1 Cleaning And Restoration In NYC Roof Repair
harborrestoration.com/ Restoration Lorem Services Harbor Praesent Our Home Us Roofing Arrayis Contact Codeless Projects Slider Company
New York City
Do you need the best exterior restoration services in NYC? Look no further than Harbor Restoration Services. We are a...New York City
harborrestoration.com/ Restoration Lorem Services Harbor Praesent Our Home Us Roofing Arrayis Contact Codeless Projects Slider Company
1 ApeTraders - Average Peak Excursion
Utilizing average
Utilizing average peak excursion to find the stocks for trading.
Utilizing average peak excursion to find the stocks for trading.
2 Jay Video
Creative and
Creative and cost effective programmes for clients ranging from average sized locals to large international companies.
Creative and cost effective programmes for clients ranging from average sized locals to large international companies.
3 Antwi Farms
An agriculture
An agriculture information aggregation site with specialization in helping improve the life of the average African, particularly in Ghana.
An agriculture information aggregation site with specialization in helping improve the life of the average African, particularly in Ghana.
4 set fit golf
makers of
makers of clubs to help average golfers, focussing on club features that make them easier to hit with. explains the philosophy behind the designs and other tips.
Golf Clubs Average Golfers Woods Set Lower Fitting Club Fit Scores Irons Great Fairway Lefties Setfit Golfclubs Management
makers of clubs to help average golfers, focussing on club features that make them easier to hit with. explains the philosophy behind the designs and other tips.
Golf Clubs Average Golfers Woods Set Lower Fitting Club Fit Scores Irons Great Fairway Lefties Setfit Golfclubs Management
5 Scandium Management
An offshore
An offshore hedge fund of funds that seeks above average risk adjusted returns with no correlation to equity or bond markets.
An offshore hedge fund of funds that seeks above average risk adjusted returns with no correlation to equity or bond markets.
6 Udowitz, Kristen - Nacho Average Voice
Provides narration
Provides narration and voiceovers for commercials, phone systems, animation, & corporate videos. Demos and client list.
Provides narration and voiceovers for commercials, phone systems, animation, & corporate videos. Demos and client list.
7 The Wall Street Daily Forecast
Short term
Short term forecast of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Short term forecast of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
8 Trading Systems Analysis Group
MetaStock plug-ins
MetaStock plug-ins for pattern recognition, indicators, systems and broad market average (like A/D Line).
MetaStock plug-ins for pattern recognition, indicators, systems and broad market average (like A/D Line).
9 barron electric cooperative
contact information
contact information, newsletter, guide to energy use, and information on the average electrical consumption of home appliances.
Energy Electric Cooperative Outage Report Barron Community Op Co Questline Lighting Contact Audit Kids Rewiring Lights Billing Smarthub Off Peak Commerical Privacy Releases
contact information, newsletter, guide to energy use, and information on the average electrical consumption of home appliances.
Energy Electric Cooperative Outage Report Barron Community Op Co Questline Lighting Contact Audit Kids Rewiring Lights Billing Smarthub Off Peak Commerical Privacy Releases
10 f. e. hardcastle & co - india
bombay based
bombay based firm representing insurance companies worldwide as average agents, surveyors and claims settling agents.
bombay based firm representing insurance companies worldwide as average agents, surveyors and claims settling agents.
11 BillAudit
Helps average
Helps average consumers as well as big organizations with audits of telecom bills. Class action filing available online for smaller telecom users.
Billauditcom Services Contact Ifyou Aboutbill Copyright Brandtstates United Marc
Helps average consumers as well as big organizations with audits of telecom bills. Class action filing available online for smaller telecom users.
Billauditcom Services Contact Ifyou Aboutbill Copyright Brandtstates United Marc
12 Apprentice Millionaire Program
A stock
A stock market blog dedicated to advice, strategies and recommendations to enable an average investor to outperform the market.
A stock market blog dedicated to advice, strategies and recommendations to enable an average investor to outperform the market.
13 Dogs of the Dow
A free
A free stock market newsletter and website devoted to selecting high dividend yield, blue chip stocks that have historically outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Dogs Dow Stocks Doggishness Stock Performance Current Dividend Companies Jones Dog Brokers Average Today Highest
A free stock market newsletter and website devoted to selecting high dividend yield, blue chip stocks that have historically outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Dogs Dow Stocks Doggishness Stock Performance Current Dividend Companies Jones Dog Brokers Average Today Highest
14 Artradis Fund Management
An absolute
An absolute return asset management company focused on delivering above average, risk adjusted returns in Asian markets.
An absolute return asset management company focused on delivering above average, risk adjusted returns in Asian markets.
15 the adjusting group
international firm
international firm offers average adjusting and marine insurance claims management. has offices in glasgow, london, piraeus, and singapore.
Management Services Ship Javascript Gt Check Vships Please Occured Vessel Group Error Privacypolicy Industries Inspections Transportation
international firm offers average adjusting and marine insurance claims management. has offices in glasgow, london, piraeus, and singapore.
Management Services Ship Javascript Gt Check Vships Please Occured Vessel Group Error Privacypolicy Industries Inspections Transportation
16 marine insurance solutions
jonathan s.
jonathan s. spencer offers average adjusting, claims handling and auditing, and risk management. site describes services available to shipowners, underwriters, brokers, and attorneys.
Average Jss Spencers Guestbook Usa Corner Owners Underwriters Rulesfor Sign Antwerp York Company
jonathan s. spencer offers average adjusting, claims handling and auditing, and risk management. site describes services available to shipowners, underwriters, brokers, and attorneys.
Average Jss Spencers Guestbook Usa Corner Owners Underwriters Rulesfor Sign Antwerp York Company
17 Sadler Corporation
Fabricating services
Fabricating services include drilling, turning, milling, grinding, and stamping. Equipment includes travelling colum radial press with 36 x 8 table for handling above average sized components.
Large Machine Sadler Machining Drilling Ohio Cleveland Cnc Part Canton Akron Milling Corporation Shop Equipment Traveling Column Coatings Custom
Fabricating services include drilling, turning, milling, grinding, and stamping. Equipment includes travelling colum radial press with 36 x 8 table for handling above average sized components.
Large Machine Sadler Machining Drilling Ohio Cleveland Cnc Part Canton Akron Milling Corporation Shop Equipment Traveling Column Coatings Custom
18 association of average adjusters
promotes professional
promotes professional standards and correct principles in the adjustment of marine claims. site describes its history, services, and leadership, and offers a number of links. [united kingdom]
Association Adjusters Average Members Login Events Membership Examinations Annual Sign Become Subscriber Resources Resolution Mail Sub Committee
promotes professional standards and correct principles in the adjustment of marine claims. site describes its history, services, and leadership, and offers a number of links. [united kingdom]
Association Adjusters Average Members Login Events Membership Examinations Annual Sign Become Subscriber Resources Resolution Mail Sub Committee
19 Techni-Grip
Specialized work
Specialized work holding system providing positive location and above average gripping strength. Applicable to variety of machining operations. Site explains concept and includes examples of utilization.
Specialized work holding system providing positive location and above average gripping strength. Applicable to variety of machining operations. Site explains concept and includes examples of utilization.
20 stichling hahn hilbrich (shh)
international firm
international firm provides average adjusting and claim services to the shipping and insurance industries in europe. has offices in hamburg, limassol, and london. [site may not function properly in all modern browsers]
Team Adjusting Hilbrich Stichling Hahn Average Marine History Company Cargo Casualty Claims Specialists Notice Liability Locations Chicagojuemme Averageadjusters
international firm provides average adjusting and claim services to the shipping and insurance industries in europe. has offices in hamburg, limassol, and london. [site may not function properly in all modern browsers]
Team Adjusting Hilbrich Stichling Hahn Average Marine History Company Cargo Casualty Claims Specialists Notice Liability Locations Chicagojuemme Averageadjusters
21 Magic Flute Videos
Not your
Not your average 'wedding video' Style and substance, captivating and artistic. Professionals in the film industry, the video is a commissioned artwork. New York, Dallas, Chicago.
Wedding Videos Videography Best Flute York Prescription Packages Blog Biography Magic Google Hindu Chrome Los
Not your average 'wedding video' Style and substance, captivating and artistic. Professionals in the film industry, the video is a commissioned artwork. New York, Dallas, Chicago.
Wedding Videos Videography Best Flute York Prescription Packages Blog Biography Magic Google Hindu Chrome Los
22 Larkspur Associates LLC
Heavy industrial
Heavy industrial estimates and project controls services for the oil & gas, chemicals, power, and minerals industries. We specialize in front-end, conceptual studies using Aspen Kbase (formerly Icarus 2000) and average 20 years experience.
Heavy industrial estimates and project controls services for the oil & gas, chemicals, power, and minerals industries. We specialize in front-end, conceptual studies using Aspen Kbase (formerly Icarus 2000) and average 20 years experience.
23 Automatic Turning & Machining Inc.
Specializes in
Specializes in production of screw machine products in metal and plastic materials. Can handle smaller than average quantities and provide secondary operations, such as slotting, milling, cross drilling, and threading.
Automatic Inc Turning Machining Pennsylvania Products Plastic Please Website Contact Bushings Agents Services Stainless Inserts Learn
Specializes in production of screw machine products in metal and plastic materials. Can handle smaller than average quantities and provide secondary operations, such as slotting, milling, cross drilling, and threading.
Automatic Inc Turning Machining Pennsylvania Products Plastic Please Website Contact Bushings Agents Services Stainless Inserts Learn
24 Financial Insight
Free investment
Free investment newsletter, written in plain English for the average investor. A publication of Insight Financial Corporation, a member of the Heinze Group.
Rrsp Return However Financial Canadian Insight Valueafter Daves Archived Equity Market Chart Also Rrsps Ifc Processpicking Most Where
Free investment newsletter, written in plain English for the average investor. A publication of Insight Financial Corporation, a member of the Heinze Group.
Rrsp Return However Financial Canadian Insight Valueafter Daves Archived Equity Market Chart Also Rrsps Ifc Processpicking Most Where
25 Stock Market Direction By Steve Zito
Commentary on
Commentary on stock market trends in Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq, technical analysis, technology stock research, specific option picks.
Commentary on stock market trends in Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq, technical analysis, technology stock research, specific option picks.
26 Coiling Technologies Inc.
Large cold
Large cold coiling spring manufacture. Compression, extension, torsion, continuous wave, Bellville, conical springs up to 2-1/2' bar and wire forms. Exotic materials and carbons in stock. Lead times average 2-3 weeks. Hot orders 1-2 days.
Springs Technologies Inc Coiling Compression Torsion Technologiescoiling Download Powder Quote Wave Coating Privacy Sales@coilingtechcom Request Policy Wright
Large cold coiling spring manufacture. Compression, extension, torsion, continuous wave, Bellville, conical springs up to 2-1/2' bar and wire forms. Exotic materials and carbons in stock. Lead times average 2-3 weeks. Hot orders 1-2 days.
Springs Technologies Inc Coiling Compression Torsion Technologiescoiling Download Powder Quote Wave Coating Privacy Sales@coilingtechcom Request Policy Wright
27 ness engineering
electrical engineering
electrical engineering consulting with emphasis on high average power, pulsed power, and high voltage technologies from concept design through volume manufacturing.
Page Found To Sorryfoundrequested
electrical engineering consulting with emphasis on high average power, pulsed power, and high voltage technologies from concept design through volume manufacturing.
Page Found To Sorryfoundrequested
28 the webster group
worldwide firm
worldwide firm offers total marine claims management, including cargo surveys, general average, hull, cargo surveys, and marine surveys.
worldwide firm offers total marine claims management, including cargo surveys, general average, hull, cargo surveys, and marine surveys.
29 MEMdata Online
MEMdata offers
MEMdata offers medical equipment brokerage services to hospitals with a focus on cost reduction. MEMdata hospital clients receive an average 18% reduction in their total capital equipment purchase budget.
Memdata Equipment Capital Equipping Hospitals Vendors Project Contact News Intelligence Priceguard Policies Procurement Programs Xf Medical Price Robinson
MEMdata offers medical equipment brokerage services to hospitals with a focus on cost reduction. MEMdata hospital clients receive an average 18% reduction in their total capital equipment purchase budget.
Memdata Equipment Capital Equipping Hospitals Vendors Project Contact News Intelligence Priceguard Policies Procurement Programs Xf Medical Price Robinson
30 Healthcare Coding and Compliance Consultants
Provides compliance
Provides compliance management and revenue enhancement assistance to health care providers, including charge master review, procedure-level rates optimization based on payor mix, benchmark average comparative price analysis, and monthly/quarterly compliance and revenue impact reports.
Provides compliance management and revenue enhancement assistance to health care providers, including charge master review, procedure-level rates optimization based on payor mix, benchmark average comparative price analysis, and monthly/quarterly compliance and revenue impact reports.
31 sunland construction, inc.
pipeline construction
pipeline construction company serving the needs of major oil and gas companies throughout the southeast, south central, and rocky mountain regions of the united states. incorporated in the state of louisiana in 1974, we have since grown into one of the largest pipeline contractors employing an average of 500 people with a peak workforce of over 1,200 employees. services include directional drilling.
pipeline construction company serving the needs of major oil and gas companies throughout the southeast, south central, and rocky mountain regions of the united states. incorporated in the state of louisiana in 1974, we have since grown into one of the largest pipeline contractors employing an average of 500 people with a peak workforce of over 1,200 employees. services include directional drilling.
32 Sunland Construction, Inc.
Pipeline construction
Pipeline construction company serving the needs of major oil and gas companies throughout the Southeast, South Central, and Rocky Mountain regions of the United States. Incorporated in the State of Louisiana in 1974, we have since grown into one of the largest pipeline contractors employing an average of 500 people with a peak workforce of over 1,200 employees. Services include directional drilling.
Pipeline construction company serving the needs of major oil and gas companies throughout the Southeast, South Central, and Rocky Mountain regions of the United States. Incorporated in the State of Louisiana in 1974, we have since grown into one of the largest pipeline contractors employing an average of 500 people with a peak workforce of over 1,200 employees. Services include directional drilling.
33 truckload credit - transportation broker payment histories
truckload credit
truckload credit has credit scores and credit reports over 4,000 transportation brokers. see the average days freight brokers pay invoices for freight bills to truckers.
truckload credit has credit scores and credit reports over 4,000 transportation brokers. see the average days freight brokers pay invoices for freight bills to truckers.
2. Shopping and Average Trade
1 Gene Gill Miniatures
One-of-a-kind miniature
One-of-a-kind miniature models of historical landmark buildings and monuments from around the world, with an average height of four inches.
Miniature Buildings Models Gene Architecture Historical Gill Replicas Landmarks Hand Miniatures World Famous Note Paris Sitka Boston Museums
One-of-a-kind miniature models of historical landmark buildings and monuments from around the world, with an average height of four inches.
Miniature Buildings Models Gene Architecture Historical Gill Replicas Landmarks Hand Miniatures World Famous Note Paris Sitka Boston Museums
2 WaveNode
Manufactures a
Manufactures a four-channel, precision RF watt/SWR/DC meter for 1.8-450Mhz. Software utilities provided to observe average, peak, forward and reflected power.
Wn Wavenode Power Sensor Swr Click Sensors Complete Watt Monitor Uhf Mhz Perfect Contact@wavenodecom Rtrt Silver Teflon Gold
Manufactures a four-channel, precision RF watt/SWR/DC meter for 1.8-450Mhz. Software utilities provided to observe average, peak, forward and reflected power.
Wn Wavenode Power Sensor Swr Click Sensors Complete Watt Monitor Uhf Mhz Perfect Contact@wavenodecom Rtrt Silver Teflon Gold
3 ExtremeCoffee.com
Coffee beans
Coffee beans and ready-to-drink coffee beverages with above-average caffeine content.
Coffee Shock Caffeinated Drinks Beans Mocha Chocolate Hyper Latte Lots Press Triple Cappuccino Beverages Status Order Shocklots Cart
Coffee beans and ready-to-drink coffee beverages with above-average caffeine content.
Coffee Shock Caffeinated Drinks Beans Mocha Chocolate Hyper Latte Lots Press Triple Cappuccino Beverages Status Order Shocklots Cart
4 Hitting Help
Baseball and
Baseball and softball batting training aids to help improve your hitting average, power and swing.
Baseball and softball batting training aids to help improve your hitting average, power and swing.
5 Dalys Mining Shop
Historical western
Historical western gold mining stocks and bonds priced for the budget of the average collector.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Web Help Customer Privacy Please Domains Account Aabaco Customers
Historical western gold mining stocks and bonds priced for the budget of the average collector.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Web Help Customer Privacy Please Domains Account Aabaco Customers
6 Temane Designs
Designs of
Designs of African wildlife, Vietnamese hilltribes and Swedish scenery using on average 40 colours to create a photo-like appearance of the finished project.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Designs of African wildlife, Vietnamese hilltribes and Swedish scenery using on average 40 colours to create a photo-like appearance of the finished project.
Navigationshilfe Ty
7 FitSense
Sensor and
Sensor and sports watch tracks distance, current pace, average pace and chronograph while running. Optional heart rate and online training available.
Sensor and sports watch tracks distance, current pace, average pace and chronograph while running. Optional heart rate and online training available.
8 Kiss Energy Systems
Manufactures and
Manufactures and retails high-output wind generator, designed to supply the energy needs of the average cruising sailboat from the wind energy available in a typical Caribbean anchorage.
Providerfor Pleasepageerror Displayed Cannot Contact
Manufactures and retails high-output wind generator, designed to supply the energy needs of the average cruising sailboat from the wind energy available in a typical Caribbean anchorage.
Providerfor Pleasepageerror Displayed Cannot Contact
9 Aromabar. Medicinal Aromatherapy Inhalants
Unusual proprietary
Unusual proprietary room diffuser with its own oils, in a totally organic proprietary material, Aromabar holds essential oil in a solid state, for diffusion in an average sized room.
Unusual proprietary room diffuser with its own oils, in a totally organic proprietary material, Aromabar holds essential oil in a solid state, for diffusion in an average sized room.
3. Average Recreation
1 Average Penis Size Chart
Provides statistical
Provides statistical charts purportedly comparing average on penis length and girth, by age and ethnic group.
Penis Size Chart Average Length Between Charts Girth Compare Chartcom Enlarge Ethnics Sizes Please Knowyou
Provides statistical charts purportedly comparing average on penis length and girth, by age and ethnic group.
Penis Size Chart Average Length Between Charts Girth Compare Chartcom Enlarge Ethnics Sizes Please Knowyou
2 Carpcatcher
From the
From the average carp angler to the average carp angler.
Custompage Whatsnew Photopage Space Favoritelinks Homepage Aboutpage Web Contactpage Pagethanks Freewebspacecom Hosting Untitled
From the average carp angler to the average carp angler.
Custompage Whatsnew Photopage Space Favoritelinks Homepage Aboutpage Web Contactpage Pagethanks Freewebspacecom Hosting Untitled
3 Average Joe Shmoe
Provides jokes
Provides jokes, humor and free games.
Joke Jokes Blonde Knock Funny Adult Ringtones Kids Humor Computer Day Free Average Shmoe Liners
Provides jokes, humor and free games.
Joke Jokes Blonde Knock Funny Adult Ringtones Kids Humor Computer Day Free Average Shmoe Liners
4 TopperSports.com
News and
News and a feature that calculates your average score.
News and a feature that calculates your average score.
5 Pudgy Pooches
New York
New York Times article examines the diet of the average dog.
News Kerries Uskbtc Join Legislative Pedigree Clubs List Rescue Database Mailing Donations Kerry Club Statement Page Cant
New York Times article examines the diet of the average dog.
News Kerries Uskbtc Join Legislative Pedigree Clubs List Rescue Database Mailing Donations Kerry Club Statement Page Cant
6 Pheasant Hunters Unlimited Association
Information about
Information about a contest for the average hunter and his dog.
Pheasant Hunters Unlimited Membership Photos Form Entry Pointing Proven Rules Results Dates Braces Points Nationals Unlimitedsite
Information about a contest for the average hunter and his dog.
Pheasant Hunters Unlimited Membership Photos Form Entry Pointing Proven Rules Results Dates Braces Points Nationals Unlimitedsite
7 NHLFA.com
Intended to
Intended to give average hockey fans across North America a voice in the future of the NHL.
Intended to give average hockey fans across North America a voice in the future of the NHL.
8 Average Single Male
Insight into
Insight into the lives and needs of these solitary individuals, and their efforts to find a partner.
Male Single Average Relationships Sex Exercise Diet Recipes Click Parker Women Health Jim Book Takes Cancer Persons Number * Call
Insight into the lives and needs of these solitary individuals, and their efforts to find a partner.
Male Single Average Relationships Sex Exercise Diet Recipes Click Parker Women Health Jim Book Takes Cancer Persons Number * Call
9 Wordage: The Game of Words
Has three
Has three levels of difficulty to challenge the average player as well as any lurking wordsmiths.
Error Create Information Detailed Unavailable User Anonymous Url Serviceslooking Method Anonymous Logon Found Server Resource Been
Has three levels of difficulty to challenge the average player as well as any lurking wordsmiths.
Error Create Information Detailed Unavailable User Anonymous Url Serviceslooking Method Anonymous Logon Found Server Resource Been
10 The Orange Barons Domain
Near-clean humor
Near-clean humor about topics relevant to the lives of average young adults.
Orange Barons Domain College Parody Trial Photo Conan Direct Websites New Chris Tasteless Close Newwwwww
Near-clean humor about topics relevant to the lives of average young adults.
Orange Barons Domain College Parody Trial Photo Conan Direct Websites New Chris Tasteless Close Newwwwww
11 Apache Kennels
Breeding fine
Breeding fine Elhew Pointers for the average foot hunter or the competitive field trailer.
Breeding fine Elhew Pointers for the average foot hunter or the competitive field trailer.
12 SmartBreastReduction.com
Information including
Information including average costs and before and after photographs. Male and female reductions and reduction by liposuction discussed.
Breast Dr Reduction Surgery Before York Board Ontario California Surgeons Pictures Plastic Cosmetic Louis Michigan Marina Liposuction Toronto Average South
Information including average costs and before and after photographs. Male and female reductions and reduction by liposuction discussed.
Breast Dr Reduction Surgery Before York Board Ontario California Surgeons Pictures Plastic Cosmetic Louis Michigan Marina Liposuction Toronto Average South
13 Stonis Trades and Info
Average sized
Average sized but some what abstract lists of wants and haves. Also including not so serious FAQ, tips and stories by other collectors.
Stonicom Inquire Aftermarketcom Domain Policy Privacy Legal Rightsreservedbuy Copyright Name Z
Average sized but some what abstract lists of wants and haves. Also including not so serious FAQ, tips and stories by other collectors.
Stonicom Inquire Aftermarketcom Domain Policy Privacy Legal Rightsreservedbuy Copyright Name Z
14 Château Dassault
The vineyards
The vineyards are situated on the north slope of Saint-Emilion and produce, on average, 80,000 bottles per annum.
Dassault Château Saint Grand Emilion Classé Directeur Laurent Marcel Philippefort Léquipe Adresse Unpremier Jean Vergriette
The vineyards are situated on the north slope of Saint-Emilion and produce, on average, 80,000 bottles per annum.
Dassault Château Saint Grand Emilion Classé Directeur Laurent Marcel Philippefort Léquipe Adresse Unpremier Jean Vergriette
15 Toxic Custard Workshop Files
History of
History of the world, computing definitions, a really silly encyclopedia, and the diary of an average Australian.
Custard Toxic Sydney Australian Short Christmas Bowen Australia Doctor Subscribe Enterprise Geeks Disbelief Average Uluru Cater Great Then
History of the world, computing definitions, a really silly encyclopedia, and the diary of an average Australian.
Custard Toxic Sydney Australian Short Christmas Bowen Australia Doctor Subscribe Enterprise Geeks Disbelief Average Uluru Cater Great Then
16 SmartRhinoplasty.com
Information including
Information including average costs, preparation checklists, recovery tips, risks, complications and before and after pictures. Find a specialist.
Rhinoplasty Surgery Before Surgeons Board Cosmetic Information Pictures Financing Plastic Certified Average Smart Procedures Rhinoplastycom North Slidell
Information including average costs, preparation checklists, recovery tips, risks, complications and before and after pictures. Find a specialist.
Rhinoplasty Surgery Before Surgeons Board Cosmetic Information Pictures Financing Plastic Certified Average Smart Procedures Rhinoplastycom North Slidell
17 SmartFaceLifts.com
Information including
Information including average costs, preparation checklists, recovery tips, risks, complications, before and after pictures. Find a specialist.
Surgery Face Plastic Lift Surgeons Board Before Injections Ontario Financing Lifts Certified Cosmetic Botox Pictures Alhambra Pennsylvania
Information including average costs, preparation checklists, recovery tips, risks, complications, before and after pictures. Find a specialist.
Surgery Face Plastic Lift Surgeons Board Before Injections Ontario Financing Lifts Certified Cosmetic Botox Pictures Alhambra Pennsylvania
18 Caralees
A small
A small show kennel (average of 2 litters per year) with all puppies sold on a limited registration basis. Member of the American Spaniel Club.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Archiveorg Inc Finance Sorrylongeravailable Trying Sites News Toolbar Privacy
A small show kennel (average of 2 litters per year) with all puppies sold on a limited registration basis. Member of the American Spaniel Club.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Sign Archiveorg Inc Finance Sorrylongeravailable Trying Sites News Toolbar Privacy
19 Brevofield Golf Links
A public
A public golf course designed for the average gofer in mind.
Golf Forest Wake Raleigh Course Nc Brevofield Henderson Welcome Times Public Durham Courses Greens Lessons Best Family Miles
A public golf course designed for the average gofer in mind.
Golf Forest Wake Raleigh Course Nc Brevofield Henderson Welcome Times Public Durham Courses Greens Lessons Best Family Miles
20 This is Football
A portal
A portal site with an average of ten links to every UK professional football club.
çâ„¢½é«ªæŸ“ã‚ÂÂã®å£ã‚³ãƒŸã¨ãÆ’©ãÆ’³ã‚ãÆ’³ã‚°æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ± 個人æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ±ã«é–¢ã™るå–扱 利ç
A portal site with an average of ten links to every UK professional football club.
çâ„¢½é«ªæŸ“ã‚ÂÂã®å£ã‚³ãƒŸã¨ãÆ’©ãÆ’³ã‚ãÆ’³ã‚°æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ± 個人æÃ†â€™Ã¢â‚¬Â¦å ±ã«é–¢ã™るå–扱 利ç
21 Traffic Counts
List of
List of Average Daily Traffic (ADT) tallies for major metropolitan areas.
Pricing Blog Wilmington Siteslooking Privacy Suite Login Webspawner Copyright Features Press Exist Register
List of Average Daily Traffic (ADT) tallies for major metropolitan areas.
Pricing Blog Wilmington Siteslooking Privacy Suite Login Webspawner Copyright Features Press Exist Register
22 CanadianDriver Used Car Review: 1990-94 Mercury Topaz
Review of
Review of the car in general and an average price guide.
Automotive Car Canada Reviews Used New Drives Canadiandriver Advice Boards Free Vehicle Information Enthusiasts Magazine Consumer Source Previews
Review of the car in general and an average price guide.
Automotive Car Canada Reviews Used New Drives Canadiandriver Advice Boards Free Vehicle Information Enthusiasts Magazine Consumer Source Previews
23 KB6NUs Ham Radio Blog
Personal journal
Personal journal of an average hams adventures in amateur radio.
Kbnu Radio Ham Gear Blog Leave Dan Reading] [continue Study Classestestinglicensing Amateur Ive Arrl Matchbox Software Defined Detector Hf Rotary
Personal journal of an average hams adventures in amateur radio.
Kbnu Radio Ham Gear Blog Leave Dan Reading] [continue Study Classestestinglicensing Amateur Ive Arrl Matchbox Software Defined Detector Hf Rotary
24 Hitting for Excellence
Professional baseball
Professional baseball hitting coach teaches players and coaches of all levels to hit for power and average.
Hitting Batting Coach Baseball Workshop Oakland Clinic Potential Hitter Instruction Hudgens Do Dave Youve Yourself First Coaching Contact
Professional baseball hitting coach teaches players and coaches of all levels to hit for power and average.
Hitting Batting Coach Baseball Workshop Oakland Clinic Potential Hitter Instruction Hudgens Do Dave Youve Yourself First Coaching Contact
25 The Average Draft
Compiles mock
Compiles mock draft results to create customized player ranking lists by position.
Leagues Draft Antsports Fantasy Trophy Football Money Average Inc See Keeper Email Privacy Free Y
Compiles mock draft results to create customized player ranking lists by position.
Leagues Draft Antsports Fantasy Trophy Football Money Average Inc See Keeper Email Privacy Free Y
26 CNN/SI Profile - Texas hidden gem
He has
He has more than 300 home runs and a lifetime average just below .300. Yet, Texas Rafael Palmeiro is one of baseballs most unheralded stars.
He has more than 300 home runs and a lifetime average just below .300. Yet, Texas Rafael Palmeiro is one of baseballs most unheralded stars.
27 AVP Never Tour
Information about
Information about the Average Volleyball Players tour.
Volleyball Beach Professionals Avp Olympic Association – Stolfus Walsh Game Steffes Fun Hans Energy Injecting Medalist Brazil Holly More]
Information about the Average Volleyball Players tour.
Volleyball Beach Professionals Avp Olympic Association – Stolfus Walsh Game Steffes Fun Hans Energy Injecting Medalist Brazil Holly More]
28 Aquatic Hobby
A forum
A forum for discussing, sharing, teaching and advising both the average and experienced fish keeper about ethical fish keeping.
A forum for discussing, sharing, teaching and advising both the average and experienced fish keeper about ethical fish keeping.
29 Winchcombe Cricket Club
Site includes
Site includes match reports, tables, average and club history. Cotswold Hills League in Gloucester.
Yahoo Geocities Wayback Internet Sites Disclaimers Popular Answersterms Privacy Trying Visit Policy Reach
Site includes match reports, tables, average and club history. Cotswold Hills League in Gloucester.
Yahoo Geocities Wayback Internet Sites Disclaimers Popular Answersterms Privacy Trying Visit Policy Reach
30 Erection Photos
Battling the
Battling the stereotypes for average penis size. This site shows real men with real erections and educates men and women about reality versus pornography.
Information Enter They Contains Warning Exit Models Anyone Likely Visual Natural Ofage Clicking Youare Allow
Battling the stereotypes for average penis size. This site shows real men with real erections and educates men and women about reality versus pornography.
Information Enter They Contains Warning Exit Models Anyone Likely Visual Natural Ofage Clicking Youare Allow
31 Tower Farm
Somonauk facility
Somonauk facility standing one stallion. Includes photograph of stallion, Illinois Leading Sires by Average Earnings Per Starter and contact numbers.
Racing Illinois News Fridays Live Sundays Here Teddy Joanmc@aolcom Joan Tuesdays Bears Total Dark Theodore
Somonauk facility standing one stallion. Includes photograph of stallion, Illinois Leading Sires by Average Earnings Per Starter and contact numbers.
Racing Illinois News Fridays Live Sundays Here Teddy Joanmc@aolcom Joan Tuesdays Bears Total Dark Theodore
32 Freds Garage
This site
This site helps the average person deal with common automotive repair problems and issues like purchasing a new or used car, maintaining it, finding a repair shop and dealing with your mechanic.
This site helps the average person deal with common automotive repair problems and issues like purchasing a new or used car, maintaining it, finding a repair shop and dealing with your mechanic.
33 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Discusses whether
Discusses whether the signs that point to ADHD are the normal turbo-speed pace of the average toddler. Includes symptom definitions and tips for parents.
Adhd Dr Greene Baby Health Toddler Md Skin Green Nutrition Age Contact Infant School Behavior Simkhay Parenting Most
Discusses whether the signs that point to ADHD are the normal turbo-speed pace of the average toddler. Includes symptom definitions and tips for parents.
Adhd Dr Greene Baby Health Toddler Md Skin Green Nutrition Age Contact Infant School Behavior Simkhay Parenting Most
34 Caroholic - the web site for gear heads
A web
A web site which provides updated photos and reports on an average hobbyists restoration projects, including costs, problems and solutions, and historical data on the specific vehicles.
Cars Antique Rebuild Display Vintage Collectible Custom Rebuilt Club Exhibit Classic Parts Restored New Auction Gets Family Hobby
A web site which provides updated photos and reports on an average hobbyists restoration projects, including costs, problems and solutions, and historical data on the specific vehicles.
Cars Antique Rebuild Display Vintage Collectible Custom Rebuilt Club Exhibit Classic Parts Restored New Auction Gets Family Hobby
35 Calculating Rifle Precision
Describing maximum
Describing maximum spreed verses average group radius and how to calculate rifle precision.
Create Tripod Lycoscom Login Requested Check Page Website Tripodcom Lycos Hostingcouldnt Signup Shopping
Describing maximum spreed verses average group radius and how to calculate rifle precision.
Create Tripod Lycoscom Login Requested Check Page Website Tripodcom Lycos Hostingcouldnt Signup Shopping
36 Patricias Trade List
Brasilian collector
Brasilian collector interested in all figures, average sized lists, earliest dublicates from K92-series. Illustrated with surprise paper pictures and also including spare parts -list.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Toolbar Sports Machine Inc Mail Guidelines Maps Trying Y
Brasilian collector interested in all figures, average sized lists, earliest dublicates from K92-series. Illustrated with surprise paper pictures and also including spare parts -list.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Toolbar Sports Machine Inc Mail Guidelines Maps Trying Y
37 Golf Tips and Golf Instruction
Tips for
Tips for executing with any club in the game for average golfers.
Tips for executing with any club in the game for average golfers.
38 The Blue Book of European Ski Resorts
Profiles of
Profiles of resorts including maps, contact information, elevation, vertical drop, lifts, terrain, shops, and schools. Also includes travel tips and average rates.
Ski Book Blue European Resorts Publishers Skiing Click Destinations Europe Alpes Last Castle International Books
Profiles of resorts including maps, contact information, elevation, vertical drop, lifts, terrain, shops, and schools. Also includes travel tips and average rates.
Ski Book Blue European Resorts Publishers Skiing Click Destinations Europe Alpes Last Castle International Books
39 Harris Poll: Tobacco Addiction
Reveals that
Reveals that 70% of all people still smoking have tried to quit, on average four times, and most are aware of tobaccos health effects, poll results called a metric of the power of tobacco addiction.
Reveals that 70% of all people still smoking have tried to quit, on average four times, and most are aware of tobaccos health effects, poll results called a metric of the power of tobacco addiction.
40 Olympic Lanes Junior League Official Website
Score and
Score and average updates, Coachs profile, Bowlers profiles for a Juniors league running at Olympic Lanes Bowling Center in Menands, New York.
Bowling League Olympic Lanes Junior Guestbook Close Welcome Season Zemail Sign Sponsored
Score and average updates, Coachs profile, Bowlers profiles for a Juniors league running at Olympic Lanes Bowling Center in Menands, New York.
Bowling League Olympic Lanes Junior Guestbook Close Welcome Season Zemail Sign Sponsored
41 Elk River Touring Center
Five kilometers
Five kilometers of trails are adjacent to the center, with 35 additional kilometers criss-crossing the Highland Scenic Highway. Trails range in elevation from 2730 to 4750. Average snowfall is 150-200' annually.
Permanently Theport Apache Server Z
Five kilometers of trails are adjacent to the center, with 35 additional kilometers criss-crossing the Highland Scenic Highway. Trails range in elevation from 2730 to 4750. Average snowfall is 150-200' annually.
Permanently Theport Apache Server Z
42 Dysmenorrhea Support
An online
An online support group where women can vent, share, learn, and find support for dysmenorrhea (severe menstrual cramps which are more painful than average cramps and can sometimes be disabling).
Yahoo Help Groups Lists Group Dysmenorrhea_support Sharing File Please Community Mailing Forum Photo Free Ifyoure Dysmenorrhea_support@yahoogroupscom Shine Interests
An online support group where women can vent, share, learn, and find support for dysmenorrhea (severe menstrual cramps which are more painful than average cramps and can sometimes be disabling).
Yahoo Help Groups Lists Group Dysmenorrhea_support Sharing File Please Community Mailing Forum Photo Free Ifyoure Dysmenorrhea_support@yahoogroupscom Shine Interests
43 Down and Derby - Official Movie Site
Official site
Official site for 'Down and Derby', a family comedy about a pinewood derby race that turns an average group of dads into an awkward bunch of competitiors.
Official site for 'Down and Derby', a family comedy about a pinewood derby race that turns an average group of dads into an awkward bunch of competitiors.
44 Dysmenorrhea Support
An online
An online support group where women can vent, share, learn, and find support for dysmenorrhea (severe menstrual cramps which are more painful than average cramps and can sometimes be disabling).
Yahoo Help Groups Sharing Dysmenorrhea_support Lists Group File Forum Please Community Free Mailing Photo Email Travel Dysmenorrhea_support@yahoogroupscom Polls Screen
An online support group where women can vent, share, learn, and find support for dysmenorrhea (severe menstrual cramps which are more painful than average cramps and can sometimes be disabling).
Yahoo Help Groups Sharing Dysmenorrhea_support Lists Group File Forum Please Community Free Mailing Photo Email Travel Dysmenorrhea_support@yahoogroupscom Polls Screen
45 Hardrock Hundred Mile Endurance Run
Loop through
Loop through the San Juan Mountains in Silverton: 101.7 miles, 33,000 foot total elevation gain and 11,186 foot average elevation. Provides race details, past results, entry requirement, volunteer information, FAQs, photos and race reports, and course maps.
Hardrock Results Image Runners Hundred Mile Live Run Endurance Sponsors Co Silverton Lottery Ultrasignup List Waitlist Trail
Loop through the San Juan Mountains in Silverton: 101.7 miles, 33,000 foot total elevation gain and 11,186 foot average elevation. Provides race details, past results, entry requirement, volunteer information, FAQs, photos and race reports, and course maps.
Hardrock Results Image Runners Hundred Mile Live Run Endurance Sponsors Co Silverton Lottery Ultrasignup List Waitlist Trail
4. Computer & Average Games Websites
1 Computerworld: AOL sees sharp drop in spam
Spam reports
Spam reports from America Online members dropped from a daily average of almost 11 million in November 2003 to a daily average of about 2.2 million last month, the company said this week.
Management Security Idg Virtual Spam Computerworld Average Apps Daily Networking Guide Chapter Definitive World Applications Show Sas Been Button Learn
Spam reports from America Online members dropped from a daily average of almost 11 million in November 2003 to a daily average of about 2.2 million last month, the company said this week.
Management Security Idg Virtual Spam Computerworld Average Apps Daily Networking Guide Chapter Definitive World Applications Show Sas Been Button Learn
2 Jeffrey Veen: The Usability of Subscribing to Feeds
RSS feeds
RSS feeds are surprisingly difficult for the average user to use.
Jeffrey Safari Veen Feeds Subscribing Usability Disqus Peter Rss Does Considerjavascript Lots Most
RSS feeds are surprisingly difficult for the average user to use.
Jeffrey Safari Veen Feeds Subscribing Usability Disqus Peter Rss Does Considerjavascript Lots Most
3 Windows Help for the Average Joe
Contains tips
Contains tips and tricks for the novice user to get the most out of Windows XP.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Longeravailable Games Wayback User Visit Maps Sorry Finance Popular
Contains tips and tricks for the novice user to get the most out of Windows XP.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Longeravailable Games Wayback User Visit Maps Sorry Finance Popular
4 FIRST Topsite
A website
A website where FIRST Sites are able be ranked against other FIRST sites according to the average hits per day.
A website where FIRST Sites are able be ranked against other FIRST sites according to the average hits per day.
5 Barely Average Design
Services include
Services include HTML emails, logos, graphics, site creation and development, and print ads. Based in Karachi, Pakistan, Asia.
Design Html Email Website Print Portfolio Development Branding Marketing Quote Clients Lyrical Importance List Contact
Services include HTML emails, logos, graphics, site creation and development, and print ads. Based in Karachi, Pakistan, Asia.
Design Html Email Website Print Portfolio Development Branding Marketing Quote Clients Lyrical Importance List Contact
6 Realm Graphics: Web Page Backgrounds
Comprehensive collection
Comprehensive collection of over 330 textures of variable size. Quality ranges from average to very good. Includes photo-realistic textures.
Textures Design Backgrounds Realm Graphics Ender Free Seamless Fabrics Marbled Psychedelic Policy Realistic Patterns Buttons Stone Real World
Comprehensive collection of over 330 textures of variable size. Quality ranges from average to very good. Includes photo-realistic textures.
Textures Design Backgrounds Realm Graphics Ender Free Seamless Fabrics Marbled Psychedelic Policy Realistic Patterns Buttons Stone Real World
7 tummy.com, ltd.
Linux-based firewalls
Linux-based firewalls and IsinGlass, is a script meant to make the average users Linux machine more secure when connected to the Internet, for example, when dialing up via a local ISP.
Community Open Tummycom Source Blog Ltd Managed Productssoftware Contact Sales Terms Order Archives Solutions Supported
Linux-based firewalls and IsinGlass, is a script meant to make the average users Linux machine more secure when connected to the Internet, for example, when dialing up via a local ISP.
Community Open Tummycom Source Blog Ltd Managed Productssoftware Contact Sales Terms Order Archives Solutions Supported
8 tummy.com, ltd.
Linux-based firewalls
Linux-based firewalls and IsinGlass, is a script meant to make the average users Linux machine more secure when connected to the Internet, for example, when dialing up via a local ISP.
Community Source Tummycom Open Blog Ltd Contracts System Our Archives Articles Port Apache Ndasharchitecture Subscribe
Linux-based firewalls and IsinGlass, is a script meant to make the average users Linux machine more secure when connected to the Internet, for example, when dialing up via a local ISP.
Community Source Tummycom Open Blog Ltd Contracts System Our Archives Articles Port Apache Ndasharchitecture Subscribe
9 MediaMixer
Allows the
Allows the average computer user to produce and distribute their own interactive multimedia presentation, without any programming skills. You just have to assemble pictures, videos, sounds, text, and animations, by filling in a grid. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Allows the average computer user to produce and distribute their own interactive multimedia presentation, without any programming skills. You just have to assemble pictures, videos, sounds, text, and animations, by filling in a grid. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
10 Color Cop
A free
A free multi-featured color picking tool. Has a eyedropper, magnifier, 3x3/5x5 average sampling, complementary color generation and variable magnification levels.
A free multi-featured color picking tool. Has a eyedropper, magnifier, 3x3/5x5 average sampling, complementary color generation and variable magnification levels.
11 Parabens Contact Manager
A simple
A simple contact manager for the average PC user. It prints to most day-planner sizes for easy replacement of outdated address books.
Found Found They
A simple contact manager for the average PC user. It prints to most day-planner sizes for easy replacement of outdated address books.
Found Found They
12 PKWARE, Inc.
Original developer
Original developer of PKZIP and defined the ZIP file format. PKZIP compresses files an average of 50-70% with many large text and database files compressing well over 90%.
Data Business Cloud Compliance Secure Services Partners Solutions Server Costs Pkware Security Reduce Computing Software End Life Centerreduce Partner Exchange Achieve
Original developer of PKZIP and defined the ZIP file format. PKZIP compresses files an average of 50-70% with many large text and database files compressing well over 90%.
Data Business Cloud Compliance Secure Services Partners Solutions Server Costs Pkware Security Reduce Computing Software End Life Centerreduce Partner Exchange Achieve
13 Riptide Innovations
With the
With the combination of the TouchTone Audio System software and some low-cost hardware, average home users can learn how to transform their computer and music files into a high-tech, touch screen, music (Mp3, OGG, WMA) jukebox.
Screen Jukebox Touch Step Touchtone Audio System Mp Full Software Music Touchscreen Winamp Turn Install
With the combination of the TouchTone Audio System software and some low-cost hardware, average home users can learn how to transform their computer and music files into a high-tech, touch screen, music (Mp3, OGG, WMA) jukebox.
Screen Jukebox Touch Step Touchtone Audio System Mp Full Software Music Touchscreen Winamp Turn Install
14 As Master Data Management Matures, Its Availability Improves
eWeek.com article
eWeek.com article from Chris Preimesberger and Jeffrey Burt. With an average cost of $1 million, MDM deployments used to be relegated to only the largest companies in the world. But now new companies are now stepping into the market with creative products and services.
Center Hp Security Project Watch News Cloud Mobile Eweek Needs Blogs Weeks Email Apple Developer Tablet Data Device Android Video
eWeek.com article from Chris Preimesberger and Jeffrey Burt. With an average cost of $1 million, MDM deployments used to be relegated to only the largest companies in the world. But now new companies are now stepping into the market with creative products and services.
Center Hp Security Project Watch News Cloud Mobile Eweek Needs Blogs Weeks Email Apple Developer Tablet Data Device Android Video
15 Lindows Heads for Store Shelves
San Diego
San Diego start-up dedicated to making Linux easy to use for average PC users releases first retail version of its software Lindows 3.0, and has enlisted retail partners to sell it. [CNET News.com]
Xyz Names Domain Genxyz Generation New Registrars Contact Blog Domainingcom Media Everywhereâ„¢ Register Privacy Create
San Diego start-up dedicated to making Linux easy to use for average PC users releases first retail version of its software Lindows 3.0, and has enlisted retail partners to sell it. [CNET News.com]
Xyz Names Domain Genxyz Generation New Registrars Contact Blog Domainingcom Media Everywhereâ„¢ Register Privacy Create
16 Fatal Error Software
Small shareware
Small shareware development team, providing simple and effective software solutions for the average Windows user. Featured product is Cell Mate, an email scheduling application specifically designed for cellular telephone messaging.
Software Error Fatal Mate Windows Cell Base Unlike Easy Shareware Containing Whats Simple Reminder Puts Cellular
Small shareware development team, providing simple and effective software solutions for the average Windows user. Featured product is Cell Mate, an email scheduling application specifically designed for cellular telephone messaging.
Software Error Fatal Mate Windows Cell Base Unlike Easy Shareware Containing Whats Simple Reminder Puts Cellular
17 Ultimate Apple eMac Upgrade Guide
Apple did
Apple did not intend eMacs to be easily upgraded but this guide shows how the average user can install 1GB memory, latest hard drive, DVD+-RW rewriter, span desktop across two screens and increase processor speed up to 167%.
Apple Cd Emac Motorola Drive Upgrade Gb Xbench Disk Hard Then Rom Open Guide Dvdrw Radeon Because Watts Sudo Sdram
Apple did not intend eMacs to be easily upgraded but this guide shows how the average user can install 1GB memory, latest hard drive, DVD+-RW rewriter, span desktop across two screens and increase processor speed up to 167%.
Apple Cd Emac Motorola Drive Upgrade Gb Xbench Disk Hard Then Rom Open Guide Dvdrw Radeon Because Watts Sudo Sdram
18 Automotive Wolf - Car Maintenance Software
Car Care
Car Care center software designed for the average automotive owner. Easily keep detailed maintenance and repair records. Diagnose automotive problems.
Software Management Wolf Contact Care Website Backup Text Monitoring Car Address Inventory Book Image Click
Car Care center software designed for the average automotive owner. Easily keep detailed maintenance and repair records. Diagnose automotive problems.
Software Management Wolf Contact Care Website Backup Text Monitoring Car Address Inventory Book Image Click
19 Automotive Wolf - Car Maintenance Software
Car Care
Car Care center software designed for the average automotive owner. Easily keep detailed maintenance and repair records. Diagnose automotive problems.
Software Management Wolf Contact Care Website Text Monitoring Backup Address Car Inventory Image Book Organizer Home Solution
Car Care center software designed for the average automotive owner. Easily keep detailed maintenance and repair records. Diagnose automotive problems.
Software Management Wolf Contact Care Website Text Monitoring Backup Address Car Inventory Image Book Organizer Home Solution
20 Automotive Wolf - Car Maintenance Software
Car Care
Car Care center software designed for the average automotive owner. Easily keep detailed maintenance and repair records. Diagnose automotive problems.
Software Wolf Management Contact Care Website Text Backup Monitoring Address Car Image Inventory Book Click
Car Care center software designed for the average automotive owner. Easily keep detailed maintenance and repair records. Diagnose automotive problems.
Software Wolf Management Contact Care Website Text Backup Monitoring Address Car Image Inventory Book Click
21 Rebol Programming For The Absolute Beginner
A tutorial
A tutorial to help absolute beginner programmers and average computer users try REBOL as their first programming language.
Rebol Heres Answer Question Html Case Ill Here Notice Rebgui Gui Data Rebols First Windows
A tutorial to help absolute beginner programmers and average computer users try REBOL as their first programming language.
Rebol Heres Answer Question Html Case Ill Here Notice Rebgui Gui Data Rebols First Windows
22 JDETips: Mastery Level Knowledge and Consulting
JDETips provides
JDETips provides mastery level knowledge in the form of newsletters, workshops, and consulting. Our consultants average 10 years experience with JD Edwards software.
Training Edwards Manufacturing Course Jde Jd Accounts Accounting Developer Management Knowledge Accelerated Solutions Jdetips Procurement Assets Receivable
JDETips provides mastery level knowledge in the form of newsletters, workshops, and consulting. Our consultants average 10 years experience with JD Edwards software.
Training Edwards Manufacturing Course Jde Jd Accounts Accounting Developer Management Knowledge Accelerated Solutions Jdetips Procurement Assets Receivable
23 Random Structures and Algorithms
Results concerning
Results concerning random graphs, hypergraphs, matroids, trees, mappings, permutations, matrices, sets and orders, as well as stochastic graph processes and networks are presented with particular emphasis on the use of probabilistic methods in combinatorics as developed by Paul Erdõs. The journal focuses on probabilistic algorithms, average case analysis of deterministic algorithms, and applications of probabilistic methods to cryptography, data structures, searching and sorting. The journal also devotes space to such areas of probability theory as percolation, random walks and combinatorial aspects of probability. Table of contents with abstracts on-line starting with volume 8 (1996), full text available to subscribers.
Wiley Mathematics Contact Register Issue Algorithms Structures Content Job Random Network Gt Square Conditions Cycle Property See Help
Results concerning random graphs, hypergraphs, matroids, trees, mappings, permutations, matrices, sets and orders, as well as stochastic graph processes and networks are presented with particular emphasis on the use of probabilistic methods in combinatorics as developed by Paul Erdõs. The journal focuses on probabilistic algorithms, average case analysis of deterministic algorithms, and applications of probabilistic methods to cryptography, data structures, searching and sorting. The journal also devotes space to such areas of probability theory as percolation, random walks and combinatorial aspects of probability. Table of contents with abstracts on-line starting with volume 8 (1996), full text available to subscribers.
Wiley Mathematics Contact Register Issue Algorithms Structures Content Job Random Network Gt Square Conditions Cycle Property See Help
1 The Average Archive
Humorous successor
Humorous successor to Murphys Rules - cartoons demonstrating the anomalies in various rules systems by using Joe Genero, the average man.
Filenamechanged Might Foundthe Server Removed Temporarily Unavailable Lookingbeen Error Resource Directory
Humorous successor to Murphys Rules - cartoons demonstrating the anomalies in various rules systems by using Joe Genero, the average man.
Filenamechanged Might Foundthe Server Removed Temporarily Unavailable Lookingbeen Error Resource Directory
2 Game Revolution
[C] Review
[C] Review with screen shots by Baldric 'Unfortunately, this game is as average as average gets.'
Cheats Nintendo Beyond Phantom Xbox Faq Playstation Video Ps Pain Games Metal Iphone Gear Fallout Unbiased Payday
[C] Review with screen shots by Baldric 'Unfortunately, this game is as average as average gets.'
Cheats Nintendo Beyond Phantom Xbox Faq Playstation Video Ps Pain Games Metal Iphone Gear Fallout Unbiased Payday
3 Average Joe Blackjack
Provides basic
Provides basic information on blackjack strategy and details on the Average Joe book.
Averagejoeblackjackcom Insurance Advance Cash Consolidation Debt Privacy Browse Cell Privacypolicy Free Domainpolicy Report
Provides basic information on blackjack strategy and details on the Average Joe book.
Averagejoeblackjackcom Insurance Advance Cash Consolidation Debt Privacy Browse Cell Privacypolicy Free Domainpolicy Report
4 ign
'An above
'An above average game and nothing more...Its not that bad, though. Not bad at all.' Review by David Zdyrko.
Navigationshilfet Y
'An above average game and nothing more...Its not that bad, though. Not bad at all.' Review by David Zdyrko.
Navigationshilfet Y
6 Nintendojo
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Eric Mattei, [7.5/10]. 'XGRA looks average.'
Nintendo Reviews News Boy Game Previews Ds Hiring Interaction Contact Nintendojocom Editorials Request Wii Specials Gba Rss
Reviewed by Eric Mattei, [7.5/10]. 'XGRA looks average.'
Nintendo Reviews News Boy Game Previews Ds Hiring Interaction Contact Nintendojocom Editorials Request Wii Specials Gba Rss
61 Bust-A-Move 3
Consumer reviews
Consumer reviews with an average rating of 4 1/2 of 5 stars.
Reviews Digital Music Cameras Movies Books Electronics Kids Garden Sports Outdoor Tablets Computers Toys Appliances
Consumer reviews with an average rating of 4 1/2 of 5 stars.
Reviews Digital Music Cameras Movies Books Electronics Kids Garden Sports Outdoor Tablets Computers Toys Appliances
62 Bust-A-Move 99
Consumer reviews
Consumer reviews for n64 version with an average rating 4 of 5.
Reviews Music Digital Electronics Movies Cameras Books Computers Sports Appliances Outdoor Tablets Toys Televisions Garden Kids Policies
Consumer reviews for n64 version with an average rating 4 of 5.
Reviews Music Digital Electronics Movies Cameras Books Computers Sports Appliances Outdoor Tablets Toys Televisions Garden Kids Policies
63 The Armchair Empire
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Mr. Nash, [7.8/10]. 'Gladius is a well above average strategy RPG.'
Reviewed by Mr. Nash, [7.8/10]. 'Gladius is a well above average strategy RPG.'
64 Planet GameCube
Review by
Review by Ty Shughart, 5/10. 'Completely and totally average.'
News Games Chat Videos Forums Events Previews Editorials Podcasts Reviews Policy Features Company Forgot Report Jobs Account
Review by Ty Shughart, 5/10. 'Completely and totally average.'
News Games Chat Videos Forums Events Previews Editorials Podcasts Reviews Policy Features Company Forgot Report Jobs Account
69 Neoseeker
Reviews, cheats
Reviews, cheats, walkthroughs, average score [4.5 overall] and links to sellers.
Clank Ratchet Forums Games Cheats Screenshots Faqs Pokémon Reviews Ps Solid Pain Metal Gear Phantom Super
Reviews, cheats, walkthroughs, average score [4.5 overall] and links to sellers.
Clank Ratchet Forums Games Cheats Screenshots Faqs Pokémon Reviews Ps Solid Pain Metal Gear Phantom Super
70 GamePro
Review, by
Review, by Tokyo Drifter: 'SRS is above average, but theres a lot of heavy competition out there.' [Score: 3.5 out of 5]
Windows Drives Pcworld Hardware Idg News Mobile Pc Printers Reviews Videos Laptops Consumer Ultrabooks Servers Smartwatches Policy Blogs
Review, by Tokyo Drifter: 'SRS is above average, but theres a lot of heavy competition out there.' [Score: 3.5 out of 5]
Windows Drives Pcworld Hardware Idg News Mobile Pc Printers Reviews Videos Laptops Consumer Ultrabooks Servers Smartwatches Policy Blogs
71 GamePro
Review, by
Review, by Tokyo Drifter: 'SRS is above average, but theres a lot of heavy competition out there.' [Score: 3.5 out of 5]
Windows Idg Hardware Pcworld Drives News Phones Edition Business Channel Subscribe Accessories Tablets Mobile Videos Servers Learn Need
Review, by Tokyo Drifter: 'SRS is above average, but theres a lot of heavy competition out there.' [Score: 3.5 out of 5]
Windows Idg Hardware Pcworld Drives News Phones Edition Business Channel Subscribe Accessories Tablets Mobile Videos Servers Learn Need
72 PC Gameworld
Reviewed by
Reviewed by John Misak, verdict 75%. 'An above average strategy game from Sid Meier.'
Here Click Gwncomy
Reviewed by John Misak, verdict 75%. 'An above average strategy game from Sid Meier.'
Here Click Gwncomy
73 Epinions
Consumer reviews
Consumer reviews for Play Station version with rating average of 4.5 of 5 stars.
Reviews Digital Music Movies Books Electronics Cameras Garden Kids Computers Tablets Appliances Toys Outdoor Televisions Policies
Consumer reviews for Play Station version with rating average of 4.5 of 5 stars.
Reviews Digital Music Movies Books Electronics Cameras Garden Kids Computers Tablets Appliances Toys Outdoor Televisions Policies
74 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
75 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
76 GamingBliss.com
Average user
Average user rating, Links to reviews, information about publisher and developer.
Dosarrest Internet Security Client Ddosprotection Restricted Pleasez Protection Host
Average user rating, Links to reviews, information about publisher and developer.
Dosarrest Internet Security Client Ddosprotection Restricted Pleasez Protection Host
77 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
78 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
79 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
80 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
81 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
82 GameStats
Screenshots, videos
Screenshots, videos, article links, average scores, and a message board.
Screenshots, videos, article links, average scores, and a message board.
83 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
84 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
85 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
86 GameStats
Videos, screenshots
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a message board.
87 All-Reviews
Review by
Review by Tom Allen, 2/4. 'To us, Star Wars Episode I: Racer is an average game.'
Video Videogame Games Star Wars Music Episode Racer Amazoncom Reviewscom Movies Review Contact Pc Halfcom Booksvideo Electronics Products
Review by Tom Allen, 2/4. 'To us, Star Wars Episode I: Racer is an average game.'
Video Videogame Games Star Wars Music Episode Racer Amazoncom Reviewscom Movies Review Contact Pc Halfcom Booksvideo Electronics Products
88 GameSpot (PS)
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Hugh Sterbakov, [3.6/10]. 'The average video game RPG fan has seen bigger and better, and plenty of it.'
Request Nginxz
Reviewed by Hugh Sterbakov, [3.6/10]. 'The average video game RPG fan has seen bigger and better, and plenty of it.'
Request Nginxz
89 Game Revolution
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Duke, [C]. 'These particular skies are partly cloudy, with average temperatures'
Cheats Nintendo Xbox Phantom Playstation Ps Faq Video Iphone Skies Lethal Pain Games Fallout Pc Gr Pains Japanese Review
Reviewed by Duke, [C]. 'These particular skies are partly cloudy, with average temperatures'
Cheats Nintendo Xbox Phantom Playstation Ps Faq Video Iphone Skies Lethal Pain Games Fallout Pc Gr Pains Japanese Review
90 GameStats
Screenshots, videos
Screenshots, videos, article links, average scores, and a message board.
Screenshots, videos, article links, average scores, and a message board.
91 WorthPlaying
Preview, with
Preview, with screen shots. 'They took an average title, and turned it into one of the best Xbox games this year.'
Review Preview Ps Xbox Pc Skies High Road Revenge Multiplayer Crimson Reviews Disqus Pspc Enemy Iii Modes Classic Ultimate
Preview, with screen shots. 'They took an average title, and turned it into one of the best Xbox games this year.'
Review Preview Ps Xbox Pc Skies High Road Revenge Multiplayer Crimson Reviews Disqus Pspc Enemy Iii Modes Classic Ultimate
92 GameSpy.com
[63/100] By
[63/100] By Zach Meston. 'Youll never play a more stunningly average game.' Also includes screenshots.
Navigationshilfe Ty
[63/100] By Zach Meston. 'Youll never play a more stunningly average game.' Also includes screenshots.
Navigationshilfe Ty
93 The Armchair Empire
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Tazman, 8.5/10. 'The game is average-looking but the sound is nicely blended into the action.'
Reviewed by: Tazman, 8.5/10. 'The game is average-looking but the sound is nicely blended into the action.'
94 GameSpy
[81/100] Review
[81/100] Review of the Xbox version by Steve Steinberg. 'A better-than-average title gets augmented with a breast job.'
Navigationshilfet Y
[81/100] Review of the Xbox version by Steve Steinberg. 'A better-than-average title gets augmented with a breast job.'
Navigationshilfet Y
95 GameSpot
Rated 6.8/10
Rated 6.8/10 by Jeff Gerstmann. 'In the end, Dead or Alive is an above-average fighting game.' [Saturn]
News Reviews Xbox Gamespot Ps Pc Wii Trailers Dead Alive++ Discussion New Features Topic Latest Ninja Bug Class=avatar Log
Rated 6.8/10 by Jeff Gerstmann. 'In the end, Dead or Alive is an above-average fighting game.' [Saturn]
News Reviews Xbox Gamespot Ps Pc Wii Trailers Dead Alive++ Discussion New Features Topic Latest Ninja Bug Class=avatar Log
96 Gamezilla
'Just average.
'Just average. Although it has some nice original features, I could never get over the strange controls.' Review by Mike David.
'Just average. Although it has some nice original features, I could never get over the strange controls.' Review by Mike David.
97 GamersMark
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Anthony Swinnich, [8/10]. 'With so many features removed and so much average gameplay, Fable is ultimately a failure.' [Xbox]
Request Errory
Reviewed by Anthony Swinnich, [8/10]. 'With so many features removed and so much average gameplay, Fable is ultimately a failure.' [Xbox]
Request Errory
98 PSX Extreme
Review, by
Review, by Ben Dutka: 'Sonic the Hedgehog retains none of its former quality, and while there have been too many below-average installments in the past, this one might be the worst.' [Score: 4.6 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Vita Psp Cheats Sonic Walkthroughs Screenshots Games Previews User News Wallpapers Playstation Hedgehog Review More Reload
Review, by Ben Dutka: 'Sonic the Hedgehog retains none of its former quality, and while there have been too many below-average installments in the past, this one might be the worst.' [Score: 4.6 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Vita Psp Cheats Sonic Walkthroughs Screenshots Games Previews User News Wallpapers Playstation Hedgehog Review More Reload
99 PSX Extreme
Review, by
Review, by Ben Dutka: 'Sonic the Hedgehog retains none of its former quality, and while there have been too many below-average installments in the past, this one might be the worst.' [Score: 4.6 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Vita Psp Sonic Cheats Walkthroughs Screenshots Games Previews User News Wallpapers Hedgehog Videos
Review, by Ben Dutka: 'Sonic the Hedgehog retains none of its former quality, and while there have been too many below-average installments in the past, this one might be the worst.' [Score: 4.6 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Vita Psp Sonic Cheats Walkthroughs Screenshots Games Previews User News Wallpapers Hedgehog Videos
100 Gamespot
[6.2/10] By
[6.2/10] By Doug Radcliffe. '...[T]he bland environments and short single-player campaign make for a rather average voyage.'
Reviews Review Gamespot Xbox Star Ps Pc Trek News Wii Voyager Elite Games Sign Pcmaclinux Well
[6.2/10] By Doug Radcliffe. '...[T]he bland environments and short single-player campaign make for a rather average voyage.'
Reviews Review Gamespot Xbox Star Ps Pc Trek News Wii Voyager Elite Games Sign Pcmaclinux Well
101 Gaming Age
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Rachel Lewis, score C-. 'The game ranks as average to mediocre in every category, including the most important one of enjoyment.'
Reviewed by: Rachel Lewis, score C-. 'The game ranks as average to mediocre in every category, including the most important one of enjoyment.'
102 GameSpy: Bloody Roar Extreme
Reviewed By:
Reviewed By: Christian Nutt, [71/100]. 'Its the closest thing to average were going to see these days.' Also includes screenshots.
Roar Bloody Extreme Eighting Release Gamespy Konami Roar_ Date Developer Previews Violence Xbox Cheats Calibur_ Review
Reviewed By: Christian Nutt, [71/100]. 'Its the closest thing to average were going to see these days.' Also includes screenshots.
Roar Bloody Extreme Eighting Release Gamespy Konami Roar_ Date Developer Previews Violence Xbox Cheats Calibur_ Review
103 N-Insanity.com
[9/10] Review
[9/10] Review by Charles Ju. 'Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town still packs something special that will keep any average Joe glued to his or her seat.'
[9/10] Review by Charles Ju. 'Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town still packs something special that will keep any average Joe glued to his or her seat.'
104 IGN.com
Review by
Review by Jeremy Dunham, 62%. 'Hidden & Dangerous is a lot better on paper than in reality. Certain positive aspects aside, there are just too many detractors to save this one from being anything but an average title.'
Navigationshilfet Y
Review by Jeremy Dunham, 62%. 'Hidden & Dangerous is a lot better on paper than in reality. Certain positive aspects aside, there are just too many detractors to save this one from being anything but an average title.'
Navigationshilfet Y
105 GameZone
Review, by
Review, by Suzi Sez: 'Real Pool 2 is a couple of steps above the average game of its type on the market today.' [Score: 7 out of 10]
Xbox Playstation Vita Casual Mobile Nintendo Games News Ps Gamezone Reviews Videos Pc Wii Previews Long Standing
Review, by Suzi Sez: 'Real Pool 2 is a couple of steps above the average game of its type on the market today.' [Score: 7 out of 10]
Xbox Playstation Vita Casual Mobile Nintendo Games News Ps Gamezone Reviews Videos Pc Wii Previews Long Standing
106 GameZone
[7/10] Review
[7/10] Review, by Michael Lafferty: 'An average game that employs the same battle system as numerous other Japanese-style dungeon crawls.'
[7/10] Review, by Michael Lafferty: 'An average game that employs the same battle system as numerous other Japanese-style dungeon crawls.'
107 NetJak
'The Two
'The Two Towers is above average as far as licensed games go, but that doesnt mean its worth paying top-dollar for.' Review by Slusy with overall score [7.8] and screen shots.
Click Proceed Herey
'The Two Towers is above average as far as licensed games go, but that doesnt mean its worth paying top-dollar for.' Review by Slusy with overall score [7.8] and screen shots.
Click Proceed Herey
108 The Electric Playground
Review by
Review by Neil Harris, [7.5/10]. 'A slightly above-average third person action adventure with some frustrations that shouldnt take too much away from an otherwise decent game.'
Forbidden Forbidden Youy
Review by Neil Harris, [7.5/10]. 'A slightly above-average third person action adventure with some frustrations that shouldnt take too much away from an otherwise decent game.'
Forbidden Forbidden Youy
109 GamePro.com
'Good but
'Good but unspectacular graphics and above-average sounds almost forgive the simple-but-clunky controls.' Review by the D-Pad Destroyer with screen shots.
Windows Drives Security Hardware Pcworld Mobile Idg Servers Video Printers Apps Subscribe Reviews Ultrabooks Videos Streaming Digital Tablets Graphics
'Good but unspectacular graphics and above-average sounds almost forgive the simple-but-clunky controls.' Review by the D-Pad Destroyer with screen shots.
Windows Drives Security Hardware Pcworld Mobile Idg Servers Video Printers Apps Subscribe Reviews Ultrabooks Videos Streaming Digital Tablets Graphics
110 GameZone
[6.5/10] Review
[6.5/10] Review by Michael Lafferty. 'While the graphical elements are nicely designed, and the music is a definite boost, this game still falls into the average bin.'
Xbox Playstation Vita Mobile Casual Nintendo Gamezone Games Ps News Reviews Videos Pc Wii Sign
[6.5/10] Review by Michael Lafferty. 'While the graphical elements are nicely designed, and the music is a definite boost, this game still falls into the average bin.'
Xbox Playstation Vita Mobile Casual Nintendo Gamezone Games Ps News Reviews Videos Pc Wii Sign
111 GameZone
Review by
Review by Steven Hopper, with screen shots. 'While better than its predecessor, Incoming Forces is strictly average by todays standards.' Score: 6.5/10
Xbox Playstation Vita Casual Nintendo Mobile Ps Gamezone Reviews News Games Videos Wii Pc Originals
Review by Steven Hopper, with screen shots. 'While better than its predecessor, Incoming Forces is strictly average by todays standards.' Score: 6.5/10
Xbox Playstation Vita Casual Nintendo Mobile Ps Gamezone Reviews News Games Videos Wii Pc Originals
112 Gameguru Mania
[50%] Review
[50%] Review with screen shots. 'Unfortunately, repetitive game play and difficulties with the truck control brings it back to average overall score.'
Ps Tools News Gameguru Policy Privacy Windows Mutha Ds Truckers Reviews Wii Game Xbox Cheats Please Write
[50%] Review with screen shots. 'Unfortunately, repetitive game play and difficulties with the truck control brings it back to average overall score.'
Ps Tools News Gameguru Policy Privacy Windows Mutha Ds Truckers Reviews Wii Game Xbox Cheats Please Write
113 GamePro
Review [3.5/5].
Review [3.5/5]. 'Despite the intended scope of the game, Havens sights and sounds are barely average.' Features screen shots and cheat codes.
Windows Hardware Pcworld Idg Drives Security Mobile Pcs Accessories Tablets Reviews Software Laptop How Digital Most Standards
Review [3.5/5]. 'Despite the intended scope of the game, Havens sights and sounds are barely average.' Features screen shots and cheat codes.
Windows Hardware Pcworld Idg Drives Security Mobile Pcs Accessories Tablets Reviews Software Laptop How Digital Most Standards
114 GameZone.com: Vendetta
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Dylan Parrotta, [6/10]. 'A decently done game but it offers little to highlight its less than average graphics and poorly designed control system.'
Xbox Playstation Vita Nintendo Mobile Casual Gamezone Games News Ps Reviews Pc Videos Wii Cheats Companies
Reviewed by Dylan Parrotta, [6/10]. 'A decently done game but it offers little to highlight its less than average graphics and poorly designed control system.'
Xbox Playstation Vita Nintendo Mobile Casual Gamezone Games News Ps Reviews Pc Videos Wii Cheats Companies
115 GameSpot
'The Fellowship
'The Fellowship of the Ring is ultimately an average game at its best and a frustrating and boring one at its worst.' Review by Brad Shoemaker with score [5.5] and screen shots.
Pressenterfound Welp Found Feelgamespot Take
'The Fellowship of the Ring is ultimately an average game at its best and a frustrating and boring one at its worst.' Review by Brad Shoemaker with score [5.5] and screen shots.
Pressenterfound Welp Found Feelgamespot Take
116 TotalVideoGames
'Its a
'Its a failure of its own success really that I just wanted more, the average gamer will go through it in a day, however its certainly worth making sure that you?ve played through each of the characters.' Review by Chris Leyton with ratings and screen shots.
'Its a failure of its own success really that I just wanted more, the average gamer will go through it in a day, however its certainly worth making sure that you?ve played through each of the characters.' Review by Chris Leyton with ratings and screen shots.
117 Nintendo Gamers First
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Jared Black, score 4.2/5. 'Titus the Fox manages to join the growing ranks of average Game Boy Color platforming games.'
Reviewed by: Jared Black, score 4.2/5. 'Titus the Fox manages to join the growing ranks of average Game Boy Color platforming games.'
118 Games First
PC review
PC review by Greg Matthews, 3/5. 'Its a shame that a title offering players so much possibility as a sort of hybrid gaming experience ends up being such an average product.'
Z Articles Copyright Wars Matthews Episode Greg Archival Gf Versionstar Reviews
PC review by Greg Matthews, 3/5. 'Its a shame that a title offering players so much possibility as a sort of hybrid gaming experience ends up being such an average product.'
Z Articles Copyright Wars Matthews Episode Greg Archival Gf Versionstar Reviews
119 GameSpot
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Matt Rubenstein, [5.3/10]. 'Comic fans may get a kick out of this title, but the game drops squarely into average territory.' Also includes screenshots and hints.
Feelgamespot Found Pressenter Take Found Welp
Reviewed by: Matt Rubenstein, [5.3/10]. 'Comic fans may get a kick out of this title, but the game drops squarely into average territory.' Also includes screenshots and hints.
Feelgamespot Found Pressenter Take Found Welp
120 Game Revolution
Review [Grade:
Review [Grade: B-]. 'Comes out just slightly better than your average ho-hum kart racer. Its got sweet graphics and the Looney Tunes, but not a much beyond that.' Includes screen shots. [Dreamcast]
Cheats Xbox Nintendo Playstation Faq Ps Games Evil Iphone Game Trailer Looney Tunes Space Race Tgs Edition Pc Praise
Review [Grade: B-]. 'Comes out just slightly better than your average ho-hum kart racer. Its got sweet graphics and the Looney Tunes, but not a much beyond that.' Includes screen shots. [Dreamcast]
Cheats Xbox Nintendo Playstation Faq Ps Games Evil Iphone Game Trailer Looney Tunes Space Race Tgs Edition Pc Praise
121 Game Revolution
Playstation review
Playstation review by Johnny Lee, C-. 'This game is the very definition of average. Theres nothing about it that dazzles.'
Cheats Games Playstation Faq Nintendo Xbox Trailer Metal Dark Ps Gear Game Iphone Phantom Pc Big Playing Course Violent Disqus
Playstation review by Johnny Lee, C-. 'This game is the very definition of average. Theres nothing about it that dazzles.'
Cheats Games Playstation Faq Nintendo Xbox Trailer Metal Dark Ps Gear Game Iphone Phantom Pc Big Playing Course Violent Disqus
122 Adventure Lantern
'Overall, The
'Overall, The Mystery of the Mummy delivers an average adventure game.' [71/100]
Mummy Mystery Holmes However Sherlock Adventure Review Reviews Walkthroughs Lantern Magazine Previews Themystery Games Forum Players Fillmore Doyle
'Overall, The Mystery of the Mummy delivers an average adventure game.' [71/100]
Mummy Mystery Holmes However Sherlock Adventure Review Reviews Walkthroughs Lantern Magazine Previews Themystery Games Forum Players Fillmore Doyle
123 Realm of Gaming
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Dane, [8/10]. 'I was glad to see that Midway put more effort into making the fights as smooth, fun, and deep as possible than creating a sequel with dozens of new features introduced and all just average.'
Tweet News Reviews Video Game Released Network Final Original High Elves Fantasy Screenshots Bowl Hall Virtual First Ever Shannon
Reviewed by Dane, [8/10]. 'I was glad to see that Midway put more effort into making the fights as smooth, fun, and deep as possible than creating a sequel with dozens of new features introduced and all just average.'
Tweet News Reviews Video Game Released Network Final Original High Elves Fantasy Screenshots Bowl Hall Virtual First Ever Shannon
124 Gamezilla Review
Rated 95%
Rated 95% by David Galvin. 'Graphics, plot, video sequences, acting and gameplayall are above average and combine to put together one awesome graphic adventure game.'
Rated 95% by David Galvin. 'Graphics, plot, video sequences, acting and gameplayall are above average and combine to put together one awesome graphic adventure game.'
125 GameSpy.com
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Bryn Williams [55/100]. 'An entirely average platform romp skewed for a dumbed-down audience that doesnt live up to expectations.' Includes screen shots. [PlayStation 2]
Navigationshilfe Ty
Reviewed by Bryn Williams [55/100]. 'An entirely average platform romp skewed for a dumbed-down audience that doesnt live up to expectations.' Includes screen shots. [PlayStation 2]
Navigationshilfe Ty
126 GameSpot
'Its a
'Its a strictly average action game that may interest the few players who havent graduated to a newer system.' Review by Brad Shoemaker with screen shots and score [5.5].
Xbox Reviews News Ps Pc Gamespot Wii Trailers Resistance Action System Sign New Topic Latest Games Mobile Ds
'Its a strictly average action game that may interest the few players who havent graduated to a newer system.' Review by Brad Shoemaker with screen shots and score [5.5].
Xbox Reviews News Ps Pc Gamespot Wii Trailers Resistance Action System Sign New Topic Latest Games Mobile Ds
127 GameSpot
Rated 7.3/10
Rated 7.3/10 by Ryan Mac Donald. 'Combining fantastic graphics and above-average gameplay, Dead or Alive is a fun and challenging fighting game well worth picking up.' [PlayStation]
Reviews Xbox Gamespot News Pc Ps Wii Dead Alive++ Trailers New Features Topic Discussion Latest Join Hardware Nation Sports
Rated 7.3/10 by Ryan Mac Donald. 'Combining fantastic graphics and above-average gameplay, Dead or Alive is a fun and challenging fighting game well worth picking up.' [PlayStation]
Reviews Xbox Gamespot News Pc Ps Wii Dead Alive++ Trailers New Features Topic Discussion Latest Join Hardware Nation Sports
128 FiringSquad
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Bob Colayco [91/100]. Includes screen shots. Quote: 'Medal of Honor: Allied Assault proves that sometimes its better to be extraordinary at one thing, than just average or merely good at two or more things.'
Reviewed by Bob Colayco [91/100]. Includes screen shots. Quote: 'Medal of Honor: Allied Assault proves that sometimes its better to be extraordinary at one thing, than just average or merely good at two or more things.'
129 GamePro.com
[3.5/5] Review
[3.5/5] Review with screen shots. 'While ATV and offroad junkies will delight in Furys deep, challenging action, its appeal isnt mainstream enough to reel in the average racing fan.'
Windows Idg Hardware Drives Pcworld Pc Business Software Edition Security Tablets Consumer Video Advice Servers Quad Channel Older
[3.5/5] Review with screen shots. 'While ATV and offroad junkies will delight in Furys deep, challenging action, its appeal isnt mainstream enough to reel in the average racing fan.'
Windows Idg Hardware Drives Pcworld Pc Business Software Edition Security Tablets Consumer Video Advice Servers Quad Channel Older
130 Game Revolution
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Brian, B+. 'So the Star Trek series has created another above-average game. If youre a DS9 fan, this is a good one.'
Cheats Xbox Star Faq Playstation Nintendo Evil Ps Games Pc Game Space Fallen Konami Iphone Fallout Mad Arkham Great Missions Review
Reviewed by: Brian, B+. 'So the Star Trek series has created another above-average game. If youre a DS9 fan, this is a good one.'
Cheats Xbox Star Faq Playstation Nintendo Evil Ps Games Pc Game Space Fallen Konami Iphone Fallout Mad Arkham Great Missions Review
131 IGN
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Douglass C. Perry [6/10]. 'Only a slightly better than average platformer. Slightly.' Includes screen shots and gameplay movies. [PlayStation 2]
Navigationshilfe Ty
Reviewed by Douglass C. Perry [6/10]. 'Only a slightly better than average platformer. Slightly.' Includes screen shots and gameplay movies. [PlayStation 2]
Navigationshilfe Ty
132 Game Rankings
Average score
Average score based on 7 Sites/Magazines: 61%. Links to the reviews provided, Personal reviews by users.
Ps Pc Ios Gamer Maker Mario Ds Game Xone Wiiu $ Super Xbox Uk Pocket Plus Rumours
Average score based on 7 Sites/Magazines: 61%. Links to the reviews provided, Personal reviews by users.
Ps Pc Ios Gamer Maker Mario Ds Game Xone Wiiu $ Super Xbox Uk Pocket Plus Rumours
133 GameSpot
[6.6/10] Reviewed
[6.6/10] Reviewed by: Chris Gardner. '...an average racing game with some realistic perks to push it ahead of the pack.' Also includes screenshots, reader reviews, and cheats. [Playstation]
Gamespot Detectedbomb Vpn Most Trafficgiant Abnormal Comicvine Human We
[6.6/10] Reviewed by: Chris Gardner. '...an average racing game with some realistic perks to push it ahead of the pack.' Also includes screenshots, reader reviews, and cheats. [Playstation]
Gamespot Detectedbomb Vpn Most Trafficgiant Abnormal Comicvine Human We
134 IGN 64: Duck Dodgers
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Aaron Boulding. 'The music, voice samples, animations and overall Looney feel go a long way towards drawing my attention to what is otherwise an extremely average platform game.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
Reviewed by Aaron Boulding. 'The music, voice samples, animations and overall Looney feel go a long way towards drawing my attention to what is otherwise an extremely average platform game.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
135 GameZone Review
Review by
Review by Louis Bedigian: 'Dont be fooled by the cuddly monsters on the front of the box, because this is not your average kiddy game.' [Score: 6.9 out of 10]
Review by Louis Bedigian: 'Dont be fooled by the cuddly monsters on the front of the box, because this is not your average kiddy game.' [Score: 6.9 out of 10]
136 IGN
'A neat
'A neat combination of gameplay aspects. But its clear that the adventure aspect takes the spotlight over the ship combat, and unfortunately, its average stuff.' Review by Douglass C. Perry with overall score [7.3/10] and screen shots.
Navigationshilfe Ty
'A neat combination of gameplay aspects. But its clear that the adventure aspect takes the spotlight over the ship combat, and unfortunately, its average stuff.' Review by Douglass C. Perry with overall score [7.3/10] and screen shots.
Navigationshilfe Ty
137 SPAG Review
'While Mulldoon
'While Mulldoon is at heart more puzzlefest than story, it does a better-than-average job of integrating its puzzles with its plot and of making the latter more than a token effort, and arguably its notable simply for those accomplishments.' By Duncan Stevens.
Mind Mystery Reviews Ftpftpifarchiveorgif Mulldoon Presents Zork Go Spellbreaker Forever Theater Page Science Fable Game Parrot Games Starcross
'While Mulldoon is at heart more puzzlefest than story, it does a better-than-average job of integrating its puzzles with its plot and of making the latter more than a token effort, and arguably its notable simply for those accomplishments.' By Duncan Stevens.
Mind Mystery Reviews Ftpftpifarchiveorgif Mulldoon Presents Zork Go Spellbreaker Forever Theater Page Science Fable Game Parrot Games Starcross
138 IGN
'Your average
'Your average person can only take so much -- and getting killed by a group of bats while trying to get to a save point after killing a very strong and challenging boss is enough to drive most rational individuals insane.' Review by David Zdyrko with overall score [6.9/10] and screen shots.
Navigationshilfe Ty
'Your average person can only take so much -- and getting killed by a group of bats while trying to get to a save point after killing a very strong and challenging boss is enough to drive most rational individuals insane.' Review by David Zdyrko with overall score [6.9/10] and screen shots.
Navigationshilfe Ty
139 Worth Playing
Review, by
Review, by Katarani: '...GTR: FIA GT Racing is an above-average racing simulator in a world already oversaturated with incredible racing simulators.' [Score: 8.4 out of 10]
Review Preview Pc Ps Racing Gtr Xbox Game Disqus Ds Multiplayer Katarani Motorsport Project Trailers Blog
Review, by Katarani: '...GTR: FIA GT Racing is an above-average racing simulator in a world already oversaturated with incredible racing simulators.' [Score: 8.4 out of 10]
Review Preview Pc Ps Racing Gtr Xbox Game Disqus Ds Multiplayer Katarani Motorsport Project Trailers Blog
140 Worth Playing
Review, by
Review, by Katarani: '...GTR: FIA GT Racing is an above-average racing simulator in a world already oversaturated with incredible racing simulators.' [Score: 8.4 out of 10]
Review Preview Ps Pc Racing Multiplayer Gtr Xbox Request Game Fighter Katarani Powered New Cosmic Previews Reviewers Xonic
Review, by Katarani: '...GTR: FIA GT Racing is an above-average racing simulator in a world already oversaturated with incredible racing simulators.' [Score: 8.4 out of 10]
Review Preview Ps Pc Racing Multiplayer Gtr Xbox Request Game Fighter Katarani Powered New Cosmic Previews Reviewers Xonic
141 GameSpy.com - Review (GameBoy Advance)
Review, by
Review, by Jon Gibson: 'The perfect tie-in product for a blockbuster feature, but lacks the depth and length to be ranked any higher than slightly above average.' [Score: 2 out of 5]
Found Key Deefcffacode Message Nosuchkey Requestidhostidxbdbuoqynevnrubkpprulhkngtzxayjlclpranfvfbscdtxgtnvrcia Navigationshilfe
Review, by Jon Gibson: 'The perfect tie-in product for a blockbuster feature, but lacks the depth and length to be ranked any higher than slightly above average.' [Score: 2 out of 5]
Found Key Deefcffacode Message Nosuchkey Requestidhostidxbdbuoqynevnrubkpprulhkngtzxayjlclpranfvfbscdtxgtnvrcia Navigationshilfe
142 GameZone - Review
Review, by
Review, by Michael Lafferty: 'An average game that employs the same battle system as numerous other Japanese-style dungeon crawls. Unfortunately, when you have seen so many, it is hard to get excited about another.' [Score: 7 out of 10]
Navigationshilfe Ty
Review, by Michael Lafferty: 'An average game that employs the same battle system as numerous other Japanese-style dungeon crawls. Unfortunately, when you have seen so many, it is hard to get excited about another.' [Score: 7 out of 10]
Navigationshilfe Ty
143 Gamers Europe
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Chris Jeffery [5/10]. 'Hardcore fans will only really want to buy this for the film and new fans will be left feeling disappointed at a game that can only really be described at being average.' Includes screen shots. [PlayStation 2]
Server Internal Error Additionally Error The Pleasez Errordocument
Reviewed by Chris Jeffery [5/10]. 'Hardcore fans will only really want to buy this for the film and new fans will be left feeling disappointed at a game that can only really be described at being average.' Includes screen shots. [PlayStation 2]
Server Internal Error Additionally Error The Pleasez Errordocument
144 Active Network
PC review
PC review by Byron Hinson, 76%. 'The Phantom Menace was clearly rushed onto shelves for to coincide with the release of the movie. It is very unfortunate as I feel that a few extra months of coding could have turned an average game into a pretty good one.'
Windows Menace Microsoft Phantom Star News Wars Explorer Directx Internet Hardware Xbox Games Win Reviews Obi Wan Gon Ccie
PC review by Byron Hinson, 76%. 'The Phantom Menace was clearly rushed onto shelves for to coincide with the release of the movie. It is very unfortunate as I feel that a few extra months of coding could have turned an average game into a pretty good one.'
Windows Menace Microsoft Phantom Star News Wars Explorer Directx Internet Hardware Xbox Games Win Reviews Obi Wan Gon Ccie
145 Team Xbox: Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon
Review by
Review by Danny, [5/10]. 'Unfortunately, the game didn’t live up to the enormous hype it had created, but it’s still entertaining for a short period of time. The game is average.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
Review by Danny, [5/10]. 'Unfortunately, the game didn’t live up to the enormous hype it had created, but it’s still entertaining for a short period of time. The game is average.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
146 GameSpot
Review by
Review by Gary Mollohan, 76%. 'Despite its flaws, the games head-turning graphics, diversity, and uncommonly developed story propel Colony Wars: Vengeance light years ahead of the average space shooter.'
Xbox Wars Pc Ps Reviews Gamespot News Vengeance Colony Wii New Trailers Features Latest Space Society Association Fan
Review by Gary Mollohan, 76%. 'Despite its flaws, the games head-turning graphics, diversity, and uncommonly developed story propel Colony Wars: Vengeance light years ahead of the average space shooter.'
Xbox Wars Pc Ps Reviews Gamespot News Vengeance Colony Wii New Trailers Features Latest Space Society Association Fan
147 Armchair Empire
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Omni, score: 7.8/10. 'As a Trek game Star Trek Armada II is above average, but as a RTS game its simply standard.'
Reviewed by Omni, score: 7.8/10. 'As a Trek game Star Trek Armada II is above average, but as a RTS game its simply standard.'
148 Gamer X
News and
News and reviews for the average gamer. Site includes mini sites for each console and the latest news from the gaming world.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Hosting Gallery App Local Advisor Help Finance Sell Onlineservices Overview Inc
News and reviews for the average gamer. Site includes mini sites for each console and the latest news from the gaming world.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Hosting Gallery App Local Advisor Help Finance Sell Onlineservices Overview Inc
149 Armchair Empire
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Lee Cieniawa, '...the brilliant twist of the encouragement to crash cars for gaming pleasure and reward pushes the petal to the metal and zooms Burnout Revenge past the average racing game.' Score: 9.2/10 [Xbox]
Reviewed by Lee Cieniawa, '...the brilliant twist of the encouragement to crash cars for gaming pleasure and reward pushes the petal to the metal and zooms Burnout Revenge past the average racing game.' Score: 9.2/10 [Xbox]
150 Gaming Nexus
[7.4/10] Review
[7.4/10] Review of PlayStation 2 version by Charlie Sinhaseni. 'Inspired track designs, excellent sense of speed and above average visuals combine to form a pretty formidable racing package. Its just a shame that the game gets too old far too quickly.'
Payne Powered Max Disqus Articles Menu Review Nexus Twitch Dejanews Gaming Thread Profilejohn
[7.4/10] Review of PlayStation 2 version by Charlie Sinhaseni. 'Inspired track designs, excellent sense of speed and above average visuals combine to form a pretty formidable racing package. Its just a shame that the game gets too old far too quickly.'
Payne Powered Max Disqus Articles Menu Review Nexus Twitch Dejanews Gaming Thread Profilejohn
151 GamePro
Review, by
Review, by Funky Zealot: 'Combine the dull career mode, spin-out crazy physics and average graphics, and you get a ride evoking the same emotions when DX Civics buzz down the street late-night with coffee-can mufflers.' [Score: 3 out of 5]
Windows Hardware Pcworld Drives Idg Phones Tablets News Business Consumer Reviews Servers Printers Accessories Mobile Block Software
Review, by Funky Zealot: 'Combine the dull career mode, spin-out crazy physics and average graphics, and you get a ride evoking the same emotions when DX Civics buzz down the street late-night with coffee-can mufflers.' [Score: 3 out of 5]
Windows Hardware Pcworld Drives Idg Phones Tablets News Business Consumer Reviews Servers Printers Accessories Mobile Block Software
152 GamePro
Review, by
Review, by Funky Zealot: 'Combine the dull career mode, spin-out crazy physics and average graphics, and you get a ride evoking the same emotions when DX Civics buzz down the street late-night with coffee-can mufflers.' [Score: 3 out of 5]
Windows Hardware Drives Pcworld Idg Phones Video Mobile Ultrabooks Software Subscribe Edition Advice Consumer Apps Laptops Optical Newsletters
Review, by Funky Zealot: 'Combine the dull career mode, spin-out crazy physics and average graphics, and you get a ride evoking the same emotions when DX Civics buzz down the street late-night with coffee-can mufflers.' [Score: 3 out of 5]
Windows Hardware Drives Pcworld Idg Phones Video Mobile Ultrabooks Software Subscribe Edition Advice Consumer Apps Laptops Optical Newsletters
153 The Stratos Group
Review, with
Review, with screen shots and system requirements. 'If you are a Planetside fanatic, this game is for you. However, for the average Joe who only plays a couple times a week, this game doesnt offer enough thats new to justify spending the cash.' Score: 3.5 out of 5.
Domain Hosting Network Solutions Marketing Web Services Names Website Registration Name Businesses | Host Y
Review, with screen shots and system requirements. 'If you are a Planetside fanatic, this game is for you. However, for the average Joe who only plays a couple times a week, this game doesnt offer enough thats new to justify spending the cash.' Score: 3.5 out of 5.
Domain Hosting Network Solutions Marketing Web Services Names Website Registration Name Businesses | Host Y
154 GameSpot
Steve Palley
Steve Palley reviews the Xbox version. 'Yager is priced to move, and fans of aerial dogfighting games will find 15 to 20 hours of better-than-average action here.' Score: 6.7 out of 10. Also offers movies, screen shots, cheat codes and walkthrough.
Detected Mostgiant Comicvine Human We Gamespotabnormal Vpn Bomb Traffic
Steve Palley reviews the Xbox version. 'Yager is priced to move, and fans of aerial dogfighting games will find 15 to 20 hours of better-than-average action here.' Score: 6.7 out of 10. Also offers movies, screen shots, cheat codes and walkthrough.
Detected Mostgiant Comicvine Human We Gamespotabnormal Vpn Bomb Traffic
155 Strategy Gaming Online
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Steve Lieb, score: 7.7/10. 'King of Dragon Pass reflects this vibrancy better than average, and promises the open minded player a novel and immersive experience not to be found in any other game Ive ever seen. Its not glitzy, but its a great game.'
Reviewed by Steve Lieb, score: 7.7/10. 'King of Dragon Pass reflects this vibrancy better than average, and promises the open minded player a novel and immersive experience not to be found in any other game Ive ever seen. Its not glitzy, but its a great game.'
156 IGN Review
Rated 6.5/10.
Rated 6.5/10. 'The mish-mash effect of the occasional gems of hidden gameplay in between long lengths of average play, which is then poorly complemented by less than stellar graphics and weaker than desired voice samples and sound effects, creates a disturbing out of kilter feeling.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
Rated 6.5/10. 'The mish-mash effect of the occasional gems of hidden gameplay in between long lengths of average play, which is then poorly complemented by less than stellar graphics and weaker than desired voice samples and sound effects, creates a disturbing out of kilter feeling.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
157 Game Club Central
Review by
Review by David Washington, 3.5/5. 'The depth and infinite replay value of this game makes this one of the must have sim games of 2001. Still, its mediocre graphics, overall average sound, and steep learning curve, and somewhat weak story may turn away all but the hardcore sim gamer.'
Page Date Grumpy Error Gamer Article Access Administrator Cant Bookmarkfavourite Occurred Listing Mistypedprocessing
Review by David Washington, 3.5/5. 'The depth and infinite replay value of this game makes this one of the must have sim games of 2001. Still, its mediocre graphics, overall average sound, and steep learning curve, and somewhat weak story may turn away all but the hardcore sim gamer.'
Page Date Grumpy Error Gamer Article Access Administrator Cant Bookmarkfavourite Occurred Listing Mistypedprocessing
158 TC Cons Software
Developers of
Developers of shareware games for the everyday person. Games are fun and the average kid can play them. Games include logic games, arcade racing, fast action basketball, puzzles, and horseshoe simulation. [Windows]
Games Golf Software Cons Mini Latest Welcome Whole Fans Play Twist Minigolf Pingo
Developers of shareware games for the everyday person. Games are fun and the average kid can play them. Games include logic games, arcade racing, fast action basketball, puzzles, and horseshoe simulation. [Windows]
Games Golf Software Cons Mini Latest Welcome Whole Fans Play Twist Minigolf Pingo
159 All-Reviews.com - Super Smash Brothers
[2/4] Review
[2/4] Review by Tom Allen. 'Still, Super Smash Bros. never rises above kids fare. Its a nice concept with some neat features, but overall, the average game play limits the strong character appeal.'
Smash Super Videogame Action Games Brothers Video Music Review Reviewscom Contact Rating Nintendo Reviewer Fighting Pikachu Allen
[2/4] Review by Tom Allen. 'Still, Super Smash Bros. never rises above kids fare. Its a nice concept with some neat features, but overall, the average game play limits the strong character appeal.'
Smash Super Videogame Action Games Brothers Video Music Review Reviewscom Contact Rating Nintendo Reviewer Fighting Pikachu Allen
160 Game Industry News
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Jevon Jenkins (4/5). 'The bottom line is, on the surface, Tales of Symphonia is just your average RPG. However its cool real-time battle system and its highly addictive multi-player mode make it the kind of game that shouldnt be passed over without giving it a try.'
Industry Game Trailer News Available Steam Review Announced Found It Reviews Destinywaster Menu Battlecast
Reviewed by Jevon Jenkins (4/5). 'The bottom line is, on the surface, Tales of Symphonia is just your average RPG. However its cool real-time battle system and its highly addictive multi-player mode make it the kind of game that shouldnt be passed over without giving it a try.'
Industry Game Trailer News Available Steam Review Announced Found It Reviews Destinywaster Menu Battlecast
161 Star Wars: The Brak Sector MUX
A Star
A Star Wars multi-user roleplaying game set in the time of the classic trilogy in an average sector of space known as the Brak Sector. It has fully coded systems using the West End Games Star Wars RPG rules.
A Star Wars multi-user roleplaying game set in the time of the classic trilogy in an average sector of space known as the Brak Sector. It has fully coded systems using the West End Games Star Wars RPG rules.
5. Sports Websites concerning Average
1 TopperSports.com
News and
News and a feature that calculates your average score.
News and a feature that calculates your average score.
2 NHLFA.com
Intended to
Intended to give average hockey fans across North America a voice in the future of the NHL.
Best Free Credit Report Luxury Cars Nhlfacom Popular Tickets Mortgage Smart Rates Cheap Phones Card
Intended to give average hockey fans across North America a voice in the future of the NHL.
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3 Brevofield Golf Links
A public
A public golf course designed for the average gofer in mind.
Golf Forest Wake Raleigh Brevofield Course Henderson Durham Nc Public Times Welcome Fees Greens Located Hill Carolina North
A public golf course designed for the average gofer in mind.
Golf Forest Wake Raleigh Brevofield Course Henderson Durham Nc Public Times Welcome Fees Greens Located Hill Carolina North
4 This is Football
A portal
A portal site with an average of ten links to every UK professional football club.
East Newcastle United West Footballcom Thisis Beginning North Byker à ¸â€Ã ¸¹à ¸šà ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸ªà ¸†Watson Club They Wars Scotland Stanley Footie
A portal site with an average of ten links to every UK professional football club.
East Newcastle United West Footballcom Thisis Beginning North Byker à ¸â€Ã ¸¹à ¸šà ¸Âà ¸¥à ¸ªà ¸†Watson Club They Wars Scotland Stanley Footie
5 The Average Draft
Compiles mock
Compiles mock draft results to create customized player ranking lists by position.
Fantasy Football Advice Contact Dfs Baseball Permanently The Errordocumentbasketball Programrankings Writer Additionally
Compiles mock draft results to create customized player ranking lists by position.
Fantasy Football Advice Contact Dfs Baseball Permanently The Errordocumentbasketball Programrankings Writer Additionally
6 Hitting for Excellence
Professional baseball
Professional baseball hitting coach teaches players and coaches of all levels to hit for power and average.
Professional baseball hitting coach teaches players and coaches of all levels to hit for power and average.
7 CNN/SI Profile - Texas hidden gem
He has
He has more than 300 home runs and a lifetime average just below .300. Yet, Texas Rafael Palmeiro is one of baseballs most unheralded stars.
He has more than 300 home runs and a lifetime average just below .300. Yet, Texas Rafael Palmeiro is one of baseballs most unheralded stars.
8 AVP Never Tour
Information about
Information about the Average Volleyball Players tour.
Information about the Average Volleyball Players tour.
9 Winchcombe Cricket Club
Site includes
Site includes match reports, tables, average and club history. Cotswold Hills League in Gloucester.
Yahoo Please Help Inc Copyright Page Privacy Ifyoure Central Found Yahoosonlineservices Terms Navigationshilfe Policy
Site includes match reports, tables, average and club history. Cotswold Hills League in Gloucester.
Yahoo Please Help Inc Copyright Page Privacy Ifyoure Central Found Yahoosonlineservices Terms Navigationshilfe Policy
10 Tower Farm
Somonauk facility
Somonauk facility standing one stallion. Includes photograph of stallion, Illinois Leading Sires by Average Earnings Per Starter and contact numbers.
Youre Error Ever Found Happened Wrong Place Things Sure Visitor Ownerfeel Z
Somonauk facility standing one stallion. Includes photograph of stallion, Illinois Leading Sires by Average Earnings Per Starter and contact numbers.
Youre Error Ever Found Happened Wrong Place Things Sure Visitor Ownerfeel Z
11 Golf Tips and Golf Instruction
Tips for
Tips for executing with any club in the game for average golfers.
Tips for executing with any club in the game for average golfers.
12 The Blue Book of European Ski Resorts
Profiles of
Profiles of resorts including maps, contact information, elevation, vertical drop, lifts, terrain, shops, and schools. Also includes travel tips and average rates.
Ski Book Blue European Resorts Publishers Europe Destinations Skiing Click De Copyright Mountainshotel
Profiles of resorts including maps, contact information, elevation, vertical drop, lifts, terrain, shops, and schools. Also includes travel tips and average rates.
Ski Book Blue European Resorts Publishers Europe Destinations Skiing Click De Copyright Mountainshotel
13 Olympic Lanes Junior League Official Website
Score and
Score and average updates, Coachs profile, Bowlers profiles for a Juniors league running at Olympic Lanes Bowling Center in Menands, New York.
Bowling Junior Olympic League Lanes Guestbook Welcome Email Signcchenes@aolcom Season Z
Score and average updates, Coachs profile, Bowlers profiles for a Juniors league running at Olympic Lanes Bowling Center in Menands, New York.
Bowling Junior Olympic League Lanes Guestbook Welcome Email Signcchenes@aolcom Season Z
14 Elk River Touring Center
Five kilometers
Five kilometers of trails are adjacent to the center, with 35 additional kilometers criss-crossing the Highland Scenic Highway. Trails range in elevation from 2730 to 4750. Average snowfall is 150-200' annually.
Portserver Apachepermanently The
Five kilometers of trails are adjacent to the center, with 35 additional kilometers criss-crossing the Highland Scenic Highway. Trails range in elevation from 2730 to 4750. Average snowfall is 150-200' annually.
Portserver Apachepermanently The
15 Hardrock Hundred Mile Endurance Run
Loop through
Loop through the San Juan Mountains in Silverton: 101.7 miles, 33,000 foot total elevation gain and 11,186 foot average elevation. Provides race details, past results, entry requirement, volunteer information, FAQs, photos and race reports, and course maps.
Hardrock Mile Hundred Endurance Run Runners Runner Partners Race Lottery Footwear Dale Colorado Form Results Ultramarathon Trappe
Loop through the San Juan Mountains in Silverton: 101.7 miles, 33,000 foot total elevation gain and 11,186 foot average elevation. Provides race details, past results, entry requirement, volunteer information, FAQs, photos and race reports, and course maps.
Hardrock Mile Hundred Endurance Run Runners Runner Partners Race Lottery Footwear Dale Colorado Form Results Ultramarathon Trappe
6. Society, Arts and Average Crafts
1 Zegil, Mike - The Worlds Most Average Canadian
A winner
A winner of a Canadian radio contest that named him 'Joe Canada.' Describes the characteristics that make him average, information about his hometown of Sudbury, Canada, and his average family and life.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help Local Advisor Hosting App Gallery Screen Terms Please Tech User
A winner of a Canadian radio contest that named him 'Joe Canada.' Describes the characteristics that make him average, information about his hometown of Sudbury, Canada, and his average family and life.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help Local Advisor Hosting App Gallery Screen Terms Please Tech User
2 iRob
Opinions of
Opinions of an average teenager in a not so average world.
Hosting Web Dedicated Pricing Shared Features Server Vps Plans Ssd Domain Hostrocket Reseller Learn Quote
Opinions of an average teenager in a not so average world.
Hosting Web Dedicated Pricing Shared Features Server Vps Plans Ssd Domain Hostrocket Reseller Learn Quote
3 Average Joe Blogs
Rants, raves
Rants, raves, reviews, and muddled thoughts.
Book Dekker Myspace Www Ted Movie Show Dean Podcast Music Koontz Rosenberg Joel Clay Robin
Rants, raves, reviews, and muddled thoughts.
Book Dekker Myspace Www Ted Movie Show Dean Podcast Music Koontz Rosenberg Joel Clay Robin
4 Mira Speaks
An in
An in depth look at the mind of a not-so-average teen girl. Thoughts on many issues.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Sites Inc Mail Visit Finance Gamesarchives Movies
An in depth look at the mind of a not-so-average teen girl. Thoughts on many issues.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Sites Inc Mail Visit Finance Gamesarchives Movies
5 Compact Bible Errata
A wallet-sized
A wallet-sized collection of Bible contradictions and verses that are useful to the average skeptic.
A wallet-sized collection of Bible contradictions and verses that are useful to the average skeptic.
6 A Book-Lovers Holidays in the Open.
The impassioned
The impassioned chapters encourage the average man to cross the line of comfortable and traditional travel to discover the vitality of outdoor life.
Holidays Roosevelt Theodore Book Lovers Open Nonfiction Fiction Across Bartlebycom Anatomy Bible Grand Companions Snake Dance Bookstore Stylemenckens
The impassioned chapters encourage the average man to cross the line of comfortable and traditional travel to discover the vitality of outdoor life.
Holidays Roosevelt Theodore Book Lovers Open Nonfiction Fiction Across Bartlebycom Anatomy Bible Grand Companions Snake Dance Bookstore Stylemenckens
7 brouhaha on national school testing
most american
most american parents are being told by local schools that their children rank 'above average' in both reading and math. christian science monitor.
Science Monitor Saved Passcode Voices Energy Items Movies World Technology Culture Global Security Business Guide Dance Politics Asia First Does
most american parents are being told by local schools that their children rank 'above average' in both reading and math. christian science monitor.
Science Monitor Saved Passcode Voices Energy Items Movies World Technology Culture Global Security Business Guide Dance Politics Asia First Does
8 the new environmentalist
online magazine
online magazine and website designed to educate and support average people as they work to reduce resource waste, saving them money while improving the quality of the environment
online magazine and website designed to educate and support average people as they work to reduce resource waste, saving them money while improving the quality of the environment
9 salon - bushs dirty little secret
heres what
heres what the president didnt say in his state of the union address: his plan to privatize social security will be hugely expensive and will make the average worker worse off.
Lindsay Isquith Abrams Elias Andrew Katie Mcdonough Elizabeth Leonard Prachi Gupta Walsh Williams Security Saloncom President Reply Mary
heres what the president didnt say in his state of the union address: his plan to privatize social security will be hugely expensive and will make the average worker worse off.
Lindsay Isquith Abrams Elias Andrew Katie Mcdonough Elizabeth Leonard Prachi Gupta Walsh Williams Security Saloncom President Reply Mary
10 Shazzas
Parent of
Parent of a 3 year old child with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and global developmental delay. The site touches on sibling issues, services, and includes an interactive book to take you through her little mans average week.
Parent of a 3 year old child with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and global developmental delay. The site touches on sibling issues, services, and includes an interactive book to take you through her little mans average week.
11 10 mm Rosary Beads
Rosaries with
Rosaries with 10-millimeter gemstone and Swarovski beads. Designed for those who need or want larger rosary beads than the average sizes. Handmade in sterling silver.
Request Errory
Rosaries with 10-millimeter gemstone and Swarovski beads. Designed for those who need or want larger rosary beads than the average sizes. Handmade in sterling silver.
Request Errory
12 Ecclesiology
Directory of
Directory of ecclesiology resources for the average Reformed Baptist and Reformed Christian, but still useful for all Christians. Links to resources on the world wide web.
Church Supper Preaching Reformed Worship Lords Biblical Lords Christian Principles Christ Pastor Ethics Hodge Library Neo Presbyterian Womens God Sproul Newton Concept Measures
Directory of ecclesiology resources for the average Reformed Baptist and Reformed Christian, but still useful for all Christians. Links to resources on the world wide web.
Church Supper Preaching Reformed Worship Lords Biblical Lords Christian Principles Christ Pastor Ethics Hodge Library Neo Presbyterian Womens God Sproul Newton Concept Measures
13 Sexual Villainy: A Sex Offender Profile
This research
This research attempted to draw a general profile of the NRV sex offender by extracting information found in the forensic files, with hope that a portrayal of the average offender would make the community aware of the hidden sexual deviancy.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Please Aabaco Website Customer Domains Web Privacy
This research attempted to draw a general profile of the NRV sex offender by extracting information found in the forensic files, with hope that a portrayal of the average offender would make the community aware of the hidden sexual deviancy.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Please Aabaco Website Customer Domains Web Privacy
14 experts wrangle over birth dearth
'in fact
'in fact, no major industrialized country has a fertility rate above 2.1, known as the replacement rate because it is the number of children per woman at which a population replaces itself. the average fertility rate in europe is 1.45, a rate that could lead, one day, to a severe decline in population. and 22 developing countries have also dropped below this threshold.' [msnbc]
Advertise Nbcnewscom News Video Special Travel Coverage Today Health Business Pages World Entertainment Weather Wattenberg Politics Nbc Worlds Story
'in fact, no major industrialized country has a fertility rate above 2.1, known as the replacement rate because it is the number of children per woman at which a population replaces itself. the average fertility rate in europe is 1.45, a rate that could lead, one day, to a severe decline in population. and 22 developing countries have also dropped below this threshold.' [msnbc]
Advertise Nbcnewscom News Video Special Travel Coverage Today Health Business Pages World Entertainment Weather Wattenberg Politics Nbc Worlds Story
15 Directmag.com - Mailings for Food Banks Get 7% Response
Several food banks recently pulled down response rates of nearly 7% in less than three weeks to an early September mail fundraising efforts. 'From this effort, the food banks received an average gift of $44.21 and generated $5.35 for every dollar it invested in this effort.'
Marketing Marketer Listline Chief Technology Bb Social Odell Patricia Analytics Agencies Data Sept | Directory Brand Larrick Password
Several food banks recently pulled down response rates of nearly 7% in less than three weeks to an early September mail fundraising efforts. 'From this effort, the food banks received an average gift of $44.21 and generated $5.35 for every dollar it invested in this effort.'
Marketing Marketer Listline Chief Technology Bb Social Odell Patricia Analytics Agencies Data Sept | Directory Brand Larrick Password
1 Rotten Tomatoes: Box Office
Weekly top
Weekly top 25 box office results. Sort by ranking, gross, per screen average, and average critics rating.
Show Pg Critics Best Rotten Tomatoes Movies Page Maleficent Movie Reviews Million Covered Latest Season Folks Sabienna Summer Releases
Weekly top 25 box office results. Sort by ranking, gross, per screen average, and average critics rating.
Show Pg Critics Best Rotten Tomatoes Movies Page Maleficent Movie Reviews Million Covered Latest Season Folks Sabienna Summer Releases
4 to: the world, from: leo
the life
the life and views of a not-so-average 16-year-old guy.
Create Tripod Couldnt Login Please Found Website Page Shopping Lycos Hosting Signuperrorpage Check
the life and views of a not-so-average 16-year-old guy.
Create Tripod Couldnt Login Please Found Website Page Shopping Lycos Hosting Signuperrorpage Check
5 Minox Servicing and Repairs
Average costs
Average costs, and contact information.
Average costs, and contact information.
6 Apollo Leisure Guide
Review of
Review of the above-average action movie.
Internal Server Resource Errorthere Error Displayed Itcannotiislooking Problem
Review of the above-average action movie.
Internal Server Resource Errorthere Error Displayed Itcannotiislooking Problem
7 Help for Young Readers
Program boosts
Program boosts skills above average. [York Dispatch]
York Dispatch Breaking Weatherz Traffic News Sports
Program boosts skills above average. [York Dispatch]
York Dispatch Breaking Weatherz Traffic News Sports
8 IMDb: Average Joe
Cast, crew
Cast, crew, and production information, as well as viewer comments.
Tv See News Reviews Joe Cast User Show Popular Movies Full Shows Message Adam Imdbpro Reality Game Competition Jason Creative
Cast, crew, and production information, as well as viewer comments.
Tv See News Reviews Joe Cast User Show Popular Movies Full Shows Message Adam Imdbpro Reality Game Competition Jason Creative
9 Metacritic.com: Monsoon Wedding.
Cross-section of
Cross-section of reviews with an average score.
Reviews Critics Provided Metacritic Ps Credits Wedding Monsoon Movie New Critic Images Title See Data Naseeruddin
Cross-section of reviews with an average score.
Reviews Critics Provided Metacritic Ps Credits Wedding Monsoon Movie New Critic Images Title See Data Naseeruddin
10 Ordinary Average Homepage
Biographies, song
Biographies, song lyrics, midi sounds, and photographs.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Privacy Website Please Customer Web Aabaco Account Help Affiliate Onlineservices
Biographies, song lyrics, midi sounds, and photographs.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Privacy Website Please Customer Web Aabaco Account Help Affiliate Onlineservices
11 stoplight
the stories
the stories of nine sisters and their parents as they battle average life in new york city.
Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Help Please Customer Web Terms Website Privacy Marketing Templates
the stories of nine sisters and their parents as they battle average life in new york city.
Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Help Please Customer Web Terms Website Privacy Marketing Templates
12 TV.com: Average Joe
Episode guide
Episode guide with original airdates and links to cast and crew information.
Episode guide with original airdates and links to cast and crew information.
13 Apollo Movie Guide
Review, links
Review, links, and cast information. Average rating 41%.
Internal Server Iis Displayed Problem Errorthereresourceitcannot Error Looking
Review, links, and cast information. Average rating 41%.
Internal Server Iis Displayed Problem Errorthereresourceitcannot Error Looking
14 Metacritic.com: Tape
Collection of
Collection of quotes and links to film reviews, along with an average score.
Slow Guruerror Down Slow Meditation Xid Z
Collection of quotes and links to film reviews, along with an average score.
Slow Guruerror Down Slow Meditation Xid Z
15 Metacritic.com: Toy Story 2
Summarizes reviews
Summarizes reviews from site users and media sources, and provides an average of all ratings.
Reviews Critics Movie Metacritic Publications Credits Ps Provided Data Soon Sun Current Toy Title Chicago Score Computer Animated
Summarizes reviews from site users and media sources, and provides an average of all ratings.
Reviews Critics Movie Metacritic Publications Credits Ps Provided Data Soon Sun Current Toy Title Chicago Score Computer Animated
16 Hollywood on Location
Provides a
Provides a list of an average of 200+ daily shooting schedules for film and television companies.
Hollywood Locations Location Sign Insider Secret Famous Where Celebrity Filming Free Stars Malibu Movie Best Marilyn Look Celebrities
Provides a list of an average of 200+ daily shooting schedules for film and television companies.
Hollywood Locations Location Sign Insider Secret Famous Where Celebrity Filming Free Stars Malibu Movie Best Marilyn Look Celebrities
17 Paper Clips
Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes links to reviews by movie critics, and their average rating.
Show Critics Best Dvd Movie Rotten Movies Podcast Rt Tomatoes Guide Men Full News Trailer Blu Ray Learn Martin Original Pfeiffer Meatballs
Rotten Tomatoes links to reviews by movie critics, and their average rating.
Show Critics Best Dvd Movie Rotten Movies Podcast Rt Tomatoes Guide Men Full News Trailer Blu Ray Learn Martin Original Pfeiffer Meatballs
18 Fanboy Almanac
Weekly about
Weekly about the life and times of four average comic book/sci-fi/pop culture fanboys.
Permalink Comic Gravyboy Almanac Weekly Review Comics Blog Fanboy Trackback Archive Full Crw Brian Where Rama Free Rankliez Internet
Weekly about the life and times of four average comic book/sci-fi/pop culture fanboys.
Permalink Comic Gravyboy Almanac Weekly Review Comics Blog Fanboy Trackback Archive Full Crw Brian Where Rama Free Rankliez Internet
19 kasis little place in cyber space
just a
just a little peak into the world of your average girl. lover of music, art, and the theater.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Gallery Local App Hosting Advisor Help Website Sell Parenting User
just a little peak into the world of your average girl. lover of music, art, and the theater.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Marketing Ecommerce Small Gallery Local App Hosting Advisor Help Website Sell Parenting User
20 Rotten Tomatoes: Harrison Ford
Filmography with
Filmography with average ratings from critics, awards, news, and forum.
Ford Harrison Show Wars Star Movies Season Best Episode Indiana Movie Narrator Runner Jones Critics Rotten Podcast Certified Shadow
Filmography with average ratings from critics, awards, news, and forum.
Ford Harrison Show Wars Star Movies Season Best Episode Indiana Movie Narrator Runner Jones Critics Rotten Podcast Certified Shadow
21 HARO Online: The Ring
Haros review:
Haros review: 'The ending is somewhat of a let down, mainly because the set up was so much better than average. But it is a fun trip getting to the end.' Rated 'pretty good.'
Movies Rachel Ring_ Ring Watts Music Contact Noah Advice Drive_ Bounce Pretty Windtalkers Director Rated Impostor Keller
Haros review: 'The ending is somewhat of a let down, mainly because the set up was so much better than average. But it is a fun trip getting to the end.' Rated 'pretty good.'
Movies Rachel Ring_ Ring Watts Music Contact Noah Advice Drive_ Bounce Pretty Windtalkers Director Rated Impostor Keller
22 Picture Gallery
Forty-odd larger
Forty-odd larger than average scans and captures. Best viewed with desktop size greater than 800x600.
Levitra Buy Viagra Cialis Generic Order Cheap Store Drug Earlier Canada Blood They Fda Approved
Forty-odd larger than average scans and captures. Best viewed with desktop size greater than 800x600.
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23 ivonne de groots homepage
ceramic and
ceramic and craft classes by duncan ambassador offered for the average to advanced crafter/ceramist.
ceramic and craft classes by duncan ambassador offered for the average to advanced crafter/ceramist.
24 Chicago Sun Times: Lucas
Robert Eberts
Robert Eberts gives a positive review, praising the acting and looking at what raises this above the average teen drama.
Archives Ebert Roger Blog Because Chazxs Reviews They Love Great David Movies Far Seitz Flungers Film Journal Sam
Robert Eberts gives a positive review, praising the acting and looking at what raises this above the average teen drama.
Archives Ebert Roger Blog Because Chazxs Reviews They Love Great David Movies Far Seitz Flungers Film Journal Sam
25 The Big Misunderstanding about Money
Sabrina Jeffries
Sabrina Jeffries article and chart covering potential income for an average midlist romance author.
Books Sabrina Press Deborah Regency Media Book Poll Jane Calendar Glance Readers Pseudonym Series York Appearance Bookmarks Speaking Faqs Display
Sabrina Jeffries article and chart covering potential income for an average midlist romance author.
Books Sabrina Press Deborah Regency Media Book Poll Jane Calendar Glance Readers Pseudonym Series York Appearance Bookmarks Speaking Faqs Display
26 american barberboys
a barbershop
a barbershop group from, st. joseph missouri, they sing all forms of a cappella music and have an average member age that is half of many choruses.
a barbershop group from, st. joseph missouri, they sing all forms of a cappella music and have an average member age that is half of many choruses.
27 DVD Authority.com: Tender Mercies
Reviewer recommends
Reviewer recommends a rental rather than a purchase--this is definitely a film worth seeing, but the audio and video are only average, and the DVD includes no extras. Overall rating 2.5/5.
Criterion Collection Reviews Blu Ray Season Complete Standard De Sac Contact Authority Video Cul Impractical Dont
Reviewer recommends a rental rather than a purchase--this is definitely a film worth seeing, but the audio and video are only average, and the DVD includes no extras. Overall rating 2.5/5.
Criterion Collection Reviews Blu Ray Season Complete Standard De Sac Contact Authority Video Cul Impractical Dont
28 Average Consumption
Electro/industrial/trance group
Electro/industrial/trance group from Chicago. Includes audio samples, message forum, and merchandise. [Flash required]
Average Consumption New Music Privacy Myspace Listen Policy Videos Albums Sign Pieces Best Title= Radio Data Original
Electro/industrial/trance group from Chicago. Includes audio samples, message forum, and merchandise. [Flash required]
Average Consumption New Music Privacy Myspace Listen Policy Videos Albums Sign Pieces Best Title= Radio Data Original
29 Bright Lights Film Journal
Gay Cuba
Gay Cuba combines interviews with gay and lesbians, government officials, and average citizens, with musical performances and gay pride parades.
Gary Morris Artists Pre Queer Code Instagram Lgbt Story Reviews Documentaries Rss Google+ Photo Staff Silents Apache Animation
Gay Cuba combines interviews with gay and lesbians, government officials, and average citizens, with musical performances and gay pride parades.
Gary Morris Artists Pre Queer Code Instagram Lgbt Story Reviews Documentaries Rss Google+ Photo Staff Silents Apache Animation
30 Epinions - The Muppet Movie
Some individual
Some individual reviews of the movie, average rating is 4.5/5 stars.
Reviews Music Digital Electronics Cameras Books Movies Sports Televisions Appliances Computers Garden Tablets Toys Outdoor Kids Rights Movie
Some individual reviews of the movie, average rating is 4.5/5 stars.
Reviews Music Digital Electronics Cameras Books Movies Sports Televisions Appliances Computers Garden Tablets Toys Outdoor Kids Rights Movie
31 All-Reviews.com - Lawrence of Arabia
Multiple reviews
Multiple reviews of the film with an average rating of 4/4 stars.
Lawrence Arabia Movie East Video Arab David Otoole Review Lean Anthony Lawrences Peter Buy Guinness Trinity Sci Fifantasy Dvds Reviewscom
Multiple reviews of the film with an average rating of 4/4 stars.
Lawrence Arabia Movie East Video Arab David Otoole Review Lean Anthony Lawrences Peter Buy Guinness Trinity Sci Fifantasy Dvds Reviewscom
32 Metacritic.com: Shrek 2
A collection
A collection of reviews and information for Shrek 2, scoring an average of 73.
Reviews Critics New Metacritic Shrek Credits Provided Ps Movie York Images Releases Xbox Data Current Challenge Fairy Jami Ray Ogre
A collection of reviews and information for Shrek 2, scoring an average of 73.
Reviews Critics New Metacritic Shrek Credits Provided Ps Movie York Images Releases Xbox Data Current Challenge Fairy Jami Ray Ogre
33 All-Reviews.com - Last Orders
Multiple reviews
Multiple reviews of the movie, with an average rating of 3.5/4 stars.
Movie Last Video Orders Review Games Buy Comedy Steve Fred Drama Caine Blade Reviewer Twelve Sci Fifantasy Schepisi Dvds
Multiple reviews of the movie, with an average rating of 3.5/4 stars.
Movie Last Video Orders Review Games Buy Comedy Steve Fred Drama Caine Blade Reviewer Twelve Sci Fifantasy Schepisi Dvds
34 All-Reviews.com- Lawn Dogs
Reviews of
Reviews of the movie. Average rating 3 of 4 stars.
Movie Lawn Dogs Video Review Mischa Drama Games Rockwell Barton Steve Devon John Buy Reviewer Sci Fifantasy Music Camelot Advertising
Reviews of the movie. Average rating 3 of 4 stars.
Movie Lawn Dogs Video Review Mischa Drama Games Rockwell Barton Steve Devon John Buy Reviewer Sci Fifantasy Music Camelot Advertising
35 There Be Elves
Full-color manga
Full-color manga about what happens when elves invade the home of the average Japanese schoolgirl.
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Full-color manga about what happens when elves invade the home of the average Japanese schoolgirl.
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36 Big Funk Corporation
London based
London based covers band formerly know as The Below Average White Band, led by Andy Mitchell.
London based covers band formerly know as The Below Average White Band, led by Andy Mitchell.
38 All-Reviews.com - White Oleander
Reviews of
Reviews of the movie [average 3.5 of 4 stars].
Astrid Oleander Movie Review Zellweger Pfeiffer Video Kosminsky Drama Michelle White Peter Buy Games Renee Steve Sci Fifantasy Ingridmay Music
Reviews of the movie [average 3.5 of 4 stars].
Astrid Oleander Movie Review Zellweger Pfeiffer Video Kosminsky Drama Michelle White Peter Buy Games Renee Steve Sci Fifantasy Ingridmay Music
39 TeenMusic.com: Craig David
Transcript of
Transcript of a telephone interview with Craig in which he talks about his career, his life and his album 'Slicker Than Your Average'.
Transcript of a telephone interview with Craig in which he talks about his career, his life and his album 'Slicker Than Your Average'.
40 Encore Theatre Company
A community
A community theatre group incorporated in 1988. Based in Greeley, CO. Produces on average 3 plays a year.
A community theatre group incorporated in 1988. Based in Greeley, CO. Produces on average 3 plays a year.
41 siardica - chaotic thoughts 2000
devoted to
devoted to poetry, songs, and personal rants of an average teen, including sonnets, fantasy-related works, and strange ponderings involved.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Account Website Web Domains Customer Terms Yahoos
devoted to poetry, songs, and personal rants of an average teen, including sonnets, fantasy-related works, and strange ponderings involved.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Account Website Web Domains Customer Terms Yahoos
42 jimmy mac and the koolkats
For conventions
For conventions and corporate parties in Hawaii. Performing for almost every major national and international corporation. Playing an average of 140 or more dates a year. Includes, songlist, photos, client list and contact details.
For conventions and corporate parties in Hawaii. Performing for almost every major national and international corporation. Playing an average of 140 or more dates a year. Includes, songlist, photos, client list and contact details.
43 kididdles
kididdles (not
kididdles (not your average kids site) offers the lyrics to hundreds of childrens songs and lullabies, as well as stories, games, contests and other fun stuff! use the alpha index to search for a song by title.
Request Nginxz
kididdles (not your average kids site) offers the lyrics to hundreds of childrens songs and lullabies, as well as stories, games, contests and other fun stuff! use the alpha index to search for a song by title.
Request Nginxz
44 Below Average White Band, The
A soul
A soul, rhythm and blues, rock and roll party band. Includes member profiles, photos, performance dates, audio and video, and booking information.
A soul, rhythm and blues, rock and roll party band. Includes member profiles, photos, performance dates, audio and video, and booking information.
45 All-Reviews.com - Americas Sweethearts
A general
A general average rating of Americas Sweethearts and review of the movie based on 4 different reviewers.
Review Sweethearts Roberts Movie Eddie Video Cusack Buy John Julia Comedy Americas Games Trinity Kiki Zeta Jones Sci Fifantasy Roth Rent
A general average rating of Americas Sweethearts and review of the movie based on 4 different reviewers.
Review Sweethearts Roberts Movie Eddie Video Cusack Buy John Julia Comedy Americas Games Trinity Kiki Zeta Jones Sci Fifantasy Roth Rent
46 Metacritic.com: Film
Compares reviews
Compares reviews between critics. Film ratings based on a weighted average of various individual reviews.
Trailers See Movie Now Coming Soon Provided Ray Play New Metacritic Ps Dvd Blu Reviews Game Theaters Embrace Weekend Advertise People
Compares reviews between critics. Film ratings based on a weighted average of various individual reviews.
Trailers See Movie Now Coming Soon Provided Ray Play New Metacritic Ps Dvd Blu Reviews Game Theaters Embrace Weekend Advertise People
47 Wavy Gravy Interview
Wavy Gravy
Wavy Gravy, famous for his involvement with Woodstock and the Grateful Dead, talks about relaxation, meditation, and the average, Day in his Life.
Wavy Gravy, famous for his involvement with Woodstock and the Grateful Dead, talks about relaxation, meditation, and the average, Day in his Life.
48 urban catwoman.
i am
i am not your average catwoman
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting Advisor Help App Gallery Local Terms Developer Affiliate Firefox
i am not your average catwoman
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Hosting Advisor Help App Gallery Local Terms Developer Affiliate Firefox
49 Rare Record Price Guide
Online guide
Online guide to UK values for records (and a few CDs), mainly by 80s and 90s artists. Calculated from average prices charged by dealers in the UK magazine 'Record Collector.'
Online guide to UK values for records (and a few CDs), mainly by 80s and 90s artists. Calculated from average prices charged by dealers in the UK magazine 'Record Collector.'
50 guardians of the unicorns
victoria and
victoria and lizzy, both average teenage girls it seems are guardians of the unicorns. impossible...yet they are.
Unicorn Guardianssponsored Z
victoria and lizzy, both average teenage girls it seems are guardians of the unicorns. impossible...yet they are.
Unicorn Guardianssponsored Z
51 Smallville Life
Guide to
Guide to the town of Smallville, Kansas. Includes maps and information on average rainfall, local businesses, births and deaths, and the meteorites. Also offers episode guide, cast and character profiles, and international air schedule.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Sites Privacy Terms Visit Wayback Trying Movies Reach Longeravailable
Guide to the town of Smallville, Kansas. Includes maps and information on average rainfall, local businesses, births and deaths, and the meteorites. Also offers episode guide, cast and character profiles, and international air schedule.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Policy Sign Sites Privacy Terms Visit Wayback Trying Movies Reach Longeravailable
52 Craig David - Live in Dubai, UAE
Information about
Information about Craig Davids concert in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2003, and links to information about the 'Slicker Than Your Average' tour.
Frontpage Serveratpermanently Theapache Rhelmod_auth_passthrough Fips Openssle Port
Information about Craig Davids concert in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2003, and links to information about the 'Slicker Than Your Average' tour.
Frontpage Serveratpermanently Theapache Rhelmod_auth_passthrough Fips Openssle Port
53 Movielocity: Box Office
Weekend box
Weekend box office chart of top ten. Weekend gross, cumulative gross, number of screens, per screen average. Uses frames.
Weekend box office chart of top ten. Weekend gross, cumulative gross, number of screens, per screen average. Uses frames.
54 Toryamas World - Full moon wo Sagashite
Manga 'scanlations'
Manga 'scanlations' made by Toryamas World. Scans made from tankohons with have a better quality then the ones published on ribon. Average size is 3mb for each chapter half.
Manga 'scanlations' made by Toryamas World. Scans made from tankohons with have a better quality then the ones published on ribon. Average size is 3mb for each chapter half.
55 Simon, John F.: Every Icon
Generates every
Generates every possible combination of black-and-white squares in a grid of 32 x 32 beginning with all white squares and ending with all black. On an average computer, it would take several hundred trillion years for the process to conclude.
Here Simon John Images Jr Moment Numeral Show Welcome Every Collection Swarms Portfolio Icon Information Solo Street
Generates every possible combination of black-and-white squares in a grid of 32 x 32 beginning with all white squares and ending with all black. On an average computer, it would take several hundred trillion years for the process to conclude.
Here Simon John Images Jr Moment Numeral Show Welcome Every Collection Swarms Portfolio Icon Information Solo Street
56 Broadway Sells Record 12 Million Seats, Attendance Up 4 Percent
New Yorkers
New Yorkers and tourists, lured by celebrities such as Julia Roberts and undeterred by a 7 percent increase in average prices, filled Broadway theaters in record numbers over the past year. By Philip Boroff.
Z File Y
New Yorkers and tourists, lured by celebrities such as Julia Roberts and undeterred by a 7 percent increase in average prices, filled Broadway theaters in record numbers over the past year. By Philip Boroff.
Z File Y
Average Dictionary
average cost: total cost for all units bought (or produced) divided by the number of unitsaverage: an intermediate scale value regarded as normal or usual, "he is about average in height", "the snowfall this month is below average"
average / norm: a statistic describing the location of a distribution, "it set the norm for American homes"
Dow Jones / Dow-Jones Industrial Average: an indicator of stock market prices, based on the share values of / blue-chip stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange, "the Dow Jones Industrial Average is the most widely cited indicator of how the stock market is doing"
earned run average / ERA: (baseball) a measure of a pitcher's effectiveness, calculated as the average number of earned runs allowed by the pitcher for every nine innings pitched
grade point average / GPA: a measure of a student's academic achievement at a college or university, calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted
batting average / hitting average: (baseball) a measure of a batter's performance, the number of base hits divided by the number of official times at bat, "Ted Williams once had a batting average above ./"
batting average: (an extension of the baseball term) the proportion of times some effort succeeds, "the salesman's batting average was out of "
fielding average: (baseball) a measure of a fielder's performance, the number of assists and putouts divided by the number of chances
average: (sports) the ratio of successful performances to opportunities
average / average_out n: compute the average of
average: achieve or reach on average, "He averaged a C"
average / average_out: amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain, "The number of hours I work per work averages out to /"
average / ordinary: lacking special distinction, rank, or status, commonly encountered, "average people", "the ordinary (or common) man in the street"
average / intermediate / medium: around the middle of a scale of evaluation, "an orange of average size", "intermediate capacity", "medium bombers"
average mean(a): approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value, "the average income in New England is below that of the nation", "of average height for his age", "the mean annual rainfall"
median(a) / average: relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values), "the median value of , /, and is /", "the median income for the year was $,/"
modal(a) / average: relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution, "the modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is /"
average / fair / mediocre / middling: lacking exceptional quality or ability, "a novel of average merit", "only a fair performance of the sonata", "in fair health", "the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average", "the performance was middling at best"
SiteBook.org Reviews for Average. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Average" (visitors of this topic page). Average › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Average Opening Times and Reports. Date:
Our Recommendations:
In colloquial language, an average is the sum of a list of numbers divided by the number of numbers in the list. In mathematics and statistics, this would be called the arithmetic mean. In statistics, mean, median, and mode are all known as measures of central tendency.
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