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Suicide Experience


1 Arnold W. Thomas Blind suicide
Blind suicide survivor and Shoshone-Paiute tribe member provides keynotes and consulting services on topics such as personal resiliency and suicide intervention strategies.
Suicide Buffalo White Knife Speaker American Native Consulting Arnold Thomas Presentation Articles Locations Want Water Biographycontract Traditional Topics
2 King of the Monsters A southwestern
A southwestern US hardcore label. Home to Jeremin, Suicide Nation, Prevail and Creation is Crucifixion.
Kotm Hiatus Merrylong Dont Page Sponsored Christmas Recordsclosed Close
3 heritage crisis solutions crime and
crime and trauma scene decontamination company specializing in homicide, suicide, meth lab clean-up, mold/mildew and fire / water restoration.
4 Council Records Home to
Home to Yaphet Kotto, Suicide Nation, Dearborn SS and Constantine Sankathi. Site has MP3s, tour dates, upcoming releases information and band news.
5 Submerge Records Releases Garage
Releases Garage and Punk from London, England. Features artist as Suicide Milkshake, Thee Headcoats, Young Fresh Fellows, Senseless Things, and Gumball.
6 PNP Therapeutics, Inc. Biotechnolgy company
Biotechnolgy company developing gene therapy system, using a bacterial enzyme, to induce suicide in tumor cells. Includes technology background, research, patents, publications, key staff, and contacts.
7 Ze Records No wave
No wave, Disco, and Post punk label featuring artists like Lizzy Mercier Descloux, Kid Creole, Alan Vega, Suicide, and Was (Not Was). Artists, new releases, catalog and links.
+ Policiescontact Artists Information News Records Shop Shippinglicencing Radio Ze
8 PNP Therapeutics, Inc. Company developing
Company developing gene therapy system, using the E. coli enzyme, purine nucleoside phosphorylase, to induce suicide in tumor cells. Includes technology background, research, patents, publications, key staff, and contacts in Birmingham, Alabama.
9 GolarWash Records Southern Rock
Southern Rock and Blues label located in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. Artists include Santeria Band, Dege Legg, and Johnny Suicide. News, band pages, message boards, links, and ordering information.
Disabled Website Been Requestedsorry
10 c s r crime and trauma scene clean up usa. provide
usa. provide crime, suicide clean up, decomposition and trauma scene cleaning, meth lab cleanup and biohazardous waste removal services nationwide.
Server Portbin Cgi Apache Images
11 crime scene clean team / rapid responders usa. crime
usa. crime scene cleanup and trauma scene cleanup decontamination specialists offer nationwide expertise in homicide cleanup, trauma scene clean up suicide cleanup.
Crime Scene Cleaners Cleanup Clean Blood Death Trauma Suicide Ebola Scenecleaners Team Tear Vegas California

2. Shopping and Suicide Trade

1 No Time to Say Goodbye Book and
Book and other presentations about surviving the suicide of a loved one.
Suicide York American Association Foundation Prevention Suicidology Psychiatric National Survivors Florida Chapter City Conference Healing
2 Suicide Knobs Steering wheel
Steering wheel spinners for cars, trucks, boats, and tractors.
Maxpagescom Advance Cash Insurance Consolidation Terms Debt Legal Life Available Phones Here Sectionlearn
3 Hot Rod Girl Offering fuzzy
Offering fuzzy dice, suicide and shifter knobs, and lake pipes.
Bull Dice Fuzzy Light Chrome Knobs Balls Accessories Head Sourpuss Shifter Stainless Lucky Vintage Knob
4 Suicide Dreams Hairpieces, falls
Hairpieces, falls and fringes. Also carries fashion accessories, jewelry and art prints.
Theme Anorak Novorder Alt Dreams Manson Coming Soon Nothing Skull Finally Diy Xmas
5 Dear World A book
A book which addresses coping with suicide-inducing pain associated with depressive illnesses or bipolar disorder.
6 Before Their Time Features album
Features album of memorial songs to provide comfort to people after the death or suicide of someone close, and help them heal. Available on CD or cassette.
Before Volume Liner Book Project Notes Guest Reviews Contents Album Howalbums Ii Ordering
7 Undoing Depression Richard OConnor
Richard OConnor speaks as a suicide survivor and therapist when he gives advice for depression prevention. Includes a lecture calendar.
Depression Stress Self Destructive Undoing Mindfulness Medication Happiness Perpetual News Oconnor Behavior Happy Communication Facts Powered O’connor Care Tips
8 Our Forever Angel Our Forever
Our Forever Angel - Surviving the Loss of a Loved One to Suicide.
Navigationshilfe Ty

3. Suicide Recreation

1 Suicide Survivor FAQs Answers to
Answers to questions by and about suicide survivors (those who have lost someone close to suicide).
Create Tripod Shoppingtripodcom Lycoscom Page Login Check Hosting Signup Please Lycoswebsite Couldnt
2 The Suicide Paradigm Offers perspective
Offers perspective on suicide as outcome of a process of severe stress and psychological pain. Includes ethical issues discussion, a glossary of suicide terminology, and a heartfelt letter to suicidal young people.
Suicide Loss Suicidal Pain Prevention Rights Self Grief Perspective Penacide Those Suicidality Process Tony Beast They Lamenting
3 Suicide in the School: A Health Issue Identifying and
Identifying and intervening with students at risk for suicide. Setting up school protocols for prevention and dealing with the aftermath of a suicide.
Disorder Children Suicide Give County Depression Adolescents Mood Antidepressants Safe Still Teens Psychiatric Wide Disorders Obsessive Compulsive American Canadian Kids
4 Suicide Discussion Board Discussion site
Discussion site for those whose lives have been affected by suicide. Emphases on the impact of suicide on friends, family and society, prevention, and solutions.
Z Angelfirecomprofessional Couldnt Please Close Requested Tryagain Page Websites Funerror Check Angelfire
5 Child Suicide Support for
Support for families who have suffered the loss of a child to suicide. Resources on depression, suicide, healing and life after death.
Suicide Death Support Child Link Loss Supportive First Andersen Dove Parents White Please Survivor Chasing Sold Protecting Hard Projectthe
6 Suicide Prevention Help Offers a
Offers a personal approach for those who are despairing and thinking about suicide, and a directory of helpful suicide prevention resources from around the world.
Suicide Help Prevention Directory Letter Friendship Global Suicidal Support Helpful Web Kenneth Groups Crisis Centers
7 Suicide Awareness Suicide awareness
Suicide awareness, information, memorials, and links to suicide hotlines. Volunteers providing those in need,with support and help.
Suicide Help Crisis Memorials Mental Hotlines Information Poems Awareness Health Chronic Depression Loving Worth Self Illness Wish Victims
8 Suicide: What You Can Do and Say If your
If your friend is trying to cope with a suicide or is contemplating suicide, how can you help? This site tells you what you can do and say to support your friend.
Z Request Y
9 Training Institute for Suicide Assessment Provides the
Provides the interviewing tip of the month, trainings on suicide prevention and clinical interviewing for mental health professionals and physicians, and a complete article on suicide assessment techniques (CASE Approach).
Suicide Prevention Assessment Clinical Trainings Interviewing Case Article Medication Resiliency Shea Approach Workshops Day Full Risk Statewide
10 Journey Through Suicide Grief Email support
Email support group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
11 Pediatric Oncall - Suicide in Adolescents Warning signs
Warning signs and which teenagers might be prone to suicide.
12 Journey Through Suicide Grief Online support
Online support group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
Suicide Grief Through Journey Healing Group Yourself Understanding Support Pain Toward Place Heal Loss Self Burden Sharing Ones Quickly
13 Suicide: Gateway to Peace? Christian support
Christian support group for those who are thinking of suicide.
Sign Lifestream Places People Now Everything Updated Policy Insign Trademarks Stream Create Account Or Multiple Terms
14 No More Suicide Support group
Support group for both suicidal people and those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
15 Suicide Survivor FAQs Some frequently
Some frequently asked questions about suicide survivors.
Create Tripod Pagecouldnt Check Login Shopping Signup Requested Lycoscom Please Lycoswebsite Hosting
16 Suicide Loss FAQs Some frequently
Some frequently asked questions for suicide grievers.
Tripod Create Hostingplease Website Lycos Login Tripodcom Lycoscom Shopping Check Pagerequested Couldnt
17 Survivors of Someones Suicide Online support
Online support group of people who are copping with the loss of someone to suicide.
Yahoo Help Survivorsofsomeonessuicide Please Groups Attachments Finance Yahoos Conversations Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Weather Copyright Tv Music Autos
18 Why? The Neuroscience of Suicide Scientific American
Scientific American article dealing with brain chemistry as the reason for suicide.
Science Mind Subscribe Podcast Second Features Health Network Sa Print Buy Blog Special Issues Scientific Recommended Topics Advisory
19 Suicide Survival For survivors
For survivors of suicide or those who wish to help them, resources include recommended books, links, and mailing lists.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policyinc Visit Sorry News Popular Guidelines Archives Privacy
20 Survivors of Suicide (SOS) Support for
Support for those who are bereaving a loss to suicide. Includes healing poetry, resources and referrals.
Tripod Create Websitehosting Tripodcom Please Requested Page Couldnt Signupcheck Lycos Shopping
21 Survivors of Suicide Time heals
Time heals all wounds is not necessarily true for survivors of suicide. Time is necessary for healing, but time is not enough. Shared feelings enrich and lead to growth and healing. Online Support group for survivors of suicide.
Suicide Survivors Support Sos Circle Grief Groups Loss Healing Survivor Help Understanding Death Member Survivorsofsuicidecom
22 C.A.S.T.S - Caring for All Suicide Trauma Survivors UK based
UK based voluntary agency provides help, support and counselling (both on and off-line) for those bereaved by suicide.
Casts Services Photos Caring Suicide Survivors Trauma Tell Javascriptideas Master Need Toolbar Requirements
23 Suicide Newsletter Resources for
Resources for mental health professionals, patients and families about early detection of depression and suicide prevention.
Health Disorders Mental Progress Contact Free Here Technology Icd Trauma Xe Fridays Course Self Care Click Terms Testimonials Advertise Cultural Disordersadjustmentdisorderadolescentsaging
24 Teenagers and Mental Health Informative articles
Informative articles and links regarding depression, suicide, suicide prevention, youth violence, substance abuse.
Health Disorders Free Contact Mental Progress Course Here Xe Technology Trauma Icd Fridays Self Care Register Burnout Losshealth Addiction Autism Risk
25 The Voices of Suicide A personal
A personal accounts page which discusses suicide, depression and other subjects. Includes poetry, a message board and chat room.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Sign Help Tryingpopular Reach Sites Toolbar Archiveorg Longeravailable User
26 Community for Hope Suicide Prevention & Support Group Nonprofit organization
Nonprofit organization supporting suicide prevention, intervention, and response.
Emergency Suicide Hope Community Crisis Videos Line Prevention Help Intervention Welcome School Based Non Signs Cfh Donate Question Nonprofitorganization Download
27 National Organization for People of Color Against Suicide NOPCAS is
NOPCAS is in the process of developing resources to help communities of color deal with suicide issues.
Free Nopcascom Construction Page Rates Cheap Phones Cars Trademark Policy Privacy Mortgage Credit Luxury Review Internet Tutor Soon
28 Adolescent Suicide in the School Setting How school
How school staff and students can detect and intervene to prevent suicide.
Disorder Suicide Children Give County Depression Adolescents Mood Still Antidepressants Safe Teens Psychiatric Spectrum Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Northern Life Suicidal Athree
29 Mental Health Todays Suicide Intervention & Hotline Emotional support
Emotional support, help and resources for the suicidal person and for suicide survivors. Phone and email crisis hotline.
Suicide Hotline Mental Prevention Help Suicidal Health Survivors Today Information Patty Death Msw Crisis Copyright Yourlife
30 Apocalypse Suicide Site To provide
To provide support for those planning suicide, or those trying to help a suicidal person to live. Information on what to do and how to cope. Includes depression chatrooms and hosted support groups.
Depression Suicide Person Page Suicidal Planning Apocalypse Healthyplace Own Death Depressed Help Articles People Yourself Trying Ourselves Clinical Centers Test Asserting
31 Parents Grieving Children of Suicide Support for
Support for parents that have lost a child to suicide.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Visit Movies Mail Toolbarnews Guidelines Sorry Privacy Popular
32 Living Matters - Youth Suicide Resources Bev Cobains
Bev Cobains information about child, teen, and adolescent (youth) depression, bipolar illness, youth suicide prevention, intervention, and training workshops.
Matters Living Suicide Prevention Survivors Books Widget Homewidget Action Contact Speaking Call Title Appearance Imageon Y
33 Suicide Memorial Wall A memorial
A memorial to those who died by suicide, sponsored by the Friends and Families of Suicides email support group. Visitors may submit names to be placed on the wall.
Suicides Friends News Suicide Internet Community Here Parents Click Families Family Join Information Wwwwfacesofsuicidecom International Breaking
34 Suicide Prevention Courses Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention courses and training for professionals, institutions, and the public
Qpr Suicide Training Gatekeeper Instructor Risk Courses Advanced Login Prevention Contact Resources Check Healthcare Bookstore Schools
35 About Elder Suicide An introduction
An introduction to the problem of elder suicide.
Suicide Elder Elderly Loss Suicidal Prevention How Rights Aged Late Paradigm Life Depression Suicides Faq Modified Paul
36 Elder Suicide Information and
Information and resources on elder suicide.
Suicide Elderly Elder Older Among Care Suicidal Rates People Prevention Seniors Depression Providers Life Preventing
37 After Losing my Best Friend to suicide Personal site
Personal site about losing a friend 20 years to suicide.
Ill Friend Depressed Need Best Suicide Jtsg Sitering Free Help Losing Grief Sos Thomas Gsw Books Grieving Cope
38 InfoSource: Gay/Bisexual Male Suicide Problems Information related
Information related to gay and bisexual male suicide problems.
39 Colorado Springs team Suicide Kings central intel site Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Airsoft team, Suicide Kings Official site sponsored by US SURPLUS, team info and gear
Frozen Contactsorrythis Frozenwere Please Owner
40 Canterbury Bereaved by Suicide Support Group Provides support
Provides support and assistance to people who have been bereaved by suicide and to people that support them.
Inc Here Goname Buy Clicksaleclick Wwwsupportfindcom
41 Team Suicide Located in
Located in the Oklahoma City area.
Suicide Team Paintball Close Sponsored Clickbelow Z
42 A Different Kind of Grief A survivor
A survivor of suicide speaks out about 'losing my twin'.
Suicide Twin Survivors Loss Sibling Tore Depression Ottem Grief Bereavement Bereaved Kirsti Selvmord Sometimes Finally
43 Suicide Kings Provides members
Provides members gallery, news, downloads and links.
Create Tripod Pagewebsite Please Login Couldnt Lycos Shopping Check Requested Hosting Signuplycoscom
44 Ctangelbird Message board/forum
Message board/forum for spouses left behind by suicide.
45 Jesus Loves You Too Christian-themed suicide
Christian-themed suicide prevention information.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Wayback Sorry Internetfinance Games Privacy Terms Guidelines
46 Elements of Suicide Official site
Official site includes profile, photos, and schedule.
47 A Different Kind of Grief A survivor
A survivor of suicide speaks out about losing his twin brother.
Suicide Survivors Twin Loss Sibling Tore Depression Bereaved Kirsti Ottem Grief Selvmord Bereavement Sometimes Finally
48 Suicide Wrestling Federation (SWF) Hanover, Pennsylvania
Hanover, Pennsylvania - Includes roster and photos.
Tripod Create Checkhosting Website Page Tripodcom Shopping Requested Lycoscom Lycossignup Please
49 I Wish I Were Dead Article about
Article about suicide intervention geared towards the mental health professional.
Suicide Canada National Page Report Volume Mosaic Dead Force Prevention Ramsay Wish Meaning Md Programtrainers Dj Issue Tanney Individuals
50 Lizzie, Grieving Teen A website
A website for young people who have lost someone to suicide.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Terms Web Privacy Customer Domains Website Please Help Templates
51 Youth Suicide Features rants
Features rants, reviews, and games. Offers banners and wallpapers.
Directory Parentmodified Size Type Parent Z
52 Community Lifelines Canadian site
Canadian site dealing with suicide prevention, particularly for aboriginal peoples.
Navigationshilfet Y
53 Rainbows of Hope Information and
Information and support for self-injury and suicide. Including self-help, hotlines, poetry and a pen pal section.
Freeservers Privacy Host Terms Premium Statement Free Account Contact Available Acceptableuse Guidelines Signeasy
54 No More Shame Information on
Information on self-injury, depression, and suicide. Includes a journal, poetry, smiles, and useful links.
Z Check Please Angelfirecomprofessional Close Fun Tryagain Page Angelfire Websitescouldnt Requested Error
55 Jared Highs Story Surviving suicide
Surviving suicide, dealing with grief and getting in balance with a healthy spirit.
Suicide Depression Bullying Jareds Life Jared Grief Teen Sure Cake Bullycide Brenda Family Page Meaning Well Usa
56 McMans Articles Diagnosis, treatment
Diagnosis, treatment, lifestyle, struggles, stories, suicide prevention, issues and advocacy.
Redirect Redeirecty
57 Psychology Today - A Cry for Help Article discussing
Article discussing that self harm is not necessarily a prelude to suicide, it is indicative of depression or anxiety.
Psychology Self Therapist Issue Therapy Anxiety Help Today Disorders Federman Depression Experts Subscribe Phd Development Mutilation Marano Psych Harm Dentists Federman Sometimes Nigh
58 Rosbrien Suicide Awareness Group Assisting people
Assisting people to be aware of depression and life threatening tendencies.
Depression Suicideawarenesscom Suicide Leading Awareness Drug Clinical Depressant Netchronic Join Help Anti Counseling
59 Southern California Hot Climbs Photos from
Photos from Tahquitz, Suicide, Joshua Tree, and the Sierras, the White Mountains and Alaska.
Navigationshilfe Ty
60 JS Online: Death of a Game Addict Article about
Article about a 21-year-old Hudson mans addiction to EverQuest, and how it possibly led to his suicide.
61 Remembrance of Chris A familys
A familys dedication page for a man who suffered from schizophrenia and drug abuse and ultimately committed suicide.
Error Could Processrequest Description
62 Teen Matters Information on
Information on stress, depression, body image, suicide, drugs and alcohol, bullying and relationships.
Family Uncategorized Posted Tags Wordpress Matters York How Girls Teen Child Japan Chinese Japanese Entries Four
63 Remembering Ken A mothers
A mothers tribute to her son who committed suicide. Photos and poems, memories and a moving song, dedicated to his life.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Movies Trying Visit Longeravailable Mail Toolbar Maps Inc Archiveorg
64 Griefwork Center, Inc. Crisis intervention
Crisis intervention, sudden loss, suicide awareness, grief and bereavement education, and training programs for professionals.
Barbara Rubel Speaker Stress Health Keynote Barbaras Professional Griefwork Consultant Center Wellness Contact Magazine Grief Vegas Cpbc Development Psychology
65 Impact Training and Consultation Specialises in
Specialises in responding to violence, suicide, and trauma in social work, housing, and health services. UK based.
Dangerous Behaviour Disturbing Danger Iain Impact Violence Helping Bourne Difficult Youtube Social Training Facing Managing Psychotic Workshops
66 eMedicine-Bipolar Affective Disorder History of
History of the illness, pathophysiology, mortality and morbidity, race, sex, age, episodes defined, physical, suicide, homicide and causes.
67 Distress Centre Peel Round the
Round the clock confidential support for suicide, depression, and crisis for residents of Mississauga, Brampton and the Town of Caledon.
Namemodified Size Descriptionlast
68 Bipolar Conference Transcripts Living with
Living with the illness, food, parenting, treatment options, coping, suicide, medications, stability, self-help, children and special education law.
Bipolar Depression Disorder Conference Transcripts Healthyplace Manic Symptoms Health Treatment Articles Experiences Suicide Page Children Living Mental Latuda Forum
69 My Angel Brittany Brittanys mother
Brittanys mother has collected her poetry and news items about her suicide. General resources and information on native American issues included.
Sign Help Horoscopes + Polls Tips Stay Music Games Quizzes Sites Brittanys Blog Brittany Movies Love Alsoto
70 Have a Hearts Depression Resource Articles help
Articles help people with depression and thoughts of suicide, better understand what they are going through.
Request Heartcom Nginxhere Goclick
71 Philadelphia SOS, Inc. Support groups
Support groups and information for suicide grievers in the greater Philadelphia, PA area.
72 Have a Hearts Depression Resource Articles help
Articles help people with depression and thoughts of suicide, better understand what they are going through.
Heartcom Herego Click Z
73 Chriss Suicide Help Page Personal page
Personal page from a police officer in Arizona.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Archives Terms Visit Trying Movies Archiveorg Games Toolbar Popular
74 Have a Hearts Depression Resource Articles to
Articles to help those with depression and thoughts of suicide better understand what they are going through.
75 Have a Hearts Depression Resource Articles to
Articles to help those with depression and thoughts of suicide better understand what they are going through.
Heartcom Here Clickz Go
76 The Lost Child Biography of
Biography of the author, The Child, who is contemplating suicide and a meeting place for all with suicidal thoughts.
Frozen Sorrycontactplease Owner Frozenwere This
77 Parents of Suicides An email
An email support group for any parents who have lost a child to suicide, and memorials to these children.
Suicide Parents Sons Memorials Friends Pages Support Daughters Freefind Email Family Education Those Remember Lives Photos
78 Teen Depression Information and
Information and resources about depression and suicide in teenagers
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help Wayback User Movies Termsmaps Archiveorg Visit Finance
79 Suicide Championship Wrestling SCW -
SCW - New Bedford, Massachusetts - Official site includes columns, gallery, news, profiles, results, and upcoming events. SCW also provides a training facility.
Tripod Create Please Found Lycos Hosting Couldnt Page Errorpage Login Lycoscom Shopping Check Tripodcomwebsite
80 The Jason Foundation, Inc. Provides information
Provides information about youth suicide and offers free educational material for teachers and youth workers.
Program Jason Learn Youth Foundation Coaches Health Disclaimer Involved Students Football Resources Contact Ambassadors Jfi Hospital Educator
81 - Depression and Suicide Prevention Offering direction
Offering direction for immediate crisis intervention and emotional support for those who are gravely suicidal.
Suicide Treatment Suicidal Help Disclaimer Depression Suicidalcom Knows Depressed Authors Justified Stigma Love Commit Webmaster Contact Survivors
82 Depression - An Unknown Evil Symptoms, self-help
Symptoms, self-help, pages for friends helping people with depression, facts about self-harm and suicide, and an email help line.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Policy Copyright Popular Finance News Privacysorry Machine Games Sites Mail
83 Undoing Depression Richard OConnor
Richard OConnor speaks as a suicide survivor and therapist when he gives advice for depression prevention. Includes a lecture calendar.
Depression Stress Self Undoing Destructive Medication News Perpetual Oconnor Happiness Mindfulness Behavior Happy Tips Quick Pride Skills Forfourteen
84 The Jason Foundation, Inc. Provides information
Provides information about youth suicide and provides free educational material for teachers / youth workers. JFI now has programs in 36 states and three foreign countries.
Program Jason Learn Youth Foundation Coaches Suicide Football Health Disclaimer Parent Involved Parents Resources Jfi Now Community Help
85 What is Bipolar Disorder? Illness categorized
Illness categorized, causes, suicide, thinking and memory problems, substance abuse, effects on loved ones, diagnosis, treatment, medication, electroconvulsive and magnetic therapies and links.
86 The Lost Soul Companion Comfort and
Comfort and constructive advice for struggling actors, musicians, artists, writers, and other free spirits. Includes discussion of suicide, depression, creativity, poverty, and hope.
Companion Soul Project Lost Lostsoul@lostsoulcompanioncom Susan Copyrightbrackney Reserved Rights Z
87 Breaking Free Story of
Story of a girl who suffers from bulimia and self injury. Information about issues like eating disorders, treatment and recovery, self injury, abuse, addiction and suicide. Includes a Bulletin board.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policyinc Sorry Privacy User Trying Archives Archiveorg Mail
88 Developing community networks for suicide prevention This article
This article describes the steps to be taken and the factors involved in developing a prevention network.
Suicide Community Prevention Status Don’t Citytowncounty Networks Article Psyplexus Developing Contact Take Work Policy Factors Social Serious Refer Severe
89 Hopeseek Bereavement services
Bereavement services after tragedy. Loss and grief counseling, and counseling after loss to suicide. Message board.
90 Home Care Helper Resources for
Resources for home care providers on planning ethics, telehealth and elder suicide.
Page Telehealth Helper Provider Planning Care Ethics Elder Glossary Administrative Purpose Cares Primerresources Continuum
91 Mental Health Today Mental health
Mental health information, communities, books, support, suicide hotline and resources and questions boards for both consumers and clinicians.
92 - Teenagers and Mental Health Articles on
Articles on adolescent mental health, covering topics including depression, suicide, youth violence, substance abuse, and sexuality.
Progress Contact Health Disorders Trauma Course Free Fridays Xe Sign Register Policy Enroll Uncategorized Public Here Inc
93 In Memory of My Son Michael This site
This site relates to death caused by drug addiction and suicide. It is real life story of a young man of 20 who died from his Meth addiction. This young man is my son. [MIDI music]
Disabled Website Been Sorryz Requested
94 Depression Resources Page Clearinghouse of
Clearinghouse of internet resources regarding mental health, depression, and optional treatments. Additional links to journals, prayer resources, and suicide prevention.
Sign Lifestream People Updated Now Policy Everything Places Go Theres Networks Reserved Stay Rights Advertise Date Social
95 Compassion Connection Offering comfort
Offering comfort and hope to those grieving loss of child, spouse, parents, siblings, missing, suicide, tragedy, divorce, abused. Loss of health, loss of pet, loss of job. Processing grief. Inspirational.
Best Phones Free Smart Credit Report Relief Rates Mortgage Pain Luxury Insurance Migraine Courses Health Speed Lens
96 Suicide Wall Home Page Suicidewall is
Suicidewall is a novel by Alexander Paul, dedicated to memorializing Vietnam Veterans who took their own lives. This site gathers a list for a proposed white marble wall and links to other Vietnam Veteran organizations.
Wall Suicide Vietnam Veterans Iraq Book Afghanistan Memorial Statistics Support States Resolution Paul United Alexander Estimates Readjustment
97 PsychNet Mental Health This site
This site provides basic, concise information on depression, eating disorders, suicide, parenting and mental health disorders.
Mental Psych Net Disorders Health Abuse Depression Faq Stress Parenting Suicide Articles Child Sad Eating Netcom Anti Anxiety
98 Suicide Support - Information - Chat - Prevention Includes an
Includes an online support chat, message board with anonymous posting, as well as information.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyrightnews Machine Reach Hosting Archiveorg Visit Finance Sports Longeravailable
99 Depression: An Introduction Information and
Information and symptoms of depression with a depression support site and information for friends and family. Also includes information on antidepressants, therapy, suicide, myths, books, poetry, and links.
Depression Web Please Free Sadness Information Illness Disorders Family Hosting Thanks Mental Research Navigation Reuptake Agony Quick Gettingdepression Anti
100 Suicidology E-Group A moderated
A moderated research information network that facilitates the rapid dissemination of research information and news relevant to the study of the suicidal phenomena. It is specially dedicated to mental health professionals, but also to all the medical community and other people interested in suicide research and prevention.
Yahoo Help Groups Group Lists Sharing Photo File Community Free Please Mailing Forum Interests Communities Calendars
101 Suicidology E-Group A moderated
A moderated research information network that facilitates the rapid dissemination of research information and news relevant to the study of the suicidal phenomena. It is specially dedicated to mental health professionals, but also to all the medical community and other people interested in suicide research and prevention.
Yahoo Help Please Groups Travel Real Page Policy Health Food Morexc Ifyoure Politics Screen Privacy
102 Suicide Chat Line and Support for Mental Illness. Information resources
Information resources, chat, and support for people suffering from mental illness.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Toolbar Sorryinc Longeravailable News Games Terms Sites Trying Popular
103 Juvenile HD Information for
Information for families with a child with juvenile HD or one at-risk. Includes at-risk, genetic testing/testing of children, related JHD and HD symptoms and how to recognize/help, types of therapies, various medication and drug searches, surgeries, procedures used in testing, suicide, divorce, disabilities, assisstive technology, support links, and benefits/insurance.
Create Tripod Website Shopping Page Login Please Requested Check Tripodcomlycoscom Couldnt Signup Hosting

4. Computer & Suicide Games Websites

1 Suicide Notes FAQ for
FAQ for Suicide Squad Mod.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Help Local Advisor Gallery App Hosting Finance Domains Has Privacy Mobile
2 Suicide Chess Opening Book Online opening
Online opening book of Nilatac which is chess computer active on FICS.
Egtb Nilatac Nilatacs Fics Subversion Frâncu Slow White Navigationshilfedownloads Nilatac Features Wikipedia Unported Gb

5. Sports Websites concerning Suicide

1 Colorado Springs team Suicide Kings central intel site Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Airsoft team, Suicide Kings Official site sponsored by US SURPLUS, team info and gear
Contactowner Please Sorryfrozen Frozenwere
2 Team Suicide Located in
Located in the Oklahoma City area.
Team Suicide Belowpaintballclick
3 Suicide Kings Provides members
Provides members gallery, news, downloads and links.
Tripod Create Login Lycoscom Signup Shopping Check Please Website Couldnt Lycoserrorpage Page Found
4 Suicide Wrestling Federation (SWF) Hanover, Pennsylvania
Hanover, Pennsylvania - Includes roster and photos.
Create Tripod Found Shopping Lycos Lycoscom Errorpage Login Requested Please Tripodcom Page Websitehosting
5 Elements of Suicide Official site
Official site includes profile, photos, and schedule.
6 Suicide Championship Wrestling SCW -
SCW - New Bedford, Massachusetts - Official site includes columns, gallery, news, profiles, results, and upcoming events. SCW also provides a training facility.
Tripod Create Login Page Tripodcom Website Couldnt Hosting Found Lycoscom Signup Shopping Errorpageplease Check

6. Society, Arts and Suicide Crafts

1 stopping a suicide jewish perspective
jewish perspective of suicide. discussion of exceptions where suicide is permitted, like the suicide of king saul.
Israel Jewish Rabbi Dating Shabbat Suicide See Judaism Issues Sections Aishcom Torah Current Spirituality Holidays Doctor Assisted Video Books Mitzvah
2 suicide and the silence of scripture from christianity
from christianity today magazine. ethics of suicide and suicide cases in the bible.
Church Christian Guide Today Books Christianity Tv Newsletters Life Movies College Free Log Current Magazine Help Disciple Culture Missions
3 what if someone commits suicide motivations and
motivations and interpretations of suicide. suicide in history. from a christian doctor who specializes in multiple personality disorder.
Domain See Testimonials Policy Help Domains Problems Click Promise Mst Jmahoneycom Return Assets Sale Company
4 suicide survivor faqs answers to
answers to questions by and about suicide survivors (those who have lost someone close to suicide).
Create Tripod Found Tripodcom Shopping Lycoscom Check Signup Errorpage Please Page Requestedlycos Couldnt
5 Ethics Side of Suicide Ethical issues
Ethical issues associated with suicide treatment, intervention and facilitated suicide.
Suicide Ethics Ethical Loss Suicidal Paradigm Assisted Faqs Rights Risk Individuals Professional Survivors Issues Side Though Programs
6 ethics side of suicide ethical issues
ethical issues associated with suicide treatment, intervention and facilitated suicide.
Suicide Ethics Ethical Loss Assisted Paradigm Suicidal Faqs Individuals Risk Rights Professional Encyclopedia Choice Programs Debating Though Client
7 laymans guide to suicide a humorous
a humorous book on suicide and suicide planning.
Suicide Laymans Guide Book Author Tips Suicide_ Click Free Amazoncom Suicideplanning Services Published Entire Guaranteed Publisher
8 kevorkian lies, and suicide by thomas s. szasz szasz objects
szasz objects to physician-assisted suicide which makes suicide a medical issue rather than a moral one.
Kevorkian Suicide Szasz Mercitron Foundation Liberty_ Lies Kevorkians Thomas Copyright Introduction Similarly Economic Either Education However
9 suicide memorial suicide memorial
suicide memorial for jennifer garvey, age 15. includes links, books, and a message board about suicide.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Help Account Aabaco Terms Domains Website Web Sell
10 suicide survivor faqs some frequently
some frequently asked questions about suicide survivors.
Tripod Create Lycoscomhosting Shopping Signup Login Check Please Page Requestedtripodcom Lycos Couldnt
11 bill thomas: suicide artistic photography
artistic photography of staged suicide scenes.
Permanently The Misterbil@sbcglobalnet Movedsuicides
12 the right to suicide by patty fleener m.s.w. there should
there should be no right to commit suicide, since suicidal people are not their real selves.
Suicide Health Mental Right Today Bookstore Fleener Patty Professionals Implications Msw Articles Schizophrenia Stigma Medication Rational Statement Stuff
13 suicide loss faqs some frequently
some frequently asked questions for suicide grievers.
Create Tripod Found Please Shopping Signup Requested Hosting Lycoscom Website Errorpage Login Pagecouldnt
14 suicide and assisted suicide chapter from
chapter from peter mcwilliams book 'aint nobodys business if you do'.
Found Found The Additionallyapacheserver Errordocument Port
15 the suicide of saul pieter bruegels
pieter bruegels painting of the biblical suicide.
Bruegel Listartists Gallery Period Pieter Art Suicide Here Artists Reproduction Chapel Mystudios Studio Saul Renoir Monet St Renaissance
16 national review: crossbows and suicide bombers jonah goldberg
jonah goldberg on calling suicide terrorist acts cowardly.
Review Digital Gift National Print Google+ Spot Right Media Subscribe Donate Contactus Issue Campaign Header
17 suicide note read suicide
read suicide notes of others, or create your own.
Tripod Create Tripodcom Shopping Errorpage Signup Please Hosting Website Page Lycoscom Lycos Requestedcouldnt Found
18 Darrens Boyfriends Gay/Suicide Info Page An informative
An informative site by a teen who has experienced the loss of suicide. Links to other personal sites.
Page Create Tripodcom Website Tripod Lycos Been Requested References Pricing Please Longerfeatures Blog
19 mission islam - why we have become suicide bombers: understanding palestinian terror a psychiatrists
a psychiatrists analysis of why palestinians have turned to suicide bombing tactics.
Israel Israeli They Suicide Arafat Bombers Palestinian West Bank Rights Sarraj Become Eyad Gaza Then Tens Jerusalem Arab
20 Gay Is OK- Gay Teen Suicide For gay
For gay kids who are insecure in their sexuality or who face hate mongers. Articles and stories on depression, thoughts of suicide, and chat.
Health Mental Disorders Healthyplace Policy Information Share Advertising Terms Blogs Forums Awards Tools Self Privacy Disclamer Tests Help Popular Campaign
21 suicide lodge contains both
contains both pro-life and pro-choice views, it does not take a stand on this issue. includes information about methods, how various religions view suicide, stories and statistics.
Marijuana Plant Hydroponic Butter Seed Buds Off Media Cut Microscope Branch Digital Alcohol Roots Oil
22 urban legends reference pages: college (the pencil suicide) student stressed
student stressed by exam pressures commits suicide by shoving pencils up his nostrils.
23 cns news - 'activist wonders, why limit suicide option to the terminally-ill?' an article
an article about nitschkes support of - and other right to die advocates opposition to - the concept of suicide for healthy, elderly patients.
24 activist targeted in effort to curb internet promotion of suicide an article
an article about the australian governments plans to try to limit suicide by targeting sites that discuss it, and nitschke.
25 assisted suicide is bootleg suicide, by thomas szasz bootlegging is
bootlegging is likely to occur whenever a law prohibits a human need strong enough to incite people to satisfy it, even at considerable economic cost and personal risk.
Szasz Angeles Suicide Assisted Ashcroft Times Thomas Copyright Times_ Debates Physician Introduction Bootlegging Prior Los Md Liberty
26 what makes suicide bombers tick? ellis shuman
ellis shuman describes the typical palestinian suicide bomber and religious and social support for such acts. links to related video and news articles.
Servermaintenance Wwwisraelinsidercomy
27 Youth Suicide Problems A number
A number of facts, articles, links, and resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual youth faced with the problem of suicide.
Suicide Youth Related Lgbt Suicidality Gay Male Bullying Self School Risk Better American Bisexual Problems Injury Anti Injuryalert Ottawa Research
28 cultural suicide argues that
argues that the 'legalization of this [mexican] illegal alien population amounts to american cultural suicide '
29 the lemming: the mass suicide myth explained this member
this member of the rodent family is famous for its mass suicide migrations.
Snopes Business News Whats False Legends Lost Fake Glossary Scams Tales Country Language Inboxer Music History Flag Official Timmy
30 no fear? christian comic
christian comic strip for preventing suicide. lance didnt fear death, until he committed suicide, and learned of his eternal fate.
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31 janes terrorism & security monitor: suicide bombing: no warning, and no total solution 'suicide attacks
'suicide attacks serve other purposes besides inflicting damage. first, they generate the maximum amount of publicity for the cause, and second, they force outside intervention.'
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32 the culture of martyrdom: how suicide bombing became not just a means but an end david brooks
david brooks examines how suicide bombing has dramatically changed the nature of the conflict. from the atlantic monthly.
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33 the many languages of suicide david webb
david webb, a suicide attempter and a suicidologist at victoria university, advocates creating safe spaces where the suicidal voice can be heard with respect and full acceptance, emphasizing the persons spiritual needs.
Suicide Suicidology Shneidman David Languages Edwin University Webb Professor Self Shame Suicidality Spiritual Temenos Victoria Youmight
34 the eclipse: a memoir of suicide antonella gambottos
antonella gambottos memoir of her brothers suicide.
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35 more than 200 die in uganda cult mass suicide the second
the second biggest ritual mass suicide.
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36 legal definition of suicide the legal
the legal term 'suicide' defined and explained.
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37 concepts of suicide in kiarostamis taste of cherry analysis of
analysis of the film taste of cherry(1997), about a mans quest to commit suicide.
Senses Cinema Staff Proposals Issues Advertisers Donations Page Contact Daniel Found Tens Founded Festival Here Australianresident
38 assisted suicide: the philosophers brief legal arguments
legal arguments for the legalization of physician assisted suicide from the 1997 supreme court amicus brief by six philosophers.
Subscription Print Sign Brief Robert Customer Edition Daily Gallery Premium Editions Digital Philosophers Rereadings Exchange Academicinstitutional Renew
39 cnn: south korean deaths linked to suicide site - december 19, 2000 the deaths
the deaths shocked many in one of the worlds fastest-growing internet markets -- a contract murder and suicide pact allegedly arranged through a web site.
40 myths of suicide loss outlines 10
outlines 10 myths about suicide loss and briefly states the corresponding realities.
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41 ask the rabbi - burying a suicide rabbi shraga
rabbi shraga simmons explains jewish law regarding the burying of a suicide.
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42 cnn - girl dies, boyfriend wounded in school shooting report on
report on a killed student and her boyfriend wounded in a shooting at central high school in carrollton, georgia that may have been an attempted murder-suicide or double suicide.
43 tips on writing suicide notes tips and
tips and advice on writing a better suicide note.
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44 Gay-Bisexual Male Suicide Problems The most
The most extensive and comprehensive resources on gay and bisexual male suicide problems available on the Web.
45 suicide by cop for law
for law enforcement personnel.
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46 suicide by cop for law
for law enforcement personnel.
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47 if i were to write a suicide letter here is
here is what i would say.
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48 before suicide title work
title work by sheila w. chambers.
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50 CNN O.J. Simpson Trial News: The Suicide Note

Trial Oj Simpson Page Cnn Note Suspect Ac News Players Margueritetranscripts Suicide Main
51 i want to die personal story
personal story of a quadriplegic who seeks assisted suicide.
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52 frequently asked questions: suicide from the
from the modern humorist.
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53 dying words of famous people suicide notes.
suicide notes.
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54 suicide bombers examines why
examines why they kill themselves and others, and what islam says about their actions.
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55 do octopuses commit suicide? from the
from the octopus news magazine.
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56 death of a rock star the suicide
the suicide of wendy o williams.
Website Page Tripod Create Tripodcom Blog Features Lycos References Hosting Help Shopping Beenrequested
57 suicide: dead musician directory musicians who
musicians who took their own lives.
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58 memorial page for our
for our loved ones, lost to the tragedy of suicide.
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59 suicide tree art marrus
art marrus work inspired by dantes inferno.
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60 trecias suicides memorial list memorials to
memorials to those lost to suicide.
Memorial Trecias Suicide Listtrecialist Z
61 death will have his day: suicide an overview
an overview of the suicides of great shakespearean characters.
Request Nginx_about_z
62 margaux hemingway committed suicide cnn article.
cnn article. august, 20, 1996.
63 suicide for honor and country news article
news article by cbs, about diaries of kamikaze pilots.
Cbs News Icon Pilots Notes Honor Books Morning Bios Use User Store Download Suicide Programs
64 the murder of oneself a critical
a critical overview of ethical issues involved in suicide.
Create Tripod Hostingcheck Requested Signup Website Couldnt Page Lycoscom Tripodcom Shopping Loginplease
65 the whiny goth kids page web board
web board for posting suicide notes.
Goth Kids Whiny Page Ive Alone Depression Marilyn Manson Nerdchick@aolcom Soon Ill Good Kara Suicide Devils Coarse Here Sad
66 u.s. supreme court opinions the courts
the courts rulings on cases involving suicide.
Navigationshilfe Ty
67 bills story portrait of
portrait of a mans bisexual sons suicide after a hate crime.
Create Tripod Lycosplease Couldnt Lycoscom Website Page Signup Shopping Logintripodcom Hosting
68 Did Fred West Murder to Order? A look
A look at the alleged mass murderers motives and his suicide.
Free States Just Network Policy Privacy Wordpress Proudly | Content Proudlypowered Registrationpowered Another Z
69 White Ribbon Campaign Graphic to
Graphic to put on websites to raise awareness about gay-teen suicide.
Create Tripod Found Lycos Page Login Signup Requested Couldnt Please Tripodcomcheck Website Hosting
70 a hub for hijackers found in new jersey a patterson
a patterson apartment has been identified as a hub for those who planned the suicide missions.
Times Page Nytimescom Help Terms York Most Check Jobs Broken Popular Choices Business Found Sale Video
71 fitts, shari a mothers
a mothers true story of events following the suicide death of her 16 year old daughter.
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72 seppuku - ritual suicide an integral
an integral part of the code of bushido and the discipline of japanese samurai warriors.
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73 morality of suicide why, if
why, if at all, is it morally unacceptable for one to bring about ones own death? considers the views of hume, kant and utilitarianism.
Suicide Kants Kant Paton However Formula Itself Hume Ches Cato Deitys Bear Glover Morality Those Bibliography Typically Endin Survival
74 excerpts from touching from a distance the life
the life of ian curtis (from the band joy division) and his suicide. written by his wife deborah.
75 suicide by cop includes information
includes information on officers perspectives, classification of sbc incidents, ptsd, articles, and recommended reading.
Suicide Information Traumatic Post Support Stress Understanding Our Resources Policenumber Disorder Should Shooting News
76 suicide by cop includes information
includes information on officers perspectives, classification of sbc incidents, ptsd, articles, and recommended reading.
Suicide Information Should Number Traumatic Officer Involved Lawenforcement Weekly Disordernews Suicidebycopcom Foster Administrator
77 in netanya, a night different from all other nights describing reactions
describing reactions to the suicide bombing by survivors of the park hotel blast.
78 Youth Suicide Problems A number
A number of facts, articles, links, and resources, many written from an academic perspective.
Suicide Youth Related Lgbt Suicidality Gay Bullying Male Self School Better Sexual Problems Abstract Risk Injury Anti Transgender Stop Charities Iwas
79 love not suicide a tribute
a tribute to the infra-cartoons and artwork of my beautiful brother, thomas somerson, 1983 - 2002.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Advisor Hosting Gallery Local App Help Terms Privacy Screen Localworks Mobile
80 u.s. pursues numerous credible leads fbi director
fbi director reports that they know the identity of the suicide hijackers and are working to identify associates.
News Dc National Terms Post Washington Business World Politics Opinions Local Trump Virginia Sports Policy Self Driving Bio Threats Pope Early Jose Uproar
81 sydney morning herald - 'a practical guide to suicide' an article
an article about nitschkes 'euthanasia workshops' and the people who attend them.
National Nitschke Opinion Medical Technology Sport Guide News Business Debate Multimedia Entertainment Suicide World Townsville Sydney Screen Finance Far Porn
82 Jesus Loves U 2 Explains how
Explains how to be born again, provides Bible studies, and includes information on topics like sexual abuse and suicide.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Popular Tryingterms Guidelines User Privacy Wayback Longeravailable News
83 pupils, teachers gather to deal with pain describing reactions
describing reactions at the high school attended by many of the victims of the dolphinarium suicide bombing.
84 Mandies Little Corner of Insanity An eclectic
An eclectic site spanning art and poetry, memories of childhood cartoons, humourous links as well as a serious look at teen suicide.
Insanity Sites Poetry Corner Circle Ring Mandies Little Test Purity Random Personal Board List Message Television Abode____________________ Poet Guestbook
85 janes intelligence review: suicide terrorism: a global threat groups that
groups that have used this tactic, key characteristics, motiviation, operations, and state responses.
Intelligence Defence Security Advertisingjanes Ihs Unrivaled National Analysis Consultancysolutions Sectors
86 janes intelligence review: suicide terrorism: a global threat groups that
groups that have used this tactic, key characteristics, motiviation, operations, and state responses.
Defence Intelligence Security Advertisingnational Janes Consultancy Analysis Unrivaled Ihs Sectorssolutions And
87 christian science monitor: outsmarting suicide terrorists ehud sprinzak
ehud sprinzak discusses recent attacks and suggests counter-measures.
Science Monitor Voices Movies Items Saved Energy Technology World Culture Passcode Global Movie Series Security Reprints Story Breakfast Latest Readers
88 from the bloodbaths in east timor to a suicide in alexandria article exposing
article exposing evidence of us intelligence passing information to indonesian war criminals and supporting butchery.
Dreams Page Common Foundbreaking Community Form Missionto Dreams Ournews Views Sunday
89 Donum Sanctum A site
A site that explains the philosophy of the Catholic Church as it relates to life issues, such as abortion, suicide, the death penalty and contraception.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Wayback Privacy Inc User News Hosting Visitarchiveorg Sites
90 from the bloodbaths in east timor to a suicide in alexandria article exposing
article exposing evidence of u.s. intelligence passing information to indonesian war criminals and supporting butchery.
Dreams Common Page News Breaking Dreams Our Form Views Missiontocommunity Found Tuesday
91 From the Bloodbaths In East Timor to A Suicide in Alexandria Article exposing
Article exposing evidence of US intelligence passing information to Indonesian war criminals and supporting butchery.
92 From the Bloodbaths In East Timor to A Suicide in Alexandria Article exposing
Article exposing evidence of U.S. intelligence passing information to Indonesian war criminals and supporting butchery.
Dreams Page Common Dreams Our Views Missionto News Communitybreaking Wednesday Formfound
93 Soul Sadness Information on
Information on depression disorders, suicide and suicides survivors, links to experience and learning sites, personal experiences, forums.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small App Local Advisor Gallery Help Hosting Network Customer Copyright Health Toolkit Firefox Domains
94 usa today: devotion, desire drive youths to martyrdom jack kelley
jack kelley on the secretive world of suicide bombers and the culture that creates them, focusing on hamas.
Hamas Israeli They Hotari Israelis Bank Washington News Israels Marmash Israel Yosef Hotaris Health Mideast Powell Islam Jack European Gaza West
95 Pro Ana Suicide Society Community message
Community message board covering various topics ranging from eating disorders (male and female) to music and other interests (requires registration).
Email Wannabealot Rss Re Maestr Pass Hissingmalcontent Kinda Forums Members Lumpy Ooo Those Applelilly Sign Minded
96 White Wreath Association Inc. - Action Against Suicide A voluntary
A voluntary organization that advocates changes to the mental health system and also raises funds to build care centers.
White Wreath Advocacy Suicide Mental Mobile Against Association Health Contact Goals Aims Statement Flyer Ltd Try
97 cesare pavese italian novelist
italian novelist, poet, and translator. in 1950, unhappy with both his personal life and the political climate of postwar italy, he committed suicide.
History World Science Calendar Business Holidays Health Atlas People Year Govt Calculator Arts Structures Statistics Conversion News Pavese Fifty Government Supreme
98 death, loss and bereavement articles on
articles on how to deal with death and suicide, and how to communicate with others about the illness.
Bereavement County Disorder Psychiatric Associates Contact Grieve Philosophy Must Services Northern Archives Featured Mental Policy Still Lutherville
99 An Unobtrusive Mans Odyssey: Polite Student to Suicide Hijacker He was
He was diligent. He was polite.
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100 The Teen Connection Addresses issues
Addresses issues such as teen pregnancy, abuse, depression and suicide.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Helpguidelines Hosting Mail Reach Finance Movies User Wayback
101 O.J.s Suicide Note Copy of
Copy of a found note by the accused murderer, with a photo.
Trial Page Cnn Simpson Oj Note Transcripts Victims Suicide Playerssuspect Evidence Marguerite Main
102 o.j.s suicide note copy of
copy of a found note by the accused murderer, with a photo.
103 brantley, allen t. in remembrance
in remembrance of allen. contains links to suicide prevention sites.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Sports Sorry Games Movies Visit Terms Internet Archives Popular
104 book review: fatal freedom the book
the book defends autonomy and liberty by speaking out for the right to suicide.
Szasz Thomas Copyright Foundation Freedom Ross Liberty_ Introduction Review Debates Fatal Economic Levatter Levaters Education
105 fierce goodbye a faith-based
a faith-based perspective on suicide based on a documentary, covers many issues.
Cicipaydayloanscom Auto Abg{positionabsolutecliprectpx Px}small Media Fierce Goodbye Mennonite Faith Channel Hallmark Suicidesmall Values Order American
106 jared highs story tells how
tells how bullying led jared high, april himes, and others to suicide.
Bullycide Bully Bullying Book America Police Part Depression Books Suicide Page Family Spirit Bound Sold Finances Cyberbullying
107 seder bomber massacres 21 in netanya describing the
describing the suicide bombing at a passover seder, attributed to hamas.
108 to my son, josh a mothers
a mothers story of her sons life and too soon death to suicide. includes some poetry and her letters to him after his death.
109 suicide bombing at israeli disco kills 17 an initial
an initial report of the bombing at the dolphinarium discotheque in tel aviv.
110 a death better than fates suicide experts
suicide experts try to explain why some people jumped to certain death from the world trade center.
News Dc Terms Post National Washington World Business Politics Opinions House Parenthood Sports Policy Planned Products Bio Threats Says Solo Ish
111 comprehensive information
comprehensive information for research on euthanasia, assisted suicide, living wills, and mercy killing.
Articles Suicide Assisted Euthanasia People Bill Organizations Medical Other Statements California Court Disabilities State Oregon Doctor Ill
112 cbs news, 60 minutes ii - 'switzerlands suicide tourists' a transcript
a transcript of a television program about dignitas, a swiss organization that helps terminally ill individuals from around the world hasten their deaths.
Cbs News Minutes Email Mobile Development Local Closed Topics Tourists Help Map Overtime Iiltbgt Patient Ltbgt
113 nachreiner, nathan james in memory
in memory of nate nachreiner who died by suicide. february 15, 1983 - april 13, 2004
Create Tripod Lycos Login Lycoscom Couldnt Hosting Please Found Shopping Page Check Signup Requested Y
114 memories of michael eulogies for
eulogies for michael graeme lewis, an artist suffering from depression. committed suicide in 1997.
Michael Child Michaels Left Much Depression Loved Very Where Link Been Click Friends Body Sunshine Thetremendous Bikesand Journey Voodoo_
115 ikinai: they were happy because they knew they were going to die interview with
interview with shimizu hiroshi, director of ikinai ('not to live'), a film about a suicide bus tour.
Issue Space Bachelor Archive Doan Page Film Found Apologiesmusic Forest Wordpress Interview Perhapssearching Issues
116 Xpressns Domain Seattle lesbian
Seattle lesbian with lesbian graphics, music, Yosemite, Melissa Etheridge and suicide awareness.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Gallery App Advisor Local Hosting Help Terms Central Sign Network
117 The Journal - diary of a teen suicide A story
A story of love and loss told by a gay teenager through his diary (fiction, based on fact).
Use Developmenttermsready True Privacy Policy Wordscom
118 lamenting sons: fathers & grief thoughts and
thoughts and resources for men grieving sons lost to accidents, illness, suicide, and other tragedies.
Grief Suicide Loss Paul Anger Fathers Sons Cowboys Mourning Paradigm White Parental Place Youd Grieving Pauls Hopefully They
119 Kangas Kronicles Online journal
Online journal article delving into the circumstances of the death of liberal activist Steve Kangas. Was it a suicide or homicide?
Navigationshilfet Y
120 the honolulu advertiser - 'assisted suicide bill rejected' 2002 legislation
2002 legislation to legalize physician assisted dying in hawaii is narrowly defeated.
Local Privacy Hawaiicom Advertiser Honolulu Terms Hawaii News Help Opinion Mahalo Sponsored Blog Contact Business Sports
121 love? duty? or sacrifice? -- the sati system eye witness
eye witness account of a 16th century sati (suicide ritual). by pietro della valle.
Sati Account Potpourri Kamats System India Valle Witness Women Pietro Della Eye Ritual Death Column
122 pittsburgh post-gazette: casualties of a custody war special report
special report on a teenagers suicide, linked to troubles with his divorced parents and their custody battles.
Z Gazette Post Privacy Casualties Policy Use Terms Of Errorcustody Request Pittsburgh
123 girl on the bridge french black
french black and white film about a young girl, who has decided to commit suicide, but is stopped by a job offer: to be a target in a knife-throwing act.
Error Reviews Archive Review Reply Movie Technology Hacktreks Zeus Welcome Article Dreamscapes Bridgegirl
124 ethics side of suicide discussion of
discussion of issues related to care of suicidal individuals by clinicians, ethical typology of suicde, links to related resources.
Suicide Ethics Ethical Loss Assisted Suicidal Paradigm Faqs Rights Risk Individuals Professional Encyclopedia Tony Issues Psychological Client
125 Ethics Side of Suicide Discussion of
Discussion of issues related to care of suicidal individuals by clinicians, ethical typology of suicde, links to related resources.
Suicide Ethics Ethical Loss Assisted Suicidal Paradigm Professional Risk Individuals Faqs Rights Factors Tony Intervention
126 ChadzBoyz Gay Boy
Gay Boy Support Network. Based in Canada. Forums, news, help on coming out, suicide prevention, shyness, AIDS, relationships, chat, support, and galleries.
Gay Ted Marriage Coming Cruz Support Page Ellen Color Lgbt Johnny Lgbtq Vs World Usa Coca Cola Call Chops Tore
127 politicians who committed suicide american politicians.
american politicians.
County Born Ny York Relatives_ Cemetery Interment Suicide District Republican National Wikipedia William Committed Member Self Inflicted
128 the star: muslim scholars debate legitimacy of suicide bombings 'the bombers
'the bombers have to be seen as extremist lunatic fringes, as crazy as those crazies in america who go to the post office and shoot people at random, he added.' malaysia.
Link Classifieds Videos Report Business Tech Star Sport Metro Broken Newsopinion Contact Travel
129 recovery foundation offers workshops
offers workshops to youth service organizations, community leaders, and youth that deal with high risk kids, violence, drugs, alcohol and suicide.
Welcome Recovery Foundations Foundation Webenterhere
130 Salon: Why Vincent Foster Cant Rest in Peace Salon magazine
Salon magazine interview with Dan Moldea, whose book about Fosters death supports suicide as the cause and attacks efforts to spread conspiracy theories.
131 janes intelligence review: suicide terrorism: a global threat the threat
the threat, characteristics, motivation, modus operandi, likely developments, state responses and the growing threat.
Defence Security Intelligence Ihs Risk Janes Analytics Unrivaled Analysis Indicators Consultancy Solutions Countrynational
132 janes intelligence review: suicide terrorism: a global threat the threat
the threat, characteristics, motivation, modus operandi, likely developments, state responses and the growing threat.
Intelligence Security Defence Advertising Ihs Consultancy Sectorsunrivaled National Solutionsanalysis Janes
133 leaving you: the cultural history of suicide by lisa lieberman book review
book review by natalie hope mcdonald. the book is a reminder of how the taking of ones own life can be representative of more than just depression, that rather, it can become, for better or worse, a deliberate act of independence.
Music Blues Collapse Future Great Reviews Pretty Moves Life Tackles Fast Films Book Features News Women Redefines Roland Adult Didgt Really
134 buchanan: western civilization is on the way out 'western civilization
'western civilization is committing suicide. but you are not supposed to realize it. not until its too late to do something to reverse the tide.' [newsmax]
[fullstory] News Health New World Politics Bush Finance Gop Rubio Debate Carson Biggest Newsmax Live Marijuana Stations Ex Agent Noninvasive
135 Lives of the Saints Entry for
Entry for St. Pelagia, virgin and martyr. With a long warning against suicide. From Fr. Alban Butlers Lives of the Saints.
136 QTI interpretation - yet another thought experiment Tegmark (1997)
Tegmark (1997) quantum suicide experiment Stapps work on quantum effects on the brain
Quantum Stapp Interpretation Tegmark Theory Mwi Physics Worlds Immortality Henry Deutsch Mechanics Suicide Stapps Bohr Consciousness Fabric
137 Prozacs Role in Maui Deaths A Star
A Star Bulletin article about the role of Prozac in a Maui murder-suicide case five years ago.
138 pro-life blogs directory and
directory and post aggregator of web logs supporting and promoting sanctrity of life issues involving abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and related topics. also includes original material.
Discuss Life Abortion Pro Catholicorg Christian Headlines Parenthood Planned Newswire Releases Court News Prolife Right Faith Based
139 pro-life blogs directory and
directory and post aggregator of web logs supporting and promoting sanctrity of life issues involving abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and related topics. also includes original material.
Discuss Life Abortion Pro Christian Headlines News Blog Report Newswire Court Releases Parenthood Cnsnewscom Planned De Funded Dfw
140 pro-life blogs directory and
directory and post aggregator of web logs supporting and promoting sanctrity of life issues involving abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and related topics. also includes original material.
Discuss Life Headlines Catholicorg Abortion Pro Court Cnsnewscom Dfw Obama News Report Supreme Blog Aquila Faith Based
141 pro-life blogs directory and
directory and post aggregator of web logs supporting and promoting sanctrity of life issues involving abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and related topics. also includes original material.
Discuss Life Headlines Abortion Pro Court Catholicorg Cnsnewscom News Supreme Obama Dfw Prolife Christian Report
142 pro-life blogs directory and
directory and post aggregator of web logs supporting and promoting sanctrity of life issues involving abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and related topics. also includes original material.
Discuss Life Abortion Pro Catholicorg Headlines News Parenthood Planned Prolife Court Christian Dfw Cnsnewscom Right De Funding
143 pro-life blogs directory and
directory and post aggregator of web logs supporting and promoting sanctrity of life issues involving abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and related topics. also includes original material.
Discuss Life Pro Abortion Headlines News Parenthood Planned Report Prolife Court Cnsnewscom Obama Christian Abortions De Fund Faith Based
144 scott e. griffin in loving
in loving memory of scott e. griffin, who we lost due to suicide 05/29/1973 - 10/09/2004
Memorial Memory Website Resources Testimonials Use Terms Advanced Policy Griffin Ofcom Create Questions Contact Y
145 Christian Science Monitor: Islamic Fundamentalism Religion expert
Religion expert Charles Kimball explains key points of Islam, including the meaning of 'jihad,' the differences between fundamentalist and extremist Islam, and the Korans stance on suicide.
Science Islam Islamic Christian Subscribe Ads Monitor Muslims Taliban Today Muslim Content Free Edition World Un Policy Days
146 smith, jennifer elizabeth a site
a site dedicated to the memory of a dear friend lost to suicide. the site tells about her life, her death and contains reactions to her death by friends and family.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Terms Please Account Privacy Customer Web Help
147 michael t. bond memorial page memorial page
memorial page for son that committed suicide in 1996.
Suicide Here Memorial Michael Page Go Songs Glenn Bond Others Poem Help Sorrow Best Son Sadness
148 euthanasia - death and dying net links links to
links to sites about euthanasia and assisted suicide, on
Dying Grief Funerals Death Funeral Care Aboutcom Grieving Veterans Planning Resources Policy Most Life Hospice User Glossary Articles *
149 in memory of jonathan alliel the story
the story of my brother, jonathan alliel, who committed suicide at the age of 23.
150 Kids in Trouble Help Page Site dedicated
Site dedicated to helping kids and teens that are being abused, or runaways, or those thinking about running away or suicide. Site also includes emergency phone numbers, and helpful links.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Toolbar Termsmachine Movies Archives Finance Archiveorg Longeravailable Hosting
151 the dupont case sergent-détective louis-georges
sergent-détective louis-georges dupont`s death was classified as suicide, his family still believes it to be murder. in spite of autopsy, re-autopsy and board of inquiry, questions remain.
152 Christian Life Resources Intended to
Intended to educate on the value and sanctity of human life. Issues include abortion, infertility, birth control, post-abortion syndrome, infanticide, medical directive statements, assisted suicide, and euthanasia.
Life Resources Christian Email Pregnancy Studies Health Bulletin News Medical Issues Child Pro Announcements Bacon Speaker Current Thousands Virginia Giving Miscellaneous
153 reverend jim jones & mass suicide at jonestown the mass
the mass suicides and murders at the jonesville compound run by the reverend jim jones and the relation to another religious cult led by 'father divine'.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Gallery Advisor App Hosting Help Local Privacy Finance Flickr Blog Compare
154 study puts face on patients in assisted suicide an oregon
an oregon health & science university study identifies the personality traits of those who have hastened their death under the oregon death with dignity law.
News Oregon Business Portland County Sports Photos Black Obituaries Entertainment Forums Oregonian Topics Center School Podcasts Metro
155 compassionate healthcare network - 'canadian suicide facilitator - right to die society' an article
an article, about hofsesss early funding and involvement with the sue rodriguez case, by the compassionate healthcare network, which opposes assisted dying.
Hofsess Palliative Euthanasia Marin Care Death John Canadian Society Lord Scott Issue Jesus Canada Right Outpersonal Md Assist Usa Medicine
156 Questions and Answers on Buddhist Moral Issues Topics include:
Topics include: good and evil, marriage, divorce, birth control and abortion, suicide, war, military service, mercy killing, killing for self protection, stealing from the rich to feed the poor, extramarital sex, white lies, intoxicants.
157 martin, sarah catherine in memory
in memory of sarah catherine martin who died in a hanging suicide. 1987-2004
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158 san francisco chronicle - 'court hears suicide-law case, appellate judges grill federal lawyer over strategy in oregon' the u.s.
the u.s. ninth circuit heard oral arguments in oregon v. ashcroft, the case contesting the attorney generals attempted nullification of oregons physician assisted dying law.
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159 facts of israel provides information
provides information on israel and the history of the conflict from a pro-israeli perspective, including maps, links for related resources, and a timeline of suicide bombings. includes a weblog with news and commentary on conflict-related issues. with newsletter, guestbook, free screensaver and avantgo channels.
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160 the mysterious death of cia scientist frank olson 22 years
22 years after cia scientist frank olson allegedly committed suicide by jumping through a closed window in a new york city hotel, shocking new details about his death were revealed in the findings of a special presidential commission investigating the cia.
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161 the mysterious death of cia scientist frank olson 22 years
22 years after cia scientist frank olson allegedly committed suicide by jumping through a closed window in a new york city hotel, shocking new details about his death were revealed in the findings of a special presidential commission investigating the cia.
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162 Gay Mormons - Carol Lynn Pearson: No More Goodbyes Gay Mormons
Gay Mormons are the subject of Carol Lynn Pearsons No More Goodbyes. The book deals with enlightening and inspirational stories of homosexual Mormons coping with issues of family, religion, church, and occasionally suicide.
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163 janes foreign report: who did it? foreign report presents an alternative view 'israels military
'israels military intelligence service, aman, suspects that iraq is the state that sponsored the suicide attacks on the new york trade center and the pentagon in washington. directing the mission, aman officers believe, were two of the worlds foremost terrorist masterminds: the lebanese imad mughniyeh, head of the special overseas operations for hizbullah, and the egyptian dr ayman al zawahiri, senior member of al-qaeda and possible successor of the ailing osama bin laden.'
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164 janes foreign report: who did it? foreign report presents an alternative view 'israels military
'israels military intelligence service, aman, suspects that iraq is the state that sponsored the suicide attacks on the new york trade center and the pentagon in washington. directing the mission, aman officers believe, were two of the worlds foremost terrorist masterminds: the lebanese imad mughniyeh, head of the special overseas operations for hizbullah, and the egyptian dr ayman al zawahiri, senior member of al-qaeda and possible successor of the ailing osama bin laden.'
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165 janes foreign report: who did it? foreign report presents an alternative view 'israels military
'israels military intelligence service, aman, suspects that iraq is the state that sponsored the suicide attacks on the new york trade center and the pentagon in washington. directing the mission, aman officers believe, were two of the worlds foremost terrorist masterminds: the lebanese imad mughniyeh, head of the special overseas operations for hizbullah, and the egyptian dr ayman al zawahiri, senior member of al-qaeda and possible successor of the ailing osama bin laden.'
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166 janes foreign report: who did it? foreign report presents an alternative view 'israels military
'israels military intelligence service, aman, suspects that iraq is the state that sponsored the suicide attacks on the new york trade center and the pentagon in washington. directing the mission, aman officers believe, were two of the worlds foremost terrorist masterminds: the lebanese imad mughniyeh, head of the special overseas operations for hizbullah, and the egyptian dr ayman al zawahiri, senior member of al-qaeda and possible successor of the ailing osama bin laden.'
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1 alias: the suicide club six kids
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V for Vendetta actor Stephen Frys manic depression once became so bad he came close to committing suicide.
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3 Actress Shelley Long Attempts Suicide Article about
Article about the breakup of actress marriage and her suicide attempt, with photos of her and general advice about coping with depression and suicidal feelings.
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article describing the background for the hymn 'god moves in a mysterious way'.
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13 IMDb: Suicide Kings Synopsis, cast
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Guitar tablature, lyrics, pictures, and the suicide note.
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20 Suicide Playground: Virgin Suicides Fan site
Fan site, with photos, description and actors biographies.
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21 TV Guide Online: Suicide Kings Includes a
Includes a brief review as well as cast and crew information.
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22 MovieWeb: Suicide Kings Includes a
Includes a review, cast list, screenshots, and links.
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23 Apollo Movie Guide - Suicide Kings Review, links
Review, links, and cast information.
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24 Billboard: Dead Milkmens Dave Blood Dies News about
News about the suicide of the bass player.
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25 The Village Voice: Suicide Watch Feature article
Feature article about Alans visual art by Simon Reynolds.
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26 Joeys Nirvana Site Profile of
Profile of the band, pictures, lyrics, and Kurts suicide note.
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27 Blast First: Suicide - American Supreme Press release
Press release from their label about their 2002 reuinion album.
28 Nirvana Still Alive Biography, discography
Biography, discography, photo gallery, lyrics, and Kurts suicide letter.
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29 The Memorial Tablet for Kurt Cobain Pictures, lyrics
Pictures, lyrics, Nirvana books, and Kurts suicide note.
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32 IMDB : 30, Still Single: Contemplating Suicide (1998) Full cast
Full cast and crew for the film, and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
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33 Gary Walts: Photographs of my Father A photo
A photo story documenting the years leading up to his fathers suicide. [Requires Shockwave]
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a young womans quest for religion, herself, and her place in this world. poetry, thoughts, artwork, suicide letters.
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35 Vic Chesnutt The singer
The singer talks about the time he almost committed suicide and how his music saved him. Includes pictures, audio clips and links.
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36 Sleeping Beauty Syndrome Series of
Series of short films about suicide, by Andrew Barranca. Information, actors, video clips, and filmmaker biography.
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37 isbell, patrick - shadow walkers realm by a
by a teenage poet in alabama. showcases original work about love, suicide and dark musings.
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38 the darker poets lair intended for
intended for the sole purpose of relieving distress. poetry about angst, alienation, and even suicide. also about problems with the outer world.
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40 Nirvana: A Grunge Legend Lyrics, pictures
Lyrics, pictures, biographies, tablatures, videos, MP3 files, song meanings, and a transcription and scan of Kurts suicide note.
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42 Brads Nirvana Heaven Nirvana pictures
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43 Naoises Nirvana Page Nirvana lyrics
Nirvana lyrics, photos, and Kurts death certificate and suicide note.
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essay on the meaning of mishimas suicide.
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attorney and author of books on issues such as cloning, stem cells, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and bioethics. includes links to published essays.
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home page of south texas dirtiest band. download mp3s, send hatemail, live photos, show dates and lyrics.
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47 pics from the pit many pictures
many pictures from punk and ska shows in and around orange county and los angeles, such as nofx, green day, goldfinger, fenix tx, the suicide machines and the vans warped tour 2000.
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48 hope and suicide florida metal
florida metal bands site includes videos, mp3s, news, and information on the bands demo.
49 Troubled Life Of Vincent Van Gogh Van Goghs
Van Goghs personal life, mental illness, eventual suicide and how these are reflected in his work.
50 Rats & Bullies - A Case of Bullicide Investigate the
Investigate the suicide of Dawn-Marie Wesley, a teen girl from a small town in Canada who was a victim of female relational aggression.
51 Barnes & Interview - Christian Bale Good Christian
Good Christian talks about playing a yuppie from hell in a role that many had predicted would be career suicide.
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a site dedicated to the dark, depressing, and sometimes rather unorthodox poetry of the author. features poems on everything from child molestation and suicide, to the incidents on september 11, 2001, to love.
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53 One-Eyed Aliens! Suicide Booths! Moms Old-Fashioned Robot Oil! Wired Magazine
Wired Magazine cover story on Futurama. Includes photos and interview with Matt Groening. February 1999.
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54 clarke, jeremiah biography showing
biography showing his progression as chorister, organist, and composer, confusion of him and purcell, his suicide, and noted works from the grove concise dictionary of music entry at wqxr radio.
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55 Suicide Commandos The Commandos
The Commandos were one of the pioneer US bands (1974) touring the country, having to book themselves by convincing club owners in every city that their kind of music would draw people.
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56 seigel, andrea, 1979- california-based author
california-based author of 'like the red panda' (2004), a novel about teen suicide in orange county. news, author information, and link to her weblog.
Andrea Seigely
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fabulous poetry about living as part of nature, from pathetic love, sex, grief, loss, regeneration, and hope, to the more darkly timbred subjects of suicide, survival, capital punishment, and despair.
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59 FoolProof Improvisational Theatre Troupe Made up
Made up of teenagers from Carroll County, Maryland, it presents improvisational scenes dealing with drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide, date rape, and broken homes.
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60 the real sylvia plath article by
article by kate moses which looks at the journals of sylvia plath, exploring the lesser-known side of the poet and theories about what drove her to suicide.
Lindsay Isquith Abrams Elias Katie Andrew Mcdonough Gupta Prachi Leonard Elizabeth Mary Walsh Daddario Cooper Plath Myers
61 Who Killed Kurt Cobain? Murder or
Murder or suicide? What role does Courtney Love play in this case? Questions to mysterious death of the grunge legend, Kurt Cobain.
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62 My First and Last Film Independent documentary
Independent documentary film compiled from posthumous footage left behind by filmmaker Johnny Zhivago, who murdered actress Nicole Mitzel and committed suicide on videotape. Synopsis, filmmakers, photographs, and news.
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63 nicholson, craig - inspirational poems for everyday living. a collection
a collection of inspirational poems and photos. subjects include love, personal growth, spirituality and teen suicide.
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64 Information On Kurt Cobains Suicide An opinion
An opinion on Kurts death and Tom Grant. Documents related to Kurts death. Analysis of facts in Kurt Cobains murder plotted by his wife, Courtney Love and other data pertaining to Kurt Cobain.
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Suicide Dictionary

suicide pill: a poison pill with potentially catastrophic implications for the company it is intended to protect
suicide / self-destruction / self-annihilation: the act of killing yourself, "it is a crime to commit suicide"
assisted suicide: suicide of a terminally ill person that involves an assistant who serves to make dying as painless and dignified as possible
physician-assisted suicide: assisted suicide where the assistant is a physician
suicide squeeze play / suicide squeeze: the runner on third base starts home as the pitcher delivers the ball
suicide mission / martyr operation / sacrifice operation: killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself, usually accomplished with a bomb
suicide bombing: a terrorist bombing carried out by someone who does not hope to survive it
suicide pact: an agreement by two or more people to commit suicide together at a given place and time, "the two lovers killed themselves in a suicide pact"
suicide / felo-de-se: a person who kills himself intentionally
suicide bomber: a terrorist who blows himself up in order to kill or injure other people Reviews for Suicide. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Suicide" (visitors of this topic page). Suicide › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Suicide Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

Note: Varies by jurisdiction

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