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Best reviews ›

Portion Experience


1 HELPcard Provides a
Provides a financing option for the private-pay portion of healthcare expenses.
2 AEW Delford Systems Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of slicers and bandsaw cutting machines for automatic portion control, processing and food shaping.
Marel Processing En Poultry Guinea Corporate Republic Meat Fish United New South Further Korea Guyana Zimbabwe Marshall Investor Disclaimers
3 Mikana Foods, Inc. Supplies natural
Supplies natural and processed cheeses available as shredded, bulk, sliced, portion packaged cheese, or meal kits.
4 Apter Industries, Inc. Distributors of
Distributors of portion controlled mixing containers, dispensers and liquid concentrates. Used for janitorial maintenance in convenience stores.
5 R.D. Hanson & Assoc. Inc. Offers popcorn
Offers popcorn related concessions supplies: machines, butter cups, boxes, bags, portion packs and flavoring.
6 Horizon Foods Offers portion-controlled
Offers portion-controlled home food service with emphasis on meat based entrees. Products, recipes, locations, and contact information.
7 Cardinal Meat Specialists Markets and
Markets and manufactures portion-controlled meat products, specializing in burgers and ribs.
Cardinal Factory Outlet Consumers Retailers News Burger Foodservice Solutions Custom Product Canadian Year Invasion Want Great Legal Lineup Kettle
8 Autry & Associates Food Service, Inc. Brokers and
Brokers and distributors in Virginia, West Virginia, and the northeast portion of North Carolina.
9 Appraisal Associates of North Florida LLC Serves several
Serves several counties in the northern portion of the state. Features company profile, philosophy, services, fee schedule. Based in High Springs, FL.
Appraisal Presnell Residential Appraiser Re North Cert Associates Mobile – Rd Mail Latorre Donna Florida Putnam Customer Federal
10 wisconsin public service corporation a natural
a natural gas and electric utility serving northeastern and central wisconsin and an adjacent portion of upper michigan.
Energy Problems Outages Wisconsin Password Saving Programs Account Forgot Billing Rates Payments Services Stop Contact Earth Friendly
11 Action Brokerage Consultants Florida food
Florida food brokerage representing a variety of products ranging from pastas to pies to portion pack sugar.
12 The Derailleur newsletter A newsletter
A newsletter dedicated to environmentally and socially responsible investing. Its aim is also to, upon occasion, diagnose an investment vehicle that could become a modest portion of a portfolio. Massachusetts, US
Management Investment Pennyfarthing Llc Integrity Strategy Responsible Environmentally Welcome Knowing Sincerely Dedicatedbright Socially
13 windsor distributors company buyer and
buyer and seller of surplus computer peripherals, finished products, electronic devices, and semi-conductors. new jersey, usa. site lists a portion of the items available for sale.
Windsor Distributors Company Contact Services Testing Easyrotator Accessories Cellular Rma Secondary Markets Dwusercom Obsolete Creating Reverse Components Product
14 ScripNet US pharmacy
US pharmacy benefit management company brings cost containment to the pharmacy portion of the total medical costs realized by a work related injury.
15 Algen Scale Corp. Company provides
Company provides scales for medical, industrial, laboratory, retail, counting, portion control, shipping, and analytical applications. Site contains full product catalog with technical specifications.
Scale Algen Scales Medical Digital Weights Mechanical Counting Postal Retail Model Laboratory Industrial Click Free Catalog Corporation Stand
16 Wolcott & Associates, Inc. Independent claims
Independent claims adjusting and investigation with over thirty years experience in multi-line claims handling. Services a large portion of east-central Michigan, USA.
17 executive aircraft solutions new concept
new concept in fractional aircraft ownership and financing at portion of the cost of existing solutions.
18 Sargento Foods Inc. Supplier of
Supplier of natural and processed cheese products to the food ingredients industry, including shredded, frozen, bulk, and portion control packaging options. Offers company history, and product and contact details.
19 Early Dawn/Buckhorn Ranch Specializes in
Specializes in cattle bred for the western portion of the United States. Includes breeding and testing information, ranch history and photos, customer testimonials, and contact details.
20 Specialty Coffee without Equipment Gourmet Coffee
Gourmet Coffee PERCups are a highly concentrated, coffee liquid extract made from fresh brewed coffee available in a single serve portion pack.
21 Packaging Progressions, Inc. Supplier of
Supplier of stainless steel food interleavers, paper interleavers, counter stackers, alignment devices, portion control, and process monitoring for the food industry.
Videos Packaging Support Watch Inc Learn Pacproinc Contact Dough Progressions Sliced Expertise Pennsylvania Based Studies Solutions Process Policy Applications
22 Charlies Produce Wholesale distributor
Wholesale distributor of fresh produce, organic produce, floral and grocery items to the Northwest portion of the United States. Products, news, company profile, employment opportunities, related links, and contact details.
Produce Fresh Seattle Cut Charlies Alaska Grocery Fruit Wholesale Washington Oregon Pacific Organic Idaho Vegetables Montana Vendor
23 wheat belt public power district electric utility
electric utility service offering cooperative services to a territory of approximately 2,500 square miles in the southern portion of the nebraska panhandle. portions of banner, morrill, cheyenne, deuel, garden, keith and arthur counties are served.
24 Tips, tools and information to help Colorado financial professionals Focus: portion
Focus: portion of web site related to Colorado venture capital including page that lists Colorado Venture Capital firms.
25 Measuring and Improving Team Performance Teams need
Teams need a measurement system that provides them with a line of sight from the business strategy to the teams strategy for accomplishing their portion of the business strategy to measures that reflect the teams strategy.
26 The Turnaround Management Company The Turnaround
The Turnaround Management Company is an independent corporation comprised of turnaround specialists in the refining and chemicals industry. Our business is providing planning, scheduling, contracts administration, field cost accounting, estimating, cost engineering, field and contractor coordination, management, and consulting for any portion or scope of a turnaround, shutdown, or unit revamp.

2. Shopping and Portion Trade

1 Perfect Portions Offers portion
Offers portion controlled meals delivered directly to your home.
Diets Best Calculator Exercises Recipes Store Healthy Weight Perfect Popular Diet Intake Loss Portions Cart Digest Water
2 Ciganot Inc. Offering a
Offering a smokeless cigarette to address the hand-to-mouth portion of the addiction.
Smoking Ciganot Quit Stop Smokeless Cigarette Mini Craving Filters Alternative Free Plan Smoke Cigafree Nicotine
3 Ouray Enterprises Inc. Automatic timer
Automatic timer and portion controlled feeders for dogs, cats, horses and llamas.
4 Winter Dawn Offering Indian-inspired
Offering Indian-inspired dream catchers and dolls. Portion of proceeds donated to a Native American school.
Navigationshilfet Y
5 CHOCaid Offering a
Offering a small selection of chocolates, with a portion of purchase price donated to the buyers choice of hunger relief projects.
Contact Errorpageproviderfor Please Cannot Displayed
6 Generous Gems Shop for
Shop for 14K gold and birthstone jewelry. A portion of the profits goes to support several non profit groups for breast cancer research.
Earrings Sale Charms Jewelry Silver Diamonds Bracelets Charm Gold Awareness Diamond Nautical Gifts Jackets Generous Non Pierced Black Se Gc
7 The Cardiac Surgeons Diet and Health Design Information regarding
Information regarding vitamin and mineral needs, carbohydrates, fat and protein, necessary portion control, the homocysteine factor and lifestyle recommendations. Monthly newsletter.
Heart Diet Tell Preview Surgeons Others Loughridge Plan Health Purchase Communications Order Bill Look Think Design Contact
8 Piggie Pouches Sleeping bags
Sleeping bags for guinea pigs. A portion of the proceeds benefit guinea pig rescues. Photographs and ordering information.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Wayback User Archiveorg Visit Inc Sites Guidelines News Games
9 Brown, Dane Offering music
Offering music by a Vietnam veteran dedicated to Vietnam vets. Portion of the proceeds from sales of the CD go to veterans organizations.
Click Here Proceedz
10 Stitches 4 Autism Embroidered shirts
Embroidered shirts, tote bags, holy bears and ribbons. Portion of profits to go to autism support group for therapies and grants.
Port Image Configphp Server Ftpquota System Download Apache Phpini Admin Catalogindex_old_php Websitephotoszip Phpup
11 The Diet Plate Suppliers of
Suppliers of balanced diet plates and bowls, designed for portion control, sensible eating and weight loss. Also offers books and beauty products.
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12 The Diet Plate An 11'
An 11' dinner plate specifically calibrated to give effective portion control and count the calories of carbohydrate/starch and protein based foods.
相ç¶Ã…¡ç¨Ã…½diary * Pick Menu 相ç¶Ã…¡ç¨Ã…½ã®æƒ…報をお知らせします ä¸Ã¢â€šÂ¬ç”Ÿã«ä¸Ã¢â€šÂ¬å›žã®ã‚»ãÆ’¬ãÆ’¢ãƒ‹ãÆ’¼çµÃ‚å©Ã…¡&ari
13 Kid at Heart Designs Hand-hooked 100%
Hand-hooked 100% wool rugs for the young & the young at heart with a portion of the sales being given to the Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation.
Contact Pleasedisplayedpage Providerfor Cannot Error
14 Faces of Courage Pewter breast
Pewter breast cancer picture frames. A portion of the proceeds will go towards breast cancer awareness.
Faces Courage Blood Cancer Tampa Women Serious Miami Disease Of Supportfun United Camp
15 Wicked Scent Offers hand-made
Offers hand-made, hand-poured candles including pillars, votives, travel tins and containers. Provides information on community organizations and charities supported by a portion of purchases.
16 Aurora Borealis Designs Leland fishtug
Leland fishtug jewelry has been designed to commemorate Ross Lang, a Leelanau fishing legend. A portion of the profits goes to perpetuating education and appreciation of commercial fishing on the Great Lakes.
Z Moved Glass Borealis Port Beach Permanently The Fishtugs Lelandbeachglasscom Leland Auroraapache Server Designs
17 All Pets Considered A rescue-friendly
A rescue-friendly store carrying pet food, supplies and toys, general and breed specific items, gifts for animal lovers. Online shopping site donates a portion of its proceeds to area animal rescue groups.
18 Mirror Mirror A unique
A unique shop nestled in the heart of New Orleans historic Vieux Carre (French Quarter). We specialize in antique mirrors and mirrored alternatives. Our online catalogue features only a portion of our extensive inventory. We work closely with professional designers and individuals to locate rare treasures.
Bloomberg Page Products Please Solutions Careers Terminal Found Business Company Tradebook Website Rights Privacy Bureaus

3. Portion Recreation

1 Michigan Highways Various views
Various views from the south-central portion of the state.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Guidelines Waybackarchives Reach Archiveorg Maps Trying Movies
2 La Colmena Also works
Also works with Exotics and located in Medinilla de la Dehesa (Burgos). English portion contains photographs of the cats and their pedigrees.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Sports News Internet Inc Visit Finance Terms Popular Maps User
3 Colington Volunteer Fire Department CVFD serves
CVFD serves the most populated portion of unincorporated Dare County, NC on the Outer Banks.
Fire Department Colington Volunteer Piddington Cvfd Chief North Inc Carolina Dare Patches County Shirts Corps Call
4 Jurie Pieterse Personal webpage
Personal webpage on backpacking through a portion of the Karoo Desert in South Africa, and the canoe trip on Namibia border.
5 Karlinhaus Breeders who
Breeders who give a portion of puppy sales to the Rottweiler Rescue Society. Photographs, show news, and pedigrees. Oxford Station, Ontario.
Rottweilers Rottweiler Homepage Karlinhaus Germany Guestbook Adrk Herrenholz Ch Club America Teufelhund Foundation Schhiii Frasertal
6 Fly Fish the West Fly fishing
Fly fishing and tying information for the western and mid-western portion of the United States.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Sports Archives Finance Internetlongeravailable Sorry Popular Maps
7 Colington Volunteer Fire Department Serves the
Serves the most populated portion of this Outer Banks county. Includes board of directors, officers and members, safety tips.
Fire Department Colington Volunteer Piddington Cvfd Chief Patches County Dare Shirts Inc Carolina North Local Colonel Hisfather
8 Central Mississippi Light Flyers Association providing
Association providing resources for pilots in central portion of the state. Based in Pisgah.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Route 66 - Nob Hill-Highland District Portion of
Portion of Albuquerque which contains a section of historic route. Site contains history and business information.
Nob Hill Directory Business Here Nhms Main Street Events Map Contact Real Route Marketspotlight Albuquerques
10 Hook & Ladder Brewing Company Craft brewer
Craft brewer that donates a portion of every barrell sale to the local Firefighters Burn Foundation. Background, merchandise, news and events, and bar locator.
11 Montreal Area Roads, Crossings, and Exits Includes histories
Includes histories, current conditions, and exit lists for the metropolitan area as well as the southern portion of the province.
12 Windsor Essex Kent County Bowling Association (WEKCBA) Serving the
Serving the bowling community in the southernmost portion of Ontario. Features tournament and event news and results.
13 Southeast Michigan plus Toledo, Ohio Meetings in
Meetings in a portion of Michigan and into Ohio. Also lists activities and contact phone numbers. By Area 55 of AA.
Webmaster Office Central Alcoholics Help Area General Other Information Membership Anonymous Announcements They Self Office_ Website Allied
14 Southeast Michigan plus Toledo, Ohio Meetings in
Meetings in a portion of Michigan and into Ohio. Also lists activities and contact phone numbers. By Area 55 of AA.
15 Siberian Husky Rescue of Florida A rescue
A rescue serving the northern portion of Florida. Includes details of how to adopt, foster, and volunteer.
Husky Siberian Help Rescue Huskies Shrf Florida Dogs Foster Volunteer Dog Work Sled Look Found@siberrescuecom Eyes Entertainment Instead Live
16 Hook & Ladder Brewing Company Silver Spring
Silver Spring craft brewer of Golden Ale and Backdraft Brown. Donates a portion of every barrell sale to the local Firefighters Burn Foundation. Background, merchandise, news and events, and bar locator.
17 New Hampshire International Speedway Offers a
Offers a 1.058 mile oval and 1.6 mile road course and hosts of a portion of the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series. Provides schedule, press releases, photos, tickets, and souvenirs for this multi-purpose facility in Loudon.
Healthcare Insight Nhis Excellence Care Providing Patients Events Commissioning Editorial Hidden Call Outcomes Conditions Privacy Experience Commercial
18 New Hampshire International Speedway Offers a
Offers a 1.058 mile oval and 1.6 mile road course and hosts of a portion of the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series. Provides schedule, press releases, photos, tickets, and souvenirs for this multi-purpose facility in Loudon.
Healthcare Insight Events Nhis Network Commissioning Excellence Providing Nhs Editorial Call Outcomes Neurology Contract Help Whether Views
19 Baptist Health System Provides online
Provides online appointment scheduling, physician search, links to hospitals across the central and northern portion of the state, programs, services, news, events, job opportunities, pastoral ministries, residency programs and contact information.
Health Care Baptist System Patient Education Help Princeton Walker Mission Patients Events How Cancer Programs Wellness First
20 Duck and Goose Hunting in Alberta Waterfowl hunting
Waterfowl hunting for Canada geese and duck hunts at a country retreat in the southern portion of the province. Site includes local regulations, gallery, pricing and other related information.
21 Kongakut River Float A narrative
A narrative and photographs of a float trip down the Kongakut River within the wilderness portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) July 2002, by Art Timm.
Hosting Free Website Cart Now Php Shoppingsubmission Spacewebsitesubmission Web Business
22 Pensacola Marathon - February 19 2006 The Pensacola
The Pensacola Marathon is the successor to the Blue Angel Marathon. The course is scenic and covers a large portion of Pensacola, Florida.
Marathon Pensacola Race Course Florida Results Photo Album Register Sponsor Running News Angel Marathons Map Official Qualifier
23 Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Official site
Official site of the facility connecting Southeastern Virginia to the Virginia portion of the Delmarva Peninsula. Site includes statistics, toll information, and restaurant/gift shop information.
Tunnel Chesapeake Click Bridge Here Zpass Bay Travel Cbbt Virginia Information Contact News Parallel Channel Agenda Ipod
24 Gregory Melles Year 2000 Travelogue - Japan Travelogue for
Travelogue for Japan portion of Gregs 'BIG 2000 TRIP.'
Server Active Obsolete Japan Pages Newer Remove Mistake Url Addressuse Httpwwwnotsorrycomjapanasp Page
25 Marissa the Juvenile Diabetes Bear Home site
Home site for Marissa diabetes fundraiser. A portion of the profits from the sale of this bear will benefit the Children with Diabetes Foundation.
26 Golden Eagle Nordic Ski Center A well-marked
A well-marked network of more than 70 km of specifically built trails, groomed and tracked regularly with Kassboher Pisten Bully snowcats. All trails are tracked for traditional skiing along with a portion for skate skiing. Grand Marais, MN.
Cabins Skiing Nordic Four Seasons Trail Bedroom Contact Vacanciesspecials Watercraft Golden Lodge Campground Eagle Map Cross Marais Resort
27 Golden Gate Basset Hound Rescue Basset hound
Basset hound rescue for the northern portion of the California.
28 Bullet Swaging - Corbin Bullet swaging
Bullet swaging is the process of making the bullet or inert metal portion of the cartridge (which becomes the projectile when fired) by using pressure to flow the materials at room temperature. Unlike casting, no heat or molten metal is used.
29 Vail Lake Resort Located near
Located near Temecula, the campground portion of this resort offers RV hookup and tent sites, swimming pool, trail rides, store and cafe. A photo tour, rate and contact information, events calendar. Lake resort and fishing are for members.

4. Computer & Portion Games Websites

1 Canada Restaurant Guide Featuring the
Featuring the Canadian portion of ChefMoz, with attribution.
Wine Short Ago Days Url Food Recipe Wines London Italy Cellar Spain Port Gazpacho Catalan Chips Super Spanish
2 Environmentally oriented
Environmentally oriented search engine, forum and directory, with a shopping service that donates portion of sales to environmental causes.
Sign Now Care Living * Animal Rights Petition Healthy Rogers Welfare Human Living Help Causes Petitions Extinction Barbara Off
3 Gadwin PrintScreen Easy to
Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen, save it to a file, copy it to Windows clipboard, print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice.
Gadwin Printscreen Screen Capture License Agreement Utility Software Products Diagram Snapshot Geforms Studio Professional Screenrecorder
4 United Sharing Network US based
US based CPA network concentrating on family and faith offers. Donates a portion of proceeds to charity.
Australia Business Businesses Posted Small Culture Opportunities Visit Name Types Termite Register Places Daintree Information Legal Privacy Navigation
5 Graphic Momentum Offers backgrounds
Offers backgrounds, textures, dividers, and GIFs. Web site design, custom graphics, and photo restoration, a large portion of proceeds are donated to The Fanconi Anemia Research Fund.
Free Web Graphic Graphics Design Resources Textures Christian Builder Backgrounds Sites Buttons Art Momentum Software Other Free__ Beautiful Expert
6 SyvumClick for Internet Explorer Lookup word
Lookup word meanings, and translate text into another language from the Web pages you visit, simply by selecting the relevant portion of the text. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Syvumclicktm Internet Explorer Internetexplorer Windows Download Privacy Free Version Faqs Biology Register Once Password Chemistry Disclaimer Ny Further Approx
7 Jimmys ABAC BSU Winamp SKin Downloads This portion
This portion of the site has Christian Winamp skins. So far there are Caedmons Call and Third Day skins up with more to come.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Web Help Account Website Domains Please Terms Customers
8 SPX Screen Capture MOODYSOFT Capture a
Capture a portion of the screen and save, print, fax, and email it. Nothing to learn. Nothing to configure. [Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000]
Download Screen Capture Contact Support Demos Instant Purchase Windows Moodysoft Easy Capturing Spx Tool Organizations
9 The Team Cymru Darknet Project A Darknet
A Darknet is a portion of routed, allocated IP space in which no active services or servers seemingly reside. However, there is in fact include at least one server for real-time analysis or post-event network forensics.
Team Activity Malicious Cymru Internet Darknet Ip Flow Project Mhr Bogon Silk Malevolence Mapping Reference Identify Organizations Research Helps Insight
10 Plan 9 Wiki Bell Labs
Bell Labs hosts this Wiki for users to promote better flow of information. A Wiki is a groupware site, a portion of webspace which anyone may edit. Surprising amount of useful, often casually structured, information.
Z Here Y
11 Svetlana Software Capture By
Capture By George is a Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 screen capture utility which supports skins and allows you to capture a portion of the screen, or the entire screen, preview images, print or save in JPEG and BMP file formats.
Capture George Screen Image Download Audiosphere Free Capturemation Wincd Jpeg Software Sleep Print Gif Grabber
1 IGN 'The suckage
'The suckage wasnt just saved for the visual and auditory portion of Hail to the King,, no. Gameplay is equally as tedious.' Review by Tal Blevins. [Windows]
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 1UP Preview, by
Preview, by Scott Sharkey: 'Once the RPG portion is completed, which were told should take anywhere from 30 to 50 hours, theres still the evergreen appeal of finding what kind of critters are hiding on every CD and DVD in your house.'
Ps Games Game Reply Walkthrough Flag Cheats Final Name + Gear Justin Metal Video Haywald Ex Monster Harry Breaking Drakes
3 1UP Preview, by
Preview, by Scott Sharkey: 'Once the RPG portion is completed, which were told should take anywhere from 30 to 50 hours, theres still the evergreen appeal of finding what kind of critters are hiding on every CD and DVD in your house.'
Ps Games Game Flag Reply Walkthrough Justin Gear Cheats + Ds Video Metal Pokemon Haywald Map Rancher Iii Pc Uncharted
4 IGN Preview By Dan
By Dan Adams. 'Every now and again, during the course of the adventure portion of the game, youll also be able to enter cooking contests to raise your skill level, gain new recipes, and win awards that will add to your coffers.'
5 WorthPlaying Review, by
Review, by Woofs: 'While the title may bring more similarities than innovation to the genre, it is certainly a high-quality offering with a solid multiplayer portion and excellent replay value.' [Score: 8 out of 10]
Review Preview Ps Point Front Turning Xbox Ii Pc Multiplayer New Tim Screens Edition Iii Xonepc Explores
6 WorthPlaying Review, by
Review, by Woofs: 'While the title may bring more similarities than innovation to the genre, it is certainly a high-quality offering with a solid multiplayer portion and excellent replay value.' [Score: 8 out of 10]
Review Preview Ps Front Turning Point Pc Multiplayer Xbox Ii Request Reviews Previews Edition Days Alter Cosmic Disqus Powered
7 IC-Games: Urban Freestyle Soccer Reviewed by
Reviewed by James Collins [58%]. 'Unfortunately all in all Developers Gustos Games seem to have concentrated more on the over the top portion of this rather than settle for more gameplay, and at times this becomes all too apparent.' Includes screen shots.
Found The Navigationshilfe Foundy
8 RPMworld Virtual Drag Racing Simulates building
Simulates building and tuning a muscle car or dragster. Racing portion is a multi player game with live competitors. Trade parts with other racers.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Bluehostcom Name Php Affordable Business Terms Center Affiliates Help Space Internet Installs
9 Enter the Matrix Walkthrough Partial walkthrough
Partial walkthrough for the game, including tips for the hacking portion. Also includes a review of the game by Lisa Shea.
Matrix Enter Reviews Tips Hints Gaming Computer Walkthrough Help Console Lisa Game Xbox Nintendo Free Beauty Career Getting Newsletters

5. Sports Websites concerning Portion

1 Windsor Essex Kent County Bowling Association (WEKCBA) Serving the
Serving the bowling community in the southernmost portion of Ontario. Features tournament and event news and results.
2 New Hampshire International Speedway Offers a
Offers a 1.058 mile oval and 1.6 mile road course and hosts of a portion of the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series. Provides schedule, press releases, photos, tickets, and souvenirs for this multi-purpose facility in Loudon.
Healthcare Nhis Care Insight Providing Support Sensitive Conditions Excellence Call Editorial Commissioning Ambulatory Outcomes Help Privacy Risk
3 New Hampshire International Speedway Offers a
Offers a 1.058 mile oval and 1.6 mile road course and hosts of a portion of the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series. Provides schedule, press releases, photos, tickets, and souvenirs for this multi-purpose facility in Loudon.
Healthcare Nhis Insight Care Providing Support Excellence Wilmington Editorial Outcomes Call Sensitive Conditions Commissioning Education Reality Population Views
4 Kongakut River Float A narrative
A narrative and photographs of a float trip down the Kongakut River within the wilderness portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) July 2002, by Art Timm.
Hosting Free Web Submission Cartwebsite Freewebsite Space Nowphp Shopping Business
5 Pensacola Marathon - February 19 2006 The Pensacola
The Pensacola Marathon is the successor to the Blue Angel Marathon. The course is scenic and covers a large portion of Pensacola, Florida.
Marathon Pensacola Race Course Florida Results News Running Blue Kit Album Angel Sponsors Kids Sponsor Partners Marathons
6 Golden Eagle Nordic Ski Center A well-marked
A well-marked network of more than 70 km of specifically built trails, groomed and tracked regularly with Kassboher Pisten Bully snowcats. All trails are tracked for traditional skiing along with a portion for skate skiing. Grand Marais, MN.
Cabins Skiing Nordic Bedroom Four Contact Seasons Trail Vacanciesspecials Watercraft Map Eagle Campground Rentals Gunflint Ski Activities Reservation

6. Society, Arts and Portion Crafts

1 Torah Portion of the week - by Reb Yosef Weekly thoughts
Weekly thoughts on the Torah portion of the week.
Jewish Guide Torah Gen Exo Deut Levit Gifts Num Wedding Mitzvah Kosher Portions Click Baby Celebrations Infertility Installment
2 Rav Kook on the Weekly Torah Portion, Holidays, & Tehillim Thoughts and
Thoughts and insights taken from the writings of Rav A.I. Kook, and organized according to the Weekly Torah Portion, Tehillim (Psalms), and Jewish Holidays.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing App Gallery Advisor Help Hosting Local Terms Has Developer Videos Grow Screen Groups
3 astral hearts personal ads
personal ads for metaphysical-minded people. portion of profits goes to charitable causes.
Now Join Metaphysical Personals*login Astral Advertise Login Mission Resources Server Ads Classifieds Chat Metaphysically Minded
5 Personalized Cause Donates an
Donates an unspecified portion of purchases to the national chapter of a designated non-profit organization
Pins Ribbon Awareness Personalized Magnet Ribbons Cancer Disease Syndrome Wristbands Magnets Color Alternate Blue Disorders
6 Environmentally oriented
Environmentally oriented search engine, forum and directory, with a shopping service that donates portion of sales to environmental causes.
Sign Now Care Rights Stop Help Healthy Petition Animal Dog Petitions Human Living Causes Rewards Protesters Endangered Butterfly
7 Double Portion Meet the
Meet the band, biographies, concert schedule, booking and contact information and pictures. Based in Canada.
8 Jurie Pieterse Personal webpage
Personal webpage on backpacking through a portion of the Karoo Desert in South Africa, and the canoe trip on Namibia border.
Marketing Ing Direct Jurie Pieterse Profile Policy Linkedin Head Jeff Pebbles Sharebuilder Juries Business Nationstar Owens Professional
9 Al-Ghazali A student
A student project by Henry Snyder on this Sufi philosopher. Includes biography, intellectual background, and a review of a portion of The Incoherence of the Philosophers.
Create Tripod Errorpage Login Signup Lycos Website Found Requested Check Tripodcompage Lycoscom Hosting
10 The Nook 'The material
'The material on this site represents a portion of my efforts to better understand what transpired in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and the subsequent work of the Warren Commission'.
Nook Welcome Test Knowledge Survey Assassination Policy Commission Contacting Privacy Login Cds Feature John Articles
11 Torah from Dixie, Inc. Thoughts on
Thoughts on the weekly Torah portion, from the Jewish community of Atlanta.
Editor@tfdixiecomfreefind Torah Incdixie
12 Mitzvah CDs CD directed
CD directed to a specific parasha describing the ideas found in the biblical portion and how those ideas can be applied.
Z Mitzvahcdcom Y
13 Sola Scriptura: The Covenant of Grace E-text of
E-text of a portion of Hodges 'Systematic Theology' (volume II, pp. 354-377) which addresses Gods covenant.
Video Dvd Amazon Policy Production Star De Post Wars Madonna Fluch Film Inquire Karibik Movie Harry
14 The Daytona Ghost Walks Owned and
Owned and operated by certified ghost hunters. A portion of all proceeds goes to cemetery preservation, restoration, and to research.
Florida Holiday Booking Holidays Cheap Disney Orlando Florida * Villas Walt Hauntsofdaytonacommenu Tickets It World Thankfully Dayton *
15 Bible Code of the Heart Explores each
Explores each parsha (weekly portion) of the Torah through Gematria (numerology) and Bible codes to reveal how it relates to personal observance and world events.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 Steps along the path A dedicated
A dedicated contemplative practicing in a Nikayan Buddhist context, but not strictly so. Nikayan refers to pre-sectarian Buddhism as defined in the Nikayas (collections) portion of the Pali Canon.
Temporarilyweblog Blogger Google Videos Fotos Teilen Text Tool Publishingkostenloses
17 Udorn RTAFB Views and
Views and memories of Udorn Royal Thai AFB and the city of Udorn Thailand during the 1975-1976 era, just prior to the American portion closing down. Includes pictures.
Create Tripod Couldnt Lycoscom Requested Lycos Tripodcom Login Hosting Found Signup Check Websiteshopping
18 One Year Bible Blog Reading a
Reading a portion of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs each day. Related blog discussion groups.
Bible Link Year Click ~ Here Blog Audio Dailyaudiobiblecom Ot Study Digg Nt Daily Mobile
19 The Recovery of the Ground and Practice of the Local Churches Examines a
Examines a portion of a book written by Witness Lee, 'A Brief Presentation of the Lords Recovery.' It stresses the importance of the local church.
Witness Lee Church Practice Ground Local Bible Watchman Recovery Main Lords Nee Presentation Recovery_ Website
20 Freemasonry in Israel - Temples at Jerusalem Masonic essay
Masonic essay describing the history and symbolism of the Hebrew temples at Jerusalem, and encompassing that portion of Biblical history which forms the basis of much Freemasonic ritual.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Finance Sites Toolbar Sorry Reach Visit Popularwayback Archives
21 Booster Club Sports Provides a
Provides a portion of sales proceeds of logo imprinted imprinted clothing to a teams booster club.
22 north shore colombia solidarity committee committee formed
committee formed by various north shore communities in massachusetts in response to news that a portion of the coal for the salem power plant was coming from a mine in colombia.
Colombia Shore Delegation North Solidarity Tabaco Committee Salem Remedios Guajira Sintracarbon Peace Witness Colombian Wayúu
23 Michael Coleys Pages: 52 Week Bible Reading Plan A plan
A plan to read through the Bible in a year. This plan assigns a portion from a different part of the Bible each day of the week rotating through the epistles, Torah, history, Psalms, poetry, prophecy, and gospels.
Psalms Ii Chronicles Corinthians Samuel Job Proverbs Kings Bible Genesis John Acts Reading Isaiah
24 Swiger Run History Center and Museum, Inc Non-profit, public
Non-profit, public library located on state route number 23, Doddridge County, West Virginia. Goal is to preserve the history of this portion of the Commonwealth of Virginia, now West Virginia and the surrounding areas of Ohio, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
Forums Genealogy Articles Forum Family Genealogycom Page Featured Terms Miscellaneous Wars Biography Classes Finding Information
25 copy-protected cds a nightmare for bmg germany 'blaming a
'blaming a falloff in cd sales on the popularity of cd burners, bmg germany recently issued approximately 100,000 copy-protected discs in an attempt to thwart the problem--and had to take a substantial portion of them back because consumers said the discs wouldnt perform in car players and in some home audio systems.' by barry willis. [stereophile]
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26 north shore colombia solidarity committee committee formed
committee formed by people from various north shore communities in massachusetts in response to news that a portion of the coal for the salem, mass. power plant was coming from a mine in colombia where grievous human rights atrocities were being committed against the people in the villages surrounding the mine.
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1 Darth Blade Detailed pictures
Detailed pictures of every portion of the costume.
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2 horvath, reka painterstreet -
painterstreet - portraits and original landscapes, cityscapes, and abstracts in oil by experienced artist, a member of donationchannel, giving a portion of commission fee to charity or school of your choice.
3 jazz cares sells recordings
sells recordings on behalf of musicians contributing a portion of proceeds to musicians and organizations affected by disasters like hurricane katrina.
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4 Vision Band, The Vintage and
Vintage and current rock and roll band that performs in the San Diego and Southern California area. A portion of the proceeds are donated to the Braille Institute.
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5 Post Chronicle: Taylor Hicks, The American Idol, To Make Us Proud Tuesday Jack Ryan
Jack Ryan reports that a portion of Hicks debut single will benefit the Red Cross.
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6 the paris psalter edition of
edition of the prose portion of the paris psalter (psalms 1-50) by the bible translation project. work in progress.
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7 radio habana cuba portion francophone
portion francophone du site internet de la station radio habana cuba. actualité cubaine sur rhc en français.
8 radio habana cuba portion francophone
portion francophone du site internet de la station radio habana cuba. actualité cubaine sur rhc en français.
9 Hajis World Haji, star
Haji, star of Russ Meyers movie Faster Pussycat Kill Kill, and others, sells autographed photos, posters, t-shirts, movies, CDs, fan club. She answers all e-mail and gives appearance updates. She is also an animal activist, and a portion of all proceeds go to greyhound and wildlife rescue.
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floridas only fully professional symphonic band. includes history, schedule, links,ticket sales and mailing list. floridas only fully professional symphonic band fred galmeyer and dianne saunders greet visitors to the bands booth, arts day 2004 . treat yourself, treat your friends and support the band! click the mixon logo (left). you will be taken to the mixon order page. click submit. the sarasota concert band will receive a portion of your total order!
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Portion Dictionary

parcel / portion / share: the allotment of some amount by dividing something, "death gets more than its share of attention from theologians"
part / portion: something less than the whole of a human artifact, "the rear part of the house", "glue the two parts together"
helping / portion / serving: an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal, "the helpings were all small", "his portion was larger than hers", "there's enough for two servings each"
dowry / dowery / dower portion: money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage
share / portion / part / percentage: assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group, "he wanted his share in cash"
part / portion / component part / component / constituent: something determined in relation to something that includes it, "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself", "I read a portion of the manuscript", "the smaller component is hard to reach", "the animal constituent of plankton"
fortune / destiny / fate / luck / lot / circumstances portion: your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you), "whatever my fortune may be", "deserved a better fate", "has a happy lot", "the luck of the Irish", "a victim of circumstances", "success that was her portion"
assign allot portion: give out, "We were assigned new uniforms" Reviews for Portion. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Portion" (visitors of this topic page). Portion › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Portion Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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