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Oscillators Experience


1 crystek crystals corporation manufacture of
manufacture of microprocessor crystals, clock oscillators, temperature compensated crystal oscillators, and voltage controlled crystal oscillators.
2 lemos international manufacturer of
manufacturer of low-power-radio-modules, data links, ovenized oscillators and crystal oscillators for rf applications.
3 oscilent corporation a full
a full line manufacturer of crystals, oscillators, filters, and resonators including voltage controlled and temperature compensated oscillators.
Filter Crystal Ceramic Oscillator Resonator Oscilent Saw Quartz Products Tcxo Vcxo Rf Manufacturer Oscilents Frequency
4 seoan electronics co., ltd. manufacturer of
manufacturer of quartz crystal and crystal oscillators including tcxos, vcxos, and high frequency ecl oscillators. from korea.
5 pletronics, inc. manufacturer of
manufacturer of crystals (for microprocessors and communication equipment), crystal filters, and crystal oscillators (clock oscillators, vcxo, tcxo, and tcvcxo).
6 valpeyfisher crystals, clocks
crystals, clocks, oscillators, electronic quartz crystals, oscillators and filters, crystal-based timing devices, matec, electronics, semiconductors.
7 p&y crystal industrial ltd. a manufacturer
a manufacturer of quartz crystals includes ceramic filers, ceramic resonators, crystal oscillators, smd oscillators, saw resonators, saw filters.
Ltdpy Industrial Crystal¾§ÕñʵҵÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾
8 macrobizes co., ltd. manufacturer of
manufacturer of quartz crystals, resonators, and oscillators.
9 citizen america corporation manufacturing crystals
manufacturing crystals and oscillators.
Sales Falcon Technical Marketing Txccrystalcom Oscillators Txccrystalsinstead Please Citizencrystalproduct Crystals Thank
10 brookdale frequency control, inc. supplier of
supplier of tcxos, vcxos, oscillators.
11 mf electronics manufacturer of
manufacturer of crystals, oscillators, vcxos, tcxos and oscillator ics.
12 impact, llc a manufacturer
a manufacturer of through hole and surface mount piezo crystals, oscillators.
13 mmd components manufacturer of
manufacturer of frequency control devices, specializing in crystals and oscillators.
14 andhra electronics crystals, clock
crystals, clock oscillators, vcxos, tcxos, and ocxos.
15 andhra electronics limited crystals, clock
crystals, clock oscillators, vcxos, tcxos, and ocxos.
16 microsource, inc. design and
design and manufacture of rf, microwave and millimeter-wave yig and vco-based oscillators, synthesizers, and filters.
Internet Uncategorized Broadband Microsource Inccom Rest Posted Entry Differences Between Makes Best Possible Dial Option
17 nakagawa electronics, ltd. manufacturer of
manufacturer of quartz crystals, clock oscillators, ceramic resonators and filters.
18 fox electronics manufacturer of
manufacturer of a broad range of crystals, oscillators, tcxos, vcxos, ocxos and filters.
Xpresso Oscillators Guide Lvds Stocking Standard Hcmos Crystal Mount Selection Thru Surface Hole Description Crystals Warranty
19 vanlong technical co., ltd supplier of
supplier of quartz crystals, resonators, oscillators, filters, saw and other electronic devices.
20 griffon enterprise co. manufacturer and
manufacturer and distributor of leaded and smt crystal oscillators. online product specifications and rfq.
21 hooray electronics company, ltd. manufacturer and
manufacturer and exporter of quartz crystals and oscillators, ceramic filters and resonators.
22 Raditek Provides wireless
Provides wireless and microwave products including isolators and circulators, oscillators, synthesizers, couplers, and splitters.
23 shen zhen auder electronics co. ltd manufacturer of
manufacturer of quartz crystals resonator, filter, oscillators and saw devices.
24 epson electronics america, inc manufactures electric
manufactures electric devices ranging from crystal oscillators and lcds to srams and asics.
25 frequency management manufacturer of
manufacturer of quartz crystals and oscillators. online product specifications and pdf data sheets available for download.
Oscillators Crystals Temperature Crystal Frequency Extreme High Temp Hi Management Products Vcxos International Clock Sensors Street
26 general electronic devices manufactures quartz
manufactures quartz crystal and clock oscillators, ocxo, tcxo, vcxo, vco, vctcxo.
Electronic Devices General Synthesizers Tcxo Crystals Ghz Portable Vcxo Amplifiers Translators Frequency Oscillators Generator Clock Ocxo Opportunities Ged Micronetics Vctcxos
27 txc corp. manufactures quartz
manufactures quartz crystal units, oscillators, vcxo and saw filters. online specifications and application notes.
28 bliley technologies manufactures quartz
manufactures quartz crystals and crystal oscillators for telecommunications, military, space, and instrumentation applications.
29 connor-winfield producer of
producer of crystal oscillators, vcxo, tcxo, vco, ecl, ttl, hmos, eco, stratum 3, custom timing solutions
30 Microwave Dynamics Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of low noise, ultra-stable phase locked or free running dielectric resonator oscillators.
31 fordahl group manufactures miniature
manufactures miniature, ultra stable oscillators. online product specifications and pdf data sheets available for download.
32 bomar crystal company manufacturer of
manufacturer of quartz crystals, clock oscillators, vcxos, tcxos, vctcxos, filters and resonators.
33 Lucix Corporation Manufactures components
Manufactures components and subsystems including oscillators, amplifiers, up/down converters, transceivers and subassemblies. Frequency ranges from 2 GHz to 90 GHz.
Power Oscillators Lucix Amplifiers Space Noise Receivers Central Beacons Supply Satellite Monitors Converters Contact Company Lnas Corporation
34 nexyn corporation manufacture commercial
manufacture commercial oscillators for lmds, vsat, digital radio and test equipment (mvds, tele-comm).
35 Elitec Inc. Manufacturers representative
Manufacturers representative for a range of components including PCB substrates and oscillators Also offer design facilities for wireless communication systems.
Rf Components Devices Attenuators Fiber Dividers Electronic Communications Power Satellite Directional Welcomerfmicrowaveelectronic Switches
36 intertronic solutions offers a
offers a wide range of rf and microwave products including gaas fet amplifiers, waveguide filters/diplexers, oscillators and up/down converters .
37 testco incorporated a distributor
a distributor of coto technology relays and ledex and dormeyer solenoids also carry thermistors, thermal controls, batteries, and crystals and oscillators.
Switches Reed Relays High Solenoids Coto Technology Sullins Smd Pin Leaded Categories Switch Electric Card Rohs Compliant Lower Cost Mems Based New Products
38 aid electronics corporation manufacturer of
manufacturer of metallized polyester film capacitors, resistors, inductors, varistors, diodes, transistors, oscillators, resonators, relays, and condensers.
39 statek corporation manufacturer of
manufacturer of quartz crystals and crystal oscillators. worldwide distribution of a full range of ultra-miniature frequency control products.
40 jan crystals manufacturer of
manufacturer of crystal oscillators and microprocessor, at-strip, and custom designed crystals.
41 eska crystals manufacturer of
manufacturer of crystals, clock oscillators and crystal filters.
42 mtronpti manufacturer of
manufacturer of crystal oscillators, tcxos, vcxos, crystal and lc filters, and frequency control products.
43 Emhiser Micro-Tech Designs and
Designs and manufactures miniature voltage controlled oscillators in a variety of packages covering the frequency range of 5 MHz to 7 GHz. Includes a specifications database.
44 ostor corporation manufacturer and
manufacturer and distributor of crystals, crystal oscillators, resonators, electrolytic and tantalum capacitors. online product search, line card and specifications.
Ostor Productsprofile 人才招募 Contactnews 股東å°Ã‹â€ å€ Corporation Taiwan
45 rakon limited manufacturers of
manufacturers of quality quartz crystal and high performance tcxos, vctcxos and crystal oscillators.
46 netcom inc. manufactures custom
manufactures custom lc filters, oscillators, phase locked loops, crystal filters, and power supplies.
Filter Rf Netcom Notice Inc Tunable Frequency Components Events News Microwave Hopping Products Undefinedindex Contact Mitigation Control Custom Ifpa
47 taitien electronics co., ltd production and
production and sales of crystal units, crystal oscillators, vcxo, tcxo and quartz blanks.
48 r & j components corporation stocking distributor
stocking distributor of capacitors, resistors, semiconductors, connectors, fuses, switches, inductors, hardware and oscillators. online line card and part search.
Components Electronic Policy Contact Privacy Terms Items Rj Franchised Conditions Register Return Distributor Shopping Rcharset=utf Cart Please
49 universal microwave corporation manufacturer of
manufacturer of low phase noise voltage controlled oscillators (vcos) and microwave frequency synthesizer modules.
50 Bowers Equipment Co., Inc. Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of production welding equipment such as positioners, manipulators, oscillators, mandrels and supports. On-line product catalog featured.
51 hy-q international (australia) pty. ltd. supplier of
supplier of frequency control components including quartz crystals, crystal oscillators, crystal and ceramic filters and resonators.
Hy Surface Mount International Ceramic Quartz Filters Micro Devices Trimmer Australia Microprocessor Audio Oscillators Caps Options Discrete
52 poseidon scientific instruments makers of
makers of low phase noise sapphire oscillators, regenerative dividers, microwave amplifiers, whispering gallery mode resonators and carrier suppression interferometers.
53 z~communications inc. designs and
designs and manufactures voltage controlled oscillators for consumer and commercial electronics markets. online line card, specifications and pdf data sheets and application notes available for download.
Series Phase Ghz Support Contact Mhz Faqs Locked Voltage Controlled Noise Products Vco Oscillator Custom Ultra Compact Comm Packages Commercial Base
54 golledge electronics ltd. supplier of
supplier of crystals, oscillators, tcxos, vcxos, ocxos, resonators and filters for frequency control applications. online line card, technical specifications and image gallery.
55 advanced crystal technology a supplier
a supplier of frequency control products offering standard and custom quartz crystals, crystal filters, oscillators and ceramic resonators.
56 vectron international manufactures and
manufactures and markets frequency-generation and control products, including crystals and crystal oscillators, saw filters, and clock and data recovery products.
Vectron Applications Oscillators High Filters Low International Phase Space Noise Crystal Bull Meets Holdover Solution Hi Rel Vcxo Saw Performance
57 Timing Technology Inc. GPS Time
GPS Time and Frequency Systems, GPS Engines, GPS Timing Boards, atomic oscillators, and timing technologies.
58 nippon crystal distributor of
distributor of a broad range of crystals, clock oscillators, vcxos, tcxos, vc-tcxos and filters. online product specifications and pdf data sheets available for download.
59 greenray industries inc. manufactures quartz
manufactures quartz frequency control products for telecom, military, aerospace and instrumentation applications. products include ocxos, tcxos, vcxos and clock oscillators.
60 my frequency inc. manufactures frequency
manufactures frequency control devices including quartz crystals, crystal oscillators, vcxos and tcxos. includes electrical and mechanical specifications and part numbering guide.
Myfrequency Incy
61 general microwave corporation manufactures microwave
manufactures microwave and millimeter-wave components: attenuators, phase shifters, modulators, oscillators and microwave radiation monitoring devices.
62 raltron electronics corporation global supplier
global supplier of frequency management solutions, including quartz filters, crystals, oscillators, clocks, vcxos, tcxos, ocxos, stratum 3 synchronization modules, ceramic resonators, and saw products.
63 Paratek Manufactures electronically
Manufactures electronically tunable radio frequency components, including tunable filters, diplexers, oscillators and delay lines. Includes product specifications, news and events, and career opportunities.
Paratek Products Contact Documents Tunable Careers News Click Management Adaptive Pini Company Technologies Iconic Technology Phone Rf Conversion
64 international crystal manufacturing manufacturing quartz
manufacturing quartz crystals, oscillators, precision crystals and filters.
Crystals Crystal Tcxos International Vctcxos Precision Quartz Oscillators Manufacturing Products Filters Frequency Control Services Oklahoma
65 nippon precision circuits, inc. integrated circuits
integrated circuits including phased locked loops, communications, dac, digital filters, el drivers, oscillators, audio devices and real time clock. part of the seiko group.
66 Wilmanco Manufacture a
Manufacture a range of microwave products, including crystal oscillators, frequency multipliers, satellite receiving equipment and block down converters. Includes product guide with mechanical specifications and block diagrams.
Line Assembly Cnc Full Laser Machines Products Printing Testing Manufacturing Haas Aron Millingcutting Chamber
67 ilsi america, inc. manufacture smd
manufacture smd and leaded crystals, oscillators (tcxo, vcxo, tcvcxo and ocxo) including tight tolerances and miniature packages, resonators and filters. online line card, search, cross reference and sample request.
Smd Crystal Leaded Ocxo Tcxo Products Quartz Ceramic Vcxo Oscillators Oscillator America Ilsi Reference Piezo Llc Filters Clock
68 Micro Lambda Wireless Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of low phase noise microwave yttrium iron garnet (YIG) oscillators, phase locked sources and frequency synthesizers for broadband wireless systems.
69 precision devices, inc. manufactures crystal
manufactures crystal products in custom and smd packages including quartz crystals, crystal filters and crystal oscillators. online line card, specifications and pdf catalogue and data sheets available for download.
Precision Devices Products Crystal Testing Oscillator Frequency Oscillators Filters Filter Technology Tour Request Inc Sales@pdixtalcom Contact Sales Lc
70 piezo technology, inc. a manufacturer
a manufacturer of frequency control products such as crystal oscillators, crystal filters, lc filters, and crystal resonators.
71 axtal manufacture of
manufacture of crystal oscillators pxo, vcxo, tcxo, ocxo, docxo, crystal resonators (quartz, langasite lgs, galliumphosphate gapo4), crystal filters, gps-ocxo, clock recovery modules cdr.
72 TPI - Tecnologia e Produtos Industriais Brasil. Manufacturers
Brasil. Manufacturers of dust collectors, scrubbers, cyclones, fans and ventilation systems, and dampers and silencers for the pulp and paper, concrete, steel, glass and automotive industries. Doctor blades and systems, slowers, oscillators and dewatering components for the papermaking industry. English and Portuguese.
73 ct industries manufacturer of
manufacturer of crystal resonators, tuning fork, oscillators, crystal filters, saw devices, ceramic resonators, ceramic filters, flexible flat cable.

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1 Mark D. Niemiecs Home Page John Horton
John Horton Conways Game of Life, including complete lists and glider syntheses of smaller still-lifes, oscillators, and spaceships.
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2 Synfactory Modular Software Synthesizer Freeware analoge
Freeware analoge style modular software synthesizer software. Build synthesizers from basic building blocks like: Oscillators, filters, mixers and all kinds of logic modules.
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5. Sports Websites concerning Oscillators

6. Society, Arts and Oscillators Crafts

1 arrick robotics
arrick robotics makes large synthesizer systems with analog circuitry including oscillators, filters and sequencer modules with wood, portable, and rack mounting options. faq, technical specifications.
New Interface Synth Filter Bank Aid Artist Mixer Modular Synthesizerscom Countryman Quantizer Midi David Music Jean Jacques Wiki Slew Banana Show

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