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Flutes Experience


1 daniel bell and josh schnapp makes hancrafted
makes hancrafted native american flutes. usa.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Sorry Inc Guidelinestrying News Popular Longeravailable Sites Machine Terms
2 Orpheus Music Exclusive importers
Exclusive importers for Pearl Flutes, Vespro Saxophones, and TourTimps.
3 Orpheus Music Exclusive importers
Exclusive importers for Pearl Flutes, Vespro Saxophones, and TourTimps. Located in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
4 Glass America Large selection
Large selection of custom imprintable mugs, glasses, coffee cups, flutes, beer steins.
5 Guangdong Textiles I/E Cotton Manufactured Goods Co. Ltd A company
A company located in China specializing in guitars, ukuleles, violins, accordions, harmonicas, flutes, bell drums, and accessories. Also features key chains and photo frames. Profile, information about products, and contact.
6 Sharma Music House Manufacturers, traders
Manufacturers, traders and exporters of Classical Indian Instruments such as Sitar, Veena, Harmonium, Tabla, Dholak, Mridhang, Pakawaj, Israj, Sarod, Santoor, Gunghroo, Flutes, Guitars Sarangi, Nagara, Been, Gopichand, and Iktara.

2. Shopping and Flutes Trade

1 Kokopelli Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American flutes, tuned in traditional pentatonic scale. Kiowa love flutes and Apache double flutes in aromatic cedar, and other native woods. Books and music.
Request Errory
2 Mockingbird Flutes Native American
Native American style flutes using non-toxic oils. Offers custom made and concert tuned flutes.
Document Untitledy
3 Mountain Spirit Flutes Woodland style
Woodland style Native American flutes. Offering handmade wood and rivercane flutes, flutemaking demonstrations and performances.
Flutes Shell Carved Native American Stone Inlaid Wood Rivercane Jewelry Mountainspiritflutesnet Handmade Inlayed Daniel Y
4 Ghost Owl Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American style wooden flutes of cedar or other specified woods. Flutes made to order. Traditional pentatonic or diatonic tunings.
5 Jim Gillilands Flutes & Crafts Native American
Native American Flutes & Crafts. River Cane & Wooden Flutes sales.
Flutes American Native Flute River Cane Gillilands Jim Sales Click Bamboo Crafts Jims Here Photos Wooden
6 Feng Shui Flutes Dealer of
Dealer of handcrafted bamboo flutes, both retail and wholesale.
Flutes Shui Feng Bamboo Email Flute Root Wholesale Store Sleek Multi Chi Node Style Mini
7 Serenity Flutes Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American style flutes, crafted mostly from cedar.
Serenityflutescom Advance Cash Insurance Terms Debt Legal Consolidation Report Section Celllearn Domain Click
8 Warrior Wind Flutes Flutes crafted
Flutes crafted from PolyVinylChloride. Virtually indestructable and affordable.
Flutes American Native Composite Pvc Crafted Love Materialserror Warrior Request Wind Hand Z
9 Sun Heart Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted native flutes using cedar. Double and quads available.
Z Wwwsunnyheartleycom Y
10 Sampson Woodland Flutes Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American flutes and accessories.
Sampsonwoodlandflutescom Advance Insurance Cash Debt Legal Terms Consolidation Learn Free Life Bestphones Browse
11 Fretwell Flutes Native American
Native American Flutes. Choice of size and wood. 6 and 5 holes instruments available.
Flutes Flute Traditional Native American Maker ~ Style Drone Music Specialty Instruction Jerry Fretwell Click Pvc
12 Raven Song Flutes Native American
Native American style flutes designed and made by Gerry Ouellette.
Flute Flutes Raven Song American Native Catalog Making Workshops Loon Mode North Carving Contact Hollis Nation
13 Storyteller Flutes Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American flutes, made from various woods. Also offering original CDs, as well as books.
14 Thunder Bear Flutes An array
An array of Native American style flutes made mostly from aromatic cedar.
Create Tripod Hosting Please Website Check Found Tripodcom Page Requested Loginlycos Signup Couldnt
15 Wind Dancer Flutes Handmade flutes
Handmade flutes by a member of International Native American Flute Association.
Flutes Flute American Native Style Dancer Mcgee Wind Music Custom Hand Roger Artist Made Maker Cedar Each Chambered Using
16 Hawk Hurst Flutes Native American
Native American style flutes made of rivercane or bamboo. Also offering CDs and books.
Hawk Flutes Hurst Carolina American Sales Native School Storytelling South Style Rivercane River Classes Adult
17 Heartsong Flutes Concert and
Concert and custom handcrafted Native American flutes, made from a variety of woods, by JP Gomez.
Flutes Flute American Native Carving Instruments Wood Music Custom Gomez Musical Sedona Professional Arizona Exotic Big Chip
18 Wind Dancer Flutes Native American
Native American flutes, fine art, and limited edition bronze sculptures by Roger McGee.
Flutes Flute American Native Style Wind Mcgee Dancer Music Hand Custom Sculpture Artist Made Roger Nakai Maker Carriers
19 Rick Heller Flutes Beech Creek
Beech Creek Studios offering handcrafted Native American style flutes and cases.
American Native Rick Heller Flutes Flute Style Studio Creek Beech Tips Music Page Blank] Making Mail
20 Just Flutes Croydon specialists
Croydon specialists in flutes. Online catalogue for instruments and music, with ordering instructions, also information about their repair services.
Music Flute Instrument Flutes Pre Owned Headjoint Finance Brannen Navigation Books Ensemble Repair Main Rental Piccolos Classroom Fast
21 Whitepath Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American style wood and bamboo flutes. All pieces signed and dated.
Navigationshilfe Ty
22 Stroud Flutes Videos and
Videos and books on how to make a flute. Native American style flutes, recordings, kits and accessories.
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23 Mohawk Arts Contemporary Native
Contemporary Native American flutes by Kirk Ahsoquata, also silver and gold flutes available. Online plans, and MP3s.
Native Flutes American Flute Silver Mohawk Gold Music Indian Arts Art Plans Wow Ahsoquata
24 Stellar Flutes Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American style flutes and kits, made in different keys and woods. Includes sound samples.
Flutes Flute Kits Stellar Drone Shop Beautiful Making Tools Pre Bored Basic Contact Standard Tuned First
25 Arizona Flutes Featuring handcrafted
Featuring handcrafted Native American flutes, ceremonial spears, Kachina dolls, pottery, and gift items.
Native American Pottery Navajo Arts Flutes Crafts Vase Mail Best Arizona Cost Horsehair Spirits Drums Arial Sans Serif Tomahawk Please Wedding
26 Tsunami Flutes Woodlands style
Woodlands style, 5 hole Native American flutes, traditionally crafted. A variety of soft and hardwoods are used. 20 sizes available.
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27 Spirit Wind Love Flutes A variety
A variety of Native American flutes. Instruction book, recordings, and flute cases available. Pow Wow schedule.
Flute Anasazi Ez Flutes Play Contrabass American Style Native Easy Most Mystic Case Shipping Samples
28 Searching Bear Flutes Handcrafted custom
Handcrafted custom made Native American style wood flutes. Concert and recording quality.
Flute Flutes Native Bear Searching American Wood Michael Indian Musician Award Love Woodlands Style Culture
29 Clay-Wood-Winds Offering handmade
Offering handmade flutes, ocarinas and sculptural vessel flutes. Includes a list of exhibitions and links.
30 Dreamwind Flutes Offering handmade
Offering handmade Native American style flutes in single chamber or drone. Specializing in custom orders.
Flute Native Dreamwind American Entrekin Style Flutes Circle Lee Georgia Courting Craftedflutescrafted Z
31 Winds Song Flutes Includes flutes
Includes flutes tuned to traditional minor scales. Offers a forum, workshops, links and tips.
Flutes Flute Scott Loomis Song Winds Forum Musicians Page Main American Oregon Featured Music Cedar
32 Eagle Turtle Flutes Hand made
Hand made Native American style six hole flutes. Available in a variety of woods, and choice of fetishes.
Flutes Turtle Eagle Native Bear Wolf Style Coyote America Indian Otter Snake Wheel Whale Y
33 Laughing Crow Flutes Native American
Native American style flutes, direct from the maker. Digitally tuned, created from traditional and exotic woods.
American Native Flutes Flute Laughing Crow Indian Style Click Here Play Music Richard Created Order Examples Performance
34 RV Flutes Native American
Native American Flutes handcrafted by Russ Venable. Custom made single barrel, drone and contra bass models available.
Poetry Music Spoken Write Word Inspirational Uncategorized Tips Step Songs Poems Short Line Poety How Useful Kim Wordpress
35 Cedar Spirit Flutes Hand-crafted Native
Hand-crafted Native American flutes with unique personalized totems. All custom work, online ordering.
Native American Flute Spirit Cedar Flutes Here Style Ordering Totem Indian Totems Hand Custom Link
36 Heartwood Flutes Traditional Native
Traditional Native American flutes custom created in all keys, woods, and styles by Ojibwa flute maker Raymond Redfeather.
Flutes Heartwood Music American Flute Videos Native Flutes * Articles Artist * Artist Totems Prices Animal Y
37 Raven Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American style flutes in a variety of hard and soft woods and in many keys. Custom made to order.
Raven Flute Native Flutes American Brian Page Gallery Style Image Photos Ordering Nativeamerican America Flutes_ Ravenfetish
38 High Spirits Flutes Native American
Native American flutes handcrafted from cedar. Accessories, books, music, and recordings. Workshops and show schedules. Online catalog.
Flutes Flute High Spirits Signature Spirit Center Community Traditional Players Instruction Ocarinas Contact Click Accessories Key
39 Two Towers Flutes and Instruments Native American
Native American flutes, handcrafted with cedar and hardwoods in many different shapes, sizes and musical keys. Photo gallery, song books and audio samples.
Bowls Crystal Meditation Singing Quartz Healing Sound Peru Alchemy Beck Shamanic Music Pulser Tours Devices Soundhealing
40 Falcon Flutes and Drums High quality
High quality standard and custom Native American Style flutes and drums with many options.
Flutes Falcon Native Dana Flute American Ross Music Artists Accessories Ohna Trona Custom Triple Follow
41 Spirit Of The Woods Flutes Recording quality
Recording quality, hand crafted and custom made Native American flutes. Made by Ed Hrebec.
Flutes American Native Style Flute Instruments Spirit Woods Burl Cedar Drone Hrebec Concert World Curly Made
42 Fluteman: How to Make Your Own Bamboo Flutes Ebook on
Ebook on making bamboo flutes, with a free partial version for download.
Ebooks Spiritual Contact Webspirit Growth Free Meditation Found Page Healing Facebook_ Purchase Practical Swing Ebook Sites
43 Earth Tone Flutes Native American
Native American flutes using primarily Eastern Red Cedar, Douglas Fir and Redwood. Tuned to traditional minor scales, and a major scale flute is available. Sound samples to listen to.
Disabled Websitesorry Requestedbeen
44 Kamama Spirit Flutes Bamboo Native
Bamboo Native American flutes, using yellow, black and unique rootend bamboo. All keys available with photos on how flute are made.
Tips Care Hair Health Beauty Kratom Catering Products Best Party Benefits Mobility How Angel Supplement Vitamins
45 Cedar Wind Flutes Featuring 5
Featuring 5 hole Native American style flutes. Handcrafted mostly from cedar in different shapes, sizes and keys. Includes a lesson packet with cd.
46 Kiwicelt Wooden Flutes Specializes in
Specializes in the hand crafted flutes of traditional Irish flute maker, player and teacher, Martin Doyle of Ireland. Available both from Ireland and New Zealand.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restricted Protection Pleasehost Z
47 Saggio Healing Arts Native American
Native American flutes and flute music. Hand crafted wooden flutes in various keys and woods. Also offers Crystal Singing Bowls, and music books.
Healing Singing Crystal Native Bowls Sound Massage Music Flutes Meditation Yoga Chi Tai World Cds Flute Created Offer Group
48 Song of the Sea Bar Harbor
Bar Harbor, Maine: offers celtic harps, uilleann pipes, dulcimers, tinwhistles, bagpipes and reeds, bodhrans, kits, concertinas, bowed psalteries, electronic tuners, kinder lyres, Native American flutes, Irish flutes, books.
Song Damm Maine Harbor Eddie Phone Anne Music Mail@songseacom Folk Downeast Dulcimers Whistles Ave Band Sarah Ruth Harps Keith
49 Stellar Musical Products, Native American Flutes They offer
They offer Native American flutes and flute kits.
Flutes Flute Kits Stellar Drone Shop Projects Tuned Learning Products Middle Contact Group Eastern Standard Beautiful Tools
50 Yxayotl Clay Flutes and Ancient Instruments Flutemaker and
Flutemaker and performer of Clay Flutes and Ancient Instruments from the Aztec, Mayan and Huichol. CDs and videos from this indigenous music available.
Music Quijas Yxayotl Xavier Performance History Clay Instruments Contact Wordpress Flutes Achievements Biography Offerings Spanish Name Menu
51 Whirlwind Studios Native owned
Native owned gallery of Native American flutes. Several flute makers represented and exotic flutes are pictured here. Native American flute music, flute kits, art, and show schedule. Color brochure.
Sydney Melbourne Uncategorized Best Finally Take Engagement Rings They Loans Automatic Coffee Ever Gates Telecommunications Target Sliding Telcoinabox
52 Whirlwind Studios Native owned
Native owned gallery of Native American flutes. Several flute makers represented and exotic flutes are pictured here. Native American flute music, flute kits, art, and show schedule. Color brochure.
Sydney Melbourne Uncategorized Best Take Finally Engagement Rings They Loans Coffee Automatic Ever Planning Telecommunications Wordpress Sliding Consider
53 New and
New and used instruments such as clarinets, flutes, saxophones, and trumpets.
54 Flute World (US) flutes
(US) flutes, music, accessories, and repair services.
Flute Flutes Music Collections Piccolos Headjoints Competition Alto Accessories Ensembles Piccolo Choir Bass Piano Recordings High
55 Serpent Music Makers of
Makers of copper and steel tinwhistles and Renaissance flutes
Hosting Services Domain Website Callbusinesses Shared Click Myhostingcom Here Solutions Sizes Now Exchange
56 Clayzeness Whistleworks Offering ocarinas
Offering ocarinas and porcelain flutes. Includes a songbook.
Zelda Flutes Ocarina Ocarinas Go Clayzeness Music Catalog Songbook Clay Market To Necklace Apache Port Through
57 Wow Glass Non-toxic wine
Non-toxic wine glasses, flutes, goblets, bowls and platters.
Wowglasscom Walls Glass Debt Cash Consolidation Advance Free Learn Terms Browsebest Section Phones
58 Clayzeness Whistleworks Offering ocarinas
Offering ocarinas and porcelain flutes. Includes a songbook.
Zelda Clayzeness Ocarina Ocarinas Catalog Go Flutes Songbook Music Clay Nintendo Tune Potato Clayz Peace Necklace Scale Pendant
59 One World Trading Offers Indian
Offers Indian bamboo flutes, fighting kites and music.
World Music Media Dvds Trading Cds Flutes Tracks Placing Indian Rights Beautiful Pandit Information Vcds Pune Dance Albums
60 FluteSpirit A selection
A selection of handcrafted Native American style flutes, and flute music.
Music Flutes Sheet American Flute Native Dusen Naf Here Van Irish Metal Spirit Voices Economy
61 Woodwinds by Charles Collier Maker of
Maker of Renaissance recorders, flutes, shawms and cornetti.
62 Blue Star Native American
Native American style spirit flutes, handcrafted from a variety of woods.
Z Welcome Y
63 SpiritWinds Native American
Native American style flutes by flutemakers from Australia, as well as the Outback Sax and other woodwind instruments.
64 RD Enterprises Handmade, custom
Handmade, custom flutes of red cedar and other woods from around the world. Also offering recorded music.
Domain Hosting Solutions Marketing Network Web Services Names Registration Website Host Name | Goinnovative
65 Chris ti Coom Makers of
Makers of Native American wooden flutes, penny whistles, and shakers.
American Native Flutes Flute Chris Coom Style Inspired Sound Indian Guestbook Made Ti Here Contact Love Calvin Indeed
66 Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company Sales and
Sales and service of a flutes, piccolos and accessories from many manufacturers.
Flute Flutes Piano Cds Piccolos Reviews Alone Repair Music Bass Accessories Alto Sheet Piccolo Used Orchestration Stands Beginner
67 Butch Hall Flutes Featuring handcrafted
Featuring handcrafted Native American models. Also offering CDs, books and accessories.
Flute American Native Butch Style Flutes Hall Maker Tree Sonoran Music World Menu Featured Store
68 Ancient Vision Flutes Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American styles made from western red cedar, with other woods available.
American Native Flutes Flute Littleleaf Charles Music Gallery Artist Littleleafs Keys Growth Cds Warm Order Natural
69 CloudWalker Flutes Offering a
Offering a wide variety of custom designs, includes information on the design process.
70 Top Wind On line
On line catalogue of flutes, accessories, and music, with ordering instructions, and details of their repair services.
| Shop Flute Europes Wind Favourite London Charset=isotexthtml Z
71 Waking Spirit Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American style flutes offered in many different woods, styles and keys.
Flute Flutes American Waking Spirit Native Pennington Music Vance Sensory Maker Circles Tuning Endorsements Fingering Magnetic Instruments
72 Wild Wind Creations Hand-made flutes
Hand-made flutes, jewelry, and gifts by Indian and Hawaiian artists.
American Flutes Native Art Wind Wild Creations Crafts Gifts Videos Micmac Indian Sweetgrass Music Books Cheyenne Jewelery Work
73 Woodpecker Creations Custom carved
Custom carved, woodland style Native American flutes by Billy Crowbeak.
Flute Native Billy Flutes Crowbeak American Woodlands Guestbook Gallery Music Evenstyle Themes Tuned Counter
74 YAHUBA Workshop Clay flutes
Clay flutes, whistles, ocarinas, and accessories. Sound samples. [English/Spanish]
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75 Black Arrow Indian Art Native American
Native American and southwestern arts and crafts including masks, jewelry, and flutes.
Buckles Jewelry Belt Silver Sterling Turquoise Leather Collection Engraved Art Straps Flutes Inlaid â–¸ Buffalo
76 Black Arrow Indian Art Native American
Native American and southwestern arts and crafts including masks, jewelry, and flutes.
Jewelry Buckles Silver Belt Inlaid Sterling Collection Turquoise David Rosales Item Flute Leather Flutes Belts Trophy Exotic Other
77 Bruce Becker Flutes Plains Indian
Plains Indian style, Native American hardwood, and cases. Offers lessons.
Flutes Flute American Indian Music Native Becker Also Hardwood Handmade Plains Wood Love Lakota Bruce Quality Webmaster@hologramnet Cedar Each
78 Querencia Woodwinds Specializing in
Specializing in handmade, concert tuned, performance quality Native American style flutes.
Flutes Style Native American Querencia Halliburton Concert Woodwind Tuned Instruments Rich Plains Woods Made Drone
79 Blue Bear Flutes Offering handmade
Offering handmade North and South American indigenous models. Instructional courses available.
80 Walt Laforet Offers Native
Offers Native American flutes, songbooks, accessories and CDs. Features pictures, FAQ, and care information.
Flutes Native Flute American Accessories Bags Customers Song Books Stands Flutesonlinecom Here Charts Guarantee Gallery Photo Cds
81 Cedar Crofts Handmade Native
Handmade Native American style flutes, drums, rattles, smudge fans and accessories.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign Games Popular Hostinginternet Inc Sorry Finance Privacy News
82 Cloud Hands Music Peter Ross
Peter Ross, artist and shakuhachi flute maker. Also sells other flutes from several makers.
Peter Music Ross Shakuhachi Hands Flutes Japanese Cloud Japan Transverse Cds Koga Sale Hawaii Masayuki Order Mexico Cloud Minneapolis
83 William Gutierrez Native American
Native American flutes crafted from red cedar and other exotic woods. Also offering stands, and recorded music.
Sign Places Everything Updated Now Lifestream Policy People Stay Simplifying Bulk Connecting Create Aolcom Reserved
84 Coyote Oldman Four styles
Four styles of the Native American flutes offered. Carved traditional designs, a backpacking flute, and music is available.
Music Flutes Coyote Oldman Blog Flute$ Flute American Rock Backpacking Policy Return Desert Prayer North Ive
85 Musical Instrument Wholesalers Accordions, melodeons
Accordions, melodeons, concertinas, banjos, mandolins, flutes, guitars & violins & spare parts .
Stock Quick Boorinwood Italian Total Elite Paolo Made Cart Soprani Concertina Gortin Incl Product Oneills Metronomes
86 Cloud Hands Music. Peter Ross
Peter Ross, artist and maker, with shakuhachi and other flutes from several makers. Located in Costa Rica.
Peter Music Ross Shakuhachi Flutes Hands Japanese Cloud Japan Koga Cds Transverse Brooks Information Ill Minneapolis
87 Dominics Music Saxophones, trumpets
Saxophones, trumpets, trombones, clarinets, flutes, piccolos, violins, violas, bows. Buy, sell, trade, repair.
Bass Alto Saxophones Music Clarinet Contact Horns Cart Baritone Repairs Horns * Trumpet Dominics Saxophones * Saxophone Shipping Direct Flute * Basses *
88 Blue Feather Flutes Models offer
Models offer carvings and highly figured woods. Choose from a variety of totems, styles and keys.
89 Bucks County Folk Music Offers ukeleles
Offers ukeleles, bodhrans, world flutes and accessories. Includes company profile and FAQs.
Shopfolk Bucks Countymusic
90 Andys Front Hall Folk music
Folk music books, recordings, and instruments, including tin whistles, thumb pianos, dulcimers, bodhrans, and flutes.
Front Hall Music Andys Hammered Bill Folk Michael Recordings John Spence Roberts Tony Books Dulcimer Meer Alistair Whistle Tutors
91 Courting Flutes by Jim Taylor Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American models, made from hard woods. Includes burl walnut, oak, or mahogany.
Email Free Pawnee Cheytech Great Herkybird Adobe® Kompozer Amazoncom Login Filezilla Present Others Roundcubemail Expression Ifyou
92 Andys Front Hall Folk music
Folk music books, recordings, and instruments, including tin whistles, thumb pianos, dulcimers, bodhrans, and flutes.
Front Hall Andys Music Hammered Bill Folk Recordings Michael John Books Spence Cooney Barrand Tony Roberts Wilson Clear Sing Card
93 Being In Harmony Didjeridoos, Native
Didjeridoos, Native American flutes, hoop drums, rainsticks and CDs. Includes mission, links, and testimonials. United States based.
Doteasy Contact Welcome Hosting Features Website Doteasycom Password Creator Hosted Discussion Install Member Another Zone Boards
94 Song of the Sea Native American
Native American and Irish flutes by various makers. Choices vary by maker and woods and all are hand crafted. Large selection of books.
Foundopenssleserver Port Found Thephp Apache
95 Pro Bali Drums Djembe, didgeridoo
Djembe, didgeridoo, rainsticks, flutes, chimes, Chinese gongs. Wholesale and retail. Located in Arizona, United States.
Djembe Cajon Drums Percussion Drum Bags Bongos Meinl Tycoon Toca Congas Tambourines Lp Djembes Stands $ Unisex Questions Chimes
96 Clayzeness Whistleworks Transverse flutes
Transverse flutes individually designed from porcelain with tablature and blowing instructions included. True interpretations of the Native style flute.
Zelda Ocarina Flutes Music Go Ocarinas Clayzeness Catalog Clay Songbook Ceramic | Instrument Fairy Ocarinagirlgif Pendant Clayz
97 Clayzeness Whistleworks Transverse flutes
Transverse flutes individually designed from porcelain with tablature and blowing instructions included. True interpretations of the Native style flute.
Zelda Ocarina Music Ocarinas Go Clayzeness Flutes Songbook Catalog Clay Renaissance Little | Children World
98 Fire Om Earth Studio Hand made
Hand made musical instruments ranging from bamboo and clay flutes, to ocarinas, boudrans, timbrels, riks, and doumbeks.
Drums Fire Lorna Flutes Earth Trigg Drum Center Bamboo Classes Botanical Sanctuary Events Email Craig Hirsch Clayread Press
99 Harp and Dragon Retailer of
Retailer of lever and pedal harps, bagpipes and practice chanters, bodhrans, Irish flutes and whistles, Celtic jewelry, crafts, and books.
Celtic Welsh Irish Harp Harps Jewelry Scottish Books Sale Pins Music Practice Whistles Dragon Pipes Ordering Made Formusicians
100 Woodland Voices Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American woodlands style flutes. Digitally tuned, guaranteed, and unique designs in a choice of keys and woods.
Bass Flute Flutes Woodland Voices Sub Page Hear Circle Standard Blown Block Gallery Please Ultra Ni Shudo
101 Sherry Palmer Wedding flutes
Wedding flutes, wine glasses, bedside carafes, soap dispensers, candles and assorted glassware painted with floral and whimsical designs.
102 Ross, Peter Cloud Hands
Cloud Hands Music. A Seattle, Washington artist and maker, and shakuhachi and other flutes from several makers. Online sales, history, calendar of events.
Peter Music Ross Shakuhachi Flutes Hands Cloud Japan Japanese Koga Cds Transverse Sale They Miguel Furuya Please
103 Amon Olorin Flutes ABS resin
ABS resin and contemporary Native American models by Ken Light, handcrafted from western red cedar. Includes information on workshops, tips and facts.
Flutes Eagle Waterspirit Flutes * Flute Ao Amon Olorin Contact Little Lechat Indigo Productions Courting Hawk Books * Artist *
104 Sound Creations Handcrafted musical
Handcrafted musical instruments, bamboo flutes and saxophones, gourd kalimbas and both bowed and plucked psaltrys. On line catalog and ordering information.
Flutes Saxophone Creations Since Bamboo Pipes Renaissance Sound Kalimbas Shakuhachi Business Travelers Festival Gourdaulos
105 Fallen Branch Native style
Native style and branch flutes, as well as art and crafts. Includes information on workshops, news, and stories.
Flute Fallen Branch® Subscribe Native Flutes Style Contact Branch Recycling Each Designed Gallerycrafts
106 Cedar Song Flutes Native American
Native American models, as well as drums. Also offers Wampum jewelry, cedar wood art and an e-book.
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107 Kazoobie Kazoos Online shopping
Online shopping for kazoos, including plastic, metal, and wooden models. Also sells slide whistles and nose flutes.
Kazoos Kazoo Kazoobie Plastic Products Instruments Imprinted Factory American Made International Beaufort Ideas Barbara Contact Special
108 Celtic Fire Tin Whistles Bagpipes, tin
Bagpipes, tin whistles, chanters, flutes, bodhrans, and accessories, books, recordings, videos and DVDs, and Highland apparel.
Dosarrest Internet Security Ddosprotection Client Restricted Pleasehost Protection
109 Philippe Bolton Recorders Présente le
Présente le fabriquant de flutes médiévales, baroques et moderne incluant des instruments électroacoustiques. Villes-sur-Auzon, Vaucluse (84), France.
Bec Agrave Recorder Flucircte De Recorders Flucirctes La Flute Baroque Flageolet Fltes Sur Techniques Le Villes Auzon Pre Cd Rom
110 White Crow Flutes Featuring hand
Featuring hand crafted and concert tuned Native American models. Options include single, double and triple in many keys, woods and styles.
Flute Flutes Native American Crow Instruments Chart Style White Fingering Maker Making Hardwoods Peter Mail
111 Oregon Flute Store Offers Native
Offers Native American flutes, cases, instructional materials and songbooks. Also has stands, accessories and flute history resources.
Flute American Native Flutes Order Music Books Resources Instructional Packages Videos Accessories How Whistle Cases Style
112 Turtle Island Arts Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American flutes, drums, music and other native items. Calendar listing road shows for this gallery.
Page Contactproviderforplease Cannot Displayed Error
113 Wild Wind Creations Hand carved
Hand carved traditional Miqmaq Native American style flutes, using no power tools. Books, and original Native arts and crafts.
Flute Ds American Wind David Flutes Sanipass Native Dolls Gifts Wild Collections Creations Carlos Collectibles Contents Geographic Crafts Item
114 The Harp and Dragon Home Page Retailers of
Retailers of lever and pedal harps, bagpipes and practice chanters, bodhrans, Irish flutes and whistles, plus Celtic jewelry, crafts and books. New York, United States.
Celtic Harp Welsh Irish Jewelry Harps Scottish Books Music Pins Sale Whistles Dragon Model Practice Courses
115 Spirit Man Walking Native American
Native American Flutes, handmade of wood and hand tuned, with handcarved bird, and leather bindings, Keys of G,E,D, using non toxic finish, inside and outside, buffed to high gloss. The Earth is our for her.
Navigationshilfet Y
116 D and B Photo Albums Custom hardwood
Custom hardwood photo albums, champagne flutes, glass picture frames, and engraved ornaments.
Gifts Albums Canvas Accessories Mugs Frame $ Quick Prints Nfl Best Sellers Mlb Pet Picture Gift Sympathy Plaques Office Products Football Stripes
117 Native American Courting Flutes Hand crafted
Hand crafted Native American models, made from hard woods. Includes burl walnut, oak, or mahogany.
Email Free Cheytech Pawnee Great Present Kompozer Amazoncom Filezilla Others Adobe® Herkybird Login Dreamweaver Httpsmailwyngaorgrcmail Roundcubemail Editors Useany
118 Song of the Sea Music books
Music books, videos, and recordings on folk instruments: dulcimers, harps, bagpipes, guitars, mandolins, autoharps, tinwhistles, flutes, concertinas, hammered dulcimers, drums, bodhrans, fiddles, violins.
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119 Jonathan Myall Music: Flutes Shop in
Shop in Croydon, UK offers instruments, repair and sheet music. Online shopping for thousands of works for flute including solos with accompaniment, concertos, jazz and teaching pieces.
Music Flute Instrument Headjoint Pre Owned Flutes Finance Repair Main Studio Ensemble Navigation Brannen Books Basket Staff
120 Burnt Earth Drums, flutes
Drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician Barry Hall. Includes audio samples, video clips, and information about the Burnt Earth Ensemble.
Burnt Earth Instruments Barry Musical Hall Ceramic Cotta Ensemble Music Here Enjoying Making Page Ceramicmusical Fine
121 Littleleaf, Charles Native American
Native American flutist, recording artist and flute maker, featuring music on CDs. Site also includes Littleleafs profile, sound samples, interviews, and a link to his new creations in Native American flutes.
American Native Flutes Flute Littleleaf Charles Music Amazing Artists Grace Trail Polish Place Videos Amazon
122 Wajo Woodland Creations Native American
Native American Woodland style flutes. Hand made using North American woods. Also, crafts and native reading.
Navigationshilfet Y
123 Gemme Innovations, LLC Handcrafted Native
Handcrafted Native American style drums, flutes, and rattles, with artwork option. Ashikos, djun djuns, imported African djembes and drum repair. Drum and flute building classes. Located in Connecticut, United States.
124 Burnt Earth Drums, flutes
Drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician Barry Hall. Includes audio samples, video clips, information about the Burnt Earth Ensemble, and online ordering.
Burnt Earth Instruments Barry Musical Ceramic Cotta Hall Ensemble Terra Thanks Here Ceramicmusical Music Making Click Video See

3. Flutes Recreation

4. Computer & Flutes Games Websites

5. Sports Websites concerning Flutes

6. Society, Arts and Flutes Crafts

1 Flutelab ergonomy and adaptations Ergonomical aspects
Ergonomical aspects of flutes and many adaptations of wind instruments for people with disabilities. Large photo archive. Company is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2 Wop-A-Ho Productions A not
A not for profit organization that transforms peoples lives by making knowledge of American Indian music accessible. Includes information about buying traditional flutes and music.
Navigationshilfe Ty
1 Mark Hozas Kything Flutes Handmade wooden
Handmade wooden flutes and headjoints. Irish style keyless flutes and wooden headjoints for silver flutes.
Mark Hoza Flutes Reply Wood Headjoints Australia Hozas Kything Quenas Cheers Shopping Store Australia  Bill Forms Came Flow
2 Casey Burns Flutes American flutemaker
American flutemaker offers Irish and historic flutes, specializing in ergonomic and small-handed flutes.
Flutes Wooden Irish Burns Casey Flute Music Traditional Click Here Information Joint Small Pratten Rudall Tonewood Silver Blackwood
3 Wendy Reeds Irish Flutes Handmade Irish
Handmade Irish flutes styled after wooden flutes of last century, made in polymer.
Flutes Irish Wendy Music Celtic Dk Reed Traditional Nz Vic Au Australia Reeds Makers Flute Scottish Listen
4 spirit songs native american flutes hand-crafted native
hand-crafted native american flutes. includes a brief history of flutes, instruction on care and on playing.
American Flutes Native Spirit Songs Calendar Flute Indian Messageboard Culture Spiritsongs Create Cds Care Y
5 Arista Flutes Handmade flutes
Handmade flutes and headjoints in wood, gold and silver.
Arista John Flutes Headjoints Burke Photography List Alto Contact Price | Photo Boston Flute Bedford Railroad Team Juan
6 winds song flutes handcrafted flutes
handcrafted flutes, flute scales, extensive information about the instrument, and a forum.
Flutes Flute Scott Loomis Song Winds Musicians Forum Page American Main Oregon Featured Music Indian
7 Pearl Flutes Handmade instruments
Handmade instruments in sterling, 10K, 14K, and 18K Gold and Platinum. Also maker of student and alto flutes.
Pearl Flutes Information Core Artists Maesta Innovation Worldwideeurope News Tradition Flute Click Quantz Construction Dealers Music Soul Collaboration
8 Boaz Berney Historical Flutes Renaissance, Baroque
Renaissance, Baroque and Romantic flutes modeled after originals in museums and in private collections.
Flutes Maker Flute Traverso Boaz Jr Berney Heerde Skoch Schnitzer Stanesby Van Historical Grenser Naust
9 Terry McGee Flutes Australian maker
Australian maker of wood flutes, offers links to historical flute studies, research, and fingering charts.
Flute Flutes Rudall Irish Rose Mcgee Introduction Patent Terry Wooden Key Rtta Music Tone Polygraph Making Plan Instrument
10 Folkers and Powell: Historical Flutes Makes copies
Makes copies of baroque, classical, and renaissance transverse flutes. Books, newsletter and research information.
11 Sweetheart Flute Company Ralph Sweets
Ralph Sweets instruments, including folk fifes, historic flutes, Irish flutes and whistles. Instrument details, prices, and pictures.
12 Sweetheart Flute Company Ralph Sweets
Ralph Sweets instruments, including folk fifes, historic flutes, Irish flutes and whistles. Instrument details, prices, and pictures.
Flutes Irish Fifes Whistles Flute Keyless Keyed Wooden Sweetheart Music Shopping Antique Company Tour Sale
13 My Historical Flutes Links to
Links to pictures and descriptions of the authors antique flutes and historical reproductions. Includes purchasing tips.
Historical French English Co Music Page Xorys Early Flutes Japan Indianbansuri Goulding Improved Stanesbyjunior Laîné
14 native echo flutes gallery of
gallery of native american style flutes hand crafted from exotic woods from around the world.
Native Flute American Flutes Products Exotic Drone Artisan Carved Gallery Sticks Maker Traditional Walking Hybrid Process Wear Lessons
15 J.L. Smith and Company Offers flutes
Offers flutes, music and accessories, piccolos, used flutes and sheet music. Includes a flute forum.
Domain Hosting Web Marketing Network Solutions Names Services Website Registration Netsol Place |networksolutionscom
16 Baroque Flutes Photos of
Photos of the various parts of Baroque flutes, and information on fittings and keys. Also a description of tone quality, fingerings, tuning and trills.
Quantz Flutes Key Three Cameron Trills Piece Foot Remarks Four Baroque Fittings England Normally A= Thoughts
17 Mark Shepards Flute Page Playing the
Playing the modern and simple folk flutes, making simple flutes, maintenance, tips on selecting an instrument, and links.
18 Rick Wilsons Historical Flutes Page Presents photos
Presents photos, descriptions, and information about historical European and American flutes from the Renaissance to the 20th century. Performance practices are also discussed.
Flutes Flute System Click Century Old Th Meyer Carte Kathys Rick Germany Simple Key American Music Related Three Presents
19 Flutes and Pennywhistles Lark in
Lark in the Mornings article on the care and feeding of flutes and pennywhistles.
Music Books Instruments Musical Instruction Eastern Flutes Guitar Percussion Middle Drum Drums Harps Instrument Bass Wind Gamelan Shofars
20 Bamboo and Ethnic Flutes Around the World Descriptions and
Descriptions and pictures of ethnic flutes from India, China, South America and North America. (Purchasing information provided.)
Flutes Bamboo Around American Shakuhachi World Ethnic Flute Siku North Zampontildea Menu Woodwind Main Headjoint
21 sunreed instruments bamboo flutes
bamboo flutes, bamboo saxophones, didgeridoos, crystal bowls, shakuhachi, bamboo clarinets, native american flutes, drums, and world instruments. a small workshop in the green mountains of southern vermont.
Bamboo Drums Instruments Bowls Music Flutes Sunreed Cedar World Fifes Native American Programs Tuning Forks Didgeridoos Soundhealing
22 Alba Whistles, Flageolets and Flutes Alba Aerophonics
Alba Aerophonics aluminium and tufnol whistles, flageolets and flutes. Handcrafted in Scotland. Secure online sales
23 Hall Crystal Flutes Maker of
Maker of Crystal Flutes
Crystal Hall Flutes Products Music Shipping Flute Clarke Tinwhistles Clarke Charts Catalog Guitar Brush Returns Destinations Playing Free
24 nighteagle flute company handcrafted flutes.
handcrafted flutes.
Flutes American Indian Native Nighteagle Music Heirloom Flute Quality Company Corners Verde Tell Pixel Four Mesa Privacy
25 Wm. S. Haynes Flutes History, products
History, products, news, and endorsements.
Flute Boston Flutes Company Buy Haynes Handmade Events Maker New Instrument Sale Dealer Custom News
26 free classified
free classified ads for used flutes, piccolos, and headjoints.
27 choctaw flutes biography of
biography of don zimbelman and links to discussion groups.
Navigationshilfe Ty
28 Flutes of Fancy California based
California based husband and wife recorder and violin duo.
Page Wedding Fancy Flutes Soloists Rose Consort Ensembles Videos California Special Music Southern Trio Angelescounties_
29 John Lunn Flutes Information, photographs
Information, photographs, biography of the maker, and designs.
30 Gibonus Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pan flutes and pan pipes. Information about the various types, and the materials used in their production.
Pan Panpipes Flute Gibonus Musical Contact Instruments Flauta Panfluit Flutes Marek Panfløyte Sale Flauto Notes Panflöte
31 Serpent Music Makers of
Makers of copper and steel tinwhistles and Renaissance flutes
Hosting Website Domain Services Affordable Now Click Businesses Call Business Exchangehere Solutions Smbs
32 wooden u know gallery of
gallery of woodworking, intarsia, wood puzzles, and native american flutes.
Puzzles Wooden Woodworking Projects Misc Scroll Rainbow Puzzle Marquetry Intarsia Toys Flutes Ocarinas Boxes Doll Do Nothing Stand
33 Marc Ecochard Maker of
Maker of flutes, oboes, and traditional woodwind instruments. In English and French.
34 byle, eilam hollow forms
hollow forms and bowls, often dyed. custom furniture and baroque flutes.
Shoji Furniture Custom Flutes Japanese Wood Woodturning Woodturnings Paper Byle Screens Rice Lxiconcom Instruments Gallery
35 Chinalight Beifang Musical Instruments Co. Ltd. Chinese manufacturer
Chinese manufacturer of flutes, trumpets, clarinets, saxphones.
36 Tom Lacy Flutes Handmade instruments.
Handmade instruments. Comments, prices, product information, and contact details.
Flutes Lacy Tom Silver Gold Headjoints Instruments Handmade Handcrafted Custom Page | Qualityhigh
37 Simon Polak Copies of
Copies of baroque flutes: pictures, brief history of the flute, information on tuning and temperaments.
Blavet Flute Flutes Traverso Early Great Duet Frederic Beukers Tassi Baroque Copies Kirst Wijne Tuning Musica Wooden
38 roy peters 'ha-ge-o-ta' (he
'ha-ge-o-ta' (he who travels in story and song) tells how he, a non-native, learned to make flutes and music from a great one.
39 Simon Polak Copies of
Copies of baroque flutes: pictures, brief history of the flute, information on tuning and temperaments.
Blavet Flute Flutes Great Early Traverso Duet Frederic Tassi Beukers Marion Polak Blavetmp Kirst Century Theduets Key
40 Verne Q. Powell Flutes Contact information
Contact information, technical details, factory tour, catalog, and sound clips.
41 Verne Q. Powell Flutes Contact information
Contact information, technical details, factory tour, catalog, and sound clips.
Schedule Flutes Handmade Link Powell Repair Signature Custom Trial Master Sonaré Contact Teachers News Events Warranty Saxophone Club
42 Side Blown Technologies Maker of
Maker of bamboo flutes and headjoints. Maintenance guide, music, pictures, and links.
Flute Wood Bamboo Headjoint Alto Headjoints Grenadilla Boehm Side Classified Blownblackwood African Maker
43 Cloud Hands Music Peter Ross
Peter Ross, artist and shakuhachi flute maker. Also sells other flutes from several makers.
Peter Ross Music Shakuhachi Flutes Hands Japan Cloud Japanese Koga Cds Transverse Marco Miguel Sale College Information Peterperformed
44 Serov Flutes - Traditional Irish Wooden Flute Maker Information on
Information on models, photos, construction, and pricing.
45 Cloud Hands Music Peter Ross
Peter Ross, artist and shakuhachi flute maker. Also sells other flutes from several makers.
Peter Music Ross Shakuhachi Flutes Hands Japan Cloud Japanese Transverse Cds Koga Form Miguel Leinhard Marco Mexicopeter
46 The Abell Flute Company Specializes in
Specializes in Boehm system wooden flutes. Pricing, pictures, and product information.
47 The Abell Flute Company Specializes in
Specializes in Boehm system wooden flutes. Pricing, pictures, and product information.
Company System Boehm Specializing Wooden Flutes Abell Flutey
48 Eva Kingma Flutes Maker of
Maker of handmade bassflutes, altoflutes and Contrabassflutes, inventor of a patented quarter-tone and multiphonic system.
Flutes Kingma Eva Alto Grolloo Flute News Subcontrabass Bass Flutemaker Contact Company Contrabass Sales Session Order Port Makes Hasebos Apache
49 Flutomat Javascript Flute Designer A simple
A simple online calculator for size and position of tone holes for six and eight hole flutes.
50 Eagle Music Shop Wide range
Wide range of traditional musical instruments from banjos to guitars, squeeze boxes to flutes.
Music Banjo Accordion String Books Guitars Tutor Irish Song Banjos Guitar Flute Whistle Mandolin Pickups Foot Switches Bags Transducers Piping
51 Smokey Mountain Dulcimer Works Featuring hand-made
Featuring hand-made dulcimers, strum sticks, flutes, mandolins and banjos.
Mountain Smokey Dulcimer Blaine Works Banjos Strum Florida Sticks Mandolins Dulcimers Email Here Else Strumstick
52 Drake Stoneware Flutes Handmade instruments
Handmade instruments signed and numbered by the artist. Includes stands and detailed playing instructions.
Sign Updated Lifestream Policy Places People Everything Now Youre Reserved Stream Account Date Rights Email
53 Cloud Hands Music. Peter Ross
Peter Ross, artist and maker, with shakuhachi and other flutes from several makers. Located in Costa Rica.
54 Cloud Hands Music. Peter Ross
Peter Ross, artist and maker, with shakuhachi and other flutes from several makers. Located in Costa Rica.
Peter Ross Music Shakuhachi Hands Flutes Japanese Cloud Japan Transverse Cds Koga Miguel Masayuki Sale Contact Presents Flute Hilo Mias
55 golana melodies performed
melodies performed on native american flutes accompanied by soft acoustic guitars, piano, and strings. samples online.
56 Terry Riley Vessel Flutes English ocarina
English ocarina maker. Produces round, Zelda and multiphonic ocarinas and museum copies.
57 johann joachim quantz (1697-1773) article from
article from includes biography, works, flutes, portraits, bibliography, and links.
Best Credit Smart Free Phones Insurance Rates Pain Cars Health Migraine Report Courses Relief Mortgage College Notice Construction Stocks
58 Tribal Earth Sounds Didgeridoos, shaman
Didgeridoos, shaman drums, and Native American flutes. Products, company profile, and contacts. India based.
Error Information Modsecurity Detailed Actionyou User Not Directory Summary Method Not Services Actionmodule Modsecurity Asubstatus Server
59 Comparison Recordings of Flutes and Whistles James Peeples
James Peeples presents a number of MP3 files allowing the listener to compare the same tune played on different instruments.
D] Brass Flute] Whistle] Polymer Sweetone Model Flat Flute Maple Rosewood [susato Bore [clarke Narrow Mello Waltons Heres
60 Yoshizawa, Masakazu Performances with
Performances with various Japanese flutes (shakuhachi, shinobue, hichiriki, nokan, etc.) and percussion instruments (the various taiko, tsusumi drums and other percusives).
Yoshizawa Masakazu Japanese Page Obituary Times Flute Bamboo Masa Gumi Shamisen History |publications Gumi_ Artistry] Teenagemutant |art |recording
61 flutetree explores the
explores the history of the native american flute with historical essays, songbooks, finger guides, scales, instruction, and how flutes are made and played.
Flute American Native Flutetree Robert Playing Plains Whats Tips Nature Flutes Songbooks Techniques Flutetree * Flute The
62 Erik the Bamboo Flute Maker Bamboo flutes
Bamboo flutes, whistles, saxophones, and other musical instruments.
Flutes Flutemaker Bamboo Saxes Erik Florida Distinction Questions Eriks Policy Music Other Return Shopping Pennywhistles Products Costa Ship Flutemakerministriesorg
63 Hands On Newsletter Performance health
Performance health newsletter for flute players. Hosted by John Lunn Flutes.
64 Japanese Culture: Musical Instruments An introduction
An introduction to the traditional drums, stringed instruments, and flutes of Japan.
Japan Japanese Instruments Kodo Entertainment Anime Kabuki Modern Stars Biwa Koto Imperial Geisha Family Stringed Brothers Flutes Earth Drums
65 Ross, Peter Cloud Hands
Cloud Hands Music. A Seattle, Washington artist and maker, and shakuhachi and other flutes from several makers. Online sales, history, calendar of events.
Peter Music Ross Shakuhachi Hands Flutes Cloud Japan Japanese Cds Koga Transverse Masayuki Miguel Minneapolis Brooks
66 native american flutes includes history
includes history, construction, legends, photo gallery, playing, directories of musicians and makers, audio samples, cd reviews, and links.
Request Zadjikcom Nginx Maintenancez Under
67 The Woodwind and Brass Workshop [Williamsburg, Massachusetts
[Williamsburg, Massachusetts, USA] Instrument repair service for musicians, dealers and stores. Specializing in professional saxophones, flutes, clarinets, and antiques.
Navigationshilfe Ty
68 Ross, Peter Cloud Hands
Cloud Hands Music. A Seattle, Washington artist and maker, and shakuhachi and other flutes from several makers. Online sales, history, calendar of events.
Peter Ross Music Shakuhachi Hands Flutes Cloud Japan Japanese Koga Transverse Cds Francisco Hawaii Miguel Sushi
69 2002 Specializes in
Specializes in classically tinged melodies complete with dreamy flutes, crystalline piano, tender strings, celestial choirs, harp and acoustic guitar.
Music Stargaze Dreams Wings World Billboard Moment Damayanti Believe Lyrics Word Land Freedom Journey Contact Reporter Cds Artwork Photos Emerald
70 Williams Flutes Incorporated Information on
Information on the flute and headjoint, jazz audio samples, poetry inspired by the flute.
He Artists Has Flutevieaux Williams Canada Age York Competitions Won Flutist New Accomplished
71 Merlin Music Home Page Builders of
Builders of handmade, tuneable, polymer low D whistles and other instruments. Low D whistles and flutes sell for £65.00.
Merlin Music Checkout Handmade Books Whistles Session Ordering Videos Wordpress Oban Navigation Faqs Browse Contact Tunebooks Tenor
72 flutes on the brink the only
the only adult flute choir in upper montgomery county is comprised of both professional and amateur musicians. includes schedule, sound clips, links and store.
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73 total control woodwind duo
woodwind duo featuring tammy sue kirk, piccolo and flutes and cory barnfield, saxophones and clarinets. includes new compositions, composer information, biographies, and performances.
74 Japan Shakuhachi Crafted by
Crafted by Hoshi Bonchiku. Details on flutes for sale and the manufacturing process. Based in Kyoto, Japan and Vancouver, Canada.
75 Swar Swar Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and exporter of bansuries for classical concerts, commercial sets, and recording. Includes maintenance tips and gallery of flutes.
Z Wwwswarswarbansuricom Y
76 banshee in the kitchen trio playing
trio playing mostly irish music on fiddle, flutes, hammered dulcimer, whistle, accordion, bouzouki, and guitar. includes biographies, cd details, and tour schedule.
Banshee Kitchen Celtic Booking Band Discography Biography Schedule Live Acoustic Gallery Contact Performance Name Faceobook Bansheeinthekitchencom California Myspace Address Music
77 cedar wind blending the
blending the music of the native american flute with the mellow sound of alto and bass flutes to create a unique duet. with performance schedule and release information.
78 two-hawks, john a veteran
a veteran lakota musician and singer, who plays cedar flutes, ocarinas, drums, guitars, mandolins and even dulcimers. with performance schedule, cd information, pictures, and references.
Music Native Flute American Two Hawks John World Jth Therapy Lakota Artist Grammy Events Click
79 Tai Hei Shakuhachi Resources with
Resources with playing guides, craft manuals, books, sheet music, recordings, teacher directory, buying guide. Manufacturer of cast bore bamboo flutes.
Traditional Japanese Shakuhachi Bamboo Buddhist Flutes Japan Folk Musicalinstruments Viewing Used Musical Classicalmusic Zen
80 Copeland Woodwinds Hand-made whistles
Hand-made whistles and flutes by Michael Copeland. News, photos, instrument details, price list, and maintenance information.
81 Folk Stuff How to
How to and where to information for musicians and builders. Folk and experimental musical instruments, including dulcimers, autoharps, kalimbas, theremins, didjeridus, pennywhistles and flutes.
82 Miyazawa Flutes Articles, model
Articles, model information, features, and enhancements. Information on Philip Hammig piccolos, Howel Roberts wood headjoints, and West Music.
Miyazawa Library Perfection Models Story Full News Flute Images Contact Strive Community Sound Enhancements Colors Featured Metals Newsletters News *
83 Singer, John Master shakuhachi
Master shakuhachi teacher, performer, recording artist specializing in Honkyoku. Includes the history of the Nezasa Ha Kinpu Ryu and a list of the pieces, photo gallery of flutes, CD ordering, and links.
Found Hosting Unavailable Web Might Removed Been Error Bluehostcom Changed Solutions Affordable File Looking Namepage
84 Singer, John Master shakuhachi
Master shakuhachi teacher, performer, recording artist specializing in Honkyoku. Includes the history of the Nezasa Ha Kinpu Ryu and a list of the pieces, photo gallery of flutes, CD ordering, and links.
Found Hosting Been Might Reliableweb Looking Page File Affordable Unavailable Web Changed Name Temporarilybluehostcom Error
85 Singer, John Master shakuhachi
Master shakuhachi teacher, performer, recording artist specializing in Honkyoku. Includes the history of the Nezasa Ha Kinpu Ryu and a list of the pieces, photo gallery of flutes, CD ordering, and links.
Hosting Found Solutions Name Temporarily Affordable Changed Page Bluehostcom Reliableweb Error Unavailable Web Filebeen
86 Singer, John Master shakuhachi
Master shakuhachi teacher, performer, recording artist specializing in Honkyoku. Includes the history of the Nezasa Ha Kinpu Ryu and a list of the pieces, photo gallery of flutes, CD ordering, and links.
Hosting Found Reliableweb Temporarily Might Bluehostcom Removed Name Unavailable Web File Pagebeen Error Solutions
87 banshee in the kitchen california-based trio
california-based trio playing mostly irish music on fiddle, flutes, hammered dulcimer, whistle, accordion, bouzouki, and guitar. includes biographies, cd details, and tour schedule.
Celtic Kitchen Banshee Discography Booking Band Biography Gallery Contact Live Schedule Performance Name Acoustic Painted They |
88 Le Coant, Yvon French maker
French maker of handmade wooden whistles, simple-system flutes, binious, and bombardes. Whistle prices range from €200 for soprano D to €580 for low D. Site is in French.
89 International Flute Listserv E-mail based
E-mail based listserv with specific instructions on how to 'subscribe'. This listserv is for people interested in talking about native american flutes.
Flute Listserv Native Circle American International Click Listerv Page Members Biographies Flutecirclenet History Here Sheet Flutes
90 Cedar Mountain Drums Carrier of
Carrier of drums, rattles, flutes and various instruments. Also, drum-making workshops and weekly sessions. Special events planned monthly. On-line catalog.
Drums Drum Native American Flutes Rattles Sticks Materials Inch Supplies Craft Talking Kits Smudging Cedar Mountain Indian Accessories
91 briccialdi, giulio brief biography
brief biography noting his abilites as flautist and his technical, compositional, and educational contributions to flutes and flute music from the grove concise dictionary of music entry at wqxr radio.
Requestrequest Your Y
92 Muramatsu America Distributor of
Distributor of Muramatsu flutes in North America. Instruments, price list, accessories, and ordering information.
Gold Model Muramatsu America Clad Alto Used Accessories Platinum Silver Sales Testimonials Pricelist Meet News Main
93 saggio healing arts meditative, healing
meditative, healing music by saggio featuring over 16 flutes. includes bio, information on his flute journey, and audio samples.
94 orenda original native creations regalia, personal
regalia, personal creations, healing flutes, and jewelry by mohawk native bradd (thaweno:ken) powless.
95 Sassafrass Whistle Rolls Home of
Home of the Sassafrass Whistle Roll, and a variety of beautiful, handmade, carrying cases for all your favorite whistles and flutes.
Whistle Sassafrass Dozen Rolls Sassysacks Custom Hilow Cases Grove Return Celtic Gallery Favorite Visit Tm Whistles Fipple
96 Burkart-Phelan, Inc. Handmade flutes
Handmade flutes made from precious metals. Handmade piccolos made from exotic hardwoods with sterling silver or gold mechanism.
Burkart Flute Piccolo Headjoints Elite Professional Options Ordering Pricing Resources Basics Directory Piccolos Headjoint Services
97 t&c:total control! (illinois, usa)
(illinois, usa) woodwind duo. repertoire from many eras specializing in performing works by contemporary composers and acquiring new music for the various combinations of different flutes and saxophones. tammy sue kirk-piccolo/flute and cory barnfield-saxophone/clarinet.
98 Lopatin Flute Company Handmade flutes
Handmade flutes and headjoints in precious metals, including the unique square tone hole flute and the classic round hole model.
Flute Flutes Lopatin Professional Square Repair Gold Music Company Tone Headjoint Squareone Handmade Welcome Alto Quality Custom
99 MacGregor, Andrew Victoria, Australia-based
Victoria, Australia-based shakuhachi performer and teacher. Includes biography, discography, and lesson schedule, flute care and technical notes, festival reports with photographs, ordering of CDs and student flutes, and Australian and international links.
Shakuhachi Flutes Mode Maintenance Yuu Plastic Japanworldmusiccom Yu Master Performnces Pleasecomposition Tips Music
100 MacGregor, Andrew Victoria, Australia-based
Victoria, Australia-based shakuhachi performer and teacher. Includes biography, discography, and lesson schedule, flute care and technical notes, festival reports with photographs, ordering of CDs and student flutes, and Australian and international links.
Privacy Statement Internet Ltd Website Japanworldmusiccom Rights Searches Listingssponsored Reserveddnbiz Related Click Output+=respads[i]line+
101 music equipment classifieds free classifieds
free classifieds for used electric, bass and acoustic guitars, amplifiers, drums, violins, cielo, bass, flutes, trombones, bass, wood, and wind instruments.
Musicequipmentcom Equipment Music Official Musicequipment Websitez
102 Yung Flutes Made by
Made by Perry Yung. History, pictures of manufacturing, details of styles of available instruments. Plus Shak Talk: news and views on the crafting and playing of Shakuhachi. Based in New York, New York, United States.
103 Littleleaf, Charles Native American
Native American flutist, recording artist and flute maker, featuring music on CDs. Site also includes Littleleafs profile, sound samples, interviews, and a link to his new creations in Native American flutes.
American Native Littleleaf Music Flute Charles Flutes Littleleafs Grace Nativeamerican Wood Indian Springs Amazing Polish Pricing__
104 burnt earth drums, flutes
drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician barry hall. includes audio samples, video clips, and information about the burnt earth ensemble.
Request Rejectedy
105 littleleaf, charles native american
native american flutist, recording artist and flute maker, featuring music on cds. site also includes littleleafs profile, sound samples, interviews, and a link to his new creations in native american flutes.
Native American Littleleaf Music Flute Charles Flutes Littleleafs Grace Nativeamerican Springs Amazing Wood Place Indian
106 Sweetheart Flute Company Ralph Sweets
Ralph Sweets whistles, flutes, and fifes, made from a variety of hardwoods. Features the redesigned Sweetheart Professional whistle made of laminated birch, with a new design for consistent response across the scale. Available in high D and C and low D.
Flutes Irish Whistles Fifes Flute Keyless Sweetheart Wooden Keyed Shopping Music Antique Tour Susato Sale
107 Sweetheart Flute Company Ralph Sweets
Ralph Sweets whistles, flutes, and fifes, made from a variety of hardwoods. Features the redesigned Sweetheart Professional whistle made of laminated birch, with a new design for consistent response across the scale. Available in high D and C and low D.
Flutes Irish Whistles Fifes Flute Keyless Sweetheart Wooden Keyed Music Shopping Antique Tour Folk Pipes Including
108 burnt earth drums, flutes
drums, flutes, horns, didjeridus, strings and unusual hybrid instruments created by musician barry hall. includes audio samples, video clips, information about the burnt earth ensemble, and online ordering.
Rejected Requesty
109 Windmill Saxophone Quartet Four-man woodwind
Four-man woodwind ensemble whose music draws on jazz as well as classical, pop, Latin and avant-garde forms. Instruments include soprano to bass saxophones, flutes and clarinets. Includes profiles, CD info, sound files, sheet music, photos and reviews.
Englar Windmill Thursday Groups Group Contact Flute Globalviewmusiccom Duo Music Sheet Equinox Reply Guitar Saxophone Rarr Cancel
110 sunhawk singers, native drum group drumming group
drumming group signing intertribal pow wow songs in the southern style. also, many free item links to childrens sites, games, veteran information, native culture, and events. cds of native drums and flutes available.
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111 raye, marina native american
native american flute music by the artist referred to as 'the feminine voice of the native flute'. also, hand-crafted native american flutes by charlie oakwind.
112 Seery Woodwind Whistles, flutes
Whistles, flutes, and Uilleann pipes made by hand from wood or Delrin by Des Seery in County Wicklow, Ireland. Whistles list at €235 for wood and €195 for Delrin.
Existing Refurbish Seery Woodwind Based Where Number  List Oftentimes Include Coming Video John Touch Name Mailing

Flutes Dictionary Reviews for Flutes. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Flutes" (visitors of this topic page). Flutes › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Flutes Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

113 results for Flutes: