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Alt.religion.scientology FAQ v1.1

Alt.religion.scientology FAQ v1.1 Review Experience Scientology Hubbard

Covers alt.religion.scientology history and culture, Scientology itself, and related topics. By Martin Hunt.

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8 L. Ron Hubbard, GW & Scientology An article
An article that outlines L. Ron Hubbards history at George Washington University and how the current student body is learning of this and the religion he started. [The GW Hatchet]
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9 Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought A description
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10 Seekers of Truth Association Al Guerrero
Al Guerrero offers Scientology and Dianetics seminars. Includes list of recommended books by L. Ron Hubbard, sign-up form and related links.
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21 Alt.religion.scientology FAQ v1.1 Covers alt.religion.scientology
Covers alt.religion.scientology history and culture, Scientology itself, and related topics. By Martin Hunt.
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More Alt.religion.scientology FAQ v1.1 Infos

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