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Suris Experience


1 Bellawood Alpaca Stud Specialising in
Specialising in coloured Suris. Peter Kelly provides agistment and shearing.
2 Alcazar Suri Stud Pierre Baychelier
Pierre Baychelier and Brenton Spehr have clear aims for the development of Suris.
3 Angelhair Alpaca Farm A suri
A suri breeder in Ohio featuring 10 Suris (including a black herdsire)and offspring of prizewinners.
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4 Kenilworth Park Alpaca Stud A stud
A stud breeder with Suris and Huacayas, and a lot of involvement on the Internet.
5 Leraso Farm Alpaca breeder
Alpaca breeder featuring information on over 40 alpacas of all colors and bloodlines, including Suris, Haucayas, Peruvian, Bolivian, Chilean and USA born and bred. Includes sales list, photo gallery, and contacts.
6 The Alpaca Stud Bowford Alpacas
Bowford Alpacas, one of the larger breeders of Huacayas and Suris in Europe supporting new and small breeders. 25 stud males.
7 Alpaca Vista Suris alpaca
Suris alpaca breeders located near the Olympic Mountains in Poulsbo, WA. Many links to other farms and alpaca organizations. Technical information about alpaca fiber.
8 Friendly Farm Alpacas of California Alpacas for
Alpacas for sale (huacayas and suris) and information about alpacas, livestock investment potential and tax deductions. Located in Chico, California.

2. Shopping and Suris Trade

3. Suris Recreation

4. Computer & Suris Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Suris

6. Society, Arts and Suris Crafts