Internet Addiction Guide
Experience Internet Addiction
A look at the facts and opinions behind so-called 'Internet addiction disorder' (compulsive over-use of the Internet).An objective source of information about Internet addiction overuse and pathology online Does IAD exist What treatments are available

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Internet Addiction Psych Central Use Resources Research Much Cause Since Anxiety Computer News Quizzes Psychotherapy Blog Drugs Leave Now Addictions Internet Internet Addiction Disorder Pathological Use Internet Cybersex Cybersexual Addiction Compulsive Overuse Compulsion Online Addiction Internet Addiction Computer Addiction Cyberpsychology Behavior Addiction Counseling Addicted Addict Net Psychology Psychotherapy Mental Health Recovery Self Help Kimberly Young Greenfield John Grohol
Reviews and Comments for Internet Addiction Guide

Best entries for Internet and Addiction
1 Internet Addiction Guide
A look
A look at the facts and opinions behind so-called 'Internet addiction disorder' (compulsive over-use of the Internet).
Internet Addiction Psych Central Use Resources Research Much Cause Since Anxiety Computer News Quizzes Psychotherapy Blog Drugs Leave Now
A look at the facts and opinions behind so-called 'Internet addiction disorder' (compulsive over-use of the Internet).
Internet Addiction Psych Central Use Resources Research Much Cause Since Anxiety Computer News Quizzes Psychotherapy Blog Drugs Leave Now
2 Virtual Addiction: Internet Addiction Information
Information and
Information and professional as well as self-help resources on the growing problem of internet and computer addiction and their psychological and social implications.
Internet Addiction Technology Test Abuse Digital Resources Greenfield News Pornography Center Services New Consultation David Non Intensives
Information and professional as well as self-help resources on the growing problem of internet and computer addiction and their psychological and social implications.
Internet Addiction Technology Test Abuse Digital Resources Greenfield News Pornography Center Services New Consultation David Non Intensives
3 Center for Online and Internet Addiction
Offers resources
Offers resources that deal with internet addiction, as well as offers tips on cyber-wellness.
Internet Addiction Center Treatment Young Education Recovery Infidelity Javascript Video Training Counseling Sexting Parents Gambling
Offers resources that deal with internet addiction, as well as offers tips on cyber-wellness.
Internet Addiction Center Treatment Young Education Recovery Infidelity Javascript Video Training Counseling Sexting Parents Gambling
4 Dealing with Computer and Internet Addiction
Article on
Article on recognizing and dealing with Internet addiction.
Career Tips Finance Life Askmen How Job Need Want Money Could Internet Professional Starting Plan Tv Phone Power
Article on recognizing and dealing with Internet addiction.
Career Tips Finance Life Askmen How Job Need Want Money Could Internet Professional Starting Plan Tv Phone Power
5 Duncanian Theory of Addiction
Examines the
Examines the theory developed by Prof. David F. Duncan to explain addiction to alcohol and other drugs or to behaviors such as gambling and internet use.
Drug Prevention Website Theory Abuse Addictions Pioneer Related Duncanian Policy Duncans Bibliography Abstracts Duncan Webmaster Guestbook Prof
Examines the theory developed by Prof. David F. Duncan to explain addiction to alcohol and other drugs or to behaviors such as gambling and internet use.
Drug Prevention Website Theory Abuse Addictions Pioneer Related Duncanian Policy Duncans Bibliography Abstracts Duncan Webmaster Guestbook Prof
6 Palmetto Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center
Facility provides
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction, and sexual addiction.
Recovery Rehab Center Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rehabilitation Rayville Facilities
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction, and sexual addiction.
Recovery Rehab Center Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rehabilitation Rayville Facilities
7 Palmetto Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center
Facility provides
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction and sexual addiction.
Recovery Center Rehab Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rayville Rehabilitation Facilities
Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction and sexual addiction.
Recovery Center Rehab Addiction Alcohol Drug Palmetto Louisiana Treatment La Centers Staff Rayville Rehabilitation Facilities
8 Attention Deficit Disorder and Addiction
Discusses vulnerability
Discusses vulnerability to addiction in individuals with attention deficit disorders. Includes proper use of ADHD medications, prevention of addiction and treatment of dual problems.
Disorder Adhd Deficit Attention Children Give Adolescents Mood Safe Still County Antidepressants Wide Disorders Spectrum Obsessive Compulsive Contact Grieve
Discusses vulnerability to addiction in individuals with attention deficit disorders. Includes proper use of ADHD medications, prevention of addiction and treatment of dual problems.
Disorder Adhd Deficit Attention Children Give Adolescents Mood Safe Still County Antidepressants Wide Disorders Spectrum Obsessive Compulsive Contact Grieve
9 The End Of The Internet
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer page explaining that this is the very end of the internet and there is nothing left to do.
Internet Click Network Relax Administrator Windows Bomb Found Address That Microsoft Button Refreshinternetexplorer
Internet Explorer page explaining that this is the very end of the internet and there is nothing left to do.
Internet Click Network Relax Administrator Windows Bomb Found Address That Microsoft Button Refreshinternetexplorer
10 SmokeWorm
Presents a
Presents a unique way of looking at the addiction to nicotine and a fresh approach to overcoming that addiction.
Smoking Quit Help Facts Stop Cigarette Effects Dangers Quitting Anti Cessation Hazards Health Teens Tips
Presents a unique way of looking at the addiction to nicotine and a fresh approach to overcoming that addiction.
Smoking Quit Help Facts Stop Cigarette Effects Dangers Quitting Anti Cessation Hazards Health Teens Tips
11 Drug Abuse and Addiction
Addiction newsletter
Addiction newsletter for mental health professionals, patients, and families.
Progress Contact Health Fridays Trauma Free Disorders Xe Course Notes_ Professionals Faqs Submit Register Notes Privacy Advertise Uncategorized
Addiction newsletter for mental health professionals, patients, and families.
Progress Contact Health Fridays Trauma Free Disorders Xe Course Notes_ Professionals Faqs Submit Register Notes Privacy Advertise Uncategorized
12 Addiction Therapist
Consultation, information
Consultation, information, and literature on alcoholism and addiction for addicts and their family members.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Guidelines Movies Longeravailable News Privacy Inc Sites Trying Machine Sorry
Consultation, information, and literature on alcoholism and addiction for addicts and their family members.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Guidelines Movies Longeravailable News Privacy Inc Sites Trying Machine Sorry
13 Psychiatric Times - Computer Addiction: What Is It?
A paper
A paper on video game addiction by Maressa Hecht Orzack Ph.D.
Disorder Disorders Scales Psychiatry Schizophrenia Personality Adhd Sleep Depression Topics Bipolar Clinical Sexual Apa Uspc Geriatric Gambling Trichotillomania
A paper on video game addiction by Maressa Hecht Orzack Ph.D.
Disorder Disorders Scales Psychiatry Schizophrenia Personality Adhd Sleep Depression Topics Bipolar Clinical Sexual Apa Uspc Geriatric Gambling Trichotillomania
14 Ariadne - Understanding MMORPG Addiction
A paper
A paper on addiction to massive multiplayer online games by Nick Yee.
Mmorpg Addiction Nicholas Yee Everquest Understanding Ariadne Factors Conclusion Eq Mmorpgs Methodology Introduction Copyright Here Iwrote
A paper on addiction to massive multiplayer online games by Nick Yee.
Mmorpg Addiction Nicholas Yee Everquest Understanding Ariadne Factors Conclusion Eq Mmorpgs Methodology Introduction Copyright Here Iwrote
15 Psychiatric Times - Computer Addiction: What Is It?
A paper
A paper on video game addiction by Maressa Hecht Orzack Ph.D.
Disorder Disorders Scales Psychiatry Personality Schizophrenia Sleep Bipolar Depression Adhd Topics Clinical Psychiatric Apa Depressive Panic Residents Compensation
A paper on video game addiction by Maressa Hecht Orzack Ph.D.
Disorder Disorders Scales Psychiatry Personality Schizophrenia Sleep Bipolar Depression Adhd Topics Clinical Psychiatric Apa Depressive Panic Residents Compensation
16 CNET: When games stop being fun
About EverQuest
About EverQuest addiction and game addiction.
Newscomcomclick Here Go Z
About EverQuest addiction and game addiction.
Newscomcomclick Here Go Z
17 Addiction Recovery Resource Center
Offers nationwide
Offers nationwide alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation information and resources.
Treatment Rehab Drug Alcohol Abuse Addiction Help Centers Recovery Center Alcoholism Drinking Interventions New Cocaine
Offers nationwide alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation information and resources.
Treatment Rehab Drug Alcohol Abuse Addiction Help Centers Recovery Center Alcoholism Drinking Interventions New Cocaine
18 Internet Equal Offense
Dedicated to
Dedicated to playing Billiards around the World with the use of the Internet. Playing in international billiard tournaments since 1992 reporting scores on Internet.
Internet Offense Equal Billiards Play Dedicatedworld Use Billiardpool Around The Playing Tournaments
Dedicated to playing Billiards around the World with the use of the Internet. Playing in international billiard tournaments since 1992 reporting scores on Internet.
Internet Offense Equal Billiards Play Dedicatedworld Use Billiardpool Around The Playing Tournaments
19 Comprehensive Addiction Rehabilitation Education (CARE)
Helps people
Helps people overcome eating disorders and drug and substance addiction and abuse.
Addiction Treatment Drug Care Programs Rehabilitation Program Substance Alcohol Recovery Gambling Abuse Facilities Holistic Therapies Copy
Helps people overcome eating disorders and drug and substance addiction and abuse.
Addiction Treatment Drug Care Programs Rehabilitation Program Substance Alcohol Recovery Gambling Abuse Facilities Holistic Therapies Copy
20 Revolution Health : Addictions
Find addiction
Find addiction information, covering symptoms, causes, risks, treatments and types. Discuss addiction issues with others in forums, blogs, personal stories and recommendations.
Request Name Headery
Find addiction information, covering symptoms, causes, risks, treatments and types. Discuss addiction issues with others in forums, blogs, personal stories and recommendations.
Request Name Headery
21 Addiction Resource Guide
An online
An online directory of addiction treatment facilities and programs - national and international, indexed alphabetically, geographically and by special populations. Designed for the professional and lay person.
Rehab Drug Treatment Resources Addiction Centers Eating Facility Abuse Guide Alcoholism Pages Services Alcohol Internet Rehabilitation Chemical Dependency Programs
An online directory of addiction treatment facilities and programs - national and international, indexed alphabetically, geographically and by special populations. Designed for the professional and lay person.
Rehab Drug Treatment Resources Addiction Centers Eating Facility Abuse Guide Alcoholism Pages Services Alcohol Internet Rehabilitation Chemical Dependency Programs
22 - Neurosciences on the Internet
Neurosciences on
Neurosciences on the Internet contains a searchable and browsable index of neuroscience resources available on the World Wide Web and other parts of the Internet. Neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science sites and information on human neurological diseases are covered.
Internet Neurology Neurosciences Bets Peripheral Cutaneous Best Fields Web Nerves Busis Neuroguidecom Cognitive Neurosurgery Psychology Covered Edition Best
Neurosciences on the Internet contains a searchable and browsable index of neuroscience resources available on the World Wide Web and other parts of the Internet. Neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science sites and information on human neurological diseases are covered.
Internet Neurology Neurosciences Bets Peripheral Cutaneous Best Fields Web Nerves Busis Neuroguidecom Cognitive Neurosurgery Psychology Covered Edition Best
23 Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
Offers addiction
Offers addiction studies and continuing education classes with online coursework and discussions.
Counselor Addiction Drug Alcohol Education Training Learning Distance Certification Counseling Courses Abuse Substance Become Counselors
Offers addiction studies and continuing education classes with online coursework and discussions.
Counselor Addiction Drug Alcohol Education Training Learning Distance Certification Counseling Courses Abuse Substance Become Counselors
24 Commonwealth Addiction Treatment Center
Detoxification treatment
Detoxification treatment for addiction to heroin, methadone or any other opiates, located in Richmond.
Detox Learn Virginia Coleman Detoxification West Rapid Institute Benzos Opiate Alcohol Carolina Alochol North Richmond Nc Seattle Methadone
Detoxification treatment for addiction to heroin, methadone or any other opiates, located in Richmond.
Detox Learn Virginia Coleman Detoxification West Rapid Institute Benzos Opiate Alcohol Carolina Alochol North Richmond Nc Seattle Methadone
25 Prescription Drug Addiction
An education
An education and support resource for individuals and families dealing with addiction to prescription drugs. How to recognize a problem. Commonly abused medications.
Drug Addiction Stories Recovery Boards Message Prescription Author Contact Book Media Problem Prescriptiondrugaddictioncom Room Resource Privacy Download Families
An education and support resource for individuals and families dealing with addiction to prescription drugs. How to recognize a problem. Commonly abused medications.
Drug Addiction Stories Recovery Boards Message Prescription Author Contact Book Media Problem Prescriptiondrugaddictioncom Room Resource Privacy Download Families
26 Intervention Center
Intervention resources
Intervention resources for alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, computer addiction, other.
Intervention Addiction Family Center Training Vaughn Books Executive Howland Contact Drug Gambling News Diagnoses Alcoholism
Intervention resources for alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, computer addiction, other.
Intervention Addiction Family Center Training Vaughn Books Executive Howland Contact Drug Gambling News Diagnoses Alcoholism
27 Addiction by Prescription
Information about
Information about tranquilizer addiction and mis-prescription in news articles, quotations and other references.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Hosting Terms Archiveorg Sites Guidelines Inc Toolbar Popular Reach
Information about tranquilizer addiction and mis-prescription in news articles, quotations and other references.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Hosting Terms Archiveorg Sites Guidelines Inc Toolbar Popular Reach
28 R.D. MacFarlane
Professional medical
Professional medical care in addiction medicine. Located in San Diego. Specializing in drug addiction and alcoholism. Expertise in treatment of prescribed benzodiazepines and opiates. Providing ambulatory, outpatient and residential services.
Professional medical care in addiction medicine. Located in San Diego. Specializing in drug addiction and alcoholism. Expertise in treatment of prescribed benzodiazepines and opiates. Providing ambulatory, outpatient and residential services.
29 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
30 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
31 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
32 eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction
Medical facts
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.
Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other vital organs, and a treatment options section.