1 Betty Carr Motivational Inspirational Speaker
Deals with
Deals with low self esteem, addictions, and relationship issues. Motivational books available.
Deals with low self esteem, addictions, and relationship issues. Motivational books available.
2. Shopping and Addictions Trade
1 Addictive Disease
Information about
Information about recovery from all addictions.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Toolbar Sorry Privacy Inc News Sportsguidelines Sites
Information about recovery from all addictions.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Toolbar Sorry Privacy Inc News Sportsguidelines Sites
2 The Nuthouse
Offers cards
Offers cards that cater to habits, passions, and addictions.
Offers cards that cater to habits, passions, and addictions.
3 Power of Love Holistic Healing
Changing behaviors
Changing behaviors and addictions.
Buyhere Click Datenschutzrichtlinienpowerofloveholistichealingcom Domain
Changing behaviors and addictions.
Buyhere Click Datenschutzrichtlinienpowerofloveholistichealingcom Domain
4 Brown, Laurence - Addictions
Author of
Author of a gay novel in letters passing between London and San Diego.
Domains News Legal Contact Business Reference Religion Finance Sports Realty Laurencebrowncom Travel Internet Shopping Pets Through Rankings
Author of a gay novel in letters passing between London and San Diego.
Domains News Legal Contact Business Reference Religion Finance Sports Realty Laurencebrowncom Travel Internet Shopping Pets Through Rankings
5 Fabric Addictions
Find a
Find a selection of cloth doll patterns, supplies, and beads. Located in Western Australia.
Kits Grose Class Doll Patterns Cart Mermaid Mitchell Software Evdokimoff Sharon Wings Fairy Addictions Rugolo Pam Policy Dweedle Babcock Cloth Sherry Suzette Di
Find a selection of cloth doll patterns, supplies, and beads. Located in Western Australia.
Kits Grose Class Doll Patterns Cart Mermaid Mitchell Software Evdokimoff Sharon Wings Fairy Addictions Rugolo Pam Policy Dweedle Babcock Cloth Sherry Suzette Di
6 The Hypnotherapy Information Centre
Personalised programs
Personalised programs for treatment of addictions and phobias including stopping smoking, losing weight, or overcoming fear of flying.
Personalised programs for treatment of addictions and phobias including stopping smoking, losing weight, or overcoming fear of flying.
7 Three Minute Therapy
Michael R.
Michael R. Edelstein. Make lasting changes in the way you think and feel. Tools for overcoming anxiety, stress, depression, addictions, procrastination and relationship problems.
Chapter Book Anxiety Therapy Ellis Depression Change Cognitive Albert Behavior Francisco Minute Problems Attacks Selection * Self Esteem Edelsteinclinical Fears
Michael R. Edelstein. Make lasting changes in the way you think and feel. Tools for overcoming anxiety, stress, depression, addictions, procrastination and relationship problems.
Chapter Book Anxiety Therapy Ellis Depression Change Cognitive Albert Behavior Francisco Minute Problems Attacks Selection * Self Esteem Edelsteinclinical Fears
8 Help Me - Im Tired of Feeling Bad
Deals with
Deals with feeling, pain release therapy, primal therapy, post traumatic stress (PTSD), addictions, enhancement of emotional intelligence, development of conscious and unconscious honesty. Paul Vereshack, MD.
Emotional Therapy Version Stress Feeling Health Help Pain Book Interview Articles Anxiety Post Order Free Symposium Ptsd Intelligence
Deals with feeling, pain release therapy, primal therapy, post traumatic stress (PTSD), addictions, enhancement of emotional intelligence, development of conscious and unconscious honesty. Paul Vereshack, MD.
Emotional Therapy Version Stress Feeling Health Help Pain Book Interview Articles Anxiety Post Order Free Symposium Ptsd Intelligence
3. Addictions Recreation
1 - Addictions
Articles and
Articles and discussion about addictions with special sections on addictions to pornography, sex and love, tobacco and chemical substances (drugs).
Margarita Quit Addiction Addictions Smoking Helps Marijuana Smokers University Health Alcohol Cocaine Alcoholic Alcoholism Teen Third Hand Body Image Programs
Articles and discussion about addictions with special sections on addictions to pornography, sex and love, tobacco and chemical substances (drugs).
Margarita Quit Addiction Addictions Smoking Helps Marijuana Smokers University Health Alcohol Cocaine Alcoholic Alcoholism Teen Third Hand Body Image Programs
2 Self-Help for Overcoming Addictions
Practical information
Practical information on breaking addictions, techniques for reducing stress and improving spirituality.
Addiction Quit Drinking Drug Alcohol Drugs Book How Peace Introduction Design Uscontact Tests Struggle Resources Movie
Practical information on breaking addictions, techniques for reducing stress and improving spirituality.
Addiction Quit Drinking Drug Alcohol Drugs Book How Peace Introduction Design Uscontact Tests Struggle Resources Movie
3 Web of Addictions
Provides information
Provides information about alcohol and other drug addictions. Includes facts, links, meetings, special topics and contact details for specific groups.
Addictions Dick Web Abuse Dillon Alcohol Drugs Addiction Help Information Phd Addictions_ Drug Andrew Copyright Collection
Provides information about alcohol and other drug addictions. Includes facts, links, meetings, special topics and contact details for specific groups.
Addictions Dick Web Abuse Dillon Alcohol Drugs Addiction Help Information Phd Addictions_ Drug Andrew Copyright Collection
4 Promises Malibu
Our treatment
Our treatment of addictions assists drug addicts and alcoholics come to terms with their addictions and return to a productive life. Located in Mailbu, California.
Promises Malibu Treatment Centers Promisescom Reserved Monica Rights Pacificocean Westside |promises’ Mountains Santa
Our treatment of addictions assists drug addicts and alcoholics come to terms with their addictions and return to a productive life. Located in Mailbu, California.
Promises Malibu Treatment Centers Promisescom Reserved Monica Rights Pacificocean Westside |promises’ Mountains Santa
5 Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre
Located in
Located in Fort Steele. This residential treatment facility is able to treat all forms of addictive behaviour, including both chemical (drug and alcohol) and process addictions and dependencies like eating disorders, gaming addictions, romance addiction, spending and other process dependencies. Details on the program content, costs, FAQs and mission statement are all available.
Treatment Ranch World Center Alcohol Drug Addiction Centre Understand Bc Testimonials Contact Rehab Recovery Alcoholism
Located in Fort Steele. This residential treatment facility is able to treat all forms of addictive behaviour, including both chemical (drug and alcohol) and process addictions and dependencies like eating disorders, gaming addictions, romance addiction, spending and other process dependencies. Details on the program content, costs, FAQs and mission statement are all available.
Treatment Ranch World Center Alcohol Drug Addiction Centre Understand Bc Testimonials Contact Rehab Recovery Alcoholism
6 Frog Addictions
Information about
Information about the mantella and poison dart frogs.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Wayback Archives Maps Toolbar Machine Games Archiveorg Movies Reach Mail Y
Information about the mantella and poison dart frogs.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Wayback Archives Maps Toolbar Machine Games Archiveorg Movies Reach Mail Y
7 Center for Professional Excellence
Provides treatment
Provides treatment for professionals with addictions in Nashville.
Provides treatment for professionals with addictions in Nashville.
8 HealthCare Connection of Tampa, Inc.
Specializing in
Specializing in the treatment of addictions and related disorders.
Programs Drug Alcohol Professionals Therapies Contact Program Blog Success Serenity Young Healthcare Adults Faqs Recovery Scramble Help Family
Specializing in the treatment of addictions and related disorders.
Programs Drug Alcohol Professionals Therapies Contact Program Blog Success Serenity Young Healthcare Adults Faqs Recovery Scramble Help Family
9 Schick Shadel Hospital
Individualized medical
Individualized medical treatment for addictions. Based in Seattle.
Treatment Alcohol Addiction Rehab Drug Center Detox Hospital Shadel Schick Free Oxycontin Privacy Marijuana Washington Methamphetamine Dandala
Individualized medical treatment for addictions. Based in Seattle.
Treatment Alcohol Addiction Rehab Drug Center Detox Hospital Shadel Schick Free Oxycontin Privacy Marijuana Washington Methamphetamine Dandala
10 MPD for We
Celebrates and
Celebrates and honours the power and heroism of MPD, DID. Deals with Bipolar Disorder and addictions recovery too.
Page Homepage Message Mpd Welcome Board Support Wonderful Webrings Visit Books Did Links Dissociation Celebating Learn Joy
Celebrates and honours the power and heroism of MPD, DID. Deals with Bipolar Disorder and addictions recovery too.
Page Homepage Message Mpd Welcome Board Support Wonderful Webrings Visit Books Did Links Dissociation Celebating Learn Joy
11 Recovery Through Christ
Forum discussing
Forum discussing a 12 Step Program for Christians and others who suffer with addictions.
Yahoo Help Groups Recoverythroughchrist Sharing Lists Group Photo Free Community Attachments File Mailing Please Forum Polls Movies Tech Hot
Forum discussing a 12 Step Program for Christians and others who suffer with addictions.
Yahoo Help Groups Recoverythroughchrist Sharing Lists Group Photo Free Community Attachments File Mailing Please Forum Polls Movies Tech Hot
12 Chemical Dependency Services
Provides online
Provides online counseling to those suffering from addictions. Located in Bolivar, Ohio.
United Disabled Freeservers Priority Mypoints Services Netzero Juno Free Billing Classmates Mysite Microsoftr Department Policy Guidelines Terms
Provides online counseling to those suffering from addictions. Located in Bolivar, Ohio.
United Disabled Freeservers Priority Mypoints Services Netzero Juno Free Billing Classmates Mysite Microsoftr Department Policy Guidelines Terms
13 Columbia Addictions Center
Substance abuse
Substance abuse treatment and education program in Howard County, Maryland.
Substance abuse treatment and education program in Howard County, Maryland.
14 Spirit of Recovery Addictions Counseling
Descriptions of
Descriptions of many of the main addictive personality traits and help by telephone or email.
Spiritofrecoverycom Insurance Advance Cash Consolidation Debt Phones Report Section Learn Termslife Credit Best
Descriptions of many of the main addictive personality traits and help by telephone or email.
Spiritofrecoverycom Insurance Advance Cash Consolidation Debt Phones Report Section Learn Termslife Credit Best
15 Be Totally Free
Individuals who
Individuals who have found a common solution for overcoming all addictions share their personal success stories and the way out.
Individuals who have found a common solution for overcoming all addictions share their personal success stories and the way out.
16 Recovery Inn
Free help
Free help for those who want to stop their addictions. No counselers, not a religious program. Members have been there and found a way to stay clean and sober and help others.
Welcome Recovery Inncom Privacy Domain Free Policy Videos Submit Offer Tweets Leading Security Fast Access
Free help for those who want to stop their addictions. No counselers, not a religious program. Members have been there and found a way to stay clean and sober and help others.
Welcome Recovery Inncom Privacy Domain Free Policy Videos Submit Offer Tweets Leading Security Fast Access
17 Dual Diagnosis
Email support
Email support group for persons diagnosed with alcoholism / addictions and bipolar / deppression / anxiety.
Diagnosis Dual Guestbook Pages Sign Abuse Bipolar Faqs Alcohol Alcoholism Institute National Story Feel Aa
Email support group for persons diagnosed with alcoholism / addictions and bipolar / deppression / anxiety.
Diagnosis Dual Guestbook Pages Sign Abuse Bipolar Faqs Alcohol Alcoholism Institute National Story Feel Aa
18 Jeff VanVonderen
Information about
Information about workshop, consultation on addictions, abuse, and recovery. Family and Corporate interventions and training.
Jeff Vanvonderen Page Intervention Certified Here Professional Store Contact Oprah Theme Latest Workshops Video Interventions Spiritual Areyou Jeff * Profiles
Information about workshop, consultation on addictions, abuse, and recovery. Family and Corporate interventions and training.
Jeff Vanvonderen Page Intervention Certified Here Professional Store Contact Oprah Theme Latest Workshops Video Interventions Spiritual Areyou Jeff * Profiles
19 Inner Visions Recovery Society
Separate men
Separate men and women facilities offer residential treatment programs for alcohol and drug addictions.
Alcohol Drug Recovery Innervisions Columbia Counselling Treatment British Vancouver Abuse Services Pbsco Centres Faqs Family Donner
Separate men and women facilities offer residential treatment programs for alcohol and drug addictions.
Alcohol Drug Recovery Innervisions Columbia Counselling Treatment British Vancouver Abuse Services Pbsco Centres Faqs Family Donner
20 Drayton House
Information about
Information about the facility and the relapse-prevention programs for professionals in recovery from addictions in an upscale, non-medical setting.
Orth William Leave Continue Addiction Phase Alcohol Poll Cost Treatment Americans Powdered Rarr Filed Reading Program Founder Vs Amino
Information about the facility and the relapse-prevention programs for professionals in recovery from addictions in an upscale, non-medical setting.
Orth William Leave Continue Addiction Phase Alcohol Poll Cost Treatment Americans Powdered Rarr Filed Reading Program Founder Vs Amino
21 Better Your Best
Quality resources
Quality resources for executives, professionals and others struggling with substance abuse, addictions, compulsive behaviors, burn-out, stress and other issues.
Rehab Slash Burnout Substance Programs Detox Center Monde Abuse Coach Treatment Beau Alcohol Nicole Drug
Quality resources for executives, professionals and others struggling with substance abuse, addictions, compulsive behaviors, burn-out, stress and other issues.
Rehab Slash Burnout Substance Programs Detox Center Monde Abuse Coach Treatment Beau Alcohol Nicole Drug
22 Institute For Integral Development
Training professionals
Training professionals working in the areas of mental health, addictions counseling and substance abuse.
Domain Hosting Marketing Web Solutions Network Services Names Registration Website Hostnetworksolutionscom Place Name
Training professionals working in the areas of mental health, addictions counseling and substance abuse.
Domain Hosting Marketing Web Solutions Network Services Names Registration Website Hostnetworksolutionscom Place Name
23 Sedona Intensive
Personal growth
Personal growth alternative therapy. Eliminate addictions and compulsive behavior, resolve relationship conflicts.
Sedona Shortcode Social_sorter_ Intensive Options Recovery Life Addiction Resolution Width Program Arizona Counseling Colors Call H_font_size H_font_lh H_color
Personal growth alternative therapy. Eliminate addictions and compulsive behavior, resolve relationship conflicts.
Sedona Shortcode Social_sorter_ Intensive Options Recovery Life Addiction Resolution Width Program Arizona Counseling Colors Call H_font_size H_font_lh H_color
24 Reformers Unanimous International
Non-profit faith
Non-profit faith based addictions program helping people find freedom from addiction.
Recovery Website Store Partners Reformers Welcome Informational Unanimous Contact Program Programstreatment Extend Individuals Reach
Non-profit faith based addictions program helping people find freedom from addiction.
Recovery Website Store Partners Reformers Welcome Informational Unanimous Contact Program Programstreatment Extend Individuals Reach
25 Reformers Unanimous
A Christ-centered
A Christ-centered program that directs those battling addictions to Gods intended support group - the local church.
Church Baptist Beacon Raleigh Rabon Pastor Nc Traditional Independent Events Live Tim News Calendar Family
A Christ-centered program that directs those battling addictions to Gods intended support group - the local church.
Church Baptist Beacon Raleigh Rabon Pastor Nc Traditional Independent Events Live Tim News Calendar Family
Provides a
Provides a forum for examining addictions and compulsive behaviors to support recovery from the family disease of addiction using the Twelve Step Programs.
Working Sobriety Chicago Contact Welcome Workingsobrietycom Resources Recovery Rooms Chat Privacy Create Amazon Policy Services Payment
Provides a forum for examining addictions and compulsive behaviors to support recovery from the family disease of addiction using the Twelve Step Programs.
Working Sobriety Chicago Contact Welcome Workingsobrietycom Resources Recovery Rooms Chat Privacy Create Amazon Policy Services Payment
27 Roberta Roberts Mittman
Utilizes acupuncture
Utilizes acupuncture, NAET and JMT to treat allergies, addictions, arthritis and weight problems. New York City.
Roberta Weight Management Holistic Alternative Between Health Mittman Healthcare Wellness Speakingmedia Contact Elimination Pounds Traditional Website Jumpstart Day
Utilizes acupuncture, NAET and JMT to treat allergies, addictions, arthritis and weight problems. New York City.
Roberta Weight Management Holistic Alternative Between Health Mittman Healthcare Wellness Speakingmedia Contact Elimination Pounds Traditional Website Jumpstart Day
28 Robert Sarmiento
Self-help service
Self-help service to reduce stress and depression, overcome addictions, and improve relationships. Question and answer forum format.
Anxiety Chat Anti Free Learn Help Psychology People Line Depression Phone Self Resources Suffer Individuals
Self-help service to reduce stress and depression, overcome addictions, and improve relationships. Question and answer forum format.
Anxiety Chat Anti Free Learn Help Psychology People Line Depression Phone Self Resources Suffer Individuals
29 Robert A. Leopold
Licensed physician
Licensed physician and hypnotist, smoking cessation, weight management, addictions, Plymouth, Pennsylvania. Programs and contact information.
Leopold Robert Hypnosis Program Call Most Dr Hypnotherapy Monday Physical Leave Thursday Plymouth Flight Ihave Saturdays Forget
Licensed physician and hypnotist, smoking cessation, weight management, addictions, Plymouth, Pennsylvania. Programs and contact information.
Leopold Robert Hypnosis Program Call Most Dr Hypnotherapy Monday Physical Leave Thursday Plymouth Flight Ihave Saturdays Forget
30 Addiction Therapists of Los Angeles
Offers outpatient
Offers outpatient therapy treatment for drug, alcohol and other addictions, exclusively tailored for dependent individuals and their families.
Undefined Noticecannotwarning
Offers outpatient therapy treatment for drug, alcohol and other addictions, exclusively tailored for dependent individuals and their families.
Undefined Noticecannotwarning
31 Mission Services
Located in
Located in Hamilton. Residential homes are available for individuals who are dealing with addictions, mental health issues or other crisis. Individual counselling is also available.
Services Addiction Volunteer Community Mission Treatment Program Opportunities Centre Housing + Donate Hamilton Suntrac House Non Profit Dinner Leaps Jamesville
Located in Hamilton. Residential homes are available for individuals who are dealing with addictions, mental health issues or other crisis. Individual counselling is also available.
Services Addiction Volunteer Community Mission Treatment Program Opportunities Centre Housing + Donate Hamilton Suntrac House Non Profit Dinner Leaps Jamesville
32 The Bridge To Recovery
Residential center
Residential center in Bowling Green offers codependency counseling, and treatment of addictions and compulsive behaviors. Contains program details and testimonials.
Bridge Recovery Codependency Issues Family Program Staff Trauma Process Core Testimonials Self Test Employee Food Gallery Take Download Anger Thought News
Residential center in Bowling Green offers codependency counseling, and treatment of addictions and compulsive behaviors. Contains program details and testimonials.
Bridge Recovery Codependency Issues Family Program Staff Trauma Process Core Testimonials Self Test Employee Food Gallery Take Download Anger Thought News
33 McDougall House Association
Located in
Located in Edmonton. A residential treatment facility for women who are struggling with alcohol, drug or gambling addictions. Contact information is available.
Information Services Error Custom Manager Click Page Cannot Found Product File Messageslinks Setupopen
Located in Edmonton. A residential treatment facility for women who are struggling with alcohol, drug or gambling addictions. Contact information is available.
Information Services Error Custom Manager Click Page Cannot Found Product File Messageslinks Setupopen
34 The Alcoholism and Addictions Resource Directory
Lists rehabilitation
Lists rehabilitation and treatment programs for adults and adolescents. Includes forum, professional resources, and clinical information.
Drug Addiction Alcoholism Treatment Help Soberrecovery Information Rehab Narcotics Detox Centers Alcohol Ad Programs Newcomers
Lists rehabilitation and treatment programs for adults and adolescents. Includes forum, professional resources, and clinical information.
Drug Addiction Alcoholism Treatment Help Soberrecovery Information Rehab Narcotics Detox Centers Alcohol Ad Programs Newcomers
35 Flying in the Face of Pain
A free
A free online book. The story of an alcoholic pilot. Deals with addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, and work. About relationships and recovery.
Page Titley
A free online book. The story of an alcoholic pilot. Deals with addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, and work. About relationships and recovery.
Page Titley
36 Dr. Cinques Health Retreat
Learn more
Learn more about fasting, weight loss and overcoming addictions. Ralph Cinque has worked with Herbert Shelton and knows natural hygiene therapies.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Learn more about fasting, weight loss and overcoming addictions. Ralph Cinque has worked with Herbert Shelton and knows natural hygiene therapies.
Navigationshilfe Ty
37 Clearview
Providing residential
Providing residential, day, and outpatient programs for addictions and alcoholism. Includes details of services, facilities and staff. Locations in Santa Monica and Venice Beach.
Treatment Clearview Disorders Programs Personality Program Disorder Psychiatric Therapy Residential Outpatient Policy Addictions Borderline Center Dual Testimonialsclearview has Anxiety Holistic
Providing residential, day, and outpatient programs for addictions and alcoholism. Includes details of services, facilities and staff. Locations in Santa Monica and Venice Beach.
Treatment Clearview Disorders Programs Personality Program Disorder Psychiatric Therapy Residential Outpatient Policy Addictions Borderline Center Dual Testimonialsclearview has Anxiety Holistic
38 You Can Quit
Matt Boggs
Matt Boggs offers a hand to people with dependency. Site includes resources and encouragement for people with addictions.
Tripod Create Login Website Found Tripodcom Requested Please Shopping Errorpagehosting Page Couldnt Lycos Signup
Matt Boggs offers a hand to people with dependency. Site includes resources and encouragement for people with addictions.
Tripod Create Login Website Found Tripodcom Requested Please Shopping Errorpagehosting Page Couldnt Lycos Signup
39 Clinical Psychology/Addictions Page
Links to
Links to information on psychology and drugs of abuse including alcohol and tobacco products.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Userreach Sorry Maps Guidelines Archiveorg Trying Games
Links to information on psychology and drugs of abuse including alcohol and tobacco products.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Copyright Sign Userreach Sorry Maps Guidelines Archiveorg Trying Games
40 Psychologists To Go
This group
This group of psychologists provide a place for you to contact them for online counseling specializing in depression, anxiety, addictions and relationships.
Request Errory
This group of psychologists provide a place for you to contact them for online counseling specializing in depression, anxiety, addictions and relationships.
Request Errory
41 Sierra Tucson
A licensed
A licensed psychiatric hospital and health center, dedicated to the prevention, education, and treatment of addictions and behavioral disorders. Take the virtual tour, and find out about their workshops.
Name Treatment Tucson Sierra Disorders Last First Privacy Addiction Health Practices Trauma Information Eating Drug Group Video Friend Sierratucson
A licensed psychiatric hospital and health center, dedicated to the prevention, education, and treatment of addictions and behavioral disorders. Take the virtual tour, and find out about their workshops.
Name Treatment Tucson Sierra Disorders Last First Privacy Addiction Health Practices Trauma Information Eating Drug Group Video Friend Sierratucson
42 Two Rivers Hospital
Intensive psychotherapy
Intensive psychotherapy is used for the stabilization of depression, anxiety, and addictions as well as to provide resolution for cycles of self-destructive behaviors, dissociation, and long-term personality disorders.
Program Contact Health Rivers Psychiatric Facility Privacy Programs Adult Services Assessment Events Outpatient Kansas Employment More+ Whyview+ Photo Facilityview
Intensive psychotherapy is used for the stabilization of depression, anxiety, and addictions as well as to provide resolution for cycles of self-destructive behaviors, dissociation, and long-term personality disorders.
Program Contact Health Rivers Psychiatric Facility Privacy Programs Adult Services Assessment Events Outpatient Kansas Employment More+ Whyview+ Photo Facilityview
43 Sierra Tucson
A licensed
A licensed psychiatric hospital and health center, dedicated to the prevention, education, and treatment of addictions and behavioral disorders. Take the virtual tour, and find out about their workshops.
Name Treatment Tucson Sierra Disorders First Last Addiction Practices Privacy Health Eating Information Drug Trauma Coworker Celebrating Admission Crc Tucson’s Work
A licensed psychiatric hospital and health center, dedicated to the prevention, education, and treatment of addictions and behavioral disorders. Take the virtual tour, and find out about their workshops.
Name Treatment Tucson Sierra Disorders First Last Addiction Practices Privacy Health Eating Information Drug Trauma Coworker Celebrating Admission Crc Tucson’s Work
44 Hollywood Therapist
Nationwide telephone
Nationwide telephone and e-mail mental health therapy. Professional help provided over the phone for a wide range of emotional problems like depression, stress, and addictions.
Learn Issues Disorders Counseling Therapy Viagra Grief Coaching Management Anger Loss Eating Mood Womens Telephone Anxiety Bi Polar
Nationwide telephone and e-mail mental health therapy. Professional help provided over the phone for a wide range of emotional problems like depression, stress, and addictions.
Learn Issues Disorders Counseling Therapy Viagra Grief Coaching Management Anger Loss Eating Mood Womens Telephone Anxiety Bi Polar
45 Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
Provides online
Provides online and home study courses for addictions professional of diverse disciplines. Basic certification series and continuing education.
Counselor Addiction Drug Alcohol Education Training Distance Learning Certification Abuse Courses Counseling Substance Become Counselors
Provides online and home study courses for addictions professional of diverse disciplines. Basic certification series and continuing education.
Counselor Addiction Drug Alcohol Education Training Distance Learning Certification Abuse Courses Counseling Substance Become Counselors
46 Wagner Hills
Located in
Located in Langley. This Christian organization offers residential treatment and counselling to men who have alcohol and drug addictions. Program outline, structure and information on the facilities is available.
Ministries Signup Contact Form Events News Donate Email Wagner Hills Christmas Tent Banquet Rentals Kitchen
Located in Langley. This Christian organization offers residential treatment and counselling to men who have alcohol and drug addictions. Program outline, structure and information on the facilities is available.
Ministries Signup Contact Form Events News Donate Email Wagner Hills Christmas Tent Banquet Rentals Kitchen
47 Windmoor Healthcare of Clearwater
Behavioral healthcare
Behavioral healthcare hospital, including inpatient, partial, and addictions treatment (alcohol, drugs, and gambling).
Behavioral healthcare hospital, including inpatient, partial, and addictions treatment (alcohol, drugs, and gambling).
48 Sedona Intensive
Personal growth
Personal growth alternative therapy. Eliminate addictions and compulsive behavior, resolve relationship conflicts. Sedona, AZ.
Sedona Shortcode Social_sorter_ Intensive Options Recovery Life Addiction Width Resolution Program Arizona Counseling H_font_lh Call H_font_size
Personal growth alternative therapy. Eliminate addictions and compulsive behavior, resolve relationship conflicts. Sedona, AZ.
Sedona Shortcode Social_sorter_ Intensive Options Recovery Life Addiction Width Resolution Program Arizona Counseling H_font_lh Call H_font_size
49 Christo Inventory for Substance-misuse Services (CISS)
Treatment evaluation
Treatment evaluation, outcome monitoring, clinical audit for addictions and services.
Ciss Christo Services Added Substance London Alcohol Research Inventory Fulham Social Misuse Drug Greater West Aparecida Portuguese
Treatment evaluation, outcome monitoring, clinical audit for addictions and services.
Ciss Christo Services Added Substance London Alcohol Research Inventory Fulham Social Misuse Drug Greater West Aparecida Portuguese
50 People Helping People
Daily news
Daily news and informed comment. Openline twice nightly live talk show about alcoholism and addictions.
Toronto People Helping Ford Drug Elliot News Anonymous Mark Cfrb Recovery Talk Alcoholism Abuse Radio Cfra Casino Forward Kind Cfom
Daily news and informed comment. Openline twice nightly live talk show about alcoholism and addictions.
Toronto People Helping Ford Drug Elliot News Anonymous Mark Cfrb Recovery Talk Alcoholism Abuse Radio Cfra Casino Forward Kind Cfom
51 River Oaks Hospital
Intensive treatment
Intensive treatment used for the stabilization of depression, anxiety, addictions, dissociative disorders, as well as eating disorders and sexual compulsivity.
Disorders Eating New River Orleans Program Treatment Hospital Oaks Programs Trauma Based Louisiana Privacy Asked Port Recovery
Intensive treatment used for the stabilization of depression, anxiety, addictions, dissociative disorders, as well as eating disorders and sexual compulsivity.
Disorders Eating New River Orleans Program Treatment Hospital Oaks Programs Trauma Based Louisiana Privacy Asked Port Recovery
52 The Journey Home
Long term
Long term residence. Program based on offering respect, support, and empowerment to females ages fourteen and up facing addictions. In Denham Springs, Louisiana.
Journey [+] Contact Staff Tour Admissions Louisiana Healthcare Alumni Before Programs Programrnp Anonymous Treatment Female Ihad Here
Long term residence. Program based on offering respect, support, and empowerment to females ages fourteen and up facing addictions. In Denham Springs, Louisiana.
Journey [+] Contact Staff Tour Admissions Louisiana Healthcare Alumni Before Programs Programrnp Anonymous Treatment Female Ihad Here
53 Phoenix Psychotherapy
Specializing in
Specializing in substance abuse, addictions, marital, relationship problems. I also offer organizational and personal mediation as well as communication training. Counseling via telephone, video, and keyboard via the internet.
Addiction Gambling Abuse Therapist Business Psychologist Addictions Phoenix Counseling Problem York Drug Recovery Clinical Coach Emdr Marital Clubhouse Conflict America
Specializing in substance abuse, addictions, marital, relationship problems. I also offer organizational and personal mediation as well as communication training. Counseling via telephone, video, and keyboard via the internet.
Addiction Gambling Abuse Therapist Business Psychologist Addictions Phoenix Counseling Problem York Drug Recovery Clinical Coach Emdr Marital Clubhouse Conflict America
54 Heritage Home Foundation
Located in
Located in a rural area near Montreal and the US border. This residential treatment facility offers programs for individuals who are suffering from alcohol and drug addictions. Information on the philosophy and program are available.
Drug Alcohol Treatment Rehab Center New San Programs Heritage Residential Services Affordable Addictions Florida Help Loved Problems Saint Mexico Nevada
Located in a rural area near Montreal and the US border. This residential treatment facility offers programs for individuals who are suffering from alcohol and drug addictions. Information on the philosophy and program are available.
Drug Alcohol Treatment Rehab Center New San Programs Heritage Residential Services Affordable Addictions Florida Help Loved Problems Saint Mexico Nevada
55 Southern Alcare Manor
Located in
Located in Lethbridge. A supportive living environment, for those in recovery from alcohol and drug addictions, as they prepare for reintegration into the community. Program components, goals and volunteer opportunities are outlined here.
Donors Pictures Admission Staffing Programs Contact Southern Alcare Manor Volunteers Pageeditsign
Located in Lethbridge. A supportive living environment, for those in recovery from alcohol and drug addictions, as they prepare for reintegration into the community. Program components, goals and volunteer opportunities are outlined here.
Donors Pictures Admission Staffing Programs Contact Southern Alcare Manor Volunteers Pageeditsign
56 Ami Hartley
Art therapy
Art therapy breaks through creative blocks for people struggling with life transitions, relationship issues, addictions, ACA / Co-dependency, depression, post-traumatic stress, eating disorders, grief and loss.
Therapy Francisco Addictions Art Counseling Hypnosis Hartley Therapist Relationships Licensed Co Dependency Psychotherapy Marriage San Adult Family
Art therapy breaks through creative blocks for people struggling with life transitions, relationship issues, addictions, ACA / Co-dependency, depression, post-traumatic stress, eating disorders, grief and loss.
Therapy Francisco Addictions Art Counseling Hypnosis Hartley Therapist Relationships Licensed Co Dependency Psychotherapy Marriage San Adult Family
57 Outcomes Builders
Research summaries
Research summaries, training, outcomes studies, and strategic planning for addictions agencies, to improve treatment outcomes.
Research summaries, training, outcomes studies, and strategic planning for addictions agencies, to improve treatment outcomes.
58 Sierra Tucson
Treats all
Treats all addictions and mental or behavioral disorders. Individualized treatment uses medical and psychiatric services and Twelve Step philosophy. Accredited by JCAHO. In Tucson, AZ.
Name Treatment Tucson Sierra Disorders First Last Privacy Practices Health Addiction Drug Trauma Eating Information Day Residential
Treats all addictions and mental or behavioral disorders. Individualized treatment uses medical and psychiatric services and Twelve Step philosophy. Accredited by JCAHO. In Tucson, AZ.
Name Treatment Tucson Sierra Disorders First Last Privacy Practices Health Addiction Drug Trauma Eating Information Day Residential
59 Sierra Tucson
Treats all
Treats all addictions and mental or behavioral disorders. Individualized treatment uses medical and psychiatric services and Twelve Step philosophy. Accredited by JCAHO. In Tucson, AZ.
Name Treatment Sierra Tucson Disorders First Last Health Practices Privacy Addiction Drug Trauma Eating Information Success Ofprivacy Best Administrative
Treats all addictions and mental or behavioral disorders. Individualized treatment uses medical and psychiatric services and Twelve Step philosophy. Accredited by JCAHO. In Tucson, AZ.
Name Treatment Sierra Tucson Disorders First Last Health Practices Privacy Addiction Drug Trauma Eating Information Success Ofprivacy Best Administrative
60 Gateway Recovery Systems
Long-term residential
Long-term residential community for treatment of addictions including the dual diagnosed. Features a structured family environment. Honesty, trust, and self-help are stressed. Located in Harvey, Louisiana.
Recovery Treatment Gateway Va Access Minnesota Addiction Louisiana Outpatient Atr Download Abuse Recoveryaddictionaccess Diagnosedco Occuring Transportation Recoveryintensive
Long-term residential community for treatment of addictions including the dual diagnosed. Features a structured family environment. Honesty, trust, and self-help are stressed. Located in Harvey, Louisiana.
Recovery Treatment Gateway Va Access Minnesota Addiction Louisiana Outpatient Atr Download Abuse Recoveryaddictionaccess Diagnosedco Occuring Transportation Recoveryintensive
61 Revolution Health : Addictions
Find addiction
Find addiction information, covering symptoms, causes, risks, treatments and types. Discuss addiction issues with others in forums, blogs, personal stories and recommendations.
Request Name Headery
Find addiction information, covering symptoms, causes, risks, treatments and types. Discuss addiction issues with others in forums, blogs, personal stories and recommendations.
Request Name Headery
62 Overcoming Gambling
Offers counseling
Offers counseling treatment for gambling addictions, based in Edmunds, Washington. Also, sells Dr. Jantzs book titled 'Turning the Tables on Gambling'.
Evaluation Depression Eating Addiction Anxiety Ocd Faqs Treatment Disorder Ptsd Program Resources Center Disorders Professional Patient Anorexia Content Brings
Offers counseling treatment for gambling addictions, based in Edmunds, Washington. Also, sells Dr. Jantzs book titled 'Turning the Tables on Gambling'.
Evaluation Depression Eating Addiction Anxiety Ocd Faqs Treatment Disorder Ptsd Program Resources Center Disorders Professional Patient Anorexia Content Brings
63 Damien OFarrell Foundation
Dedicated to
Dedicated to personal growth, curing addictions, nutrition, health, stress management, and self-love. Private sessions, workshops, courses, and seminars. Located in Rome, Italy. Travels internationally.
Info@damienofarrellcom Ofarrellservices Improved Comingcoaching Damien Soon Write
Dedicated to personal growth, curing addictions, nutrition, health, stress management, and self-love. Private sessions, workshops, courses, and seminars. Located in Rome, Italy. Travels internationally.
Info@damienofarrellcom Ofarrellservices Improved Comingcoaching Damien Soon Write
64 The Self-Medication Hypothesis
A theory
A theory of the causation of addictions. This site explores both Khantzians psychoanalytic model and Duncans behavioral model of the hypothesis.
Tripod Create Page Website Check Lycoscom Tripodcom Shopping Couldnt Lycos Signup Loginplease Requested
A theory of the causation of addictions. This site explores both Khantzians psychoanalytic model and Duncans behavioral model of the hypothesis.
Tripod Create Page Website Check Lycoscom Tripodcom Shopping Couldnt Lycos Signup Loginplease Requested
65 Racing for Recovery
Racing for
Racing for Recovery helps to prevent all forms of substance abuse and to provide positive alternatives for those currently battling addictions.
Racing Speaking Counseling Apparel Services Team Cleveland Book Media Support Theres Than â۠Annual Addict Reply Running Way Contact Alcohol
Racing for Recovery helps to prevent all forms of substance abuse and to provide positive alternatives for those currently battling addictions.
Racing Speaking Counseling Apparel Services Team Cleveland Book Media Support Theres Than â۠Annual Addict Reply Running Way Contact Alcohol
66 Stillwater Consulting Limited.
Based in
Based in Mississauga. Counseling services for individuals with addictions is offered. Conflict management counseling is also offered.
Request Errory
Based in Mississauga. Counseling services for individuals with addictions is offered. Conflict management counseling is also offered.
Request Errory
67 The Petrie Method
Hypnosis to
Hypnosis to quit smoking, improve golf/tennis, self hypnosis, stress management, relaxation, overcome fears, control addictions, and weight loss. Private seminars, tapes.
Method Petrie Smoking Lose Quit Weight Mainerror Inexpensive Content Hypnotherapy Hypnosissession Request
Hypnosis to quit smoking, improve golf/tennis, self hypnosis, stress management, relaxation, overcome fears, control addictions, and weight loss. Private seminars, tapes.
Method Petrie Smoking Lose Quit Weight Mainerror Inexpensive Content Hypnotherapy Hypnosissession Request
68 Ashley Valley Wilderness
AVW is
AVW is a therapeutic wilderness program for adults ages 18 and older. Focus is on addictions, behavior disorders, low self-esteem, depression, and underachievement. Individualized treatment plans and a 'Safety Net Guarantee'.
AVW is a therapeutic wilderness program for adults ages 18 and older. Focus is on addictions, behavior disorders, low self-esteem, depression, and underachievement. Individualized treatment plans and a 'Safety Net Guarantee'.
69 Support Systems Homes
Drug and
Drug and alcoholism rehab centers in northern California. Offers detoxification as well as residential, day, and outpatient treatment programs. Site includes general information on addictions and recovery. [Portions require Flash.]
Drug Treatment Rehab Centers Homes Sober Living Alcoholism Rehabilitation Outpatient Programs Abuse San Support Detox
Drug and alcoholism rehab centers in northern California. Offers detoxification as well as residential, day, and outpatient treatment programs. Site includes general information on addictions and recovery. [Portions require Flash.]
Drug Treatment Rehab Centers Homes Sober Living Alcoholism Rehabilitation Outpatient Programs Abuse San Support Detox
70 Psychiatry and Wellness
Psychiatry, wellness
Psychiatry, wellness, addictions and recovery. Offers articles on various addiction issues.
Addiction Item Recovery Alcoholics Associates Psychiatry Behavioral Medicine Lies Original Forum Attendance Local Experience Alcoholic Aa Compare
Psychiatry, wellness, addictions and recovery. Offers articles on various addiction issues.
Addiction Item Recovery Alcoholics Associates Psychiatry Behavioral Medicine Lies Original Forum Attendance Local Experience Alcoholic Aa Compare
71 Holistic Psychologist
Offers holistic
Offers holistic, empathic short term treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, addictions and relationships. Practices include alchemy, EMDR, individual and family psychotherapy in NYC, Santa Barbara, and Big Sur.
Sign Lifestream Policy Updated Everything Places Now People Stream Multiple Networks Read Bulk Login Account Or Inc
Offers holistic, empathic short term treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, addictions and relationships. Practices include alchemy, EMDR, individual and family psychotherapy in NYC, Santa Barbara, and Big Sur.
Sign Lifestream Policy Updated Everything Places Now People Stream Multiple Networks Read Bulk Login Account Or Inc
72 NorthCountryCounseling
Counseling, psychotherapy
Counseling, psychotherapy, workshops, and retreats for addictions, trauma, ADD/ADHD, relationships, mood disorders, stress management and spirituality. Employing cognitive-behavioral, EMDR, and mind-body approaches, including the new 'power' or 'energy therapies.'
Psychotherapies Services Contactus Directions Policies Faqs Ncc Rightsreservedhome
Counseling, psychotherapy, workshops, and retreats for addictions, trauma, ADD/ADHD, relationships, mood disorders, stress management and spirituality. Employing cognitive-behavioral, EMDR, and mind-body approaches, including the new 'power' or 'energy therapies.'
Psychotherapies Services Contactus Directions Policies Faqs Ncc Rightsreservedhome
73 Inner Bonding
Learn the
Learn the transformational Inner Bonding healing process and find help with relationships, addictions, parenting issues, aloneness, spiritual connection, anxiety and depression. Free course. Workshops, retreats, and phone sessions for individuals and couples.
Inner Bonding Margaret Paul Relationships Spiritual Help Day Free Love Advice Alanis Growth Experience Relationship Youtube
Learn the transformational Inner Bonding healing process and find help with relationships, addictions, parenting issues, aloneness, spiritual connection, anxiety and depression. Free course. Workshops, retreats, and phone sessions for individuals and couples.
Inner Bonding Margaret Paul Relationships Spiritual Help Day Free Love Advice Alanis Growth Experience Relationship Youtube
74 Dual Diagnosis Resources
Books, videos
Books, videos, manuals, trainining, consulting, articles, motivational interviewing training and materials, and other resources for professionals in the fields of mental health, addictions, criminal justice, and homeless services.
Dual Disorders Resources Co Occurring Diagnosis Training Articles Construction Motivational Development Interviewing Intended Provide Professionalsfamilies Under Directory Screening Engagement
Books, videos, manuals, trainining, consulting, articles, motivational interviewing training and materials, and other resources for professionals in the fields of mental health, addictions, criminal justice, and homeless services.
Dual Disorders Resources Co Occurring Diagnosis Training Articles Construction Motivational Development Interviewing Intended Provide Professionalsfamilies Under Directory Screening Engagement
75 AA 12 Step Recovery Resources
Recovery AA
Recovery AA Blogs, Forums, Online Meetings, Humor, Pictures, Events, Links, Addiction News, Resources, Groups and Information on Alcoholism and Addictions
Recovery Click Sober Here Clean Alcoholism Anonymous Alcoholics Aa Sobriety Steps Step Bill Gifts
Recovery AA Blogs, Forums, Online Meetings, Humor, Pictures, Events, Links, Addiction News, Resources, Groups and Information on Alcoholism and Addictions
Recovery Click Sober Here Clean Alcoholism Anonymous Alcoholics Aa Sobriety Steps Step Bill Gifts
76 The Huntercombe Group
The Huntercombe
The Huntercombe Group is a specialist care provider in the UK, providing treatment in the areas of Mental Health and Addictions, Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Neurodisability, and Learning Disabilities.
Huntercombe Health Group Clinical Mental Camhs Injury Media Brain Adult News Specialist Events Privacy Intellectual Best Interest Scroll
The Huntercombe Group is a specialist care provider in the UK, providing treatment in the areas of Mental Health and Addictions, Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Neurodisability, and Learning Disabilities.
Huntercombe Health Group Clinical Mental Camhs Injury Media Brain Adult News Specialist Events Privacy Intellectual Best Interest Scroll
77 Chinese Family Services of Ontario
Located in
Located in Scarborough. Counselling for those with addictions and their families is available. The programs are developed for those with a Chinese Culture in mind. Services available in English and Chinese.
Rejected Requesty
Located in Scarborough. Counselling for those with addictions and their families is available. The programs are developed for those with a Chinese Culture in mind. Services available in English and Chinese.
Rejected Requesty
78 Good News Home for Women
Christian nonprofit
Christian nonprofit long-term residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation center. Treatment program for women who want help to recover from addictions. Non-sectarian, but spiritually focused program.
Create Tripod Loginwebsite Requested Lycos Signup Shopping Hosting Check Pagelycoscom Please
Christian nonprofit long-term residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation center. Treatment program for women who want help to recover from addictions. Non-sectarian, but spiritually focused program.
Create Tripod Loginwebsite Requested Lycos Signup Shopping Hosting Check Pagelycoscom Please
79 Sugar
Provides support
Provides support on reducing sugar or carbohydrate addictions, offers healthy low carbohydrate, higher protein diet for weight loss. Sugar-free recipes posted.
Page Displayedproviderforplease Error Cannot Contact
Provides support on reducing sugar or carbohydrate addictions, offers healthy low carbohydrate, higher protein diet for weight loss. Sugar-free recipes posted.
Page Displayedproviderforplease Error Cannot Contact
80 Mixed Emotions Grief Support
A mailing
A mailing list support group for adult children dealing with the death (or impending death) of a parent from whom they are emotionally estranged, due to emotional or verbal abuse, alcoholism, or other addictions or dysfunctions.
Mixedemotions Support Grief Bereavement Recommended Emotions Mixed Community Death Dying Subscribe Abuse Page Welcome Recovery Mixedemotions@egroupscom
A mailing list support group for adult children dealing with the death (or impending death) of a parent from whom they are emotionally estranged, due to emotional or verbal abuse, alcoholism, or other addictions or dysfunctions.
Mixedemotions Support Grief Bereavement Recommended Emotions Mixed Community Death Dying Subscribe Abuse Page Welcome Recovery Mixedemotions@egroupscom
81 Motivational Interviewing Training and Consultation
On-site and
On-site and distance learning for professionals in addictions, health care, and mental health. Advanced training and individual coaching available. Reviews of related books and online clinical resources.
Training Treatment Workshops Horn Deborah Teleclasses Resources Consultation Individual Health Onsite Books Services Motivational Care Interviewing Reduction Mailing Families Gambling
On-site and distance learning for professionals in addictions, health care, and mental health. Advanced training and individual coaching available. Reviews of related books and online clinical resources.
Training Treatment Workshops Horn Deborah Teleclasses Resources Consultation Individual Health Onsite Books Services Motivational Care Interviewing Reduction Mailing Families Gambling
82 Motivational Interviewing Training and Consultation
On-site and
On-site and distance learning for professionals in addictions, health care, and mental health. Advanced training and individual coaching available. Reviews of related books and online clinical resources.
Training Treatment Workshops Deborah Horn Teleclasses Health Onsite Individual Resources Consultation Services Books Care Motivational
On-site and distance learning for professionals in addictions, health care, and mental health. Advanced training and individual coaching available. Reviews of related books and online clinical resources.
Training Treatment Workshops Deborah Horn Teleclasses Health Onsite Individual Resources Consultation Services Books Care Motivational
83 The Methadone Site
Make a
Make a difference by educating the world on the knowledge and/or ignorance of opiate addictions and methadone treatment. Please post a message on our message board and improve the quality of life in our world.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Movies Maps Privacysites Terms Popular Reach Archives
Make a difference by educating the world on the knowledge and/or ignorance of opiate addictions and methadone treatment. Please post a message on our message board and improve the quality of life in our world.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Movies Maps Privacysites Terms Popular Reach Archives
84 The Jean Tweed Centre
Located in
Located in Toronto. Treatment for alcohol, drug and gambling addictions are available at this womens treatment facility. Information about the residential treatment program, day treatment program, substance abuse and more are all available online.
Tweed Jean Centre Pm Women Rehab Help Addiction Toronto Drug Thank Thursday Group Click Join Fotercom Gambling Regular
Located in Toronto. Treatment for alcohol, drug and gambling addictions are available at this womens treatment facility. Information about the residential treatment program, day treatment program, substance abuse and more are all available online.
Tweed Jean Centre Pm Women Rehab Help Addiction Toronto Drug Thank Thursday Group Click Join Fotercom Gambling Regular
85 Mental Health Treatment Centers
Treatment facilities
Treatment facilities for the treatment of alcoholism, substance abuse, addictions, psychiatric disorders, sleep disorders, eating disorders, and emotional and behavior problems. Search by state.
Center Treatment Health Contact Course Xe Public Register Policy Testimonials Canyon Advertise Catalog Professionals Directory Ce Faqs Healing Journey
Treatment facilities for the treatment of alcoholism, substance abuse, addictions, psychiatric disorders, sleep disorders, eating disorders, and emotional and behavior problems. Search by state.
Center Treatment Health Contact Course Xe Public Register Policy Testimonials Canyon Advertise Catalog Professionals Directory Ce Faqs Healing Journey
86 Eating Disorders Treatment Specialists of Miami
Individualized therapeutic
Individualized therapeutic programs for bulimia, anorexia, diabetes and addictions. International Association for Eating Disorders Specialists approved. Information on staff, resources, how to contact, news, and program descriptions. Florida.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Individualized therapeutic programs for bulimia, anorexia, diabetes and addictions. International Association for Eating Disorders Specialists approved. Information on staff, resources, how to contact, news, and program descriptions. Florida.
Navigationshilfe Ty
87 Center for Conscious Living - Illinois
Carol B.
Carol B. Low, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist licensed in Illinois and Indiana. Practice includes using guided imagery to address: ADHD, eating disorders, addictions, depression, anxiety, phobias, trauma, abuse, grief, marriage and other relationships, and self-esteem. Other services are support groups, lectures, and articles.
Therapy Clinical Center Living Hypnosis Conscious Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling Psychologist Weight Adhd Anxiety Self Esteem
Carol B. Low, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist licensed in Illinois and Indiana. Practice includes using guided imagery to address: ADHD, eating disorders, addictions, depression, anxiety, phobias, trauma, abuse, grief, marriage and other relationships, and self-esteem. Other services are support groups, lectures, and articles.
Therapy Clinical Center Living Hypnosis Conscious Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling Psychologist Weight Adhd Anxiety Self Esteem
88 Monte Nido Treatment Center
Malibu, California.
Malibu, California. Programs for those with anorexia, bulimia, and exercise addictions, including residential, day treatment, and outpatient. Includes discussion of philosophy of resolving underlying issues and information on the founder, program options and costs, how Nido is different from other centers, family resources, related links, and what graduates have to say about the program.
Eating Treatment Disorder Program Monte Exercise Carolyn Nido Bulimia Anorexia Binge Phd Assessment Free Recovered Ms Rd Residential Outcome Disorders Whats
Malibu, California. Programs for those with anorexia, bulimia, and exercise addictions, including residential, day treatment, and outpatient. Includes discussion of philosophy of resolving underlying issues and information on the founder, program options and costs, how Nido is different from other centers, family resources, related links, and what graduates have to say about the program.
Eating Treatment Disorder Program Monte Exercise Carolyn Nido Bulimia Anorexia Binge Phd Assessment Free Recovered Ms Rd Residential Outcome Disorders Whats
89 The Sober Alcoholics Stop Smoking Support Page
Lots of
Lots of information on the subject, extensively footnoted. 'Most alcoholics or drug addicts have several addictions, and smoking is the most common other addiction by far. Many alcoholics in recovery do not realize that their cigarette smoking is probably an even greater threat to their health and survival than their drinking was. Did you know that more alcoholics die of diseases related to smoking than of diseases related to drinking?'
Lifering Convenor Meetings Meeting Brochures Newsletters Professional Bookstore Resources Other Page Videos Face Documents Bylaws Keepers Delphi
Lots of information on the subject, extensively footnoted. 'Most alcoholics or drug addicts have several addictions, and smoking is the most common other addiction by far. Many alcoholics in recovery do not realize that their cigarette smoking is probably an even greater threat to their health and survival than their drinking was. Did you know that more alcoholics die of diseases related to smoking than of diseases related to drinking?'
Lifering Convenor Meetings Meeting Brochures Newsletters Professional Bookstore Resources Other Page Videos Face Documents Bylaws Keepers Delphi
4. Computer & Addictions Games Websites
1 Impacts of the Internet/Online on the Lives of Users -- Survey and Report
Study about
Study about how Internet/online impacts the lives of users -- Encompasses marriages, family, friendships, health, predators, cybersex, online romance and Internet addictions -- based on AOL survey
Tripod Create Lycoscomrequested Lycos Check Tripodcom Couldnt Hosting Login Website Pagesignup Shopping
Study about how Internet/online impacts the lives of users -- Encompasses marriages, family, friendships, health, predators, cybersex, online romance and Internet addictions -- based on AOL survey
Tripod Create Lycoscomrequested Lycos Check Tripodcom Couldnt Hosting Login Website Pagesignup Shopping
1 Scotts Addictions
'Id like
'Id like to see some more attention paid to game play but in whole the game is a welcome addition to my addictions.'
'Id like to see some more attention paid to game play but in whole the game is a welcome addition to my addictions.'
2 Scotts Addictions
4 Scotts Addictions
An instructive
An instructive review.
An instructive review.
5 Scotts Addictions
Review of
Review of Populous 2
Review of Populous 2
6 Scotts Addictions
Review of
Review of the game.
Review of the game.
7 Scotts Addictions
Offers a
Offers a review with commentary.
Offers a review with commentary.
8 Scotts Addictions - Warlords II
Offers a
Offers a review and game synopsis.
Offers a review and game synopsis.
9 Scotts Addictions
Includes a
Includes a walkthrough/review that covers most aspects of the game.
Includes a walkthrough/review that covers most aspects of the game.
10 Scotts Addictions - Railroad Tycoon Review
Nostalgic trip
Nostalgic trip through one persons addiction to the game.
Nostalgic trip through one persons addiction to the game.
11 Scotts Addictions
'This wonderful
'This wonderful game of tactics thrives on a simple interface and real-time play.'
'This wonderful game of tactics thrives on a simple interface and real-time play.'
12 Scotts Addictions
'If you
'If you havent heard of Blizzard Entertainments Warcraft II, you probably think Doom is a CD-ROM about Revelations and MYST is misspelled.'
'If you havent heard of Blizzard Entertainments Warcraft II, you probably think Doom is a CD-ROM about Revelations and MYST is misspelled.'
13 Star Fox 64 Review
Review by
Review by Scotts Addictions [2/10/97] 'Dont get me wrong... I think Star Fox is great!'
Review by Scotts Addictions [2/10/97] 'Dont get me wrong... I think Star Fox is great!'
5. Sports Websites concerning Addictions
6. Society, Arts and Addictions Crafts
1 Web of Addictions
Providing information
Providing information about alcohol and drug addictions. Includes fact sheets, links, and other resources.
Apacheport Found Serverfound The
Providing information about alcohol and drug addictions. Includes fact sheets, links, and other resources.
Apacheport Found Serverfound The
3 Mary OKeefe RN MS LADC
Christian therapist
Christian therapist specializing in addictions counseling.
Okeefe Maryerror Request Intelius Policy Maryokeefecom Contact Learnsale Privacy People Database
Christian therapist specializing in addictions counseling.
Okeefe Maryerror Request Intelius Policy Maryokeefecom Contact Learnsale Privacy People Database
4 Whatcoat United Methodist Church of Camden
Services, events
Services, events, youth history, photos, addictions and contact.
Services, events, youth history, photos, addictions and contact.
5 Kavod Recovery Program
An outpatient
An outpatient program in Rochester, NY, for people with sexual addictions/compulsions.
Addiction Treatment Ny Compassionate Comprehensive Recovery Relationship Partner Rochester Provides Related Provide Centerfamily
An outpatient program in Rochester, NY, for people with sexual addictions/compulsions.
Addiction Treatment Ny Compassionate Comprehensive Recovery Relationship Partner Rochester Provides Related Provide Centerfamily
6 LifeCare Counseling Services
Individual, marriage
Individual, marriage, and family counseling for anxiety, addictions, depression, and stress.
Counseling Stress Marriage Families Environment Therapy Safe Life Individuals Interpersonal Nuturing Familyindiana Sex
Individual, marriage, and family counseling for anxiety, addictions, depression, and stress.
Counseling Stress Marriage Families Environment Therapy Safe Life Individuals Interpersonal Nuturing Familyindiana Sex
7 Recovery Web
Recovery from
Recovery from addictions and alcoholism, sexual abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, codependency and abusive relationships.
Navigationshilfet Y
Recovery from addictions and alcoholism, sexual abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, codependency and abusive relationships.
Navigationshilfet Y
8 Walk By Faith Counseling Center
K.L. Lemler
K.L. Lemler provides coaching, advice and counselling for life situations including marriage, divorce, addictions, abortion, parenting, dating, motivation and the Bible.
K.L. Lemler provides coaching, advice and counselling for life situations including marriage, divorce, addictions, abortion, parenting, dating, motivation and the Bible.
9 Vekquin - The Fetish Psychoanalyst
Specialist in
Specialist in discovering the reasons for existence of all types of sexual fixations including fetishes, obsessions, addictions, and compulsions for BDSM. Analysis offered by telephone or in-person Seattle, WA, USA.
Click Datenschutzrichtlinien Here Dieser Domain Vekquincominformationen Informationenvekquincom Z
Specialist in discovering the reasons for existence of all types of sexual fixations including fetishes, obsessions, addictions, and compulsions for BDSM. Analysis offered by telephone or in-person Seattle, WA, USA.
Click Datenschutzrichtlinien Here Dieser Domain Vekquincominformationen Informationenvekquincom Z
10 Vekquin - The Fetish Psychoanalyst
Specialist in
Specialist in discovering the reasons for existence of all types of sexual fixations including fetishes, obsessions, addictions, and compulsions for BDSM. Analysis offered by telephone or in-person Seattle, WA, USA.
Directnic Vekquincomy
Specialist in discovering the reasons for existence of all types of sexual fixations including fetishes, obsessions, addictions, and compulsions for BDSM. Analysis offered by telephone or in-person Seattle, WA, USA.
Directnic Vekquincomy
11 The Sober Ladys Recovery Site
An online
An online recovery portal for women in recovery seeking information on addictions, health and guides to serenity.
Soberladys Enter Recovery Welcomesponsored Menutable Z
An online recovery portal for women in recovery seeking information on addictions, health and guides to serenity.
Soberladys Enter Recovery Welcomesponsored Menutable Z
12 Front Range Counseling Center
Counseling services
Counseling services for men and women who struggle with sexual and cosexual addictions, including facilitating groups for support and recovery. Located in Littleton, Colorado.
Counseling services for men and women who struggle with sexual and cosexual addictions, including facilitating groups for support and recovery. Located in Littleton, Colorado.
13 There is Hope and Healing
Authors story
Authors story of rape, healing and recovery, hope for peace, encouragement, help for divorce, addictions, and alcoholism in her book.
Christ Jesus Marlane Living Lord Elephant Renner God Hope Engagements Room Ibelieve Bible Information Truth Click Faith
Authors story of rape, healing and recovery, hope for peace, encouragement, help for divorce, addictions, and alcoholism in her book.
Christ Jesus Marlane Living Lord Elephant Renner God Hope Engagements Room Ibelieve Bible Information Truth Click Faith
14 Mary OKeefe
A licensed
A licensed family counselor offering services for alcohol, drug and other addictions, as well as depression, loss and grief, anger management classes, and family issues. Located in Putnam, Connecticut.
Error Requesty
A licensed family counselor offering services for alcohol, drug and other addictions, as well as depression, loss and grief, anger management classes, and family issues. Located in Putnam, Connecticut.
Error Requesty
15 Sexual Addictions Internet Clinic
Anonymous and
Anonymous and confidential Internet and telephone consultations by registered psychologists. Individual strategies promoting sensuality, awareness, and fitness as a substitute for sexual addiction.
Anonymous and confidential Internet and telephone consultations by registered psychologists. Individual strategies promoting sensuality, awareness, and fitness as a substitute for sexual addiction.
16 Anchor Christian Couseling
Specializing in
Specializing in a Biblical approach to counseling in the areas of depression, premarital and family, sexual, mental and general abuse counseling, and addictions. Located in Bismarck, North Dakota with offices in Beulah and Dickinson.
Counseling Abuse Christian Bismarck North Children Anchor Harley Dakota Dickinson Multimedia Codependency Holden Premarital Visions Domestic Gospel Info Harley
Specializing in a Biblical approach to counseling in the areas of depression, premarital and family, sexual, mental and general abuse counseling, and addictions. Located in Bismarck, North Dakota with offices in Beulah and Dickinson.
Counseling Abuse Christian Bismarck North Children Anchor Harley Dakota Dickinson Multimedia Codependency Holden Premarital Visions Domestic Gospel Info Harley
17 Center for Christian Counseling
offers counseling
offers counseling services for all age groups and every conceivable problem that involves human difficulties. Specialties include depression, anxiety, anger, addictions of all kinds, marriage and family issues, children, adolescents, and individuals.
Counseling Center Christian Lifeline Services West Word Click Announcement Counselors Continue Groups Jordan Learning Christiancounseling
offers counseling services for all age groups and every conceivable problem that involves human difficulties. Specialties include depression, anxiety, anger, addictions of all kinds, marriage and family issues, children, adolescents, and individuals.
Counseling Center Christian Lifeline Services West Word Click Announcement Counselors Continue Groups Jordan Learning Christiancounseling
18 CrossRoads Counseling and Care Center
Provides Biblically
Provides Biblically based counselling for individuals, marriage and pre-marital counselling, adolescents & families, spiritual direction, addictions and massage therapy. Locayed in Crest Hill,Illinois, United States of America.
Navigationshilfet Y
Provides Biblically based counselling for individuals, marriage and pre-marital counselling, adolescents & families, spiritual direction, addictions and massage therapy. Locayed in Crest Hill,Illinois, United States of America.
Navigationshilfet Y
19 christian counseling services of connecticut
mary okeefe
mary okeefe is a licensed counselor located in putnam connecticut offering counseling services, to individuals, couples and families. specializing in drug and alcohol abuse, as well as other addictions.
Mary Okeefe Policycontact Intelius Maryokeefecom Cart Database People Privacy Errorrequest Sale
mary okeefe is a licensed counselor located in putnam connecticut offering counseling services, to individuals, couples and families. specializing in drug and alcohol abuse, as well as other addictions.
Mary Okeefe Policycontact Intelius Maryokeefecom Cart Database People Privacy Errorrequest Sale
20 Fellowship of Recovering Lutheran Clergy
Support organization
Support organization for Lutheran clergy who suffer from or are recovering from alcoholism and other addictions.
Support organization for Lutheran clergy who suffer from or are recovering from alcoholism and other addictions.
21 Center for Healthy Sexuality
Dorothy C.
Dorothy C. Hayden offers therapy services for people chained to 'alternative' sexualities, including BDSM, fetishes, crossdressing and sex and cybersex addictions. Also provides services for people who accept their sexualities and want to integrate them into their lifystyles.
Addiction Sex Therapy Porn Counseling Treatment York Addicts How Addict Partners Break Nyc Email Quit
Dorothy C. Hayden offers therapy services for people chained to 'alternative' sexualities, including BDSM, fetishes, crossdressing and sex and cybersex addictions. Also provides services for people who accept their sexualities and want to integrate them into their lifystyles.
Addiction Sex Therapy Porn Counseling Treatment York Addicts How Addict Partners Break Nyc Email Quit
22 Weigh Down Workshop
Classes and
Classes and materials to help people lose weight based on the premise that greed and a lack of faith is the cause of weight problems, rather problems with the type of food we eat or lack of exercise. Also offers materials on dealing with other addictions.
Diet Weigh Weight Loss Gwen Based Faith Shamblin Official Christian Remnant Videos Contact Workshop Weighdown Relating
Classes and materials to help people lose weight based on the premise that greed and a lack of faith is the cause of weight problems, rather problems with the type of food we eat or lack of exercise. Also offers materials on dealing with other addictions.
Diet Weigh Weight Loss Gwen Based Faith Shamblin Official Christian Remnant Videos Contact Workshop Weighdown Relating
23 Dr. Charles Darwin, Pastoral Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist
Pastoral counselor
Pastoral counselor and marriage and family therapist working in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Offers help with family issues and personal relationships, addictions, eating disorders, and depression. Available for private counseling and group workshops as well as a consultant to churches and businesses.
Internal Server Error Pleasez
Pastoral counselor and marriage and family therapist working in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Offers help with family issues and personal relationships, addictions, eating disorders, and depression. Available for private counseling and group workshops as well as a consultant to churches and businesses.
Internal Server Error Pleasez
24 Zen and Recovery
Description of
Description of the benefits of Zen meditation, and instruction in meditation for the beginner. Focuses on the benefits of Zen meditation in recovery from addictions, but is useful to any meditation beginner.
Description of the benefits of Zen meditation, and instruction in meditation for the beginner. Focuses on the benefits of Zen meditation in recovery from addictions, but is useful to any meditation beginner.
1 Backstreet Addictions Fan Fiction Page
Features hosted
Features hosted fan fiction and links.
*baff*fiction Fan Backstreetaddiction
Features hosted fan fiction and links.
*baff*fiction Fan Backstreetaddiction