Topic: OR City:
Best reviews ›

Wins Experience


1 Wins Boot Company Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of leather boots and shoes for public service and industry. Also produces footwear for recreation.
2 chicago marine electronics the great
the great lakes dealer, installer and service for ockam, nexus and mayapple instruments. knowledge wins races, cme is committed to provide that.
3 ForeignDirectInvestment Information about
Information about foreign direct investment and the players who make it happen. Includes regional surveys, interviews, multinational rankings, industry overviews, tender wins and losses.
Fdi Locations Future Investment Click Here Asia Europe Pacific Spain Africa East Countries Foreign South Chengdu France Storm
4 Mid America Web Solutions Offers GM
Offers GM dealerships personalized training with VOMS, DCS, distance learning, GM common training, WINS e-claims, GM Buypower and all other GM related internet/intranet programs.

2. Shopping and Wins Trade

1 Chicago Marine Electronics The Great
The Great Lakes dealer, installer and service for Ockam, Nexus and Mayapple Instruments. Knowledge wins races, CME is committed to provide that.
Marine Electronics Satellite Inc Chicago Nmea Note Navigation Instruments Compass Nx Hellas Wind Tv Hercules Vhf Simrad Equipment

3. Wins Recreation

1 Wins Wheekers Contains information
Contains information on guinea pig care, photos and more.
2 Mika Hakkinen Pictures of
Pictures of Mikas race wins.
Found Fipsfrontpage Serveratport Errordocument Opensslapache Additionally Found The
3 Katos Pictures, pedigrees
Pictures, pedigrees, and a list of recent wins. Oregon.
Katos Siberians Enter Thank Featured Rights Copyright Husky Siberian America Kato Tobreed Lastly Gary Y
4 Micetta Photographs of
Photographs of the cats theyve shown to Premiership wins.
5 Jason Arnott Wins Cup for Friend Article from
Article from CNNSI, with picture.
6 PrairiePine Collies Photographs of
Photographs of dogs, and show wins. Located in Canada.
Collies Show They Wins Breeder Afterhours Prairiepine Collie Pedigree Dogs Canada Champion Sale Redfern Carole Ring Keltic House Judges Stud
7 KamValley Information, photos
Information, photos, show wins, and puppies. Ontario, Canada.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Inc Sorry Sports Guidelines Terms Toolbar Hostingnews
8 Bob Gahan Motorsports Profiles racing
Profiles racing legend in New England with over 370 career wins and 13 championships.
Season Gahan Bobby Guestbook Crew Motorsports Sign Rest Race Cars Banquet Wrs Wright Championships Chris
9 Passions Pedigrees, pictures
Pedigrees, pictures, show wins, and litter announcements. Sarasota, Florida.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Ecommerce Local App Small Marketing Hosting Gallery Advisor Domains Central Help Website Ifyoure Compare Tv Privacy
10 Trahern Photos of
Photos of puppies, and dogs including show wins. Located in Australia
Trahern Aust Australia Bull Tenne Terriers Mystic Shirvin Kasper Trahernmemphis Kicsi Ring Love Caitsam Buffington ~ Dogscom
11 The Nick Faldo Website Fan site
Fan site with a victory list and a closer look at his six wins in the majors.
Sign Places Everything People Lifestream Now Updated Policy Advertise Simplifying Terms Staylogin Rights
12 Emerald Boxers Washington.
Washington. Background, show wins, pictures, established 1993.
Emeralds Boxer Amcan Boxers Emerald Washington Breeder Corporate Breed Club American Mantle Rose Trace Ghimenti
13 My American Saddlebred Pintos Photos and
Photos and show wins of Deen Walshs horses.
14 Brett Hearn Dirt modified
Dirt modified racer from Kinnelon, New Jersey with over 500 feature wins.
Results Gallery Brett Hearn Rsaquo Saratoga Albany Lebanon Valley Schedule Stats Racing School Brockville News Graduation Johnson Shoes
15 Nanking Shih Tzu Canadian breeder
Canadian breeder exhibitor.Photographs of some of their dogs and a list of their wins.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Hosting Wayback Mail Sports Visit Guidelines User Longeravailable Sites
16 Shadowrun Kennel history
Kennel history, pedigrees, photographs, and a list of show wins. Phoenix.
Shadowrun Guestbook Rush Australian Kristin Shepherds Michael Sign Shadowrunaussies@junocom Senior Excellentcopyright Braunfels Asca
17 Mileka Calendar of
Calendar of events, list of wins, and general information about sledding. Florida.
Husky Siberian Mileka Siberians Obedience Litter Sites Wins Return Front Netscape Page Significant Other Florida Evaluation
18 Meadowlark Photographs, list
Photographs, list of show wins, pedigrees, and litter announcements. Midland, Virginia.
Irish Boarding Dogs Setters Puppies Setter Kennel Kennels Show Pet Virginia Club Va Achieved Awards
19 Stephenwolf Kennels Photos, list
Photos, list of show wins, litter announcements, and links. Florida.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policytoolbar News Visit Trying Popular Maps Machine Finance
20 Khanis List of
List of show wins and photos of past and present champions. Rainier, Oregon.
Basenjis Khanis Basenji Puppies Hosting Canada Germany Adults Russia Connie France Stud Herfirst Tangangyika Finland
21 Hearty Shih tzu. Exhibitor based
Exhibitor based in Thailand. Photographs of their dogs plus details of their show wins.
Show Thailand Shihtzu Best Breed World Ngamwongwan Hearty Championship Heartys Thchheartys Bangkok Results Diva Club Thchhearty Le Center
22 Sylvesters Kennel List of
List of show wins, pictures, pedigrees, and news. Santa Fe, Texas.
Boarding Dog Kennel Sylvesters Texas Cat Kennels Has Houston Fe Breeds Outside Conditionareas
23 Riqitta Photographs, kennel
Photographs, kennel history, list of show wins, and litter announcements. England.
Riqitta Gold Irish Shillelagh Dylan Bitch Show Wishingtree Limit Setters Promise Authentic Championship Crufts Thomas Qualified Millcroft
24 Rebels Kennels Photos of
Photos of the dogs, including show wins, all accomplished with their junior owner.
Rebels Kennels Sites Agent Double Guestbook Close Wins Sign Thanks Reliance Webring Sponsored Seven Next
25 Steve Klemettis Drag Racing Statistics Information on
Information on times, wins and history of the records.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Tryingwayback Movies Archiveorg Sports Reach Guidelines Privacy Machine Archives
26 Evergreen Kennel history
Kennel history, photographs, pedigrees, list of show wins, and breeding plans. Chardon.
27 Goldpaw Breeding multi-purpose
Breeding multi-purpose dogs. Photographs, list of show wins, and news. Ontario.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Longeravailable User Mapsmachine Sports Archiveorg Archives Wayback Sites
28 Bareve Photographs, breed
Photographs, breed description, and a list of show wins. Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom.
Wirehaired Bareve Field German Pointer Winners Breeder Champions Gwp Dual Trial Purpose Gwps Show Champion Gundogs Best Lincs Plus Uk
29 Winterholme Shih Tzu Showing and
Showing and breeding in Newfoundland, Canada. Photographs and pedigrees of their dogs, and a list of wins available.
30 Mike Childress Desert Racing Recording his
Recording his awards, wins, and those who helped him in the sport. Includes various photographs.
Mike Childress Racing Desert Creations Mikeys Archive Kawasaki Check Guest Xrs Sign Netmind Please Book Childressdesertracing Races Race
31 Gagne Means Wins Fan page
Fan page includes player information, scouting report, pictures, and links.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Customer Terms Help Aabaco Web Privacy Please Customers Store
32 Kenobi Kennel history
Kennel history, pictures, pedigrees, list of show wins, and news. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
33 Luc Ouellette Features biography
Features biography of driver, major career wins, photo galleries and news articles.
Request Errory
34 Darkstone Kennel history
Kennel history and philosophy, pedigrees, list of their show wins, and health articles. Calgary, Alberta.
Litter * Rottweiler Litters * Drago Luna Foundation Kennel Females Second Males Third Copyright Darkstone Ava First Sixth Hannah * Portia
35 Thasrite Pictures of
Pictures of past and present dogs, list of show wins, and breeding plans. Canberra, Australia.
Boxers Thasrite Album World Webpage Dogs Show Canberra Australia Shows Nursery Wins Bostons Contact Australiatel Current
36 Darrowby Breeding plans
Breeding plans, news, list of show wins, photographs, and litter announcements. Upstate New York.
Golden Retrievers Darrowby Goldens English Kennel Retriever New Show Zealand Corgis Champion Australian Obedience Dogs
37 Backyard Bunny Barn Contains photos
Contains photos, list of show wins, and descriptions of rabbits for sale. Located in Arizona.
38 Evensong Kennel history
Kennel history, list of show wins, photographs,a nd litter announcements. Located in the Pacific Northwest.
Tripod Create Requested Signup Check Lycos Errorpage Website Found Hosting Shopping Page Please Logintripodcom
39 Nitro Kennels Pictures, pedigrees
Pictures, pedigrees, list of show wins, news, and breeding plans. Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policypopular Sorry Archives Reach Inc Mail Games Sites
40 Kennel Malvasur News, pictures
News, pictures of their dogs, pedigrees, a list of show wins, and breeding plans. Spain.
Proxy Upwwwwebhostingteliacom Error The Lookup Error Apache Serverport Reason Failure
41 A statistical
A statistical history of the Winston Cup Series. Includes breakdowns by wins, laps led, owners, drivers, and consecutive races won.
42 Miki Arpa This Spanish
This Spanish enduro rider provides his profile, list of wins, agenda, news, links and photo gallery.
Miki Arpa Escuela Road Cursos Niñas Off Niños Enduro De Adultos Para Circuito Videos Galerias Disseny Visita
43 Deja Vu Kennels Memorials for
Memorials for past dogs, photographs, health articles, list of show wins, and pedigrees. Bealeton.
Golden Dogs Labrador Labradors Puppies Goldens Breeder Retrievers Kennel Recommended Club Training Dog Deja Kennels Offering Crate Discovered
44 Seta del Oro Kenel Breeder of
Breeder of Border Collies, includes photos and show wins, links and stud service. Slovenia
Oro Ovcar Collie Cirneco Novak Border Seta Del Barbka Mejni Sasodelletna Borderski Z
45 Sonyc Multipurpose potential
Multipurpose potential for obedience, field, hunt, agility and pet, from certified stock. Pictures, pedigrees, and a list of show wins.
Golden Sonyc Retriever Rescue Club Retrievers Sonycs Memory Tweet Loving Litters Absolut Since Quality Goldenretriever Macbeth Show Other
46 Dulce Breeders of
Breeders of harlequins and mantles for health and temperament. Contains current photographs adults and puppies, show wins, and pedigrees. Broad Brook, CT
Wwwdulcedanescom Dulce Great Danes Website Checkz
47 Capricorn Breeding dogs
Breeding dogs for competition and companionship. Photographs, pedigrees, articles on the breed, list of show wins, and litter announcements. Chandler.
Capricorn Asca Claire Shepherds Australian Guestbook Gustafson Nationals Juniors Emily Services Thomas* Puppies Thomas Breeding Sign Akc Internet
48 Rothburg Kennel history
Kennel history, care and health tips, photographs, pedigrees, litter announcements, and a list of show wins. Calgary, Alberta.
49 Capricorn Breeding Australian
Breeding Australian Shepherds for competition and companionship. Photographs, pedigrees, articles on the breed, list of show wins, and litter announcements.
Shepherds Australian Capricorn Bridge Dogs Breeders Puppies Past Current Heroic Litters Contact Welcome Rainbow Website Main New West Consider
50 Kiana Participating in
Participating in both racing and conformation showing. Photographs, Calendar of events, list of show wins, and breed information. Sanbornton, New Hampshire.
51 Opal Shih Tzu Showing shih
Showing shih tzu in Newfoundland, Canada. Photographs, a list of wins, and pedigrees of their dogs.
52 Bandog Breeder in
Breeder in Metarie, Louisiana. Show wins, Bandog history, nursery and older dogs available.
Wordpress File Edit Manager Click Page Files Found Broken Rewriterule Code Modify Example Option Default Foldermissing Alternatively
53 Royal Dog Kennels News, photograph
News, photograph gallery, list of show wins, breed standard and history, and frequently asked questions. West Milford, New Jersey.
Royal Kennels Rights Zreserved Dog
54 German Shorthaired Pointer Bulletin Board A free
A free service with listings for kennels, litters, books, rescue, wins and information on GSP. Site for nationwide GSP contacts.
55 Inter-Continental Ice Hockey League The 20
The 20 teams are located in pre-determined cities all around the world. League champion wins the I-C Cup.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Sports Trying Inc Movies Popular Games Hosting Reach Longeravailable
56 Kismet Kennel Breeding schedule
Breeding schedule, news, list of show wins, and links. Walla Walla, Oregon.
Boston Terriers Endurance Kismet Pit American Bull Kennel Working Beatrix Dogs Bonnie Howl Ween Princess Arabian Riders Uagi
57 Ohira American Staffordshire
American Staffordshire Terrier breeder and professional dog show handler in Hawaii. Show wins, litter information.
Website Design Traffic Create Works How Log Features Sites Ads Webmail Domain Homestead Booster Weblistings Seo Legal
58 John Force Racing 100 national
100 national event wins, quickest E.T. at 4.787, and fastest speed at 323.89. Holiday car show, appearances, fan club, teams, cars, results, and photo galleries.
59 Avimarr Chow Chows Photos of
Photos of Chows, both past and present with wins, pedigree information, short breed standard, and other links,
Sites Web Random List Avimarr Chows Chowlover Free Marr Dog Hosting Thanks Ring Page Directory
60 Tycarreg Pointers Informative and
Informative and entertaining includes Tycarreg history, wins, puppies, results, articles, books and extensive links.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Popular Guidelines Visit Sorry Finance Terms User Movies Inc Archiveorg
61 The Brittany Circle Community for
Community for discussing the breed including pedigrees, show wins, field training questions, and upcoming litters. Provides photo gallery, rescue, and breeder information.
Brittany Sites Ring Forums Random Join Circle Brittanys Around List Breed Thegroomshop@cscom Chat Clubs Articles Faqs
62 Arel Salukis Linda Davenports
Linda Davenports kennel was founded in 1978. Features pictures of her dogs, and her wins. It also includes information about her kennels history and her dogs.
United Disabled Billing Freeservers Mysite Classmates Free Information Mypoints Services Netzero Juno Priority Solution Personalized Contact Website
63 Amanda Coetzer: The Spunky Springbok Dossier on
Dossier on Amandas earlier playing days (including her wins over Steffi Graf at the Australian Open), results from the Grand Slams and interesting facts.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Help Policy Guidelines Maps Incnews Hosting User Terms Games
64 McLartys Dwarf Hotots Rabbitry located
Rabbitry located in Southwestern Ohio producing show and brood quality stock. Show wins, photos and related links.
Tripod Create Lycoscheck Requested Please Website Shopping Login Lycoscompage Couldnt Tripodcom Hosting
65 The Chihuahua Club of Oklahoma This Oklahoma
This Oklahoma based group of Chihuahua enthusiasts meets once a month and shares their wins, new litter announcements, troubles and often a meal together.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Archiveorg Visit Reach Sitesuser Sports Movies News Privacy
66 Korvette Boxers The Korvette
The Korvette Boxers are located in Port Saint Lucie, FL and is home to CH Korvettes Sixty Six Sting Ray who has multiple Specialty wins in his career record.
Boxers Community Korvette Sharepoint Help Javascript Cell Office Available Post Page Testimonials Nuvet Registered Frenchies Starr
67 Monash Power Tug of War Club Dedicated to
Dedicated to the popular club in the Australian, email based Tug of War League. You send in orders for your team and receive results. The team with the most heave-hos wins.
68 Fantasy Shih Tzu Breeding and
Breeding and showing in the United States. Has photographs of boys, girls, puppies, past show wins. Pedigrees posted on some dogs. Shih Tzu history available and extensive links to shih tzu resources.
Shih Tzu Club Article Dogs Breed Bottle Breeder Information Product American Breeds Products History Rescue Ista Dr Wi
69 New Show Results Posting show
Posting show results. To contribute, take a digital camera to the next specialty or all-breed show - BIS and Group Wins only.
Show Super Breeder Mica Betty Specialty Trainor Greeting Cards Jane Pages Media Magazine Nutmeg Photo Mcintyre
70 Lifford Racing #23 Aaron Lifford
Aaron Lifford is an up and coming 600cc mini sprint driver. Located in Indianapolis, IN. Aaron has been racing for 5 years with 21 heat and feature wins.
Navigationshilfet Y
71 Seasonal affective disorder drug Wellbutrin XL wins approval ( FDA approves
FDA approves of this drug in treatment of this seasonal mood disorder.
72 Corio Pony Stud Breeders of
Breeders of Australian Stud Saddle Ponies, located in Moama, New South Wales. Standing Neva Tia Dartanyan, Aloha Trinity and Corio Ultimate Viktor. Lists progeny wins and stallion pedigrees.
73 Bar Lar Shih Tzu A kennel
A kennel history plus kennel photographs are available. Photographs of past and present show dogs available. Many photographs and show wins listed on the news page.

4. Computer & Wins Games Websites

1 Linux C and C++ Compilers Medium long
Medium long review compares 2 compilers, some useful tables. GCC holds its own against Intel C++, wins some benchmarks it lost before. Intel still wins some. Differences are less. [Coyote Gulch Productions]
Request Nginxz
2 Microsoft C# Gets An A Microsofts C#
Microsofts C# (c-sharp) language wins an A from reviewer.
Tech News Business Technology Mobile Security Internet Software Newsletters Contact Networking Management Techweb Hardware Blogs Network Corporate
3 Dynamic Html Programs for WINS Wildcat Interactive
Wildcat Interactive Net Server.
Internet Earthlink Dial Plans Wireless High Do Hosting Cable Software Earthlinkprivacy Wirelessinternet Satellite Business Check You Sorry
4 AIG Technologies (AIGT) Products include
Products include WINS Digital and automobile liability insurance reporting.
5 Indie label wins suit TVT Records
TVT Records, an independent record label, won compensation in a copyright infringement lawsuit against online music company []
Xyz Domain Names Genxyz Generation New Contact Registrars Blog Policy Every Users Extensions Choice Website Gtlds
6 CNET - VMware wins deal with Microsoft The maker
The maker of software that lets computers run several operating systems simultaneously says Microsoft is using its application to simplify product demos.
Proceedfound The Here Foundclick
7 InfoWorlds OS of the Year The Red
The Red Hat Linux distribution wins InfoWorlds OS of the Year for 1997. Contains a small synopsis of the distributions strengths.
8 Microsoft Release Notes for Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 A list
A list of articles from Microsoft about issues with DHCP (as well as DNS and WINS) over Windows NT Server. Useful for problem solving.
Windows Support Microsoft Update Office Store Help Download New Error Has Skype Problems Visit Use Requests
9 Wins First Round Judge denies
Judge denies Microsoft request for preliminary injunction against startup, letting startup keep selling its OS under the name Lindows. [PCWorld]
Share Techhive Apps Social Phones Tablets Cameras + Google+ Microsofts Round Web Idg Consumer Tech Game Xbox
10 2600 Wins Ford Lawsuit 'On December
'On December 20, a ruling was issued denying Fords complaint against 2600.' Includes text of decision in text and PDF. [2600]
Found Go Foundy
11 Terminator Unit X (TUX) The evil
The evil multi-national corporate conglomerate empire MegaSoft reached out and nuked someone (just about everyone, as it turns out) in 2023 with a nuclear-capable e-mail virus, designed to stop anti-trust suits. It worked, really, really well. Evil wins.
12 Small company wins VW domain battle In the
In the latest court decision favoring small businesses in domain name disputes, a federal judge has ruled that Volkswagen of America cannot stop an Internet service provider from using the address By Patricia Jacobus. []
Xyz Domain Names Genxyz Generation Request Registrars Contact New Blog Request Your Create College Most Apache
13 MAPS Wins First-Round in Spam Case A judge
A judge Tuesday denied Harris Interactives request for a temporary restraining order that would have forced anti-spam organization Mail Abuse Prevention System to remove the online researcher from its 'Realtime Blackhole List.' [InternetNews]
14 wins trademark fight 'The nonprofit
'The nonprofit site recently became the target of Colgate-Palmolive when trademark lawyers from the household products giant and maker of the Ajax cleanser requested that the independent site yield its domain name.' [cnet]
Proceed Here Clicky
15 SCO Wins $50 Million Investment Received large
Received large cash boost in private investment deal led by investment fund BayStar Capital, structured as private placement of non-voting Series A Convertible Preferred Shares, at fixed conversion price $16.93/share. [eWeek]
Center Project Security Hp Needs Cloud Email Eweek Mobile Weeks Watch Apple Blogs News Precentralnet Revenue Th Professionals Apps Management Android
16 WINS (Wildcat Interactive Net Server) Official Web Site Santronics Software
Santronics Software Inc designs, develops, and supports interactive Internet, Intranet, and communications software for the Microsoft Windows environment. Products include the WIN Server, Plantinum Express, Wildcat BBS and Off-Line Xpress mail reader.
Check Solutions Xpress Products Services Wildcat Santronics Aup Software Server Support Web Community Iftp Resources Setup Database
17 WINS (Wildcat Interactive Net Server) Official Web Site Santronics Software
Santronics Software Inc designs, develops, and supports interactive Internet, Intranet, and communications software for the Microsoft Windows environment. Products include the WIN Server, Plantinum Express, Wildcat BBS and Off-Line Xpress mail reader.
Check Xpress Solutions Services Wildcat Products Community Aup Software Iftp Santronics Server Web Support Database Trial Deparment Sales
1 Lyns Wins Handicapping services
Handicapping services and wagering strategies for Ohio thoroughbred races.
Lyns Wins Selections Todayswelcome Past Contact Winners Selectionpayoffs Putscircle Racing Order
2 Nick Ms NES Achievers A site
A site based off of the old Nintendo Power section where you can get you NES wins and high scores posted for the world to see.
3 Stuckinahouse A game
A game like Survivor where eight sims are put inside a house with only the necessities- whoever lives the longest, wins. Hosted by the Grim Reaper.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Local Help Advisor Hosting App Gallery Shut Finance Build Sell Yahoos
4 Targui To get
To get control over all of the game board and the other players to flight from the territories. You can also agree to play a certain number of turns. The player with most economic gains, then wins.
5 Non-Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Schizm wins
'Schizm wins some painful kind of award for Game that I hated for all the reasons I was supposed to like it.' A non-review because reviewer stopped playing on CD 1.
Non Review Schizm Myst Reviews Riven Game Zarfhome Become I_like_ Plotkin_ Journey Basically Even Only English Clone
6 Who Dares Wins Total conversion
Total conversion mod focused on post-Vietnam (post-1975) era special operations warfare. Screen shots, weapons, units, maps, and forum.
7 IF-Review: Care For Another? Review by
Review by Emily Short. 'The puzzle goes to war with the story aspect and wins. As a puzzle, though, its an entertaining and rewarding one.'
List Review Pontious Reviews Another Care Game Andrew Rematch Spag Page Authors Earn Aisle Ifgames
8 Tournament Blackjack Weekly blackjack
Weekly blackjack tournament. The player with the most cash at the end of the tournament wins first prize.
9 Vikingatid The player
The player who have most victory points when all players have been christianized, wins the game. The victory points are alloted in phase 9 in each turn, where conquered territories trading values give points, 2 points per viking country where you are king during this turn and also 5 points for each unknown territory you have discovered this turn.

5. Sports Websites concerning Wins

1 Mika Hakkinen Pictures of
Pictures of Mikas race wins.
2 Jason Arnott Wins Cup for Friend Article from
Article from CNNSI, with picture.
3 My American Saddlebred Pintos Photos and
Photos and show wins of Deen Walshs horses.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 The Nick Faldo Website Fan site
Fan site with a victory list and a closer look at his six wins in the majors.
Sign Account Now Everything Policy Places People Lifestream Networks Read Nowon Socialprivacy Bulk Insign Connecting
5 Bob Gahan Motorsports Profiles racing
Profiles racing legend in New England with over 370 career wins and 13 championships.
Season Bobby Gahan Crew Guestbook Motorsports Rest Sign Banquet Cars Race Grill Building Alarm Special
6 Brett Hearn Dirt modified
Dirt modified racer from Kinnelon, New Jersey with over 500 feature wins.
Gallery Schedule Hearn Results Brett Rsaquo Merch Racing Stats Dirt Track Crew Page Brewerton Finals World Ocfs
7 Steve Klemettis Drag Racing Statistics Information on
Information on times, wins and history of the records.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Aabaco Web Privacy Account Terms Website Help Ifyoure Browser
8 Luc Ouellette Features biography
Features biography of driver, major career wins, photo galleries and news articles.
Error Requesty
9 Mike Childress Desert Racing Recording his
Recording his awards, wins, and those who helped him in the sport. Includes various photographs.
Mike Childress Racing Desert Here News Galleries Sign Book Photo Bio Check Mikeys Kawasaki Creations California Taken Netmind Race
10 Gagne Means Wins Fan page
Fan page includes player information, scouting report, pictures, and links.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Help Account Aabaco Domains Website Terms Browser
11 A statistical
A statistical history of the Winston Cup Series. Includes breakdowns by wins, laps led, owners, drivers, and consecutive races won.
12 Miki Arpa This Spanish
This Spanish enduro rider provides his profile, list of wins, agenda, news, links and photo gallery.
Miki Arpa Escuela Road Niños Cursos Off Niñas Enduro Navidad De Desea Feliz Videos Para Maverick Próspero
13 Inter-Continental Ice Hockey League The 20
The 20 teams are located in pre-determined cities all around the world. League champion wins the I-C Cup.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Account Terms Aabaco Privacy Customer Help Please Set
14 John Force Racing 100 national
100 national event wins, quickest E.T. at 4.787, and fastest speed at 323.89. Holiday car show, appearances, fan club, teams, cars, results, and photo galleries.
Racing Force Race John Drag Car Driver Castrol Funny Dragster Click Here Collectibles Medlen Diecast Multi Media Road Entertainment News Mustang
15 Amanda Coetzer: The Spunky Springbok Dossier on
Dossier on Amandas earlier playing days (including her wins over Steffi Graf at the Australian Open), results from the Grand Slams and interesting facts.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Help Please Account Website Web Customer Privacy
16 Monash Power Tug of War Club Dedicated to
Dedicated to the popular club in the Australian, email based Tug of War League. You send in orders for your team and receive results. The team with the most heave-hos wins.
Wall Decals Vinyl Stickers Close Sign Mensusa Feedwind Thanks Fastsimilar Fixed Homepage Swapped
17 Lifford Racing #23 Aaron Lifford
Aaron Lifford is an up and coming 600cc mini sprint driver. Located in Indianapolis, IN. Aaron has been racing for 5 years with 21 heat and feature wins.
18 Corio Pony Stud Breeders of
Breeders of Australian Stud Saddle Ponies, located in Moama, New South Wales. Standing Neva Tia Dartanyan, Aloha Trinity and Corio Ultimate Viktor. Lists progeny wins and stallion pedigrees.
Website Design Create Sites Log Features Store Sell Advanced Services Seo Homestead Ads Customer Plans Found Directory Local

6. Society, Arts and Wins Crafts

1 Dadens Blog A mixed
A mixed bag weblog with personal views about current events and wins with Dianetics.
Request Errory
2 salon - can anyone stop the music cops? as hollywood
as hollywood wins one court case after another, one republican senator is suggesting that maybe its time for some new laws -- that protect consumers instead of entertainment companies.
3 the domino effect if east
if east timor wins its independence this week, some predict that many other indonesian provinces -- some already in full rebellion -- will aspire to follow, and the country will disintegrate. but not everyones convinced.
Louisiana Just Give Police People Prostitution Quarter Protests Murphy Child Voted Love Alleged Governors Scandals Fiction Free Work Mark
4 United Industrial Wins $22 Million Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Contract Describes international
Describes international contract for a single ship Shadow 400 system.
Erreur Retour Modelemodelehtml Inexistant Boutique Pleasejdc_ Merci
5 movie industry wins a round in dvd copyright case 'a federal
'a federal judge in manhattan ruled today that a web site operator cannot distribute a computer program used to crack codes that prevent the piracy of movies.' by john sullivan. [new york times]
Copyright Judge Dvd Case Court Code Garbus Digital Stop Industry York Kaplan Studios Gold Movie Op Ed International Internet
6 Homophobia in Mendocino County, CA: Marc Tosca v. County of Mendocino Account of
Account of a disabled gay man is falsely accused, arrested, and has his home searched. He fights back in federal court and wins.
County Mendocino Tosca Marc Homophobia Mallo Department Allen Gay Rights James Lawsuit Ca Department] Sheriffs Depositions California Bigotry Witch Police
7 whenu wins another legal victory in fight for consumer desktop freedom whenus press
whenus press release about its legal victory against wells fargo where the court found that it engaged in 'legitimate comparative advertising.'
8 amazon wins court ruling in patent case signaling that
signaling that many common features on web sites can be patented, a federal judge has ordered to stop using a 'one click ordering' system that patented. [new york times] [free subscription required]
Court Barnesandnoblecom York Patent Ruling Amazon Barnesandnoble Times Wins New Op Ed Books International Forums Case Internet Job Weather Microsoft
1 wins am 1010 '1010 wins'.
'1010 wins'. new york city based all-news station. also online feed.
News New Cbs York Sports Nj Gop Wcbs Radio Mets Wins Game Station [hellip] Nbc Year Old Woman Suspends Network Owned Host Yourmood Rangers
2 michael w. smith wins big at 99 dove awards article from
article from a pr firm representing yamaha.
Foundapache Errordocument Openssl Fips Port Found The Frontpageadditionally Davmod_auth_passthrough Serverat
3 LA Weekly: 'The Music Man' Feature on
Feature on Prieboy and the creation of 'White Trash Wins Lotto.'
La Best Article Essential Film Restaurants Sign Angeles Larestaurants Restaurant Drink Found Bars Music Lounges News Massive Marijuana Promotional Palate
4 FOX News - Taylor Hicks Wins American Idol Mike Straka
Mike Straka interviews the winner.
Fox News Taylor American Hicks Idol Daughtry Terms Braxton Underwood Chris Video Mandisa Carrie Toni Live Students Insider
5 SF Chronicle: Mediums Well-Done Show Wins Over Some Skeptics Chats with
Chats with the dead make compelling TV. By Tim Goodman.
Www| Sf Sfgate Chronicle Estate Privacy Advertise Edward People Contact Place Public Business Giants Sci Fi California Sfgate|navigation Also Homesales|navigation
6 Washington Post Review, by
Review, by Desson Howe: 'But if 'Perfect' wins certain dramatic points within its scenes, the overall story is a mess.'
Movie Costnerclint Laura Prices Kevin Dern Eastwood Perfect Worldcompare Shopping Finder
7 Little Golden Guy: Movies The films
The films Academy Award wins and nominations, complete with a list recall of the challengers in each category.
Nominees Voting Results Academy Oscar Little Golden Picture Best Jezebel Awards Actress Guy Vote Davis Nominations
8 The Tale Wins Author Showcase Directory with
Directory with links for newsletter publishers and writers. Also, articles about writing in print and on the web.
9 Shell Shocked Medals for
Medals for wins, weapons, and any training for beginners. Make your own guild to add to our Ring. Uses AIM and Basic fighting see page for Rules.
Saga Yakuzamachine Sponsored Close Title
10 blevins, win spur award
spur award winner wrote 'stone song,''ravenshadow,' and 'the rock child.' youll find shortstories and at least a chapter from each of wins books.
Navigationshilfet Y
11 Little Golden Guy: Nominations Nominations, wins
Nominations, wins, and challengers listed for the three time Academy Award winner.
Voting Nominees Results Academy Design Costume Oscar Little Golden Powell Best Anthony Guy Awards Picture Arts
12 Little Golden Guy: Nominations Academy Award
Academy Award nominations and wins for the designer provided with a list of the competition.
Academy Nominees Voting Results Oscar Little Golden Best Acheson James Design Picture Guy Awards Costume Options
13 Little Golden Guy: Nominations Complete list
Complete list of the designers wins and nominations for the Academy Award for Costume Design along with his competitors.
Voting Nominees Results Costume Design Color Academy Oscar Little Golden Irene Best Sharaff Picture Guy
14 Oxford International Film Festival Accommodations The film
The film wins the 2007 Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature.
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15 Little Golden Guy: Nominations A list
A list of designer nominations and wins for the Academy Award for Costume Design presented along with the competition.
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16 Little Golden Guy: Nominations List of
List of designers Academy Award nominations and wins with links to the competition in the Costume Design category.
Nominees Voting Results Design Costume Academy Little Oscar Golden Best Colleen Atwood Picture Awards Guy
17 Little Golden Guy: Nominations A complete
A complete list of nominations, challengers, and wins for Academy Award for Costume Design earned by the designer.
Nominees Voting Results Design Costume Academy Color Oscar Black White Golden Little Best Charles Lemaire
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new york times. includes brief plot outline and list of winners in other categories. [site requires free registration.]
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The Toronto Star profiles Hahn in an interview conducted before she began a tour with a Canadian orchestra.
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Reporters Randy Cordova and Kathy Cano Murillo support opposing contestants, but come to the same conclusion: Hicks wins.
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Focusing on the former X-Man and present Generation Xs Jubilation Lee, this site contains character information on Jubilee and related characters. There are also quotes, pictures, and an indepth battle listing with registered 'wins'.
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Dear Frankie is definitely sappy and predictable, but its also well executed. Its a movie that wins you over in short order. By Scott Chitwood.
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25 Internet Movie Database (IMDb) Filmography offered
Filmography offered of the designer whose work spans five decades and includes Academy Award wins for 'An American in Paris', 'Cleopatra', 'Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?', 'The King and I', and 'West Side Story'.
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2nd Annual Chapbook Contest (30-40 pages). First place wins $500 plus 25 free chapbooks. Lesser prizes for 2nd and 3rd place. Deadline: December 15. Entry fee: $10.
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