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Discovery Experience


1 Creative Biolabs

Creative Biolabs is the leading custom service provider that has extensive experience in various antibody production and engineering fields. Our... Services Antibody Protein Creative Biolabs Platform Membrane Display Phage Discovery Libraries Analysis Cell Our Us
2 Discovery Caravan Hire Sydney Caravan And
Discovery Caravan Hire in Sydney is your one-stop destination for planning your luxury caravan adventure. From proper planning to its... Sans Open Uv Hire Sydney Caravan Discovery License Your Home Our Arial User Gecko Agent
3 Discovery Caravan Hire Caravan Hire
Discovery Caravan Hire Sydney has a range of modern luxury caravans and pop tops for hire. Our caravans have been... Sans Open Uv Hire Sydney Caravan Discovery License Your Home Our Arial User Gecko Agent
4 North East India Travel Operator Travel
Purvi Discovery have some fantastic North east india tour packages for everyone from families seeking a relaxed trip to couples... India The North East Purvi Discovery We November Assam Site March Thank More Read Jssor
5 North East India Travel Operator Travel
Assam, Indis
Hiking in North East India is an unforgettable experience. You will be hiking in the deep forests of the region... India The North East Discovery We Purvi November Assam Site March Jssor Travel Read More
1 sapient discovery drug discovery acceleration sapient discovery
sapient discovery - leading service provider of structure based drug design encompassing advanced bioinformatics, computational and x-ray crystallography.
Protein Drug Services Discovery Crystallography Sapient Structure Bioinformatics Company Ray Lead Optimization Modeling Screening Design Investornews Enzymes
2 discovery partners international provider of
provider of technology, products and services that augment the drug discovery efforts of the pharmaceutical industry.
3 discovery partners international provider of
provider of technology, products, and services that augment the drug discovery efforts of the pharmaceutical industry.
4 Asset Discovery and Locator Systems Investigative service
Investigative service specializing in the discovery of assets and locating people throughout the United States and Canada.
5 discovery-insight biopharmaceutical consulting helps clients
helps clients manage risk in all aspects of drug discovery and development, from concept through phase ii proof-of-principle.
Z Discovery Phase Pharmaceuticalcompanies Pharmaceutical Europe Biotechnology Helping Copyrightbiopharmaceutical Insight
6 discovery partners international products for
products for lead discovery and optimization, medicinal and combinatorial chemistry, structural biology, ultra high throughput screening, assay development.
7 myriad pharmaceuticals biopharmaceutical company
biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of therapeutic and diagnostic products using genomic and proteomic technologies. services include drug discovery, gene discovery and genetic testing.
8 the institutes for pharmaceutical discovery, llc. creates and
creates and manages discovery institutes for specific disease states, such a diabetes, and technologies in the fields of bioanalytics and neurosensors. based in branford, connecticut.
Institutes Discovery Pharmaceutical Llc Webbersaurus Career Panel Opportunities Development Team Profiler Partners Mission * Kinase Branford Copyright Discoverycom
9 mds panlabs provides pharmacology
provides pharmacology, lead discovery, hts, metabolism, drug discovery, drug development, safety pharmacology, biotechnology, and biosafety contract research services.
10 mds panlabs provides pharmacology
provides pharmacology, lead discovery, hts, metabolism, drug discovery, drug development, safety pharmacology, biotechnology, and biosafety contract research services.
11 institute for diabetes discovery research company
research company and institute dedicated to the discovery of novel drugs and therapeutics for diabetes, its complications, obesity, and related disorders.
Skin Lift Rihal Layer Discovery Makeup Idd Face Neck Leferykremhu Hair Epidermis Outer Smoking Creams Uksdobrapl Health
12 drug discovery online informative synopsis
informative synopsis of news, product updates, discussion forums, and online chat regarding manufacturing, technology, equipment, and supplies for professionals in the drug discovery and development industry.
Z Found_ Requested Url Please Server Description Application Errorresource Cannot
13 Drug Discovery Online Informative synopsis
Informative synopsis of news, product updates, discussion forums, & online chat regarding manufacturing, technology, equipment, & supplies for professionals in the Drug Discovery & Development Industry.
14 Xencor, Inc. Technology for
Technology for MHC epitope removal, glycosylation to optimize pharmacokinetics, masking immune recognition sites and engineering monoclonal antibodies. Includes discovery programs, partnering opportunities in Monrovia, California. ImmunoPDAâ„¢ Technology Product Sheet Caltech spin-off developing proteomic technologies to accelerate drug discovery.
15 Discovery Resources Broadcast, professional
Broadcast, professional, and industrial equipment brokers.
Discovery Resources Equipment Services Video Professional Broadcast Industrial Sales Provide Cables_ Discovery Brisbane Studios_ Rental Source Umatic Brokers
16 Discovery Capital Investment focus:
Investment focus: emerging software and communications ventures.
Discovery Capital Fund Bc Capitalsbritish Bcdiscovery Inc Discoveryfund Inc* Sierra Rights Rrsp Columbia Systems
17 discovery laboratories, inc a specialty
a specialty pharmaceutical company in humanized lung surfactants.
18 jurilab ltd. company in
company in genetic discovery producing drug targets and dna chips.
19 aureus pharma a knowledge
a knowledge management system designed for drug discovery research.
Conditions Press Apache Terms Release Server Found The Privacy Aureus Sciences Link Portcontact Found
20 chipscreen biosciences ltd. contract drug
contract drug discovery and development company, in shenzhen, china.
21 thrombogenics ltd a company
a company focused on discovery and development of biotherapeutics for treatment of vascular diseases.
Thrombogenics Investor Science Contacts News Press Jetrea® Share Enhancing Careers Events Presentations Information Advancing Price — Focus Ocriplasmin
22 albany molecular research specializes in
specializes in chemistry related to drug discovery and development.
23 Discovery Intl Geophysics Inc. A leading
A leading geophysical provider in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
24 Graybill, Chris Ten years
Ten years experience doing voiceovers. Credits include documentaries for PBS and Discovery.
25 BD ViaSante Develops practical
Develops practical new cellular solutions that accelerate discovery and development of new drugs.
Cell Research Culture Website Clinical Reagents Bd Media Support Flow Bioprocessing Surfaces Neuroscience Medium Cytometry Bead Based Hepatocyte Privacy Fluid
26 bionovo, inc. a pharmaceutical
a pharmaceutical company focusing on discovery and development of drugs for cancer and womens health.
Bionovo Board Contact Bezielle Error Notice Pipeline Bn Filings Undefined Investors Advisory Media Cancer Xbrl Page Webcasts Pancreatic
27 BiZBash An online
An online news, discovery and resource center for event and business entertaining professionals.
28 pharmacopeia online provider of
provider of products and services that accelerate drug discovery and chemical development.
29 Flight Discovery Training from
Training from recreational to professional levels in Katanas from this Kamloops based school.
30 Discovery Toys Provides children
Provides children with exceptional products that are educational, developmental and fun. Offers consultant opportunities.
Toys Shop Games Books Educational Product Thinking Party Hold Canada Now Learning Contact Website Critical
31 chemovation ltd a leading
a leading provider of integrated drug discovery services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.
32 cyprotex a company
a company focused on the prediction and experimental evaluation of adme and pharmacokinetics for drug discovery.
Adme Cloe Cyprotex Discovery Pk Toxicology Services Physicochemical Found The Available Cro Screening Apache Relations Modelling
33 Poulos, Stefan Past projects
Past projects and concepts by Discovery Channels art director. Germantown, Maryland.
34 wyeth research-based, global
research-based, global pharmaceutical company responsible for the discovery and development of medicines.
35 McGovern & Greene LLP Chicago: offers
Chicago: offers consultation on computer forensics and electronic discovery issues.
Fraud Forensic Services Mcgovern Accounting Construction Greene Litigation Contracts Accountants Contact Computer Intellectual Property Lost Support Forensics Analysis Risk
36 Randgold Resources Focuses on
Focuses on the creation of value through the discovery and development of world class gold projects.
37 oscient pharmaceuticals biopharmaceutical company
biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of pharmaceutical and diagnostics products.
38 orchid biosciences develops products
develops products and services designed to measure and use in pharmacogenetics and drug discovery.
39 Nanomaterials Discovery Corporation Develops nanostructured
Develops nanostructured materials using high-throughput combinatorial electrochemical methods.
Dating Tips Materials Nano Women Discovery Badass Date Girls Rss Entries First Dont Tao Things Salon Hearts Nomatter
40 Turrow / McParlane Associates, Inc. TMA, Inc
TMA, Inc facilitates revenue enhancement for government entities through tax discovery and related operations.
Inc Turrow Mcparlane Associates Discovery Revenue Angeles Info@tmausacom Rms Please Tma Tax Ris Entities Contact Through Avenuesuite
41 kinex pharmaceuticals drug discovery
drug discovery and development company that is focused on next generation anti-cancer drugs.
Kinex Pharmaceuticals Cancer Clinical Company Drug Kinase Inhibitors Trials Partner Development Treatments Collaborative Developing Phase Anti Generation
42 Harris & Barnes Image Consulting Strives to
Strives to inspire and motivate others to the discovery of their most dynamic authentic self. Charlotte, NC.
Image Harris Female Barnes Style Fashion Consulting Male Academy Brand Dynamic Personal Distinct Testimonials International Services Influential Original
43 Discovery Detective Group Services to
Services to the private sector, corporate, government, and small business community.
44 nyxis neurotherapies, inc. engaged in
engaged in discovery and development of therapeutics that treat central nervous system disorders.
Nyxiscom Domain Salez
45 BioFocus plc Offers multidisciplinary
Offers multidisciplinary chemistry and biology expertise for pre-clinical drug discovery, in eastern England.
46 Reich + Petch Architects with
Architects with an interdisciplinary approach that creates interactive environments for living, working and discovery.
Design + Contact Team Portfolio Architecture News Clients Reich+petch History Natural Alphabetical Asia Study Wayfinding Master Bicentennial
47 arachnova, ltd. virtual pharmaceutical
virtual pharmaceutical discovery and development company. specialists in outsourced project and technology management.
Wordpress 厨房æ©Ã…¸åâ„¢¨ã®è³¼å…¥æ–¹æ³Ã¢â‚¬Â¢ã„ろいろ Space Free Flight Themes é­Ã¢â‚¬Â¦åŠ›ãŸã£ã·ã‚Š 日常生活にä¸Ã‚å¯æ¬ ãªã‚­ãÆ’
48 Turkel, Doug - Voiceover Guy Talent with
Talent with clients like CNN, AT&T, Dish Network, and Discovery Kids. ISDN digital studio.
Doug Turkel Demo Voice Talent Unnouncer Network Voiceover Imaging Video Audiobook Narration Promo Radio Commercial Award Winning
49 A/P Logic International Dedicated to
Dedicated to the discovery and recovery of lost profits in your accounts payable and telecommunication areas of your business.
Auditing Payments Payable Sales Tax Duplicate Accounts Logic Ap Unclaimed Outsourcing Standard Profits Contact Credits Recovery Lost Use Negotiation Utility Extension
50 genomics one corporation focuses on
focuses on the development of technology platforms for genomic manipulations and gene discovery. based in canada.
51 Liberty Media Major distributor
Major distributor of TV entertainment, sports and other programming including Discovery Channel, USA, QVC, Encore, and STARZ.
Media Liberty Corporate Investor Contact Corporation Press Stock Company Faqs Releases Basis Inc Information Cost Companies Financial
52 Hansen-Mueller Co. Provides an
Provides an individualized approach to grain merchandising through price discovery, marketing, transportation and logistics throughout the world.
Contact Login Bids Commodity Locations Country Port Hansentrading Processing Mueller Grain Bulk Elevators
53 Discovery Learning Resource for
Resource for Trainers, Consultants and executives offering leadership development, teambuilding and organizational improvement.
Learning Discovery Organizational Tools People Inc Email Center Resources Contact Products Leadership Login Assessments Simulations Company
54 Bioshield Technologies, Inc. Committed to
Committed to the discovery, development, marketing and sale of surface-modifying antimicrobial and antiviral products.
55 haberman associates assisting companies
assisting companies with identification and adoption of genomics and proteomics technology to expedite drug discovery and development.
Haberman Consulting Associates News Consortium Contact Science Publications Seminars Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Speaking Rd Effective Consultants Alzheimers Readmore Development
56 Maureen McIntosh: BestLife Seminars Inc. This keynote
This keynote speaker and seminar leader offers topics on the journey of self-discovery. SK., Canada.
57 Southwest Discovery Offers convention
Offers convention and meeting services including a user friendly program of tours, events and activities.
Discovery Southwest Southwestern Scottsdale Just Phoenix Experts Mountain Toll Fax Transportation Tours Off Suite Lets
58 Tribiosys, Inc. Bioinformatics and
Bioinformatics and related R&D informatics solutions to improve decision-making in drug discovery and development by the biopharmaceutical industry.
59 Ellipsis Partners Educate, inform
Educate, inform, counsel and support not-for-profit organizations in their discovery, selection and deployment of Internet tools.
Partners Ellipsis Technology Moira Virtual Conference Consultants Workforce Coal Contact Colorado League Electricity Graduates Association Pdf References Lms
60 Regis Technologies Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of specialized columns for chiral separation and derivatization reagents for drug discovery, and chemical analysis.
61 cognitalis drug design
drug design company focused on discovery and development of novel targeted medicines for the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer.
62 tibotec pharmaceuticals ltd. an international
an international pharmaceutical company, accelerating discovery and development of breakthrough drugs in hiv/aids and other therapeutic diseases.
63 affymax research institute drug discovery
drug discovery and development company with peptide drugs to treat cancer and immune-mediated diseases.
64 National Search and Discovery Services include
Services include criminal background checks, location of missing persons, and obtaining death records.
65 provectus pharmaceuticals, inc. pharmaceutical company
pharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery, development, and commercialization of leading-edge technology in the areas of oncology and dermatology.
66 absorption systems a pharmaceutical
a pharmaceutical contract research laboratory that provides rapid in vitro, adme profiling services for lead discovery support.
Biologics Medical Testing Preclinical Drugs Ocular Forgot Models Devices Small Assays Privacy Pk Password Discover
67 National Search and Discovery Pre-employment screening
Pre-employment screening and background check assistance, lists available services, drug testing, testimonials, and franchise opportunities.
68 Country Discovery Traditional label.
Traditional label. Artists include Shane Worley, Hatchet, and Jamie Beaver. Catalog, guestbook, and online ordering.
Mps Sample Country Music Steel Catalog Discovery Closeouts Records Gospel Shane Worley Guitar Traditional Recording Mizzell World Todays Brothers Visit
69 Serenex, Inc. Drug discovery
Drug discovery and development through the commercialization of chemoproteomics, fractionation and mining, purine-binding, mechanism of action determination, and toxicity screening.
70 alantos pharmaceuticals ag company using
company using target amplified drug candidate evolution platform for discovery. includes profile, news, and career contacts.
Amgen Homepage Patients Potential Developing Medicines Unlockingdiscovering Manufacturing Illnesses Innovative Biotechnology Serious Of
71 proqinase gmbh a medium
a medium sized r&d company located freiburg southwest of germany focusing on protein kinase targeted drug discovery.
Cancer Proqinase Research Services Preclinical Cellular Discovery Drug Platform Co Culture Boston Target Summit Therapeutics Assay
72 chronogen inc a privately
a privately held drug discovery company developing drugs to treat age-dependent diseases, with an initial focus on cancer and cardiovascular disorders.
Click Here Proceedz
73 dov pharmaceutical inc. biopharmaceutical company
biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, acquisition, development and commercialization of novel drug candidates for central nervous system, cardiovascular and urological disorders.
74 Rimfire Pacific Mining NL Australian exploration
Australian exploration company focused towards the discovery of the hard rock source of the Bingara-Copeton alluvial diamonds in northern NSW.
75 Drug Discovery & Development Magazine Magazine for
Magazine for the pharmaceutical industry professional.
76 Change Careers - Change Your Life A self-discovery
A self-discovery program to develop and implement a vocational vision.
77 CGI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Genomics-based drug
Genomics-based drug discovery with speciality in kinases. Based in Branford, Connecticut.
78 discovery semiconductors, inc. manufacturer of
manufacturer of advanced photonics, electronics and semiconductors for the space and fiber optic markets.
79 ptc therapeutics focused on
focused on the discovery and commercialization of orally active small molecule therapeutics for human diseases.
Learn Therapeutics Ataluren Disorders Therapeutic Areas Genetic Approach Post Transcriptional Infectious Leadership Investor Oncology Diseases Careers Relations Control Drug Gemstrade Discovery
80 discovery cable makes interconnect
makes interconnect, 110 ohm cables and speaker cable.
Cable Discovery Cables Tonearm Teflon Rewire Contact Welcome Rega Excellent Services Tone Speaker Digital Reviews Phono Been Imports Interconnects
81 RxLogix Portal for
Portal for drug discovery, development and delivery, featuring industry research and business intelligence. Includes site tour, subscription instructions and login.
82 The Discovery Group A management
A management consulting firm that provides customized employee opinion, customer satisfaction, and readership surveys to help organizations make sound business decisions.
Surveys Survey Employee Bruce Satisfaction Katcher Customer Discovery Click Opinion Professionals Inc Readership Bruces Increase Katchers
83 Symyx Technologies, Inc. Applies high-throughput
Applies high-throughput experimentation to the discovery of new materials, including catalysts used in the manufacture of chemicals, plastics and rubbers, through collaborative research agreements.
Accelrys Management Materials Enterprise Innovation Software Scientific Research Informatics Platform Program Contact Applications Support Solutions Consulting External Groups Lifecycle
84 IBC Life Sciences Offers educational
Offers educational conferences to sectors including development, discovery, preclinical and regulatory affairs. Events available in North America, Europe and Asia.
85 pharmacopeia drug discovery inc. offers internal
offers internal and collaborative services as well as combinatorial chemistry in association with international partners. headquarters in princeton, new jersey. (nasdaq: pcop).
86 symyx technologies, inc. applies high-throughput
applies high-throughput experimentation to the discovery of new materials, including catalysts used in the manufacture of chemicals, plastics and rubbers, through collaborative research agreements.
87 mdl information systems discovery informatics
discovery informatics company for life sciences and chemistry. makers of assay explorer software to track and datamine imaging based experiments.
88 alantos pharmaceuticals ag company using
company using target amplified drug candidate evolution platform for discovery. includes profile, news, and career contacts in heidelberg, germany.
Amgen Developing Homepage Patients Potential Delivering Manufacturing Staticpagestylesie Medicines Since Worldmenuxml_investors Human Innovative
89 charles river laboratories leading provider
leading provider of animal research models, as well as a range of biomedical products and outsourcing services, for use in the discovery, development and testing of new pharmaceuticals.
Services Research Development Models Drug Discovery River Animal Preclinical Relations Charles Support Access Investor Webinars Check Detection Process Podcasts
90 kard scientific conducts in
conducts in vivo efficacy studies to support drug discovery and development. models include cancer, neurological, inflammation, arthritis and other diseases.
Page Kard Scientific Services Contact Careers Cures Home Links Developingpartnerships Content Z
91 Ligon, Diane Listen to
Listen to demos of a talent whose clients include AARP, BP Solar, Discovery, CIA, NIH,Pentagon Construction Office, US Air Force, and Bethesda Naval Hospital.
92 Discovery Research Group Telephone marketing
Telephone marketing and research. Provides corporate profile, services, industry, and contact information.
Analysis Research Data Media Focus Surveys Discovery Blog Social Group Market Quantitative Landmark Groups Login Insight |
93 Discovery Research Group Telephone marketing
Telephone marketing and research provides corporate profile, services, industry, and contact information.
Analysis Research Data Media Focus Social Group Discovery Surveys Blog Login Share | Groups Survey Quantitative Telephone Customers Collection
94 mds pharma services a global
a global contract research organization, offering a complete spectrum of services in drug discovery and development.
95 Scottish Biomedical A pre-clinical
A pre-clinical drug discovery services company focussing exclusively on early stage drug research.
Drug Discovery Cell Jump Enquiries Custom Fee_ Meet General Line Resources Services _no Toplace_assay
96 mds pharma services a global
a global contract research organization, offering a complete spectrum of services in drug discovery and development.
Pharma Thanks Services We Mds Dropz Form Services Enter
98 Booz, Mickey Head of
Head of Ice Cream Films, director of photography and a cameraman for 20 years. Specializes in high end film and video shoots for such clients as ABC, ESPN, and the Discovery Channel.
99 shimoda biotech a south
a south african biopharmaceutical discovery company that innovates therapeutic compounds in proprietary drug delivery systems, with cancer research as a primary focus.
100 PPD Offers research
Offers research and product support for drug discovery, development from lead and target identification, through clinical trials. Explains services and resources available in Wilmington, North Carolina.
101 orgachem laboratories contract research
contract research and custom synthesis company in india, offering services in parallel synthesis and drug discovery.
102 novobiotic pharmaceuticals llc. antibiotic discovery
antibiotic discovery, using proprietary technology as a platform, for growing previously unculturable microorganisms in the laboratory. includes publications, related news, and careers in cambridge, massachusetts.
103 argenta discovery argenta scientists
argenta scientists work under contract to convert hits and leads from high-throughput screening into validated patentable lead series.
Argenta Discovery Drug Services Careers News Contact Publications Genentech Linkedin Expertise Integrated Here Respiratory Click De Risking Copyright
104 novirio pharmaceuticals limited a independent
a independent biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of life threatening human viral diseases.
Soon Page Comingy
105 GE Healthcare Provides services
Provides services in medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient monitoring systems, disease research, drug discovery and biopharmaceuticals.
Worldwide Newy
106 cytomyx cytomyx provides
cytomyx provides its clients in the pharma-biotech and life-science communities with a complete range of genomic and proteomic discovery research services and reagents.
107 Discovery Custom Homes Modular home
Modular home manufacturer building highly customized homes nationwide. Find vendors, view pics, plans.
Homes Feature Modular Custom Discovery Floor Show Builder Palm Plan Harbor Previousfeature Built Building Last
108 artesian therapeutics, inc. a privately
a privately held drug discovery company developing new treatments for cardiovascular disease. includes brief company description and careers pages.
109 Skywire Software Customer service
Customer service applications consisting of knowledge management, web self-service, and desktop discovery tools that automate the problem resolution process.
110 GlycoMar Ltd. An innovative
An innovative drug discovery and development company pursuing untapped biological and chemical diversity to identify new drug candidates from marine organisms.
111 Amersham PLC Provides pharmaceutical
Provides pharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and treatment of disease and technologies for biotechnology research and drug discovery. Site contains history, investor information, press releases, and describes the services offered.
112 m-phasys GmbH Focused on
Focused on the discovery of therapeutics for GPCRs and other membrane proteins. Information on research activities, services, management, press releases and directions. Located in Tübingen, Germany.
Biotechnologie Hochschule Fachhochschule Thema Biochemie München Mikrobiologie Ernst Abbe Universitten Hochschulen China Darmstadt Jahren Technische Kaiserslautern
113 ZymoGenetics, Inc. Discovery, development
Discovery, development and commercialization of therapeutic proteins for the prevention and treatment of human diseases. Includes product pipeline, news on clinical trials and profile of company in Seattle, Washington.
114 chemdiv global contract
global contract research organization based in california, focused on drug discovery. overview of synthetic chemistry and screening capabilities, custom synthesis options, and related services.
115 genomics collaborative, inc. apply the
apply the science of human genetics to drug and diagnostic discovery decisions. maintains a database of dna, sera, and tissue samples, linked to clinical information from patients worldwide.
Genomicsinccom Clickz Go Here
116 genomics collaborative, inc. applies the
applies the science of human genetics to drug and diagnostic discovery decisions. maintains a database of dna, sera, and tissue samples, linked to clinical information from patients worldwide.
Report Health Genomicsinccom Luxury Insurance Relief Cheap Pain Free Migraine Cars Credit Tickets Air Please Best Schools
117 Discovery Packaging Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of custom flexible packaging - art, creative, design, plates, extruded plastic film, flexographically printed bags, pouches, and rollstock.
118 mediolanum farmaceutici group a diversified
a diversified pharmaceutical group committed to the discovery, development and marketing of a varied portfolio of products. it is based in italy with subsidiaries in france and the usa.
Area Farmaceutici Mediolanum Vascolare Aree Prodotti Integratori Al Farmacovigilanza Antibiotici Ricerca Otc Medicinali Dal Terapeutiche Agli
119 sanofi aventis dedicated to
dedicated to improving life through the discovery and development of innovative products in the fields of prescription drugs, vaccines, therapeutic proteins, crop production and protection, animal health, and nutrition.
120 aeterna zentaris discovery, manufacture
discovery, manufacture and marketing of products used in oncology and endocrine therapy, with development strategies and investor information. quebec, quebec, canada. [french and english]
Page Titley
121 genotypic technology solutions for
solutions for drug discovery and research and development for pharma, genomics & biotechnology companies. site includes details of services and current research projects.
122 RSP Amino Acids LLC. offers novel
offers novel analogues, unique building blocks and scaffolds for peptide synthesis, cores for drug discovery. Includes structures of products, login for medicinal optimization and contacts in Shirley, Massachusetts.
123 eurogentec genomics, proteomics
genomics, proteomics and biologics. focuses on the high resolution separation and identification of proteins from human tissue and analysis to describe differences between diseased and normal states for rapid drug discovery. liège.
Gmp Oligonucleotides Custom Oligos Qpcr Dna Kits Reagents Protein Taqreg Diagnostic News Manufacturing Diamond Cgmp Pcr Services Sample Unique
124 eurogentec genomics, proteomics
genomics, proteomics and biologics. focuses on the high resolution separation and identification of proteins from human tissue and analysis to describe differences between diseased and normal states for rapid drug discovery. liège.
125 Exelixis, Inc. Genomics-based discovery
Genomics-based discovery company focused on development of drugs, crop protection, and plant biotechnology. Overview of research, investor relations and contacts in California and Portland, Oregon. (Nasdaq: EXEL)
126 Genentech, Inc. Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering techniques in the discovery, development, production, and marketing of human therapeutics. Includes research history, product pipline, global corporate and career information, from South San Francisco, California.
Genentech Medical Medicines Scientists Msboston Patients Information Hiring Compliance Good Disease News Media Professionals Contact Email Leadership
127 chiron corporation participates in
participates in therapeutics, blood testing and vaccines. conducts research and development in the fields of recombinant technology, gene therapy, vaccines, small molecule discovery, and genomics.
128 m-phasys GmbH Biotech company
Biotech company focused on the discovery of therapeutics for GPCRs and other membrane proteins. Information on research activities, services, management, press releases, location and contact information.
129 symyx technologies, inc. researches and
researches and develops technologies for the discovery of new materials, including the catalysts used in the manufacture of major chemicals, plastics and rubbers, phosphors, the pigments and additives, and polymers. (nasdaq: smmx).
130 Symyx Technologies, Inc. Researches and
Researches and develops technologies for the discovery of new materials, including the catalysts used in the manufacture of major chemicals, plastics and rubbers, phosphors, the pigments and additives, and polymers. (Nasdaq: SMMX).
131 Makar Records Offers a
Offers a discovery of Indian Classical Music through a series of great masters from different traditional schools. All the different styles (Dhrupad, Khyal, Thumri, Carnatic), schools and instruments are represented.
Record Makar Recordscom Music Background Checkbest Terms Publiclegal Learn Section People
132 discovery laboratories inc. develops and
develops and commercializes surfactant formulations for neonatal care, treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome and lung injury. information for patients, investors and careers in doylestown, pennsylvania. (nasdaq: dsco)
Discovery Labs Development Products Surfaxinr Suspension Pipeline Company Intratracheal Careers Program Aerosurfr Synergistic Technology Coverage Laboratories
133 Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Receptor-based drug
Receptor-based drug discovery in the fields of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, sleep disorders, neurodegeneration, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. Comprehensive profile of company in San Diego, California. (Nasdaq: ARNA)
Arena Pharmaceuticals Press Releases Executive Apd Belviq® Development Gpcr Hcl Business Statement Officers Inc Directors Programs Contact Investor
134 Reach Beyond Specializing in
Specializing in personal development, self-discovery and self-improvement. Development of individuals and organizations, including leadership development, management development and team building.
135 taigen biotechnology specializes in
specializes in the drug discovering using gpcr targets and development focusing on oncology and anti-inflammatory drug discovery and development
Tg Englishterms Use Pharm Privacy Biotechnology Co Taigen Copyright Biocentury Ltd privacy | termsf*msci
136 outsourcing pharmaceutical development and discovery portal for pharmaceutical
for pharmaceutical professionals involved with the development of new molecular entities through clinical trials and the regulatory process.
137 lmd pharmacognosie a discovery
a discovery company combining scientific investigation of traditional plant-based remedies and latest scientific technology to offer novel bioactive molecules to the pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical and biotechnology industries.
138 Fortiva Email Archiving Provides managed
Provides managed email archiving service for regulatory compliance and legal discovery.
139 Phosphate Fibers Book by
Book by Edward J. Griffith about the discovery, chemistry, synthesis, properties, manufacture, toxicology, and uses of calcium and sodium calcium polyphosphate fibers.
140 drug safety evaluation consulting, inc. drug discovery
drug discovery and development consulting services with expertise in bioanalytical chemistry, pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, metabolism, and delivery.
141 Novacta Biosystems Ltd. Drug discovery
Drug discovery and development company using pathway engineering and chemistry to optimise the activity of natural products for the treatment of infectious diseases. Introduces biotransformation technology, lead compounds, key personnel in Hatfield, England.
Novacta Derived Technology Product News Peptide Licensing Bibliography Hertfordshire People Where Biosystems Contact Opportunities Company Nvb Broadwater Antibiotics
142 Abacus Biotech Limited Scientific and
Scientific and business consultancy providing direction to research and technology development and venture, bridging the gap between scientific discovery and business creation.
Abacusbio Business Scientific Consultancy Sheep News Services Careers Agribusiness Limited Consultant People Products Dairy Company Breeding Commercialisation Pastures Gap
143 medichem life sciences inc. drug discovery
drug discovery technology and services company that offers integrated chemistry research and development capabilities to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. information on products and services, investors, and careers.
Help Click Construction Under Open Dynamic Topics Help * Services Inetmgr Disabling Informationaccess Manager
144 curagen corporation simplifying in
simplifying in order to accelerate genomics based product discovery and development. has created technologies to better understand the role of genes in improving human health, animal health and agricultural vitality.
145 Reach Beyond Specializing in
Specializing in personal development, self-discovery and self-improvement. Development of individuals and organisations, including leadership development, management development and team building. Maximising human resources.
Personal Socrates Thinking Well Pictures Cartoons Diogenes Beyond Reach Bill Different Development Blog Quotations Stress Positive Month Suppliers Value Tugtechnique
146 Exhibit Forms Company Manufacturing and
Manufacturing and design company specializing in products for theme, amusement and water parks, museums, educational and discovery centers, exhibition halls, cinema industry, theaters, casinos and restaurants.
147 Exhibit Forms Company Manufacturing and
Manufacturing and design company specializing in products for theme, amusement and water parks, museums, educational and discovery centers, exhibition halls, cinema industry, theaters, casinos and restaurants.
148 bri biopharmaceutical research inc. company conducting
company conducting routine and research driven analytical projects in support of drug-candidate discovery, pre-clinical, and clinical studies using advanced lc/ms/ms, gc/ms and hplc methodologies.
Dmpk Drug Clinical Bioanalytical Cro Development Sample Collection Adme Research Vitro Assays Screening Vivo Cyp Formulation Models Drugs Tumor Derived
149 astex therapeutics ltd. a structure-based
a structure-based drug discovery company pioneering the use of high throughput x-ray crystallography (htx) for the rapid identification of novel drug candidates through structural screening-based in cambridge, uk.
150 Moore Productions Experienced, independent
Experienced, independent, film & video production company located near Washington, DC. Producing award-winning programs for such clients as National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Intelsat, US Postal Service, PBS, Ogilvy, Census Bureau, and USDA.
151 Jerni Peptide-originated drug
Peptide-originated drug discovery and development, with array technology, development of agonists or antagonists for drug targets and complex interactions. Contract and analytical services available from Berlin, Germany.
152 Cotton Discovery Centre Comprehensive education
Comprehensive education and information resource about Australian cotton growing and cultivation, cotton history, and cotton fiber and its applications in the textile industry. From Cotton Australia.
153 snerviano medical sciences an independent
an independent cro devoted to develop and implement innovative preclinical tests for drug discovery and safety pharmacology. cardiovascular system (safety pharmacology : herg and action potential
154 ridgeway petroleum, inc. ridgeway petroleum
ridgeway petroleum is currently developing a significant co2 and helium discovery in arizona. this accumulation may make ridgeway one of the north americas largest producers of those gases.
155 Paradigm Learning Offering change
Offering change management and organizational change business games. Provides financial literacy, leadership training, and corporate strategy through solutions including discovery maps and other interactive business simulations.
Business Zodiak Management Project Team Change Acumen Games Leadership Organizations Sales Learning Development Talent Discovery Video Strategic Events Buzz
156 Beyond Genomics Drug discovery
Drug discovery and development of biomarkers and pathway knowledge useful for detecting disease and measuring drug response. Includes overview of pre-clinical and clinical phases, company news and careers in Waltham, Massachusetts.
157 paragon bioservices, inc. a contract
a contract research organization providing products and research services in molecular biology, cell culture, biochemistry, and molecular histology to accelerate each clients drug discovery and preclinical development efforts.
158 MercaChem Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of custom organic chemical compounds including building blocks, scaffolds and synthons for combinatorial chemistry or further synthesis,compounds or analogues for lead discovery or optimization, and reference compounds such as metabolites or impurities for process validation.
159 chiralix research driven
research driven contract research company, specialized in the developoment and supply of chiral drug-like building blocks, scaffolds and libraries on research-scale for drug discovery and early development.
Transip Meer Blade Controleerof Voor Webhosting Domein Heeft Gereserveerd Domeinnaamdomain Nederlands Innovative Please
160 pherin pharmaceutical pherin pharmaceuticals
pherin pharmaceuticals is focused on the discovery and development of vomeropherins, a new family of pharmaceutical compounds for the treatment of central nervous system and neuroendocrine system disorders.
161 International Marketing Services, Inc. (IMS) Export and
Export and import consulting, marketing support, market research, business discovery, financing assistance, and facilitation of joint ventures since 1986 to companies seeking export sales expansion in Russia, Europe and North America.
162 CTAT Training Provides discovery-based
Provides discovery-based training and strategic consultation services. Ohio based company evaluates specific organizational needs, to customize a training or consultation package.
163 cytopia pty, ltd. privately-held australian
privately-held australian drug discovery company with a focus on inflammatory diseases such as: asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), food allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, inter alia. cytopias first molecular targets are members of the jak family of protein tyrosine kinases.
News Alzheimer’s Drugs Research Cancer Slow Medications Development Depressant Anti Developed Common Cure Better Mitochondria [read Avivi
164 Overfinch Bespoke Vehicles Overfinch (formerly
Overfinch (formerly Schuler) are world-renowned for building bespoke Land Rover vehicles, from the Range Rover, Discovery and Defender ranges.
Overfinch Vogue Defender Evoque Contact Sport Gts Gt Discovery Collection Spirit New Rover News Range Global Decades
165 Regis Technologies Provides development
Provides development, scale-up, and custom manufacturing services for multi-step synthetic products for clients in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and biotech industries. Also offers chiral HPLC products. Manufacturers of specialized columns for chiral separation and derivatization reagents for drug discovery, and chemical analysis.
Services Regis Chiral Synthesis Chromatography Analytical Republic United News Support Email Quality Name Portfolio Products Arabemirates Technologies Nevada Separations Seminar Germany
166 IBC Global Life Sciences Life sciences
Life sciences information featuring conferences and publications in drug discovery technology, therapeutic development, clinical trials, pharmaceutical preparation and manufacturing, regulatory affairs, information technology and business strategies.

2. Shopping and Discovery Trade

1 Discovery Defender Land and
Land and Range Rover, Defender, Discovery and Freelander parts and accessories. Searchable database.
2 Discovery Handmade orthopedic
Handmade orthopedic sandals.
Sandals Marcs Foot Footcare Order Contact Shoes Womens Discovery Heel Mens Feet Vernon Health Custom Canada Arch Customers Footbed Closed
3 Titanic: A Voyage of Discovery CD Rom
CD Rom with photographs and video with commentary.
Titanic Voyage Discoveryz
4 Discovery Parts Safety and
Safety and performance products for motorsport.
Racing Sparco Force Gear Accessories Helmets Scales Systems Parts Equipment Race Omp Fuel Fire Nets Cut Offs Ultra Shield Jugs Schroth
5 Crime of the Millennia The discovery
The discovery of the Fountain of Youth and its grisly location.
6 Archaeological Discovery Ventures Inc. Emeralds and
Emeralds and gold recovered from a shipwreck.
Shipwreck Treasure Discovery Ventures Pas Cher Archaeological Louis Vuitton Salvage Cortes Sac Wreck Llc Ship Historical Emeralds Projects
7 Windsor Nature Discovery Offering a
Offering a selection of wildlife prints.
Posters Fish America North Identification Prints Nature See Wildlife Sibleys Charts Bird Birds Butterflies Trees Shopping Sibley’s Common
8 2 of Hearts Honeymoons Online honeymoon
Online honeymoon registry service headquartered in Discovery Bay.
Hearts Honeymoons Couple Honeymoon Guest Travel Contact Sample Registry Registries Works Destinations Benefits Planning Registered Romantic Register Inform
9 Discovery Auto Parabolic springs
Parabolic springs, parts, service and accessories for Land Rovers.
10 Zen Baby Inspiring peace
Inspiring peace, relaxation, and learning experiences through discovery of the beauty and wonder of the world around us.
Baby Monitors Monitor Best Graco Picks Infant Blog Summer Philips Guide Sony Fisher Video Price
11 Childrens Toy Box Offers educations
Offers educations toys and kits including Uncle Milton and Discovery Channel products.
Toys Life Games Baby Science Tents Discount Kits Childrens Wooden Vests Jackets Child | Educational Dance Pool Swimming Shade
12 Discovery Automatives Providing new
Providing new and used parts for Land Rover vehicles. Includes upgrade information and list of models supplied.
Rover Land Series Parts Discovery Defender Range Automotive Page Accessories Guard Used Specialists Td Safari Repair Drive
13 Natures Fire Science and
Science and nature discovery store, educational toys, games, books and puzzles that light imaginations.
Terms Fire Disclaimer Estate Privacy Real Contact Policy Natures How Buying Blog House Qualify Public Hud
14 Sounds True Offers more
Offers more than 500 audio, video and music titles about spiritual traditions, meditation, psychology, creativity, health and healing, self-discovery, and relationships.
Tolle Eckhart Kabat Brach Thompson Zinn Policy True Tara Jeffrey Conditions Terms Faq Meditation Pema Saki Seane Ce Credits Holecek
15 Amazon Discovery Herbal supplement
Herbal supplement formulated from herb extracts from the Amazon Rainforest.
Powder Herbs Discovery Root Products Amazon + Raw Testing Order Camu Powders Services Submit Weed Goat @herbswholesale Purchase
16 Trail Treasures Offers collectibles
Offers collectibles and souvenirs relating to the Lewis and Clark discovery trail.
Wordpress ダイエットに酵素のサプãÆ’ªã‚„ドãÆ’ªãÆ’³ã‚¯ã¯ï¼Ã…¸ 酵素でダイエットできã‚â
17 APB Trading Limited Spares and
Spares and accessories for Discovery, Range Rover and Land Rover vehicles.
Rover Land Parts Expedition Tents Equipment Worcestershire Roof Accessories Racks Canvas Apb Trading Repairs Fridges Recovery Discovery
18 Rover Connection Genuine parts
Genuine parts and accessories for Range Rover, Discovery, and Defender Land Rovers.
Rover Connection New Lr Name Change Parts Salt Accessories Has City Land Changedbputahcom
19 Discovery Automotive Parts Specializes in
Specializes in used Honda and Acura parts.
Hosting Web Host Netnation Internet Webhosting Domain Design Best Registration Prices Windows Support Cart Cost Microsoft Ftp
20 RoverLand Parts Specializing in
Specializing in used parts for Range Rover and Discovery.
Rover Parts Land Range Discovery Freelander Front Policy Lr Used Hse Blog Shipping Seats Rovers Deals
21 Joffe, Harriette A Santa
A Santa Fe artist whose paintings, drawings, and carvings are dedicated to the constant discovery of nature. The transference of energy and primitive rhythms to all living things.
Harriette Artist Joffe Encaustics Paintings Furniture Drawings Primitive Acrylics Resume Menorah Contact Chest Barrington Work
22 Natures Fire A quality
A quality science and nature discovery store - with educational toys, games, books and puzzles that light imaginations. Secure on-line shopping.
Business Guest Post Posts Everything Powered Most Making Writing Proudly Rss Content Pr Friday Infographic
23 Atlantic British Offering Discovery
Offering Discovery, Range Rover Classic, Land Rover Series, Freelander, and Sterling.
Rover | Range Land Lr Series Discovery Defender Size Full Sport Freelander Supercharged Parts Kit Classic
24 Central London 4x4 Land Rover
Land Rover Discovery, Freelander, 110, 90 and Range Rover spares, parts and accessories for worldwide export.
Control Panel Easyspace Seeingexpired Name Blog Easyspacecom Found Page Login Domainfound The Why
25 Dinosaur Discovery Life size
Life size educational dinosaur activity kits for grades K-6, includes puzzles, teaching aids, and curriculum.
Dinosaur Discovery Rex Grade Skeleton Kits Puzzles Activities Hypsilophodon Ichthyosaurus Curriculum Dig Reptile Size Dinosaurs Digs
26 Has Heart Disease Been Cured? Describes the
Describes the discovery of why we calcify, and how a new treatment is beginning to undo the effects not only for heart patients, but also for those with other debilitating illnesses.
Calcify Tunedthanks Stay Book Contacted Calcium Authors Website Bomb Workingthousands Updates Readers
27 The Amazing Pipe Organ Illustrated story
Illustrated story book about a boys discovery of pipe organs, including online excerpts and sample pictures.
28 Expedition Exchange Features expedition
Features expedition information, Range Rover, Defender and Discovery technical details, pictures, bulletin board, and off road products.
Peak Expedition Exchange Snow Journal Batteries Issue Journal_ Micro Overland Kermit Incorporated Tire Gear Antigravity Land Omega Cot
29 Bugs Gifts and Specials Offers ant
Offers ant farms and refills on ants food and habitat sand, insect habitats and silkworm city habitat and discovery kit.
Hoursdayscom Insurance Advance Cash Privacy Policy Debt Consolidation Domain Section Freebest Browse Phones
30 Discovery Channel Store Store with
Store with unique gifts and educational toys, games, informative books, DVDs, fascinating telescopes, and cutting-edge gadgets.
Discovery Catch Deadliest Bull Mythbusters Channel $ Fast Loud Store Planet Blu Dvds Gold Ray Rays Shirt Brand Favorites
31 Land Rover Parts Shop Specializing in
Specializing in parts and accessories for Land and Range Rovers, Discovery and Freelander vehicles.
Rover Land Year Years Parts Delivery Bank Transfer Quality Payment Accessories Shopcom Accessoires Para Conditions
32 Maui Divers Jewelry Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of coral jewelry and credited with the discovery of Hawaiian black and gold coral. Located in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Jewelry Hawaiian Coral Pearls Collection Maui Divers Island Black Pearl Hawaii Fine Learn Shop Other
33 Vintage World Antique Maps & Prints Features maps
Features maps and views dating from the 15th to the 19th century, atlases, and books of exploration and discovery, as well as antique prints. Located in Wilton, Connecticut.
Request Maps Herenginx Log Vintage Z
34 Creative Collage: Personal Journal A creative
A creative workbook for creating a personal journal of self-discovery and expression.
Version Journal Books $ Self Inspirational Exercises Helpful Kindle Journaling Print Finally Weekly Check Peace
35 Discovery Auto Parts Auto parts
Auto parts store selling salvaged and new Honda auto parts. Buying used Honda autos for salvage.
Hosting Web Host Netnation Internet Windows Webhosting Design Domain Registration Best Prices Linux Services Webhost Ecommerce

3. Discovery Recreation

1 John and Traceys Discovery A family
A family living in Gladstome, Queensland, Australia share information on their modified Discovery and their adventures: Includes technical specifications and pictures.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Internet Machinepopular Terms Archives News Maps Games
2 NoFear Discovery Bay The NoFear
The NoFear DB Dragon Boat Team is based in Discovery Bay, California. Site contains a photo gallery.
Navigationshilfet Y
3 LR-Discovery egroup This egroup
This egroup is for people owning, or having an interest in, the Land Rover Discovery. Membership required.
Yahoo Please Help Also Page Privacy Yahoos Inc Onlineservices Terms Ifyourepolicy Central Found
4 Nature Reviews - Drug Discovery A monthly
A monthly journal aimed at dealing with drug discovery and development.
Nature Drug Discovery Reviews Biology Methods Cancer Current Research Guide Journal Ecology Biotechnology Protocols Advance
5 Discovery Cycle Discovery Cycle
Discovery Cycle presents bicycle products suitable for Austin, Texas, riding conditions, local bike maps and route directions, industry product links, and its custom wheel building program.
Discoverycyclecom Cash Insurance Advance Legal Debt Consolidation Terms Domain Best Report Click Free Learn Browse Cell Y
6 Discovery Owners Club A UK-based
A UK-based club for owners of the Land Rover Discovery. Contains events, membership details, photo gallery, history, and FAQs.
7 Tauck World Discovery Offers specialty
Offers specialty tours, including cruises and rail journeys to all seven continents available through Tauck World Discovery. Business history, FAQs, and other information.
Tauck Explore Travel Tours World Discovery America Destinations South Europe Canada Asia East Central Eastern
8 Pint-Size Science Preschool Discovery Camp Discovery-based science
Discovery-based science day camp for children ages 3-5. Topics include worms, magnets, volcanos, electricity, and matter. Located in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Dates, fees, themes, and contact information.
Blog Pricing Faqs Featuresplans Webspawner Sites Terms Does Stuff Login Services Contact Room
9 Discovery Channel Formerly the
Formerly the United States Postal Services squad and home to Lance Armstrong, Discovery Channel is the only UCI Division I ProTour team from the U.S. Visitors will find biographies of riders and staff, schedules, results, plenty of photos and opportunities to buy team merchandise.
Discovery Channel Catch Deadliest Now Play Season Watch Videos Naked Afraid News Crew Live Moments Adventures World’s Camaro
10 Discovery of Insulin The history
The history of the discovery of insulin in 1921 by Dr. Frederick Grant Banting, Charles Best, James Bertram Collip, and Dr. James Macleod. Includes biographies of each of the men, Macleods Nobel speech and a Nobel lecture by Banting.
11 Discovery Divers Located at
Located at the Amari, Chaweng Beach.
Samui Diving Thailand Centre Koh Hoteltrips + Star Offering Discovery Click Prices Staff
12 Discovery Divers Located at
Located at the Amari, Chaweng Beach.
Samui Diving Thailand Centre Koh Dive Discoverycontacts Staff Offering Toggle + Gallery Padi
13 Your Rose Garden A journey
A journey of self-discovery and self-help. Flash presentation.
Z Yourrosegardencom Y
14 Mountainbikeclub Discovery The oldest
The oldest club in the Netherlands and has its own Mountainbike trail.
Clubtocht Echternach Clubweekend Megamiler Landgraaf Maart Trailwork Februari Geleen Forum Mtb Kempen Club Nightbiken Nieuws Vaste Landsrade Wedstrijd
15 My Kidneycancer A report
A report by Eustache Bancken of the discovery, investigations, operations and results.
16 Venturings Corps of Discovery Describes a
Describes a youth recognition program for venturer scouts.
Sign Places People Updated Lifestream Now Everything Policy Nowon Youre Email Rights Privacy Simplifying Network Search
17 OsteoMark Engaged in
Engaged in the discovery and commercialization of products associated with osteoporosis and other collagen-related diseases.
Navigationshilfe Ty
18 Wings of Discovery A book
A book which combines fear of flying lessons with an adventure story.
Fear Flying Help Chapter Book Course Only Discovery Free Audio Download Anxiety Panic Discovery_ Overcoming Story Aviophobia Blindsided
19 Disco2Owners egroup Discussion group
Discussion group for owners and enthusiasts of the Discovery Series II. Membership is required.
Yahoo Help Please Yahoos Copyright Inc Ifyoure Terms Also Privacypolicy Found Central
20 Atlanta Ultralights Offering training
Offering training, discovery flights, and sales. Based in Cartersville, Georgia.
Atlantaultralightscom Legal Terms Legaltermsdomainclick
21 Washington Post: Thinking Inside the Box Article by
Article by Caroline Kettlewell describes her discovery of the activity.
News Dc Politics Washington Post World Going Sports How Guide New Business Worldviews Va National Emily Syndicate Snowden Wheels
22 Rev. Thomas Heller Spiritual counseling
Spiritual counseling specializing in the treatment of Health, Healing, Recovery, and the discovery of God and the God-self within.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Internetuser Wayback News Trying Hosting Sorry Guidelines
23 Discovery: Morning Sickness Article that
Article that addresses causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and related risks.
Discovery Health Shows Video Channel Shop Communications Adventures Advertising Planet Student Mobile Animal Dvds Y
24 Cued Speech Discovery Catalog of
Catalog of products, calendar, resources, mailing lists, and forums.
Cued Speech Discovery National Language Products Product Page Association Calendar Contact Cuedspeechcom Tos Privacy Deaf
25 Ted E. Bears Travels A virtual
A virtual journey of discovery for youth by following the globe trotting adventures of this Teddy.
Navigationshilfet Y
26 Voyages of Discovery Offers an
Offers an exciting range of cruises to explore the world’s historical and cultural destinations.
Cruises Voyages Cruise Discovery Summer Winter East Services Chauffeur Voyager Offers Scandinavia Isles British Footsteps Black Calendar Ship
27 Ironworld Discovery Center Theme park
Theme park with trolley, miniature golf, childrens area, and ampitheater.
Discovery Range Iron + Rss Family Request Artisan Slidetitle Take Center Lets Days Become Y
28 Discovery Health: Short Bowel Syndrome Images, causes
Images, causes, risks, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Request Idaknyovtjbwyerror Bypjrjrkqpct Generated Satisfied Gkijjkqxhyshhkazxpawg==could Errorthe
29 Meriah A family
A family from Vancouver Island, Canada set off aboard their 50 foot Herreshoff Ketch on a journey of adventure and discovery.
Around Sailing World Meriahz
30 World Explorer Cruises Offers unique
Offers unique voyages of discovery, learning and adventure, sailing Alaska and Central America.
Untitled Documenty
31 Peru Discovery Specialized on
Specialized on MTB and hiking and offer tours with 6 to 8 people max. Into the Sacred Valley or from the Andean highlands down to the Amazon Rainforest.
Manu Days Peru Tour Tambo Mountain Amazon Cloud Forest Mtb Bike Hiking Rainforest Paititi Trek
32 Camp MakeBelieve Self discovery
Self discovery program for kids ages 5-10. Site gives history, founder and contact information including a street map.
Addresses Sel Makebelieve Step Camp Program Creative Kids Professionals Childhood Design Kids Is Cmb Curriculum Academics Middle Needs Strategies
33 Marcie Hunt Providing coaching
Providing coaching that embraces self-discovery and realizing goals incorporating relaxation techniques and guided meditation CDs.
Life Mitch Attraction Prosperity Free Wealth Power Intentions Click Powerful Program Coaching Attract Allowing Law Client Beautiful Guided Marcie
34 Discovery Health: Otosclerosis Presents an
Presents an illustrated guide to the disorder written for laymen. Features information on prevention, causes and risks of the condition.
Requestcould Satisfied Generated Errorthe Daoonunlpldfg==idgajjpyikszsgvwvvbbwc_jvqumpdbfqnmj Error
35 Discovery Diving Co Scuba dive
Scuba dive charters in the warm clear waters of the Graveyard of the Atlantic. Based in Beaufort, North Carolina.
36 Discovery Ski Area Ski resort
Ski resort located 45 miles northwest of Butte. Site offers trail map, lift rates, and general information.
Report Snow Discovery Rates Passes Season Weather Trail Webcams News Events Forecast Stay Mountain Ski Multi Day Operation Location Employment
37 Dive Discovery Browse worldwide
Browse worldwide destinations, news, vacation report cards, and specials. Also includes calendar of group trips.
Trip Group Dive Diving Discovery Indonesia Travel Scuba Cindi Special Laraia Whales Sharks Reports Tanzania News Email Islands Wild Amos
38 Alaska Discovery Sea kayaking
Sea kayaking, rafting and canoeing trips, including Glacier Bay, Pack Creek Bear Sanctuary, and Arctic Refuge.
Trips Hiking Close Travel New Popular America Private Cultural Wildlife East North South Here Policy Leader Trek Middle
39 The Discovery Program Detoxification and
Detoxification and sober living home for men, offering recovery, support, and drug treatment for recovering alcoholics and addicts.
Discovery Program Drug Rehab North California Virginia Carolina Idaho Tennessee Washington Contact Delaware Iowa Florida Oklahoma Nebraska Kentucky Alabama Newhampshire
40 Ocean Discovery Organises sea
Organises sea kayaking, canoeing, and sailing adventure holidays in Alaska, Norway, Maine, Caribbean, Scotland and Wales.
41 Inquisitive Traveler, The This free
This free online magazine helps you turn your travels into adventures of exploration and discovery, showing you how to explore cultures, cities and countrysides.
Click Proceed Herez
42 Private Dive Phuket -
Phuket - Liveaboard the MV Discovery in Similan/Surin Islands or Burma with a maximum of 12 divers. Includes information about trips, daytours, and courses.
Burma Tauchen Thailand Tauchsafari Phuket Similan Tauchsafaris Inseln Myanmar Daeng Giamani Taucher Gste Archipelago Unterkunft Hin Sachen Vorraubsetzung
43 The Human Pheromone Discovery Brief articles
Brief articles from The Athena Institute concerning human pheromones.
Athena Pheromones Pheromone Cutler Discovery Click Science Dr Here Sex Winnifred Articles Published Men Women San Mission Personrsquos Life
44 Alaska Discovery Sea kayaking
Sea kayaking, rafting, and canoeing. Photos of the Alaska Wilderness.
Trips Hiking Close Travel New America Popular Cultural Private Wildlife Policy Privacy East Here South Google+
45 Discovery Health: Meditation An article
An article by Bobbie Lieberman about starting with Meditation.
Stuff Health Hsw Meditation Stress Wellness Management Most Mind Learn Editors Sweat Men Genius Should Baby Adventure Fluctuations
46 Discovery Health Offers news
Offers news and a variety of health information resources.
Discovery Videos Channel Life Healthy Health Day Fitness False How Lost Onclick=return Shop Planet Live Ben Barn Policy Untold
47 Tunisia/Paris 2001 Photos and
Photos and commentary from Exotik Suns Discovery Tour of Tunisia.
Create Tripod Signup Lycoscom Please Website Check Requested Lycos Hosting Couldnt Page Tripodcomlogin
48 Science News Headline links
Headline links to worldwide news sources on medicine, research, and discovery.
49 Discovery Health - Hives Description of
Description of hives, symptoms, prevention, treatment, when to call the doctor, and prognosis.
Requestidydqioxksvelrwhsvqootrotzwepewgnicdifowtdjstdb Upq== Satisfied Generated Errortheerror Could
50 Discovery Health and Fitness Fitness facility
Fitness facility featuring class timetables and services in Port Macquarie.
51 A Plane is Born Accompanies a
Accompanies a Discovery Channel series in which the presenter learns to fly and builds a Europa kit plane.
Discovery Produced Mins Broadcaster Evans Bikes Digital Planes Born Mark Cars Television Real Narrow Production Series
52 Jack Dreyfus and the Story of a Remarkable Medicine It concerns
It concerns Jacks efforts to cure himself of depression and his discovery of Dilantin. Includes clinical studies and a free book.
Syndrome Dreyfus Medicine Remarkable Jack Disease Story Health Ulcers Scleroderma Myoclonus Pain Overlooked Transfusion Fever Neuropathy Hypothalamic Irritable
53 Drug Discovery and Development Articles covering
Articles covering genomics, bioinformics, cellular biology, transgenics and stem cell research as it applies to the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
Advertisement Discovery Drug Development Universal Business Laboratory Form Research Terra Page Magazine Media Trending Gene Industry Bioscience Treatment Statis
54 Exubera The first
The first inhalable version of insulin offers a new way of delivery, to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics, since the discovery of the hormone in the 1920s.
Exuberacomgo Click Here Z
55 East Tennessee Ultralites Offering flight
Offering flight instruction, discovery flights, and ultralight sales in Eastern Tennessee.
Page Project Complete Challenger Tennessee Ultralites Blair Heath Aircraft East Lewis Activity Build Video Sport Ultralight Aerial
56 Scientists Identify Gene for Familial Mediterranean Fever An article
An article covering the discovery of the gene causing the disease.
Main Menu *tenetscareers Contact Brands Group
57 Selkirk Rex: the Cat that Moved Mountains An in-depth
An in-depth breed profile from Cats and Kittens Magazine that details the discovery of this breed.
Pet Publishing Mediaz
58 Moto Discovery Agency provides
Agency provides guided motorcycle tours of Colonial Mexico. Tours start and return from/to Texas.
Motorcycle Cuba Expedition Canyon Motodiscovery Tours Baja Miles Copper Days Travel Training Touratech Bhutan Blogs Blog Jordan
59 St. Supéry Vineyards & Winery Producer which
Producer which is also known for its 'Wine Discovery Center'. Features product descriptions, awards, a virtual tasting [RealAudio], shopping, recipes, and a company overview.
Sauvignon Valley Napa Wine Wines Winery Cabernet Blanc Vineyards Rutherford Club Grown St Estate Bordeaux Log
60 Draachen Fliegen Soaring Club Hang Gliding
Hang Gliding instruction and discovery flights at the Cloud 9 Sport Aviation field. Includes flight rules and operating procedures.
Hang Club Soaring Gliding Glider Cloud Ushga Flight Draachen Fliegen Tandem Aerotowing Sports Tracy Aerotow Aviation Airwave Discovery
61 Discovery Yacht Charters Offer six
Offer six yachts bareboat on the north shore of Manitoulin Island. Includes boat details, rates, online forum and contact information.
62 All World Knowledge Offers articles
Offers articles on every technology, every human discovery or endeavor, every social and artistic achievement and every natural phenomenon since the universe began. Includes author profiles.
63 Masson Caving Group Established in
Established in Derbyshire Peak District and dedicated to discovery and exploration of the underground world. Includes membership information, dig details, photos and contacts.
Tripod Create Pagetripodcom Website Lycos Shopping Lycoscom Signup Login Check Requestedplease Hosting
64 Royal Newfoundland Regiment, Bulgers Company Organization based
Organization based in Midland/Penetanguishene,Ontario Canada which is closely associated with the Discovery Harbour, Penetanguishene.
Royal Newfoundland Bulgers Company Regimentz
65 The Keynsham Camels The historic
The historic ex-Camel Trophy Land Rover Defender, Discovery and Freelander 4x4 vehicles that are owned in Keynsham, between Bristol & Bath.
Apache Roversserver Camel Land Permanently Thekeynsham Trophy Port Camels
66 Soul Awareness Darlene Davidson
Darlene Davidson practices Soul Memory Discovery, a form of healing through manipulation of the individuals electrical field. Las Vegas.
Health Care Awareness Soul Soulawarenesscom Leading Net Products Healthcarefitness Safety Join Group Information
67 Rover United Contains information
Contains information for the Defender, Discovery, Classic Series, or Range Rover enthusiast. Also includes links to parts and accessory dealers.
68 Draachen Fliegen Soaring Club Hang Gliding
Hang Gliding instruction and discovery flights in Michigan, USA, at the Cloud 9 Sport Aviation field. Includes flight rules and operating procedures.
Hang Club Soaring Gliding Glider Cloud Ushga Flight Aerotowing Fliegen Sports Aerotow Tandem Tracy Draachen Discovery Interview Gallery
69 Discovery Cove Swim with
Swim with dolphins, snorkel through colorful reefs teeming with thousands of tropical fish, explore underwater shipwrecks, and grottos. Offers map, directions, rates, and FAQ. [Orlando, FL]
70 Boyd E. Graves, J.D. Research Archives Article about
Article about the discovery of the United States secret 1971 Special Virus Flow Chart in 1999. Includes press releases and events.
Virus Special Graves Aids Hivaids Program United Boyd Cancer President News Cure Human Myspace Help Elect National
71 Clara Bartons Memorabilia An article
An article from Nurseweek Magazine on the discovery of items dating back to 1860s of previously unknown information on Clara Barton.
Spectrum Nursing Nurseweeky
72 CanoeSki Discovery Company Saskatoon-based outdoor
Saskatoon-based outdoor adventure company, specializing in canoeing and cross-country skiing instruction and wilderness touring.
Story Canoeski River Canoe Stories Canoeing Trips Discovery Saskatchewan Learn Canoes Company Country Courses Wilderness Cross
73 Amersham PLC Provides pharmaceutical
Provides pharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and treatment of disease and technologies for biotechnology research and drug discovery. Site contains history, investor information, press releases, and describes the services offered.
Request New Worldwidey
74 Spiritual Trips To Peru Journeys and
Journeys and trips into Peruvian Andes with emphasis on personal awakening and self-discovery. Tour highlights, guide profile, and booking details.
Sacred Geometry Roxtract Spiritual Hemi Sync Trips Speed Learning Water Light Website Calendar Spiritlight Spirit Natural Body Techniques Y
75 The McCusker Foundation for Alzheimers Disease Research To develop
To develop early diagnostic tests for Alzheimers accelerate discovery of effective treatment - Univ. of Western Australia.
Research Alzheimers Disease News Help Events Foundation Understanding Support Partners Deductions Structure Impact Publications Ambassadors Donations Prevention Media Bequests
76 American Discovery Travel Educational field
Educational field trips for middle school and senior high students. Travel destination highlights and information from Orlando, FL operators.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Reach Popularnews Internet Toolbar User Guidelines Movies
77 Arctic Discovery Activity holidays
Activity holidays in Lapland and northern Sweden feature dog-sleighing, snowmobiling, heli-skiing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding and ice fishing.
Holidays Norway Winter Lapland Holiday Summer Santa Arctic Fishing Discovery Secret Hideaway Santas Thanks Privacy Cabin Hotel Christmas Dream
78 Discovery Divers PADI dive
PADI dive resort and TDI dive center. Dive the Coron wrecks on air or Nitrox.
Busuanga Philippines Dive Palawan Bay Wreck Other Coron Island World Resorts Diving Tdi Famous Divers Training Alfaro Center Del
79 Clearwater River Trips Specializing in
Specializing in historical, educational, and cultural trips of discovery, and drift-boat fishing trips.
Clearwatertripscom Cash Insurance Advance Consolidation Debt Browse Cell Phones Section Free Terms Bestlife
80 Tauck World Discovery Locally based
Locally based tour operator offering trip planning to Africa, Europe, Central and South America, includes itineraries, company history, and details on specials.
Tauck Explore Travel Tours World Discovery Europe South America Central Destinations Canada Eastern Asia East Derby_
81 Discovery Art Travel Hands-on art/cultural
Hands-on art/cultural experiences around the globe, featuring ceramic art. Typical destinations - Thailand, Turkey, Italy, Mexico. Guided by Denys James, based in British Columbia, Canada.
Travel Denys Morocco Sicily Art Burma Turkey Lombok James Discovery Crete Laos Angkor Vacations Bali Dhardiscover Jan Febspaces
82 Clearwater River Trips Specializing in
Specializing in historical, educational, and cultural trips of discovery, and drift-boat fishing trips. Lenore.
Clearwatertripscom Cash Advance Insurance Privacy Consolidation Debt Policy Click Cell Best Lifefree Browse
83 Discovery Fund for Eye Research Information on
Information on research into the genetic causes of age-related macular degeneration. Research based at Cedars-Sinai hospital.
Domain Sale Now Discoveryfundcom Request Premium Maximize Domainmarketcom Buy Recognition Price This Pricenow Ready Y
84 MySpace: Urban Explorers International For the
For the discussion of urban exploration, architecture, psychogeography, urbanism, city planning, the psychology of place, discovery of places youre not supposed to go.
85 Le Sourire Discovery cruises
Discovery cruises in a 64 foot aluminum sailing yacht to Cape Horn, Fireland, Antartica, South Georgia and sub-Antartctic Islands from Ushuaia, includes boat and crew details, itineraries and contacts.
86 Kettleby Valley Camp For children
For children aged 6 to 13 in the Toronto area. A fun-filled time of discovery, where skills are developed and strengths are reinforced, where people recognize everyones varying abilities and talents, and where campers learn to be more self-reliant.
Camp Summer Valley Kettleby Overnight Here Ontario Hereâ  Found Fees Register Learn Information Director Outdoor
87 Alaska Discovery Wilderness Adventures Sea kayaking
Sea kayaking, rafting, and canoeing. Complete information. Photos of the Alaska Wilderness.
America Alaska Travel North Privacy Trip Press Guides Policy Contact Destination Menu Private Adventures Here Interest Employment Adventure Pacific
88 Discovery Yacht Charters Offer six
Offer six yachts bareboat on the north shore of Manitoulin Island from Little Current. Includes specifications, equipment lists, rates, yacht management, forum and contact information.
89 Discovery Channels Shark Week Information on
Information on a variety of sharks, from the Great Whites to Hammerheads. Includes interactive games and shark quiz along with expert shark attack answers.
Discovery Channel Shows Planet Student Mobile Video Communications Advertising Animal Adventures Competitions Careers World’s Been Copyright Oprah Requestedmay
90 Discovery Bay Golf Club Eighteen hole
Eighteen hole course located in Port Townsend. Features a hole by hole tour with accommodation guide, rates, tournament news and contact details.
Navigationshilfe Ty
91 Discovery Channels Shark Week Information on
Information on a variety of sharks, from the Great Whites to Hammerheads. Includes interactive games and shark quiz along with expert shark attack answers.
Discovery Channel Communications Mobile Adventures Animal Shows Video Advertising Planet Student Square Agreement Relations Music Llc Heroes Grab
92 Le Sourire Discovery cruises
Discovery cruises in a 64 foot aluminum sailing yacht to Cape Horn, Fireland, Antartica, South Georgia and sub-Antartctic Islands from Ushuaia, Argentina. Site includes boat and crew details, itineraries, contacts.
93 Loss-of-function mutations in TYROBP (DAP12) result in a presenile dementia with bone cysts Paper in
Paper in Nature Genetics by Paloneva et al describing the discovery of the genetic defect causing Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia with Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy.
94 Camp Owatonna for Boys A traditional
A traditional boys residential camp located on Long Lake and emphasizing spiritual discovery marked by Christian Science demonstration.
Camp Activities Counselor Newfound Tuition Dates Risk Mission Apply Owatonna Staff Jobs Christian Science History Directions Payment Contact
95 Discovery Health: Scarlet fever Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins health information about Scarlett Fever.
Discovery Health Shows Video Channel Adventures Student Communications Mobile Advertising Animal Planet Shop Oprah Pageits Familia World’s Howstuffworks Agreement Copyright
96 DrugResearcher Daily news
Daily news on drug discovery and development. Free access to news on drug research , screening, genomics/proteomics and molecular biology in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.
Pharmaceutical Strategic Manufacturing Contract Cros Quintiles Services Using Partners Outsourcing Supply Pharma Trial Selects Cro Bristol Myers Third Asia Clinipace
97 Holistic Healing Guided site
Guided site for discovery and discussion of holistic therapies, natural remedies, and spirituality. Includes chatrooms, discussion boards, and net links in several wellness categories.
Request Nginx_about_z
98 Ironworld Discovery Center Living museum
Living museum showcasing heritage of northeastern Minnesota. Ethnic foods, shows, dancing, educational tours, facilities for groups/special events, ticket info, maps. Seasonal park. Chisholm, MN
Discovery Family Days Day Iron Gauntlet Request + Run Range Learn Rss Intermediate Reindeer Register
99 Land Rover Repair Forums Discussion forum
Discussion forum for Discovery, Range Rover, Freelander, LR3, Defender 90. Site includes general discussions, technical help, classified,offroad sections and members can share photos and video.
See Rover Land Parts Discovery Arb Sale Bumper Forums Accessories Rack Sd Winch Lrr Discussion Insults Archive Discoweb
100 Farr Discovery Rail Tours Rail tours
Rail tours of the American West using Amtrak.
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101 Arctic Discovery Ltd Activity holidays
Activity holidays in Lapland featuring winter and summer skiing, winter-sports, heli-skiing, snowmobile safaris, dog sleighs, wildlife, fishing, walking and fly-drive.
Holidays Norway Winter Lapland Holiday Summer Arctic Santa Fishing Discovery Santas Secret Hideaway Privacy Thanks Hotel
102 Arctic Discovery Ltd Activity holidays
Activity holidays in Lapland featuring winter and summer skiing, winter-sports, heli-skiing, snowmobile safaris, dog slieghs, wildlife, fishing, walking and fly-drive.
Arctic Lapland Santa Discovery Christmas Break Treehotel Wedding White Winter Week Flights General Information Trip Guarantee North Boden
103 Discovery Day Camp Traditional camp
Traditional camp program with special events throughout the summer and off-site trips for older campers. Located in Indian Creek. Photos, sample daily schedule, dates, directions, and information request form.
Camp Discovery Jobs Suburbs Inc Northern Chicago Day Picnics Serving Shore North Lake Summer Lincolnshire Tuition Rights Highland
104 Discovery Health - Headache Center Offers tips
Offers tips for becoming headache-free, treatments for migraines, tension and cluster headaches, a quiz, and a timeline of headache treatments through the ages.
Request Errorthe Generated Error Idcrauhvpseytvxmivoufcxozdvzzwkwmyoziyzgobra_jq==could Satisfied Z
105 Discovery Expeditions Offer guided
Offer guided summer trips around Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada, and winter trips to Baja, Mexico, and Belize. Includes prices, schematics, overview, and itinerary, FAQs, photos, and registration.
Kayak Orca Expeditions Kayaking Orcas Basecamp Island Strait Discovery Whales Trips Johnstone Broughton Trip Beyond Lodge Based Bc Choose
106 Bali Quad Discovery Tours Exotic ATV
Exotic ATV tours at the foot of Gunung Agung, the highest vulcano in Bali, a tropical paradise in Indonesia known as the 'Island of the Gods.' Combinations with other types of tours are available.
Bali Quad Tubing Buggy Second Party Canyon Adventure Joiners Private Tours Mystery Booking Photo Shirt Discovery Baliquadcom Video =
107 Discovery Bay Golf Club The Pacific
The Pacific Northwests Oldest Public 18-Hole Golf Course. Features a hole by hole course tour with accommodation guide, rates, tournament news and contact details.
Navigationshilfe Ty
108 Discovery Health Channel Channel focused
Channel focused on health issues. Programs include Healthy Home, Fitness Fantasy, Birth Day, Healthy Retreats.
Discovery Health Schizophrenic Psych Week Fit Born Videos Watch Play Jani Best Personalities Channel Video
109 Center for Discovery and Adolescent Change Downey, California.
Downey, California. Dedicated to the residential treatment of adolescent eating disorders, both in young men and young women. The program uses a multidisciplinary approach and includes schooling. Dual diagnosis patients are accepted. An informative guide for parents is included.
110 Tennessee Cave Survey Organization of
Organization of the National Speleological Society devoted to the discovery, exploration, survey and mapping of the states caves. Details of available maps and data, cave news, photos, meeting information, mapping standards, and other topics.
Cave Tennessee Survey Caves Website Roebuck Lynn Tn Maps Surveying Outdoors Tenn Tcs Tag
111 Educational Tours by Discovery Group Educational Trips
Educational Trips, study tours, field trips, spring break trips arranged by experts. We have never had a problem tour. Incredible prices for American school groups.
112 Latitudes Offers sea-kayaking
Offers sea-kayaking expeditions in Queen Charlotte Islands, Johnstone Strait, Gulf Islands, and Discovery Islands, plus mothership kayaking and sailing in British Columbias Inside Passage with family and kids camps, wilderness base camping, and educational programs.
Photo Adventure Workshops Contact Tours Store Latitudes Sports Landscapes Travel Blogwild Adventures Explore Latitudescom Portfolio Fine
113 Adventure AirSports Aerotow Flight
Aerotow Flight Park: Aerotow sign-offs, HG lessons, Discovery Flights, HG sales and service. Come join us in the sky over Kansas. Located in Ottawa, Kansas, at Ottawa Municipal Airport, 50 miles SSW of Kansas City.
Parken Domains Inhaber Genauere Privacy Listings Resultspolicy Namedrive Domainadventureairsportscom
114 SMRs Case Histories of Drug Discovery Society for
Society for Medicines Research symposium on Case Histories of Drug Discvery held on December 2, 1999 in London. On demand webcast of entire symposium now available.
Access Direct Reuters Info+ Drug Thomson News Urology Ttmed Contact Drugs Products Findings Methods Services Privacy Pharmacology
115 Breast Biopsy and Findings Answers to
Answers to questions that arise with discovery of breast abnormality. Breast findings, mammography, updated biopsy techniques explained (stereotaxic, ABBI, MIBB, Mammotome). Breast center locator.
116 Out For Adventure Sea Kayaking
Sea Kayaking tours in British Columbia, Kayaking with Killer Whales, Orcas, Tours into Desolation Sound and Discovery Islands. Canoe trips into Algonquin Park, Ontario. Kayaking in Ontario. Tour information, profile, travel, booking, and links.
Z Defaultsecureservernet Y
117 Gourmet and Wine Discovery - Helicopter Tour of France World art
World art tours with tour guide and art historian Jean Renoux. Private helicopter/jet tours to Europe, Italy, Tunisia, Egypt and more, plus private tours tailored to your needs.
Error Pagepleasecontact Cannot Providerfor Displayed
118 Musiker Discovery Programs Pre-college enrichment
Pre-college enrichment programs for high school students at 7 universities, summer enrichment experience for students completing grades 6, 7, or 8 using Skills for Mind and Body Curriculum, 3 to 6-week tours of the US, Canada, and Europe for grades 7-12. FAQ and registration forms. [Flash required]
$ Week Business Ranging Programsprices Classes Ucla Michigan Penn Law College London Language Full Tuition Day Emerson English Program Sat Santa
119 Interview with Richard Peto Richard Peto
Richard Peto was one of the first to realize that tobacco products were killing their customers, interview covers the discovery, public health and public policy, and the sheer size of tobacco death.
Jobs Careers Scientist Space Page Word Science Environment Green Clinical Help Last Cars Mars World Interactive Aviation Weapons Festive Mental
120 Rick Hansen Institute - Spinal Cord Injuries Research and Resource Accelerating the
Accelerating the discovery of a cure for spinal cord injury and improving quality of life, through fundraising and facilitating research. Learn about the Rick Hansen Foundation, its programs, special events, and how your donations can make a difference.
Hansen Rick World Donate Motion Foundation Media Flickr Terms Use Help Audited Building Statements Biography Tour Annual

4. Computer & Discovery Games Websites

1 Inforsense Kensington Discovery
Kensington Discovery Edition platform includes data integration, transformation, visualisation, mining and discovery processes creation. Vertical application in life science and general discovery informatics.
Inforsense Research Analytics Data Healthcare Life Analytical Business Science Translational Solution Videos Analysis Management Services Customer Workflows Questions Solve Deploying Gives
2 SSDN: Simple Service Discovery for .NET An open
An open source service discovery mechanism for .NET remoting. Also provides a simple naming and directory service.
3 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery A peer-reviewed
A peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on all aspects of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and data mining methods for extracting high-level representations (patterns and models) from data. Accepts submissions of original research or technical survey articles of related fields and techniques.
Navigator Kluwer Wolters Nederland Studenten Fiscalisten Juristen De Contact Accountants Inloggen Algemene Werkenopleidingen Copyright
4 RSS auto-discovery with PHP A PHP
A PHP script for RSS autodiscovery
Github Page Pages Contact Support Status Here Isnt Z
5 Discovery Webs Web design
Web design and hosting services.
Webs Discoveryy
6 ASP Discovery Articles and
Articles and tutorials by Nathan Schmoll.
Filelooking Unavailable Namechanged Resource Error Might Temporarilyfoundthe Directory Removed Been Server
7 KD Nuggets Directory Data mining
Data mining and knowledge discovery resources.
Data Mining Kdnuggets News Analytics Science Software Companies Education Jobs Course Webcasts Linkedin Meetings Courses
8 KD Nuggets Directory Data mining
Data mining and knowledge discovery resources.
Data Mining Kdnuggets News Analytics Science Software Jobs Companies Education Classification Polls Webcasts Academic Course
9 KD Nuggets Directory Data mining
Data mining and knowledge discovery resources.
Data Mining Analytics Kdnuggets News Science Software Jobs Companies Education Consulting Course Webcasts Polls Modern Chicago Classification Gershkoff
10 KD Nuggets Directory Data mining
Data mining and knowledge discovery resources.
Data Mining Kdnuggets News Science Analytics Software Jobs Companies Education Academic Courses Webcasts Classification Consulting
11 Nexus 9 - AirStumbler A wireless
A wireless network discovery tool for Macintosh.
12 Spotfire Emphasis on
Emphasis on unique visual discovery and visualization, esp. for life sciences.
Spotfire Data Analytics Tibco Software Contact Intelligence Business Learn Studies Now Consulting Blog Whitepapers Visualization Training Trends Who Spotfireregistrar@tibcocom
13 Todd Leybas Perspectives on Search and Discovery Weblog by
Weblog by an IBM software architect.
Click Yahoo Omnifind Edition Discovery Todd Ibm’s Leyba Enterprise Here Ibm Lotusphere Ibms Google Review Type Ahead Open Lotus
14 BelAsset PC hardware
PC hardware and software discovery in your web browser. Freeware and corporate licensed versions.
Belarc Advisor Products Security Belmanage Belsecure Data Customers Analytics Software Belarcs Free White Download Papers System Contact
15 Netcaster myFeeds Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer plug-in RSS reader with automatic discovery of feeds.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 Discovery Video Instruction Products (VIP) CD-ROM-based training
CD-ROM-based training containing 36 mainframe OS/390 courses. Includes one z/VM course.
Training Software Programming Introduction Os Resources Graphics Webmaster Web Learn Microsoft Internet Computer Design Networking Management
17 On-Site Sourcing, Inc. Provides computer
Provides computer and data forensics, e-discovery and electronics litigation support survices.
Navigationshilfe Ty
18 Messenger Discovery Live Provides add
Provides add on which includes enhanced features such as tools, message formatting and alerts.
19 Postino A commercial
A commercial RSS/Atom reader for MacOS X. Includes an RSS directory and supports RSS auto discovery.
20 Oklahoma Digital Forensics Professionals, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in electronic discovery and technological litigation support
21 Exeros, Inc. Automate the
Automate the discovery, documentation, and validation of source-to-target data maps and transformations.
Data Discovery Ibm Integration Information Business Infosphere Dhll Use Located Products United Degree Contact Support Software Quote
22 Micro-Surgeon Data recovery
Data recovery service and forensic discovery services. Located in Northern New Jersey.
Data Recovery Jersey Services Westwood Request New Company Nj Location Mind Important Peace Server Port
23 BlogPulse An automated
An automated trend discovery system for blogs. It analyzes and reports on daily activity in the blogosphere.
24 Megaputer Intelligence Develops software
Develops software and solutions for data mining, text analysis, and knowledge discovery.
Megaputer Text Analysis Intelligence Conference Mining Analytics Polyanalyst Annual Information Customers Presents Case Data Pershing Market Legal
25 John D. Gifford & Associates, Inc. System examination
System examination, electronic discovery and analysis for businesses and the legal profession.
26 Brewer-Claus Consulting Provides electronic
Provides electronic discovery and computer forensics to small law offices and businesses in Oklahoma.
27 Team Discovery How to
How to join, teams news, forum, photo album, birthday list, and member roster.
Team Dolphin Discovery Milestones Birthday Happy Jasboyd Comcast Computing Forums Tdph Verizon Forum Clubs Mojo Birthday Luvfishin Td Suprleg
28 Disco DSP Company that
Company that develops Discovery and Vertigo and some effects. Description, screenshots, audio samples, downloadable demos.
Shop News Audio Deutsch Welcome Support Professional Windows Soundware Vst Synthesizers Audiounits Samplers Au Y
29 Agile Risk Management LLC A provider
A provider of computer forensics, electronic discovery, and information security consulting services.
30 Disco DSP Company that
Company that develops Discovery and Vertigo and some effects. Description, screenshots, audio samples, downloadable demos.
Audio Deals Shop Deutsch News Support Professional Welcome Au Products Ins Synthesizers Soundwarebit
31 BotSpot Including intelligent
Including intelligent agents, data mining, knowledge discovery, artificial intelligence. Biweekly newsletter available.
Software Reviews Animation Mac Developers Word Update Botspotcom Drawing Processing Presentation Must Antivirus Ipad Leopard
32 DataClues Offers electronic
Offers electronic discovery, digital evvidence, MCLE Training, and network security for attorneys and corporations.
Computer Forensics Network Dataclues Security Electronic Evidence Digital Discovery Mcle Intellectual Property Training Support Analysis
33 Visionael Security Audit Software providing
Software providing device discovery, scanning, prioritization, and report generation of vulnerabilities.
Visionael Network Oss Solutions Services Partners Automation Ip Management Virtual Technology Manager Solution Inline Deploys Virtualisation Allrights Operations
34 BotSpot Including intelligent
Including intelligent agents, data mining, knowledge discovery, artificial intelligence. Biweekly newsletter available.
Contact Technology Press Gallery Found Jobs Downloadsimpressumbotspot Found The | Download
35 BotSpot Including intelligent
Including intelligent agents, data mining, knowledge discovery, artificial intelligence. Biweekly newsletter available.
Software Reviews Animation Mac Update Developers Botspotcom Word Presentation Must Antivirus Drawing Processing Leopard Ipad
36 AgileGraph Data analysis
Data analysis and visualization software utilizing visual discovery, interactive graphs/charts and dynamic filtering.
Data Terms Privacy Agilegraph Visualize Gmail Policy Learn Visually Range Pivot Agilegraphturninstantly Trends Supported Visualize
37 Discovery Computer Systems, Inc Provides on
Provides on site training and consulting for users of MultiValue/Pick databases. Located in Reston, Virginia, USA.
Systems Computer Discovery Training Pick Marcie Inc Consulting Unix New Universe Limerick Ireland_ Multivalue Gorg
38 Forensicon, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in computer forensics and electronic discovery especially internal investigations and litigation pertaining to the misappropriation of intellectual property.
Forensics Computer Forensicon Analysis Expert Witness Investigations Testimony Litigation Digital Trade Corporate Cyber Forensicons Employment Content Forensic Ltd Ediscovery
39 Discovery Video Instructional Products Tutorials about
Tutorials about Windows 2000, Routers, Networking, becoming a Computer Technician, Firewall Security and Web Development.
Training Software Computer Resources Learning Tutorials Webmaster Free Design Microsoft Web Internet Graphics Business Photoshop Downloads
40 discoDSP VST plug-ins
VST plug-ins company. Develops Discovery, Vertigo, Phantom and HighLife. Audio samples, downloadable demos and user community.
Professional Support Audio Welcome News Shop Deals Deutsch Allrights Plug Effectsmac Ins Synthesizers
41 discoDSP VST plug-ins
VST plug-ins company. Develops Discovery, Vertigo, Phantom and HighLife. Audio samples, downloadable demos and user community.
News Support Shop Welcome Deals Deutsch Audio Professional Ins Plugfrançais Banks Youtube Vsti
42 Protegga LLC Provider of
Provider of computer forensics, technical litigation support, forensic data recovery, e-discovery, and expert witness testimony.
Forensics Computer Discovery Investigation Data Services Agreement Learn Texas Dallas Protegga Support Litigation Forensic Ethics Asked Principals Tag Iphone
43 Affect Consulting Focused on
Focused on computer forensics, electronic discovery and litigation support. Based in Austin, Texas, USA with offices nationally and in Asia.
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44 Acquisition Data Provides law
Provides law firms, public companies and federal agencies with solutions to computer forensics and electronic discovery. Based in Houston, Texas, USA.
Found Found The Acquisitiondatacomy
45 SD Times: Sun Dreams of Jini for Web Services Article by
Article by Edward J. Correia. Claims dynamic network architecture not just for devices, suitable for discovery, delivery.
Filedirectory Unavailable Looking Been Temporarily Namechanged Resource Removed Errorfoundthe Might Server
46 Discovery Solutions International, Inc. Developer of
Developer of integrated ERP software for these industries: Durable Goods, Food Industry, Job-Shop Manufacturing & Oil Field Supply
Oilfield Discovery Solutions Software Oilfield Saas Services Contact Customer Free Support Software Solution Planning Manufacturing Center Allows Industry Improve Dms
47 Megaputer Intelligence, Ltd. Provides a
Provides a family of solutions for data mining, knowledge discovery in databases, and natural language text retrieval and analysis. Best known for PolyAnalyst
Intelligence Megaputer Conference Analysis Polyanalyst User Mining Text Hosted Contact Support Data Hosting Customers Information Segmentation Summit
48 Counsel Solutions LLC Dedicated to
Dedicated to serving the law firm and law department, specializing in litigation support, discovery process technology and managing electronic risk.
Registercom Canada Wsnzlonger Sorry Outside Available Iftoll Call
49 Megaputer Intelligence, Ltd. Provides a
Provides a family of solutions for data mining, knowledge discovery in databases, and natural language text retrieval and analysis. Best known for PolyAnalyst
Text Intelligence Megaputer Analysis Mining Analytics Conference Annual Polyanalyst Th Tmre Tim Information Social Vp Recommendation Proud
50 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery The premier
The premier technical journal focused on the theory, techniques and practice for extracting information from large databases. Available electronically.
Springer Science Computer Information Springeralerts Management Discovery Mining Data Knowledge Issues Media Engineering Retrieval Hardware Vdi Verlag Sciences Life Subdisciplines Wendel
51 Forensic Concepts LLC Offers computer
Offers computer forensic examinations and electronic discovery services.
Computer Forensic Forensics Concepts Training Discovery Electronic Laboratory Llc Manager Bryan Gorczyk Examinations Brings Experience
52 Mobious Solutions Provides Electronic
Provides Electronic Data Discovery (EDD) outsourcing solutions with the HardCopy Pro Plus and the in-house solution, EDD Workstation.
53 SolarWinds Software Network management
Network management, monitoring, and discovery tools for Windows enabling thorough network analysis.
Manager Products Network Performance Server Community Free Product Monitor Log Tools How Blog Database Portal Deutsch Ip Thwack
54 XPCOM, Part 2 Introduction to
Introduction to XPCOM programming: type libraries, the xpidl compiler, and interface discovery.
Navigationshilfe Ty
55 Centennial Discovery Network hardware
Network hardware and software audit product with software usage and physical location detection.
Heat Management Frontrange Partner Product Services Solutions Events Cloud Support Client Case Press Program Studies Contact Training
56 IntaForensics Provides forensic
Provides forensic, e-discovery, expert witness services and forensic data recovery. Located in the United Kingdom.
Forensic Digital Forensics Lima Case Sector Phone Computer Training Mobile Intaforensics Data Analysis Services Expert Ascld Lab Browse Litigation
57 Stroz Friedberg, LLC A computer
A computer forensics, computer investigations, expert witness and electronic discovery technical services firm.
Discovery Intelligence Careers Forensics Investigations Temporarily Disclosure Security Contact Professionals Privacy Resource Dc Unavailable Washington
58 Global Digital Forensics Provides analysis
Provides analysis of all types of digital assets for corporate clients and electronic document discovery for law firms.
Forensics Computer Security Click Cyber Ediscovery Software Response Contact Iranian Social Breach Testing Digital Expert Class Par
59 Discovery Systems International Creators of
Creators of CourseBuilder and onViz. Allows users to create stand alone cross-platform software applications for multimedia production, presentations, teaching, and testing.
English Onviz Software Authoring Internet Discovery Systems Rom Multimedia Interactive Click International Here Macintosh Cd Dvd Peer Corporate Requirements
60 Setec Investigations Offers expertise
Offers expertise in computer forensics and electronic discovery, including highly personalized, case-specific forensic analysis and litigation support services.
Computer Electronic Forensic Investigations Discovery Services Support Resources Setec Legal Forensics Litigation Witness Expert Case Highly | Expertise
61 Computer Forensic Services, Inc Provides evidence
Provides evidence discovery, analysis, reporting and testimony to small and large businesses, attorneys, law enforcement, accountants, private investigators and to the general public.
Texas County Computer Services Dallas Forensic Forensics Inc Digital Evidence Litigation Phone Support Examiner Android Fort
62 Discovery Systems International Creators of
Creators of CourseBuilder and onViz. Allows users to create stand alone cross-platform software applications for multimedia production, presentations, teaching, and testing.
English Onviz Software Interactive Rom Click Authoring Multimedia Internet Discovery Systems Learning Macintosh Contact International Cd Dvd Platform
63 Discovery Systems International Rapid development
Rapid development tools for authoring multimedia, presentations, courseware, expert systems, and e-learning applications.
English Onviz Software Multimedia Internet Systems Rom Interactive Authoring Click Discovery Macintosh Tour Cd Learning Dvd Here
64 Grindstaff Computer Forensics Providing computer
Providing computer forensic services and electronic discovery assistance in civil litigation and corporate clients.
Error Requesty
65 Discovery Systems International Rapid development
Rapid development tools for authoring multimedia, presentations, courseware, expert systems, and e-learning applications.
English Software Onviz Interactive Systems Multimedia Internet Rom Click Discovery Authoring Contact Macintosh Learning Here Cd Dvd Coursebuilder List
66 Fios Providing litigation
Providing litigation teams with a solution for the acquisition, conversion, management, analysis, and distribution of electronic data associated with the litigation discovery process.
67 Digital Mountain Provides electronic
Provides electronic discovery, computer forensics, electronic evidence collection and expert witness services to law firms and corporations nationwide.
68 RuleQuest Research Produces knowledge
Produces knowledge discovery and data mining tools for Unix and Windows 95/98/NT/2000. These include See5 (decision trees) aka C5 and Magnum Opus (association rules).
Data Mining Tools Rulequest Research Seec Countries Predictive Knowledge Cubist Software Gritbot Discovery Effective State Art
69 Forensicon, Inc. A computer
A computer forensics and electronic evidence discovery firm in Chicago that specializes in litigation support, providing expert services to law firms and businesses large and small nationwide.
Forensics Computer Forensicon Analysis Expert Witness Investigations Testimony Trade Digital Litigation Cyber Employment Forensic Chicago Information Ltd Healthcare Plaintiffs Espionage
70 RuleQuest Research Produces knowledge
Produces knowledge discovery and data mining tools for Unix and Windows 95/98/NT/2000. These include See5 (decision trees) aka C5 and Magnum Opus (association rules).
Data Mining Tools Rulequest Research Predictive Countries Software Discovery Cubist Knowledge Seec Gritbot Licensing Tree Linux
71 United Forensics Provider of
Provider of forensics acquisition and investigation, electronic discovery assistance, vulnerability assessments, penetration testing and data recovery services.
Navigationshilfe Ty
72 Versay Solutions Develops caller
Develops caller speech solutions. Full lifecycle support - from application discovery to custom development and ongoing maintenance and monitoring.
Solutions Services Learn Industry Applications Versay Application Ivr Financial Hospitality Center Support Optimization Insurance Reset Capture
73 Signum Intelligence LLC Investigative agency
Investigative agency serving the New York City area. Specializes in computer forensics, e-mail tracing, password recovery, e-discovery, system monitoring and online investigations
Computer Private Forensic Investigations Investigation York Forensics Mail Recovery New Investigator Data Tracing Theft Pi Crime Consultant
74 Symantec Enterprise Security Manager Discovery of
Discovery of policy deviations and vulnerabilities for mission-critical applications. Policies are designed for specific version combinations, such as Oracle 9i on Solaris 8, rather than for the least common denominator.
Security Norton Symantec Endpoint Support Business Products Jun Backup Buy Protection Ssl Management Mobile Recovery Edition Managing Updates
75 Object Discovery Corporation provides public
provides public courses and on-site training in C++, CORBA, Java, Enterprise JavaBeans, OOAD, UML and Object Oriented Business Process Reengineering.
Training Solutions Consulting Java Instructors Design Javajee C++ Oo Uml Business Oriented Modeling
76 Discovery Training Services Customized instruction
Customized instruction for both standard desktop applications and customized software for all types of personal computers. Located in Connecticut, United States.
Training News Services Discovery Database Courses Schedule Microsoft Systems Executive Contact England User Consulting Course Promotionstraining Medium Blackbaud Boot
77 Megaputer Intelligence Megaputer provides
Megaputer provides a complete family of unique solutions for Natural Language Text Retrieval and Analysis, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
Analysis Intelligence Megaputer Text Conference Analytics Mining Polyanalyst Annual Presents Contact Vp Th Social Qm Pershing Summit Subrogation Exhibition
78 Pattern Discovery Basic Permission
Basic Permission Portal software provides the consumer with a private, personal, link with the ecommerce sites that they choose to visit. It is private, because it resides on your pc, and nobody sees, or has access to it but you.
Tuning Compression Osisoft Discovery Tag Pattern Services Technologies Tags Board Pi Exception Intelligence Production Discover*e Tools Utilization We Oreinsight
79 The Data Mine Launched in
Launched in April 1994 to provide information about Data Mining (AKA Knowledge Discovery In Databases or KDD). A Twiki site full of guides, info, and links
80 IronPac Systems - Network Threat Discovery Appliance that
Appliance that monitors network traffic to assess threats to LAN security from malware and misuse by employing a self-learning technology as opposed to signatures.
Please Pageerrorcannot Providerfor Contact Displayed
81 Computer Forensic Services, Inc. Provides electronic
Provides electronic discovery, forensic analysis, litigation and law enforcement support, CLE training, crashed drive and deleted files recovery. Located in Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA.
Services Forensic Information Contact News Computer Hands We Experienced Consultation Testimonials Request Digital Free Since Trusted Personal Crooks
82 Litigation Solution, Inc. Complete support
Complete support solutions to the legal profession, specializing in document management technologies including document imaging, coding, electronic discovery, OCR and audio-video conversion.
83 Patron Systems Provider of
Provider of email policy management, email archiving, encryption, discovery and mailbox management solutions.
Security Secure Internet Safe Solutions Systems Web Software Nims Casino Create Public Patron Data Real Police
84 2Xi Solutions Digital evidence
Digital evidence, technical expertise, data conversion systems,and data discovery solutions for case management and litigation support.
85 Athena Archiver Email Archiving Provider of
Provider of Exchange email archiving solutions for regulatory compliance, legal discovery and knowledge management.
Email Archiving Archiver Athena Management Discovery Compliance Mail Exchange Storage Policy Software Electronic Archive Demo Program
86 Information Risk Group LLC Offering risk
Offering risk management services, specializing in security assessments, ethical hacking, incident response and computer forensics, electronic discovery, and professional training for companies throughout the Americas.
Joomla Group Risk Security Templates Joomlashinecom Epic Matters Compliance Hipaa Contact Assessments Glba Source Response United Thanks Us Since Consultantcy
87 Black Mountain Forensics LLC Computer and
Computer and electronic device forensics, password recovery, electronic discovery, hard drive duplication and related services firm in the Las Vegas, Nevada USA area.
Forensics Mountain Black Digital Forensic Recovery Password Nevada Services Vegas Computer Electronic Las Analysis Usdepartment Access Litigation
88 Ibis Consulting Aimed at
Aimed at litigators and corporations, Ibis performs data conversion services for electronic discovery, transforming electronic documents and email into images that are loadable into document management systems.
Consulting Ibisconsultingcom Leading Ibis Database Business Call Counseling Servicesand Careconsulting Healthenvironmental Financial Net
89 Digerati Data Michigan: Provides
Michigan: Provides electronic data discovery, computer forensics, data recovery and electronic risk management.
90 Insights Vancouver A Learning
A Learning Center for Insights Discovery products - personal, team and organizational effectiveness tools based on the C.G. Jung inspired Insights psychometric assessment tools.
91 ADR Data Recovery Services include
Services include recovery of deleted data files, hard drive repair and recovery, tape conversion and electronic evidence discovery for business, government and law firms.
92 Digerati Data Provides electronic
Provides electronic data discovery, computer forensics, data recovery and electronic risk management.
93 Computer Forensic Labs Inc. Offers services
Offers services in computer forensics, forensic data recovery, and electronic evidence discovery. Also available for expert witness services.
Computer Forensic Digital Evidence Discovery Forensics Data Labs Theft Electronic Employee Fraud Other Support Help Edd Stolen Mail
94 Discovery Schools Clip Art Gallery Discover a
Discover a large quantity of black and white clip art educational clipart for students, parents and teachers. Permission is granted to download no more than ten different clip art images for non-revenue-producing use on hard copy documents or on Web sites.
95 Web Service Description and Discovery Using UDDI, Part II Article by
Article by Scott Seely (Microsoft). It show what had to do to register the Cold Rooster Favorites Service with the Microsoft UDDI registry. Start at the very beginning.
Msdn Microsoft Developer Forums Windows Expand Nokia Print Interoperability Virtual Technologies Privacy Studio Sign Imagine
96 RuleQuest Research Data Mining Tools Knowledge discovery
Knowledge discovery and data mining tools for Unix and Windows, including C5.0/See5 (decision trees) and Magnum Opus (association rules).
Data Mining Tools Rulequest Research Seec Discovery Predictive Countries Software Knowledge Gritbot Cubist Anomaly Tree
97 RuleQuest Research Data Mining Tools Knowledge discovery
Knowledge discovery and data mining tools for Unix and Windows, including C5.0/See5 (decision trees) and Magnum Opus (association rules).
Data Mining Tools Rulequest Research Predictive Knowledge Cubist Seec Countries Software Discovery Gritbot Machine Gpl Regression Modeling Linux
98 Discovery Free Online Tools, Scripts and Downloads Free cut
Free cut and paste Javascipts: Redirection, Mouse Tricks, Date and Time, Forms, Generators, UI Display, Title and Status Bars. Also online tools for web developers.
Navigationshilfet Y
99 eBastille Provides data
Provides data discovery and forensics in civil litigation environments, responds to digital data incidents, secure digital evidence, recovers digital data, analyzes and protects customer data assets.
Electronic Oklahoma Discovery Forensics Ebastille Register Legal Sat Ebastille Eforensics Litigationsupport Erecovery Data Education Sat Eshred
100 Forensic Data Services Data recovery
Data recovery, electronic discovery and forensic analysis services.
Temporarily Y
101 Email Archiving Software - Exchange Archiving Archive Manager
Archive Manager is effective software for email archiving with Exchange. Provides easy regulatory compliance and ease of legal discovery while reducing storage needs.
Management Server Toad Manager See Oracle Foglight Monitoring User Exchange Sql Archiving Data Protection Identity Active Migration Notes Executive
102 Systems Management Server Systems Management
Systems Management Server (SMS) supports detailed hardware inventory, software inventory and metering, compliance checking, software distribution and installation, network discovery, and remote troubleshooting tools. By Microsoft.
Error Requesty
103 Web Service Description and Discovery Using UDDI, Part I Article by
Article by Karsten Januszewski (Microsoft). Author first look at the implications of UDDI both from a technological and business perspective. Then author look at the relationship between UDDI and Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Lastly, He step through UDDI registration and the considerations one needs to make in order to maximize the potential of UDDI.
Microsoft Msdn Windows Developer Forums Privacy Submit Connect Tech Magazine Export Samples Channel Content Support Interoperability Nokia
104 Microsoft Data Mining Research A long
A long term Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining project which has the current short-term goals of research into (i) the integration of data mining with database systems and (ii) scalable data mining algorithms.
Error Requesty
105 Stephen L. Thaler Creator of
Creator of the neural-network based Creativity Machine. Thaler has proposed it as a model of consciousness in which a neural network manifests what he calls a stream of consciousness while a second network filters the outputs from the first network. Thaler claims that these immense neural network cascades are capable of human level invention, discovery, and artistic creativity. Holds patents in the areas of neural networks, optimization, and the construction of sentient machines.
Error Information Create Detailed Foundthe User Anonymous Failed Application Temporarily Looking Request Urlscan Path Ekundenhomepagesdwwwthalerhtm Logon Method Anonymous Logon Namechanged Y
106 Stephen L. Thaler Creator of
Creator of the neural-network based Creativity Machine. Thaler has proposed it as a model of consciousness in which a neural network manifests what he calls a stream of consciousness while a second network filters the outputs from the first network. Thaler claims that these immense neural network cascades are capable of human level invention, discovery, and artistic creativity. Holds patents in the areas of neural networks, optimization, and the construction of sentient machines.
Error Create Information Detailed Temporarily Setstatus Directory Faultrequestlogpath Things User Anonymous Failed Services Removed Most Method Anonymous Logon Code X Requested Path Ekundenhomepagesdwwwthalerhtm Logon
107 Data Mining Resources Data Mining
Data Mining Resources Web Mining Resources Knowledge Discovery Resources
1 Corvallis Gazette-Times: Sacagewea returns to Sauvie Island Corn maze
Corn maze honors Lewis and Clarks Corp of Discovery.
Unsupported Media Typey
2 Davis Farmland and MegaMaze Sterling. 2003
Sterling. 2003 'Lost Kingdom' maze and discovery farm. Includes hours, ticket information, photos, and directions.
Davis Adventures Family Farm Welcome Combo Separate Players Season Laser Farmparkshave Requirementsrates Outdoor
3 Armchair Empire - Review Review by
Review by Tolen Dante: '...a pleasant flashback to my grade-school discovery of Dungeons & Dragons...' [Score: 8/10]
4 'Planescape: Torment
'Planescape: Torment delivers an engrossing tale of identity, mortality and discovery in a bizarre, fantastic setting. Clearly, a great choice for those seeking to role-play and watch their character develop.' [90/100].
5 USS Melbourne The Melbourne
The Melbourne is a Nebula-class starship and part of Bravo Fleets Task Force 58. Join the Melbourne and her crew as we push forth in scientific exploration and discovery!
Welcome Melbourne Energize Aboard Thanks Close Sign Other Modes Ussviewed Above Dont Please
6 Aurora Games Table top
Table top science fiction roleplaying in a world of real science. Our aim: to create a fantastic world of imagination and discovery, where everything is real... or could be real.
Navigationshilfet Y

5. Sports Websites concerning Discovery

1 NoFear Discovery Bay The NoFear
The NoFear DB Dragon Boat Team is based in Discovery Bay, California. Site contains a photo gallery.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Discovery Cycle Discovery Cycle
Discovery Cycle presents bicycle products suitable for Austin, Texas, riding conditions, local bike maps and route directions, industry product links, and its custom wheel building program.
Discoverycyclecom Insurance Cash Advance Privacy Consolidation Policy Debt Credit Section Browse Click Freephones
3 Discovery Channel Formerly the
Formerly the United States Postal Services squad and home to Lance Armstrong, Discovery Channel is the only UCI Division I ProTour team from the U.S. Visitors will find biographies of riders and staff, schedules, results, plenty of photos and opportunities to buy team merchandise.
Discovery Data Track= | Item Class=well Channel Rel=nofollow Rush Homepage Shows Gold Mythbusters Bush Naked Frontier
4 Mountainbikeclub Discovery The oldest
The oldest club in the Netherlands and has its own Mountainbike trail.
Images Vaste Route Werkzaamheden Clubtocht Nieuws Discovery Ago Club Wedstrijd Routewerkzaamheden Landgraaf Buitenring Clubtochten Ontwikkelingen
5 Peru Discovery Specialized on
Specialized on MTB and hiking and offer tours with 6 to 8 people max. Into the Sacred Valley or from the Andean highlands down to the Amazon Rainforest.
Manu Days Peru Tour Tambo Cloud Mountain Forest Amazon Hiking Mtb Bike Paititi Rainforest Trek
6 Alaska Discovery Sea kayaking
Sea kayaking, rafting and canoeing trips, including Glacier Bay, Pack Creek Bear Sanctuary, and Arctic Refuge.
America Travel Alaska Press Policy Destination Contact Guides North Trip Privacy Adventures Menu Here Private Request | Cultural Adventure Central
7 Discovery Ski Area Ski resort
Ski resort located 45 miles northwest of Butte. Site offers trail map, lift rates, and general information.
Snow Passes Report Park Trail Bike Rates Discovery Weather News Webcams Events Alerts Forecast Media Conditions Lesson Operation
8 Alaska Discovery Sea kayaking
Sea kayaking, rafting, and canoeing. Photos of the Alaska Wilderness.
America Alaska Travel North Privacy Policy Press Trip Contact Destination Guides Adventures Private Menu Here Main Interest
9 CanoeSki Discovery Company Saskatoon-based outdoor
Saskatoon-based outdoor adventure company, specializing in canoeing and cross-country skiing instruction and wilderness touring.
Story Canoeski Canoe River Trips Canoeing Stories Discovery Saskatchewan Learn Canoes Country Company Souris Courses Cross Booking
10 Discovery Bay Golf Club Eighteen hole
Eighteen hole course located in Port Townsend. Features a hole by hole tour with accommodation guide, rates, tournament news and contact details.
Navigationshilfe Ty
11 Arctic Discovery Ltd Activity holidays
Activity holidays in Lapland featuring winter and summer skiing, winter-sports, heli-skiing, snowmobile safaris, dog slieghs, wildlife, fishing, walking and fly-drive.
Arctic Lapland Santa Discovery Christmas Break White Wedding Treehotel Winter Week Lights General Snowy True Northern Basic
12 Arctic Discovery Ltd Activity holidays
Activity holidays in Lapland featuring winter and summer skiing, winter-sports, heli-skiing, snowmobile safaris, dog sleighs, wildlife, fishing, walking and fly-drive.
Arctic Lapland Santa Discovery Break Treehotel Wedding Christmas Winter White Week True North Family Trip General Adventure
13 Discovery Expeditions Offer guided
Offer guided summer trips around Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada, and winter trips to Baja, Mexico, and Belize. Includes prices, schematics, overview, and itinerary, FAQs, photos, and registration.
Kayak Trip Orca Kayaking Broughton Trips Expeditions Day Sea Discovery Wildlife Desolation Nomad Summer Beyond Washington Orcas Questions
14 Discovery Bay Golf Club The Pacific
The Pacific Northwests Oldest Public 18-Hole Golf Course. Features a hole by hole course tour with accommodation guide, rates, tournament news and contact details.
15 Latitudes Offers sea-kayaking
Offers sea-kayaking expeditions in Queen Charlotte Islands, Johnstone Strait, Gulf Islands, and Discovery Islands, plus mothership kayaking and sailing in British Columbias Inside Passage with family and kids camps, wilderness base camping, and educational programs.
Latitudes Photography Explore World Expeditions Seminars Blog C Browserkadencethemes Kadence Theme Wide Upgrade Wordpress
16 Out For Adventure Sea Kayaking
Sea Kayaking tours in British Columbia, Kayaking with Killer Whales, Orcas, Tours into Desolation Sound and Discovery Islands. Canoe trips into Algonquin Park, Ontario. Kayaking in Ontario. Tour information, profile, travel, booking, and links.
Kayaking Vancouver Island Whales Killer Sea Orca Canoe British Camp Base Canoeingkayak Columbia Paddle

6. Society, Arts and Discovery Crafts

1 lexisnexis - applied discovery provides electronic
provides electronic discovery services to litigation support professionals and attorneys.
2 strategic discovery, inc. electronic discovery
electronic discovery experts for litigation.
Consulting Services Global Advisory Firm Fti Financial Communications Policy Learn Locations Business Management Public Corporate Complex Life Center
3 History of Chinese Invention and Discovery A timeline
A timeline of historical events features scientific and everday inventions, and compares the time of discovery with when it happened in Western civilization.
West_ Western China Invention Chinese Westerncivilization_ History Dynasty Discovery Northern Asia Paper Emperor Eastern North Rebellion Silk Khan
4 ez doc discovery software for
software for attorneys and paralegals for help with record requests and financial discovery. on-line generation of requests for production.
Navigationshilfe Ty
5 data discovery provides forensic
provides forensic computer examination services, electronic discovery, and data recovery to the legal community, corporations, small business and law enforcement nationwide. beaverton, oregon.
Computer Data Discovery Evidence Forensic Forensics Expert Recovery Mail Investigations Cyber Investigation Crime Analysis Contact Criminal
6 Michaels Discovery Profile and
Profile and interests.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Hosting Gallery Advisor Local App Help Screen Please Geocities Has Mobile
7 cataphora electronic evidence
electronic evidence discovery services.
Cataphora Learn News Employment Government Financial Services Privacy Solutions Legal Process Key Contact Media Error Business Insider Data
8 Following the Voyage of Discovery A few
A few historical FAQs, with an expedition map.
Lewis Clark River Page Sacagawea Missouri Indian Dakota Ocean Pacific North Trail Blackfeet Expedition Mountains Plains Cannon Aids
9 nmatrix providing electronic
providing electronic discovery consulting and services.
Learn Epiq Class Firmsâ â» Ediscovery Resources Moreâ â» English Actionâ â» Bankruptcy Corporationsâ â» Advisory Law Action Trustees United Prc Team Website æ±Ã¢â‚¬Â°è¯­ä¸­åŽ人æ°Ã¢â‚¬Ëœå…±å’Œå›½
10 Lavendise A center
A center for networking fae all over the world and a place for self discovery.
Lavendise Issue Chris Kringle Faery Posted Fae Fairy Tour Awards Gateway Sanctuary Buddy Award Press
11 matlon & associates assisting with
assisting with litigation, discovery, and witness preparation.
Navigationshilfe Ty
12 Debbie: An Apostolic Message Shares discovery
Shares discovery of true salvation.
Z Request Y
13 Joy Of Discovery Ministries Midi versions
Midi versions of the 1975 Baptist Hymnal.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Lycoscom Please Found Hosting Website Check Lycos Errorpagecouldnt Signup Page
14 exterro online litigation
online litigation support and discovery management platform.
Discovery Exterro Information Governance Compliance Management Software Clients Webcasts Exterrointegrations Ebooks Hold Videos Infographics Integrations Review Live Data Blog Events Legal
15 Smith, Vin and Eunice: My Great Discovery A brief
A brief personal profile and inspirational message.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 Corps of Discovery: Private Pierre Cruzatte Profile of
Profile of the French-Omaha explorer.
Lewis Clark Pierre Trail Cruzatte Private Travel Discovery Corps Expedition Journals Music Indian Photo Dakota
17 target litigation consulting, inc. software and
software and technical support for document management and discovery.
Request Rejectedy
18 discovery mining inc. hosted platform
hosted platform to manage electronic documents for regulation, retention and litigation.
Hp Software How See Did Optimization Marketing Suite Teamsite Companies Enables Customer Integrated Products Explore * Support * Aurasma * Services *
19 Spirit Quest: The Way of the Ancestors A Native
A Native American tool of self-discovery, similar to the I-Ching. Uses java.
Sixdirectionscom Advance Insurance Cash Consolidation Legal Terms Debt Report Life Clicksection Best Free
20 History of Chinese Invention and Discovery Chart of
Chart of inventions and discoveries, with comparisons with their Western equivalents.
West_ Western China Invention Chinese Westerncivilization_ History Dynasty Discovery Northern Paper Asia Eastern Emperor Human
21 kiersted / systems electronic discovery
electronic discovery, matter management and technical support for complex litigation.
Learn Kiersted Discovery Efficient Radically Access Privacy Rssreview Policy News Profile Forensics Consulting
22 mcgovern & greene llp chicago: offers
chicago: offers consultation on computer forensics and electronic discovery issues.
Fraud Greene Accounting Forensic Mcgovern Services Contracts Construction Accountants Property Contact Intellectual Support Risk Computer Vegas Project Claims United Assurance
23 complex litigation integrators, llc new jersey
new jersey firm emphasizing data discovery and document management.
Document Litigation Discovery Electronic Coding Data Management Services Scanning Access Complex Integrators Support Specializing Full
24 evestigations inc. provides computer
provides computer forensics, investigative and discovery support services to usa based law firms and corporations.
Forensics Expert Digital Ediscovery Inc Breach Services Witness Evestigations Data Investigations Evidence Computer Response Litigation Internal
25 Discovery Vallarta Gay-oriented listing
Gay-oriented listing of lodgings. Also offers reservations for activities, cruises, and tours.
Vallarta Puerto Gay Travel Villas Rentals Vacation Photos Beach Guide Condo Villa Beachfront Bars Mexico Restaurants Gyms Menne
26 ignited solutions, llc litigation support
litigation support and electronic data discovery services for the washington d.c. metropolitan area.
Error Requesty
27 Titanic Ship of Dreams A complete
A complete account of the disaster from construction to her discovery. You can find other famous ships as well.
Titanic Olympic Rms Ship Lusitania Titanics Sinking Class Ss Rohilla Did White Queen How Star Wireless Inquiry
28 copyforce independent network
independent network of firms specializing in litigation copying, imaging, coding, and electronic discovery.
29 Major Tomb Discovery Illuminates Italys Etruscans - The Lost People An article
An article on a new archaeological find.
Etruscans Sightings Bc Cerveteri Etruscan Italys Rizzo Romans Iron Homepage Discovery Defeated University Rosella Lost Campania
30 Cantu, Roger An eMagazine
An eMagazine of self discovery and enlightenment. Provides articles about Buddhism and related practices, and information about their seminars.
Meditation Roger Cantu Lenz Edition Frederick Self Buddhism Rama Pathwaysenlightenment Español Music Books Baba Help Yoga Discovery Meditación
31 A Personal Tao A modern
A modern examination of Taoism. Offers a guide in self exploration and discovery through a combination of art, poetry and literature.
32 By Grace Alone Original stories
Original stories that chronicle a womans search for love and truth and discovery of those values where she least expected it.
Grace Jesus Kingdom Sites Catholic Alone God Journey Pentecostal Abortion Love Child Christ Life Gospel Pro Protestantism Reunion
33 Discovery Church Livermore.
Livermore. Includes contact information, worship schedule, event calendar and ministries.
Nazarene Church Discovery Welcome Livermore Worship Page Community Phoneslideshow Positas California Webmaster Educational
34 Wonderful Islam A collection
A collection of articles seeks to show the alignment of the Quran and modern scientific discovery.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Ecommerce Local Gallery App Marketing Advisor Help Hosting Website Customer Autos Ad
35 Discovery Church Contact details
Contact details, map to the building, beliefs, events, and information on small group ministry.
Church Discovery Clayton Preschool Sermons Team Directions Benediction Christ Families Nc Youth School Course Mission County
36 Día de la Raza Article discusses
Article discusses Columbus Day in Costa Rica and explores how Columbuss discovery impacted the nation.
Rica Costa Columbus Raza Cocori De Travel La Columbuss Day Dia Americas Story Hotel Spanish
37 capital legal solutions electronic discovery
electronic discovery consulting firm. services, select clients, and technology partners listed.
Capital Novus Consulting Cascade Solution Indexphpoption=com_contentview=articleid=itemid= Trial Products Early Case Document Graphics Presentations Adp Technician Advanced Expert Novus’s
38 Discovery Church Contemporary christian
Contemporary christian seeker-targeted congregation. Offers FAQs, beliefs, details of various ministries, and news.
39 The School of the Sixteenth Century Held yearly
Held yearly to train re-enactors in the various aspects of portraying Spanish explorers and colonists during the Age of Discovery.
School Tampa Century Juan Sixteenth Camp Narvaez Florida Soto Panfilo Ortiz Hernando Recruit Suspects Been Father Anexpedition Drawing Captured
40 Camp LEAD - Leadership, Evangelism, And Discovery A Christian
A Christian wilderness adventure program with a to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Web Domains Customer Terms Please Help Privacy Website Advisor Account
41 forensicon, inc. specializes in
specializes in computer forensics and electronic discovery especially internal investigations and litigation pertaining to the misappropriation of intellectual property.
Computer Forensics Forensicon Analysis Expert Testimony Investigations Witness Litigation Consulting Trade Data Company Forensicons Services Theft Defense Clients
42 Discovery Church Elk Grove
Elk Grove, California (nondenominational). Contact details, map to the building, beliefs, events, and information on small group ministry.
Church Discovery Clayton Preschool Christ Benediction Team Directions Sermons Families Course School Youth Nc Themes Worship
43 The Passion of Pierre Duhem Essay by
Essay by Ernest Brown on Duhems discovery of the medieval roots of general dynamics, and the conspiracy of silence which followed.
Navigationshilfe Ty
44 I Am Beautiful Aiming to
Aiming to promote self-esteem through self-discovery. Includes excerpts and ordering for the book and video, resources including a quiz, messageboard and links.
45 Beth Owls Daughter Encourages use
Encourages use of tarot as a tool for ritual, healing and self discovery. Insight and clarity readings by phone, email and in person.
Server Httpwwwowlsdaughtercomapachedaughter Port Beth Permanently The Owls
46 Tarot by Charles Readings focused
Readings focused on self-discovery, as well as information on the workings of Tarot and symbology.
47 Another Face of Lincoln? Possible new
Possible new Lincoln discovery is a miniature painting, believed to be dated 1840.
Lincoln Miniature Lincolns Painting Todd Family Print Face Ties Distinctive Evidence Provenance Discovery Abraham Speed Supporting Paintings Rc
48 My Take on the Faery Faith Robert S.
Robert S. Bittings personal view of his own discovery of the faery paths and what they mean.
Faerie Ive Fae Tradition Nature Local Witchcraft Close Sign Spirits Philadelphia Thanks Goddess Grace Deities Leek Lordsof Godsand All Back Welcome
49 The Tao of Tango A journey
A journey of self-discovery using the metaphor of Tango to learn the dance of life.
50 video discovery inc. video litigation
video litigation support services provider, based in cleveland, ohio.
Scheduling Videography Legal Video Support Depositions Ohio Demonstrative Evidence Cleveland Clients Courtroom Videographer Services Served Playback
51 rehman technology services, inc. computer forensic
computer forensic services, and assistance with electronic discovery requests.
Computer Rehman Expert Forensics Services Electronic Child Technology Inc Florida Countermeasures Witness Policy Exploitation Data Miss Drafting Organization
52 surviving infidelity emergency kit super affair
super affair discovery and healing resource plus free infidelity ebook.
Infidelity Surviving Articles Affair How Free Cheating Resources Cheat Kit Catching Help Library Copyright Wordpress
53 trial solutions electronic discovery
electronic discovery management services, document imaging and online document review.
Services Software Litigation Support Discovery Trial Electronic Document Review Solutions Ediscovery Data News Company Computer Email
54 An Astrologers Perspective Carrie Lever
Carrie Lever helps clients to discover the map they came with and aides them in utilizing this information for self-growth and discovery. She offers a free newsletter on current events.
55 The Broom Closet Salems largest
Salems largest shoppe for Witches and others. Dedicated to bringing you the finest selection of ritual supplies and transformational tools for personal growth and self discovery.
56 History Buff - Historical reference
Historical reference of press coverage from the 16th to the 20th century. Includes newspaper articles, audio files, and video clips.
History List Web Around Pickford Mary Rossetti Period Austen Wont Regency Unusual Realities Brangelina Fairbanks—the Actually Fake Any Dg Appalling Victorian
57 Hampton Roads Publishing Company Publisher of
Publisher of books on metaphysical subjects including visionary fiction, complementary and alternative medicine, self-help, science, and spiritual discovery.
General Books Press Weiser Conari Bolen Jean Esoteric Relationships Womens Information Social Occult Red Hampton Self Help Alternative Mark Cooking Freemasons Beginners Duquette
58 Scorpion Mother Tarot A journey
A journey of self discovery through Tarot. Readings, resources, decks and books and online community.
Navigationshilfe Ty
59 Yoga Discovery Armonk -
Armonk - yoga program incorporates breathing, postures and mediation. General information about studio and classes.
Domains Domainmarketcom News Contact Reasons Brandable Legal Best Yogadiscoverycom Business Blog Music Food Science Family Employment Services Legal *
60 Kodiyil, John: How I met Jesus From Catholicism
From Catholicism to Islam to a relationship with Jesus Christ, the search for and discovery of a living, loving God and savior.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce Gallery App Help Advisor Hosting Local Finance Developer Sign
61 Abraham, the Worlds First Jewish Radical Contemporary Jewish
Contemporary Jewish essay examining the biblical patriarchs quest of spiritual self-discovery.
Redirecting Homepage Httpwwwaishcomliteracyexploringabrahamaspy
62 Soul Memory Discovery Using the
Using the power of language and sacred ritual to bring purpose and meaning to life, includes class schedules, origins, gatherings, facilitators, and testimonials.
Soul Facilitators Memory Discovery Ellen Workshop Cosmic Skin Shedding Blog Whats Times Eternal Feeding Godself Lehr Co Creative Dosick Fullsource Contact
63 USA: Oregon: Ashland: RPSTOVAL Camp Assists the
Assists the individual in the discovery and accomplishment of his/her True Will by way of Initiation and through the regular performance of the Gnostic Mass. Also includes information on classes and workshops.
Tripod Create Login Hosting Found Lycoscom Lycos Requested Errorpage Website Shopping Signup Couldnttripodcom Check
64 The Journey to Discovery A Jewish
A Jewish web community. Judaism seen through the eyes of a convert. Information about converting to Judaism, articles, quizzes, and a message board.
65 tkm technologies ltd. uk based
uk based firm, providing computer forensics, evidence discovery and expert witness services to law firms and corporations in western europe, the united states and asia pacific.
Services Forensics Digital Ediscovery Analysis Training Computer Technologies Legal Data Expert Mode Messaging Enforcement Mobile Forensic Failure Recovery
66 forensicon, inc. a computer
a computer forensics and electronic evidence discovery firm in chicago that specializes in litigation support, providing expert services to law firms and businesses large and small nationwide.
Forensics Computer Forensicon Analysis Expert Investigations Witness Litigation Trade Testimony Digital Forensic Security Employment Cyber Sanctions Inc Mcnamme Experts Secret Companies
67 The Search for the USS Indianapolis Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel site for television program of the same name, has details of the last voyage, the stories of the crew members, the trial of Captain McVey, and notes from the expedition to find the wreck.
Discovery Channel Video Adventures Animal Student Advertising Communications Shows Mobile Planet Live Globe Education Winfrey Llc Newsletters Viewer Image
68 Quest The Journey For all
For all the courageous Heroes and Heroines who have stepped out onto the path. A Quest of awakening and discovery, exploring the pillars of mastery, nobility and deep purpose.
Server Foundapacheerrordocument Port Forbidden Forbidden You Additionally
69 BLT Research The BLT
The BLT Research Team Inc.s primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites.
Crop Circle Research Reports Blt Eyewitness Study Usa Nancy Team Talbott Inc Clay Mineral Consultants List Plant Green Version Studies
70 Vermorel, Joannès A researcher
A researcher in data mining, knowledge discovery, statistics and machine learning. Includes pictures and information on how to build a pop-pop boat, his open source projects, and a list of his publications.
Bitcoin Data Joannes Bitcoins Indeed Vermorel Software Well Share Article Enterprise However It’s Choosing Post Encoding Hiring Furthermore Conclusion Big Than
71 Honoring Christopher Columbus Essay defending
Essay defending Columbus and his discovery, and blames others around him for the hardships and disease brought to the natives of the New World, which were also practicing human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Columbus Morison Indians Ocean Sea_ Spain Christopher Isabel Columbus_ Hispaniola They Floyd Spanish Caribbean Dynasty
72 The Norse Discovery of America by Arthur
by Arthur Middleton Reeves, North Ludlow Beamish, and Rasmus B. Anderson. Public domain E-text by the Sacred Text Archive.
Chapter Discovery Norse Wineland America Red Contents Saga Text Period Iceland Book Voyage Page Iii Geographical Preface
73 The re-discovery of Trahernes poetry and prose-writings Brief biography
Brief biography, and an assessment of both the charms and defects of Trahernes writing style. In The Cambridge History of English and American Literature.
Cambridge History Cavalier Contents English Puritan Traherne American Poets Literature Trahernes Sacred Vol Fiction Habingtons Bookstore Bibliographic
74 ie discovery, inc. web-based document
web-based document repository for the storage, retrieval and collaboration on document collections. also offers document processing and other litigation support and consulting.
75 Discovery Yoga St. Augustine
St. Augustine - Kripalu yoga classes, teacher training, workshops, yoga-enhanced scuba trips and retreats in Florida and the Bahamas.
Yoga Augustine Discovery Center Evening Saturday Kripalu Class Training Teacher Friday Workshops Meditation Sunday Housing Tuesday
76 Discovery Church Voorhees, New
Voorhees, New Jersey (nondenominational). Contemporary worship style. What visitors can expect, information on Christianity, news, photographs, bookstore, contact details, and information on ministries.
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77 Discovery Missions A ministry
A ministry of Calvary International exists to challenge, equip, and motivate young adults for missions from Jacksonville, Florida. Features short term trip training.
Future Soon Something Cool Coming Check Please Launch Owneryoure Visitor Z
78 Self-Discovery Portal Multi-site portal
Multi-site portal to Philosophical Self-Inquiry Discussion Group and information on systems of maximum self-realization including Advaita Vedanta, the Albigen System, Chan, Taoism and Zen.
Self Chan Tat Foundation Masters Page Retreat Discovery Inquiry Portal Realization Teachers Maximum Favorites Richard Common Sense Merrell Wolff Right
79 computing source michigan, illinois:
michigan, illinois: computing source provides electronic discovery, computer forensics, and expert testimony services.
Access Forbiddendirectory Using Page Server Error Thecredentialsdeniedyou Permission Supplied
80 First in War, First in Peace, First in Whiskey: George Washington as Distiller Article about
Article about the discovery that Washington produced whiskey at Mount Vernon.
Requestcloudflare Nginx Z
81 Airdrie Discovery Toastmasters Club -- Airdrie, Alberta, Canada (6344-42) Club members
Club members work together to improve their speaking and leadership skills.
Skills Writing Business Pagequick Ways Easy Found Copyright Writingtoday Pleasefound Oops Error
82 Discovery Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta Features extensive
Features extensive listings of hotels, bed and breakfasts, guest houses, condos, villas, and apartment vacation rentals. Also offers reservations for activities, cruises, and tours.
Vallarta Puerto Gay Travel Villas Rentals Photos Vacation Guide Beach Villa Condo Bars Mexico Beachfront Lesbian
83 Blue Wing Workshops Workshops and
Workshops and lectures in self discovery, personal insight, positive life change, self empowerment, and spiritual development. Features current schedule and lecture topics. Located in Arizona.
Workshops Self Discovery Psychology Metaphysical Books Portland Loss Blue Lectures Wing Dealing Publications Personal Growth Facilitator Public Sociology
84 What the Irish Wore An article
An article on the Moy gown, an Irish Medieval gown that includes the discovery, description, and reconstruction.
Patterns Golden Travel Clothing Birthday Historical Victorian Medieval Century Renaissance Pattern Womensclothing Ages Posts Regency
85 Seniors Summer School Offering seniors
Offering seniors an opportunity to enhance their summer through leisure, education and discovery, at campus locations across the United States and Canada.
Locations Madison Summer News Contact School Senior Wi Registration Boston Here Diego Vacation Dc Bc Frequently Program
86 discovery sexual harassment--health lesson plan (grades 9-12) lesson plan
lesson plan for teaching young people about the problem, prevention, and what they can do if it happens to them or to one of their classmates.
87 The Path Yoga Center The Path
The Path Yoga Centre provides a safe and tranquil environment for healing, self-discovery, and the study of a Yogic practice. Three locations in Vancouver.
Yoga Path Workshops Studio Centre Restorative Rates Heart Vancouver Immersion Swan Classes Privates Schedule Retreats Biomat Tensgrity Asana
88 Gold Rush Gallery Documentation of
Documentation of the discovery of gold in the southern Appalachians, the history of the US Branch Mint at Dahlonega, Georgia, and a large collection of US gold coins (minted from 1796-1933).
Gold Rush Gallery Schedule Upcoming Show Book Mint Coins Collection Dahlonega Inc Grg Copyright Events Sets
89 Discovery Christian Church Cranberry Township
Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania (interdenominational). A church that seeks to unite people from all denominational backgrounds. Beliefs, schedule, programs, group information, message board and on-line sermons.
Version Requested Information Microsoft Resource Error Application Framework Description Serverurl Please Found_
90 The Dead Sea Scrolls With links
With links to photographs of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran caves, surrounding area and 2000-year-old artifacts, take a virtual trip to experience this archaeological discovery.
Navigationshilfe Ty
91 The Middle Ages and Renaissance Important events
Important events described by eyewitnesses, with introductory explanations. Includes the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle on the 12th-century English civil war, Marco Polo describing Kublai Khan in battle, and the discovery of America by Columbus.
Century Queen Middle World Death England America Ages Mary Th Battle Murder London Audience Black Anglo Saxon Saracens Henry Execution Europe
92 Reincarnation and multi-culturalism Multi-cultural Aspects
Multi-cultural Aspects of Reincarnation Studies: A presentation by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom at the Institute for Discovery Science, Las Vegas, May 1997. Some questions for anthroposophists.
93 Roman Herculaneum This website
This website describes the history of Herculaneum including its destruction and re-discovery. It shows the towns main buildings and those of the surrounding towns of Oplontis, Boscoreale, Stabiae and Pompeii.
Herculaneum Pompeii Map Re Discovery Excavations Destruction Stabiae Boscoreale Ercolano Villa Oplontis Roman Papyri Of
94 Chorlton Unitarian Church A spiritual
A spiritual community who welcome all to join with us on a journey of faith and self discovery. In common with many other Unitarian Churches, our faith is formed using the insights and wisdom of many world faiths, not just Christianity.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Customer Domains Account Please Terms Web Website Affiliate Templates
95 Junior League of Boise Projects include
Projects include the Ronald McDonald House, the Discovery Center of Idaho, the Learning lab and the Childcare Center at Community House, find out about membership, events, and fundraising activities.
League Junior Boise Donate Idaho Evening Community Projects News Httpswwwfacebookcomjlboise Boise_ Association Sponsorships Development Ajli Now
96 digerati data michigan: provides
michigan: provides electronic data discovery, computer forensics, data recovery and electronic risk management.
97 digerati data provides electronic
provides electronic data discovery, computer forensics, data recovery and electronic risk management.
98 History of Haiti The rich
The rich and fascinating history of Haiti from the Spanish discovery of Hispanola to present day politics of Haiti.
Haiti Haitian President French Jean Aristide Minister National General Duvalier Avril History Prime Presidents Cdras United Boyer Sponsorship Aristidea Adoption
99 medical legal services of north america, inc. offering case
offering case review, analysis and summaries of medical records, chronologies and applicable standards of care, education and research consultation to assist in discovery. also expert witness identification from colorado springs.
Navigationshilfet Y
100 Pathways To Eden Enlightenment, spirituality
Enlightenment, spirituality, new age, meditation. Guided site for spiritual discovery and discussion of alternative healing therapies and remedies. Practical advice on personal growth and living spiritually in a material world, dedicated to the healing and transformation of humanity.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Signguidelines Internet Sites Sports Visit Mail Inc Terms
101 Vision of the Grail Website Kathleen Jacobys
Kathleen Jacobys book narrates her quest for meaning and discovery of lifes deeper mysteries. Includes book reviews, reader comments, sample chapters, and resources to aid the reader in their own journey.
Navigationshilfet Y
102 secret of sakhalin island (karafuto) overview of
overview of history and discovery of sakhalin island (karafuto), one of the territories still disputed between japan and russia from a japanese perspective.
Sakhalin Japanese Japan Island Russian Russia Mamiya Treaty Rinzo Frontier Hokkaido Here Asian Secret Kuril Russo Kurilislands Actually Westernersthought
103 Logewhego Nation of Glen Ellyn and Wheaton, Illinois Programs are
Programs are designed to foster companionship and understanding between father and child, in a wholesome atmosphere that emphasizes fun, adventure and a shared sense of discovery of Native American culture. Information about programs and upcoming events.
Dayton Adventure Nation Program Princesses History Pictures Contact Events Circle Event Flyer Princess Daughters Photos Elegant Information Father Kipoo Healthy
104 Texas Catholic Historical Society Has the
Has the objectives of discovery, collection, preservation, and publication of historical material relating to the Catholic community in Texas.
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105 secret of sakhalin island (karafuto) overview of
overview of history and discovery of sakhalin island (karafuto), one of the territories still disputed between japan and russia.
Sakhalin Japanese Japan Island Mamiya Russia Russian Rinzo Treaty Frontier Hokkaido Here Software Secret Karafuto Russo Kurils Please
106 Spiritual journey Personal reflections
Personal reflections about ones self-discovery and spiritual journey.
Tripod Create Signupcheck Tripodcom Requested Shopping Hosting Lycoscom Couldnt Websiteplease Page
107 Discover Bible Study Videos 10 Bible
10 Bible Study videos of the Discovery series, provided by the Voice of Prophecy.
Contact Listen Prayer News Events Blog Donate Bible Store Studies Userlogin Privacy Simpleupdatescomtyping Page Menu
108 1st North Carolina Cavalry Battle Flag Features photos
Features photos and information on the discovery of the regimental battle flag. Photos and overview of unit and company flag available.
Error Internal Serverz Please
109 cyberensics computer forensics minnesota: provides
minnesota: provides computer forensics and electronic discovery services including litigation technical support, expert witness in computer crime and civil matters and cyber crime risk management.
110 Religions and Spiritualities - *The Spiritual Woman* - a joyful journey A Guide
A Guide to Womens Spiritualities including reviews of spiritual tools and practices, an inspirational storytelling den, artful self-discovery Ebooks, original e-cards and 'The Spiritual Woman' ezine.
111 Pacific County Friends of Lewis and Clark A nonprofit
A nonprofit organization commemorating the epic journey of Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery, with special emphasis on the 18 days they spent in Pacific County, Washington.
Center Interpretive Peninsula Shop Webcams Lewis Contact Clark Events Display Coupons Larr Christmas Parks Eat Dine Something Head Companies
112 Lewis and Clark Trail Historical account
Historical account of the Corps of Discovery along the Lewis and Clark Trail. Includes an events calendar, trail properties, and trail treasures.
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113 hosted litigation
hosted litigation management system allows access to case information across the web. litigation support services, case management, legal document scanning, e-discovery, ocr and conversion, metadata analysis, bates stamp, numbering, imaging, scanning and conversion.
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114 WWII Smoke Screen Information Page Information and
Information and history on the little known story of the discovery of smoke screen during WWII.
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boston computer forensic services offers computer forensics, electronic discovery and expert witness services in boston and throughout the world.
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1 Discovery HD Theater The educational
The educational Discovery Channel programs in high definition.
Discovery Data Track= | Item Class=well Channel Homepage Rush Rel=nofollow Shows Gold Mythbusters News Racing Cta Button
2 Discovery Times Documentary channel
Documentary channel from the New York Times and the Discovery Channel.
3 Discovery Online Discovery Online
Discovery Online
Discovery Channel Play Catch Monster Deadliest Shark Videos Weekend Live Video Alaskan News Underground Chrome Yeti People
4 sienkiewicz, linda - wallpaper the sky a celebration
a celebration of self-discovery.
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5 Metacritic: Daft Punk - Discovery Links to
Links to several reviews of the album.
Slow Down Slowerror Guru Meditation Xid Z
6 Travelers Sound Showcase Sounds from
Sounds from the Discovery Channel show.
7 Metacritic: Discovery of a World Inside the Moone Links to
Links to several reviews about the album.
Reviews Publications Music Credits Metacritic Provided Ps Images Data World Soon Coming Xbox New Critic Inside Moone
8 Fit TV A Discovery
A Discovery family network devoted to the topic of diet and physical fitness.
Discovery Channel Stories Life Untold Videos Onclick=return False Health Week Tv Planet Shock Animal Source Casting Joys
9 Every Little Breeze Filmography, introduction
Filmography, introduction, personal discovery account, 'Pandoras Box' script, and quotes.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Guidelines Sites Hosting Archives Reach Visit Internet Privacy Sports
10 The Human Body A co-production
A co-production from Discovery Pictures and the BBC looking at the biological processes inside our bodies.
11 IMAX Discovery Theater Offers information
Offers information on shows times and ticket sales.
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12 DBZ Discovery Content includes
Content includes episode guides, message boards, polls, and general information.
Dbz Discovery Saiyan Here Characters Rpg Wills Discover Anime Super Polls Message Movies Movie Fatal Welcome Wednesday Gohan
13 Fakejazz: Discovery of a World inside the Moone Daron Gardners
Daron Gardners review: 'an extraordinary pop gem'. Rated 10/12.
Fake Jazzz
14 young embroiderers embroidery discovery
embroidery discovery space for children and anyone involved in textile art, craft and education.
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15 young embroiderers embroidery discovery
embroidery discovery space for children and anyone involved in textile art, craft and education.
Young Embroiderers Paper Craft Education Textile Art Embroidery Fibre Youngembroidererscomanyone People Textiles School
16 young embroiderers embroidery discovery
embroidery discovery space for children and anyone involved in textile art, craft and education.
Young Embroiderers Education Craft Textile Art Paper People Embroidery Children Stitching Herecouching Fibre Anyone
17 IMDb: Discovery of Heaven Plot summary
Plot summary, cast and crew information, and user comments.
See News Movies Jeroen Stars Reviews Director Imdb Krabbé Drama User Full Message Fantasy Imdbpro Blu Ray Zuid Holland Comic Con Bank Heaven Guide Himmels Discuss
18 Sounds of American Chopper Offers Teutel
Offers Teutel family audio WAVs from the Discovery Channel series.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Maps Internet Hosting Toolbar Trying Privacy Wayback Visit Games
19 PopMatters: Discovery of a World inside the Moone Dave Heatons
Dave Heatons review: 'the album just sounds beautiful'.
20 IMAX Discovery Theater Offers information
Offers information on shows times and ticket sales. Located in Myrtle Beach.
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21 shiovitz, ken sample poetry.
sample poetry. discovery: how knowledge is acquired, both inside and apart from institutions. society, morality, and survival topics.
Internet Earthlink Dial Software Hosting Do Cable Plans Wireless High Leadership Partner Business Investor History
22 2001: A Personal Odyssey Information on
Information on topics such as HAL, Discovery, pods, and the centrifuge. Includes a small glossary and links.
Personal Odysseyy
23 Inkblot Magazine: Discovery of a World inside the Moone Susannah Grossmans
Susannah Grossmans review: 'pure, gleeful pop virtuosity'.
24 Pitchfork: Discovery of a World inside the Moone Mark Richard-Sans
Mark Richard-Sans review: 'its still pretty good for what it is.' Rated 6.5.
25 Small Press Expo Information on
Information on the next SPX, showcase for the exhibition of independent comic books and the discovery of new creative talent.
Guests Expo Press Announces Small Festival Ignatz Spx Book International National Special Congress Comic Arts Lasko Gross Kaltenborn Anna Sponsorship Peeters Dylan
26 MythBusters Discovery Channels
Discovery Channels official site. Includes episode guide, host biographies, air schedule, and fan feedback.
Mythbusters Discovery Gallery Pictures Minimyth Adam Jamie Channel Tape Duct Savage Myths Myth Grant Hyneman Kari Wipeout Family Free
27 Tango Discovery A group
A group of dancers in Argentina offering 'dance certification training.' Sale of videos, books and CD Roms.
Z Tango Page Error Found We Training Nothing Please Copyrightenglish Discovery
28 Discovery Channel Europe Your European
Your European gateway for Animal Planet, Health, Civilisation, Travel & Adventure, and the Sci-Trek channels.
29 Soho Theatre Committed to
Committed to the discovery and development of new plays by bold and original writers. Provides commissions, script workshops, and production.
Navigationshilfe Ty
30 new discovery alberto cobo
alberto cobo has discovered a late opera by the spanish composer ramon carnicer. a critical edition and a recording with synthesized sounds are available.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Privacy News Mail Maps Sitesterms Inc User
31 Discovery Channel: American Chopper Contains an
Contains an episode guide, cast biographies, wallpaper, photo galleries, video files and a message board.
Discovery Channel Video Mobile Planet Animal Shows Student Adventures Communications Advertising Winfrey Applications Email Dvds Credits
32 Trading Spaces The official
The official site from Show specifications, homeowner updates, profiles of all the onscreen talent, a bulletin board and before and after photos.
Discovery Channel Mobile Video Advertising Adventures Planet Animal Communications Shows Company Student Pinterest American Youtube News Visitor
33 Discovery Health Offers news
Offers news and a variety of health information resources.
Discovery Channel Life Videos Stories Health Healthy Untold Day Schedule Almost Live False How Velocity Week
34 Discovery Health Offers health
Offers health news and in-depth feature programming.
Discovery Channel Data Track= | Item Class=well Shows Rush Gold People Frontier Bush Moonshiners Alaska Alaskan
35 Tango Discovery Arizona Group and
Group and private lessons in Arizona with Ravi and Satya Khalsa.
36 klystar - the twin universe a journey
a journey of discovery to find the true nature of our existence and the universe.
Ying | Leong Klystarz
37 harp jive playing harmonica
playing harmonica is a journey of discovery your companion, your road map, your practical e-zine for the road ahead.
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supplies sample cds, cd-roms, and downloadable sounds featuring sound effects and ethnic, rare, and traditional music.
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music discovery service. users create custom streaming audio stations based on music tastes. free trial available.
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40 one drop of water the story
the story of an individual drop that makes a thrilling journey of personal discovery. complete online version contains full-color illustrations.
41 Soho Theatre Committed to
Committed to the discovery and development of new plays by bold and original writers. Company, writers centre, tour of building, calendar and tickets. London.
Navigationshilfet Y
42 Belly Dance Discovery Yuki, her
Yuki, her professional troupe and dance studio. Classes, dance philosophy, haflas, plus gallery and newsletter.
Bellydance Class Professional Course Classes Techniques Dance Trial Videos Workshop Discovery Performances Belly Featured Workshops Archives Dorcas Betty Intensifying Foundation
43 Discovery Channel News: Crocodile Hunter Irwin Killed by Stingray Australian television
Australian television personality Steve Irwin died when a stingrays barb pierced his chest.
Discovery Channel Video Adventures Student Shows Planet Communications Mobile Advertising Animal Applications Requestedmay Gift Times Store News
44 Animal Planet - Discovery Europe Brings to
Brings to life amazing wildlife, natural history. and pet stories. Also offers animal facts, and the drama of the Animal Kingdom.
45 makar records offers a
offers a discovery of indian classical music through a series of great masters from different traditional schools. all the different styles (dhrupad, khyal, thumri, carnatic), schools and instruments are represented.
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46 Discovery Home and Leisure Channel Home to
Home to programs such as Men in Toolbelts, Weird Homes, Weird Wheels, Neat Stuff.
Discovery Amish Tlc Watch Gt Play Videos Kids Now Channel Take Boss Cake First Catch Kate Love Quiz Check Sunday Enter
47 Blue Sky International Film Festival Film festival
Film festival in Las Vegas, dedicated to the discovery and exhibition of new talent within the independent world of filmmaking.
48 Lorenzo Lotto - Re-discovery of a Renaissance Master Review of
Review of the Lorenzo Lotto exhibition in Paris in 1999 by
Lotto Lorenzo Renaissance Art Archaeology Italian Exhibitions Re Discovery Paris Bergamo Friend Lady Join Fortunately Please
49 Discovery Health Channel A cable
A cable channel offering programming about medical breakthroughs, healthy stories and the ever changing world of health care.
Discovery Health Week Psych Videos Fit Schizophrenic Watch Born Hoarding Play Alive Buried Jani Channel Adventures
50 Discovery Channels Shark Week Information on
Information on a variety of sharks, from the Great Whites to Hammerheads. Includes interactive games and shark quiz along with expert shark attack answers.
Request Error Generated Idruwdlpxjluystgcijcynufecibdqckhedvfmiflnns_cf Q== Could Errorthez Satisfied
51 Discovery Channels Shark Week Information on
Information on a variety of sharks, from the Great Whites to Hammerheads. Includes interactive games and shark quiz along with expert shark attack answers.
Request Error Could Generated Errorthe Satisfiedidgfdqvbitmnnfcaoqjus_ghujbaatzloimivmjiiqrryg== Z
52 discovery journey childrens and
childrens and young adult book reviews and ratings based on thematic elements of violence, nudity, profanity, sexual content, drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. full access requires paid subscription.
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53 brandenburg , karla author of
author of the treasure of st. paul. was the holy grail buried with pompeii? thats the question that sends kira ellison to an archeological excavation in southern italy. discover what kira unearths on her journey of self-discovery.
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54 Lucas Learning George Lucas
George Lucas newest software company, dedicated to the production of high-quality software products that provide players with opportunities to learn through exploration and discovery.
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55 phil levine painting workshops outdoor painting
outdoor painting in paris, brittany, provence and la rochelle with instructors in oils, watercolors, pastels and acrylics. also cultural discovery tours of brittany.
Painting Cuba Tours Air Art Plein Mexico Cultural France Amsterdam Tuscany Miguel Servertravelers
56 Phil Levine Painting Workshops Outdoor painting
Outdoor painting in Paris, Brittany, Provence and La Rochelle with instructors in oils, watercolors, pastels and acrylics. Also cultural discovery tours of Brittany.
Painting France Cuba Cultural Tuscany Discovery Workshops Plein Air Mexico San Portugal Arrangements Beaux National Enjoy Americas Association
57 International Dance Discovery The IDD
The IDD Dancezine, which is a collection of poetry, essays, and fiction about dance as a transformative experience, a spiritual healing, and/or karmic journey. Also lists recommended dance readings, and the Little Egypt Home Page.
58 Discovery Health Channel Channel focused
Channel focused on health issues. Programs include Healthy Home, Fitness Fantasy, Birth Day, Healthy Retreats.
Discovery Videos Channel Life Health Day Healthy Schedule Live Emergency Planet How Carson Diagnose Truck
59 nelson algrens secret muse: ben maddow chicago writer
chicago writer jeff mcmahon describes his discovery that a little-known poem exerted a profound influence upon nelson algrens depiction of chicago. from chicagos new city magazine.
Newcity Park Astrology Free Rest Entry Chicago City Dime Stories Loop Week Checkerboard News Life West Sports Sun Timesman
60 sima bina by yasmela article about
article about sima bina, persian dance, and an americans discovery of persian music.
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61 Prime Stage Theatre Committed to
Committed to engaging and exposing young people and families in the discovery of live theatre with commissioned works, adaptations of literature and historical events. Prime Stage partners with many organizations and features a Teen Advisory Board.
Stage Contact Prime Theatre Dying Lesson Before Tickets Learn Giver Crucible Page Eitc Buy Social

Discovery Dictionary

discovery / find / uncovering a: the act of discovering something
self-discovery: discovering your own individuality
discovery / breakthrough / find: a productive insight
discovery a: something that is discovered
discovery: (law) compulsory pretrial disclosure of documents relevant to a case, enables one side in a litigation to elicit information from the other side concerning the facts in the case
Pasteur / Louis Pasteur/| French chemist and biologist whose discovery that ferm:
Columbus Day / Discovery Day / October: a legal holiday commemorating the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus Reviews for Discovery. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Discovery" (visitors of this topic page). Discovery › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Discovery Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

Discovery may refer to:

62 results for Discovery: