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GunBlack, Inc.

GunBlack, Inc. Review Experience Black Oxide

Specializes in bluing, black oxide finishings, and manganese phosphate coatings.

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Black Oxide Refinishing Gunblack Gunblackcom Finishing Phosphate Manganese Processed Inc Dtl Parkerize Coating Page Spec Phosphate * Read Industrial Goods And Services Casting, Molding, Machining Plating And Metal Finishing General Services

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Best entries for Black and Oxide

1 Deqing Huayuan Pigment Co., Ltd. Manufacturing iron
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2 Cleveland Black Oxide A metal
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3 Anirox Pigments, Ltd. Producer of
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4 GunBlack, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in bluing, black oxide finishings, and manganese phosphate coatings.
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5 Electro Abrasives Manufactures silicon
Manufactures silicon carbide, boron carbide, aluminum oxide, zirconia alumina, alumina, tin oxide, cerium oxide and cryolite powders for use in grinding and polishing products.
6 Zibo Jinjingchuan Abrasives Co.,Ltd. China. Mainly
China. Mainly producing black and green silicon carbide, fused alumina, aluminium oxide, and abrasive cloth.
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7 P & H Plating Co., Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in electroplating on variety of materials and components. Includes zinc, nickel, copper, black oxide, and chrome finishes. Also provides passivation and degreasing services.
8 Omni Metal Finishing, Inc. Anodizing, hard
Anodizing, hard, Teflon impregnation, plating, black oxide, electroless nickel, cadmium, copper, chem film, magnesium, tin, passivation, painting conforms to ISO 9002.
Services Tin Black Nickel Coating Magnesium Anodizing Finishing Plating Passivation Film Electroless Oxide Steel Cadmium + Non Destructive Stainless Copper De Scaling
9 Changyuan Chemical Plant Manufacturer of
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10 Lincoln Plating Offers electroplating
Offers electroplating, anodizing, chrome plating, black oxide, passivation, brite dip, cadmium, chromate, and electroless nickel plating.
11 Hi-Tech Steel Treating Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in range of services for steel products and components. Includes tempering, hardening, black oxide finishing, straightening, washing, and heat treatment.
12 Hi-Tech Steel Treating Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in range of services for steel products and components. Includes tempering, hardening, black oxide finishing, straightening, washing, and heat treatment.
13 Red Sky Plating Provides metal
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14 Pentrate Metal Processing Black oxide
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15 R K Incorporated Equipment for
Equipment for electroplating and metal finishing, including tanks, barrels, black oxide systems and exhaust systems. Can supply a single barrel part through to a complete automated plating line.
16 Weld-A-Matic Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in fabrication of industrial metal products such as guarding, machine bases, brackets, cooling and oil tanks, and weldments. Services include structural repairs and outsourced laser cutting and black oxide finishing.
17 Cleveland Pigment & Color Co. Grinds, custom
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18 Cosmed Group Sterilization Supplier of
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19 Spectrum Metal Finishing Provides broad
Provides broad range of finishing services. Includes black oxide, colored and hardcoat anodizing, chromate conversion, electroless nickel, teflon and powder coatings, and stainless steel electropolishing and passivation.
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20 Genky Chemical Co., Ltd. Manufacturer of
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21 Blue Grass Plating Co., LLC Offers a
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22 Yuhong Color ( Manufacturing) Co. Specializing in
Specializing in producing pigments such as phthalocyanine blue, carbazole violet, iron oxide pigments and chrome oxide pigments.
Z Æ’tƒ‰ƒbÆ’g‚ð”äÅ r Æ’tƒ‰ƒbÆ’g‘ÌÅ’±Ã¢â‚¬â„¢k Æ’tƒ‰ƒbÆ’g‚Ì‹à—˜‚ÌÃ‚ÂÃ¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‹â€ Ú Ã†â€™tƒ‰ƒbÆ’g ’è•]‚Ì‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡éÆ’tƒ‰ƒbÆ’g ðŒ‚Å‘i‚ÔÆ’tƒ‰ƒbÆ’g ‚s‚n‚o ’cm•ÛÅ’¯Ã¢â‚¬â€¿Ã¢â‚¬Å¡à•ÛØ—¿Ã¢â‚¬
23 American Chemet Corporation Manufactures copper
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24 China Youyi Inorganic Pigment Chemical Plant Manufacturer and
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27 Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Nickel Material Co., Ltd Producer of
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31 Taylors Black Simmentals Breeding quality
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