2. Shopping and Showjumping Trade
1 Equileisure
Horse and
Horse and Sporting Books and Videos. Including dressage, veterinary, rodeo, farriery, breeding, coaching, showjumping, eventing, British Horse Society publications.
Port Supportserverfound Apache Found The Contact
Horse and Sporting Books and Videos. Including dressage, veterinary, rodeo, farriery, breeding, coaching, showjumping, eventing, British Horse Society publications.
Port Supportserverfound Apache Found The Contact
3. Showjumping Recreation
1 Stal Forsten - Pentti Showjumping Stable
Offers training
Offers training for horses and riders in Showjumping and Dressage. Boarding also available. Provides information on show horses for sale, pictures, and weekly news reports from Showjumping events. Located in Guttecoven, Netherlands.
Forstén Pentti Hattel Horse Hevoset Right Left Mikael Stal Horses Messut Forsten News Finland Training Valmennustapahtuma Noora English Liza
Offers training for horses and riders in Showjumping and Dressage. Boarding also available. Provides information on show horses for sale, pictures, and weekly news reports from Showjumping events. Located in Guttecoven, Netherlands.
Forstén Pentti Hattel Horse Hevoset Right Left Mikael Stal Horses Messut Forsten News Finland Training Valmennustapahtuma Noora English Liza
2 Gartmore Stud and Equestrian Centre
Provides Showjumping
Provides Showjumping training for both horse and rider. In addition to livery and stud services, weekly Showjumping shows are also offered. Includes details of the facilities. Located in Stirling, Central Scotland.
Hosting Web Builder Bravenet Free Website Support List Help Tools Tool Mailing Domains Resources Build Email
Provides Showjumping training for both horse and rider. In addition to livery and stud services, weekly Showjumping shows are also offered. Includes details of the facilities. Located in Stirling, Central Scotland.
Hosting Web Builder Bravenet Free Website Support List Help Tools Tool Mailing Domains Resources Build Email
3 Park Ridge Pony Club
Calendar of
Calendar of events, contacts, and the latest news, specializing in eventing, showjumping and dressage, also covers the teaching of horsemanship.
Name Thumbnails Modified Enable Directory Image Thanks Freehomepagecom Parent Size Hosting Weblast Free
Calendar of events, contacts, and the latest news, specializing in eventing, showjumping and dressage, also covers the teaching of horsemanship.
Name Thumbnails Modified Enable Directory Image Thanks Freehomepagecom Parent Size Hosting Weblast Free
4 Schievink Stables
A breeding
A breeding stables producing horses for showjumping and listing stock for sale. Friesland, Netherlands.
Create Tripod Requestedhosting Check Website Shopping Couldnt Tripodcom Lycoscomsignup Page Login
A breeding stables producing horses for showjumping and listing stock for sale. Friesland, Netherlands.
Create Tripod Requestedhosting Check Website Shopping Couldnt Tripodcom Lycoscomsignup Page Login
5 Mullingar Equestrian Centre
Show jumping
Show jumping, showjumping, horse riding holidays, career training, and riding instruction in the UK. BHS-approved.
Riding Holidays Equestrian Horse Ireland Horseback English Language Show Vacation Pony Irish Mullingar Holiday Shows Vacations
Show jumping, showjumping, horse riding holidays, career training, and riding instruction in the UK. BHS-approved.
Riding Holidays Equestrian Horse Ireland Horseback English Language Show Vacation Pony Irish Mullingar Holiday Shows Vacations
6 The Macarthur Horse Trials
Held at
Held at Parklea Horse Centre which provides ODE, 3DE, showjumping days, clinics, agistment, schooling, lessons and facilities for hire.
Mht Mhtcomau Contact Information Website Welcome Pleasemhtcomconstruction Under Web
Held at Parklea Horse Centre which provides ODE, 3DE, showjumping days, clinics, agistment, schooling, lessons and facilities for hire.
Mht Mhtcomau Contact Information Website Welcome Pleasemhtcomconstruction Under Web
7 American Sport Pony
Opened in
Opened in April of 1999 to promote ponies of sport horse type for dressage, showjumping, eventing, and driving regardless of breed origin.
Naspr Results Sportpony Awards Starsearch Archives Inspection Cash Australia Activated Breeds Registry Breeders Stallions
Opened in April of 1999 to promote ponies of sport horse type for dressage, showjumping, eventing, and driving regardless of breed origin.
Naspr Results Sportpony Awards Starsearch Archives Inspection Cash Australia Activated Breeds Registry Breeders Stallions
8 Lionshare Farm
Horse sales
Horse sales and training for International competition in Showjumping, as well as a riding academy in Greenwich, Connecticut. Details of the facilities, trainer profiles, horses for sale, event schedule and show results posted.
Horse sales and training for International competition in Showjumping, as well as a riding academy in Greenwich, Connecticut. Details of the facilities, trainer profiles, horses for sale, event schedule and show results posted.
9 Haras des Aucels
Specializing in
Specializing in the breeding, showing and training of French Showjumping sport horses. Provides breeding and showing information. Located in Auvergne.
De Chevaux Haras Le Sport En Concours Hippique Et Aucels Français Auvergne étrangers Sco élevage Vous
Specializing in the breeding, showing and training of French Showjumping sport horses. Provides breeding and showing information. Located in Auvergne.
De Chevaux Haras Le Sport En Concours Hippique Et Aucels Français Auvergne étrangers Sco élevage Vous
10 Victorian Show Jumping Stables
UK Showjumping
UK Showjumping facility offering training and instruction for horses and riders of all levels by an Olympic Showjumper and coach. Details of the facilities, photo gallery, and trainer biography. Located in Whittlesea, Victoria.
Showjumping Russell Victorian Horses Show Gallery Sale Calendar Centurion Whittleseaatlanta Map Melanie Jumping
UK Showjumping facility offering training and instruction for horses and riders of all levels by an Olympic Showjumper and coach. Details of the facilities, photo gallery, and trainer biography. Located in Whittlesea, Victoria.
Showjumping Russell Victorian Horses Show Gallery Sale Calendar Centurion Whittleseaatlanta Map Melanie Jumping
11 Mullingar Equestrian Centre
Riding holidays
Riding holidays to improve your general riding and horse skills, especially showjumping, cross-country, and hunting. Mullingar, Westmeath County, Ireland.
Riding Holidays Equestrian Horse Ireland Horseback Vacation Irish Language English Holiday Pony Show Mullingar Centres
Riding holidays to improve your general riding and horse skills, especially showjumping, cross-country, and hunting. Mullingar, Westmeath County, Ireland.
Riding Holidays Equestrian Horse Ireland Horseback Vacation Irish Language English Holiday Pony Show Mullingar Centres
12 Centyfield Stud
Knabstrupper and
Knabstrupper and Polish Warmblood sporthorses for dressage, eventing and showjumping. Includes stallion profiles, stud services, progeny, livery, and sales. Located in Cotleigh, Honiton, Devon, United Kindom.
Dressage Country Unaffiliated Cross Course Winter Series Centyfield Full Team Contact Th Residential Events Charges Mawdsley
Knabstrupper and Polish Warmblood sporthorses for dressage, eventing and showjumping. Includes stallion profiles, stud services, progeny, livery, and sales. Located in Cotleigh, Honiton, Devon, United Kindom.
Dressage Country Unaffiliated Cross Course Winter Series Centyfield Full Team Contact Th Residential Events Charges Mawdsley
13 Peter Murphy - Showjumper and Trainer
Provides training
Provides training in the Showjumping discipline for both horse and rider. Also buys and sells horses at all levels. Operates out of Pear Tree Farm in Penwortham, Lancashire, England. Biographies, competition schedules, and details of the facilities featured.
Provides training in the Showjumping discipline for both horse and rider. Also buys and sells horses at all levels. Operates out of Pear Tree Farm in Penwortham, Lancashire, England. Biographies, competition schedules, and details of the facilities featured.
14 Edmonton Equine Veterinary Services
Serving Albertas
Serving Albertas horse community. and specializing in the performance horse whether it be Western Pleasure or Showjumping. Information on staff, services and the facility. Monthly newsletter.
Veterinary Hospital Surgical Equine Alberta West Wind Sherwood Park Ambulatory Care Clinic Practice Animal ~
Serving Albertas horse community. and specializing in the performance horse whether it be Western Pleasure or Showjumping. Information on staff, services and the facility. Monthly newsletter.
Veterinary Hospital Surgical Equine Alberta West Wind Sherwood Park Ambulatory Care Clinic Practice Animal ~
15 Cavan Equestrian and Horse Marketing Centre
Situated in
Situated in the centre of Ireland, and hosting international performance sales, mixed Thoroughbred sales and numerous showjumping competitions. Includes list of events.
Horse Sales Centre Cavan Ireland Equestrian Marketing Boots Thoroughbred Skechers Showjumping International Shape Performance Jerseys Discount
Situated in the centre of Ireland, and hosting international performance sales, mixed Thoroughbred sales and numerous showjumping competitions. Includes list of events.
Horse Sales Centre Cavan Ireland Equestrian Marketing Boots Thoroughbred Skechers Showjumping International Shape Performance Jerseys Discount
16 Johnson Equestrian Services
Showjumping instruction
Showjumping instruction for horses and riders by NCAS EFA Level 2 instructor, Christine Johnson. Details of services and information about riding team featured. Located in Sydney, Australia.
Johnson Equestrian Horse Riding Team Coaching Camps Training Coach George Lessons Sydney Holiday Nelson Services Christine Camp Products
Showjumping instruction for horses and riders by NCAS EFA Level 2 instructor, Christine Johnson. Details of services and information about riding team featured. Located in Sydney, Australia.
Johnson Equestrian Horse Riding Team Coaching Camps Training Coach George Lessons Sydney Holiday Nelson Services Christine Camp Products
17 Kemill Hill Stud
Breeders of
Breeders of performance horses and ponies. Standing 16.3h ASH eventing/showjumping stallion, and Connemara Pony stallion. Lists stock for sale. Bakers Hill, Western Australia
Foundfound The Apache Serverport
Breeders of performance horses and ponies. Standing 16.3h ASH eventing/showjumping stallion, and Connemara Pony stallion. Lists stock for sale. Bakers Hill, Western Australia
Foundfound The Apache Serverport
18 Buettner Performance Horses
Provides training
Provides training for horse and rider in Showjumping, Dressage, and Keurings. Also offers a combined training program for those interested in Eventing. Includes details of the facilities, photo galleries, and available horses. Located in Somis, California
Jumping Tv Show Horses Buettnerperformancehorses Movie Buettner Tradition Royal Industry Stud Horsemastership Dressage Eventing Thomas Riding Only
Provides training for horse and rider in Showjumping, Dressage, and Keurings. Also offers a combined training program for those interested in Eventing. Includes details of the facilities, photo galleries, and available horses. Located in Somis, California
Jumping Tv Show Horses Buettnerperformancehorses Movie Buettner Tradition Royal Industry Stud Horsemastership Dressage Eventing Thomas Riding Only
19 Ravenwood Farm
Boarding and
Boarding and training facility offering customized Showjumping lessons for beginning and advanced riders. Provides information boarding and training, and includes a photo gallery and sales list. Located in Palm Harbor, Florida.
Ravenwood Inc Farm Blog Contact Us * Barn Lesson Harbor Saleshome * Farm_ Sales * Boarding *
Boarding and training facility offering customized Showjumping lessons for beginning and advanced riders. Provides information boarding and training, and includes a photo gallery and sales list. Located in Palm Harbor, Florida.
Ravenwood Inc Farm Blog Contact Us * Barn Lesson Harbor Saleshome * Farm_ Sales * Boarding *
20 Patrick Dwyer Show Stables
Showjumping equestrian
Showjumping equestrian facility in Walnut Creek, California providing training for horse and rider, boarding, and sales of show horses. Lists horses for sale, services offered, and show dates.
Showjumping equestrian facility in Walnut Creek, California providing training for horse and rider, boarding, and sales of show horses. Lists horses for sale, services offered, and show dates.
21 Puchestown - The National Equestrian Centre
Dressage, showjumping
Dressage, showjumping and eventing training. Offers training for a week or more with well-schooled horses and first-rate facilities with personalised programmes and clinics with international instructors. Novice to advanced. Home of CCI*** and CCI** International Three Day Events. Naas, County Kildare, Ireland.
Festival Racing Punchestown Hospitality Facilities News Pavilion Packages Link Go Event Venue Centre Group Course Gallery Advertising Rover
Dressage, showjumping and eventing training. Offers training for a week or more with well-schooled horses and first-rate facilities with personalised programmes and clinics with international instructors. Novice to advanced. Home of CCI*** and CCI** International Three Day Events. Naas, County Kildare, Ireland.
Festival Racing Punchestown Hospitality Facilities News Pavilion Packages Link Go Event Venue Centre Group Course Gallery Advertising Rover
4. Computer & Showjumping Games Websites
5. Sports Websites concerning Showjumping
1 Stal Forsten - Pentti Showjumping Stable
Offers training
Offers training for horses and riders in Showjumping and Dressage. Boarding also available. Provides information on show horses for sale, pictures, and weekly news reports from Showjumping events. Located in Guttecoven, Netherlands.
Offers training for horses and riders in Showjumping and Dressage. Boarding also available. Provides information on show horses for sale, pictures, and weekly news reports from Showjumping events. Located in Guttecoven, Netherlands.
2 Gartmore Stud and Equestrian Centre
Provides Showjumping
Provides Showjumping training for both horse and rider. In addition to livery and stud services, weekly Showjumping shows are also offered. Includes details of the facilities. Located in Stirling, Central Scotland.
Hosting Web Builder Bravenet Free Website Support Help List Tools Tool Mailing Domains Build Programs Create
Provides Showjumping training for both horse and rider. In addition to livery and stud services, weekly Showjumping shows are also offered. Includes details of the facilities. Located in Stirling, Central Scotland.
Hosting Web Builder Bravenet Free Website Support Help List Tools Tool Mailing Domains Build Programs Create
3 Park Ridge Pony Club
Calendar of
Calendar of events, contacts, and the latest news, specializing in eventing, showjumping and dressage, also covers the teaching of horsemanship.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Calendar of events, contacts, and the latest news, specializing in eventing, showjumping and dressage, also covers the teaching of horsemanship.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 Schievink Stables
A breeding
A breeding stables producing horses for showjumping and listing stock for sale. Friesland, Netherlands.
Tripod Create Please Signup Errorpage Found Hosting Check Lycoscom Requested Couldntshopping Lycos Tripodcom
A breeding stables producing horses for showjumping and listing stock for sale. Friesland, Netherlands.
Tripod Create Please Signup Errorpage Found Hosting Check Lycoscom Requested Couldntshopping Lycos Tripodcom
5 Mullingar Equestrian Centre
Show jumping
Show jumping, showjumping, horse riding holidays, career training, and riding instruction in the UK. BHS-approved.
Pony Events Horse League Equestrian Mullingar Spring Shows Trucks Morrisey Christmas Final Riding International Show School Connemara Connors
Show jumping, showjumping, horse riding holidays, career training, and riding instruction in the UK. BHS-approved.
Pony Events Horse League Equestrian Mullingar Spring Shows Trucks Morrisey Christmas Final Riding International Show School Connemara Connors
6 The Macarthur Horse Trials
Held at
Held at Parklea Horse Centre which provides ODE, 3DE, showjumping days, clinics, agistment, schooling, lessons and facilities for hire.
Mht Mhtcomau Contactweb Mhtcom Under Please Welcomeinformation Website Construction
Held at Parklea Horse Centre which provides ODE, 3DE, showjumping days, clinics, agistment, schooling, lessons and facilities for hire.
Mht Mhtcomau Contactweb Mhtcom Under Please Welcomeinformation Website Construction
7 American Sport Pony
Opened in
Opened in April of 1999 to promote ponies of sport horse type for dressage, showjumping, eventing, and driving regardless of breed origin.
Sportpony American Naspr Registry North Awards Program Inspection Membership News Activated Warmblood Stallions Seminars Renew Non
Opened in April of 1999 to promote ponies of sport horse type for dressage, showjumping, eventing, and driving regardless of breed origin.
Sportpony American Naspr Registry North Awards Program Inspection Membership News Activated Warmblood Stallions Seminars Renew Non
8 Lionshare Farm
Horse sales
Horse sales and training for International competition in Showjumping, as well as a riding academy in Greenwich, Connecticut. Details of the facilities, trainer profiles, horses for sale, event schedule and show results posted.
Horse sales and training for International competition in Showjumping, as well as a riding academy in Greenwich, Connecticut. Details of the facilities, trainer profiles, horses for sale, event schedule and show results posted.
9 Haras des Aucels
Specializing in
Specializing in the breeding, showing and training of French Showjumping sport horses. Provides breeding and showing information. Located in Auvergne.
Specializing in the breeding, showing and training of French Showjumping sport horses. Provides breeding and showing information. Located in Auvergne.
10 Victorian Show Jumping Stables
UK Showjumping
UK Showjumping facility offering training and instruction for horses and riders of all levels by an Olympic Showjumper and coach. Details of the facilities, photo gallery, and trainer biography. Located in Whittlesea, Victoria.
Showjumping Russell Victorian Horses Here Faceboo Check Training Form Found Johnstone Calendar Horse Arena Centurion
UK Showjumping facility offering training and instruction for horses and riders of all levels by an Olympic Showjumper and coach. Details of the facilities, photo gallery, and trainer biography. Located in Whittlesea, Victoria.
Showjumping Russell Victorian Horses Here Faceboo Check Training Form Found Johnstone Calendar Horse Arena Centurion
11 Mullingar Equestrian Centre
Riding holidays
Riding holidays to improve your general riding and horse skills, especially showjumping, cross-country, and hunting. Mullingar, Westmeath County, Ireland.
Pony Horse Events League Equestrian Mullingar Morrisey Spring Shows Trucks Christmas Final Riding Sji International Camps Horses English
Riding holidays to improve your general riding and horse skills, especially showjumping, cross-country, and hunting. Mullingar, Westmeath County, Ireland.
Pony Horse Events League Equestrian Mullingar Morrisey Spring Shows Trucks Christmas Final Riding Sji International Camps Horses English
12 Centyfield Stud
Knabstrupper and
Knabstrupper and Polish Warmblood sporthorses for dressage, eventing and showjumping. Includes stallion profiles, stud services, progeny, livery, and sales. Located in Cotleigh, Honiton, Devon, United Kindom.
Dressage Unaffiliated Course Cross Country Series Winter Centyfield Baby Courses Facilities Friday Events Full Team Indoor
Knabstrupper and Polish Warmblood sporthorses for dressage, eventing and showjumping. Includes stallion profiles, stud services, progeny, livery, and sales. Located in Cotleigh, Honiton, Devon, United Kindom.
Dressage Unaffiliated Course Cross Country Series Winter Centyfield Baby Courses Facilities Friday Events Full Team Indoor
13 Peter Murphy - Showjumper and Trainer
Provides training
Provides training in the Showjumping discipline for both horse and rider. Also buys and sells horses at all levels. Operates out of Pear Tree Farm in Penwortham, Lancashire, England. Biographies, competition schedules, and details of the facilities featured.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Provides training in the Showjumping discipline for both horse and rider. Also buys and sells horses at all levels. Operates out of Pear Tree Farm in Penwortham, Lancashire, England. Biographies, competition schedules, and details of the facilities featured.
Navigationshilfe Ty
14 Cavan Equestrian and Horse Marketing Centre
Situated in
Situated in the centre of Ireland, and hosting international performance sales, mixed Thoroughbred sales and numerous showjumping competitions. Includes list of events.
Sales Horse Pony Cavan Equestrian Performance Incentive International Centre Irish Travel Ireland Showjumping Success Mare Thoroughbred
Situated in the centre of Ireland, and hosting international performance sales, mixed Thoroughbred sales and numerous showjumping competitions. Includes list of events.
Sales Horse Pony Cavan Equestrian Performance Incentive International Centre Irish Travel Ireland Showjumping Success Mare Thoroughbred
15 Johnson Equestrian Services
Showjumping instruction
Showjumping instruction for horses and riders by NCAS EFA Level 2 instructor, Christine Johnson. Details of services and information about riding team featured. Located in Sydney, Australia.
Johnson Horse Equestrian Riding Team Coaching George Training Sydney Camps Holiday Lessons Services Coach Nelson
Showjumping instruction for horses and riders by NCAS EFA Level 2 instructor, Christine Johnson. Details of services and information about riding team featured. Located in Sydney, Australia.
Johnson Horse Equestrian Riding Team Coaching George Training Sydney Camps Holiday Lessons Services Coach Nelson
16 Kemill Hill Stud
Breeders of
Breeders of performance horses and ponies. Standing 16.3h ASH eventing/showjumping stallion, and Connemara Pony stallion. Lists stock for sale. Bakers Hill, Western Australia
Support Westnet Business Internet Hardware Mobile Phone Fetch Login Sales Webmail Small Forgot Network Contact Freezone Myemail
Breeders of performance horses and ponies. Standing 16.3h ASH eventing/showjumping stallion, and Connemara Pony stallion. Lists stock for sale. Bakers Hill, Western Australia
Support Westnet Business Internet Hardware Mobile Phone Fetch Login Sales Webmail Small Forgot Network Contact Freezone Myemail
17 Buettner Performance Horses
Provides training
Provides training for horse and rider in Showjumping, Dressage, and Keurings. Also offers a combined training program for those interested in Eventing. Includes details of the facilities, photo galleries, and available horses. Located in Somis, California
Buettnerperformancehorsescom Cash Advance Insurance Melbourne Policy Debt Consolidation Privacy Phones Free Here Learn Browse Credit Y
Provides training for horse and rider in Showjumping, Dressage, and Keurings. Also offers a combined training program for those interested in Eventing. Includes details of the facilities, photo galleries, and available horses. Located in Somis, California
Buettnerperformancehorsescom Cash Advance Insurance Melbourne Policy Debt Consolidation Privacy Phones Free Here Learn Browse Credit Y
18 Ravenwood Farm
Boarding and
Boarding and training facility offering customized Showjumping lessons for beginning and advanced riders. Provides information boarding and training, and includes a photo gallery and sales list. Located in Palm Harbor, Florida.
Farm Ravenwoodinccontact Weebly
Boarding and training facility offering customized Showjumping lessons for beginning and advanced riders. Provides information boarding and training, and includes a photo gallery and sales list. Located in Palm Harbor, Florida.
Farm Ravenwoodinccontact Weebly
19 Patrick Dwyer Show Stables
Showjumping equestrian
Showjumping equestrian facility in Walnut Creek, California providing training for horse and rider, boarding, and sales of show horses. Lists horses for sale, services offered, and show dates.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Showjumping equestrian facility in Walnut Creek, California providing training for horse and rider, boarding, and sales of show horses. Lists horses for sale, services offered, and show dates.
Navigationshilfe Ty
20 Puchestown - The National Equestrian Centre
Dressage, showjumping
Dressage, showjumping and eventing training. Offers training for a week or more with well-schooled horses and first-rate facilities with personalised programmes and clinics with international instructors. Novice to advanced. Home of CCI*** and CCI** International Three Day Events. Naas, County Kildare, Ireland.
Festival Punchestown News Hospitality Facilities Racing Contact Groups Members Doing Business Course Venue Visiting Accommodation Image Scene William
Dressage, showjumping and eventing training. Offers training for a week or more with well-schooled horses and first-rate facilities with personalised programmes and clinics with international instructors. Novice to advanced. Home of CCI*** and CCI** International Three Day Events. Naas, County Kildare, Ireland.
Festival Punchestown News Hospitality Facilities Racing Contact Groups Members Doing Business Course Venue Visiting Accommodation Image Scene William