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Textile Experience


1 Focus Label Machinery Ltd Manufacturer
No stones should be left unturned when you’re choosing machinery that’s essential to your production process. Focus Label Machinery Ltd... Label Printing More Machines Find Out Focus Machinery Labels Flexo Textile The Events Digital Packaging
2 Towel Towel Manufacture

UZAIR TEXTILE is a medium size Manufacturing & Exporting company from Pakistan. We believe that small is beautiful and can... We About Us Textile Pakistan Sheets Contact Home Bed Arrayis Linens Products Supplier Hospitality Company
3 Cosmonaut Chemicals Health
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Cosmonaut Chemicals is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of fast developing salts. Get high-quality fast color salts and... Dyes Textile Chemical Manufacturers Word Just Stringfrom Arrayflag Cosmonaut Chemicals Contact
4 Cosmonaut Chemicals Acid Dyes

Cosmonaut Chemicals offer the dyeing of cotton with reactive dyes in a huge range of color which is mostly used... Dyes Textile Chemical Manufacturers Word Just Stringfrom Arrayflag Cosmonaut Chemicals Contact
5 JUMAC Manufacturing Manufacturing
Jumac is primarily known as Sliver Cans, Spinning Cans & Accessories manufacturer and a major exporter in India. Jumac was... Spinning Cans Sliver Can Jumac Industry Aluminium Textile Catalog More Read For Jute Quality English
6 Plastic moulding parts manufacturer Industial Equipement
Plastic moulding parts manufacturer specialized for Pump, Home Appliances, Textile Machine manufacturers. Plastic moulding parts at a low price. We... Plastic Precision Best Date Tools Pump Home Appliances Textile Machine Word Moulding Parts Manufacturer Stringfrom
7 Plastic moulding parts manufacturer Industial Equipement
Plastic moulding parts manufacturer specialized for Pump, Home Appliances, Textile Machine manufacturers. Plastic moulding parts at a low price. We... Plastic Precision Best Date Tools Pump Home Appliances Textile Machine Word Moulding Parts Manufacturer Stringfrom
8 Luxury Knit Textile
Los Angeles
Luxury Knit is the leading wholesale fabric supplier in Los Angeles delivering quality fabrics. Knitting mill services include dyeing, printing... Development Location Luxury Knit We Clothing Contact Services Los Angeles Production Our The Denim My
9 Keycolour Inc. Textile Dyes
Phoenix, AZ
Keycolour manufactures and distributes Industrial Laundry Dyes, Shop Towel Dyes and other textile dyes for the textile industry and other... Products Pricing Ordering Keycolour Dyes Guide Strength Application Product Contact Matching Technical Super Industrial Dyeing Packaging Nationally
1 World Textile Abstracts Abstracts in
Abstracts in English of scientific, technical and techno-economic literature relevant to fiber forming polymers, textile and related industries and the applications of fibrous and textile materials in conventional textile products. Published by Elsevier Science.
Support User Products Elseviercom Resources Httpwwwelseviercomlocateinca Websites Productsearch Advanced Page Elseviercontact About Z
2 mipa-textile portugal. textile
portugal. textile agency. our companys role to supply textile and apparel products.
3 Look 4 Textile Searchable company
Searchable company directory for the textile, and textile machinery industry. Links to publications and services.
4 Textile Library Dictionary Comprehensive glossary
Comprehensive glossary of technical terms and brand names in the textile fabrics industry. From Textile Connection.
5 Minot Recyclage Textile France. Recycling
France. Recycling, processing and merchandising of waste textile fibers and textile by-products. English and French.
Textile Fibres Fibre Fibers Fiber Waste Recyclage Minot Recycler Product Déchets Déchet Recycling De Et Profile Naturelles Négoce Synthétiques
6 George Black Textile Group Australian and
Australian and New Zealand agents of new and used textile machinery, yarn, fibers and textile design software.
7 Textile Leads Online marketplace
Online marketplace for textile fibers, yarns, machinery, apparel and technical fabrics, and finished textile products. Company directory. Calendar of events.
8 Textile Special Interest Section Section within
Section within the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), responsible for the preservation of historical textile mills world wide. Introduction to the project. List of known textile sites of international significance. Links to textile museums. Click Organisation/Thematic Sections.
9 Manufacturas Industriales de Tortella SA Spain. Textile
Spain. Textile processing company, specialised in textile fabric on polymer film lamination for mattress protection and technical textile applications. English and Spanish.
10 The Textile Journal Bi-lingual magazine
Bi-lingual magazine for professionals involved in the Canadian textile raw materials, fiber, textile and apparel industries. Company directories. Links to organizations. Published by the CCT Group. English and French.
11 The Textile Industry Concise description
Concise description of the textile industry as a family enterprise before the Industrial Revolution. Links to textile inventors, brief history of the cotton industry, and chronology of textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution. From The Open Door web site.
Paris” History “international Industry Revolution Industrial Textile Door Open Quotthe Industryquot Homepage Richard Quot Developmentquot Eabjm Electronics Topic Copyright
12 Textile Technology International Scientific journal
Scientific journal for the textile industry, focusing on fiber and yarn production and processing, textile fabric formation, software, raw materials, chemicals and business intelligence. From Sterling Publications, Ltd.
13 Davisons Textile Blue Book Internet database
Internet database for the North American textile industry. Sourcing of companies, manufacturing or marketing textile fabrics and products, from fiber through to the finished product. Enter upon free registration.
Listing Directory Deniedz Deniedthis Virtual Errordirectory
14 American Textile & Supply, Inc USA. Textile
USA. Textile recyclers and suppliers of oil absorbents, spill response and environmental containment products. Textile, paper and nonwoven based wiping and cleaning rags and towels. Detailed product catalogs.
15 Textile Clothing Technology Corp USA. Non-profit
USA. Non-profit organization, dedicated to improving textile business systems and manufacturing resources. Also, education and training resource for fiber, textile, apparel, retail and sewn products companies.
Apparel Technology Manufacturing Consulting Development [tc]sup Body Scanning Corp Printing Membership Supports Supply Mass Scanner Chain Mikefralix Full
16 J.K. Textile Engineering Works Manufacturers and
Manufacturers and exporters of textile machines including hydro extractors, textile raising, felt calenders, and folding machines.
17 J.K. Textile Engineering Works Manufacturers and
Manufacturers and exporters of textile machines including hydro extractors, textile raising, felt calenders, and folding machines.
18 China Textile Leader Monthly publication
Monthly publication on technology developments in the global textile industry, published by the China Textile Information Center. English and Chinese.
19 Textile Institute Books On-line bookstore
On-line bookstore for technical literature related to the textile and nonwovens industries, published by The Textile Institute.
Textile Institute Bookstore Clothing Contact Textilesoxford Books Instituteall Book Technical Floorcovering Fabric Design
20 Turkish Textile Portal to
Portal to the Turkish textile and fashion industry. Company directory. Marketplace. Business news and statistics. Detailed information on GAP. Forums. Link to The Textile Museum.
21 GTC. Gooch Textile Consulting Network of
Network of textile engineers offering services in the development of textile products for military, industrial and consumer use. Also, overseas sourcing and limited production services.
22 Textile Processing with Enzymes Book aiming
Book aiming to provide the textile technologist with an understanding of enzymes and their use with textile materials and in process engineeringPublished by Woodhead Publishing, Ltd. Edited by A. Cavaco-Paulo and G.M. Guebitz.
Handbook Applications Food Publishing Coal Design Woodhead More… Medical Advances Towards Production Cleaner Quality Systems Ultra Supercritical Photonic Metallurgy Biotechnology
23 Textile Turkiye Business directory
Business directory for the Turkish textile industry. Categorised directories for garments, footwear, fashion and clothing accessories, textile fabrics and yarns, and machinery. English and Turkish.
Textileturkiyecom Clickgo Here Z
24 Miltonia Textile Pages Database and
Database and information resource for the global textile industry. Designers, manufacturers and services. On-line ordering of fabric and garment stocks and textile manufacturing services.
Miltonia Colour Paints Login Tones Decorative Copyright Plasters Powder Stains Millions Ceramic Industrialtiles
25 Textile Science and Technology Informative web
Informative web site, with short articles on the history and development of the textile industry, knitting technology, man-made fibers and textile specialty chemicals. Author: J.N. Vohra.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce Small Hosting Domains Help Central Marketing App Advisor Gallery
26 Changde Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. China. Subsidiary
China. Subsidiary of Jingwei Textile Machinery Co. Ltd., manufacturer of warp knitting machines, a cotton combing machine, and pendulum arms for textile spinning and manufacturing.
27 Express Textile Weekly e-magazine
Weekly e-magazine for the textile industry, covering apparel and textile fabrics, fibers and yarns, dyes and chemicals, machinery and equipment, and manufacturing processes. Publication of the Indian Express Group.
28 BTRA. Bombay Textile Research Association India. Institute
India. Institute for applied research, testing and development, created by the Indian textile and nonwovens, man-made fibers, textile machinery, dyestuffs and chemicals manufacturing industries.
29 Costa Rican Textile Chamber (CATECO) and Council of Textile Quotas and Apparel Organizations which
Organizations which regulate the export of textile products and apparel, and promote the industry. Includes membership and regulations information. [English/Spanish]
Cuotas Consejo Textilesy
30 AmSafe Corp USA. Diversified
USA. Diversified textile manufacturing company, active in textile based safety and security products for the aviation, commercial, defence and transport industries. Technical textile solutions for aerospace and defence applications.
31 amsafe corp usa. diversified
usa. diversified textile manufacturing company, active in textile based safety and security products for the aviation, commercial, defence and transport industries. technical textile solutions for aerospace and defence applications.
32 Textile News USA. On-line
USA. On-line publication for professionals in the US textile and related industries. News, editorials, events lists and feature articles. From Southern Textile News.
Welcome Textilenewscomy
33 Textile Research Journal USA. Monthly
USA. Monthly publication, providing information on fundamental and applied research in textile related, physical, chemical and engineering sciences. From the Textile Research Institute of Princeton University.
Hosting Domain Marketing Solutions Network Web Services Names Website Registration Name Netsol Networksolutionscomgrow
34 Textile Research Journal USA. Monthly
USA. Monthly publication, providing information on fundamental and applied research in textile related, physical, chemical and engineering sciences. From the Textile Research Institute of Princeton University.
35 LEITAT. Textile Technology Center Spain. Center
Spain. Center for research, development and technological services in the textile and related industries. Technical testing, certification and consulting for fibers, yarns, fabrics and textile products. English, Catalan and Spanish.
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36 Textile Fabric Consultants, Inc USA. Fabric
USA. Fabric swatch kits for the identification of textile fibers and their properties, yarn and fabric construction, and finishes, used for training and education of students and professionals in the textile industry. Links to related sites.
Swatch Edition Mounted Textile Swatches Kit Basic News Interior Design Kits Textiles Fabric Featured Testing Company Asked Archives
37 China Textile Business Network Portal of
Portal of the Chinese textile and related industries. Directory of raw materials, machinery and textile manufacturers, service providers and traders. Marketplace, news and message board. Free company listing. English and Chinese.
Fabric Premium Shanghai Öлª·ÄÖ¯Íø É«Ö¯²¼ RpetÅ£½òÃæÁÏ ÖñÏËά·þ×°ÃæÁÏ ÔÂÈÕ¹úÄÚ½õÂÚÔ­ÁÏÊг¡¼Û¸ñÔÝÎÈ È«×Ô¶¯Ï´µÓÍÑË®»&ua
38 doteks textile agency turkey. full-service
turkey. full-service textile agency for companies seeking to do business in turkey. woven and knitted fabrics. leather and textile apparel and accessories. english and dutch.
39 Otto Kuehnen Group Austria. Diversified
Austria. Diversified group of companies, active in distribution, consulting and outsourcing for the textile, plastics and paper industries. Manufacturers representatives for textile machinery and equipment, and textile raw materials, chemicals and intermediaries. Multi-lingual site.
40 ayka textile turkey.all kind
turkey.all kind of knitted textile products, totally integreted textile mills, all kind of synthetic and cotton products.
Turkish Profileservice@aykatextilecom Quality Ayka Involvementproduction Mail Textile German
41 STRA. Southern Textile Research Associates USA. Technical
USA. Technical consultancy specializing in textile engineering and chemistry research, design and fabric development on wovens and knits, marketing, and technical services to textile mills and garment processors.
42 CATECO. Costa Rican Textile Chamber Textile chamber
Textile chamber of the Costa Rican Chambers of Commerce. General information and textile industry profile. English and Spanish.
43 Bharat Textile Portal and
Portal and information resource to the Indian textile and related industries. Textile news, information, fashion trends and trade information and analysis. Searchable categories of manufacturers, vendors and suppliers. Marketplace for textiles, machinery and accessories. Dictionary and glossary of fiber and fabric terms. English and Hindi.
44 A Glance at the Textile Industry in Iran History and
History and state of the Iranian textile industry by the Chamber of Commerce of Iran. Contains an overview of textile history from 3000 BC until today.
45 The Chieri Textile Foundation Italy. Cooperative
Italy. Cooperative initiative of industry and government, aimed at promoting the Chieri textile industry through trademark recognition, furthering personnel education and training, and technology innovation. History of the Chieri textile industry. Company directory. English and Italian.
Tessile Textile Chieri Per Tessili Tessuti Fabrics Industry Del Museum Di Informatica Fondazione Larredamento Technical Curtains
46 FabricLink: Textile Dictionary Extensive dictionary
Extensive dictionary of terms for the textile fabric, apparel, home fashions, and textile care industries. Links to fiber characteristics, fabric care, and fiber manufacturers sites, and a stain removal guide.
Fabric Fabrics Knitting Fibers Textile Weight Yarn Knit Technology Dictionary Center Insulation Costume Also Glossary End Uses Ism Solution Dyed Warp Alpaca Expressed Thename
47 Jingwei Textile Equipments Co., Ltd Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of various types of textile machinery parts and supplies.
48 turkish textile industry turkey. categorized
turkey. categorized index of textile and apparel manufacturers.
49 Textile Trade Directory of
Directory of suppliers in the Turkish textile and apparel industries.
50 Textile Egypt Company directory
Company directory for the Egyptian yarn and textile industry.
51 UCC Textile Machine Korea. Supplier
Korea. Supplier of textile machinery, parts and accessories.
52 Crosta Textile Machinery Textile finishing
Textile finishing, shearing, sueding, and raising machine manufacturer.
53 choice textile, ltd uk. collection
uk. collection, sorting and export of used clothing and footwear. also, textile recycling services.
Textile Book Recycling Books Africa Choice Banks Services Initiatives Contact Partners Recycle Charity Further Savers Shops
54 Booria Textile CAD/CAM Systems Software for
Software for controlling the process of textile production from designing to manufacturing.
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55 SSM Institute of Textile Technology India. Specialised
India. Specialised courses in fiber and textile technologies, marketing and management.
56 Carnegie Textile Co USA. Traders
USA. Traders and distributors of workwear, cheese cloth, and rags from textile wastes and seconds.
Fabrics Cutting Fabric Textile Sewing Supply Services Carnegie Customers Cloth Rolls Co Nationwide First Quality Diaper Re Rolling Packaging Covers Inindustry
57 Jiangsu Danqi Spun Silk Textile Co Ltd Manufactures textile
Manufactures textile, with products and machineries used by company shown.
58 Helena Gavshon Creative textile
Creative textile design studio specialising in contemporary and vintage textile designs.
Design Textile Gavshon London Helena Studio Uk Designs Textiles Call Gt Contemporary Creative Privacy Latest
59 Helena Gavshon UK. Creative
UK. Creative textile design studio specialising in contemporary and vintage textile designs.
60 hope & elvis uk. textile
uk. textile studio, specialising in the restoration of vintage clothing, home textiles and textile art.
61 Textile Intelligence Textile industry
Textile industry news and market analysis. Marketplace. Trade resources for subscribers.
62 Textile Industries Resources and
Resources and magazines for the global textile industry.
63 Al-Karam Textile Mills Pvt Ltd. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and exporter of textile products.
Alkaram Fashion Textile Pvt Fabrics Household Composite Catalogue Studio Name Founded Ltd Pakistan Lawn Y
64 Textile Machine Gallery India. Dealer
India. Dealer of textile machinery.
65 Premier Color Inc. Produces pigment
Produces pigment colorant dispersions, application auxiliaries, and chemicals for the textile and non-textile markets.
66 academy of fashion and textile technology india. programs
india. programs and courses in textile and apparel design, manufacture and merchandising.
67 Textile Machine Trader Marketplace for
Marketplace for new and pre-owned machinery, equipment and spare parts for the textile and nonwovens industries.
68 Passion Prints Textile and
Textile and apparel designers involved in recreating traditional hand crafted textile works.
Islands Domains United South Terms Republic Conditions Saint Island Arab Korea Georgia Direct Guinea Name Tajikistantanzania Kingdomuruguay Angola Yemen
69 FASTextile Invistas on-line
Invistas on-line textile fabrics catalog for brands and retailers, textile mills and garment manufacturers.
70 Gateway to Pakistan Textile Industry. Services includes
Services includes a business directory, local and international textile news.
71 produ textile inc. manufacturer of
manufacturer of textile products such as baseball caps, scarves, gloves, berets and a variety of hats.
72 Handan Textile Co., Ltd Vertically integrated
Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company. Woven fabrics for apparel and furnishing. English and Chinese.
73 Textile Senda Co., Ltd Japan. Traders
Japan. Traders in textile fabrics for apparel and lining applications. Also, artificial leathers. English and Japanese.
74 International Dyer Monthly journal
Monthly journal for professionals in the textile dyeing, printing and finshing industries. From World Textile Publications.
Fibres Basket Store Yarns Policy Fabrics Magazines Conditions Technical Checkout Sustainability Contact Dyersubscribe
75 Morrison Textile Machinery Co. Dyeing, finishing
Dyeing, finishing and shrinking equipment for the textile industry. Special process needs and machine configurations.
Textile Machinery Morrison Indigo Worldwide Representatives Welcome Shrinking Denim Mail Width Compressive Thermosol Preparation Dye Processing
76 Downey-Caric Limited Textile converter
Textile converter and supplier of textile products to businesses. Product listings and contact information.
77 Textile Jargon Glossary of
Glossary of technical terms in the textile fabrics and products, and the apparel accessories industries. From King and Company.
78 Textile Jobs Net On-line job
On-line job search and recruitment services for the global nonwovens, textile, apparel and allied industries. From Inteletex.
79 Pakistan Textile Journal Monthly published
Monthly published magazine for executives and professionals in the Pakistani textile, nonwovens and embroidery industries.
Pakistan Textile Articles Journal Editor News Mazhar Ahmed Copyright Rehman Founded Noor Weaving Publisher Hony Associate Pakistan’s
80 produ textile manufacturer of
manufacturer of textile products such as baseball caps, scarves, gloves, berets and a variety of hats. turkey.
81 Textile World USA. Monthly
USA. Monthly published magazine for executives and technologists in the global textile and related trades. From Intertec Publishing, Inc.
Textile World Rupp Report News Store Fabrics Textiles Resource Guide Buyers Tencate Center Issue Banks Introduces Asia Jeanologia Issues
82 Textile Asia Monthly publication
Monthly publication for managers in Asian textile and apparel trade and manufacturing. Published by Business Press, Ltd
India China Bangladesh Textile Jute Yiwu Digital Asia Expo Ijsg Indian Show Printing Avalanche International Sung Jutemills Apparel Shenzhen *
83 Textile History Concise overview
Concise overview of the development of textiles as an industry, from Neolithic times to the Industrial Revolution. From the Textile Guide web site.
84 International Textile Business center Internet trading
Internet trading for the global textile industry. Marketplaces. List of trade shows. Job bank.
Directory Listing Errordirectoryvirtual Deniedthis Denied Z
85 apparelbids internet marketplace
internet marketplace for apparel, garment, textile, and fabric auctions, stock lots, and deals. also, textile machinery and equipment.
86 Studio Bert Forma USA. International
USA. International textile fabrics agency, focusing on supplying the fashion industry. List of textile mills.
87 SuperExpo Directory of
Directory of manufacturers and service providers in the international textile and fashion, and textile chemicals,dyestuffs and machinery industries. Free registration.
Superexpocom Exhibitors Events Those Products Policy Trade Terms Panoramas Login Shows Fairs Privacy Fair See
88 Textile Info Library of
Library of technical and feature articles about textile technology, management issues, materials and environment. English, Japanese and Chinese.
Textileinfocom Click Gohere Z
89 Textile Recycler, Inc Converters of
Converters of wiping materials for industrial applications, from textile wastes. Also, exporters of used and vintage clothing. Multi-lingual site.
90 Textile Colour and Chemical India. Dyestuffs
India. Dyestuffs, dye intermediates and optical whitening agents for textile, paper and leather coloring and finishing applications.
91 Jinshuangyuan Textile Plant China. Transfer
China. Transfer printing on textile fabrics for apparel, furnishing, luggage and bags, and footwear. English and Chinese.
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92 Dundra Textile Turkey. Manufacturers
Turkey. Manufacturers of wiping rags in roll and piece goods, from textile and nonwovens fabric remnants and export rejections.
93 Pippa Caley Textile design
Textile design studio creating original textile art with conventional and modern techniques. Extensive slide show of art work.
94 Standard Textile Co., Inc USA. Specialty
USA. Specialty textile fabrics and finished products for the healthcare industry. Also, consulting and management programs for institutional and surgical linens.
95 Fibro Organic Pvt., Ltd India. Processing
India. Processing chemicals for textile and specialty applications. Pre-treatment, dyeing, printing and finishing products for the textile industry.
Agent Chemicals Free Nonionic Anionic Finishing Agents Cationic Scouring Solvent Synthetic Textile Cellulosic Finish Washing Fabdisp Sn Ph Softness
96 Elgort Textile Associates Inc. USA. Dealer
USA. Dealer of new and used textile machinery offering technical plant design, layout and startup assistance, and appraisal services.
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97 Textile Colour and Chemical India. Dyestuffs
India. Dyestuffs, dye intermediates and optical whitening agents for textile, paper and leather coloring and finishing applications.
98 JiaMei Textile Co., Ltd China. Vertically
China. Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company, specialised in woven fabrics for apparel and furnishing, from cotton. English and Chinese.
99 Waqas Textile Plain, jacquard
Plain, jacquard, twill and dobby woven fabrics for bedlinen, kitchen textile, and furnishing applications, from cotton and polyester blends.
100 scan-textile co poland. sourcing
poland. sourcing of local textile companies and sewing operations for contract manufacturing of garments and home textiles. english and polish.
101 Express Textile Weekly magazine
Weekly magazine on textile industry. Features stories on news, events, corporate update, fabrics, garments and foreign trade.
102 Label Talk From the
From the Clorox Companys, Textile Industry Affairs. Informational web site on textile care symbols and instructions for the apparel trade and consumers.
Label Talk Notices Legal Copyright Info@textileaffairscom Click [top] Mail Info@textileaffairscom_ [home]industry Please Affairs
103 Al-Abid Silk Mills, Ltd Pakistan. Finishing
Pakistan. Finishing, dyeing, printing and sewing of a wide range of textile fabrics into bedlinens and home textile products.
Al Abid Introsilk Mills Ltd Z
104 The Textile Association India. Non-profit
India. Non-profit membership organization for individuals, companies, institutes and organizations involved in textile manufacture, trade, education and research.
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105 BuyTextiles On-line auction
On-line auction site for the American Textile Manufacturers Institute. Sales of yarns, fabrics, textile accessories and machinery. Free registration.
Sewing Buytextilescom Chairs Sewingclass Craftcloth Join Fabric Basketbuttons
106 Indian Textile Auxiliary Co India. Custom
India. Custom manufacturers of enzyme products for the leather and textile wet processing industries. Defoamers, softeners, and wetting and lubrication agents.
107 journal du textile preview and
preview and advertising site for the weekly french textile newspaper. downloadable pdf of front cover, jobs section, fashion show schedule.
108 Textile Web Internet trading
Internet trading site for the textile fabrics manufacturers and related industries. Search engine, business news, trade shows and market place.
109 Textile Reference Manual Extensive library
Extensive library of technical articles about natural and man-made fibers, fabric weaves and finishes, and textile applications. From the Costume Gallery.
110 TexWorld: Textile Definitions Extensive database
Extensive database of terms and expressions related to the textile and apparel, and fiber processing industries. Keyword search and alphabetical index.
111 CTA. China Textile Academy Government institution
Government institution dedicated to chemicals, textile, nonwovens and fiber related research, development, testing and standardization. English and Chinese.
112 Auxil Industries India. Manufacturers
India. Manufacturers of dyestuffs, thickeners, chemicals and auxiliaries for the textile industry. Also, natural guar gum for textile processes. Detailed product listings.
113 Web Textile Services On-line trading
On-line trading in textile fabrics, yarns and garments, machinery and parts, auxiliaries and materials. Entry restricted to members only. English and German.
Menu Concept Shop Pickz
114 Parmar Textile Engineers India. Design
India. Design and manufacture of machinery and parts for textile wet processing, slitting, rolling, inspection and packaging applications. Technical specifications.
115 Sabbagh & Sharabati Co.Ltd, Textile Company Group of
Group of textile companies spinning yarns and producing a wide selection of fabrics like Corduroy, Gabardine, Twill and Denim.
116 Huayu Import & Export Co., Ltd China. International
China. International traders in apparel and finished textile goods, and textile materials and machinery. Technical information. English and Chinese.
117 Textile and Industrial Sales Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of textile equipment. Products include butt-seamers, trimmers, slitters, cross cutters, ultrasonic sealers and bag closers.
118 Emmaress Exporters India. Textile
India. Textile fabrics for a variety of industrial and home furnishing applications, from cotton and man-made fiber. Also, traders in textile goods and garments.
119 Vinatex Corp State owned
State owned, Vietnamese conglomeration of textile manufacturing, trading and research companies. Company directory. Textile industry statistics and information.
Web Kế Thiết Qua Cho Rẻ Nghiá»Ã¢â‚¬Â¡p Giá Khẩu Trang Thiet Lam Niên Dưỡng Tin Tập
120 Textile Source Database and
Database and resource for the global textile and related industries. Company listing and advertising. Library, news and seminars. Web site design and hosting.
Usa Textile Ltd China Inc Co Textiles India Pakistan Turkey Mills Fabrics Fabric International Company Tekstil
121 Atlas Material Testing Technology, LLC USA. Multi-national
USA. Multi-national materials testing company, providing weathering, corrosion, textile, flammability and environmental testing services. Also, development and manufacture of technical lighting systems, and technical training courses. Comprehensive testing program for the apparel, textile and textile materials industries. Calendar of events. List of publications. Links to related sites.
Services Testing Weathering Atlas Events Material Natural Contact News Tools Technical Test Information Weather Evaluation Reports Outdoor
122 Down-Nara Co., Ltd International trade
International trade in man-made staple fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries. Also, chips and plastic films, bedding products and textile fabrics. English and Korean.
123 Bro-Tex, Inc USA. Converters
USA. Converters of textile and nonwovens based dry and pre-moistened wipes, from recycled textile wastes. Also, microfiber towels. Detailed product catalogs, including technical information and specifications.
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124 Minot Recyclage Textile France. Collection
France. Collection, sorting and recycling of textile wastes into fibers for the yarn spinning, nonwovens and papermaking industries. English, French and Spanish.
125 Textronics, Inc USA. Textile
USA. Textile innovation company, focused on the development of energy activated warming, illuminating, conducting, and sensing textile materials and systems. Extensive technical information.
126 STK Textile Chemicals Co., Ltd Turkey. Manufacturers
Turkey. Manufacturers of enzymes and chemical auxiliaries for pre-treatment, dyeing, washing and finishing processes in the textile industry. Technical information. English and Turkish.
Stk English Türkçey
127 Engineered Textile Resource, Inc USA. Custom
USA. Custom development company and consultancy, specialised in textile fabrics for medical, high-performance, career apparel and specialty technical applications.
128 Textile Technology Directory of
Directory of manufacturers of machinery, accessories, software for the yarn spinning and textile industries. News and articles. From Reed Business Information. English and Chinese.
Privacysponsored Technologycom Textilelistings Policy
129 Popular Textile Corp Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of knitted, dyed and finished fabrics for apparel and fashion, from cotton, acrylic, polyester, polyamide and blends. Comprehensive textile dictionary.
130 Textile b2b Central Portal, company
Portal, company directory and marketplace, designed to facilitate communication, information transfer and trade between the various business interests of the textile industry, their suppliers and their customers.
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131 Bespoke Textile Computer Systems, Ltd UK. Custom
UK. Custom developers and resellers of software packages for textile dyeing, printing, finishing and converting management and process control applications.
132 Eke Textile & Trading AS Turkey. Group
Turkey. Group of textile manufacturing companies. Woven towels and bathrobes, from cotton, bamboom and viscose. Also, dyed and embroidered bed linens, and bathroom accessories.
Shoes Louboutin Sale Moncler Jackets Towel North Face Supra Asics Tekstil Christian Ghd Eke Jimmy Ugg Bathrobe Luxury
133 Dynamic Textile Engineers Supplier of
Supplier of textile machinery spares and accessories for blow room, carding, combing, draw frames, lap former, and yarn spinning and winding applications.
134 Hari Trading Co India. Traders
India. Traders in chemicals, resins, solvents and pigments for the textile, paint, rubber, printing and ceramic industries. Also, consultants and contractors for textile machinery.
135 TAI. Textile Association of India Trade organization
Trade organization for the Indian textile and apparel industries. Calendar of events. List of publications. On-line newsletter. Publishers of bi-monthly scientific journal.
136 PolySpintex, Inc USA. Suppliers
USA. Suppliers of yarns, yarn spinning machinery and parts, and educational materials to the global textile industry. Also, consulting services to. Extensive linkspage of textile related sites.
137 Pindarus Srl Italy. Manufacturers
Italy. Manufacturers of flexible card clothing. Also, textile surface finishing consultants and traders in pre-owned textile machinery. Technical information and specifications. English and Italian.
138 Shengrun Textile Co., Ltd Vertically integrated
Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company. Manufacturers of woven, greige, dyed, printed and embroidered fabrics for apparel and furnishing, from cotton, polyester and blends.
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139 Sourcing Mall From the
From the Textile and Clothing Technology Corp. Internet database for the North American fiber, textile, apparel and related industries. Listings of industry associations and organizations.
140 M. Dohmen GmbH Germany. Manufacturers
Germany. Manufacturers of disperse, acid, basic and vat dyestuffs for textile applications. Also, chemical auxiliaries for textile and leather pre-treatment, dyeing and finishing. English and german.
141 UTSA. Uniform and Textile Service Association USA. Trade
USA. Trade organization for US companies, engaged in the provision of uniforms and textile products to commercial and governmental enterprises. Detailed list of publications.
142 Heyuan Textile Products Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of screen printed and embroidered flags, banners and pennants. Also, flag poles and accessories, and textile made-ups. Custom manufacturing services.
Flag Outdoor Flags Manufacturers Embroidered Message Sports Car United Hand Garden Desk Windows Antenna Buntings
143 Arun Textile Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Indian manufacturer
Indian manufacturer and exporter of textile machines and yarn processing machinery catering to the requirements of synthetic, cotton, viscose, nylon and silk industries.
144 Dema Teknik Tekstil, Ltd Turkey. Textile
Turkey. Textile to textile lamination of technical fabrics for medical, automotive, military, home textiles, footwear and apparel applications. English and Turkish.
145 Staubli Textile Division Worldwide manufacturer
Worldwide manufacturer and supplier of textile machinery, dobbies, cam motions, electronic jacquard machines and harnesses. Also, drawing-in, welding and warp tying installations.
146 Textile World Asia Portal to
Portal to the Asian textile industry. Machinery marketplace. Buyers guide. Calendar of events. Business news. Career opportunities. English and Chiese.
147 All About Fabrics Portal to
Portal to the global textile industry. Company directory. Job vacancies and CV submission. Marketplace and suppliers lists. Comprehensive textile dictionary. Books and publications. List of events.
148 Changshan Textile Stock Co., Ltd Vertically integrated
Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company. Air-jet woven, plain, twill and rib fabrics for apparel and furnishing, from cotton, polyester and blends. English and Chinese.
149 Nuryildiz Textile SA Turkey. Commission
Turkey. Commission dyeing of cotton, viscose, acrylic and polyester fibers and yarns for the textile industry. Detailed description of production process. English and Turkish.
150 Rolf Kazmaier GmbH Germany. Textile
Germany. Textile and nonwoven fabric coating and laminating services for the apparel and medical industries, and for a range of technical textile products. English, German and French.
Kazmaier Rolf Homepage Cokgz
151 Vandenhove SAS Belgium. Textile
Belgium. Textile processing company. Shearing, calendering, emerising, napping and softening of textile fabrics. Also, inspection, paletising, doubling and rolling up services. Multi-lingual site.
152 Omnova Solutions, Inc USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of performance chemicals for papermaking, textile, nonwovens and specialty applications. Permanent press resins, and finishing, coating and dyeing agents for the textile and carpet industries.
Omnova Solutions Chemicals Performance Laminates Upholstery Surfaces Films Additives Engineered Terms Coated Wall Eliokem Polymers America Increase Global Covering
153 Textile Mania PI Australia. Import
Australia. Import and distribution of a wide range of printed and plain textile fabrics for the contract market, from cotton, polyester and blends. Requires Flash plug-in to enter.
154 Dost Teknik Tekstil, Ltd Turkey. Wholesale
Turkey. Wholesale distributors of textile and nonwoven fabrics, textile machine accessories, tents and truck covers, and automotive spare parts. English and Turkish.
155 Omnova Solutions, Inc USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of performance chemicals for papermaking, textile, nonwovens and specialty applications. Permanent press resins, and finishing, coating and dyeing agents for the textile and carpet industries.
156 Xinguohao Textile Co., Ltd China. Vertically
China. Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company. Woven, yarn dyed and printed fabrics for lining, apparel and furnishing, from man-made fibers. English and Chinese.
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157 Digital Textile Directory for
Directory for consultants, designers, manufacturers and fashion houses, active in or related to the digital textile printing industry.
Textile Silk Printing Digital Cotton Shirt Printer Trevira Linen Upholstery Fashion Shirts Interior Printed Fabrics Pigment
158 Jingwei Textile Instruments Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of a range of testing instruments for the textile industry. Some technical specifications. English and Chinese.
Thank Pleasesorry Date Servertengine Gateway Url Gateway The
159 Textile Library Dictionary Dictionary and
Dictionary and glossary of technical terms for the fiber, yarn and textile fabrics industries.
160 Textile Chemicals Factbook containing
Factbook containing information on the environmental aspects of 2,500 chemicals currently used in the textile industry worldwide. Published by Springer Media. Authors: K. Lacasse and others.
Springer Sciences Springeralerts Change Password Media Book Manage Science Pollution Verlag Email User Social Services Press Mission
161 Espace Textile Searchable company
Searchable company directory of French textile and fashion manufacturers. Links to information and technical resources. English and French.
Textile Espace International Agenda Improve Intelligence Creation Development Products Textiles Technical Assist Helping Clothing Experts Trade Innovation Theirinternational Manufacturers
162 Karkanawi, Ltd Syria. Textile
Syria. Textile finishing company. Rotary and flat bed printing, dyeing and finishing of textile fabrics for apparel, bedding and furnishing.
163 Linzhi Co., Ltd China. Textile
China. Textile finishing services. Bleaching, dyeing, rotary and flat bed printing, and finishing of textile fabrics. English and Chinese.
164 DOT Studio, Inc USA. Textile
USA. Textile surface design studio for custom woven, knitted and printed fabrics, and textile products for apparel and furnishing applications.
165 Guided Image UK. Developers
UK. Developers of fashion and textile design, and visual merchandising software for textile designers. Part of the Compass Software Group PLC.
166 rajasthali textile development corp india. group
india. group of textile manufacturing and trading companies. export house for apparel and clothing accessories, furnishings and home textiles. also, carpets, handicrafts and jewelry.
167 Silberman Associates USA. Full
USA. Full service consultants to the textile industry. Fiber evaluation and processing. Yarn manufacture. Fabric constructions, finishing and performance. Textile development, manufacturing and marketing consulting.
168 Oulabitex Yarns & Textile Co Syria. Vertically
Syria. Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company. Circular knitted and jacquard woven, printed, dyed and finished fabrics for apparel, furnishing and decoration, from polyester.
169 pena textile @ turkey istanbul-based company
istanbul-based company acting as a buying agent for hosiery/socks and lingerie/underwear and a representative to some european textile companies. includes details of sourcing services.
170 Rossari Chemicals India. Dyestuffs
India. Dyestuffs and dye intermediates for the textile and printing industries. Auxiliaries for textile and leather processing and finishing. Also, enzyme faders, thickener removers and desizers. Custom manufacturing services.
171 Kumar Textile Industries India. Manufacturers
India. Manufacturers of acid, basic, reactive dyes, and direct dyestuffs. Also, pigment emulsions and powders, and dye and textile printing and finishing intermediates. Part of the Mansha Group.
Z Group Y
172 Textile Exchange Company directory
Company directory for manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of machinery, chemicals, products and services in the textile and nonwovens industries. Market, history and technology resources. Links to related sites.
173 Befama SA Poland. Fiber
Poland. Fiber preparation, carding and crosslapping machinery for the nonwovens and textile industries. Also, textile waste recycling systems and tools for machine repair and overhaul. English, Polish and Chinese.
174 Profillin SA Belgium. Textile
Belgium. Textile trading and converting company, specialized in recycled natural and man-made fibers for yarn spinning and concrete reinforcement, from textile and nonwons wastes. Also, tops and sliver makers.
Waste Profillin Ground Fibers Request Textile Products Flax Selvedges Kevlar Small Fibres Filter Navigation Business
175 Textile Culture of India Information resource
Information resource about historical weaving, embroidery and surface finishing techniques in the Indian textile industry. Extensive list of links to related sites. From Indi Studio.
176 Atexcon 05 India. Annual
India. Annual conference for manufacturers, suppliers and importers of textiles, clothing, textile machinery and allied products, organised by the Confederation of the Indian Textile Industry. New Delhi. December 1-2, 2005.
177 Textile Catalog Import and
Import and export trade directory for the textile industry. Searchable categories of manufacturers and suppliers of yarns, fabrics, fashion and sewn products, designers, processors and software developers.
178 Turkish Textile Business to
Business to business marketplace for textile fabrics, home furnishings and apparel from Turkey.
Textile Turkish User Business Corporat Request Iguratimod Tags Tabani Sheets Buying Selling Password Create New Good Turktekstili
179 Textile and Fabric Glossary Glossary of
Glossary of technical terms and descriptions of processes in the textile industry. From 123 Techtex, Ltd.
180 Textile B2B On-line business
On-line business to business marketplace for the textile and apparel industries. Company directory. Calendar of events. Dictionary of natural and man-made fibers.
Directory Business Companies Europages Company European Leader Server Bbcomprehensive Signup Simple Directories Professional
181 Glossary of Textile Terms Extensive glossary
Extensive glossary of technical term and definitions common in the textile and recycling industries, in English and French. From Victor Innovatex, Inc.
182 TEXApro Business to
Business to business marketplace for textile products, machinery and services in the global textile and apparel industry. Registration required. English and French.
Machines Machinery Industrial Exapro Sell Used Buy Equipments Catalogue Second Hand Plant Equipment Traders Users
183 International Textile Sourcing Guide Searchable database
Searchable database for the international textile industry linking buyers and importers with manufacturers, suppliers and exporters worldwide
184 South India Textile Research Association SITRA specialises
SITRA specialises in textile research, especially in cotton, for quality control in the processes of spinning, weaving and knitting.
185 Dictionary of Textile Terms Comprehensive dictionary
Comprehensive dictionary of textile materials, processes and machinery in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. From Zoom Fabrics Pvt., Ltd.
186 R&S Machinery & Design, Inc USA. Distributors
USA. Distributors of new and rebuilt winding equipment for the textile industry, pre-owned textile machinery and parts. Also, extrusion lines for man-made fiber.
Machinery Design Inc Rs Remanufactured Textile Leesona Allentown Precision Shaft Besstown Preowned New Here City Custom Built Traversing
187 The Protective Textile Co. Ltd UK. Custom
UK. Custom fabrication by sewing and high frequency welding of a wide range of textile products for industrial, technical and protective applications.
Domains Click Protectivetextilecom Parkenz
188 Zenith Engraving Company, Inc Digital textile
Digital textile printing and screen engraving service on textile fabrics, including short-run production. Comprehensive descriptions of capabilities.
Engraving Zenith Design Sales@zenithengravingcaltd Medicine Whether Home Giftwareltdrepresentative Seagull Browse Pewter
189 Alwani Textile Machinery Pakistan.
Pakistan. Dealer of new and used textile machinery for spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, printing, finishing and embroidery. Dismantling and installation services.
Alwani Machinery Textiles Beneficientmost Reserved Allah Namerights Merciful Copyright
190 Textile Glossary Comprehensive glossary
Comprehensive glossary of technical terms in use in the textile industry, and covering technology, materials, manufacturing processes and products. Compiled by Mr. Mervil Knudson.
191 Allied Textile & Refuse, Inc Canada. Textile
Canada. Textile company, specialising in recycling of waste textiles and mill refuse into usable fibers and wipers. English and French.
192 Textile and Technology Scientific journal
Scientific journal for the Turkish textile and apparel industry. Features and technical articles. Links to trade shows, and the Turkish Weaving Report.
193 Borgstena Textile AB Sweden. Multi-national
Sweden. Multi-national group of textile manufacturing companies. Contract design and manufacture of circular knitted and woven fabrics for automotive applications. Part of Vättern-Industrier AB.
194 Oulabitex Yarns & Textile Co Vertically integrated
Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company. Circular knitted and jacquard woven, printed, dyed and finished fabrics for apparel, furnishing and decoration, from polyester. Located in Aleppo.
Oulabitex Yarns Textile Linen Bed Textiles Curtains Texturing Choose Copyright Contact Factory Manufactures Yarn Philosophy Quality Household
195 WeavePoint 5 Windows based
Windows based software for creating, editing, analyzing and archiving of advanced textile patterns and colorways, for hand loom weavers and textile designers. Discussion forum. Downloadable demo version.
Looms Loom Textile Weavepoint Design Windows Weaving Drafting Handweaving Datavev Designers Software Weavers Hand Staubli Network
196 Textile Solutions Sweden. On-line
Sweden. On-line marketplace and resource center for the textile industry. Trading in fabrics. News and events. Discussion forum for members. Free registration. English, German, French and Italian.
197 Baoxinghua Textile Co., Ltd China. Textile
China. Textile dyeing and finishing services for greige, and yarn and solid dyed cotton, ramie, linen and blended fabrics for apparel applications. Technical specifications. English and Chinese.
198 Nanjing Textile Corp Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of woven, greige, dyed and printed fabrics for apparel and furnishing applications, from cotton, linen, ramie, wool, polyester and blends. Also, collections of home textile and garments.
199 The Textile Rooms Information resource
Information resource and marketplace for fibers, yarns, textile products and machinery. Dictionaries, glossaries and conversion tables. Search engines, directories, chat forum and global events calendar.
Rooms Textiles Texnet Everyone Philosophy Main Telecomunicazioni Textiletextilerooms Z
200 Textiles Intelligence, Ltd UK. Textile
UK. Textile research and publishing company. Business information on the global fiber, textile and apparel industries. Searchable database of market reports. Link to extensive glossary of industry terms.

2. Shopping and Textile Trade

1 Marcia Stein Textile Art The work
The work of San Francisco textile artist Marcia Stein. Applique art quilts for the wall based on travel photographs.
Art Stein Marcia Quilt Textile Quilts Sale Francisco Artist San Travel Based Lectures Craft California
2 Gallery Imports Mexican Oaxacan
Mexican Oaxacan woodcarvings, and handcrafted textile art.
3 Textile Outfitters Outerwear and
Outerwear and activewear patterns, fabric for outdoor uses, notions.
4 Amandas Art Quilts Galleries of
Galleries of quilted textile collages, inspirations and sketchbooks.
Website Design Traffic Create Log How Features Sites Works Plans Sell Booster Paid Webmail Customer Business Services Privacy Seo
5 Starosciak Art Books Specializes in
Specializes in art, architecture, decorative, and textile arts titles.
6 Starosciak Art Books Specializes in
Specializes in art, architecture, decorative, and textile arts titles.
Books Art Starosciak Arts Textile Decorative Print Architecture Francisco Antiquarian Terms Fashion Artbooks Purchase Security
7 Bamboo Textile Specializing in
Specializing in clothing and fabric, including fiber bales.
Bamboo Shipping Cart Help Original Offers Special Privacy Order Contact Follow Everything Rights Wholesale Volusion Bambooclothescom Status Clothing
8 Japanese Art and Design US based
US based retailer of misu shades, contemporary art, and textile products
Design Japanese Interior Table Prints Art Mats Ukiyo Contemporary Kurosaki Akira Misu Gifts Runners Returns Privacy
9 Dharma Trading Co. Offering a
Offering a variety of supplies, dyes, paints and fabric for textile artists.
Order Policy Cart Email Ordering Dharma Items Security Account Painting Shipping Group Homepage Certificates Cancel Rabbit Look Artists Fray
10 Textile-Creation-Club Offers a
Offers a book for a technical method of pattern making, cutting and sewing.
Couture De Coupe Textile Et Patron Conseils Création Creation Livre Patrons Coutures Vêtements Club Sur Cahiers
11 Textile Fetish Offers patchwork
Offers patchwork, homemade items including baby clothes, bags, and housewares.
Bags Large Fetish Etcetera Gear Craft Textile Childrens Clothing Small Accessorize Create Clothe Medium Hope Kidsaprons
12 Textile Art Hand dyed
Hand dyed fabrics, projects, links and ideas for quilters, wearable artists and crafters.
Best Phones Smart Credit Free Migraine Health Courses Rates Pain College Popular Textileartcom Insurance Mortgage Report Picks Notice Trademark
13 Beth Thomas Kennedy Textile artist
Textile artist offering quilts, wearable art, and art fabric. Classes offered.
14 Tahmi Handmade jewelry
Handmade jewelry inspired by working traditional textile techniques in silver and gold wire.
Woven Options Choose Flower Earrings New Double Rain Pendants Tahmi Queens Rubber Elements Cart Fuzzy Conditions Product Customer Contact
15 Alma Art Bend Oregon
Bend Oregon textile artist offers art quilts, inspirational yoga T-shirts and fleece throws.
Work Reclaimingdeep Book Early Painted Series Ladies Widehome
16 Floor Art Works Designs are
Designs are inspired by the natural environment and contemporary and ethnic textile design and color combinations.
Signs Graphics County Orange Painted Hand Diego Angeles Los Hosting Lord Designs San Christopher Touch Retail Serving
17 Darcy Falk Stitched textile
Stitched textile collages of color, texture, and imagery. Includes gallery, writings and pricing.
Edition Limited Darcy Falk Print Gicléeprint Arts Textile Giclée Go Exceptional Every Relics Artist Year Immaculate Fabrics
18 Textile Creation Club Un método
Un método técnico de corte y confección, con patrones, moda y consejos.
Couture De Coupe Et Textile Conseils Patron Patrons Creation Coutures Livre Crã©ation Club La Cours Croquis
19 Peru Artesanal Offers a
Offers a range of Peruvian handicrafts including decorative wood and ceramics, paintings and textile items.
De Decorativos Nuestra Pinturas Mates Utilitarios Decorativa Artesanal Peru En La Las Venta Productos Solutions Wwwperuartesanalcom Bienvenida Politica
20 Ehrman Tapestry Features British
Features British textile designers including Kaffe Fassett, Elian McCready and Beth Russell.
Sale Mini Kits Eur Alex Beattie Tapestry Scarves Hollingworth Magie Policy Bahouth What’s Editions Haigh Miscellaneous Embroidery Margaret Privacy
21 Aiken Textile and Design Artist Stephen
Artist Stephen Barrow creates original, handpainted floorcloths in designs that range from realistic to whimisical.
Navigationshilfe Ty
22 Krikor Markarian Antique oriental
Antique oriental rug & textile and Persian carpet dealer based in New York catering to collectors, designers & architects.
Markarianantiquerugscom Cash Advance Insurance Debt Consolidation Cell Credit Report Phones Learn Privacysection Life
23 Starbuck Textile Design, Inc. Designs featuring
Designs featuring fighter aircraft and baseball motifs. Also offering screen printing and embroidery services.
Hosting Domain Web Solutions Network Marketing Services Names Registration Website Networksolutionscom Grow | Netsol Y
24 Lacis Selection of
Selection of supplies for the textile arts, including lace-making, embroidery, knitting, tatting, crochet, costume/bridal.
Lacis Mail Offers Kliot Museum Contact Distribution Wholesale Order Perrin Shopping Operates Classes Free Textiles
25 Eldridge Textile Company Purchase bed
Purchase bed and bath products including Croscill, Fieldcrest, Laura Ashley, Martex, Wamsutta and Sheftex.
Luxury Designer Towels Curtains Sheets Accessories Comforters Bath Quilts Toilet Bathroom Bedspreads Elegant Linens Window Handcrafted Seat Inc Throws Wesley Pad
26 Verts Creations Offering chocolate-covered
Offering chocolate-covered cashew brittle, textile and knitting patterns, kits for wooden toys, chests, and buckets.
Permanently The Y
27 Janet Armstrong and Company A textile
A textile artist from Vernon, BC, Canada offers workshops and retreats in creative sewing, quilting, knitting and wearable art.
Knitting Sewing Textile Artist Armstrong Custom Janet Art Bc Vernon Canada Clothing Quilting Retreats Workshops Orders Welcome Backing Unique
28 Jane van Keulen: Textile Artist Hand-dyed and
Hand-dyed and painted threads and yarn in various fiber content. Also includes information on workshop tutoring.
Springs Hanmer Palace Stash Stitch Stay Contact Retreat Friday â lunch Google Blog â you Matters â bring Retreat Minimum Enjoy Zealand Map
29 Sarah MacKinnon Household items
Household items by this weaver and textile artist. Also a gallery, biography, listing of past and present shows, and contact information.
30 Jenni Milne A gallery
A gallery of silk paintings by this Cornish artist combines various textile techniques along with devoré technique to capture the magic of Cornwall.
Jenni Silk Cornwall Milne Paintings Painting Devore Gallery Art Courses Jennis Having School Books Exhibitions Contact West
31 Mepalux Mexican enterprise
Mexican enterprise devoted to manufacturing, promoting and exporting handmade products as handpainted ceramic, blown glass, textile and art mirrors.
32 Agnes & Hoss Stephanie Waddell
Stephanie Waddell creates nature-inspired textile designs on silk charmeuse and applies them to handbags, scarves, and pillows.
Agnes Hoss Design Illustration Boulder Custom Enjoypattern Interiorplease Co
33 Airbrush Worlds Information on
Information on airbrushes, compressors, art and textile paints, templates, rails, temporary tattoos, and body paint. Also includes artist how-tos, and galleries.
Hosting Domain Website Services Businesses Sizes Exchange Solutions Clicksmbs Affordable Email Business Cloud
34 Airbrush Worlds Information on
Information on airbrushes, compressors, art and textile paints, templates, rails, temporary tattoos, and body paint. Also includes artist how-tos, and galleries.
Hosting Domain Website Services Myhostingcom Artoolcom Affordable Business Wwwmedeatoday Smbs Solutions Now Cloud
35 Walker Display Inc. Art and
Art and textile hanging display system. Includes a downloadable product catalog.
Picture System Hanging Display Walker Art Gallery Systems Policy Textile Acrylic Cart Rail Contact Pictures
36 J.P. Willborg Antique decorative
Antique decorative oriental and European carpets, tribal rugs, kilims, flatweaves and tapestries. Stock textile art from the 16th century to circa 1940.
Antique Tribal Willborg Paintings Publications Contact Bargains Inspiration Items Blog Press Exhibitions Services Jpwillborg Rugs Caucasian
37 M. A. Klein Design Contemporary needlework
Contemporary needlework designs and patterns in hand embroidery, counted cross stitch and needlepoint. Also a gallery of original textile wall works.
Design Diego Web San Maklein News Blog Contact Success Information Schools Relevant Land Leave Engine Wide
38 Natasha Pedersen Kits for
Kits for wall hangings, cushions and pictures using hand dyed silk and gold thread, featuring animals and florals, from this textile artist.
Irish Sweaters Call Contact Now Front Wool Necks Incredible Warmness Woolen Privacy During People Crew Aran
39 JacQue Textile Designs Custom fabrics
Custom fabrics made by merging surface design techniques with digital printing, in cottons and silks, available by the fat quarter or the half yard.
40 Mendels Far-Out Fabrics Cotton fabrics
Cotton fabrics in a variety of patterns plus buttons and textile dyes from this San Francisco based store.
Name Company Page Powered Carthelp Found The Z
41 Blankets Supply Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of typical Mexican textile products, such as Falsa Blankets, Sarapes, Dresses, Ponchos, and Shirts.
Navigationshilfet Y
42 Lazy Daisy Textile crafts
Textile crafts and home decor made in Canada. Items include heat pads, aprons, cat products, appliance covers, and oven mitts.
Wraps Buckwheat Aprons Kid Heat Lazydaisycanadacom Pillowz Pillows
43 Bertha Day Fine Art & Craft Gallery St. Andrews
St. Andrews studio and gallery. Provides information and samples of textile and wearable art, landscapes and floral paintings.
Art Andrews Craft Bertha Artist Fine Gallery Brunswick Scarves Day Technique Order Visit Catalog Paintings Wall Canada Flowers Wallhangings
44 Art Show Express Includes sculpture
Includes sculpture, pottery, hand crafted leather, photography, wood works, textile art, paper art, ceramics, and mixed media. Located in Jackson, New Jersey.
Page Found Maybe Tarasdashkevych Oopsproudly Taras Dashkevych Theme Wordpress Found Itcan’t
45 Habu Textiles, LLC USA. Weaving
USA. Weaving studio and showroom for Japanese hand woven textile fabrics and ribbons, from a wide variety of fibers. Extensive technical information. On-line purchasing facility.
Habu Textiles Ripins | Vanessa Content Yap Einbund Events Navigation Edition Limited Japan Clothier Amenity Street Contact Tools
46 Textile Outfitters Supplies fabrics
Supplies fabrics, patterns and notions for the manufacture of sports wear. Offers online catalog, store hours, conventional and online shopping.
47 Anne Honeyman, Textile Artist Contemporary accessories
Contemporary accessories created using free machine embroidery techniques, soluble fabrics and metals. Items include bowls, jewelry, bags and clocks, and wall art.
48 Alma Art Art quilts
Art quilts and clothing, wood art and mirrors by textile artist Alma de la Melena Cox. Includes artists profile, portfolio, online shopping, order and commission information.
Work Ladies Painteddeep Earlybook Series Reclaiming Wide
49 Harrisville Designs Offers products
Offers products for knitting and weaving enthusiasts, including looms and yarns. Also holds classes and workshops on textile arts. Includes hours, location, class schedule, and ordering information.
Harrisville Cart Designs Weaving Sign Toys Yarn Fleece Mill Educational Looms Account Rights Policy Maintains Company Volusion Shipping Reservedbuilt Terms Blog Post Product
50 The Art Store Features drawing
Features drawing, painting, graphic arts, and textile materials. Also offers books, childrens materials, art furniture, prints and frames, gift items, and digital media.
Case Nine Envy Price Pens Llghli Port Markers Brushes Poly Paint Paper Llghxli Newton Supplies Art Browse Prismacolor Pencils
51 J.P. Willborg Antique decorative
Antique decorative oriental and European carpets, Swedish MMF carpets, tribal rugs, kilims, flatweaves and tapestries. Stock textile art from the 16th century to circa 1940.
Antique Tribal Willborg News Services Bargains Rugs Publications Jpwillborg Press Paintings Blog Items Inspiration Contact Awards
52 Mendels Retail arts
Retail arts and crafts supplies, mosaic supplies, maskmaking, textile dyes, paints and fabrics, including ethnic, faux furs, printed cottons and buttons.
Company Name Found The Poweredpage Help Cart Z
53 Vintage Textile Antique clothing
Antique clothing, vintage couture and designer wear, collectible high fashion clothing plus decorative textiles.
Vintage Textile Clothing Brides Edwardian Designer Dress Page Vintagetextile Costume Gallery Style Fashion Storage Enter Dresses
54 Batik Oetoro Supplies, dyes
Supplies, dyes and paints for textile decorating as well as batik dyes, waxes and tjantings. Mail order. Sydney, Australia.
Dyeman Batik Oetoro Request Admin Email Gateshead Nevin Welcome Close Password Should Gallery Width= Website
55 Bayberry Cove Primitive country
Primitive country goods and accessories including rustic and unusual wooden items, birdhouses, Shaker baskets, candle holders, stenciled boxes and handmade textile goods.
Lori Mitchell Bethany Lowe Karen Artists Mary Kathy Haire Margaret Mortimer Jenene Hammerschmidt Primitives Allen Johanna Deborah
56 Marimekko Textile Arts Marimekko fabric
Marimekko fabric and accessories. Cotton, linen, oilcloth, upholstery and outdoor fabric. Towels, totes and cosmetic bags are also available.
Fabric Gift Certificates Join Wallpaper Wall Program Loyalty Hangings Marimekko Email Arts Curtains Textile Contemporary Etc Ship Category
57 Knit 2 Together Equipment and
Equipment and supplies for various textile crafts: hand knitting, machine knitting, tatting, crochet, bobbin lace plus software for quilting, cross stitch, dressmaking, knitting, and needlepoint.
Domain Shopping Help Policy Cart See Contact Testimonials Categories Knitknotcom Advanced Knitinccom Sciencegeistcom Thinkknitcom Click Hopealwayscom
58 Leather Man, Ltd USA. Garment
USA. Garment accessories manufacturers. Design and manufacture of collections of hand made belts, buckles, hats, sandals and small goods, from leather and textile materials. Custom logo stamping and embroidery services.
59 Fabric Indulgence and Art Supply Sells fabrics
Sells fabrics, Sumi-e, mosaic, textile arts and fabric painting, rubber stamping, books arts, decorative papers, clays, and art supplies.
Fabrics Fabric Silk Cotton Ribbons Paints Organic Japanese Trims Quilting Dyes Bamboo Batik Hand Patterns
60 Tai Gallery Textile Arts Master artists
Master artists of Japanese bamboo basketry, biographies and photos of woven bamboo basketry. Additionally, an extensive, well-illustrated section on plaiting techniques employed.
61 Lunn Fabrics, Ltd USA. Textile
USA. Textile design studio, specialised in batik, hand dyed and printed fabrics, and hand quilting arts. Galleries of quilt and fabric designs, and sculptures. Links to related sites.
Lunn Fabrics Debra Mrowka Michael Batiks Quiltmakers Enter Ltd Mail Here Dextrin Artisan Art Main Designed Fiber Potato
62 Betty Pillsbury Textile Artist, Instructor Crazy quilt
Crazy quilt resource. Services, patterns and products by Betty Pillsbury for those interested in learning more about crazy quilting.
Pillsbury Betty Herbs Crazy Artist Store Ny Quilts Spiral Middleburgh Ny  Order Page Winter Link Victorian First
63 Wholesale Table Linens On-line wholesale
On-line wholesale purchasing of coordinated sets of textile and vinyl table linens, skirting, runners, placemats and napkins. Also, folding tables and chairs.
Linenscomtable Wwwwholesale Parkeddomain
64 Hickory Hill Antique Quilts Offers antique
Offers antique quilts and vintage fabrics, new quilt fabrics, Quilters Dream cotton batting, and textile heritage books for quilters who prefer reproductions. Online catalogue and ordering.
Quilt Fabric Patterns Batting Notions Books Supplies Shop Free » Quilters Dream Store Sewing Pattern Oriental

3. Textile Recreation

1 Heavens Embroidered Cloths: One Thousand years of Chinese Textiles 1995 textile
1995 textile exhibition organized by The Textile Society of Hong Kong.
Ming Chinese Embroidered Exhibition Textiles Asianartcom Cloths Heavens Hong Kong Catalogue Years Kesi Introduction Song Yuan Badge Phoenix
2 Heavens Embroidered Cloths: One Thousand years of Chinese Textiles 1995 textile
1995 textile exhibition organized by The Textile Society of Hong Kong.
Ming Chinese Embroidered Exhibition Asianartcom Textiles Cloths Heavens Kong Hong Years Song Catalogue Introduction Thousand Art
3 World Wide Weave A directory
A directory of oriental rug and textile societies.
4 Cloudband On-line magazine
On-line magazine about textile and tribal arts, with a dealer arcade.
Return Permanently Moved Cloudbandcom Errorz
5 Textile Gallery Michael Franses
Michael Franses commercial site with scholarly exhibitions
Textile Churches Rugs Post@textile Art Himmelssoehne Artcom Past Books Transylvanian Glanz Liddell Istanbul England Asian
6 Still Alive Italian abandoned
Italian abandoned places. Mostly factories: textile, steelworks, brickworks, automobile plant, cotton mill.
Industrial Alive Urban Photography Marcello Still Modica Fabbriche Abandoned Italy Abbandono Abbandonati Abbandonateindustria
7 Caratex Stamps Collection of
Collection of stamps with the textile industry as their subject, linked to articles about fibers, textiles and tapestry. Stamp galleries.
Here Caratex Stamps World Gallery Textile Article Chinese Year Language Wool Stamp Swiss Wearableart Editors Embroidered Kong
8 Clothing of the Ancient Celts Celtic costume
Celtic costume from Ancient to 1800. Also textile weaving, dyes, hair jewelry, and further resource links.
9 Caratex Stamps Stamps with
Stamps with a Textile Theme
Here Caratex Stamps World Stamp Swiss Article Year Gallery Textile Chinese Wool Wearableart Language Legal Whyte Deco Member Spinning
10 Clothing of the Ancient Celts M.E. Riley
M.E. Riley describes Celtic costume from ancient to 1800. Covers textile weaving, dyes, hair jewelry, and further resource links.
Patterns Golden Clothing Travel Birthday Victorian Historical Century Medieval Renaissance Middle Posts Part History Fashion
11 Thomas Cole Antique Rugs and Textiles Antique tribal
Antique tribal and central Asian rugs, embroideries and other textile art.
Rugs Central Antique Asia Asian Textile Tribal Photographs Art Through Entertaining Journeys San Afghanistan Bagfaces Kirghiz
12 Marla Mallett Textiles and Tribal Oriental Rugs Information on
Information on textile structure by a leading authority, with an ongoing on-line revision of her book. Includes rugs and textiles offered for sale.
Rejected Requesty
13 Dame Helens Pennsic XXXI Classes Dame Helens
Dame Helens three classes from Pennsic. Cotehardies from Greenland Gowns, Houpelande Theory Class, and 14th century sewing and textile information.
Camping Food Method Sewing Class Article Bibliography Greenland Clothing Public Garment Easy Demonstrations Information Recipes Inserts Things Bibliogrpahy

4. Computer & Textile Games Websites

1 Textile Networks Foster-Miller Inc.
Foster-Miller Inc. provides information on their wearable circuitry for power and data transfer as well as on their textile production facilities.
Port Found The Serverapache Found
2 Adobe Photoshop for Textile Design Created as
Created as a tutorial, it will show step by step techniques for creating textile designs using Adobe PhotoShop.
Hosting Domain Network Web Solutions Marketing Names Services Registration Website Netsol Networksolutionscom Name Grow Placerequest
3 Datatex ERP and
ERP and SCM specialized solution for Textile and Apparel industries.
4 Age Technologies Inc. Makers of
Makers of Clicdesign modules, which turn Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator into specialized apparel and textile application.
Cell Phone Signal Booster Uncategorized Smart System Technology Verizon Yet Automation Tags Best Att Advice Trouble Free
5 Pastel Graphics by Yumeiroyakata Original backgrounds
Original backgrounds and decorative images with textile-like patterns, lacework designs, embossed styles and textures.
Contact Providerforcannotdisplayed Please Page Error
6 Stäubli Switzerland. Features
Switzerland. Features this manufacturer of industrial and cleanroom robots, high speed textile machineries, and quick release couplings.
Textile Robot Robotics Connectors Stäubli Machinery Industrial Itma Paris Go Asia Weaving – Directly Birmingham Iran Slovenia Germany
7 Textile A web
A web text generator. Loads simple text and converts it to html, as well as it is possible without human intervention.
8 InnoPos Software Offers Windows-based
Offers Windows-based software for retailers, restaurants, textile and occasion shops. Includes screen shots, downloads and contact information.
Halloween Scary Games Leave WÑ–th Yоu Kids Posted Party Play Thrilled Croogo Fоr Fear Fun Tenterhooks
9 AGE Technologies Corp Canada. Integrated
Canada. Integrated hardware and software systems for design, distribution, implementation and systems service in the textile and fashion industries. On-line purchasing facilities.
Cell Phone Signal Booster Uncategorized Technology Dhiman Tags Smart Reviews System Repeaters Automation Manufacturing Just Systems
10 Team Software Pty Ltd Sells IMAS
Sells IMAS - distribution software and TIM - ERP software for the textile industry. IBM midrange and network support including AS/400s, PCs, and accessories.
Team Ibm Business Power Computing Systems Cloud Australia System Partner Premier Software Storage Storwize Here Ha Tivoli Investment Signs Photos
11 Greycon Finite capacity
Finite capacity scheduling, trim optimization, block scheduling, ability to promise and load planning for the paper, converting, printing, textile, plastic and metal industries.
Greycon Trim [more] Scheduling Optimisation Film Planning Management Company Paper Production Optimised Board Language Stock Software Implementation Reel Portuguese
12 Collection of Small Utilities Small software
Small software programs to make my life easier. Information manager, dictionary: English vocabulary used in GRE, glossary of textile related terms, and a remote control for Winamp.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Toolbarguidelines Finance Popular Sites Internet Machine Longeravailable Movies
13 Picario BV The Netherlands.
The Netherlands. Developers and suppliers of software and related services for the realization of lifelike product visualization and presentation solutions to the paint, floor covering and textile industries. Downloadable trial versions. English, Dutch and German.
14 Improved Technologies of New Hampshire, Inc USA. Suppliers
USA. Suppliers of products, software, consumables and services to the wide-format printing industry. Textile fabric steamers for ink-jet and screen printing processes. Technical information and machine specifications.
Mimaki Printing Itnh Booklet Jfx Curable Textiles Wide Plus Jv Contact Banners Series Sawgrass File Presentation Ujv Fine
15 XeBusiness, Ltd UK. Distributors
UK. Distributors of supply chain software packages (ERP/MIS) for in-house functional process automation in the textile and apparel, footwear and soft goods industries, and integration with customer, supplier and partner software. Extensive technical information.
Apparel Software Xe Goods Erp Soft Ebusiness Warehouse Planning Corporate Scanning Wms Commerce Rts Systems Workwear Solutions Chain Clothing
16 Educated Guess Knitting Software Software utility
Software utility for the textile knitting industry provides calculations and conversions for knitting and yarn in the manufacturing process.
Navigationshilfe Ty
17 Micro Services Group, Inc. Process control
Process control, monitoring and air washer control consulting for the textile industry. Supplies monitoring and process control systems.
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18 Assyst/Bullmer, Inc. Product development
Product development management software for the apparel, retail and other textile-related industries. pdm.assyst software includes merchandize calendar management and workflow, libraries, versioning, security permissions, quality control modules, and product classification.
+ Domain Domain_name Here Click Sale Listed Name Sale_price Privacy Policy Inquirerequest $

5. Sports Websites concerning Textile

6. Society, Arts and Textile Crafts

1 tension technology international, inc usa. multi-national
usa. multi-national group of consultants specialised in ropes, textiles and marine systems. design and testing services for fibers, yarns and textile fabrics. fiber identification guide. technical textile software. technical papers on pdf files.
Testing Tti Rope Technology Tools Services Software Design Trust Nigel International Guides Carbon Systems Textiles Achilles Pdf Group
2 Suzy Tanzer Judaica Suzy Tanzer
Suzy Tanzer works as a textile artist and maker of modern Judaic textile objects. Her objects include tallitot and huppot,ark curtains and Torah mantles for Synagogues, as well private commissions.
3 Rockingham Remembered Collection of
Collection of childhood memories, nostalgia, personal stories, and the history of growing up in a small textile town.
Proceed Click Herey
4 Rockingham Remembered Collection of
Collection of childhood memories, nostalgia, personal stories, and the history of growing up in a small North Carolina textile town.
Click Here Proceedy
5 A History of Cotton Mills and the Industrial Revolution Extensive excerpt
Extensive excerpt from a book on the development of the textile industry in the United States, including New England and Mississippi.
Create Tripod Page Shopping Hosting Signup Check Login Errorpage Requested Website Lycos Foundlycoscom
6 Jubilee Banners Custom, hand-crafted
Custom, hand-crafted textile banners with Christian themes.
7 Fairy Tales & Folklore Textile related
Textile related tales for those who love spinning yarn.
8 Clothing of the Ancient Celts Celtic costume
Celtic costume from Ancient to 1800. Also textile weaving, dyes, hair jewelry, and further resource links.
Patterns Golden Travel Clothing Birthday Victorian Historical Century Medieval Renaissance Ages Pattern History Posts Fashion
9 Camus Gallery of Fine Jewish Art Israeli gallery
Israeli gallery specializing in ceramics, glass, paintings, and textile arts. With pictures and order information.
Camus David Ketti Tomer Gallery Talitot Gerstein Israeli Art Schluss Calman Shemi Soul Isaac Safed Zion List Receive
10 Camus Gallery of Fine Jewish Art Israeli gallery
Israeli gallery specializing in ceramics, glass, paintings, and textile arts. With pictures and order information.
Camus Gallery Ketti Tomer David Talitot Israeli Isaac Schluss Safed Soul Art Shemi Calman Gerstein Yoel Bar
11 Camus Gallery of Fine Jewish Art Specializing in
Specializing in contemporary Israeli ceramics, glass, paintings, and textile arts. Online gallery and order information.
Camus Tomer Ketti Gallery David Talitot Art Calman Safed Schluss Israeli Soul Shemi Gerstein Isaac Gershi Cj
12 Camus Gallery of Fine Jewish Art Specializing in
Specializing in contemporary Israeli ceramics, glass, paintings, and textile arts. Online gallery and order information.
Camus Gallery Ketti David Tomer Talitot Soul Shemi Isaac Schluss Calman Art Safed Gerstein Israeli Lirone Benharrouche Aura Camus Tomer Ayala
13 A History of Cotton Mills and Cotton Mill Vilages Extensive excerpt
Extensive excerpt of a book on the development of the textile industry in Mississippi, USA. Author: Narvell Strickland.
Create Tripod Lycoscom Please Requested Check Page Tripodcom Login Lycos Signup Couldntwebsite Hosting
14 Clothing of the Ancient Celts M.E. Riley
M.E. Riley describes Celtic costume from ancient to 1800. Covers textile weaving, dyes, hair jewelry, and further resource links.
Patterns Golden Travel Clothing Birthday Historical Victorian Medieval Century Renaissance Regency Posts Ages Pattern History
15 St Benet Guild Provides traditionally
Provides traditionally styled vestments and textile church furnishings to Catholic priests, churches and chapels. Includes photos of projects completed for clients, styles available and contact information. Located in Dayton, Ohio.
Tripod Create Signup Lycos Website Page Login Hosting Shopping Please Requestedcouldnt Tripodcom Found
16 Itchy Souls Goddess Dolls & Ornaments Handmade plush
Handmade plush goddess dolls and other textile art by California artists.
Goddess Doll Art Dolls Pictures Candie Kelty Here Lee Forupdated California Pagan Tapestry Toy Weeping Midnight Scan
17 Tibetan Buddhist Prayer Flags Flags and
Flags and Dharma banners are hand printed on cotton fabric with nontoxic colorfast textile paints in pure and bright colors. Includes instructions and prayers for raising flags.
Prayer Flags Tibetan Buddhist Shop Order Quick Dharma Days Symbols List Radiant Policy Heart Prints Smoke Herbal
18 Technological Discoveries and Applications in India Brief history
Brief history of technological innovations and development. Outlines developments in construction activities, town planning, metallurgy, water-management, medical tools, textile technology, and Indias role in the industrial revolution.
Create Tripod Check Tripodcom Found Errorpage Lycoscom Please Couldnt Requested Signup Hosting Pagewebsite
19 Bread and Roses: The Lost Histories of a Slogan and a Poem Long thought
Long thought to have been inspired by the 1912 strike by textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts, James Oppenheims poem was actually inspired by earlier labor struggles.
Boondocksnetcom Clickherego
20 Silk Thangka: Fabric Images in the Tibetan Tradition Gallery showing
Gallery showing hand-stitched mosaics of silk by a contemporary textile artist working in the Tibetan tradition. Information on creation process and history of fabric thangkas.
Rinchen Wongmo Leslie Artwork Media Silk American Love Tashi Shakyamuni Discernment Port Beautiful Overcoming Health Obstacles
1 textile conservation services service for
service for care, restoration, and presentation of antique and contemporary textile arts.
Textiles Work Treatment International Blog Before Caring Projects Hear Part Mateys Featured Julia Boys Seen Restores Displayconservation Installations
2 tafta the australian
the australian forum for textile arts is a group who put together publications, conferences and workshops to give advice to textile craftspeople.
3 prodigalrugs textile designer
textile designer lucy mason creates rag rug wallhangings using traditional prodded textile strips. portfolio available in pdf format.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 the australian forum for textile arts (tafta) providing publications
providing publications, conferences and workshops for textile craftspeople. contains conference and magazine subscription information, editor background, news and events.
Forum Tafta Textile Arts Janet Australian Learn Altheas Moresubscribe Oam Rates Threads Fibre Boer Brief History Events
5 liebmann, christine - textile artist and restorer the textile
the textile images are spontaneous designs using a wide range of materials to create tensions and to portray my personal feelings as well as my view of the world.
6 tobon, pilar this textile
this textile artist and sculptor directs the women in textile art organization. includes artist background, list of exhibits, murals gallery.
Pilar Tobon Y
7 brackmann, holly explores weaving
explores weaving, dévoré, dyeing, surface design and emerging textile techniques. her knowledge has been shared by teaching, curating textile and craft exhibitions, lecturing and exhibiting internationally.
8 online spinning and weaving guild web-based guild
web-based guild for anyone interested in the textile arts. features user-contributed photo gallery, textile discussion area, real-time chat, and events calendar.
9 ewa soszko: antique textile conservation textiles from
textiles from different epochs, and methods of textile conservation and restoration. photos of the artists work in ecclesiastical textiles and iconographic paintings.
Httpwwwrepublikaplewasoszko Ewasoszkocomy
10 ewa soszko: antique textile conservation textiles from
textiles from different epochs, and methods of textile conservation and restoration. photos of the artists work in ecclesiastical textiles and iconographic paintings.
Httpwwwrepublikaplewasoszko Ewasoszkocomy
11 heritage textile arts guild guild located
guild located on the southern oregon coast whose mission is to pass on the cultural heritage of textile arts. list of officers, events and newsletter archives.
12 t & j grafix textile painting.
textile painting.
Z Colonycom Free Email Thanks Grafix Tj Web Hosting Spacegraphics Tjgrafix@yahoocom
13 zainudeen, shaheen portfolio of
portfolio of an indian textile designer. includes resume.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Terms Aabaco Privacy Web Customer Website Account Help Advisor Local
14 east coast brush works textile painting
textile painting and party entertainment.
Airbrush Custom Designs Art Helmets East Works Shirts Goalie Brush Masks Coast Airbrushed Batting Party Jackets Shop Mile Tattoos
15 picasso transformed by vivi interpretations of
interpretations of picassos paintings in this textile art form.
16 nimkulrat, nithikul ini creation
ini creation, textile sculptures, three-dimensional art, printed design and research.
Ini Creation Nimkulrat Nithikulz
17 fiberarts - the magazine of textiles journal of
journal of modern textile art. calendar, highlights, and subscription faq.
Found The Found Navigationshilfey
18 jdesigns an eclectic
an eclectic collection displayed in a thumbprint gallery. also contains photographs of textile work and paintings.
Port Apache Server Permanently Thez
19 textilelinks a compilation
a compilation of textile-related words, phrases and links to other sites, by rosemary brock.
Felting Weaving Dyeing Textiles Knitting Spinning Articles Organizations California Quilting Sewing Museums Textilelinks Travel Events Non Textile Tours Custom Basketweaving Peru Qtours
20 awayuq photos and
photos and descriptions of gauze weaving, peruvian textiles, and textile collection gallery.
21 young embroiderers embroidery discovery
embroidery discovery space for children and anyone involved in textile art, craft and education.
Young Embroiderers Education Craft Art Paper Textile Stitching Involved Braiding Fibrebags Design People
22 young embroiderers embroidery discovery
embroidery discovery space for children and anyone involved in textile art, craft and education.
Young Embroiderers Paper Craft Education Textile Art Embroidery Fibre Youngembroidererscomanyone People Textiles School
23 young embroiderers embroidery discovery
embroidery discovery space for children and anyone involved in textile art, craft and education.
Young Embroiderers Education Craft Textile Art Paper People Embroidery Children Stitching Herecouching Fibre Anyone
24 hydman-vallien, ulrica contemporary swedish
contemporary swedish painter, glass artist, ceramicist and textile designer
Hydman Vallien Nordstamp Ulrica Zthumbnails Please
25 silke, textile artist works in
works in silk including interpretation of the major arcana. english and spanish versions available.
Z Silke Y
26 carolines booksncrafty bits information on
information on small loom building, weaving how-to, projects, and textile craft links.
Tripod Create Lycoscom Signup Website Login Requested Tripodcom Couldnt Page Shoppingcheck Hosting Please
27 Accademia Italiana International school
International school of art, fashion, interior, furniture, textile and graphic design located in Florence.
28 monsen, ragnhild scandinavian fiber
scandinavian fiber artist creates tapestries and conceptual textile art, especially large-scale projects. many pictures.
Ragnhild Press Galleries Blog Art Work Exam Textile Atelierstudios Multimedia + Monsencom Separator Scotland Norway Oslo Menu Durham Click Sonja
29 annotated guide
annotated guide to information about the quilting and fiber related art, craft and textile traditions of diverse ethnic groups.
African American Quilt Quilting Native Patterns Quilts Fabric Art South Baby Resources Wedding Pattern Fabrics
30 fine art conservation vancouver, b.c.
vancouver, b.c., canada art conservator. she specializes in preserving and repairing art and historic documents on paper and textile supports.
Conservation Treatments Fine Page Contact Paper Art Dedicated Textiles Blog Welcome Documents Services Go Restoration
31 Oh Joy! Freelance home
Freelance home accessories, textile, and graphic designer shares her random findings of design, style, and other cool things.
Joy Olympus Oh Posts Blog Little Studio Pinterest Mark Instagram Photo Here Confetti Ruby Bando Band Aids Morning Wide Daily Typepad
32 dahl, caroline self-taught textile
self-taught textile artist from san francisco, working in embroidery, applique and piecework. includes gallery, exhibitions and reviews.
Boogie Woogie Music Fabric Caroline Dahl Piano Contemporary American Stitched Hand Roots House Digit Embroidery Gigs Bio
33 adame, susan california artist
california artist presents watercolors, oil and acrylic paintings and works in pen and ink. textile art, photography and 'flying pig' boxes are also featured.
34 bonnie inouye teacher, handweaver
teacher, handweaver and author of exploring multishaft design. includes a gallery of textile work and workshop programs.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce App Help Local Advisor Hosting Gallery Sell Finance Shopping Developer Terms Ads
35 lisa free a textile
a textile artist creating fine handmade linens, quilts and gifts for distinctive contemporary homes or offices.
Fine Free Art Lisa Artist Oil Work Paintings Welcome Working Gallery Wwwsimplesharebuttonscomshare Artbody=policy
36 sylvie boyer french weaver
french weaver and artist creating textile sculptures and wallhangings, and offering courses to professional weavers, beginners and hobbyists.
Tisserande Tissage Textiles Créations Bras Dart Stages Liens Textile Sylvie Boyer English Mohair Visitez Art Stage
37 west lake conservators skaneateles, new
skaneateles, new york firm offering painting, paper, textile, mural, frame and object restoration and preservation.
Paper Murals Photographs Lake Contact Conservators Textiles Paintings Theater Disaster Resources Curtains Member Faq Staff Conservation West Recovery Philosophy Workshops
38 giulini, nöle c. organic sculptures
organic sculptures, composed of unusual materials, such as used textile, pepper grains, fruit and vegetables in gelatine, and rabbit droppings.
Art Kombucha Artist Materials Giulini | Feminist United Portfolios States Spiritual Nole Germany Yoga Heidelberg Studios Photography
39 stajan-ferkul, andrea ontario artist
ontario artist and illustrator shows textile studies, interpretive room settings, impressionistic florals, and landscapes.
40 new york arts alive graphic and
graphic and fine artists, illustrators, and illustrative painters available for book, brochure, textile, and greeting card work.
Art Classes Workshops Hudson Valley Rockland County Nj Centers Nyc Step Corporations Acrylic College Beginner
41 williams, christine textile paintings
textile paintings composed of antique textiles appliqued by hand onto silk organza as though using paint. motifs are a commentary on modern life.
Christine Williams Organza Contact Galleries Appliqu Webmaster Biography Artist Design Inquiries News Exhibitions Area Bay Appliquequot Silk Textiles
42 madden, melody creates hand
creates hand painted fabric and textile art using applique and quilting. site includes her biography, workshop schedule and online gallery.
Blog Lynne Contact Artist Melody Madden Powered Photocratipromise Believe | Above Galleries
43 textile art by sara lechner contemporary works
contemporary works including multiple media and embroidery. site includes gallery, artists biography and workshops she offers.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Hosting Maps Archiveorg Inc Privacy Finance User Guidelines Archives
44 prairie textile arts guild located in
located in bismarck, north dakota. includes planned meetings and past minutes, officers roster and history.
45 tsvetomira nikolova hand woven
hand woven tapestries and other textile art by mira nikolova, uk
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Privacy Trying Waybackmachine Sorry Sports Inc Internet
46 fiber news e-zine for
e-zine for fiber and textile artists. includes sample issue and articles.
Sign Everything Lifestream Now Places People Account Policy Inc Reserved Networks Terms Youre Privacy Create
47 textile repair studio repair, restoration
repair, restoration and appraisal. list of services, contact information.
Quilt Quilts Repair Quiltrepaircom Portfolio Shop Antique Shipping Free Berkeley Nationwide Ship Testimonials Vintage Studio Shattuck Estimates Closed Checkout Ave
48 debell, peggy quilted and
quilted and embellished photo textile collages and embellishments on a background of hand discharged and dyed fabrics. portfolio, biography and information on workshops.
49 munni srivastava textile artist
textile artist from india living in london whose work is a fusion of indian and western techniques, hand and machine embroidery, appliqué and beading.
Embroidery Munni West East Srivastava Indian India Textile Fusion Quilts Fiber Art Texture Publications Wall Exhibitions Welcome
50 rabbit goodys thistle hill weavers mill producing
mill producing reproduction textiles. includes information about textile history forum, exhibits, and photos of examples of work.
Lake Bear Fuel Utah Storage Lawyer Windshield Small Keeping Clean Posted Media Services Dwi Legal Perparedness Safe Ever Anafternoon Cracks Depends
51 anderson, stephen diverse portfolio
diverse portfolio of photography, drawings, paintings, graphic design, textile design, animation and three dimensional work.
Art Design Anderson Expressions Media Stephen Mixed Fingers Collage Fine Artist Burned Video Modern Photography
52 danas textile travels dana mccown
dana mccown shares pictures and notes from her travels to see traditional textiles around the world. also 'guest traveller' submissions.
53 handpainted silk originals pam connolly
pam connolly is a textile artist from richmond, virginia, who paints on white habotai silk in funky and humorous designs.
Domain Domains Testimonials Policy See Help Jcoriginalscom Deals Click Silklegscom Hugedomainscom Return Silk Privacy Own Categories
54 handpainted silk originals pam connolly
pam connolly is a textile artist from richmond, virginia, who paints on white habotai silk in funky and humorous designs.
Domain Help Policy Domains Testimonials See Shopping Cart Error Company Pm Request Todayour Silkroadpearlscom Categories
55 la jolla fiberarts gallery devoted
gallery devoted entirely to the textile arts, including works of artists known both locally and nationally. hours, artists, events, and fiber links.
56 lizzie houghton designer, feltmaker
designer, feltmaker, and textile artist. gallery of her work, exhibition schedule, information on felt-making workshops, and a profile of the artist.
Navigationshilfet Y
57 material insight ceramic and
ceramic and pueblo pottery restoration or repair. navajo rug, blanket, weaving, or textile analysis and certification using dye, yarn, and fiber analysis.
Navajo Pottery Analysis Textile Ceramic Restoration Conservation Dye Pueblo Certification Repair Weaving Blanket Dyes Click Before Dating
58 Subtle Touch Textile Design Inspired from
Inspired from organic shapes and multiple cultures. Creating feminine and nostalgic images and textures applied to printed, knitted, crochet, and stitched textles.
Subtle Touch Popuphouse Cards Contact Greeting Offers Keepsake Personal Products Gifts Click Flow Order Y
59 carpenter, wendy - interfibers design studio mixed-textile fiber
mixed-textile fiber wall art focusing on installations for commercial and residential architecture. techniques include weaving, dyeing, papermaking, and basketry.
Carpenter Wendy Gallery Interfibers Guatemala Door County Design Works Leave Clothing Fish Clearing Creek Fiber Paige Hangings
60 fallon, wendy art and
art and articles by artist and writer and hosted guests highlighting personal creativity: web design, stained glass, textile art, creative writing, and related book and product reviews.
61 school of stitched textiles uk. independent
uk. independent textile school, specialising in creative crafts qualifications in on-site and distance learning embroidery, patchwork and quilting courses.
62 sadowski, petra-marita a gallery
a gallery of mixed-textile fiber reliefs, collages and graphics offered by this german fiber artist. includes biography and statement.
Marita Petra Neussd Sadowski Gallery Neuss Glashaus Pragueczapril Please Reliefs Est Message Textile Leonardo Meinerzhagendjune
63 force eight textile arts group a group
a group who produce innovative textiles, explore mixed media and develop individual artistic creativity. contains a gallery for each artist.
Yahoo Geocities Local Longeravailable Geocities Archiveorg Inc Legal Popular Sites Machinetrying Answers Messenger Flickr
64 bonnie tarses textile designer
textile designer specializing in one-of-a-kind and custom handwovens. trademark techniques include color horoscope weaving, words in color, and easy ikat.
65 pritchard, eleanor textile design
textile design studio producing an annual collection of hand-woven contemporary fabrics. includes current works, influences and design process.
Cebl Pritchard Line Journal Eleanor Shop Upholstery Stripe Inventory Creekside Sfera Projects Studio Wrekin Place Shingle Howell Caradon
66 iosca, philip online portfolio
online portfolio of this textile designer working in jacquard-weave, machine knits and surface design. site includes portfolio, resume and contact information.
Request Cargo Nginx Renew Support Ioscaindustriesupgrade Z
67 patina gallery santa fe
santa fe, nm represents soul-stirring fine art crafts by world-renowned artists. patina features ceramic sculpture, textile art, art jewelry, and sculptural objects.
Homepage Redirecty
68 flickr: embroidery and science this group
this group is to show examples of embroidery, textile and fibre art with a science and nature theme or base.
69 Fashion Design Colleges USA. Network
USA. Network of professional schools to help prepare students for a career in textile and fashion design.
70 ImedaGoze Review of
Review of lifestyle items, fashion, interior design, home accessories, furnishings, childrens wear, art/design related events, textile, floral and graphic design.
Design Core Here Imedagoze Aakkoset Awards Saturday Singapore York Director Video Posted Finland Kayiwa Personal New Zee
71 arink, karin dutch artist
dutch artist uses and researches different media: cut photos, modeled, cut and stitched sculptures, spatial drawings of textile and adhesive foil, animations and text works. site includes brief biography, exhibition list and reviews.
72 fiber revolution site showing
site showing the art quilts of a group of textile artists. the site has an on-line gallery of the artists work and highlights their upcoming shows in the northeastern usa.
73 chameleon quilt studio a textile
a textile artist working in the art quilt medium, deana hartman creates original designs sculpted by fabric, thread and beads which reflect diverse and colorful viewpoints. kansas.
Best Rates Credit Mortgage Free Tickets Tutor Insurance Page Health Contact Cheap Phones Smart Air Privacy Legal Zone Trends
74 dalton textile tours information on
information on up and coming tours to china to discover the secrets of chinese embroidery. pictures and information on previous tours is provided.
Tours China Dalton Tour Textile Itineraries Embroidery Chinese Information Textiles Asia Sarasota Byemail Travel Remote Someday
75 accademia italiana international school
international school of art, fashion design, interior, graphic and textile design. courses of italian language and culture. academic courses and monthly courses offered. (florence, italy)
Corsi Design Di Moda Scuola Italiana Corso Master Laurea Fotografia Firenze Grafica Roma Della Scuole Stilismo
76 puchka peru cultural tours provides cultural
provides cultural, textile, and folk art market tours of peru. includes tour information, prices and company profile.
Tours Peru Travel Puchka Textiles Weaving Independent Mercado Artmarket Laura Textile Studio Argentina Bolivia Pushka Traditional Adventure
77 visual voices artists creations
artists creations in painting, digital imaging,painting, collage textile arts, photography and assemblage gather in a virtual gallery, featuring barbara boothe-loyd, sue burke-harrington, ann bellinger hartley, sue liska and judith r. shamp.
Visual Voices Liska Delda Bellinger Mixed Burke Hickok Media Rosanne Skinner Hartley Cindy Harrington Hudson Acrylic
78 embroidery in france embroidery and
embroidery and textile gallery of val holmes, embroiderer and author. residential embroidery, machine embroidery and art holidays at la boulinerie, near la rochelle in france.
79 open college of the arts oca offers
oca offers courses in a wide range of artistic subjects including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography , creative writing, music and textile, interior & garden design at all levels of ability by post or personal tuition. affiliated to the open university.
Arts Courses Open Creative College Oca Learning Degrees Cookie Skills Textiles Youtube Photography Community Google+ History Ayla
80 book reviews: house of niccoló by dorothy dunnett - reading room house of
house of niccolo: the time is 1460 to roughly 1480, the place, the known world for europeans of the time. dunnett chose a young apprentice in a flanders textile merchants house as her protagonist. his name is claes vander poêle, later to become nicholas de fleury.
Tours Level Travel Italy Czech Anywhere Tour Australia Germany Policy Europe Slovenia Contact Kingdom Hungary Found Blog Oceania Slovakia Privacy
81 williamsburg festival week four festivals
four festivals revolving around the textile arts: mid-atlantic fiber arts fair, mid-atlantic quilt festival, mid-atlantic wearable art festival, vintage fashion & accessories show. workshops, lectures and special activities, vendors. williamsburg, virginia.
Quilt Show Competition Wearable Registration Art Antiques Shows Festivals Festival Entry Sponsors Mancuso Atlantic Form Mid Pre Arts Informationlecturesspecial

Textile Dictionary

fabric / cloth / material / textile: artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers, "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent", "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around / BC", "she measured off enough material for a dress"
textile machine: a machine for making textiles
textile mill: a factory for making textiles
textile screw pine / lauhala / Pandanus tectorius: Polynesian screw pine
textile: of or relating to fabrics or fabric making, "textile research" Reviews for Textile. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Textile" (visitors of this topic page). Textile › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Textile Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

A textile or cloth is a flexible material consisting of a network of natural or artificial fibres . Yarn is produced by spinning raw fibres of wool, flax, cotton, or other material to produce long strands. Textiles are formed by weaving, knitting, crocheting, knotting, or felting.

82 results for Textile: