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Strings Experience


1 St.Johns Music Music
St John’s Music has provided retail services in musical instruments and supported music education programs across Canada. Our vast experience... Add Guitar Orff Music Bass Cases Accessories Guitars Saxophone Mallets Strings Ukulele Fwwwstjohnsmusiccom Woodwind Love
1 prostring inc manufacturers of
manufacturers of bow strings for competition.
2 power key company provides an
provides an accessory that straighten the strings of racket. usa.
Tennis Power Click Strings Straighten Contact Here Racket Locate Straight Game Racquetball Museum Never West Introducing
3 m & r bowstrings makers of
makers of custom prestretched bow strings and cables.
Joomla Bowstrings Heat Customized Gnugpl Dual Room Products Network Hosted Ultimate Store Outdoors Process Color Dynamic Warranty All Tempered
4 totra tekstil slovenia. shoelaces
slovenia. shoelaces, strings, elastic, and other trimming items.
5 shivam narrow fabrics india. manufacturer
india. manufacturer of leather laces, tapes, labels, webbings and draw strings.
Webbing Leather Tape Cord Ribbon Narrow Fabrics Cotton Shivam Rope Contact Cords Polypro Showroom Polyster
6 Susan T. Burtch Powerful writing
Powerful writing to blow the mind, engage the heart, or loosen the purse strings. Richmond, Virginia.
7 Mewzkl Publications Publishers of
Publishers of new music for elementary and middle school strings. Site includes catalog, and order form.
School Mewzkl Welcome Elementary Music Publications Orchestra Middle New Audio Instrumental String Concerts Score Clips Quartet
8 Eighth Note Publications Printed music
Printed music for concert band, wind solo and ensembles, strings, keyboard, choral and percussion.
Note Publications Eighth Contact List New Catalog Retailers Submissions Whats Mailing Licensing Series Kleine Nachtmusik Ensemble
9 Bollywood Strings Dedicated to
Dedicated to Indian and Indo-Western music and arrangements in the United Kingdom and Europe. Directed by Chandru, violinist and composer.
Bollywood Strings Indian Music String Arrangements Nitin India Dana Gillespie Chandru Heights Clients Sawnhey Frou Miten Talvin
10 Studio Strings Professional multi-instrumental
Professional multi-instrumental String and Vocal session musicians for hire. Performing, arranging, and composition services offered.
11 digitex, inc hong kong.
hong kong. manufacturers of ribbons, laces and trimmings, and buttons, zippers, tapes, cords, strings and ropes for garment manufacturing applications.
´±a Trimming ½v±a Cord ªáÃä ÷ Trims µ·±a ½u Tape Lace Ribbon String Rope Embroidery »²®Æ ­º­¶
12 shivam narrow fabrics manufacturer of
manufacturer of leather laces, tapes, labels, webbings and draw strings. check profile, product catalogue and contact details.
13 girraj mal and sons, ltd india. manufacturers
india. manufacturers of braids, trims, laces, fringes, tassels, and appliques for the garment and home furnishings industries. also cords, strings, and webbing.
Yahoo Geocities Terms Copyright Longeravailable Movies Privacy Inctrying Cricket Archiveorg Wayback Reach Answers
14 silent partner suppliers of
suppliers of tennis ball machines, stringing machines and strings. factory-direct sales.
15 sin hin chuan kee pte., ltd singapore. wholesale
singapore. wholesale of garment and furnishing accessories, such as zippers, laces and trimmings, strings, cords and ribbons, buttons, beads, and bells. includes an inquiry form.
16 Industria Filati Sintetici S.p.A. Italian manufacturer
Italian manufacturer of strings and ropes made with synthetic fibers for industrial, marine, and agricultural use. In Italian and English.
Ifis Joomla Convertitore Corde Di Marcianise Prodotti Marzo English Spa News Agricolo Cronopio Version Loghi Contattaci Capasso
17 goldnice trading limited china. manufactures
china. manufactures and exports womens brassieres, briefs, strings, girdles, camisoles, nightdresses and bodysuits. includes a brief company profile, product photos and an inquiry form.
Profile Contact Goldnice Form Embroidery Inquiry Company Factory Mission Trading Printed Lace Basics Information Fabric
18 Alcove Music Publications Choral music
Choral music by Annette Long Covington, Rock Oakeson, and Sarah Fuller Hall. Also publishes music for strings.
United Disabled Netzero Billing Free Flowers Lane Mypoints Mysite Priority Memory Juno Services Professional Solution Inc
19 Birkmaier GmbH Germany. Provides
Germany. Provides turnkey equipment and support services for production of extensive range of disposable medical products, as well as for manufacture of music and tennis strings and juices, bottlea, diapers, and sanitary napkins.
20 Applied Microphone Technology Microphone systems
Microphone systems for woodwind, brass, percussion, strings and fretted musical instruments. The mics produce the natural sound of each instrument. Adaptable to wireless.
21 Agro-Poli Sp. zoo Poland. Manufacturers
Poland. Manufacturers of raw white and custom solution dyed polypropylene multi-filament yarns for weaving, braiding and sewing applications. Also, packaging and storage bags, and agricultural strings. English and polish.
22 samhong hong kong.
hong kong. buttons, buckles, stoppers, cord-ends, toggles, sequins, beads, tapes, strings, rosettes, eyelets, zippers, bridal decorative items, laces, rope, webbing, ribbons.
23 Hartenshield Group Inc Music publications
Music publications including choral music, chamber music, violin and strings, orchestral and orchestra music.
Music Orchestra Piano Choral Minutes Copper William Chorus Satb Chamber Technique Hartenshield Strings Dances Publications Lovelife Vocal Order Soloists
24 Mapes Piano String A family
A family business that manufactures piano strings, spring wire, and specialty wire.
25 Patriotic & Outdoor Advertising Display Products Printed vinyl
Printed vinyl banners, message flags, US flags, race flags, pennant strings, information on proper flag etiquette and care.
Signs Plaques Letters Flag Bradenton Patriotic Personalized Flags Plastic Address Weather Symbols Banners Numbers Buy Logos Religioussymbols 
26 Cahaya Chia Group Malaysia. Diversified
Malaysia. Diversified group of manufacturing and trading companies. Filament yarns and sewing threads, strings and filler cords for industrial applications, from polypropylene. Also, textile cleaning materials.
27 Gerster TechTex GmbH Germany. Manufacturers
Germany. Manufacturers of plain and jacquard woven, and crochet knitted narrow fabrics for technical and safety applications, from a range of high-performance fibers. Also, braided cords, laces, strings and tubes. English and German.
Informationen Gerster Partner Techtex Composites Textilien Technische Schmaltextilien Qualität Bänder * Schläuche * Leuchttextilien * Individual Spiralgewebe * Process
28 bk oil tools b.v. represents supply
represents supply and service companies in many parts of the world and is specialized in sand control, low friction zinc alloy centralizers, casing and liner reamer shoes and torque and casing wear reduction for drill-strings .
Tools Bk Oil Products Downhole Sand Davis Lynch Address Bk Downloads Tool Control Well Netherlands Mail Western Navigation Heemskerkthe
29 shing tai hong hong kong.
hong kong. manufacturer of strings, tapes, ribbons, cords, webbing, and plastic accessories such as buckles, stoppers, cord ends, handles, rings, and shoulder pads for garments, handbags, shoes, and toys.
30 libra gems precious and
precious and semi precious cut stones, cabochons, bead strings and sterling silver jewelry studded with semi precious stones.
31 Mapes Piano String A family
A family business currently four generations old that manufactures piano strings, spring wire, and specialty wire. Sells piano string replacements and dulcimer wire.
Piano Wire String Mapes Strings Spring Elizabethton Guitar Specialty Fax Instruments Company Info@mapeswirecom Johnson Y

2. Shopping and Strings Trade

1 Dirt Cheap Strings Selling a
Selling a variety of guitar strings online.
College University Metro Community State Texas Technical City Florida North Carolina Guitar Area Strings Greater
2 Innovation Strings Supplies double
Supplies double bass strings to musicians around the world.
Bass Strings Double Innovation Gut Artists Billy Store Products Contact Videos Uk Adobe Associated Newer
3 Galli Strings Acoustic, electric
Acoustic, electric, classical and bass guitar strings.
Strings Ukulele Guitar Jazz Dino Gypsy Jean Louis Bluegrass Hope Taylor Lucio Soprano Rustici Djivas Contatti Antigoni
4 The ABCs of Strings Janice Tucker
Janice Tucker Rhodas instructional series for strings.
Abcs Janice Tucker Technique Complete Rhoda Strings Viola Teachers Fischer Titles Music Carl Bass Cello Cello_ Books Love
5 Lord of the Strings Strings for
Strings for guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin and other musical instruments. Based in Austerlitz, The Netherlands.
Strings Viool Gitaar Banjo Bass Elektrisch Ball Basgitaar Akoestische Klassieke Bouzouki Martin Fender Thomastik Ashbory Snarig Viola
6 Strings and Beyond Elixir, Dean
Elixir, Dean Markley and DAddario strings and accessories. Also carries Gibson and Fender vintage guitars.
Strings Guitar Electric Elixir Acoustic Single Daddario Shipping Ball Savarez Contact Guitars Picks Steel Help
7 Stringbusters Guitar strings
Guitar strings and accessories. Includes company information, FAQs about choosing strings, message board, and catalog.
Strings Services Sharing Bass Guitar Picks Daddario Plain Ernie Dunlop Singles Share Ball Plated
8 Global Strings Offers guitar
Offers guitar, violin, banjo, mandolin, and ukulele strings. Includes company information and links to Canadian music artists.
Strings Guitar Global Music Catalogue Augustine Visit Stringing Bass Hannabach Store Sit Tips Diamond Dulcimer Thomastik Infeld Shirts Picks Books Hannabachjohn
9 Pro Fame Guitar Strings Canadian manufacturer
Canadian manufacturer and e-tailer of quality guitar strings: electric, acoustic, bass and classical.
10 Music City Strings Offers instruments
Offers instruments, bows, strings, accessories and cases for stringed instruments. An on-line catalog with ordering is provided.
Error Pageproviderforcannot Please Displayed Contact
11 Music City Strings Offers instruments
Offers instruments, bows, strings, accessories and cases for stringed instruments. An on-line catalog with ordering is provided.
Ofgem Event They Business Shopping Management Electricity People Silicone Watches Printing Electonics Permalink Malem Publishing Cutting Choose Wetting
12 Black Diamond Guitar Strings Retailing coated
Retailing coated guitar strings. Includes company history and information, catalog, and string care tips.
Strings Guitar Bass Diamond Black Acoustic Electric Picks National Violin Products Steel Ukulele Free Endorsers
13 Black Diamond Guitar Strings Manufactures coated
Manufactures coated guitar strings. Includes company history and information, catalog, and string care tips.
Strings Guitar Diamond Bass Black Acoustic Electric Picks National Violin Contact Ukulele Catalog Endorsers Mandolin Fiddle
14 Kirschbaum Strings & Grips USA US distributor
US distributor for this German maker of tennis strings and grips.
Line Kirschbaum Synthetic Strings Black Spiky Shark Pro Usa Gut Premium Grips Sponsoring Downloads Sign Super
15 Guitar strings from Pure Tone Australia Pure Tone
Pure Tone Australia provides and sells customers world wide with strings for bass, acoustic, electric and classical guitar as well as Alnico 5 pickups.
Strings Guitar Bass String Electric Acoustic Machine Pickups Heads Tone Pure Cart Add Pickup Drum Single
16 JW Music Instruments, strings
Instruments, strings, cases, and accessories.
Mattress Uncategorized Easy Rank Starter Simply Order Services Taking Futon Lookup Best Suppliers Actions Furniture Jw Musiccom Hotel Instead Regardless Raise
17 Shipman Guitars Specializing in
Specializing in strings and accessories.
Disabled Websiterequested Been Sorry Z
18 Racketman Racquets, shoes
Racquets, shoes, strings, and accessories.
Tennis Chesterfield Peres West Louis Here Shop Ladder County Racketman Phonecentre Towne Welcome
19 Swimwear, thongs
Swimwear, thongs, g-strings, and boxers by Joe Snyder and N2N.
20 String This Features a
Features a wide selection of unpackaged and packaged strings.
Guitar Strings Price Acoustic Electric Daddario Pack Bronze Free Capo String Tuner Markley Phosphor Price$sale Headstock Slinky
21 Toujours Selection of
Selection of camisoles, nightgowns, chemises, robes, and g-strings.
Lingerie Toujours Womens Page Shopping Jake Francisco Gallery Image Contact Bras San Slippers Perfume Robes Bolero
22 Bikini Vamp Thongs, Brazilians
Thongs, Brazilians, g-strings, and sheer bikinis.
Bikini Vamp Shop Sets Sale Freight Decide Step Free Converter Stock Note Product Just Peter Store
23 Gerbe Bodies, collants
Bodies, collants, strings, pantyhose. En anglais et français.
Bas Collants Mi Gerbe Entretien Guide Nouveauteacutes Nouveauts Gaspard Yurkievich Socquettes Collant Porter Matires Matiegraveres Prt Precirct Agrave
24 TennisShopOnline Rackets, apparel
Rackets, apparel, shoes, bags, strings, and accessories.
Strings Racquets Bags Team Wilson Shoes Head Prince Mens Womens Court Ball Equipment Armour Adidas Hoodies
25 Strings & Strands Collection of
Collection of supplies, kits, accessories and yarns.
26 Strings Direct Your source
Your source for original US made DAquisto products.
Setup Support Internet Services Number Po Park Business Local Mail Website Systems Networkscomputer
27 Ernie Ball Acoustic, electric
Acoustic, electric, classical and bass guitar strings.
Guitar Strings Ball Ernie Bass Acoustic Accessories Artists Electric Products Buddy Videos Radio History Post
28 RioBody Offers a
Offers a variety of Brazilian style bikinis, thongs and g-strings.
Tickets Credit Report Fashion Health Luxury Cheap Trends Insurance Air Cars Free Riobodycom Hostgatorcom Server Internet
29 Luthier Music Corp. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of classical and flamenco guitar strings.
Luthier Guitars Strings Guitar Classical Music Flamenco New York Nylon Accessories Studio Price Super John Corp Loginregister Nail Manuscript Sascha
30 Zyclogear Mens underwear
Mens underwear including thongs, g-strings and jocks. From Canada
Underwear Mens Generation Zyclogear Bikini See Thru Sexy Thong Tanga Strings Jockstrap Pouch Products Gear Platinum
31 Quinn Violins Strings, instruments
Strings, instruments, transit cases, parts and accessories.
Quinn Violin Violins String Instruments Email Bass Viola Instrument Repair Performers Here Shop Contact Star Mail Larsen Last Other
32 StringItUp Large selection
Large selection of musical instrument strings from a variety of manufacturers.
Stringing Lacrosse Supplies Balls Mesh Log Policies Custom Account Restrings Leather Create Apparel Pockets Gallery Faq Pocket Homepage Nets
33 TendreNuit Offers a
Offers a selection of lingerie such as bras, costumes, g-strings, and leather.
Prestaboxs Prestabox Create Tools Website Contact Useful International Ecommerce Customize Marketing Features Documentation Support Follow Marques Few
34 Tennistrainer Magazine Strings, grips
Strings, grips, and assorted tennis training equipment.
Tennis Training Equipment Gifts Strength Aids Speed Awards Jewelry Store Policy Tennistrainer Radar Slide Pro
35 Blue Star Tennis Strings Seller and
Seller and manufacturer of synthetic gut string.
Bluestars Tienen La Hombres Ikea Gusto De Sillones Buen Muebles Como Inicio Todo Gangahogar Relajantes Comparado Incluidos
36 Sells apparel
Sells apparel, racquets, shoes, strings, grips, and balls.
Team Strings Racquets Bags Wilson Shoes Womens Tennis Mens Adidas Prince Head Pricing Click Court
37 Heart Strings Catalog Index Currently eight
Currently eight pages of adorable patterns to choose from.
Sign Updated Places Now People Everything Lifestream Policy Multiple Date Stay Stream Social Go Theres Email
38 Surf4Swimwear Designer swimwear
Designer swimwear, bikinis, thongs, g-strings, shorts and skirts from around the world.
Bikini Thongitems Bikiniitems String Medium Thong Confital Strawberry Amerello Inca Vest Brief Topsitems Dubai Black
39 TradMall Offers custom
Offers custom strings and material such as spool and nylon or monofilament serving.
40 Bikinini Bikinis, mini
Bikinis, mini tangas, micro g-strings, beachwear and swimwear for women and men
Bikinini String Micro Tanga Versandkosten Bikini Mwst* Preis Mini Lieferzeit Bademode Eur Herren Bikinis Tage Dear Lover
41 Crazy Laces Offers strings
Offers strings and sets hand-made by women from Koniaków.
Fireplace Crazy Leading Lace Fireplacetool Net Fireextinguishersscreen Crazylacescom Joinaccessory Insert Mantel
42 Beach-n-danc Custom made
Custom made swimwear and underwear, thongs, G and slide strings.
43 Hank Lloyds Tennis Bags, grips
Bags, grips, clothing, racquets, shoes, and strings.
Mens Contact Calendar Page Lessons Shop Ladder Tennis Center Mesa Costadoes Z
44 SRS Webstore Specializing in
Specializing in parts for tube amplifiers, guitar strings, and vacuum tubes.
Tubes Parts Tube Vacuum Electronic Strings Guitar Amplifiers Matched Musicians Friend Here Quality Musician Premium Srs Webstore Themanufacturer Builder
45 January First Company, LLC A snap
A snap together plastic frame to hang light strings in windows.
Z Wwwwindowwondercom Y
46 Kiniki Briefwear mens
Briefwear mens boxers, briefs, swimwear, tangas, thongs and g-strings. UK based.
Mens Through Swimwear Womens Underwear Tan Accessories Sale Socks Arrivals Care Rail New Swim Briefs Terms |
47 XGuitars Classical, gypsy
Classical, gypsy jazz and flamenco guitars, strings, and accessories. Offers new and used models.
Antonio Montero Marn Xguitars Mariacuten Guitar Support Barnett Rare Alhambra Kremona Classical Used Supports Sizes Spain
48 Interstate Music Guitars, band
Guitars, band instruments, strings, drums, keyboards, recording, DJ, and audio.
Cart Price Rebates Outlet Bundles Value Music Callemail Accessories Instruments Drums Percussion Drum Products Cascio Bass Mini Series
49 Jellyfishs Offers custom
Offers custom one pieces, monokinis, bikinis, g-strings, tangas, shorts and tankinis.
50 Tennis Traders Offers racquets
Offers racquets, shoes, clothing, strings, bags, grips, and accessories.
51 Tennis Boom Inc Sells racquets
Sells racquets, shoes, balls, grips, bags, strings and apparel.
Tennis Racquets Babolat Apparel Strung Wilson Length Shoes Prince Head Boom Shop Dunlop Rackets Weight
52 Koniakow Handmade lace
Handmade lace lingerie from Poland such as G-strings, shorts, blouses and sets of underwear.
Lingerie Koniakow Koniakowcom Crochet Underwear Handmade Womens Sexy Lace Portpermanently The De Female Pl
53 Artesania Almazan Ristras (strings)
Ristras (strings) and wreaths of chiles, peppers, garlic, and other dried plants.
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54 Luthier Music Corp Specializing in
Specializing in classical, flamenco guitars, strings, straps and covers.
Luthier Guitars Strings Guitar Classical Music Flamenco York New Nylon Studio Accessories Carbon Nail Video Hangers John Manuscript
55 Nothing But Tennis .com Provides court
Provides court equipment, racquets, balls, strings, overgrips, shoes, and wrist bands.
é››人形解説その é››人形の歴史 æ—¥æÅ“¬ã®ç¾Ã…½ã€é››人形とäºÃ¢â‚¬Âæœˆ人形 ひな祭りとã
56 Courtside Sports Offers brand
Offers brand name squash, badminton and tennis racquets, strings and shoes.
Cdn$ Racquets Tennis Youtek Footwear Grips Sports Accessories Head Court Pros Squash Pickleball Shuttles Training Instinct Password
57 StringLife Offers a
Offers a coating product to maintain and preserve strings, includes testimonials and description.
Stringlifecom Leading Life String Net Flutes Instrument Gpsdrums Guitars Harpsjoin Clarinets
58 Guitar Gallery Strings by
Strings by Elixir, DAddario, Martin, and DR and other accessories for fine, handmade acoustic guitars.
Guitars Guitar Everything King Cart Lowden Walker Klein David John Accessories Gallery Design Contact Else Charis Doolin Simpsonsobell American
59 The Guthrie Thomas Company Online sales
Online sales of strings, picks, cleaning products, and a variety of other merchandise.
Guitar Picks Guthrie Company Thomas Drum Sticks Silver Single Imprinted Pick Custom Gold Established Engraved Y
60 Needcheese Offers a
Offers a range of Wisconsin cheeses, including novelty cheese cutouts, curds, and strings.
Cheese Farmstead Classics Gift Boxes Brothers Crave Customer Account Wisconsin Orders Needcheesecom Order Shipping Create Customerservice Wholesale Cheesenews
61 Tenniszon Rackets, strings
Rackets, strings, shoes, clothes and tennis accessories. Site in English, French, and Spanish.
Tennis Accessoires Nouveautés Raquettes Zone Promotions Cordages Chaussures De Prix Spécial Squash Racquetball Badminton Vêtements Ping Pong Carte Cadeaux Magasins Appliquer
62 Rayco Tennis Sells bags
Sells bags, clothing, grips, natural gut, overgrips, racquets, shoes, and synthetic strings.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Dieser Click Here Domain Informationentennisrayscomtennisrayscominformationen
63 NRC Sports Carries apparel
Carries apparel, shoes, balls, strings and string machines for racquetball, tennis, squash and badminton.
Add Compare Wishlist Tennis Cart String Adidas Mens Choose Options Barricade Set Sports Ag Wilson Tee Whitemineral Bag Navyroyal
64 Zeebra Intimates Designer lingerie
Designer lingerie specializing in push up bras, camisoles, briefs and g-strings. Based in Australia.
65 J & A Beare Retails strings
Retails strings and accessories for bowed string instruments. Includes policies, FAQs and company profile.
66 Last Resort Music Publishing, Inc. Arrangements with
Arrangements with flexible instrumentation for strings, winds, and brass. For professionals, students, schools, or families.
Music Violin Duets Flute Three Oboe Cello Volume Part String Bassoon Christmas Trio Quartets Trios
67 String Clean Ltd: The Swipe Removes the
Removes the dirt build up on your guitar strings. Includes product information and contact details.
Domain Mail Verwalten Hosting Domains Ssl Domainnamen Meine Website Business Server Zertifikate Auktionen Tools Office Klasse Schutz Wiederverkäufer
68 Super-Sensitive Musical String Company Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of strings, rosins and accessories for violin, viola, cello and bass.
Strings Violin Viola Rosin Label Sensitive Musical Cello Super Clarity Accessories Instrument Gamba Bass Choice Contact Family Wolf
69 Online store
Online store for guitar strings, straps, picks, tuners, capos, slides, care products, CD ROMs and other accessories.
Guitar Stand Music Strings Acoustic Stands Products Picks Dpick Jimi Ecco Portable Javascript Transducer Pro Exl Capos
70 No Strings Attached Requires no
Requires no tying. Straps with weights are flipped over the shoulders and hold the garment in place. Available in adult and childrens sizes.
71 Kent Guitar Classics International dealers
International dealers in classical & flamenco guitars, new and vintage. Also strings and accessories. Based in Sevenoaks, England.
Spruce Marin Antonio Flamenco Dean Christopher Hauser José Stephen Pound Cedar Montero Paco Gerhard Oldiges Classical Claus
72 Island Addornments Anita Doornekamp
Anita Doornekamp strings silver pieces created using wax replacement casting techniques on seed bead necklaces.
73 Eastman Strings Maker of
Maker of stringed instruments. An awkward shopping feature on this site provides no way for prospective customers to locate dealers except via email request.
Eastman Strings Cases Brass Reeds Accessories Untitled Mandolins Bags Winds Document Guitars Contact Jonathan Bridge
74 The Harp Connection Offers a
Offers a selection of harps and accessories including strings, music, recordings and benches. Includes rental information and directions.
Harp Harps Salvi Pedal Lyon Healy Picture Music Connection Lever Strings Teacher Cart Celtic Store New
75 Sylvia Woods Harp Center Offers celtic
Offers celtic, lever and pedal harps as well as strings, recordings and music. Includes company history, a FAQ.
Harp Sylvia Options Choose Download Woods Music Pdf Arranged Products Order Items Book Harps Center Cards Levers Learn Jewish
76 The Harp Connection Features celtic
Features celtic, lever and pedal harps. Also offering strings, music, recordings and benches. Includes rental information and a FAQ.
Harp Harps Salvi Lyon Pedal Healy Picture Connection Music Lever Strings Check Store Rentals Cart Map
77 Alpha Rhythm Roots Handmade, imported
Handmade, imported from Guinea and West Africa. Djembe, tamani, bolon and other percussion and strings. Located in Ontario, Canada.
Djembe Classes Rhythm Guinea African Drumming Roots Alpha Instruments Event Merchandise Live Gift Musical Workshops Shell Performances Guinean Book Rights Free Policy
78 Allen Music Guitars, amplifiers
Guitars, amplifiers, strings, drums and accessories, banjos, fiddles, mandolins, instructional books and videos. Located in Paducah, Kentucky.
Gibson Music Allen Only Paducah Rainsong Kentucky Been Martin Guitars Mandolin Great Ltd Email Replacement Through Storerenovations
79 Lamoureux Violins Sheet music
Sheet music, books, strings, supplies and accessories for classical musicians, Teaching material and aids for traditional and Suzuki method.
Suzuki Method Violin Instruction Expectations Longmont Colorado Asked Violins Lamoureux Questions Frequently Call Music Symphony Children Rheas Faq Beach
80 Mission Tennis Offers tennis
Offers tennis racquets, shoes, bags, strings and accessories.
Insurance Credit Missiontenniscom Migraine Health Luxury Report Cars Free Relief Pain Cheap Tickets Speed Air Designer Distance
81 Custom Creations 4 Men Custom made
Custom made mens thongs, g-strings, and underwear for all sized men.
82 Guitars Sells guitars
Sells guitars, accessories, guitar strings, and percussion instruments.
Leading Musicianshopcom Musician Shop Music Fund Dance Band Drummers Bands Join Recordingnet Audio
83 Armonica Armonica is
Armonica is the brand name used by Di Russo firm for the production and marketing of sheep gut strings.
Navigationshilfet Y
84 Badminton Alley Offers racquets
Offers racquets, shuttlecocks, strings and accessories for badminton.
Badminton Price Sale Super Racket Yonex $ Alley Border Specials Store Free Li Ning Shuttlecock Deal Nr Zs
85 Badminton Alley Sales of
Sales of racquets, shuttlecocks, strings and accessories for badminton.
Badminton $ Alley Bags Shoes Pro Specials Shuttles Shop Clearance Closeout Rackets Store Grips Racquets Yang Kennex
86 Ifshin Violins Sale of
Sale of violins, violas, cellos , strings and accessories.
$ Bows Than Under Haide Andersen Instruments Violins Instrument Morgan Artur Richard Violin Friedhoff Vuillaume Saint Saens Sizing
87 Brazilian Secret Offers sheer
Offers sheer and Brazilian bikinis, strings and sleepwear.
Lingerie Brazilian Secrets They Fill Wufooz
88 Danelectro Guitars Guitars, basses
Guitars, basses, amps, effects, strings, and other accessories are available.
Z Danelectrocom Y
89 Tennis Warehouse Rackets, strings
Rackets, strings, balls, shoes and other tennis gear.
Racquets Tennis Warehouse Barricade Babolat Adidas Head Wilson Nike Apparel Racquet Asics Solution Prince Sale Solinco
90 Concord Musical Supplies Violin, viola
Violin, viola, cello, and bass strings, supplies and accessories.
Strings Violin Supplies Musical Discount Viola Cello Prices Instruments Bass Cart Concord Accessories Corelli Contact Professional Moon Music
91 Heart Strings Jewelry Personalized bead
Personalized bead jewelry by Kristen Carter and Janna Meyer.
Navigationshilfe Ty
92 Toujours Lingerie A selection
A selection of camisoles, nightgowns, chemises, robes, g-strings and fine lingerie.
Lingerie Womens Toujours Gallery Image Shopping Francisco Contact Page Bras Jake Toujourslingeriecom Hanro Fine Van Tops
93 The Mariachi Connection Clothing and
Clothing and accessories for mariachi. Instruments, strings, sheet music, and books.
De Folklorico Mariachi Traje Accessories Flamenco Order Status Login Camisa Connection Dresses Trajes Contact Veracruz Concheros Standard
94 George Ls Shopping for
Shopping for cables, strings, acoustic guitar pickups, and steel guitar accessories.
George Cables Ls Johnson Mail Stompbox Check Guitar Definitive Welcome Here Pedalboard End Highmusic
95 Courtside Tennis and Apparel Tennis racquets
Tennis racquets, shoes, strings, grips, balls, and clothing.
Tennis Apparel Courtside Lowest Prices Stringing Sacramento Demo Program String Gold Courts Footwear Incredible Thesacramento Inventory Public Specials
96 Cheesy Lights Patio light
Patio light strings in themes including holidays and humor, Tiki lights.
Lamps Light Lights Leading Cheesy Discount Net Computer Join Bulbsdeck Contemporary Lighting Fluorescent Desklamps
97 The Steel Guitar Forum Products Sales of
Sales of pedal steel strings, accessories, and instructional materials.
Steel Tommy Various Music Artists Country Guitar White John Whites Opry Ricky Pedal Jerry Lynn Jewel Clapton    dobro Dc Paycheck
98 Amoroso Music Studio Downloadable music
Downloadable music in PDF format. Arranged for solo, ensemble, strings, woodwinds, and brass.
Music Maria Download Strings Solo Piano Scoresheet Score Purchase Studio Classical Warranty Opera Privacy Scoressheet Profile License Gesanges
99 Suncreek Music Online store
Online store for guitar strings, picks, cables, pedals and other guitar related accessories.
Music Suncreek Gleemer Check Death Tumblr Sound Sky Soft Cloud Bandcampcom Eye Release Welcomeblog
100 Manduca Music Publications Sells mainly
Sells mainly music for brass, piano and keyboard. Also scores for woodwinds, strings, and big band.
Music Brass Piano Jazz Manduca Portland Composers Maine People Scores Young Holiday Organ Strings Woodwinds Seymour
101 Giardinelli Brass, woodwinds
Brass, woodwinds, strings, percussion, keyboards and accessories. Also features a line of mouthpieces for brass instruments.
Saxophone Clarinet Silver Giardinelli Flute Tenor Alto Saxophones Instruments Plated Trumpet Contact Flutes Trombone Grenadilla
102 The Wampum Shop Offers wampum
Offers wampum belts, strings and gifts by a Cayuga artist. Also carries Iroquois headdresses and canes.
Wampum Maracle Beads Rattles Rhonda Traditional Confederacy Crafts Ken Arts Cane Treaties Condolencereplica
103 Big City String Co. Professional quality
Professional quality major brand guitar strings for acoustic, classical, flamenco and electric guitar.
Guitar Bella Strings Daddario Thomastik Picks Infeld Diamond Ghs La Bass Gibson Martin Elixir Rotosound Order
104 Pro Direct A tennis
A tennis racquet sports equipment supplier that also sells strings, grips, accessories and racquet stringing machines.
105 Country Strings Music Features acoustic
Features acoustic stringed instruments including Blueridge guitars, Gold Tone banjos, Kentucky and Weber mandolins, fiddles and dobros.
Policylistings Sponsored Countrystringscomprivacy
106 Lyon & Healy Harps Offers pedal
Offers pedal and lever harps, strings and music. Includes company, product and contact information.
Lyon Healy Style Harp Harps Pedal Music Cover Tuning Grand Column Semi Inc Hall Pin Internet Ducer Welcome Cookie
107 Kyser Musical Products Manufactures and
Manufactures and sells capos, also offer online sales of strings, care products and finger picks.
Musical Kyser Changeâ„¢ Quick Products Distribution Checkout News Store Login Artists Warranty Signup Register Distributors Map
108 Sangeet Sareeta Digital electronic
Digital electronic tabla, harmoniums, sitar, dholak, drums, strings, electronic instruments, and percussion. Based in India.
Suspended Steppedcheck Bit Contact Soon Please Ownervisitor Youre Has
109 International Violin Company Wholesaler /
Wholesaler / importer of violins, violas, cellos, double basses, guitars, parts, accessories, strings, cases, books, plans, tonewood, varnish.
Violin Tools Viola Parts Cello Bass Guitar Varnish Tailpieces Bridges Gouges Accessories Endpins Necks Us$ Dyes Japanese Stands Files Rubbing
110 The Classical Guitar Store Selling student
Selling student and concert guitars since 1967. Importer of French guitars. Sheet music, strings, accessories and lessons.
Guitar Guitars Store Classical David Francisco New Music Interview Cases Whats Antonio Jean Lessons Tuners Contact Dominique Daniel Pace Rodrigo
111 TablEdit Tablature Editor A program
A program for creating, editing, printing and listening to tablature and sheet music. Multiple tracks, 3-12 strings, MIDI playback.
Tabledit Midi Help Download English Order Ascii Tablature Abc Contact Screen Editor Tab Lilypond Spanish French Listening Deutsch
112 Saigon Strings Offers traditional
Offers traditional Vietnamese stringed instruments including the Dan Tranh, Dan Bau, Dan Doan, Dan Sen, and Ty Ba. Features descriptions, history, photos, price, sound samples and ethno-musicology links.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Archives Newslongeravailable Sites Reach Inc Toolbar Movies
113 Christmas Lights, Etc Lights and
Lights and accessories including nets, bubbles, strings, ropes, icicles, and battery-powered. Also offers pre-lit trees, wreaths, and outdoor decorations.
Christmas Lights Trees Tree Light Outdoor Sale Lighted Decorations Rope Policy Artificial Icicle Clips String
114 Guitars International Dealer of
Dealer of classical and flamenco guitars, strings, and accessories. All instruments are hand made by luthiers from around the world. Also articles, journals, and other information about guitar.
Guitar Guitars Classical Model Concert International Marin Rubio Cases Spain Usa Rodgers Canada Jonge Velazquez Vazquez
115 Bass Pro Tips Instruction books
Instruction books and videos by bass player Sergio Mottura. Also carries bass strings and Motturas CDs.
116 Bass Pro Tips Instruction books
Instruction books and videos by bass player Sergio Mottura. Also carries bass strings and Motturas CDs.
117 Southwest Strings Online Thousands of
Thousands of titles for violin, viola, cello, and bass. Also, method books, CDs, software, videos, instruments, bows, cases, and accessories. Downloadable, mail-order catalog.
Strings Shop Cello Violin Viola Bass Guitar Folk Music Collection Mariachi Instruments Bows Mueller Infeld Thomastik General
118 ATS Sports Tennis Supplier Sells tennis
Sells tennis strings, grips, stringing machines, court equipment, ballhoppers and other tennis supplies.
Tennis Court Accessories Equipment Ball Machines Machine Stringing Strings Grips Apparel Aids Racquet Parts Players Alpha
119 Holiday Direct Christmas and
Christmas and holiday lighting products, including icicle lights, mini-lites, fiber-optic trees, C7, C9 bulbs and light strings, and mounting accessories.
Christmas Available Led Pricing Special Wire Lights String White Warm Green Login Tree Artificial Trees
120 Natural Horse Supply Rope halters
Rope halters, lead ropes, longe lines, and progress strings made from double braided kernmantle rope. Training section with photos.
Natural Horse Training Supply Shipping Horsemanship Rope Mail Order Halters Contact High Paypal Please String Mary@naturalhorsesupplycom Notice
121 Guts and Glory Tennis Sells tennis
Sells tennis strings, grips, jewelry, and gifts. Tennis racquet stringing and repair service in the Atlanta, Georgia area.
Tennis Racquet Services Strings Guts Glory Customer Emergency Vitalizationâ„¢ Vitalizing Gifts Custom Grip Hybrid Returns Now Pages Sports
122 On U Jewelry Glass, crystal
Glass, crystal and gemstone jewelry by Donna Silvestri features hand-knotted and hand-crocheted strings.
Studio Jewelry Richmond Ive Shows Porto Unique Arts Spring Annapolis Vintage Inspired Living Virginia Handmade Made Southern Ill Stores
123 Top Serve Tennis Racquets, strings
Racquets, strings, grips, balls, stringing machines, stringing accessories, court equipment, and ball machines.
Tennis Each Fila Court Strung Babolat Navy Head Item Garros Machines Roland Contact Russo Racquets Ball Help Orders
124 Lemur Music Double bass
Double bass specialists. Basses, bows, strings, accessories, books, and recordings that feature the double bass.
Bass Double Music Email Gig Privacy Amps Login Speakers Policy Sheet Bags Strings Contacthoursdirections Rosin Account
125 Concord Musical Supplies Violin, viola
Violin, viola, cello, and bass strings. Musical supplies, instruments, and accessories.
Strings Violin Supplies Musical Discount Cello Viola Bass Prices Corelli Concord Accessories Cart Instruments Since Music
126 Elegant Leather Lingerie Leather lingerie
Leather lingerie for both women and men such as teddies, corsets, g-strings, bras, thongs and accessories.
Navigationshilfe Ty
127 Clive Morley Harps Ltd. Manufacturing, repair
Manufacturing, repair and retail of harps, kits, strings, music, and accessories in the UK. Includes product information, photos and prices, UK harp events, news and contact details.
Harp Harps Resources Historical Music Sheet News Morley Clive Accessories Guide Beginners Lever Pedal Events Whos
128 Sky Blue Music John Eidsvoogs
John Eidsvoogs relaxation music CDs and cassettes, musical Christmas cards, and books and sheet music for piano, strings, and woodwinds as well as choral music.
Christmas Music Eidsvoog Piano Page Within Blue Technologies Musical Free Visit Store Organizer Download Codehead Somebody Compositions Acupuncturist_
129 Bingo Bags by Gini Hand-made bingo
Hand-made bingo bags with dauber holders and tie strings.
Youre Error Ever Found Happened Things Ownerfeelvisitor Place Wrong Sure
130 Violins Etc. Sales of
Sales of acoustic and electric violins, violas, cellos, basses, electric pickups, amps, cases, bows, strings, accessories, outfits. Also violin rentals.
Violins Repairs Rentals Instruments Accessories News Repair Etc Contact Faq Gallery Photos Drop Photo Upright Reserved Woodwind String
131 Nashville Violins Stringed instrument
Stringed instrument sales, rentals, repairs, restorations, modifications, instruction and information. Secure online ordering. Violin, viola, cello, bass, bows, strings, sheet music, pickups, cases, accessories.
Violin Violins Nashville Click Lessons Music Shop Catalog Fiddle Email String Pickups Contact Bows Sign
132 Band Instrument Service Company Bach brass
Bach brass instruments, Omega instruments, brass, woodwind, strings, percussion and accessories, Casio keyboards. Located in St. Charles, Missouri.
Band Instrument Repair Instruments Rental Company School Orchestra Drums Keyboards Services Hosting Policy String Rent How Form
133 Large selection
Large selection of musical instrument strings includes guitar, bass guitar, double bass, violin, mandolin, cello, viola, and banjo. Thousands of different sets available.
Strings Guitar Electric Acoustic String Bass Classical Waves Daddarioplanet Ball Instrument Care Twelve Picks Fender
134 Southwest Strings Sales of
Sales of violins, violas, cellos and basses. Also accessories and supplies, classical and Suzuki Method books, sheet music, videos, and music software sales.
Strings Music Instruments Southwest Mueller Price Klaus Violin Instrument Bows Best String Yuan Violins Rentals Policies Inc Yamaha
135 Bettys Christmas House Decorations featuring
Decorations featuring prelighted Christmas trees, light strings, net lights, icicle lights, bubble lights, wreaths, and garland.
Lights Christmas Decorations Trees Holiday Tree Prelit Displays Lighted Candles Bubble Specialty Night Replacement Light
136 Violins Etc. Sells acoustic
Sells acoustic and electric violins, violas, cellos, basses, electric pickups, amps, cases, bows, strings, accessories, and outfits. Also rents violins.
Violins Repairs Rentals Etc Instruments News Repair Accessories Contact Shop Upright Brass Faq Gallery Woodwind Drop Visit Violin
137 Burnt Earth Drums, flutes
Drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician Barry Hall. Includes audio samples, video clips, and information about the Burnt Earth Ensemble.
Burnt Earth Instruments Barry Musical Hall Ceramic Cotta Ensemble Music Here Enjoying Making Page Ceramicmusical Fine
138 Alienor Lutherie Connu pour
Connu pour son grand choix de cordes pour violon, alto, violoncelle, contrebasse, gambe Paris. Known for its large choice of strings for violin, viola, cello, doublebass, gamba in Paris.
Aliénor Lutheriey
139 von Huene Workshop, Inc. Maker and
Maker and dealer of historical woodwinds. They also repair instruments and sell music, accessories and instruments by all makers of historical woodwinds, strings and keyboards.
Recorders Huene Music Flutes Instruments Browse Shop Sheet Workshop Basses Books Contact Account Size Used Garkleins Publications
140 Burnt Earth Drums, flutes
Drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician Barry Hall. Includes audio samples, video clips, information about the Burnt Earth Ensemble, and online ordering.
Burnt Earth Instruments Barry Musical Ceramic Cotta Hall Ensemble Terra Thanks Here Ceramicmusical Music Making Click Video See

3. Strings Recreation

1 3 Strings Short Three person
Three person comedy band. Samples in WAV format.
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2 TennisGods Forum to
Forum to discuss racquets, strings, technique, professional players, and injuries.
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3 Grommets and Grips An informational
An informational site for those people wishing to know more about racquet strings, their performance and playing advantages.
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5 Touch-Tone Phone Songs The number-strings
The number-strings you need to play various songs on your touch-tone phone.

4. Computer & Strings Games Websites

1 VB Language Manager Pro Tools to
Tools to extract and translate message strings for VB. Strings are extracted from the source code and stored in a proprietary project file.
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2 ResMe String Extractor ResMe makes
ResMe makes the first step of localization extremely simple because it automatically moves hard-coded user interface strings into a resource file. ResMe is a string extraction utility that removes only 'the right strings' from your Visual Basic source code, replaces them with a LoadResString() reference, and places the extracted strings in a .RES resource file.
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3 ResMe String Extractor ResMe makes
ResMe makes the first step of localization extremely simple because it automatically moves hard-coded user interface strings into a resource file. ResMe is a string extraction utility that removes only 'the right strings' from your Visual Basic source code, replaces them with a LoadResString() reference, and places the extracted strings in a .RES resource file.
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4 ResMe Tool to
Tool to automatically move hard-coded user interface strings from VB projects into a resource (.res) file. The moved strings are replaced with a LoadResString() reference.
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5 ResMe Tool to
Tool to automatically move hard-coded user interface strings from VB projects into a resource (.res) file. The moved strings are replaced with a LoadResString() reference.
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6 Webforumz - Database Connection Strings Many database
Many database connection strings used to connect to different databases and data sources using Active Server Pages.
Atlanta Roofing Roof Building Disadvantages Having Flat Part Rain Forumz Privacy Conditions Terms Animals Atl
7 SQL Database Connection Strings Database terms
Database terms glossary and online reference for various ADO and ADO.NET SQL database connection strings for MS SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL, Oracle.
Connection Strings Mysql Server Access Sql Database Ms Oracle Odbc Glossary Db Asp Tutorial Adonet
8 FindFiles Replacement for
Replacement for the Windows XP search facility. Feature including multiple files renames, replace strings, and find multiple strings, preview pictures, text documents and movies with built in movie player (using windows media player).
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9 Bucket o Tab Tablature editor
Tablature editor for Windows 3.1/9x. 4-7 strings. Includes MIDI support.
Bucket Windows Tab Tablature Editor Bot] [the Author] Bot Download Notation[support] [about Windowsmexp
10 Bucket o Tab Tablature editor
Tablature editor for Windows 3.1/9x. 4-7 strings. Includes MIDI support.
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11 Bucket o Tab Freeware tablature
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12 Bucket o Tab Freeware tablature
Freeware tablature editor for Windows 3.1/9x. 4-7 strings. Includes MIDI support.
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13 Connection Strings List Contains connectionstrings
Contains connectionstrings for all types of datasources, databases and files, via ODBC, OLEDB, DataShapes.
Connection Server String Oracle Excel Sql Access Strings Data Vbnet Sybase Reference Connect Mysql Developers Foxpro Vb Ask Connectionstringscom Clsid
14 LangAgent Tool to
Tool to isolate text strings from VC++ source code. Includes string editor for the translators.
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15 SlavaSoft Inc. - HashCalc Calculator to
Calculator to compute message digests, checksums and HMACs for files, as well as for text and hex strings.
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16 StudioSpell Spell checker
Spell checker Add-In for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET checking web-page Html and strings in source code.
17 Beginning JavaScript Tutorials Find information
Find information on working with windows, strings, arrays, and formating numbers. Also offers example scripts.
Javascript Part Buttons Object Beginning Javascripts Html Learn Tutorials Tutorial Using Boxes Math Dhtml Function Css Prompt Random
18 Command Processor May Not Parse Excessive Arguments Properly - 259622 A fix
A fix to address systems hangs when parsing long environment strings.
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19 SoftPlug Adventus VST
Adventus VST synth offers leads, pads, strings, basses, organs and pianos, for live performance work or sequencing. Demo available.
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20 List of Robot Agent Strings A list
A list from PGTS of Web robots with the identifying data they leave in Web site logs.
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21 EasyByte Cryptocx Cryptocx is
Cryptocx is an encryption control that has full PGP support. You can use PGP keys to encrypt/decrypt strings and files from within your applications or ASP sites.
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22 Utilities For Designers Font2Gif tool
Font2Gif tool converts both characters and whole strings to GIF files. Calendar Wizard tool creates custom calendars.
23 EasyByte Cryptocx Cryptocx is
Cryptocx is an encryption control that has full PGP support. You can use PGP keys to encrypt/decrypt strings and files from within your applications or ASP sites.
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24 Droopy Eyes Software Free source
Free source code and components for Delphi. Including some applications written by author. Audio compression, graphics, fast strings, popup killer.
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25 TablEdit Tablature Editor A program
A program for creating, editing, printing and listening to tablature and sheet music. Multiple tracks, 3-12 strings, MIDI playback.
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26 AspTear Component for
Component for retrieving pages off Web servers and returns the documents as strings. Supports SSL, proxy server, and page caching. Requires runtime licensing. By AlphaSierraPapa. [Component, Commercial]
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27 Java printf, sprintf, fprintf C-style printf
C-style printf with variable number of parameters for formatting strings in Java. [Free for non-commercial]
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28 Dutchs Software Includes getting
Includes getting file names, long file names, parsing strings, getting Windows and system directories, and passing a control array.
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29 MusEdit Notation software
Notation software for guitar/bass tablature (4-6 strings, alternate tunings), treble/bass/drum notation, chord diagrams, and lyrics in any font.
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30 Data mining for reguar expressions. A tool
A tool that allows programmers to generate a working program in a variety of languages that extracts data mined regular expressions from strings.
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31 ASPTear 1.0. A simple
A simple component for 'tearing' web pages from other servers. Supports GET and POST, Send query strings and POST data to the server, Access HTTP and HTTPS resources, and Log in to secured sites with username/password.
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Professional, and very customizable random password generator, that can generate 100 000s passwords, serial numbers, pins, msked strings, usernames, and more in seconds.
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33 Spinnaker Software Solutions Add-ins for
Add-ins for Microsoft Excel. Downloadable shareware and freeware: Spinnaker Screens, Alerts, Strings, Functions, Merges, Columns, Extracts, Passwords, Fuel Tax Program, Image Wizard, Stats and Prints.
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34 SlavaSoft FastCRC Library Fast, highly
Fast, highly optimized implementation of popular checksum algorithms: CRC32, CRC16, CRC16C (CRC-CCITT). The library allows to calculate checksums for files, memory blocks, strings, streaming data. C/C++, VB examples. [Shareware]
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35 Multilizer Allows you
Allows you to create multilingual applications in which the language can be changed on the fly. Multilizer turns up to 80 percent of internationalization work into just a few mouse clicks. Language Manager utility automatically picks the strings from the source code to be translated.
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36 Programming in Fortran 90/95 By Steve
By Steve Morgan and Lawrie Schonfelder (McGraw-Hill). Covers Fortran 95 and the Fortran 2003 features of varying length strings, enhanced data types, and exception handling. Site describes book.
Fortran Technical Programming Report Pdtr Lawrie Schonfelder Steve Available Datatypes Version_three Morgan Z
37 Zipsearch Zipsearch is
Zipsearch is shareware to search compressed zip archives for files inside archives. The program finds text strings within the files for viewing and changes.
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38 My Java Tools General purpose
General purpose Java tools libraries: Lib (Objects, Strings, Files, FileFormat, Web, Tools, ZipInput), run - a Java application that runs code from a URL, jsp - Universal JSP turns JSP language into Macro, Practical XML - a very simple XML library.
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Component to send HTTP requests using any valid request method and retrieve the HTTP Response Status, Headers and Body as strings. By Coalesys, Inc. [Component, Commercial]
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40 CNET: Buffer-overflow Bug in IE 'Microsoft is
'Microsoft is urging users of its Internet Explorer browser to download a patch for a newly discovered buffer-overflow security bug. The bug takes advantage of the way some versions of the IE browser handle long strings of JScript code.'
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41 Mikersoft HEXtreme Hex Editor Color-coded Hex
Color-coded Hex editor for Windows. Customize color coding by setting byte or byte range colors to make files more readable to you. Search by hex string, common ASCII string, or Unicode strings.
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42 ActiveTextBox Windows system
Windows system tool enabling fast placement of text into dialog boxes. This program expands capabilities of standard Windows user interface. Works like a common text field in Internet Explorer, showing the list of previously entered text strings. Offers tutorial and FAQs.
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43 File Ferret Find lost
Find lost files by searching a single disk drive or all disk drives in a single pass. Search by using various file masks composed of standard search characters or for actual text strings within the files.
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44 CodeSimian Interpreted, with
Interpreted, with 1 type (all is data) only, made with Java, can be used as strings of its own code or as Java objects, code (even 1-line program) can write or modify other code, main purpose: write artificial intelligences that modify (parts of) themselves or write other code.
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Win32 extension library, much of Perl Win32 library in Ruby, Templating System, turn text files with Ruby code into strings where code replaced by evaluation results, Task Distributor, use dRuby to assign tasks to varied clients. Downloads. [Open Source]
1 GameSpot Erik Wolpaw
Erik Wolpaw review [4.8/10] includes screenshots. 'Postal 2 strings together a bunch of violent novelties without ever constructing a compelling game for them to support.'
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2 Siesta The sun
The sun shines over roofs to create shadows. That is the natural way of things. In this beautiful game, players use these natural and man-made elements to score points for long strings of roofs.
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5. Sports Websites concerning Strings

1 TennisGods Forum to
Forum to discuss racquets, strings, technique, professional players, and injuries.
Tennis Auctions Latest String Machine Ball Wilson Luxilon Racquet Factor Babolat Backhands Tags Cool Posted
2 Grommets and Grips An informational
An informational site for those people wishing to know more about racquet strings, their performance and playing advantages.
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6. Society, Arts and Strings Crafts

1 Possible Numerics in the Gospel of the Egyptians Observation of
Observation of possible number sequences in certain vowel strings in the Nag Hammadi 'Gospel of the Egyptians', by P.R. van Pottelberg
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2 animal liberation by peter singer review. 'despite
review. 'despite the title which may shy people away with the threat of extremism, singer takes a path uncharted by modern philosophers and compassionate thinkers. he decides not to tug on the heart strings and presents a mind opening appeal to question our moral boundaries.'
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3 Pope election: Opus Dei pulls strings One of
One of the unanswered questions about next weeks secret conclave to elect the next pope is how much influence will be wielded by 'the Work,' the conservative Roman Catholic organisation called the Opus Dei. Only two cardinals among the 115 electors belong to the organisation, which counts more than 80,000 followers around the world and has often been referred to in Spain, the country where it was founded in 1928, as 'Gods Octopus.' From Sify News, Chennai, India.
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1 Elixir Strings Polyweb guitar
Polyweb guitar and bass strings. Includes a dealer locator.
Contact Gore Strings Associates United Tone Products Guitar Tips Where Buy Learn Players News Elixir® Faq Ready Privacy
2 Vinci Strings Acoustic, electric
Acoustic, electric, classical and bass guitar strings.
Strings Vinci Corp Musicinformation Contact Z
3 Richard Cocco Strings Manufacturing acoustic
Manufacturing acoustic, electric, classical, and bass guitar strings.
News Strings History Richard Friends Cocco Certifications Mission Contacts Products Vision Handmade Finest Web Nome Ato
4 John Pearse Strings Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of strings for various instruments. Information about prices, descriptions of new products, and accessories.
Breezy Instruments John Strings Ridge Pearse Products Accessories Ridger Ordering Blend Ltd Bridge Information Barry Leather Etc Lewis
5 Sit Strings Corp. Produces strings
Produces strings for a wide range of musical instruments. Includes dealer locator.
Strings Signature Series Bass Dealerstore Partnerslinks Sit Ellefson David Acoustic Electric Posted Keys Espltd Tune Myers Family Locator
6 Dean Markley Strings Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and distributor of strings, pickups, and accessories for musical instruments. Includes product information, catalog, reviews, FAQs, and tips.
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7 Traditional Chinese String Instruments Profile of
Profile of Chinese traditional string instruments, including plucked strings, bowed strings, and hammered strings.
Hu Chinese Erhu Ruan Sanxian Instruments Qin Pipa Guqin Konghou Yangqin China Guzheng Jing Music Zhong Ban Gao
8 all things strings the web
the web site of strings magazine. profiles, reviews, news, market updates, a searchable dealer database, and answers to questions on bowed instruments, players, and makers.
Strings String Music Players Day Festival Montreal Stories Issue News Magazine Chamber Shop Subscribe Permanently The Cello Community Events Scholarship
9 Dusty Strings Co. Dusty Strings
Dusty Strings is a manufacturer of lever harps and hammered dulcimers. The site contains pictures, specifications, prices, and accessory information.
Music Harp Dusty Strings Store Acoustic Hammered Lever School Seattle Guitar Dulcimer Celtic And Lessons
10 all things strings magazine articles
magazine articles from the print edition of strings magazine with advice for young musicians about degree courses and scholarship awards.
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11 ADR Guitars A. Dominguez
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Manufacture of guitar strings
Strings Ghs News Artist Contact Artists Classical Bass Store Products Lewis Tombs Banjo Ashley Dealer Series Byguruz Gold
13 strings of fire strings of
strings of fire is a contemporary bluegrass act based in tradition of appalachian folk music. award-winning singing, songwritting, and picking.
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Acoustic, electric, bass and pedal steel guitar strings. Includes worldwide dealer locator, dealer order form, and mailing list.
Strings Signature Series Dealerstore Bass David Ellefson Partnerslinks Acoustic Sit Products New Tune Bronze Jermaine Royal Keys Cooley Wayne Altitudes
15 open strings quartet whether its
whether its a wedding reception, a cocktail party or a conference, open strings have a range of music to match, from classic to jazz, including our arrangements of popular tunes.
16 4-1-1 on No Strings Attached, The Provides news
Provides news on upcoming album, No Strings Attached.
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17 Ibanez Guitars, strings
Guitars, strings, and pedals.
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18 Some Strings Attached Contains humor
Contains humor and links.
19 GHS Acoustic, electric
Acoustic, electric, classical and bass guitar strings.
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20 C.F. Martin and Company Acoustic guitars
Acoustic guitars, strings and accessories.
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21 Rational Magic: With Strings Attached Fiction featuring
Fiction featuring The Beatles.
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22 Rohrbacher Technologies Manufacturing titanium
Manufacturing titanium acoustic guitar strings.
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23 strings dan wabers
dan wabers playful series of flash pieces about relationships.
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24 Rotosound Manufacturing acoustic
Manufacturing acoustic, electric, and bass guitar strings.
Bass Strings Guitar Rotosound Instrument Classical Henry Custom Bronze Straps Superia Brochure Music Heller Dealers Capo Ball Jumbo Contact
25 Everly Music Co. Acoustic, classical
Acoustic, classical, electric guitar and bass strings.
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26 Luthier Music Corp. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of classical and flamenco guitar strings.
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27 bay strings (baltimore/washington dc)
(baltimore/washington dc) string quartet available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, or any special occasion.
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28 stealin strings bluegrass jam
bluegrass jam band from wisconsin. photos, mp3s, and contact information.
29 ink nineteen: roger eno - the flatlands review by
review by bryan telford. 'there are some new strings attached to rogers piano.'
Portfound The Urlissues_f_wet_inkmusic_de_roger_enoshtml Serverfound Apache
30 cmj: frestonia alex ellersons
alex ellersons review: 'imagine a more mid-tempo smithereens with strings and less raucous guitar.'
Mixtape News Charts Space Hectors Report Owen Marathon Music Sharon Records Pallett Track Halifax Youtube Articles *
31 La Bella Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of acoustic, electric, flamenco, classical, bass and custom guitar strings.
Bass Series Steel Nickel Super Jazz Double Alloy Specialty Sets Criterion Plated Tune Artists Products Silver System Bronze Kazuhito Colonna * Buzzards *
32 King Brown Hand Crafts Maker of
Maker of custom instruments including electric strings.
33 sorli, steven maker of
maker of harpsichords and lautenwerk, a plucked keyboard instrument with lute strings.
34 Menconi Ministries: Strings Attached Live concert
Live concert album reviewed by Randy Brandt.
Urltopicschr_musicmusic_reviewsglassharpstringshtmlserver Apache Found Thefound Port
35 Luthier Music Corp Specializing in
Specializing in classical, flamenco guitars, strings, straps and covers.
Luthier Guitars Strings Guitar Classical Music Flamenco New York John Nylon Price Nail Video Finest Stands
36 Southern Strings Musical Duo A duo
A duo from Montgomery, AL with information about their performances and music on the hammered dulcimer and guitar.
Policy See Categories Cart Shopping Testimonials Contact Help Southernspooncom Domain Close Woodnstringscom Southernbellephotographycom Hassle Customer
37 Augustine Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of classical guitar strings. Includes history and a list of international distributors.
Augustine Gt Spectra Albert Strings City York Check Watch Jorge Caballero Lightsdistributors Long
38 blue amadeus clarinet and
clarinet and strings ensemble. repertoire, sound samples, prices, and contact information.
Buy Viagra Levitra Cialis Prescription Without India Generic Cheap Sale Discount Canada Sales Order Cheapest Citrate
39 Pirastro Manufacturing a
Manufacturing a variety of strings for stringed instruments including acoustic, electric and classic guitars.
Strings Synthetic Steel Gut Bass News Pirastro Guitar Viola Double Cello String Products Questionnaire Germany Advice
40 Tuck-A-See Strings Specializing in
Specializing in handcrafted hammered dulcimers and bowed psalteries. Includes photographs and pricing.
Bowed Tuck See Strings Pricing Psaltry Jones Jack Hammered Performance Crafted Live Recordings Musical About Information Cds
41 Charlie Ogles
Charlie Ogles handmade and imported violas da gamba, viol strings, bows, and accessories.
Viola Gamba Da Music Society Early Charlie Ogle Violas Image Bass Cases Viols Workshop Baroque
42 Smits, Raphaella Classical guitarist
Classical guitarist who plays on guitars with 6, 7 and 8 strings. Biography, calendar, discography, and links.
Smits Raphaella Guitar Engndl Biography Classical Kit Press Guitare Mertz Upcoming Johann Events Contact Instruments Academix Schmidt Adrien Video
43 stampler, leonhard graz, austria.
graz, austria. works for choir, strings ensemble, orchestra and vocal ensembles.
44 Blue Amadeus Clarinet and
Clarinet and strings ensemble. Repertoire, sound samples, prices, and contact information.
Buy Viagra Cialis Levitra Prescription Without Generic India Sale Cheap Cheapest Sales Canada Order Discount
45 rose, malcolm - harpsichords sales of
sales of instruments, theory book, strings. standard and custom designs.
Strings Harpsichords Practice Stringing Rose Keyboard Malcolm Brass Instruments Harpsichord Historical Conservation Restoration Piano Copper Roses Drawers
46 Christian Musician Magazine: Glass Harp Album review
Album review of Strings Attached by Bruce Adolph.
Keaggy Strings Christian Youngstown Professional Pecchio Help Harp Glass Phil Orchestra Attached Close John Attachedglass Overture
47 Ovler Market Solutions A variety
A variety of instruments including strings, brass and woodwinds as well as accessories. Based in China.
English ÌØ÷È˹µØ̺ ÌØ÷È˹µØ̺ÎÄ»¯ Copyright ¾©icp±¸ºÅ ±±¾©º£Èó¼ÎÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾Ìṩ¸ßÆ·ÖʺÉÀ¼¡¢±ÈÀûʱԭ²úÑòëµØ&Ig
48 The Village Voice - The Virgin Queen Read the
Read the article 'Catherine Breillat Pulls the Strings' by Mark Peranson.
New York Film Mobile Music Free Times Dating Voice Ads Nyc Catherine Breillat Movies Events Of Best Relish
49 FAQ on Sitar and Other Indian Instruments Includes information
Includes information on how to repair, tune, and maintain sitars, and replace tarbs (strings).
Contents Sitar Do How Link Tablas Beginners Tune To Indian Why Sitars Strings Here Faq Instruments Playing Fiberglass
50 keller, kevin official site
official site with information about artist and his classically influenced electronic music for strings and other instruments.
Film New Kevin Composer Keller York Documentary Dance Popular Official Ambientbased Independent Z
51 N Sync: They Had Strings But Now Theyre Free Includes biographies
Includes biographies, pictures, news, lyrics, links, polls, and cliques.
Sponsored Tillclose Maybe Ill Jennahello Ntensify +*gone Summer*+
52 Theyve Got No Strings Includes profiles
Includes profiles, discography, photos, sound and video files, lyrics, schedule, and links.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Sports Inc Maps Mail Sitessorry News Hosting
53 kunst der fuge | ernst bloch midi files
midi files (paid subscription) 'concerto grosso for strings and piano no.1.
Fuge Kunst Page Found Errorthe Please Natanitservices The Information Open Waiterror
54 Strings Edge Homepage Guitars, music
Guitars, music, thoughts, opinions and images of the latest happenings are just a few of the things to be found here.
Much Edge Then Strings Need Communications Come Opinions Good Music Whoever Fortune Theres Honesty World Neck Feel
55 deranged motives ebm synth
ebm synth project out of south florida combining pulsating electronic beats with atmospheric melodic strings.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Help App Local Gallery Advisor Hosting Domains Customer Sell Mail Style
56 DAquisto Acoustic, electric
Acoustic, electric, classical and Taperlock bass strings. Includes company information, catalog, and contact details.
Networksolutions Construction Under Page Wwwnetworksolutionscom Account Learn Web Soonif Visit Hostingthis Websitetonetwork
57 golana melodies performed
melodies performed on native american flutes accompanied by soft acoustic guitars, piano, and strings. samples online.
58 Dean Markley Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and distributor of strings, pickups, and accessories. Includes product information, catalog, reviews, FAQs, and tips.
Guitar Strings Helix Dean Markley Outboard Ultrasound Plus Di Artist Bass Electric Contact Promagtm Product How Request Acousticnationcom Pickups
59 Strings London-based Indian
London-based Indian band performs top Bollywood hits, Bhangra and Gujrati folk Ra-garba for any parties or occasion.
60 turks head review running weblog
running weblog, fiction, poetry, art, reviews of books and music, threads and knots of semantic strings.
Turks Review Heady
61 coleman, christopher composer for
composer for winds, percussion, strings, voice, piano, electronics. includes examples, composition list, and professional experience.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce Gallery Small Hosting Marketing App Help Program Central Advisor Compare Sports
62 DAddario Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of instrument strings. Includes company profile and history, FAQs, catalogs, dealer lists, forums, news and job opportunities.
Strings Wound Bass Round Bronze Exp Coated Electric Xl Phosphor Classical Nickel Guitar Daddario Flat
63 Bart Reiter Banjo Builder of
Builder of open-back five-strings in the style of vintage Bacon, Vega and Fairbanks models. Pictures, prices, maintenance, and FAQ.
Sign Everything Places People Now Updated Lifestream Policy Privacy Social Reserved Terms Email Nowon Trademarks
64 All Things Strings Profiles, reviews
Profiles, reviews, news, market updates, discussion forums about bowed instruments, players, and makers. Searchable dealer database.
String Strings How Music Cello Violin Players Violinist Guide Chamber Montreal Viola Day News Fiddle Groups Musical Bass Injury
65 samuel barber: american composer diary of
diary of one persons personal reaction to his works, especially the adagio for strings, as part of a growing appreciation of classical music.
Music Barber Composer Lovers Samuel Prev American Sites Moncada Classical Random University Web Biographylist Last
66 No Strings Attached Award-winning quartet
Award-winning quartet based in Roanoke/Blacksburg, Virginia, with Randy Marchany on Dulcimer. Biography, discography, pictures, and links.
Strings Attached Petes Music Com Welcome Middotmiddotmiddot Waltz Vinyl Inc Company Youtube Nsa@enessaycom Enessay Just Floyd Farm
67 Danelectro Guitars Guitars, basses
Guitars, basses, amps, effects, strings, and other accessories are available.
Danelectro Tone String Hodad® Double Sitar Product Cutaway Bass Contactservice Baritone Prices Number Trademark |
68 DR Handmade strings
Handmade strings for electric, acoustic and bass guitars as well as other acoustic instruments.
Strings Guitar Bass Handmade Dr Neon Goodrocksmith Classical String Catalog Manufacturer Mandolin Reviews
69 K.C. Strings Violin Shop Violin, viola
Violin, viola, cello and contrabass makers. (St. Louis & Springfield Missouri)
Lessons Shop Strings Rentals Violin Bass Kc Store Instrument Open String Hours Introduction Olathe Repairs Viola Eventsblog Violins Instruments
70 DNA Strings Three piece
Three piece instrumental hybrid group in an easy listening world music format playing Afro-Spanish rhythms and melodies with Irish leanings.
Wwwdnastringscom Soon Newz
71 2002 Specializes in
Specializes in classically tinged melodies complete with dreamy flutes, crystalline piano, tender strings, celestial choirs, harp and acoustic guitar.
Music Stargaze Dreams Wings World Billboard Moment Damayanti Believe Lyrics Word Land Freedom Journey Contact Reporter Cds Artwork Photos Emerald
72 'Hilary Hahn: Fulfilling her promise' The cover
The cover story of Hahn from the August/September 1999 of Strings Magazine.
Portserver Apachepermanently The
73 aguirre, pablo classic music
classic music meets tango: sheet music for: marimba, flute, piano, strings, brass, etc.
Music Aguirre Tango Pablo Classical Rocco Works Welcome Meets Audio Flute Berlin Porteña Piano Suite Structures Leads World
74 Want to Start Playing Guitar? Aimed at
Aimed at starter and beginner players. Includes first chords, reading music, easy songs, theory, changing strings, and choosing guitars.
Guitar Guide Theory Acoustic Electric Easy Music Playing Strings Amplifier Chord Tips Scales Fretboard Play
75 Guitar Page Ingo Ravens
Ingo Ravens page featuring guitars, amps, strings and effect used by the band. Interviews, 'DS pic of the month', mp3 and licks.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Wayback Inc Guidelines Longeravailable Finance Sports Internetvisit
76 earth made tucson retailer
tucson retailer of southwestern native american jewelry, pottery, and kachinas, ristras (chili strings) and southwestern crafts.
Ïîäðîáíåå » ÏÒÏ Ã¢â‚¬ÂÈÍÆÏÐÎÅÊÒ” Mercedes Ford â Volkswagen ðóáðèêó è Ïåðåéòè Rover ïåðåâîçêè Àâòî Citroen ê ÊÑÅÍÎÍ áåçîïàñíîñòü Passat
77 bay strings string quartet
string quartet available for weddings and special events offers contemporary, folk and ethnic favorites, as well as classical repertoire. includes past venues, testimonials and contact information.
Welcomemusic Fine Strings Contact Occasions Repertoire Chamberquotes Musicians Listen Venues
78 william c. byrd young artist competition annual competition
annual competition in flint, michigan, rotating through categories for piano, strings, voice, and winds and brass.
Flint Byrd Competition William Music Society Young Cecilia Artist Institute Welcome Eligibility Related Events
79 mundial directory large array
large array of links to free scores for winds, strings, keyboards, choral, orchestra and percussion. includes links to mp3s.
Partitions Pack Guitare De Piano Instruments Musique Chorale Percussion Classique Rock Avec Enfant Basse Cordes Afro Americains Compositeurs Free Scores Latin Opera Luth Pop
80 Unicorn Strings Music Company Bowed psalteries
Bowed psalteries, dulcimers, harps, bodhrans and accessories. Includes FAQs, psaltery information, and company profile.
Music Folk Dulcimers Bowed Instruments Unicorn Celtic Psaltery Strings Harps Company Mail Samples Store Dealers How
81 Beyond the Trees Luthier Fred
Luthier Fred Carlson, specializing in 6-string acoustic instruments with additional sympathetic strings, guitar gallery, audio samples, pricing and ordering information, and contact details.
82 columbine entertainment elegant live
elegant live music for wedding ceremonies, parties, corporate events, etc. combinations of strings, brass, guitar, flute, harp. jazz bands are also available. based in colorado.
Music Wedding Entertainment Classical Royal Columbine Form Live Trumpets Audio Clips Colorado Contact Services Ensembles Non Guide Pre Selected Variety Every Parties
83 ray brown bass quiz a brief
a brief question-and-answer session conducted by les tomkins and arthur johnson in 1963 prompts the artists detailed description of his instrument, strings, technique and practice habits.
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84 Fiddle and Alternative Strings Forum Lots of
Lots of submissions of questions and responses about fiddle playing and styles and dealing with acoustic and electric bowed stringed instruments.
Fiddle String Forum Strings Music Traditional Violin Alternative Reels Instruments Stringed Oldtime Bands Folk Quicksteps Maker Trad Schottisches
85 Mark Deutschs Bazantar Biography of
Biography of the designer and performer the bazantar, a modified acoustic bass with sympathetic strings. Also, contact information, concert schedule and MP3s.
86 The Music Group Formerly Boosey
Formerly Boosey & Hawkes group, eight companies including Besson brass instruments, Buffet woodwinds, Paesold strings and Hofner guitars and basses.
87 Stinkweeds: Superchunk - Heres to Shutting Up Karthiks review:
Karthiks review: 'a record that sounds like a combination between the Jim ORourke produced 'Come Pick Me Up', 1994s 'Foolish', and 1995s 'Heres Where the Strings Come In'.'
88 C.F. Martin and Company Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of acoustic guitars, strings and accessories. Online store, news and history, technical information, and information about factory tours and museum.
Martin Strings Guitars Guitar Owners Acoustic Shop Custom Club Artists String International Information Players Catalogs Collectibles Distributor
89 Wood-N-Strings Dulcimer Shop Offers custom-made
Offers custom-made dulcimers, psalteries, ban-jammers, and lap harps. Descriptions, prices, policies, history and online ordering available. Pickin porch on Fridays during season.
Dulcimer Porch Series Pickin Wood Strings Shop Store Schedule Hours Video Banjammer Pickinporch Mike Pickin’ Any Other Chestnut
90 Wood N Strings Dulcimer Shop Mike Clemmer
Mike Clemmer offers handcrafted mountain dulcimers, lap harps, and bowed psaltries, as well as accessories, instruction and music. Includes biography, calendar of events and photographs.
Dulcimer Porch Series Pickin Wood Strings Shop Store Video Mike Banjammer Pickinporch Schedule Hours Pickin’
91 chamber music 2000 project initiated
project initiated by the schubert ensemble of london to commission a large number of works for piano and strings from leading composers, suitable for playing by young and amateur musicians.
Music Chamber Trio Lawson School Schubert News Cadenza Concert Ensemble Students Ensembles Contact Associate Corda Repertoire Purcell Powers Youtube
92 john stanley: six concertos for strings/organ/harpsichord. cd full description
full description of cd content, illustration, and music samples. historic 1764 organ. little orchestra of london, leslie jones.
93 Blue Amadeus Clarinet and
Clarinet and strings provide background music from Mozart to swing. Arrangements of Benny Goodman and Woody Herman music. Samples, price list and contact information.
94 blue amadeus clarinet and
clarinet and strings provide background music from mozart to swing. arrangements of benny goodman and woody herman music. samples, price list and contact information.
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95 The Onion A.V. Club: Lost and Found Nathan Rabins
Nathan Rabins review: '...A marvel of tasteful bombast, adding touches of mournful slide guitar and occasional strings, but always keeping the focus on Manns voice and evocative lyrics.'
Av Clubsorry Dead Air Page Please
96 shelley van loen and the palmcourt strings small uk-based
small uk-based string ensemble playing salon music from the 1920s and 1930s in period attire. includes a band history, photos, sound clips and booking information.
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97 Collins Guitars Michael Collins
Michael Collins Luthier. Custom classical Flamenco guitars. Finger picking steel strings.
98 jazz and orchestral musicians discussion forum
discussion forum for players and listeners of woodwind, brass and strings in jazz and orchestral music.
Social Networking Yuku Chat Cave Free Forums Communities Software Gently Friendship Still Welcome Twilight Unleashed Network Day
99 Rayline Steel Guitars Makes his
Makes his own guitars, and repairs Sho-Bud instruments, also supplies pedal steel strings. [Florida, US]
100 Pullin Strings Puppet Productions Live marionette
Live marionette shows for all childrens events. Beautifully hand-crafted marionettes created and performed by professional puppeteer Tait Hill provide interactive, educational and fun entertainment for the whole family.
101 southeastern minnesota youth orchestra programs include
programs include the philharmonic orchestra, concert orchestra, and chamber strings. includes rehearsal schedule, upcoming concerts, links, news, and competitions.
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102 The Strad Magazine Monthly print
Monthly print magazine for bowed string players, teachers, students, makers and dealers. Read sample contents, browse for books, CDs and posters. Strings business and education directories.
Strad News Courses See Reviews Blogs Latest Focus Degrees Playing Subscribe Advertise String Jobs Making Fine Contemporary Contact Win Specialist Listings
103 The Strad Magazine Monthly print
Monthly print magazine for bowed string players, teachers, students, makers and dealers. Read sample contents, browse for books, CDs and posters. Strings business and education directories.
Strad News Courses See Reviews Focus Debate Latest Degrees Subscribe Technique Advertise Playing Issue Orchestral Fine Contemporary Fitness Archive David Jobs
104 m.s. music associates (new england)
(new england) classical music for ceremonies, cocktail hours, receptions, and corporate events. strings, flute trio, flute and guitar, harp, quartets.
Navigationshilfet Y
105 ruskin ensemble (uk) the
(uk) the ruskin ensemble are a group of professional classical musicians performing imaginative, inspiring and entertaining programmes for guitar, horn, piano and strings - from a duo to a sextet.
Ensemble Ruskin Music Festival Community Events Jane Programmes London Tailored Past Programme John Europe Chamber Musicians Edinburgh Appealdetails
106 Exotic Guitars Guitars, basses
Guitars, basses, 12 strings, and multinecks, both acoustic and electric, constructed with exotic woods, jewels and carved in elaborate designs inspired by major styles of art history.
107 Jordan Electric Violins Manufacturer/sales of
Manufacturer/sales of electric violins and violas. Options include four, five, six, or seven strings, fretted, double neck violins.
Rejected Requesty
108 Don-Jon Guitars, International Manufactures a
Manufactures a range of instruments from the guitar family, including convertible guitars (easily adapted to nylon/steel strings, and acoustic/electric operation), includes online catalogue and contact details. [Pampanga, Philippines]
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109 Yamaha Products Offers worldwide
Offers worldwide distribution of Yamaha brand pianos, keyboards, winds, guitars, bowed strings, drums and percussion, including a line of silent practice instruments. Also makes and sells amplifiers and sound cards with DSP technology.
110 burnt earth drums, flutes
drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician barry hall. includes audio samples, video clips, and information about the burnt earth ensemble.
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111 new leviathan oriental fox-trot orchestra new orleans
new orleans 20-piece ensemble with winds and strings playing rags, marches, schottisches, curious foxtrots and the music of french-educated louisiana composers of the early 1900s for concerts and grand balls. photos, performer profiles, cd sales.
112 louisiana academy of performing arts [covington/mandeville/harahan, la
[covington/mandeville/harahan, la, usa] music education for students of all ages. areas of instruction include: voice, strings, brass, percussion, jazz and composition. laapa is south louisianas largest private school of music.
Lessons Music Classes Dance Programs Laapa School Guitar Started Jazz Mandeville Covington Orleans Learn Getting Hip Hop Ages
113 norfolk public schools strolling silver strings group of
group of high school students from the 5 norfolk high schools. site includes information about rehearsals and performance calendar.
114 burnt earth drums, flutes
drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician barry hall. includes audio samples, video clips, information about the burnt earth ensemble, and online ordering.
Rejected Requesty
115 sawlog & strings bluegrass festival held each
held each august, includes hands-on musical workshops, performers, arts and crafts, games, cider press, muzzle loader, blacksmith and buggy rides. includes ticket prices, location, camping and contact information.
Festivalweb Pre Photoalbum Sawlog Festival Shorock Bluegrass Don First Web Cole Strings Other Information Preliminary
116 leopold mozart academy the leopold
the leopold mozart academy offers instruction in strings, piano, and music theory.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restricted Pleasehost Protection
117 strings on your fingers michael p.
michael p. garofalo does presentations on string figures art, and performances of string figures, catches, and tricks in northern california and southern oregon. his site has a recommended reading list and bibliography for string figures.
String Figures Garofalo Games Mike Isbn Vscl Figure Bibliography California Volume Books Cradle Cats American Performers
118 the cabrillo high school marching band includes calendar
includes calendar, band history, alumni information, news, competition results, multimedia, band leaders, show music, and links. programs include strings, orchestra, marching, jazz, and concert band.
119 sawlog n strings bluegrass festival held each
held each august in a densely wooded area near jetmore, kansas, not far from dodge city, this family event has performances and instrument workshops, including how to play the saw. activities include buggy rides, games, arts & crafts, blacksmith and a cider press. mail-order tickets, artist, camping, lodging and travel information.
Festivalweb Pre Photoalbum Sawlog Shorock Festival Bluegrass Web First Strings Cole Don Sites Visit Y
120 united states air force band units include
units include the concert band, ceremonial brass, chamber players, air force strings, airmen of note jazz ensemble, high flight show group, silver wings country group, diplomats jazz/pop ensemble and the singing sergeants. includes full free performance schedule, history, newsletter and sound demos.
Techniques Chiropractic Contact Termsproudly Privacy Powered Port Permanently The Serverpolicy Apache Top
121 united states air force band units include
units include the concert band, ceremonial brass, chamber players, air force strings, airmen of note jazz ensemble, high flight show group, silver wings country group, diplomats jazz/pop ensemble and the singing sergeants. includes full free performance schedule, history, newsletter and sound demos.
Chiropractic Techniques Serverprivacy Permanently The Powered Proudly Contact Portterms Apache Policy

Strings Dictionary

string section / strings: the section of an orchestra that plays stringed instruments Reviews for Strings. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Strings" (visitors of this topic page). Strings › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Strings Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

122 results for Strings: