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Best entries for Belgium and Portugal
1 Buddhist Practice in Belgium
Addresses of
Addresses of associations and temples in Belgium, in English and French.
Zen Association Belgium Practice Belgique Soto Rinzai Bouddhisme Butsudo Pratique Vietnamese Azi Buddhist French Adresses Dalai Lama Theravada
Addresses of associations and temples in Belgium, in English and French.
Zen Association Belgium Practice Belgique Soto Rinzai Bouddhisme Butsudo Pratique Vietnamese Azi Buddhist French Adresses Dalai Lama Theravada
2 Group of Lodges and Chapters in Portugal
Operating under
Operating under the UGLE jurisdiction. General information and pages specific to each of the 4 Masonic Lodges in Portugal.
Lodge Grand Henry English Prince Chapter Freemasonry Lancaster Bro Discoveries Lodges Inspectorate Masters Inspector Master Overseas
Operating under the UGLE jurisdiction. General information and pages specific to each of the 4 Masonic Lodges in Portugal.
Lodge Grand Henry English Prince Chapter Freemasonry Lancaster Bro Discoveries Lodges Inspectorate Masters Inspector Master Overseas
3 Elizabeth of Portugal: 'For, in her is a spirit intelligent, holy, unique'
Long biographical
Long biographical article on St. Elizabeth of Portugal, by Maria J. Cirurgiao and Michael D. Hull.
Elizabeth Dinis Elizabeths Afonso King Holy Portugal Church Aragon Maria Queen Television Spirit Cirurgiao Michael
Long biographical article on St. Elizabeth of Portugal, by Maria J. Cirurgiao and Michael D. Hull.
Elizabeth Dinis Elizabeths Afonso King Holy Portugal Church Aragon Maria Queen Television Spirit Cirurgiao Michael
4 u.s. drops cats into belgium
the bush
the bush administration declares that it is not in fact confused and incoherent on the middle east conflict, announcing that it is actively parachuting cats into belgium.
Says Bush Drops French Satirewire Just People Belgium White Study World Business Consumer Wholesale Cats Pre Announces Round Packard Hewlett Pessimists Slots Satan Nev
the bush administration declares that it is not in fact confused and incoherent on the middle east conflict, announcing that it is actively parachuting cats into belgium.
Says Bush Drops French Satirewire Just People Belgium White Study World Business Consumer Wholesale Cats Pre Announces Round Packard Hewlett Pessimists Slots Satan Nev
5 Asatru Portugal
Página que
Página que pretende ser a semente do movimento religioso Asatru Vanatru em Portugal. Odin, Thor, Frey, Freya, Tyr, são alguns dos nossos Deuses.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Sites Games Privacy Reachinc News Sorry Guidelines
Página que pretende ser a semente do movimento religioso Asatru Vanatru em Portugal. Odin, Thor, Frey, Freya, Tyr, são alguns dos nossos Deuses.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Help Sign Sites Games Privacy Reachinc News Sorry Guidelines
6 Popular Religion in Portugal
Appearances of
Appearances of the Virgin at Fatima, religion in the north of Portugal, and origins of selected Portuguese popular saints considered by Ray Vogensen from a non-religious viewpoint.
Appearances of the Virgin at Fatima, religion in the north of Portugal, and origins of selected Portuguese popular saints considered by Ray Vogensen from a non-religious viewpoint.
7 Popular Religion in Portugal
Appearances of
Appearances of the Virgin at Fatima, religion in the north of Portugal, and origins of selected Portuguese popular saints considered by Ray Vogensen from a non-religious viewpoint.
Appearances of the Virgin at Fatima, religion in the north of Portugal, and origins of selected Portuguese popular saints considered by Ray Vogensen from a non-religious viewpoint.
9 O Mundo de Claudia
Writing about
Writing about photography, art, language, and Portugal
De Em Do Para Com Não Mais Da Europa Banco Na Se Novo Aeiou Por Vai Cultura Mbdox Vez
Writing about photography, art, language, and Portugal
De Em Do Para Com Não Mais Da Europa Banco Na Se Novo Aeiou Por Vai Cultura Mbdox Vez
10 One Point Zero
Thoughts of
Thoughts of a freelance web designer and dj living in Brussels, Belgium.
Body Three Belgium Coffee Onepointzero Archive Brussels Away Chip Pin Zero Armed Week States Machine Mystery Sculpts Graphic Confessions End Briefer Cixin
Thoughts of a freelance web designer and dj living in Brussels, Belgium.
Body Three Belgium Coffee Onepointzero Archive Brussels Away Chip Pin Zero Armed Week States Machine Mystery Sculpts Graphic Confessions End Briefer Cixin
11 The Salty Coast
Blog celebrating
Blog celebrating all that is Portuguese, by a Luso-Canadian who has lived in Portugal.
Portugal Olympics Great Here Portuguese Link News Posted Todos English London Recipes Coast Gomes Posts Uefacom Sites Wikipedia Loading
Blog celebrating all that is Portuguese, by a Luso-Canadian who has lived in Portugal.
Portugal Olympics Great Here Portuguese Link News Posted Todos English London Recipes Coast Gomes Posts Uefacom Sites Wikipedia Loading
12 The Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary - Fatima, Portugal
History, charisma
History, charisma and vocational information available.
Pius Monastery Dominicans Fatima Portugal Fátimaxii Z
History, charisma and vocational information available.
Pius Monastery Dominicans Fatima Portugal Fátimaxii Z
13 Portuguese Genealogy
Includes general
Includes general advice and resources for researching ancestry in Portugal and the Azores.
Portuguese Holmes Genealogy Rocha Page Doug Click Here Simas Database Pico Wwwdholmescom Island Marriage Genealogist Google Stats Place Original
Includes general advice and resources for researching ancestry in Portugal and the Azores.
Portuguese Holmes Genealogy Rocha Page Doug Click Here Simas Database Pico Wwwdholmescom Island Marriage Genealogist Google Stats Place Original
14 PortugalGay Travel Guide
Information for
Information for gay, lesbian and bisexual travelers in Portugal including directory.
Portugal Found_ Lésbico Gayportugal Festival Casamento Gay Civil Lisboa Guide Todas Lgbtjovem Pride
Information for gay, lesbian and bisexual travelers in Portugal including directory.
Portugal Found_ Lésbico Gayportugal Festival Casamento Gay Civil Lisboa Guide Todas Lgbtjovem Pride
15 Mattamouros
Portuguese family
Portuguese family name of Spanish origin, consolidated in Portugal with the Philippine domination (1583).
Portuguese Family Mattamouros Close Updated Spanish Generation Genealogy Yearsguestbook Last Than Origins
Portuguese family name of Spanish origin, consolidated in Portugal with the Philippine domination (1583).
Portuguese Family Mattamouros Close Updated Spanish Generation Genealogy Yearsguestbook Last Than Origins
16 Brave Little Belgium
The story
The story of the worst-prepared army on the Western Front during the crucial first few months of the war.
Document Untitledy
The story of the worst-prepared army on the Western Front during the crucial first few months of the war.
Document Untitledy
17 Noë Family
Descendants of
Descendants of Hendrik Noe translated in narrative by Denis Noe. Focus is on the lineage from the Meetjesland in Belgium.
Permanently Theapache Server Navigationshilfe
Descendants of Hendrik Noe translated in narrative by Denis Noe. Focus is on the lineage from the Meetjesland in Belgium.
Permanently Theapache Server Navigationshilfe
18 Portuguese Genealogy Home Page
Includes general
Includes general advice and resources for researching ancestry in Portugal and the Azores.
Portuguese Genealogy Rocha Holmes Page Doug Click Here Genealogist California Wwwdholmescom Pico Look Terceira Simas + Names
Includes general advice and resources for researching ancestry in Portugal and the Azores.
Portuguese Genealogy Rocha Holmes Page Doug Click Here Genealogist California Wwwdholmescom Pico Look Terceira Simas + Names
19 Books Relating to the Peninsular War in Spain & Portugal
A pretty
A pretty thorough bibliography, including memoirs,historical works and fiction.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A pretty thorough bibliography, including memoirs,historical works and fiction.
Navigationshilfe Ty
20 thompson hine llp
providing a
providing a broad range of commercial law services from offices in ohio, washington dc, new york, and belgium.
Hine Thompson Client Careers Management Litigation Business Firm Submit Energy Columbus Law Cleveland Contact York Finance Stores * | Simply Internal
providing a broad range of commercial law services from offices in ohio, washington dc, new york, and belgium.
Hine Thompson Client Careers Management Litigation Business Firm Submit Energy Columbus Law Cleveland Contact York Finance Stores * | Simply Internal
21 fragomen, del rey, bernsen & loewy p.c.
immigration and
immigration and nationality firm with offices in the united states, belgium, australia, and singapore.
Fragomen Worldwide Advertising World Immigration Organization Services Attorney Where Privacy Policies Notices Offices Legal Center Facilitate Way
immigration and nationality firm with offices in the united states, belgium, australia, and singapore.
Fragomen Worldwide Advertising World Immigration Organization Services Attorney Where Privacy Policies Notices Offices Legal Center Facilitate Way
22 B-24 'K for King'
The story
The story about the crash of the B-24 K+ in Spiere (Belgium) in World War II. In honor of this young crew and the people who helped them escaping.
Belgium Research Welcome Onderzoek King Welkom News Staten Worldwar Reserved Register Create Websitefree United
The story about the crash of the B-24 K+ in Spiere (Belgium) in World War II. In honor of this young crew and the people who helped them escaping.
Belgium Research Welcome Onderzoek King Welkom News Staten Worldwar Reserved Register Create Websitefree United
23 thompson hine llp
providing a
providing a broad range of commercial law services from offices in ohio, washington dc, new york, and belgium.
Thompson Client Hine Submit Energy Litigation Careers Business Firm Management Services Law International Columbus Finance Sourcing Executive Gmbh * Subscribe Construction
providing a broad range of commercial law services from offices in ohio, washington dc, new york, and belgium.
Thompson Client Hine Submit Energy Litigation Careers Business Firm Management Services Law International Columbus Finance Sourcing Executive Gmbh * Subscribe Construction
24 Midnight Productions
The biggest
The biggest Gothic producer and promoter in Portugal. Information about Portuguese Goth bands, events, and clubs.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Advisor App Hosting Gallery Local Help Central Sell Network Mobile Flickr Page Has
The biggest Gothic producer and promoter in Portugal. Information about Portuguese Goth bands, events, and clubs.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Advisor App Hosting Gallery Local Help Central Sell Network Mobile Flickr Page Has
25 PortugalGay Travel Guide
Information for
Information for travelers in Portugal including a full directory of hotels, bars, restaurants, shopping, and beaches.
Information for travelers in Portugal including a full directory of hotels, bars, restaurants, shopping, and beaches.
26 DeClerck
Photographs from
Photographs from Belgium, Holland and the USA of Angelus and Marie Louise DeGroene DeKlerck and family. Includes variant DeClerk and DeRycke documents.
Declerck Photos Web Clara Aubrey Belgium Marie Needham Page Photo Kathi Waterland Oudeman Send Yzendyke Elodie Row Deklerck
Photographs from Belgium, Holland and the USA of Angelus and Marie Louise DeGroene DeKlerck and family. Includes variant DeClerk and DeRycke documents.
Declerck Photos Web Clara Aubrey Belgium Marie Needham Page Photo Kathi Waterland Oudeman Send Yzendyke Elodie Row Deklerck
27 Stensgard, Ray and Susan
Belgium Church
Belgium Church planting missionaries serving under Greater Europe Mission. Features newsletter, photos, and prayer requests.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Belgium Church planting missionaries serving under Greater Europe Mission. Features newsletter, photos, and prayer requests.
Navigationshilfe Ty
28 Fatima, Portugal: EWTN
Extensive and
Extensive and graphics-intensive site on the apparitions at Fatima.
Extensive and graphics-intensive site on the apparitions at Fatima.
29 flickr: portuguese cemeteries
a place
a place for all the pictures taken in the cemeteries of portugal, without any limits.
De Portugal Grupo Members Photos Should Fotos Cemeteries Todos Devem Photo Help Cemitérios Não Any Please Este Name Copy Safely
a place for all the pictures taken in the cemeteries of portugal, without any limits.
De Portugal Grupo Members Photos Should Fotos Cemeteries Todos Devem Photo Help Cemitérios Não Any Please Este Name Copy Safely
30 Xavier
Researching the
Researching the lineage from Somerville MA USA, with origins in Portugal and the Azores. Compiled by Paul Xavier.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Researching the lineage from Somerville MA USA, with origins in Portugal and the Azores. Compiled by Paul Xavier.
Navigationshilfe Ty
31 Battle of Liege, Belgium
A description
A description of the fortifications that played a part in the battle.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Local Help Hosting App Customer Network Domains Times
A description of the fortifications that played a part in the battle.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery Advisor Local Help Hosting App Customer Network Domains Times
32 Vimy Ridge and the First War Battlefields of Flanders
Description of
Description of a visit to the area and other key battlefields in Belgium including galleries and poetry.
Vimy Take Ieper Memorial Canadian Visit Area Ypres Flanders Arras Travel Drive Battle City Should Bidi Font Newromanmso Fareast Languageen Through
Description of a visit to the area and other key battlefields in Belgium including galleries and poetry.
Vimy Take Ieper Memorial Canadian Visit Area Ypres Flanders Arras Travel Drive Battle City Should Bidi Font Newromanmso Fareast Languageen Through