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Combat Karate International

Combat Karate International Review Experience Karate Sussex

Sussex based free style unarmed combat style. Dojo, schedule, news, photographs and courses.

Karate Instruction in Sussex for devastating Self Defence essential fitness and karate martial art sport in Sussex Sessions in Lancing Shoreham Southwick Karate based free style unarmed combat system with traditional karate including Kata and Kumite

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Karate Sussex Self Shoreham Free Martial Belt Defence Sessions Sussexkarate Instructors Unarmed Made Black Combat Martial Arts Karate Schools And Instruction Europe United Kingdom England Karate In Sussex Karate Lancing Martial Arts Skf Beginners Karate Family Free Style Grappling Ground Work Self Defence Self Defense Karate Unarmed Combat Black Belt Sussex Sports Fitness West Sussex Kata Kumite Sparring Karate Dojo Fighting Kombat

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17 Akari-Ki Karate: Shorin Ryu Martial Arts The Akari-Ki
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