1 AdRants
Weblog featuring
Weblog featuring news and musings on the oddities and wonders of the advertising industry.
Hall Steve Tweet Jul Bowl Super Social Topic Boston Adrants Marketing Video Subscribe Research Brands Television Entendre Laden
Weblog featuring news and musings on the oddities and wonders of the advertising industry.
Hall Steve Tweet Jul Bowl Super Social Topic Boston Adrants Marketing Video Subscribe Research Brands Television Entendre Laden
2 Aardvark Record Mastering
Mastering of
Mastering of vinyl phonograph records and dub-plates of all sizes and speeds. Oddities a specialty: locked grooves, inside out cuts, double spirals. [Denver, CO, USA]
Mastering of vinyl phonograph records and dub-plates of all sizes and speeds. Oddities a specialty: locked grooves, inside out cuts, double spirals. [Denver, CO, USA]
2. Shopping and Oddities Trade
2 Creative Oddities
Teas, skin
Teas, skin care creams, soaps, and tonics. Also offers herbal consultations.
Teas, skin care creams, soaps, and tonics. Also offers herbal consultations.
3 Mad Martian Museum of Modern Madness
Dedicated to
Dedicated to oddities like eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, and Godzilla.
Halloween Museum Toilet Shop Gift Eyeballs Eyeball Godzilla Interactive Terror Weird Page Martian Mad Food Broccoli Updated
Dedicated to oddities like eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, and Godzilla.
Halloween Museum Toilet Shop Gift Eyeballs Eyeball Godzilla Interactive Terror Weird Page Martian Mad Food Broccoli Updated
4 Main Squeeze
Featuring new and used accordions, repairs, lessons, accordion accessories, ephemera, sheetmusic and oddities.
Squeeze Main Join Pages Repairs Learn Navigation Shop Menu Design Professional Website Larger Themeeasily Street Create
Featuring new and used accordions, repairs, lessons, accordion accessories, ephemera, sheetmusic and oddities.
Squeeze Main Join Pages Repairs Learn Navigation Shop Menu Design Professional Website Larger Themeeasily Street Create
5 BeanieZ Bonanza
Beanie Babies
Beanie Babies, Buddies, and Teenies. Specializes in older styles, hard to find, and oddities.
Maxpagescom Advance Cash Insurance Debt Consolidation Privacy Policy Phones Here Name Sale Domain Best Report
Beanie Babies, Buddies, and Teenies. Specializes in older styles, hard to find, and oddities.
Maxpagescom Advance Cash Insurance Debt Consolidation Privacy Policy Phones Here Name Sale Domain Best Report
6 Evers, Roger
Whimsical mixed
Whimsical mixed media creations and sculpted oddities, including miniatures, clocks and fine art masks.
Whimsical mixed media creations and sculpted oddities, including miniatures, clocks and fine art masks.
7 Mad Martian Museum of Modern Madness
Dedicated to
Dedicated to eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, Godzilla, and other oddities. Includes gift shop and online ordering.
Halloween Museum Shop Godzilla Toilet Gift Eyeball Eyeballs Weird Martian Broccoli Mad Page Food Interactive Oodles Shkolnik Gross
Dedicated to eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, Godzilla, and other oddities. Includes gift shop and online ordering.
Halloween Museum Shop Godzilla Toilet Gift Eyeball Eyeballs Weird Martian Broccoli Mad Page Food Interactive Oodles Shkolnik Gross
8 Rare Exotics
Grower in
Grower in Los Angeles specializing in oddities from around the world, including bromeliads and cycads, bulbs, corals, orchids, and a wide range of succulents.
Species Rare Bromeliads Bulbs Caudiciforms Exotic Succulents Cycads Orchids Plants Catalogues News New Contact Cycad Undiscovered General Nursery Wwwrareexoticscom
Grower in Los Angeles specializing in oddities from around the world, including bromeliads and cycads, bulbs, corals, orchids, and a wide range of succulents.
Species Rare Bromeliads Bulbs Caudiciforms Exotic Succulents Cycads Orchids Plants Catalogues News New Contact Cycad Undiscovered General Nursery Wwwrareexoticscom
9 Island Oddities Hobbies
Great prices
Great prices on thousands of Plastic Models from Revell, Revell/Germany, Monogram, Testors, Trumpeter, Life-Like, Atlas, Italeri, Tamiya, & many more.
Travel Island Leading Odditydiscount Africa Join Net Cruise Caribbeanasia Business Islandodditiescom
Great prices on thousands of Plastic Models from Revell, Revell/Germany, Monogram, Testors, Trumpeter, Life-Like, Atlas, Italeri, Tamiya, & many more.
Travel Island Leading Odditydiscount Africa Join Net Cruise Caribbeanasia Business Islandodditiescom
10 Arizona Cactus Sales
Offers an
Offers an assortment of potted desert cacti in sizes ranging from 3' potted to landscape-ready. Virtual tour of the nursery, care tips, and photos of oddities.
Cactus Arizona Sales Cacti Plants Shop Tips Desert Care Nursery Contact Chandler Unique Tour Website
Offers an assortment of potted desert cacti in sizes ranging from 3' potted to landscape-ready. Virtual tour of the nursery, care tips, and photos of oddities.
Cactus Arizona Sales Cacti Plants Shop Tips Desert Care Nursery Contact Chandler Unique Tour Website
3. Oddities Recreation
1 Long Island Oddities
Zine featuring
Zine featuring some trips to abandoned buildings and assorted oddities. New York.
Long Island Hospital State Super User Dvds Store Here Folklore Park Oddities Exploring Roadside Urban
Zine featuring some trips to abandoned buildings and assorted oddities. New York.
Long Island Hospital State Super User Dvds Store Here Folklore Park Oddities Exploring Roadside Urban
2 Stefs Realm
Collected oddities
Collected oddities and personal photos.
Pictures Gifs Guy Game Weird Realm Dead Guestbook Might Stefs Try Firetower Cards Links Full Bands
Collected oddities and personal photos.
Pictures Gifs Guy Game Weird Realm Dead Guestbook Might Stefs Try Firetower Cards Links Full Bands
3 Oddities And Wonders
Fun facts
Fun facts, true stories and inside information.
Sign People Lifestream Everything Policy Now Places Updated Terms Inc Trademarksnowon Account Network Search Networks Read Date
Fun facts, true stories and inside information.
Sign People Lifestream Everything Policy Now Places Updated Terms Inc Trademarksnowon Account Network Search Networks Read Date
4 Fun-with-words.com
Dedicated to
Dedicated to oddities of the English language plus various types of wordplay.
Word Wordplay Words Fun Puzzles Games Wordscom Book Funny Signs Books Etymology Store Scrabble Rebus Bookshop Mnemonics New Contact
Dedicated to oddities of the English language plus various types of wordplay.
Word Wordplay Words Fun Puzzles Games Wordscom Book Funny Signs Books Etymology Store Scrabble Rebus Bookshop Mnemonics New Contact
5 Oddities and Wonders
A collection
A collection of odd and interesting facts about coins and paper money.
Sign Everything Now Lifestream Places Policy Updated People Date Aolcom Stream Multiple Stay Youre Account Or Network Search Rights
A collection of odd and interesting facts about coins and paper money.
Sign Everything Now Lifestream Places Policy Updated People Date Aolcom Stream Multiple Stay Youre Account Or Network Search Rights
6 Opundo
Includes wordplay
Includes wordplay and oddities, mathematica, theologica, computica, scientifica, and other humour.
Arjay Enterprises Christian Jokes Sites Door Services British Open Biggame Spelling Sutcliffe Opundo Eiderisms Double Wisdom Orthography Ententre Palindromic
Includes wordplay and oddities, mathematica, theologica, computica, scientifica, and other humour.
Arjay Enterprises Christian Jokes Sites Door Services British Open Biggame Spelling Sutcliffe Opundo Eiderisms Double Wisdom Orthography Ententre Palindromic
7 MOTU at the Toy Archive
Features lots
Features lots of rare prototypes and oddities in the Masters of the Universe line.
He Motu Display Special Offer Skeletor Cassette Battle Armor Page Warriors Store Panthor Eternia Universe
Features lots of rare prototypes and oddities in the Masters of the Universe line.
He Motu Display Special Offer Skeletor Cassette Battle Armor Page Warriors Store Panthor Eternia Universe
8 Oomphoophoos House of Strangeosity
Our monkey-faced
Our monkey-faced goddess of love takes us on a tour of some common oddities.
Browser Here Cannot Oomphoophoos Click House Strangeosity Translateframestranslate Close Z
Our monkey-faced goddess of love takes us on a tour of some common oddities.
Browser Here Cannot Oomphoophoos Click House Strangeosity Translateframestranslate Close Z
9 Mad Martian Museum of Modern Madness
Dedicated to
Dedicated to oddities like eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, and Godzilla.
Halloween Museum Godzilla Shop Toilet Gift Eyeballs Eyeball Martian Broccoli Mad Terror Interactive Page Weird Jello Video Madness
Dedicated to oddities like eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, and Godzilla.
Halloween Museum Godzilla Shop Toilet Gift Eyeballs Eyeball Martian Broccoli Mad Terror Interactive Page Weird Jello Video Madness
10 We Made Out In A Tree And This Old Guy Sat And Watched Us
Unusual statements
Unusual statements, strange quotes, bad writing, and other oddities of the English language.
Permanently The Server Apachey
Unusual statements, strange quotes, bad writing, and other oddities of the English language.
Permanently The Server Apachey
11 Automotive Oddities
Information on
Information on steering wheel clocks and record players. Includes guest book, links and message board.
Desoto Parts Chrysler Automotive Mopar Dealer Plymouth Just Desotos Cars Binder Corvette Things Ford Oddities Tips Plymoth Collecting
Information on steering wheel clocks and record players. Includes guest book, links and message board.
Desoto Parts Chrysler Automotive Mopar Dealer Plymouth Just Desotos Cars Binder Corvette Things Ford Oddities Tips Plymoth Collecting
12 Mad Martian Museum of Modern Madness
Dedicated to
Dedicated to eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, Godzilla, and other oddities. Includes gift shop and online ordering.
Halloween Museum Gift Godzilla Toilet Eyeball Eyeballs Shop Weird Terror Interactive Food Page Martian Broccoli Weirdness Madness
Dedicated to eyeballs, brains, insects, Jell-O, Godzilla, and other oddities. Includes gift shop and online ordering.
Halloween Museum Gift Godzilla Toilet Eyeball Eyeballs Shop Weird Terror Interactive Food Page Martian Broccoli Weirdness Madness
13 Apothecary Collectables
Sells antique
Sells antique bottles, old chemist and pharmacy supplies, labels, prints and oddities from the bygone apothecary.
Rss 医療関係ã®転è·ãƒÂイント医療系ã®転è·ã®基礎知èÂËœ 医療系ã®転è·ã®ç¾状 医療系ã®転è·ã®ãƒÂイントã«ã¤ã„㦠Wordpress 粋テーマ ナース求人状æ³Âã¯ã™ãÂâ€Ã£Â„ コメント ä¿Â育園ã§åƒÂãÂÂã«ã¯ナース求人ã®必è¦Â性ã¨ã¯ 投稿 転è·ã«ã¯調æÅ
Sells antique bottles, old chemist and pharmacy supplies, labels, prints and oddities from the bygone apothecary.
Rss 医療関係ã®転è·ãƒÂイント医療系ã®転è·ã®基礎知èÂËœ 医療系ã®転è·ã®ç¾状 医療系ã®転è·ã®ãƒÂイントã«ã¤ã„㦠Wordpress 粋テーマ ナース求人状æ³Âã¯ã™ãÂâ€Ã£Â„ コメント ä¿Â育園ã§åƒÂãÂÂã«ã¯ナース求人ã®必è¦Â性ã¨ã¯ 投稿 転è·ã«ã¯調æÅ
14 The Coca Cola Bottles of the World Website
Coke Bottles
Coke Bottles (and other oddities) from around the world. Hundreds of color photos, links, and information.
Coke Coca Cola Bottles World Ill Page Bottle Please Drew Collect Website Email Only Steitz Thanks Antique
Coke Bottles (and other oddities) from around the world. Hundreds of color photos, links, and information.
Coke Coca Cola Bottles World Ill Page Bottle Please Drew Collect Website Email Only Steitz Thanks Antique
15 A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia
Includes book
Includes book of word records, palindromic words, pangrams, most beautiful and ugly words, Scrabble words, and Bible word trivia.
Sign Lifestream Policy Now Places Everything Updated People Rights Email Stayprivacy Connecting Networks Read
Includes book of word records, palindromic words, pangrams, most beautiful and ugly words, Scrabble words, and Bible word trivia.
Sign Lifestream Policy Now Places Everything Updated People Rights Email Stayprivacy Connecting Networks Read
4. Computer & Oddities Games Websites
1 IE 5 Mac: CSS - Oddities and Bugs
A collection
A collection of odd or buggy behaviours with CSS.
Mac Css Ie Microsoft Explorer Maceditioncom Internet Safari Bielorussian Spaces Noire Mozilla Jump Died Jimmy Grewal Ive Yourcounterparts Collection Assesment ]
A collection of odd or buggy behaviours with CSS.
Mac Css Ie Microsoft Explorer Maceditioncom Internet Safari Bielorussian Spaces Noire Mozilla Jump Died Jimmy Grewal Ive Yourcounterparts Collection Assesment ]
4 Myracks House of Oddities
Includes new
Includes new monsters, spells, magic items, and cults.
Oddities House Wwwhouseofodditiestkz Redirecting Sponsored
Includes new monsters, spells, magic items, and cults.
Oddities House Wwwhouseofodditiestkz Redirecting Sponsored
5 Eyetricks.com
Collection of
Collection of illusions and other mind teasing oddities. Includes illusions that you can make.
Gallery Games Optical Illusions Illusion Brain Mind Test Game Shop Stereogram Random Other Stereograms Words Oddities
Collection of illusions and other mind teasing oddities. Includes illusions that you can make.
Gallery Games Optical Illusions Illusion Brain Mind Test Game Shop Stereogram Random Other Stereograms Words Oddities
6 Oddworld-Web
Character profiles
Character profiles, creature profiles, locations, hints/tips, downloads, Forum, and Oddities.
Character profiles, creature profiles, locations, hints/tips, downloads, Forum, and Oddities.
7 1UP
Review, by
Review, by Jenn Frank: 'The games greatest fault, really, is that its over too soon. Missed opportunities and some perspective oddities aside, Kororinpa: Marble Mania is a solid, charming puzzler.' [Score: 7.5 out of 10]
Wii Ps Games Kororinpa Game Walkthrough Zelda Review Super Video Cheats Legend Metal Reviews + Changed Emblem Mean Most
Review, by Jenn Frank: 'The games greatest fault, really, is that its over too soon. Missed opportunities and some perspective oddities aside, Kororinpa: Marble Mania is a solid, charming puzzler.' [Score: 7.5 out of 10]
Wii Ps Games Kororinpa Game Walkthrough Zelda Review Super Video Cheats Legend Metal Reviews + Changed Emblem Mean Most
8 1UP
Review, by
Review, by Jenn Frank: 'The games greatest fault, really, is that its over too soon. Missed opportunities and some perspective oddities aside, Kororinpa: Marble Mania is a solid, charming puzzler.' [Score: 7.5 out of 10]
Movedport Server Permanently The Apache
Review, by Jenn Frank: 'The games greatest fault, really, is that its over too soon. Missed opportunities and some perspective oddities aside, Kororinpa: Marble Mania is a solid, charming puzzler.' [Score: 7.5 out of 10]
Movedport Server Permanently The Apache
9 Game Genie Code Oddities
Large collection
Large collection of Game Genie codes.
Files Beta Enter Sponsored Z
Large collection of Game Genie codes.
Files Beta Enter Sponsored Z
5. Sports Websites concerning Oddities
6. Society, Arts and Oddities Crafts
2 executing the retarded! imprisoning kids!
cartoons about
cartoons about the oddities of the us legal system.
Nbcnewscom News Travel Subscribe Careers Video Local Weather Page Pages Entertainment Dateline Stock Maps Newstools
cartoons about the oddities of the us legal system.
Nbcnewscom News Travel Subscribe Careers Video Local Weather Page Pages Entertainment Dateline Stock Maps Newstools
3 Out of Place Artifacts (OOPARTS)
Archeological finds
Archeological finds and anachronistic oddities defending Creation.
Dinosaurs Ancient History Page Giant Art Dragon Cities Fauna Literature Giants Mega World Cave Advertise Dinosaurfossil Oops El Kanatir Part Yards Noahs Introduction
Archeological finds and anachronistic oddities defending Creation.
Dinosaurs Ancient History Page Giant Art Dragon Cities Fauna Literature Giants Mega World Cave Advertise Dinosaurfossil Oops El Kanatir Part Yards Noahs Introduction
4 Kip W. Ives, Author
Kips book
Kips book 'Particulars of the Promiscuous' is a satire about the sexual oddities and habits of the elite and famous, beginning with the Greeks and Romans.
Rica Costa Marketing Services Web Design Development Seosem Media Social Packages Diego Content Engine Seom Estate Escort Ives
Kips book 'Particulars of the Promiscuous' is a satire about the sexual oddities and habits of the elite and famous, beginning with the Greeks and Romans.
Rica Costa Marketing Services Web Design Development Seosem Media Social Packages Diego Content Engine Seom Estate Escort Ives
5 Anomalies & Quandaries
Explores the
Explores the mysterious world and provides an overview of unexplained phenomenon, paranormal occurrences, puzzling discoveries, historical oddities, and bizarre practices.
Request Errory
Explores the mysterious world and provides an overview of unexplained phenomenon, paranormal occurrences, puzzling discoveries, historical oddities, and bizarre practices.
Request Errory
6 Flickr: Weird New Jersey
Dedicated to
Dedicated to all the oddities, urban legends, run down statues, haunted houses, and other things that simply defy explanation located in the state of New Jersey.
Discussions Yahoo Jersey Members Help Photos New Developers Mobile Privacy Houses State Blog Urban Safely
Dedicated to all the oddities, urban legends, run down statues, haunted houses, and other things that simply defy explanation located in the state of New Jersey.
Discussions Yahoo Jersey Members Help Photos New Developers Mobile Privacy Houses State Blog Urban Safely
1 Butthole Surfers FAQ
Lyrics, oddities
Lyrics, oddities, collectables, and rarities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Lyrics, oddities, collectables, and rarities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Take 5 Please
Includes profiles
Includes profiles, lyrics, discography, an interview, quotes, and oddities.
Pleasemintygreen Version Take Z
Includes profiles, lyrics, discography, an interview, quotes, and oddities.
Pleasemintygreen Version Take Z
3 Lil Monkeys World
Selected oddities
Selected oddities from the mind of Suzanne Kaufman.
Story Kaufman Suzanne Artblog Z
Selected oddities from the mind of Suzanne Kaufman.
Story Kaufman Suzanne Artblog Z
5 timotheous creations
gallery of
gallery of chain mail clothing, accessories, and oddities
Z Please Page Angelfirecomprofessional Websites Tryagain Error Requested Angelfire Funcheck Couldnt
gallery of chain mail clothing, accessories, and oddities
Z Please Page Angelfirecomprofessional Websites Tryagain Error Requested Angelfire Funcheck Couldnt
6 Sea Pony Utopia
Covers most
Covers most aspects of the Sea Ponies including backcard scans and oddities.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Account Help Customer Web Domains Please Terms Domain
Covers most aspects of the Sea Ponies including backcard scans and oddities.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Account Help Customer Web Domains Please Terms Domain
7 Cavern of Tiamat
Detailed character
Detailed character guide, episodes, and D&D oddities, such as the French version of the theme.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Archiveorg Machine Inc Waybackarchives Privacy Finance Terms
Detailed character guide, episodes, and D&D oddities, such as the French version of the theme.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Archiveorg Machine Inc Waybackarchives Privacy Finance Terms
8 Catfish Carls Closet
Community photo
Community photo album, plus galleries of plastic ukes, and oddities.
Page Ukulele Fabulous Uke Freakshow Those Favillas Heroes Photo Harmony Halls Community Great Through Banjo Regal
Community photo album, plus galleries of plastic ukes, and oddities.
Page Ukulele Fabulous Uke Freakshow Those Favillas Heroes Photo Harmony Halls Community Great Through Banjo Regal
9 the blue box (recycled ideas) by don cox
monthly topics
monthly topics range from politics, to good food, to the oddities of life, and everything in between.
monthly topics range from politics, to good food, to the oddities of life, and everything in between.
10 the black table
humor, essays
humor, essays, oddities, links, commentary and other random bits of gossip, trivia and fun.
Humor Table Black Commentary Gossip Loser Craigs Bits Other Here Magazine Writingupdated Strange
humor, essays, oddities, links, commentary and other random bits of gossip, trivia and fun.
Humor Table Black Commentary Gossip Loser Craigs Bits Other Here Magazine Writingupdated Strange
11 bret rowe
modern pop
modern pop art. original painting blends text with cultural, historical and political icons and oddities.
modern pop art. original painting blends text with cultural, historical and political icons and oddities.
12 Christian Science Monitor - Andy Warhols possession obsession
Article about
Article about the famous artists collection of oddities.
Warhol Andy Warhols Obsession Science Museum Christian Monitor Pittsburgh Haring Art Artist Keith Dollar Fremont Multimillion Difference
Article about the famous artists collection of oddities.
Warhol Andy Warhols Obsession Science Museum Christian Monitor Pittsburgh Haring Art Artist Keith Dollar Fremont Multimillion Difference
13 Pure Morning
Humor-based Mimato
Humor-based Mimato site with character information, fan art and fiction, opinions and oddities, which includes a javascript game.
Hosting Affordable Found Page Error Freedomain Namesshared
Humor-based Mimato site with character information, fan art and fiction, opinions and oddities, which includes a javascript game.
Hosting Affordable Found Page Error Freedomain Namesshared
14 Mundie, James G.
Pen and
Pen and ink drawings of Victorian circus performers known as 'anomalous humans' or human 'oddities.' The subjects are placed in contexts reminiscent of famous historical artworks. Each portrait is accompanied by a brief biography of the subject.
Mundie James Drawings Humans Art Prodigies Updates Paintings Anomalous Judith Knipfel Pen Shows Glass Design Parables Missioncreepcom
Pen and ink drawings of Victorian circus performers known as 'anomalous humans' or human 'oddities.' The subjects are placed in contexts reminiscent of famous historical artworks. Each portrait is accompanied by a brief biography of the subject.
Mundie James Drawings Humans Art Prodigies Updates Paintings Anomalous Judith Knipfel Pen Shows Glass Design Parables Missioncreepcom
15 AMG All Music Guide: Mixed Up
Stephen Thomas
Stephen Thomas Erlewines review: 'There are enough oddities and rare tracks on Mixed Up to make it necessary for Cure fans, but its too specialized for casual listeners.' 2 stars.
New Poprock Releases Music Electronic Recommendations Featured Choice Sasquatch Editors Reviews Allmusic Blog Video Day Enter Blues Superstar
Stephen Thomas Erlewines review: 'There are enough oddities and rare tracks on Mixed Up to make it necessary for Cure fans, but its too specialized for casual listeners.' 2 stars.
New Poprock Releases Music Electronic Recommendations Featured Choice Sasquatch Editors Reviews Allmusic Blog Video Day Enter Blues Superstar
16 minnesota association of rogue taxidermy
dedicated to
dedicated to the showmanship of oddities, natural adaptation and mutation, and displays of curiosity through taxidermy and use of animals. news, list of members, galleries, and links.
Rogue Taxidermy Minnesota Taxidermists Association Mart Art Fish Liquid Beast Animals Bizarre Creatures Marbury York Displays [mart] Use Weird
dedicated to the showmanship of oddities, natural adaptation and mutation, and displays of curiosity through taxidermy and use of animals. news, list of members, galleries, and links.
Rogue Taxidermy Minnesota Taxidermists Association Mart Art Fish Liquid Beast Animals Bizarre Creatures Marbury York Displays [mart] Use Weird
17 Star Wars: Caught on Tape
Analyzes such
Analyzes such Star Wars oddities as the Donny and Marie parody and the Holiday Special.
Analyzes such Star Wars oddities as the Donny and Marie parody and the Holiday Special.