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Pressure Experience


1 Chriss Pressure Washing Pressure Washing
Johnson City
Chris’s Pressure Washing offers professional pressure washing services in the Tricities and surrounding areas. Our services include house washing, roof... Pressure Washing Chris Cleaning We Removal Our City Call Exterior Commercial Residential Us He Professional
2 Majestic Window Cleaning & Pressure Washing Window Cleaning
Majestic Window Cleaning & Pressure Washing provides professional services in Long Island including Levittown, Oyster Bay, and Massapequa. Call Majestic... Helvetica Cleaning Washing We Pressure Window Majestic Blink Neue New Error Long Island Nassau Suffolk
3 INDO-AIR Compressors Pvt. Ltd - Air Manufacturer
Indo-Air is a leading air compressor manufacturer in Ahmedabad, India. We offer screw compressor, Low, Medium, High Pressure Lubricated and... Air Compressor The Free Pressure Reciprocating India Quote Oil Compressed We Get Question Answer Water
4 Perfection Pressure Cleaning Cleaning Service
Frenchs Forest
Perfection Pressure Cleaning provides reliable mobile service for Graffiti Removal with high-pressure cleaning and anti-graffiti coating in Belrose, Frenchs Forest... Graffiti Cleaning Pressure Us We High Removal Sydney Steve Call Email Frenchs Forest Reviews Contact
5 All Power Pressure Washer Chesapeake VA Pressure Washing
Hampton Roads Powerwashing is a reliable Pressure Washing Company in VA. Our All Power Pressure Washer in Chesapeake, VA, can... Roads Hampton Washing Chesapeake Cleaning Powerwashing Our We Pressure Quote Power More Info Roof Request
6 DFC Tank Pressure Vessel Manufacturer Co. Machinery
With a long history of offering professional pressure vessels, heat exchangers, separators, oil filters to large enterprises domestically and abroad... Tank Storage Material Tube Steel Pressure Industrial Vessel Name Manufacturer Filter Heat Design China Exchanger
7 Is your roof in need of High Pressure
High pressure washing, Repairs and painting, Painting of cement, Metal and terracotta roofs, Re-bedding and re pointing, Fix leaks, Cracked... Roofing Restoration Stringfrom Arial Arrayflag
8 Omron Healthcare Singapore Healthcare
With its headquarter in Kyoto, Japan Omron Healthcare deals with the development and manufacturing of medical equipments that are used... Country Healthcare Therapy Cookie Omron Measurement Blood Pressure Respiratory Temperature Care Promotions Events Singapore Us
9  R&A Pressure Washing Services Ltd Cleaning Service
We can handle all aspects of and can fully restore any surface or material wether it is natural stone, decking... Pressure Surrey Cleaning Washing London Furniture Services Decking Garden Us Driveways Wooden About We Patios
10 DC Carpet & High Pressure Cleaning Cleaning Services
DC Carpet & High Pressure Cleaning Services has been around for more than 7 years and we are one of... More Carpet Learn Services Pressure Cleaning High We The You Trust Affordable Our Highly Trained
11 Code 3 Cleaning LLC Services
Pleasant Prairie
Code 3 Cleaning LLC is owned and operated by off-duty firefighters. Our mission is to deliver quality commercial, outdoor, and... Cleaners Attention Cleaning Pay Detail This Account Services Code Font Version Pressure Home Commercial Copyright
12 Omron Healthcare Healthcare
Gurgaon, Haryana
Omron Healthcare products are built with innovative Japanese Technology & Design in order to empower you with the tools and... Country Omron Healthcare Therapy Respiratory Events Blood Pressure Care Measurement Where Customer Cookie Promotions Us
13 Pressure Washing in Austin- Geek Window Services
Pressure washing can be an effective way to protect the appearance of your home as well as restore its aesthetics.... Poppins New Times Georgia Roman Cleaning Sans Houston Open Window Austin Services Uv Pressure Form
14 Gulf Coast Softwash Cleaning Service
Welcome to Gulf Coast Softwash located in Pensacola FL, your source for Residential and Commercial Pressure Washing, Soft Wash House... Cleaning Washing Pensacola Pressure Soft Commercial Wash Softwash Coast Gulf Deck Residential Sanitizing Home Fungus
15 Eco Green Window Clean Window Cleaning
Wantirna South
Our gutter cleaners are always professional and friendly when were on the job. Were trained and qualified to work safely... Cleaning Window East Gutter Pressure Park Services Hill Coreutilsrender Eco High Quote Chem Free Us
16 Steamatic of Grand Forks Air Duct
Grand Forks
We have been in the restoration and cleaning business for over 20 years. Our professionally trained employees specialize in providing... Red River Valley Restoration Near Fargo Grand Forks Steamatic Dateget Cleanup Call Stringfrom Arial Arrayflag
17 Xiamen Weldon Valves Import and Export Industrial Valve
Xiamen Weldon Valves Import and Export Co., Ltd manufactures industrial valves including ball valves, gate valves, check valves, globe valves... Valve Inch Valves Pressure Ball Globe Weldon China Gate Class Size Body Check Strainer Industrial
1 trans metrics manufactures pressure
manufactures pressure transducers, pressure transmitters, pressure sensors and related pressure measurement products.
Pressure Switches Switch Safety Product Temperature Offices Series Plant Distributor United International Regional Applications Gas Controls Electronic
2 manotherm german manufacturer
german manufacturer of pressure gauges, chemical seals, thermometers, pressure transmitters and pressure transducers as well as pressure gauge test equipment.
Armaturenbau Manotherm Pressure Beierfeld Gauge Gmbh Thermometer News Gauges Product Industry Manothermbeierfeld Gas Contact Beierfeldgmbh
3 3D Instruments, LLC Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure gauges and related products including the direct drive analog pressure gauge, digital pressure products and other pressure accessories.
4 huba control manufacture of
manufacture of pressure measurement technology including both pressure switches and pressure transmitters.
5 technel engineering products include
products include calibrators, data acquisition, deadweight, digital thermometers, linear transducers, meteorological, pneumatic, pressure controllers, pressure gauges, pressure scanners, pressure transducers, position transducers, rotary transducers and water level.
6 Midwest Pressure Systems, Inc. Manufactures air
Manufactures air and gas pressure boosters, pressure intensifiers, and air-driven air and gas compressors.
Boost Ratio Systems Pressure Flowrate Scfm Booster Services Asked Questions Seal Frequently Contact Boosters Gas
7 High Pressure Equipment Company Offers valves
Offers valves, fittings, tubing, reactors, intensifiers, gas boosters, pressure vessels and pumping systems for elevated pressure applications.
Valves Pressure Reactors High Gas Pumping System Oil Closure Products Specialty Boosters Tubing Intensifiers Ring Ultra
8 si pressure instruments uk manufacturer
uk manufacturer of pressure calibration and measurement equipment to 5,000bar/75,000 psi including portable pressure calibrators, hand held test pumps and deadweight testers, now part of ge sensing.
9 furness controls inc. manufacturer of
manufacturer of leak detectors, flow meters, pressure calibrator, and ultra low pressure primary standards for quality and on-line production control plus low differential pressure transmitters for monitoring draught pressures in industrial furnaces, ovens and dryers, micromanometers
10 all island specialist supply
specialist supply of tridicators, recorders, pressure and temperature instruments, industrial thermometers, industrial instruments, pressure gauges, pressure gages, temperature instruments, diaphragm, hydraulic pressure gauges.
Industrial Pressure Thermometers Gauges Seals Diaphragm Tridicators Instruments Weksler Offer Instrumentation Temperature Sealsor Thermometerser Diaphragmed Diaphragmor Bimetal Trained
11 low water pressure offers water
offers water pressure tanks, regulators, and booster pumps to increase low home water pressure.
Water Pressure Low Systems Booster Boosters Click Call Test Information Treatment Here Drinking Kit Safe Reverseosmosis
12 cecomp electronics manufacturers of
manufacturers of digital pressure gauges, digital vacuum gauges, indicating pressure transmitters and pressure switches.
13 advanced custom sensors, inc. manufactures force
manufactures force and pressure sensors, digital pressure switches, and digital pressure gauges.
14 Ravika Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Testers. Pressure and Vacuum gauge Calibrators, Precision Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Testers, Gauge Comparators, pressure and vacuum gauges and calibration.
15 Hydropac, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of high pressure compressors, pumps, intensifiers, and pressure vessels.
16 Aquila Automatic alternating
Automatic alternating pressure cushion to help prevent pressure sores.
17 industrial automation sells pressure
sells pressure gauges, pressure transducers, air regulators, valves and fittings.
Gauge Port Mount ~ Valves Pressure Ball Return Spring Stainless Lower Acting Double Industrial Gauges Wafer
18 Fresher Under Pressure Ultra high
Ultra high pressure technology allows the production of the highest quality foods by preserving it.
Error Contactproviderforcannot Please Displayed Page
19 Prime Instruments Inc. Manufactures gauges
Manufactures gauges for automotive and marine: tachometers,fuel,oil pressure,temperature and air pressure.
20 sensocon, inc. manufacturer of
manufacturer of digital differential pressure gauges, transmitters and controls for low pressure, air velocity and flow applications.
Pressure Differential Series Digital Gauge Transmitter Velocity Air Airflow Transmitters Gauges Sensocon Switch Controller Notes
21 nuova fima, manufacturer of
manufacturer of pressure gauges, thermometers, diaphragm seals, and electronic pressure transmitters. italy.
Manometri Pressione Fima Atex Di Scopri Con Nuova Termometri Differenziali Sicurezza Trasmettitori Per Green Attacco Barra Energy Tubolare Intervento Componenti
22 Pressure Island Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of manually operated aqueous parts cleaning and pre-treatment pressure washer systems.
23 shreeji pressure gauge manufacturer of
manufacturer of pressure and temperature gauges for industrial process control. mumbai, india.
24 Pressure Island Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of manually operated aqueous parts cleaning and pre-treatment pressure washer systems.
25 trans metrics, inc. manufactures custom
manufactures custom pressure transducers, transmitters, pressure sensors and related measurement products.
26 whitman controls manufactures miniature
manufactures miniature pressure, vacuum, temperature, differential pressure, and liquid level switch industries.
Switches Pressure Level Vacuum Liquid Compound Adjustable Field Temperature Differential Whitman Product Controls Stock Presetfield Nema
27 presens as manufactures pressure
manufactures pressure sensors for the oil, gas, industrial and aerospace markets. specializing in high pressure measurements and severe environments.
28 Sensotec, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure transducers, sensors, transmitters, load cells, digital pressure gauges, accelerometers, and instrumentation.
29 Fratelli Magni Italy Italian manufacturer
Italian manufacturer of industrial thermometers, manometers, pressure gauges and temperature and pressure loggers.
30 united instruments manufactures model
manufactures model lpc low pressure calibration system. measure both gauge and differential pressure with single instrument.
31 J. Page Distributing, Inc. Sales and
Sales and service of pressure washers. Stocks parts for every brand name pressure washer and steam cleaner made.
32 Merrill Fox Enterprises Florida-based discount
Florida-based discount supplier of cold and hot water pressure cleaners, pressure washers, parts and accessories.
33 Fluitron Inc. Manufactures specialty
Manufactures specialty high pressure equipment, including: metal diaphragm compressors, chemical reactors, and pressure vessels.
34 J.N. Equipment Florida-based distributor
Florida-based distributor of Graco, Titan, Speeflo, and Stealth pressure washers, pressure cleaners, and airless paint sprayers.
35 DH Budenburg Primary, transfer
Primary, transfer and working pressure standards, pressure balances, dead-weight testers, controllers, calibrators, from vacuum to 1 GPa, with uncertainty to 3 ppm.
36 Status Automation Technologies Manufactures control
Manufactures control valves, pressure and temperature gauges, converters, transmitters, indicators, controllers and pressure sensors.
37 paine electronics, llc. designer and
designer and manufacturer of highly accurate, customized pressure transducers and pressure transmitters for the aerospace, defense, oil and gas, marine and other industries.
38 itt barton instrumentation differential pressure
differential pressure indicators and switches for the controlling flow, level and pressure of gases and process fluids. based in norfolk, virginia.
Barton Instruments Pressure Itt Differential Surplus Dnicoll@ittbartoncom Inc Indicators Corporation Form Transmitters Enterprises Switches Directory Becauseof Us Differential
39 Cash Acme Provides mixers
Provides mixers, tanks, pressure reducing components, pressure regulating devices, safety, temperature, tempering, and thermostatic mixing valves.
40 ACB Pressure Systems France. Specializes
France. Specializes in hydraulic presses for metal forming and high pressure food processing machinery. Site provides brief details of available products.
41 Hotsy Pressure Washers Hotsy manufactures
Hotsy manufactures and sell over 90 models of hot water pressure washers, and 25 models of cold water pressure washers. They have a network of distributors throughout North America and Mexico.
42 Forbes (Aust) Pty Ltd Australia.
Australia. Design, development, manufacture, installation, and servicing of pressure vessels, air compressor units, and medium and high pressure steam boilers.
Boiler Boilers Air Pressure Forbes Hunt Compressors Vessels | Steam Water Green Heating Energy Contact Specialising Copy Us Forbes
43 PresSure Products Company, Inc. A complete
A complete line of custom-made sight glasses and liquid level gauges to fit a wide range of pressure and temperature applications.
44 Pressure Technology Inc. Hot isostatic
Hot isostatic pressing service. Densification of metal castings, ceramics, carbides, other advanced alloys through simultaneous application of heat and inert gas pressure.
45 Modco Industries Figure 500
Figure 500 Closures feature rugged Acme threads for long-life and operator safety. Because of thread pressure, the cap is almost impossible to rotate if any pressure is in the vessel.
46 keller ag swiss manufacturer
swiss manufacturer of silicon strain gauge pressure transducer capsules, transmitters, hydrostatic level sensors & data loggers and digital pressure gauges.
Pressure Keller Ag Transmitters Sensors Metrology Transducers Suisse Winterthur Fuer Indicator Europes Vacuumdifferential
47 Brandon Welding & Fabrication Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in building and repairing pressure vessels and pressure piping to ASME Code for petrochemical industry. Also fabricates hand rails and custom parts.
Family Brandon Welding Photo Calibrimso Fareast Font Calibri Gallery Products Quote Employment Weldingfont Certifications Personnel
48 WSF Industries Inc. Manufactures a
Manufactures a broad range of autoclave systems, pressure vessels, and tanks. Applications include composite bonding, dewaxing, leaching, sterilization, vacuum pressure impregnation, and vulcanizing.
49 u.s. gauge pressure and
pressure and temperature gauges for industrial use. electronic pressure transducers and transmitters, liquid level instruments, diaphragm seals. constant force springs and spring powered reels.
50 senzors, inc. manufacturer of
manufacturer of pressure sensors, submersible level transducers and pressure transducers and transmitters. in english, german, and french.
51 Boilersmith Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of firetube boilers. Gas, oil, or solid fuel fired. Low pressure steam, high pressure steam or hot water.
52 JLW Instruments Distributor of
Distributor of instruments for measuring pressure, force, mass and torque including Ametek, US Gauge and McDaniel pressure gauges.
Testing Instruments Calibration Strength Ametek Measurement Test Precision Torque Force Resistance Gauges Weigh Witness Advanced Pic
53 PressSense Pressure Sensitive Paper Inc. Converter of
Converter of pressure sensitive materials, banner substrates and wide-format digital media.
Products Film Substrates Presssense Information Product Page Print Custom Access General Media Featured Overlaminates Employee Road Unit
54 faber industrie manufacturer of
manufacturer of steel cylinders for high pressure gases. their tanks for scuba diving are lp (lower pressure) cylinders.
Cylinders Gas Steel Natural Cng Ngv Compressed Vehicles Pressure High Composite Faber Ossigeno Industrie Scuba
55 Kimray, Inc. Manufactures pressure
Manufactures pressure regulators, pilot valves, pressure control pilots and other equipment for flow control.
Kimray Story Tech Visit Product Services Information Technical Login Control Equipment Kim Scientific La Controls Pedia Size Installation News Sales Gifts
56 CMC Pressure Washers and Equipment. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure washers and accessories. Photos, descriptions, prices and contact details.
Pressure Washers Here Options Hose Wand Click Cleaners Water Accessories Surface Equipment Wands Honda Washer Please Psi
57 Ameritech Pressure Cleaning Equipment Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of pressure washing machines, frames, and related equipment.
Pressure Hoses Cleaning Cleaners Pumps Fittings Rigs Trailer Ameritech Washers Water Accessories High Systems Sprayers Preasure Trade
58 virat pressure cookers manufacturer and
manufacturer and exporter of aluminum pressure cookers. includes a product catalogue and usage guide. located in india.
Pressure Cooker Manufacturer Virat Exporter Lid India Instructions Price Appliances Cookers Recipes Induction How Outer
59 Pressure Systems Engineering Inc. Specializing in
Specializing in the design, analysis and specification of process equipment, pressure vessels,piping and related components and systems.
60 Cortape Incorporated Manufacturer profile
Manufacturer profile and information on pressure sensitive materials converter. Converts industrial pressure sensitive tape products.
Tape Slitting Converter Products Cutting Adhesive Laminating Converting Industrial Policy Business Branding Pressure Email Supplier
61 Apex Piping Systems, Inc. Manufacture and
Manufacture and repair of pressure vessels, pressure piping, and power boilers.
Piping Systems Apex Inc Policy Asme Pipe Privacy Bending Boiler Mechanical Code Pressure Fabrication Vessel
62 Generant US manufacturer
US manufacturer of pressure and flow control devices. Product range includes check, relief, needle and control valves as well as pressure regulators.
63 Bieri Hydraulik AG Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of high pressure hydraulic components systems, high pressure piston pumps, valves, switches, and power units.
Bieri Valve Pressure Check Hydraulik Throttle Valves Contact Components Seated Swiss Hydraulics Standard Operated Axial Pilot Shut Off Manufacture Load Wehrindustrie Vielen Sdrvm
64 Hydraulic Pneumatic Services Supplies all
Supplies all types of air driven high pressure pumps and powerpacks for pressure testing, specialists in the Madan range of air powered pumps.
65 druck uk manufacturer
uk manufacturer of pressure transducers, transmitters, portable process calibrators, high speed pressure controllers, industrial deadweight testers and primary standard piston gauges. this company is now part of ge sensing
Series Dpi Pressure Druck Calibrator Test Ptx Ge Sensors Pv Indicator Level Measurement | Adts Loop Pace
66 D/A Industries Full service
Full service wholesale distributor of pressure washers, pressure parts and accessories, pest control and agricultural sprayer parts. Includes downloadable catalogs.
67 Mid-West Instrument Manufactures differential
Manufactures differential pressure gauges and switches, pulsation snubbers, pressure limiting valves, averaging pitot tubes, portable flow measurement, and backflow prevention device test kits.
68 rb pipetech valves, manifolds
valves, manifolds, couplings, pressure vessels, high pressure hoses and misc. pipe fittings. joint and pipe testers. design services. operating in the north sea.
69 rb pipetech valves, manifolds
valves, manifolds, couplings, pressure vessels, high pressure hoses and misc. pipe fittings. joint and pipe testers. design services. operating in the north sea.
Services Drilling Equipment Forum Piping Products Valves Technologies Systems Manifolds Tooling Fluid Dynacon Repair Pumps High Forumdpsales@f Tcom Units Releases Transmission
70 Epps Products Manufactures pressure
Manufactures pressure washers and steam cleaners. Oil fired, gas fired, electrically heated, propane engine, custom units high pressure cleaning equipment.
Pressure Washers Under Epps Well Products Equipment Works Washer Cleaning Line Cleaners Industrial Parts Steam Cleaner High Email
71 Differential Pressure Plus, Inc. Offer air
Offer air, water and vacuum differential pressure gauges and indicators.
72 equipo petrolero s.a. bolivian oilfield
bolivian oilfield service company: slickline, logging-perforating, well testing, high pressure testing, nipple up, completion design and material, pressure and temperature survey.
73 Stutes Enterprise Systems, Inc. A Pasadena
A Pasadena, Texas based industrial pressure washing systems company, specializing in custom-built high pressure hot water blasters with temperatures up to 210 degrees.
74 LCM Systems Ltd Designers and
Designers and manufacturers of load cells, load pins, pressure transducers, pressure transmitters and other sensors, as standard or special design products. They can also be supplied and integrated with most of the companys range of instrumentation.
75 entran sensors and electronics pressure sensors
pressure sensors, pressure transducers, load cells, force sensors, strain gages and accelerometers.
76 Maury Enterprises, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure cleaners designed to clean sidewalks, driveways, roofs, factory floors, docks, parking garages, virtually any flat surface. Attaches to standard pressure washer with minimum 3000 PSI and 3.5 GPM. Available in 12', 18', 27' sizes.
77 endevco (uk) supplier of
supplier of dynamic instrumentation for vibration, shock, inertial motion and dynamic pressure measurements, including a comprehensive line of accelerometers, pressure transducers, microphones, electronic instruments, and calibration systems.
78 endevco (uk) supplier of
supplier of dynamic instrumentation for vibration, shock, inertial motion and dynamic pressure measurements, including a comprehensive line of accelerometers, pressure transducers, microphones, electronic instruments, and calibration systems.
79 Pressure Parts Distributors of
Distributors of pressure washer parts, equipment and supplies.
80 enardo international, ltd. designers and
designers and marketers of pressure vacuum relief valves, gauge hatches, emergency pressure relief vents, flame arrestors, and the increasingly stringent federal, state, and local air quality regulations.
81 Pressure Products Industries, Inc. Manufactures special
Manufactures special fluid handling equipment, including metal diaphragm compressors, magnetic drive mixers, stirred reactors, custom chemical reactors and pressure vessels. US based (PA).
Compressors Hydrogen Reactors Compressor Diaphragm Pressure Refueling Fuel Cell Magnetic Ppi Mixers Equipment  milton Industries Petrochemical
82 transducers direct source for
source for pressure transducer, melt pressure transducer, encoder, heater band, cartridge heater and custom engineered products.
83 High Pressure Systems Co. Providers of
Providers of high pressure coolant systems that improve productivity and lower tooling costs. A division of The Daniluk Corp.
84 Fluid Compressor Corporation Liquid ring
Liquid ring technology -- pressure/vacuum pump -- a vacuum or pressure pump requires no lubrication. For use in oil and gas industry. Manufacturer.
85 Pressure Chemical Co. Provides chemical
Provides chemical process development, scale up, and toll manufacturing services utilizing unique high pressure and high temperature capabilities.
Chemical Manufacturing Toll Company Pressure Custom Information Click Request Advantage Ferrocene Literature Articles Hydride Proof Tris Aminoethylamine Specialtychemical Contact Processing
86 Wiromet S.A. Polish producer
Polish producer of high-quality machinery and equipment including high pressure plunger pumps and units. Applications include central pump stations and high pressure cleaning with a jet of water.
87 High Pressure Equipment Company Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of high pressure autoclaves, fittings for all industrial purposes, laboratory equipment, tubing, valves, process reactors, gauges.
Pressure Valves High Reactors Equipment System Company Pumping Closure Fittings Series Products Gas Intensifiers Ring Seal Boosters
88 Neriki Valves Co,. Ltd Produces valves
Produces valves, high-pressure, residual-pressure, check valves, gas cylinders
89 kausthubha udyog manufacturer of
manufacturer of pressure switches, differential pressure switches, and vacuum switches. from india.
90 GRT Utilicorp, Inc. Sells, services
Sells, services new, used pressure diggers, post drivers, parts: augers, and teeth. Repairs, rebuilds Sterling machines, all makes of pressure diggers, drivers. Ohio, USA.
Equipment Utilicorp Used Contact Inc Machines Grtutilicorpcom Services Grt Parts Sterling Repair Email Augers Pressure New Post
91 Instruments To Industry Ltd. Manufacture, repair
Manufacture, repair and calibration of pressure gauges, pressure switches, temperature instruments and flow meter calibration.
Instruments Gauges Pressure Chemical Seals Thermometers Industry Manufacturers Group Services Repair Supply Armaturenbau Manufacture
92 world magnetics manufactures pressure
manufactures pressure switches, vacuum switches, pressure and vacuum sensors, analog and digital magnetic heads.
Switches Durascan Products Heads Services Designflex World Catalog Pressure Contact Magnetic Magnetics Dietz Compliant Aerospace Differentialswitches Durascanby Wwwdurascanheadscom Banking Automotive Phone
93 BEC Controls A source
A source of custom and standard electrical controls, including pressure transmitters, low pressure switches, and custom designed instruments.
Pressure Gauge Transmitters Vdc Differential Switches Vacuum Isolators Custom Contact Air Quot Wc Products Transmitter Military Ma
94 Best Label Company, Inc. USA: automatic
USA: automatic pressure sensitive label applicators including Zebra, Sato and Datamax . Thermal transfer printers and ribbons. Custom pressure-sensitive labels up to 10 colors.
Label Best Labels Phone Fax Printing Custom Street Sensitive Pressure Quality Coupons Moore Miramar Cv
95 CMC Pressure Washers and Equipment. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure washers and accessories.
Pressure Washers Here Options Hose Click Wand Water Cleaners Surface Accessories Equipment Wands Washer Please Hot Codedtips
96 inc technical incorporated calibration and
calibration and testing for the water and wastewater industry. serving ohio, kentucky, indiana and beyond. flow meters, pressure transmitters, differential pressure transmitters, ph, temperature, the meters and control people.
97 inc technical incorporated calibration and
calibration and testing for the water and wastewater industry. serving ohio, kentucky, indiana and beyond. flow meters, pressure transmitters, differential pressure transmitters, ph, temperature, the meters and control people.
98 kausthubha udyog manufacturer of
manufacturer of pressure switches, differential pressure switches, and vacuum switches.
99 Den-sin Cleaning Systems Singapore manufacturer
Singapore manufacturer of high pressure cleaners, water blasters, and high pressure blasters.
Nilfisk Sin Advance Products Accessories Joomla + Showcase Alto Creative Cfm High Contact Consumer Division Related
100 Nooter Corporation Provides innovative
Provides innovative metal work technology for a wide range of industries. They manufacture heat exchangers, reactors, pressure vessels, heat recovery steam generators, pressure tanks, casks, autoclaves, containers and canisters for chemical storage.
101 anderson instrument co. manufacturers a
manufacturers a complete line of instruments for measurement of pressure, temperature, and level. these products include: gauges,pressure and level transmitters, liquid level monitors, danitary rtds, digital indicating thermometers and recording controllers.
Flow Pressure Meter Transmitter Level Controls Instrumentation Temperature Anderson Transmitters Measurement Sanitary Gauges Analytical Series Terms Industries
102 PSI Pressure Washing Orlando Florida
Orlando Florida based pressure cleaning company specializing in commercial and residential exterior building cleaning.Roof cleaning services available as well as sealing services too.
103 dwyer instruments, inc. pressure gages
pressure gages, manometers, pressure-switches, transmitters, flowmeters, flow-switches, pitot tubes, anemometers, air velocity instruments, level-switches, temperature-controllers, thermocouples, rtds, and valves
Flow Pressure Switches Controls Air Gages Transmitters Level Indicators Controllers Digital Temperature Instruments Valves Differential Explosion Proof Line Warranty Monoxide
104 bristol babcock manufacturer of
manufacturer of programmable controllers, process control systems, scada systems, correctors, gauges, pneumatic controllers and regulators, pressure switches, recorders , electronic recording ammeters and voltmeters, transmitters for pressure, flow and level.
Movedthis Document Objecty
105 Goulds Pumps Ashland Foundry High integrity
High integrity modern sand foundry providing a full range of precision cast, pressure and non-pressure containing components for industry. Capabilities include complete foundry engineering and metallurgical services. An US based (PA) ITT Industries company.
106 cecomp electronics manufacture digital
manufacture digital pressure gauges, digital vacuum gauges, digital pressure switches and indicating 4-20ma transmitters.
Pressure Gauges Digital Cecomp Products Powered Temperature Tire Transmitters Fl Alarms Process Gauge Absolute Digi Vacuum Safe Output Aircraft Approved
107 Pressure-Washer-Parts.Com Online distributor
Online distributor of pressure washer parts and accessories. Also offers assistance in searching out hard to find parts.
Pressure Washer Trigger Guns Pumps Parts Switches Spray Wands Nozzles Components Pump Lances Lance Telescoping Handle
108 delta controls limited instrumentation, process
instrumentation, process control, pressure switch, temperature switch, pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter, fibre optics, flow, switches, transmitters. a concentric company.
109 BS&B Safety Systems, Inc. Manufactures overpressure
Manufactures overpressure protection safety products, pressure relief, both positive and vacuum with pressure relieving products including rupture disks, explosion vents, and buckling pin relief valves.
110 Paramelt Producer of
Producer of waxes and adhesives also offers contract blending, formulating, and packaging of waxes, fatty derivatives, hotmelt pressure sensitive and water-based adhesives, and pressure emulsions. Based in the Netherlands.
111 A&D Medical The headquarters
The headquarters for the A&D brand of consumer blood pressure monitors, ambulatory and hospital blood pressure monitors and software and other medical devices.
Bluetooth Output Data Medical Precision Scale Ad Wellness Lb Software Connected Automatic Pressure Blood Here Resource Connected®
112 International Waterjet Parts Supplies spare
Supplies spare parts for waterjet cutting systems. Long life nozzles, high pressure and low pressure seal kits, diamond or sapphire ORFC paser, paser collet, check and needle value assemblies.
Cgi Biny
113 process specialties, inc. manufactures representative.
manufactures representative. specialist supply of pressure gauges, temperature gauges, pressure switches, temperature switches.
Process Specialties Inc Mississippi Monitor Flexim Yokogawa Accusonic Flowserve West Elpro Fossil Lj Star Arkansas Waters Manufacturers Zook Labs Georgia
114 Space Age Control, Inc. Miniature and
Miniature and subminiature position transducers for a broad range of applications including aircraft, aerospace, vehicles, autos, crash testing, industrial control, mechatronics, and OEM. Flight test air data products for gathering angle of attack (alpha), sideslip (beta), static pressure, and total head pressure.
115 entran devices, inc. manufactures pressure
manufactures pressure sensors, transducers, load cells, accelerometers, force sensors and strain gages from stock. specialist in micro-miniaturization and applications of semiconductor, thin film, metallic foil and hybrid circuit technologies for the measurement of acceleration, force, and pressure in a multitude of environments.
Hosting Domain Solutions Network Marketing Web Names Services Website Registration Name Place Netsol Grow Y
116 Merwede Valves bv Manufactures non-stock
Manufactures non-stock valves, specials or valves in exotic alloys, also hard-to-get high-pressure valves, on short lead times. Eexpertise in cryogenic, high temperature, corrosive, abrasive, subsea, onshore, offshore, firesafe, vacuum, high pressure.
Z Request Y
117 Max-Air high pressure air Compressors, Scuba and SCBA Distributors of
Distributors of Max-Air high pressure air compressors, Scuba breathing air compressor,and filters.
118 baccara distributor of
distributor of pressure switches, pressure transducers, vacuum switches, level switches, flow switches, flow meters, flow indicators and temperature switches for processing industries.
Switches Pressure Valves Flow Level Solenoid Baccara Melbourne Meters Control | Temperature Here Controls Vacuum Order
119 Cam Spray electric pressure washers E-commerce distributor
E-commerce distributor of Cam Spray electric pressure washers for home and commercial use.
Spray Air Generators Pumps Welders Heaters Trash Voltmaster Construction White Taylor Forced Pneumatic Portable Tools Shipping Lb Protran Torpedo Natural
120 Huadong Pressure Gauge Manufacturer Chinese pressure
Chinese pressure gauge manufacturer.
121 Waterblast LLC An industrial
An industrial cleaning firm providing hot pressure washers, cold pressure washers, water recycling units, air compressors, hot water washers and cold water washers.
122 tyresense - tire pressure & temperature monitoring system a wireless
a wireless tire monitoring system. tyresense remotely monitors tire activity, pressure and temperature.
Tyresense Optional Data Sensor Calculator Correlation System Monitoring Configuration Realtime Pressure Contact Lite Tire Buddy
123 SeaComAir high pressure air compressors SeaComAir High
SeaComAir High pressure air Compressors.
124 Smartire Systems Manufactures air
Manufactures air pressure monitoring.
125 NLB Corporation High pressure
High pressure water jet equipment and accessories.
Water Nlb High Locations Learn Pressure Rentals Employment Resources Parts Pumps Accessories Rental Applications Support Corp History
126 AFG Label Specializes in
Specializes in pressure sensitive labeling manufacturing.
127 International Carbonics Offering high
Offering high pressure CO2 pumps in the US (IL).
Pumps Co High Pressure Carbonics Industrial Liquid Pumping Coupler Carbo Systems Learn Trailers Equipment Pump Company
128 MPI Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of melt pressure transducers for the plastic extrusion industry.
Pressure Melt Rupture Transducers Extruder Disks Transducer Transmitters Gefran Gauges Brand Discs Mpi Gentran Inc
129 Scientific Controls Indian manufacturer
Indian manufacturer of temperature and pressure instruments.
130 Oseco Manufacturers rupture
Manufacturers rupture disks and pressure relief products.
Oseco Rupture Discs Explosion Pressure Oilfield Products Solutions Relief Osecos Vents Vent Protection Disc Detection Fire Asme Fracturing Privacy Manufacturer Inspection
131 Re-Atlantis Enterprise Co., Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure gauges. Located in Taiwan.
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132 R Tape Corporation Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure sensitive tapes and films.
Products Tricks Resources Faqs Tips Case Screen Contact Printers Study Order Samples Where Sign Vinylefx® Selection
133 Cortape Incorporated Converter of
Converter of pressure sensitive tape products.
134 smartbrake produces a
produces a brake operated by exhaust manifold pressure.
+ Domainnamedevelopmentunder
135 Nurse Stop, Inc. Online store
Online store for NurseStop pressure monitors.
136 Crown Label Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of custom pressure sensitive labels.
137 Chin Ray Industry Ltd. Taiwanese manufacturer
Taiwanese manufacturer of diaphragm pressure gauges.
138 MagnaFlow Manufactures reduced
Manufactures reduced back pressure, performance mufflers.
139 Chemetal Suppliers of
Suppliers of decorative metal and high pressure laminates.
Designs Metal Laminates Chemetal Classics Collection Product Laminate Leed Pressure Design Press Chemetalcom Tech High Custom Finishes Vortex
140 Fisep S.r.l. Italian aluminium
Italian aluminium pressure die-casters and brass hot pressers.
Fisep Valori Qualità Persone Meccaniche Finitura Obiettivi Progettazione Pressofusione Stampaggio Ambiente Srledison Contattaci
141 N.K. Enterprises Dealer of
Dealer of pressure and temperature instruments. Located in India.
142 Moscap Engineering LLC Provider of
Provider of pressure gauges and service tools.
Level Indicator Gas Propane Engineering Moscap Gascheck Check Policy Liquid Tank Introduces Measurepresidentceo Contactus
143 Air Source One, Inc. Worldwide training
Worldwide training in high pressure cylinder safety.
144 paroscientific, inc. manufacture of
manufacture of thermally-compensated pressure transducers with 0.01% accuracy.
145 APC Houston Supplies steel
Supplies steel pipes, pressure fittings, valves and gaskets .
146 Power Equipment Direct, Inc. Carrying the
Carrying the leading pressure washers and accessories.
147 E. F. Britten and Co., Inc. Producing low
Producing low pressure gas cylinders and needle, de-icing and regulator valves.
148 MRT Robotic Offers 2D
Offers 2D and 3D robot-assisted high-pressure water jet cutting.
149 Hydro Tek Systems Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of pressure washers and steam cleaners for industrial use.
150 Calmar Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of the Rain Booster low pressure sprinkler system.
151 georgin manufactures pressure
manufactures pressure or temperature industrial measurement and control instruments.
152 ACE Engineering Products UK. Manufacturer
UK. Manufacturer of portable pressure sandblasting equipment and accessories.
153 Anurang Engineering Company, Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of aluminum pressure die casting components.
154 Vrajlal Hirabhai Trivedi & Sons Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of flyers and pressure fingers.
155 BEC Controls Distributor of
Distributor of low pressure transmitters, switches, transducers, and related items.
156 TIWAC Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of pressure gauges and precesion instruments. Located in India.
157 Techprint Inc. Manufactures identifications
Manufactures identifications from a large variety of pressure sensitive materials.
Printing Keyboards Switches Membrane Electronics Printed Graphic Labels Design Custom Techprint Overlays Engineering Contract Assembly Ul Digital Medical
158 Pressure Products Developer and
Developer and manufacturer of medical equipment for heart surgery.
159 P. W. Mall E-commerce distributor
E-commerce distributor for pressure washers, parts, pumps, and accessories.
Pressure Washer Tools Water Hose Pumps Inc Products Cleaning Industries Power Metal Pneumatic Generators Fittings Cold Hot Corp
160 Honeywell Sensotec Manufactures pressure
Manufactures pressure sensors, instrumentation and load cells in the US (OH).
161 Lok-N-Logs, Inc. Pressure-treated log
Pressure-treated log home manufacturer with a lifetime transferable warranty.
162 MKS Instruments Makers of
Makers of portable pressure and flow calibration and testing equipment.
163 Precision Instrumentation Co. Distributor of
Distributor of pressure and flow products from most major manufacturers.
164 Falch GMBH Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of high pressure water jet equipment and accessories.
Falch Hochdruckreiniger Wasserstrahlgeräte Application Machines Cleaner Water Catalogue Project News Rent Jetting Pressure High Products Form @
165 WT Nickell Company Pressure sensitive
Pressure sensitive labels, stickers, decals, and barcoders.
166 ms instrument inc. provide sensors
provide sensors and transmitters for temperature, pressure, and level. from korea.
Instrument Myungsungy
167 Premier Industries Provides torches
Provides torches, pressure reducing regulators, and safety devices.
168 Saskatoon Boiler Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of boilers and pressure vessels. Based in Canada.
169 Datamark Graphics Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of custom pressure sensitive labels and tags.
170 Fultz Enterprises, Inc. Distributors water
Distributors water cleaning systems and pressure washers.
171 Nadco, Inc. Distributor of
Distributor of pressure sensitive adhesive tapes and custom labels.
172 Conval, Inc. Manufactures high-pressure
Manufactures high-pressure steam and nuclear Clampseal valves.
173 Pressure Sensitive Products Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of all-vinyl decals, signs, and banners.
Click Here Proceedz
174 Perma-Cal Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of direct drive pressure gauges and regulators.
175 Norriseal Inc. Manufactures pressure
Manufactures pressure controllers and regulators, check and butterfly valves.
176 SWJCHINA Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of load cells, pressure transducers and electronic scales.
Z Ê¢Íò½­ Y
177 Groth Corporation Manufactures various
Manufactures various types of pressure and vacuum relief valvesa and gas regulators.
178 Americomm Label Systems Custom pressure
Custom pressure sensitive labels, stickers and decals.
179 Carrier-Oehler Company Distributor of
Distributor of pressure, temperature, level, and flow instrumentation.
Oehler Carrier Wika Contact Instrument Calibration Company Manufacturers Design Gauge Assembly Services Here Instrumentation International Specialist Custom
180 Logmatix, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of color, blank, and custom pressure-sensitive labels and tags.
Systems Solutions Label Coding Marking Labels Id Transfer Technology Logmatix Labeling Laser Overprinters Inkjet Printer Thermal
181 rosemount inc. process instrumentation
process instrumentation, providing solutions for pressure, temperature, level and flow.
Forwardauto Process Pageemerson Management
182 Leierda Instrument Co. Chinese manufacturer
Chinese manufacturer of pressure gauges, thermometers, and temperature controller.
| Pressure Gauge οØÒÇ Test Gauges Diaphragm Tire Equipment Filled ½ÚÄüµÆ ·À±¬µÆ Contact Categories »¦icp±¸ºÅ
183 mensor corporation manufacturer of
manufacturer of precision pressure calibration instruments, systems and sensors
184 High Tech Graphics, Inc. Produces pressure
Produces pressure sensitive labels, barcodes, and nameplates.
Apache Incportserver Tech High Permanently The Graphics
185 Super Instruments Manufacture Co.Ltd. Chinese manufacturer
Chinese manufacturer of pressure gauges, gas regulators and thermometers.
186 Tel-Tru Manufacturing Company Bimetal thermometers
Bimetal thermometers and pressure gauges for the food service industry.
187 Triple R Specialty Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure washers and sewer and drain cleaning equipment.
Youre Happened Found Ever Errorthings Visitor Sure Feelplace Wrong Owner
188 Overly Manufacturing Company Offers a
Offers a range of blast and pressure resistant doors.
Overly Y
189 Whitlam Label Company, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of custom pressure-sensitive labels and tags.
190 Tactex Controls Inc. Makers of
Makers of multi-touch, pressure sensitive input devices
191 Marzocchi S.p.A. Italian manufacturers
Italian manufacturers of high-pressure gear pumps for hydraulic systems.
192 Pressure Technologies & Avionics Specialists in
Specialists in aircraft instrument repair, overhaul and services.
193 Adarsh Industries Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure gauges, thermometers and accessories. Located in India.
194 All State Gasket Manufactured precision
Manufactured precision gaskets from extreme pressure to caustic containment.
195 Midwest Gas Equipment, Inc. Supply gas
Supply gas pressure regulators for inside and outside use, meters, gas cocks, and vents.
Gas Regulators Equipment Wildwood Midwest Meters Sizing Vent Mo Inc Valves Seismic Knowsizing Water Regulatorsgas
196 Vintage 99 Label Mfg. Offers pressure
Offers pressure sensitive labels for wine and gourmet foods.
197 SI-special intruments GmbH Manufactures various
Manufactures various pressure and flow, measurement and control equipments.
198 Masport, Inc. Manufactures and
Manufactures and supplies vacuum/pressure pumps, components, engine parts
Systems Engine Joomla Masport Dynamic Contact Settings Vacuum Hwy Default Restore Drivencontent Javascript
199 meriam instrument manufacturer of
manufacturer of instruments for the precise measurement of pressure, flow and level.
200 PulseGuard Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure pulsation dampeners, hydraulic accumulators, and surge suppressors.

2. Shopping and Pressure Trade

1 High Pressure Shower Heads Moveable showerheads
Moveable showerheads with high pressure and adjustable flow control.
Shower Heads Pressure Head Ultimate Chrome Nickel Brass High Rain Supreme Brushed Moda Rating Oil Hand Held Plated Rubbed
2 JBS Industries, Inc. Carwash and
Carwash and pressure washing chemicals.
3 The Pressure Positive Company Maker of
Maker of unique massage tools.
Original Pain Tools Pressure Positive Massage Backnobber Tmj Login Muscle Customer Solutions Company Care Self Checker Contact
4 Pressure Pointer Foot-powered product
Foot-powered product allows the user to massage themselves.
Hosting Domain Marketing Solutions Network Web Services Names Registration Website Networksolutionscom | Name Innovative Y
5 Smartbrake Produces a
Produces a brake operated by exhaust manifold pressure.
Zimm Parts Bearings Bremsen Stunt Hubgetriebecom Sealed Tasche Breuningercomtaschen Wwwshop Shop Großes Wwwhandpickedpartscom Cadre Atv
6 NovaDiamond Natural diamond
Natural diamond color-restored by high pressure and temperature.
Pcd Novadiamondgeometriessizes Insert Premium Inserts
7 Beck Sales Supplier of
Supplier of the Fagor Classic pressure cooker/fryer.
Pressure Pressu Magic Supercookers Uses Rv Display Contact Fagor Recipe Vac Mix Touch Gripstic Magicrapid Triad Batterfry Texas Cooke Publishing
8 Haelan Medical Corp. A treatment
A treatment for ingrown or pressure-sensitive toenails.
Naileasetrade Contact Now Studies Faqs Order Clinical How News Testimonials Surgery Locate Prevention Nailease Designtreatments
9 Aero Saddle Offering Selle
Offering Selle San Marco pressure-free seats.
Saddles Bicycle Contact Arrowheadreg Robert Seats Md Designed Perineal West Found Thefound Dr Area Developed
10 Santha USA Retailer of
Retailer of kitchen grinders, pressure cookers and mixers for Indian.
Stone Melangeur Santha Controller Grinder Melanger Speed Spectra Melangers Chocolate Rico Wet Mixer Cocoa Cosmetic Usa
11 Bay City International Offering pressure
Offering pressure cookers and cookware. Provides also parts and accessories.
Pressure Cookers Cooking Gourmet Cookware Futura Hawkins International City Kitchen Food Vegetarian Products Cook Bay Profiles Healthy
12 Drive Green, Inc. Manufactures and
Manufactures and sells a tool for ensuring proper tire pressure.
Drive Inflator Tire Pressure Auto Greenâ„¢ Shot Green Adjustable Order Easy Fixed Charger Guide Motorcycle Display Inc Now Ac
13 Culem Vegetable based
Vegetable based supplement to lower blood pressure and relieve hypertension.
14 Sofflow Bidet Hygienic toilet
Hygienic toilet seat with adjustable temperature and water pressure.
15 Dim Mak World Information about
Information about books, videos and certification courses on pressure points for self-defense and healing.
Points Pressure Mak Dim Healing Defence Self How Dvd Use Learn Techniques Martial Best Arts Charts Today
16 L and S Safety Solutions LLC Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of tire pressure monitoring systems for cars, trucks, RVs and trailers.
Navigationshilfet Y
17 Virat Manufacturer, exporters
Manufacturer, exporters and retailer aluminum pressure cookers and stainless steel utensils.
Pressure Cooker Manufacturer Exporter Virat Lid Cookers India Recipes How Appliances Inner Price Instructions Benefits Aluminum
18 Offers waterless
Offers waterless and stainless steel cookware, pressure cookers, kitchenware and cutlery.
19 Sells products
Sells products designed for the storage of garden, air, utility, and pressure washer hoses.
Hose Reel Price Garden Wall Reels List Mount Sale Yousave Liberty Products Cart Mounted Myreelscom
20 Curly Flex Paint roller
Paint roller with a twist to apply indirect pressure for product application.
Best Credit Cars College Free Control Health Tickets Pain Phones Luxury Curlyflexcom Mortgage Relief Courses Rates Smart Card
21 Pressure Basketball Ralph Millers
Ralph Millers system of game execution chronicled on offense, defense and drills.
Ralph Basketball Miller Pressure Millers Video Offense System Drills University Game Seidler Order Customer Diagrams World Videos Want
22 Chennai Imports Offers wet
Offers wet grinders, pressure cookers, kitchen machine, griddle and crepe maker.
Grinder Premier Maker Commercial Mixer Cookers Idli Pressure Krampouz Electric Makers Chefmaster Butterfly Chapathi Wet Slush
23 Bio Health Institute Offers the
Offers the Acu-Comb, which provides acupressure to the scalp helping to reduce high blood pressure.
24 Pure Herb Organic blend
Organic blend from Malaysia used to ward off diabetes, high blood pressure, and gout.
Tea Herbal Diabetes Blood Organic High Herb Gout Full Story Pressure Health Pure Sugar Beverage Kuching Children Alternative
25 Hocks Vandalia Pharmacy Sells blood
Sells blood pressure monitors, glucometer, diabetic and medical supplies.
Mg Count Gauge Insulin Tablets Strips Surecomfort Needle Quot Cc Syringe Test Pharmacy Diabetic Glucose Accu Chek Check Rx Contact
26 Ergo-Pedic Pressure relieving
Pressure relieving sleep systems featuring visco elastic memory foam.
Æ’cƒ“ƒvƒ‰ƒ“ƒgê–å‰Æ‚É‚æ‚鎕‰ÈŽ¡Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚Å‚·Ã‚y•l¼Ã…½sz •l¼ Æ’tÆ’cÆ’gÆ’}Æ’bÆ’v Æ’cƒ“ƒvƒ‰ƒ“ƒg Ž•‰Èz Ž•ˆãÃ…Â½Ò Ã¢â‚¬Â¢l¼Ã…½s“à‚ÅÆ’cƒ“ƒvƒ‰ƒ“ƒgê–å‚ÌŽ•â€
27 Quiet Pathways LLC Offers stainless
Offers stainless steel pressure cookers, electric appliance and cast iron cookware.
Request Errory
28 CookingToys Offers coffee
Offers coffee makers, cutlery and knives, pressure cooker, cookware, gadgets, tumblers and glassware.
Price Tumblers Juicers Juicer Tervis Blenders Food Kitchen Sale Excalibur Dehydrators Omega Gadgets Green Cutlery Tray Thermo Serv Cajun Items Grilling Special
29 Ripe For Harvest Sells Bosch
Sells Bosch products such as mixers, grain mills, pressure cookers, cookbooks, and parts.
30 Flite-Metal Pressure sensitive
Pressure sensitive backed dead soft aluminum covering system for scale R/C airplanes.
Domain Hosting Network Marketing Solutions Web Names Services Registration Website Name Helps Requesthost
31 Speed Tech Offers handheld
Offers handheld devices to monitor temperature and barometric pressure and calculate sun/moon positions.
Kits Cruiser Speedtech Motorcycles Victory Current Cross Products Disclaimer Countrymagnum Contact Designs Countrymagnumkitsaboutcontactdisclaimer + Turbocharger
32 As Easy As Limited Featuring a
Featuring a system designed to develop a repeatable stroke without any adverse horizontal pressure on the putter head.
33 Weighted Blankets and Lap Pads Supplying handmade
Supplying handmade products used for deep pressure and sensory input for individuals in need. Includes FAQ and specifications.
Conversion Weighted Leading Image Blanket Myweightedblanketscom Data Fileconversion Zscanning Join Net Digitizing Scales
34 Kelly Aviation Providing sales
Providing sales of a cabin pressure altitude monitor and warning system. Based in Grenola, Kansas USA.
Dosarrest Security Internet Client Restricted Ddosprotection Pleasehost Protection Z
35 Tanses Technologies Inc. Designs and
Designs and manufactures a wide variety of indoor tanning beds and standups. All models with High Pressure facials.
Rejected Requesty
36 AccuHit Golf Training Aid Presents a
Presents a device to modify grip clenching pressure allowing learning more accurate ball flight.
Accuhit Swing Golf Grip Training Side Aid Controlled Works Tension Release Firm Anti Ball Natural Relaxed States
37 Techmedica Health, Inc. Proprietary blends
Proprietary blends for specific ailments including diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, and weight loss.
Health Espaã±ol Healthy En Stay Checkup Child Injury Men Adolescent Immunization Alcohol It’s Age—checklist Safety Quiz Questions Asked
38 ClutchNet USA Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of racing, performance and street clutch discs and pressure plates. Offer online product catalog for viewing or download.
Clutch Kits Kit Performance Clutches Clutchkits Racing Pressure Discs Flywheels Product Plates | Porsche High
39 Motive Products Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of the Power Bleeder, a one-person pressure brake bleeder.
Seen Bleeder Power Products Motive Brake Selling Fluid News Diy Bleeding Support Contact Pressure Fill
40 Better Sleep Shop Manufactures and
Manufactures and sells therapeutic pressure-reduction sleep surfaces.
Found The Foundy
41 Tire Sentry Information on
Information on tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS).
Click Here Proceedz
42 WeatherCraft Furniture Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure treated outdoor furniture in both natural and painted finishes.
Adirondack Series Furniture Painted Balcony Chair Natural Double Seater Umbrella Chairs Swing Pub Outdoor Commercial
43 RAM Clutches Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of performance clutch systems. Flywheels, pressure plates and clutch disks.
Disc Force Clutch Ford Dual Mustang Drag Camaro Selecting Rams Race Sbbb Metallic Corvette Challenger Components Clutches Rtrack Zl Single Battle
44 Northern Tool + Equipment Specializing in
Specializing in generators, heaters, pressure washers, snowblowers, and automotive equipment.
Hotline Shop Tools Deals Free + Shipping Equipment Order Membership Catalog Generators Pressure Stoves Washers Panel Special Sign
45 Creative Cookware Offers cookwares
Offers cookwares such as paella pans, pressure cookers, pans, and canning supplies.
Makers Cookware Pasta Knives Sets Coffee Pans Molds Machines Pepper Pots Cheese Mills Graters Grinders Electric Steamer Only Cookie
46 E.R.T. Products Products designed
Products designed to increase oil pressure, without removing the oil pump.
47 J. Hewitt Incorporated Variety of
Variety of health care products for businesses and consumers, such as blood pressure monitors, ear piercing supplies, drug and cholesterol test kits.
York Listings Privacy Sponsored Mediterranean Drives Transport Jhewittcom Players Hygiene News Memory Retirement Jフェリー Related Policy
48 Pilot Bidet Elongated and
Elongated and round shaped user controlled bidets with built in heater, adjustable water pressure, self cleaning nozzle and automatic shut off.
Bidet Pb Pilot Water Toilet Portable Bb Warranty International $ Shipping Seat Return Contact Policy
49 American Safe Room, Inc. Offers a
Offers a room positive pressure system to keep out nuclear, biological, and chemical contaminants.
Safe Acdc Room Cell American Cfm Complete Terms Nbc Overpressure Filtration Contact Policy Filters Nbcsaferoomcom Chemical Sold Agents
50 Small Engine Warehouse Sells small
Sells small gasoline engines, generators, pressure washers, and lawn and garden equipment.
Learn Engine Shaft Ohv Briggs Stratton Vertical Muffler Hp Recoil Intek Fuel Now Horizontal Amp Stores Cis Small
51 Offers professional
Offers professional knives and cutlery, cookware, pressure cookers, tableware, and juicers including the Wusthof-Trident, Sabatier, Messermeister, WMF, and Kuhn Rikon brands.
File Edit Manager Files Permissions Click Directory Mode User Look Root Deny Permissions The Change Test Modify
52 Ease Seating Systems Systems to
Systems to help wheelchair-bound individuals avoid pressure sores through the use of a microprocessor-controlled system of air bladders.
Ease Cushion Wheelchair Pressure Cushions Contact • Free Life Testimonials Best Relief Mobility Sores Relieving Express Soresparaplegic
53 Roy Padgetts Small Engine Warehouse Sells small
Sells small gasoline engines, generators, pressure washers, and lawn and garden equipment.
Learn Engine Shaft Ohv Briggs Stratton Vertical Muffler Recoil Hp Now Intek Fuel Amp Electric
54 Cookware & More Offers wide
Offers wide selection of products such as cookware, cutlery, cutting boards, bakeware, pot packs, kitchen tools and pressure cookers.
Cookware Clad Irregular Woll Irregulars Outlet Items Wsthof Cutlery Usathe Pressure Eagleville Cookersabout Cuttingboards Irregulars__knives Asked
55 Restorative Care of America, Inc. RCAI manufactures
RCAI manufactures prefabricated orthopedic and rehabilitative orthoses used in the treatment of joint and soft tissue injury or disease, arthritis, contractures and pressure sores.
Orthoses Rcai Knee Ordering Information Restorative Whats Trade Shows Contact Care Hand New Products Customer Ancillary Positions
56 Medisend Limited Sport injury
Sport injury and sport fitness equipment including heart rate and blood pressure monitors. Supports and braces for injuries.
Navigationshilfe Ty
57 Canning Pantry Offering canning
Offering canning supplies, canning equipment, pressure cookers, small appliance, and shaved ice machines.
Canning Pressure Juicers American Pickling Waring Canner Food Supplies Steel Stainless Blenders Juicers * Canners Fruit Water Slicers Tools Measuring
58 Intercomp Racing Car racing
Car racing scales, parts, pyrometers, tire pressure gauges, for various leagues of American, Indy and import racing.
Racing Scales Gauge Intercomp Scale Technology Systems Tools Contact Camber Set Testers Caster Plates Professional Grade Billet Spring Customer
59 New England Sealcoating Specializes in
Specializes in acrylic color coating systems, crack repair, the armor membrane system, cushion coatings, net post repair, and pressure washing.
Tennis Court Sealcoating Maintenance Crack Courts Company Basketball Repairs Pavement Hingham Repair Asphalt England Boston Buildings Playgrounds Colocoating
60 Starlight Cases Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of tough molded cases for the storage and transit of sensitive items. Airtight, watertight, and virtually indestructible. Manual pressure relief valve.
Cases Military Warranty Starlight Protection Lifetime Indestructible Medical Foam Sports Photography Videos Kits Innovative Faq Backed Worldsstrongest Equipment Safely
61 Tanning Source Supplier of
Supplier of high-pressure parts and lamps for the Ultrabronz and Sunsport beds. Also offers tanning equipment, SunTech software, soaps, candles, and nutritional supplements.
Source Tanningy
62 Botavie Phytotherapeutic products
Phytotherapeutic products made exclusively from plans and other natural products. Includes formulas for acne, high blood pressure, hair loss, hemorrhoids, herpes, and varicose veins.
Ajouter De La Liste à Cadeaux Comparateur Au Toxines Ongles – Infections Calculs Cheveux Produits Articulations
63 Cleansing or Surgery Recipe book
Recipe book for liquid cleansers to eliminate gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, high blood pressure, and elimination problems. Also offers natural salt, psyllium husks, and herbal mouthwash.
Health Cleansing Surgery Cleanse Testimonials Mouthwash Whole Simple Vegetarian Salt Psyllium Husks Specials Sanguinaria Cookbook Products Remedies
64 Trade Associates Full automotive
Full automotive line of professional HVLP spray guns and high pressure spray guns.
65 Motive Products Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of the Power Bleeder pressure brake bleeder. Offers other brake related accessories.
Seen Bleeder Power Motive Products Brake Contact Selling Pressure Bleedertm Support Fluid Bleeding Fill News Yourself
66 M & S Service and Supplys Devilbiss Air
Devilbiss Air Power parts and accessories distributor for air compressors, electric generators, air tools, power washers, pressure washers and Ex-cell
Devilbiss Ex Cell Cable Porter Generators Pressure Dewalt Portable Air Washers Parts Washer Delta Compressors
67 SJE Health and Fitness Products Offers heart
Offers heart rate monitors, blood pressure monitors, fitness books, scales, pedometers, and resistance bands.
Zdrowa Więcej Rodzina Welcome Tu Request Zdrowie Password Copyright Username Newzobacz Login User
68 The Healing Formula Aloe based
Aloe based Hydrogen Peroxide solution for healing of pressure sores and diabetic ulcers. Includes product formula and benefits.
Bedsore Natural Solutions Testimonials Guaranteed Map Place Conditions Bedsores % Contact About Wound Vera Y
69 Liberator Medical Supply Offers a
Offers a range of products including mobility devices, ostomy supplies, diabetic care, blood pressure equipment, and mastectomy supplies. Search by product name or description, or by manufacturer.
70 Air Source One, Inc. Suppliers of
Suppliers of breathing air products and services to industrial, scuba, and fire services markets providing high pressure compressors, air control panels, open and enclosed fill stations, purification systems, and rescue equipment.
71 Cork Pops The cork
The cork popper pushes the wine cork out with gas pressure. Also offering wine preservers, racks, articles and winery links.
Wine Accessories Bottle Pops Openers Cork Barware Glassware Aerators Glasses Bar Opener Corkpops Corkscrew Y
72 Cirrus Health Care Products Provides travel
Provides travel, safety and personal healthcare products to relieve ear pain from in flight pressure, motion sickness and dental care products.
Earplanes Aquaears Clearears Sheets Sleep Clearscar Silicone Earsoothe Bioears Childrens Account Extremeears Store Cart Cirrus Care Ears
73 Mile-X Equipment, Inc. Supplier of
Supplier of automotive, truck and bus service equipment, including brake lathes, tire changers, tire balancers, lifts, battery equipment, oil filter crushers, and pressure washers.
Tools Equipment Tire Quantity Price Lift Shop Battery Press Tool Jack Genisys Motorcycle Testers Mile Pro Link Xcom Stand Peake Pr
74 Hills Mills & Mixers Products for
Products for healthy living such as mixers, juicers, mills, slicers, dehydrators, and pressure cookers. Also offers healthy recipes.
75 N. H. S. Marine Fender adjusters
Fender adjusters and hang-ups, water pressure regulator, sun-blockers, snap fasteners, stud rivet, turnbuckles, Bimini Top hardware, curtain fasteners and marine hardware.
Fender Marine Boat Nhs Hardware Hang Fasteners Adjusters Sun Ups Company System Fenders Original Adjustable Turnbuckles Hanging
76 Marc Tedeschi / Weatherhill Books on
Books on hapkido, martial arts, anatomy, eastern medicine, pressure points, healing, meditation, and weapons, by Marc Tedeschi, published by Weatherhill.
Hapkido Information Samples Tedeschi Taekwondo Marc Books Arts Martial Anatomy Master Photos Philosophy Weapons Weatherhill Random
77 Smart Tennis Audio Series A set
A set of audio cds that covers topics such as junior tennis, match play, and how to play under pressure.
Tennis Instruction Play Cds Free Exerpts Match Tips Lessons Click Here Now Order Learn Cd Better Match_
78 Concept-Zen Online store
Online store selling a large range of contemporary high & low pressure fixed shower heads, shower arms, thermostatic shower systems, bathroom & kitchen taps, mixers, bathroom accessories & door handles. Ships only to UK.
Shower Bathroom Taps Kitchen Heads Accessories Showers Valves Mixer Cart Store Arms Thermostatic Heated Macerators
79 DeepClean Vapor steam
Vapor steam cleaning by using DeepCleans sanitizing machine for steam cleaning and sanitizing. Low pressure, high temperature dry vapor-steam machines with built-in vacuum system.

3. Pressure Recreation

1 Take the Pressure Off with Better Blood Pressure Control - Joe Montana Joe Montana
Joe Montana helping people achieve healthy blood pressure through lifestyle changes and physician monitoring.
2 CO2 systems for planted aquaria A FAQ
A FAQ on using CO2 in planted tanks, together with lots of info on how to build your own CO2 high pressure system (or buy one if you dont want to build). Why to use high pressure instead of low pressure.
Eheim Planted Co Tanks Equipment Page Pressure Regulator Place Attach High Faq Daves Keep Watch Aquarium Clamp Order New
3 Extreme Pressure Racing Australian BB/FC
Australian BB/FC team.
Server Port Foundfound The Apache
4 Paintball 411 How to
How to play, aftermarket parts, and how to go low pressure.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Movies Toolbar Guidelinesmail Reach Longeravailable Terms Internet
5 A womans
A womans guide to controlling high blood pressure.
Health Cancer Information Skin Dean Chronic Bipolar Policy Migraine Question Exercise Body High Disease Depression Osteoarthritis Adhd Security Inspire Community Healthcentral
6 Principles of Acutouch Explains how
Explains how pressure point therapies work.
7 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Consolidates information
Consolidates information on NPWT.
Request Errory
8 Stress Detailing the
Detailing the pressure to perform and difficulty with relaxation and sleep.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Topica: Abolish Shyness Email newsletter
Email newsletter for anyone who wants to learn how to communicate at their best under pressure.
10 Pediatric Oncall-High Blood Pressure in Children Hypertension, its
Hypertension, its causes and treatment.
11 Educational information
Educational information and resources for the non-surgical healing of pressure ulcers, at home.
Click Proceed Herez
12 Meniett Resource for
Resource for sufferers of Menieres and a non-invasive treatment option using a low pressure pulse generator.
Meniett Therapy Medtronic Mnires Studies Outcomes Clinical Forms Physician Disease Device Finder Meniettr Personal Contact Join Stories
13 BackyardBlizzard snow making
snow making machine for home and retail display use, also used as high pressure washer
Backyardblizzardcom Best Credit Stocks Apparel Penny Parental Health Speed Funds Insurance Tickets Pain Registercom Free Soon Mortgage Luxury High Notice
14 Outdoors Trout Talk When the
When the fishing success is spotty and the pressure is down too, check this online mag, brought to you by Anglers Inn.
Utah News Sports Weather Case Classifieds + School Rivalry Holiday Fire Byu Homes Year Careers Moral Demand Includes Harnesses New
15 Medicine Net A focus
A focus on high blood pressure: Medical information about hypertension, its treatment, therapies and prevention.
16 WebMD Hypertension/High Blood Pressure Health Center Detailed information
Detailed information on causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Blood Pressure High Health Webmd Hypertension Heart Diet Healthy Symptoms Disease Sign Living Drug Drugs Award Winning Balance Probiotic
17 High Blood Pressure and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Contains resources
Contains resources and tools including a symptom checklist.
Sleepapneacom Enter Sleep Labs Entergt Homecare Physicians Patients Philipscomrespironics Respironics Media Myrespironicscom Terms Providers Resources |
18 Slim Goodbody Educating children
Educating children about their bodies and how to care for them. Teaches self-esteem and how to deal with peer pressure.
School Slim Education Tour Assemblies Goodbody Health Resources Kids Slims Store National Contact Teacher Pre Contactus Great
19 Includes forums
Includes forums, articles, and newsletters about nutrition. Answers questions on cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Metabolism Diabetes Weight Continue Thyroid Md Health Armour Categories Works Share Type Loss Pepper Post Strikes Reading Hypothyroid
20 High Blood Pressure Message Board Forum for
Forum for support, and to discuss information, concerns, and treatment options.
Re Blood Pressure High Bp Hbp Side Effects Low Help Norvasc Hypertension Presure Pulse Medication
21 Dr. An online
An online resource for solutions for pressing health problems, from arthritis to blood pressure, digestion to weight loss.
22 Blood Pressure & Hypertension Learn about
Learn about damage caused by this condition, special cases, self-measurement, and what to do if you have it. Written by a medical professional.
23 Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring Describes the
Describes the procedure for insertion of PA lines, interpretation of waveforms and values and the potential complications.
Create Tripod Lycoscom Login Couldnt Lycos Signup Page Check Please Website Requestedtripodcom Shopping
24 Michaels Lego Page Displays favorite
Displays favorite model team kit, hot rods, dragster, and an air pressure powered pneumatic pump.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Popularsites Archives Visit Archiveorg Guidelines Mail Hosting
25 Cardiology Channel Treatment, diagnosis
Treatment, diagnosis, and information on high blood pressure and how to control it. Monitored by board-certified physicians.
Health Heart High Blood Disease Google Ads Defects Recipes Diabetes Pressure Healthcommunitiescom Cholesterol Tests Concerns Fitness Attack Hold
26 Life NPH Offers details
Offers details about normal pressure hydrocephalus, including treatment, screening tests, find a physician and a support center.
Information Nph Symptoms Pressure Normal Diagnosis Physician Free Learn Shunt Hydrocephalus Codman Brain Programmable Self Assessment Cerebrospinal Register Legal
27 The Colonel Quick reference
Quick reference for the daily surf around the Victorian coast, includes webcams and wave, wind, and sea level pressure reports.
Coast Colonel Surf Victoria West Bells Useful Victorian Sitecuts Wave Aroundleo Vic Winkipop Tides Vicco Island
28 Parkers Nitrox Page Features background
Features background information, FAQ, and links, Also find Equivalent Air Depth and Oxygen Partial Pressure charts.
29 The Low-Carb Pavilion Use diet
Use diet alone, by restricting carbohydrates, to control type 2 diabetes and to lose weight. It also improves cholesterol and blood pressure.
Y Apache Port Serverpermanently The
30 Enriched vs Enhanced Gas Lex Ballantyne
Lex Ballantyne and Bill Delp compare and contrast the gas mixtures. Features a discussion of partial pressure and continuous blending.
31 Blood Pressure Monitoring Provides access
Provides access to full-text and online-only content, features and services, author submission materials and title-specific information.
Requestkluwer Error Woltershealth
32 The official
The official site for the brand name drug, Accupril. Offers detailed information for this medication which is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure.
Quinapril Wednesday Product News Diabetes [more] Images Contact Amlodipine Patients Treatment Blood Teva Flecainide Angiotensin Auto Intoxication Enzyme Ecg Changes Reference Disease
33 Kyodai-na Karasu dojo Training in
Training in ninjutsu, a combat and life art. Joint locks and natural movements, pressure points, meditation, and many weapons. [Wisconsin]
Training Green Wisconsin Budo Bujinkan Art Ninpo Martial Joint Taijutsu Kanji Arts Arakne Directory Bay Kusari Street Instructors
34 Cozaar and Hyzaar Information about
Information about this combination antihypertension medication, including a diuretic and an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, used to treat hypertension or high blood pressure.
Information Prescribing Product Patient Website Guide Medication Use Instructions Ml Diluent Privacy Health Insert Products
35 LaunchLug Dedicated to
Dedicated to model rocketry of all kinds. Download a free Center of pressure calculation program, view Astrocam Photos and a message board.
36 Hypertension Help Learn about
Learn about hypertension causes and how high blood pressure symptoms should be carefully monitored by people with diabetes.
37 Tinnitus Self-Help Provides an
Provides an overview of the treatment possibilities and similar inner ear disorders, such as partial deafness, ear pressure, dizziness (morbus Ménière), acute hearing loss, and distortion.
38 Information Anakena
Information Anakena Pharma Marketing about this medication prescribed for treatment of high blood pressure and prevention of angina, heart attacks, and migraine headaches.
Timolol Wednesday Product Pressure News [more] Glaucoma Presented Images Patients Contact Travoprost Arvo Reduce Effects Long Term Angle Closure Frontpage Compared
39 - Ripken Plays in 1,307th Straight, Ties Scott Contains Cal
Contains Cal Ripkens thoughts on the pressure of maintaining a consecutive game record and the hitting slump he was experiencing.
Ripken Section Orioles Scott Plays Straight Ties Ive Memories Post Baltimore Steve Washington Baseball Front Th Even
40 Dennis Gore Pharmacy Suppliers of
Suppliers of herbal, alternative, complementary and homeopathic remedies. Help with arthritis, high blood pressure, hair loss. Mail order available anywhere.
41 Chandel Acupressure Dr. B.P.S.
Dr. B.P.S. Chandel gives treatment by applying digital pressure to the palms and the foot soles. Blaine (near Bellingham), Washington.
Phone Chandel Stateprovince Date Address Dr Citytown Birth Apartment Countrycell Remarks Email Name
42 Xenical in Hypertension Multicenter study
Multicenter study shows Xenical significantly reduces blood pressure in hypertensive obese patients.
Guide Terms Here Publishing Server Most Use Apache Colleaguescreate Docguide Account Click Medical
43 eMedicine Health - High Blood Pressure Consumer health
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of hypertension and its causes, symptoms and treatment.
Blood Pressure High Medscape Disease Heart Slideshow Hypertension Birth Causes Salt Pictures Image Reference Artery Pills Quiz
44 Freevibe Teen approach
Teen approach to peer pressure, anti-drug message and the media. Personal stories, online games, and message boards.
45 American Aikido Institute Self defense
Self defense training from an aikido perspective with pressure points from Okinawan Ryu Kyu Kempo Karate. Based in Brazil, Indiana
Aikido Sensei Institute Dojo Howard American Brazil Chicago Robinson Matsuoka Illinois Haruo Scott Reynolds Michael Garry Faq
46 CardiSense Newsletter on
Newsletter on high blood pressure and angina available on subscription. Some sample articles available online. Cardisense provides helpful information on living a healthy lifestyle.
47 Tamir Linhart Soccer Training focuses
Training focuses on skill and technique and tactical understanding of the game and decision making under pressure. The programs also promote fair play and sportsmanship in a fun and productive environment.
Bin Ftpquota Cgiy
48 Awesome Paintball.Com Located in
Located in Great Falls. Carries a suitable selection of new and used paintball markers and equipment. Sells Co2, High Pressure Air, and Diablo Blaze paintballs.
Tripod Create Website Check Login Please Hosting Shopping Tripodcom Signup Page Lycoscomcouldnt Lycos
49 Golden Lion Academy Teaching Kung
Teaching Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Dao Yin, Chi Kung and Dim Mak (Pressure Points). News, style descriptions, teacher profile and general information. [Victoria, Australia]
Kung Chi Academy Form Lion Golden Mak Tai Fu Dim Dao Contact Yin Melbourne Sword Chinese Media Since Five
50 Combination of Latanoprost and Timolol Superior to Each Drug Individually Xalacom, recently
Xalacom, recently approved in Europe for the treatment of open angle glaucoma, is more effective at lowering intra-ocular pressure than the same two drugs used separately.
Help Guide Popular Here Use Most Create Drugs Topicsprivacy Journals Policy Click Server
51 Black Arts Society Offers military
Offers military unarmed combat, pressure points, weapons disarming and self defense. Schools in London and Chatham, Ontario. Includes seminars, products, news and links.
Arts Black News Classes Military Guestbook Unarmed Society Combat Gallery Members Products Michalik Here Jitsu
52 Kupso Tuite Association Multi-disciplined organization
Multi-disciplined organization training in martial art and combat systems not readily available to the public using pressure points. Listing of clubs, history and general information. Based in Scotland.
Arts Martial Self Defence Fitness Kma Five Do Aerobics Leven Bagua Jitsu Dunfermline Gung Silat Ao
53 Lateral Pressure On-line forum
On-line forum discussing monoskiing, and other 'niche' winter sports. Offers information about the sport of monoskiing, equipment, technique, events, manufacturers and retailers.
Email Rss Forums Re Mono Yuku Pressure Mark Lateral Monopalooza Delicious Digg Remove Dropman Yahoo Grab Ad Highlander Monoskiing Friend
54 Eprosartan Mesylate ( Teveten ) By Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. An angiotensin
An angiotensin II receptor antagonist, which acts specifically on the receptor that triggers increased blood pressure. Intended for physicians in the Philippines.
55 The Madison Pharmacy A full
A full service independent pharmacy that offers delivery, money wiring, prescription filling, film developing, greeting cards, blood pressure testing.
Pharmacy Madison Services Refills Contact Rx Gnp Pharmacia Welcomedesigns Websites Phyto Notary Revlon
56 Lorraine Love, Registered Dietitian Non-diet approach
Non-diet approach to helping people with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Telephone or in-person consultations in Concord, MA.
Dietitian Food Nutrition Lorraine Eating Rd Love Dieting Counselling Allergies Registered Eatwell@yourdietitiancom Healthy Health Phone Intolerance Sports Boston Disorders
57 Individualized diets
Individualized diets to lower weight, cholesterol, triglyceride, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Tips, books, online nutrient analysis of your diet, plus nutrition counseling with a dietitian.
Cart Add Bars Diet Mix Shake Livingheart Pudding Shakes Crunch Crisp Support Bottle Chocolate Vanilla
58 Dave Andrews Tuning, modified
Tuning, modified camshafts, Pinto cylinder head, ignition timing, quickshift for a Ford gearbox, oil and water control, brake pressure balance valve, carburetors, gearing program and links.
Sign Lifestream People Places Now Updated Policy Everything Create Insign Login Inc Advertise Youre Nowon
59 eMedicine Health - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Consumer health
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalus Normal Medscape Pressure Fluid Slideshow Pictures Brain Adhd Ventricles Dementia Reference Cerebrospinal See Called Medical Advertising Dictionary
60 Bloodindex Committed to
Committed to the care and improvement of human life and emphasize for safe blood and is world’s first vortal on bloodcare. Offers blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol diaries.
Blood Bloodindex Aids Health Date Conducted Venue Bloodcare Clinical Link Sign Laboratory Zone Nutrition Diabetes Fund Rising Vortal Calorie
61 Sanuces School of Survival Teaching Ryu
Teaching Ryu Jiu-Jitsu, self defense, knives, stick and gun disarming. Includes pressure points and nerve strikes, joint locking and throwing. Instructor profiles, photographs, events, schools and books. [Maryland]
World U_join S   Homesteadtm Edgeworth Designed Pm website Instructorgrandmaster Sanucess a Driveste Website U   Kingthheights
62 Corbin Bullet Swaging Systems Free information
Free information and downloadable ebooks and literature about the technology of bullet swaging (high pressure forming at room temperature).
Corbin Swaging Press Bullet Cores Bullets Csp Jacket Fjfb Dave Specific Chp Please Jackets Csl Mega Usually Most Bulletswage
63 Norvasc Amlodipine besylate.
Amlodipine besylate. Resources for health professionals including prescribing information, CV risk meter, patient materials, blood pressure and hypertension facts, and text and images from Eugene Braunwalds Atlas of Heart Diseases textbook.
Error Page Requestz
64 Long Island Heart Associates Specializing in
Specializing in Heart attack and stroke prevention, high blood pressure and cholesterol maintenance. Locations in Mineola, Plainview and Kew Gardens, New York. Includes information about the facility and its services.
Loans Heart News Health Contact Shortterm Sameday Quick Small Services Consultation Research Instant Dictionary Associates
65 Emma Goldman Clinic for Women Services include
Services include abortions, gynecology, pregnancy testing, prenatal and adoption referrals, blood pressure checks, birth control consultations, STD consultations, massages, and community education.
Emma Clinic Health News Media Ask Birth Services Welcome Control Woods Goldman Abortion Monday Testing Street Speakers
66 Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Atypical HUS
Atypical HUS, is a rare disease among children causing kidney failure and high blood pressure. Offering support and information including, treatment, symptoms, case studies and research.
Soliris Atypical Alexion Syndrome Uremic Patients Hus Tma Pharmaceuticals Factor Solirisr European Treated Kidney Hemolytic Bbiermann@premier Kscom
67 Kuk Sool Won Traditional Korean
Traditional Korean martial art that includes punching, kicking, joint locks, pressure points and 24 traditional weapons. This system also includes internal training and circular movements. [Lawrence, KA]
Apacheserver Permanently Theport
68 Ivanhoes Medical Breakthroughs - Chocolate for Your Health A study
A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that dark chocolate, rich in anti-oxidant compounds known as flavonoids, reduced blood pressure in people with hypertension.
Health Medical News Cardiovascular Ivanhoe Cancer Mail Here Click Blumberg Chocolate Heart Play Free Content Drinking
69 Dr. Annalee Kitay Using the
Using the Neural Organization Technique to treat many conditions, including Learning Disabilities, by reorganizing the way information is transmitted in the body. The physician uses digital pressure on various points of the patients body as well as spinal and cranial bone manipulation.
Neural Organization Analyst Kitay Technique Body Annalee Dc Alternative Holistic Chiropractic Phisician Primal Dr Y
70 Shiatsu for Horses with Liz Eddy An alternative
An alternative remedy for horses. Using finger pressure massage treatments, Shiatsu works with the Yin and Yang energy flows and can assist horses and riders. Located in Perthshire, Scotland, The United Kingdom.
Shiatsu Eddy Team Contact Websites Courses School Equine Equestrian Sharpnet Diploma Eddy Change Liz Gallery Schoolof Gradutates
71 eMedicine: Hypertensive Heart Disease Cardiologist offers
Cardiologist offers a clinical report on common heart conditions caused by elevated blood pressure. Learn about coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation and their link to this disorder.
72 Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents (Systemic) Patient advice
Patient advice on beta-blocker medications used in the treatment of high blood pressure, including brand names Lopressor, Inderal, Propranolol, Atenolol, and several others. Intelihealth USP Drug Database, Johns Hopkins Health Information.
Health Cancer Aetna Disease Information Harvard Intelihealth Medical Weight Treatment Management Featuring Pain Schools Mental Digestive Tract Stroke Center Blood
73 Z Moly Powder - Neely Industries - Dow Corning Lubricants Press-fitting, assembly
Press-fitting, assembly, metal forming, running-in new or rebuilt equipment, helps prevent cold welding of metal surfaces under static pressure or vibration (fretting corrosion). **Meets MIL-M-7866 (10 oz for ~$36 + shipping)
Services Error Information Found Help Page Foundinternet File Directory Manager Tasks Click Cannotmessageslinks
74 Canada - International Academy of Tactical Training Systems Courses in
Courses in personal defense and use of firearms e.g., pressure point control, knife defense, defensive pistol and shotgun, Canadian restricted firearms safety, and Saskatchewan law enforcement services security.
Firearms Restricted Training Ntc_sasktelnet Canada Wwwattscanadacom Systems Reseved Military Pal Defensive Tactical Academyrights
75 Cystitis Research Center Dedicated to
Dedicated to helping Interstitial Cystitis patients, or those having chronic bladder problems such as pelvic pain, urinary frequency, burning, urethral symptoms, or urgency and pressure. Find new patient, doctor, and laboratory information, research and diagnosis and monitoring details.
76 ScienceDaily: Alcohol Linked to Decreased Hypertension Risk in Young Women Researchers at
Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Womens Hospital in the US find that moderate alcohol consumption in women was beneficial to blood pressure and at high levels it was harmful.
Health Disease Heart Risk News Full Story Stroke Topics Space Cholesterol Hypertension Sciencedaily Medicine Intra Aortic Weight Loss Love Science
77 Bullet Swaging - Corbin Bullet swaging
Bullet swaging is the process of making the bullet or inert metal portion of the cartridge (which becomes the projectile when fired) by using pressure to flow the materials at room temperature. Unlike casting, no heat or molten metal is used.
78 Blood Haematology Information Haematology informational
Haematology informational portal providing news and information regarding blood diseases. Includes information to help monitor blood pressure symptoms.
Health Mar Medical Posted Information Cancer Videos Myvmc Editorial Advisory Topics Policy Pregnancy Joe Professionals Privacy Advertise Re Publishing
79 Arkansas Coalition for Patient Rights and Chronic Pain Management Discusses intractable
Discusses intractable pain treatment laws and details the pressure groups attempts to change legislation within the area of patient rights and chronic pain management.
Navigationshilfe Ty
80 Shaolin Jee Shin Wing Chun Kung Fu Wing Chun
Wing Chun history and instructor profiles. Teaching Jee Shin Wing Chun, self defense, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Iron Shirt Qi Gong, Ma Wan Tui and weapons. Lists branch locations and times, events and seminars, grading structure, photographs, Dim Mak and pressure points and videos.
Chun Wing Melbourne Sifu Kung Martial Arts Garry Shin Greensborough Abbotsford Training Chi Shaolin Sao Wooden
81 Kumo Jiu Jitsu Eclectic style
Eclectic style teaching throwing and off balancing techniques, pressure points, ground defense, kicking and punching. Style incorporates aspects of Karate, Aikido, Drunken Kung Fu, Judo and Jiu Jitsu. Contains class details, grading structure, philosophy, instructor profile, etiquette, seminars, Jiu Jitsu background, links and oriental medicine information. Based in Pickering, Ontario.
Kumo Jitsu Here Kune Instructors Contact Schedule Jeet Jiu Click Birthday Send Message Do Programs We

4. Computer & Pressure Games Websites

1 Pressure Vessel Drafting Guide Detailed instructions
Detailed instructions on how do design and draft pressure vessels with AutoCAD, with examples.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Movies Wayback Archiveorg Reach User Popular Maps Internet Sorry
2 Pressure Profile Systems, Inc. Manufacture high
Manufacture high performance multi-element pressure and tactile sensing systems.
Pressure Sensor Tactile Sensors Flexible Solutions Automotive Thin Medical Products Mapping Devices Pads Ergonomics System Robotic Barrethand
3 My Blood Pressure Software that
Software that records, charts and prints reports of your blood pressure readings [WIN 98/ME/2000/XP]
Blood Pressure Download Buy Tutorial Software Features News Screenshots Readings Steve Erratic High Glucose Monitoring Give Macintosh Website
4 HeyDoc! Software Personal health
Personal health information manager. Track weight, blood pressure, calories and more.
Centos Apache Test Linux Website Operating System Project Server Page Enterprise Centos This Whois Powered Pagepowered Thecentos Centosthe Domain
5 UTS Blood Pressure Miscellaneous software
Miscellaneous software for RIM BlackBerry PDA and cell phones that support Java 2 Micro Edition platform.
6 KISSoftware The easy
The easy way to manage contacts, members and donors for society clubs, associations, voluntary organization, and pressure group or charity.
7 SnapCAD A mechanical
A mechanical design software package for TEMA type shell and tube heat axchangers and ASME pressure vessels.
Snap Computer Games Leading Snapcadcom Magazines Net Supplies Sorterscoins Parts Arcade Join Arcadegame
8 Washington Softwares Ltd. Mechanical design
Mechanical design software with 2-D drawing support for designing of centrifugal fans, pressure vessles (ASME & ISI standards), Gears, clutches, and couplings.
Moncler Software Washington Downloads Technology Application Releases Press Contact Jakker Relations Infrastructure Services Investor Jacket Company Portugal Skills
9 ScriptEase Transcription Paper Offers a
Offers a pressure sensitive paper that can be used in laser, inkjet and dot matrix printers. Designed to be cut and pressed into patient files.
Paper Laser Pressure Script Ease Sensitive Labels Transcription Peel Pressed Information Tell Peeled Charts Sheets
10 QLC Inc. Bar code
Bar code labeling and label applicator systems from brands like Labelaire. Handles contract labeling, pressure sensitive labels and printer equipment.
Labeling Equipment Qlc Machine Contract Parts Posting Machines Contact Rental Progress Free Cvc Phone Send Employment Short
11 Computerworld: Facing pressure, ISP Savvis moves to cut off spammers Savvis Communications
Savvis Communications, one of the worlds largest ISPs, said it is terminating service to about 40 of its customers who have been using its networks for spamming purposes.
Networking Management Security Data Computerworld Network Virtual Savvis White Papers Guide Inc Technology Idg Knowledge Cloud Show Games Resources Ghost Now
12 Becklin Ribbons Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of thermal transfer ribbons, pressure sensitive labels including distributing Auto ID printers. Product details, support services and contacts. Spring Hill, Kansas, United States.
Thermal Software Transfer Page Auto Inches Print Apply Features Services Lan Options Becklinribbonscom Specialty Page Welcome
13 Image Products of California Features photoreceptors
Features photoreceptors, cleaning blades, fuser rollers, pressure rollers, fuser webs, toners, and developer for large format engineering printers and copiers.
Products Image California Systems Fuser Rollers Product Catalog Rigoli Blades Meteor Siegen Lanier Minolta Nashuatec Blog Regma
14 Exa Systems Inc Supplies specialist
Supplies specialist labelling equipment, automated labelling system, artificial vision system (Inspection, Code 2D) and pressure sensitive label manufacturer. Based in Canada. Site in French and English.
Automation System Marking Inc Barcode Packaging Manufacturing Equipment Integration Machine Systemsvision Rfid Exa
15 Major ISPs Boot Spammers As a
As a result of intense pressure from anti-spam activists, major ISPs are taking steps to ensure their salespeople do not sign contracts with companies that send unsolicited commercial e-mail. [E-Commerce Times]
Commerce Marketing News Map Security Network Social New Mobile Business Providers Times Newsletters Media Enterprise Nest Disturb Click
16 Color It! - MicroFrontier, Inc. Fully featured
Fully featured image editing program that opens a wide variety of file formats, offers 16 levels of undo, and supports pressure-sensitive tablets and Photoshop-compatible plug-ins for scanners and filters. Requires Macintosh or Power Macintosh.
Color Digital Digimage Arts Itr Darkroomr Information Macintosh Photoshop Developers Downloads Based Review Products Enhance Support Perfect Award Rosetta
17 Novell Challenges SCOs Unix Claims As pressure
As pressure mounts against SCO and its crusade to protect what it sees as its intellectual property, Novell, which once owned Unix rights, publicly challenged SCO assertions that it owns Unix System V copyrights, patents. [eWeek]
Center Hp Storage Cloud Needs Eweek Faster Project Security Management Blogs Weeks News Apple Watch Look Prepping Why Lumia
18 Blanco Labels Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure sensitive labels including thermal transfer labels, direct thermal labels, laser, inkjet and copier labels and ribbons. Salem, Virginia, United States.
Labels Label Primera Chart Gloss Price Stock Size Blanco Thermal Weatherproof Purpose Printers High General Zebra
19 Weber Marking Systems Manufactures on-site
Manufactures on-site bar code labeling and coding systems, including thermal-transfer printers, ink jet coders, automatic printer-applicators, data capture equipment, exclusive labeling software, pressure-sensitive labels and ribbons.
Labels Label Weber Printer Rfid Labeling Software Applicators Systems Applicator Model Equipment Custom Series Products Encoders Specialty
20 Blanco Labels Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pressure sensitive labels including thermal transfer labels, direct thermal labels, laser, inkjet and copier labels and ribbons.Specializes in large volume on-demand printing applications.
Labels Primera Label Price Gloss Chart Stock Size Blanco Thermal Purpose Printers General High Weatherproof Call Zebra
21 Spyware Warrior: Rogue/Suspect Anti-Spyware Products & Web Sites Products found
Products found to not provide proven, reliable anti-spyware protection or found to use unfair, deceptive, high pressure sales tactics and false positives to scare up sales or found to be associated with known distributors of spyware/adware or have been known to install spyware/adware themselves.
Spyware Adware Anti Same App Remover Ad Aware Privacy Advertising ] Knockoff Aggressive Security Pro Eliminator Where
1 Slamdance: Columbine Pulled on Moral Grounds 'Festival president
'Festival president Peter Baxter says that he made the decision free of any outside pressure based on moral grounds and concern for the future of the organization.' [Kotaku]
2 Columbine Game Kicked From Competition Slamdance president
Slamdance president Peter Baxter pulled the game from finals of the Slamdance Guerilla Games Competition, reportedly due to outside pressure. [Kotaku]

5. Sports Websites concerning Pressure

1 Take the Pressure Off with Better Blood Pressure Control - Joe Montana Joe Montana
Joe Montana helping people achieve healthy blood pressure through lifestyle changes and physician monitoring.
2 Paintball 411 How to
How to play, aftermarket parts, and how to go low pressure.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Website Terms Customer Help Account Domains Aabaco Reliable
3 Extreme Pressure Racing Australian BB/FC
Australian BB/FC team.
Server Foundapache Port Found The Z
4 BackyardBlizzard snow making
snow making machine for home and retail display use, also used as high pressure washer
Contact Cannoterrorplease Page Providerfor Displayed
5 The Colonel Quick reference
Quick reference for the daily surf around the Victorian coast, includes webcams and wave, wind, and sea level pressure reports.
Colonel Coast Surf Victoria West Bells Useful Victorian Reference Vicco Photovic Lonsdale Gunnamatta
6 Kyodai-na Karasu dojo Training in
Training in ninjutsu, a combat and life art. Joint locks and natural movements, pressure points, meditation, and many weapons. [Wisconsin]
Training Green Wisconsin Budo Bujinkan Art Ninpo Weapons Kanji Taijutsu Joint Directory Arts Bay Martial Arakne
7 - Ripken Plays in 1,307th Straight, Ties Scott Contains Cal
Contains Cal Ripkens thoughts on the pressure of maintaining a consecutive game record and the hitting slump he was experiencing.
Ripken Scott Orioles Section Straight Ties Plays Baseball Steve Ive Front Post Memories Washington Baltimore Th
8 American Aikido Institute Self defense
Self defense training from an aikido perspective with pressure points from Okinawan Ryu Kyu Kempo Karate. Based in Brazil, Indiana
Aikido Sensei Howard Institute Dojo Brazil American Matsuoka Chicago Haruo Robinson Illinois Garry John Scott
9 Tamir Linhart Soccer Training focuses
Training focuses on skill and technique and tactical understanding of the game and decision making under pressure. The programs also promote fair play and sportsmanship in a fun and productive environment.
10 Golden Lion Academy Teaching Kung
Teaching Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Dao Yin, Chi Kung and Dim Mak (Pressure Points). News, style descriptions, teacher profile and general information. [Victoria, Australia]
Kung Classes Learn Arts Martial Close * Training Golden Masters Pressure Points Lion History Defence Tsui Po Teacher Experience
11 Awesome Paintball.Com Located in
Located in Great Falls. Carries a suitable selection of new and used paintball markers and equipment. Sells Co2, High Pressure Air, and Diablo Blaze paintballs.
Tripod Create Please Shopping Found Hosting Errorpage Requested Login Couldnt Website Lycoscomsignup Tripodcom Check
12 Black Arts Society Offers military
Offers military unarmed combat, pressure points, weapons disarming and self defense. Schools in London and Chatham, Ontario. Includes seminars, products, news and links.
Arts Black Military News Classes Unarmed Guestbook Products Combat Society Jitsu Training Class Michalik Sign Kwon
13 Kupso Tuite Association Multi-disciplined organization
Multi-disciplined organization training in martial art and combat systems not readily available to the public using pressure points. Listing of clubs, history and general information. Based in Scotland.
Wordpress Kupso Arts Martial Hello World Entries Proudly Just Uncategorized Rss Wordpressorg Posts Menu Posted
14 Lateral Pressure On-line forum
On-line forum discussing monoskiing, and other 'niche' winter sports. Offers information about the sport of monoskiing, equipment, technique, events, manufacturers and retailers.
Email Rss Re Forums Pressure Lateral Yuku Mono Mark Forum Monoski Remove Digg Delicious Blogger Singleski
15 Sanuces School of Survival Teaching Ryu
Teaching Ryu Jiu-Jitsu, self defense, knives, stick and gun disarming. Includes pressure points and nerve strikes, joint locking and throwing. Instructor profiles, photographs, events, schools and books. [Maryland]
World Penn Yourbusiness Homesteadtm I u List Pm website Placeforestville Website Belt Hoursmonday Designed U   Pmsaturdays  
16 Kuk Sool Won Traditional Korean
Traditional Korean martial art that includes punching, kicking, joint locks, pressure points and 24 traditional weapons. This system also includes internal training and circular movements. [Lawrence, KA]
Serverapache Permanently The Port Z
17 Shaolin Jee Shin Wing Chun Kung Fu Wing Chun
Wing Chun history and instructor profiles. Teaching Jee Shin Wing Chun, self defense, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Iron Shirt Qi Gong, Ma Wan Tui and weapons. Lists branch locations and times, events and seminars, grading structure, photographs, Dim Mak and pressure points and videos.
Chun Wing Melbourne Martial Arts Kung Greensborough Abbotsford Sifu Garry Shin Wingchun Dummy Defence Training
18 Kumo Jiu Jitsu Eclectic style
Eclectic style teaching throwing and off balancing techniques, pressure points, ground defense, kicking and punching. Style incorporates aspects of Karate, Aikido, Drunken Kung Fu, Judo and Jiu Jitsu. Contains class details, grading structure, philosophy, instructor profile, etiquette, seminars, Jiu Jitsu background, links and oriental medicine information. Based in Pickering, Ontario.
Kumo Jitsu Contact Here Instructors Jeet Kune Schedule Jiu Do Message Send Birthday Click Logo Slider

6. Society, Arts and Pressure Crafts

1 pressure vessel and tank consulting resume and
resume and contact information for john mooney, a consultant engineer specializing in pressure vessels and storage tanks.
Pressure Failure Vessel Analysis Tank Expert Engineer Consulting Storage Vessels Mooney Tanks Witness Design Consultant Curriculum
2 pressure vessel & tank consulting john mooney
john mooney, an experienced consultant engineer in mechanical specification, design, failure analysis, inspection and expert witness work on pressure vessels and storage tanks
Pressure Analysis Vessel Failure Tank Expert Consulting Engineer Storage Tanks Mooney Vessels Vitae Witness Design Consultant
3 for the fbi, a chance at redemption agency under
agency under pressure and new leadership.
News Dc Politics Washington Post World Va Business Sports Week Worldviews Virginia Breaking Photos Money Federal Friday Eye
4 Treating High Blood Pressure A woman
A woman overcomes hypertension using Edgar Cayces remedies.
Server Permanently The Portapache
5 News on
News on the International Churches of Christ, the topic of cults and high-pressure groups on campus.
6 The DUI Exception to the Constitution The erosion
The erosion of our constitutional rights caused by political pressure from MADD. (Audio with transcript).
Information Drunk Driving Been Please Webs Taylor California File Legal Return Reserved Rightslaws
7 reedy engineering, inc. specializing in
specializing in asme boiler, pressure vessel and piping codes and standards and interpretations. campbell, california.
Asme Code Reedy Engineering Pressure Quality Codes Standards Report Section Boiler Nde Assurance Vessel Control
8 complaints against solicitors in the uk action for
action for independent adjudication. a pressure group to force the office for the supervision of olicitors to be run by lay members not the law society and to prevent self regulation.
Sign Places Everything Policy Lifestream Updated People Now Networks Connecting Youre Login Bulk Account Nowon
9 salon: free dmitry 'a russian
'a russian programmer charged with violating the digital millennium copyright act languishes in jail. its time to step up the pressure.'
Sarah Sophia Burris Mcclennen Weinstein Simon Staff Salon Norton Ben Bret Page Damien Bryant Makin Reply Mieszkowski Russian Entertainment
10 bush administration puts pressure on pakistan the us
the us wants pakistans help in finding those responsible for the terrorist attacks, bringing them to justice and assisting with a potential retaliatory attack.
11 Lewisham Humanist Group Secular pressure
Secular pressure group. Programme of meetings and contact details.
12 british weights and measures association (bwma) pressure group
pressure group opposing compulsory metrication. political, consumer and transport information, discussion boards and links.
Measures Weights Metric Bwma Association Pounds Ounces Under Conversion Bwmabritish British Signs Plans Thoburn Affairs Smaller Act
13 pcworld: riaa silences security code crackers 'under pressure
'under pressure, academic chooses not to present paper on ways to crack sdmi music encryption.' by sam costello.
14 protecting seniors from bedsores describes pressure
describes pressure ulcers development with a focus on prevention. includes photographs of decubitus ulcers.
Pressure Ulcers Ulcer Stage Swan_ Decubitus Prevention Bedsores Risk Care Wound Nursing National Panel Should European Stages Position Particles
15 mechanical solutions, inc. analysis, testing
analysis, testing and troubleshooting of various types of rotating machinery, including turbines, compressors, pumps and motors, and for piping and pressure vessels. based in new jersey.
Development Analysis Machinery Fluid Testing Sentry™ Machine Solutions Artificial Biomedical Studies Locations Served Case Learn High Speed Paper Consulting Pumps Lab Turbines Diagnostics Video Vessels
16 the evils of mandatory testing as home
as home schooling grows as a movement, there is increasing political pressure to legislate and control home schoolers.
Standardized School Kids Tests Testing They Concerns Schooling Here Education Schoolers Educational Mandatory Lesson Dont Andprivate Entrance Terms
17 Richard Trevithick - 1771 - 1833 Explains how
Explains how he invented one of the earliest high-pressure, double-acting steam engines. Page includes sketches and an animated illustration. [English, Italian]
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Popularwayback Guidelines Archiveorg Finance Maps Games Reach
18 Tobacco Diplomacy Tobacco industry
Tobacco industry contributions to U.S. political parties and figures were followed by U.S. pressure on other countries to drop their tobacco regulation.
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19 your1voice a non-profit
a non-profit corporation that inspires peaceful action against workplace, school and domestic violence and creates market pressure on sponsors, and producers of violent television, films, video games and media.
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20 Hype raises profile of ‘Work of God’ According to
According to the Rev. Martin, a Jesuit, that secrecy comes partly from the activity of wealthy, influential lay members, and also from some questionable, high-pressure recruiting tactics. From The Patriot Ledger/
21 Mormon Conspiracy Offers excerpts
Offers excerpts from book documenting overview of the LDS church, doctrine and beliefs, excommunication, finance, indoctrination, social pressure, proselytizing, political activities, and an alleged conspiracy.
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22 Life Promotions A non-profit
A non-profit organization with communicators who speak to youth on topics such as self image, respect, leadership, abstinence, drug abuse and peer pressure. Includes speaker profiles, event information, and links to other organizations.
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23 United Nations, Organ for World Democracy? Critical appraisal
Critical appraisal of the UN. Evaluates the role of the Secuity Council and examines options for democratizing the UN. Also looks at ways to prevent coercion and super-power pressure on small nations.
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24 Critics Public and Private Keep Pressure on Scientology Scientology leaders
Scientology leaders say they want peace. They say they want to stay out of court. But with both foes at home and foes abroad, that goal may be elusive. [St. Petersburg Times]
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25 sony anti environmental efforts a leaked
a leaked document shows sony has been monitoring environmental activists for the purpose of undercutting their pressure to reduce toxic waste in the manufacturing of electronics.
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26 Secretive sect dubbed Mafia shrouded in white Fine article
Fine article that discusses the problems with Opus Dei in Glasgow, Scotland, including their sexist treatment of women, psychological manipulation and high pressure recruiting tactics on teenagers. From The Scotsman, Scotland, UK.
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27 Kelly facing pressure over Opus Dei links Ruth Kelly
Ruth Kelly yesterday faced calls to relinquish her membership of the controversial Catholic sect, Opus Dei, branded a cult by critics - or resign from the Cabinet. From The Scotsman, Scotland, UK.
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28 Net Archive Silences Scientology Critic The Internet
The Internet Archive, buckling under pressure from the Church of Scientology, removed all links to, and replaced them with a notice claiming the pages had been removed 'per the request of the site owner.' [CNET]
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29 The David Healy Affair David Healy
David Healy is an expert in psychiatric medicine. His job offer was abruptly rescinded due to claims he made about Prozac causing suicidal behaviour in a small percentage of cases. Some say this was due to pressure from Prozacs manufacturer. Site contains the contested lecture, letters and a transcript of a documentary.
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30 school daze: what students think about school an archive
an archive of students writing about school life, covering a variety of topics such as teachers, peers, discrimination and parental pressure. also offers help to students in writing about their own experiences.
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31 the taliban: first, the war 'since last
'since last year the united states government has been building an international alliance to strangle the taliban leadership in afghanistan, eliminate the threat of resident terrorist osama bin laden and put pressure on pakistan to halt support for the taliban. it is an alliance that, according to an official of the u.s. national security council, starts from afghanistans neighbours and extends to the group of eight, nato, the european union, east asia and the middle east.' from washington, dc. far eastern economic review, hong kong.
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7 honey, josh a teenager
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8 IGN: A Conversation with Gerard Butler The actor
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14 Disney Stops Miramax From Releasing Michael Moores 'Fahrenheit 911' Alleges that
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Pressure Dictionary

press / pressure / pressing: the act of pressing, the exertion of pressure, "he gave the button a press", "he used pressure to stop the bleeding", "at the pressing of a button"
lubricating system / force-feed lubricating system / force feed / pressure-feed : mechanical system of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings
pressure cabin: cabin consisting of the pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft
pressure cooker: autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water
pressure dome: a dome-shaped building that is pressurized
pressure gauge / pressure gage: gauge for measuring and indicating fluid pressure
pressure suit: protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
acoustic power / sound pressure level: the physical intensity of sound
acoustic radiation pressure: (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
pressure: a force that compels, "the public brought pressure to bear on the government"
pressure point: an area on the skin that is highly sensitive to pressure, "you must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu"
pressure point: where problems or difficulties are likely to occur, "a key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit"
pressure / pressure sensation: the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin, "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal"
lobby / pressure group / third house: a group of people who try actively to influence legislation
pressure point: any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
atmospheric pressure / air pressure / pressure: the pressure exerted by the atmosphere
blood pressure: the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels, results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart, sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person's health, "adult blood pressure is considered normal at / where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure"
systolic pressure: the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
diastolic pressure: the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) after the contraction of the heart while the chambers of the heart refill with blood
arterial pressure: the pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries, "arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance"
venous pressure: the pressure exerted on the walls of the veins by the circulating blood
gas pressure: the pressure exerted by a gas
pressure / pressure level / force per unit area: the force applied to a unit area of surface, measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit), "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure"
barometric pressure: atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer
compartment pressure: the air pressure maintained in an air-tight compartment (as in an aircraft)
sea-level pressure: the atmospheric pressure reduced by a formula to the pressure at sea level
intraocular pressure / IOP: pressure exerted by the fluids inside the eyeball, regulated by resistance to the outward flow of aqueous humor, "glaucoma can result from increased intraocular pressure"
oil pressure: pressure that keeps oil on the moving parts of an internal-combustion engine
osmotic pressure: (physical chemistry) the pressure exerted by a solution necessary to prevent osmosis into that solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane
radiation pressure / corpuscular-radiation pressure: the minute pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a wave
sound pressure / instantaneous sound pressure: the difference between the instantaneous pressure at a point in a sound field and the average pressure at that point
vapor pressure / vapour pressure: the pressure exerted by a vapor, often understood to mean saturated vapor pressure (the vapor pressure of a vapor in contact with its liquid form)
pressure unit: a unit measuring force per unit area
standard atmosphere / atmosphere / atm / standard pressure: a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury / mm high at sea level and / degrees centigrade
high blood pressure / hypertension: a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of / mm Hg or greater)
bedsore / pressure sore / decubitus ulcer: a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients)
imperativeness / insistence / insistency / press / pressure a: the state of demanding notice or attention, "the insistence of their hunger", "the press of business matters"
pressure: an oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress
anticyclone| (meteorology) winds spiraling outward from a high pressure center, :
pressure-cook /: cook in a pressure cooker
pressure-wash / powerwash: wash before painting to remove old paint and mildew, "pressure-wash the house"
coerce / hale / squeeze pressure / force a: to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city", "He squeezed her for information"
blackmail / blackjack / pressure: exert pressure on someone through threats
hard-hitting / high-pressure: aggressively and persistently persuasive, "a hard-hitting advertising campaign", "a high-pressure salesman"
low-pressure: not forceful, "a low-pressure salesman", "a low-pressure campaign" Reviews for Pressure. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Pressure" (visitors of this topic page). Pressure › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Pressure Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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Pressure is the force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed. Gauge pressure is the pressure relative to the ambient pressure.

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