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Tencel, Ltd

Tencel, Ltd Review Experience Lenzing Tencel®

The Netherlands. Manufacturers of cellulose fiber. Explanation of the production technology, properties, uses and markets. Part of the Acordis group.

Lenzing Auf ganz natürliche Art nimmt TENCEL® überschüssige Feuchtigkeit auf und gibt diese rasch wieder an die Umwelt ab

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Lenzing Tencel® Applikationen Textile Technische Daten Viscose® Fr® Moisture Hygiene Expo Tex Innovation Control Presseinformationen Botanic® Weltweit Verkauf Textilkosmetik Textiles And Nonwovens Fibers Man-made Cellulose And Viscose Tencel® Lenzing The New Age Fiber Moisture Management Inside Lenzing Fiber Nano

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Best entries for Lenzing and Tencel®

1 Tencel, Ltd The Netherlands.
The Netherlands. Manufacturers of cellulose fiber. Explanation of the production technology, properties, uses and markets. Part of the Acordis group.
Lenzing Tencel® Applikationen Textile Technische Daten Viscose® Fr® Moisture Hygiene Expo Tex Innovation Control Presseinformationen Botanic® Weltweit Verkauf Textilkosmetik
2 rongxin corp china. piece
china. piece and yarn dyed knitwear, capes, mufflers and rugs, from cashmere wool. also, sweaters from tencel fiber.
3 Lenzing Technik Specializing in
Specializing in fibre and pulp technology, industrial project engineering and services as well as testing equipment and machinery systems.
4 San Yueh Textile Co., Ltd Yarns for
Yarns for knitting and weaving applications, from combed cotton, rayon, tencel and custom blends. Also, polynosic yarns, and grey fabrics. Detailed yarn specifications. English and Chinese.
5 Lenzing Instruments Hersteller von
Hersteller von Prüfgeräten, Automatisierungskomponenten und Messinstrumenten für die Faserindustrie und die Nonwovens-Verarbeitung. Mitglied der Textechno-Unternehmensgruppe. Informiert über das Lieferprogramm, die Anwendungsfelder der Produkte und Kontaktmöglichkeiten.
Testing Scienta Alfa Instruments Prompt Lenzing Tali Nw Rofit Yis Opumeter Staple Tst Line Nonwovens Ge Te Flow
6 Lenzing AG Austria. Manufacturer
Austria. Manufacturer of cellulose fibers, either in natural white or spun dyed, for the nonwovens and textile industries. Other fields of operation are laboratory testing instruments, process equipment, spinning lines, paper and films.
7 Lenzing Instruments GmbH Austria. Laboratory
Austria. Laboratory and on-line testing and process control equipment for fibers, films, nonwovens and textiles. Also, monitoring and control systems for fiber spinning processes. Technical information and specifications.
Testing Scienta Prompt Alfa Instruments Lenzing Opumeter Nw Yis Staple Rofit Tst Tali Fiber Product Ge Te Flow
8 Lenzing Technik GmbH Austria. Technical
Austria. Technical consultancy for viscose fiber and pulp processing, and industrial engineering and automation. Also, testing instruments and specialty machinery for the man-made fiber, textile and nonwovens industries. Extensive technical information.
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9 Information source
Information source for the steel rail, plate and coil marking industry. Provides marking system vendor portraits, steel industry related business news and technology briefs. Service of the Austrian based company Lenzing Technik.
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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