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Ypres Experience


2. Shopping and Ypres Trade

3. Ypres Recreation

4. Computer & Ypres Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Ypres

6. Society, Arts and Ypres Crafts

1 The Ypres Battlefield A brief
A brief report, with photographs, of a visit to the trenches at Ypres, the Menin Gate, and finally the grave of a grandfather who was killed.
2 The Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) Information on
Information on the battle from July 31 - November 8, 1917 with photographs.
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3 Battles - The Western Front Wide-ranging collection
Wide-ranging collection of battles, includes actions in Ypres, on the Somme and at Passchendaele.
Battle Opened First Front Ypres Battles World Aisne Of Second Ridge Western Siege Third Marne
4 Somme Battlefield Tours Ltd Conducted and
Conducted and self-drive tours to the Ypres and Somme battlefields of the Great War. Includes historical archive reference material.
Somme Tours Ypres Drive Self Great James Battlefield Email Battlefields First World Dear Here Battle