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Best reviews ›

Reads Experience


1 McFadden, John Offers dry
Offers dry voiced Reads and produced reads, on-hold messaging, narratives, and copy writing.
Voice Mcfadden Productions John Talent Production Audio Male Commericals Inc Reads Hold Commerical Client Narratives Edirecthostcom
2 Incline Press Hand-made books
Hand-made books for the reader who collects and the collector who reads.
3 Wolfe, Tony Voice over
Voice over artist based in Louisville, Kentucky, providing straight reads, characters, and narration.
4 BCA Software EZ-PnF Point and
Point and figure stock charting program. 1-5 box reversal, traditional, log, fixed box scaling. Reads most common data formats.
5 Digital On-Hold Voiceovers Professional voice
Professional voice talent delivering 'hard-hitting authoritative reads to interpretations on the lighter side'.
Hold Voiceover Digital Messaging Music Meg Email Years Television Oregon Kbs Well Imagery Minneapoliskisn Mp Great
6 Channel, Charlie Talent for
Talent for scripts from 'standard' to 'urban' reads provides demos, resume, digital in-house studio equipment list, awards and voice talent links.
Voice Channel Talent Charliez
7 All Video Traffic School California web
California web driver safety course which features a video which plays while an announcer reads the accompanying lesson text. Offers options for computers of varying speeds.
8 Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell Follow-up to
Follow-up to the highly successful first collection of User Friendly comic strips. Reads like Dilbert for the Open Source community. It provides outsiders a light-hearted look at the world of the hard core geek.
Design Windows Apps Microsoft Programming Web Administration Certification Development Apple Review Data Personal Engineering Networking Seo Viewsubmit
9 Wylie, Eric - Eric Wylie Productions Voiceover and
Voiceover and production services for small and medium market radio, TV/video, and telephony voice response, any medium. Overnight e-mail return for most 30-second dry reads. Numerous output file types available.
10 User Friendly User Friendly
User Friendly tells the story of Columbia Internet, 'the friendliest, hardest-working, and most neurotic little Internet Service Provider in the world.' User Friendly reads like Dilbert for the open-source community. It provides outsiders a lighthearted look at the world of the hard-core geek and allows those who make their living dwelling in this world a chance to laugh at themselves.
Design Development Windows Microsoft Web Apps Programming Administration Certification Apple Data User Engineering Personal Networking Software Non Relational Bioinformatics

2. Shopping and Reads Trade

1 Try Whistling Chopin Joyce Whitcomb-Reads
Joyce Whitcomb-Reads novel, on the lows and highs of acting, writing and lesbian life.
皇潤プãÆ’¬ãƒŸã‚¢ãÆ’  最å®Ã¢â‚¬Â° 皇潤 皇潤の口コミãÆ’»è©Ã¢â‚¬Â¢åˆ¤ 楽天でも皇潤ã‚’販売 éâ
2 BrightEye Technology Scan-A-Word reads
Scan-A-Word reads out loud any typed text, such as magazines, books, newspapers, letters, and forms.
Technology Reading Brighteye Learning Education Scan Disability Dyslexia Esl Order Page Software Special Text Products Systems Take Words Write

3. Reads Recreation

4. Computer & Reads Games Websites

1 Mystery of E-Books: Who Reads Them? Report on
Report on the suggestion that anybody actually reads e-books. [USA Today]
Tech News Sports Usatodaycom Mystery Life Reads They Money Books Simon Internet Weather Privacy Travel Mobile Print Faq Map
2 TxReader Reads Webpages
Reads Webpages, Emails and PDF-documents via SAPI5.
Disabled Websiterequested Been Sorry Z
3 Blogrollers A webring
A webring for bloggers using the Blogrolling system to maintain their list of reads.
Articles Rings Blog Neurotic Privacy Via Marketing Articles * Blogrollers Community Yellow Disclarmer Contact Romance Last Pages Extended Roses
4 Pookies Palace Silents, minis
Silents, minis, 'regulars', wonderkins, games, reads, and others.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Mail Sports Wayback Reach Inc Hosting Movies Maps Sorry
5 Imperfect Dreams A personal
A personal blog with guild layouts, reads, graphics, and mp3 rotation.
Dreams Imperfect » Enterz
6 Joe Reads Cubase Training London based
London based, one to one lessons, music PC problem solving.
7 IBM alphaWorks Bean that
Bean that reads and writes Windows BMP files. [IBM Internet License Agreement]
Group Communities Community Alphaworks Developerworks Interest Member Owner Management Moderation Industry Benefit Cloud Source Web Aix Lotus
8 ICC Ada95 Pretty Printer (ICCFMT) Reads an
Reads an Ada source file and writes out a formatted version
Ada Irvine Iccfmt Compiler Pretty Printer Html Corporation Size Unixwindows Nt Mail Source Form Auto Responder Int_io Information Host
9 NewsAloud Finds the
Finds the stories in selected categories and reads them aloud with natural sounding voice.
Textaloud Testimonials Video Forums Rights Download Support Products User Llcsign Error Found Technologies
10 Klipfolio A Windows
A Windows based desktop news reader. Reads simple XML files that point to RSS feeds.
Dashboards Contact Developer Dashboard Inc Templatesresources Klip Api Help Center Samples Articles Careers
11 LogSequencer A tool
A tool that reads your log files and generates Sequence Diagrams based on the logged information. Use it for documentation and debugging.
Sequence Logsequencer Diagrams Log Generate Download Product File Free Cases Diagram Files Sequencediagrams Datei Examples
12 ConversionTrack Web log
Web log analysis focused on conversion behaviors. Runs on Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me/XP but reads all major logfile formats.
13 Speaking Notepad Reads text
Reads text documents aloud with various voices and includes the ability to record to WAV or MP3 sound files.
Speech Text Aloud Notepad Speaking Download Single Licence Suite Price Dreamweaver Products Size Sapi Order Pdf
14 Active Sensing, Inc. PDXplorer software
PDXplorer software reads and edits Product Data eXchange ('PDX') files as defined by IPC-2571.
Viewer Pdx Pdxplorer Ipc Data Product Reader Pdxpert File Free Plm Software User Dtd Technical Level Bit
15 JIMI Suns library
Suns library that reads GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PICT, Photoshop, BMP, Targa, ICO, CUR, Sunraster, XBM, XPM, and PCX. [Sun Binary Code License]
Java Se Oracle Embedded Ee Developer Update Netbeans Network Technology Javafx Tools Training Magazine Videos
16 IconPainter A cross-platform
A cross-platform shareware icon editor written in Java that reads and writes a wide variety of formats including Microsoft ICO,CUR and ANI.
Iconpainter Java Windows Screen Shot Download Purchase Image Wbmp Icon Jpeg Animated Images Editor File Used Microsoft Shareware
17 Arkkra Enterpises [Dos-Linux-Unix] Mup
[Dos-Linux-Unix] Mup, a batch musical typesetter. Reads a descriptive input file, outputs PostScript and MIDI. Shareware.
18 News Interceptor Aggregator reads
Aggregator reads both RSS feeds and non-RSS based news sources.
Interceptor News Rss Framework Microsoft Dsoft Support Freeware Bringing Technologies Windows Software Power Here Inc Works
19 E-mail Talker Notifies and
Notifies and reads incoming e-mail messages. [Win 9x/NT/2000/Me]
Buddy Remove Download Learn Software Scorpio Emoticons Toolbar Animated Mail Talker Handy Programs Windows Block
20 DXF to OpenGL This program
This program reads a 3D graphics image file, in the DXF data format, and displays it using OpenGL.
Opengl Polyline Cormack Autodesk Microsoft Linux John Games Almost Page Autodeskthis References Release Despitedownloading Quake Dean
21 DXF to OpenGL This program
This program reads a 3D graphics image file, in the DXF data format, and displays it using OpenGL.
Opengl Polyline Autodesk Cormack Microsoft Games John Linux Truespace Fortran Documentation References Ideveloped Source Theprogram
22 IGES Toolbox A CAD
A CAD file viewer that reads, displays, and prints IGES format data files.
Port Server Apache Z
23 Quicktionary Offers Quicktionary
Offers Quicktionary a handheld portable language scanner that reads and translates foreign languages. [USA]
English Reading Pen Dyslexia Pens French Mobile Spanish German Chinese Portuguese Italian Translators School Translator
24 FeedReader Feedreader is
Feedreader is a freeware Windows application that reads and displays Internet newsfeeds aka RSS feeds based on XML.
Feedreader Continue News Contact Connect Blog Feeds Reading Reader Browser Lookup Company Forum Testimonials Technology Developer Reader Feedreader Google
25 DeskLook Reads data
Reads data directly from Outlook in accordance with Outlook Today settings and displays them on the Windows desktop.
Outlook Xemicomputers Desklook Desktop Data Microsoft Three Add Calendar Straight Interactive Wwwdesklookcom Launch Various Customizable
26 ProfileViewer Reads profiling
Reads profiling information output by Suns heap profiler (invokable by a command-line option of the java interpreter) and displays it for easy interpretation. [Open Source, GPL]
Profileviewer Java Menu Profile Page Formats File Usage Greg General Revisions C++ Options Other
27 3DEM Interactive OpenGL
Interactive OpenGL 3D viewer with flyby and animation capabilities. Reads most familiar US DEM formats and can export to common image and terrain formats. [Win95/98/ME/2000]
Visualization Software Business Intelligence Data Information Functionality Tools Visualizers Spectrograms Review Integration Privacytypes
28 Claxton, Jonathan Blog, Daily
Blog, Daily reads. Asp.Net, VB.Net, C# examples. Music database, upload pictures, chatroom, popular web links, popular flash movies, google API.
Line Value Source Error Regex Version Description Applicationboolean Systemargumentnullexception Trace Parameter Regexoptionsmultiline
29 MicroTicker NewsMaker A smooth-scrolling
A smooth-scrolling news ticker that reads items and links from a file. Comes with free software tool to make message-and-link file.
30 E-books Remain Niche Reads The e-book
The e-book market is hampered by immature, expensive technology and a limited number of people willing to consider reading books on electronic devices. [CNet]
Xyz Names Domain Registrars Contact Generation New Genxyz Blog Register Create Policy Users Everywhereâ„¢ Gtlds Conditions
31 CImageBufferX An Activex
An Activex that reads/writes Dicom files, JPEG files and DIB files. Plus, it can capture still images from directshow video devices. [Shareware]
Puntoexe Litespeed Contact Dicom Proudly Request Inc Meta Twainbridge Form Ocxactivex Seo Server Space Uncategorized
32 GIFlist Reads in
Reads in a directory of GIF, JPG and PNG image files, and creates an HTML file for displaying the contents. It can also display image files from a CD-ROM or network drive.
Giflist Directory File Line Unwrap Trim Displays Page Pixel Color Download Merge Tables Web Extract Gif Mail Leading
33 Embird Utility designed
Utility designed for the Embroidery Industry. Import design directly from Thred and Sfumato Stitch programs. Reads and writes designs stored on floppy or hard disks in various embroidery formats. [Win 95/98/Me]
Embroidery Software Stitch Digitizing Bit Cross Supported Quilting Lettering Download Upgrade Formats Pattern Thread Embird Catalogs Management Industrial Alphabets
34 Wizz RSS News Reader A simple
A simple RSS news reader extension for Firefox. Reads all versions of RSS. i.e. 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 1.0 (RDF) and 2.0.
Crosswords Game Infuriating Ball Chrome Android Solutions South Help Wizz Google Crossword Computers Codewords Chromeextension
35 Wizz RSS News Reader A simple
A simple RSS news reader extension for Firefox. Reads all versions of RSS. i.e. 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 1.0 (RDF) and 2.0.
Crosswords Game Infuriating Ball Chrome Android Solutions Google Help Crossword Wizz South Codewords Computers Y
36 in2reach Search A Java
A Java based search tool that reads an index file on server and searches for keywords in the URLs listed.The Applet can be customized at will and will display itself both in English and French. [Freeware, source code included]
Web Hosting Amazon Really Cents Drones Host Before Services Packages Delivering Inreachs Inreach Reviews Hire
37 WinBlit Speedread Speedread software
Speedread software, speed reads web pages on-line or off-line, word documents or Outlook e-mails. It using a technique known as RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation).
Navigationshilfe Ty
38 PETROS By Trumpet
By Trumpet Software International, 32-bit microkernel OS for x86 PCs coded in Object Pascal variant. Built from first principles to focus on small size, modularity, and be fully compatible with Win32 and industry standards, reads FAT-12/16/32. Low cost, free time-locked demo.
Tattam Trumpet Software Enterprises Winsock Peter Products Services Tcpip Downloads News Peters Ltd Contact Petros Projectcom Welcome
39 Gif4J Reads, writes
Reads, writes, watermarks, transforms and comments animated and non-animated GIF images. Includes a fast and qualitative Java color quantizer. Supports text rendering, morphing filters, and ImageIO. [Commercial, w/ trial version]
Gifj Java Gif Image Images Software Processing Information Gifimage Color Extract Gifs Quantizer Light Imageresizej Stamp Releases Compatible
40 Social Networks Visualiser for Linux This QT
This QT program reads social network data (pajek/sociomatrix) and displays them graphically. The user can mouse-interact and calculate basic network properties. GNU License
Tripod Create Couldntlycos Requested Page Check Tripodcom Login Please Shoppinglycoscom Hosting
41 Speaking Email Notifier Innovative email
Innovative email notification software that reads out email messages aloud and notifies you of new messages as they arrive with an adorable animation wizard.
Mail Download Internet Free Email Answermyphone Connect Gift Reads Pppshar Talking Reporter Server Speech Shar Notification Notifier Clipboard Dsl Direcway
42 KavithaMail, Registered, Registered Email feature which lets you know when someone reads your email
43 Easy Morph Easy to
Easy to use, wizard driven morphing and warping tool with a deformation engine. Reads and writes many types of image files, creates animation sequences of any length, works on images of any resolution, and outputs any resolution desired.
Youveplease Errorwhoops
44 Express Mail Mate Email notification
Email notification tool it runs as a system tray icon, notifies of new email, and delivers them to the inbox. Reads incoming mail messages, create new, delete needless ones, and extract attached files. [Win 9x/NT/2000/Me]
Clickyes Outlook Express Download Does Software Free Program Microsoft Copy Edition Message Server Questions Send Please Terminal
45 Java2Curl Applet that
Applet that reads Java Bytecode, and decompiles it into both Java Source code and almost correct Curl Source code.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Archives News Finance Hosting Wayback Trying Maps Sorry Archiveorg
46 WebLog Perl script
Perl script, keeps track of activity by month, week, day and hour, to monitor total hits, bytes transferred, page views, and most popular pages. Reads NCSA common or combined log files, as well as Microsoft extended format log files. [Open Source, no redistribution]
Weblog Documentation Part Webbbs Setting Websearch Webcal Webadverts Perl Report Webtester Awsd Scripts Using Faq
47 AiS Watermark Pictures Protector Protect personal
Protect personal original images. Software reads the image from a file either a BMP, GIF, Animated GIF, JPEG, PNG, inserts transparent or color text and saves the resulting image in a new file with the same format. Protect a number of pictures simultaneously.
48 Virage The VideoLogger
The VideoLogger synchronizes the indexing and encoding of streamable media and content, the Visual Information Retrieval (VIR) Image Engine analyses and compares the visual content of still images, The Image Read/Write (IRW) Toolkit reads, writes and creates thumbnails for image files of various formats.
Management Media Rich Idol Data Customer Autonomy Communications Analytics Marketing Archiving Optimization Support Protection Digital Services Center Verity Scrittura
49 Privacy Bird Browser Plug-in The AT&T
The AT&T Privacy Bird is a free browser plug-in that reads privacy policies written in the standard P3P format, specified by the W3C, and displays them in an easy to understand language. Works with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, or 6.0.
Privacy Bird Windows Internet Download Microsoft System Beta Help Tour Questions Asked Press Requirements Files Open Take Explorer
50 Reading Machine Reads text
Reads text aloud using text-to-speech, converts text into mp3/wave files for use with any cd player or MP3 player. Extracts text from one web page or whole web sites. Text is automatically organized into books and chapters for later use. Gives control over the voice, and the ability to clean up text automatically.
Ultimate Reading Machine Urm Students Researchers Writers Ultimatereadingmachine Screen Runners Audio Commuters Downloads Audiblecom Help Intel Simple Nyu
51 Jump - Java User Module for PalmPilot A Java
A Java IDE for the PalmPilot. Reads Java Class files, generates 68000 .asm files and creates .prc files using Pila (Darrin Massenas PalmPilot Assembler)
Jump Palmpilot Java Pilot Javatm User Download Page Ralf Thank Module Hewgill Hewgillcom Release Documentation
52 ParseRat 2.0 File Parser Parse, convert
Parse, convert and restructure files and databases. Reads most files including XML, page image print files from other processes, fixed format, delimited, dBase, and structured binary. Output as XML, fixed format, delimited, mailmerge or dBase or to system clipboard. (Win95/98/Me/NT/2000)
Data Here Click Windows Parserat Software Dollars Help Files Conversion Eur Pounds Legacy Clicking Convert Address Day Winzips
53 Alma Multi-language software
Multi-language software workshop for modeling, analyzing. Reads several languages, and outputs. Designed for object-oriented modeling (definition of classes and relations) and for migrating (to help convert) old code in older languages. Meets 2 needs: have a simplified software modeling workshop for small projects, make easier rewritings, ports, encapsulating non-OO code.
Alma Java Development Agnoux Manual Other Windows Slaf Prev Linux Source Package Users World Brave Tarbz Zip Jar Javap Arona Debiangnulinux
54 Alma Multi-language software
Multi-language software workshop for modeling, analyzing. Reads several languages, and outputs. Designed for object-oriented modeling (definition of classes and relations) and for migrating (to help convert) old code in older languages. Meets 2 needs: have a simplified software modeling workshop for small projects, make easier rewritings, ports, encapsulating non-OO code.
Foundfound The Server Apacheport
55 MereViewer Control A 3D
A 3D stereo visualization ActiveX control. It is a powerful control for real-time viewing and manipulating static or dynamic polygonal 3D scenes through different types of stereo glasses (anaglyph, 3D Max (Kasan Ltd.), 3DTV, 3DBIS, SimulEyes, CyberBoy, 3D Spex, i-Glasses, CyberShades, 3D Spex and more). The control reads geometric Microsoft DirectX file format (.x files) or 3D Studio (.3ds) data files. It provides copying the current 3D scene stereo image into a clipboard.
Filedirectory Been Unavailable Resource Might Removed Server Temporarily Namechanged Errorfoundthe Looking
1 PGNTalk [Shareware] Reads
[Shareware] Reads chess databases in PGN format, lets you play over games. Will read the games out loud.
Pgntalk Chess Macintosh Games Lite Pgn Game Sigma Specifications Collections Pitt Provides Club Displays Exachess Sites
2 Chess Tiger 15.2 for Palm [Commercial -
[Commercial - $20, free demo] The strongest Palm chess program for non ARM Palms, color/greyscale, reads/writes PGN. Uses 295Kb RAM [updated 3/22/2004].
Chess Tiger Chesstiger Ipod Fritz Palm Iphone Shredder Rebel Ipad Best Palmos Program Free Strongest Com Pda
3 ExaChess 3.1.3 [Shareware] Reads/writes
[Shareware] Reads/writes chess game databases in ChessBase, NICBase, PGN, EPD and ExaChess formats. Supports seven 'plug-in' chess engines. Updated August 2005.
Exachess Games Play Ordering Databases Downloads Helpfaq Lite Database Game Engines Study Clicking Opening Against
4 ExaChess 3.1.3 [Shareware] Reads/writes
[Shareware] Reads/writes chess game databases in ChessBase, NICBase, PGN, EPD and ExaChess formats. Supports seven 'plug-in' chess engines. Updated August 2005.
Exachess Games Ordering Play Databases Downloads Helpfaq Lite Game Study Engines Database Software Features Support Tree
5 ChessPad [Shareware $25]
[Shareware $25] Reads/Writes chess games in PGN format. Does NOT play chess itself - it lets you play over games. V3.03 (in beta) works with the DGT sensory board.

5. Sports Websites concerning Reads

6. Society, Arts and Reads Crafts

1 This is
This is a personal website of Julia with reads, music links, and some pictures.
Create Tripod Login Signup Errorpage Tripodcom Please Website Requested Found Hostingpage Lycoscom Couldnt
2 Conklin, James A collection
A collection of interesting reads, web development tips, humor and links.
3 Never Neutral Ernesto Priego
Ernesto Priego writes, translates, reads, tries to teach and, sometimes, deejays. He is known for his continuous moaning, but, basically, he is happy.
Wordpresscomerror Clearing Instructionswhoops Your Google
4 Ask Clair Psychic consultant.
Psychic consultant. Reads Egyptian, Blessings and Tarot cards. Offers information on gemstones, herbs and oils.
Psychic Clair Reading Tarot Readings Contact Advice Free Only Ask Accurate Minute Memoirs Past Mistress
5 Ancestral Quest Genealogy program
Genealogy program that reads PAF files in directly. Features available include multimedia capabilities, advanced search and filtering.
Questancestral Family Treesoftwaregenealogy Software
6 who is cyveillance and why should you care? claims that
claims that the company reads private files, masks its identity, and ignores robot exclusion standards. site also has forum for reports and discussion.
7 Country Preacher Reads 'Letters From Hell' At Sunday Service Streaming audio
Streaming audio sermons from a non-denominational preacher from Athens, Tennessee.
Sermons Contact Holy Ghost Video Audio Preaching Mp Anointed Oasis Youtube Oasisministriescom Wynn Pastor Ministries
8 rebeccas reads: holy land - whose land? book review
book review of a balanced historical account of israeli-palestinian-arab conflict and the controversy.
Reads Author Rebeccas Featured Book Books Services Reviews Genre Choice Authors Spotlights Sweepstakes Monthly Updates Sign Pending Soon Become
9 Brightness Falls Pictures and
Pictures and postings by the Methodist ministers son who stopped going to church years ago, the erstwhile English major who never reads, the one-time law student whose favorite Judas Priest song is 'Breaking the Law.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
10 Weekend Blogger Jonathan Claxton
Jonathan Claxton 'Tales from a Weekend Blogger': about hiking trips, programming in, C#,, overclocking, watercooling, popular links, picture gallery to submit your own image, music, and daily reads.
Sharepoint Powershell Owas Azure Leave Kadiri Office Jslink Server New Spsolution Remote Debugging Spserviceapplication Venkatesh
11 Carolyn Psychic Palmist Carolyn is
Carolyn is a psychic palmist, tarot and crystal ball reader who does Renaissance Festivals and reads through the mail and by phone and fax.
Reader Carolyn Tarot Psychic Madam Renaissance Crystal Palmist Future Festival Ball Caroline Love Palm Madame
12 Tarot Software For Download Tarot software
Tarot software which reads the cards and offers some Tarot spreads, addresses relationship, professional, and personal issues. Windows only, free download but limitations apply.
Tarot Software Download Waite Rider Cross Win Games Vista Readings Advice Send Support Xp Immediately Prediction
1 'the little whip' by joyce carol oates the author
the author reads her poem.
Navigationshilfet Y
3 'marooned in dallas' by joyce carol oates the author
the author reads her poem.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 'double portrait' by joyce carol oates the author
the author reads her poem.
Navigationshilfe Ty
5 Steves Reads Interviews, reviews
Interviews, reviews, and opinions on comics and science fiction, by J. Stephen Bolhafner.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Web Please Website Privacy Domains Customer Terms Help Commerce
6 Steves Reads: Love and Rockets Artist profiles
Artist profiles, images, book summaries, and links.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Hosting Gallery Help Advisor Local App Terms Central Finance News
7 interview with frances mayes the author
the author is interviewed and reads from 'under the tuscan sun'. requires real player.
8 Conscious Choice: The Hand of John Belushi Chirologist Justin
Chirologist Justin Pomeroy reads Belushis palm.
9 audiotoolsonline offers music
offers music loops and sample cds for use with any acid program or any sound editor that reads wav files.
Loops Beats Hip Hop Drum Samples Percussion Bass Drums Sounds Basslines Sample Synth Beat New_
10 end of a day the author
the author reads his poem. from the atlantic unbounds website. requires software capable of playing .ram format files.
11 Variety: John Edward Cross Country Review 'Here, the
'Here, the medium not only reads from crowds at events but personally follows up with the families to heighten the emotional stakes.'
Variety Change Logout Archives Tv Scene Jobs Edward Alerts News Print Subscription Director John Coordinator Altered Sherlock Ad Hit Data
12 les murray author page les murray
les murray reads some of his poetry (realplayer required), plus reading notes.
13 book reviews
book reviews, interviews with authors, top ten monthly reads, editorials, and monthly contests.
Reviews Fiction Columns Myshelfcom Contests Contest Words Books Audio Covers Johnson Buzz Teen Authors Beneath Between Come Matthews
14 Chicago Sun-Times - Solaris A critique
A critique of the film that tells the story of a planet that reads minds, and obliges its visitors by devising and providing people they have lost, and miss.
Ebert Archives Roger Monji Jana Matt Steven Movies Festivals Planet Reviews Great Awards Far Zoller Krishna Lem Awakens
15 UKE.EXE Download site
Download site for IBM compatible program which reads ASCII files of lyrics and chords for guitar and generates uke chords.
Ukepix Uke Chord Ghostscript Fingering Walter Whoopee Cdim Donaldson Kahn Postscriptfile Ascii Makin Songlyricsukepix Numerical
16 Words Dont Come Easily About writing
About writing and books. Features reviews, quotes, and lists of outstanding writers. Writes. Designs. Reads everything that crosses her path, even shampoo labels.
Words Writing Channel Same Different Easily Plath Creative Come Elizabeth Auden Bishop Villanelles Right Dont Bell Years Jar
17 outlandish voices home page
home page for the email list at yahoo groups. mailing list, links, puzzles, and suggested reads.
18 bold type: readings by jonathan lethem jonathan lethem
jonathan lethem reads chapters 1 and 15 (audio clips can be played with the realplayer or realaudio player).
Lethem Chapter Jonathan Across Type Bold Networks Climbed Progressive Readingsrealplayer Z
19 paul celan reads his poetry realaudio files
realaudio files featuring paul celan reading some of his best known poems.
Celan Paul Lord Death Thou Nothing Egypt Poetry Contact They Fugue Haar Ammons Wolf Marie Linda Policy Reserved
20 Reads Spider-Man Page Spider-Man and
Spider-Man and related character profiles, plus Spider-Girl and Spider-Woman information.
21 wonderful world of books website for
website for readers and authors. free short stories, free e-book downloads, hot reads, booklist, series books.
Kimsworldcom Cash Insurance Advance Debt Consolidation Cell Credit Free Browse Report Bestprivacy Learn
22 wolff, isabel official website
official website of the 'chick lit' author isabel wolff. the site includes book extracts, short stories, a guide for aspiring authors and recommended reads.
Isabel Wolff Rose Rescuing Behaving Books Very Ghostwritten Affair Blue Badly Love Trott Blog Picture English
23 jun fujita this page
this page gives a brief biography of a pioneer poet of tanka in english, the famous japanese-american newspaper photographer, jun fujita (1888 - 1963), with a link to some of his poems. his 1923 book, poems in exile, still reads better than many current works.
24 the sf site: douglas rushkoff - ecstasy club glen engel-coxs
glen engel-coxs review: 'without its references to 90s culture and counter-culture, ecstasy club reads like a poor mans illuminatus! trilogy.'
Review Ecstasy Rushkoff Glen Engel Cox Douglas Sf Science Club Fictionscifi Books Featured
25 white, karen southern single
southern single title author writing multiple subgenres. book list with reviews and awards, author profile, mailing list, appearances, public relations, image gallery, messages, and recommended teen reads.
Karen Author White Website Books Credits Web Bestselling York Times Official Appearances Welcomebio
26 reads on the road the long-lost
the long-lost recording session of kerouac reading his most famous work has been written about, searched for, and long thought destroyed. discovered in the kerouac archives on (mislabeled) acetates, the recording has been digitally remastered.
27 seeing ear theatre: sewer, gas, and electric matt ruff
matt ruff reads the first chapter of sewer, gas, and electric on scifi.coms seeing ear theatre.
Watch Episodes Full Syfy Trailer Now Shows Expanse Haven Promo Video Movies Icon Overlay Schedule
28 wong, janet s. (official site)
(official site) author janet wong reads selections from her childrens works aloud. site also provides information about the author, her books, school visits, and appearances.
Books School Janet Wong Childrens Poetry Children Author Visits Poems Award Winning Stories Students Acclaimed Asian Web
29 john laurie as the great mcgonagall review of
review of an lp on which scots actor john laurie impersonates mcgonagall and reads from his poetry. laurie was partly responsible for bringing mcgonagall to a wider audience in the 1960s
30 sherman alexie reads 'dear john wayne' short biography
short biography and audio clip of alexie reading 'dear john wayne'.
Sophia Norton Ben Tesfaye Burris Sarah Patrick Smith Simon Sherman Reply Makin Mcclennen Page Native Scott Asha Johnson Imperialism Stiffed Yorker
31 mcleod, lesley-anne this site
this site contains information on regency romance author lesley-anne mcleod and her e-books. it also contains free short fiction reads, tidbits of information about the regency period,graphics, and lots of links.

Reads Dictionary Reviews for Reads. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Reads" (visitors of this topic page). Reads › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Reads Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

Reads may refer to:

32 results for Reads: