Suzanne Moores NC
Experience Basket Weaving
Supply company offering Nantucket Lightship molds and accessories, weaving and chair seating materials, reed, cane and handles.Suzanne Moores North Carolina Basket Works Supplying Basket Weaving and Chair Seating Materials since 1983

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Basket Weaving Crafts Seagrass Cane Stain Reed Braided Chair Moores Works Patterns Suzanne Email Cord Kids Products Martha Buddy Plate Crafts Supplies Basketry Basket Weaving Supplies Basketry Supplies Basket Weaving Basket Making Reed Splint Cane Chair Cane Cane Webbing Seagrass Shaker Tape Dye Stain Weavers Stain Chair Seating Supplies Nantucket Basket Supplies Gourd Craft Basket Weaving Books Basket Weaving Patterns Basket Making Kits Weave Rite Tools Spline Basketry Jewelry Chairs Basketry Baskets Crafts Handicrafts
Reviews and Comments for Suzanne Moores NC Basket

Best entries for Basket and Weaving
1 Knot Just Yarn
Supplies and
Supplies and classes for a variety of crafts including knitting, crochet, tatting, weaving, felting, spinning, basket-weaving, rug hooking, beading and needlework.
Serverapache Permanently The Portmobile
Supplies and classes for a variety of crafts including knitting, crochet, tatting, weaving, felting, spinning, basket-weaving, rug hooking, beading and needlework.
Serverapache Permanently The Portmobile
2 Basket Patterns
Offers kits
Offers kits, books, cane, bases, embellishments, handles, coiling, pine needle art, gourd weaving, hoops, patterns, raffia, reed, sea grass, shaker tape, stains, dyes, stencils, and weaving tools.
Patterns Basket Price Linen Order Products Bases Ons Houghton Tools Lake Wood Accountsign Kits Base Welcome Ad Accessories
Offers kits, books, cane, bases, embellishments, handles, coiling, pine needle art, gourd weaving, hoops, patterns, raffia, reed, sea grass, shaker tape, stains, dyes, stencils, and weaving tools.
Patterns Basket Price Linen Order Products Bases Ons Houghton Tools Lake Wood Accountsign Kits Base Welcome Ad Accessories
3 Royalwood Ltd. Basket Weaving & Caning Supplies
Antlers, bamboo
Antlers, bamboo, basket parts, kits, books, caning supplies, dyes, stains, embellishments, gourds, handles, hoops, reed and rattan, fiber and natural rush, sea grass, shaker tape, tools and links. Martha Wetherbee and Nantucket supplies also.
Tools Supplies Basket Weaving Linen Waxed Patterns Wax Wholesale Ltd Royalwood Rattan Reed Books Gourd Woodville Still Weeks
Antlers, bamboo, basket parts, kits, books, caning supplies, dyes, stains, embellishments, gourds, handles, hoops, reed and rattan, fiber and natural rush, sea grass, shaker tape, tools and links. Martha Wetherbee and Nantucket supplies also.
Tools Supplies Basket Weaving Linen Waxed Patterns Wax Wholesale Ltd Royalwood Rattan Reed Books Gourd Woodville Still Weeks
4 JB-Designs Basketry
Supplier of
Supplier of basket weaving supplies such as reed, kits, materials, patterns, books, tools, and handles.
Basket Weaving Basketry Patterns Handles Reed Kits Here Beginner Bases Advanced Grooved Intermediate Basketweavingsuppliescom Supplies Making Pattern
Supplier of basket weaving supplies such as reed, kits, materials, patterns, books, tools, and handles.
Basket Weaving Basketry Patterns Handles Reed Kits Here Beginner Bases Advanced Grooved Intermediate Basketweavingsuppliescom Supplies Making Pattern
5 Woven Designs
Patterns and
Patterns and wooden bases for all levels of basket weaving expertise. Classes at home and at conventions are offered.
Policy Shipping Vendors User Associated Privacy Supplies Register Conferences Designs Woven Contact Grand Login Patterns Lois
Patterns and wooden bases for all levels of basket weaving expertise. Classes at home and at conventions are offered.
Policy Shipping Vendors User Associated Privacy Supplies Register Conferences Designs Woven Contact Grand Login Patterns Lois
6 Elkhorn Mountains Weaving Studio
Swedish Glimakra
Swedish Glimakra floor and drawlooms, shuttles, warping reels, skein winders and other weaving accessories. Also information on weaving, looms, equipment, and techniques.
Glimakra Page Click Price Looms List Weaving Usa Contact Gav Used Here Texsolv Information Customer Amish Construction Updates Current Books
Swedish Glimakra floor and drawlooms, shuttles, warping reels, skein winders and other weaving accessories. Also information on weaving, looms, equipment, and techniques.
Glimakra Page Click Price Looms List Weaving Usa Contact Gav Used Here Texsolv Information Customer Amish Construction Updates Current Books
7 Elkhorn Mountains Weaving Studio
Swedish Glimakra
Swedish Glimakra floor and drawlooms, shuttles, warping reels, skein winders and other weaving accessories. Also information on weaving, looms, equipment, and techniques.
Glimakra Page Price Click Looms List Weaving Usa Here Gav Used Contact Tempest Free Texsolv Montana Information Care Homepage
Swedish Glimakra floor and drawlooms, shuttles, warping reels, skein winders and other weaving accessories. Also information on weaving, looms, equipment, and techniques.
Glimakra Page Price Click Looms List Weaving Usa Here Gav Used Contact Tempest Free Texsolv Montana Information Care Homepage
8 Suzanne Moores NC Basket Works
Supply company
Supply company offering Nantucket Lightship molds and accessories, weaving and chair seating materials, reed, cane and handles.
Basket Weaving Crafts Seagrass Cane Stain Reed Braided Chair Moores Works Patterns Suzanne Email Cord Kids Products Martha Buddy Plate
Supply company offering Nantucket Lightship molds and accessories, weaving and chair seating materials, reed, cane and handles.
Basket Weaving Crafts Seagrass Cane Stain Reed Braided Chair Moores Works Patterns Suzanne Email Cord Kids Products Martha Buddy Plate
9 The Weaving Works
Offering a
Offering a full range of supplies, equipment, books and instruction for weavers, knitters, dyers, papermakers, fiber, basket and craft artesans and hobbyists in the University District.
Weaving Shibui Works Beginning Rowan Isager Fiber Yarns Lotus Island Tweed American Heddle Taiyo Tibetan Class Featured
Offering a full range of supplies, equipment, books and instruction for weavers, knitters, dyers, papermakers, fiber, basket and craft artesans and hobbyists in the University District.
Weaving Shibui Works Beginning Rowan Isager Fiber Yarns Lotus Island Tweed American Heddle Taiyo Tibetan Class Featured
10 HH Perkins
Distributors of
Distributors of rattan products for basket and seat weaving and rattan swords, also repair services, furniture, window treatments and ready made baskets.
Mesh Cane Fine Webbing Handle Bean Specials Pot Basket Perkins Hh Repairrestoration Classes Custom Window Weaving * Designs Weaving Log
Distributors of rattan products for basket and seat weaving and rattan swords, also repair services, furniture, window treatments and ready made baskets.
Mesh Cane Fine Webbing Handle Bean Specials Pot Basket Perkins Hh Repairrestoration Classes Custom Window Weaving * Designs Weaving Log
11 Classic Basket
Gift basket
Gift basket and gourmet food basket service available online or in Westfield, NJ.
Apacheserver Bin Cgiport
Gift basket and gourmet food basket service available online or in Westfield, NJ.
Apacheserver Bin Cgiport
12 Homestead Weaving Studio
Family-operated business
Family-operated business carrying weaving, spinning, and knitting supplies and equipment and household items. Also offering small dye runs of handpainted yarns for weavers and knitters and rovings for spinning and custom weaving.
Rugs Weaving Studio County Brown Looms Spinning Homestead Knitting Supplies Indiana Yarn Click Tour Gustin Homesteadweaver Copyright Browser
Family-operated business carrying weaving, spinning, and knitting supplies and equipment and household items. Also offering small dye runs of handpainted yarns for weavers and knitters and rovings for spinning and custom weaving.
Rugs Weaving Studio County Brown Looms Spinning Homestead Knitting Supplies Indiana Yarn Click Tour Gustin Homesteadweaver Copyright Browser
13 The Weaving Works Home Page
Full range
Full range of supplies, equipment, books and instruction for weavers, knitters, dyers, papermakers, fiber, basket and craft artesans and hobbyists of all levels. Expert staff. Mail orders and answering questions are our specialities.
Rowan Tweed Seattle Yarns Western Works Noro Lotus Taiyo Weaving Aran Dyed Directions Navajo Wish Class Shop Create Classesclasses Lace
Full range of supplies, equipment, books and instruction for weavers, knitters, dyers, papermakers, fiber, basket and craft artesans and hobbyists of all levels. Expert staff. Mail orders and answering questions are our specialities.
Rowan Tweed Seattle Yarns Western Works Noro Lotus Taiyo Weaving Aran Dyed Directions Navajo Wish Class Shop Create Classesclasses Lace
14 Julie Gurr Basket Maker of Arran
Decorative and
Decorative and functional handmade baskets by Julie Gurr on the Isle of Arran, Scotland. Includes information on living willow structures and weaving workshops.
Materials Week Baskets Found Wire Telephone Willowweavercom Moss Willow Tinsel Gallery Grass Living Electrical Other
Decorative and functional handmade baskets by Julie Gurr on the Isle of Arran, Scotland. Includes information on living willow structures and weaving workshops.
Materials Week Baskets Found Wire Telephone Willowweavercom Moss Willow Tinsel Gallery Grass Living Electrical Other
15 Aarhus Weaving Center
Provides a
Provides a selection of weaving equipment, looms and supplies. Also sells handwoven and handknitted items.
Ohio Best City Attractions Sandusky Cleveland Moregtgt Where Toledo Cincinnati Visit Museum Cities Wwwohioweavercom Stay
Provides a selection of weaving equipment, looms and supplies. Also sells handwoven and handknitted items.
Ohio Best City Attractions Sandusky Cleveland Moregtgt Where Toledo Cincinnati Visit Museum Cities Wwwohioweavercom Stay
16 Aarhus Weaving Center
Provides a
Provides a selection of weaving equipment, looms and supplies. Also sells handwoven and handknitted items.
Ohio Best City Attractions Where Moregtgt Cleveland Sandusky Toledo Cincinnati Visit Wwwohioweavercom Cities Stay Museum
Provides a selection of weaving equipment, looms and supplies. Also sells handwoven and handknitted items.
Ohio Best City Attractions Where Moregtgt Cleveland Sandusky Toledo Cincinnati Visit Wwwohioweavercom Cities Stay Museum
17 Aarhus Weaving Center
Weaving equipment
Weaving equipment and supplies.
Ohio Best City Where Sandusky Moregtgt Cleveland Attractions Toledo Cincinnati Museum Cities Wwwohioweavercom Stay Visit Itis Guide
Weaving equipment and supplies.
Ohio Best City Where Sandusky Moregtgt Cleveland Attractions Toledo Cincinnati Museum Cities Wwwohioweavercom Stay Visit Itis Guide
18 Aarhus Weaving Center
Weaving equipment
Weaving equipment and supplies.
Ohio Best Sandusky City Moregtgt Where Cleveland Attractions Toledo Cincinnati Visit Cities Stay Museum Wwwohioweavercom
Weaving equipment and supplies.
Ohio Best Sandusky City Moregtgt Where Cleveland Attractions Toledo Cincinnati Visit Cities Stay Museum Wwwohioweavercom
19 Apple Hollow Farm
New, used
New, used, and antique spinning wheels. Weaving looms, books, supplies, fleeces, spinning fibers, weaving yarns, dyes, videos, jewelry, and sheep.
Looms Weaving Spinning Wheels Dvds Apple Hollow Yarns Books Schacht Familyverdanabackground Colorfont Sizepxcolorfffffffont Jensen Glimakra Fiber Felting
New, used, and antique spinning wheels. Weaving looms, books, supplies, fleeces, spinning fibers, weaving yarns, dyes, videos, jewelry, and sheep.
Looms Weaving Spinning Wheels Dvds Apple Hollow Yarns Books Schacht Familyverdanabackground Colorfont Sizepxcolorfffffffont Jensen Glimakra Fiber Felting
20 Basket Works LTD
Providing gift
Providing gift basket services for over 13 years in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Providing gift basket services for over 13 years in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
21 XYZ Basket Works
Basket making
Basket making kits, patterns, handles, liners and embellishments. Has pictures and contact information.
Xyz Basket Worksy
Basket making kits, patterns, handles, liners and embellishments. Has pictures and contact information.
Xyz Basket Worksy
22 Nancys Stitches and Bows
Custom sewn
Custom sewn basket garters, basket liners and misc. items for Longaberger baskets.
Custom sewn basket garters, basket liners and misc. items for Longaberger baskets.
23 Tropical Enterprises
Reproduction of
Reproduction of the Nantucket lightship basket, with synthetic ivory scrimshaw design on top and inside of rattan basket.
Nantucket Handbag Tropical Farnum Lightship Enterprises Basket Gifts Accessories Order Ships Ivoryite Handbags History Baskets Landmarks Rattan
Reproduction of the Nantucket lightship basket, with synthetic ivory scrimshaw design on top and inside of rattan basket.
Nantucket Handbag Tropical Farnum Lightship Enterprises Basket Gifts Accessories Order Ships Ivoryite Handbags History Baskets Landmarks Rattan
24 Basket Fixins
Longaberger basket
Longaberger basket listings.
ホエールウォッãƒÂングã§ã®船é…â€Ã£Â„対ç– ホエールウォッãƒÂングをã™る際ã®注æ„Â点 沖縄ホエールウォッãƒÂングã®出発å‰Âã«ã¯船é…â€Ã£Â„対ç–を 船é…â€Ã£Â„ギブアップã®防æ¢方法 防寒対ç– 楽ã—ã„沖縄ホエールウォッãƒÂãÆ
Longaberger basket listings.
ホエールウォッãƒÂングã§ã®船é…â€Ã£Â„対ç– ホエールウォッãƒÂングをã™る際ã®注æ„Â点 沖縄ホエールウォッãƒÂングã®出発å‰Âã«ã¯船é…â€Ã£Â„対ç–を 船é…â€Ã£Â„ギブアップã®防æ¢方法 防寒対ç– 楽ã—ã„沖縄ホエールウォッãƒÂãÆ
25 AVL Looms Inc.
USA. Manufacturer
USA. Manufacturer and dealer of dobby and jacquard looms. Dealer of weaving software and accessories, and provider of weaving instruction classes.
Looms Avl Traveling Teacher Chico Library Compu Dobby Financing Weaver Lets Testimonials Pre Owned Checkout Partners Park Customize
USA. Manufacturer and dealer of dobby and jacquard looms. Dealer of weaving software and accessories, and provider of weaving instruction classes.
Looms Avl Traveling Teacher Chico Library Compu Dobby Financing Weaver Lets Testimonials Pre Owned Checkout Partners Park Customize
26 Purple Fleece
Yarns for
Yarns for weaving and knitting, fleece for spinning and felting, equipment for weaving and spinning.
Fleece Email Purple Yarns Classes Roving Equipment Spinning Everything Fibers Steals Feature Month Whats Order Felting
Yarns for weaving and knitting, fleece for spinning and felting, equipment for weaving and spinning.
Fleece Email Purple Yarns Classes Roving Equipment Spinning Everything Fibers Steals Feature Month Whats Order Felting
27 Gift and Basket Expressions
Daily gift
Daily gift basket hand delivery to Chicago, plus shipping available. Custom designs are a specialty.
Daily gift basket hand delivery to Chicago, plus shipping available. Custom designs are a specialty.
28 Joans Linen Basket
Offers hand
Offers hand crafted basket garters, table napkins, placemats, and table runners for your home.
Fabric Astral Yard Quilt Summer Stripe Craft Floral Spring Puffs Green Forgot Shop Savannah Joberryfabrics
Offers hand crafted basket garters, table napkins, placemats, and table runners for your home.
Fabric Astral Yard Quilt Summer Stripe Craft Floral Spring Puffs Green Forgot Shop Savannah Joberryfabrics
29 Baskets of Joy
Pottery, wood
Pottery, wood and wrought iron basket handles, wood bases and other basket making supplies.
Basket Handles Weaving Baskets Bases Round Patterns Pottery Basketry Wood Reed Supplies Seat Hoops Maine Kits
Pottery, wood and wrought iron basket handles, wood bases and other basket making supplies.
Basket Handles Weaving Baskets Bases Round Patterns Pottery Basketry Wood Reed Supplies Seat Hoops Maine Kits
30 Gift Basket Village
Gift basket
Gift basket company offering online shopping. Most baskets shipped same day.
Gift Baskets Fathers Wishlist Compare Basket Add Day Cart Send Price Holiday Village Testimonials Messages
Gift basket company offering online shopping. Most baskets shipped same day.
Gift Baskets Fathers Wishlist Compare Basket Add Day Cart Send Price Holiday Village Testimonials Messages
31 In a Hand Baskets
Original baskets
Original baskets by Linda Boyle-Gibson. Site also offers basket supplies including basket reed, handles, patterns, and kits.
Error Requesty
Original baskets by Linda Boyle-Gibson. Site also offers basket supplies including basket reed, handles, patterns, and kits.
Error Requesty
32 Basket Bases
Sells wooden
Sells wooden basket bases of all sizes and shapes, including custom.
Bases Rjh Entries Rss Wordpressorg Archives * Categories Comments * Found Sorry Metaz Copyright
Sells wooden basket bases of all sizes and shapes, including custom.
Bases Rjh Entries Rss Wordpressorg Archives * Categories Comments * Found Sorry Metaz Copyright