1 Garden ToolKit - Collection of gardening Garden Tools Add Compare View New Garden Outdoor Accessories Lawn Products Wood Solid Canopy Bird Houses Umbrella
GardenToolkit is an Australia’s famous online store offering comprehensive selection of garden furniture and gardening tools for every space...Taigum Add Compare View New Garden Outdoor Accessories Lawn Products Wood Solid Canopy Bird Houses Umbrella
1 Alpaca Breeders Toolkit
This kit
This kit is a search facility for the Australian and NZ breeding records.
This kit is a search facility for the Australian and NZ breeding records.
2 Eversolve
Offers the
Offers the Medi7 Parser Toolkit for HL7 compliance. Includes pricing.
Eversolve Healthcare Llc         Vendors Integration Application Changing Woodvue World   Services Systems Llc Providers Training Deliver Llcall New
Offers the Medi7 Parser Toolkit for HL7 compliance. Includes pricing.
Eversolve Healthcare Llc         Vendors Integration Application Changing Woodvue World   Services Systems Llc Providers Training Deliver Llcall New
3 Eversolve
Offers the
Offers the Medi7 Parser Toolkit for HL7 compliance. Includes pricing.
Eversolve Llc         Healthcare Application Integration Woodvue Changing Vendors Providers Roadwindham   Support World Systems Llc New Contact Road
Offers the Medi7 Parser Toolkit for HL7 compliance. Includes pricing.
Eversolve Llc         Healthcare Application Integration Woodvue Changing Vendors Providers Roadwindham   Support World Systems Llc New Contact Road
4 Cheetah Learning
Offers a
Offers a 5 day study program and exam toolkit for passing the PMP.
Cheetah Exam Project Pmp Management Prep Pass Training Free Learning Pmi Capm Provider Pmbok Institute Passing Busy
Offers a 5 day study program and exam toolkit for passing the PMP.
Cheetah Exam Project Pmp Management Prep Pass Training Free Learning Pmi Capm Provider Pmbok Institute Passing Busy
5 telemation
crm software
crm software system including complete telephony features and application development toolkit.
crm software system including complete telephony features and application development toolkit.
6 petroleum experts
developing the
developing the integrated production modelling toolkit ipm. including prosper, gap, mbal, pvtp, reveal and openserver.
developing the integrated production modelling toolkit ipm. including prosper, gap, mbal, pvtp, reveal and openserver.
7 Six Sigma Management Kit
A toolkit
A toolkit of materials to support six sigma, including a calculator and templates.
Sigma Information Pages Sample Quality Itil Six Purchase Management Page Including Training Sixsigma Workshop Kit
A toolkit of materials to support six sigma, including a calculator and templates.
Sigma Information Pages Sample Quality Itil Six Purchase Management Page Including Training Sixsigma Workshop Kit
8 Satori Software
Home of
Home of Bulk Mailer Plus and MailRoom ToolKit, an address management and postal mailing solution that is compliant with the USPS, Royal Mail and Canada Post.
Home of Bulk Mailer Plus and MailRoom ToolKit, an address management and postal mailing solution that is compliant with the USPS, Royal Mail and Canada Post.
9 PAT toolkit
Provides information
Provides information on the FDA’s Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Initiative and outlines a software package to help pharmaceutical manufacturers implement this initiative.
Pat Technology Process Pharmaceutical Analytical Software Change Understanding Wide Manufacturing Plant Analysis Blog Implementing Multivariate Management Spectroscopy Nir
Provides information on the FDA’s Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Initiative and outlines a software package to help pharmaceutical manufacturers implement this initiative.
Pat Technology Process Pharmaceutical Analytical Software Change Understanding Wide Manufacturing Plant Analysis Blog Implementing Multivariate Management Spectroscopy Nir
10 Trainers Toolkit
A complete
A complete people skills training resource, this site contains materials, assessments and facilitation material to fit every organizations training needs.
A complete people skills training resource, this site contains materials, assessments and facilitation material to fit every organizations training needs.
11 Smartline Home Loans Group
A mortgage
A mortgage broker that provides a financial toolkit, to answer questions about getting a home loan, a list of consultants contact details.
Mortgage Loan Brokers Loans Broker Client Smartline Finance Australia Investing Contact First Lenders Personal Advice Upgrading Accounts Best
A mortgage broker that provides a financial toolkit, to answer questions about getting a home loan, a list of consultants contact details.
Mortgage Loan Brokers Loans Broker Client Smartline Finance Australia Investing Contact First Lenders Personal Advice Upgrading Accounts Best
12 Investment Spy
Investors toolkit
Investors toolkit for portfolio stock management, up-to-the minute research, hot stock picks, plus Adriane Bergs Insiders Guide to Investing. Download free demo.
Investmentspycom Here Clickgo To Z
Investors toolkit for portfolio stock management, up-to-the minute research, hot stock picks, plus Adriane Bergs Insiders Guide to Investing. Download free demo.
Investmentspycom Here Clickgo To Z
13 Lumenos, Inc.
[USA] Offers
[USA] Offers three phase program of consumer-driven healthcare, consisting of health savings account, traditional health coverage, and a health toolkit.
[USA] Offers three phase program of consumer-driven healthcare, consisting of health savings account, traditional health coverage, and a health toolkit.
14 Air Travel Toolkit
Informational software
Informational software for travellers. Includes airline ticket tutorial, airport codes, state maps, airport finder and air mileage calculator. Free evaluation version available.
Informational software for travellers. Includes airline ticket tutorial, airport codes, state maps, airport finder and air mileage calculator. Free evaluation version available.
15 the iso 14000 and iso 14001 toolkit
iso 14000
iso 14000 and iso 14001 policies, procedures, checklists, forms, and presentations.
iso 14000 and iso 14001 policies, procedures, checklists, forms, and presentations.
16 Employee Survey Online
An employee
An employee survey toolkit built for practitioners and any organization wanting to measure staff attitudes, views and perceptions of the working environment. Delivery from Melbourne, Australia.
An employee survey toolkit built for practitioners and any organization wanting to measure staff attitudes, views and perceptions of the working environment. Delivery from Melbourne, Australia.
17 Hamilton Municipal Employees Credit Union Limited (HMECU)
A financial
A financial institution for municipal and healthcare workers, where account holders are also part of the ownership. Details its accounts and services and offers a financial toolkit.
A financial institution for municipal and healthcare workers, where account holders are also part of the ownership. Details its accounts and services and offers a financial toolkit.
2. Shopping and Toolkit Trade
3. Toolkit Recreation
1 Emotion Toolkit
Notes and
Notes and quotes from the journal of a psychology student about self-help topics.
Notes and quotes from the journal of a psychology student about self-help topics.
Information about
Information about places around the globe. Discussion boards, travel guides and travelers toolkit.
Travel Rtw Bootsnall America World Indie Around New Travelers Tickets Share Password Eurail Community Asia Zealand Google Fares Network
Information about places around the globe. Discussion boards, travel guides and travelers toolkit.
Travel Rtw Bootsnall America World Indie Around New Travelers Tickets Share Password Eurail Community Asia Zealand Google Fares Network
3 CCH Business Owners Toolkit
Discusses reasons
Discusses reasons to test employees for drug use. Features a map utility to help you locate state laws about the subject.
Services Error Information Messageslinks Page File Cannot Open Administrative Help Managercustom Setup Tasks
Discusses reasons to test employees for drug use. Features a map utility to help you locate state laws about the subject.
Services Error Information Messageslinks Page File Cannot Open Administrative Help Managercustom Setup Tasks
4. Computer & Toolkit Games Websites
1 Solaris Security Toolkit
The Solaris
The Solaris Security Toolkit, informally known as the JumpStart Architecture and Security Scripts (JASS) toolkit, provides a flexible and extensible mechanism to minimize, harden, assess, and secure Solaris Operating Environment systems.
Oracle Cloud Java Learn Mysql Developers Microsystems Solaris Technology Youtube Download Sun Network Support Partner Events Contact Sparc Acquired
The Solaris Security Toolkit, informally known as the JumpStart Architecture and Security Scripts (JASS) toolkit, provides a flexible and extensible mechanism to minimize, harden, assess, and secure Solaris Operating Environment systems.
Oracle Cloud Java Learn Mysql Developers Microsystems Solaris Technology Youtube Download Sun Network Support Partner Events Contact Sparc Acquired
2 IBM RTSP Toolkit
IBMs toolkit
IBMs toolkit is based on tools developed for video and other applications in 1995-1996. Their toolkit reflects the Unix philosophy of shells, processes and generic tools, and demonstrate a shell-based implementation of the protocol and its usefulness for non-multimedia applications. [Client, includes source]
Primary Terms Contact Ibm® Apologies _the Navigation Learn Page Client Explore Featured States Research Privacy Y
IBMs toolkit is based on tools developed for video and other applications in 1995-1996. Their toolkit reflects the Unix philosophy of shells, processes and generic tools, and demonstrate a shell-based implementation of the protocol and its usefulness for non-multimedia applications. [Client, includes source]
Primary Terms Contact Ibm® Apologies _the Navigation Learn Page Client Explore Featured States Research Privacy Y
3 The ASP Toolkit
A toolkit
A toolkit of ready to use templates and documents designed to make management and development of ASP more straight forward. [Commercial]
Person Internet Trait Computing Enterprise Human Machine Vmturbo Linux Project Set Telephone Business Engineering Tags Asp Toolkitcom Managers Sr Iov Knowledge Transfer Transaction Touch Users
A toolkit of ready to use templates and documents designed to make management and development of ASP more straight forward. [Commercial]
Person Internet Trait Computing Enterprise Human Machine Vmturbo Linux Project Set Telephone Business Engineering Tags Asp Toolkitcom Managers Sr Iov Knowledge Transfer Transaction Touch Users
4 log4p
The Logging
The Logging Toolkit For Python, modeled after the Java toolkit log4j. [Open Source, IBM Public License]
Added Python Critical Debug Renamed Api Pep Sysloghandler Sockethandler Configparser Altered Filter Logger Fatal Smtphandler Module Level Simple Loggergetroot
The Logging Toolkit For Python, modeled after the Java toolkit log4j. [Open Source, IBM Public License]
Added Python Critical Debug Renamed Api Pep Sysloghandler Sockethandler Configparser Altered Filter Logger Fatal Smtphandler Module Level Simple Loggergetroot
5 SAJAX - Simple Ajax Toolkit by ModernMethod
An open
An open source XMLHTTPRequest toolkit with PHP, Perl, and Python backends.
Sajax Download Ajax Modernmethod Toolkit Php Fixed Contact Wall Simple Perl Examples See Sajaxphptxt Io Donate News Vince
An open source XMLHTTPRequest toolkit with PHP, Perl, and Python backends.
Sajax Download Ajax Modernmethod Toolkit Php Fixed Contact Wall Simple Perl Examples See Sajaxphptxt Io Donate News Vince
6 AC2 - Software Toolkit
A multi-lingual
A multi-lingual toolkit for various decision tree algorithms with C++ libraries. Available for free download for a variety of platforms.
Error Permanently Movedy
A multi-lingual toolkit for various decision tree algorithms with C++ libraries. Available for free download for a variety of platforms.
Error Permanently Movedy
7 Secure Web Services Using the SOAP Toolkit
Describes how
Describes how to implement a secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit for Visual Studio 6.0, as well as how to implement a client application that can access the secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit. By Mary Kirtland, Microsoft.
Request Errory
Describes how to implement a secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit for Visual Studio 6.0, as well as how to implement a client application that can access the secure Web Service using the SOAP Toolkit. By Mary Kirtland, Microsoft.
Request Errory
8 Exemplar Setup Toolkit
An installation
An installation toolkit for Windows platforms with integration features for Visual C++. (Exemplar Software Corporation)
An installation toolkit for Windows platforms with integration features for Visual C++. (Exemplar Software Corporation)
9 Expression 3D Toolkit
A free
A free Object Oriented 3D toolkit. It is written in C++/STL. It has support for interactive 3D graphics using OpenGL and non-interactive sphere tracing.
Toolkit Expressiony
A free Object Oriented 3D toolkit. It is written in C++/STL. It has support for interactive 3D graphics using OpenGL and non-interactive sphere tracing.
Toolkit Expressiony
10 Create Ajax Login Page with Dojo Toolkit and Zend Framework
Includes a
Includes a tutorial explaining how to use the Dojo Toolkit with the application.
Zend Framework Toolkit Dojo Request Mvc Linkedin Codecharge Prado Httpgooglecom+alexnetkachov Aspnet Github Tdatagrid Dojoxhrpost
Includes a tutorial explaining how to use the Dojo Toolkit with the application.
Zend Framework Toolkit Dojo Request Mvc Linkedin Codecharge Prado Httpgooglecom+alexnetkachov Aspnet Github Tdatagrid Dojoxhrpost
11 Working with the Google Web Toolkit []
The Google
The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) lets you create Ajax applications by writing Java code and generating JavaScript automatically. Robert Cooper shows how to get up and running with a GWT example.
Java Google Oreilly Toolkit Media Safari Tomcat Maven Engine Working Web Optimization Cooper Information Robert Topics Traffic Data
The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) lets you create Ajax applications by writing Java code and generating JavaScript automatically. Robert Cooper shows how to get up and running with a GWT example.
Java Google Oreilly Toolkit Media Safari Tomcat Maven Engine Working Web Optimization Cooper Information Robert Topics Traffic Data
12 xWire Framework (AJAX Toolkit)
xWire is
xWire is a mature, object-oriented, enterprise-class open source AJAX toolkit that contains numerous useful features and widgets.
Navigationshilfe Ty
xWire is a mature, object-oriented, enterprise-class open source AJAX toolkit that contains numerous useful features and widgets.
Navigationshilfe Ty
13 Solaris Security Toolkit
Formerly known
Formerly known as the JumpStart Architecture and Security Scripts (JASS) toolkit, provides a flexible and extensible mechanism to harden and audit Solaris.
Oracle Sun Technology Solutions Solaris Java Network Optimized Pdf Developers Software Hardware Microsystems | Product
Formerly known as the JumpStart Architecture and Security Scripts (JASS) toolkit, provides a flexible and extensible mechanism to harden and audit Solaris.
Oracle Sun Technology Solutions Solaris Java Network Optimized Pdf Developers Software Hardware Microsystems | Product
14 WinMine Toolkit Home Page
By David
By David Chickering at Microsoft Research. The WinMine Toolkit is a set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. The majority of the tools are command-line executables that can be run in scripts.
Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcom Herereference Error Join Tutorial Winmine Toolkit Requestwinmine@microsoftcom Leave Page
By David Chickering at Microsoft Research. The WinMine Toolkit is a set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. The majority of the tools are command-line executables that can be run in scripts.
Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcom Herereference Error Join Tutorial Winmine Toolkit Requestwinmine@microsoftcom Leave Page
15 WinMine Toolkit Home Page
By David
By David Chickering at Microsoft Research. The WinMine Toolkit is a set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. The majority of the tools are command-line executables that can be run in scripts.
Here Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcom Pagereference Error Request Toolkit Winmine@microsoftcom Winminetutorial Join Leave
By David Chickering at Microsoft Research. The WinMine Toolkit is a set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. The majority of the tools are command-line executables that can be run in scripts.
Here Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcom Pagereference Error Request Toolkit Winmine@microsoftcom Winminetutorial Join Leave
16 Rehab Toolkit/Medical Information Management Systems, LLC (MIMS)
Delivers Rehab
Delivers Rehab Toolkit, an intergrated clinical management solution for rehabilitation professionals running on the Raining Data D3 database. Located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA.
Delivers Rehab Toolkit, an intergrated clinical management solution for rehabilitation professionals running on the Raining Data D3 database. Located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA.
17 IBM High Level Assembler and Toolkit: HLASM
HLASM for MVS, VM, VSE, and the optional HLASM Toolkit Feature provide a comprehensive development environment for System/390 assembler applications.
HLASM for MVS, VM, VSE, and the optional HLASM Toolkit Feature provide a comprehensive development environment for System/390 assembler applications.
18 Object Movie Toolkit : 3D images
This toolkit
This toolkit generates a compact object similar to a Quicktime Object Movie that can be viewed in a Java enabled browser.
This toolkit generates a compact object similar to a Quicktime Object Movie that can be viewed in a Java enabled browser.
19 High Level Assembler and Toolkit (HLASM)
System/390 assembler
System/390 assembler toolkit for MVS & VM & VSE (HLASM) including disassembler, by IBM.
Ibm Assembler High Level Toolkit Feature Hlasm Vm System Modernization Email Product Environmentaccessibility Compiler
System/390 assembler toolkit for MVS & VM & VSE (HLASM) including disassembler, by IBM.
Ibm Assembler High Level Toolkit Feature Hlasm Vm System Modernization Email Product Environmentaccessibility Compiler
20 Linux Trace Toolkit
The Linux
The Linux Trace Toolkit catalogs system events in minute detail, and allows a user to determine exactly what is transpiring on his system, down to the microsecond.
Trace Linux Toolkit Lttng Here Ltt Pre Blog Behind Contact Training Embedded Efficios Community
The Linux Trace Toolkit catalogs system events in minute detail, and allows a user to determine exactly what is transpiring on his system, down to the microsecond.
Trace Linux Toolkit Lttng Here Ltt Pre Blog Behind Contact Training Embedded Efficios Community
21 P-Synch - Password Management ToolKit
A password
A password management toolkit that lets users synchronize passwords and help desk administrators authenticate callers and reset their passwords. Also includes self-service and password aging features.
Password Passwords Reset Manager Hitachi Id Security Software Server Brochures Change Management Self Technology Savings User Studies Active Pass
A password management toolkit that lets users synchronize passwords and help desk administrators authenticate callers and reset their passwords. Also includes self-service and password aging features.
Password Passwords Reset Manager Hitachi Id Security Software Server Brochures Change Management Self Technology Savings User Studies Active Pass
22 Configuration Manipulation With PHP Config (Dev Shed)
This article
This article introduces a toolkit designed specifically for manipulating configuration files, thereby reducing the number of lines of code needed to read and modify application variables. This toolkit is written in PHP and implemented as a class, suitable for use in any PHP-based application and accessible via standard OO techniques.
Config Pear Forums Php Shed Articles Dev Heres Developer Web Free Manipulation Based Perl Phparray Extension Bruce Mickey
This article introduces a toolkit designed specifically for manipulating configuration files, thereby reducing the number of lines of code needed to read and modify application variables. This toolkit is written in PHP and implemented as a class, suitable for use in any PHP-based application and accessible via standard OO techniques.
Config Pear Forums Php Shed Articles Dev Heres Developer Web Free Manipulation Based Perl Phparray Extension Bruce Mickey
23 Onix Full-Text Indexing and Retrieval Toolkit
Toolkit (SDK)
Toolkit (SDK) for adding full-text indexing and searching capabilities to applications. Ported to a wide range of platforms and highly scalable. Designed for use in both large and small scale systems. Free evaluation download.
Onix Support Query Lextek Stemming Speed Unicode Onixs International Indexing Simple Portability Scalability Operations Structure English
Toolkit (SDK) for adding full-text indexing and searching capabilities to applications. Ported to a wide range of platforms and highly scalable. Designed for use in both large and small scale systems. Free evaluation download.
Onix Support Query Lextek Stemming Speed Unicode Onixs International Indexing Simple Portability Scalability Operations Structure English
24 wftk: Open-Source Workflow Toolkit
The wftk
The wftk is a general-purpose open-source workflow engine and toolkit, designed to work with diverse interfacing systems (databases, mail systems, and user interfaces).
Ive Sourceforge Java Wftk Ill Examples Soap Documentation Mail Perl Oracle Project Zope Cvs Workflow Fiction
The wftk is a general-purpose open-source workflow engine and toolkit, designed to work with diverse interfacing systems (databases, mail systems, and user interfaces).
Ive Sourceforge Java Wftk Ill Examples Soap Documentation Mail Perl Oracle Project Zope Cvs Workflow Fiction
25 JTPACK Linear Solver Toolkit
Toolkit containing
Toolkit containing various Fortran routines developed over a number of years in support of several code efforts at Los Alamos National Lab. It contains some BLAS-like routines, some LAPACK-like routines, various iterative solvers, and utility routines like timers, random number generators, I/O routines, routines to parse command-line arguments to Fortran programs, etc.
Jtpack Mb Telluride Postscript Fortran Solver Linear Ssorpreconditioning Toolkit Html Turner Gmres John Bcgs Pgslib Siam
Toolkit containing various Fortran routines developed over a number of years in support of several code efforts at Los Alamos National Lab. It contains some BLAS-like routines, some LAPACK-like routines, various iterative solvers, and utility routines like timers, random number generators, I/O routines, routines to parse command-line arguments to Fortran programs, etc.
Jtpack Mb Telluride Postscript Fortran Solver Linear Ssorpreconditioning Toolkit Html Turner Gmres John Bcgs Pgslib Siam
26 The Design Patterns Toolkit
A toolkit
A toolkit to design applications using design patterns, with facility to generate code, and reverse engineering. Drag and Drop facility to create UML Class diagrams Support to write custom plug-ins for code generators and reverse engineering. [Open source, GPL]
Please Ownercontactfrozenwere Sorry Frozen
A toolkit to design applications using design patterns, with facility to generate code, and reverse engineering. Drag and Drop facility to create UML Class diagrams Support to write custom plug-ins for code generators and reverse engineering. [Open source, GPL]
Please Ownercontactfrozenwere Sorry Frozen
27 Java Internationalization and Localization Toolkit 2.0
A toolkit
A toolkit for rapid Java applications internationalization and localization development. It will reduce significantly the cost and time for internationalization and localization development.
Java Oracle Se Learn Cloud Update New Ee Technology Network Support Netbeans Developer Javafx Partner Cpu*
A toolkit for rapid Java applications internationalization and localization development. It will reduce significantly the cost and time for internationalization and localization development.
Java Oracle Se Learn Cloud Update New Ee Technology Network Support Netbeans Developer Javafx Partner Cpu*
28 Quintessential School Systems
Application developer
Application developer offering its client-server toolkit and web server solutions. QSDK toolkit, a subroutine library for HP3000 programmers who wish to develop network applications for their HP3000 without having to learn network programming. QWEBS, a MPE/iX based web server designed for the HP 3000. CGI script support with COBOL interface to HP 3000 applications, does not require mixing Posix and MPE applications.
Filenamechanged Directory Error Looking Server Removed Foundthe Unavailable Temporarilymight Been Resource
Application developer offering its client-server toolkit and web server solutions. QSDK toolkit, a subroutine library for HP3000 programmers who wish to develop network applications for their HP3000 without having to learn network programming. QWEBS, a MPE/iX based web server designed for the HP 3000. CGI script support with COBOL interface to HP 3000 applications, does not require mixing Posix and MPE applications.
Filenamechanged Directory Error Looking Server Removed Foundthe Unavailable Temporarilymight Been Resource
29 Zimbraâ„¢ AjaxTk
Zimbra Ajax
Zimbra Ajax Toolkit
Zimbra Community Forums Support Blog Developer Email Partners Zone Software Documentation Collaboration Contribute Open Source Licensing Bug Rss
Zimbra Ajax Toolkit
Zimbra Community Forums Support Blog Developer Email Partners Zone Software Documentation Collaboration Contribute Open Source Licensing Bug Rss
30 SocketWrench
Toolkit for
Toolkit for Internet software development, from Catalyst.
Socketwrench Support Product Visual Windows Activex Internet Download Forums Contact Features License Sockets Studio Purchase Choiceanalyst Supports Server
Toolkit for Internet software development, from Catalyst.
Socketwrench Support Product Visual Windows Activex Internet Download Forums Contact Features License Sockets Studio Purchase Choiceanalyst Supports Server
31 Webmaster Toolkit
Online tools
Online tools for webmasters and web designers.
Checker Generator Link Webmaster Tools Domain Seo Resources Tool Class Software Marketing Keyword Toolkit Engine Name Mime Query Script
Online tools for webmasters and web designers.
Checker Generator Link Webmaster Tools Domain Seo Resources Tool Class Software Marketing Keyword Toolkit Engine Name Mime Query Script
32 MKS Toolkit
Ksh and
Ksh and Csh for Win32 environments, as well as a full development environment.
Toolkit Developers Ptc Windows Unix Mks Sales Request Product Activation Porting Products Software Policies Contact Evaluation
Ksh and Csh for Win32 environments, as well as a full development environment.
Toolkit Developers Ptc Windows Unix Mks Sales Request Product Activation Porting Products Software Policies Contact Evaluation
33 The Tamber Project
A toolkit
A toolkit for developing enterprise websites.
Tamber Contact Blog Legal Jump Privacy News Stayclose Inc Band You’re $match
A toolkit for developing enterprise websites.
Tamber Contact Blog Legal Jump Privacy News Stayclose Inc Band You’re $match
34 FlashKeeper
Toolkit for
Toolkit for management and enhancement of Flash files.
Flashkeepercom Advance Cash Insurance Debt Consolidation Instructions Renewal Phones Expired Name Report Domainfree
Toolkit for management and enhancement of Flash files.
Flashkeepercom Advance Cash Insurance Debt Consolidation Instructions Renewal Phones Expired Name Report Domainfree
35 PJA Toolkit
For generating
For generating images on servers, without the need for an X server. [Open Source, GPL]
Toolkit Java Pja Windows Macos Download Pjatoolkit General Display Eteks Copyrights Off Screen Font Documentation Pure
For generating images on servers, without the need for an X server. [Open Source, GPL]
Toolkit Java Pja Windows Macos Download Pjatoolkit General Display Eteks Copyrights Off Screen Font Documentation Pure
36 Q-Skills
Offering Multimedia
Offering Multimedia training and techniques including toolkit.
Skills Quality Training Tools Learning Improvement Clients Fun Sigma Pace Microsoft Contact Articles Pareto Fpl Required_
Offering Multimedia training and techniques including toolkit.
Skills Quality Training Tools Learning Improvement Clients Fun Sigma Pace Microsoft Contact Articles Pareto Fpl Required_
37 VTK
Visualization ToolKit
Visualization ToolKit -- Contains a FAQ, man pages, a mailing list, information, and example code.
Cdash Cmake Toolkit Paraview Several Untitled Python Welcome Segmentationcpacktools Kitware Kitwares Ctest Registration
Visualization ToolKit -- Contains a FAQ, man pages, a mailing list, information, and example code.
Cdash Cmake Toolkit Paraview Several Untitled Python Welcome Segmentationcpacktools Kitware Kitwares Ctest Registration
38 VTK
Visualization ToolKit
Visualization ToolKit -- Contains a FAQ, man pages, a mailing list, information, and example code.
Cdash Cmake Toolkit Paraview Developedthrough Segmentation Java Ctest Pythonkitwaresnewsletter Cpacktools Inc Kitware
Visualization ToolKit -- Contains a FAQ, man pages, a mailing list, information, and example code.
Cdash Cmake Toolkit Paraview Developedthrough Segmentation Java Ctest Pythonkitwaresnewsletter Cpacktools Inc Kitware
39 Xpolicy Solutions
Instant online
Instant online business-building toolkit
Freemoneywebsitecom Policy Privacy Clickdomain Z
Instant online business-building toolkit
Freemoneywebsitecom Policy Privacy Clickdomain Z
40 Albatross
A toolkit
A toolkit for stateful web applications. [Open Source, BSD-like, commercially supported]
Albatross Craft Object News Python Toolkit Software Applications Stateful Services Server Side Documentation Skills Redistributions Code Contact Support Liable Summary Shall
A toolkit for stateful web applications. [Open Source, BSD-like, commercially supported]
Albatross Craft Object News Python Toolkit Software Applications Stateful Services Server Side Documentation Skills Redistributions Code Contact Support Liable Summary Shall
41 LWE Research, Inc.
Developer of
Developer of Mathematics DLL Toolkit and other software and engineering tools for Windows.
Research Releases Inc Products Iphone Microsoft Number Here Apple Webmaster Mathematics Server Incdeveloper Services Owners Extremely Statistics
Developer of Mathematics DLL Toolkit and other software and engineering tools for Windows.
Research Releases Inc Products Iphone Microsoft Number Here Apple Webmaster Mathematics Server Incdeveloper Services Owners Extremely Statistics
42 GLT
Portable C++
Portable C++ OpenGL Toolkit including GLUT wrapper and utility classes.
Opengl Glutmaster News Toolkit Shots Screen History Download Introduction Documentation Features License Open Lgpl Glut Welcome Mailing Software Unrestrictive
Portable C++ OpenGL Toolkit including GLUT wrapper and utility classes.
Opengl Glutmaster News Toolkit Shots Screen History Download Introduction Documentation Features License Open Lgpl Glut Welcome Mailing Software Unrestrictive
43 Glut
A window
A window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs.
A window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs.
44 Troll Tech
The company
The company which makes Qt, a GUI software toolkit/widget-kit. KDE is based on Qt.
Z Trolltechcom Y
The company which makes Qt, a GUI software toolkit/widget-kit. KDE is based on Qt.
Z Trolltechcom Y
45 GtkAda
An Ada95
An Ada95 graphical toolkit based on Gtk+, providing the complete set of Gtk+ widgets.
An Ada95 graphical toolkit based on Gtk+, providing the complete set of Gtk+ widgets.
46 GLT
Portable C++
Portable C++ OpenGL Toolkit including GLUT wrapper and utility classes.
Opengl Glutmaster Download Documentation Shots History Introduction Screen Toolkit News Features Lgpl Glut License C++ Windows Welcome
Portable C++ OpenGL Toolkit including GLUT wrapper and utility classes.
Opengl Glutmaster Download Documentation Shots History Introduction Screen Toolkit News Features Lgpl Glut License C++ Windows Welcome
47 Imaging Toolkit for Delphi
A set
A set of VCL components to process and acquire images. By MCM Design. [Shareware]
Image Delphi Twain Toolkit Imaging File Components Support Portable Transformation Print Color Images Morphology Tiff Data Aware Math Scan
A set of VCL components to process and acquire images. By MCM Design. [Shareware]
Image Delphi Twain Toolkit Imaging File Components Support Portable Transformation Print Color Images Morphology Tiff Data Aware Math Scan
48 SDO
An open
An open source toolkit for developing fast and secure connected systems. By Noemax.
Download Wcf Learn Noemax Framework Performance Enterprise Azure Professional Xtensions Fastinfosetnet Trial Net Dotnetcompression Services Windows Provider Balancing Platform
An open source toolkit for developing fast and secure connected systems. By Noemax.
Download Wcf Learn Noemax Framework Performance Enterprise Azure Professional Xtensions Fastinfosetnet Trial Net Dotnetcompression Services Windows Provider Balancing Platform
49 SP
A free
A free, object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing, validating, and entity management.
Sgml Sp System Handling Sps Sgmlxml Using Nsgmls Page Ideas Support Whats How Architectural Generic Features
A free, object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing, validating, and entity management.
Sgml Sp System Handling Sps Sgmlxml Using Nsgmls Page Ideas Support Whats How Architectural Generic Features
50 GinoMenu
Interactive GUI
Interactive GUI builder and Fortran subroutine toolkit for developing GUI applications under Windows.
Ginomenu Gino Products Fortran Graphics Studio Case Consultancy Gui Windows Contact Ginosurf Support Purchase Studies Forming
Interactive GUI builder and Fortran subroutine toolkit for developing GUI applications under Windows.
Ginomenu Gino Products Fortran Graphics Studio Case Consultancy Gui Windows Contact Ginosurf Support Purchase Studies Forming
51 X-Formation
Providers of
Providers of LM-X toolkit that enables strengthened floating/stand-alone license management.
License Software Support End Webinars Manager Live Features Benefits Pricing Demo Management Blog Testimonials Team Media Docs Formation Unique Jobs
Providers of LM-X toolkit that enables strengthened floating/stand-alone license management.
License Software Support End Webinars Manager Live Features Benefits Pricing Demo Management Blog Testimonials Team Media Docs Formation Unique Jobs
52 X-Formation
Providers of
Providers of LM-X toolkit that enables strengthened floating/stand-alone license management.
License Software Support Activation Manager Benefits Live Pricing Demo Webinars Features Lm Statistics Center Formation Management Docs Licensing
Providers of LM-X toolkit that enables strengthened floating/stand-alone license management.
License Software Support Activation Manager Benefits Live Pricing Demo Webinars Features Lm Statistics Center Formation Management Docs Licensing
53 Pixar - Renderman
Information on
Information on the toolkit, software packages, pricing and compatible products.
Pixar Films Terms Rights Scenes Short Renderman Pixarfooter * Behind Found Page Privacyreserved Feature
Information on the toolkit, software packages, pricing and compatible products.
Pixar Films Terms Rights Scenes Short Renderman Pixarfooter * Behind Found Page Privacyreserved Feature
54 GapiDraw
A complete
A complete toolkit to create games for handheld devices. [Free for non-comercial use]
Gapidraw Development Windows Mobile Xperia Made Click Pocket Sony Game Using Performance High List Graphics Storm Source Weather
A complete toolkit to create games for handheld devices. [Free for non-comercial use]
Gapidraw Development Windows Mobile Xperia Made Click Pocket Sony Game Using Performance High List Graphics Storm Source Weather
55 JavaSWF2
A Java
A Java Toolkit that enables parsing, manipulation and generation of the Macromedia Flash files.
Javaswf Javaswf_zip Alpha Changes Java Flashtm Macromedia License Patch Snapshot Group Toolkit Parsinghere
A Java Toolkit that enables parsing, manipulation and generation of the Macromedia Flash files.
Javaswf Javaswf_zip Alpha Changes Java Flashtm Macromedia License Patch Snapshot Group Toolkit Parsinghere
56 WinMine Toolkit
A set
A set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. [Free]
Here Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcomjoin Leave Reference Tutorial Winmine Winmine@microsoftcompage Request Toolkit Error
A set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. [Free]
Here Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcomjoin Leave Reference Tutorial Winmine Winmine@microsoftcompage Request Toolkit Error
57 Imaging Toolkit for C++Builder
A set
A set of VCL components for image processing, optical character recognition and scanning.
Request Request Youry
A set of VCL components for image processing, optical character recognition and scanning.
Request Request Youry
58 WinMine Toolkit
A set
A set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. [Free]
Here Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcom Leavewinmine Error Request Tutorial Join Winmine@microsoftcom Pagereference Toolkit
A set of tools for Windows 2000/NT/XP that allow you to build statistical models from data. [Free]
Here Wmtalk@listresearchmicrosoftcom Leavewinmine Error Request Tutorial Join Winmine@microsoftcom Pagereference Toolkit
59 Ingemars Corner
Archive of
Archive of source-code, all commented, mostly in Pascal. Also home of SAT (Sprite Animation Toolkit).
Think Source Usefulness Novice Experienced Compiler Pascal Converted Original Apple Transskel Codewarrior Based Recommended
Archive of source-code, all commented, mostly in Pascal. Also home of SAT (Sprite Animation Toolkit).
Think Source Usefulness Novice Experienced Compiler Pascal Converted Original Apple Transskel Codewarrior Based Recommended
Produces Environment
Produces Environment Toolkit for Logic Audio: description, ordering information, and related links.
Swiftkick Environment Reaktor Swiftkickcom Guide Logic Reason Beginner’s Toolkit Combinators Users Reason    Sassoinstruments
Produces Environment Toolkit for Logic Audio: description, ordering information, and related links.
Swiftkick Environment Reaktor Swiftkickcom Guide Logic Reason Beginner’s Toolkit Combinators Users Reason    Sassoinstruments
61 Python Routeing Toolkit: PyRT
Software to
Software to enable collecting routing information in a network. [Open Source, GPL]
Software to enable collecting routing information in a network. [Open Source, GPL]
62 ActMaker
Mouse and
Mouse and keyboard toolkit with simple interface and practical functions. It can record daily operation of the computer.
Actmaker Auto Mouse Abcmover Clicker Recorder Keyboard Download Typer Use Easy Software Besides Windows
Mouse and keyboard toolkit with simple interface and practical functions. It can record daily operation of the computer.
Actmaker Auto Mouse Abcmover Clicker Recorder Keyboard Download Typer Use Easy Software Besides Windows
63 OpenAccess OLE DB SDK
Provides the
Provides the toolkit and the run-time software components needed to implement an OLE DB provider for your data source. By Automation Technology, Inc.
Data Odbc Jdbc Openaccess Db Now Employee Ole Sql Source Application Access Try Contact Enterprise Class Development Connectivity Support Tools
Provides the toolkit and the run-time software components needed to implement an OLE DB provider for your data source. By Automation Technology, Inc.
Data Odbc Jdbc Openaccess Db Now Employee Ole Sql Source Application Access Try Contact Enterprise Class Development Connectivity Support Tools
64 Versim Differencing Toolkit for Java
Assist developers
Assist developers of XML applications in identifying differences between XML documents. Online demo. [Shareware]
Request Inquiry Domain Holdings Nginx Brokerage |z
Assist developers of XML applications in identifying differences between XML documents. Online demo. [Shareware]
Request Inquiry Domain Holdings Nginx Brokerage |z
65 GA Playground
A general
A general GA toolkit implemented in Java, for experimenting with genetic algorithms and handling optimization problems. Source code is available.
Function Problems Java Multiple Playground Knapsack Mode Source Definition Problem Application Functions Steiner Variable Minimization Kin Competition Multi Modal Cities Coordinates Continuous
A general GA toolkit implemented in Java, for experimenting with genetic algorithms and handling optimization problems. Source code is available.
Function Problems Java Multiple Playground Knapsack Mode Source Definition Problem Application Functions Steiner Variable Minimization Kin Competition Multi Modal Cities Coordinates Continuous
66 GSF Tools & Docs
A system
A system programmers toolkit by Gilbert Saint-flour. Includes information on VSAM support in Rexx.
Error Description Requestz Navigationshilfe Could Process
A system programmers toolkit by Gilbert Saint-flour. Includes information on VSAM support in Rexx.
Error Description Requestz Navigationshilfe Could Process
67 Accusoft
Solutions dimagerie.
Solutions dimagerie. Commercialisation du toolkit ImageGear pour les développeurs de logiciels médicaux. Site multilingue.
Prizm Imagegear Document Viewer Content Connect Accusoft Xpress Barcode Mobile Image Processing Imagxpress Sdks Cloud News Statement
Solutions dimagerie. Commercialisation du toolkit ImageGear pour les développeurs de logiciels médicaux. Site multilingue.
Prizm Imagegear Document Viewer Content Connect Accusoft Xpress Barcode Mobile Image Processing Imagxpress Sdks Cloud News Statement
68 Zyworld
Offering web
Offering web hosting. Supporting built in webpage builder, web graphic toolkit, photo editor and search engine submission.
Free Web Zyweb Resources Zyworld Resource Photo Knowledge Welcome Customer Tools Area Graphics Page Center Plug Ins Program
Offering web hosting. Supporting built in webpage builder, web graphic toolkit, photo editor and search engine submission.
Free Web Zyweb Resources Zyworld Resource Photo Knowledge Welcome Customer Tools Area Graphics Page Center Plug Ins Program
69 Art Directors Toolkit 2.4
By Code
By Code Line Communications, this software allows users to manipulate and analyze fonts. Offers a free 15-launch demo.
Art Support Toolkit Directors Files Software Products Design Saves Graphic Professional Money Scroll Y
By Code Line Communications, this software allows users to manipulate and analyze fonts. Offers a free 15-launch demo.
Art Support Toolkit Directors Files Software Products Design Saves Graphic Professional Money Scroll Y
70 SP
Windows and
Windows and Unix. Object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management. Can validate any version of HTML for which a DTD is available. Free Software.
Sgml Sp System Handling Sps Whats Summary Sgmlxml Architectural Ideas Page Using Generic Support How
Windows and Unix. Object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management. Can validate any version of HTML for which a DTD is available. Free Software.
Sgml Sp System Handling Sps Whats Summary Sgmlxml Architectural Ideas Page Using Generic Support How
71 iBuild
Multimedia authoring
Multimedia authoring toolkit by Acrux Software for creating and running educational courseware, presentations and surveys on the Macintosh computer.
Creativepro Creativeprocom Indesign Page Found Creative Photoshop Ultimate Trade Type Form Color Policy Request Follow Labels
Multimedia authoring toolkit by Acrux Software for creating and running educational courseware, presentations and surveys on the Macintosh computer.
Creativepro Creativeprocom Indesign Page Found Creative Photoshop Ultimate Trade Type Form Color Policy Request Follow Labels
72 IBM - Web Services Toolkit
A runtime
A runtime environment as well as demo/examples to design and execute web-service applications to find one another and collaborate in business transactions.
Group Communities Community Owner Developerworks Alphaworks Member Interest Management Members Keep Shared Others Easily Moderation Analytics Business
A runtime environment as well as demo/examples to design and execute web-service applications to find one another and collaborate in business transactions.
Group Communities Community Owner Developerworks Alphaworks Member Interest Management Members Keep Shared Others Easily Moderation Analytics Business
73 SimBionic
An intelligent
An intelligent agent toolkit that lets you create behaviors within games and simulations quickly and easily, without programming, using its graphical user interface.
Simbionic Processing Event Complex Games Simulations Henke Training Intelligence Artificial Force Ai Game Simventiveâ„¢ Purchase Command Stottler
An intelligent agent toolkit that lets you create behaviors within games and simulations quickly and easily, without programming, using its graphical user interface.
Simbionic Processing Event Complex Games Simulations Henke Training Intelligence Artificial Force Ai Game Simventiveâ„¢ Purchase Command Stottler
74 SpatialAce
Toolkit for
Toolkit for building interactive real-time applications with 2D or 3D presentations, from simulators and command and control (C3I) to surveillance and traditional GIS systems. [Win9x/NT/2k]
Naip Asia Wavgen Bundle America Earthondrive Topo Landsat News Aerial India Mohnen Live Europe Data Jpeg Jp Canada Research Cartography
Toolkit for building interactive real-time applications with 2D or 3D presentations, from simulators and command and control (C3I) to surveillance and traditional GIS systems. [Win9x/NT/2k]
Naip Asia Wavgen Bundle America Earthondrive Topo Landsat News Aerial India Mohnen Live Europe Data Jpeg Jp Canada Research Cartography
75 IBM M4Play
Java based
Java based multimedia player from the platform independent IBM Toolkit for MPEG-4 including authoring tools for MP4 files with Systems content.
Group Communities Community Alphaworks Management Owner Developerworks Member Interest Tivoli Easily Developer Follow Follower Security
Java based multimedia player from the platform independent IBM Toolkit for MPEG-4 including authoring tools for MP4 files with Systems content.
Group Communities Community Alphaworks Management Owner Developerworks Member Interest Tivoli Easily Developer Follow Follower Security
76 Pdftk
A software
A software toolkit which performs a range of manipulations on PDF files. List of features, example useage, and downloads for several platforms. Open source GPL licence.
Pdftk Pdf Server How Pro Stamptk Manual Tool Gui Bookmarks Pdftkpro Red Barcode Pdftkserver Centos Headers Cli
A software toolkit which performs a range of manipulations on PDF files. List of features, example useage, and downloads for several platforms. Open source GPL licence.
Pdftk Pdf Server How Pro Stamptk Manual Tool Gui Bookmarks Pdftkpro Red Barcode Pdftkserver Centos Headers Cli
77 Onadime
Music visualization
Music visualization in real-time. Composer toolkit features drag-and-drop programming for visuals triggered by live sensors.
Permanently The Servercopy Onadime Apache Port
Music visualization in real-time. Composer toolkit features drag-and-drop programming for visuals triggered by live sensors.
Permanently The Servercopy Onadime Apache Port
78 Bruce Perens
Software projects
Software projects include an embedded systems toolkit and memory management debugger. Articles about open source and interviews.
Bruce Perens Wordpress Leave Wordpressorg Sample Page Entries Rss Uncategorized Proudly Primary Source Logposts
Software projects include an embedded systems toolkit and memory management debugger. Articles about open source and interviews.
Bruce Perens Wordpress Leave Wordpressorg Sample Page Entries Rss Uncategorized Proudly Primary Source Logposts
79 SuperCom
A serial
A serial data communication toolkit for sockets communication via TCP/IP. [Components, Commercial]
Serial Communication Supercom Windows Library Visual Rs Delphi Protocol Bit C++ Basic Data Server Modem Net Framework Vc Vba
A serial data communication toolkit for sockets communication via TCP/IP. [Components, Commercial]
Serial Communication Supercom Windows Library Visual Rs Delphi Protocol Bit C++ Basic Data Server Modem Net Framework Vc Vba
80 Natalkas Oracle DBA Toolkit
Scripts, tips
Scripts, tips and tools for Oracle DBAs and developers.
Oracle Scripts Tips Text Publications Articles Quick Toolkit Monitoring Natalkas Create Debugging Free Dba Dbas Jdbc Enable Object
Scripts, tips and tools for Oracle DBAs and developers.
Oracle Scripts Tips Text Publications Articles Quick Toolkit Monitoring Natalkas Create Debugging Free Dba Dbas Jdbc Enable Object
81 Registry Toolkit .NET
Extends the
Extends the functionality of the Microsoft registry classes. By ComponentSpace.
Extends the functionality of the Microsoft registry classes. By ComponentSpace.
82 AC Plant Designer
A plant
A plant design and construction toolkit connecting AutoCAD with database functionality.
| Studio Anlagenbau Gold Autodesk Cad Partner Gebäudetechnik Architektur Abcom Ingenieurbau Bauwesen Workshops Hamburg Studium Cadstudio Management
A plant design and construction toolkit connecting AutoCAD with database functionality.
| Studio Anlagenbau Gold Autodesk Cad Partner Gebäudetechnik Architektur Abcom Ingenieurbau Bauwesen Workshops Hamburg Studium Cadstudio Management
83 Screen Gear
Screen saver
Screen saver, image viewer and slide show software toolkit.
Screen Saver Viewer Toolkit Image Gear Software Macintosh Aiff Jpeg Director Free Pict Royalty Savers Runtime
Screen saver, image viewer and slide show software toolkit.
Screen Saver Viewer Toolkit Image Gear Software Macintosh Aiff Jpeg Director Free Pict Royalty Savers Runtime
84 IBM WSDL Toolkit
A set
A set of tools that allow developers to generate client and server code from a WSDL document. By IBM
Group Communities Community Interest Member Management Alphaworks Owner Developerworks Contributions Commerce Expertise Agile Information Goal
A set of tools that allow developers to generate client and server code from a WSDL document. By IBM
Group Communities Community Interest Member Management Alphaworks Owner Developerworks Contributions Commerce Expertise Agile Information Goal
85 Ability Software, Inc.
Offers add-on
Offers add-on software for Medisoft including a dealers toolkit and file repair.
Software Ability Medical Solutions Products Services Inc Ecommerce Management Support Contact Hosted Patient Interactions |
Offers add-on software for Medisoft including a dealers toolkit and file repair.
Software Ability Medical Solutions Products Services Inc Ecommerce Management Support Contact Hosted Patient Interactions |
86 NS Basic
BASIC toolkit
BASIC toolkit, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment.
Nsbappstudio Tutorials Mobile Wiki Android Tech Blog Phonegap Basic Download Press Demo Notes User Ns Complete Borsdorf Royalty
BASIC toolkit, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment.
Nsbappstudio Tutorials Mobile Wiki Android Tech Blog Phonegap Basic Download Press Demo Notes User Ns Complete Borsdorf Royalty
87 Cray Message Passing Toolkit
Release notes
Release notes for MPI, PVM, and SHMEM implementations for Cray PVP systems.
Cray Storage Supercomputers System Series Analytics Sciences News Urika Contact Company Information Cluster User Media Management Gd Generation Xa Energy
Release notes for MPI, PVM, and SHMEM implementations for Cray PVP systems.
Cray Storage Supercomputers System Series Analytics Sciences News Urika Contact Company Information Cluster User Media Management Gd Generation Xa Energy
88 NS Basic
BASIC toolkit
BASIC toolkit, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment.
Nsbappstudio Mobile Tutorials Wiki Phonegap Basic Press Download Demo Android Blog Notes Tech Faq User Subset Ns
BASIC toolkit, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment.
Nsbappstudio Mobile Tutorials Wiki Phonegap Basic Press Download Demo Android Blog Notes Tech Faq User Subset Ns
89 Help Desk Management Toolkit
A selection
A selection of resources and documents designed to help ensure that the help desk is well-managed and implemented.
Help Desk Management Toolkit Here Sample Pages Click Level Information Easy Training Security Presentation Guidebook
A selection of resources and documents designed to help ensure that the help desk is well-managed and implemented.
Help Desk Management Toolkit Here Sample Pages Click Level Information Easy Training Security Presentation Guidebook
90 IBM Logging Toolkit for Java
Provides logging
Provides logging, tracing functions, and filters. Part of the IBM alphaWorks project. [Commercial]
Group Communities Community Interest Owner Alphaworks Member Management Developerworks Open New Security Members Within Source Java Moderation
Provides logging, tracing functions, and filters. Part of the IBM alphaWorks project. [Commercial]
Group Communities Community Interest Owner Alphaworks Member Management Developerworks Open New Security Members Within Source Java Moderation
91 Alis Technologies
Software globalization
Software globalization, internationalization library, linguistic toolkit, Alis Translation Solutions
Forbidden Accessusing Permission Deniedyou Error Thecredentialssupplied Page Server Directory
Software globalization, internationalization library, linguistic toolkit, Alis Translation Solutions
Forbidden Accessusing Permission Deniedyou Error Thecredentialssupplied Page Server Directory
92 Alis Technologies
Software globalization
Software globalization, internationalization library, linguistic toolkit, Alis Translation Solutions
Access Forbidden Permissionsupplied Using Page Error Deniedyou Directorythecredentials Server
Software globalization, internationalization library, linguistic toolkit, Alis Translation Solutions
Access Forbidden Permissionsupplied Using Page Error Deniedyou Directorythecredentials Server
93 OpenGL Toolkit FAQ
Information about
Information about various OpenGL toolkits including GLUT, SDL, CPW and others.
Glut Opengl Faq Freeglut Libraries Patches Toolkits Toolkit Cpw Frameworks Game Font Information Windowing Glfw
Information about various OpenGL toolkits including GLUT, SDL, CPW and others.
Glut Opengl Faq Freeglut Libraries Patches Toolkits Toolkit Cpw Frameworks Game Font Information Windowing Glfw
94 Internet ToolKit for 4D
ITK transforms
ITK transforms any 4D database into an Internet server or client.
Itk Toolkit Internet Available __ Updates Programmers Homepage Macos News Datasheet Extension Dimension Sha Faq Cq Distributors Ripemd Html
ITK transforms any 4D database into an Internet server or client.
Itk Toolkit Internet Available __ Updates Programmers Homepage Macos News Datasheet Extension Dimension Sha Faq Cq Distributors Ripemd Html
95 Distinct Corporation
Offers Network
Offers Network Monitor, the only protocol analyzer software, RPC Toolkit for Windows, Java and .Net programming, terminal emulators for TN3270, TN5250 and VT420.
Tn Windows Intelliterm Vt Rpc Distinct Onc Apis Rpcxdr Monitor Network Toolkit Jose Caspita Rmi Notices Check
Offers Network Monitor, the only protocol analyzer software, RPC Toolkit for Windows, Java and .Net programming, terminal emulators for TN3270, TN5250 and VT420.
Tn Windows Intelliterm Vt Rpc Distinct Onc Apis Rpcxdr Monitor Network Toolkit Jose Caspita Rmi Notices Check
96 Stuff-ToolKit for 4D
4th Dimension
4th Dimension plug-in that allow to use Aladdin Systems Stuffit Engine directly from 4th Dimension programming language.
4th Dimension plug-in that allow to use Aladdin Systems Stuffit Engine directly from 4th Dimension programming language.
97 Kennedy Carter
System creation
System creation consultancy services. Describes UML-based approach, TA-1 system architecture, and development toolkit.
域åÂÂ出åâ€Â® 金牌æ‹Âå– Baocom é“å·网z
System creation consultancy services. Describes UML-based approach, TA-1 system architecture, and development toolkit.
域åÂÂ出åâ€Â® 金牌æ‹Âå– Baocom é“å·网z
98 Egerter Software
Home of
Home of the Power Render 3D Engine, WordUp Graphics Toolkit 2D libraries, and SEAL audio libraries.
Buy Now Camera Beginners Buy Camera Phantom Power Fpv Render Ardrone Aerial Rc Mp Beginners Buy Max Remote Ch New Toys
Home of the Power Render 3D Engine, WordUp Graphics Toolkit 2D libraries, and SEAL audio libraries.
Buy Now Camera Beginners Buy Camera Phantom Power Fpv Render Ardrone Aerial Rc Mp Beginners Buy Max Remote Ch New Toys
99 OpenAccess JDBC Driver SDK
A toolkit
A toolkit and run-time components to allow development of custom JDBC drivers. By Automation Technology, Inc. [Commercial]
Data Db Jdbc Openaccess Odbc Sql Source Ole Employee Contact Access Enterprise Class Opening Any Custom Worldwide Sources Query
A toolkit and run-time components to allow development of custom JDBC drivers. By Automation Technology, Inc. [Commercial]
Data Db Jdbc Openaccess Odbc Sql Source Ole Employee Contact Access Enterprise Class Opening Any Custom Worldwide Sources Query
100 Jungo
A WinDriver
A WinDriver is a driver development toolkit, designed to enable you to create high performance PCI/USB/ISA based device drivers for all Windows versions without knowing the Kernel or Microsoft DDK.
Windriver Driver Development Support Device Jungo Windows Connectivity Stack Usbware Usb Windrivers Embedded Whql Infotainment
A WinDriver is a driver development toolkit, designed to enable you to create high performance PCI/USB/ISA based device drivers for all Windows versions without knowing the Kernel or Microsoft DDK.
Windriver Driver Development Support Device Jungo Windows Connectivity Stack Usbware Usb Windrivers Embedded Whql Infotainment
101 Oriensoft
Offers Windows
Offers Windows hosting with ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Mobile Internet ToolKit, SQL Server, XML Web Services, Internet Explorer Web Controls and Frontpage Extensions.
Dedicated Datacenter India Co Location Marketing Services Servers Internet Policy Terms Vsnl Server Managed Engine Selling
Offers Windows hosting with ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Mobile Internet ToolKit, SQL Server, XML Web Services, Internet Explorer Web Controls and Frontpage Extensions.
Dedicated Datacenter India Co Location Marketing Services Servers Internet Policy Terms Vsnl Server Managed Engine Selling
102 The Visualization ToolKit (VTK)
A C++
A C++ libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Also Tcl, Python and Java implementations based on the class library.
Cdash Cmake Paraview Toolkit Visualization Cpacktools Segmentation Ctest Additionally Incinsight Registration Untitled Python
A C++ libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Also Tcl, Python and Java implementations based on the class library.
Cdash Cmake Paraview Toolkit Visualization Cpacktools Segmentation Ctest Additionally Incinsight Registration Untitled Python
103 The Visualization ToolKit (VTK)
A C++
A C++ libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Also Tcl, Python and Java implementations based on the class library.
Cdash Cmake Toolkit Paraview Welcome Java Cpacktools Kitwaresnewsletter Kitwarevisualization Tcltk Registration Several Additionally
A C++ libraries for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Also Tcl, Python and Java implementations based on the class library.
Cdash Cmake Toolkit Paraview Welcome Java Cpacktools Kitwaresnewsletter Kitwarevisualization Tcltk Registration Several Additionally
104 Epistemic Corporation
Epistemic Analytics
Epistemic Analytics Toolkit is a software platform for real-time exploratory analysis incorporating data from multiple sources.
Information Management Smes Business Workgroups Epistemic Departmental Solutions Software Power Harness Data Privacy Terms Analytics Notice Sme
Epistemic Analytics Toolkit is a software platform for real-time exploratory analysis incorporating data from multiple sources.
Information Management Smes Business Workgroups Epistemic Departmental Solutions Software Power Harness Data Privacy Terms Analytics Notice Sme
105 Website Meta Language
A free
A free markup generation toolkit for Unix. News, full documentation, mailing list, examples. [Unix]
Wml Language Website Meta Passes Toolkit Generation Html Docs Forunix Set Example Core Input Provides Filtering Only
A free markup generation toolkit for Unix. News, full documentation, mailing list, examples. [Unix]
Wml Language Website Meta Passes Toolkit Generation Html Docs Forunix Set Example Core Input Provides Filtering Only
106 TicaTK
A GUI toolkit for Web applications based on Javascript (client side) and PHP (server side). It provides an OO PHP API which allows complex Web interface creation and management. [Open source, GPL]
A GUI toolkit for Web applications based on Javascript (client side) and PHP (server side). It provides an OO PHP API which allows complex Web interface creation and management. [Open source, GPL]
107 Java Advanced Imaging API
An image
An image processing toolkit supporting tiling, deferred execution, and network imaging. [Sun Binary Code License]
Java Se Oracle Embedded Developer Ee Update Technology Network Javafx Tools How Netbeans Magazine Training Videos
An image processing toolkit supporting tiling, deferred execution, and network imaging. [Sun Binary Code License]
Java Se Oracle Embedded Developer Ee Update Technology Network Javafx Tools How Netbeans Magazine Training Videos
108 OpenAccess ODBC SDK
Provides the
Provides the toolkit and the run-time software components needed to implement ODBC enabled access to your data source. By Automation Technology, Inc.
Data Db Odbc Jdbc Openaccess Contact Ole Sql Application Source Now Employee Try Access Enterprise Class Opening Api Business Whats Development
Provides the toolkit and the run-time software components needed to implement ODBC enabled access to your data source. By Automation Technology, Inc.
Data Db Odbc Jdbc Openaccess Contact Ole Sql Application Source Now Employee Try Access Enterprise Class Opening Api Business Whats Development
109 ActiveWidgets
A modern
A modern cross-browser Web GUI toolkit. Provides full set of standard widgets (grid, tree, tabs, menu, etc.) with fast and convenient data-binding interface. [Open source, GPL]
Activewidgets Grid Brazil_ Antunes Ajaxjavascript Awjsontable Components Gui Firefox Algum Quote Ajax Output Suggestion Single Jack Brasileiro Support
A modern cross-browser Web GUI toolkit. Provides full set of standard widgets (grid, tree, tabs, menu, etc.) with fast and convenient data-binding interface. [Open source, GPL]
Activewidgets Grid Brazil_ Antunes Ajaxjavascript Awjsontable Components Gui Firefox Algum Quote Ajax Output Suggestion Single Jack Brasileiro Support
110 The Dabo Framework
A 3-tier
A 3-tier, cross-platform application development framework, written in Python atop the wxPython GUI toolkit. [Open source, MIT license]
Dabo Visual Paul Wiki Foxpro Python Support News Database Download Wxpython Linux Documentation Multi Platform Tracker Business Gui Applications Issue
A 3-tier, cross-platform application development framework, written in Python atop the wxPython GUI toolkit. [Open source, MIT license]
Dabo Visual Paul Wiki Foxpro Python Support News Database Download Wxpython Linux Documentation Multi Platform Tracker Business Gui Applications Issue
111 Sun Wireless Toolkit for CLDC
A toolbox
A toolbox for developing wireless applications including emulation environments, performance optimization and tuning features, documentation, and examples.
Java Se Oracle Embedded Ee Developer Technology Update Netbeans Network Magazine Training Javafx Tools Videos Vm How Build
A toolbox for developing wireless applications including emulation environments, performance optimization and tuning features, documentation, and examples.
Java Se Oracle Embedded Ee Developer Technology Update Netbeans Network Magazine Training Javafx Tools Videos Vm How Build
112 Rialto - Rich Internet Application Toolkit
Rialto is
Rialto is a cross browser javascript widgets library. Because it is technology agnostic it can be encapsulated in JSP, JSF, .Net or PHP graphic components.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Rialto is a cross browser javascript widgets library. Because it is technology agnostic it can be encapsulated in JSP, JSF, .Net or PHP graphic components.
Navigationshilfe Ty
113 OpenMap
A JavaBeans
A JavaBeans TM based programmers toolkit for building applications and applets that access geospatial data from legacy databases and applications. [Open source]
A JavaBeans TM based programmers toolkit for building applications and applets that access geospatial data from legacy databases and applications. [Open source]
114 Graphics Toolkit for AMD Élan SC400 Embedded Microcontroller
AMD ElanSC400
AMD ElanSC400 native graphics mode can now easily be implemented in C++ and C programs using this library. Source code included.
AMD ElanSC400 native graphics mode can now easily be implemented in C++ and C programs using this library. Source code included.
115 Nacimiento Software Corporation
The AppletVIEW
The AppletVIEW Toolkit controls your LabVIEW and LabWindows instrumentation systems over the Web using Java. You can control and access your virtual instrumentation system from anywhere on a network.
Labview Java Appletview Remote Software + Tour Toolkit Rightsreserved Connected Copyright Protected Patentappletviewtm
The AppletVIEW Toolkit controls your LabVIEW and LabWindows instrumentation systems over the Web using Java. You can control and access your virtual instrumentation system from anywhere on a network.
Labview Java Appletview Remote Software + Tour Toolkit Rightsreserved Connected Copyright Protected Patentappletviewtm
116 Mjksoft
Powercopy is
Powercopy is used to search, copy, move, delete and compress files. ListNetIP displays the IP address of all PCs on a network. WinSuperKit is a network and system toolkit. [Win 95/98/NT/2000]
Mjksoftcom Goclick Here Z
Powercopy is used to search, copy, move, delete and compress files. ListNetIP displays the IP address of all PCs on a network. WinSuperKit is a network and system toolkit. [Win 95/98/NT/2000]
Mjksoftcom Goclick Here Z
117 GraphApp
Toolkit for
Toolkit for cross-platform GUI programming on Windows, X-Windows, Linux and Macintosh systems. It works with the C, C++ and Python languages, and the source code can be freely downloaded here.
Graphapp Windows Board Projects Shots Message Package Version Tree Screen Download C++ Tutorial Reference Questions Macintosh Documentation Interface
Toolkit for cross-platform GUI programming on Windows, X-Windows, Linux and Macintosh systems. It works with the C, C++ and Python languages, and the source code can be freely downloaded here.
Graphapp Windows Board Projects Shots Message Package Version Tree Screen Download C++ Tutorial Reference Questions Macintosh Documentation Interface
118 DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit
Generalized compiler
Generalized compiler technology for custom parsing, analyzing, transforming, and prettyprinting computer languages, including C, C++, COBOL, Ada, Java, C#, SQL. Tasks range from metrics to migrations. [Commercial]
Software Designs Analysis Dms Reengineering Toolkit Semantic Application Generation Languages Transformation Cobol Program Support Custom Register Inc Tools Policies
Generalized compiler technology for custom parsing, analyzing, transforming, and prettyprinting computer languages, including C, C++, COBOL, Ada, Java, C#, SQL. Tasks range from metrics to migrations. [Commercial]
Software Designs Analysis Dms Reengineering Toolkit Semantic Application Generation Languages Transformation Cobol Program Support Custom Register Inc Tools Policies
119 Simplified Speech Toolkit for the Web
Information, software
Information, software, and support for developing applications, web or otherwise, that you talk with using speech recognition and speech synthesis from Chant Inc.
Microsoft Nuance Sapi Speechkit Chant Learn Acapela Ibm Buy $ Cepstral Managing Store Speech Architecture Features
Information, software, and support for developing applications, web or otherwise, that you talk with using speech recognition and speech synthesis from Chant Inc.
Microsoft Nuance Sapi Speechkit Chant Learn Acapela Ibm Buy $ Cepstral Managing Store Speech Architecture Features
120 Stardust Screen Saver Toolkit TE
Create professional
Create professional quality, slide-show style screen savers that can be distribute and sold royalty-free. Download a 10-day Trial.
Error Requesty
Create professional quality, slide-show style screen savers that can be distribute and sold royalty-free. Download a 10-day Trial.
Error Requesty
121 Proteus
An open
An open source toolkit for enterprise application integration. Released under the GNU public license. Description of the product, and links to download source code and latest releases.
An open source toolkit for enterprise application integration. Released under the GNU public license. Description of the product, and links to download source code and latest releases.
122 SimbaProvider for OLAP
Software development
Software development toolkit for creating OLE DB for OLAP (ODBO) and XML for Analysis (XMLA) connectivity to relational data sources. Win32 platforms. By Simba Technologies.
Bit Windows Linux Contact Odbc Learn Data Driver Olap Mac Partners Jdbc Oracle Free Hive Team
Software development toolkit for creating OLE DB for OLAP (ODBO) and XML for Analysis (XMLA) connectivity to relational data sources. Win32 platforms. By Simba Technologies.
Bit Windows Linux Contact Odbc Learn Data Driver Olap Mac Partners Jdbc Oracle Free Hive Team
123 Programming Product Review | Send Java Around the World (Web Techniques, Sep 2000)
Sun Java
Sun Java Internationalization and Localization Toolkit 2.0, and Multilizer Java Edition Pro 2.0.
Conference Development Testing Dobbs Summit Programming Tools Dr Blogs Mobile Languages Design Cloud Parallel Web Lync World Tech Dev
Sun Java Internationalization and Localization Toolkit 2.0, and Multilizer Java Edition Pro 2.0.
Conference Development Testing Dobbs Summit Programming Tools Dr Blogs Mobile Languages Design Cloud Parallel Web Lync World Tech Dev
124 LITk - Litteral Instrumentation Toolkit
A set
A set of Java Bean components that let you create efficient and real-looking GUIs for applications such as data acquisition, instrumentation, supervision, process simulation. [Commercial]
A set of Java Bean components that let you create efficient and real-looking GUIs for applications such as data acquisition, instrumentation, supervision, process simulation. [Commercial]
125 Open Design and Integration Environment (ODIE)
An extension
An extension for realtime control and simulation. It adds a realtime task switcher and a tree-structured data base, as well as a matrix expression toolkit.
Odie Open Packages Environment Design Request Integration Using Login Downloading Howto Hosting Fossil Tags Toadkits Y
An extension for realtime control and simulation. It adds a realtime task switcher and a tree-structured data base, as well as a matrix expression toolkit.
Odie Open Packages Environment Design Request Integration Using Login Downloading Howto Hosting Fossil Tags Toadkits Y
126 LabHSM
A toolkit
A toolkit that allows creating complex event-driven LabVIEW application as an easily maintainable collection of asynchronously communicating active objects ( actors ) based on a universal Hierarchical State Machine ( HSM or statechart ) template.
Diskstation Internet Synology Connect Station Welcome Hello Choose Sharedfolder Manager Panel Providerisp Web Administrators Please Through Y
A toolkit that allows creating complex event-driven LabVIEW application as an easily maintainable collection of asynchronously communicating active objects ( actors ) based on a universal Hierarchical State Machine ( HSM or statechart ) template.
Diskstation Internet Synology Connect Station Welcome Hello Choose Sharedfolder Manager Panel Providerisp Web Administrators Please Through Y
127 COM Port Toolkit
A serial
A serial port monitor and COM port capture tool.
Port Serial Toolkit Windows Monitor Capture Purchase History Downloads Uart Data Pcs Software Contact Rs Download
A serial port monitor and COM port capture tool.
Port Serial Toolkit Windows Monitor Capture Purchase History Downloads Uart Data Pcs Software Contact Rs Download
128 JAVA/400 Mailing List
Discuss JAVA
Discuss JAVA on and around the AS/400. AS/400 Java toolkit, and JDBC.
Java English Once Password Pick Subscribe Language Around Archives Using Programming Welcome Valuablepage
Discuss JAVA on and around the AS/400. AS/400 Java toolkit, and JDBC.
Java English Once Password Pick Subscribe Language Around Archives Using Programming Welcome Valuablepage
129 GLUT for Win32
The OpenGL
The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), originally written by Mark Kilgard, ported to Win32.
Glut Openglorgs Binziprobins Pdf Postscript Port Mark Permanently The Readme Wintxt Html Ftp Apache
The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), originally written by Mark Kilgard, ported to Win32.
Glut Openglorgs Binziprobins Pdf Postscript Port Mark Permanently The Readme Wintxt Html Ftp Apache
130 Technosoftware, Inc.
RTXDOS-16 (DOS compatible) and RTXDOS-32 (WIN32 compatible) real-time OSs for embedded PCs. Modular systems with TCP/IP, WEB server, Process IO, OPC Toolkit, and IEC1131.
Opc Net Visual Server Client Classic Sdks Tools Sdk References Da Support Developer Ae Unified
RTXDOS-16 (DOS compatible) and RTXDOS-32 (WIN32 compatible) real-time OSs for embedded PCs. Modular systems with TCP/IP, WEB server, Process IO, OPC Toolkit, and IEC1131.
Opc Net Visual Server Client Classic Sdks Tools Sdk References Da Support Developer Ae Unified
131 Technosoftware, Inc.
RTXDOS-16 (DOS compatible) and RTXDOS-32 (WIN32 compatible) real-time OSs for embedded PCs. Modular systems with TCP/IP, WEB server, Process IO, OPC Toolkit, and IEC1131.
Opc Net Visual Client Server Classic Sdks Sdk Tools References Da Developer Support Services System
RTXDOS-16 (DOS compatible) and RTXDOS-32 (WIN32 compatible) real-time OSs for embedded PCs. Modular systems with TCP/IP, WEB server, Process IO, OPC Toolkit, and IEC1131.
Opc Net Visual Client Server Classic Sdks Sdk Tools References Da Developer Support Services System
132 CalcExpress for LabVIEW
A toolkit
A toolkit that adds scripting capability to LabVIEW. CalcExpress makes it possible to develop applications that have flexible script-controlled behaviour.
Calcexpress Labview Script Download Testimonials Purchase Vis Order Support Processor Scripts Funcvis Formula Scripting Interactive Platform Labview Random
A toolkit that adds scripting capability to LabVIEW. CalcExpress makes it possible to develop applications that have flexible script-controlled behaviour.
Calcexpress Labview Script Download Testimonials Purchase Vis Order Support Processor Scripts Funcvis Formula Scripting Interactive Platform Labview Random
133 WorldViz Vizard VR Toolkit
A virtual
A virtual reality development interface. Its Python based scripting language makes 3D programming efficient and easy. Virtual humans can be instantly inserted into existing environments.
Reality Virtual Vr Software Close Download Vizard Support Toolkit Projection Upcoming Resellers Architecture System Consulting Academic Free
A virtual reality development interface. Its Python based scripting language makes 3D programming efficient and easy. Virtual humans can be instantly inserted into existing environments.
Reality Virtual Vr Software Close Download Vizard Support Toolkit Projection Upcoming Resellers Architecture System Consulting Academic Free
134 BNET, Belief Network Tools & VisionKit, Computer Vision Components
A developer
A developer toolkit for researchers and engineers to embed belief networks in software applications. Nice online demo. [Commercial]
Error Requesty
A developer toolkit for researchers and engineers to embed belief networks in software applications. Nice online demo. [Commercial]
Error Requesty
135 SécurIT
LogIDS, LogAgent
LogIDS, LogAgent, SécurIT Intrusion Detection Toolkit, and ComLog (a cmd.exe wrapper)
Navigationshilfet Y
LogIDS, LogAgent, SécurIT Intrusion Detection Toolkit, and ComLog (a cmd.exe wrapper)
Navigationshilfet Y
136 BeFaster Internet Speed Up Toolkit
Speed the
Speed the Internet connection by changing several settings in the registry. [Win 95/98/2000/Me/NT]
Speed the Internet connection by changing several settings in the registry. [Win 95/98/2000/Me/NT]
137 easyGUI
API toolkit
API toolkit for developing GUIs with LCD driver library graphics and graphical display controller drivers. Graphic LCD module application using advanced features like proportional writing, icons, lists and scroll boxes, line drawing.
Graphical Contact Shop Easygui Web Gui’s Support User Worldwide Products Easygui Easygui Delivery We Unicode Downloads Terms Target Solutions Allbefore Scroll
API toolkit for developing GUIs with LCD driver library graphics and graphical display controller drivers. Graphic LCD module application using advanced features like proportional writing, icons, lists and scroll boxes, line drawing.
Graphical Contact Shop Easygui Web Gui’s Support User Worldwide Products Easygui Easygui Delivery We Unicode Downloads Terms Target Solutions Allbefore Scroll
138 NS Basic
Information on
Information on the BASIC toolkit that runs on a Windows CE device. It uses Microsofts VBScript engine as its core, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment. By NS BASIC Corporation.
Nsbappstudio Tutorials Mobile Wiki Tech Basic Android Press Demo Blog Notes Download Phonegap Ns User Basicpalm Apps
Information on the BASIC toolkit that runs on a Windows CE device. It uses Microsofts VBScript engine as its core, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment. By NS BASIC Corporation.
Nsbappstudio Tutorials Mobile Wiki Tech Basic Android Press Demo Blog Notes Download Phonegap Ns User Basicpalm Apps
139 NS Basic
Information on
Information on the BASIC toolkit that runs on a Windows CE device. It uses Microsofts VBScript engine as its core, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment. By NS BASIC Corporation.
Nsbappstudio Mobile Tutorials Wiki Phonegap Press Notes Blog Download Demo Tech Basic Android Ns User Visual Basicdesktop Faq Usercomments
Information on the BASIC toolkit that runs on a Windows CE device. It uses Microsofts VBScript engine as its core, combined with extensions to create a complete development and runtime environment. By NS BASIC Corporation.
Nsbappstudio Mobile Tutorials Wiki Phonegap Press Notes Blog Download Demo Tech Basic Android Ns User Visual Basicdesktop Faq Usercomments
140 ExtenXLS Java/Excel Toolkit
Dynamic Excel
Dynamic Excel reporting in their Java web applications. [Commercial]
Connection Handbook Infoteria System Build Enterprise Database Etc Including Between Asteria Intergration Systems Youtube イãÆ’³ãĥã‚©ãĠãÆ’ªã‚¢ Contact Demo
Dynamic Excel reporting in their Java web applications. [Commercial]
Connection Handbook Infoteria System Build Enterprise Database Etc Including Between Asteria Intergration Systems Youtube イãÆ’³ãĥã‚©ãĠãÆ’ªã‚¢ Contact Demo
141 Google Web Toolkit
Java software
Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers taking care of browser and platform incompatibilities and modularity issues.
Gwt Build Contents Introduction Client Json Widgets Started Community Testing Compile Ui Using Mvp Jre Gae Logic Docs
Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers taking care of browser and platform incompatibilities and modularity issues.
Gwt Build Contents Introduction Client Json Widgets Started Community Testing Compile Ui Using Mvp Jre Gae Logic Docs
142 Funduc Software
Windows shareware
Windows shareware and freeware, file management utilities include Search and Replace, Directory Toolkit for comparison and compression, command line Folder Synchronize, File Merge Express.
Replace Purchase Bit Toolkit Version Download Software Information Windows Studio Mover Shareware Secure Application Funduc Synchronize File Duplicate Vs
Windows shareware and freeware, file management utilities include Search and Replace, Directory Toolkit for comparison and compression, command line Folder Synchronize, File Merge Express.
Replace Purchase Bit Toolkit Version Download Software Information Windows Studio Mover Shareware Secure Application Funduc Synchronize File Duplicate Vs
143 Distinct ONC RPC / XDR for Java
A 100%
A 100% pure Java toolkit enables to write distributed applications that can interact with existing RPC application written in C. Supports Secure RPC by implementing DES authentication and XML RPC extensions to turn an ONC RPC server into a web service. [Shareware]
Java Rpc Xdr Toolkit Distinct Onc Whenever Rpcxdr Pure Microsystems Cc++ Standard Remote Xml Extensions Representation Rpcinfo Download
A 100% pure Java toolkit enables to write distributed applications that can interact with existing RPC application written in C. Supports Secure RPC by implementing DES authentication and XML RPC extensions to turn an ONC RPC server into a web service. [Shareware]
Java Rpc Xdr Toolkit Distinct Onc Whenever Rpcxdr Pure Microsystems Cc++ Standard Remote Xml Extensions Representation Rpcinfo Download
144 JUCE
A C++
A C++ toolkit providing a complete set of fundamental classes for building applications for Windows/MacOSX/Linux. It covers GUIs, containers, audio, midi, XML, vector graphics, file/network handling. [Open source, GPL or commercial license]
Request Nginxz
A C++ toolkit providing a complete set of fundamental classes for building applications for Windows/MacOSX/Linux. It covers GUIs, containers, audio, midi, XML, vector graphics, file/network handling. [Open source, GPL or commercial license]
Request Nginxz
145 Wind/U
Toolkit for
Toolkit for creating native UNIX/Motif (Sun Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, SGI IRIX, Digital UNIX, Siemens Nixdorf Reliant UNIX), OpenVMS, and OS/390 applications with the Microsoft Win32 API and Visual C++. By Bristol Technology Inc.
Back Software Close Enterprise Portfolio Hp Information Comprehensive | Solutions Clear Tweets Confidencehp®
Toolkit for creating native UNIX/Motif (Sun Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, SGI IRIX, Digital UNIX, Siemens Nixdorf Reliant UNIX), OpenVMS, and OS/390 applications with the Microsoft Win32 API and Visual C++. By Bristol Technology Inc.
Back Software Close Enterprise Portfolio Hp Information Comprehensive | Solutions Clear Tweets Confidencehp®
146 Rapita Systems Ltd.
RapiTime: a
RapiTime: a suite of tools for analyzing the worst-case execution time (WCET) of software components written in C, assembler or Ada. VirtualTime: a toolkit for building accurate simulations of complex systems. [Commercial]
RapiTime: a suite of tools for analyzing the worst-case execution time (WCET) of software components written in C, assembler or Ada. VirtualTime: a toolkit for building accurate simulations of complex systems. [Commercial]
147 SNMP Toolkit
A control
A control that provides SNMP services to applications. By LogiSoft AR Ltd. [Control, Commercial]
Builder Replaced Snmp Secure Link Rights Ltd Reserved_logisoft Net Z
A control that provides SNMP services to applications. By LogiSoft AR Ltd. [Control, Commercial]
Builder Replaced Snmp Secure Link Rights Ltd Reserved_logisoft Net Z
148 AD2 Toolkit for Clipper and Zachary Developers
provides a
provides a complete suite of tools for developing database programs with Clipper and Zachary, and includes the latest upgrade to Zachary.
provides a complete suite of tools for developing database programs with Clipper and Zachary, and includes the latest upgrade to Zachary.
149 OpenAccess SDK and ODBC Drivers
Toolkit for
Toolkit for custom ODBC,JDBC,OLE DB,and ADO.NET driver development for any data source. Also offers shrink-wrapped ODBC drivers for Unix.
Data Sdk Business Application Development Integration Employee Access Worldwide Rules Openaccess Contact Platform Secure Developer Privacy
Toolkit for custom ODBC,JDBC,OLE DB,and ADO.NET driver development for any data source. Also offers shrink-wrapped ODBC drivers for Unix.
Data Sdk Business Application Development Integration Employee Access Worldwide Rules Openaccess Contact Platform Secure Developer Privacy
150 TestMap Extensions
The concept
The concept of a TestMap(tm) for concise collections of test cases is introduced by our toolkit that also supports viewing detailed test results, problem symptom recognition and error classification. Find help here for using SilkTest.
Travel Leading Testmapcom Test Join Discount Africa Businesscruise Netcaribbean Asia Map
The concept of a TestMap(tm) for concise collections of test cases is introduced by our toolkit that also supports viewing detailed test results, problem symptom recognition and error classification. Find help here for using SilkTest.
Travel Leading Testmapcom Test Join Discount Africa Businesscruise Netcaribbean Asia Map
151 PlusFORT Fortran Analysis Toolkit
Product from
Product from Polyedron for Fortran source code restructuring, global static analysis, coverage analysis, automated make, and version selection.
Intel Fortran Tools Studio Composer Xe Automake Windows Absoft Software Performance Suite Qmerge Visual System Aix Ultrix Hpux
Product from Polyedron for Fortran source code restructuring, global static analysis, coverage analysis, automated make, and version selection.
Intel Fortran Tools Studio Composer Xe Automake Windows Absoft Software Performance Suite Qmerge Visual System Aix Ultrix Hpux
152 MIPS Club
MIPS Know how with detailed documents, BSP Source code download, ToolKit and RTOS porting code to IDT MIPS 79RC32334, WindRiver Probe-ICE Setup. With free resource downloads.
Mips Solution System Embedded Bsp Code Club Application Simons Mipsclub Porting| Download Simon
MIPS Know how with detailed documents, BSP Source code download, ToolKit and RTOS porting code to IDT MIPS 79RC32334, WindRiver Probe-ICE Setup. With free resource downloads.
Mips Solution System Embedded Bsp Code Club Application Simons Mipsclub Porting| Download Simon
153 QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
Canadian firm
Canadian firm that develops, maintains, and markets QNX RTOS and related products: Photon microGUI, QNX/Neutrino, IAT, FLEET, FTL, QNX In-Hand Toolkit, PhAB, Phindows, PhinX, Voyager. QNX is fast microkernel, POSIX.1 compliant, x86 platform, year 2000 safe.
Qnx Systems Services Product Medical Apps Software Media Embedded Support Automotive Technology Developer Operating Products Space Grade Future Proof Education Car Cool Development
Canadian firm that develops, maintains, and markets QNX RTOS and related products: Photon microGUI, QNX/Neutrino, IAT, FLEET, FTL, QNX In-Hand Toolkit, PhAB, Phindows, PhinX, Voyager. QNX is fast microkernel, POSIX.1 compliant, x86 platform, year 2000 safe.
Qnx Systems Services Product Medical Apps Software Media Embedded Support Automotive Technology Developer Operating Products Space Grade Future Proof Education Car Cool Development
154 OSG OpenSceneGraph
OpenGL portable
OpenGL portable, 3D high performance graphics toolkit for applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. C++ object oriented framework on top of OpenGL running on Windows, OSX, Linux, IRIX, Solaris and FreeBSD systems.
Openscenegraph Guides News Community Maintainers Releases Support Remo Handling Books Downloads Press Linux Cpanel Software Package Getting Packaging Mapping
OpenGL portable, 3D high performance graphics toolkit for applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. C++ object oriented framework on top of OpenGL running on Windows, OSX, Linux, IRIX, Solaris and FreeBSD systems.
Openscenegraph Guides News Community Maintainers Releases Support Remo Handling Books Downloads Press Linux Cpanel Software Package Getting Packaging Mapping
155 ImageMAKER Development
ImageMAKER Development:
ImageMAKER Development: The Leader in multi-platform fax toolkit and unified messaging components. TIFF print capture drivers, fax imaging tools and document conversion sdks for OEM applications on all Windows platforms.
Windows Print Imagemaker Fax Tiff Drivers Document Server Conversion Vista Imaging Driver Jpeg Development Image Version Full Color
ImageMAKER Development: The Leader in multi-platform fax toolkit and unified messaging components. TIFF print capture drivers, fax imaging tools and document conversion sdks for OEM applications on all Windows platforms.
Windows Print Imagemaker Fax Tiff Drivers Document Server Conversion Vista Imaging Driver Jpeg Development Image Version Full Color
156 Kitware Inc. Visualization Toolkit
VTK is
VTK is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including scalar, vector, tensor, texture, and volumetric methods
Software Kitware Computing Data Cdash Source Visualization Contact Medical Processing Paraview Computer Image Events News Blog Webinars Archival Team
VTK is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including scalar, vector, tensor, texture, and volumetric methods
Software Kitware Computing Data Cdash Source Visualization Contact Medical Processing Paraview Computer Image Events News Blog Webinars Archival Team
157 SharpUI for .NET
A complete
A complete toolkit of user interface controls include XP-like toolbars, menus and dockable tool windows, a comprehensive set of databound input controls, a complete set of panel controls. By Data Dynamics.
A complete toolkit of user interface controls include XP-like toolbars, menus and dockable tool windows, a comprehensive set of databound input controls, a complete set of panel controls. By Data Dynamics.
158 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
Formerly known
Formerly known as WebSphere Business Components Composer were derived from the IBM SanFrancisco Application Business Components for Java product.
Websphere Transformation Toolkit Value Branch Unit Ibm Studio Support Developer Processor Features Services Suggested Banking Spanishcolombia Email
Formerly known as WebSphere Business Components Composer were derived from the IBM SanFrancisco Application Business Components for Java product.
Websphere Transformation Toolkit Value Branch Unit Ibm Studio Support Developer Processor Features Services Suggested Banking Spanishcolombia Email
159 Simba Technologies Inc.
Offers an
Offers an SDK for ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB Driver development with full SQL functionality. Also offers a toolkit for OLAP, ODBO and XMLA Provider development with full MDX engine.
Data Odbc Driver Partners Simba Olap Sdk Odbo Latest Technologies Oracle Stories Jdbc Access Build Salesforcecom Oem Ole Apache
Offers an SDK for ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB Driver development with full SQL functionality. Also offers a toolkit for OLAP, ODBO and XMLA Provider development with full MDX engine.
Data Odbc Driver Partners Simba Olap Sdk Odbo Latest Technologies Oracle Stories Jdbc Access Build Salesforcecom Oem Ole Apache
160 GTKeyboard
GTKeyboard is
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
161 GTKeyboard
GTKeyboard is
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
Navigationshilfe Ty
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
Navigationshilfe Ty
162 ElCel Technology - XML tools, training and consultancy
Providers of
Providers of the popular XML Validator - a free command-line utility for Windows and Linux, also supplies the C++ XML Toolkit which includes a SAX 2.0 interface. Experts in XML, offering systems development, training and consultancy services.
Xml Opentop Elcel C++ Technology Sax Tools Parser Library Networking Canonical Url Xmlvalid Xmlcanon Extensible
Providers of the popular XML Validator - a free command-line utility for Windows and Linux, also supplies the C++ XML Toolkit which includes a SAX 2.0 interface. Experts in XML, offering systems development, training and consultancy services.
Xml Opentop Elcel C++ Technology Sax Tools Parser Library Networking Canonical Url Xmlvalid Xmlcanon Extensible
163 ElCel Technology - XML tools, training and consultancy
Providers of
Providers of the popular XML Validator - a free command-line utility for Windows and Linux, also supplies the C++ XML Toolkit which includes a SAX 2.0 interface. Experts in XML, offering systems development, training and consultancy services.
Xml Opentop Elcel C++ Technology Tools Parser Sax Canonical Library Networking Global Xmlcanon Ansi Consultancy The
Providers of the popular XML Validator - a free command-line utility for Windows and Linux, also supplies the C++ XML Toolkit which includes a SAX 2.0 interface. Experts in XML, offering systems development, training and consultancy services.
Xml Opentop Elcel C++ Technology Tools Parser Sax Canonical Library Networking Global Xmlcanon Ansi Consultancy The
164 Charles River Analytics, Inc.
BNetâ„¢.Builder is
BNetâ„¢.Builder is a desktop application for rapidly creating Belief Networks, entering information, and getting results. BNet.EngineKit is a developer toolkit for researchers and engineers to use to embed belief networks in software applications.
Request Errory
BNetâ„¢.Builder is a desktop application for rapidly creating Belief Networks, entering information, and getting results. BNet.EngineKit is a developer toolkit for researchers and engineers to use to embed belief networks in software applications.
Request Errory
165 Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP)
A free
A free integrated toolkit to build, test and deploy XML applications, Web services, and Web applications with the latest Web service technologies and standards implementations.
Java Oracle Cloud Learn Technology Applications Network Se Support Partner Netbeans Update Ide Developers Jet
A free integrated toolkit to build, test and deploy XML applications, Web services, and Web applications with the latest Web service technologies and standards implementations.
Java Oracle Cloud Learn Technology Applications Network Se Support Partner Netbeans Update Ide Developers Jet
166 Creating a Linux Firewall
explains very
explains very thoroughly how to build your own `bastion host firewall with Linux using the Trusted Information Systems (TIS) Firewall Toolkit, by Benjamin Ewy, Linux Journal May 1996.
explains very thoroughly how to build your own `bastion host firewall with Linux using the Trusted Information Systems (TIS) Firewall Toolkit, by Benjamin Ewy, Linux Journal May 1996.
167 Dart
Open Source
Open Source - Client/server, multiplatform build reporting system runs predefined builds and sends build results to a central server which displays build histories. No documentation. Part of the GE VTK toolkit project.
Open Source - Client/server, multiplatform build reporting system runs predefined builds and sends build results to a central server which displays build histories. No documentation. Part of the GE VTK toolkit project.
168 Sleepycat Software, Inc.
Builds, distributes
Builds, distributes, and supports The Berkeley Database, an open source embedded database system. Berkeley DB is a programmatic toolkit that provides high-performance built-in database support for both standalone and client/server applications.
Builds, distributes, and supports The Berkeley Database, an open source embedded database system. Berkeley DB is a programmatic toolkit that provides high-performance built-in database support for both standalone and client/server applications.
169 RenderDotC - Dot C Software, Inc.
A photorealistic
A photorealistic rendering toolkit which adheres to the RenderMan (R) standard. Supports advanced capabilities such as motion blur, depth of field, trim curves, texture, environment or displacement mapping, and programmable shading in the RenderMan Shading Language.
Renderdotc Renderman Installation Compliant Linux Renderer Hp Ux Documentation Irix Support Windows Reyes Mailing Prices
A photorealistic rendering toolkit which adheres to the RenderMan (R) standard. Supports advanced capabilities such as motion blur, depth of field, trim curves, texture, environment or displacement mapping, and programmable shading in the RenderMan Shading Language.
Renderdotc Renderman Installation Compliant Linux Renderer Hp Ux Documentation Irix Support Windows Reyes Mailing Prices
170 Cyberons for Java
Includes the
Includes the SNMP Manager Toolkit, a class library for developing SNMP management applications supporting all SNMP management operations such as encoding, decoding, protocol data unit exchanges, and transport. By Netaphor Software Inc.
Solutions Snmp Java Netaphor Partners Government Software Contact Support Services Products Company Toolkit Ipv Manager Programmers
Includes the SNMP Manager Toolkit, a class library for developing SNMP management applications supporting all SNMP management operations such as encoding, decoding, protocol data unit exchanges, and transport. By Netaphor Software Inc.
Solutions Snmp Java Netaphor Partners Government Software Contact Support Services Products Company Toolkit Ipv Manager Programmers
171 An Introduction to Tkinter
By Fredrik
By Fredrik Lundh. Official tutorial for Tkinter, standard Python interface to Tk GUI toolkit, widget configuration, styling, function/method bindings to widget events, documents all Tkinter widgets, classes. Formats: PDF, HTML.
By Fredrik Lundh. Official tutorial for Tkinter, standard Python interface to Tk GUI toolkit, widget configuration, styling, function/method bindings to widget events, documents all Tkinter widgets, classes. Formats: PDF, HTML.
172 Annosoft Lipsync Toolkit
Offers speech
Offers speech tools SDK for building automatic realtime animation lipsync, closed captioning and annotation applications. Clever downloadable demo animation lipsyncs to your microphone speech or .WAV files.
Lipsync Annosoft Tools Tool Tsk Closed Automatic Captioning Downloads Sdk Maya Contact Prices Company Sdks Microphone
Offers speech tools SDK for building automatic realtime animation lipsync, closed captioning and annotation applications. Clever downloadable demo animation lipsyncs to your microphone speech or .WAV files.
Lipsync Annosoft Tools Tool Tsk Closed Automatic Captioning Downloads Sdk Maya Contact Prices Company Sdks Microphone
173 Directory Toolkit
Provides tools
Provides tools for archive management, directory comparison and synchronization, UUENCODED and decoding, and file splitting. Split and concatenate large files and display the differences between any two files. Rename long filenames with wildcards, and perform complex operations using scripting.
Directory Toolkit Windows Replace Zip Software Funduc Script Utility Mail Decode Encode Phone Features Fax Downloads Binhex Verschieben
Provides tools for archive management, directory comparison and synchronization, UUENCODED and decoding, and file splitting. Split and concatenate large files and display the differences between any two files. Rename long filenames with wildcards, and perform complex operations using scripting.
Directory Toolkit Windows Replace Zip Software Funduc Script Utility Mail Decode Encode Phone Features Fax Downloads Binhex Verschieben
174 MKS Unix-Windows Co-Existence Products
Toolkit suite
Toolkit suite of Unix and NT utilities for Windows, X Windows display environment, NutCracker development, interoperability, runtime environment.
Ptc Product Mks Support Software Solutions Toolkit Contact Activation Policies Sales Integrity Customer Management Products Release Extensions Problem Piracy
Toolkit suite of Unix and NT utilities for Windows, X Windows display environment, NutCracker development, interoperability, runtime environment.
Ptc Product Mks Support Software Solutions Toolkit Contact Activation Policies Sales Integrity Customer Management Products Release Extensions Problem Piracy
175 SNMP Toolkit for LabView
A set
A set of LabVIEW VIs which encode and transmit SNMP request messages and traps, and receive and decode SNMP response and trap messages.
Snmp Toolkit Labviewtm Labview Management Welcome Snmptoolkitcom Network Instruments Producttesting Fault Contact National Rapid Functional
A set of LabVIEW VIs which encode and transmit SNMP request messages and traps, and receive and decode SNMP response and trap messages.
Snmp Toolkit Labviewtm Labview Management Welcome Snmptoolkitcom Network Instruments Producttesting Fault Contact National Rapid Functional
176 SuperCard
Integrated development
Integrated development environment similar to Hypercard. Features improved speed, native color support. Supercard can be used to create powerful applications that can be streamed through browsers using Roadster. SuperCard Server Edition includes FlameThrower (a CGI toolkit), and Marionet (for realtime scripting of internet protocols).
Integrated development environment similar to Hypercard. Features improved speed, native color support. Supercard can be used to create powerful applications that can be streamed through browsers using Roadster. SuperCard Server Edition includes FlameThrower (a CGI toolkit), and Marionet (for realtime scripting of internet protocols).
177 SuperCard
Integrated development
Integrated development environment similar to Hypercard. Features improved speed, native color support. Supercard can be used to create powerful applications that can be streamed through browsers using Roadster. SuperCard Server Edition includes FlameThrower (a CGI toolkit), and Marionet (for realtime scripting of internet protocols).
Worldoftalescom Incwell Valueclick Mathwarehousecom Printableskidscom Tolearn These Wwwnetworkadvertisingorg Websitessites Website Policy Privacy Member
Integrated development environment similar to Hypercard. Features improved speed, native color support. Supercard can be used to create powerful applications that can be streamed through browsers using Roadster. SuperCard Server Edition includes FlameThrower (a CGI toolkit), and Marionet (for realtime scripting of internet protocols).
Worldoftalescom Incwell Valueclick Mathwarehousecom Printableskidscom Tolearn These Wwwnetworkadvertisingorg Websitessites Website Policy Privacy Member
178 AdventNet Agent Toolkit Java Edition
Complete development
Complete development environment to build standalone SNMP agents, Multi-Protocol agents, and standalone TL1 agents. It is a suite, which provides testing tools to cater the needs of agent developers.
Agent Snmp Management Solutions Network Zoho Monitoring Solution Carrier Corporation Download Resources Sla Toolkit Partner Java Protocol Mpls Kit
Complete development environment to build standalone SNMP agents, Multi-Protocol agents, and standalone TL1 agents. It is a suite, which provides testing tools to cater the needs of agent developers.
Agent Snmp Management Solutions Network Zoho Monitoring Solution Carrier Corporation Download Resources Sla Toolkit Partner Java Protocol Mpls Kit
179 Creative Computing, Inc.
Makes ST3D
Makes ST3D Smalltalk-based graphics toolkit to make 3D programs (games, simulations, modelers), Grudge Match Pool, The Simple Game, free demo games and utilities, developed with Dolphin Smalltalk, and ST3D.
Contact Displayedpageerror Please Cannot Providerfor
Makes ST3D Smalltalk-based graphics toolkit to make 3D programs (games, simulations, modelers), Grudge Match Pool, The Simple Game, free demo games and utilities, developed with Dolphin Smalltalk, and ST3D.
Contact Displayedpageerror Please Cannot Providerfor
180 ICEsoft
ICEbrowser (HTML
ICEbrowser (HTML component for internet browsing in Java), ICEbox (a mail component), ICEtoolkit (a GUI toolkit based on lightweight AWT components) and ICEssl (a module provides support for secure networking over the Internet, and full support for both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols). [Commercial, trial versions]
Icefaces Icepdf Icemobile Forums Source Mobile Technology Rich Demos Bridgeit Java Icesoft Using Services Applications Technologies Ee Go Global Benefits Intro
ICEbrowser (HTML component for internet browsing in Java), ICEbox (a mail component), ICEtoolkit (a GUI toolkit based on lightweight AWT components) and ICEssl (a module provides support for secure networking over the Internet, and full support for both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols). [Commercial, trial versions]
Icefaces Icepdf Icemobile Forums Source Mobile Technology Rich Demos Bridgeit Java Icesoft Using Services Applications Technologies Ee Go Global Benefits Intro
181 Black Ice DataMatrix Barcode Reading SDK/ActiveX Toolkit
Software library
Software library for Windows providing functions for reading, decoding, searching, and detecting orientation of Data Matrix barcodes. Provides single or multiple-barcode scans from any orientation with checksum character handling.
Datamatrix Sdkactivex Barcode Imaging Toolkits Printer Document Driver Manual Reading Image Black Barcodes Support Tiff
Software library for Windows providing functions for reading, decoding, searching, and detecting orientation of Data Matrix barcodes. Provides single or multiple-barcode scans from any orientation with checksum character handling.
Datamatrix Sdkactivex Barcode Imaging Toolkits Printer Document Driver Manual Reading Image Black Barcodes Support Tiff
182 ICEsoft
ICEbrowser (HTML
ICEbrowser (HTML component for internet browsing in Java), ICEbox (a mail component), ICEtoolkit (a GUI toolkit based on lightweight AWT components) and ICEssl (a module provides support for secure networking over the Internet, and full support for both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols). [Commercial, trial versions]
Icepdf Icefaces Icemobile Source Forums Technology Mobile Rich Demos Java Ee Bridgeit Icesoft Ajax Services Tutorials Integration Newsletters
ICEbrowser (HTML component for internet browsing in Java), ICEbox (a mail component), ICEtoolkit (a GUI toolkit based on lightweight AWT components) and ICEssl (a module provides support for secure networking over the Internet, and full support for both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols). [Commercial, trial versions]
Icepdf Icefaces Icemobile Source Forums Technology Mobile Rich Demos Java Ee Bridgeit Icesoft Ajax Services Tutorials Integration Newsletters
183 Victor Image Processing Library
Image toolkit
Image toolkit for DOS, Win16, & Win32 supporting TIFF, LZW, PackBits, GIF, JPEG, lossy, PCX, PNG, TGA, Targa, BMP, DIB, BIF, raw data, bitmap, TWAIN, scanning, image processing, and printing. (Source code is available, but this is a commercial library.)
Image Processing Library Victor Code Aspnet Lzw Source Eval Catenary File Tiff Sample Free Vicimager Multi
Image toolkit for DOS, Win16, & Win32 supporting TIFF, LZW, PackBits, GIF, JPEG, lossy, PCX, PNG, TGA, Targa, BMP, DIB, BIF, raw data, bitmap, TWAIN, scanning, image processing, and printing. (Source code is available, but this is a commercial library.)
Image Processing Library Victor Code Aspnet Lzw Source Eval Catenary File Tiff Sample Free Vicimager Multi
184 BSQUARE Corporation
Offers products
Offers products and services including: the Windows CE Embedded ToolKit, CE Xpress Adaptation Kits, CE Xpress Binary Kits, CE EmbeddedDesktop, adaptation engineering services, training, and technical support.
Windows Embedded Development Training Learn Mcafee Services Adobe Platform Products Html Software Licensing Store Application Control Evaluate Testquest Careers Optimization Board
Offers products and services including: the Windows CE Embedded ToolKit, CE Xpress Adaptation Kits, CE Xpress Binary Kits, CE EmbeddedDesktop, adaptation engineering services, training, and technical support.
Windows Embedded Development Training Learn Mcafee Services Adobe Platform Products Html Software Licensing Store Application Control Evaluate Testquest Careers Optimization Board
185 BSQUARE Corporation
Offers products
Offers products and services including: the Windows CE Embedded ToolKit, CE Xpress Adaptation Kits, CE Xpress Binary Kits, CE EmbeddedDesktop, adaptation engineering services, training, and technical support.
Bsquare Business Embedded Datav Software Services Iot Support Internet Asset Resources Solutions Development Device Investors Usestransportation Uptime Policy Case
Offers products and services including: the Windows CE Embedded ToolKit, CE Xpress Adaptation Kits, CE Xpress Binary Kits, CE EmbeddedDesktop, adaptation engineering services, training, and technical support.
Bsquare Business Embedded Datav Software Services Iot Support Internet Asset Resources Solutions Development Device Investors Usestransportation Uptime Policy Case
Official web
Official web site for the AIBO open Software Design Environment. Technical details, toolkits, and software samples to help builders create software that runs on the robot or controls the robot from a personal computer. Registration is required for toolkit access.
Psi Japan Icann Under Construction Zwwwopenraibocom
Official web site for the AIBO open Software Design Environment. Technical details, toolkits, and software samples to help builders create software that runs on the robot or controls the robot from a personal computer. Registration is required for toolkit access.
Psi Japan Icann Under Construction Zwwwopenraibocom
187 Jungo Ltd.: DriverBuilder
Device driver
Device driver development toolkit for VxWorks, based on successful WinDriver, greatly simplifies x86/PowerPC driver writing. Eliminates the need to learn VxWorks Core OS and API, allows fast access to any PCI/cPCI, ISA/EISA, ISA PnP cards directly from Tornado development environment.
Windriver Driver Support Development Device Jungo Windows Connectivity Usb Usbware Stack Embedded Windrivers Drivercore Contact
Device driver development toolkit for VxWorks, based on successful WinDriver, greatly simplifies x86/PowerPC driver writing. Eliminates the need to learn VxWorks Core OS and API, allows fast access to any PCI/cPCI, ISA/EISA, ISA PnP cards directly from Tornado development environment.
Windriver Driver Support Development Device Jungo Windows Connectivity Usb Usbware Stack Embedded Windrivers Drivercore Contact
188 MegaPing
Toolkit providing
Toolkit providing all essential utilities for Information System specialists, and system administrators. Includes port scanner (TCP and UDP ports), IP scanner, NetBIOS scanner, monitors, system info viewer, and network utilities.
Bit Purchase Download Activex Control Features Software Documentation Network Global Tools Pack Developers System Controls
Toolkit providing all essential utilities for Information System specialists, and system administrators. Includes port scanner (TCP and UDP ports), IP scanner, NetBIOS scanner, monitors, system info viewer, and network utilities.
Bit Purchase Download Activex Control Features Software Documentation Network Global Tools Pack Developers System Controls
189 MegaPing
Toolkit providing
Toolkit providing all essential utilities for Information System specialists, and system administrators. Includes port scanner (TCP and UDP ports), IP scanner, NetBIOS scanner, monitors, system info viewer, and network utilities.
Bit Purchase Activex Download Control Features Software Documentation Network Global Developers Tools Controls Pack System
Toolkit providing all essential utilities for Information System specialists, and system administrators. Includes port scanner (TCP and UDP ports), IP scanner, NetBIOS scanner, monitors, system info viewer, and network utilities.
Bit Purchase Activex Download Control Features Software Documentation Network Global Developers Tools Controls Pack System
190 MegaPing
Toolkit providing
Toolkit providing all essential utilities for Information System specialists, and system administrators. Includes port scanner (TCP and UDP ports), IP scanner, NetBIOS scanner, monitors, system info viewer, and network utilities.
Bit Purchase Download Control Activex Features Software Documentation Network Global Tools System Pack Controls Developers Upgrade Screenshots
Toolkit providing all essential utilities for Information System specialists, and system administrators. Includes port scanner (TCP and UDP ports), IP scanner, NetBIOS scanner, monitors, system info viewer, and network utilities.
Bit Purchase Download Control Activex Features Software Documentation Network Global Tools System Pack Controls Developers Upgrade Screenshots
191 WaveWarp Audio Toolbox for MATLAB
Modular PC-based
Modular PC-based real-time audio processing toolkit with seamless integration to the MATLAB environment allowing rapid prototyping of signal processing algorithms at pro-audio sample rates. No peripheral DSP hardware required.
Modular PC-based real-time audio processing toolkit with seamless integration to the MATLAB environment allowing rapid prototyping of signal processing algorithms at pro-audio sample rates. No peripheral DSP hardware required.
193 Virage
The VideoLogger
The VideoLogger synchronizes the indexing and encoding of streamable media and content, the Visual Information Retrieval (VIR) Image Engine analyses and compares the visual content of still images, The Image Read/Write (IRW) Toolkit reads, writes and creates thumbnails for image files of various formats.
Management Media Rich Idol Data Customer Autonomy Communications Analytics Marketing Archiving Optimization Support Protection Digital Services Center Verity Scrittura
The VideoLogger synchronizes the indexing and encoding of streamable media and content, the Visual Information Retrieval (VIR) Image Engine analyses and compares the visual content of still images, The Image Read/Write (IRW) Toolkit reads, writes and creates thumbnails for image files of various formats.
Management Media Rich Idol Data Customer Autonomy Communications Analytics Marketing Archiving Optimization Support Protection Digital Services Center Verity Scrittura
194 The GUI Toolkit, Framework Page
A comprehensive
A comprehensive reference on GUI toolkits, user interface frameworks, software libraries, class libraries,windowing APIs, and related software tools for GUI development.Lists GUI libraries categorized by languages,including C, C++, Java, Tcl, Lisp, and Python. Covers both free software and commercial software.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Helpsorry Sports Hosting Archiveorg Archives Internet Trying Terms
A comprehensive reference on GUI toolkits, user interface frameworks, software libraries, class libraries,windowing APIs, and related software tools for GUI development.Lists GUI libraries categorized by languages,including C, C++, Java, Tcl, Lisp, and Python. Covers both free software and commercial software.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Helpsorry Sports Hosting Archiveorg Archives Internet Trying Terms
195 TICL - the Tag Interface Component Library
A complete
A complete toolkit of server-side GUI components accessible through custom tags. Menus, tabbed panes, table views, tree views, styling framework with customizable rendering, HTML forms encapsulation and extensions, declarative form validation mechanism. [Free for non-commercial and commercial license variants]
A complete toolkit of server-side GUI components accessible through custom tags. Menus, tabbed panes, table views, tree views, styling framework with customizable rendering, HTML forms encapsulation and extensions, declarative form validation mechanism. [Free for non-commercial and commercial license variants]
196 Serengeti Systems Incorporated
Serengeti manufactures
Serengeti manufactures PC-Host connectivity and communications products. Products include: 3270Link - PC-Host 3270 Emulation (New!) 3770Link = 3770 SNA/RJE Emulation 3780Link - 3780/2780 RJE Emulation BSCLIB - Bisync Developers Toolkit BatchFile - Async File Transfer (Available Soon).
Ftp Filelink Released Link Bisync Bsclib Improved Windows Transfer Systems Robo Server File Features Available Communications Visual Contact Emr
Serengeti manufactures PC-Host connectivity and communications products. Products include: 3270Link - PC-Host 3270 Emulation (New!) 3770Link = 3770 SNA/RJE Emulation 3780Link - 3780/2780 RJE Emulation BSCLIB - Bisync Developers Toolkit BatchFile - Async File Transfer (Available Soon).
Ftp Filelink Released Link Bisync Bsclib Improved Windows Transfer Systems Robo Server File Features Available Communications Visual Contact Emr
197 Serengeti Systems Incorporated
Serengeti manufactures
Serengeti manufactures PC-Host connectivity and communications products. Products include: 3270Link - PC-Host 3270 Emulation (New!) 3770Link = 3770 SNA/RJE Emulation 3780Link - 3780/2780 RJE Emulation BSCLIB - Bisync Developers Toolkit BatchFile - Async File Transfer (Available Soon).
Ftp Filelink Released Link Bisync Improved Bsclib Windows Transfer Systems Robo Server Available Serengeti Features Secure Walmart Software Solaris Dial Upgrade
Serengeti manufactures PC-Host connectivity and communications products. Products include: 3270Link - PC-Host 3270 Emulation (New!) 3770Link = 3770 SNA/RJE Emulation 3780Link - 3780/2780 RJE Emulation BSCLIB - Bisync Developers Toolkit BatchFile - Async File Transfer (Available Soon).
Ftp Filelink Released Link Bisync Improved Bsclib Windows Transfer Systems Robo Server Available Serengeti Features Secure Walmart Software Solaris Dial Upgrade
198 Bytesmiths Smalltalk Information
Much Smalltalk
Much Smalltalk information: full text of many publications and tutorial slides, description of a suite of team productivity tools for VisualWorks Smalltalk and ENVY/Developer, The Bytesmiths Toolkit, information on Smalltalk consulting services. One of the Webs earliest Smalltalk sites: begun 1994.
Bytesmiths Gallery Art Link Email Tour Welcome Drum Sale Veggie Services Books Products Stuff Credits Collection Blog Anyone Digital
Much Smalltalk information: full text of many publications and tutorial slides, description of a suite of team productivity tools for VisualWorks Smalltalk and ENVY/Developer, The Bytesmiths Toolkit, information on Smalltalk consulting services. One of the Webs earliest Smalltalk sites: begun 1994.
Bytesmiths Gallery Art Link Email Tour Welcome Drum Sale Veggie Services Books Products Stuff Credits Collection Blog Anyone Digital
199 Okino Computer Graphics Software Products
Leading provider
Leading provider of fast, photo-realistic rendering software for Microsoft Windows (the NuGraf Rendering System), cross-platform 3d model translation software (PolyTrans) and cross-platform 3d development libraries for software developers (3D Toolkit).
Polytrans Okino Nugraf Download Ds Demos Products Cinema Max Maya Ordering Converter Translation Contact Polytrans|cad+dcc
Leading provider of fast, photo-realistic rendering software for Microsoft Windows (the NuGraf Rendering System), cross-platform 3d model translation software (PolyTrans) and cross-platform 3d development libraries for software developers (3D Toolkit).
Polytrans Okino Nugraf Download Ds Demos Products Cinema Max Maya Ordering Converter Translation Contact Polytrans|cad+dcc
200 Siber Systems
The CobolTransformer
The CobolTransformer Toolkit product family contains COBOL parser, COBOL Program Tree, and COBOL Code Generator that together form a base on which all other CobolTransformer products are built. COBOL Data File Readers read COBOL data files and convert them to various non-COBOL data formats.
Cobol Coboltransformer Data Dataviewer Products News Dataaccess Library Success Introduction Tools List Customer Partial Readers Features
The CobolTransformer Toolkit product family contains COBOL parser, COBOL Program Tree, and COBOL Code Generator that together form a base on which all other CobolTransformer products are built. COBOL Data File Readers read COBOL data files and convert them to various non-COBOL data formats.
Cobol Coboltransformer Data Dataviewer Products News Dataaccess Library Success Introduction Tools List Customer Partial Readers Features
1 Okino Computer Graphics
Okino Computer
Okino Computer Graphics develops and markets a broad range of 3d rendering, visualization, 3d data translation/conversion and toolkit software: the NuGraf Rendering System, the PolyTrans 3D Data Translator/Converter, and the NuGraf Developers 3D Toolkit/Library
Okino Polytrans Here Cad Download Demos Ordering Page Ds Maya Conversion Okinos Computer Max Autodesk Solid Dealers Sdk Pictures
Okino Computer Graphics develops and markets a broad range of 3d rendering, visualization, 3d data translation/conversion and toolkit software: the NuGraf Rendering System, the PolyTrans 3D Data Translator/Converter, and the NuGraf Developers 3D Toolkit/Library
Okino Polytrans Here Cad Download Demos Ordering Page Ds Maya Conversion Okinos Computer Max Autodesk Solid Dealers Sdk Pictures
3 Yahoo Groups: FST
Offers a
Offers a message board for Flight Sim Toolkit users.
Yahoo Fst File New Uploaded Help Attachments Re Groups Please Copyright Beauty Weather Central Also Shopping Inc
Offers a message board for Flight Sim Toolkit users.
Yahoo Fst File New Uploaded Help Attachments Re Groups Please Copyright Beauty Weather Central Also Shopping Inc
4 Ranedhels RPG Dev Site
Contains description
Contains description for a Quest for Glory fan game made with RPG Toolkit.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing App Advisor Help Local Hosting Gallery Central Please Install
Contains description for a Quest for Glory fan game made with RPG Toolkit.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing App Advisor Help Local Hosting Gallery Central Please Install
5 Web Ring: Flight Sim Toolkit
Provides site
Provides site rankings by page views and information on how to join.
Webring Collaborate People Free Minded Close Website App Below Message Explore Httpwwwwebringcomadvertise Login Shops Apache
Provides site rankings by page views and information on how to join.
Webring Collaborate People Free Minded Close Website App Below Message Explore Httpwwwwebringcomadvertise Login Shops Apache
6 Rogue Spear Retreat
Includes news
Includes news, forum, chat, downloads, toolkit and server listings.
News Carplay Benzick Aaron Apple Auto Media Featured Smartphone Wearables Released Samsung Ferrari Reviews Soundfly Wi Fi Line
Includes news, forum, chat, downloads, toolkit and server listings.
News Carplay Benzick Aaron Apple Auto Media Featured Smartphone Wearables Released Samsung Ferrari Reviews Soundfly Wi Fi Line
7 Galendor UK
Includes plot
Includes plot, progress, screenshots, and media for a Tolkien-inspired fantasy adventure created with RPG Toolkit.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting Help Local Advisor App Gallery Please Screen Developer Politics
Includes plot, progress, screenshots, and media for a Tolkien-inspired fantasy adventure created with RPG Toolkit.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Hosting Help Local Advisor App Gallery Please Screen Developer Politics
8 RSDemon, Runescape Demon
Containing guides
Containing guides, treasure trails, quests, and a runescape toolkit.
Rsdemon Runescape Toolkit Trails Guides Jagex [rsdemon Online] Community] Quests Calculators Mugol Avador Team Treasure Ltd Software Community
Containing guides, treasure trails, quests, and a runescape toolkit.
Rsdemon Runescape Toolkit Trails Guides Jagex [rsdemon Online] Community] Quests Calculators Mugol Avador Team Treasure Ltd Software Community
9 Egerter Software
Home of
Home of the Power Render 3D Engine, WordUp Graphics Toolkit 2D libraries, and SEAL audio libraries.
Wordpress Hello World Power Render Wordpressorg Entries Just Proudly Uncategorized Rss Menu Comments *edit
Home of the Power Render 3D Engine, WordUp Graphics Toolkit 2D libraries, and SEAL audio libraries.
Wordpress Hello World Power Render Wordpressorg Entries Just Proudly Uncategorized Rss Menu Comments *edit
10 Yahoo! Groups: agt-authors
A list
A list dedicated to 'Adventure Game Toolkit' enthusiasts. While the name implies game authors, I might add that anyone interested in AGT games is welcome.
Yahoo Help Groups Please Shopping Homes Onlineservices Copyright Beauty Terms Answers Morexc Xhome News Parenting
A list dedicated to 'Adventure Game Toolkit' enthusiasts. While the name implies game authors, I might add that anyone interested in AGT games is welcome.
Yahoo Help Groups Please Shopping Homes Onlineservices Copyright Beauty Terms Answers Morexc Xhome News Parenting
11 WoD Toolkit
A World
A World of Darkness Character Generator. Supports World of Darkness, Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, and Mage the Awakening.
Frozen Frozenwerecontactthis Sorry Owner Please
A World of Darkness Character Generator. Supports World of Darkness, Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, and Mage the Awakening.
Frozen Frozenwerecontactthis Sorry Owner Please
5. Sports Websites concerning Toolkit
6. Society, Arts and Toolkit Crafts
1 UFO Skeptics Toolkit
Contains lots
Contains lots of UFO material and some newsletters.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Wayback Sports Machine Reach Sorry Sites Maps Longeravailable Archiveorg
Contains lots of UFO material and some newsletters.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Wayback Sports Machine Reach Sorry Sites Maps Longeravailable Archiveorg
2 Black Seminole Slave Rebellion: Toolkit of facts
Guide to
Guide to facts, primary and secondary sources on the slave rebellion led by Black Seminoles in Florida from 1835-1838, documenting claim it was the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.
Rebellion Slave History Toolkit Largest Black Facts Story Images Seminole Revolt Tally Learn Slaves Usslave Why
Guide to facts, primary and secondary sources on the slave rebellion led by Black Seminoles in Florida from 1835-1838, documenting claim it was the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.
Rebellion Slave History Toolkit Largest Black Facts Story Images Seminole Revolt Tally Learn Slaves Usslave Why
1 Toolkit for Poets
Links to
Links to useful sites for aspiring poets.
Create Tripod Requested Website Lycoscom Shopping Page Tripodcom Login Signup Hosting Check Couldnterrorpage
Links to useful sites for aspiring poets.
Create Tripod Requested Website Lycoscom Shopping Page Tripodcom Login Signup Hosting Check Couldnterrorpage
2 the litcrit toolkit
beginners guide
beginners guide to literary theory, demonstrating all the major schools of literary criticism by applying each to the beginning of charlotte brontës jane eyre.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Website Privacy Customer Domains Terms Help Aabaco Affiliate Domain Customers Account Please
beginners guide to literary theory, demonstrating all the major schools of literary criticism by applying each to the beginning of charlotte brontës jane eyre.
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3 Merry Bruns : Web Editors Toolkit
Resources for
Resources for web writers and editors. Links to sources on writing, accessiblility, credibility, information architecture, accessibility, usability, style guides and reference sites.
Web Writing Content Bruns Merry Communications Editors Washington Training Sciencesites Toolkit Classes Workshops Strategist Dc Rewriting Demos
Resources for web writers and editors. Links to sources on writing, accessiblility, credibility, information architecture, accessibility, usability, style guides and reference sites.
Web Writing Content Bruns Merry Communications Editors Washington Training Sciencesites Toolkit Classes Workshops Strategist Dc Rewriting Demos
4 crowynes reading room
'home of
'home of the society of aspiring writers (saw), site also includes book reviews, women in mythology project, legenda listing of online articles (regularly updated), a writers toolkit, and occasional commentary and musings.'
Reviews Bookslave Literary Author Writing Book Spotlight Writers Forum Current Poetry Creative Roleplay Gaiman Reads Recommendations Archives Authorlinks Webrings
'home of the society of aspiring writers (saw), site also includes book reviews, women in mythology project, legenda listing of online articles (regularly updated), a writers toolkit, and occasional commentary and musings.'
Reviews Bookslave Literary Author Writing Book Spotlight Writers Forum Current Poetry Creative Roleplay Gaiman Reads Recommendations Archives Authorlinks Webrings
5 Instant Home Writing Kit
Writing help
Writing help toolkit for home, business, and school. Offers writing tips and downloadable templates for personal and business letters, resume and CVs, essays, term papers, and business reports.
Letter Writing Letters Help Business Write How Templates Samples Term Recommendation Reference Sample Toolkit Recomendation
Writing help toolkit for home, business, and school. Offers writing tips and downloadable templates for personal and business letters, resume and CVs, essays, term papers, and business reports.
Letter Writing Letters Help Business Write How Templates Samples Term Recommendation Reference Sample Toolkit Recomendation