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Spinal Experience


1 Spine Surgeon in Navi Mumbai | Spine Surgeon

Dr Raghuprasad Varma, M.S Orth (Mumbai), Fcps, Dnb (Orth), One of the Best Spine Surgeon in Navi Mumbai. One of... Mumbai Spine Raghuprasad Dr Varma Surgeon Navi Best Orth Contact Hospital One Spinal Fcps Dnb
2 Jagannathan Neurosurgery Health&medical
Jagannathan Neurosurgery is US-based neurosurgery clinic that offers best neuro treatments We have a board qualifies doctors that specialize in... Board Surgery Bio Sketch Jagannathan Neurosurgery Dr Patient Neurological Pain Certified American Spinal Op Institute
3 Spinal Solutions Australia Chiropractor
Punchbowl NSW
Spinal Decompression therapy is a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment for low back, neck and nerve pain that radiates down the arms... Australia Spinal Decompression Non Surgical Therapy Solutions Arrow Player Slider Up Flash Down Visit Subtitles
1 Biorthex Orthopedic products
Orthopedic products and devices. Brace for idiopathic scoliosis, new spinal implant to correct spinal disorders without fusion.
2 Spinal implants and instruments. Development, production
Development, production and distribution of spinal implants and instruments world wide.
Cervical Olerud Anatomica Cage Plate Surgical Contact Prosthesis Disc Spineart Alif Posterior Juliet Cure Halo Si Spinearts Camera Askim
3 Hyperbaric Medicine - Spinal Rehabilitation Group Located Melbourne
Located Melbourne Australia. Inexcess of 25,000 separate chamber treatments acknowledges Spinal Rehab Group as Australia largest non-hospital Hyperbaric service provider. Degenerative neuro-vascular disorders and chronic delayed non-healing wounds are our focus.
4 ScientX , SA Designing and
Designing and production of spinal implants and instruments.
5 Mekanika, Inc. Develops and
Develops and markets medical device for spinal surgery and diagnostics.
Z Bootstrapper Y
6 International Medical Devices Makers of
Makers of the Gertie Marx Needle for delivery of spinal anesthesia.
Needles Spinal Lumbar Myelograms Stylet Anesthesia Gertie Needle Side Magnifying Epidural Cses Marx Amniocentesis Patented Combinedspinal Whitepapers Length Clear
7 US Orthotics, Inc. Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of orthopedic soft-goods and spinal braces. Located in Tampa, Florida.
8 Rob Oliver A speaker
A speaker who motivates and inspires audiences with his life experiences since a spinal cord injury in 1993.
Speaker Motivational Robs School Contact Oliver Walking Testimonials Page Media Rob Presentations Inspirational Book Looking Shows Pittsburgh Purchase Sheet
9 Spinal Digital Imaging Computer Aided
Computer Aided X-Ray (Digitizing X-Ray) and Viscerosomatic Analysis Services and System using the Spinalyzer Plus.
10 Biorthex, Inc. Designing, developing
Designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing innovative and proprietary surgical products for the treatment of spinal disorders.
11 Interpore International Designs, manufactures
Designs, manufactures and markets synthetic bone and tissue products and spinal implant devices. (Nasdaq: BONZ).
Interporecom Best Nety
12 Kiscomedica Manufacture and
Manufacture and distribution of spinal products such as pedicular systems, cages & motion products.
Kiscomedicacom Here Clickz Go
13 Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc. Designs, develops
Designs, develops, manufactures and markets line of electronic spinal cord stimulation devices used to manage chronic severe pain. (Nasdaq: ANSI).
14 proneuron biotechnologies, inc developing therapies
developing therapies for neurological disorders such as spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative diseases and glaucoma. features explanation of technology and details of clinical studies. los angeles, california, usa.
Injury Spinal Proneuron Cord Therapies Biotechnologies Cure Developing Clinical Paralysis Other Company Neurological Studies Treatment Careers Disclaimer Science
15 Tracer Designs, Inc. Producer of
Producer of the Tracer Bone Mill machine used to produce allograft material for hip revision procedure, spinal fusions, grafting. (Santa Paula, CA)
16 chlorion pharma quebec-based pharmaceutical
quebec-based pharmaceutical company. research on chronic and neuropathic pain based on chloride ion imbalance in the spinal cord involving kcc2.
17 Medtronic Sofamor Danek Contains information
Contains information about products and services offered in following strategic areas: physician services and medical education, surgical products, minimal access spinal technologies, biological solutions, and eBusiness.
Medtronic Medical Device Therapies Innovation Follow Technology Careers Information Investors Newsroom Locations Business World Order Healthcare Questions Suppliers
18 celebricon ltd. specializes in
specializes in in vitro neurological pre-clinical research. available models include cns diseases such as stroke, parkinsons disease, alzheimers disease, multiple sclerosis, migraine, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, huntingtons disease and als.
Learn Compounds Test Effects Assess Drug Disease Lead Conduct Compound Research Services Identify Pharmacology Discovery Non Glp Early Stage Anti Inflammatory Neuro Chemical Primary Agents

2. Shopping and Spinal Trade

1 GPK Computer-related products
Computer-related products for people who are quadriplegic due to a C5-C6 and spinal cord injury.
Physical Rehabilitation Quadriplegics Therapy Desk Adaptive Vocational Recreational Computer Tetraplegia Floyd Tetraplegic Quadriplegia Quadripelgia Furniture
2 Services individuals
Services individuals with urinary incontinence and spinal cord injury, and provides variety of urological supplies.
Catheters Catheter Medical Supplies Urinary Catheterization Utis Testimonials Resources Reduce Customer Products Story College Insurance Patients Ostomy Professionals
3 Spinal Care Products Retailer for
Retailer for memory foam pillows, massage supplies and an ergo desk.
Pillows Ergonomic Foam Pain Memory Support Neck Wedge Spinal Relief Today Products Care Assessment Proper Shipping Pregnancy Call
4 Sideshow Toy Mass and
Mass and specialty market manufacturer of licensed and proprietary toy products: The Lord of the Rings, Universal Studios Classic Monsters, Monty Python, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dark Crystal, Spinal Tap, Bruce Lee and others.
Sideshow Collectibles Code Rewards Sale Shop Blog Products Desk Help Solo Figure Batman Contests Promo Items Artist Onsale Payment
5 Pain Management Innovations Book of
Book of guidelines for patient positioning, C-Arm positioning, and fluoroscopic techniques for interventional spinal pain management procedures.
Pain Management Spinal Imaging Positioning Procedures Techniques Innovations Medical Patient Radiology Treatment Evergreen Page Equipment Colorado Po

3. Spinal Recreation

1 International Spinal Cord Regeneration Center Learn about
Learn about the success regenerating spinal cords using Embryonic Cell Transplant Therapy. Site is in English and Spanish.
2 Microspine Specializes in
Specializes in minimally invasive arthroscopic spinal surgery spinal. Includes details about the procedure, the practice and FAQs. Located in Defuniak Springs, Florida.
Microspine History Mork Institute Spine Laser Tony Drtonymorkcom Florida Defuniak Dr Springs Scott | Owners
3 Spinal Cord Arteriovenous Malformations Support, links
Support, links and information on spinal cord and other AVMs. Patient-oriented site
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Mapsmail Wayback Games Sorry Movies Terms Trying
4 Spinal Cord Society An international
An international organization for cure, research, and treatment of spinal cord injury, paralysis, and related problems.
Sign Lifestream Policy Places People Account Now Everything Aolcom Inc Multiple Stream Network Search Networks Advertise
5 Spinal Cord Society International organization
International organization for cure, research and treatment of spinal cord injury paralysis and related problems.
Z Request Y
6 Canadian Spinal Research Organization Dedicated to
Dedicated to the improvement of the physical quality of life for persons with a spinal cord injury through targeted scientific and medical research.
Csro Kevin Statement Loading Privacy Oleary Contact Allrights Canadas Exciting Funds this Exclusive Canadianthinking
7 Spinal Cord Disorders Message Board Discussing spinal
Discussing spinal cord injuries, with a no ads policy.
Re Spinal Cervical Stenosis Fusion Surgery Disc Pain Cord Lumbar Spine Spondylosis Help Spondylolisthesis Leg
8 MicroSpine - Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Specialists Performing arthroscopic
Performing arthroscopic and endoscopic spinal surgery for many spine disorders in Florida. Information on practice, patients, contacts.
9 Proactive Spinal Network An online
An online community for women with spinal injuries (SCI/D). Offers articles, a forum and chat room for support. It is targeted at women in Ontario, Canada.
スピãÆ’ªãƒãÆ’¥ã‚¢ãÆ’«ã‚«ã‚¦ãÆ’³ã‚»ãÆ’ªãÆ’³ã‚°ã‚„ヒãÆ’¼ãÆ’ªãÆ’³ã‚°å ã„で自分を知る方æ³Ã¢â‚¬Â¢
10 Spine Institute of New York Diagnostic and
Diagnostic and treatment services for back pain and spinal disorders including scoliosis, sciatica, spinal stenosis and herniated disc. Located in White Plains and New York.
Spine Disc Spinal Surgery York Institute Replacement Pain Injection Conditions Request Invasive Anatomy Patient Physical Pre Operative References Herniated New Fellowships
11 Exercising Toward Repair of the Spinal Cord New York
New York Times article about actor Christopher Reeves progress toward rehabilitation and the larger story of evidence that intense physical exercise can help restore the brain and spinal cord after serious injury.
Times Reeve York Cord Spinal University New Page Center Repair Toward Help Reeves Exercising Christopher Brain Border=width= However Restore
12 South Texas Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery Associates An orthopedic
An orthopedic spinal surgery group in San Antonio, Texas providing treatment for back and neck pain
Spinal Texas Spine Pain Surgery Cord Orthopaedic South Neck Arthritis Rheumatoid Stossa Associates Injuries Tumors Radiculopathy Infections Sciaticapinched
13 Brian Sternberg - Living with Spinal Cord Injury Details the
Details the authors experiences with an incomplete C2 spinal cord injury - the accident, hospital stay, therapy, and ongoing progress.
14 Spinal Cord AVM and Stroke Support Group Supportive message
Supportive message board and informative links for individuals and families who have been touched by spinal cord stroke, arteriovenous malformation of the spine, or both.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Tryingnews Games Sites Machine Guidelines Internet Wayback
15 Spine Center of the Northeast Institute focused
Institute focused on care of spinal disorders including spine surgery, chiropractic care, spinal physiatry and physical therapy. Located in Shrewsbury and Belleville.
Spine Society Patient Research Spinal American Meet Healthcom Contact Ascend Orthopaedic Crescent Medicine Scoliosis Education Aaos Solutions Donald Development Staffqualitycare New
16 Veterinary Neurological Center Veterinary neurology
Veterinary neurology practice specializing in the treatment of canine and feline epilepsy, cervical and spinal diseases and other neurological problems affecting the brain and spinal canal.
Move Close Here Click Neurological Neurology Hours Neuronews Referral Form Glossary Netprocitycom Phoenix Examination Words Emergency
17 Veterinary Neurological Center Veterinary neurology
Veterinary neurology practice specializing in the treatment of canine and feline epilepsy, cervical and spinal diseases and other neurological problems affecting the brain and spinal canal. Phoenix.
Move Close Neurological Here Click Neurology Hours Glossary Form Referral Neuronews Phoenix Animal Examination Exam California Wwwneuropetvetcom Types
18 Quest For The Spinal Cord Cure To help
To help find a cure for paralysis as well as peer counsel those afflicted with spinal cord injuries.
Cure Paralysis Quest Spinal Cord Reeve Christopher Peer Research Hansen Hero Injury Life Paraplegic Support Paralysisunfortunately Centre
19 Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Presents reviews
Presents reviews of existing literature and new developments in spinal cord injury patient care and research. Online access, submission information, personalized alerts upon registration available.
Journal Rehabilitation Spinal Injury Cord Access Board Editorial Subscribe Peer Manuscript Sci Authors Submit Instructions Topics Publishers Psycinfo
20 How To Prove Spinal Disability Your one
Your one stop source for spinal disability evaluations, functional capacity assessments, ask the doctor, scoliosis, spine information, disability facts and business help or check out current news and contact information.
Disability Rating Chiropractic Spinal Physician Impairment Lapinsky Csde Click Gerald Here Dabda Dc Spine American Chiropracticphysician
21 Andys Spinal Cord Injury Web Site Life after
Life after breaking my neck in 94, spinal cord injury and paralysis. The site contains community message boards and chat rooms.
Spinal Injury Cord Paralysis Life Sci Wheelchair Website Bladder Neck Tetraplegia Disabled Broken Christopher Community Quadriplegia Nervous Pressure
22 [Yahoo! Groups] Spinal Cord Injury Caregivers A private
A private email support forum for those who are caregivers of spinal cord injury loved ones. List is also open to those with SCI.
Yahoo Help Scic Groups Please Terms Owner@yahoogroupscom Copyright Weather Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Mobile Autos Shine Celebrity Support
23 Neurotrauma Registry Online directory
Online directory listing programs and professionals specific to brain and spinal cord injury, or other neurotrauma. Search by state, by specialty area, or both. Includes a brain map, spinal cord map, glossary,and links to other resources.
24 Computerized Chiropractic Instruments Supplies instruments
Supplies instruments which can be used for spinal segment mobility analysis, spinal segment adjustment, trigger point therapy and joint mobilization therapy. Also mechanical oscillation to provide manipulation and soft tissue therapy.
25 Physiotherapy Exercises For People With Spinal Cord Injury Written for
Written for physiotherapists, site enables users to find exercises appropriate for patients with different neurological disabilities (including spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, stroke and multiple sclerosis).
Sydney Australia * Health Physiotherapy Department Hospital Rehabilitation Aprof Word Address Centre Messenger Area Peter Exercises Docs Twitter To School Stephanie
26 Rick Hansen Institute - Spinal Cord Injuries Research and Resource Accelerating the
Accelerating the discovery of a cure for spinal cord injury and improving quality of life, through fundraising and facilitating research. Learn about the Rick Hansen Foundation, its programs, special events, and how your donations can make a difference.
Hansen Rick World Donate Motion Foundation Media Flickr Terms Use Help Audited Building Statements Biography Tour Annual
27 Melissas Page on Spinal Muscular Atrophy Personal web
Personal web page about Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Describes growing up with the disease and current events in Melissas life.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Longeravailable Toolbar Movies Internet Popular Financewayback Sites Terms
28 Dangerwood - Surviving Paralysis Provides victims
Provides victims of spinal cord injury, paralysis, and quadriplegics with information for surviving spinal cord injury.
Z Survivingparalysiscom Y
29 A directory
A directory for spinal disorders: for research and information.
Spinal Disorders Pain Spondylosis Surgery Disc Spine Sciatica Articles Herniated Scoliosis Neck Stenosis Minimally Bonati Support Directories Alfred
30 The SCI Zone A collection
A collection of information on spinal cord injury.
Cord Spinal Injury News Information Continue Reading Answers Videos Zone Articles Life Stem Dystrophy World
31 Spine Universe Back pain
Back pain and spinal disease portal.
Pain Spine Spinal Spineuniverse Neck Sciatica Herniated Disc Advice Lower Scoliosis Osteoporosis Expert Joint Clinical Questions
32 Jerry Haney Information on
Information on recovery from a spinal cord injury.
Jerry Haney Cord Spinal Injury Jerrys Page C Disclaimer Information Traumatic Dedication Introduction Garden Lots Alwayscheck
33 OncoLink FAQs A reader
A reader has a question about the causes and treatment of spinal cord compression.
Cancer Cancers Oncolink Questions Spinal Therapy Treatment Cord History Tumors Radiation Frequently Asked Compression Clinical Zanosar® Fluoroplex® Gastrointestinal
34 The Merck Manual An article
An article about spinal cord compression, its diagnosis and treatment.
Merck Manual Tables Med Sites Student Drug Diagnosis Laboratory Therapy Stories Normalselected Values
35 Neurological and Spinal Surgery, L.L.C. Lincoln, Nebraskas
Lincoln, Nebraskas Gamma Knife Surgeons.
Surgery Md Neurological Llc Patient Spinal Brain Spine Privacy Medical Policy Procedures Cervical Deep Website Imaging Chronic Gamma Tremor Livingston Doctors
36 Ira and Marc Chernoff, MDs Orthopedic and
Orthopedic and spinal surgeons located throughout Long Island.
Surgery Chernoff Md Medicine Spine Sports Marc Orthopedic Replacement Physical Dr Ira Orthopaedics Rehablitiation Mednet Therapy Include Surgeons Neck
37 My Spondylolisthesis An account
An account of 2 level Spinal Fusion Surgery, its rehabilitation and Recovery.
Information Found Clickinternet Cannot Services Page Support Open Technicalfile Microsoft
38 Health Dangers Information and
Information and resources about the causes, costs and living with a spinal cord injury.
Healthdangerscom Clickz Go Here
39 Heres a
Heres a site about everything. Me, my interests, my spinal injury, my car club, and my dads sportscard shop.
Domain Contact Shopping Categories See Cart Help Policy Testimonials Business Specialist Terms Own Rutrohcom Valuations Hassle
40 Scientific American: Explorations Spinal Cord
Spinal Cord Repair: Transplanted cells come to the aid of paralysis victims.
Science Podcast Subscribe Mind Second Features Health Network Print Sa Issues Reply Latest Education Editions Jobs Mother’s Only
41 The Spine Reconstruction Partners Medical Group Providing comprehensive
Providing comprehensive spinal care in Los Angeles.
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42 Fibromyalgia Information about
Information about this disorder, including links to spinal stenosis, which may be a related and treatable problem.
Tripod Create Website Signup Lycoscom Check Errorpage Login Found Shopping Lycoscouldnt Please Page
43 Spinal Cord Injury Information Details about
Details about autonomic dysreflexia, the symptoms and why they happen and finding and removing the causes.
Jerrys Haney Jerry Garden Series Information Injury Cord Spinal Family Traumatic Complete Contents Table Sites
44 Spine Health: Pilates Article about
Article about the benefits for anybody with spinal problems, movements to avoid, and general advice.
Pain Pilates Exercise Videos Spine Health Forums Yoga Disc Surgery Doctor Neck Wellness Spinal Sciatica
45 Kevin M. Deitel, MD Fellowship trained
Fellowship trained orthopedic spinal surgeon practicing in North County San Diego.
Spine Surgeon Suite Surgery Office Boardcertified American Board Murrieta Escondido Diego Real Frcsc Ca Surgicalintervention Page
46 Craig Hospital Specialty rehabilitation
Specialty rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord and brain injury. Located in Englewood.
Craig Hospital Injury Sci Family Spinal Why Rehab Referral Cord Brain | Therapy Charity Research Housing Outcomes Adaptive
47 The Healthy Gimp Practical information
Practical information and motivation for persons with a spinal cord injury and other physical disabilities.
Motivation Health Injury Cord Self Spinal Gimp Speaker Determination Constipation Disability Physically Paraplegic Information Healthy Help Men Lutein
48 Whitney Hope Foundation Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization which assists families and individuals with spinal cord injury and disabilities.
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49 Spine Health Information on
Information on spinal tumors, including common symptoms, diagnosis, types and treatment options.
Pain Spinal Spine Videos Tumor Cancer Forums Surgery Disc Tumors Doctor Health Video Conditions Symptoms
50 Whitney Hope Non-profit camp
Non-profit camp for disabled persons. Includes information on spinal cord injury and a newsletter.
51 Northern California Spine and Rehabilitation Associates Providing comprehensive
Providing comprehensive spinal care and surgery in Sacramento and Roseville.
Outlet Michael Legend Blue Lebron Kors Ncsra Spinal Corporation Medical Jordan Beats Dre California Rehabilitation Level Spine
52 Spinal Arthritis Health A collection
A collection of articles covers different forms of the condition, the treatments available, and the advantages of exercise and other self-help measures..
Pain Osteoarthritis Arthritis Spine Videos Spinal Treatment Surgery Facet Forums Joint Exercise Symptoms Causes Doctor Therapy
53 Emergency Medinice An introduction
An introduction to spinal epidural abscess, the clinical features, work up, treatment, medicine and follow up.
54 Fabien Bitan, M.D. Orthopedic spine
Orthopedic spine surgeon specializing in spinal deformity and degenerative disc disease. Located in New York.
Surgery Spine York New Spinal Bitan Disc Replacement Doctor Other Sacroiliac Fabien Fusion Best Minimally Hospital Deformity Endoscopic Selected Video
55 Thomas F. Gleason, M.D Treating general
Treating general orthopaedic conditions with a special interest in adult spinal problems and joint replacements.
Illinois Gleason Orthopaedic Joint American Bone Chicago Medical Society University Institute Center Surgery Hospital College Area Orthopedic
56 Evan OBrien, MD Providing spinal
Providing spinal surgery and pain management services to patients in the New Jersey/Philadelphia metropolitan area.
Pain Procedures Woodbury Treatment Orthopedic Management | Sprains Cervical Lumbar Strains Nj Spine Surgeries Headache Diagnostic Degenerative Surgical
57 Stepping Out of the Box Inspiring people
Inspiring people with disabilities, spinal cord injuries in particular, to reject the victim label that has often accompanied the word disability.
Piazza Krisann Theme Stepping Horse Wordpress Navigation Boxsci * Posts Found Copyright Krisann Sci
58 Airbag and Seatbelt Safety Explains why
Explains why motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of serious injury to the back, neck and spinal cord and how these may be prevented.
Pain Physical Therapy Spinal Spine Conditions Video Therapist Exercises Spineuniverse Treatments Center Anatomy Specialist Therapies Youll Lower
59 Ilsas SMA Resources A detailed
A detailed description, news and links with information about Spinal Muscular Atrophy. A personal story of a baby, Ilsa.
Gamma Blue Jordan Retro Christmas Sale Vegas Edmonton Muscular Ilsas Fund Joe House Ramis Lots
60 The Special Spine Institute Practice limited
Practice limited to adult and pediatric spinal surgery including scoliosis. Office located in Poughkeepsie.
61 Dr. Robert
Dr. Robert Pashman, located in Los Angeles, CA, specializes in spinal deformities and scoliosis, offers second opinions to patients considering back surgery.
Cervical Scoliosis Cases Disc Fusion Lumbar Pashman Anterior Robert Spondylolisthesis Herniated Kyphosis Idiopathic Spine Flatback Faqs
62 Dr. Robert
Dr. Robert Pashman, located in Los Angeles, CA, specializes in spinal deformities and scoliosis, offers second opinions to patients considering back surgery.
Cervical Scoliosis Cases Disc Fusion Lumbar Pashman Spondylolisthesis Robert Anterior Kyphosis Herniated Idiopathic Flatback Spine Surgical Paperwork Adult
63 The Merck Manual: Spinal Cord Disorders An article
An article about acute transverse myelitis. Offers a definition, the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Merck Tables Manual Diagnosis Sites Selected Laboratory Abbreviations Calculators Drug Storiesclinical Med Values
64 Institute for Nerve Medicine Presenting information
Presenting information on disorders of the cranial, spinal and peripheral nerves. Includes illustrated descriptions of treatment options.
Nerve Disorders Information Nervemed Here Syndrome Treatment Entrapment Diagnosis Click Piriformis News Contact Pudendal Payment Health Doctor Privacy Spinehealth
65 Saint Francis Memorial Hospital (Spine Center) Provides surgical
Provides surgical and nonsurgical treatments for a wide range of spinal problems. Located in San Francisco.
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66 Pmahcs Page Includes a
Includes a personal biography, spinal cord injury information, Ricky Rudd, Ozzy Osbourne, wrestling, ICQ and various other links.
Pmahcs Page Surveysavvy [sci] Sponsored [email] Others Mail Cord Injuryclose Complete Pagespinal Paid
67 Quads United Offers a
Offers a support system for spinal cord injured, family and friends. Provides SCI resources, information, message board and chat.
Quads Unitedy
68 Spinal Touch Treatment Seminars Workshops on
Workshops on a soft tissue, non-force therapy designed to help correct of postural distortion and visceral positions.
Treatment Touch Spinal Biomechanics Posture Technique Original Seminars Hurley Welcome Massage Postural Healing Introduction Training Helen
69 Triangle Spine & Back Care Center Providing services
Providing services and treatment for all types of spinal problems, from traumatic to degenerative. Located in Raleigh.
Spine Patient Care Center Triangle More] Fusion Raleigh Spinal Lestini Portal Surgery Friday Quality Interbody Conditions
70 Mr Guy Paremain FRCS Consultant orthopedic
Consultant orthopedic surgeon based in Guildford, England. His special interests include spinal surgery,hip and knee joint replacement.
Surgeon Orthopaedic Website Contact Patient Private Profile Free Guildford Builder Knee Paremain Surrey Surgery Arthroscopy Consultant
71 Spinal Touch Treatment Treatment of
Treatment of chronic and acute pain and training seminars.
Touch Treatment Spinal Biomechanics Posture Technique Original Massage Hurley Seminars Welcome Development Contact Aquarian Correction Adobe
72 Kowal Read about
Read about Martin Kowal who has a spinal cord injury due to a diving accident.
Care Uk Jobs Live Kowal Health Medical Job Contact | Plot Pictures Password Spinal Moi
73 Life after Spinal Cord Injury Exploring, finding
Exploring, finding and reporting on life with SCI.
Music Future Link Musicians Bill Tulio Beaver Greg Tuduri Life Mark Support Tracy Wheel Fuzato Leroy Marie Rob
74 New York Spine Institute Located on
Located on Long Island, the institute treats all aspects of spinal pathology.
Spine Institute Pain York Spinal Treatment Scoliosis Surgical Neck Surgery Center Cervical Asked Legal Frequently Manhattan
75 Christiana Spine Center Providing non-operative
Providing non-operative and operative treatment of spinal disorders. Located in Newark.
Center Spine Spinal Surgery Christiana Board Certified Newark Delaware Physiatrists Insurance Resources Contact Physicians Notice Surgeons
76 Institute for Spinal Ultrasound Imaging Articles relating
Articles relating to chiropractic practice using ultrasound scan technology.
Ultrasound Spine Pain Scan Imaging Spinal Institute Here Patients Cost Research News Efficacy Healing Effects Dc Their Well Historical
77 Atlantic Spine Specialists Providing conservative
Providing conservative and surgical care of all aspects of spinal pathology. Located in Morristown with satellite clinics in Bedminster, Summit,and Succasunna.
Spine Spinal Lumbar Jersey Morristown Cervical Disc Surgery Atlantic Carl Giordano Richard Orthopedic New Nachwalter Pain Animations Terms
78 Living with Spinal Cord Injury Hes not
Hes not Superman, Just ordinary. The wife tells her story of a man paralyzed by diving into a backyard pool. Includes details on a job discrimination suit.
Cord Spinal Injury Accident Guestbook Diving Living Wwwbackgroundboutiquecom Discrimination Family Close Sponsored Hartsandk@gatewaynetsign Here
79 Donald M. Epstein Articles, abstracts
Articles, abstracts and alternative health information. Founder of Network Spinal Analysis, Somato Respiratory Integration, and Models of Healing and Wellness.
80 The Neuro Institute Providing occupational
Providing occupational, physical, massage, and speech therapies and rehabilitation for patients with acquired brain and spinal cord injuries. Located in Arizona.
Neuro Institute Below Barrel Link Privacy Effect Launch Copy Youll Returning Emailwell Institutesubmit
81 Dutchers Digs Dutchers home
Dutchers home on the web featuring an autobiography, activities and accomplishments achieved as a spinal injured person.
Sign Lifestream Now People Places Updated Everything Policy Advertise Simplifying Inc Login Reserved Trademarks Go Theres
82 SMA Angels Support Site A place
A place for people to find support for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) / Werdnig-Hoffman.
Wish Child Angels Sma Grief Understand Wouldnt Never Very Died Could Need Hear Childs Muscular Memorials Daily Note
83 Gary Roberts A frank
A frank account & site by Gary, C3-4 incomplete, with good links on spinal cord injury.
Page Garys Engineerteam Leader Check Minute Icon Gary Ivereceived Supportroberts Wiltshire Swindon Sign
84 Nick Blankenburg and Spinal Cord Injuries Learn about
Learn about the trauma of a SCI, life in a wheelchair, and the authors experience in life with a disability.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Advisor Gallery Local Help Hosting App Website Network Developer Map Parenting Shut Real
85 Music by Jon Man who
Man who writes music after a spinal cord injury.
86 Trinity Orthopedics Hurst, Texas
Hurst, Texas, orthopedic practice specializing in spinal surgery and general orthopedics including sports medicine.
Orthopedics Trinity Care Fort Sports Pain Medicine Patient Worth Privacy Management Spine Physical Therapy Orthopedic Mission Hurst
87 Ashers Birth Story A mom
A mom tells the story of a pregnancy and labor complicated by borderline polyhydramnious and the failure of the spinal anesthetic administered during her cesarean.
Sign Lifestream Places People Now Policy Everything Updated Create Aolcom Insign Networks Connecting Rights Stream Multiple Inc
88 Nelson Spine Institute A comprehensive
A comprehensive, one-stop treatment facility for spinal conditions, covering diagnosis, physical therapy, surgery and rehabilitation. Located in Thousand Oaks, California.
Spine Surgery California Pain Thousand County Ventura Oaks Cervical Lumbar Treatment Management Nelson Valley Angeles Spinal Doctors
89 Journal of Spinal Disorders Features peer-reviewed
Features peer-reviewed articles on diagnosis, management, and clinically important laboratory investigations. Table of contents, author guidelines and subscription information.
90 VOM Technology Veterinary Orthopedic
Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation is a non-surgical approach to spinal disease and lameness in all animals using a very safe low-force adjusting device. Information for owners, veterinarians and other health professionals.
Veterinary Animal Chiropractic Cold Therapy Adjusting Certification Dvm Inman Orthopedic Manipulation Laser Release Lasertherapy Technologies
91 Spinal Cord Injury Information Pages Resources for
Resources for quadriplegics, paraplegics and caregivers. Includes sections on bowel, bladder and skin management, autonomic dysreflexia and other health issues.
Cord Injury Spinal Information Paraplegic Injuries Quadriplegic Pages Those Paralyzedspine Resources Caregiver Other
92 Elizabeths Page Elizabeth has
Elizabeth has Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1. She is in a clinical study at Stanford for SMA type. She has beat the odds. Read about her journey through life.
Help Please Fight Disease Huette Elizabeth Jeanna Elizabeths Support Donate Wristbands Page Control Children Laura Diagnosedbefore Clinical Group Hallam Chingwang
93 Physical Therapy Specialists Specialists in
Specialists in spinal care, womens health issues, sports medicine and work-related injuries in Louisville, Kentucky.
現金化 è¤Ã¢â‚¬Â¡æ•°ã®ãÆ’­ãÆ’¼ãÆ’³ã‚’ï¼Ã¢â‚¬Ëœã¤ã«ã™ã‚‹ãŠã¾ã¨ã‚ãÆ’­ãÆ’¼ãÆ’³ 金利 ã‚­ãÆ’£ãÆ’Æ’ã‚·ãÆ’³ã‚° &a
94 Spinal Cord Injury Peer Information Library on Technology SCI PILOT
SCI PILOT is a resource describing the assistive technology experiences of individuals with quadriplegia from their own perspective.
95 Full Circle Foundation Dedicated to
Dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries and establishing a rehabilitation clinic. Go-kart racing events raise awareness and bring hope to those paralyzed.
David Full Cord Circle Spinal Foundation Bailey Injury Go Kart Cure Karting Industries Leatt Bracetm Events Chase Program Notice
96 Innate Intelligence, Inc Produce, administer
Produce, administer, promote to and market educational programs and materials relative to healing, wholeness, Network Spinal Analysis, Somato Respiratory Integration and complementary systems.
97 Midland Orthopedic Associates Specialties include:
Specialties include: sports medicine, treatment of injuries and fractures, joint replacement, reconstructive, spinal, hand and foot surgery. Located in Chicago and La Grange.
Orthopedic Joint Therapy Restoration Midland Associates Medicine Sports Physical Chicago Patient Contact Md Trauma Foot Staff Robert Michael Hand
98 International Spine Intervention Society An association
An association of physicians interested in the development, implementation and standardization of percutaneous techniques for the precision diagnosis of spinal pain. Find a member section and patient information.
Isis Research Lab Division Now Policy Register Brochure Skills Annual Scientific Bio Privacy Health Meeting Safety Parser
99 Sonoran Spine Center Spine surgeons
Spine surgeons specializing in adult and pediatric spinal disorders and spine research. (Mesa, Arizona)
Spine Education Location Pa Patient Sonoran Spinal Center Research Arthritis Medical Gilbert Md Suite Scoliosis Appointment Conditions Terrence Meningitis
100 Association for Network Care Support the
Support the consciousness, advance the practice of, and promote the evolution of Network Spinal Analysis and the Network Protocol.
101 dotkate A wheelchair
A wheelchair accessible site about life with spinal cord injury, wheelchair adaptations reviews, work and sex with sci. Also find photoshop tutorials, Kates diary, and web design info
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102 St. Davids Rehabilitation Center Offers a
Offers a broad range of programs on an inpatient and outpatient basis. A Brain Injury, Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury Program, and Aquatic therapy.
Rehabilitation St Services Programs Davids Comprehensive Therapies Md Locations Therapy Injury Hospital Library Austin David’s Parking Health
103 Headaches Articles written
Articles written by medical doctors about the different types of headaches -- migraine, tension, cluster, menstrual, and spinal headaches -- and their causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Health Headache Headaches Diseases Skin Migraine Conditions Slideshow Living Slideshows Pain Quiz Patient Causes Quizzes Take Submit Collection Nutrition Question Weakness
104 Stephen Robbins, MD Information on
Information on this practice located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which offers spinal evaluations and the non-surgical and surgical treatment of back and neck pain, including minimally invasive surgery.
Surgery Pain Spinal Milwaukee Spine Specialists Robbins Stephen Minimally Invasive Neck Surgical Versant Dr Herniated
105 Austin Neurological Clinic Neurosurgical practice
Neurosurgical practice based in Austin, Texas treats both spine and brain disorders. Specialties include microsurgery, stereotactic procedures and complex spinal surgery.
Md Stimulator Brain Patient Nerve Parkinsons Epilepsy Disorders Neurological Disease Deep Traumatic Injury Responses Vagal Aubrechtova Eeg Directions Hana David Dr Contact
106 Texas Comprehensive Spine Center Arlington Orthopedic
Arlington Orthopedic Associates has a team of orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation specialists, exercise therapists, and pain experts to manage spinal problems and injuries.
Lumbar Cervical Spine Fusion Pain Disc Arlington Center Comprehensive Orthopedic Posterior Thoracic Kyphoplasty Tumorinfection Interbody Vertebroplasty Posted
107 South Florida Spine Clinic Specializing in
Specializing in spine surgery for disorders of the spine including spinal stenosis and disc herniation. Located in East Fort Lauderdale
Spine Florida South Clinic Treatments Pain Surgical Cervical Laminoplasty Appointment Care Payment Contact Treatment Free Bayview Common
108 The Connolly Family Chronicles A family
A family site of Mark Connolly who has complete T4 spinal cord injury after a skiing accident.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Reach Movies Longeravailableprivacy Internet Maps Sorry Sports
109 Procord: A Clinical Trial for Spinal Cord Injury Offers information
Offers information regarding enrollment in this international, multi-center Phase II clinical trial.
Displayed Providerforcannotpage Contact Please Error
110 Ringwood Physiotherapy Manual therapists
Manual therapists with interests in acute, chronic spinal pain (neck,and back), temporomandibular pain, pain management programs, ball classes and hydrotherapy.
111 Denver Pain Management Three metro
Three metro area clinics offering advanced treatments for pain management, including diagnostic and therapeutic spinal injections.
Treatments Successes Contact Denver Non Invasive Innovation Interventional Diagnostics Management Why Physicians Appointments Techniques Conditions
112 Ringwood Physiotherapy - Australia Manual therapists
Manual therapists with interests in acute, chronic spinal pain (neck,and back), temporomandibular pain, pain management programs, ball classes and hydrotherapy.
113 South Florida Spine Institute Fellowship trained
Fellowship trained specialists in the advanced operative and non-operative treatment of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal disorders. Located in Miami Beach, Aventura, and Coral Gables.
Treatments Spine Surgical Patient Florida Surgery Contact Appointment South Institute Blog Treated Miami Forms Non Invasive Conditions
114 Equine Wobbler Syndrome Online discussion
Online discussion group dedicated to gathering and sharing information concerning Cervical Vertebral Malformation in horses, which results in spinal cord compression that causes ataxia and other neurological deficits. Requires users to join (which is free.)
Yahoo Equinewobblers Help Horses Please Groups Tech Xhome Support Group Inc Strasser News Answers Music Beauty Celebrity
115 Ruislip Physiotherapy Sports and Spinal Clinic Dedicated to
Dedicated to treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries including sports injuries, back and neck pain and work related disorders.
Ruislip Physiotherapy Injury Chalfont Musculoskeletal Sports Health Eastcote Clinic Ickenham Pinner Injuries Harefield Amersham Shoulder Offering Treatments Page Womens
116 University of Rochester Spine Center Spinal surgery
Spinal surgery service of the University of Rochester.
Navigationshilfet Y
117 Mickeys Gold Bead Therapy Personal record
Personal record of treating a Great Dane for Wobbler Syndrome (cervical vertebral instability) and Spondylosis (spinal arthritis) with gold bead implants.
Great Syndrome Wobbler Love Bead Mickeys Dane Friends Gold Ruff Adventure Treating Spondylosis Posted Pancreatitis Obviously Blogs
118 Xtreme Physical Therapy Specialize in
Specialize in spinal cord injury physical therapy. Located in Downey, California. Includes a FAQs, RGO information, meet the team, links and contact details.
119 eMedicine Health - Meningitis in Adults Consumer health
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this potentially life-threatening infection of the meninges—the tough layer of tissue that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord.
Meningitis Adults Medscape Slideshow Causes Adhd Symptoms Reference Treatment See Information Quiz Methylprednisolone Dementia Privacy Learn Multiple
120 Dr. Annalee Kitay Using the
Using the Neural Organization Technique to treat many conditions, including Learning Disabilities, by reorganizing the way information is transmitted in the body. The physician uses digital pressure on various points of the patients body as well as spinal and cranial bone manipulation.
Neural Organization Analyst Kitay Technique Body Annalee Dc Alternative Holistic Chiropractic Phisician Primal Dr Y
121 Irinas Cozy Corner and SMA Page Personal web
Personal web page of a Russian woman living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Includes information on travel, recipes and psychology. English, Russian and Italian versions.
Listing Directory Deniedthis Denied Errordirectoryz Virtual
122 Bergen Pain Management Minimally invasive
Minimally invasive pain management practice with emphasis on spinal techniques for the relief of back pain. New Jersey.
Pain Ragukonis Bergen Thomas Management® Korean English Download Doctors Management Español Invasive Article Notice Surgistrategies Nov Best
123 Denver Pain Management Offering pain
Offering pain management services, including diagnostic and therapeutic spinal injections and advanced pain therapies.
Successes Treatments Contact Denver Innovation Why Non Invasive Interventional Diagnostics Pain Physicians Conditions Techniques Management Painmanagement
124 Epidural - Spinal Ketamine A series
A series of abstracts of reports on the use of ketamine as an epidural.
Epidural Ketamine Group Anesthesiology Morphine Four Spinal Nmda Postoperative Hospital Methyl National Taiwan Taipei Aspartate Double Blind Pre Emptive Center Patientsreceived Central
125 Association of McTimoney-Corley Spinal Therapists Association of
Association of professional individuals trained to practise McTimoney-Corley chiropractic/manipulation techniques on animals.
Corley Association Mctimoney Page Missing Spinal Therapy Spinaltherapists History Therapists First Membership Ofmctimoney News Visit
126 Margot Anderson Brain Restoration Foundation Advancing clinical
Advancing clinical research for the restoration and rehabilitation of brain function after brain injury, spinal cord damage, stroke, paralysis, Alzheimer and Parkinson disease.
127 Peter Tans Spinal Cord Injury: Picking up the Pieces A personal
A personal story of a tetraplegic. Topics include the story of his injury, bladder and bowel management, and personal reflections.
Navigationshilfet Y
128 UMDNJ Interventional Neuroradiology Minimally invasive
Minimally invasive endovascular therapies are available for the treatment of vascular disorders that involve the brain and the spinal cord, including brain aneurysms, AVMs, tumors, carotid stenosis and stroke at UMDNJ. (Newark, New Jersey)
Navigationshilfe Ty
129 Bergey Spine Center Darren Bergey
Darren Bergey, M.D. treats back pain and neck pain caused by degenerative disc disease, herniated disc and other spinal conditions. Located in Colton.
Bergey Spine Darren Patient Institute Article Full Colton Md Staff Surgery Disc Pa Pdf Education Specialists Dr Herniated
130 Comprehensive Neurology and Sleep Medicine Based in
Based in Frederick, Maryland, neurologist Dr. Konrad Bakker treats nervous system disorders including brain, spinal cord, nerve and muscle diseases. He specializes in sleep disorders, neuromuscular disease, EEG and EMG.
Sleep Md Comprehensive Medicine Disease Disorder Neurology Patient Frederick Syndrome Support Nerve Rockville Multiple Neurological Sclerosis Practice Point
131 Dallas Neurosurgical Associates A group
A group of board certified neurosurgeons with offices in Dallas and Plano, Texas who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors, spinal cord tumors, Parkinsons disease, carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain.
Larger Click Here Map Phone Suite Dallas Spine Hours Mon Fri Fax Office Address Surgery Neurosurgical Mini Allen
132 Activator Methods Provides post-graduate
Provides post-graduate educational seminars. The Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) uses the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations to detect joint dysfunction in the spinal column and extremities.
Activator Now Register Methods Spine Icon International Flag Seminars Seminar Buy Joint Research Chiropractic Clinical Resources Distributors Students Chiropractor
133 Spine Dr. Spine Dr.
Spine Dr., an informal group of patient-oriented spine surgeons across the United States. Spine Dr. provides information to people with spinal symptoms, paramedical and medical spine healthcare practitioners, and spine surgeons.
Fertilityblend Fertility Women Statement Login Supplements ë³µìÅ¡©í›„기 Conceiving Trouble 보도자ë£Ã…’ Policy Men Disclaimer Terms Legal 사ìÅ¡©í›„기 Increases
134 AVM and Aneurysm Information Personal site
Personal site focused on arteriovenous malformations. Includes information about treatments (including surgery and medications), support resources, information about related conditions including brain injury and spinal AVMs, and links to patients stories and other resources.
Brain Aneurysm Injury Avm Stroke Information Surgery Recovery Treatment Saves Lives Doctors Map Functions Therapy
135 Ruislip Physiotherapy, Sports & Spinal Clinic Ruislip Physiotherapy
Ruislip Physiotherapy is a clinic dedicated to the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. This includes sports injuries, back and neck pain and work related disorders.
Ruislip Physiotherapy Sports Musculoskeletal Chalfont Injury Health Ickenham Eastcote Clinic Pinner Injuries Womens Society Page Northolt Chesham Gerrards Treatments

4. Computer & Spinal Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Spinal

6. Society, Arts and Spinal Crafts

1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Webring Allows individuals
Allows individuals and families affected by SMA to join their homepages together.
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2 maryn & associates emphasizing cases
emphasizing cases involving brain or spinal cord injury from offices in port moody.
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3 Ashe, Margaret Elizabeth A tribute
A tribute to a young woman who strove to help others even after being diagnosed with Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM). 1980 - 2000
Another Constitution Atlantajournal Princess Teen Passes Help Mass Spinal Church Herald Eashe@mindspringcom Sun Winchester Malformation
4 ashe, margaret elizabeth a tribute
a tribute to a young woman who strove to help others even after being diagnosed with spinal arteriovenous malformation (avm). 1980 - 2000
Help Passes Atlantajournal Constitution Teen Another Princess Winchester Died Shecontinued Church Christmascatholic Stephania
5 Kalibs Web Site Tells the
Tells the story of his preterm birth (23 weeks), spinal cord injury and bout with cancer. Includes lots of pictures, a glossary, links, and suggestions for books and toys.
6 mella and dimiero law firm
law firm based in summit represents victims of burn injuries, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and medical malpractice.
7 layman, layman & mckinley personal injury
personal injury, traumatic brain and spinal injuries, product liability, business litigation, and corporate law cases. additional offices in spokane and seattle.
Layman Injury Firm Spokane John Personal Business Brain Estate Real Fennessy Timothy Litigation Learn Office Best Nikalous South
8 Loving Paws Home Page the majority
the majority of placements are with children with spinal cord injuries, also provides Service and Social Dogs to children with Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, and other disabilities.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restricted Host Pleaseprotection
9 New Pig Virus Capable of Infecting Humans Australian scientists
Australian scientists sounded a new warning against cross-species transplants after two piggery workers were found to be infected with a previously unknown virus, which had caused stillbirths and brain and spinal cord defects in pigs.
Policy User Privacy Agreement Acceptable Stock Use Headlines Has Payment Port Server Business Linknycom Sports
1 ArtistDirect: Spinal Tap Spinal Tap
Spinal Tap discography, links to websites, mp3, lyrics and pictures.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 IMDb: This Is Spinal Tap Cast/credits plus
Cast/credits plus additional information for the film This Is Spinal Tap
See Spinal Tap News Tv Reviews Film Best Movie Movies Credits Imdbpro Guest Plot Imdb Marty Delete Showtimes
3 Interview With Spinal Tap Spinal Taps
Spinal Taps David St. Hubbins and Derek Smalls crank it up for in this exclusive interview.
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4 PopMatters: This Is Spinal Tap Includes a
Includes a review of the film.
Music Visions Collapse Blood Michael Monty Holy Python News Silliness Features Barrett Grail Ray Reviews Blu Blackmail Transgender Best
5 Tap into the Internet Information and
Information and pictures about the band and movie, Spinal Tap.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Inc Movies Machineterms Wayback Sports News Finance
6 This Is Spinal Tap A cross-section
A cross-section of reviews of the film from a variety of different critics.
Reviews Critics Tap Credits Spinal Provided Movie Metacritic Ps Publications Re Release Times Coming Critic Current
7 Spinal Tap Includes a
Includes a biography, photos, trivia, message board and links.
Music Politics Movies Subscribe Rolling Stone Wenner Google+ Blogs Archives Jann Peter Travers Privacy Photos Found Videos Policy Series
8 pleaseohplease - redundant spinal cord thoughts from
thoughts from a woman in her mid-20s 'scratching a slight narcisistic itch.'
Real Please Blogger Youth Girls Punk Truth Enviar Plantillapublicado Simple Tru Domingo Abril
9 Weems, Jon Songs, lyrics
Songs, lyrics, and artist information from this musician who shows that life doesnt end after a spinal cord injury.
Account Suspended Suspendedthisz Been
10 TV Guide Online: This Is Spinal Tap Includes movie
Includes movie review, plot synopsis, cast/crew information and a picture.
Navigationshilfe Ty
11 My Spinal Tap Fan Page Includes information
Includes information about the band, MP3s, video information and links.
12 Apollo Movie Guide: This is Spinal Tap Review, cast/crew
Review, cast/crew information, movie rating and links.
Internal Server Error Looking Ithere Resource Displayed Itcannotproblem Z
13 Interview with Derek Smalls Spinal Taps
Spinal Taps bass player talks exclusively to Don Zulaica for
14 Travis, Abby Official site
Official site with the latest updates and facts about the cute nurse from KMFDM and the fairy who performed with Spinal Tap. Includes show dates and sound files.
Travis Abby Shows Store Contact Photos Mailing News Albums List Videos Angeles Official Monkey Black Book Paradis
15 The Spinal Tap Fan Page Includes information
Includes information and facts about one of Englands loudest bands, a trivia quiz, product information, and links to other Tap sites.
Spinal Tap Amazon Kindle Bottom Tist Dibergi Uk Marty Here Wagner Random Iphone Video Wind Design Want
16 Silly Song Book Information, images
Information, images and sounds of: 'Weird Al' Yankovic, Doctor Demento, Stan Freberg, Spike Jones, Tom Lehrer, Allan Sherman, Spinal Tap, The Rutles, Cheech & Chong, Ray Stevens, and Dread Zeppelin.
Please Contactcannotdisplayed Page Error Providerfor
17 Vinyl Tap British Spinal
British Spinal Tap tribute band. Capture the sights, the sounds and the smells of Britains now legendary band with the spoof of the spoof. Why waste good music on a brain?
Vinyl Tap Tribute Rock Music Shearer Heavy Live Motorhead Fender Metal Hubbins Eleven Gibson Quo
18 classic rockers reo speedwagon rebound after a mid-career slump st joseph
st joseph civic center, st. joseph, missouri. 'they never had a drummer explode onstage, but reo speedwagon singer kevin cronin admits that things got pretty spinal tap-ish for his band in the early 1990s.'

Spinal Dictionary

fusion spinal fusion: correction of an unstable part of the spine by joining two or more vertebrae, usually done surgically but sometimes done by traction or immobilization
lumbar puncture / spinal puncture / spinal tap: removal by centesis of fluid from the subarachnoid space of the lumbar region of the spinal cord for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
spinal anesthetic / spinal anaesthetic: an anesthetic that is injected into the spine
spinal canal / vertebral canal / canalis vertebralis: the canal in successive vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes
spinal vein / vena spinalis: veins that drain the spinal cord
accessory nerve / spinal accessory / nervus accessorius / eleventh cranial nerve: arises from two sets of roots (cranial and spinal) that unite to form the nerve
spinal cord / medulla spinalis: a major part of the central nervous system which conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses to and from the brain, a long tubelike structure extending from the base of the brain through the vertebral canal to the upper lumbar region
spinal fluid / cerebrospinal fluid: clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain, fills and protects cavities in the brain and spinal cord
spinal nerve / nervus spinalis: any of the pairs of nerves emerging from each side of the spinal cord (each attached to the cord by two roots: ventral and dorsal)
spinal column / vertebral column / spine / backbone / back rachis: the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord, "the fall broke his back"
spinal anesthesia / spinal anaesthesia / spinal: anesthesia of the lower half of the body, caused by injury to the spinal cord or by injecting an anesthetic beneath the arachnoid membrane that surrounds the spinal cord
Friedreich's ataxia / herediatry spinal ataxia: sclerosis of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord, characterized by muscular weakness and abnormal gait, occurs in children
spinal curvature: an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column
spinal: of or relating to the spine or spinal cord, "spinal cord", "spinal injury" Reviews for Spinal. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Spinal" (visitors of this topic page). Spinal › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Spinal Opening Times and Reports. Date:

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