Holton Versailles Public Golfersweb Contact People Number Courses Kimball Directions
86 Scouts Canada, Saskatoon - West Saskatoon Rovers Minutes, events
Minutes, events, and photos.
West Saskatoon Rovers Close Comesponsoredvisit
87 Hikes Near Fallbrook, CA Directory for
Directory for all hikes within 90 minutes of Northern San Diego County.
Permanently Theapache Portserver
88 Golf Club Vicenza 9 hole
9 hole course located a few minutes away from the centre of Vicenza.
| Degli Villa Welcome Vicenza Golf Olmi Cluby
89 Tennis El Palmar Tennis holiday
Tennis holiday getaway resort located 10 minutes from Manzanillo airport.
Tennis Mexico Palmar Mexicos Melaque Resorts Colima Vacations Resort Greatest Navidad Patricio El Affordable Vacation
90 Pine Hills Golf Course, Holton A public
A public golf course minutes away from Versailles State Park.
Golf Course Pine Hills State Holton Indiana Park Versailles Public Golfersweb Contact People Fees Courses Yes Food
91 Route 66 TV online Two 25
Two 25 minutes long video program about Route 66 centering around Joplin, Missouri.
Website Create Traffic Design Log How Features Sites Works Sell Paid Domain Seo Booster Weblistings Award Winning Sample Comparison
92 Scout Books A collection
A collection of Scouting books with skits, riddles, jokes, and Scoutmasters Minutes.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Local Ecommerce Domains App Small Gallery Hosting Marketing Help Central Advisor User Already Program Autos Music Sell
93 Tennis El Palmar Tennis holiday
Tennis holiday getaway resort located 10 minutes from Manzanillo airport, Mexico.
Tennis Mexico Palmar Mexicos Melaque Resorts Colima Vacations Resort Greatest Affordable Navidad Vacation Patricio El Bookings Photos
94 Sandcastle Water Park Sandcastle has
Sandcastle has become Pittsburghs wildest and wettest summer playground and is just minutes Pittsburgh.
Park Water Fun Waterpark Passes Tickets Beach Attractions Long Sandcastle Cabanas Pittsburgh Pool Swimming Best Lodging Contact
95 Schukar Racing Profiles Ken
Profiles Ken Schukar the Winner of the 1999 60 minutes of F.E.A.R. Includes photos and contact information.
Schukar Racingy
96 Stoneham Located less
Located less than twenty minutes from downtown Quebec City and rated among the top three ski resorts in the province of Quebec.
De Westjet La Et Nous Du Peak Stoneham Why Rendre Plus En Un Pour Halte Prs Aux Programmes
97 Bonnie Doon Golf Club An 18
An 18 hole golf courses.Located only 10 minutes from the Sydney airport.
Browser Yourbrowserclicksupport Does Recommend Upgrading Here
98 Indooroopilly Golf Club Situated 10
Situated 10 minutes from the Brisbane CBD, Indooroopilly offers two 18 hole championship courses.
Golf Indooroopilly Club Course Courses Brisbane Meetings Weddings Clubs Way | Visitors Coaching Enquiries Corporate Mobile Hire Australia
99 Eastern Holland Lop Specialty Club Promotes the
Promotes the breed by conducting shows throughout the membership area. Show results, meeting minutes, and member links are presented.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce App Gallery Marketing Help Hosting Small Program Website Has Parenting Already
100 Kamloops Disc Golf Club Located in
Located in British Columbia. Includes a message forum, news items, maps of courses, pictures, and meeting minutes.
Unser Gary Kdgc Golf Doomsday Likes Mahal Event Disc Course Bags Challenge Registration Smoliak Bowl Forums Chat
101 Buechel Fire Protection District Provides the
Provides the chiefs page, roster, calendar of meetings, minutes, maps, statistics, training and recruiting information, and a memorial section.
Archive Fire Buechel Protection District Burton Tornado Click Captain Crusade Children Code Major Sign Here Sharber Rights Easter
102 Southern Regional Paso Fino Horse Association Contains history
Contains history of the breed, events calendar, contacts, meeting minutes, and classified advertising. Located in Florida.
Srpfha Show Welcome Festival Sponsors Copyright Gold Blue Prize Offering Extravaganza Schedule Summer Rightscome
103 National Capital Division of Freestyle Skiing The team
The team trains at Camp Fortune near Old Chelsea Quebec which is only 20 minutes north of Ottawa. Programs for ages 6 and older.
Freestyle Ski Team Capital National Division Ncd Camp Ottawa Fortune Here Coaches Click Chelsea Championships
104 Francois Mathys Stables Horse sales
Horse sales and brokerage, training horses for show jumping, clinics. Dutch stallion at stud. Situated 45 minutes away from Luxembourg.
Mathy Les François News Jr Achats Voir Photos Francois Elevage La écuries Eacutecuries Privé Autres Fmathy Franccedilois Presse Rapideselevage
105 Wild Birds Unlimited Bird FeederCam Feeder cam
Feeder cam updated every 3 minutes and includes recent images, an archived image gallery, and a question and answer document.
Nature Pathways Bird Birds Wild Unlimited Kids Identification Shop Naturereg Products News Learn Conservation Legal
106 Delaware Appaloosa Horse Association Offers membership
Offers membership applications, a members directory, photos, show and event schedules, a bulletin board, and meeting minutes.
Tripod Create Websitecheck Lycos Please Page Signup Requested Lycoscom Hostingshopping Couldnt
107 Cascade Caverns Guided tour
Guided tour lasts 45 minutes to one hour and features 100 waterfall. Includes history, hours of operation, rates, photos, map and contact information.
Texas Cave Caverns Cascade Tours Visit Camping Park Downunder Photos Adventure Hill Hillcountry Country Tour
108 Brush Ranch Camps A residential
A residential summer camp for children, teens and families located 30 minutes north of historic Santa Fe, New Mexico in the Pecos Wilderness.
109 Badgerland Basset Hound Club Newsletter, information
Newsletter, information on their specialty show, list of members, photograph gallery, meeting minutes, and a membership application. Wisconsin.
Disabled Website Sorry Requested Been Z
110 Aa Saint Omer Golf Club 20 minutes
20 minutes from Calais and just 2 hours from London via the tunnel, 27 holes of golf await.
Internethost Website Configurationovh
111 Kundalini Reiki Distance Learning We offer
We offer three levels of distant learning courses. Each attunement takes about 25 minutes.
Reiki Kundalini Energy Healing Chakra Master Crown Attunements Chakras Channels Distance Channel Other Also Full Rising Change Body
112 Shell Point Golf Club Championship golf
Championship golf just minutes from Sanibel Island and Fort Myers Beach.
Foundapache Found The Portserver
113 Troop 197 - Burton Includes history
Includes history, member profile, events, meeting minutes, photos, meeting location and contacts.
Create Tripod Login Page Tripodcom Couldnt Check Shopping Please Website Lycoscom Lycoserrorpage Requested
114 Country Oaks Campground Located in
Located in Dorothy, minutes from the major attractions and beaches. Posts attractions, schedule and rates.
Jersey Campground Country Oaks Camping Family Experience Pool New Southern Beaches Free Sites Activities Recreation Shore Pellandadvertising
115 National Youth Council, Scouts Australia Contains photo
Contains photo, details of membership of the council, working group minutes, and feedback.
Scouts National Australia Scout Youth Council Environment Program Scouting Gallery Rover Resources Photo Australian World Baden Powell Lord
116 Salisbury Fire Department History, news
History, news and events, fire prevention information, station photos, and meeting minutes.
Fire Salisbury Gallery Photo Station Date Tips Nov Department Safety Staff Visitors Live City Hazmat Dec Emanuel Rescue Documents Wicomicoriver
117 Salisbury Fire Department History, news
History, news and events, fire prevention information, station photos, and meeting minutes.
118 Kelab Golf Rahman Putra Malaysia A 36-holes
A 36-holes golf course located in Sungei Buloh, 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia Kelab Putra News Forgot Krpm Rahman Written Career Lakes Facilities Diary Create Closure Membership Highlights Powered Management Remember
119 USAG Washington Provides calendar
Provides calendar, club roster, meet schedules, clinics, meeting minutes, and judges for USA Gymnastics in Washington.
120 Orioles Trading Post Orioles fan
Orioles fan trades and sells cards. Shares fifteen minutes of fame, and includes links.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Maps Gamessites Archiveorg Terms Reach Popular Visit
121 Bolton and District Table Tennis League Includes league
Includes league tables, AGM minutes, details of local clubs, and schedule.
Navigationshilfet Y
122 Saratoga Lake Golf Club C. Michael
C. Michael Ingersoll Designed Course on 198 acres of forestland. Minutes from Saratoga Springs New York.
Golf Saratoga League Club Membership Springs Lake Hole Tournament Event Rates Course Contact Events Free Big Gigcslgc
123 Beach City RV Resort RV sites
RV sites with full hookups located on Trinity Bay ten minutes from Baytown and Mont Belvieu. Includes contact information and links to area attractions.
Navigationshilfe Ty
124 West Bolton Golf Club Nestled in
Nestled in the Green Mountains, 15 minutes South of Burlington. Includes an online bulletin board, rates, events calendar and scorecard.
Golf Club Jericho West Course Vt Bolton Burlington Great Specials Book Calendar Camp League Events Spring Login
125 Virginia B.A.S.S Federation Features monthly
Features monthly angler and sponsor profiles, and articles. Includes directors listing, minutes, events schedule, conservation issues, and tournament information.
Federation Bass Virginia Form Entry News Gallery Team Calendar Chapter Hospital Sponsors Website Welcome Marter Whats
126 Bear Run Campground, Cabins & Canoes Complete family
Complete family recreational camping facility bordering Moraine State Park with Lake Arthur. Just off I-79, only 35 minutes north of Pittsburgh.
Campground Bear Park Run Family Pittsburgh State Pool Friendly Log Moraine Camping Pennsylvania Cabins Tours Programs Pet Wi Fi Story Mills Large
127 Georgia Peaches Bass Club Alphretta based
Alphretta based organization for the woman angler. Contains member profiles, tournament schedules, meeting information and minutes, and photo gallery.
128 Chapter 94 - Mason City Open to
Open to anyone with an interest in aircraft and aviation. Includes meeting schedule, minutes, history, list of officers and members, information about projects and photographs.
Tripod Create Lycoscom Requested Found Please Page Couldnt Tripodcom Login Website Lycoserrorpage Check Shopping
129 Spa Las Quintas Located about
Located about 90 minutes from Mexico City near Cuernavaca. Offers salon, body, and skin treatments. Package rates available. Information on eco tours, spa services, specials, and recipes.
Yang Tips Wanita Pria Cara Cinta Anda Dengan Dari Inilah Saat Alasan Membuat Baca Ciri Pertimbangan Kematian
130 Cayton Folkerts Chapter 94 of EAA Open to
Open to anyone with an interest in aircraft and aviation. Includes meeting schedule, minutes, history, list of officers and members, information about projects and photographs.
Create Tripod Loginrequested Lycoscom Please Check Tripodcom Website Shopping Page Signuplycos Couldnt
131 Little Ponderosa Campground Provides ninety
Provides ninety sites for camping, some on the water. Just minutes away are restaurants, antique shops, museums, boat trips, and panoramic views of the rockbound coast of Maine.
ƒ[Æ’vƒƒƒ‹ƒlÆ’bÆ’gƒ[Æ’lƒ“ƒoÆ’t[Æ’rÆ’x ‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Á‚©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡èÅ w‚Ú‚¤Ã‚u’ʐmv‚Ì‚±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Æ Ž„‚ªÃ¢â‚¬Å¡æ‚­Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‹Å“—p‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Ä‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡éÆ’lÆ’bÆ’gÆ’t[Æ’rÆ’x ‚Å‚«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ê‚Ζ³Ã¢â‚¬â€¿Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Åì‚肽ââ‚
132 Little Ponderosa Campground Provides ninety
Provides ninety sites for camping, some on the water. Just minutes away are restaurants, antique shops, museums, boat trips, and panoramic views of the rockbound coast of Maine.
133 North Carolina Quarter Horse Association (NCQHA) Feature schedule
Feature schedule of events, minutes of the State Board of Directors Meeting, annual trail ride information.
Ncqha District Horse News Classic Officers Quarter Heel Show Youth Directors Ride Fall Amateur Points Winners Trail Sponsorship Novice Kirkbridephotography Attend
134 Heartland Volleyball Officials Association Meeting schedule
Meeting schedule and minutes, as well as membership information, high school officials in central Illinois.
Volleyball Officials Hvoa Association Heartland Illinois Centralerror School Requesthigh
135 Whistler Paintball Adventures Located 5
Located 5 minutes north of Whistler Village. Includes FAQs, photo gallery, and contact information.
Paintball Whistler Privacy Contact Policy Returnposts Page Wordpress Z
136 Pemberton Valley Golf & Country Club A 18
A 18 hole championship course 25 minutes from Whistler. Green fees, golf memberships and passes available.
Pemberton Meadows Events Course Restaurant Click Here Golf Contact Squirrel Black Times Shop Instruction Located
137 Shadowmoss Plantation Golf Club Russell Breeden
Russell Breeden designed club located 15 minutes from Charleston. Tee times, rates and scorecard are listed.
Charleston Golf Shadowmoss Course Sc Specials Rates Weather Lessons Club Membership Book Members Groups Nautilus Post Thelounge
138 Sycamore Hills Golf Club 27 hole
27 hole golf facility. Driving range, banquet facilities and a pro shop. Minutes from downtown Detroit.
Golf Course Weddings Banquets Hills Planner Contact Dates Menu Value Mobile Photos Upcoming Testimonials Scorecard
139 Mount Broughton Golf and Country Club Course photographs
Course photographs, event and membership information. 18 hole, par 72 championship golf course located 90 minutes from Sydney.
Golf Broughton Club Course Country Highlands Southern Members Play Mt Davyd Stay Shop Peppers Contact Forest Tuition Area Facilities
140 M&M Farms Trail rides
Trail rides in the Francis Marion National Forest near Mt. Pleasant. 20 minutes from downtown Charleston, rides in Summerville on a 300-acre farm.
Error Requesty
141 Beer Ale Lager Lovers Society Looseknit group
Looseknit group of beer enthusiasts that meet in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Includes minutes, officers and background.
Society Beer Loadingz Lager Lovers Wiki
142 Maximum Turkey Guide Service Offering hunts
Offering hunts with blackpowder, shotgun or bow. Includes details, rates, photos, links and contact information. Located 45 minutes northeast of Columbus.
Maximumturkeyguideservicecom Advance Insurance Cash Debt Policy Consolidation Privacy Free Report Phonesbest Life Browse
143 Brewers Association of Beer and Beverage Libations Extraordinaire (BABBLE) Located in
Located in Lake County. Includes calendar of events, recipes, contact information for officers, and meeting minutes.
Babble Club Lake Calendar Discussions Resources Contact Google Posted Homebrewers Freise Join County Gallery Hombrewers Waukegan Trickslearn Great Grayslake
144 Brewers Association of Beer and Beverage Libations Extraordinaire (BABBLE) Home brewing
Home brewing club. Includes calendar of events, recipes, contact information for officers, and meeting minutes.
Babble Club Lake Contact Discussions Google Calendar Resources Homebrewers Hombrewers Sites County Gallery Freise Posted Lake * Hainesville Abuse
145 Cascade Caverns Guided tour
Guided tour lasts 45 minutes to one hour and features 100 waterfall. Includes history, hours of operation, rates, photos, map and contact information. Located in Boerne.
Caverns Cascade Texas Cave Park Visit Hill Country Photos Adventure Tour Tours Road Biologycheck Campsites
146 Manor Downs A Quarter
A Quarter Horse race track located ten minutes east of Austin, Texas. Offering racing schedule, simulcast, gate times, admissions, and contacts.
Racing Downs Thoroughbred Horse Manor Simulcast Austin Quarterhorse Texas Live Betting Wagering Provides Area Gambling Atmosphere
147 Scouts Canada, Orleans 1st - Scout Group Includes calendar
Includes calendar, minutes, contacts, sponsors and links for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and Rovers.
Navigationshilfe Ty
148 Grand National Golf Club 90 minutes
90 minutes north of Minneapolis/St.Paul, offers a superb championship layout. Located next to Grand Casino in Hinckley.
Golf Grand National Hinckley Minnesota Course Club Championship Located Casino Layout Review Packages Center Here
149 Adirondack Camping Village Family owned
Family owned and operated campground in the Adirondack Mountains minutes from Lake George. Includes photos, rates, and directions.
Adirondack Village Camping Lake George Enjoy Campgrounds Reserve Resort Mid Rates Family Beautiful Contact Mountains
150 Easyrider Motorbike Tours Chauffeured motorcycle
Chauffeured motorcycle tours using Harley motorcycles. From 15 minutes upto 2 days located at The Rocks Market, Sydney, Australia.
Tours Harley Sydney Tour Davidson Motorcycle Rocks Bike Australia Easyrider Motorbike Motor Chauffeured Motorcycles Accommodation Sydneyaustralia
151 Alaska Australian Shepherd Club. ASCA affiliate.
ASCA affiliate. Membership and show information. membership links, newsletter and meeting minutes. Link to other sites.
Australian Alaska Aasc Shepherd Club Trialsand Close Asca Maintained Conformation Shepherdbreedstockdog Webmistress_ Shows
152 Ravens Nest #3 Fan club
Fan club for the Baltimore Ravens in Frederick, Maryland. Includes membership information, meeting minutes, links to other clubs, news, and photos.
Ravens Nest Events Members Frederick Purchase Raffles Tickets County Baltimore Football Cart Charities Pictures Board Sharpe Lendenhall Meeting
153 Abate of Iowa - District 7 Rights organization
Rights organization consisting of motorcycle enthusiasts in the northern part of the state. Includes list of officers, events, meeting minutes, photographs, and membership information.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Finance Sites Toolbar Mail Maps Movies Terms News Y
154 Abate of Iowa - District 7 Rights organization
Rights organization consisting of motorcycle enthusiasts in the northern part of the state. Includes list of officers, events, meeting minutes, photographs, and membership information.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Archives Reachtrying Toolbar Maps Wayback Sorry News
155 Les Grottes de La Balme Guided tour
Guided tour lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes. Includes hours, admission fees, and contact information. Located 50 kilometers from Lyons. [French, English, German and Dutch].
Grottes Groupes Contact Balme De La Visite Les Individuels Situation Réservez Plan Accueil Osez Souris Chauves Tarifs
156 Hookbill Haven Aviary Breeder of
Breeder of amazons, cockatoos, senegals, pionus, african greys, conures and lovebirds. Handfed babies and adult birds are available. Located 30 minutes north of Nashville.
157 Nicoles Nesting Box Breeder of
Breeder of parakeets, cockatiels, conures, lovebirds, parrotlets, and African greys. Located 40 minutes east of Pittsburgh. Site includes articles on selection, care, and breeding.
158 Troop 494 - White Bear Lake Provides calendar
Provides calendar, camp out information, photo album, announcements, committee minutes, community service, Eagle list, leadership profile, resources and contacts.
Tripod Create Signup Website Shopping Hosting Please Login Check Couldnt Lycoscomlycos Tripodcom Requested
159 Oakwood Club Inc. Resort dedicated
Resort dedicated to clothing-free living and lifestyle. Includes FAQs, membership details and a schedule of events. Located 45 minutes north of the Minneapolis/St.Paul area.
Oakwood Club Nude Aanr News Membership Nudism Nudist Fees Weather Area Midwest American Check Alternative Minnesota Twin Birds Recreation Lifestyle Sno
160 Green Harbor Campground A family
A family campground located on 700 feet of beach on the south shore of Lake Ontario. We are 50 minutes from Buffalo, Rochester and Niagara Falls.
Sign Places Now Lifestream Policy Updated People Everything Account Reserved Bulk Network Search Trademarksgo Theres
161 Scouts Australia, Victoria - Ryver Region Rovers Located in
Located in Victoria, east from Melbourne. Contains crew listings, photos, events, forms and meeting minutes.
162 Greater St. Louis Chapter Provides information
Provides information on members and office bearers, meeting dates, aviation articles, last meeting minutes and a section on special events and awards.
Louis Newsletters Whats Sites Google Happening History Greater St Bylaws Waters Jean Chairman Sign Murryvice Laura
163 Saint Louis Chapter of the Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses Includes news
Includes news, presidents message, events, meeting information, minutes, and scholarship information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
164 Pakistan Ju-Jitsu Federation Lists background
Lists background information of organization, events, membership, minutes, syllabus, training centers, gallery, links and miscellaneous information.
165 Pakistan Ju-Jitsu Federation Lists background
Lists background information of organization, events, membership, minutes, syllabus, training centers, gallery, links and miscellaneous information.
166 Guild: Calontir Brewers Guild Contains guild
Contains guild charter, a list of officers, minutes, as well as links to period brewing recipes.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Local Help App Gallery Hosting Advisor Privacy Please Domains Blogs Mail
167 Scouts Canada, North Grimsby 1st - Kings Own Knights Rover Crew Ontario Rovers
Ontario Rovers includes program information, minutes, constitution, activities and events, photo gallery, membership and contacts.
Rover Crew Knights Kings Own Kermit_pat@yahooca Drobertson@cogecoca Memberstripodcomshaggunwagon Scoutsbradford@hotmailcom Wwwangelfirecomohbeabutterflyindexhtml Constitution Lloyd@sympaticoca K_dawg@hotmailcom
168 ABATE of Iowa - District 12 Rights organization
Rights organization consisting of motorcycle enthusiasts in the south central region of the state. Includes application form, membership minutes, events, legislative information and photographs.
Tripod Create Hostinglycos Website Login Shopping Couldnt Requested Please Lycoscomsignup Check
169 Willow Springs Golf Course 18 hole
18 hole golf course 15 minutes from the Baltimore Beltway. Offers leagues, lessons, and junior golf programs.
Hole Holes Golf Course Willow Springs Ladies Walk West Ons Lessons Senior Outings Range Camp
170 Pomona Lake Ski Club Group of
Group of waterskiers located 20 minutes south of Topeka, Kansas near Vassar. Provides information about the club, tournaments, schedule, photos, and related links.
Club Leave Ski Pineridge Xe Show Blog Gallery Wordpress Clinic Join Sponsors Lake Directions Pomona Donors Course  Pages
171 Rolling Prairie Corvette Club Formed in
Formed in 1998 by a group of people with a common interest in this car. Events, newsletter, club minutes and photographs. Located in Decatur, Illinois.
Health Heart Disease Budapest Krill Well Best Cooler Much Pets Enter Groom Travel Posted Prevent Hello Keep People Thebetter
172 Beaver Hills Country Club This 18
This 18 hole facility with swimming, dining, a pro shop and driving range is located Beaver Valley minutes northwest of Cedar Falls.
173 Laurel Caverns Guided tour
Guided tour lasts 55 minutes. Includes information about separate wild tour, hours, admission fees and contacts. Located east of Uniontown.
Caverns Laurel Local Scouts Cave Badges Tour Pennsylvanias Information Park Home Call Caving Rappelling Tours Educational Guided Kavernputt Trips Field
174 Sandy Valley Dude Ranch Located 45
Located 45 minutes from Las Vegas, offering horseback rides, cattle round ups, hayrides, trail rides, and competitive rodeo events.
Ranch Valley Sandy Trail Cowboy Dude Corporate West Horse Meet Filming Cattle Quinceañera Location Rides Rentals Horses American
175 Whitevale Golf Club A challenging
A challenging 18-hole, member-owned golf course, located just 40 minutes from downtown Toronto. Opportunities exist for new membership, private tournaments and banquets.
Golf Club Whitevale Best Golfing Tournament Durham Kept Toronto Gta Mcbroomwhitevail Private Torontos
176 Governors Task Force on Traumatic Brain Injury Members resources
Members resources, minutes, meeting times, and surveys. Also provides tasks to review, analyze, and recommend changes in Oregons response, programs, and policies for TBI survivors and their families.
Task Force Injury Brain Governors Traumatic Oregon Health Stock Sherry Welcome Governor Events Email Chair Olson
177 Heart of New York Australian Shepherd Club ASCA affiliate.
ASCA affiliate. Membership information, Junior handling program, events and results. Breed information, news and meeting minutes.
Information Services Error Custom Directory Product Open Setup Page Messageslinkscommon Found Tasks Click
178 Chapter 1112 - Oroville Includes introduction
Includes introduction, newsletter, meeting minutes, calendar of events, member projects, annual Fly-In details, Pancake Breakfast details, forum and classifieds.
President Oroville Fly Past Chapter Director Photo Activities City Cook Aviation Album Foundation Flight Membership Dave George Open Website
179 North Park Campground Full hook-ups
Full hook-ups and large camp sites. Located in Dickinson, 35 minutes to Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Rates, maps, and contact information.
Park North Campground National Nd Theodore Roosevelt Dakota Mountain Medora Dickinson Rates Rv Western Large Shopping Vehicles Ups
180 Morden Flying Club Based in
Based in Southern Manitoba, meeting once a month. Includes a picture gallery, aviation classified advertisements, minutes of the latest meeting and feedback form.
Morden Flying Club News Moutain Link Available Airport Aviation Events Page City Contact Hosting Fridays
181 Baltimore & Howard Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association Offers club
Offers club news, membership lists, monthly meeting minutes and club links. Located in West Friendship, Maryland.
Rabbit Cavy Web Hosting Template Thanks Free Geneology Pagebaltimore Shows Please Holdswelcome Page We Breeders Maryland~startingin
182 Metropolitan Doula Group of New York Includes mission
Includes mission statement, history, membership, Doula listings, certification and continuing education information, current events, and monthly meeting minutes.
183 Mt. Seymour Ski Club A non
A non profit organization dedicated to providing programs of quality instruction and training for skiers and snowboarders aged 6 and up. Located at Mt. Seymour only 30 minutes from downtown Vancouver, British Columbia.
Update Volume Club Camp Christmas Peaks Cypress Dryland Trail Contact Register Registration Seymour Coaches Open Mssc Northcott
184 Diss Otters Training times
Training times, committee and minutes, constitution, fixtures list, records, results, entry forms and newsletters and personal bests. This Norfolk club caters for fitness and competitive swimmers plus Masters.
185 Talladega Gran Prix Raceway This 1.35
This 1.35 mile road course is located just minutes from Talledega in Munford. Events include motorcycle, go-kart and sport car club racing. Site includes schedule, links, stories and photos.
Track Leasing Talladega Race Racing Click School Gran Prix Raceway Oxford Alabama Motorcycle Check Here
186 Mt. Waterman Mt. Waterman
Mt. Waterman is only 55 minutes from downtown Los Angeles, making it the closest recreational ski and snowboard park adjacent to Los Angeles county
187 Ballantrae Golf Club An 18-hole
An 18-hole championship course 30 minutes north of Toronto. Includes descriptions of each hole and club facilities.
Ballantrae Club Golfy
188 Norwich Knights Korfball Club Player photos
Player photos, committee meeting minutes and how to join the club, based in Norwich, England.
189 Riverdale Golf Courses The Dunes
The Dunes and the Knolls, minutes north of Denver. Two championship public courses, the Dunes is a Pete Dye designed course.
Golf Course Instruction Form Ready Club Riverdale Events Book Rates Leagues Store Premier Tee Courses Pass Hall Photos Message
190 Lincoln Stars Site of
Site of the booster club for the Lincoln Stars includes schedule, meeting minutes, newsletter, and membership information.
Stars Lincoln Uncategorized Auction Club Booster Blbc Posted Boosters Bowl Official Fall Banquet Spring Hockey Ushl Jr Award
191 Southern Dunes 20 minutes
20 minutes from downtown Orlando, Southern Dunes offers a challenge for all ranges of handicaps. Six sets of tees provide options for all.
Golf Orlando Dunes Course Southern Courses Contact Florida Best Club Rates Academy Awards Country Menus
192 Narrawong Holiday Park Family holiday
Family holiday park situated 10 minutes from the historical Port of Portland. Photos and information about online bookings.
Park Holiday Narrawong Accommodation Contact Tourist River Portland Caravan Pets Drive Thru Port Solutions Pool Peaceful Sites Booking Come
193 Keeshond Club of Kentuckiana A club
A club for Keeshond fanciers in Kentucky and Indiana, with a newsletter, recent meeting minutes and an application form listed.
194 Mount-N-Ride Adventures Offering picturesque
Offering picturesque trail rides, lessons, School Holiday programs and Farm Stay only 30 minutes south of Cairns, North Queensland. Details of programs and prices.
195 Golf Club of Indiana Located in
Located in southern Boone County near the town of Zionsville, just 20 minutes from Indianapolis International Airport. Features course info, green fees, facilities and a hole by hole tour.
Golf Indiana Club Dnnspot Course Academy Iga Zionsville Follow Pro Formance Contact Tony Click Mobile Year_ Trial
196 Gamble Oaks Equestrian Center Breeder and
Breeder and trainer of Arabian and Half-Arabian performance horses. Standing TR Narikata, KC Masterpiece and TW GG Pysche. Located approximately 30 minutes southeast of Denver in Elizabeth.
Gambel_oaks_equestrian_center Y
197 Elysian Fields Polo Estate Polo centre
Polo centre located 15 minutes from Surfers Paradise. Offers holiday packages, coaching, horses for hire and agistment. Details of facilities, history, tournaments.
198 Region 8 Mens Gymnastics News, calendar
News, calendar, rules and policies, board meeting minutes and links. Covers Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Region Class Regional Stars Mens Rule White Policies Gymnastics Kevin Program Championships National Meeting Rules Division Number Cabarrus Garrett
199 MEC Reloading Secrets: Fast Perfect Shot Shells is is designed to pick up where the MEC Reloader owners manual leaves off. The purpose of this site and is to show people how to reload a box of 25 perfect shotshells in 2 minutes.
Reloading Shotshell Mail Expertreloadercom Thats Privacy Reloader Troubleshooter Take I’ve Reload Refund Upstroke  Downstroke  Recipe Manual Drop Fellow Making Answers Call”“i
200 Hunters Creek Golf Course A nine
A nine hole executive course with an open layout ten minutes from Bon Echo Provincial Park near Cloyne. Lists location, course description, rates, layout, packages, tournaments and booking contact.
Golf Creek Hunters Course Pitch Putt Land Ontario Lakes Hole Email Bon Kingston Echo Cloyne Free Copyright

4. Computer & Minutes Games Websites

1 CyberPoint Richmond Internet cafe
Internet cafe just minutes away from the city.
2 CyberPoint Richmond Internet cafe
Internet cafe just minutes away from the city.
3 ezimerchant Enables businesses
Enables businesses to build a webstore in minutes.
Ebay Started Feeds Freight Marketing Login Multi Channel Cart Seller Real Support Sell Sign Tip Happens Friendly At
4 Web Design in 15-Minutes Brief web
Brief web authoring tutorial with links to more in-depth instructions.
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5 Wolfcam Images taken
Images taken from inside the wolf habitat updated every three minutes.
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6 60 Minutes: John Chambers, CEO, CISCO Interview at
Interview at (January, 2001)
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11 Hours and Minutes A background
A background application that keeps track of what youre doing. It logs active time, and has the ability to create a timesheet.
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12 Chicago FoxPro Users and Developers Group News items
News items, meetings, downloads, members list, and meeting minutes.
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13 North Georgia Mountains Outdoor mountain
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74 pays $53.4 million to end copyright suit agreed agreed Tuesday to pay $53.4 million to end its copyright infringement suit with Seagrams Universal Music Group in a deal approved by a federal judge just minutes before a scheduled trial to assess damages in the case. []
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75 Cybercafé Amadeus Situated in
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View and edit images in popular raster formats. browse graphics collection quickly using the quasi-Explorer interface. Display pictures full screen, in a slideshow, as thumbnails, in wallpaper and in mosaic form. Manage photos albums and publish them within minutes. Supports Photoshop plugins. [Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP]
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81 Imaja: Bliss Saver Displays awesome
Displays awesome color animations as a screen saver or as an interactive graphic toy. Use the keyboard to trigger the innovative color synthesizer. Over 130 animations are included each lasting from 5 to 30 minutes. MIDI and sound input are supported. Password protection and other features are included.
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Riverboat gambling complex located 20 minutes from downtown Cincinnati.
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5 Ultris A Tetris
A Tetris clone for the Mac. It features 25 minutes worth of music and some pretty cool graphics.
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8 Game Chronicles Reviewed by
Reviewed by Mark Smith, [8.2/10]. ' But it only took a few minutes of playing to see that this is a whole new vision of the Mortal Kombat legacy.'
Game Chronicles Reviewy
9 Unity Wars A free
A free Planetarion style space warfare game. Turns are every two minutes rather than one an hour.
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Interview with the creator of Kingdom of Loathing, talking about how the game got started and why it was never intended to be serious satire.
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11 GameZone [9/10] Review
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History, dining, entertainment, lodging and promotions. Located 25 minutes from downtown Minneapolis.
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13 GameSpy DS Review, by
Review, by Phil Theobald: 'Pac-Pix is fun to toss in for a few minutes at a time, but its allure wears off during extended play periods.' [Score: 3 out of 5]
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14 'Once Pryzm
'Once Pryzm requires more than ten minutes of your undivided attention, the fantasy ends.' Review by Libe Goad with screen shots.
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15 GameSpot [5.1/10] by
[5.1/10] by Ron Dulin - 'Its like an X-Files primer, filled with cute references to events from the show and following a plot that the devout will be able to predict within the first 15 minutes of the game.'
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16 All-Reviews Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Tom Allen, 'The impossible jumps that plagued the original game (youd spend minutes lining up a jump) have been virtually eliminated for Turok 3.' [3.5/4]
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Meeting minutes, news, calendar, contact list, member list, and downloads.
Tripod Tripodcom Page Create Website Please Pricing Lycos References Been Blog Remove Hostingyouve
18 GameSpot Erik Wolpaw
Erik Wolpaw review for PC [6.6/10] includes screenshots. 'Once youve played the first ten minutes of Psycho Circus, you might as well have played the first ten hours.'
Request Nginxz
19 Just Adventure Review Rated B
Rated B by Ray Ivey. 'I can heartily recommend you explore this new version of a classic, as long as you bought your computer, say, five minutes before reading this review.'
Karla Munger News Upcoming Release Review Sign Adventure Store Support Dark Games Trailer Releases Released
20 The Boise Idaho Statesman [5/5] Review
[5/5] Review with screen shots by Michael Deeds. 'Because of its straightahead shooter mentality, Quake III Arena is a mindlessly rewarding adventure whether you play it for two minutes or two hours.'
21 GameSpot Review by
Review by Hugo Foster, 69%. 'Terminal Velocity is the proverbial quick fix. Youll never spend twenty hours straight playing, but you will never be disappointed when youre looking for a few minutes of high-speed excitement.'
Reviews Review Xbox Gamespot News Terminal Pc Ps Wii Velocity Air Latest Sign Minutes Retro Gaming Gamerankingscom Feel
22 Absolute PlayStation Review Rated 80%.
Rated 80%. 'A very good translation of the TV game show. I found it to mimic the game in every aspect...right down to the amount of time it takes to finish it...about 24 minutes or so.'
23 UltraCorps Commercial massively
Commercial massively multiplayer online game of space exploration and combat. Games with up to several hundred players only require a few minutes each day due to simple production, movement and combat rules.
Ultracorps Thelegions Everygames Stevejacksonnavigationshilfe
24 Gamers Hell (PlayStation 2) Review, by
Review, by M. Cobussen: 'Some events are a lot of fun and will have you pushing hard for that world record that youre so close to, but youll lose interest in other events in a manner of minutes.' [Score: 6.9 out of 10]
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25 Gamers Hell (PlayStation 2) Review, by
Review, by M. Cobussen: 'Some events are a lot of fun and will have you pushing hard for that world record that youre so close to, but youll lose interest in other events in a manner of minutes.' [Score: 6.9 out of 10]
Games Videos Reviews Star Downloads Casual Armageddon Rage Call Gears News Fist North Cheats Wii Vs Rise Payne Dishonored
26 Que Sera Sera Sierra Vistas
Sierra Vistas Camarilla Chapter (AZ009)page includes chapter meeting minutes and clan lores.
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27 GameSpy DS Review, by
Review, by Phil Theobald: 'Granted, the concept of staring at a screen full of black and white squares for minutes on end looking for the correct line to draw may not sound like the most exciting game out there, but for those who appreciate a good mental challenge, its a treat.' [Score: 4 out of 5]
Found Message Code Navigationshilfe Nosuchkey Keyhostidfnlpelzduzagxsepmzarcttdxdjde+dpjsmsbqztvliwnozjroqkhy+opapa= Requestid
28 1UP Preview, by
Preview, by Mike Nelson: 'One of the fan favorite features looks to be the real-time weather data updating in the region you are currently 'flying,' while your internet connection transmits the weather data to your computer every 15 minutes.'
Permanently The Server Apache Portz
29 1UP Preview, by
Preview, by Mike Nelson: 'One of the fan favorite features looks to be the real-time weather data updating in the region you are currently 'flying,' while your internet connection transmits the weather data to your computer every 15 minutes.'
Serverport Apache Permanently Themoved
30 Build Your Own Net Dream (BYOND) A multi-player
A multi-player world building utility, allows you to create, host, and connect to text or graphical games, even web apps. Excellent for RPGs. Non-programmers can create worlds in minutes, while seasoned coders may take advantage of the powerful OO language behind the system.
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31 Coeur dAlene Tribal Bingo and Casino Casino located
Casino located 30 minutes south of Coeur dAlene offers bingo, slot machines, off-track betting, dining, and free bus rides from Spokane, Post Falls, and Coeur dAlene. Site includes directions, news, special events, and additional facility information.
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32 Facts in Five A review
A review of the 3M Bookshelf Game Facts in Five (1967). Five cards are drawn. Each card contains a 'class' and a list of 'categories'. A category is selected for each class and the players and five letter tiles are drawn. The players have 5 minutes to come up with an example that begins with each letter for each class/category.
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3 Galarosa Stables Offers trail
Offers trail riding and lessons, 30 minutes from Santa Fe, Galisteo.
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An 18-hole par 71 course located 20 minutes east of downtown Memphis.
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6 ThePoleVaultPit Up to
Up to the minutes pole vaulting news, results, articles, interviews, polls and discuassion.
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One of the youngest runners ever to break four minutes for 1500 metres.
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8 Briarcliff Mx, LLC A facility
A facility catering for motocross and supercross. Located 15 minutes East of Newark, Ohio.
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9 SMT Adventures Indoor/outdoor field
Indoor/outdoor field and proshop in Smith Falls Ontario, 30-45 minutes from Ottawa.
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Results, fixtures, tables, officers, reports, clubs, minutes and contacts.
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11 Murrysville Golf Club Public course
Public course located 30 minutes from Pittsburgh. Scorecard, directions and rates are listed.
Murrysville Golf Club Scorecard Welcome Rates Leagues Juniors Home * Sardismembership Membership * Events Fax
12 University of Oregon Contains news
Contains news items, pictures, a listing of members, meeting minutes, and past results.
Create Tripod Please Couldnt Lycoscom Lycos Check Signup Website Requested Shopping Pagefound Login
13 East Midlands Public Authority Football League News, fixtures
News, fixtures results, tables, minutes, and contacts.
Division Midlands East Authorities Public League Navigation Respect Expand Competitionempal Navigationshilfe After Thefarefs
14 Hermon Meadow Golf Club Public course
Public course 6 minutes from Bangor Airport. Includes rates, directions and contact information.
Repair Diego Appliance Movers Charlotte California Murrieta Posted San Moving Company Maytag Washer Best Houston Local Other
15 North East Colorado Basketball Officials Association News, schedules
News, schedules, meeting dates, assessments, minutes, and rules changes.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 Canadian Soccer Referees Association Includes the
Includes the CSRA directory, minutes of meetings, AGM information and a mission and vision statement.
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17 FATCAT Paintball & Supply Store and
Store and 10-acre field located 30 minutes north of Tampa in Spring Hill, Florida.
Disabled Websitesorry Been Requested Z
18 Western International Walking Horse Association Includes contacts
Includes contacts, rules, forms, meeting minutes, and show results.
Horse Walking Association Western Mintues Wiwha International Swingly Linda Futurity Arnold Dqp Washington Organization Industry Tennessee Northwestbased Clark
19 St. Margarets Golf and Country Club Located 5
Located 5 minutes from Dublin Airport, home to the Ladies and the Seniors Irish Opens.
Golf Margarets Club Country Open Membership Synergy Irish Book Stmargarets St Phone Visitor Moment Location
20 Club de Golf Pont-Rouge A nine
A nine hole course over 3,008 yards, 25 minutes from Quebec City. Describes facilities, fees and contact details.
Golf Pont Rouge Quebec Courses Club De Greens Tees Directory Golfablecom Resorts Golfable Privacy Fees
21 Green Valley Country Club An 18-holes
An 18-holes golf course designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr. Located at Samutprakarn, 30 minutes from Bangkok.
Golf Green Valley Bangkok Course Country Club Robert Package Trent Airport Near Click Paradise Jones Jr Thailand Driving
22 If Only Farm Quality boarding
Quality boarding and listing of training facilities. Offering lessons to riders aged 4 to 72. Horses and ponies for sale and 10 minutes from Ithaca.
Farm Only Equestrian Center Ny Freeville Sales Riding Sunday Horse Declerck Design Page Lessons Rencis Photosvideos Equitation
23 The Bay Club Golf course
Golf course located in Berlin, MD just minutes outside of Ocean City. Advanced reservations, discount coupons, score card, and layout maps.
Book Tee Times Golf Club Rates Bay Courses Play Calendar People Saying Events Logo Shop
24 Blast Camp This large
This large 28-acre paintball field is located on a retired military base near Hobart, just 40 minutes East of Chicago, Illinois.
Paintball Blast Camp Airsoft Blastcamp Contact Events History Paint Ball Rates Pictures Welcome Release Reservation Safety Base
25 Hermitage Golf Course Located 20
Located 20 minutes from downtown Nashville. Home of the LPGA Sara Lee Classic, offers two top-ranked courses near the Cumberland River.
Course Golf Hermitage Public Retreat Contact Reserve Rates Tour Courses Best Book Video Presidents Generals
26 Edmonton District Badminton Association Contains details
Contains details about area clubs, interclub competition, minutes from past meetings, and tournament information. Based in Alberta.
Found The Foundy
27 Bay Areas Sunol Paintball Outdoor field
Outdoor field catering to beginners, corporate events, and private parties. Located 10 minutes from Fremont and between San Francisco and San Jose.
Paintball Sunol Rental Pricing Field News Directions Players Group Area Sunday Must Only Saturday Paintballs Form Closed Bay
28 Pine Hills Golf Course A public
A public golf course minutes away from Versailles State Park.
Course Golf Hills Pine State Park Holton Indiana Public Versailles Contact Golfersweb Courses Number Fees
29 West Waterford Golf Eddie Hackett
Eddie Hackett design, 30 minutes from Waterford airport.
30 Golf Club Vicenza 9 hole
9 hole course located a few minutes away from the centre of Vicenza.
Vicenza Villa Olmi Club Degli Golf | Welcomey
31 Pine Hills Golf Course, Holton A public
A public golf course minutes away from Versailles State Park.
Golf Course Pine Hills State Park Holton Indiana Public Versailles Golfersweb Contact Number Fees Courses
32 Indooroopilly Golf Club Situated 10
Situated 10 minutes from the Brisbane CBD, Indooroopilly offers two 18 hole championship courses.
Golf Indooroopilly Club Course Visitors Courses Coaching Meetings Brisbane Enquiries Corporate Weddings Clubs Dress Public
33 Bonnie Doon Golf Club An 18
An 18 hole golf courses.Located only 10 minutes from the Sydney airport.
Rosehill Tips Racing Theme Entries Expand Child Rss Shrunk Raindrops Area Home Puddlecontent Z
34 Schukar Racing Profiles Ken
Profiles Ken Schukar the Winner of the 1999 60 minutes of F.E.A.R. Includes photos and contact information.
Racing Schukary
35 Stoneham Located less
Located less than twenty minutes from downtown Quebec City and rated among the top three ski resorts in the province of Quebec.
Plus Et Dinfo De Voir Ski Carte En Atelier Famille Location Après Stoneham à Bal Drsquoentrainement
36 Kamloops Disc Golf Club Located in
Located in British Columbia. Includes a message forum, news items, maps of courses, pictures, and meeting minutes.
37 National Capital Division of Freestyle Skiing The team
The team trains at Camp Fortune near Old Chelsea Quebec which is only 20 minutes north of Ottawa. Programs for ages 6 and older.
Request Rejectedy
38 Southern Regional Paso Fino Horse Association Contains history
Contains history of the breed, events calendar, contacts, meeting minutes, and classified advertising. Located in Florida.
Show Form Entry Srpfha Diagonal Pfha Gaited Welcome Reservation Fair Stall Usef Horsesrights
39 Francois Mathys Stables Horse sales
Horse sales and brokerage, training horses for show jumping, clinics. Dutch stallion at stud. Situated 45 minutes away from Luxembourg.
Mathy Les News Jr Achats François Voir Francois Elevage Photos Washington Liens Et Ventes Tweeter Contacts Copyright
40 Delaware Appaloosa Horse Association Offers membership
Offers membership applications, a members directory, photos, show and event schedules, a bulletin board, and meeting minutes.
Tripod Create Errorpage Couldnt Please Page Website Found Lycoscom Lycos Tripodcom Loginhosting Signup
41 Shell Point Golf Club Championship golf
Championship golf just minutes from Sanibel Island and Fort Myers Beach.
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42 Aa Saint Omer Golf Club 20 minutes
20 minutes from Calais and just 2 hours from London via the tunnel, 27 holes of golf await.
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43 Saratoga Lake Golf Club C. Michael
C. Michael Ingersoll Designed Course on 198 acres of forestland. Minutes from Saratoga Springs New York.
Golf Saratoga Club Springs Events Membership Driving League Range Contact Lake Book Rates Event Hole Trail Course Leagues Big
44 Kelab Golf Rahman Putra Malaysia A 36-holes
A 36-holes golf course located in Sungei Buloh, 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur.
Forgot Malaysia Putra Rahman Kelab Create Password Username News Krpm Facilities Login Account Written Signup Discount Notice Buloh
45 Bolton and District Table Tennis League Includes league
Includes league tables, AGM minutes, details of local clubs, and schedule.
46 USAG Washington Provides calendar
Provides calendar, club roster, meet schedules, clinics, meeting minutes, and judges for USA Gymnastics in Washington.
47 West Bolton Golf Club Nestled in
Nestled in the Green Mountains, 15 minutes South of Burlington. Includes an online bulletin board, rates, events calendar and scorecard.
Club Golf Times Bolton Course West Footgolf Jericho Memberships Events Tee Member Book League Photos Join Sign
48 North Carolina Quarter Horse Association (NCQHA) Feature schedule
Feature schedule of events, minutes of the State Board of Directors Meeting, annual trail ride information.
Ncqha District News Show Horse Directors Officers Quarter Classic Novice Aqha Heel Photos World Events Bling North Calendar
49 Heartland Volleyball Officials Association Meeting schedule
Meeting schedule and minutes, as well as membership information, high school officials in central Illinois.
Officials Volleyball Association Hvoa Heartland Illinois Central Error Requesthighschool
50 Pemberton Valley Golf & Country Club A 18
A 18 hole championship course 25 minutes from Whistler. Green fees, golf memberships and passes available.
Pemberton Meadows Events Course Golf Here Restaurant Click Contact Times Shop Play Community Career Weddings Specials Photos Club Memberships Rights
51 Whistler Paintball Adventures Located 5
Located 5 minutes north of Whistler Village. Includes FAQs, photo gallery, and contact information.
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52 Mount Broughton Golf and Country Club Course photographs
Course photographs, event and membership information. 18 hole, par 72 championship golf course located 90 minutes from Sydney.
Golf Broughton Club Course Country Southern Highlands Members Peppers Mt Stay Contact Shop Play House Corporate Larger Map Weather The
53 M&M Farms Trail rides
Trail rides in the Francis Marion National Forest near Mt. Pleasant. 20 minutes from downtown Charleston, rides in Summerville on a 300-acre farm.
Error Requesty
54 Shadowmoss Plantation Golf Club Russell Breeden
Russell Breeden designed club located 15 minutes from Charleston. Tee times, rates and scorecard are listed.
Golf Shadowmoss Course Membership Review Pool Rates Charleston Club Tournament } + Times { Best Contact Clubs Today Dunvegan Score
55 Sycamore Hills Golf Club 27 hole
27 hole golf facility. Driving range, banquet facilities and a pro shop. Minutes from downtown Detroit.
Golf Weddings Course Banquets Hills Upcoming Request Contact Scorecard Menu Mobile Hole Outings Value Dates Events
56 Manor Downs A Quarter
A Quarter Horse race track located ten minutes east of Austin, Texas. Offering racing schedule, simulcast, gate times, admissions, and contacts.
Racing Downs Thoroughbred Manor Simulcast Horse Quarterhorse Texas Austin Live Betting Wagering Provides Pari Mutuel Gambling
57 Ravens Nest #3 Fan club
Fan club for the Baltimore Ravens in Frederick, Maryland. Includes membership information, meeting minutes, links to other clubs, news, and photos.
Ravens Events Nest Members Meeting Scholarship Frederick Board Forum Slideshow Tickets Officers Contact Raffles Charities Sharp Leadenhall Miami Corner Held Purchase Crawl
58 Grand National Golf Club 90 minutes
90 minutes north of Minneapolis/St.Paul, offers a superb championship layout. Located next to Grand Casino in Hinckley.
Golf Grand National Minnesota Hinckley Course Club Championship Casino Located Layout Review Packages Lodging Mn Jack Center
59 Pakistan Ju-Jitsu Federation Lists background
Lists background information of organization, events, membership, minutes, syllabus, training centers, gallery, links and miscellaneous information.
60 Pakistan Ju-Jitsu Federation Lists background
Lists background information of organization, events, membership, minutes, syllabus, training centers, gallery, links and miscellaneous information.
61 Willow Springs Golf Course 18 hole
18 hole golf course 15 minutes from the Baltimore Beltway. Offers leagues, lessons, and junior golf programs.
Hole Holes Golf Willow Course Springs Ladies Walk Ons Senior Camp Junior Directions Range Group
62 Sandy Valley Dude Ranch Located 45
Located 45 minutes from Las Vegas, offering horseback rides, cattle round ups, hayrides, trail rides, and competitive rodeo events.
Events Riding Rides Corporate Ranch Weddings Trail Horseback Valley Location Western Cowboy Join Rental Filming Calendar Day
63 Beaver Hills Country Club This 18
This 18 hole facility with swimming, dining, a pro shop and driving range is located Beaver Valley minutes northwest of Cedar Falls.
Beaver Hills Country Club Contact Webcommunicator Privacy Membership Photos * Policy Golf Page Photos Join Us * Falls Holiday Brunch Fees * Professional *
64 Pomona Lake Ski Club Group of
Group of waterskiers located 20 minutes south of Topeka, Kansas near Vassar. Provides information about the club, tournaments, schedule, photos, and related links.
Leave Show Lake Ski Pine Ridge Pomona Clinic Warriors Water Join Rough Pineridge Hillsdale Calendar Club Enjoy High
65 Whitevale Golf Club A challenging
A challenging 18-hole, member-owned golf course, located just 40 minutes from downtown Toronto. Opportunities exist for new membership, private tournaments and banquets.
Golf Club Whitevale Private Ontario Course Secret Golfing Torontos Toronto Whitevail Gta Best Error Durhambanquet
66 Mt. Seymour Ski Club A non
A non profit organization dedicated to providing programs of quality instruction and training for skiers and snowboarders aged 6 and up. Located at Mt. Seymour only 30 minutes from downtown Vancouver, British Columbia.
Whistler Camp Program Skills Seymour Zone U+ Speed Update Fitness Peaks Training Coaches Club Land Mount Mssc Cup Silver Results Offers
67 Talladega Gran Prix Raceway This 1.35
This 1.35 mile road course is located just minutes from Talledega in Munford. Events include motorcycle, go-kart and sport car club racing. Site includes schedule, links, stories and photos.
Track Talladega Leasing Race Click Racing Raceway Prix Gran Here School Photos Motorcycle Alabama Oxford Download
68 Diss Otters Training times
Training times, committee and minutes, constitution, fixtures list, records, results, entry forms and newsletters and personal bests. This Norfolk club caters for fitness and competitive swimmers plus Masters.
Navigationshilfe Ty
69 Ballantrae Golf Club An 18-hole
An 18-hole championship course 30 minutes north of Toronto. Includes descriptions of each hole and club facilities.
Golf Ballantrae Cluby
70 Mt. Waterman Mt. Waterman
Mt. Waterman is only 55 minutes from downtown Los Angeles, making it the closest recreational ski and snowboard park adjacent to Los Angeles county
71 Riverdale Golf Courses The Dunes
The Dunes and the Knolls, minutes north of Denver. Two championship public courses, the Dunes is a Pete Dye designed course.
Golf Course Riverdale Instruction Club Book Events Form Courses Rates Premier Leagues Pass Store Posted Certificate Dunes
72 Lincoln Stars Site of
Site of the booster club for the Lincoln Stars includes schedule, meeting minutes, newsletter, and membership information.
Stars Uncategorized Blbc Lincoln Auction Booster Club Posted Official Ornament Fall Membership Gift Website Meet
73 Norwich Knights Korfball Club Player photos
Player photos, committee meeting minutes and how to join the club, based in Norwich, England.
74 Southern Dunes 20 minutes
20 minutes from downtown Orlando, Southern Dunes offers a challenge for all ranges of handicaps. Six sets of tees provide options for all.
Orlando Golf Dunes Courses Course Florida Southern Restaurant Fl Best Club Tavern Country Haines Contact
75 Region 8 Mens Gymnastics News, calendar
News, calendar, rules and policies, board meeting minutes and links. Covers Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Region Class Stars Mens Regional Program White Policies Kevin Gymnastics Rule Championships Rules Competition Meeting Olympic National Leyva Hisey Developmental
76 Mount-N-Ride Adventures Offering picturesque
Offering picturesque trail rides, lessons, School Holiday programs and Farm Stay only 30 minutes south of Cairns, North Queensland. Details of programs and prices.
Horse Cairns Trail Tours Rainforest Riding Take Rides Mountains Dounique Things Heritage Beautiful
77 Gamble Oaks Equestrian Center Breeder and
Breeder and trainer of Arabian and Half-Arabian performance horses. Standing TR Narikata, KC Masterpiece and TW GG Pysche. Located approximately 30 minutes southeast of Denver in Elizabeth.
Found The Foundy
78 Hunters Creek Golf Course A nine
A nine hole executive course with an open layout ten minutes from Bon Echo Provincial Park near Cloyne. Lists location, course description, rates, layout, packages, tournaments and booking contact.
Creek Golf Hunters Course Putt Pitch Lakes Land Ontario Bon Belleville Kingston Email Hole Cloyne Toll Quiet
79 Golf Club of Indiana Located in
Located in southern Boone County near the town of Zionsville, just 20 minutes from Indianapolis International Airport. Features course info, green fees, facilities and a hole by hole tour.
Golf Indiana Club Academy Course Dnnspot Iga Mobile Pro Formance Pga Zionsville Click Contact Learn Follow Modedotnetnukemodules Swing
80 Elysian Fields Polo Estate Polo centre
Polo centre located 15 minutes from Surfers Paradise. Offers holiday packages, coaching, horses for hire and agistment. Details of facilities, history, tournaments.
81 Champlain Country Club Grahm Cook
Grahm Cook redesigned course in Swanton, 30 minutes from Burlington, with views of the Green Mountains and Lake Champlain. Includes directions, scorecard, rates and fees and calendar of events.
Club Champlain Country Swanton Marketing Vermont Restaurant Email Grand Sally Isle Counseling Franklin Tournament United
82 Pinnacle Golf Club A championship
A championship golf course and master planned community of the shores of Cedar Creek Lake, 70 minutes southeast of Dallas. Golf course and waterfront homesites are available for sale.
Pinnacle Golf Club Cedar Creek Estate Lake Weddingsevents Localarea Real Commute”_contact Contactus Rights Area Membership
83 Michael Finley Player Information Finley played
Finley played the most minutes per game of any NBA player in 1997-98. Check out a general overview of his career and review his statistics.
Stats Team League Tracking Leaders Nbacom Game Video Fantasy Pass History Star Standings Players Scores Ball Nbacomstats Charlesbarkleycom
84 Kamloops Paintball Games Paintball facility
Paintball facility located at Harper Mountain, twenty-five minutes from Kamloops. Includes field map, equipment, pricing, and group information.
Paintball Kamloops Here Booking Pricing Bc Latest Safe Gear News Field Click Gallery Below Per Book Maps Policies
85 Tirhatuan Lakes Public Golf Course An 18
An 18 Holes public golf course located 30 minutes Southeast of Melbourne. Green fees, course information, pro shop and membership requirements.
Golf Tirhatuan Course Public Lakes Courses Melbournes Melbourne Shop Ladies Members Member Rowville Access Stud
86 Clover Brooke Stables A full
A full care facility on 20+ acres located 15 minutes from the Historic Manassas Battlefield in Nokesville, VA. An all breed horse boarding facility. Info on specialized hunter-jumper training.
Navigationshilfe Ty
87 Hartlen Point Forces Golf Club An eighteen
An eighteen hole, par 71 links style golf course only minutes outside Dartmouth. Lists course description, score card, fees, membership, facilities and location. Soft spikes required.
Point Hartlen Club Golf Forces Rates Members Contact Halifax Hpfgc Membership Scorecard Welcome Green Instructions Style Support
88 Mayfair Lakes Golf course An eighteen
An eighteen hole 6,641 yard course with water on almost every hole, minutes from Vancouver at Richmond. Gives a score card, hole by hole tips, green fees and rental rates.
Golfbc Golf Okanagan Wailea Courses Vancouver Book Island Maui Program Rewards North Nicklaus Game Tracker Indulge Exceptional Lodge
89 Zone 5 - Black Gold League Albertas Zone
Albertas Zone 5 league provides teams, divisions, standings, rules, bylaws, constitution, and minutes. Find member associations, tournaments and arena information.
Association Ringette Ub Ua Division Arena Documents Sta Contact Team Referee Centre Associations Schedule Allocators Fsk Bmt
90 Canterbury & District Soccer Referees Association Provides referees
Provides referees for the inner Sydney district. Includes minutes, office-bearers, grounds list, Laws of the Game, refereeing tips, and report forms.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Please Website Domains Help Terms Privacy Customer Copyright Commerce
91 Golf Dorval Located minutes
Located minutes from Montreal, the club operates two Graham Cooke courses, Oakville and Gentilly. Describes courses, driving range, rules, facilities, rates, local weather, location and booking contact.
Request Rejectedy
92 Big Oak Ranch A full
A full care boarding and riding facility located only 20 minutes from San Jose. Offering both English and Western riding lessons and training for all ages with safety a top priority. Also day camp, weekend riding clinics, and events.
Services Contact Lessons Faqs Ranch Training Round Best Add Bend Wizards Page Care Here National Morgan Engine Hill
93 Stanjay Sports Huntingdon Pool League A pool
A pool league based out of Cambridgeshire, UK. It contains a page listing their rules, current divisions, statistics, meeting minutes, and information on Summer and Winter leagues.
Sportsleague Stanjay Poolhuntingdon Navigationshilfe
94 Pine Mountain Horse Shows Riders compete
Riders compete in a 2 day event, Combined Test, 3 Phase, Jumper. An 80 acre Cross Course is open for schooling. Located 90 minutes south of Atlanta in Pine Mountain, GA
Navigationshilfe Ty
95 Footie Hub A football
A football news aggregator primarily focusing on English top-flight football. Football news headlines from around the world are continually updated every few minutes.
96 Waterski Atlanta Waterski Atlanta
Waterski Atlanta has exclusive rights to Lake Frances, minutes from downtown Atlanta. Slalom, trick, jump, barefoot, and competition.
97 Hillview Public Golf course Public 27
Public 27 hole golf course 25 minutes from Perth. Course layout and photos, womens golf, junior academy plus booking information and fees.
Golf Perth Course Hillview Clinics Junior Here Public Specials Proshop Cheer Melbourne Driver Team Golfers Shoe Green Special Cbd
98 Delaware Speedway Situated minutes
Situated minutes from London, this 1/2 mile oval asphalt track features CASCAR sanctioned stock car racing. Track information, schedule, race results, point standings, classifieds, photo gallery and links.
Delaware Speedwayz
99 Delaware Speedway Situated minutes
Situated minutes from London, this 1/2 mile, oval, asphalt, track features CASCAR sanctioned stock car racing. Track information, schedule, race results, point standings, classifieds, photo gallery and links.
Delaware Speedwayz
100 Walnut Creek Pony Club Contains archives
Contains archives, schedules, classifieds, forms, club handbook, library list, membership roster, meeting minutes, new member information including costs as well as the club policies. Located in Harrison, OH.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Please Help Domains Website Web Terms Account Upgrade
101 Ennis Country Club Course and
Course and club located just a few minutes from Dallas in Ennis.
102 The Golf Club at Genoa Lakes Country club
Country club and residential golf community. Golf course designed by Peter Jacobson. Convenient to Carson and Reno, minutes from Lake Tahoe.
Course Lakes Here Golf Genoa Weddings Music Dinner Banquet Club Gallery Resort Live Banquets Hours Grill
103 Mountain High Resort The New
The New Mountain High is conveniently located in the San Gabriel mountains, just 15 minutes off I-15 with no mountain driving.
High Mountain Lessons Resort Programs Snow Tickets Powder Adult Passes Trail Rentals North Conditions Contact Benson Interactive
104 Summit Ski Club A non-profit
A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of alpine ski racing, alpine skiing skill development, and the encouragement of young athletes in competition. Training occurs at Springhill Winter Sports Park located 15 minutes from Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Request Rejectedy
105 International Funboard Class Association (IFCA) Official site.
Official site. Provides information on events and results, rules and regulations, general information including ISAF and IFCA meeting minutes and Formula windsurfing, and related links.
Freestyle World Ifca Junior Youth Championship Fours Waterz Champion Vrieswijk Freestylewave Amado Sande European Hvide Marcus
106 Eldorado Canyon Mine Tours, Inc. Guided canoe
Guided canoe and kayak tours of historical blue water cove on the Colorado River, plus tour the oldest, most famous gold mine in south Nevada, 45 minutes from Las Vegas.
Mine Eldorado Canyon Tours Kayak Canoe Directionscontact Gallery Hosting Us *photosmoviesweddings Stripin Vegas Web
107 Eldorado Canyon Mine Tours Guided, canoe
Guided, canoe and kayak tours of historical blue water cove on the Colorado River, plus tour the oldest, most famous gold mine in South Nevada, 45 minutes from Las Vegas.
Mine Tours Eldorado Canyon Kayak Gallery Directionscontact Canoe Hosting Home * Rentals * Est Home Photosmoviesweddings * Ipower
108 Northwest Sport Horse Breeders Association Dedicated to
Dedicated to development, breeding, and promotion of the breed in the Northwest United States. Contains show schedule, awards, membership information, photos, stallion auction, show results, and minutes.
Navigationshilfe Ty
109 Combloux Tourist Office Located minutes
Located minutes away from the resorts of Megeve and Chamonix Mont-Blanc in the French Alps. Includes web cam, directions, local activities, lodging, event calendar, child care, and guide to ski rentals, schools, local lift tickets.
Component Date Pagemistyped Because Visit Able Access Pagesbookmarkfavourite Address Listing Administrator
110 Tally Park Farmstay and Riding Ranch Trail riding
Trail riding and beach rides, instruction available. Facilities include swimming pool and spa, tennis court, 2 hole golf practice range, walking and running track, just minutes from Gold Coast beaches.
Navigationshilfet Y
111 Mount Charleston Riding Stables Horseback riding
Horseback riding and wagon tours minutes from Las Vegas in Mount Charleston National Park.
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112 Bright Valley Farms A full
A full service facility offering boarding, training, English and Western riding lessons, plus Dressage, Jumping, and breeding. Also offering rentals and miles of riding trails. Located just minutes from Downtown San Diego.
Valley Bright Farms Lessons Boarding Spring Rentals Campo Events Camps Parties Soil Horse Breeding News Contact
113 Miss Rodeo Weston County Reigning from
Reigning from Wyoming, the Weston County Rodeo Royalty website offers photos and biographies, meeting minutes, sponsor information and photo galleries.
114 Boulder Creek Golf Club Located 20
Located 20 minutes from Las Vegas and home to 3 new championship golf courses and a world class golf learning center. Includes photos, course and facility fees, upcoming events, short biographies of the staff and contact information.
Boulder City Golf Course Events Creek Rates Specials Municipal Weather Clubhouseclub Association Womens
115 Boulder Creek Golf Club Located 20
Located 20 minutes from Las Vegas and home to 3 new championship golf courses and a world class golf learning center. Includes photos, course and facility fees, upcoming events, short biographies of the staff and contact information.
Boulder City Course Golf Creek Events Rates Specials Contact Club Cybergolf Clubhouse Location Packages Y
116 American Haflinger Registry A democratic
A democratic member-owned nonprofit business dedicated to providing timely and accurate documentation of pedigrees and ownership, as well as promoting the breed. Contains calendar of events, forms, rules, minutes, breed history and standards, classifieds, list of farms, and FAQ.
Thanks Application Show Submitting Haflinger Stallion Ahr Breed Membership Futurity Transfer Magazine Awards List Youth Rules Members Readmore
117 Selborne Hotel, Spa and Golf Estate Close to
Close to the shores of the Indian Ocean, Selborne is perfectly positioned on South Africas sub-tropical golf coast, a mere 40 minutes drive south of Durban.
Wwwselbornecom New Soonz
118 California Paint Horse Association Regional American
Regional American Paint Horse Association Club. Includes contacts, by-laws and rules, meeting minutes, high point information, and membership application.
Horse Paint Cpha Meeting Association California Shows Apha Learn Minutes Services Check Silver Location Membership
119 Delmarva Paint Horse Club Regional American
Regional American Paint Horse Association Club. Includes contacts, futurity information, calendar of events, membership application, minutes, and by-laws. Located in Delaware.
Horse Dphc Paint Club Delmarva Apha Convention Welcome Httpwwwaphacomdocsdefault Delaware Sourcedefault Document Futurity Past Djphc Classified
120 Ravens Nest #3 A group
A group of football fans that join together to support the Baltimore Ravens NFL football organization. Includes membership information, meeting minutes, links to other clubs, news, photos, committees, and charity information.
Ravens Events Nest Members Meeting Scholarship Frederick Board Charities Meetings Tickets Contact Baltimore Officers Forum Sharp Leadenhall Directors Giving
121 Palm Beach Gardens Golf Club Located just
Located just minutes west of I-95 in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
City Palm Beach Contact Page Gardens Department * Account Fire Gardens * Improvement Friendly Privacy Translate Steeplechaseneighborhood Blogger Records Council
122 Fort Lauderdale Country Club Private 36
Private 36 hole club minutes west of downtown Fort Lauderdale.
Fort Club Lauderdale Country Golf Events Weddings Membership Login Request Member Directions Dining Contact Features Few Conveniently
123 Ryecroft Stables and Livery Yard Full service
Full service stable and livery yard with wide range of options for equestrians to choose in riding, training, and boarding. Professional and friendly staff. Located 40 minutes from London in beautiful South Bedfordshire, England.
Lane Little Stables Equestrian Horse Port Horses Building Bedfordshire Liveries Permanently The Hockliffe Saleapache
124 Five Fields Farm Cross Country Ski Center Located in
Located in South Bridgton, Maine. Offers parking, warming hut, groomed and backcountry trails, shoeshoe trails, shoeshoe hiking. Located 20 minutes from Shawnee Peak Ski Area.
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125 The Golf Club at Genoa Lakes Country club
Country club and residential golf community in Genoa. Golf course designed by Peter Jacobson. Convenient to Carson and Reno, minutes from Lake Tahoe.
Lakes Course Golf Here Genoa Dining Lunch Breakfast Banquet Live Sports Music Happy Resort Accommodations Ranchcourse Wedding Pm Getting
126 Arrowhead Youth Soccer Association Northeastern Minnesota
Northeastern Minnesota, and Superior, WI. Recreational and competitive travel teams. News, forms, calendar, camps and clinics, coach and referee information, and meeting minutes. Competitive teams have away games in the northern suburbs of the twin cities.
Aysa Soccer Click Information Here Arrowhead Youth Please Email Registration Association Aysa@charterminet Program Players Board Coaching Annual
127 Arrowhead Youth Soccer Association Northeastern Minnesota
Northeastern Minnesota, and Superior, WI. Recreational and competitive travel teams. News, forms, calendar, camps and clinics, coach and referee information, and meeting minutes. Competitive teams have away games in the northern suburbs of the twin cities.
Aysa Soccer Click Here Information Please Registration Email Arrowhead Aysa@charterminet Youth High Program Players Association Understanding Duluth
128 Call to the Derby Post Experience and
Experience and explore the greatest two minutes in Thoroughbred racing sports in the annual Run for the Roses at Churchhill Downs, Kentucky. This unofficial site offers the latest Derby news, as well as the Derby mint juleps, history of the race, handicapping, and recap of preceeding races and preps.
129 Washington State Paint Horse Club Regional American
Regional American Paint Horse Association club. Includes Washington Bred registry and futurity, calendar, minutes, membership form, history, and newsletter.
130 Carma Farm Located in
Located in Benton, Arkansas, minutes from Little Rock. Information on amenities including, a 90 acre facility, many pastures, a lighted covered arena, full size dressage arena, a 13 stall lighted barn with stall fans and access to miles of trails.
Navigationshilfe Ty
131 Montana Paint Horse Club Regional American
Regional American Paint Horse Association Club. Includes membership form, meeting minutes, calendar of events, stallion auction, futurity information, foal photos, scholarship information, classifieds, and forms.
Free Access Parked Courtesy Windows Manager Website Power Click Linux Here Built Turn Servers Omniscom Unlimited Hosting Domain Forwarding Full
132 Oak Ridge Golf Club Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge Golf Club located in New Haven Michigan just 20 minutes north of Detroit Michigan. Offers 36 holes of golf, Driving Range, Pro Shop and Banquet Facilities.
Ridge Oaks Golf Club Times Greens Marsh Contact Instruction Courses Special Haven Fees Events Photo South Below
133 The Ranch A public
A public riding stable offering thousands of acres of pristine trails throughout the 16 Mile Creek Valley, just thirty minutes from Downtown Toronto, Ontario. We offer guided trail rides for groups of 2 to 20, pony rides, hay and sleigh rides, riding instruction for all ages, a membership program, and childrens summer camps.
Rides Reply Lessons Ranch Pony Wordpresscom Change Ive Western Club Andrea Parties Childrens Trail Cancel Mile Blog Year Day Sleighrides
134 Canoe the Vermilion Canoe Illinois
Canoe Illinois beautiful Vermilion river in north central Illinois. Offering canoe rental and livery services for the Vermilion and Illinois rivers and the I M Canal Waterway. Just 15 minutes from Starved Rock state park, 1.5 hours from Chicago.
Canoe Illinois Vermilion Canoeing River Paddle Trips Information Central Rates Beautiful Valley Canoes Fishing Paddling
135 Kutshers Hotel Golf and Tennis Resort Located in
Located in the Catskill Mountains, 90 minutes from NYC, Kutshers features 18 holes of Championship Golf, indoor and outdoor pools, indoor and outdoor tennis. Packages include three meals a day and entertainment nightly.
Z Destinationscom Y
136 Kansas Paint Horse Association Regional American
Regional American Paint Horse Association Club. Includes contacts, announcements, meeting minutes, membership form, rules and by-laws, advertising, foal photos, forms, calendar of events, point standings, futurity information, and congress information.
Paint Horse Association Kansas Congress Kpha~kansas Wwphc Double Designs Design Promoteindustry Wide Reserved
137 Sun Cities Senior Softball League Arizona Senior
Arizona Senior Softball Senior softball in Sun City and Sun City West Arizona. News, minutes, rules, standings, roster, and schedule.
League City News Softball Sun Sponsors West Senior Contacts Cities Calendar Events Sporting Organization
138 The Old Captiol Bicycle Shop The Old
The Old Capitol Bicycle Shop is a full service repair facility staffed by a certified bicycle technician with over 10 years of retail bicycle sales, service, and repair experience. The shop is located about 20 minutes north of historic Corydon, Indiana.
139 California State Painthorse Coordinating Committee Coordinating committee
Coordinating committee for Regional American Paint Horse Association clubs in California. Includes operating guide, meeting minutes, list of California Regional Clubs, calendar of events, contacts, and point standings.

6. Society, Arts and Minutes Crafts

1 Bed and Breakfast on Cleveland Street, Sydney. Australia Victorian guesthouse
Victorian guesthouse five minutes to the city and close to nearby Newtown and just ten minutes by bus or taxi to Oxford Street. Includes location information, photo of rooms, and pricing.
Yahoo Please Help Navigationshilfe Policy Onlineservices Central Also Terms Inc Pageifyoure Copyright Yahoos
2 CBS News: 60 Minutes: Bill Clinton, His Life Transcript of
Transcript of an interview with Clinton on the TV program '60 Minutes,' broadcast in June 2004. Also includes links to related news stories and videos.
Cbs Fair Minutesvanity News Poll Clintons Minutes Joseph Wood Marriage Shooting High Execution Future Chardon Youtube Agreement Advertise Empire
3 A Few Minutes on Books of Hours A introductory
A introductory essay by Patrick Haynes.
Rejected Requesty
4 Birmingham, Alabama Magic City
Magic City BBG #186. Contains roster, calendar, beau bio, and minutes.
[mc] Cheers Board Roster Beau Calendar Pictures Regional Welcome Regioncity Magic Sponsored States
5 checkmate international find out
find out in 5 minutes or less if your spouse is cheating with this infidelity test kit.
London Plus Beige Size Stores Wishlist Contact Add Clothing Account Designer Amo â–² Coat Rof ùˆø³ù‡ù„ø§ Returns Hj
6 Lincoln Highway 4-H Club Minutes, schedule
Minutes, schedule, links, and pictures. [Kane County]
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Website Customer Domains Please Terms Web Help
7 number 10 reception centre venue on
venue on historic acreage only 5 minutes from the heart of the launceston cbd.
8 Bloomfield Toastmasters Chapter overview
Chapter overview, schedule of meetings, minutes and contact information.
Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Domains Web Customer Help Website Privacy Terms Please Solutions Page
9 Bloomfield Toastmasters Chapter overview
Chapter overview, schedule of meetings, minutes and contact information.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Terms Help Domains Website Customer Please Web Commerce
10 Dancing Eagle Casino Located 40
Located 40 minutes west of Albuquerque in the town of Casa Blanca.
Casino Event Eagle Promotions Offers Center Learn Travel Dancing Sign Exit Great Dining New Entertainment Cinema Real
11 Made In The USA 60 minutes
60 minutes story covers the evidence that R. J. Reynolds is involved in illegal cigarette smuggling.
Cbs News New Heroin President Guns Email Burma Inside Slave Ship Heartland Minutes Smart Air Twitter Mobile
12 Yoga Tree Centre in
Centre in Elsternwick, Victoria conducting a course of 26 postures (asanas) lasting 90 minutes.
Yoga Class Tree Shop Price Giving List Corporate Testimonials Events Contact Times Students Elsternwick Body Team Kundalini Faqs
13 Fresno Stonewall Democrats California club
California club meeting minutes, news, events, and photographs.
Fresno Stonewall Democrats Help Page Last Shields Californialocation Mail Aol Pm Restaurant Call
14 Stoncroft Bed & Breakfast An elegant
An elegant 1807 country inn minutes away from Mystic, Connecticut. Accessible rooms are available.
Book Mystic Suite Now Room Stonecroft Inn Country Ledyard Connecticut Sarah Breakfast Packages Shubel Master Stay Socialize Dining +
15 Fear Factory Thirty minutes
Thirty minutes of terror. Contains directions, dates, and times. Located in Warren.
House Haunted Factory Michigan Clemens Fear Admission Mt Secret Doors Door Mount Open Location Contact Itout
16 San Jose - Detachment 1122 Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes, photo galleries, events calendar, and contact details.
Marine Corps Please Detachment League Video Jose Marines Mission Join Click States Support United Strong Purpose Cause Our Interests
17 Triangle Fraternity Alumni - Pittsburgh, University of Meeting schedule
Meeting schedule, minutes, newsletters, and document archive.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Please Account Terms Customer Help Web Domains
18 twenty minutes proven non-violent
proven non-violent solutions to terrorism and authors history of working on world peace.
Wrc Solutionsz
19 charlotte coalition for a moratorium now includes event
includes event information, meeting minutes, facts and literature, and news.
Create Tripod Found Tripodcom Page Lycos Website Login Lycoscom Hosting Couldnt Shopping Errorpagecheck
20 Northwest San Antonio Fourth Day Community Texas. Includes
Texas. Includes newsletter, applications, schedule, and board minutes.
Navigationshilfet Y
21 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine SGA Provides details
Provides details of clubs, board members, and meeting minutes.
22 - michaels minutes michael robertson
michael robertson with the low down on microsoft, and how to put a competitor out of business by trademarking common words.
23 University of Sunshine Coast Student Guild Provides publications
Provides publications, support, clubs information, and meeting minutes.
24 Scripts4Christians A collection
A collection of Christian skits and dramas all under ten minutes in length. Also includes links, contact information and philosophy.
Christian Leading Colleges Script Join Bible Catholic Net Clothing Raisers Apparelscriptschristianscom Bibles Fund
25 Marine Corps League Detachment 1122 Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes, photo galleries, events calendar, and contact details.
Marine Corps Please Detachment Marines League Video Jose Join Click Mission States Membership Page Compromises Interests Members Korea
26 Northwest San Antonio Fourth Day Community Christian renewal
Christian renewal movement. Includes newsletter, applications, schedule, and board minutes.
Navigationshilfe Ty
27 Monroe County 4-H Dog Program News, events
News, events, officer list, constitution, meeting minutes, contact information, and guestbook.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Visitpopular Hosting Sorry Privacy News Archives Maps
28 OnCleveland Street Bed and Breakfast Victorian guesthouse
Victorian guesthouse accommodation located five minutes from the city. Includes photos of rooms and rates.
Yahoo Please Help Privacy Also Yahoos Policy Terms Central Foundcopyright Onlineservices Ifyoure
29 The Enchanted Blue Wave A stately
A stately Victorian mansion on the ocean front only minutes south of Long Beach, Washington.
30 University of Prince Edward Island Student Union Contains meeting
Contains meeting minutes, election results, profiles, and details of services.
Vitamin Rollover Retirement Uncategorized Asbestos Individual Account Admin Scalp Psoriasis Care Vitamins Sulfate Mesothelioma Treat Burnout Conditioners Rowe Related Money
31 Chili Lions Club District 20-E1.
District 20-E1. Provides news for visitors, events calendar, meeting minutes, committee members, and links.
Z Httpwwwlogisticsoflovecomlions Y
32 Just Kidding 4-H Club Member directory
Member directory, meeting minutes, event listing, fair information, and photos. [Somerset County]
Tripod Create Shopping Page Website Lycoscom Signup Login Couldnt Lycos Please Errorpage Checkfound
33 disarm the clueless real responses
real responses to the phony arm the homeless article, including a transcript of 60 minutes iis phone interview. [phoenix new times]
Phoenix Mobile New Times Dating Deals Ads Music Blog Arts Free Things Events Weekly Restaurant Policy Detention Pages America Concert
34 The Pearl Harbor Newspaper Archive Articles detailing
Articles detailing the destruction caused during the darkest two hours and 20 minutes in the history of the American Navy.
35 OHearn, Tim: Minutes with Messiah Articles from
Articles from monthly bulletin. Bible questions and answers. Information about the Riverside church of Christ in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Tripod Create Requested Shopping Found Hosting Tripodcom Signup Lycoscom Lycos Couldnt Errorpage Website Checkpage
36 Pride at LU Offers supports
Offers supports and resources to students at Laurentian University. Includes local links and group meeting minutes from 1998 and 1999.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Advisor Local Hosting App Help Gallery Please Customer Privacy Autos
37 Trojan Horse 4-H Club Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes, calendar of events, educational information, pictures, guestbook, and links. [Troy, Miami County]
Started Business Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Help Domains Web Privacy Terms Website Customer Please Partners Advisor Upgrade Copyright
38 Pine Orchard Free Methodist Camp Situated 30
Situated 30 minutes north of Toronto, Ontario. Mission, facilities, rentals, directions and contact.
39 Haddonfield United Methodist Church Worship times
Worship times, programs, selected sermons, ministries, council minutes, and Christian and local links.
School United Methodist Email Ministries Youth Nursery Group Weekly Support Staff Fellowship Haddonfield Media Community Believe Worship
40 Mason City Jaycees Service organization
Service organization designed exclusively for men and women between the ages of 21 and 40. Includes calendar, events, meeting minutes and list of officers.
Jaycees Iowa Oyni Contact Positive Usa Want City Hampton Mobile Friends Change International Ourselves Y
41 Mason City Jaycees Service organization
Service organization designed exclusively for men and women between the ages of 21 and 40. Includes calendar, events, meeting minutes and list of officers.
Jaycees Iowa Oyni Contact Better Professionals City Want Mobile International Friends New Diversepositive
42 The Bonita Spings - Estero, Florida Chapter of The Womens Council of Realtors Upcoming events
Upcoming events, minutes and member news, sponsors, and membership roster.
Chapter Events Resource Business Realtors® Meeting Members Calendar Roster District Join News Committees Womens Application Wbn Marketing Leadership Springs
43 Prison PenPal Exchange Where inmates
Where inmates sell artwork, make friends and meet mentors. Upload photos and create an ad for an incarcerated loved one in 10 minutes!
44 Georg Elser - Einer aus Deutschland Cast and
Cast and other information on the 1989 movie on Elser that is also known under the title 'Seven Minutes'.
See Full Tv News Summary Reviews Georg Elser Awards Movies Popular User Film Message Plot Chi Raq Most Register Privacy Boards
45 cbs news, 60 minutes ii - 'switzerlands suicide tourists' a transcript
a transcript of a television program about dignitas, a swiss organization that helps terminally ill individuals from around the world hasten their deaths.
Cbs News Minutes Email Mobile Development Local Closed Topics Tourists Help Map Overtime Iiltbgt Patient Ltbgt
46 Tau Kappa Epsilon - Longwood University - Rho Kappa Chapter Rush information
Rush information, meeting minutes, pictures, members.
Navigationshilfe Ty
47 Byron Bay Rainforest Resort Secluded cottages
Secluded cottages amongst coastal rainforest just minutes from the heart of town. Wheelchair and pet friendly.
Byron Accommodation Bay Rainforest Welcome Resort Facilities Friendly Wheelchair Glance Holiday Disabled Murrays Here Cottages Cabins Dining Dont
48 The Jesus Painter Christian portrait
Christian portrait artist paints huge portraits of Christ in under ten minutes then speaks at Christian events.
49 SI Upper Pinellas County Updated regularly
Updated regularly with club newsletter and meeting minutes. Includes club activities and events.
Navigationshilfe Ty
50 Lions District 20-Y2 Includes region
Includes region and zone information, district calendar, meeting minutes and newsletter, and photo album.
News Times Union Region Business Capital School Blog Local Capitol Stories Cars Check Sports High Copyright Commercial
51 Messianic Minutes Listen to
Listen to archived shows for broadcasts that reaches Jewish people with the love of Messiah Yeshua. View a schedule and find radio stations that air the program.
Messianic Minutes Schedules Rabbi Jeffrey Passover Yeshua Support Todays Jewish Ds Reading Seder Show Jesus Shalom People Left
52 officials begin examining wreckage for data recorders dozens of
dozens of investigators began today what they said would be a long, arduous effort to reconstruct the final minutes of united flight 93.
Times Nytimescom Page Most Help Terms York Youre Report Opinion Ny Found Newyork Travel Article Paper
53 Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe Knights of Columbus Council 12992 Catholic mens
Catholic mens organization. Affiliated with the Cathedral of St. Joseph. News items, meeting minutes, newsletters (in PDF).
Knights Meeting Minutes Letter Golf Available Tournament Columbus School Results Buschjost Sunday Bishop Ministry Council Working Adding Fergusonnd
54 NCD Alumni Association Includes information
Includes information on obtaining membership, service projects, fund raising, and official documents and minutes, also a message board, scrapbook, store, and calendar.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Account Terms Website Help Web Domains Customer
55 Magic City Clovers 4-H Club Minutes from
Minutes from previous meetings, club calendar, and meeting information. [Moberly, Randolph County]
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Signterms Popular Internet Archiveorg Hosting Games Finance Archives
56 CBS News Report: Boosting For Billions 60 Minutes
60 Minutes piece infiltrating the South American Theft Groups specializing in retail theft.
Cbs News Fair Future Minutesvanity Money Brain Active Shooter Football Paris Shooting Poll Email Chardon Brings Terms Programs Choice
57 Valley-Shore Toastmasters Club Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes, brochures and forms, speech tips, photos, club history and events.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Local Hosting Advisor Help Gallery App Finance Developer Central Health Parenting Screen Support
58 Day, Dr. Lorraine Lorraine Day
Lorraine Day, MD, an expert on natural healing, has appeared on many of the Christian TV networks, as well as Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, Nightline, and Larry King Live.
Cancer Health Order Lorraine Well Information Day Cant Doesnt Disease Days Started Aids Scare Getting Amazingrecovery Responds Life
59 Washington, DC Simon Atlas
Simon Atlas AZA #126 - Board reports, chapter history, lifetime membership list, minutes, pictures, and chapter sports information.
Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Domains Web Website Help Please Customer Terms Privacy Times
60 South Carolina State Association of Free Will Baptists Churches and
Churches and pastors, State Youth Camp, history, conference minutes, and newsletter.
Baptist Free Scfwb Carolina South Church Email State Churches Bookstore Found The Youth News Information Update
61 Council No. 11930 Fargo.
Fargo. For the men of Sts. Anne and Joachim Catholic Church. Officers, minutes, events, a little background, charitable activities, how to become a member. Framed, graphics-intensive, too wide for most monitors.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Terms Privacy Aabaco Domains Help Customer Web Upgrade Gojanecom
62 25 dates offers speed
offers speed dating to meet 25 people in one night (3 minutes each), grouped by ages. includes a schedule of events (straight and gay) their venues, costs, locations and related links.
Dating Speed Event Ottawa Vancouver Events Toronto Mississauga Calgary Success Match Free Woman Singles Datescom Local
63 J.D. Tippit Official website
Official website dedicated to the life and death of J.D. Tippit, who was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald forty-five minutes after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Jd Tippit Davis Family Dallas Oswald Tippett Jefferson Tipit Tippet President History Texas Kennedy Malice Virginia Tippits
64 Council No. 12992 Jefferson City.
Jefferson City. Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe Council. Affiliated with the Cathedral of St. Joseph. News items, meeting minutes, newsletters (in PDF).
Knights Meeting Minutes Letter Golf Columbus Available Tournament School Results Buschjost Word Mcauliffe Council Parish Michael
65 images from a day of infamy terrorists left
terrorists left indelible images after crashing two planes minutes apart into the upper floors of both world trade center towers in new york.
Follow Wired Uson Latest Videos Miss Subscribe Footer Page Facebookdont Hunger Games Inspiring Features Onpinterestsee Twitter * Open Ps Help
66 Valley-Shore Toastmasters Club Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes, brochures and forms, speech tips, photos, club history and events. Located in Madison.
Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Website Help Domains Terms Privacy Web Please Customer Found
67 The Rotary Club of Bladensburg District 7620.
District 7620. Serving the community to promote goodwill, peace and understanding. Includes history, goals, projects and fundraisers, meeting minutes, and calendar of events.
68 kent manor inn pastoral 226-acre
pastoral 226-acre farm, circa 1820 historic inn. wedding packages include open bar, meal, champagne toast. capacity 150 to unlimited. 15 minutes east of annapolis.
Maryland Wedding Weddings Waterfront Venue Hotel Annapolis | Dining Meeting Near Occasion Location Rehearsal Md Area
69 Gable Descendants of
Descendants of Solomon (b.1838)and Elizabeth Gable from Northeastern PA, USA. Includes history of the annual Reunion, meeting minutes, family tree, biographies, and photographs.
Listingsprivacy Policy Gablereunioncomsponsored
70 did ibm know of a cancer link? 60 minutes
60 minutes program explores whether high cancer rates and child-births with terrible birth defects are results of working for the big blue and how much did the company know? [cbs]
Cbs News Email Warn Youtube Help Company Internships Newsletters Topics Room Say Cancer Use Did
71 Tui Cottage Womenstay, Nelson 1930s style
1930s style women-only Homestay, 10 minutes from area attractions. Includes description of facilities and amenities, location information, rates, online reservations, and contact details.
Cottage Nelson Hosting Free Women Website Accommodation Womenstay Only Backpacker Travellers Self Twin Peaceful New Double Tasman Shopping Bathroom
72 gray gables estate reception or
reception or special events at a 2 acre historic estate, with english style gardens, ponds and waterfalls. just minutes south of downtown portland.
Gables Gray Estate Portland Photo Planning Weddings Oregon Studio Wedding Remembrance Studioz Videos Rabbit Catering Free | Events
73 St. John Lutheran Church. Farmington Hills, Michigan (ELCA) Includes Worship
Includes Worship schedules, description of programs, fellowship and study opportunities, meeting minutes, forms, photographs, location, contacts, and links.
74 victoria bar association professional and
professional and social organization for lawyers in the victoria, british columbia, canada area. site includes events, newsletters, minutes, executive members, and links.
Victoria Association Information Bar Golf Columbia Contact Dinner Announcements Subscribe Vba Board Directory Minutes Club Photos Event Chalet
75 Dead Eyes 4-H Club Shooting Sports
Shooting Sports club. Includes minutes, officer list, important dates, member and leader information, guestbook, and links. [Venango County]
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting Local App Help Advisor Gallery Finance Developer Geocities Estate Central
76 Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral Seat of
Seat of the Diocese of Reno. Bulletin, schedule of services, parish council minutes, calendar, history, photo, parish news and contact information.
Cathedral Thomas Pieta Aquinas Nevada Saint Catholic Reno Michelangelo Services Virgin Church Size Only Life Different
77 Saint Thomas More Catholic Church Iowa City.
Iowa City. Mass schedule, archive of bulletins (in PDF), parish council minutes, events calendar, parish history, announcements. Brochure for new members (in PDF).
Parish News Youth Church Bulletins St Ministries Catholic Menu Thomas Stephen Page Life Address Internet Montgomery Mass Maricarla Update
78 Saint Thomas More Catholic Church Iowa City.
Iowa City. Mass schedule, archive of bulletins (in PDF), parish council minutes, events calendar, parish history, announcements. Brochure for new members (in PDF).
Church Parish Thomas Coralville Catholic Menu Bulletin Ia St Family Email City Communities Iowa Darr Weaver Weekly
79 Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church Contact information
Contact information, staff directory, Mass schedule, mission statement, parish history, archive of bulletins in PDF, parish council minutes, organizations.
80 The Back Hills, Victoria Guest house
Guest house for women offering a country getaway 30 minutes from Victoria and close to beaches and hiking. Includes hotel information, rates, and area attractions.
81 Queen of Hearts Resort All womens
All womens resort located less than 5 minutes from the heart of downtown Palm Springs. Poolside mountain view suites with full kitchens. Call about our special packages.
Lesbian Springs Palm Resort Hotel Gay Hotels Queen Hearts Travel Location Women Resorts Events Contact Picturesvideos
82 Amazing Graze 4-H Club Constitution, list
Constitution, list of projects that members take, upcoming events, treasury report, minutes of past meetings, pictures of club demonstrations, and a scrapbook. [Holmes County]
Serverport Apache Foundfound The
83 4-Him 4-H Club Club information
Club information, officer list, meeting schedule and minutes, contact information, and photographs. [Johnson County]
Him Welcome Pagey
84 Aetna Middletown Toastmasters Club Officer list
Officer list and contacts, meeting schedule and minutes for club based at Aetna Insurance.
85 loves weddings and receptions wedding location
wedding location 20 minutes north of spokane, washington. outdoor weddings and receptions.
Request Errory
86 Kent State University - Beta Psi chapter, Kappa Kappa Psi Includes biographies
Includes biographies of active and honorary members, along with chapter minutes and photos.
Hosting Web Builder Bravenet Website Free Support List Help Tools Tool Domains Mailing Resources Services Photo Unlimited Subcriber Stats
87 Niagara North 4-H Horse Judging Club club information
club information, news, goals, minutes, pictures, guestbook, and links. [Niagara, Ontario]
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Terms Guidelines Sorry Maps Machinesites Games Movies
88 Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church St. Louis.
St. Louis. Contact information, staff directory, Mass schedule, mission statement, parish history, archive of bulletins in PDF, parish council minutes, organizations.
89 Nazhika (Ghati) to Hour Converter Converts time
Converts time in terms of Nazhika (Ghati) and Vinazhika (Vighati) with reference to sunrise or sunset to Hours and Minutes.
Nazhika Convertor Hour Vision Astro Applet Nazhikais Vighati Asone India However Conversionsunrise Ghati
90 Ziriya Interactive Message Board Features the
Features the Ziriya board, an intricate design with many phrases. Uses java, and takes over 5 minutes to load. Great graphics.
Found Hosting Error Bluehostcom Solutions Unavailable Web Removed Been Reliableweb Name Temporarily Changed Mightpage
91 Humber College LGBT Provides a
Provides a social organization for students at Humber College. Includes news, meeting information and minutes, upcoming events, and a message board.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright News Sports Archives Guidelines Hosting Wayback Trying Sorry Toolbar
92 Manor Inn, Wilton Manors Located in
Located in Wilton Manors, Florida. This gay guesthouse is minutes away from gay bars, restaurants, and shopping. Amenities include a jacuzzi and pool available for guests.
Manor Wilton Manors Inn Fitness Welcome Virtual Area Lauderdale Here Ourrates Attractions Reservations Tour Firm
93 Humber College LGBT Provides a
Provides a social organization for students at Humber College. Includes news, meeting information and minutes, upcoming events, and a message board.
Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Help Terms Privacy Website Please Web Domains Customer Claim
94 Lambda Chi Alpha - University of North Carolina, Charlotte - Beta Upsilon Zeta Chapter Rosters, pictures
Rosters, pictures of events and the chapter house, rush information, intramural results, and meeting minutes provided.
Lava ‘åòÅ w‰€b‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å“¾Ã¢â‚¬Å¡È‘ÌÅ’±Ã†â€™Ã…’Æ’bÆ’xƒ“‚Ƌߗׂ̓x•üî•ñ ”ü”’”ü—e‰tÆ’tÆ’cÆ’gÆ’}Æ’bÆ’v ƒƒcÆ’n‚Ì—Ç‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Æ‚±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ë ‰»Ã‚Ï•i‘ã Å’ûÅ p ‚Þ‚­Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ý Æ’aÆ’gÆ’s[
95 St. Anthony 4-H Club Information on
Information on projects offered, what 4-H is, club officers and member accomplishments, community service projects, calendar of events, and meeting minutes. [Miller County]
Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Customer Please Website Terms Help Web Privacy Aabaco
96 All India News Live news
Live news from India and abroad, updated every fifteen minutes, with email newsfeed twice a day and opinion forums on current topics making the headlines. Also has searchable archives.
India Government Right World Making How News Rummy Away Playing Shopping Registration Note Come Azerbaijan Seven Layer Indian Ur Rehman Updated Open
97 Compassionate Expressions Mountain Getaway Offering gay
Offering gay women a private getaway only thirty minutes from Asheville, North Carolina. Provides a description of the facilities and amenities, which includes RV hookups and massage and energy therapy, rates, and contact information.
Rejected Requesty
98 Blazing Saddles 4-H Club Club information
Club information, calendar of events, tips for 4-H clubs, horse tips, meeting minutes, club news, and forms. [Bloomington, McLean County]
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Advisor Help Local Hosting Gallery App Privacy Central Inc Firefox Website Parenting
99 Aetna Middletown Toastmasters Club Officer list
Officer list and contacts, meeting schedule and minutes for club based at Aetna Insurance Company in Middletown.
Navigationshilfe Ty
100 Mary M Cowans Tarot Journal Author of
Author of 15 Minutes a Day to Tarot, shares her studies of Tarot in her online tarot journal.
Tripod Create Lycoscom Errorpage Signup Website Check Requested Shopping Login Couldnt Found Pagehosting
101 nasa/columbia video a music
a music video tribute to the sts-107 mission and nasa. includes additional video of the columbias final 7 minutes and analysis of rick husbands final words.
Video Chris Columbia Valentine Music Sts Reentry Mission Other Essay Disaster Space Disasternasa Audio Chrisvalentinescom Final Purposes_
102 Soroptimist International Upper Pinellas County A worldwide
A worldwide organisation for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Updated regularly with club newsletter and meeting minutes. Includes club activities and events.
103 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo - Iota Pi chapter, Kappa Kappa Psi KKY chapter
KKY chapter founded at Cal-Poly SLO in 1992. Comprehensive and detailed site includes chapter history, meeting minutes, photo albums, and current project information.
Kappa Iota Minutes National Poly Festival Calendar Kayla State Music Scroggs Alpha Convention Leadership William Jazz Nationalconventions Rsaquo Tyson
104 Haunted House of Moss Beach Old fashion
Old fashion annual haunted house in Moss Beach, 25 minutes south of San Francisco.
House Beach Moss Haunted Kelmore Haunting Risk************* Just Featured Hauntedbaycom Review Highway Wait Children Under Clips Terror Amount Ideally Scare
105 Donegal Presbytery Presbytery for
Presbytery for southeastern Pennsylvania ('Dutch/Amish Country'), serving York, Lancaster, and Chester counties. List of churches with directions, presbytery event calendar, staff directory, material on Camp Donegal, minutes and notes from committees, pulpit supply data, and resources for churches and pastors.
Donegal News Presbytery List Old + Article Message Meeting Docs Server What’s Meals Bethany Bench
106 an inconvenient truth or convenient fiction offers recent
offers recent environmental evidence that curtails the 'consensus' global warming view through the current years annual report, 'index of environmental indicators - xxxx' and the short documentary (48 minutes) motion picture, 'an inconvenient truth...or convenient fiction?' - staring dr. steven hayward.
Health Finance Business Directory Science Technology Entertainment Garden Arts Shopping Games Education Link Schools Services Work Pharmacy Webisodes Special Reviews Categories
107 The Parish of Parkstone St Peters and St Osmunds with Branksea St Marys Information about
Information about these churches in the Parkstone Ecumenical Partnership including service details, a Brownsea Island page, Hospital Chaplaincy information and pictures and details of the church organs, plus a page explaining the 2003 closure of St Osmunds building in the light of a need for £300,000 worth of repair and it being just five minutes walk from several other Anglican churches.
Parkstone Stpeters Church Website Copyright Brankseastosmund United Click Poole Stmary Reverend Page Stpeter Please
108 Public and Commercial Services Union ACAS Branch Contains information
Contains information, newsletters and minutes for all matters concerned with the ACAS branch of the Public and Commercial Services Union.
Tripod Create Requested Shopping Found Login Please Check Errorpage Lycoscom Page Website Hostingtripodcom Lycos
2 The Popkorn Junkie: 15 Minutes Contains a
Contains a review of the film.
Movie Film Minutes Popkorn Junkie Niro Burns Kelsey Grammer They Edward Robert Laugh Trailer Much Chance Lasting
3 15 Minutes Official site
Official site with plot and character information.
4 15 Minutes Film information
Film information, rating and review.
5 Brunching Shuttlecocks: 15 Minutes Review by
Review by the Self-Made Critic.
Humor Shuttlecocks Joke Apache Fun Jokes Funny Port Fifteen | Found Brunching Server Comedy Y
6 Kirsty MacColl: 15 Minutes at Least A fans
A fans tribute and recollections.
Maccoll Kirsty Music Least Freeworld Cobra Never Sharon Serebella Network Mcgovern People Minutes Singers Asimportant Article Want Pogues Killed
7 ChildCare Action Project Evaluation of
Evaluation of the first 22 minutes by Thomas A. Carder.
Report Cap Analysis Childcare Values Action Media Andorhere Movie Skills Investigations Mar Family Self Project Table Christ Coping Findings
8 Movies for Guys: 15 Minutes Plot summary
Plot summary and review. Rated 3/5.
Minutes Niro Robert Movie Music Action Sci Fi Full Comedy Starring Burns Western Drama Articles De Edwardburns Voyeurism
9 - 15 Minutes Quotes and
Quotes and links to reviews along with meta-ratings.
Reviews Critics Minutes Movie Ps Credits Metacritic Provided New Coming All Images Title Current Soon Contact Legacy
10 Phantom of the Opera in Fifteen Minutes Movie parody
Movie parody with reader commentary.
Subject Expand Link Reply Thread Parent Mm Mochajoy Cleolinda Book Fifteen Minutes Harry Phantom Comedownstairs
11 four minutes, thirty-three seconds by john cage a performance
a performance of the famous composition.
Three Minutes Thirty Four John Cage Secondsy
12 IFILM - Y Tu Mamá También Streaming video
Streaming video clip of the first 8 minutes of the film.
Episode Latest Login Terms Subscription Advertise Ad Found Plus Screen Use Faq Screenjunkieslogout
13 IMDb: 15 Minutes (2001) Cast and
Cast and crew list, production information, and other details.
14 Panhandle Picture Show Festival for
Festival for film and videomakers, focusing on films of less than 20 minutes.
Navigationshilfet Y
15 300 in Fifteen Minutes Blogger Cleolinda
Blogger Cleolinda Jones offers a humorous parody on the movie, '300'.
Subject Link Thread Expand Reply Re Intellectual Instant Content Parent Shuraiya Humor Mm Book Dakiwiboid
16 60 Minutes [CBS News]
[CBS News] Video clips and interactive features on recently aired stories.
Cbs News Minutes Episodes Videos Interviews Reports Profiles Ptsd Latest Email Differently Programs Trash Sex Investigative
17 Journalisms Finest 2 Hours and 16 Minutes Review of
Review of the videotape version of the movie.
Post Men Watergate Presidents Bernstein Washington Woodward Hours Deep Gone Redford Journalisms Finest Throat Simons Benbradlee Writer
18 Leftovers Directed by
Directed by John Derevlany. Approximately 15 minutes, in streaming RealPlayer format.
Film Festival Leftovers Intl Derevlany Short John Award Video Winning Brooks Fite Mark Posehn Ray Official Street
19 60 Minutes II [CBS News]
[CBS News] Video clips and interactive features on recently aired stories.
20 Blond In The Hood Comedienne Joanne
Comedienne Joanne Archer hosts this inspirational 30 minutes series.
21 Ten Minutes with Jhonen Vasquez The artist
The artist talks about Invader Zim, his true inspirations and several of his upcoming projects.
Review Reviews Games Videos Video Jhonen Fresh Comic Minutes Vasquez Auto Vault Con Ninja Game Bomb
22 Rotten Tomatoes: 15 Minutes (2001) Reviews and
Reviews and reactions from top critics. News, trailers, photos, and synopsis.
23 LA-cam View of
View of the downtown Los Angeles skyline as seen from a hillside in nearby Silverlake. Updated every 15 minutes during daylight hours.
Angeles Los La Music Www Photo Earl Photos Electricearlcom Weather Albums Electric Blue California Commerce Doo Wop Kabc Tv Here Poetry
24 Ninth Symphony Films: 15 Minutes Review which
Review which gives a two star rating and looks at flaws in the film, cinematography and acting.
25 IMDb : 18 Minutes (1935) Full cast
Full cast and crew for the film, and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
Tv See News Full Add Imdb Popular Movies Message Reviews Plot Most User Showtimes Credits Write Coming John
26 IMDB : Your Three Minutes Are Up (1973) Full cast
Full cast and crew for the film, and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
See Tv Full News Reviews Summary Movies Imdb User Credits Popular Message Showtimes Awards Edit Walking New Plot Mojo
27 Six Minute Cinema Digital filmmaking
Digital filmmaking competition for productions of six minutes or less. History, regulations, prizes, and resources.
28 calligraphy societies of florida provides information
provides information on guilds for lettering arts in the state. provides meeting minutes, events and newsletters.
29 classic novels - in 5 minutes a day contains the
contains the on-line text of sun tzus art of war in daily installments and offers suggestions for other related reading.
Classic Prince Novels Code Minutes Samurai Readers Bushido Resources Clausewitz Other Krause Japanese Yuzan Modern
30 15 Minutes An interview
An interview magazine, featuring interviews with actors, writers, and directors from the world of film in RealVideo format.
Minutes Project Writers Zeldman Actors Web Movie Celeb Directors Designers Realvideo Interviews Jeffrey Javascript Celebrity Stars
31 IMDb : 18 Minutes in Albuquerque (1994) Full cast
Full cast and crew for the film, and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
News Movies Reviews Imdb Albuquerque Message Tv Full User Imdbpro Minutes Plot Popular Short Credits Blu Ray Keywords Comic Con Zone However Board
32 Pitchfork: High Llamas - Buzzle Bee John Darks
John Darks review: 'a brief eight tracks and 40 minutes of somnambulist, pianissimo music.' Rated 6.0.
33 yarn tree free simple
free simple design with very clear instructions to help complete novices learn cross stitch in 5 minutes!
Stitch Cross Counted Aida Wholesale Contact Tree Yarn Please Needlework Most Catalog Embroidery Stitchers Advanced Sales Remove Finishing Zweigart
34 Orange County Star Wars Society Includes message
Includes message board, meeting minutes, photographs, schedule, and links.
35 every day i have the blues radio style
radio style web cast with a different format every 20 minutes (delta, chicago, texas, memphis, new orleans). artist information and cd reviews.
Finance Leave Money Health Posted Peer Food Business Exchange Stock Markets Choose Financial Plumbcentral Self Natural Information Building Invoice
36 Fantasy Books Inc New comics
New comics, back issues, action figures and collectibles located just minutes from downtown St. Louis in Belleville, Illinois.
Books Fantasy Clipper Star Commander Games Belleville Demo Woman Heroic Adventures Innistrad Kittens Master Zendikar Readmore Superman
37 8 Minutes to Love Comedy about
Comedy about a woman who tries speed dating and gets ambushed by her cheating ex-boyfriend. Synopsis, cast and crew, budget, and production schedule.
38 8 Minutes 2 Live A typical
A typical four piece with a freestyle lead, heavy rhythm, ripping bass, meaningful lyrics, harmonizing backups, and slammin’ drums.
Frozen Pleaseownerfrozenwere Contact This Sorry
39 prairie textile arts guild located in
located in bismarck, north dakota. includes planned meetings and past minutes, officers roster and history.
40 mccabe in conversation interview with
interview with birmingham post music critic christopher morley. in real audio ram format, 53 minutes. print transcript in html.
Mccabe Christopher Morley Birmingham Music John Critic Conservatoire Chief Midlands Post Here Conversation English Gerontius_ Correspondent Village Fools
41 works of wolfgang amadeus mozart biography with
biography with career highlights and portrait. includes midi audio of several pieces totalling about 50 minutes of playing time.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing App Local Small Ecommerce Gallery Help Hosting Advisor Network Shut Has Toolkit Sell
42 Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Special Edition Exhaustive review
Exhaustive review of the first 25 minutes preview of the movie at the Montreals Festival du Nouveau Cinema 2004.
Ffacmoviecom Gohere Click Z
43 A Dollar And A Quarter Club Chapter New Philadelphia
New Philadelphia, Ohio. Chapter meeting minutes and schedule.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Help Aabaco Please Domains Customer Website Terms Account
44 Phantom Opening Night Gala in Vegas No expense
No expense has been spared on this production, which has been efficiently pared down to 95 minutes by its creators and masterful director, the legendary Harold Prince.
Bww Video New Tv News Florida York Broadway Phantom Meet Music Look Tony Awards Tube Off Kansas Countdown Opera
45 Lobos Movie Reviews: V for Vendetta I was
I was enthralled within minutes by the look of the film and fell into its seductive trap with the first large explosion of Old Bailey to the music of Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture.
46 hip-hop confidential joint feature
joint feature of 60 minutes and yahoo music news. news and artist profiles for the largest names in hip-hop.
47 Gateway Theatre Richmond, BC
Richmond, BC live, professional theatre featuring Canadian artists, educational programs, and community concerts, only minutes.
Y Server Apache Foundport Found The
48 altmusictv Unofficial site
Unofficial site for Subterranean, the music video show (formerly named '120 Minutes') seen on MTV2. Includes weekly playlist and show history.
Tylerccom Y
49 20 Minutes To Monahan New Jersey
New Jersey band playing classic rock, blues and instrumentals. Includes member profiles, photos, song list, audio samples, and performance schedule.
50 'Battlefield Earth': Earth Capitulates in 9 Minutes to Mean Entrepreneurs from Space New York
New York Times film review, by Elvis Mitchell. Requires free registration.
Earth Film Travolta York Current Times Terl New Minutes Capitulates Earthlings Psychlo Space Company Op Ed Page Forums News
51 Media World of Takahiko Iimura Filmography, Videography
Filmography, Videography, Installation/Performance of the maker of '24 Frames Per Second,''A Loop Seen As A Line,''2 Minutes 46 Seconds 16 Frames' and other works.
52 fort dorchester marching patriots includes upcoming
includes upcoming events, booster club bylaws, monthly minutes and list of officers, calendar, photos, forum and links. located in charleston.
53 strata magazine describing itself
describing itself as 'the common mans fifteen minutes,' this grab-bag of interviews,writing and superlative art strives to be a voice to those often overlooked by traditional media. although there is a good deal of humor in almost everything about this site.
54 Q Magazine: Is This Desire? 'Boasting 12
'Boasting 12 tracks yet clocking in at just a shade over 40 minutes, Is This Desire? is one of the most artfully truncated missives of bleakness and pain to have emerged from a jewel box or Digipack since the dawn of CD.'
– Music Club Festival Playlist Day Awards Night Sunday Track Magazine Q Latest No Issue Cheating Spotify Policy
55 West Chester Film Festival Annual showcase
Annual showcase of films of 60 minutes length (or less). Background information, history, staff, schedule, entry guidelines, sponsors, related events, and contact details.
Chester News Film Festival West Best Awards Posted Submissions Entries Short Pennsylvania Withoutabox Season Annual Birds Gleich Filmfestival
56 'Darth Willow vs. Capt. Kirk' This is
This is a 'Buffy'/'Star Trek' crossover fanfic which is based on the last 10 minutes of the classic 'Star Trek' episode, 'Where No Man Has Gone Before'.
Capt Trek Darth Act Kirk Willow Gary Spywarenuker Epilogue Noadwarenow Signmyguestbookcom Mitchell Paramount Fans Suprnova Pg
57 15 Minutes: Kurt Russell, Thespian A RealAudio
A RealAudio interview with Kurt Russell, talking mostly about 'Soldier' and his role in it.
Kurt Russell Writers Zeldman Realvideo Celeb Designers Web Interviews Actors Movie Minutes Directors Star Cyberstars
58 Mountain Xpress Movie Review Ken Hankes
Ken Hankes review: 'The films central problem is that its not surprising. The story to this 90-minute movie can be - and has already been - told in two-and-a-half minutes.'
News Xpress Food Came Movie Polly Letters Wine Art Classifieds Comedy Clubland Movies Mountain Elections Politics Outdoors Spirits Theater Audio Local Posts Close
59 'The Capeman' Cometh ... Finally Paul Simons
Paul Simons 'The Capeman' officially opens on Broadway tonight. All it took to get there was nine years of labor, a one-month 11th hour delay, 30 minutes worth of cuts and last minute director changes ... [E! Online News]
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60 lestats 120 minutes of gothic music show featuring
show featuring the latest gothic music from europe and america, along with time honored classics. aired on saturday/sundays midnight-2:00a.m. pst on sdsus kcr.
Radio Music Live Internet Broadcasting Cast Web Streaming Media Mp Classical Stream Jazz Old Hop Hip Age Thousands
61 liberty high school instrumental music boosters provides information
provides information about the instrumental music program including calendars, newsletters, booster meeting minutes, fundraisers, and forms. from eldersburg.
Navigationshilfet Y
62 The Seattle Times: Arts & Entertainment: Viva Las Vegas! Less is More as 'Phantom' Gets a Facelift Hes keeping
Hes keeping his brooding to under 95 minutes, and disappearing amid fiery blazes. Sparks now shoot out of his sleeves, the chandelier is even more unruly and the fog machine is cranked up full blast. By Kathleen Hennessey.
Vegas Times Entertainment Seattle Contact Arts Nwsource Broadway Restaurants Movies Advertise Print Submit Delivery Post Ad Photography Low Graphic Special
63 rosas lounge since the
since the early 1980s, rosas has been serious about the blues. on the citys near northwest side, 10 minutes from downtown, this club hosts live blues music. site includes directions and a calendar of performances.
Blues Chicago Buy Thu Tue Tickets Now Rosas Lounge During Show$ Advance * Mandville Fire Annual Presents Store @kenzoshibata Syrian Machine
64 audio interview audio interview
audio interview of erdrich and her former husband, michael dorris. approximately 27 minutes long, option to purchase vhs of complete interview available.
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65 Harry Nilsson - Flo and Eddie and Harry Harry Nilsson
Harry Nilsson appears as a guest on Flo and Eddies radio show in 1992. 28 minutes, RealAudio.
Harry Nilsson Eddie Turtles Kaylan Volman Howard Mark Harrys Songs Pages Rock Flo Etc
66 Washington Area Parrot Head Club Non-profit social
Non-profit social organization for fans of Jimmy Buffetts music. Offers a calendar of upcoming events, tour dates, photo gallery, newsletter, club charter and minutes, merchandise and links.
Washington Club Head Parrot Area Profit Jimmy Non Social Fun Community Spirit Buffett Page Tropical Organization Variety Contribute
67 Levee, The Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin tribute band from Raleigh, North Carolina based on rare and unreleased concert recordings. Over 40 minutes of streaming live audio, plus rare Zeppelin concert memorabilia.
Zeppelin Levee Band Tribute Setlist Raleigh Led News Photos John Rare Live Gigs Memorabilia Page Jazz Homeless
68 The Prestige Edit Bay Visit With Chris Nolan After the
After the success of Batman Begins, the name Chris Nolan means something. The lights went down, the cameras rolled, we were about to see the first 10 minutes of The Prestige. Two-part interview by Steven Chupnick.
Movie News Trailers Movies Policyawakens Superman Men Contact Terms Civil Alongmove Looking Apocalypse
69 GKC Theatres Has a
Has a drop-down list from which Varsity Cinema in Sault Ste. Marie can be selected. Provides list of current and future (for the next week) movies being shown, along with screening times, length in minutes, and rating. Holding the mouse cursor over a movie title provides a quick summary of actors and plot.
70 The Siamese Human Knot The Siamese
The Siamese Human Knot was in one episode for about 4 minutes, but this form of torture fascinated the creator of this tribute.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Domains Website Please Customer Privacy Help Aabaco
71 Washington Area Parrot Head Club Promotes friendship
Promotes friendship and organizes social activities in the greater Washington, DC area that also includes Northern Virginia and Maryland. Offers a calendar of upcoming events, photo gallery, newsletter, club charter and minutes.
Club Washington Parrot Head Social Non Profit Jimmy Area Community Tropical Buffett Page Spirit Fun Having Regional Enjoyment
72 Portland International Short Short Film Festival The Portland
The Portland International Short Short Film Festival presents films from around the globe that clock in at 10 minutes or less.
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Minutes Dictionary

minutes / proceedings / transactions: a written account of what transpired at a meeting
hour / hr minutes a: a period of time equal to th of a day, "the job will take more than an hour"
half-hour minutes: a half of an hour
quarter-hour minutes: a quarter of an hour Reviews for Minutes. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Minutes" (visitors of this topic page). Minutes › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Minutes Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

Minutes, also known as protocols or, informally, notes, are the instant written record of a meeting or hearing. They typically describe the events of the meeting and may include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues.

73 results for Minutes: