2. Shopping and Plausible Trade
3. Plausible Recreation
4. Computer & Plausible Games Websites
1 Plausible Futures Newsletter
News weblog
News weblog on topics that include robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and sciences that could dramatically affect the future of society.
Source Futures Future Plausible News Report Situation Technology Physorg Rules Years China Interview Scenarios Reuters Warfare Norwegian World Synthetic
News weblog on topics that include robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and sciences that could dramatically affect the future of society.
Source Futures Future Plausible News Report Situation Technology Physorg Rules Years China Interview Scenarios Reuters Warfare Norwegian World Synthetic
1 Vaguely Plausible NFL
League and
League and draftee files, forum, and FAQ.
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League and draftee files, forum, and FAQ.
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2 Game Revolution
Review by
Review by Robert Amsbury, B. 'The graphics and sound are good, and the plausible plot is refreshing. Not an epic, to be sure, but fun anyway.'
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Review by Robert Amsbury, B. 'The graphics and sound are good, and the plausible plot is refreshing. Not an epic, to be sure, but fun anyway.'
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5. Sports Websites concerning Plausible
6. Society, Arts and Plausible Crafts
1 world scenarios
a community
a community to discuss and vote for plausible humankind future scenarios. features polls.
a community to discuss and vote for plausible humankind future scenarios. features polls.
2 Gilgamesh Epic v. Genesis
A comparative
A comparative study of the flood accounts in these two documents, with the conclusion that the theory that both accounts descended from a common origin is the most plausible one.
Creation Text Return Archive Chapter Morehellip Events Gilgamesh Earth Bible Cmi Event Arguments Flood Store Denizens Pagan Genesis
A comparative study of the flood accounts in these two documents, with the conclusion that the theory that both accounts descended from a common origin is the most plausible one.
Creation Text Return Archive Chapter Morehellip Events Gilgamesh Earth Bible Cmi Event Arguments Flood Store Denizens Pagan Genesis
3 Information Warfare
Articles about
Articles about information warfare, nanowar, and other future conflict scenarios from Plausible Futures Newsletter.
News Reuters Russia Global Headlines International Law Wall Guardian Morehellip Nato Futurists Business Beyond China Society Journal Street Saints
Articles about information warfare, nanowar, and other future conflict scenarios from Plausible Futures Newsletter.
News Reuters Russia Global Headlines International Law Wall Guardian Morehellip Nato Futurists Business Beyond China Society Journal Street Saints
4 the plausible futures newsletter
continuously updated
continuously updated newsletter for scenario-based strategic planning and future studies. contains extensive link sections to high quality information. covering biotechnology and genetics, nanotechnology, management techniques and think-tanks.
continuously updated newsletter for scenario-based strategic planning and future studies. contains extensive link sections to high quality information. covering biotechnology and genetics, nanotechnology, management techniques and think-tanks.
1 Apollo Leisure Guide
Review of
Review of the intelligent, plausible, and likeable drama.
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Review of the intelligent, plausible, and likeable drama.
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2 gormglaith
radical feminist
radical feminist separatist literature set in a scientifically plausible future.
radical feminist separatist literature set in a scientifically plausible future.
3 silverthought
speculative fiction
speculative fiction with a focus on plausible science, including short stories, sections from unpublished novels in progress, and sample chapters from published works.
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speculative fiction with a focus on plausible science, including short stories, sections from unpublished novels in progress, and sample chapters from published works.
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Plausible Dictionary
plausible: apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful, "a plausible excuse"plausible: given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments, "a plausible liar" Reviews for Plausible. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentine’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mother’s day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Plausible" (visitors of this topic page). Plausible › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Plausible Opening Times and Reports. Date: