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Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron

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A description of the religion and its founder L. Ron Hubbard.

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Best entries for Scientology and Jere

1 Scientology: The Doctrine of Clarity A description
A description of Scientology, its beliefs and practices, and its spiritual heritage, presented by Dr. Subhash Sood. Information on the practice of Scientology in India.
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2 - Scientology Report by
Report by Church of Scientology International spokesperson, Sue Taylor, on the status of religious freedom for the Scientology religion in Spain, Germany and other parts of Europe.
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5 Alt.religion.scientology FAQ v1.1 Covers alt.religion.scientology
Covers alt.religion.scientology history and culture, Scientology itself, and related topics. By Martin Hunt.
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6 Scientology Critic Wont Face Retrial Trial of
Trial of a critic of Scientology on a misdemeanor charge ends in a hung jury due to worries that he was set up by the Church of Scientology. The prosecutors then dropped the charges. [St. Petersburg Times]
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7 Scientology loses copyright round Colorado nonprofit
Colorado nonprofit group FACTNet has won a critical round in a legal fight against the Church of Scientology, raising questions about whether Scientology has a legal right to keep hundreds of documents offline and out of the public eye. [CNET]
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8 Matlock, Jere - JMBlog A blog
A blog covering a variety of topics, short stories, and a sample of poems from his published book.
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9 No Answers in Scientology Case Analysis of
Analysis of out-of-court settlement between Netcom and the Church of Scientology.
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10 Church of Scientology of Pasadena Contact information
Contact information, map, hours, links to other Scientology churches.
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11 Beliefnet - Scientology A concise
A concise description of the Scientology religion, its beliefs and practices.
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12 The Truth Behind Scientology An in-depth
An in-depth study dealing with the controversy on whether or not Scientology is a religion.
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13 Beliefnet - Scientology A concise
A concise description of the Scientology religion, its beliefs and practices.
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14 International Church of Scientology Directory Lists all
Lists all local Scientology churches by continent around the globe.
15 Anonymity: 0. Scientology: 1. About the
About the raid on, at the behest of the Church of Scientology. [Wired Magazine]
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16 Scientology Volunteers A blog
A blog about Scientology Volunteer Ministers and their various diaster relief and community activities.
17 Another Look at Scientology A former
A former member takes a critical look at both sides of the Scientology controversy.
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18 Scientology Now A personal
A personal web blog that covers many different aspects of Scientology and its uses in the world.
19 Elfman Gives Back To Scientology Dharma and
Dharma and Greg star opens a new Church of Scientology mission in San Francisco. []
20 Xyandra A stable
A stable east coast terminal, (central Virginia, USA), for those interested in pursuing Scientology outside of the Church of Scientology.
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21 Scientology and Christianity Examined Examines the
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22 Scientology and Christianity Examined Examines the
Examines the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard and refutes his claim that Scientology is compatible with mainstream religions.
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23 Entheta Comparison of
Comparison of Scientology and Anthroposophy, for those who know a little about the former but are unfamiliar with the latter. Also a summary of the Church of Scientologys war on the Internet, and a list of those gravely injured by Scientology.
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24 Google Bows to Scientology! Message board
Message board discussing Googles March 2002 removal of sites critical of Scientology.
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25 My Religion: Scientology A personal
A personal web log about Scientology activities and beliefs.
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26 Scientology says its threatened by 'unadulterated cyber-terrorism' Church of
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27 The Church of Scientology A page
A page with bits and pieces on the strange world of Scientology, by David H. Dennis. FAQs, legal documents, links.
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28 Alt.religion.scientology Denial of Service Attack Exposed Documents critics
Documents critics suspected cancelling of pro-Scientology posts in Usenet group.
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29 Scientology Organizations Around the World A Scientologist
A Scientologist shares his personal experiences of all the different Scientology Church he has visited over the years. Includes some 3D maps and photographs.
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30 Scientology Gives Truth, Including About Drugs Salt Lake
Salt Lake City Scientology minister responds to controversy about her religion. [Deseret News]
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31 The Man Behind Scientology David Miscavige
David Miscavige, the seldom-seen leader of the church, comes forth in his first newspaper interview to talk of a more peaceful time for Scientology. [St. Petersburg Times]
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32 The Man Behind Scientology David Miscavige
David Miscavige, the seldom-seen leader of the church, comes forth in his first newspaper interview to talk of a more peaceful time for Scientology. [St. Petersburg Times]
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