2. Shopping and Shorthairs Trade
3. Shorthairs Recreation
1 Shai-Cats
A Florida
A Florida breeder also working with Oriental Shorthairs, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese cats.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Popularreach Hosting Archives Maps Terms User Privacy
A Florida breeder also working with Oriental Shorthairs, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese cats.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Popularreach Hosting Archives Maps Terms User Privacy
2 Shai-Cats
A Florida
A Florida breeder also working with Oriental Shorthairs, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese cats.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Toolbar User Maps Sports Mail Visit Archiveorg Internet Archives Finance
A Florida breeder also working with Oriental Shorthairs, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese cats.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Toolbar User Maps Sports Mail Visit Archiveorg Internet Archives Finance
3 The Parish Cats
Personal pages
Personal pages of five neutered cats, two British Shorthairs and three Domestic Shorthairs.
Personal pages of five neutered cats, two British Shorthairs and three Domestic Shorthairs.
4 Ramazotti Abyssinians and British Shorthairs
Breeders of
Breeders of ruddy, chocolate and sorrel Abyssinians and British Shorthairs in Wellington, New Zealand
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Terms Privacymovies Maps Hosting Longeravailable Games Toolbar
Breeders of ruddy, chocolate and sorrel Abyssinians and British Shorthairs in Wellington, New Zealand
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Terms Privacymovies Maps Hosting Longeravailable Games Toolbar
5 Ramazotti Abyssinians and British Shorthairs
Breeders of
Breeders of ruddy, chocolate and sorrel Abyssinians and British Shorthairs in Wellington, New Zealand
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Popular Siteshosting Games User News Movies Wayback
Breeders of ruddy, chocolate and sorrel Abyssinians and British Shorthairs in Wellington, New Zealand
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Popular Siteshosting Games User News Movies Wayback
6 Rumscott
Also works
Also works with American Shorthairs.
American Show Kittens Shorthair Shorthairs Quality Purebreed Cats Registered Rumscott Tabby Cat Acfa Silver Y
Also works with American Shorthairs.
American Show Kittens Shorthair Shorthairs Quality Purebreed Cats Registered Rumscott Tabby Cat Acfa Silver Y
8 Sin-Sation
Located in
Located in Ohio and also working with Oriental Shorthairs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Located in Ohio and also working with Oriental Shorthairs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
9 Walnuthollow
Andreas, Pennsylvania
Andreas, Pennsylvania breeder also works with American Shorthairs.
Andreas, Pennsylvania breeder also works with American Shorthairs.
10 Blue Seas
Located in
Located in California, also works with Oriental Shorthairs.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Toolbar Longeravailableuser Terms Reach Sorry Machine Trying
Located in California, also works with Oriental Shorthairs.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Toolbar Longeravailableuser Terms Reach Sorry Machine Trying
11 Gardengate British Shorthairs
Site includes
Site includes a gallery and pedigrees.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Site includes a gallery and pedigrees.
Navigationshilfe Ty
12 Amazolou
Breeders of
Breeders of British Shorthairs, Selkirk Rex and Devon Rex cats.
Cats Selkirk Kittens Rex British Curly Sale Free Bsh Line Amazolou Counters Breeding Golden Blue Shorhair Kitten
Breeders of British Shorthairs, Selkirk Rex and Devon Rex cats.
Cats Selkirk Kittens Rex British Curly Sale Free Bsh Line Amazolou Counters Breeding Golden Blue Shorhair Kitten
13 Highiq
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Aberdeenshire, Scotland breeder also working with Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Sorry Visit Longeravailable Moviesarchiveorg Hosting Privacy Archives
Aberdeenshire, Scotland breeder also working with Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Sorry Visit Longeravailable Moviesarchiveorg Hosting Privacy Archives
14 De Patte Gracieux
Also working
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs and located in Germany. Photographs.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Sorry Toolbar Hosting Longeravailable Sports Archiveorg Visit Maps Trying
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs and located in Germany. Photographs.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Sorry Toolbar Hosting Longeravailable Sports Archiveorg Visit Maps Trying
15 De Patte Gracieux
Also working
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs and located in Germany. Photographs.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Privacyarchives Movies Reach News Hosting Archiveorg Machine
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs and located in Germany. Photographs.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Privacyarchives Movies Reach News Hosting Archiveorg Machine
16 Blakewood
Located in
Located in South Central Pa. Also works with Siamese and Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Blakewood Catteryy
Located in South Central Pa. Also works with Siamese and Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Blakewood Catteryy
17 Mystic Meows
Located in
Located in Myrtle Beach, SC. Also breeds Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Kittens Cat Siamese Breeders Cats Oriental Mysticmeowscomsouth Carolina Cattery Sale Treatstoys Mystic
Located in Myrtle Beach, SC. Also breeds Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Kittens Cat Siamese Breeders Cats Oriental Mysticmeowscomsouth Carolina Cattery Sale Treatstoys Mystic
18 Carnivals European Shorthairs
Includes photo
Includes photo gallery of the cats at this Swedish cattery.
European Carnivals Photo Tack Svenska Gallery Visit Solrosgatan Close Västerås Inger Sweden Copyright Welcomebritt
Includes photo gallery of the cats at this Swedish cattery.
European Carnivals Photo Tack Svenska Gallery Visit Solrosgatan Close Västerås Inger Sweden Copyright Welcomebritt
19 Blue Turtle
Located in
Located in the Quebec City area. Also works with Colorpoint Shorthairs and Orientals.
Rss å…ÂÂ疫力アãÆ’Æ’ãÆ’â€â€ï¼Ã‚Â乳酸èÂÂŒサãÆ’â€â€ãÆ’ªãÆ’¡ãÆ’³ãƒˆãÆ’©ãÆ’³ã‚ãÆ’³ã‚° ãƒグイãÆ’³ ã¾ã¨ã‚ÂÂãÆ’Å¡ãÆ’¼ãÃ
Located in the Quebec City area. Also works with Colorpoint Shorthairs and Orientals.
Rss å…ÂÂ疫力アãÆ’Æ’ãÆ’â€â€ï¼Ã‚Â乳酸èÂÂŒサãÆ’â€â€ãÆ’ªãÆ’¡ãÆ’³ãƒˆãÆ’©ãÆ’³ã‚ãÆ’³ã‚° ãƒグイãÆ’³ ã¾ã¨ã‚ÂÂãÆ’Å¡ãÆ’¼ãÃ
20 Sin-sation Siamese & Oriental Shorthairs
Breeds specialized
Breeds specialized cats. Includes photos and history.
Breeds specialized cats. Includes photos and history.
21 Tomnice
Located in
Located in Brisbane, Australia breeding British Shorthairs. Photos and contact information.
Located in Brisbane, Australia breeding British Shorthairs. Photos and contact information.
22 Maple Bay Exotic Shorthairs and Persians
Small breeder
Small breeder offering shorthair and Persian cats and kittens.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting App Gallery Local Advisor Help Network Customer Tv Also Has
Small breeder offering shorthair and Persian cats and kittens.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting App Gallery Local Advisor Help Network Customer Tv Also Has
23 Tianlea Cattery
Australian breeder
Australian breeder also working with British Shorthairs. Information about the breed, photos of the cats.
Himalayan Cats Shorthair British Breeder Colourpoint Cat Apache Nsw Nashanna Striking Found The Port Found Australia
Australian breeder also working with British Shorthairs. Information about the breed, photos of the cats.
Himalayan Cats Shorthair British Breeder Colourpoint Cat Apache Nsw Nashanna Striking Found The Port Found Australia
24 Brightiger
Located in
Located in Australia and also working with Oriental Shorthairs. Information about the cattery, photos of their cats and kittens.
Create Tripod Tripodcomcouldnt Check Shopping Page Please Login Signup Websitelycoscom Requested
Located in Australia and also working with Oriental Shorthairs. Information about the cattery, photos of their cats and kittens.
Create Tripod Tripodcomcouldnt Check Shopping Page Please Login Signup Websitelycoscom Requested
25 Old Possums
Also works
Also works with British Shorthairs in Tivol, Austria. Photos and pedigrees of the cats, cattery and breed information.
Cats Norwegian Forest Somerset Possums Breeding Contact Practical England Uk Shorthair Possum Sitering Old News British Macarthur
Also works with British Shorthairs in Tivol, Austria. Photos and pedigrees of the cats, cattery and breed information.
Cats Norwegian Forest Somerset Possums Breeding Contact Practical England Uk Shorthair Possum Sitering Old News British Macarthur
26 La Bandera Ranch
South Texas
South Texas wing shooting. Wild birds, English pointers, and German shorthairs.
Whitetail Hunting Bandera Texas South Trophy Deer Ranch Terms Emailquestions Outdoorsla
South Texas wing shooting. Wild birds, English pointers, and German shorthairs.
Whitetail Hunting Bandera Texas South Trophy Deer Ranch Terms Emailquestions Outdoorsla
27 Satiny
A breeder
A breeder also working with Oriental Shorthairs in NSW Australia. Information about the breed and its development, photos of their cats at all ages.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Reach Trying Sportsinc Hosting Sorry Longeravailable Maps Wayback Movies
A breeder also working with Oriental Shorthairs in NSW Australia. Information about the breed and its development, photos of their cats at all ages.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Reach Trying Sportsinc Hosting Sorry Longeravailable Maps Wayback Movies
28 Simalayans
Located in
Located in Montreal, Quebec and also working with Colorpoint Shorthairs. Photos of their cats and available kittens. Site in French and English.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Located in Montreal, Quebec and also working with Colorpoint Shorthairs. Photos of their cats and available kittens. Site in French and English.
Navigationshilfe Ty
29 Shai-Cats
Florida breeder
Florida breeder also worksing with Siamese, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese. Contains animal care information and photos.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Signguidelines Reach Inc Finance Archiveorg Toolbar Sorry Longeravailable
Florida breeder also worksing with Siamese, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese. Contains animal care information and photos.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Signguidelines Reach Inc Finance Archiveorg Toolbar Sorry Longeravailable
30 5800 Dreams
Breeder located
Breeder located in Minnesota, also working with American Shorthairs and Maine Coons. Photos, kitten and retiree information.
Dreams Winner Maine Halo Graphics Platinum Forever Champion Coons Moon National Website Looking Mainecoon States Illinois
Breeder located in Minnesota, also working with American Shorthairs and Maine Coons. Photos, kitten and retiree information.
Dreams Winner Maine Halo Graphics Platinum Forever Champion Coons Moon National Website Looking Mainecoon States Illinois
31 Shai-Cats
Florida breeder
Florida breeder also worksing with Siamese, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese. Contains animal care information and photos.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting Gallery App Advisor Local Help Please Sell Finance Sign Geocities
Florida breeder also worksing with Siamese, Colorpoint Shorthairs, Balinese, and Javanese. Contains animal care information and photos.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting Gallery App Advisor Local Help Please Sell Finance Sign Geocities
32 Felitan
A cattery
A cattery located in Texas breeding Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese. Site contains many photographs and information about the history of the silver Orientals.
A cattery located in Texas breeding Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese. Site contains many photographs and information about the history of the silver Orientals.
33 Bonniechloe British Shorthairs
Breeder, specialising
Breeder, specialising in colourpoint and blue, lilac, chocolate, cream and assoc torties. Includes pictures of past kittens.
Found Portweb Free Now Apache Bts Closedhosting Server
Breeder, specialising in colourpoint and blue, lilac, chocolate, cream and assoc torties. Includes pictures of past kittens.
Found Portweb Free Now Apache Bts Closedhosting Server
34 Isan
Located in
Located in north Israel and raising Cornish Rex, British Shorthairs, Somalis and Persians. Photos, cattery and kitten information, and considerations on owning a cat.
Tripod Create Websitelycoscom Requested Please Signup Lycos Hosting Check Shopping Logincouldnt Tripodcom
Located in north Israel and raising Cornish Rex, British Shorthairs, Somalis and Persians. Photos, cattery and kitten information, and considerations on owning a cat.
Tripod Create Websitelycoscom Requested Please Signup Lycos Hosting Check Shopping Logincouldnt Tripodcom
35 Clowntown Cattery
A Southern
A Southern California cattery also working with Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Clowntown Best Email Shorthair Howard Cats Owner Breeder American Colorpoint Siamese Az Click Webster
A Southern California cattery also working with Colorpoint Shorthairs.
Clowntown Best Email Shorthair Howard Cats Owner Breeder American Colorpoint Siamese Az Click Webster
36 San-Toi
Also working
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs in northern California. A history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Sports News Longeravailablemovies Machine Guidelines Inc Mail
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs in northern California. A history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Sports News Longeravailablemovies Machine Guidelines Inc Mail
37 San-Toi
Also working
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs in northern California. A history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Hosting Mailmachine Visit Wayback Privacy Sports Archives
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs in northern California. A history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Hosting Mailmachine Visit Wayback Privacy Sports Archives
38 San-Toi
Also working
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs in northern California. A history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Terms Gamesuser Archiveorg Archives Guidelines Trying Wayback
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs in northern California. A history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Terms Gamesuser Archiveorg Archives Guidelines Trying Wayback
39 Polarpoints
An Egham
An Egham Surrey breeder of British Shorthairs in silver tabby & silver spotted.
Silver British Shorthair Polarpoints Kittens Tabby Cats Breed Website Available Cat Various Other Blue Breeder
An Egham Surrey breeder of British Shorthairs in silver tabby & silver spotted.
Silver British Shorthair Polarpoints Kittens Tabby Cats Breed Website Available Cat Various Other Blue Breeder
40 Atocha British Shorthairs
CFA registered
CFA registered British Shorthair breeder. Information on blood typing.
Sign Lifestream Updated People Everything Now Places Policy Go Theres Email Privacy Create Networks Read Learnmore Stay
CFA registered British Shorthair breeder. Information on blood typing.
Sign Lifestream Updated People Everything Now Places Policy Go Theres Email Privacy Create Networks Read Learnmore Stay
41 Kat Attack
A central
A central California cattery breeding Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese cats. Many photos of their cats and kittens.
Oriental Kittens Shorthair Siamese Cats California Colorpoint Breeder Contact Adobe Central Kat Attack Kattery Cat Ahrens Linda Lux Breeds
A central California cattery breeding Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese cats. Many photos of their cats and kittens.
Oriental Kittens Shorthair Siamese Cats California Colorpoint Breeder Contact Adobe Central Kat Attack Kattery Cat Ahrens Linda Lux Breeds
42 BurrDee Shorthairs
Raising dogs
Raising dogs for show and hunt. Litter announcements, show news, and links. Ohio.
Ratitatt Terrier Rat Grch Terriers Mach King Agility Excellent Click Bimbs High Obedience Akc Kyra Luchsinger Progeny Americanhairless
Raising dogs for show and hunt. Litter announcements, show news, and links. Ohio.
Ratitatt Terrier Rat Grch Terriers Mach King Agility Excellent Click Bimbs High Obedience Akc Kyra Luchsinger Progeny Americanhairless
43 Kat Attack
A central
A central California cattery breeding Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese cats. Many photos of their cats and kittens.
Kittens Cats Oriental Siamese Shorthair California Colorpoint Breeder Newer Version Cattery Kat Attack Page Ahrens Requires Stars Linda
A central California cattery breeding Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese cats. Many photos of their cats and kittens.
Kittens Cats Oriental Siamese Shorthair California Colorpoint Breeder Newer Version Cattery Kat Attack Page Ahrens Requires Stars Linda
44 Saroko
Also working
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs. Located in Texas. Photos of the cats and cat shows, digitally reworked and funny candid photos.
Saroko Siamese Kittens Show Oriental Best Cattery Tica Rider Pictures Kitten Photos Cat Nite Vacation Karma Artistic Ringworm
Also working with Oriental Shorthairs. Located in Texas. Photos of the cats and cat shows, digitally reworked and funny candid photos.
Saroko Siamese Kittens Show Oriental Best Cattery Tica Rider Pictures Kitten Photos Cat Nite Vacation Karma Artistic Ringworm
45 Bosco British Shorthairs
Small cattery
Small cattery breeding British Shorthair in Blue, Cream and Bicolours. Pictures and Breed Information provided.
Control Possible Incorrect Page Viewing Australia Using Password‚±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÌÆ’yÂÂ[Æ’w‚ªÃ¢â‚¬Â¢Ã…½¦Ã¢â‚¬Å¡³Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ê‚½Ã‚Âê‡ÂÂaÆ’hÆ’ÂÂÆ’cƒ“–¼Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ªÃ†â€™aÆ’hÆ’Å’Æ’x‚ð‚¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ü‚‰ðŒˆ‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Ä‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡È‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Â°Ââ€Â«‚ªÃ¢â‚¬Å¡ ‚è‚ü‚·Ã‚Âb‚»Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ì‰Ââ€Â
Small cattery breeding British Shorthair in Blue, Cream and Bicolours. Pictures and Breed Information provided.
Control Possible Incorrect Page Viewing Australia Using Password‚±Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÌÆ’yÂÂ[Æ’w‚ªÃ¢â‚¬Â¢Ã…½¦Ã¢â‚¬Å¡³Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ê‚½Ã‚Âê‡ÂÂaÆ’hÆ’ÂÂÆ’cƒ“–¼Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ªÃ†â€™aÆ’hÆ’Å’Æ’x‚ð‚¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ü‚‰ðŒˆ‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Ä‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡È‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Â°Ââ€Â«‚ªÃ¢â‚¬Å¡ ‚è‚ü‚·Ã‚Âb‚»Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ì‰Ââ€Â
46 Rakiscats
Breeder of
Breeder of Oriental Shorthairs, Oriental Longhairs, Balinese and Siamese in San Diego, CA. Photos, kitten availability and info, information on the cattery.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Archiveorg Popular Maps Sites Finance Archives Guidelines Visit Machine
Breeder of Oriental Shorthairs, Oriental Longhairs, Balinese and Siamese in San Diego, CA. Photos, kitten availability and info, information on the cattery.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Archiveorg Popular Maps Sites Finance Archives Guidelines Visit Machine
47 San-Toi
Photos of
Photos of award-winning Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs in northern California, a history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Terms Wayback Finance Trying Toolbar Inc User Hosting Privacy
Photos of award-winning Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs in northern California, a history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Terms Wayback Finance Trying Toolbar Inc User Hosting Privacy
48 San-Toi
Photos of
Photos of award-winning Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs in northern California, a history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Finance Internet Tryinghosting Movies Reach Longeravailable Visit
Photos of award-winning Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs in northern California, a history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Finance Internet Tryinghosting Movies Reach Longeravailable Visit
49 San-Toi
Photos of
Photos of award-winning Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs in northern California, a history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign News Movies Reach Longeravailable Toolbar Privacy Archivesuser
Photos of award-winning Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs in northern California, a history of the cattery and photos from CFAs history.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign News Movies Reach Longeravailable Toolbar Privacy Archivesuser
50 Sumibo British Shorthairs & Ragdolls
Breeder of
Breeder of British Shorthair cats and kittens in Perth, Western Australia. Specialising in Blue, Silver Tabby and Lilac. Also breeds Ragdoll cats and kittens.
Breeder of British Shorthair cats and kittens in Perth, Western Australia. Specialising in Blue, Silver Tabby and Lilac. Also breeds Ragdoll cats and kittens.
51 Loraston British Shorthair Cats & Kittens
Located in
Located in Hampshire, UK. Breeders of British Shorthairs in blue, cream, bi-colour, blue cream and tortie & white. Page dedicated to Bessies show career.
British Burmese Shorthair Cats Blue Kittens Breeders Cream Shorthairs Hampshire Bsh Surrey Loraston Breeder Lorton Hobbs Bi
Located in Hampshire, UK. Breeders of British Shorthairs in blue, cream, bi-colour, blue cream and tortie & white. Page dedicated to Bessies show career.
British Burmese Shorthair Cats Blue Kittens Breeders Cream Shorthairs Hampshire Bsh Surrey Loraston Breeder Lorton Hobbs Bi
52 Blakkatz Cattery - Naturally Reared American Shorthair Cats
Blakkatz Cattery
Blakkatz Cattery is home to naturally raised American Shorthairs. Information on natural raw diet and using homeopathy to keep cats healthy.
Cat Feline Natural Food Health Diet Raw Naturally Holistic Cats American Shorthairs Care Farm Blakkatz Digestion Spellcast Counseling
Blakkatz Cattery is home to naturally raised American Shorthairs. Information on natural raw diet and using homeopathy to keep cats healthy.
Cat Feline Natural Food Health Diet Raw Naturally Holistic Cats American Shorthairs Care Farm Blakkatz Digestion Spellcast Counseling