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Disabilities Experience


1 Awed - Online Dating When You Disabled Dating
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Online Dating When You Have a Disability, it is important, to be honest, and open about your disability. Do not... Dating App Disabled Awed People Eventrocket Handicap Site Activities Matches Disabilities Rocket Datenow Blog Arrayis
1 Aurora Systems Inc. Manufactures products
Manufactures products for people with special needs, learning disabilities, speech disabilities and dyslexia. Provides information, demo, support and online order form.
2 Advanced Wheels Builds adaptive
Builds adaptive vehicles for people with disabilities.
3 Ability Camp Inc. Offering treatment
Offering treatment for children with disabilities such as cerebral palsy.
4 American Display Specializing in
Specializing in ADA signs for people with disabilities. Whitehouse, New Jersey.
Signs Signage Interior Ada Exterior Display Letters Systems Sign American Specializing Since Quality Wood Manufacturer
5 Beyond Wills and Trusts Guide for
Guide for families caring for a member with special needs and disabilities.
6 Lint, Rex Specialising in
Specialising in IT accessibility for people with disabilities. Based in Merrimack, New Hampshire.
7 A. T. Kratter Technology and
Technology and services for people with reading, visual, learning, and physical disabilities.
8 Access Unlimited Manufactures and
Manufactures and distributes adaptive transportation and mobility equipment for people with disabilities.
9 Sarah Greenland Develops inspirational
Develops inspirational games and multimedia software for people with multiple disabilities.
10 Golden Educational Center Materials for
Materials for students with learning disabilities, designed for easy introduction.
Please Errorinternalgone Server Additionally Gone The Errordocument
11 RPM Press Publishers Resources for
Resources for persons with disabilities, family members, professionals and service providers.
Press Blanks Services Order Products Contact Llc Graphics Rpm Welcome Quote Request Employment   Wood
12 Hands On Communications, Inc. Reachers out
Reachers out to all kinds of businesses, focusing on disabilities, marketing, advertising, education, and telecommunications.
Handsoncomcom Admin Almost Panel Need Here Upload Herez Help
13 Realistic Reflections We specialize
We specialize in images featuring people with disabilities in the community, at work, at play and with friends. Available on CD.
14 Truebro Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of engineered under sink protection devices to satisfy the Americans with Disabilities Act code requirements.
15 Jennie Company, The Designs and
Designs and builds mobility equipment, tables, standing and positioning aids for those with disabilities.
16 Exercycle manufactures and
manufactures and sells the Theracycle, a motor-driven stationary exercise bike designed for people with disabilities.
17 Ability Research Centre Assists people
Assists people with disabilities to obtain maximum benefits from modern computer technology.
18 Comfort Company, The Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of seating and positioning equipment for geriatric and rehabilitation patients and people with physical disabilities.
Care Seating Comfort Supports Support Bariatric Term Surfaces Products Trays Halo Lateral Amputee Discontinued Products * Foot Careers Downloadsforms Accessories Avebozeman
19 Next Step Providing affordable
Providing affordable housing for individuals and families recovering from substance abuse or living with developmental disabilities.
20 Service Enhancement Associates Offers training
Offers training and technical assistance throughout the US on issues and services related to the employment of persons with disabilities.
21 Special Communications, LLC Placing allied
Placing allied health professionals in therapeutic sites such as school systems, developmental disabilities and early intervention settings.
22 Equal Opportunity Publications Find employment
Find employment issues and stats concerning ethnic minorities, women, and people with disabilities. Includes links to jobs and employers.
23 BrainTrain Offers cognitive
Offers cognitive testing and training software for visual and auditory processing disorders, learning disabilities, mental retardation and brain injuries.
24 Federal Resume Writer Specializes in
Specializes in assisting people with disabilities obtain federal employment.
Federal Resume Services Writing Career Job Jobs Consulting Program Help Certified Coaching Writer Samples Civilian Train Trainers Ex Military
25 Professional Fit Clothing Provides fashionable
Provides fashionable clothing that can be custom altered to fit people with disabilities. Located in Burbank, California.
26 res-care, inc. provides residential
provides residential, training, educational and support services to populations with special needs, including persons with developmental and other disabilities, and at-risk and troubled youths. (nasdaq: rscr).
27 spherix collects and
collects and disseminates information on wide range of diseases and disabilities, disease prevention, and researches and develops proprietary products and services. (nasdaq: spex).
Spherix Property Investors Contact Intellectual News Policy Acquisition Privacy Incorporated Throughwi Consortium Fi
28 Compucare, Inc. Special needs
Special needs software and services. Specializing in voice recognition, adaptive software and hardware for people with disabilities.
Domain Abilitiescom Parking Website Programm Thema Abilities Inhaber Informationen Beacons Problemfällen Beste Listings Finden Beziehung
29 B.T. Builders, Inc. Americans with
Americans with Disabilities Act continuing education for architects, building officials, building inspectors, and plans examiners.
30 Curran Engineering Company, Inc. Manufacturing guide
Manufacturing guide rails, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant push plate switches, access control devices, and accessories for automatic doors.
31 Rehabilitation Technologies Supplies rehabilitative
Supplies rehabilitative products for people with disabilities, including computer mounting systems, keyguards, switches, computer desks.
Pavilion Hp Toshiba Dv Retech Cart Asus Ld Acer Btx Bax Refurbished Pty Samsung Ax Satellite Ssd
32 DeLeon Publishing, Inc. Manufactures books
Manufactures books and digital productions in the areas of gifted children and adults, learning disabilities, psychological and spiritual development, and works of fiction by young authors.
Request Errory
33 Danic Technology, Inc. Canadian firm
Canadian firm offers case management and database software used for tracking developmental disabilities, family services, mental health, and employee assistance programs (EAP).
Danic Services Technology Tools Pipeda Support Information Training Human Inc Consulting Insurance Asp Map Accountability
34 South Dakota - Black Hills Workshop and Training Center Descriptions of
Descriptions of community based employment, health, rehabilitation and residential services and supports available to people with physical and developmental disabilities.
Hills Black Works Bell Learn Mcdermott Services News Simply Award Rodney Resources Photos Employment Breakoutpdf People Dakota
35 Rosemary I. Patterson This author
This author of history, culture and social issues based novels offers speeches on topics including 'Life Begins At Sixty-Five' and 'Common Learning Disabilities And Interventions'.
36 Diamas Enterprises, Inc. Consulting firm
Consulting firm specializing in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance from the Building Owners and Mangers perspective. 'Defense' work. Cost effective compliance.
Diamas Enterprises Regulations Defensivewe Services Help Clients History Perspective Why Compliance Owners Courtmissouriada City
37 m & o bus lines nepean (ottawa)
nepean (ottawa), ontario. maintains a fleet of full size school buses, as well as wheel chair buses equipped with lifts for persons with physical disabilities.
Safety Iconic Australia Lines Kids Company They Bus Charter Party Internet Racing Shops Utilizing Hippest Dueto
38 Colton RV and Van Center Located in
Located in North Tonawanda. Sales and service center offers new and used RVss, motorhomes, travel trailers and tent campers. Also sells minivans for persons with disabilities.
39 achievable concepts a range
a range of adapted cycles for people with disabilities including recumbent tricycles, hand cycles and tricycles for children.
Recreation Equipment Disabled Adapted Sporting Therapy Wheelchair Tricycle Conceptsadapted Achievable Aids Nursing Beach Trikes Here
40 Work & Well, Inc. New Jersey
New Jersey, USA, firm provides national integrated medical leave administration, management and return-to-work services for disabilities, medical leaves, and absences.
Work Fmla Well Medical Smart Leave Disability Expert Case Client Solutions Term Corporate Independent Abuse Savings Metrics
41 ADA Build it Right Your one-stop
Your one-stop site for information on designing, building, and inspecting facilities that will meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, ADAAG, ADAAG Manual) and your State Building Codes.
42 Service Enhancement Associates Service Enhancement
Service Enhancement Associates provides training workshops and technical assistance throughout the US on issues and services related to the employment of persons with disabilities.
States Po Wallinginc@aolcom Security Oxford Consulting Michael Social Training Last Click Fax Here Y
43 Community Products LLC Distributes products
Distributes products for children with disabilities including chairs, bath chairs, shower chairs, standers, gait trainers, tricycles, toileting products and walkers.
Rifton Equipment Products Standers Adaptive Chairs Tram Quality Tricycles System Bars Grab Trainers Special Activity Needs Subscribe Mover

2. Shopping and Disabilities Trade

1 IntelliTools Develops computer
Develops computer products for special education, meeting the needs of children in elementary schools facing challenges from learning disabilities to significant physical disabilities.
Software Adaptive Customer Support Assessment Classrooms Literacy Success Trials Technical Intervention Suite Join Classroom Free Gallery Keyboards Unique Learners
2 Synapse Adaptive Adaptive technologies
Adaptive technologies for individuals with disabilities. Offers solutions for low vision, learning disabilities and mobility impairments.
Synapse Braille Naturallyspeaking Order Speech Vision Recognition Catalog Disabilities Adaptive Gotalk Tools Talk Switch Learning Computer Microphones Voicenote Edition Gus
3 AbleNet Provides products
Provides products for children and adults with severe or profound disabilities.
Switch Mounting Step Access Curriculum Technology Special Accessories Stepâ„¢ Little System Ablenet Big Equals Assistive Turn It® Talking
4 Rehab Mart Products to
Products to help seniors and people with disabilities be more independent.
5 Innovative Products Specializing in
Specializing in assistive mobility devices for children with disabilities.
Products Innovative Inc Phone Jsteinke@iphopecom Steinke Inaddition Freez
6 Nanopac Supplies computer
Supplies computer related products and services for individuals with disabilities.
Nanopac Blind Vision Reading Products Voice Inc Recognition Low Software Disabled Users Blindness Legally Macular Environmental Disabilities Discover Prices Doors
7 Cane Lady, The Canes hand
Canes hand painted and decorated for persons with disabilities.
Sign Policy Lifestream Now Updated Everything People Places Account Or Go Theres Reserved Networks Termssimplifying Email
8 Don Johnston Educational software
Educational software for students with reading or writing difficulties, or physical disabilities.
Finish Core Cowriter Contact University Books Curricula Learning Writing Product Incidence Request Higher Reading Case First Studies State Privacy
9 HumanWare Provides braille
Provides braille, speech, magnification solutions for people with reading, or visual disabilities.
Vision Low Aids Reading Magnifier Magnifiers Impaired Humanware Products Victor Visually Reader Blind Devices Smartview Accessibility Computer
10 Contact Assistive Technology Provides products
Provides products and services to increase or maintain the independence of persons with disabilities.
Xserver Copyright Reserved Hosting ¥¨¥Ã¥¯¥¹¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¦¥µ¥¤¥È¥È¥Ã¥×¥Ú¡¼¥¸ Hostingservice Rights ¥µ¥Ý¡¼¥È¥Þ¥Ë¥å¥¢¥ë Xserverincz ¥¨¥Ã¥¯¥¹¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼ ¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼½é´ü¥&Uacut
11 Sarjenco Home Medical Supplies Resells a
Resells a broad range of products for people of all disabilities.
Health Improving – Luxury Santorini Various Why Demand Food Event Belongs Hotels Meets Cook Place Doing Help
12 Niemeijer Consult Specializes in
Specializes in on-screen keyboard software and touch screens for people with disabilities. Available for Mac OS.
Proloquogo Assistiveware Products Paris Support Communication News Community Innovations Proloquotext See Keystrokes Pictello Autonomic Training Adelaide London Uk Tour
13 Deer Creek Sewing Tote bags
Tote bags, available in a variety of styles and fabrics. Manufactured by people with disabilities.
Tote Cotton Totes Products Color Bag Grocery Made Features Natural Sewing Contact Large Fabric Canvas Wood
14 Words+ Specializes in
Specializes in software and hardware for persons with disabilities. Technological leader in the development of augmentative communications devices.
Words+ Inc Please Community Words Person Support Pluscom People Plus Keys Products Post Office Help World Renownedastrophysicist Users Technical Inquiries
15 Adaptations by Adrian Adaptive clothing
Adaptive clothing for wheelchair users and person with physical disabilities which make dressing difficult.
Wheelchair Clothing Adaptive Adrian Custom Made Loop Dressing Hook Because Price Pants Adaptations Pre Help Side Volusion Documentwritenew Velcro Survey Ship
16 Microsoft Accessibility and Disabilities Houses information
Houses information and tools that can remove barriers and make computers and the world more accessible.
Accessibility Windows Microsoft Office Impairments Technology Products Assistive Keys Internet Computer Users Educators Explorer Professionals Find * Accessible Everyone
17 Autism & Developmental Disabilities Resource Catalog Potty training
Potty training, toys, books, videos, vitamins, and food substitutes.
Education Needs Special Training Extra Plant Construction Inccommenuspecial Normallyhyperactivity They Frs Teachers Through
18 TekAbility A one
A one stop shop for information, reviews, and online shopping for products designed to enhance and assist people with disabilities.
Aids Toe Personal Alarm Kit Big Button Enuresis Alarms Gel Powered Incontinence Solutions Controls Foot Open Emergency Fall System Certificate Sms
19 Technical Solutions Australia Specializes in
Specializes in electronics for people with disabilities. Features adapted toys, switches, and communication aids.
Call Control Solutions Technical Access Phones Environmental Care Communication Monitoring Computer Toys Australia Adapted Aged Library Assistive Systems Page
20 Healthy All Over, ltd Video exercise
Video exercise programs for aerobics, special developmental disabilities, mental retardation, down syndrome, and mild cerebral palsy.
21 Creative Opportunities and Reality Expressions Specializes in
Specializes in clothing and household products that enhance the daily living of people with disabilities and seniors.
22 Ergo Komfort Offers products
Offers products and accessories for computer user safety and comfort, disabilities, adaptive needs in homes and work places.
Free Pain Keyboard Ergokomfort Sit Stands Mouse Evoluent Stand Grand Monitor Account Adjustable Products Platforms Type Trays Featured Blog
23 PACE tutoring
PACE tutoring is a proven method to help people with learning disabilities such as attention deficit disorder and dyslexia. Used by parents or professionals.
Learningrx Brain Training Faq Reading Learning Center Programs Comprehension Cognitive Dyslexia Helps Help Test Centers Book
24 Woodlake Technologies Offers a
Offers a wide range of assistive technology solutions, equipment, software, training, and funding assistance for people with disabilities.
Woodlake Technologies Assistive Technology Solutions Cart Aids Account Hearing Shipping Privacy Exchanges Inc Speech Help Rights Deliveries Learning
25 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company Books and
Books and videos on disabilities, education, early intervention, mental health, communication and language, and behavior.
26 Giving Greetings Galleries of
Galleries of designs including thank you, holidays, birthdays, for teachers and therapists, and custom invitations. Features picture symbols used by children and adults with disabilities.
Communication Symbols Picture Supports Aids Visual Adult Contact Free Community Pre Made Based Speech New Stuff Non Verbal Specials Events Learn Living
27 Sandra Martin Productions Information on
Information on educational videos for health care, aging, physical and mental disabilities, alzheimers disease, and death and dying.
Family Treasures Productions Human Martin Connection Sandra Contact Inside Storealacatr Blog Blogger Z
28 Solutions for Humans Offers adaptive
Offers adaptive technology solutions and services for individuals with various disabilities.
Basket Gift Fruit Leading Forh Deliverygourmet Custom Giftbasket Sforhcombaby Join Colorado
29 Professional Fit Clothing Provides fashionable
Provides fashionable clothing that can be custom altered to fit people with disabilities. Located in Burbank, California.
Clothing Bibs Adult Protectors Bib Adaptive Disabled Products Protector Socks Professional Wheelchair Mealtime Pants Alterations Incontinence Footwear Baka Custom
30 Drink-Aide Insulated water
Insulated water bottle that enables people with disabilities to drink fluids without assistance.
Drink Aidetm Aide Society Inglis Valley Delaware National Philadelphia Greater House Equipment Chain Bottle Sclerosis
31 Special Kids Learning videotapes
Learning videotapes and educational materials for children (even teens) with learning disabilities, from parents of a boy with autism.
Special Education Children Learning Story Needs Problems Parents Disabilities Autistic Educational Reading Iep Fact Humour Dictionary Students
32 Books on Special Children Educational and
Educational and supportive resources for teachers and parents of children with physical, mental or emotional disabilities.
33 AssistiveAudio US distributor
US distributor of Ampetronic Audio Frequency Induction Loop Systems, designed to provide assistive listening to those with hearing disabilities and others needing a controlled sound environment.
Assistiveaudio Induction Loop Systems Sound Distributor Hearing Audio Listening Ampetronic Facilities Devices Environments Assistive Information Ticket Contact Commentary Cathedrals
34 Upright Golf Supplier of
Supplier of golf products that reduce the amount of repetitive bending or stooping for people with back problems or disabilities.
Golf Ball Upright Bad Pick Senior Shipping Returns Help Cart Tools Tool Teeing Markers Golfers Ups
35 Woodbine House Publishes The
Publishes The Special-Needs Collection, a series of almost 50 books on disabilities and related topics, including ADD, Down syndrome, early intervention and special education.
Special Syndrome Books Needs Disabilities Collection Education Therapy Autism Adhd Disorder Physical Intervention Health Early Children Add Care Spinal
36 Densmore Reid Publications The written
The written and recorded works of Rev. Dr. Daryl Greene, sharing his life-long experience and research on how to cope with and overcome pain and progressive disabilities from a holistic Christian perspective.
37 The Reading Program Using processes
Using processes developed by Lindamood-Bell, to treat reading problems stemming from challenging disabilities. Service areas: Jacksonville, Florida, as well as northern Virginia.
Dosarrest Internet Security Restricted Client Ddosprotectionplease Protection Host Z
38 Magic Wand Keyboard Mini adaptive
Mini adaptive computer keyboard and mouse designed for people with disabilities. Works using only slight head or hand movement and no strength. Includes ordering information.
Keyboard Wand Magic Computer Mouse Miniature Touch Page Internet Mini Head Susan Designed Students Strength Attention Itsfirst
39 Augmentative Communication Consultants Specializes in
Specializes in augmentative communication devices and computer access for people with disabilities.
Options Choose Cart Communication Devices Add Software Gotalk Accessories Switch Skills Pre Videos Speech Voc + Tocart Ipad Living Apps
40 Physicians Disability Services A publishing
A publishing company that helps people with disabilities prove their Social Security disability claims, manage periodic disability reviews, and resume productive activity.
Disability Security Social Click Here Form Order Ssa Report Ssdi Bk Available Download Benefits Free
41 Real Life Storybooks Publisher of
Publisher of storybooks and social stories focusing on real-life disabilities, diseases, and problems from a childs perspective, paving the way for greater understanding.
Hosting Domain Network Web Marketing Solutions Services Names Website Registration Placeinnovative Businesses Host
42 Freedom Rider A catalog
A catalog of equipment for people with disabilities who ride horses. Driving and vaulting equipment and anything to enable people to do more with horses. Free listing of events for disabled equestrians.
Riding Therapeutic Horseback Saddles Tack Pads Rider Shop Helmets Stirrups Reins Western Bareback Equipment Freedom English Horses Ladder Peacock

3. Disabilities Recreation

1 New Mexico Learning Disabilities Association The Learning
The Learning Disabilities Association of New Mexico (NM-LDA) is a nonprofit volunteer organization affiliated with the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDAA). LDAA gives support and information to persons with learning disabilities, parents, teachers, and other professionals through 50 state affiliates and 800 local units. NM-LDA is headquartered in Albuquerque.
Learning Disabilities Mexico Nm Lda Association State Checklist Full World Tapes Borrow Meeting Other Monthly
2 We Are Not Alone Support, information
Support, information, news, and links for people with disabilities, especially 'invisible disabilities'.
3 National Youth Network Offers information
Offers information for parents about various types of learning disabilities, diagnostic tests, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and options that can aid them through the IEP process.
4 IBM Accessibility Center Brings together
Brings together product and service information for people with disabilities (including low vision), and for those who seek knowledge about solutions or empowering persons with disabilities to ensure a productive working environment.
5 Learning Disabilities Association of Wisconsin Provides membership
Provides membership application, contacts, and outlines services, and basic information about Learning Disabilities.
Learning Disabilities Wisconsin Association Children Adults Lda Education Support Promotion Newsbriefs Design Legislation Inc Y
6 Learning Disabilities Association of New Mexico Provides support
Provides support and information to persons with learning disabilities, parents, teachers, and other professionals. Offers a newsletter, conferences, programs, and meeting schedule.
Learning Disabilities Mexico Nm Lda Association Borrow State Full Wide Meetings Monthly Resources World Program Disabilitiesassociation Conference
7 Learning Disabilities Online A selection
A selection of articles on learning disabilities including symptoms, possible causes, and alternative ways to prevent learning disorders.
8 Learning Disabilities Includes definition
Includes definition of Learning Disabilities, as well as links to pages about specific learning problems.
Learning Disabilities Reading Adhd Dyscalculia Dyslexia Disability Dyspraxia Parents Difficulties Intelligence Lets Resources Adhdattention
9 Learning Disabilities Association of Wisconsin Describes organization’s
Describes organization’s goals and objectives. Information on identifying different disabilities, testing facilities and learning resources. Includes contact information and membership application form.
Learning Disabilities Wisconsin Association Adults Lda Children Education Support Enhancing Provides Advocacy Newsbriefs Copyright Y
10 Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities Research and
Research and treatment facility treating an inner-ear (cerebellar-vestibular) disorder to relieve the varied symptoms characterizing Learning Disabilities as well as related Attention Deficit Disorder and phobias.
Dyslexia Dr Levinson Medical Center Treatment Adhd Contact Levinsons Disorder Media Disorders Fears Learning Diagnosis Outstanding Other
11 Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois A not-for-profit
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the education and general welfare of children and youth of normal or potentially normal intelligence who have learning disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual or coordinative nature or related problems.
Navigationshilfe Ty
12 Learning Disabilities Association of Colorado Participates in
Participates in lobbying legislators and school board members on behalf of persons with learning disabilities, collects and distributes research, publishes a quarterly newsletter, maintains a lending library, and presents workshops and conferences throughout Colorado.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Business Php Affordable Name Bluehostcom Welcome Page Center Front Help Names
13 Learning Disabilities from Sections include
Sections include types of learning disabilities, how they are identified and formally diagnosed, education options, medications, types of assistance available, and options for support.
Learning Health Disabilities Adhd Screening Disability Symptoms Quiz Pediatrics Quizzes Problems Child Reading School Gluten Free [pediatrics] Add Alerts Problem
14 Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) of Illinois A not-for-profit
A not-for-profit organization focused on advancing the education and general welfare of children and youth of normal or potentially normal intelligence who have learning disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual or coordinative nature or related problems. Contact details for local chapters, events calendar, and membership information provided.
Navigationshilfe Ty
15 Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities The newsletter
The newsletter covers mental health aspects of diagnosis, treatment, and habilitation needs of persons with developmental disabilities.
Click Here Mhaspectsofddcom Datenschutzrichtlinienz
16 Philadelphia, PA., Internet Support For Invisible/Hidden Disabilities The Philadelphia
The Philadelphia, PA., Internetsupport For invisible/hidden disabilities.
17 Credo for Support Of people
Of people with disabilities.
Permanently The Port Serverapache
18 Teras NLD Jumpstation A Resource
A Resource on Nonverbal Learning Disabilities by an NLD Person.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Reach Mailsites Maps User Movies News Finance
19 KidPower A family
A family support area for Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities.
20 Hemi-Kids Mailing lists
Mailing lists and pen pals for children with disabilities.
Hemi Mailing Kids Cerebral Palsy Listserv@maelstromstjohnsedu Kidsfirstname Kids Hemi Instructionstopics Nancy Children Httpwwwhemikidsorg List
21 Willies Story Real stories
Real stories about several people with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities.
22 PGA Resource Center for Disabilities Directory of
Directory of resources and programs for players with diasabilities.
Golf Pga Instruction Equipment Best Photos Courses Championship Tips Course America Memorial Lesson Game Video Clubs Tickets Memorial+more Quick Tournaments
23 Arizona - Rainbow Acres, Inc. Offering services
Offering services to men and women with developmental disabilities.
Rainbow Acres Fine Giving Arts Events Rancher Verde Valley Training Developmental Employment Application Promise Special Adopt Leadership Neurodevelopmental History Community
24 Confoozled Carlys site.
Carlys site. Topics range from music, to disabilities, to graphic art... from technology, to pets.
Z Confoozledcom Y
25 ADD Resource Search engine
Search engine and directory for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities.
Learning Attention Adhd Deficit Addresourcecom Chadd Tools Disorder Disabilities Basics Chapters Sites Add Addadhd
26 The Invisible Disabilities Advocate Provides pamphlets
Provides pamphlets, links, a booklet and more to create a better understanding of the debilitating symptoms of MS.
Invisible Ida Awards Xe People Awareness Free Good Look Just Contact Board Idas | Disabilities Sensitivities Matter
27 The Capper Foundation Mission is
Mission is to enhance the independence of people with physical disabilities, primarily children.
Services Seals Easter Autism Foundation Capper Giving Contact Go Living Give Walk Other Support Ways Sponsor Recreation Shore Accessible
28 Kamp Dovetail A volunteer
A volunteer run summer camp for children with physical and mental disabilities in Ohio
Kamp Dovetail Volunteer Needs Profit Children Non Summer Ohio Special Camp Disabilities Charity Kid County
29 The UDGD Spot Resources and
Resources and information for families of children with genetic disabilities or syndromes that are still awaiting a diagnosis.
Bestrequest Roocom Campnet
30 Hope In Wellness Support and
Support and information to persons with invisible disabilities and illnesses and those experiencing emotional turmoil.
Hope Wellness Disorders Disabilities Invisible Disorder Mental Support Health Healing Join Diabetes Mara Vestibular Emotional
31 Pediatric Oncall: Learning Disabilities A basic
A basic information guide aimed at parents of LD children and teens.
32 The Healthy Gimp Practical information
Practical information and motivation for persons with a spinal cord injury and other physical disabilities.
Motivation Health Injury Cord Self Spinal Gimp Speaker Determination Constipation Disability Physically Paraplegic Information Healthy Help Men Lutein
33 Equus Heals A family
A family oriented program offering therapeutic and educational opportunities for children with disabilities.
Request Error Disabled Websitez
34 Melody and Mollys Preemie Page Includes the
Includes the story and pictures of premature siblings and provides information on disabilities.
Sign Policy Places Lifestream People Everything Now Updated Date Rights Aolcom Social Network Search Trademarks Youre Reserved Stay
35 Survivor Acceptance Providing support
Providing support, resources, and inspiration for survivors of brain or other traumatic injuries, disabilities or illnesses.
Acceptance Survivor Brain Disability Injury Progress Catastrophe Life Testimonials Topics Nancy Making Facts Contact Coaching Speaking Self Struggle Basics
36 Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois Contact details
Contact details for local chapters, an events calendar, and membership information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
37 Kimberly Englehardt Autobiography Life story
Life story of a woman with multiple disabilities, including arthrogryposis multiplex congenita.
38 Flight Ability Offering aviation
Offering aviation lessons to those with disabilities. Based in Linden, North Carolina. (Flash required)
Trike Flight Ultralight Disabled Trikes Classifieds Here Aircraft Click Lamouette Also Popular Fly Abilitys Jaxa Rozen Metlitzky Handbreak Landing Broken Flightability
39 Ohio Supports, Inc. Cincinnati-based provider
Cincinnati-based provider of care and instruction for people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities.
Supports Ohio Inc Services Hartman Reed Employment Contact  welcome Hwysuite Living Caring Fostering Improving Ohiosupports
40 Handicapped Scuba Association International Training and
Training and certifying agency that specializes in recreational diving for people with disabilities.
Scuba Training Hsa Click Member Diving Here Instructor Trips Underwater Dive Photo Association Schedule Resort Through Store Tampa Buddy
41 Whitney Hope Foundation Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization which assists families and individuals with spinal cord injury and disabilities.
Louis Vuitton Alma Neverfull Speedy Outlet Ugg Authentic Louisvuitton Clutch Handbags Hope Nike Store Artsy
42 Handicapped Scuba Association International Training and
Training and certifying agency that specializes in recreational diving for people with disabilities.
Scuba Training Hsa Click Member Diving Here Instructor Trips Schedule Photo Dive Resort Underwater Association Beqa Remove Divers
43 HSA International The Handicapped
The Handicapped Scuba Association is an independent training and certifying agency that specializes in recreational diving for people with disabilities.
Hsa Dive Scuba Handicapped Buddy Linda Support Divers Association Maui Professional Program Travel Message Contact Team David Davidcertified
44 Independence Center A non-profit
A non-profit residential program dedicated to independent living for young adults with a variety of learning disabilities.
Center Independence Program Apply West Skills Staff Special Phases Faqs How Recreation Application Schedule Angeles Young
45 Overcome Attention Deficit Disorder - Neural Cognitive Therapy Offering a
Offering a program to treat learning disabilities without medication.
Disorder Adhd Attention Training Testing Deficit Add Articles Sharper Doctors Testimonial Dyslexia Free Testimonials Learning Companyinfo Systemboth Much
46 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews Journal information
Journal information, table of contents, and online order form.
Html Article Permissions Pdfk References Ndash Pages Full Request Enhanced Abstract Disability Intellectual Developmental Wiley Analysis Rare Mouse
47 Stepping Out of the Box Inspiring people
Inspiring people with disabilities, spinal cord injuries in particular, to reject the victim label that has often accompanied the word disability.
Piazza Krisann Theme Stepping Horse Wordpress Navigation Boxsci * Posts Found Copyright Krisann Sci
48 HSA International The Handicapped
The Handicapped Scuba Association is an independent training and certifying agency that specializes in recreational diving for people with disabilities.
Scuba Training Hsa Here Member Diving Click Trips Instructor Underwater Association Dive Resort Schedule Photo Programs Doing Signup
49 Disney Parks: Tokyo Disneyland A list
A list on where to find information about Disneys Japanese Park. Includes help for people with disabilities.
Parks Theme Coasters Roller Flags Water Aboutcom Guide Park Universal Floridas Ride Disney Policy Planning Steel Orlando Frozen
50 Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania - Ozarks Area Provides newsletter
Provides newsletter, calendar of events, local resources, basic information, and advocacy.
Account Suspended Suspendedthisz Been
51 Autism-Comorbidity Online group
Online group and mailing list for people who have, or are related to someone who has, an autistic spectrum disorder and one or more other disabilities or health conditions.
Yahoo Autism Help Comorbidity Groups Please Also Suggestions Owner@yahoogroupscom Page Central Finance Travel Inc Ifyoure
52 Camping Unlimited Residential camp
Residential camp for children with developmental disabilities. Features programs, history, facilities, and staff application form.
Donate Camp Volunteer Sponsor Program Mission Music Wish Employment Permanently The Fundraiser Directions Become Tradition Harts
53 Rights of Deaf And Hard of Hearing Explains this
Explains this section of the Americans With Disabilities Act, which deals with shopping, medical treatment, attorneys and telecommunications.
Deaf Treatment Medical State Local Public Government Courts Tdd Businesses Americans Employment Stores Attorneys Important
54 A Family Member HomeCare Provider of
Provider of services for the elderly wanting to avoid a nursing home, people with disabilities, or those needing assistance during rehabilitation.
Care Florida Services Elder Staff Resources Health Caregiver County Caregivers Dementia Blog Boca News Raton
55 AAPD - American Association Of People With Disabilities A cross-disability
A cross-disability site with numerous resources and free membership available. Home of the Enable magazine.
Aapd Disability Leadership White Award Weekly Partners Message Marks Board Executive House Awards Sign Minimum Winners Interfaith Mentoring Idac
56 COMHAR Helping area
Helping area people who have developmental disabilities, mental health concerns and physical limitations. Description of services and contact details.
Adults Policy Contact Open House Services Program Login Information John Times Maintenance | Emergency Why
57 Exceptional Nurse For nurses
For nurses and students with disabilities. Offers annotated links to equipment, mentors, employment, financial aid, legal issues and research.
Nursing Nurse Nurses Education Blog Disabilities Career Disability Exceptional Employment Equipment Careeror Lpning Books Employers Most |
58 Hillside Haflingers Personal story
Personal story about owning one, information about an organization devoted to helping children with disabilities through exposure to the breed, and related links.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Inc Guidelines User Machineterms News Wayback Privacy Maps Trying
59 Integrate Paddling Sea kayaking
Sea kayaking club offering opportunities and equipment to anyone interested and of any ability. Information about their programme (including for people with disabilities) and contact details.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy News Archiveorg Mail Tryingfinance User Games Machine
60 Paper Boat Articles, presentations
Articles, presentations, and consulting services on using the wraparound approach in community agencies that support children and families dealing with emotional disabilities.
Wraparound Services Wrap Directive Welcome Supervision Joomla Workshops Paperboat Virtual Archive Based Article Xhtml John Franz Thanks Presentations
61 JSL Racing Team raises
Team raises money for children with disabilities. Racing results, schedule, and news.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Maps Internethosting Sites Inc Longeravailable Popular Finance Guidelines
62 Tomatis Listening Method Auditory intervention
Auditory intervention for learning disabilities, autism, PDD, ADD, and other learning challenges.
Tomatis Listening Sacarin Center Development Movement Method Alfred Effect Seattle Training Integration Auditory Bellevue Psycho Motor
63 Agility on Wheels A mailing
A mailing list for dog handlers with disabilities interested in dog agility for fun, confidence building, and competition.
Yahoo Agilityonwheels Help Please Groups Shopping Finance Parenting Beauty Games News Screen Yahoos Also Xhome
64 Top Soccer Soccer program
Soccer program for young people with disabilities in Ohio.
Found Requested Server Itpleasesorry Page
65 Mischas Place A place
A place for ostomates and those with disabilities to gather and share.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Visit Wayback Machinetrying User Internet Terms Mail Maps
66 Camp Huntington Three summer
Three summer recreation programs in High Falls, New York for kids and teens with learning and developmental disabilities. Information for each program, schedule, forms, and FAQ.
Camp Program Weekend Summer Huntington Staff Leadership Activities Team Daily Registration Spirit Health Day Typical Camper
67 Camp Huntington Three summer
Three summer recreation programs in High Falls, New York for kids and teens with learning and developmental disabilities. Information for each program, schedule, forms, and FAQ.
Camp Program Summer Weekend Huntington Staff Activities Leadership Team Daily Registration Wonderland Sessionsregistration Schedules Themes Teamleadership Syndrome Registrationlog
68 Rainbow Olympic Games A two-day
A two-day sporting event held annually in Richmond, Virginia for children and adolescents (ages 6-21) with medically diagnosed visual and/or physical disabilities.
69 Developmental Pediatrics Specialist in
Specialist in delays, ADHD, autism, Asperger Syndrome and learning disabilities. Includes physician profile and practice details. Pleasantville, New York.
Bertin Mindfulness Adhd Blog Development Lectures Child Family Recommended Central Ny Dr Classes Mark Developmental Today Contact
70 North Star Foundation A nonprofit
A nonprofit that breeds, trains, and places golden retrievers with children who have developmental disabilities, autism, physical challenges, or emotional problems.
Dogs Special Star North Children Developmental Autism Needs Disorder Disabilities Way Golden Early Helping Aspergers Brainbuilder Guide
71 Three Gaits, Inc. Center provides
Center provides lessons for children, youth, and adults with disabilities and special needs. Find newsletter, program information, events, links and contacts. Stoughton, Wisconsin.
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72 Special Tools for Learning Detailed information
Detailed information on using visual aids and instruction for people with autism and learning disabilities.
73 Ark Regional Services Details of
Details of services to persons with developmental disabilities in the Laramie, Wyoming area, including hippotherapy.
Services News Community Archive Value Living Health Employment Management Commitment Strong Supported Report Therapy Regional Adopt Horse Interview Riding Arts Auction Securing
74 Sailing Web - Options for Sailors with Disabilities International lists
International lists of accessible sailboat designs, sailing clubs, and regattas, for the disabled.
Sailing Footeprint Accessible Disabled Services Communications Web Hosting Boats Handicapped Options People Maintainedyachting
75 Learning Disabilities Unplugged Offers training
Offers training for teachers, parents, therapists, caregivers, and others who work with people with learning difficulties.
Z Welcome Y
76 Fishing Has No Boundaries Provides fishing
Provides fishing opportunities for people with disabilities.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Trying Archiveorg Mail Sports Finance Internet Machine Sites Archives
77 Conductive Education of Metro Detroit An organization
An organization designed to help children with cerebral palsy learning disabilities and other motor disorders to increase their physical strength, mobility and independence.
Conductive Center Education Metro Detroit Cecmd They Ed Welcome Help Repeat School Roseville Cerebralpalsy Since
78 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
79 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
80 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
81 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
82 The Center for Developmental Disabilities Helps children
Helps children and adults with differing abilities achieve their dreams by overcoming barriers to living, learning, working and recreating in the community of their choice.
Center Disabilities Program Developmental Woodbury Adult Residential Services Inc Events York Day Receive Waiver Color Massapequa Give
83 Camp Kodiak Non-competitive program
Non-competitive program for ages 6 to 18, with and without learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD. Activities, rates, information request form, and photo gallery. In McKellar, Ontario, Canada.
Camp Summer Camps Kodiak Adhd Special Asperger Needs Program Aspergers Asd Social Campers Click Vimeo
84 Camp Kodiak Non-competitive program
Non-competitive program for ages 6 to 18, with and without learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD. Activities, rates, information request form, and photo gallery. In McKellar, Ontario, Canada.
Camp Summer Camps Kodiak Adhd Asperger Special Program Aspergers Needs Social Asd Vimeo Click Page
85 Camp Courageous Overnight camps
Overnight camps and respite weekend programs, in Whitehouse, Ohio, for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Activities, forms, facilities, location, and schedule.
Courageous Camps Camp Weaver Contact Donate Activities Volunteer Employment Proudly Darr Wordpress Menu Respite Ohio Whitehouse
86 Northwest Kiwanis Camp Overnight programs
Overnight programs, in Chimacum, Washington, for ages 6 to 60 with developmental disabilities. Activities, dates and age groups, packing list, scholarships, FAQs, and directions.
Kiwaniscampcom Insurance Cash Advance Consolidation Debt Cell Browse Section Reportterms Credit Legal Free Life
87 High Esteems Camp Goodwill A central
A central New York not-for-profit that provides residential camping as well as, year round programs for children/young adults with physical disabilities and of special needs.
Disabled Website Sorryrequestedbeen
88 Parents of Autistic Children A group
A group of parents sharing information on Autism and related disabilities including PDD-NOS, Aspergers Syndrome and Hyperlexia.
Sign Everything Policy Updated Lifestream Now People Places Networks Read Learnmore Aolcom Reserved Youre Privacyrights
89 Nutrition--The Brainpower Advantage Article discusses
Article discusses various studies on how proper nutrition can boost intellectual skills in children with and without learning disabilities.
Nutrition Add Adhd Children Iqpoints Brainpower They Self Management Virginia Points_ Advantage Academy Products Harrell Drmichael Program]
90 Special Populations and Tobacco Poster session
Poster session from recent conference looks at tobacco and ethnic minorities, low income Americans, people with disabilities.
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91 Special Cowboys Rodeo Association Non profit
Non profit Rodeo produced twice a year. Contestants must be children and adults with developmental disabilities. Participation is free.
Cowboys Association Special Check Rodeo Fill Greatperformers Horseback Bless Arena Else Aroundand Photo Country Very
92 Special Cowboys Rodeo Association Non profit
Non profit Rodeo produced twice a year. Contestants must be children and adults with developmental disabilities. Participation is free.
Rodeo Special Check Association Cowboys Browse Pictures Nothing Competition Sure Photo Arena Aroundand Bless Atleast Y
93 Equus Heals A family
A family oriented program offering therapeutic and educational opportunities for children with disabilities. Provides information on the program, photos and contacts.
Disabled Error Request Websitez
94 Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center West Virginia
West Virginia charity serving children with physical disabilities provides information about services, resources for families, volunteer opportunities, and special events.
Easter Seals Services Walk Autism Living Virginia West Contact Disabilities Giving Americans Older Give Join Privacy Brain Fundraiser Science Camping Support
95 Camping Unlimited Overnight camp
Overnight camp for children with developmental disabilities in Northern Californias Santa Cruz Mountains. Features programs, history, facilities, and staff application form.
Volunteer Donate Camp Program Mission Sponsor Terms Fundraiser Board Privacy Use Tradition Summer Serving Unlimited
96 Mesa Association of Sports for the Disabled Organization dedicated
Organization dedicated to providing sports and recreation opportunities to people with disabilities. Includes programs, newsletter and events.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Machine Visit Archiveorg Games Terms Inc Hosting Userprivacy Longeravailable
97 Therapeutic Riding Instruction of Lawrence Provides services
Provides services for children and adults with disabilities. Find FAQ, photos, information on lessons and events. Located in Lawrence, Kansas.
Create Tripod Checkrequested Hosting Page Couldnt Shopping Signup Lycos Login Lycoscomplease
98 Health Achievement Learning Opportunities (HALO) Centers, Inc. Medical team
Medical team approach to the diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities in children, adolescents, and adults.
Best Credit Free Report Cheap Luxury Pain Relief Cars Health College Phones Halocenterscom Migraine Insurance Speed Air Parental
99 Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) Connection Devoted to
Devoted to the facilitation of networking for the further understanding of NLD, its challenges, and its successful interventions. Focuses on Coaching, Consulting, and Tele-classes. Offers Newsletter and events calendar.
100 Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania - Bucks County Provides symptoms
Provides symptoms, strategies, tips, events schedule of national and local conferences, resources for parents and teachers, and summer camp links.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Longeravailable Toolbar Reach Sports Sitesarchives Internet Games
101 Camp Kodiak Offers children
Offers children and teens with and without learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder a Non-competitive environment. Contains a list of activities, rates, information request form, and photo gallery.
Camp Summer Camps Kodiak Adhd Asperger Special Needs Program Aspergers Social Asd Skills Click Syndrome
102 Camp Kodiak Offers children
Offers children and teens with and without learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder a Non-competitive environment. Contains a list of activities, rates, information request form, and photo gallery.
Camp Summer Camps Kodiak Adhd Special Asperger Program Needs Aspergers Asd Social Skills Vimeo Campers
103 South Dakota - Black Hills Workshop and Training Center Descriptions of
Descriptions of community based employment, health, rehabilitation and residential services and supports available to people with physical and developmental disabilities.
Black Hills Works Bell Learn Mcdermott Simply Award Services News Rodney Resources Breakoutpdf Center Mike Recreation Beautification People Mailing
104 Dive Mobile Offers information
Offers information on courses for people with disabilities through to Instructor. PADI and IAHD courses as standard. Photo gallery, newsletter, contact details available.
Dive Diver Scuba Mobile Course Instructor Learn Writing Servicehtml Scene Training Specialty Further Discover Padi Open Copyright
105 Institute for Remedial Intervention Services (IRIS) Services include
Services include supporting the needs of children with learning disabilities and behavioural disorders, parent support, and teacher training.
Autism India Special Support Children Intervention Articles Chennai Hyderabad Remedial Services Events Syndrome Aspergers Registration Educator
106 Hallowell Center Specializes in
Specializes in the treatment of ADD, worry/anxiety in both adults and children, also child learning disabilities. Message board, articles, center information and resources.
Hallowell Adhd Dr Centers Add Book Edward – Parenting Crazy Busy Appsbooks Live Webmaster Center
107 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Philadelphia Chapter Local Philadelphia
Local Philadelphia, PA support for EDS and connective tissue disorders, also offers a Service Guide for Invisible/Hidden Disabilities.
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108 Autism Family Circle Informative and
Informative and resourceful site for autism and related disabilities. Established by mother of four with autism.
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109 Learning Disabilities Association of Texas Provides basic
Provides basic information, tips, homework strategies, community education, advocacy, support groups, conferences, reference library, publication order form, and resources.
Navigationshilfe Ty
110 New Jersey - Childrens Center of Monmouth County Educational services
Educational services and training in adaptive living and pre-vocational skills for students, ages 3 to 21, with multiple disabilities or a diagnosis of autism and pervasive developmental delays.
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111 The Horse of Teneker Program designed
Program designed to promote and improve the functioning of individuals suffering from various levels of emotional disabilities. Features description of services, mission statement, photos and contacts. Durand, Illinois.
Tripod Create Lycos Tripodcom Login Requested Page Check Lycoscom Signup Shoppinghosting Please Couldnt
112 Health Depot Directory to
Directory to health and medical sites about diet, fitness, disabilities, diseases, health resources, products and sales.
Domain Motorcycle Blakkatcom Parking Programm Inhaber Clothing Informationen Thema Infohtmlcategory=keyword=token= Beacons Here Informationsquelle Website Beacon
113 Dream Catchers Therapeutic Horsemanship Details about
Details about this organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding as therapy and rehabilitation to individuals with mental and physical disabilities. Located in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Catchers Dream Horsemanship Therapeutic Therapy Disabilities Riding Horseback Emotional Handicapped Children Virginiacorganization Individuals
114 Prancing Horse A non-profit
A non-profit organization dedicated to providing services and horse-related activities to individuals with disabilities. Find program description and contacts. Located in Cameron, NC.
Southern Pines Pinehurst Sandhills County Park Federal Moore Allocation Weddings Asset Turtle Account Parks Login Free Jobs Campbell
115 Mesa Association of Sports for the Disabled A non-profit
A non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to providing sports and recreation opportunities to people with disabilities. Features newsletter, events and guestbook
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Archiveorg Toolbarhosting Mail Sports User Trying Games
116 Childrens Association for Maximum Potential (C.A.M.P.) Camping and
Camping and respite programs in Center Point, Texas for children with severe disabilities or medical conditions and their families. Includes calendar, family support program, and FAQs.
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117 Attention Deficit Specialists ADD/ADHD treatment
ADD/ADHD treatment using EEG biofeedback, a non-drug approach also used with learning disabilities, behavior problems, sleep disorders, and autism. Free introductory seminars. Located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Deficit Attention Treatment Services Specialists Cepd Training Social Psychological Cognitive Multimodal Behavioral Adhd Problems Disorder Skills Qeegs Brain Counseling Solutions Division
118 Camping Unlimited Overnight camp
Overnight camp in Boulder Creek, California for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Features programs, history, facilities, and staff application form. [Forms are Microsoft Word documents.]
Camp Sponsor Donate Mission Volunteer Program Become Needscampkrem@gmailcom Statement Unlimited Board Wish Terms
119 Kayak Vancouver Offers classes
Offers classes in flatwater and whitewater paddling, as well as rolling lessons. Features a program to offer people with disabilities accessible water sports and tourism. Located in British Columbia, Canada.
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120 Who has a Disability? Post-Polio Syndrome
Post-Polio Syndrome, CFS, progressive long term disabilities, helpful hints and links, information on SS Guidelines, equipment options, accessibility solutions, handicap lifestyle changes, family awareness and support.
121 Camp Kirk A co-ed
A co-ed residential camp who provide a nurturing, non-competitive, and structured atmosphere for 6 to 14 years olds who have learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD. Includes testimonials, FAQ, dates, rates, and application.
Camp Kirk Parents Camper Questions Summer Testimonials Videos Special Resources Needs Children Fees Album Enriched Application Donate Spectrum Disorders Campers
122 Camp Lee Mar Eastern Pennsylvania
Eastern Pennsylvania camp for kids and young adults with developmental and learning disabilities. Includes traditional and educational activities, request form, staff, and gear list.
Camp Gallery Mar Story Staff Gear Alumni Tuition Lee Faqs Directors Dates Enroll Campers Reach Private Day Developmentalchallenges
123 BlazeSports An information
An information and referral service that delivers opportunities for persons with physical disabilities. Features news, mailing list, calendar of events, photos, and sports camp information.
124 Camp Excel Summer day
Summer day program in Howell, New Jersey for kids with social skills challenges and mild learning disabilities. Includes staff, program, pre-approval information, and FAQs.
Camp Excel Program County Saturday Summer Monmouth Bergen Social Skills Friendships Building Children Programs Welcome Last
125 Camp Kirk Offers a
Offers a non-competitive atmosphere which allows children with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, or enuresis the opportunities to experience an overnight camp without being ostracized. Contains rates, dates, and an application form.
Camp Kirk Parents Camper Summer Testimonials Videos Serve Staff Campers Directors Children Special Questions Enriched Needs Enuresis Contact Resources
126 Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults: It Rarely Travels Alone Discusses common
Discusses common co-existing conditions, including substance abuse, antisocial personality disorder, learning disabilities, and mood disorders.
Disorder Adolescents Children Adhd Give Deficit Attention Still Mood Antidepressants Safe Wide Spectrum Depression Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Dementia Grieve Chronic
127 The Quest Day Camp Therapeutic day
Therapeutic day program in Huntington Beach, California for children ages 6 to 14 with ADHD, learning disabilities, and related problems. Includes FAQs, registration form, camper comments, and information on specific disorders.
128 BC Wheelchair Sports Association Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization devoted to providing opportunities for athletes with physical disabilities. Contacts, news, mission statement, history, membership, event calendar, program information, and coaching resources.
Wheelchair Sports Tennis Become Program Bcwsa Donate Junior Community News Events Birmingham Come National Games Holiday Sportsdayincanada
129 BC Wheelchair Sports Association Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization devoted to providing opportunities for athletes with physical disabilities. Contacts, news, mission statement, history, membership, event calendar, program information, and coaching resources.
Wheelchair Sports Tennis Become Program Bcwsa Donate Junior Come Events News Birmingham Association Community Games Watch
130 Camp Timberwolf Girls, boys
Girls, boys, and coed tent camping programs in Hendersonville, North Carolina for ages 6 to 12 with ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders. Includes registration form, activities, facilities, and staff.
Camp Summer Camps Carolina Swing Jobs Featured Ocd Ld Resources Gardening Children Name Hendersonville Location
131 Summit Camp and Travel Serving boys
Serving boys and girls classified as having attention deficit disorders and possible concomitant learning disabilities or mild emotional problems. Located in Wayne County, Pennsylvania, 3 hours from New York City.
Camp Travel Summit Programs Weekender Servingtourette’s Functioning Asperger’s Concerns Issues Adhd Attention Social
132 Talisman Summer Camps Conducts programs
Conducts programs for children and teens ages 9-17 with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Aspergers syndrome, and high-functioning autism. Photos, program details, dates, rates, and registration forms.
133 Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities Presents research
Presents research and clinical reports from services for multihandicapped individuals, with case studies detailing findings from many professional fields. Includes contents, author instructions and archived issues.
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134 Follow-up of Premature Babies at Risk Article describing
Article describing the need for follow-up of pre-term infants that may be at risk for developmental delays, or other disabilities.
Preemie Follow Pre Term Developmental High Premature Risk Infants Followup Comeunity Books Childrenborn Shops
135 Partners in Equestrian Therapy (PET) Equestrian therapy
Equestrian therapy for individuals with disabilities, on central California coast, using Norwegian Fjords. San Luis Obispo.
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136 Massachusetts - Autism Service Association Community employment
Community employment, supported employment and clinical supports to people with autism and other developmental disabilities.
Sign Lifestream Places Policy Now People Everything Updated Insign Stay Downloads Networks Readterms Bulk
137 Burcott RDA (Riding & Driving Group) Provides riding
Provides riding and carriage driving for people of all ages with disabilities. News, photographs and diary dates.
138 IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center By enabling
By enabling human capability through innovation, the center strives to help people with disabilities maximize their potential.
Navigationshilfe Ty
139 Massachusetts - Autism Services Association Serves the
Serves the needs of individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities in Central and Eastern Massachusetts.
Sign Updated Now People Lifestream Places Policy Everything Aolcom Email Create Networks Read Learnmore Stream Privacy Multiple
140 Children Home Connection Provides 24-hour
Provides 24-hour residential treatment and special education services to children with special needs and disabilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
141 Athletes Helping Athletes Provide handcycles
Provide handcycles, wheelchairs, prosthetics and other adaptive sports equipment to children with disabilities. Includes event list, grant application, letters from recipients, and donation information.
Shop Running Shoes Sports Road Asics Runner Nike Gel Best Socks Kayanoreg Brooks Skorts
142 Athletes Helping Athletes Provide handcycles
Provide handcycles, wheelchairs, prosthetics and other adaptive sports equipment to children with disabilities. Includes event list, grant application, letters from recipients, and donation information.
Running Shoes Sports Shop Gear Asics Nike Runner Gel Road Family Best Shipping Brooks Free Kayanoreg Kayanor Fitness Outfit
143 Pennsylvania Center for Adapted Sports A member
A member of Disabled Sports USA. Promotes adapted recreation, and sport opportunities for persons with physical and neurological disabilities.
Version Page Column Blog Style Avada Portfolio Slider Shop Width Logo Full Classic Text Audio Mauris Best Alternate
144 Paradise Labradoodles Sites highlights
Sites highlights are sections on coat types in Labradoodles, and Labradoodles as service dogs, including personal stories of Labradoodles used with children with disabilities.
145 United Cerebral Palsy of Eastern Connecticut UCPA provides
UCPA provides assistance to those with cerebral palsy and other disabilities and to their families to maximize opportunities to lead normal, productive lives.
Port Click Offices Contact Enlarge Pages Apache Ucp Statementlink Faq Discussion Connecticut Terms
146 United Cerebral Palsy of Eastern Connecticut UCPA provides
UCPA provides assistance to those with cerebral palsy and other disabilities and to their families to maximize opportunities to lead normal, productive lives.
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147 Rocky Hill Eye Associates Dr. Michael
Dr. Michael Goldstein, OD operates an optometry practice in Rocky Hill, CT. Information on vision, learning disabilities, headaches and lazy eyes.
Rsaquo Account Afternic Domains Agent Buy Domain Sell Create Now Activation Industry List Pros Afternicdls Featured
148 Summit Camp and Travel Serves boys
Serves boys and girls with attention deficit disorders, learning disabilities, or mild emotional problems. Includes newsletters, photo albums, and information on camp activities. [Pennsylvania].
Camp Summit Travel Programs Weekender Serving Program Participants Adhd Attention Attentiondeficit Disorder Autismchildren Teens
149 The Cerebral Palsy Kids Center A multidisciplinary
A multidisciplinary treatment center for children with all types of developmental disabilities. Areas of specialty include CP, sensory integration dysfunction, torticollis, spina bifida, down syndrome, and autism.
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150 Yoga for the Special Child Evanston -
Evanston - Yoga for babies and children with special needs: Down syndrome, autism, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.
Yoga Special Child Sumar Programs Sonia Book Program Adhd Autism Cerebral Palsy Childr Syndrome Children Disabilities Kong Barnes
151 Yoga for the Special Child Evanston -
Evanston - Yoga for babies and children with special needs: Down syndrome, autism, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.
Yoga Special Child Programs Sumar Sonia Book Autism Palsy Program Cerebral Adhd Childr Syndrome Disabilities Randolph India Microcephaly
152 Nebraska Families for Early Autism Treatment A self
A self help advocacy group in Nebraska focusing on children with autism, and how to best obtain educational services for them pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Feat Autism Nebraska Therapy Treatment Providers News Aba Resources Effective Facts Occupational Clinical Whats Informed Activities Local Psychologists
153 Burcott RDA (Riding & Driving Group) Provides riding
Provides riding and carriage driving for people of all ages with disabilities, mainly in the Somerset, Bath and Bristol area. News, photographs and diary dates.
154 Adaptive Sports Association Facilitates outdoor
Facilitates outdoor activities, including hiking, skiing, snowboarding and kayaking for people with physical and cognitive disabilities. Features information for volunteers, events, membership details and contact details.
Sports Colorado Adaptive Association Durango Events Forms Program Summer Calendar Lessons Activity Skiers Risk Scholarships Classic Statement Data Asa
155 Dr Orso Osti Practice involves
Practice involves the clinical assessment and management of patients with musculoskeletal disabilities including cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, hip disorders and degenerative knee disorders. Located in North Adelaide, Australia.
Surgery Adelaide Orthopaedic Surgeon Spinal Pain Osti Contact Facet Stabilisation Lorenzo Practice Anterior Orso Street
156 Talisman Camps & Programs Conducts programs
Conducts programs for children and teens ages 9-17 with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Aspergers syndrome, and high-functioning autism. Photos, program details, dates, rates, and registration forms.
157 Massachusetts - Behavior Analysis and Technology, Inc. A company
A company that provides services for children and adults with developmental disabilities. This includes behavioral consulting, behavioral assessments, and in-service training to schools, community programs, and families of individuals with special needs.
158 Access Movements Access Movements
Access Movements with Kinga C. Balogh, located in San Bruno California, provides Anat Baniel and Feldenkrais therapy to children with neuro-motor disabilities, such as cerebral palsy.
159 The Huntercombe Group The Huntercombe
The Huntercombe Group is a specialist care provider in the UK, providing treatment in the areas of Mental Health and Addictions, Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Neurodisability, and Learning Disabilities.
Huntercombe Health Group Clinical Mental Camhs Injury Media Brain Adult News Specialist Events Privacy Intellectual Best Interest Scroll
160 Camp Oakhurst Summer camp
Summer camp, year round respite and vacation programs in Oakhurst, New Jersey for children and adults with physical disabilities. Includes general information, services, and schedule.
Summer Camp Respite Oakhurst Overnight Adults Services Traditional Gallery Adult Rent Donate Spring Media Advocacy
161 Dr. Annalee Kitay Using the
Using the Neural Organization Technique to treat many conditions, including Learning Disabilities, by reorganizing the way information is transmitted in the body. The physician uses digital pressure on various points of the patients body as well as spinal and cranial bone manipulation.
Neural Organization Analyst Kitay Technique Body Annalee Dc Alternative Holistic Chiropractic Phisician Primal Dr Y
162 Lions Club Camp Kirk Co-ed residential
Co-ed residential camp whose mission is to provide a nurturing, non-competitive, and structured atmosphere for 6 to 14 years olds who have learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD. Located in Kirkfield, Ontario. Testimonials, FAQ, dates, rates, and application.
Camp Kirk Parents Camper Questions Videos Testimonials Summer Special Application Contact Photo Inquiries Activities Donate Directors Fun Toll
163 Lions Club Camp Kirk Co-ed residential
Co-ed residential camp whose mission is to provide a nurturing, non-competitive, and structured atmosphere for 6 to 14 years olds who have learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD. Located in Kirkfield, Ontario. Testimonials, FAQ, dates, rates, and application.
Camp Kirk Camper Parents Testimonials Summer Videos Questions Special Album Enriched Dates Application Needs Inquiries Frequently Parent Photo Payments Donate
164 United Cerebral Palsy of Los Angeles Dedicated to
Dedicated to meeting needs of children and adults with cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities to enable them to lead lives of dignity and purpose, and receive quality care and training.
165 Health Boards Moderated message
Moderated message boards covering cancer, allergies, alternative health, mental health, cerebal palsy, and disabilities.
Health Boards Message Advice Anxiety Cancer Christaib Posts Diet Videos Diabetes Allergies Just Beauty Ringing Boardsrecent Archive
166 Keep Kids Healthy - Guide to School Performance A discussion
A discussion of school performance problems in adolescents, including ADHD, learning disabilities, motivation, school strategies.
167 Child Development Institute Provides information
Provides information on parenting, child development, child psychology, health and safety, learning disabilities and teens.
168 Preemie-child: Children born premature who are now school age. Support for
Support for parents of children who have disabilities or special needs due to prematurity. Numerous articles by parents and professionals, mailing list, bulletin board, and annotated resources.
Preemie Child List Parenting Premature Mailing Books Needs Preemies Special Parents Advocacy Older Baby Prematurity
169 Camp Kodiak Integrated summer
Integrated summer camp for children and teens with and without learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder. Non-competitive environment with over 50 sports and activities. Social Skills Program, Academic Program. 2-to-1 camper-to-staff ratio.
Camp Kodiaky
170 Camp Kodiak Integrated summer
Integrated summer camp for children and teens with and without learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder. Non-competitive environment with over 50 sports and activities. Social Skills Program, Academic Program. 2-to-1 camper-to-staff ratio.
Camp Summer Camps Kodiak Adhd Special Asperger Aspergers Program Needs Asd Social Page Add Syndrome
171 Adventures on
Adventures on the Hudson River. Half day touring programs for the novice, two day whitewater clinics for the adventurous, indoor programs in the winter, adaptive programs for people with disabilities. Based in Pleasant Valley.
Kayaks River Kayak Connection Programs Canoe Instruction Storefront Association Basics Private American Tours Valley Selection Semi Tuneup Venture Events Operated
172 Option-counseling On-line counseling
On-line counseling for people with disabilities, people in crisis, and people with chronic illnesses. A safe frame of reference to look at issues of depression, loneliness, and feelings of worthlessness. Also offers articles and books.
Url Managernet Domain Instructions Name Legalterms Backorder Expired Renewal Counselingcom Copyrightic’e–ÑÅ í Optionreserved Rights
173 Functional Therapy Activities CD-ROM software
CD-ROM software for occupational and physical therapists in rehabilitation, with 200 functional therapy ideas for various disabilities, including treatment planning for ADL and vocational rehabilitation.
174 Mississippi Advocacy and Protection Mississippi Protection
Mississippi Protection and Advocacy System, Inc. is a private, nonprofit agency which receives federal funds to protect & advocate the rights of individuals with disabilities
Z Mspascom Y
175 Greater Nebraska Top Soccer Soccer program
Soccer program for young people with disabilities in the Greater Nebraska Area. Schedule, pictures and registration form.
176 Bear River Ranch Offers summer
Offers summer science camp for ages 7-17 and spring, summer, and fall camping programs for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Also available for group rental. Located in Rolla. Programs, photos, FAQ, and registration information.
Camp Science Creek Summer Animal Missouri Zoo Animals Ranch River Bear Director@bearriverranchcom Vet Ill Crime
177 The ADD/ADHD/LD Links & Resources Page Information for
Information for parents and adults about attention deficit disorders and learning disabilities. Includes ADD/ADHD characteristics, fact sheet on LDs, and links to additional resources.
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178 National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI) A national
A national organization that enables parents to find information and resources for their children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.
Children Parents Visual National Information Provide Support Napvi Local Money Impairments Workshops Awareness Familyconnect Blind Espantildeol Provides
179 Infants & Young Children Devoted to
Devoted to clinical management of infants and young children with, or at risk for, developmental disabilities. Provides current applications of educational, therapeutic, diagnostic, and family support concepts to practice settings.
180 Disability Resource Associates (DRA) Training and
Training and resources for individuals with LD, their family and friends, service providers, educational institutions, businesses, and other groups working with learning disabilities. On-site, teleconference, and distance training on accommodations, modifications, strategies, self advocacy, legal issues, and assistive technology.
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181 United States Sled Hockey Association (USSHA) Promotes the
Promotes the sport of sled hockey nationally and internationally for athletes with disabilities. Includes news, calendar, member teams, rules and regulations, membership application, equipment manufacturers and related links.
Z Request Y
182 Patient Safety Center of Inquiry Supports clinicians
Supports clinicians in providing safe patient care by designing and testing clinical innovations, technological solutions, and patient safety improvement systems. Research targets the frail elderly and persons with disabilities.
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183 Canadian Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association CEWHA works
CEWHA works to provide a quality hockey program for all persons with disabilities who have limited upper body strength and/or mobility, who could significantly benefit from the use of an electric wheelchair in competitive sport.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Customer Privacy Domains Web Account Aabaco Please Help Partners Claim
184 Northwest Language and Learning Services Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA clinic specializing in language and learning disabilities, articulation, nonverbal learning disorders, and executive function disorders.
185 Occupational and Physical therapy for children & adolescents Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy and physical therapy in Durham, North Carolina. Sensory Integration available. Meeting needs of developmental disabilities. Medicaid and many insurance plans accepted.
Sensory Occupational Therapy Accepts Title Diagnosis Entire Processing Family Blank Children Blue Motor Integration Contact Therapist
186 Occupational and Physical therapy for children & adolescents Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy and physical therapy in Durham, North Carolina. Sensory Integration available. Meeting needs of developmental disabilities. Medicaid and many insurance plans accepted.
Sensory Occupational Accepts Therapy Family Hosting Blue Blank Processing Integration Look Motor Children Entire Contact Links * Theneeds What
187 Learning Disabilities Association of New York - Western Region Programs offered
Programs offered include supportive living, independent living skills training, vocational counseling, ABE/GED and computer classes, support groups, workshops, therapeutic recreation, advocacy, family services, after-school activities, and emergency intervention.
Sign Places Updated Now Policy Everything People Lifestream Privacy Trademarks Stay Bulk Network Search Simplifying Social
188 Neurowaves Home Neurowaves real
Neurowaves real time EEG feedback for the treatment of ADD, Hyperactivity, stroke, traumatic head injury, whiplash, postconcussion syndrome, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome post concussion syndrom, acquired brain injury, and learning disabilities.
Contact Location Here Click Enrichment Testimonials Academic Services Staff Jeremiah Point Newelimination Home
189 Rehab Equipment using Paper-based Technology Explanations and
Explanations and photos of Appropriate Paper-based technology techniques used to make rehabilitation equipment, specially designed furniture, and toys for children with disabilities.
Technology Based History Courses Paper Manual Apt News Pictures Disability Booklet Appropriate Physio Email Tips Hintsmeasuring
190 North Hills Preparatory School A college
A college preparatory school focused on a therapeutic approach to supporting students with a variety of disabilities. Located in North Hills, CA.
School Prep Hills Information Lmft North Program Arial Academics Arts Services Helvetica Ma Academy Schoolcalendardoc Santic Jacobs Ramirez Ortiz Lupe Zadikov Dates Catapultktm Blake
191 Rhode Island - Barry M. Prizant, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Dr. Prizant
Dr. Prizant has more than 25 years experience as a clinical scholar, researcher and consultant to young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related communication disabilities and their families. He is the Director of Childhood Communication Services and an Adjunct Professor in the Center for Human Development, Brown University.
192 Pet Therapy Society of Northern Alberta Training, support
Training, support, and coordination of volunteers and companion animals for animal-assisted therapy and animal-assisted activity. Offers visitation in healthcare settings, activity programs for clients with disabilities and literacy program for children.
Alberta Donate Events Needs Server Pets Hospital People | Seejoin Permanently The Apache Learn
193 CranioSacral Therapy: Gentle Effective Bodywork for All Ages Carol Gray
Carol Gray has successfully used the therapy to treat headaches, TMJ dysfunction, chronic middle ear infections, vertigo, depression, back pain, joint immobility, neck pain, sinus congestion, migraines, learning disabilities, and the effects of childhood trauma and negative touch.
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194 Physiotherapy Exercises For People With Spinal Cord Injury Written for
Written for physiotherapists, site enables users to find exercises appropriate for patients with different neurological disabilities (including spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, stroke and multiple sclerosis).
Sydney Australia * Health Physiotherapy Department Hospital Rehabilitation Aprof Word Address Centre Messenger Area Peter Exercises Docs Twitter To School Stephanie
195 CranioSacral Therapy for Infants and Children Gentle, non-invasive
Gentle, non-invasive type of bodywork that is beneficial for infants and children for conditions such as infant colic, chronic middle ear infections, headaches, behavior problems, feeding difficulties, learning disabilities, neurological impairments, the effects of prolonged labor, instrumental delivery, and surgical birth childhood trauma.
Attention Accessmanagerdescription Forbidden Status Host
196 CranioSacral Therapy for Infants and Children Gentle, non-invasive
Gentle, non-invasive type of bodywork that is beneficial for infants and children for conditions such as infant colic, chronic middle ear infections, headaches, behavior problems, feeding difficulties, learning disabilities, neurological impairments, the effects of prolonged labor, instrumental delivery, and surgical birth childhood trauma.
Description Hostmanagerattention Status Access Forbidden
197 Juvenile HD Information for
Information for families with a child with juvenile HD or one at-risk. Includes at-risk, genetic testing/testing of children, related JHD and HD symptoms and how to recognize/help, types of therapies, various medication and drug searches, surgeries, procedures used in testing, suicide, divorce, disabilities, assisstive technology, support links, and benefits/insurance.
Create Tripod Website Shopping Page Login Please Requested Check Tripodcomlycoscom Couldnt Signup Hosting
198 Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Official journal
Official journal of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Covers developmental and psychosocial aspects of pediatric health care. Contains reports, commentary, original articles and reviews. Relevant areas include learning disorders, developmental disabilities, and emotional, behavioral, and psychosomatic problems.
Woltershealth Kluwer Requesterror

4. Computer & Disabilities Games Websites

1 IBM Accessibility Center Brings together
Brings together product and service information for people with disabilities (including low vision), and for those who seek knowledge about solutions or empowering persons with disabilities to ensure a productive working environment.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Enhancing Internet Access Touchscreen system
Touchscreen system for people with disabilities and special needs.
Internet Needs Special Access Enhancing Browser Web People Eia System Free Software Training Disability Download Fully Rehabilitation
3 A List Apart: Facts and Opinions About PDF Accessibility Article by
Article by Joe Clark, examining various aspects of the PDF format and how it impacts on those with disabilities.
Accessibility Pdf Guidelines Web Marking Put Apart Html Work Kevin Cornell List Copyright Google+ How Valediction Likely Official
4 Microsoft Accessibility and Disabilities Houses information
Houses information and tools that can remove barriers and make computers and the world more accessible.
Accessibility Windows Microsoft Office Impairments Technology Products Keys Assistive Computer Internet Worldwide Disability Professionals Keyboard Journalists Trademarks Educators Section Accessible
5 TekAbility A one
A one stop shop for information, reviews, and online shopping for products designed to enhance and assist people with disabilities.
Aids Foot Personal Large Button Alarms Controls Gel Kitchen Solutions Toe Powered Automatic Stool Care Disability Equipment Suppliers
6 Able Disabled Programming Group Offers design
Offers design, hosting, management, e-commerce, and internet access. Run by persons with disabilities. Based in Morgan City, Louisiana.
Request Nginxz
7 Bobby Bobby is
Bobby is a commercial Windows-based tool to analyze web pages for their accessibility to people with disabilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
8 CNN: Web Sites are Locking out the Disabled Office buildings
Office buildings have wheelchair ramps and TV has closed captioning, but many Web sites are inaccessible to people with disabilities. Things dont have to be that way.
Port Moved Serverapache Permanently The
9 CNN: Web Sites are Locking out the Disabled Office buildings
Office buildings have wheelchair ramps and TV has closed captioning, but many Web sites are inaccessible to people with disabilities. Things dont have to be that way.
Port Apache Permanently The Serverz
10 Library Hi Tech Volume 20, Number 2, 2002 Special issue:
Special issue: Accessibility of web-based information resources for people with disabilities. Read abstracts online, pay for access to full articles.
11 - Analysis: Web sites are locking out the disabled Office buildings
Office buildings have wheelchair ramps and TV has closed captioning, but many Web sites are inaccessible to people with disabilities. Things dont have to be that way.
Permanently Theport Serverapache
12 - Analysis: Web sites are locking out the disabled Office buildings
Office buildings have wheelchair ramps and TV has closed captioning, but many Web sites are inaccessible to people with disabilities. Things dont have to be that way.
Y Permanently The Server Portapache
13 Online PDF to HTML Conversion Web form
Web form translating arbitrary PDF files to HTML, hosted by Adobe. Designed specifically to make PDF accessible to people with disabilities.
Adobe Window] New [opens Pdf Cloud Acrobat › Marketing Web Products Buy See Learn Product Government
14 IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center By enabling
By enabling human capability through innovation, the center strives to help people with disabilities maximize their potential.
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15 OASYS-LLC Software products
Software products dedicated to the K-12 Student Services with its integrated products designed to manage children with disabilities & monitor student achievements.
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16 Can We Talk Systems Reseller/integrator of
Reseller/integrator of Dragon Systems speech software catering to business, legal and medical profession. Also has specialty consulting, hardware and software products for people with physical, visual, reading and learning disabilities.
Buy Enterprises Emy
17 GTKeyboard GTKeyboard is
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
Navigationshilfe Ty
18 GTKeyboard GTKeyboard is
GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that is written in C with the help of the GTK toolkit. It may be helpful for people with physical disabilities, and also for people with funky keyboard layouts, and even for keyboardless (???) websurfing kiosks running linux.
19 Putting Curb Cuts and Wider Doors on the Internet: Toward Web Site Accessibility Article by
Article by Sylvester Roque and Kimberly Nyles-Roque. Covers disabilities that can affect the internet experience, and gives advice on how to improve sites and avoid causing problems for users.
Accessibility Atpm Article Web Roque Internet Screen Under Pictures United Desktop Mail States Roqueheadaolcom Archive Nyles Deluxe Impressive Statements Bobby Side Launch Textedit
20 Accelerations Educational Software Educational software
Educational software for language learning for children with Autism and other Learning Disabilities.
Trainer Pdf Activity Dtt Autism Training Software List Support Content Educational Learning Aes Research
21 Read & Write Text Help Software BrightEyes Read
BrightEyes Read & Write Text to Speech software helps both teachers and students with special education, dyslexia, learning disabilities, and English as a second language.
Technology Brighteye Learning Reading Dyslexia Order Education Scan Disability Esl Special Text Write Page Asheville Solutions Software College
22 Talking Desktop Speech recognition
Speech recognition, text-to-speech software transforms a Windows computer into a conversational desktop companion. Provides dictation, web navigation, voice email, web cams, on-line news, weather maps, stock ticker, X10 home automation, MP3 music player, 3D avatar, disabilities features. Project in progress.
1 LMBB Disabled Babyz Center Hexed Babyz
Hexed Babyz, image galleries, pageants, information on babyz disabilities, and games.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Gallery Help App Advisor Hosting Local Screen Terms Music Map Tech
2 LMBB Disabled Babyz Center Hexed Babyz
Hexed Babyz, image galleries, pageants, information on babyz disabilities, and games.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Advisor App Hosting Local Help Gallery Website Has

5. Sports Websites concerning Disabilities

1 PGA Resource Center for Disabilities Directory of
Directory of resources and programs for players with diasabilities.
Golf Pga Instruction Equipment Courses Championship Best America Play Video Pgacom Full Coverage Nine Tickets Center Gift Course Promotion
2 Equus Heals A family
A family oriented program offering therapeutic and educational opportunities for children with disabilities.
Disabled Website Error Requestz
3 Handicapped Scuba Association International Training and
Training and certifying agency that specializes in recreational diving for people with disabilities.
Hsa Scuba Dive Handicapped Buddy Linda Support Association Divers Contact Media Learn Gatacre Professional Become Captains
4 HSA International The Handicapped
The Handicapped Scuba Association is an independent training and certifying agency that specializes in recreational diving for people with disabilities.
Hsa Dive Scuba Handicapped Buddy Association Support Linda Divers Store Maui Click Team Mission Training Statement Going Room
5 Hillside Haflingers Personal story
Personal story about owning one, information about an organization devoted to helping children with disabilities through exposure to the breed, and related links.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Please Privacy Web Help Customer Domains Ifyoure Website
6 Integrate Paddling Sea kayaking
Sea kayaking club offering opportunities and equipment to anyone interested and of any ability. Information about their programme (including for people with disabilities) and contact details.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Privacy Customer Aabaco Website Account Please Help Terms Yahoos Domains
7 JSL Racing Team raises
Team raises money for children with disabilities. Racing results, schedule, and news.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Privacy Please Aabaco Web Website Customer Terms Domains
8 Top Soccer Soccer program
Soccer program for young people with disabilities in Ohio.
Found Requested Server It Pagez Please Sorry
9 Rainbow Olympic Games A two-day
A two-day sporting event held annually in Richmond, Virginia for children and adolescents (ages 6-21) with medically diagnosed visual and/or physical disabilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
10 Three Gaits, Inc. Center provides
Center provides lessons for children, youth, and adults with disabilities and special needs. Find newsletter, program information, events, links and contacts. Stoughton, Wisconsin.
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11 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
12 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
13 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
14 International Badminton Association for the Disabled Promotes and
Promotes and develops the sport for people with disabilities. Contains general organization information, rules, calendar, ranking, tournaments, and related links.
15 Special Cowboys Rodeo Association Non profit
Non profit Rodeo produced twice a year. Contestants must be children and adults with developmental disabilities. Participation is free.
Rodeo Special Association Check Cowboys Horseback Lookat Summary Arena Competition Fill Country Atleastphoto
16 Special Cowboys Rodeo Association Non profit
Non profit Rodeo produced twice a year. Contestants must be children and adults with developmental disabilities. Participation is free.
Special Cowboys Rodeo Association Check Atleast Very Else They Sure Aroundand Browse Fill Thank Y
17 Equus Heals A family
A family oriented program offering therapeutic and educational opportunities for children with disabilities. Provides information on the program, photos and contacts.
Website Disabled Error Requestz
18 Mesa Association of Sports for the Disabled Organization dedicated
Organization dedicated to providing sports and recreation opportunities to people with disabilities. Includes programs, newsletter and events.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Email Hosting Privacy Website Terms Customer Web Domains Please Copyright
19 Therapeutic Riding Instruction of Lawrence Provides services
Provides services for children and adults with disabilities. Find FAQ, photos, information on lessons and events. Located in Lawrence, Kansas.
Create Tripod Login Lycos Requested Check Please Signup Page Tripodcom Couldnt Lycoscom Websitefound
20 The Horse of Teneker Program designed
Program designed to promote and improve the functioning of individuals suffering from various levels of emotional disabilities. Features description of services, mission statement, photos and contacts. Durand, Illinois.
Create Tripod Shopping Errorpage Lycoscom Hosting Lycos Please Found Page Websitesignup Requested Couldnt
21 Mesa Association of Sports for the Disabled A non-profit
A non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to providing sports and recreation opportunities to people with disabilities. Features newsletter, events and guestbook
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Customer Web Please Help Domains Account Aabaco
22 Prancing Horse A non-profit
A non-profit organization dedicated to providing services and horse-related activities to individuals with disabilities. Find program description and contacts. Located in Cameron, NC.
Southern Pines Pinehurst Sandhills Moore Federal County Park News Most Match Value Account Investments Tolerance Planning Things
23 Kayak Vancouver Offers classes
Offers classes in flatwater and whitewater paddling, as well as rolling lessons. Features a program to offer people with disabilities accessible water sports and tourism. Located in British Columbia, Canada.
24 BlazeSports An information
An information and referral service that delivers opportunities for persons with physical disabilities. Features news, mailing list, calendar of events, photos, and sports camp information.
Wordpress File Edit Click Manager Page Files Found Default Right Modify Notice Broken Code Rewriterule Option
25 BC Wheelchair Sports Association Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization devoted to providing opportunities for athletes with physical disabilities. Contacts, news, mission statement, history, membership, event calendar, program information, and coaching resources.
Wheelchair Sports Bcwsa Become Tennis Tournament Donate Community Association Program Camp Junior Poker World Events Anti Doping Amazing Wada
26 BC Wheelchair Sports Association Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization devoted to providing opportunities for athletes with physical disabilities. Contacts, news, mission statement, history, membership, event calendar, program information, and coaching resources.
Wheelchair Sports Bcwsa Tennis Become Tournament Camp Association Community Program Donate Poker Junior Events Games Anti Doping
27 Partners in Equestrian Therapy (PET) Equestrian therapy
Equestrian therapy for individuals with disabilities, on central California coast, using Norwegian Fjords. San Luis Obispo.
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28 Burcott RDA (Riding & Driving Group) Provides riding
Provides riding and carriage driving for people of all ages with disabilities. News, photographs and diary dates.
29 Athletes Helping Athletes Provide handcycles
Provide handcycles, wheelchairs, prosthetics and other adaptive sports equipment to children with disabilities. Includes event list, grant application, letters from recipients, and donation information.
Running Shoes Asics Sports Gear Shop Gel Nike Runner Road Family Best Brooks Shipping Free Kayanor Kayanoreg Gels Sandals
30 Athletes Helping Athletes Provide handcycles
Provide handcycles, wheelchairs, prosthetics and other adaptive sports equipment to children with disabilities. Includes event list, grant application, letters from recipients, and donation information.
Running Shoes Sports Asics Gear Shop Gel Nike Runner Road Family Best Shipping Brooks Free Kayanoreg Kayanor
31 Pennsylvania Center for Adapted Sports A member
A member of Disabled Sports USA. Promotes adapted recreation, and sport opportunities for persons with physical and neurological disabilities.
Volunteer Regatta Bayada Rhodes Scholar Sports Sport Volunteers Adapted Name Centeronline Photo Ride Cold Walk Programs Cinco Rights
32 Burcott RDA (Riding & Driving Group) Provides riding
Provides riding and carriage driving for people of all ages with disabilities, mainly in the Somerset, Bath and Bristol area. News, photographs and diary dates.
33 Adaptive Sports Association Facilitates outdoor
Facilitates outdoor activities, including hiking, skiing, snowboarding and kayaking for people with physical and cognitive disabilities. Features information for volunteers, events, membership details and contact details.
Adaptive Volunteer Forms Sports Statement Activities Spencer Dave Durango Contact Calendar Program Colorado Resort Resources Kiwanis Events Gala Mountain
34 Adventures on
Adventures on the Hudson River. Half day touring programs for the novice, two day whitewater clinics for the adventurous, indoor programs in the winter, adaptive programs for people with disabilities. Based in Pleasant Valley.
Kayaks Holidays Happy Closed River Connection Kayak Programs Canoe Private Basics Association Instruction Storefront American Semi Feelfree Creek Point
35 Greater Nebraska Top Soccer Soccer program
Soccer program for young people with disabilities in the Greater Nebraska Area. Schedule, pictures and registration form.
36 United States Sled Hockey Association (USSHA) Promotes the
Promotes the sport of sled hockey nationally and internationally for athletes with disabilities. Includes news, calendar, member teams, rules and regulations, membership application, equipment manufacturers and related links.
37 Canadian Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association CEWHA works
CEWHA works to provide a quality hockey program for all persons with disabilities who have limited upper body strength and/or mobility, who could significantly benefit from the use of an electric wheelchair in competitive sport.
Viewmore Business Yahoo Started Small Now Hosting Email Domains Please Help Customer Aabaco Terms Account Web Yahoos Solutions

6. Society, Arts and Disabilities Crafts

1 Arc and Disabilities For any
For any disability-related site. Non-profits that serve individuals with developmental or other disabilities, businesses that serve people with disabilities, sites with information about disabilities, or Arcs.
Apachefound The Port Serverfound
2 Jamie-Lees Webring for Children with Disabilities Content regarding
Content regarding child or adult disabilities, including those in wheelchairs, with genetic disabilities, or who have become disabled as a result of an accident.
Foundserver Found The Navigationshilfeport Apache
3 Disabilities Webring For those
For those that deal with disabilities, either in work, with children, or who has their own disabilities, and have a homepage to install the Webring fragment on.
Serverport Apache Found Thenavigationshilfe Found
4 Disabilities Online An Internet
An Internet directory of information concerning all aspects of disabilities, broken down into categories.
Categories Directory Information Disabilities Culture Media Government Pharmacies Living Treatment Experience Travel Communities Suggest Rehabilitation
5 Electronic Curbcuts For all
For all ages and all disabilities around the world. Information for persons with disabilities and the significant others in their lives.
6 j. page garrett nashville attorney
nashville attorney assisting with securing right under the americans with disabilities act, the rehabilitation act of 1973, and the individuals with disabilities education act.
7 BellaOnline: Disabilities News, links
News, links, and a forum about disabilities.
Disabilities Forum Disability Information Editor Articles Adaptive Health Reviews Sports Travel Help Bellaonline Culture Self Webworks Book Goods
8 People With Disabilities Forum and Chat Site A world-wide
A world-wide community for people with all disabilities and illnesses. Provides daily chats, a message board, and weekly topics.
Yahoo Help Groups Peoplewithdisabilities Group Lists Sharing Mailing Free File Photo Forum Community Please Onlineservices Shopping Tv
9 Project ACTION Promotes cooperation
Promotes cooperation between the disability community and transportation industry and enables improved access to transportation for people with disabilities and the provision of accurate and practical information to help transportation operators implement the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
10 William Edward Fuller A life
A life long disability advocate who has been employed as a Rehab counselor, an administrator of a private school for children with serious disabilities, an independent living center director and now a private consultant helping other businesses build meaningful programs to serve people with disabilities.
11 Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc. We have
We have particular expertise in development of computer software and other products in American Sign Language (ASL), research on speech recognition and closed captioned television, and training related to emergency response for people with hearing impairments and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Click Idrt Now Sign Image Myasltech Deaf Language Training Myaslservices Store Myaslstore Asl Inc Policies Thisimage Tweets Disability
12 Womens International Linkage on Disability An international
An international group for women with disabilities and women allies. Women from different countries exchange experiences, information and ideas on issues related to women with disabilities.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Hosting Local Gallery Help App Advisor Please Terms Developer
13 h-friends personal ads
personal ads for singles with disabilities.
Disabled Singles Dating Female Disabilities Male Withdisabilities Other Groups Members Moonsera Aspnetdating Jayjayhot Ali Meet Featured Special
14 gimp on the go an on-line
an on-line disabilities travel publication.
Travel Disabled Accessible Handicapped Access Physically Wheelchair Gimp Impaired Travelers Resources Forums Disabilities Disability Organizations
15 Cripworld An online
An online community for people with disabilities.
Cripworldcom Policy Privacyclick
16 Gimp on the Go An on-line
An on-line disabilities travel publication.
Travel Disabled Handicapped Accessible Access Physically Wheelchair Gimp Impaired Disabilities Travelers Resources Forums Disability Go Click Reviews Disabled
17 Chat Rooms for Disabilities Links to
Links to chats.
Chat Rooms Homepage Disability Room Services Yahoo Spinal Cord Channel Delphis Injury Deafness Spina Disabled Bifida
18 GimpGirl Discussion lists
Discussion lists and resources for women with disabilities.
Women Gimpgirl Disability Posted Life Second Disabilities Community News Publications Articles Aide Cole Jennifer Care Domestic Assistants Featured Goodbye
19 Handi-Stop A resource
A resource library of links on disabilities.
20 Special Needs Kids Support for
Support for children and parents with disabilities.
21 Information, resources
Information, resources, and research regarding the employment of people with disabilities.
Vcu Education Employment Center Training Worksupport News Rehabilitation School Medicine Virginia University Learn Rrtc Calendar Connections Archived
22 disability advocacy articles and
articles and links to help people with disabilities advocate for themselves.
Gone Actuallysuitecom Suite Pagethanks
23 network consulting americans with
americans with disabilities act consultants, based in florida.
24 Online magazine
Online magazine with articles, news, chats about disabilities.
Jobs Information Compliance Ca Tx Contact Va Management Legal San Labor Ma General Disabled Government Strategy
25 Egypt for All Providing specialized
Providing specialized travel programs for people with disabilities.
Egypt Disabled Accessible Handicapped Diving Travel Vacations Vacation Wheel People Tourism Traveling Chair Travelling Wheelchair
26 Mainstream News, advocacy
News, advocacy and lifestyle zine for people with disabilities.
27 Easter Seals Car Donation Program Help children
Help children and adults with disabilities.
Donation Seals Easter Vehicle Car Program Donations Donate Form Cardonation Free Inc Asked Rv Tax Auto
28 Egypt For All Providing a
Providing a challenging and extraordinary tourism program for those with disabilities.
Egypt Disabled Accessible Handicapped Diving Travel Vacation Vacations Tourism People Wheel Traveling Chair Travelling Wheelchair
29 Achieving Independence Located in
Located in California, serving the needs of persons with disabilities and their families.
Independence Special Needs Achieving Resources Videos Firm Benefits Workshop Educational Dale Trust Coalition Support Lanterman Calendar Dates Law Nami
30 Steve Golds Nuggets News and
News and alerts on enforcing the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Mail Information Steve Disability Rights Golds Nuggets Stevegoldada Americans Listserver Housing Miscellaneous Assistancemedicaid Send Medical Share Majordomo@stevegoldadacom
31 Topica Email List Directory: Disabilities Lists on
Lists on disability topics.
Topica List Email Disabilities Lists Directory Women Personal Technology Psychiatric Consumerssurvivorsex Guest Support Food Sports@ Vitherapists Express
32 Wired Designs A
A promotional website, advocating up and coming artists with disabilities.
33 Emerging Horizons Accessible travel
Accessible travel news and information for travelers with disabilities.
Accessible Travel Sample Horizons Emerging Chapter Free Reading Park Preface Subscribe News Expert Contents Blue Barrier Slopes Road Services
34 advocating change together a member-controlled
a member-controlled organization, run by and for persons with developmental and other disabilities.
Change Together Act Self Advocating Catalog Advocacy Acts People Free Memo Programs Work Build Donate Mail Taken
35 Continental Airlines Description of
Description of services and equipment offered to people with disabilities.
36 College information for students with learning disabilities. Organizations, testing
Organizations, testing, and publications.
37 katica law group llc an atlanta
an atlanta practice that offers representation to children with disabilities.
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38 Disability Ring Developed for
Developed for and by the disabled. Will try to list a minimum of 5 different disabilities with information on each.
Foundapache Port Found Thenavigationshilfe Server
39 Youreable Provides people
Provides people with disabilities information on finance, travel, work and auctions.
Disabled Policy Foundation Living Soon Forums Esa Test Hoist Forum Learn Coming Wca Ending Join Discussions Use Company Month
40 callegary & steedman, p.a. advocates for
advocates for children with disabilities who are in need of representation in education and related matters.
Pa Steedman Office Callegary Suite Firm Please Montgomery County Staff Publications Baltimore Contact Statement Street News Maryland
41 TheDisabilitiesMeetingPlace A chat
A chat room in the morning and evening hours for people with varied disabilities.
42 martin r. cohen portland attorney
portland attorney focusing on social security disabilities claims.
Resources Rss Social Brain Other Federal Liver Martin Labor Cohen Welcome Security Pulmonary Forms Law Port Fees Market
43 Easter Seals Massachusetts Helps children
Helps children and adults with disabilities expand their independence.
Easter Seals Services Technology Disabilities Youth Leadership Assistive Autism Walk Massachusetts People Learn Living Employment Self Confidence Helps Camping
44 Quantas Airlines: Mobility Assistance Information about
Information about equipment and services for people with disabilities.
45 Access Northern California Provides accessible
Provides accessible travel information to people with physical disabilities.
Soon Domain Coming Namebrightcom Registration Nextgeneration Namebright Accessncacomz Generation
46 We the Disabled Parents A Canadian
A Canadian mother with disabilities recounts her fight to retain custody of her children.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Website Terms Privacy Customer Web Aabaco Account Reliable
47 Disability Cool: Sexuality R Us Article exploring
Article exploring the link between fat oppression and the experiences of women with disabilities.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Terms Movies Sports Sorry Hosting Popular Maps Toolbar Guidelines
48 United Airlines: Customers with Disabilities Details of
Details of services and options available for disabled and special need passengers.
49 GORP - Outdoor Resources for People with Disabilities Descriptions of
Descriptions of accessible features in major parks.
Navigationshilfe Ty
50 I Speak of Dreams Liz Ditzs
Liz Ditzs perspectives on parenting, learning disabilities, and early childhood education.
Parenting Injury Real Rare Exceedingly Education Vaccine State Farm Hashoah Ddb Chicago Posts Actor Schools Sanctimommies Self Improvement
51 Crossroads Christian fellowship
Christian fellowship with people with disabilities specialising in group tours: Australia and overseas.
Synod Uniting Resources Church Australia Queensland Unitingcare Study Community Faith Homelessness Housing Contact Green Services Address Park Theological
52 whispers of hope a center
a center to discuss issues, to find resources, and to empower people with disabilities.
53 Northwest Airlines Guide detailing
Guide detailing what kinds of accessibility services and equipment are available for people with disabilities.
Skymiles Tools Flight Miles Baggage Sites Refunds Page Worldwide Book Ticket Travel Information Lost Chat Mobile Faqs Check
54 Exceptional Parent Magazine to
Magazine to aid in parenting a child or young adult with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
Special Needs Children Admin Families Disabilities Education Part Military People National Articles Topics Featured Mobility Non Profit Attention Deficithyperactivity Wheelchair Accessible Newyork Mid Atlantic
55 susan depaola, attorney a montgomery
a montgomery firm that provides advocacy services for disabled children under the individuals with disabilities act.
Special Daniel Attorney Education Perlman Blog Practice Areas Info@perlmanlegalcom Contact Disclaimer Career Legalfound The Families
56 Tell-us-your-story A disability
A disability discussion forum for people with disabilities and their parents, friends, spouses, caregivers, and co-workers.
57 Disabilities-R-Us Features IRC
Features IRC and online web chat, discussion forums, shopping and free web-based e-mail at
Chat Room Disabilities Community Forums Resources Welcome Tampa Disability Paws Personal Injury Donation Created Contact Legal Help Us Welcome
58 law office matthew t. famiglietti services for
services for disabilities claims and employment disputes from offices in falls church.
Disability Law Security Lawyer Social Education Special Discrimination Contact Employment Legal Famiglietti Matthew Washington Dc District Available Currently
59 Emerging Horizons - The Accessible Travel Newsletter A consumer-oriented
A consumer-oriented publication that addresses the needs of travelers with disabilities.
Accessible Lodging Horizons News Emerging Australia Complaint Baker Changes Downtown Slow Don’t Easy Guides Options Park
60 martha a. churchill helping persons
helping persons with developmental disabilities obtain government benefits and plan for future needs.
Martha Milan Churchill John Resume York Genealogy Photo Gallery Marvin Thomas Pontus Comgenealogy My Plymouth Historian
61 Disability Clip Art Positive images
Positive images of people with disabilities in everyday-life situations and inclusive settings.
Disability Images Lawyers Sign Missouri Image Articles Braille Chair Accident Signs Art Repository Free Copyright Language
62 law office matthew t. famiglietti services for
services for disabilities claims and employment disputes from offices in falls church.
Disability Law Lawyer Security Education Social Special Discrimination Matthew Famiglietti Employment Legal Contact Seminars District Attorney Office Needs Every
63 philip j. fulton law office specializes in
specializes in workers compensation law and represents only the victims of workplace injuries and disabilities.
Workers Compensation Fulton Disability Injuries Ohio Social Columbus Claims Security Contact Benefits Philip Office Work Related Qualifying Problems
64 Wheelabout An Australian
An Australian based service providing wheelchair accessible van rentals for hire to tourists with disabilities.
65 Disabilities Plus Canadian organization
Canadian organization that assists people to acquire the nessary tools for career success - with workshops for job preparation.
Disabilitiespluscom Insurance Cash Advance Consolidation Debt Best Privacy Learn Section Privacypolicy Domain Credit Report Y
66 Easter Seals Massachusetts Offers assistive
Offers assistive technology information and services to help people of all ages with all kinds of disabilities.
Seals Easter Services Technology Disabilities Youth Assistive Leadership People Walk Learn Living Massachusetts Autism Employment Self Confidence Privacy Asd Forum Teens
67 michael stevens louisville, kentucky
louisville, kentucky, general practitioner, offering services for military defense and disabilities claims.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Bluehostcom Affordable Business Php Name Page Names Contact Front Internet
68 Helping Your Child Succeed Applied Scholastics
Applied Scholastics presents information parents can use to help their kids overcome learning disabilities.
69 Assistive Technology WebRing Resources for
Resources for finding information, products and services to help children and adults with disabilities or special needs.
Serverfound The Port Apachefound
70 Institute on Disability Culture Promoting pride
Promoting pride in the history, activities, and cultural identity of individuals with disabilities throughout the world.
Disability Institute Culture Brown Renaissance Newsgroup Archive Steven Sites Ring Studies Tnet Dimenet Archives
71 michael stevens louisville, kentucky
louisville, kentucky, general practitioner, offering services for military defense and disabilities claims.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Php Business Affordable Name Bluehostcom Internet Help Affiliates Names Page
72 Fashion-Able Stylish online
Stylish online resource and social website for those with disabilities. Many topics such as home ideas, travel, shopping, socialization.
73 Service Enhancement Associates Offers training
Offers training and technical assistance throughout the US on issues and services related to the employment of persons with disabilities.
States Here Mailwallinginc@aolcom Telephone Last Oxford Walling Wallinginc@aolcom Click Informed Po Social Fax Michael Y
74 Asia Pacific Therapeutic Theatre Indian Dance
Indian Dance Therapy for people with mental and physical disabilities (India, Europe).
Navigationshilfe Ty
75 RIPTA Pass Program for Seniors and People with Disabilities Explains eligibility
Explains eligibility requirements, fare policy and guidelines for certification.
76 National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped (NASCOH) The umbrella
The umbrella body for organisations of and for people living with disabilities in Zimbabwe.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy News Reacharchives Internet Machine Sites Popular Privacy Toolbar
77 The Center for the Study of Religion and Disability A resource
A resource for those looking for information relating to the natural support given by local churches to individuals with disabilities.
78 sprint project connect a wireless
a wireless phone donation and recycling program, to raise money and support for people with disabilities.
Sprint Responsibility Corporate Csr Performance Summary Safety Privacy Releases Good Cr Buyback Governance Business Waste Statements Culture Digital Troops Chain
79 Design Linc Products, technical
Products, technical information, government agencies, and other resources which can assist in designing the right environment for people with disabilities.
Design Linc Products Information Jump Main Tips Construction Welcome Navigation Disabilities Accessible Book Click Building Disabled
80 lowry and associates representing people
representing people who have been injured or suffer from disabilities or discrimination, from offices in portland, auburn, bangor, and biddeford.
Accidents Injury Associates Lowry Wrongful Auto Death Portland Accident Personal Truck Lawyers Premises Liability Bangor Dog
81 law offices of herbert d. hinkle lawrenceville and
lawrenceville and marlton law firm focusing on elders and people with disabilities. also has an office in yardley, pennsylvania.
Fingles Prior Hinkle Click Special Attorneys Services Meeting Trusts Adult Connections Please Law Contact Estate Copyright Tips Hill
82 Adaptations Offers consulting
Offers consulting services for professionals and consumers seeking information about accessible environments for the aging population and people with disabilities.
83 Unique Childrens Advocacy Network (UCAN) Web sites
Web sites that provide ideas, projects, and activities that improve the lives of children with disabilities.
Apachefound The Port Server Found
84 Disability Studies Web Ring Brings together
Brings together sites relating to the interdisciplinary research on the history, literature, experience and culture of people with disabilities.
Apache Navigationshilfeport Found Found The Server
85 Exceptional Parent Magazine for
Magazine for parents of children or young adults with disabilities. Includes reports, forum, products links, books.
News Disability Contact Child Magazine Mobility National Exceptional Providing Listings Accessible Education Resource Ep Parent Special Email Page First Centered Advertisers
86 keith h. seth peck practice areas
practice areas include serious personal injury, disability law, as well as special education on behalf of children with disabilities.
Advocacy Please Project Projectpage Found Yourbusiness Page Homesteadtm List Website Foundwedesigned Project tm  Helpwebsite
87 Special Child Provides educational
Provides educational resources and emotional support to parents and care-givers of children, adolescents, and young adults with disabilities.
Special Child Children Therapy Parents Challenged Needs Zone Support Physical Autism Impairment Articles Retardation Mentally Behavioral Occupational Welcome Foundation Developmental
88 Contains information
Contains information on physical disabilities and chronic pain, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Contacts, links, personal history, and other resources.
89 First Network Online Internet forum
Internet forum for parents, teachers, and service providers who care for and about children with disabilities. Provides information, support, resources and links.
Tripod Create Page Hosting Lycoscom Requested Signup Login Couldnt Please Shopping Lycostripodcom Errorpage
90 Zion National Park, Utah. Access for
Access for people with disabilities, including lodging, picnic areas, campgrounds, interpretative programs, and trails.
91 ragged edge magazine - 'the tactics of survival' an opponent
an opponent of physician assisted dying argues that its legalization could ultimately endanger the lives of those with disabilities.
Dead Ragged Edge Freedom Issue Premise Disability Current Subscribe Kevorkians Rights Montgomery Survival Roosevelt News
92 Open Arms We are
We are people together, with and without disabilities in Amherst, MA. Dedicated to full participation in schools, churches, clubs, sports, the arts & leisure activities.
93 comforty media concepts award winning
award winning programs about multiculturalism, human rights, inclusion of people with disabilities, and other social and ethical issues.
Comforty Concepts Media Education Childhood People Contact Screenings Awards Javascript Early Projects Grants Store Lectures Role
94 National Business & Disability Council (NBDC) Provides corporations
Provides corporations with a full range of services to assist them in successfully integrating people with disabilities into the workplace.
Nbdc National Viscardi Business Corporate Center Partnership Disability Council Events Learning Distance Workshop Gt Diversityinc Four Day
95 Guided Tour, Inc Supervised travel
Supervised travel, recreation and vacation program for persons with developmental disabilities and mental retardation, featuring trips all over the USA and the world.
Vacations Guided Tour Dates Information Rates Registration Process Destinations Testimonials Administrators Photos Contact Since Directors Intellectual
96 farrell, fraulob, brown & gant sacramento law
sacramento law firm, representing employees for workers compensation, disabilities cases, labor disputes, and estate planning.
97 disability is natural kathie snows
kathie snows official website. offers a new way of thinking (and talking) about disabled people, learning disabilities and physical and mental handicaps.
98 DAWN: Disabilities Awareness Webring Network Includes sites
Includes sites about a specific disability, support groups, and personal pages by disabled individuals or their families.
Serverfound The Found Apachenavigationshilfe Port
99 RecruitABILITY Online recruiting
Online recruiting site for people with disabilities. It includes a job posting service and resume data base. Employers have free access to the resumes.
100 Partnership Development Group A Maryland
A Maryland consulting firm that works with private and government agencies to advocate, encourage and facilitate self-employment for people with disabilities.
Z Selfemploymentforpeoplewithdisabilitiescom Y
101 Disability Links for People of All Abilities Reviewed and
Reviewed and categorized resources for people with disabilities.
Abilities Wordpress Page People Place Stuff Hello Awesome Sample Good World Uncategorized Welcome Ready Built Google Font Responsive
102 Accessible Queensland A directory
A directory of facilities available in Queensland Australia for travellers with disabilities
Queensland Area Holidays Island Holiday Travel Deals National Accommodation Tourism Coast Qld Information Southern Park Permanently The See
103 Fight for the Right Forum Parents of
Parents of Exceptional Children (EPEC)s forum on all disabilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
104 Yosemite Valley National Park, California. Information on
Information on access to the park for people with disabilities.
Navigationshilfet Y
105 Tulip Travel Travel agency
Travel agency specializing in supervised vacations for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Tulip Travel Loadingy
106 David Ferleger - ADA and Prisons Selected cases
Selected cases on issue of applicability of Americans With Disabilities Act to prisons.
Fsupp Held Court Rehabilitation Ada Americans Quote Cir Fd Act Amendment Disability Congress Law Cases Inmates Niece Dept Deaf
107 Israel For All Tours in
Tours in Israel and the Middle East for people with all kind of disabilities and special needs treatments.
Centos Apache Operating Centosproject System Test Enterprise Centosorg Contact Distributionissues Pagepowered Community Note Centos
108 Handi Travel Services TPI Specializes in
Specializes in a full selection of travel solutions for people with disabilities.
Click Proceed Herez
109 Greece for the Physically Disabled Resources and
Resources and articles on travel to Greece for handicapped and people with disabilities
Disabled Travel Greece Needs Special Athens Physically Handicapped Lesvos Wheelchairs Guide Resort Accessability Disabilities Disability Apache Port Permanently The Bookingcoms
110 nessa g. siegel, esq. cleveland, ohio
cleveland, ohio attorney representing disabled children in special education cases pursuant to the individuals with disabilities act, and section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973.
111 Brighter Futures Web Ring Dedicated to
Dedicated to promoting a better life for children with all types of special needs and disability awareness. Sites may include specific disabilities, as well as support and links.
Serverfound The Navigationshilfe Portfound Apache
112 residential support services non-profit organization
non-profit organization provides assisted and supervised living for children and adults with disabilities in a group home setting. multiple charlotte locations.
Error Page Updateyour Website Support Residentialhttpwwwrssweborgplease Services
113 Flame Flame is
Flame is a soft rock cover band of musicians with developmental disabilities from Fulton County, New York.
Apachemoved Port Permanently Theserver
114 ARC Thrift Stores A Colorado-based
A Colorado-based thrift store that will pick up from individuals to benefit people with developmental disabilities.
115 America Deaf Recreational Club Nationwide recreational
Nationwide recreational opportunities for people with hearing disabilities, their friends, and relatives.
America Club Recreational Deaf Website Has Httpwwwadrcluborgz Sponsored Been
116 Yahoo! News Full Coverage-Disabilities and the Disabled News stories
News stories, editorials, audio and video links.
117 accessible san diego access information
access information for travelers with disabilities. includes service providers, accessible attractions, and hotels.
118 accessible san diego access information
access information for travelers with disabilities. includes service providers, accessible attractions, and hotels.
San Diego Beach Homes Estate Real Sale Foreclosures Mission North La Rancho Mesa Ranch Valley Hills Properties Loma Core
119 Accessible San Diego Access information
Access information for travelers with disabilities. Includes service providers, accessible attractions, and hotels.
San Diego Beach Real Foreclosures Sale Homes Estate Mesa Ranch North La Valley Rancho Mission
120 Accessible San Diego Access information
Access information for travelers with disabilities. Includes service providers, accessible attractions, and hotels.
San Diego Beach Homes Estate Sale Real Foreclosures Rancho Ranch Mesa Mission North East La Coastal Bay Cerro
121 Strathdon Community A non-profit
A non-profit organisation whose mission is to build a caring community within which the best possible care of the aged and those with disabilities is achieved.
Error Requesty
122 steven c. perlis - family center for elder law, pc arlington heights
arlington heights firm, devoted to protecting the rights and financial resources of senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and their families.
保険の相談 ペット保険の重要性 日本の消費状況などがわかる家計調査に協力する意味 保険の見直しは大切 社会保険労務士とは 保険の悩み解消 家計診断とは日本の家計がどうなっているのかの調査のことで、æ¶
123 walter lindstrom a private
a private san diego law firm that will represent obese persons in legal matters such as health insurance coverage denials, employment discrimination and disabilities claims.
Hosting Domain Network Web Marketing Solutions Names Services Registration Website Grow Businessesname |
124 TrannyPops Home An FTM
An FTM father talks about being a stay-at-home dad. Stories, photos, links and information on trans families, homeschooling, and disabilities.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Web Privacy Website Customer Account Terms Aabaco Design
125 Palaestra Dealing with
Dealing with sport, physical education, and recreation for individuals with disabilities, their families, and professionals in the field of adapted physical activity.
Palaestra Games Vol Value Usa Navigation Jump Schedule Classifieds Contributor Competition Guidelines Tentative Issues Adapted Incredible Proposals Advertising Learn | Articles
126 edward pepyne, esq. offering services
offering services for real estate, estate planning, personal injury, workers compensation, disabilities law, and special education.
Best Credit Smart Free Phones Courses Migraine Cars College Report Luxury Insurance Mortgage Rates Health Zone Parental Relief Mutual
127 Directory of Disability and Health Links A comprehensive
A comprehensive list of links, providing easy access to topical online resources for people with disabilities - add your URL.
Disability Information Resources Google Copyright Software Ebooks Australia Websites Computers Equipment Television Education Organisations Conferencing Grants Page Multilingual
128 Crossroads Queensland. An
Queensland. An activity of UnitingCare within the Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod. Primary focus is working with people with disabilities in the community.
Synod Uniting Resources Church Australia Queensland Study Unitingcare Homelessness Green Faith Contact Services Housing Community Becoming Governance Grow Directory
129 Lifestyles of the Poor and Unknown A documentary
A documentary about the lives and dreams of a married couple with developmental disabilities in New York City. Made by a sibling for families, professionals, educators, and general audiences.
Film Lifestyles Jamieson Kris Disabilities Trailer Nancy Press Bios Credits Scenes Unknown Behind Jamison Productions Kit Developmental Unknown_ Screenings|awards
130 kotin, crabtree and strong, llp offering services
offering services for matters including business law, education, disabilities, employment, personal injury, intellectual property, mediation, taxation, and real estate.
Law Education Estate Special Crabtree Rights Administration Kotin Strong Planning Disability Firm Learn Contact Personal Eileen Medical
131 reed martin, j.d. educational resource
educational resource for parents, advocates, attorneys and school personnel on the educational rights of children with disabilities to a free appropriate public education.
Ligne Casinos Vous En Les Faites Amusez Avec Largent Casino Et Poker De Dans |
132 reed martin, esq. educational resource
educational resource for parents, advocates, attorneys and school personnel on the educational rights of children with disabilities to a free appropriate public education.
Ligne Casinos Vous En Les Faites Amusez Avec Largent Casino De Et Poker Dans |
133 segal law firm charleston firm
charleston firm emphasizing personal injury, workers compensation, disabilities claims, employee benefits, and civil service matters.
Accidents Segal Firm Virginia West Contact Areas Charleston Cases Defective Practice Coal Law Center Industrial Inner Toxic Truck Team Jones Mesothelioma Circle Devices
134 reed martin, j.d. educational resource
educational resource for parents, advocates, attorneys and school personnel on the educational rights of children with disabilities to a free appropriate public education.
Ligne Casinos Vous En Les Faites Amusez Largent Avec Casino | Poker Et De Dans
135 Joint Forces Dance Company To encourage
To encourage the evolution & performance of dance & to cultivate a 'common ground' that allows all individuals to develop creatively, regardless of abilities or disabilities.
Danceability Dance International Eugene Teacher Workshops Resources Certification Events Canada Presentations Youth Oregon Articles Exercises Mixed Abilities Joint
136 Frontier Travel Camp Special needs
Special needs summer tours for individuals with add/adhd, learning disabilities, developmental disabitities. A new and exciting therapeutic travel experience. .
Travel Frontier Camp Tours Autism Needs Brochure Gallery Contact Special Travelers Summer Application They Hawaii
137 david g. umbaugh, attorney-at-law focuses on
focuses on estate planning, probate and trust administration, matters related to those with disabilities, and a general civil practice. includes newsletter and map location. located in hudson.
æ¯Ã¢â‚¬Âè¼Ã†â€™ クãÆ’¬ã‚¸ãƒƒト 知っておいてほしいキãÆ’£ãÆ’Æ’ã‚·ãÆ’³ã‚°ã®åŸºæÅ“¬ ã‚­ãÆ’£ãÆ’Æ’ã‚·ãÆ’³ã‚&de
138 david ferleger bala cynwyd
bala cynwyd firm, focusing on appeals, civil rights, disabilities law, education law, employment, fair housing, abuse and neglect actions, and class action litigation.
Education Law Ferleger Ada Disabilities Rights Attorney Philadelphia Employment Supreme Discrimination Estate Litigation National Mediation Living Children Pennsylvania Neglect
139 Exceptional Parent Magazine - Life Planning Articles An online
An online resource, providing information, support, ideas, encouragement & outreach for parents and families of children with disabilities, and the professionals who work with them.
Contact Listings Magazine Page Email Parent_ Rights Loading Resource Special Needscopyright Inc Reservedquestions
140 Flutelab ergonomy and adaptations Ergonomical aspects
Ergonomical aspects of flutes and many adaptations of wind instruments for people with disabilities. Large photo archive. Company is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
141 united parents protesting singer parents of
parents of children with disabilities, who oppose harvard professor peter singers view that killing disabled infants is acceptable.
Protesting United Singer Parentsz
142 Inclusion Daily Express A subscription
A subscription email service reporting on the movement toward full community inclusion, self-determination and human rights for people who have developmental and other disabilities.
Daily Disability News Inclusion Rights Express Click Express_ Usa Join Sign Archives People Disabilities Here Eugenics Cities Injured
143 Saint Monica Parish Creve Coeur.
Creve Coeur. Contact information, staff directory, Mass schedule, information for persons with disabilities, mission statement, organizations.
144 Israel 4 All Accessible tourism
Accessible tourism services in Israel for travelers with physical disabilities or special needs. Offers itinerary, tour guides, accommodation, transportation, and medical equipment.
Request Nginxsuspended Account Z
145 Saint Monica Parish Catholic church.
Catholic church. Contact information, staff directory, Mass schedule, information for persons with disabilities, mission statement, organizations.
146 Jennifer Hopkins Rehabilitation Counseling and Disability Links Links to
Links to resources for consumers and professionals regarding disabilities, accessibility, assistive technology, independent living, and advocacy.
Page Found Tonavigationshilfefound Requested Sorry
147 Disabled Artists Worldwide Network 21st Century
21st Century D.A.W.N. Artists, musicians, poets and writers with disabilities are encouraged to submit creations. 'Where the Earth is Art and every word is a song.'
148 Dancing Wheels A modern
A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher, this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.
Wheels Dancing Arts Dance Center Company Agency Gg Greg Integrated Promotional Programs Music Dancers University Wheelchair Dumbo
149 Dancing Wheels A modern
A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.
Wheels Dancing Arts Dance Center Company Gg Greg Integrated Agency Programs Promotional Music Physically Ctr University States Concert
150 Maine Trust for People with Disabilities Pooled trust
Pooled trust that gives families an easy and affordable way to set up a special needs trust for a disabled relative.
Trust Mtpd Maine People Disabilities Medicaid Accounts Lawyer Forms Contact Existing Faqs Social Port Permanency
151 Easter Seals Nonprofit, community-based
Nonprofit, community-based health agency dedicated to helping children and adults with disabilities attain greater independence. Features news, information on services, volunteer and job opportunities.
Seals Easter Services Giving Privacy Contact Give Ways Autism Accessibility California Disability Walk Military Board Caregiver Download Rights Partners
152 Careers And The Disabled Magazine Career-guidance and
Career-guidance and recruitment magazine for people with disabilities who are at the undergraduate, graduate, or professional level. Each issue features a special Braille section.
153 can do! child abuse and neglect disability outreach project seeks to
seeks to prevent abuse of children with disabilities. annual conference, public policy center, news, and research.
Neglect Outreach Click Disability Project Child Abuse Dohere Z
154 disabled personal classifieds ads online dating
online dating and matchmaking service for people with disabilities, and amputees, seeking relationships with disabled and non-disabled men and women.
155 Camp Kirk A co-ed
A co-ed residential camp who provide a nurturing, non-competitive, and structured atmosphere for 6 to 14 years olds who have learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD. Includes testimonials, FAQ, dates, rates, and application.
Camp Kirk Questions Testimonials Summer Special Videos Camper Parents Welcome Enriched Event Photo Staff Serve Life Parent Campkirkcom Accommodations Descriptions
156 Camp Kirk Offers a
Offers a non-competitive atmosphere which allows children with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, or enuresis the opportunities to experience an overnight camp without being ostracized. Contains rates, dates, and an application form.
Camp Kirk Summer Questions Videos Special Parents Camper Testimonials Welcome Parent Life Fall Photo Directors Form Serve Typical Kirkfield Google+
157 christians shaken baby site he was
he was shaken by his father, resulting in severe disabilities. a poster of him in the icu was widely distributed to raise sbs awareness. photographs, newspaper articles, fathers prison records.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Games Visit Archives Reach Terms Hosting Archiveorgsports Sorry
158 The Carman Foundation for Children Assists organizations
Assists organizations that service children with disabilities and their families. Photographs and information from fundraising events, list of sponsors and benefactors, and online donation form provided.
Wwwcarmanfoundationcom Foundation Carman Donate Sponsors Wwwkpsearchcom Favorites Requesterror Z
159 Undiscovered Britain Specializes in
Specializes in off the beaten track travel in Britain and Ireland. Information for wheelchair travelers and travelers with disabilities.
Travel Britain Tours Ireland Undiscovered Wheelchair Great Disability England Disabled Wales Scotland Information Accessible Off
160 internet special education resources a nationwide
a nationwide directory of professionals who serve the learning disabilities and special education communities.
Special Needs Education Therapy Schools Help Speech Programs Products Therapeutic Services Ld Autism Placement Technology Disorders Psychological
161 Delta Air Lines: Services for Travelers with Disabilities Information about
Information about services for disabled travelers including airport and in-flight accessibility and assistance.
162 murray, plumb & murray this portland
this portland firm represents parents of children with disabilities who attend pre-school programs through secondary school.
Murray Law Plumb Business Real Construction Contact Public Environmental Trial News Estate Utilities Property Litigation Criminal Defensewhite
163 Assistive Services Non-profit organization
Non-profit organization committed to providing advanced assistive technology services to individuals with disabilities at reasonable fees.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing App Advisor Help Gallery Local Hosting Terms Geocities Support Times
164 Assistive Technology WebRing Resources for
Resources for finding assistive technology information, products and services to help children and adults with disabilities and special needs.
Navigationshilfeport Server Foundapache Found The
165 Independent Living USA Resource for
Resource for individuals with disabilities, their families, providers of services, Independent Living centers, and professionals.
Click Disability Supreme Court News Health Hill White Americans People Care Independence Iran Font John Labor
166 Loving Paws Home Page the majority
the majority of placements are with children with spinal cord injuries, also provides Service and Social Dogs to children with Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, and other disabilities.
Dosarrest Security Internet Ddosprotection Client Restricted Host Pleaseprotection
167 Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities New Castle
New Castle based agency coordinating a wide range of services for older adults throughout the state.
Database Error Connection Establishingz
168 Access Brisbane Access information
Access information for people with disabilities visiting or living in Brisbane and South East Queensland. Also stories, travel tales, art and useful links.
169 Disability Information for Students International disability
International disability news, jobs, discussion, resources. A site designed for students and professionals supporting individuals with disabilities.
Loan Payday Cash Reading Author Byauthor Continue Applying Financial Quick Why Exact Immediate Ability Short Term
170 differently abled winners network (dawn) introduction service
introduction service for people with disabilities. online application plus in-person or telephone interview to determine needs. introductions made by postal mail. site also includes articles, advice column.
Rejected Requesty
171 Disabled Childrens Relief Fund A non-profit
A non-profit organization that offers modest awards for assistive devices, rehabilitative services, arts and humanities projects, or for efforts to bolster compliance with existing laws for the benefit of children with disabilities..
Posted Loss Uncategorized Risk Lower Daughtery Niagen Allison Carbs Increase Cambogia Recommendations Talk Belly Rewinding Benefits Pack Refined Energy
172 Minnesota Life College A postsecondary
A postsecondary, life-skills training program for young adults with learning disabilities. Describes the stages of the program and the internships offered.
Learn Donate Today Informationevelationcontact Request Home
173 gerald hasselbrink attorney, with
attorney, with offices in st. joseph, representing clients for business, real estate, personal injury, divorce, estate planning and probate, alternative dispute resolution, disabilities, and senior law matters.
Attorney Mediator Minnesota Cloud Estate St Law Dissolution Gerald Disability Guardianship Divorce Elder Recognizing Y
174 gerald hasselbrink attorney, with
attorney, with offices in st. joseph, representing clients for business, real estate, personal injury, divorce, estate planning and probate, alternative dispute resolution, disabilities, and senior law matters.
Cloud Arbitration Estate Probate Autism Attorney Claims Family Mediation Gerald Law Divorce Services Issues Disability Non Traditional Minnesotaindependent
175 Abet Artists with Brain Injuries Artists as
Artists as survivors of brain injury or neurological disorders utilize their artistic abilities as a means of recovery despite physical or hidden disabilities.
176 Yoga for the Special Child Evanston -
Evanston - Yoga for babies and children with special needs: Down syndrome, autism, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.
Yoga Special Child Sumar Book Sonia Autism Palsy Syndrome Adhd Cerebral Program Childr Amazon Microcephaly Children
177 special education parents advocacy link advocates for
advocates for parents in the public schools in missouri, kansas, nebraska with children with learning disabilities, down syndrome, autism and special needs.
Domain Hosting Marketing Solutions Network Web Names Services Registration Website Name Request Netsol Grow Innovative
178 nebraska families for early autism treatment a self
a self help advocacy group in nebraska focusing on children with autism, and how to best obtain educational services for them pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act.
Feat Autism Nebraska Therapy Treatment News Aba Resources Providers Effective Occupational Analysis Local Involved Programs Donate Activities
179 Assistive Technology Online Community Information, news
Information, news, resources, events, discussion forum about Assistive Technology for children and adults with disabilities and special needs. Free membership.
Navigationshilfe Ty
180 Calgary Meals on Wheels A non-profit
A non-profit organization that provides home delivered nutritious, low cost meals to seniors and those convalescing or with mental or physical disabilities. Includes volunteer and donation information, meals, and recipes.
Program Meals Volunteer Campaign Wheels Media Become Donate Calgary Lunch Email Contact Careers Sign Spokesperson Entree Member Just
181 Assistive Technology Solutions Specializes in
Specializes in the application of technology and accommodations to assist persons with disabilities to achieve their vocational, educational and independent living goals. Services are provided throughout the Puget Sound region of Western Washington.
Technology Solutions Assistive Agreement Workplace Washington Privacy Accessibility Custom Disabilitieslubin Driver Modifications Rehabilitation
182 Meals on Wheels Of Greater Richmond Mission is
Mission is to deliver meals to the homes of the elderly and people with disabilities who cannot shop for or prepare food for themselves. Includes service and volunteer information. Richmond, Virginia.
Meals Wheels Food Partner Richmond Programs Resources Services Current Bank Virginia Pantry How Program Va Hotline Senior Here
183 herbert monheit, esq. a philadalphia
a philadalphia, pa law firm that advocates for the civil rights of their clients, including issues dealing with special education rights pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act and the rehabilitation act of 1973.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Lawyers Injury Accident Medical Attorney Attorneys Malpractice Personal Wrongful Brain Accidents Death Negligence
184 Wisconsin Lions Camp Offers separate
Offers separate camping sessions for children with visual, hearing or mild cognitive disabilities, and children with diabetes in Rosholt. Includes schedule, description of programs, cost, staff information, and newsletter.
Camp Wisconsin Lions Educational Autism Summer Donate Employment Powered Livelychat Events Disabilities Intellectual Season Schedule
185 Lions Club Camp Kirk Co-ed residential
Co-ed residential camp whose mission is to provide a nurturing, non-competitive, and structured atmosphere for 6 to 14 years olds who have learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD. Located in Kirkfield, Ontario. Testimonials, FAQ, dates, rates, and application.
Camp Kirk Parents Camper Summer Videos Testimonials Serve Questions Special Campers Staff Children Fees Directors Enriched Facilities
186 Lions Club Camp Kirk Co-ed residential
Co-ed residential camp whose mission is to provide a nurturing, non-competitive, and structured atmosphere for 6 to 14 years olds who have learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD. Located in Kirkfield, Ontario. Testimonials, FAQ, dates, rates, and application.
Camp Kirk Questions Testimonials Special Camper Summer Parents Videos Welcome Activities Enriched Event Fall Resources Support Kids Scroll
187 Enta Training People Volunteer-based nonprofit
Volunteer-based nonprofit providing training programs to homeless people and people with disabilities. Includes programme descriptions and news.
ŽhŒŽŒ`¬Ã†â€™nÆ’Å Æ’jÆ’bÆ’n‚ÅÆ’yÆ’jÆ’x‚ð‘傫‚­Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Å‚«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡é‚Á‚ÄÆ’zƒ“ƒgh ‰^‰cŽÒî•ñ ‹à@—z ‚»Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ì‘¼ u‘傫‚³Ã‚v‚ɂ‚¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ä”y‚Þ‚æ‚è—ˆ‰@‚ði Æ’yÆ’jÆ’x Httpwww
188 Epsom United Reformed Church, Surrey Contacts, location
Contacts, location groups, events, services, parent and toddler, junior church, uniformed organisations, badminton club. Separate page shows extensive facilities for people with different disabilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
189 Enta Training People Volunteer-based nonprofit
Volunteer-based nonprofit providing training programs to homeless people, people with disabilities and youth in Birmingham, England. Includes program descriptions and news.
ŽhŒŽŒ`¬Ã†â€™nÆ’Å Æ’jÆ’bÆ’n‚ÅÆ’yÆ’jÆ’x‚ð‘傫‚­Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Å‚«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡é‚Á‚ÄÆ’zƒ“ƒgh ‰^‰cŽÒî•ñ ‹à@—z ‚»Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ì‘¼ lÞ”hÅ’­ Æ’tÆ’cÆ’gÆ’}Æ’bÆ’v Httpwwwsatsukikeisei Cliniccom ŽhŒŽŒ`¬Ã†â€™nÆ’Å Æ’jÆ’bÆ’n ”ü@—e Æ’yÆ’jÆ’x‚&Ea
190 ultrasonics - americas secret police ultrasonics views
ultrasonics views mentally ill people as a threat to neighborhood communities. ultrasonics uses their sophisticated technology to manipulate, trick, and terrorize people with mental disabilities.
Navigationshilfe Ty
191 Special Needs Family Fun Offers family
Offers family fun and special needs resources to enhance the quality and fun of family life for families with disabilities.
Special Family Needs Fun Post Disability Support Monica Families Music Baby Care Disabilities Parents Travel Learning Injury Delays Appropriate
192 handicap parking survey survey for
survey for people with disabilities or their caregivers to evaluate how well their parking needs are being met by current parking facilities.
Furniture Handicapped Parking Japanese Tables Interior Dining Beads Cabinets Ideas Doors Survey They Kitchen Bgsu Basement Web Flooring Puertas Kitchenware
193 Trips, Inc. Offers vacation
Offers vacation travel and outings for adults with special needs such as developmental disabilities, mental retardation, or physical handicaps. Online calendar and booking, activity descriptions, and media apperances highlighted. Also provides photographs, chaperone information, and travel links.
Trips Inc™ Contact Inc Travelers Packages Inclusive Developmental Older Disaiblities Magazine Vacation Gift Documentary Chaperone Come Staff
194 Childrens Disability List of Lists A current
A current, annotated list of mailing lists for families of children with disabilities and special needs. Each listserv on this list has been personally validated for subscription information and family orientation.
Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Groups List Autism Special Needs Books Listserv@listservicorsorg Disability Childrens Adoption Support Feeding Parenting Add Listserv@listservsyredu Mailing Seizure
195 The Disability Coach - POWER Dr. Kevin
Dr. Kevin Roberts, a disabled clinical psychologist, presents P.O.W.E.R., a positive attitude development program for people with disabilities. The Disability Coach instructs, motivates and educates PWDs regarding acceptance, adjustment and direction.
Whitening Dental Teeth Tooth Coach Bleaching Dentist Dentists Afraid Whos Professional Terms Privacy Products Untreated Advisable Help Techniques
196 Service Enhancement Associates Service Enhancement
Service Enhancement Associates provides training workshops and technical assistance throughout the US on issues and services related to the employment of persons with disabilities.
Training Benefits Po Oxford Here Med Informed United States Fax Social Michael Telephone Wallinginc@aolcom Y
197 Community Rebuilders Provides emergency
Provides emergency shelter for families, supportive housing for homeless people with disabilities, affordable housing, housing rehabilitation, community organizing and homelessness prevention services in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Rebuilders Donate Services Community Training Less Moresee Academy Place Contact Homelesness Involved Ending Call See Veterans Meet Grand Us
198 Disability-Friendly Colleges New Mobility
New Mobility Interactive Cafe contains lots of good information for people with disabilities, including this review by Rachel Ross of the top 10 disability friendly colleges and universities in the US.
Digital Archive Mobility News Browse Classifieds Changing Reads Hands Bites Gearcrip Store Issues Inside Turns Awards
199 Dancing Wheels A professional
A professional, integrated, modern dance company comprised of dancers with (using a wheelchair for movement) and without disabilities. The company is recognized as a pioneer in the art of integrated (mixed abilities)dance. (Cleveland, OH USA)
Wheels Dancing Arts Dance Company Center Integrated Greg Programs Agency Promotional Gg Presents Music Univ Physically Games Morningamerica Show
200 Camp Hopewell Oxford, Mississippi.
Oxford, Mississippi. 278 acre site with summer camp style and conference center style accommodations. Information on summer camps, including special sessions for children with disabilities. Also material on the facilities, their use, and registration.
Z Camphopewell Y
1 inside out productions outsider art
outsider art created by artists with developmental disabilities.
2 hand crafted pottery since 1953
since 1953, the hutton house pottery studio employs adults with disabilities. provides illustrated catalog and ordering instructions.
Lifeworks Artworks Access Education Page Healthy Voluntarism Youth Coaching Job Store Break House Employment Pottery Contact Student
3 Dancing Wheels A modern
A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher, this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.
Wheels Dancing Arts Center Dance Company Programs Gg Integrated Promotional Greg Agency Presents University Physically Music Snowman Dumbo Clemson
4 Dancing Wheels A modern
A modern dance company comprised of dancers with and without disabilities. Founded by Mary Verdi-Fletcher this mixed abilites company performs worldwide.
Wheels Dancing Arts Company Dance Center Promotional Integrated Programs Gg Greg Agency University School Music Dancers Lectureperformance Physically Novelty
5 normansfield hospital (uk) photo gallery
photo gallery of normansfield hospital, founded by john langdon down in 1868 for people with learning disabilities.
Normansfield Langdon Hospital Homepage Theatre Centre Haydon House Main Video Learning Restoration Wards Park Gallery
6 Abilities United Productions Dedicated to
Dedicated to giving a voice to persons with disabilities in the film industry. Background information, feature-length and short film scripts, projects in development, and contact details.
Abilities United Productions Feature Hollywood Films Privacy Policy Class Fail Wwwabilitiesunitedorg Disabilities Hollywoodstereotypespalo
7 Hows Your News Follows five
Follows five news reporters with mental and physical disabilities around the United States. Film information, cast and crew, news, reviews, photographs, discussion forum, and links.
Hows News Weve Times Showing Our News’ Weekly Click Reserved Hyn Washington Entertainment Checkrights
8 sheiner, marcy writer, teacher
writer, teacher, and editor, the author presents her books and work as an editor, writing, writing classes, published list, and her experience as the mother of a child with disabilities.
Create Tripod Requested Login Website Errorpage Page Please Signup Tripodcom Couldnt Lycos Foundcheck
9 Dancing Wheels A professional
A professional, integrated, modern dance company comprised of dancers with (using a wheelchair for movement) and without disabilities. The company is recognized as a pioneer in the art of integrated (mixed abilities)dance. (Cleveland, OH USA)
Wheels Dancing Arts Company Dance Center Greg Promotional Integrated Agency Gg Programs Dancers University Presents Concert Premier Alice Park
10 Llandovery Theatre Company This is
This is a charity theatre company in South Wales, working with young adults, children and those with disabilities. Latest project includes a film of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” with an all children cast.

Disabilities Dictionary Reviews for Disabilities. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Disabilities" (visitors of this topic page). Disabilities › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Disabilities Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

11 results for Disabilities: