Plausible Futures Newsletter
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News weblog on topics that include robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and sciences that could dramatically affect the future of society.Future studies scenario planning analysis and news for futurists since 1999 Get ready for the future with PFN

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Best entries for Source and Futures
1 Io
Small, embeddable
Small, embeddable, object-oriented, prototype-based, garbage collected language, faster than Perl, Python, Ruby, supports actors and futures for concurrency. Influences: Smalltalk, Act1, Self, NewtonScript, Lisp, Lua. Descriptions, documents, download, mail list. [Open Source, BSD]
Xdeb Xrpm Clr Netbsd Freebsd Windows Io Selfprototype Actactors Based Lisp Newtonscript Armhfraspberry
Small, embeddable, object-oriented, prototype-based, garbage collected language, faster than Perl, Python, Ruby, supports actors and futures for concurrency. Influences: Smalltalk, Act1, Self, NewtonScript, Lisp, Lua. Descriptions, documents, download, mail list. [Open Source, BSD]
Xdeb Xrpm Clr Netbsd Freebsd Windows Io Selfprototype Actactors Based Lisp Newtonscript Armhfraspberry
2 Futures Inc.
Seller of
Seller of low cost firewall/filtering router.
Security Whirlwind Network Course Futures Monitoring Platinum Gold Parents Silver Solution Virtual Best Measures Solutions Hacker Isafety Internet
Seller of low cost firewall/filtering router.
Security Whirlwind Network Course Futures Monitoring Platinum Gold Parents Silver Solution Virtual Best Measures Solutions Hacker Isafety Internet
3 Plausible Futures Newsletter
News weblog
News weblog on topics that include robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and sciences that could dramatically affect the future of society.
Source Futures Future Plausible News Report Situation Technology Physorg Rules Years China Interview Scenarios Reuters Warfare Norwegian World Synthetic
News weblog on topics that include robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and sciences that could dramatically affect the future of society.
Source Futures Future Plausible News Report Situation Technology Physorg Rules Years China Interview Scenarios Reuters Warfare Norwegian World Synthetic
4 Mnemonic Technology, Inc.
Mnemonic Technology
Mnemonic Technology develops systems that automatically learn to make optimal decisions, even in the presence of uncertainty. Our intelligent decision systems have priced credit risk for consumer debt and set loss reserves for asset-backed securities. They have optimized consumer response in internet direct marketing campaigns, traded futures contracts, and learned to identify relevant messages from only a handful of examples, without any human intervention.
Mnemonic Predictive Toolkit Products Modeling Information Sites Contact Technology Google Testimonials Filter They Lost Misinformed
Mnemonic Technology develops systems that automatically learn to make optimal decisions, even in the presence of uncertainty. Our intelligent decision systems have priced credit risk for consumer debt and set loss reserves for asset-backed securities. They have optimized consumer response in internet direct marketing campaigns, traded futures contracts, and learned to identify relevant messages from only a handful of examples, without any human intervention.
Mnemonic Predictive Toolkit Products Modeling Information Sites Contact Technology Google Testimonials Filter They Lost Misinformed
5 Dresdner Releases Middleware Source Code
Article at
Article at the Financial Technology Network about the release of the source code of OpenAdaptor as Open Source.
Security Systems Banking Bank News Enterprise Banks Contact Papers Subscribe Payments Connect White Data Risk Eco Finance Cyber Reports Centric Google
Article at the Financial Technology Network about the release of the source code of OpenAdaptor as Open Source.
Security Systems Banking Bank News Enterprise Banks Contact Papers Subscribe Payments Connect White Data Risk Eco Finance Cyber Reports Centric Google
6 Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition - Sun Community Source Licensing
Suns source
Suns source code for their implementation of J2EE, available free of charge under the Sun Community Source License.
Oracle Learn Java Cloud Developers Microsystems Mysql Partner Sparc Download Technology Software Sun Solaris Support
Suns source code for their implementation of J2EE, available free of charge under the Sun Community Source License.
Oracle Learn Java Cloud Developers Microsystems Mysql Partner Sparc Download Technology Software Sun Solaris Support
7 Can CORBA Sidestep Open-Source Licensing?
Takes a
Takes a look at how to extend the functionality of an open-source program without actually changing the source code.
Development Conference Testing Summit Dobbs Programming Tools Dr Blogs Mobile Languages Cloud Parallel Design Web Lync Developer Software Tutorials Dvd
Takes a look at how to extend the functionality of an open-source program without actually changing the source code.
Development Conference Testing Summit Dobbs Programming Tools Dr Blogs Mobile Languages Cloud Parallel Design Web Lync Developer Software Tutorials Dvd
Runs on
Runs on i386+, 16-bit real mode, FAT12/16/32 (read-only, LFN support), coded in C++, downloads: binaries, source, utilities, game (tetris source), downloads. [Open Source]
Runs on i386+, 16-bit real mode, FAT12/16/32 (read-only, LFN support), coded in C++, downloads: binaries, source, utilities, game (tetris source), downloads. [Open Source]
9 SQL Source Control 2003
Source control
Source control and documentation versioning for SQL Server 2000 with Source Safe 6.0 support.
Request Policy Software Sql Consulting Control Gmail Quote Source Privacy | Share Downloadpricing
Source control and documentation versioning for SQL Server 2000 with Source Safe 6.0 support.
Request Policy Software Sql Consulting Control Gmail Quote Source Privacy | Share Downloadpricing
10 - Source Code
A collection
A collection of source code including graphics,game,and sound source.
C++ Code Tutorial Source Programming Cprogrammingcom Common Programmers Java How Problems Graphics Program Game Face Free Enum Learn Tutorials
A collection of source code including graphics,game,and sound source.
C++ Code Tutorial Source Programming Cprogrammingcom Common Programmers Java How Problems Graphics Program Game Face Free Enum Learn Tutorials
11 Java Source
GUI and
GUI and console applications with sources. Download source code or submit source code.
Source Java Review Free Bluehost Space Code Archive Web Advanced Microsystems Page Microsystems_ Resources Y
GUI and console applications with sources. Download source code or submit source code.
Source Java Review Free Bluehost Space Code Archive Web Advanced Microsystems Page Microsystems_ Resources Y
12 Semantic Designs: JOVIAL2C Translator
Converts source
Converts source code written in JOVIAL to functionally equivalent source code in C taking advantage of some GNU 3.0 extensions of C. Examples of source code translation.
Jovial Item Analysis Translation Designs Software Jovialc Support Semantic Front Pos Custom Testing Toolkit Register Engine Grumman Banking Compool Data
Converts source code written in JOVIAL to functionally equivalent source code in C taking advantage of some GNU 3.0 extensions of C. Examples of source code translation.
Jovial Item Analysis Translation Designs Software Jovialc Support Semantic Front Pos Custom Testing Toolkit Register Engine Grumman Banking Compool Data
13 GLX Source Code
The source
The source code to SGIs open source GLX OpenGL X Window binding.
Products Solutions Partners Contact Silicongraphics International Terms Newsroom Server Support Worldwide Error Rights Reserved Y
The source code to SGIs open source GLX OpenGL X Window binding.
Products Solutions Partners Contact Silicongraphics International Terms Newsroom Server Support Worldwide Error Rights Reserved Y
14 IBM Open Source Zone
IBMs open
IBMs open source site includes articles, tutorials and a list of open source projects.
Open Source Developerworks Ibm Submit Linux Software English Name Technical Terms Eclipse Community Forgot Português Mobile Friendly Redbooks Create Third Tasksapi
IBMs open source site includes articles, tutorials and a list of open source projects.
Open Source Developerworks Ibm Submit Linux Software English Name Technical Terms Eclipse Community Forgot Português Mobile Friendly Redbooks Create Third Tasksapi
15 SCO, Open-Source Leaders Trade Barbs
SCO CEO Darl McBride accuses president of Open Source Initiative, Eric Raymond, and open source community in general, of not doing enough to stop distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on SCO website. [eWeek]
Center Hp Security Project Email Needs Apple Cloud Watch Blogs Eweek Weeks Mobile News Kolakowski Finds Research Losing
SCO CEO Darl McBride accuses president of Open Source Initiative, Eric Raymond, and open source community in general, of not doing enough to stop distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on SCO website. [eWeek]
Center Hp Security Project Email Needs Apple Cloud Watch Blogs Eweek Weeks Mobile News Kolakowski Finds Research Losing
16 Source Recovery Company
The Source
The Source Recovery Company,LLC recovers missing COBOL or Assembler source code for the IBM mainframe environment. SRC can help you save time, effort, cost, money and minimize your overall Year 2000 project risk.
The Source Recovery Company,LLC recovers missing COBOL or Assembler source code for the IBM mainframe environment. SRC can help you save time, effort, cost, money and minimize your overall Year 2000 project risk.
17 Open Source Licensing For PHP Scripts
Open Source
Open Source licensing for PHP scripts. Open Source means that your software is entirely free for use, to anyone, and any user may modify the software to fit his own needs. To launch an open source application, you have to apply the GNU GPL License.
Open Source licensing for PHP scripts. Open Source means that your software is entirely free for use, to anyone, and any user may modify the software to fit his own needs. To launch an open source application, you have to apply the GNU GPL License.
18 The EROS Alternative
Shapiro interview
Shapiro interview in Open-Source Security issue. Of open source OSs, most people think only Linux and OpenBSD. But another open-source OSs architecture may be more secure than either of them. [Information Security Magazine]
Security Management Information Threats Enterprise Data Network Tools Application Web News + And Powered Compliance Internal Incident Software
Shapiro interview in Open-Source Security issue. Of open source OSs, most people think only Linux and OpenBSD. But another open-source OSs architecture may be more secure than either of them. [Information Security Magazine]
Security Management Information Threats Enterprise Data Network Tools Application Web News + And Powered Compliance Internal Incident Software
19 Open-Source Software Development, by Kim Johnson
Explains the
Explains the competing open source philosophies and development models, with examples of popular open source projects such as Linux, Apache, KDE and Python.
Open Available Source Software Free Linux Netscape Apache However Public Unix Submit Definition Perl Gpl Associates Gnome Laurie Dibona Managing
Explains the competing open source philosophies and development models, with examples of popular open source projects such as Linux, Apache, KDE and Python.
Open Available Source Software Free Linux Netscape Apache However Public Unix Submit Definition Perl Gpl Associates Gnome Laurie Dibona Managing
20 Skilled Software
Publishes SQL
Publishes SQL Source Control, which offers source control and documentation versioning support for SQL Server with Source Safe support. Product description, ordering information, and support.
Server Download Add Handy Notes Share Groupie Information Management Consulting Folders Grouping Gmail Custom Policy Organized Gmailtm Databases
Publishes SQL Source Control, which offers source control and documentation versioning support for SQL Server with Source Safe support. Product description, ordering information, and support.
Server Download Add Handy Notes Share Groupie Information Management Consulting Folders Grouping Gmail Custom Policy Organized Gmailtm Databases
21 CodeColorizer
Convert your
Convert your source code to colorized (syntax highlighted) HTML documents. Colorized source code is easier to read and can help to document, learn, understand, debug, print and publish source code.
Html Codecolorizer Clipper Java Code Source Delphi Javascript Visual Basic Colorized Cc++ Pascal Support Asp C++ Chamicom Aspvbs Server
Convert your source code to colorized (syntax highlighted) HTML documents. Colorized source code is easier to read and can help to document, learn, understand, debug, print and publish source code.
Html Codecolorizer Clipper Java Code Source Delphi Javascript Visual Basic Colorized Cc++ Pascal Support Asp C++ Chamicom Aspvbs Server
22 CodeColorizer
Convert your
Convert your source code to colorized (syntax highlighted) HTML documents. Colorized source code is easier to read and can help to document, learn, understand, debug, print and publish source code.
Html Codecolorizer Java Clipper Code Source Javascript Delphi Visual Basic Pascal Colorized Cc++ Asp Support Chamicom Vbasic Pages
Convert your source code to colorized (syntax highlighted) HTML documents. Colorized source code is easier to read and can help to document, learn, understand, debug, print and publish source code.
Html Codecolorizer Java Clipper Code Source Javascript Delphi Visual Basic Pascal Colorized Cc++ Asp Support Chamicom Vbasic Pages
23 CodeColorizer
Convert your
Convert your source code to colorized (syntax highlighted) HTML documents. Colorized source code is easier to read and can help to document, learn, understand, debug, print and publish source code.
Html Codecolorizer Code Clipper Java Source Javascript Visual Basic Delphi Colorized Cc++ Pascal Support Asp Syntax Print
Convert your source code to colorized (syntax highlighted) HTML documents. Colorized source code is easier to read and can help to document, learn, understand, debug, print and publish source code.
Html Codecolorizer Code Clipper Java Source Javascript Visual Basic Delphi Colorized Cc++ Pascal Support Asp Syntax Print
24 HtmlSource Viewer
Utility for
Utility for viewing and analyzing web page source code. Displays HTML source code that exactly matches visible content of the page. Shows separate source code for every element under cursor.
Marketing Internet Web Engine Optimizationadvertising Design Techniques Found The Tips Business Secrets Management Enginemarketing
Utility for viewing and analyzing web page source code. Displays HTML source code that exactly matches visible content of the page. Shows separate source code for every element under cursor.
Marketing Internet Web Engine Optimizationadvertising Design Techniques Found The Tips Business Secrets Management Enginemarketing
25 Source Recovery Company
The Source
The Source Recovery Company,LLC recovers missing COBOL or Assembler source code for the IBM mainframe environment. SRC can help you save time, effort, cost, money and minimize your overall Year 2000 project risk, located in Roswell, Georgia.
Source Recovery Assembler Cobol Company Ibm Code Tell Page Only Mvs Vse Resourceâ„¢ Services Programs Full Resource
The Source Recovery Company,LLC recovers missing COBOL or Assembler source code for the IBM mainframe environment. SRC can help you save time, effort, cost, money and minimize your overall Year 2000 project risk, located in Roswell, Georgia.
Source Recovery Assembler Cobol Company Ibm Code Tell Page Only Mvs Vse Resourceâ„¢ Services Programs Full Resource
26 eVuln
Original source
Original source of responsible open source vulnerability research.
Security Website Code Malware Analysis Testing Encoder Scanner Source Penetration Secure Monitoring Audit Malicious Tools Software Websites *
Original source of responsible open source vulnerability research.
Security Website Code Malware Analysis Testing Encoder Scanner Source Penetration Secure Monitoring Audit Malicious Tools Software Websites *
27 eVuln
Original source
Original source of responsible open source vulnerability research.
Security Website Code Malware Scanner Testing Analysis Encoder Source Monitoring Penetration Secure Audit Tools Malicious Basketballfiendcom String Php
Original source of responsible open source vulnerability research.
Security Website Code Malware Scanner Testing Analysis Encoder Source Monitoring Penetration Secure Audit Tools Malicious Basketballfiendcom String Php
28 Java Web Start - Sun Community Source Licensing
Source code
Source code download.
Oracle Cloud Java Learn Mysql Microsystems Developers Software Youtube Network Download Sun Solaris Technology Support Information Machine
Source code download.
Oracle Cloud Java Learn Mysql Microsystems Developers Software Youtube Network Download Sun Solaris Technology Support Information Machine
29 Sun
Site about
Site about Suns involvement in free and open source projects.
Oracle Sun Solaris Technology Solutions Network Java Optimized Strategic Systems Pdf Microsystems Downloads Product Faq Cloud
Site about Suns involvement in free and open source projects.
Oracle Sun Solaris Technology Solutions Network Java Optimized Strategic Systems Pdf Microsystems Downloads Product Faq Cloud
30 Stupid OS
OS from
OS from India, coded in assembly and C, news, source and binary downloads. [Open Source]
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Archives Waybackuser Privacy Sorry Inc Longeravailable Terms
OS from India, coded in assembly and C, news, source and binary downloads. [Open Source]
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Archives Waybackuser Privacy Sorry Inc Longeravailable Terms
31 Ben Woodhead
An open
An open source 3d game development resource containing 3D engine source code and documentation.
An open source 3d game development resource containing 3D engine source code and documentation.
32 RocketAware
Source code
Source code and links to many programming resources. Features C language and other open source materials.
File Text Information Access Data System Control Debugging Software String Processing Strings Systems Utilities User Non Integer Conversions Extensible Clean Bit
Source code and links to many programming resources. Features C language and other open source materials.
File Text Information Access Data System Control Debugging Software String Processing Strings Systems Utilities User Non Integer Conversions Extensible Clean Bit