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Stellar Musical Products, Native American

Stellar Musical Products Review Experience Flutes Flute

They offer Native American flutes and flute kits.

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Flutes Flute Kits Stellar Drone Shop Projects Tuned Learning Products Middle Contact Group Eastern Standard Beautiful Tools Music Instruments Winds Woodwinds Native American Flute Native American Style Flute Wood Flute Pentitonic Flute Flute Stellar Flutes First Flute Shelton Washington

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Best entries for Flutes and Flute

1 Whirlwind Studios Native owned
Native owned gallery of Native American flutes. Several flute makers represented and exotic flutes are pictured here. Native American flute music, flute kits, art, and show schedule. Color brochure.
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2 Whirlwind Studios Native owned
Native owned gallery of Native American flutes. Several flute makers represented and exotic flutes are pictured here. Native American flute music, flute kits, art, and show schedule. Color brochure.
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3 Oregon Flute Store Offers Native
Offers Native American flutes, cases, instructional materials and songbooks. Also has stands, accessories and flute history resources.
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4 Wind Dancer Flutes Handmade flutes
Handmade flutes by a member of International Native American Flute Association.
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5 Stroud Flutes Videos and
Videos and books on how to make a flute. Native American style flutes, recordings, kits and accessories.
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6 Spirit Wind Love Flutes A variety
A variety of Native American flutes. Instruction book, recordings, and flute cases available. Pow Wow schedule.
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7 Heartwood Flutes Traditional Native
Traditional Native American flutes custom created in all keys, woods, and styles by Ojibwa flute maker Raymond Redfeather.
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8 Earth Tone Flutes Native American
Native American flutes using primarily Eastern Red Cedar, Douglas Fir and Redwood. Tuned to traditional minor scales, and a major scale flute is available. Sound samples to listen to.
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9 Kamama Spirit Flutes Bamboo Native
Bamboo Native American flutes, using yellow, black and unique rootend bamboo. All keys available with photos on how flute are made.
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10 Kiwicelt Wooden Flutes Specializes in
Specializes in the hand crafted flutes of traditional Irish flute maker, player and teacher, Martin Doyle of Ireland. Available both from Ireland and New Zealand.
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11 Saggio Healing Arts Native American
Native American flutes and flute music. Hand crafted wooden flutes in various keys and woods. Also offers Crystal Singing Bowls, and music books.
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12 Stellar Musical Products, Native American Flutes They offer
They offer Native American flutes and flute kits.
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13 Flute World (US) flutes
(US) flutes, music, accessories, and repair services.
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14 FluteSpirit A selection
A selection of handcrafted Native American style flutes, and flute music.
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15 The Flute Studio (Singapore) Sole agent
Sole agent for the Altus flute of Japan. Also organizers of concerts, flute classes, and CD recordings.
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16 Cloud Hands Music Peter Ross
Peter Ross, artist and shakuhachi flute maker. Also sells other flutes from several makers.
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17 Coyote Oldman Four styles
Four styles of the Native American flutes offered. Carved traditional designs, a backpacking flute, and music is available.
Music Flutes Coyote Oldman Blog Flute$ Flute American Rock Backpacking Policy Return Desert Prayer North Ive
18 Clayzeness Whistleworks Transverse flutes
Transverse flutes individually designed from porcelain with tablature and blowing instructions included. True interpretations of the Native style flute.
Zelda Ocarina Flutes Music Go Ocarinas Clayzeness Catalog Clay Songbook Ceramic | Instrument Fairy Ocarinagirlgif Pendant Clayz
19 Clayzeness Whistleworks Transverse flutes
Transverse flutes individually designed from porcelain with tablature and blowing instructions included. True interpretations of the Native style flute.
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20 Kokopelli Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American flutes, tuned in traditional pentatonic scale. Kiowa love flutes and Apache double flutes in aromatic cedar, and other native woods. Books and music.
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21 Mockingbird Flutes Native American
Native American style flutes using non-toxic oils. Offers custom made and concert tuned flutes.
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22 Mountain Spirit Flutes Woodland style
Woodland style Native American flutes. Offering handmade wood and rivercane flutes, flutemaking demonstrations and performances.
Flutes Shell Carved Native American Stone Inlaid Wood Rivercane Jewelry Mountainspiritflutesnet Handmade Inlayed Daniel Y
23 Ghost Owl Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American style wooden flutes of cedar or other specified woods. Flutes made to order. Traditional pentatonic or diatonic tunings.
24 Jonathan Myall Music: Flutes Shop in
Shop in Croydon, UK offers instruments, repair and sheet music. Online shopping for thousands of works for flute including solos with accompaniment, concertos, jazz and teaching pieces.
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25 WindWalker Music Flute Magic
Flute Magic book, an introduction to the Native American flute, and CDs by Tim R. Crawford.
26 Flute Echos CD of
CD of original compositions by flute artist John Worsley. Sound files available.
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27 Littleleaf, Charles Native American
Native American flutist, recording artist and flute maker, featuring music on CDs. Site also includes Littleleafs profile, sound samples, interviews, and a link to his new creations in Native American flutes.
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28 Gemme Innovations, LLC Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American style drums, flutes, and rattles, with artwork option. Ashikos, djun djuns, imported African djembes and drum repair. Drum and flute building classes. Located in Connecticut, United States.
29 Jim Gillilands Flutes & Crafts Native American
Native American Flutes & Crafts. River Cane & Wooden Flutes sales.
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30 The Flute Music Web Page Flute related
Flute related products for sale: CDs, sheet music, instructional books and recordings.
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31 Sun Heart Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted native flutes using cedar. Double and quads available.
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32 Feng Shui Flutes Dealer of
Dealer of handcrafted bamboo flutes, both retail and wholesale.
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More Stellar Musical Products, Native American Flutes Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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