1 Peacock Mold Services LLC Building Inspection Just Java Mpetufpym Rvojztmm Ue Uue Wnu Xbtm Hwg Oq Ext Zm Ja Mathfloor Qw
Welcome to Peacock Mold Services! We are a professional mold testing and air quality testing company serving Connecticut, New York...Keyport Just Java Mpetufpym Rvojztmm Ue Uue Wnu Xbtm Hwg Oq Ext Zm Ja Mathfloor Qw
2 Restoration Maintenance Water Restoration Beach Restoration Maintenance Miami Palm Damage Water Park South Florida Mold Lake West Remove Services
Oakland Park
Founded in 2015, Restoration Maintenance is one of the fastest-growing property restoration and property maintenance companies in South Florida, USA....Oakland Park Beach Restoration Maintenance Miami Palm Damage Water Park South Florida Mold Lake West Remove Services
3 Emergency Water Removal Tampa Damage Restoration Restoration Damage Water Flood Mold Emergency More Services We Our Read Cleanup Restore Florida Removal
North Miami Beach
Flood and Mold Restore is a professional property restoration company, offering our clients with Emergency Water Removal in Tampa, FL...North Miami Beach Restoration Damage Water Flood Mold Emergency More Services We Our Read Cleanup Restore Florida Removal
4 CEO Asbestos Lead Abatement Removal Phoenix American Astra Lead We The Mold Arizona Services Asbestos Toggle Roboto Condensed
American Abatement is a full service asbestos, lead paint and mold removal contractor with 24 years experience. We provide low...Phoenix Abatement Removal Phoenix American Astra Lead We The Mold Arizona Services Asbestos Toggle Roboto Condensed
5 Teton Environmental Inc. Environmental Testing. Environmental Asbestos Radon Teton Lead We Test Colorado Mold Eventrocket Denver Inspectors Us Testing June
Wheat ridge
We test for asbestos, lead, mold and radon in residential and commercial buildings....Wheat ridge Environmental Asbestos Radon Teton Lead We Test Colorado Mold Eventrocket Denver Inspectors Us Testing June
6 Basement Leak Repair Westchester NYC Home County Waterproofing Park Westchester Bonded Basement Township Our York Mold River Beach Lake My Ridge
Are you looking for the most trusted, high-quality, and affordable Basement Floor Sealer, Basement Leak Repair, and Foundation Repair services...Bergenfield County Waterproofing Park Westchester Bonded Basement Township Our York Mold River Beach Lake My Ridge
7 Rytech - Orange County CA - Home Improvement County Orange Rytech Water Restoration Mold Remediation Fire Within Call Stringfrom Arrayflag When
Orange County
At Rytech in Orange County, we understand that dealing with insurance can be a pain. Fire, water, and mold damage...Orange County County Orange Rytech Water Restoration Mold Remediation Fire Within Call Stringfrom Arrayflag When
8 Foundation Crack Repair Staten Island NYC Home Service County Bonded Waterproofing Island Park Basement Staten York Township Our Installation Lake River Mold Beach
Here at Bonded Waterproofing Systems, LLC, we aim to serve you a wide range of Foundation Crack Repair products and...Bergenfield County Bonded Waterproofing Island Park Basement Staten York Township Our Installation Lake River Mold Beach
9 Rubber Silicone Molds Rubber Product Rubber Silicone Molds Extrusion Vibration Products Weather Stripping Custom Mold Packaging Seals Seal Grommets Gasket
Rubber Silicone Molds is the first name that comes to your mind whenever you are looking for a company offering...Mississauga Rubber Silicone Molds Extrusion Vibration Products Weather Stripping Custom Mold Packaging Seals Seal Grommets Gasket
10 New Mexico Mold Removal Mold Removal Mold Removal Albuquerque We New Mexico To Rainbow International As How Contact The Company Professional
Established in 2015, New Mexico Mold Removal specializes in offering mold removal services in Albuquerque and the surrounding areas. As...Albuquerque Mold Removal Albuquerque We New Mexico To Rainbow International As How Contact The Company Professional
11 GreenWorks Environmental LLC Home Inspectors Mold Services Environmental Investigations Air Llc Appointment Testing Odor Inspection Schedule Removal Moisture Systems Greenworks Purifiers Email
Allenwood, NJ
When it comes to your home, knowledge, expertise and a passion for excellence are keys to a successful home-improvement team....Allenwood, NJ Mold Services Environmental Investigations Air Llc Appointment Testing Odor Inspection Schedule Removal Moisture Systems Greenworks Purifiers Email
12 GreenWorks Environmental LLC Environmental Testing Mold Inspection Services Removal Greenworks Environmental Email Air Moisture Odor Jersey New Remediation Appointment Testing Call Advisor
GreenWorks Environmental, LLC, is a family owned environmental services company that helps improve environments. Based in New Jersey, the company...NJ Mold Inspection Services Removal Greenworks Environmental Email Air Moisture Odor Jersey New Remediation Appointment Testing Call Advisor
13 Residential and Commercial cleaning in Rochester Home Cleaning Cleaning Mold Cleaner Damage Restoration Carpet Water Contact Image Basement Services Removal Waterproofing |
A Cleaner Image in Rochester NY, Provides Commercial & Residential Cleaning services.Our professional cleaning services include Carpet Cleaning, Rug Cleaning...Webster,NY Cleaning Mold Cleaner Damage Restoration Carpet Water Contact Image Basement Services Removal Waterproofing |
1 International Mold Steel
Specializes in
Specializes in mold and die steels, and porous aluminum thermoforming mold materials.
Steels Mold Steel International Toolox Nak Dhf Cold Drm Work Dc Superplast Tool Stainless Dh World
Specializes in mold and die steels, and porous aluminum thermoforming mold materials.
Steels Mold Steel International Toolox Nak Dhf Cold Drm Work Dc Superplast Tool Stainless Dh World
2 Matrex Mold and Tool, Inc.
Plastic injection
Plastic injection mold builder, prototype and production molds, fixtures and mold sampling.
Injection Tooling Plastic Production Specialty Fixtures Eoat Micro Matrex Contact Molding Mold Metal Automation Manufacturing Tool
Plastic injection mold builder, prototype and production molds, fixtures and mold sampling.
Injection Tooling Plastic Production Specialty Fixtures Eoat Micro Matrex Contact Molding Mold Metal Automation Manufacturing Tool
3 Martin L. Grey, CTC
Ceramic tile
Ceramic tile and mold expert focusing on construction consulting, site inspection, mold remediation, mold testing, forensic tile consulting and environmental testing.
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Ceramic tile and mold expert focusing on construction consulting, site inspection, mold remediation, mold testing, forensic tile consulting and environmental testing.
Îáìåí Êâàðòèðû ïðîäàæó Ñäàì â îáìåí íà Ãëàâíàÿ Ïðîäàì êâàðòèð äîìîâ õàò ìàïà ìàãàçèíû ïåðåâîäîâ &eg
4 Mark Mold and Engineering
Injection mold
Injection mold tool and die builder. Capabilities include use of EDM, CNC, CAD, CAM.
Injection mold tool and die builder. Capabilities include use of EDM, CNC, CAD, CAM.
5 Kno-Mar Tool & Mold, Inc
Injection mold
Injection mold making and finishing for all types of thermoset and thermoplastic materials.
Injection mold making and finishing for all types of thermoset and thermoplastic materials.
6 Accede Mold & Tool Co., Inc.
Full service
Full service mold maker, offering design, manufacturing, and testing.
Full service mold maker, offering design, manufacturing, and testing.
7 Mold Remover, Inc.
Provides mold
Provides mold remediation and fire restoration equipment and services for residential, commercial and industrial projects.
Provides mold remediation and fire restoration equipment and services for residential, commercial and industrial projects.
8 Precision Mold Base Corp
Maker of
Maker of custom mold bases for the plastic injection and diecast industries.
Maker of custom mold bases for the plastic injection and diecast industries.
9 Aaron Tool & Mold
Mold maker
Mold maker 3-1/2' square, up to 30' X 30' full frames. Wide range of machining techniques.
Mold maker 3-1/2' square, up to 30' X 30' full frames. Wide range of machining techniques.
10 Texas Mold Busters
Provides decontamination
Provides decontamination and restoration services for homes and businesses affected by structural or microbial mold contamination.
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Provides decontamination and restoration services for homes and businesses affected by structural or microbial mold contamination.
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11 Springer Designs
Mold and
Mold and product design information, also provides mold splits of the insert details and surface files for CNC programming.
Mold and product design information, also provides mold splits of the insert details and surface files for CNC programming.
12 Preferred Plastics Co
Engineering services
Engineering services firm, specializing in plastic injection mold and product design using Pro-Engineer and Pro-Mold software.
Engineering services firm, specializing in plastic injection mold and product design using Pro-Engineer and Pro-Mold software.
13 Mold Technologies
Offers mold
Offers mold inspection and moisture management franchise opportunity. Site includes locator and contact form.
Moldtechnologiescom Advance Cash Insurance Consolidation Debt Cell Credit Best Learn Free Legalreport Browse
Offers mold inspection and moisture management franchise opportunity. Site includes locator and contact form.
Moldtechnologiescom Advance Cash Insurance Consolidation Debt Cell Credit Best Learn Free Legalreport Browse
14 EVCO Plastics
Custom injection
Custom injection modular molder of thermoplastic resins with mold design and mold construction, presses ranging from 28 to 2,500 tons.
Molding Plastic Evco Manufacturing Plastics Injection Medical Custom Packaging Company Mexico China Complex States Molds Multi Shot United West
Custom injection modular molder of thermoplastic resins with mold design and mold construction, presses ranging from 28 to 2,500 tons.
Molding Plastic Evco Manufacturing Plastics Injection Medical Custom Packaging Company Mexico China Complex States Molds Multi Shot United West
15 Armstrong Mold
Molding custom
Molding custom composite components, foamed or solid, rigid or elastomeric, with fiber reinforcements, such as glass, by adding reinforcement in the mold
Molding custom composite components, foamed or solid, rigid or elastomeric, with fiber reinforcements, such as glass, by adding reinforcement in the mold
16 Medallion Plastics, Inc.
Plastic thermoformer
Plastic thermoformer offering, custom part and mold making, 18 production lines, in-house mold shop, and five axis CNC trimming.
Plastics Contact Medallion Incorporated Phone Indiana Drivefax Elkhart Protecta Z
Plastic thermoformer offering, custom part and mold making, 18 production lines, in-house mold shop, and five axis CNC trimming.
Plastics Contact Medallion Incorporated Phone Indiana Drivefax Elkhart Protecta Z
17 J & M Mold
Precision plastics
Precision plastics injection and die cast tool and mold maker. Services range from part design to long term production runs.
Industries Tool Manufacturer Mentor Tyler Blvd Mold Presentsuitecopyright And
Precision plastics injection and die cast tool and mold maker. Services range from part design to long term production runs.
Industries Tool Manufacturer Mentor Tyler Blvd Mold Presentsuitecopyright And
18 Precision Tool and Mold Inc.
In Clearwater
In Clearwater, Florida. Mold making and building, CNC milling and lathe production, hole popping, electrical discharge machining, wire EDM and injection services.
In Clearwater, Florida. Mold making and building, CNC milling and lathe production, hole popping, electrical discharge machining, wire EDM and injection services.
19 Aero-Mold Inc.
Building aluminum
Building aluminum and plastic injection molds and have full service machine shop offering fast turn-arounds from mold design to completed tooling.
Building aluminum and plastic injection molds and have full service machine shop offering fast turn-arounds from mold design to completed tooling.
20 Trademark Plastics
Custom injection
Custom injection modular molder. Two Certified clean rooms, 10,000 and 100,000, as well as a whiteroom molding area. On-site fully equipped mold making and mold maintenance facility.
Trademark Plastics Injection Contact Molding Plastic Inc Sales Medical Parts Facility Quality Manufacturing Design Precision Rob Gilbert Download
Custom injection modular molder. Two Certified clean rooms, 10,000 and 100,000, as well as a whiteroom molding area. On-site fully equipped mold making and mold maintenance facility.
Trademark Plastics Injection Contact Molding Plastic Inc Sales Medical Parts Facility Quality Manufacturing Design Precision Rob Gilbert Download
21 National Tool & Manufacturing Co.
Manufactures products
Manufactures products for the molding and mold-making industries, offering everything from standard ejector pins to complex runnerless mold systems with precision temperature controllers.
Manufactures products for the molding and mold-making industries, offering everything from standard ejector pins to complex runnerless mold systems with precision temperature controllers.
22 LA Aluminum
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of durable permanent mold castings. Services include mold aluminum casting, heat treating, machining.
Aluminum Company Casting Castings Northwest Miles La Phone Using Idahopermanent Supplies Oems
Manufacturer of durable permanent mold castings. Services include mold aluminum casting, heat treating, machining.
Aluminum Company Casting Castings Northwest Miles La Phone Using Idahopermanent Supplies Oems
23 Deluxe Plastics
Precision plastic
Precision plastic modular injection molding, mold production, mold making, and plastic part design.
Deluxe Plastics Services Contact Uploads Building Mold Employment Avenue Where Reserved Clintonville Copyright Design Operating
Precision plastic modular injection molding, mold production, mold making, and plastic part design.
Deluxe Plastics Services Contact Uploads Building Mold Employment Avenue Where Reserved Clintonville Copyright Design Operating
24 Mingfei Mold
Chinese mold
Chinese mold maker specializing in large size molds for the consumer electronics industry. (English/Chinese)
¸ü¶à ÍøÕ¾Ê×Ò³ Mfmould@comÃ÷·ÉÄ£Ëü Éè¼ÆÑз¢ È˲ÅÕÐƸ É豸³µ¼ä ÖÊÁ¿¿ØÖÆ ÁªÏµÎÒÃÇadmin@chinamoldcom ²úƷרÇø ¹ØÓÚÎÒÃÇ
Chinese mold maker specializing in large size molds for the consumer electronics industry. (English/Chinese)
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25 Mold Remediation Contractor
Primarily focused
Primarily focused on emergency water damage service and mold remediation. Located in West Chester, PA.
Restoration Damage Water Fire Mold Sewer Request Flood Delaware Emergency Remediation Smoke Bucks Estimate Chester
Primarily focused on emergency water damage service and mold remediation. Located in West Chester, PA.
Restoration Damage Water Fire Mold Sewer Request Flood Delaware Emergency Remediation Smoke Bucks Estimate Chester
26 WF Polishing
Mold polishing
Mold polishing from stoning out tool marks to diamond finishes. Provides mold repair and finish surfacing.
Mold polishing from stoning out tool marks to diamond finishes. Provides mold repair and finish surfacing.
27 Underwood Mold Company
Custom injection
Custom injection modular molder providing a range of services from mold fabrication to injection molding and assembly.
Underwood Inc Company Mold Just Deliveries Tooling Distribution Welding Repairs Value Since Requirements Assembly Management Materials
Custom injection modular molder providing a range of services from mold fabrication to injection molding and assembly.
Underwood Inc Company Mold Just Deliveries Tooling Distribution Welding Repairs Value Since Requirements Assembly Management Materials
28 Summit Design Inc
Mold producer
Mold producer using 3D mold design, solid surface, and files for core, cavity also available.
Mold producer using 3D mold design, solid surface, and files for core, cavity also available.
29 Sun Valley Tool, Inc.
Molding and
Molding and tooling company in Tempe, AZ, whose capabilities include, plastic injection molding, mold making, mold design, EDM and CNC Machining.
Molding and tooling company in Tempe, AZ, whose capabilities include, plastic injection molding, mold making, mold design, EDM and CNC Machining.
30 Mold Remediation Standards
Standard operating
Standard operating procedures manual for mold remediation contractors.
Standard operating procedures manual for mold remediation contractors.
31 MoldShopTools.Com
Offers wide
Offers wide range of abrasives, polishing media, cutting tools, and mold components for tool, die, and mold makers. Site provides details of items available for online purchase with Visa or Mastercard credit cards.
Offers wide range of abrasives, polishing media, cutting tools, and mold components for tool, die, and mold makers. Site provides details of items available for online purchase with Visa or Mastercard credit cards.
32 Mold Services, Inc.
Mold maker
Mold maker services for the plastic injection industry.
Industry Injection Plastics Technology Main Mold Moldplast History Plastic Brief Page Troubleshooter Tech Resume Software Effective
Mold maker services for the plastic injection industry.
Industry Injection Plastics Technology Main Mold Moldplast History Plastic Brief Page Troubleshooter Tech Resume Software Effective
33 Techstar Molding.
Consulting, product
Consulting, product development, mold design, prototyping, mold construction services. Also, injection molding, assembly, packaging, warehousing and shipping services.
Consulting, product development, mold design, prototyping, mold construction services. Also, injection molding, assembly, packaging, warehousing and shipping services.
34 Rubber Mold Compounds & Plastics
Including Smooth-on
Including Smooth-on liquid rubber, liquid plastic, silicones and mold release agents used by artists, by industry, and by restoration professionals worldwide.
Inventory Rubber Handling Rubbermoldcompoundscom Leading Material Compound Mold Management Testingsupply Materials Netcontrols Diabetic
Including Smooth-on liquid rubber, liquid plastic, silicones and mold release agents used by artists, by industry, and by restoration professionals worldwide.
Inventory Rubber Handling Rubbermoldcompoundscom Leading Material Compound Mold Management Testingsupply Materials Netcontrols Diabetic
35 Modular Mold Technology
Proprietary process
Proprietary process, Modular Mold Technology, allows 24 individual molds to work together in one frame - each capable of making a different size, weight or shape plastic part.
Youre Happened Error Ever Found Owner Place Visitor Surewrong Things Feel Z
Proprietary process, Modular Mold Technology, allows 24 individual molds to work together in one frame - each capable of making a different size, weight or shape plastic part.
Youre Happened Error Ever Found Owner Place Visitor Surewrong Things Feel Z
36 Wuhan Zhifa Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Producer of
Producer of organic silicone de-foaming, mold-release, and softening agents, wax mold cleaning agents, oils for wire-drawing and rolling, and wetting agents. Located in China.
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Producer of organic silicone de-foaming, mold-release, and softening agents, wax mold cleaning agents, oils for wire-drawing and rolling, and wetting agents. Located in China.
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37 Lawrence Mold Finishing In.
Offers diamond
Offers diamond finishing and hard chrome plating of plastic injection and compression molded parts. Applications include machine tooling, mold inserts, and end products for cosmetic, medical, electronic, and automotive industries.
Offers diamond finishing and hard chrome plating of plastic injection and compression molded parts. Applications include machine tooling, mold inserts, and end products for cosmetic, medical, electronic, and automotive industries.
38 emsl analytical, inc.
indoor air
indoor air quality testing laboratory . testing biological materials and contaminants in air, surface, water and soil samples. our specialty includes identification and analysis of mold, fungi, bacteria, bioaerosols, asbestos, mold, silica, formaldehyde and allergens.
indoor air quality testing laboratory . testing biological materials and contaminants in air, surface, water and soil samples. our specialty includes identification and analysis of mold, fungi, bacteria, bioaerosols, asbestos, mold, silica, formaldehyde and allergens.
39 PMI - Precision Metalsmiths, Inc.
Near net
Near net shape metal parts via advanced investment casting (lost wax) method. Solid mold and shell mold. Industry leader with over 200 patents. All air-meltable alloys. Prototypes and full production from 1 to 1,000,000. Specializing in small parts from a fraction of an ounce to 10 pounds.
Precision Investment Casting Castings Metalsmiths Inc Casts Prototypes Lost Foundry Ferrous Near Wax Pmis Pounds Cost
Near net shape metal parts via advanced investment casting (lost wax) method. Solid mold and shell mold. Industry leader with over 200 patents. All air-meltable alloys. Prototypes and full production from 1 to 1,000,000. Specializing in small parts from a fraction of an ounce to 10 pounds.
Precision Investment Casting Castings Metalsmiths Inc Casts Prototypes Lost Foundry Ferrous Near Wax Pmis Pounds Cost
40 NiCoForm, Inc.
Electroforms catheter
Electroforms catheter tip-forming dies, optical and nanofluidic mold inserts, bellows and cold shields in a proprietary high-strength nickel-cobalt alloy, Nicoloy. Mold component repair through heavy Nicoloy plating, technology development and licensing services.
Electroforms catheter tip-forming dies, optical and nanofluidic mold inserts, bellows and cold shields in a proprietary high-strength nickel-cobalt alloy, Nicoloy. Mold component repair through heavy Nicoloy plating, technology development and licensing services.
41 Plaster Process Castings Co.
Produces aluminum
Produces aluminum, zinc, and alloy castings in both plaster and sand molds, sand and reaction injection mold tank castings, and foundry, thermoforming, and rotational mold tooling.
Produces aluminum, zinc, and alloy castings in both plaster and sand molds, sand and reaction injection mold tank castings, and foundry, thermoforming, and rotational mold tooling.
42 omnitech
involved in
involved in plastic injection mold making, plastic part design, plastic injection mold design and consulting. manufactures auto racing and bicycle components, and wakeboard fins.
involved in plastic injection mold making, plastic part design, plastic injection mold design and consulting. manufactures auto racing and bicycle components, and wakeboard fins.
43 Akron Foundry Company
Manufactures aluminum
Manufactures aluminum castings using permanent mold, low pressure permanent mold, squuezer molding sand casting, and floor foundry sand casting. Includes catalogues and tech drawings.
Manufactures aluminum castings using permanent mold, low pressure permanent mold, squuezer molding sand casting, and floor foundry sand casting. Includes catalogues and tech drawings.
44 International Mold and Production LLC
Manufacture conceptual
Manufacture conceptual models and prototypes using rapid prototyping technologies. Services include injection mold rapid prototyping, product development, plastic injection molding and part production.
Giving Believe Imapbelieves Backamerimold Map Mold Please Production Httpwwwmsfocusorgcopyright International Booth
Manufacture conceptual models and prototypes using rapid prototyping technologies. Services include injection mold rapid prototyping, product development, plastic injection molding and part production.
Giving Believe Imapbelieves Backamerimold Map Mold Please Production Httpwwwmsfocusorgcopyright International Booth
45 New Star Intl Group Industrial Limited
HONG KONG NEW STAR INTL GROUP INDUSTRIAL LIMITED China based supplier of products from the mold design to plastic injection and mold making.
HONG KONG NEW STAR INTL GROUP INDUSTRIAL LIMITED China based supplier of products from the mold design to plastic injection and mold making.
46 D and M Tool
Complete design
Complete design and building of modular mold components.
Tool Inc History Automated Machinery Welcome Mission Click Location Statement Contact Call Manufacturing Y
Complete design and building of modular mold components.
Tool Inc History Automated Machinery Welcome Mission Click Location Statement Contact Call Manufacturing Y
47 PTA Corporation
Plastic injection
Plastic injection modular molding and mold making.
Plastic injection modular molding and mold making.
48 Ball Consulting
Offers sculpting
Offers sculpting and mold making solutions.
Offers sculpting and mold making solutions.
49 Plastic Experts
Injection modular
Injection modular molded products and mold design.
Injection modular molded products and mold design.
50 Aero-Mold Inc.
Wire EDM
Wire EDM for all applications. Free quotes quick turn-around.
Download Free Mp Windows Game Version Pc Cast Movie Mac Driver Nokia Video Xp Songs
Wire EDM for all applications. Free quotes quick turn-around.
Download Free Mp Windows Game Version Pc Cast Movie Mac Driver Nokia Video Xp Songs
51 Minco Tool
A CNC wire EDM job shop for the tooling and mold making industries.
Facilities Edm Wire Machining Tool Pic Cnc Minco Meadville Minman Mold Request Cutting Rick Hole Taper – Combined Height Linden
A CNC wire EDM job shop for the tooling and mold making industries.
Facilities Edm Wire Machining Tool Pic Cnc Minco Meadville Minman Mold Request Cutting Rick Hole Taper – Combined Height Linden
52 Chi Feng Plastic CO., LTD.
Mold gears
Mold gears and medical parts. Taiwan based.
Mold gears and medical parts. Taiwan based.
53 M.G.R. Mold Inc.
Produces small
Produces small to medium sized prototype and production molds.
Produces small to medium sized prototype and production molds.
54 T.J. Snow Co.
Manufactures water
Manufactures water chillers and mold controls. Covering the Mid-West U.S.A.
Water Schreiber Chillers Chiller Tecumseh Tons Units Supplies Btus Welding John Ton Company Snow Lots Pharmesal Guess Freefind Whirlpool
Manufactures water chillers and mold controls. Covering the Mid-West U.S.A.
Water Schreiber Chillers Chiller Tecumseh Tons Units Supplies Btus Welding John Ton Company Snow Lots Pharmesal Guess Freefind Whirlpool
55 Alpine Air Corp.
Provides mold
Provides mold removal services and restoration equipment rental.
Provides mold removal services and restoration equipment rental.
56 Plastipro Canada
Plastic injection
Plastic injection custom parts and modular mold making.
Canada Plastipro Plastiques Plastic Netscape Injection De Tiles Communications En Ltdplastipro Cyberplace Skate Raquettes Ltée
Plastic injection custom parts and modular mold making.
Canada Plastipro Plastiques Plastic Netscape Injection De Tiles Communications En Ltdplastipro Cyberplace Skate Raquettes Ltée
57 ATP, Inc.
Provider of
Provider of feed preservatives and vapor mold inhibitors for the poulty and livestock industries.
Provider of feed preservatives and vapor mold inhibitors for the poulty and livestock industries.
59 Rochester Molding Inc.
Provides custom
Provides custom mold building and injection molded plastic parts.
Provides custom mold building and injection molded plastic parts.
60 Tipo
Plastic injection
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
61 Tipo
Plastic injection
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
Tipo Ring Tomato Plastico | Inyeccion De Moldes Diseño Bienvenido Equipo Inicio Productos Fabricacion Contctanos
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
Tipo Ring Tomato Plastico | Inyeccion De Moldes Diseño Bienvenido Equipo Inicio Productos Fabricacion Contctanos
62 Tipo
Plastic injection
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
Tipo Tomato Ring | De Inyeccion Plastico Moldes Diseño Productos Bienvenido Fabricacion Equipo Inicio Agustin
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
Tipo Tomato Ring | De Inyeccion Plastico Moldes Diseño Productos Bienvenido Fabricacion Equipo Inicio Agustin
63 Tipo
Plastic injection
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
Plastic injection, modular molding, and mold design, manufacture and maintenance.
64 Econ engineering
We are
We are solving finite element and mold analysis problems by telework.
We are solving finite element and mold analysis problems by telework.
65 Micro-Tool and Manufacturing, Inc.
Tooling, precision
Tooling, precision machined components, and mold making.
Injection Plastic Molds Molding Micro Tool Precision Machining Markets Engineering Services Served Tooling Inc Plastics
Tooling, precision machined components, and mold making.
Injection Plastic Molds Molding Micro Tool Precision Machining Markets Engineering Services Served Tooling Inc Plastics
66 reliable mold & plastic
manufacturer of
manufacturer of trigger sprayers and pump dispensers. taiwan.
manufacturer of trigger sprayers and pump dispensers. taiwan.
67 J&M Mold
A precision
A precision tool and die maker for the plastic, aluminum and zinc injection industries.
A precision tool and die maker for the plastic, aluminum and zinc injection industries.
68 The Tech Group
Offering contract
Offering contract mold manufacturing solutions for the medical and consumer industries.
Offering contract mold manufacturing solutions for the medical and consumer industries.
69 Choice Tool and Mold Inc.
Precision cavity
Precision cavity molds for the automotive and medical products industries.
Precision cavity molds for the automotive and medical products industries.
70 Burman Industries
Special effects
Special effects make-up, mold and model making, puppetry and animatronics.
Special effects make-up, mold and model making, puppetry and animatronics.
71 Rubber Fab Mold and Gasket
Gaskets manufactured
Gaskets manufactured primarily in ptfe for use in food and drug applications.
Rubber Services Sanitary Products Hose Gaskets Fab Assemblies Smart Contact Industry Resources Clampâ„¢ Hoses Literature Distribution Detectablexrayable Gauge Marketing Compression Free Expo
Gaskets manufactured primarily in ptfe for use in food and drug applications.
Rubber Services Sanitary Products Hose Gaskets Fab Assemblies Smart Contact Industry Resources Clampâ„¢ Hoses Literature Distribution Detectablexrayable Gauge Marketing Compression Free Expo
72 Chie Ben Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of mechanical shaft seals, tooling mold and lapping machines.
Manufacturer of mechanical shaft seals, tooling mold and lapping machines.
73 Dahmen GmbH
Offers mold
Offers mold making, mechanical engineering, CAD, construction, as well as CNC machining and engraving.
Offers mold making, mechanical engineering, CAD, construction, as well as CNC machining and engraving.
74 Eclipse Mold
Full-service precision
Full-service precision plastic injection modular molding company.
Mold Injection Zone Components Molded Assemblies Shot Steering Trim Airbag Eclipse Making Molding Housing Plastic Roof
Full-service precision plastic injection modular molding company.
Mold Injection Zone Components Molded Assemblies Shot Steering Trim Airbag Eclipse Making Molding Housing Plastic Roof
75 Deimling/Jeliho Plastics Inc.
Provides mold
Provides mold design, prototyping, injection molding, and assembly operations.
Injection Plastic Molding Plastics Cincinnati Amelia Contact Molds Deimlingjeliho Molders Deimling Deimlingjelihos Mold Manufacturer Molder
Provides mold design, prototyping, injection molding, and assembly operations.
Injection Plastic Molding Plastics Cincinnati Amelia Contact Molds Deimlingjeliho Molders Deimling Deimlingjelihos Mold Manufacturer Molder
76 Miniature Tool and Die Inc.
CNC EDM, CNC milling and turning, grinding. Plastic mold making, parts, service and repair.
Case Study News Mtd Innovative Applications Did Server Apache Archives Markets Permanently The Facts Molding Solutions Y
CNC EDM, CNC milling and turning, grinding. Plastic mold making, parts, service and repair.
Case Study News Mtd Innovative Applications Did Server Apache Archives Markets Permanently The Facts Molding Solutions Y
77 Moldrite Products
Custom plastic
Custom plastic injection mold design and production for wide range of industries.
Custom plastic injection mold design and production for wide range of industries.
78 High Sierra Plastics
Specializes in
Specializes in mold making, thermoforming and injection and blow molding manufacturing.
Quality Page Products Value Suppliers Employee Providing Focusing Exceed Improve Drivenby Leading Element Excellence Sierra
Specializes in mold making, thermoforming and injection and blow molding manufacturing.
Quality Page Products Value Suppliers Employee Providing Focusing Exceed Improve Drivenby Leading Element Excellence Sierra
79 DataMold, Inc.
Supplying the
Supplying the plastic injection molding industry with design, mold manufacture and a number of other services.
Supplying the plastic injection molding industry with design, mold manufacture and a number of other services.
80 NorthStar Print Group
An international
An international producer of glue-applied, in-mold, and pressure sensitive labels.
Domain Letter Sale Cheap Name* Narbnet Ifyouwanttohelpnet Hodqcom Ifyouwanttohelpcom Name Heartearthnet Narborg Domainsnames
An international producer of glue-applied, in-mold, and pressure sensitive labels.
Domain Letter Sale Cheap Name* Narbnet Ifyouwanttohelpnet Hodqcom Ifyouwanttohelpcom Name Heartearthnet Narborg Domainsnames
81 Merlin Alltec Mold Making
Plastic injection
Plastic injection modular molds from concept to completed product.
Plastic Injection Molds Southern Mold California Making Design Shop Company Engineering Cast Machine Manufacturing
Plastic injection modular molds from concept to completed product.
Plastic Injection Molds Southern Mold California Making Design Shop Company Engineering Cast Machine Manufacturing
82 Pro-Cise Machine and Tool
Thermoform and
Thermoform and injection mold design, fabrication and prototyping. Description of services.
Tooling Pro~cise Services Pro Cise News Prototyping List Inc Contact Machining Facilities Tool Machine Employment Shop Mining Agricultural Processing
Thermoform and injection mold design, fabrication and prototyping. Description of services.
Tooling Pro~cise Services Pro Cise News Prototyping List Inc Contact Machining Facilities Tool Machine Employment Shop Mining Agricultural Processing
83 Lewis Bawol Welding
Laser engraving
Laser engraving specialists serving the tool and die industries and mold manufacturers.
Engraving Raised Logo Laser Electrode Steel Lewis Welding Industrial Contoured Bawol Carbon Special Flat Cylindrical Iges
Laser engraving specialists serving the tool and die industries and mold manufacturers.
Engraving Raised Logo Laser Electrode Steel Lewis Welding Industrial Contoured Bawol Carbon Special Flat Cylindrical Iges
84, Inc.
Outsourcing company
Outsourcing company for injection mold plastic components and assemblies, including consumer and industrial.
Sourcing Smart Offshore Outsourcing Manufacturing China Video Statement Privacy Studio Interactive Inc Right Virtual Suppliers Y
Outsourcing company for injection mold plastic components and assemblies, including consumer and industrial.
Sourcing Smart Offshore Outsourcing Manufacturing China Video Statement Privacy Studio Interactive Inc Right Virtual Suppliers Y
85 Mold CAE Solutions
Provides Computer
Provides Computer Aided Engineering flow analysis software for the injection molding industry.
Provides Computer Aided Engineering flow analysis software for the injection molding industry.
86 Tetra Mold and Tool, Inc.
Designs and
Designs and builds injection molds. Serving the automotive, electrical, recreational industries.
Designs and builds injection molds. Serving the automotive, electrical, recreational industries.
87 Alcar Design Services, Inc.
Mold modeling
Mold modeling with CATIA. Providing molds, patterns, gages, CMM fixtures and models.
Alcar Design Services Contact Keokuk Consultants Upload Manufacturing Tooling Ia Pc |inc Since Z
Mold modeling with CATIA. Providing molds, patterns, gages, CMM fixtures and models.
Alcar Design Services Contact Keokuk Consultants Upload Manufacturing Tooling Ia Pc |inc Since Z
88 A Guide to Injection Molding
Extract of
Extract of the book, providing an insight in to what is happening inside the plasticating unit and the mold.
Yahoo Geocities Terms Longeravailable Inc Popular Guidelines Groups Buzzsites Visit Cricket Archiveorg Legal
Extract of the book, providing an insight in to what is happening inside the plasticating unit and the mold.
Yahoo Geocities Terms Longeravailable Inc Popular Guidelines Groups Buzzsites Visit Cricket Archiveorg Legal
89 Redoe Mold
Designer and
Designer and builder of plastic injection molds, specializing in automotive lighting tools. CAD/CAM, and 3D modeling.
Redoe Moldy
Designer and builder of plastic injection molds, specializing in automotive lighting tools. CAD/CAM, and 3D modeling.
Redoe Moldy
90 John Klees Enterprise, Inc
Offers seminars
Offers seminars on plastic injection molding. Also, provides mold design consulting and evaluations.
Z Request Y
Offers seminars on plastic injection molding. Also, provides mold design consulting and evaluations.
Z Request Y
91 Tecnostamp Europa Spa
Injection plastic
Injection plastic modular molding, mold construction, finishing and assembly operation in one plant.
Injection plastic modular molding, mold construction, finishing and assembly operation in one plant.
92 Chu Yeuan Industrial Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of mold design, mould making and plastic consmetic containers.Taiwan based.
Manufacturer of mold design, mould making and plastic consmetic containers.Taiwan based.
93 MoldPro
Thermoplastic injection
Thermoplastic injection molding, reverse engineering, mold design, modular tool construction and testing.
Mold Products Molding Injection Services Contact Thermoplastic Plastic Inc News Moldpro Facilities Company Web Kare Website
Thermoplastic injection molding, reverse engineering, mold design, modular tool construction and testing.
Mold Products Molding Injection Services Contact Thermoplastic Plastic Inc News Moldpro Facilities Company Web Kare Website
94 Mark Mold and Engineering
Plastic parts
Plastic parts and tooling. Custom Machining. CNC EDM CAD/CAM. Design and build. Injection Molding.
Plastic parts and tooling. Custom Machining. CNC EDM CAD/CAM. Design and build. Injection Molding.
95 China Custom Manufacturing
Provides mold
Provides mold making, injection modular molding, die casting, sheet metal, and machining.
Provides mold making, injection modular molding, die casting, sheet metal, and machining.
96 Streamline Automation
Offers computerized
Offers computerized hotwire foam cutters, routers, 3D scanners, and software for mold making.
Offers computerized hotwire foam cutters, routers, 3D scanners, and software for mold making.
97 Fundicion Torrey
Features an
Features an aluminum foundry making sand and permanent mold castings. Based in Mexico.
Features an aluminum foundry making sand and permanent mold castings. Based in Mexico.
98 balaustres del vallés sl.
specializing in
specializing in mold and product manufacture of balustrades of concrete and molds for balusters. barcelona, spain.
specializing in mold and product manufacture of balustrades of concrete and molds for balusters. barcelona, spain.
99 Pelco Tool and Mold, Inc
Custom design
Custom design and manufacture of cavity and insert molds for the plastics processing industry.
Tools Tool Pelco Leading Pelcotoolcom Join Net Email Kits Management Fireplaceconstruction Knowledge Olap
Custom design and manufacture of cavity and insert molds for the plastics processing industry.
Tools Tool Pelco Leading Pelcotoolcom Join Net Email Kits Management Fireplaceconstruction Knowledge Olap
100 Euro-Tech Mfg, Inc.
Mold and
Mold and die maker that offers prototype to short run services in both injection molding and metal stamping.
Mold and die maker that offers prototype to short run services in both injection molding and metal stamping.
101 Molds and More
Offers customized
Offers customized products for the automotive, aerospace, medical, and the fitness industries, via complex mold capability.
Offers customized products for the automotive, aerospace, medical, and the fitness industries, via complex mold capability.
102 Johnson Precision Mold and Engineering
Builder of
Builder of plastic injection molds for prototyping and production, as well as assembly fixtures.
Builder of plastic injection molds for prototyping and production, as well as assembly fixtures.
103 Axel Plastics
Provides mold
Provides mold release agents, processing aid additives, cleaners and sealants for the plastic and rubber industries.
Int Xtend Wb Mold Releases Em Nc Azn Axel Molding External Spray Cx Internal Pul Sl Sf Pu Rx
Provides mold release agents, processing aid additives, cleaners and sealants for the plastic and rubber industries.
Int Xtend Wb Mold Releases Em Nc Azn Axel Molding External Spray Cx Internal Pul Sl Sf Pu Rx
104 Jubilee Plastics SDN.BHD
Malaysia based
Malaysia based Plastic injection molding, mold making, secondary process, and assembly.
Malaysia based Plastic injection molding, mold making, secondary process, and assembly.
105 apex technologies
design and
design and manufacture of encapsulation molds, mold parts and related sub-assemblies for the semi-conductor industry.
design and manufacture of encapsulation molds, mold parts and related sub-assemblies for the semi-conductor industry.
106 CIF Metal Ltd
Foundry for
Foundry for aluminum and zinc alloy utilising mold and a machine shop for finished parts. Technical assistance, CAF and CAM.
Foundry for aluminum and zinc alloy utilising mold and a machine shop for finished parts. Technical assistance, CAF and CAM.
107 CIF Metal Ltd
Foundry for
Foundry for aluminum and zinc alloy utilising mold and a machine shop for finished parts. Technical assistance, CAF and CAM.
Aluminium Fonderie De Daluminium Et Moule D’aluminium Zinc Permanent Pièces Moulage Nos Fabrication Contactez Nous Content Finition
Foundry for aluminum and zinc alloy utilising mold and a machine shop for finished parts. Technical assistance, CAF and CAM.
Aluminium Fonderie De Daluminium Et Moule D’aluminium Zinc Permanent Pièces Moulage Nos Fabrication Contactez Nous Content Finition
108 YKI
Full service
Full service manufacturer specializing in precision plastic products with in-house modular mold design. ISO 9002 certified.
Molding Injection Manufacturing Company Plastic Custom Plastics Medical Kong Products Mold Hong Keung Precision Contract Fact Electronics
Full service manufacturer specializing in precision plastic products with in-house modular mold design. ISO 9002 certified.
Molding Injection Manufacturing Company Plastic Custom Plastics Medical Kong Products Mold Hong Keung Precision Contract Fact Electronics
109 Craftech Industries
Manufactures injection
Manufactures injection molds. Mold design and tooling for specialty, custom and standard plastic parts.
Blog Industries Certifications Plastic Learn Craftech Quote Products Request Materals Materials Catalog Careers Components Contact Linked Learnmore Hudson
Manufactures injection molds. Mold design and tooling for specialty, custom and standard plastic parts.
Blog Industries Certifications Plastic Learn Craftech Quote Products Request Materals Materials Catalog Careers Components Contact Linked Learnmore Hudson
110 Advantage Insurance Adjusters, LLC
A licensed
A licensed public adjusting firm for property claims in Arizona, USA. Includes a FAQ and information concerning mold.
A licensed public adjusting firm for property claims in Arizona, USA. Includes a FAQ and information concerning mold.
111 General Machine Company
Specializing in
Specializing in mold and die fabrication as well as machining services. Offers an equipment list and process discussion.
Specializing in mold and die fabrication as well as machining services. Offers an equipment list and process discussion.
112 Composite Supplies Inc.
Online distributor
Online distributor of raw materials for the composites manufacturing industry. Resins, reinforcements, mold releases and equipment. [MO]
Online distributor of raw materials for the composites manufacturing industry. Resins, reinforcements, mold releases and equipment. [MO]
113 Global Plastics
Precision custom
Precision custom modular injection molder with in-house engineering, mold building, production and assembly.
Contact Development Product Global Injection Molding Operations Secondary Quality Tooling Industries Learn Plastics Chemical Forming
Precision custom modular injection molder with in-house engineering, mold building, production and assembly.
Contact Development Product Global Injection Molding Operations Secondary Quality Tooling Industries Learn Plastics Chemical Forming
114 Tritec Ltd
Plastic injection
Plastic injection mold manufacture. Precision components in plastics and metals. Rapid aluminium prototype tools.
Plastic injection mold manufacture. Precision components in plastics and metals. Rapid aluminium prototype tools.
115 Protoplast Inc.
Aluminum prototype
Aluminum prototype and production molds, custom injection molding, mold making, serving the plastics industry.
Aluminum prototype and production molds, custom injection molding, mold making, serving the plastics industry.
116 Tom Smith Industries
Custom thermoplastic
Custom thermoplastic injection molding and modular mold design for industrial, consumer and defense applications.
Custom thermoplastic injection molding and modular mold design for industrial, consumer and defense applications.
117 Ferriot Inc.
Offers rapid
Offers rapid prototyping, custom mold building, injection molding and finishing and assembly operations for the plastics industry.
Offers rapid prototyping, custom mold building, injection molding and finishing and assembly operations for the plastics industry.
118 International Smart Sourcing
Holding company
Holding company with subsidiary which designs, manufactures and markets injection mold plastic components and assemblies.
Holding company with subsidiary which designs, manufactures and markets injection mold plastic components and assemblies.
119 Levi Tool & Mold
Manufactures plastic
Manufactures plastic molds, specializes in parts development, design, prototypes, tooling, fixturing and assembly.
Manufactures plastic molds, specializes in parts development, design, prototypes, tooling, fixturing and assembly.
120 CookJohnson
Specializes in
Specializes in custom, precision injection modular molding of plastic polymers. Provides mold building, and secondary operations as a service.
Specializes in custom, precision injection modular molding of plastic polymers. Provides mold building, and secondary operations as a service.
121 We Care Technology
Custom injection
Custom injection molder manufacturing plastic parts to specification. In house modular mold making capacity.
Custom injection molder manufacturing plastic parts to specification. In house modular mold making capacity.
122 Chem-Trend
Provider of
Provider of mold release and die lubricant technologies for the rubber, tire, polyurethane, composites, rotation and die casting industries.
Provider of mold release and die lubricant technologies for the rubber, tire, polyurethane, composites, rotation and die casting industries.
123 SK Mold and Tool Inc.
Offers CNC
Offers CNC milling and turning, welding, fabricating, and painting. Includes an equipment list and pictures of large projects.
Mold Tool Equipment Contact Sk Gallery Horizontal News Hiring Careers Download Quote List Center Machiningcnc Listpdf
Offers CNC milling and turning, welding, fabricating, and painting. Includes an equipment list and pictures of large projects.
Mold Tool Equipment Contact Sk Gallery Horizontal News Hiring Careers Download Quote List Center Machiningcnc Listpdf
124 John Klees Enterprise, Inc.
Offers informative
Offers informative seminars on plastic injection molding technology, as well as mold design consulting and evaluations.
Z Request Y
Offers informative seminars on plastic injection molding technology, as well as mold design consulting and evaluations.
Z Request Y
125 Natures Acoustics
USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of mold proof fabrics for sound insulation, and laminate, engineered and hardwood flooring underlay applications, from wool.
USA. Manufacturers of mold proof fabrics for sound insulation, and laminate, engineered and hardwood flooring underlay applications, from wool.
126 GP Plastics
Injection molder
Injection molder of custom products, offering mold making, production, modular molding, assembly and packaging. Machines from 35 to 400 tons
Plastic Injection Design Plastics Products Quality Tooling Molder Molding Molds Custom Production Molders Alhambra Photos Assist California
Injection molder of custom products, offering mold making, production, modular molding, assembly and packaging. Machines from 35 to 400 tons
Plastic Injection Design Plastics Products Quality Tooling Molder Molding Molds Custom Production Molders Alhambra Photos Assist California
127 Building Restoration Specialties
A custom
A custom architectural metal fabricating shop: new designs, reproductions, restorations, castings, mold making, and installations.
A custom architectural metal fabricating shop: new designs, reproductions, restorations, castings, mold making, and installations.
128 Building Restoration Specialties
A custom
A custom architectural metal fabricating shop: new designs, reproductions, restorations, castings, mold making, and installations.
Metal Arts Keicher Roof Restoration Doors Plaques Custom Cresting Finials Signage Zouri Grills Art Gates Glass Light Glassrails Other
A custom architectural metal fabricating shop: new designs, reproductions, restorations, castings, mold making, and installations.
Metal Arts Keicher Roof Restoration Doors Plaques Custom Cresting Finials Signage Zouri Grills Art Gates Glass Light Glassrails Other
129 Moldexport
Brazilian molds
Brazilian molds export consortium, mold makers supply automotive, electronic, household appliances and civil construction sectors.
De Exterior Workshops Consultoria Exportação Internal Consórcios Investimentos Finance Mercado Comércio Feiras Server Missões Empresariais Negócios Oportunidades
Brazilian molds export consortium, mold makers supply automotive, electronic, household appliances and civil construction sectors.
De Exterior Workshops Consultoria Exportação Internal Consórcios Investimentos Finance Mercado Comércio Feiras Server Missões Empresariais Negócios Oportunidades
130 True North Printed Plastics Inc.
Producer of
Producer of nameplates, overlays, plastic labels, membrane switches, and in-mold decorated parts. Canada.
Required Enter Membrane State True North Custom Colours Printed Terms Design Email Phone Address Company Plastics Process Robotic
Producer of nameplates, overlays, plastic labels, membrane switches, and in-mold decorated parts. Canada.
Required Enter Membrane State True North Custom Colours Printed Terms Design Email Phone Address Company Plastics Process Robotic
131 Buss Precision Mold, Inc
Design and
Design and manufacture of custom plastic and metal, single and miltiple cavity injection molds. Also, die cast dies.
Mold Molds Injection Precision Buss Inc Contact Rubber Itar Plastic News Consumer Oregon Tour Clackamas Portland
Design and manufacture of custom plastic and metal, single and miltiple cavity injection molds. Also, die cast dies.
Mold Molds Injection Precision Buss Inc Contact Rubber Itar Plastic News Consumer Oregon Tour Clackamas Portland
132 Tandem Products - Northstar Polymers
Produces polyurethane
Produces polyurethane resins for spray-coating, concrete mold-making, and gel material. Custom formulation available.
Products Inc Tandem Rhino Hyde Division Flooring Sminneapolisdivisions Animal Urethanefriendly Dight Ave
Produces polyurethane resins for spray-coating, concrete mold-making, and gel material. Custom formulation available.
Products Inc Tandem Rhino Hyde Division Flooring Sminneapolisdivisions Animal Urethanefriendly Dight Ave
133 SAS Automation, Ltd.
Specialize in
Specialize in post-mold auxiliary equipment including robotic end-of-arm tooling, granulating and belt conveying for manufacturing and plastics industries.
End Robotic Tooling Eoat Arm Automation Effectors Systems Grip Robots Grippers Nippers Gripper Nile Anywhere
Specialize in post-mold auxiliary equipment including robotic end-of-arm tooling, granulating and belt conveying for manufacturing and plastics industries.
End Robotic Tooling Eoat Arm Automation Effectors Systems Grip Robots Grippers Nippers Gripper Nile Anywhere
134 SAS Automation, Ltd.
Specialize in
Specialize in post-mold auxiliary equipment including robotic end-of-arm tooling, granulating and belt conveying for manufacturing and plastics industries.
Specialize in post-mold auxiliary equipment including robotic end-of-arm tooling, granulating and belt conveying for manufacturing and plastics industries.
135 Prim Technology, LLC
Offers custom
Offers custom manufacturing services, including mold making, injection molding, stamping, casting, machining, and assembling.
Based Technology China Jiangsu Pellet Prim Mill Manufacturers Park Liyang Expressway Tianmu Contract Inc Industrial Inc|china Plastic Turnkey Moldmaking
Offers custom manufacturing services, including mold making, injection molding, stamping, casting, machining, and assembling.
Based Technology China Jiangsu Pellet Prim Mill Manufacturers Park Liyang Expressway Tianmu Contract Inc Industrial Inc|china Plastic Turnkey Moldmaking
136 Kondor Plastics
Blow molding
Blow molding of a vatiety of packaging and container products, in house modular mold making and part engineering capabilities.
Blow molding of a vatiety of packaging and container products, in house modular mold making and part engineering capabilities.
137 Montrose Molders
Custom injection
Custom injection molding of all types of plastics, multiple plants short or long runs, in house tooling and mold design.
Injection Molding Plastic Montrose Molders Company Stamping Custom Complete Staking Roller Printing Moulding Sonic Heat Project Source
Custom injection molding of all types of plastics, multiple plants short or long runs, in house tooling and mold design.
Injection Molding Plastic Montrose Molders Company Stamping Custom Complete Staking Roller Printing Moulding Sonic Heat Project Source
138 Boride Engineered Abrasives
Manufactures abrasive
Manufactures abrasive stones for industrial applications including mold and die polishing, conditioning diamond wheels and glass grinding.
Manufactures abrasive stones for industrial applications including mold and die polishing, conditioning diamond wheels and glass grinding.
139 Fermaq
Portugal. Specializes
Portugal. Specializes in products for die and mold industries. Includes springs, punch units, normalized elements, drills, endmills, and taps, and toolholders.
Portugal. Specializes in products for die and mold industries. Includes springs, punch units, normalized elements, drills, endmills, and taps, and toolholders.
140 Auco Manufacturing
Custom injection
Custom injection molded plastic parts supplier for the automotive market, with in-house modular mold and tool making capacity.
Manufacturing Auco Mold Group Finished Molding Injection Contact Woodbridge Just Introduction Satisfaction Wordpress Contract Ventra International Magna
Custom injection molded plastic parts supplier for the automotive market, with in-house modular mold and tool making capacity.
Manufacturing Auco Mold Group Finished Molding Injection Contact Woodbridge Just Introduction Satisfaction Wordpress Contract Ventra International Magna
141 Auco Manufacturing
Custom injection
Custom injection molded plastic parts supplier for the automotive market. In-house modular mold and tool making capacity.
Custom injection molded plastic parts supplier for the automotive market. In-house modular mold and tool making capacity.
142 NUBS Plastics, Inc.
Injection molding
Injection molding and mold making company specializes in producing for the construction, electronic, medical, military, and novelty industries. Valencia, Ca.
Nubs Plastics Inc Welcome Contact Blog Engineering Capabilities| Industries Content Vista Quality Dr
Injection molding and mold making company specializes in producing for the construction, electronic, medical, military, and novelty industries. Valencia, Ca.
Nubs Plastics Inc Welcome Contact Blog Engineering Capabilities| Industries Content Vista Quality Dr
143 Accu-Mold Inc
Custom made
Custom made blow molds, machined from billet to meet requirements, 3-D solid modeling with CAD/CAM, head tooling , oval cut a specality.,
Custom made blow molds, machined from billet to meet requirements, 3-D solid modeling with CAD/CAM, head tooling , oval cut a specality.,
144 Mann Formulated Products
Manufactures release
Manufactures release agents and surface treatments used in the mold making process by artists, industry, prototypers and casters around the world.
Manufactures release agents and surface treatments used in the mold making process by artists, industry, prototypers and casters around the world.
145 Boride Engineered Abrasives
Manufactures abrasive
Manufactures abrasive stones for industrial applications including mold and die polishing, conditioning diamond wheels and glass grinding.
Manufactures abrasive stones for industrial applications including mold and die polishing, conditioning diamond wheels and glass grinding.
146 Tech Mold
Designs and
Designs and engineers plastic injection molds with high cavitation and ultra-precision for the medical, closure, and consumer plastics market.
Designs and engineers plastic injection molds with high cavitation and ultra-precision for the medical, closure, and consumer plastics market.
147 Spectrum Engineering Inc.
Mold making
Mold making shop with machinists, moldmakers and injection molding machines on-site. Complete moldmaking, prototyping and production tooling.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Page Found Website Couldnt Features Pricing Lycoscom Lycosplease Shopping Requested
Mold making shop with machinists, moldmakers and injection molding machines on-site. Complete moldmaking, prototyping and production tooling.
Create Tripod Tripodcom Page Found Website Couldnt Features Pricing Lycoscom Lycosplease Shopping Requested
148 R and B Electronics
Offers CNC
Offers CNC machining, stamping, and mold making also provides electronics to the aircraft industry.
Offers CNC machining, stamping, and mold making also provides electronics to the aircraft industry.
149 Sino-Mould
China. Read
China. Read about the capabilities of this union of mold makers learn about their capabilities.
Group Maxuni Industry Siteserver | Downloads Contact English News Deutschcms ÖÐ Reserved Right
China. Read about the capabilities of this union of mold makers learn about their capabilities.
Group Maxuni Industry Siteserver | Downloads Contact English News Deutschcms ÖÐ Reserved Right
150 Maple Modular Mold Technologies
Designer and
Designer and manufacturer of plastic injection modular molds.
Molds Injection Plastic Design Prototypes Tooling Technologies Maple Productions Mold Other Viewed Page Technology Precision
Designer and manufacturer of plastic injection modular molds.
Molds Injection Plastic Design Prototypes Tooling Technologies Maple Productions Mold Other Viewed Page Technology Precision
151 Injection Mold Maker in Michigan
Custom injection
Custom injection molds for the plastic and rubber industry.
Custom injection molds for the plastic and rubber industry.
152 EOS Plastics
Plastics modular
Plastics modular mold-making services. ISO 9001 approved tooling facilities.
Plastics modular mold-making services. ISO 9001 approved tooling facilities.
153 Ryka Blow Molds Ltd.
A Canadian-based
A Canadian-based blow mold manufacturing, design and engineering company.
A Canadian-based blow mold manufacturing, design and engineering company.
154 Steward Engineering Co.
Aluminum sand
Aluminum sand castings and permament mold castings, and in house machining services.
Aluminum sand castings and permament mold castings, and in house machining services.
155 Alltec Integrated Manufacturing, Inc.
Mold making
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
Injection Alltec Molding Integrated Fabrication Custom Inc Mold Manufacturing Precision Aircraft Contact Terms Segments Conditions Certified Inaddition
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
Injection Alltec Molding Integrated Fabrication Custom Inc Mold Manufacturing Precision Aircraft Contact Terms Segments Conditions Certified Inaddition
156 Alltec Integrated Manufacturing, Inc.
Mold making
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
157 Adhesives Plus, Inc.
A full-line
A full-line distributor of hot melt equipment, adhesives, and mold release agents for industrial use.
A full-line distributor of hot melt equipment, adhesives, and mold release agents for industrial use.
158 Alltec Integrated Manufacturing, Inc.
Mold making
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
159 Alltec Integrated Manufacturing, Inc.
Mold making
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
Injection Molding Alltec Inc Fabrication Mold Custom Manufacturing Integrated Aircraft Certified Contact Market Conditions Terms
Mold making, modular molding, design, engineering and contract manufacturing.
Injection Molding Alltec Inc Fabrication Mold Custom Manufacturing Integrated Aircraft Certified Contact Market Conditions Terms
160 QSI Automation, Inc.
Automation integrator
Automation integrator, mold, specialty assembly machines.
Client Contact List Capabilities Rep Certifications News Automation Used Refurbished Equipment Map Products Canada Finda
Automation integrator, mold, specialty assembly machines.
Client Contact List Capabilities Rep Certifications News Automation Used Refurbished Equipment Map Products Canada Finda
161 Emerald Tool & Mold
Builds and
Builds and designs plastic injection modular molds for major industry markets, including electronics, consumer, medical, and automotive.
Builds and designs plastic injection modular molds for major industry markets, including electronics, consumer, medical, and automotive.
162 Engel Machinery, Inc
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of injection molding machines for plastic and rubber from 28 to 6000 tons. Makes automation systems for parts handling and mold mounting.
Manufacturer of injection molding machines for plastic and rubber from 28 to 6000 tons. Makes automation systems for parts handling and mold mounting.
163 LeSueur Incorporated
Independent, full
Independent, full service, custom producer of aluminum die castings, sand casting, permanent mold and thermoplastic injection molded parts.
Independent, full service, custom producer of aluminum die castings, sand casting, permanent mold and thermoplastic injection molded parts.
164 Hampel Corp.
Performing medium
Performing medium to heavy gauge industrial Vacuum forming, pressure form or twin sheet, to specifications. Mold making capability.
Performing medium to heavy gauge industrial Vacuum forming, pressure form or twin sheet, to specifications. Mold making capability.
165 Tech Tool & Mold
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of precision tooling and custom injection modular molded components for a diverse group of industries from engineering plastic polymers.
Injection Plastics Molded Mold Precision Plastic Tech Tooling Molding Custom Design Inc Contact Production Assembly Copyright Year
Manufacturer of precision tooling and custom injection modular molded components for a diverse group of industries from engineering plastic polymers.
Injection Plastics Molded Mold Precision Plastic Tech Tooling Molding Custom Design Inc Contact Production Assembly Copyright Year
166 IMSA s.r.l.
Italy. Manufacturers specializing in high speed deep drilling machines, especially for the plastic mold industry. Site includes detailed product description.
Macchine Imsa Foratura Stampi Di Per Foratrici Speciali Tondi Profonda Blocchi Alberi Con Azienda Cannone Punta Kiev Camme
Italy. Manufacturers specializing in high speed deep drilling machines, especially for the plastic mold industry. Site includes detailed product description.
Macchine Imsa Foratura Stampi Di Per Foratrici Speciali Tondi Profonda Blocchi Alberi Con Azienda Cannone Punta Kiev Camme
167 Hampel Corp.
Performing medium
Performing medium to heavy gauge industrial Vacuum forming, pressure form or twin sheet, to specifications. Mold making capability.
Performing medium to heavy gauge industrial Vacuum forming, pressure form or twin sheet, to specifications. Mold making capability.
168 Lozon Metal Industries Inc.
Represents Alsa
Represents Alsa Corporation and also supplies carbon and stainless steel and alloys, aluminum, copper and brass, and mold and tool steels.
Represents Alsa Corporation and also supplies carbon and stainless steel and alloys, aluminum, copper and brass, and mold and tool steels.
169 Technisites Australia
Provides Unigraphics
Provides Unigraphics services such as 3D modeling, UG customisation, mold, press tool and part design services.
Design Modeling Tool Cad Part Machine Designs Press Product Technisites Customization Unigraphics Resources | Mould
Provides Unigraphics services such as 3D modeling, UG customisation, mold, press tool and part design services.
Design Modeling Tool Cad Part Machine Designs Press Product Technisites Customization Unigraphics Resources | Mould
170 Precise Mold & Engineering Inc
Specializing in
Specializing in the engineering and building of injection molds and dies for the plastics and die casting industry.
Molding Engineering Mold Plastic Precise Prototype Thermo Iso Made News Injection Resins Support Quality Custom Building Faq Tools David
Specializing in the engineering and building of injection molds and dies for the plastics and die casting industry.
Molding Engineering Mold Plastic Precise Prototype Thermo Iso Made News Injection Resins Support Quality Custom Building Faq Tools David
171 FDM of Clearwater provides EDM
FDM of
FDM of Clearwater was established in 1971 a reliable source for EDM, Wire-EDM, toolmaking, mold-making and general machining.
FDM of Clearwater was established in 1971 a reliable source for EDM, Wire-EDM, toolmaking, mold-making and general machining.
172 Asken Aluminium Foundry
Mainly manufactures
Mainly manufactures permanent mold aluminium cast parts for automotive and machine industry.
Asken Sonsuz Ve Redüktör Alüminyum Bilgisayar Ltd Vidalý English Destekli Hsv Zmirtrkye Haklarsakldr Talaþlý Gövdeli Aluminum
Mainly manufactures permanent mold aluminium cast parts for automotive and machine industry.
Asken Sonsuz Ve Redüktör Alüminyum Bilgisayar Ltd Vidalý English Destekli Hsv Zmirtrkye Haklarsakldr Talaþlý Gövdeli Aluminum
173 American-Springfield Molding
Custom injection
Custom injection modular molding, mold design and tooling with machine capacity of up to 250 tons.
Tooling Molding American Springfield Services Driving Employment Directions Contact Plastic Injection Thermal Uscontact Inc Usdriving Incall
Custom injection modular molding, mold design and tooling with machine capacity of up to 250 tons.
Tooling Molding American Springfield Services Driving Employment Directions Contact Plastic Injection Thermal Uscontact Inc Usdriving Incall
174 Innovative Polymers, Inc.
Offering a
Offering a range of industrial polyurethane, IPIs polyurethane systems, and silicone mold-making compound.
Liquid Urethane Plastic Plastics Casting Innovative Inc Polymers Shore Products | Parts Hardness Innotuf® Histories
Offering a range of industrial polyurethane, IPIs polyurethane systems, and silicone mold-making compound.
Liquid Urethane Plastic Plastics Casting Innovative Inc Polymers Shore Products | Parts Hardness Innotuf® Histories
175 Aurora Metals Division, L.L.C.
Castings in
Castings in non-ferrous and ferrous alloys, utilizing permanent mold and sand casting methods.
Castings in non-ferrous and ferrous alloys, utilizing permanent mold and sand casting methods.
176 Parker Plastic
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of plastic blow molding machines and equipment, mold capacities from 20cc to 200 liters in PE, PP and PVC materials.
Machine Blow Molding Plastic Co Machinery Extrusion Injection Moulding Directory Parker Ltd Stretch Taiwan Manufacturer
Manufacturer of plastic blow molding machines and equipment, mold capacities from 20cc to 200 liters in PE, PP and PVC materials.
Machine Blow Molding Plastic Co Machinery Extrusion Injection Moulding Directory Parker Ltd Stretch Taiwan Manufacturer
177 Jones Plastics Technology
Precision injection
Precision injection molding, plastic design consulting, modular mold design and construction.
Precision injection molding, plastic design consulting, modular mold design and construction.
178 Jones Plastics Technology
Precision injection
Precision injection molding, plastic design consulting, modular mold design and construction.
Precision injection molding, plastic design consulting, modular mold design and construction.
179 Silicones, Inc.
Rtv-2 silicone
Rtv-2 silicone rubber compounds for mold making. Complete stock of standard condensation and addition cure compounds.
Silicone Silicones Inc Special Tin Condensation Rubber Wide Productsmold Part Two Rtv Platinum
Rtv-2 silicone rubber compounds for mold making. Complete stock of standard condensation and addition cure compounds.
Silicone Silicones Inc Special Tin Condensation Rubber Wide Productsmold Part Two Rtv Platinum
180 IBK Bacher AG
Plastics technology
Plastics technology engineering consultants, specializing in engineering, mold design, secondary operations, and custom machines.
Machines Injection Parts Molding Moulding Plastics Bacher Battenfeld Closure Handling Welding Pallet Molds Engineering Design Material Closures
Plastics technology engineering consultants, specializing in engineering, mold design, secondary operations, and custom machines.
Machines Injection Parts Molding Moulding Plastics Bacher Battenfeld Closure Handling Welding Pallet Molds Engineering Design Material Closures
181 Healthy Air
Offering air
Offering air purification and dehumidification systems that bring fresh, filtered air inside. Also offering mold testing and remediation.
Offering air purification and dehumidification systems that bring fresh, filtered air inside. Also offering mold testing and remediation.
182 Boston Ornament Company
Ornamental plaster
Ornamental plaster, FRG, and mold making. Custom and stock ceiling medallions, moldings, and brackets. Renovation, restoration, and preservation of historical architecture. MA, USA.
Boston Plaster Ornament House Ceiling Company Custom Restoration Making State Historical Design Center Catalog Preservation Cast Here Medallion
Ornamental plaster, FRG, and mold making. Custom and stock ceiling medallions, moldings, and brackets. Renovation, restoration, and preservation of historical architecture. MA, USA.
Boston Plaster Ornament House Ceiling Company Custom Restoration Making State Historical Design Center Catalog Preservation Cast Here Medallion
183 Mold Masters, Inc.
Hot runners
Hot runners and nozzles manufacturing. Hot-half packages. Temperature control systems for company having secured over 450 active patents and supplied products for over 115,000 successful applications.
Mold Masters Sales Product Company High Milacron Contacts Runner Masters’ Division Directors Events Contact History Hot
Hot runners and nozzles manufacturing. Hot-half packages. Temperature control systems for company having secured over 450 active patents and supplied products for over 115,000 successful applications.
Mold Masters Sales Product Company High Milacron Contacts Runner Masters’ Division Directors Events Contact History Hot
184 United Mold Incorporated
Specializes in
Specializes in precision tooling, customized injection molding, and protoype and production machining. Can work from electronically submitted drawings and .pdf requests for quotations.
Mold United Incorporated Cnc Page Edm Products Rancho Machining Injection Cordova Production Moldingmanufacturing
Specializes in precision tooling, customized injection molding, and protoype and production machining. Can work from electronically submitted drawings and .pdf requests for quotations.
Mold United Incorporated Cnc Page Edm Products Rancho Machining Injection Cordova Production Moldingmanufacturing
185 heritage crisis solutions
crime and
crime and trauma scene decontamination company specializing in homicide, suicide, meth lab clean-up, mold/mildew and fire / water restoration.
crime and trauma scene decontamination company specializing in homicide, suicide, meth lab clean-up, mold/mildew and fire / water restoration.
186 Al-Rasheed
Plastic injection
Plastic injection mold maker offers tools for white goods manufacturers and pipe fitting, in house vacuum hardening, polishing and finishing, Syria.
Mould Moulds Industry Plastic Injection Maker Custom Making Computers Products Alrasheed Design Tool Specializing Blow Reem Here
Plastic injection mold maker offers tools for white goods manufacturers and pipe fitting, in house vacuum hardening, polishing and finishing, Syria.
Mould Moulds Industry Plastic Injection Maker Custom Making Computers Products Alrasheed Design Tool Specializing Blow Reem Here
187 Waite Enterprises
Services include
Services include press repair, machinery sales, mold and die creation, as well as heavy door hinge fabrication. Specializes in antique auto parts.
Hinges Door Heavy Duty Big Machining Bronze Clique Very Super Castle Português Doors Aqui Precision
Services include press repair, machinery sales, mold and die creation, as well as heavy door hinge fabrication. Specializes in antique auto parts.
Hinges Door Heavy Duty Big Machining Bronze Clique Very Super Castle Português Doors Aqui Precision
188 Avenue Mould Ltd
A mold
A mold maker specialising in the design, manufacture and optimisation of multi-cavity, hot runner, injection moulds for the medical, closure and consumer plastics industries.
A mold maker specialising in the design, manufacture and optimisation of multi-cavity, hot runner, injection moulds for the medical, closure and consumer plastics industries.
189 PTM&W Industries, Inc.
Supplier of
Supplier of thermosetting plastic systems and specialty chemicals including protective coatings, materials for rapid prototyping, mold releases, epoxy resins and adhesives.
Supplier of thermosetting plastic systems and specialty chemicals including protective coatings, materials for rapid prototyping, mold releases, epoxy resins and adhesives.
190 Imc Machines,Inc
Imports and
Imports and distributes AGMA CNC vertical machining centers from Taiwan. Site provides detailed information regarding each available model. Applications include mold and die, electronics, and aerospace industries.
Imports and distributes AGMA CNC vertical machining centers from Taiwan. Site provides detailed information regarding each available model. Applications include mold and die, electronics, and aerospace industries.
191 Tomken Tool
Provides mold
Provides mold making and tooling, custom molding, sampling and validation of parts and the sale of MCP miniature molding machines.
Injection Molding Tomken Plastic Technologies Custom Quality Indiana Tooling Molders Woman Moldmaking | Plastics Muncie Serving
Provides mold making and tooling, custom molding, sampling and validation of parts and the sale of MCP miniature molding machines.
Injection Molding Tomken Plastic Technologies Custom Quality Indiana Tooling Molders Woman Moldmaking | Plastics Muncie Serving
192 MHD Systems
Manufactures industrial
Manufactures industrial magnetohydrodynamic magnetic scale control products. Scale removing unit is used for mold cleaning and maintenance.
Found Openssleport Rhelmod_auth_passthrough Fips Server Found The Frontpagemod_perl Perlvadditionally Errordocument Apache
Manufactures industrial magnetohydrodynamic magnetic scale control products. Scale removing unit is used for mold cleaning and maintenance.
Found Openssleport Rhelmod_auth_passthrough Fips Server Found The Frontpagemod_perl Perlvadditionally Errordocument Apache
193 Altek
Custom injection
Custom injection modular molding, pad printing, ultrasonic welding, RFI shielding, mold making, custom parts, and sub-assemblies.
Injection Manufacturing Altek Contract Molding Services Conditions Plastic Terms Testing Assembly Precision Machining Custom Mold Painting Medical
Custom injection modular molding, pad printing, ultrasonic welding, RFI shielding, mold making, custom parts, and sub-assemblies.
Injection Manufacturing Altek Contract Molding Services Conditions Plastic Terms Testing Assembly Precision Machining Custom Mold Painting Medical
194 Desco Plastics Inc.
Vacuum forming
Vacuum forming and pressure forming plastic parts, prototype and production runs, fabrication, mold making.
Vacuum forming and pressure forming plastic parts, prototype and production runs, fabrication, mold making.
195 United Chemical Corporation
Manufacturer specializing
Manufacturer specializing in algaecides, stain removers, acid washes, mold removers and prevention chemicals.
Pool Treat Swimming Chemicals Product Code Stain Maintenance Hamilton Distributor Support Scale Msds Downloads Specialty
Manufacturer specializing in algaecides, stain removers, acid washes, mold removers and prevention chemicals.
Pool Treat Swimming Chemicals Product Code Stain Maintenance Hamilton Distributor Support Scale Msds Downloads Specialty
196 JP Products
Injection molder
Injection molder of instrument components and instrument pointers for a wide range of applications. In-house modular mold making.
Injection molder of instrument components and instrument pointers for a wide range of applications. In-house modular mold making.
197 Elite Mold and Manufacturing
Full service
Full service injection molding, with modular tooling and prototyping capability. Molding presses from 50 to 450 tons.
Elite Plastic Products Medical Engineering Molding Mold Industry Components Team Marine Parts Automotive | Wwwelitemedicalmoldingcom Consumer
Full service injection molding, with modular tooling and prototyping capability. Molding presses from 50 to 450 tons.
Elite Plastic Products Medical Engineering Molding Mold Industry Components Team Marine Parts Automotive | Wwwelitemedicalmoldingcom Consumer
198 Thompson Casting Company
U.S. Manufacturer
U.S. Manufacturer of magnesium and aluminium castings by mechanized precision green sand, dry sand and permanent mold processes.
Castings Aluminum Foundry Thompson Magnesium Sand Casting Click | Quality Company Alloys Capabilities Cast Contact History
U.S. Manufacturer of magnesium and aluminium castings by mechanized precision green sand, dry sand and permanent mold processes.
Castings Aluminum Foundry Thompson Magnesium Sand Casting Click | Quality Company Alloys Capabilities Cast Contact History
199 KCA Management Services
Plastic engineers
Plastic engineers and consultants, factory consultation, business development, out sourcing, mold repairs, new tooling, and product development.
Plastic engineers and consultants, factory consultation, business development, out sourcing, mold repairs, new tooling, and product development.
200 Soligen
Offers a
Offers a process that goes directly from CAD to a ceramic mold in which the part can be cast. Specializes in very fast turn around of automotive cylinder heads, manifolds and high grade aerospace castings.
Offers a process that goes directly from CAD to a ceramic mold in which the part can be cast. Specializes in very fast turn around of automotive cylinder heads, manifolds and high grade aerospace castings.
2. Shopping and Mold Trade
1 Mold Kill
Offers ozone
Offers ozone generators for mold remediation and odor removal.
Ozone Air Water Products Purifiers Accessories Test Hepa Policy Mold Clean Support Reports Generators Purification Faq Industrial Kill
Offers ozone generators for mold remediation and odor removal.
Ozone Air Water Products Purifiers Accessories Test Hepa Policy Mold Clean Support Reports Generators Purification Faq Industrial Kill
2 Mold Alert
Offers test
Offers test kits for determining the presence of mold or fungi in the home or workplace.
Sampling Asbestos Mold Cassette Supplies Cassettes Testing Quantem Air Training Lead Pumps Agar Investigator Microbiology
Offers test kits for determining the presence of mold or fungi in the home or workplace.
Sampling Asbestos Mold Cassette Supplies Cassettes Testing Quantem Air Training Lead Pumps Agar Investigator Microbiology
3 Kansas Sterilaire
Offers UV
Offers UV purification systems. Purifies air, kills mold, viruses, bacteria, odors. Provides treatment for allergies, asthma, sick building syndrome, dirty sock syndrome, and mold.
Offers UV purification systems. Purifies air, kills mold, viruses, bacteria, odors. Provides treatment for allergies, asthma, sick building syndrome, dirty sock syndrome, and mold.
4 Robert Fida Sculpture Studio
Mold making
Mold making and casting videos.
Robert Fida Wyoming Cheyenne Sculpture Life Size Oil Clay Traditional Paintings Wind Iframe Youmust Bust
Mold making and casting videos.
Robert Fida Wyoming Cheyenne Sculpture Life Size Oil Clay Traditional Paintings Wind Iframe Youmust Bust
5 LVI Publications
Self-help books
Self-help books on compo, mold making, and inlay design and manufacture
Inlay Use Click Ordering Yahoo Contact Webpage Pdf Cd Booktribute Privacy Compo Veterans
Self-help books on compo, mold making, and inlay design and manufacture
Inlay Use Click Ordering Yahoo Contact Webpage Pdf Cd Booktribute Privacy Compo Veterans
6 VampFangs.Com
Custom fangs
Custom fangs, mold to your teeth, so you never have to worry about them falling out at the wrong time.
Wishlist Fangs Add Lenses Scarecrow Choose Fx Contact Options Vampire Featured Vampfangs Veneers Policy Professional Metal Wear Eye Retractable Alchemy Wolfe
Custom fangs, mold to your teeth, so you never have to worry about them falling out at the wrong time.
Wishlist Fangs Add Lenses Scarecrow Choose Fx Contact Options Vampire Featured Vampfangs Veneers Policy Professional Metal Wear Eye Retractable Alchemy Wolfe
7 The Sac Company
Specializing in
Specializing in bean chairs that mold and shape to the body in a variety of colors.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Specializing in bean chairs that mold and shape to the body in a variety of colors.
Navigationshilfe Ty
8 Enviro Tester
Test designed
Test designed to check for bacteria, mold, yeast and other pollutants.
Test designed to check for bacteria, mold, yeast and other pollutants.
9 Minute Pie Mold Company
Sells cast
Sells cast aluminum pie molds, designed for cooking over an open fire.
Minute Mold Campfire Company Pie Products Now Contact Shipping Faq Buy Original Since Cook United Making
Sells cast aluminum pie molds, designed for cooking over an open fire.
Minute Mold Campfire Company Pie Products Now Contact Shipping Faq Buy Original Since Cook United Making
10 The Dunken Company
Specializes in
Specializes in home casting molds and supplies. Mold series include historical and fantasy.
Molds Dunken Casting Company Toy Prince Knights Alamo Prussian Fantasy Nativity Boy Hobby Forum Cadets Sets Ornaments Association
Specializes in home casting molds and supplies. Mold series include historical and fantasy.
Molds Dunken Casting Company Toy Prince Knights Alamo Prussian Fantasy Nativity Boy Hobby Forum Cadets Sets Ornaments Association
11 RiteAir
BoAir permanent
BoAir permanent electrostatic AC/furnace filters for home where dust, pollen and mold spores become problematic.
Filters Air Policy Boair Conditioning Storereturns Furnace Riteair Contact Filter Conditionerfurnace Testimonials Eco Friendly Security Made Blog
BoAir permanent electrostatic AC/furnace filters for home where dust, pollen and mold spores become problematic.
Filters Air Policy Boair Conditioning Storereturns Furnace Riteair Contact Filter Conditionerfurnace Testimonials Eco Friendly Security Made Blog
12 Dr. Doormat
Antimicrobial treated
Antimicrobial treated doormats designed to help keep homes clean and healthy by attacking fungus, bacteria, mold and mildew.
Doormat Works Dr Friendly Testimonials Eco Story How Faq Products Antimicrobial Data Coming Distributors Care Pets Expert Tips
Antimicrobial treated doormats designed to help keep homes clean and healthy by attacking fungus, bacteria, mold and mildew.
Doormat Works Dr Friendly Testimonials Eco Story How Faq Products Antimicrobial Data Coming Distributors Care Pets Expert Tips
13 Arealles Ceramics
Figurines for
Figurines for sale, free ceramic show date listings, kiln and mold tips and resources.
Figurines for sale, free ceramic show date listings, kiln and mold tips and resources.
14 Famous Faces Inc.
Full-size three-dimensional
Full-size three-dimensional facial images which are reproductions of the celebrities from which the mold is taken. Information on product and the artists.
Famous Faces Privacy Josh Policy Graves Broadcasts Celeb Wright Discovered Locations People Becoming Santa Life Impersonating Sports
Full-size three-dimensional facial images which are reproductions of the celebrities from which the mold is taken. Information on product and the artists.
Famous Faces Privacy Josh Policy Graves Broadcasts Celeb Wright Discovered Locations People Becoming Santa Life Impersonating Sports
15 Images of Time
Offering a
Offering a baby keepsake kit with a warm water mold set up to make a cast of babys foot or hand.
Offering a baby keepsake kit with a warm water mold set up to make a cast of babys foot or hand.
16 Sani Bath
Product specially
Product specially formulated to remove mold, mildew, scale deposits and bacteria from whirlpool circulation systems.
Contact Cart Bath Cleaner Do How Jacuzzi Whirlpool Shopping System Returns Order Terms Conditions Certificates Certificate
Product specially formulated to remove mold, mildew, scale deposits and bacteria from whirlpool circulation systems.
Contact Cart Bath Cleaner Do How Jacuzzi Whirlpool Shopping System Returns Order Terms Conditions Certificates Certificate
17 Air Oasis
Offers a
Offers a product that combines two technologies, ozone and UV, to reduce particulates, bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, gases, odors, and dust.
Air Induct Oasis Countertop Commercial Portable Mobile Car Cells Replacement Foster Llp Usa Uv Sanifierreg
Offers a product that combines two technologies, ozone and UV, to reduce particulates, bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, gases, odors, and dust.
Air Induct Oasis Countertop Commercial Portable Mobile Car Cells Replacement Foster Llp Usa Uv Sanifierreg
18 Conti Studios
Original lamp
Original lamp shade patterns, including elaborate panel shades and full form fiberglass mold and pattern kits.
Cannot Providerfordisplayedpage Contact Error Please
Original lamp shade patterns, including elaborate panel shades and full form fiberglass mold and pattern kits.
Cannot Providerfordisplayedpage Contact Error Please
19 Plaster Fun House
Plaster craft
Plaster craft mold supplies, franchise information, party balloons.
House Plaster Products Parties Fundraising Contact Stores Terms Policy Shipping Cart Conditions Information Privacy Grenville Sign Fun
Plaster craft mold supplies, franchise information, party balloons.
House Plaster Products Parties Fundraising Contact Stores Terms Policy Shipping Cart Conditions Information Privacy Grenville Sign Fun
20 Monocot Wheatgrass
Offers free
Offers free wheatgrass growing help, info on mold problems, supplies and juicers.
Wheatgrass Austin Austinwheatgrass Welcome Fresh Benefits Contact Monocot Houston Juicing Growing Itis Specializes Content Y
Offers free wheatgrass growing help, info on mold problems, supplies and juicers.
Wheatgrass Austin Austinwheatgrass Welcome Fresh Benefits Contact Monocot Houston Juicing Growing Itis Specializes Content Y
21 Dampp-Chaser Corporation
Specializing in
Specializing in dehumidifiers for closets, storage rooms, or closed spaces in order to help alleviate allergies and eliminate dampness, mold, or mildew.
Found Apacheaccountsuspended Server Port Found The
Specializing in dehumidifiers for closets, storage rooms, or closed spaces in order to help alleviate allergies and eliminate dampness, mold, or mildew.
Found Apacheaccountsuspended Server Port Found The
22 Linda J. Kays Original Doll and Resin Casting Studio
Doll art
Doll art and online mold making classes.
Kays Linda Dolls Studios Biviano Artist Santas Store Size Character Steampunk Santa Nov Margaret Edition
Doll art and online mold making classes.
Kays Linda Dolls Studios Biviano Artist Santas Store Size Character Steampunk Santa Nov Margaret Edition
23 E.A.R. Inc./Insta-Mold West
Worldwide provider
Worldwide provider of non-electronic and electronic hearing protection for shooters, instructors, and sports enthusiasts.
Hearing Earplugs Protection Ear Aids New Nyx Custom Products Fit Sports Health Electronic Provider Open Self Kit
Worldwide provider of non-electronic and electronic hearing protection for shooters, instructors, and sports enthusiasts.
Hearing Earplugs Protection Ear Aids New Nyx Custom Products Fit Sports Health Electronic Provider Open Self Kit
24 E.A.R. Inc./Insta-Mold West
Worldwide provider
Worldwide provider of non-electronic and electronic hearing protection for shooters, instructors, and sports enthusiasts.
Hearing Earplugs Ear Aids Protection New Custom Nyx Products Sports Fit Ringstop Provider Health Testimonials Self Certificates Earincinsta Mold Filtered Store
Worldwide provider of non-electronic and electronic hearing protection for shooters, instructors, and sports enthusiasts.
Hearing Earplugs Ear Aids Protection New Custom Nyx Products Sports Fit Ringstop Provider Health Testimonials Self Certificates Earincinsta Mold Filtered Store
25 ERA Graphics
Carries their
Carries their own line of stamps, Bmuse Embossing Powders, the Silver Pennies Collage Collection, mold boards for polymer clay, and Robertas Focus Cards.
Flyer Click Copyright Graphics Here Rubber Stamps Cards Specials Order Original Policy Classes Asian Duvall Medallion Thousands
Carries their own line of stamps, Bmuse Embossing Powders, the Silver Pennies Collage Collection, mold boards for polymer clay, and Robertas Focus Cards.
Flyer Click Copyright Graphics Here Rubber Stamps Cards Specials Order Original Policy Classes Asian Duvall Medallion Thousands
26 National Allergy Supply, Inc.
Provides supplies
Provides supplies and products for allergy, asthma, and sinus relief as well as symptoms associated with dust mites, pollen, and mold.
Allergy Relief Products Air Library Policy Purifiers Covers Catalog Sinus Asthma Learning Newsletters Chat Privacy Mon Fri Supply Inc~mrd ~s Security
Provides supplies and products for allergy, asthma, and sinus relief as well as symptoms associated with dust mites, pollen, and mold.
Allergy Relief Products Air Library Policy Purifiers Covers Catalog Sinus Asthma Learning Newsletters Chat Privacy Mon Fri Supply Inc~mrd ~s Security
27 Cristal Enterprises
Antimicrobial air
Antimicrobial air filters are an inexpensive alternative for allergy sufferers. These air filters remove dust, mold, and dustmites from the airstream in your home.
Filters Air Purifier Furnace Inch Aire Units Night Filter Humidifier Honeywell Care Items Pleated Austin
Antimicrobial air filters are an inexpensive alternative for allergy sufferers. These air filters remove dust, mold, and dustmites from the airstream in your home.
Filters Air Purifier Furnace Inch Aire Units Night Filter Humidifier Honeywell Care Items Pleated Austin
28 KL Null Holsters
This remarkably
This remarkably comfortable holster has flanges that mold to the curvature of your body, which inhibits shifting, keeping the grip at a constant 'ready' position for a swift presentation of your weapon.
This remarkably comfortable holster has flanges that mold to the curvature of your body, which inhibits shifting, keeping the grip at a constant 'ready' position for a swift presentation of your weapon.
29 Nok-Out odor remover
Non-toxic deodorizer
Non-toxic deodorizer and sanitizer eliminates strong odors caused by pets, urine, mold, mildew, tobacco and smoke. Safe for use in sickrooms, vet clinics, the home and car.
Nok Odor Odors Eliminator Remove Carpet Gallon Oz Disinfectant Cleaner Disinfect Cleaning Pet Shipping Contact Device
Non-toxic deodorizer and sanitizer eliminates strong odors caused by pets, urine, mold, mildew, tobacco and smoke. Safe for use in sickrooms, vet clinics, the home and car.
Nok Odor Odors Eliminator Remove Carpet Gallon Oz Disinfectant Cleaner Disinfect Cleaning Pet Shipping Contact Device
30 Zeolite Depot
Offers zeolite
Offers zeolite, a safe, natural, and non-toxic mineral used in air purifiers. Eliminates odors, moisture, noxious fumes, mold, and mildew naturally.
Genesis Here Dermal Corp Policies Location Well Contact Info@ourcompanycompeople Anytown Please Blank Running
Offers zeolite, a safe, natural, and non-toxic mineral used in air purifiers. Eliminates odors, moisture, noxious fumes, mold, and mildew naturally.
Genesis Here Dermal Corp Policies Location Well Contact Info@ourcompanycompeople Anytown Please Blank Running
31 John Greer & Associates
Offers a
Offers a range of epoxy resins, silicone moldmaking rubber, pour foam, casting resin, and concrete stamping and mold making rubber.
Epoxy Resin Mold Silicone Rubber Foam Making Products Page Repair Aeromarine Adhesive Samples Latex Casting Bar Ltprev Customer
Offers a range of epoxy resins, silicone moldmaking rubber, pour foam, casting resin, and concrete stamping and mold making rubber.
Epoxy Resin Mold Silicone Rubber Foam Making Products Page Repair Aeromarine Adhesive Samples Latex Casting Bar Ltprev Customer
32 IMD Ceramics
Offers different
Offers different lines of mold designs: fantasy, Victorian, chess sets, tiles, and neoclassic. Dinnerware oriented towards contemporary ceramic studios. Offers custom sculpting and moldmaking.
Custom Casting Glass Mold Molds Best Step Sculpting Ceramic Quality Making Tips Consulting Traditional Fusing Paper
Offers different lines of mold designs: fantasy, Victorian, chess sets, tiles, and neoclassic. Dinnerware oriented towards contemporary ceramic studios. Offers custom sculpting and moldmaking.
Custom Casting Glass Mold Molds Best Step Sculpting Ceramic Quality Making Tips Consulting Traditional Fusing Paper
33 Lincoln Mold Company
Selection of
Selection of Victorian castings. Includes clothing patterns, Fashion Plate collection, Front Porch children, American Girl, Civil War uniforms, and clothing.
Doll Mold Click Victorian Lincoln Company Dolls Patterns American Girl Collection Clothing Civil Molds Bailey Plate Collectibles Shipping
Selection of Victorian castings. Includes clothing patterns, Fashion Plate collection, Front Porch children, American Girl, Civil War uniforms, and clothing.
Doll Mold Click Victorian Lincoln Company Dolls Patterns American Girl Collection Clothing Civil Molds Bailey Plate Collectibles Shipping
34 PuraClean
Presents a
Presents a filter spray that turns an ordinary air filter into an electrostatic filter to collect dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, smoke, allergens and other airborne particles.
Presents a filter spray that turns an ordinary air filter into an electrostatic filter to collect dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, smoke, allergens and other airborne particles.
35 Allerx
Allergy relief
Allergy relief products, allergy control tips, and information on dust, mold, dust mites, pollen, and cockroaches.
Allergy relief products, allergy control tips, and information on dust, mold, dust mites, pollen, and cockroaches.
36 Bare-Metal Foil
Provides for
Provides for plastic models, especially cars and aircraft the realistic metal finishes such as foil, silicone RTV mold rubber, casting resin, decals, and panel scriber,
Provides for plastic models, especially cars and aircraft the realistic metal finishes such as foil, silicone RTV mold rubber, casting resin, decals, and panel scriber,
37 National Allergy Supply, Inc.
Provides supplies
Provides supplies and products for allergy, asthma, and sinus relief. Also for symptoms associated with dust mite allergy, pollen allergy, and mold allergy, located in Duluth, Georgia.
Allergy Relief Products Air Library Policy Purifiers Asthma Covers Sinus Learning Catalog Video Care Physician Mon Fri Supply Inc~mrd ~s
Provides supplies and products for allergy, asthma, and sinus relief. Also for symptoms associated with dust mite allergy, pollen allergy, and mold allergy, located in Duluth, Georgia.
Allergy Relief Products Air Library Policy Purifiers Asthma Covers Sinus Learning Catalog Video Care Physician Mon Fri Supply Inc~mrd ~s
38 TAP Plastics
Provides fiberglass
Provides fiberglass, plastic and signage products. Specialize in fiberglass resins and fabrics, mold-making supplies, casting and sculpting products, fiberglass composite adhesives, sealants, and tools.
Provides fiberglass, plastic and signage products. Specialize in fiberglass resins and fabrics, mold-making supplies, casting and sculpting products, fiberglass composite adhesives, sealants, and tools.
39 Allergy Be Gone
Sells a
Sells a range of allergy control products including dust mite barrier bedding , hepa vacuums and air cleaners, air conditioner filters, mold controls, and humidity controls. Features an email newsletter.
Vacuum Shop Vac Air Cleaner Cleaners Dehumidifier Pint Industrial Dry Bissell Wet Upright Hp Filter Multi Purpose Eva
Sells a range of allergy control products including dust mite barrier bedding , hepa vacuums and air cleaners, air conditioner filters, mold controls, and humidity controls. Features an email newsletter.
Vacuum Shop Vac Air Cleaner Cleaners Dehumidifier Pint Industrial Dry Bissell Wet Upright Hp Filter Multi Purpose Eva
40 Special Foods
Flour, grains
Flour, grains, breads, snacks and personal care products for persons with allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, chemicals, or mold, ordering via telephone or fax. Also includes a great deal of information about special diets and food products.
Special Foods™ Foods Catalog Gt Download Free – Pdf Chemical Diet Mold Variety Specialfoods™
Flour, grains, breads, snacks and personal care products for persons with allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, chemicals, or mold, ordering via telephone or fax. Also includes a great deal of information about special diets and food products.
Special Foods™ Foods Catalog Gt Download Free – Pdf Chemical Diet Mold Variety Specialfoods™
41 Paco & Friends Cage Liner
Cage liner
Cage liner sheets have hypoallergenic surface resistant to mold and bacteria. White surface allows for easy monitoring of dropping to ensure pet’s health. 500 sheets in easy dispenser box.
Cage liner sheets have hypoallergenic surface resistant to mold and bacteria. White surface allows for easy monitoring of dropping to ensure pet’s health. 500 sheets in easy dispenser box.
3. Mold Recreation
1 Mold Fly Fishers
Contains membership
Contains membership and fishery information, and contact details
Contains membership and fishery information, and contact details
2 Seamless Molded Fuselages
Doing a
Doing a layup with and joining the fuselage in the mold.
Z Httpwwwmonkeytumblecomdlg Y
Doing a layup with and joining the fuselage in the mold.
Z Httpwwwmonkeytumblecomdlg Y
3 NextCraft
By Mike
By Mike James - Features 3D design and fiberglass mold making techniques for RC model aviation projects.
Click Thankmike Here James Z
By Mike James - Features 3D design and fiberglass mold making techniques for RC model aviation projects.
Click Thankmike Here James Z
4 Historical Search Society
Information about
Information about activities and finds made by members of this group based in Mold, North Wales.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Games Longeravailable Reach Hosting Privacy Machine Popular Terms Inc
Information about activities and finds made by members of this group based in Mold, North Wales.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Help Copyright Policy Games Longeravailable Reach Hosting Privacy Machine Popular Terms Inc
5 Mold Alexandra Football Club Supporters Website
Player profiles
Player profiles, fixtures, results, match reports, and links.
Permanently Theport Server Apache Z
Player profiles, fixtures, results, match reports, and links.
Permanently Theport Server Apache Z
6 Mold Making
Article about
Article about making your own molds for miniatures. Various materials are discussed.
Making Figure Molds Conversions Corning Us$ Moldmaking Enterprises However Inc Alvan Although Small Po Design Before Whatever Hill Periodically
Article about making your own molds for miniatures. Various materials are discussed.
Making Figure Molds Conversions Corning Us$ Moldmaking Enterprises However Inc Alvan Although Small Po Design Before Whatever Hill Periodically
7 Allernet
A large
A large variety of resources for allergy sufferers with pollen count maps, photos of mold spores and tree pollens, frequently asked questions, and directories of specialists.
Allernet Allergy Slide Presentation Questions Aeroallergen Photo Library Asthma Fireants Disclaimer Welcomegt Updated Even
A large variety of resources for allergy sufferers with pollen count maps, photos of mold spores and tree pollens, frequently asked questions, and directories of specialists.
Allernet Allergy Slide Presentation Questions Aeroallergen Photo Library Asthma Fireants Disclaimer Welcomegt Updated Even
8 Abatement Management, Inc. (AMI) Environmental Specialist
Illinois environmental
Illinois environmental specialist offering asbestos, lead and mold remediation services, and demolition.
Groupcomeam Management Tarifede Energy Rechnungswesen Wwwsgmichmanagerseminare Einfacher Betreiben Projektverwaltung Erfolgreichseminare Sgmi Beste Wwwvorsorge
Illinois environmental specialist offering asbestos, lead and mold remediation services, and demolition.
Groupcomeam Management Tarifede Energy Rechnungswesen Wwwsgmichmanagerseminare Einfacher Betreiben Projektverwaltung Erfolgreichseminare Sgmi Beste Wwwvorsorge
9 Golden Lion Sub Aqua Club
Diving club
Diving club offering BSAC and SAA training and diving trips. Owns 2 boats. Based in Mold, North Wales. [English/Welsh]
Found Nowhosting Closed Apache Port Web Btsserver Free
Diving club offering BSAC and SAA training and diving trips. Owns 2 boats. Based in Mold, North Wales. [English/Welsh]
Found Nowhosting Closed Apache Port Web Btsserver Free
10 Tin Mans 1932 Plymouth Coupe
Build up
Build up and information on 1932 PB Plymouth 3 window coupe, fiberglass mold construction techniques, and parts location help.
Build up and information on 1932 PB Plymouth 3 window coupe, fiberglass mold construction techniques, and parts location help.
11 Kombucha Brewing Guide
Describes how
Describes how to make kombucha tea, what mold looks like, as well as dos and donts of kombucha brewing.
Kombucha Mushroom Saccharomyces Vinegar Mold Beer They Making Dusty Fuzzy Hotel Kasper Brettanomyces Health Pictures Simple Kombuchamushroom Mov Brettanomycest
Describes how to make kombucha tea, what mold looks like, as well as dos and donts of kombucha brewing.
Kombucha Mushroom Saccharomyces Vinegar Mold Beer They Making Dusty Fuzzy Hotel Kasper Brettanomyces Health Pictures Simple Kombuchamushroom Mov Brettanomycest
12 AQ Management & Control, Inc.
A full
A full service environmental contracting and consulting firm. Specializes in asbestos removal, lead abatement, hazardous materials removal, soil remediation, industrial cleaning, fire and water damage restoration, mold cleanup, microbiology decontamination, Anthrax biohazard and related services.
Mold Cleanup Rental Damage Removal Water Asbestos Air Restoration Equipment Abatement Carpet Lead Testing Dehumidifier De
A full service environmental contracting and consulting firm. Specializes in asbestos removal, lead abatement, hazardous materials removal, soil remediation, industrial cleaning, fire and water damage restoration, mold cleanup, microbiology decontamination, Anthrax biohazard and related services.
Mold Cleanup Rental Damage Removal Water Asbestos Air Restoration Equipment Abatement Carpet Lead Testing Dehumidifier De
13 NYC Pollen Count
Pollen count
Pollen count updates for both local and national pollen count and mold spore count.
Pollen count updates for both local and national pollen count and mold spore count.
4. Computer & Mold Games Websites
1 SoftMold Solids
A mold
A mold design package that runs inside Keycreator and creates mold bases and mold components as solid objects.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A mold design package that runs inside Keycreator and creates mold bases and mold components as solid objects.
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Expert Mold Maker
Programming system
Programming system mold making.
Server Permanently Port Apachez
Programming system mold making.
Server Permanently Port Apachez
3 R&B Mold & Die Design Solutions
Developers of
Developers of the MoldWorks, SplitWorks, MoldCreator, and MoldBase software tools for mold and die design with several CAD systems.
Mold Cavity Core Parting Camd Solid Design Pcs Modeling Moldbased Moldworks Catalogues Injection Rb Cadcam Israel Mechanical
Developers of the MoldWorks, SplitWorks, MoldCreator, and MoldBase software tools for mold and die design with several CAD systems.
Mold Cavity Core Parting Camd Solid Design Pcs Modeling Moldbased Moldworks Catalogues Injection Rb Cadcam Israel Mechanical
4 Mold Inspection Reporter
Generates a
Generates a investigative mold inspection report, including environmental measurements, interpretation of lab results, and recommendations. Site includes free trial and program features. [Windows]
Freemoldinspectionreportingcom Mold Space Crawl Advance Cash Debt Consolidation Terms Legal Browse Free Phonescell
Generates a investigative mold inspection report, including environmental measurements, interpretation of lab results, and recommendations. Site includes free trial and program features. [Windows]
Freemoldinspectionreportingcom Mold Space Crawl Advance Cash Debt Consolidation Terms Legal Browse Free Phonescell
5 Cornerstone Technology Inc.
Offering the
Offering the Expert Mold Designer for Keycreator and related software.
Mold Design Xmd Learn Designer Expert + Software Virtual Company Solutions Purchase Contact Demo Product
Offering the Expert Mold Designer for Keycreator and related software.
Mold Design Xmd Learn Designer Expert + Software Virtual Company Solutions Purchase Contact Demo Product
6 Varimetrix Corporation
Makers of
Makers of the VX CAD/CAM software for drafting, modelling, manufacturing process management, and sheet metal and mold design.
Catia [solidworks¼¼Êõ½»Á÷] Cad½Ì³Ì ÎÒÒªÉÏ´«Í¼Ö½ ProeÔÚxpϵͳÖÐÔõôװ²»ÁË°¡ ¸ü¶àרÌâ SketchupÖйúÂÛ̳ AnsysÊÕ¹ºspaceclaimʱ´ò×ÅʲôÑù Solidwo
Makers of the VX CAD/CAM software for drafting, modelling, manufacturing process management, and sheet metal and mold design.
Catia [solidworks¼¼Êõ½»Á÷] Cad½Ì³Ì ÎÒÒªÉÏ´«Í¼Ö½ ProeÔÚxpϵͳÖÐÔõôװ²»ÁË°¡ ¸ü¶àרÌâ SketchupÖйúÂÛ̳ AnsysÊÕ¹ºspaceclaimʱ´ò×ÅʲôÑù Solidwo
7 DZynSource
Mold engineering
Mold engineering calculation software and reference resource for the design, manufacture, and troubleshooting of plastic injection molds. Program description, references and downloads.
Software Dzynsource Engineering Mold Calculations Diameter Feature Calculate List Cutter Part Download Release Options Optimum Digg
Mold engineering calculation software and reference resource for the design, manufacture, and troubleshooting of plastic injection molds. Program description, references and downloads.
Software Dzynsource Engineering Mold Calculations Diameter Feature Calculate List Cutter Part Download Release Options Optimum Digg
8 Delcam CAD/CAM
Delcam provides
Delcam provides cad/cam solutions for 3D machining, toolmaking, 3D designing, modeling, mold making, inspection, reverse engineering.
Delcam Solutions Partners Software Orthopaedic Artcam Manufacturing Footwear Products Downloads Advanced Shoemaker Careers Powershape Powermill Story Easy Use Ceramics Studies Complete
Delcam provides cad/cam solutions for 3D machining, toolmaking, 3D designing, modeling, mold making, inspection, reverse engineering.
Delcam Solutions Partners Software Orthopaedic Artcam Manufacturing Footwear Products Downloads Advanced Shoemaker Careers Powershape Powermill Story Easy Use Ceramics Studies Complete
9 C-MOLD Plastics
Molding simulation
Molding simulation software for flow, pack, cool, stress, shrink, warp, gas-assist simulation.
Design Autodesk Autocad Simulation Software Products € Injection Support Plastic Moldflow Licensing Buy Subscription System Alias $ Community
Molding simulation software for flow, pack, cool, stress, shrink, warp, gas-assist simulation.
Design Autodesk Autocad Simulation Software Products € Injection Support Plastic Moldflow Licensing Buy Subscription System Alias $ Community
10 Cad/CAM Systems, inc.
hyperMILL V5.0
hyperMILL V5.0 for AutoDesk MechanicalDesktop V4.0. For CNC, NC for surfaces and solid machining. For 3D machining, mold making. Sheetmetal software solutions.
Software Printing Cam Training Prototyping Material Manufacturing Cadcam Innovative Printers Function Custom Fituprint
hyperMILL V5.0 for AutoDesk MechanicalDesktop V4.0. For CNC, NC for surfaces and solid machining. For 3D machining, mold making. Sheetmetal software solutions.
Software Printing Cam Training Prototyping Material Manufacturing Cadcam Innovative Printers Function Custom Fituprint
11 MVS Pacific
Product development
Product development and mold design with CAD - plastic injection molding and die casting. Industrial, biomedical and diagnostic products. Image analysis inspection of manufactured parts. CAD patent drawing.
Elispot Antibodies Products Research Antibody Removal Reader Conjugation Magnetic Beads Device Pacific Membrane Reagents Cancer Streptavidin Agarose Version Contact
Product development and mold design with CAD - plastic injection molding and die casting. Industrial, biomedical and diagnostic products. Image analysis inspection of manufactured parts. CAD patent drawing.
Elispot Antibodies Products Research Antibody Removal Reader Conjugation Magnetic Beads Device Pacific Membrane Reagents Cancer Streptavidin Agarose Version Contact
12 Missler Software Corporation
Makers of
Makers of the TopSolid CAD software, which serves as the basis for applications for mold and die design, and CAM for mills, mill-turns, Wire EDM, and Sheet Metal.
Topsolid Software Cad Customer Cam Topsolid’mold Support Marketing News Missler Events Stories Success Integrated Solutions
Makers of the TopSolid CAD software, which serves as the basis for applications for mold and die design, and CAM for mills, mill-turns, Wire EDM, and Sheet Metal.
Topsolid Software Cad Customer Cam Topsolid’mold Support Marketing News Missler Events Stories Success Integrated Solutions
13 Cimatron Ltd.
Products are
Products are sold worldwide to mold, tool and die makers in various industries including automotive, consumer plastics and electronics. Modular suite of software automates every stage of the tooling process, effectively moving a product from data-to-steel.
Contact Learn Cimatron Cadcam Calls Team News Events Profile Group Filesproducts Filings Reports
Products are sold worldwide to mold, tool and die makers in various industries including automotive, consumer plastics and electronics. Modular suite of software automates every stage of the tooling process, effectively moving a product from data-to-steel.
Contact Learn Cimatron Cadcam Calls Team News Events Profile Group Filesproducts Filings Reports
14 Pathtrace Engineering
CADCAM Software.
CADCAM Software. EdgeCAM CAD/CAM Software is a programming system for milling, turning, and mold and die processes. Integrates with Inventor, Mechanical Desktop, ProE, SolidWorks, SolidEdge and other Parasolid based CAD software.
Edgecam Partners Machining Company Software Axis Milling Tool Vero Workflow Support Services Contact Turn Engineering Mill Education
CADCAM Software. EdgeCAM CAD/CAM Software is a programming system for milling, turning, and mold and die processes. Integrates with Inventor, Mechanical Desktop, ProE, SolidWorks, SolidEdge and other Parasolid based CAD software.
Edgecam Partners Machining Company Software Axis Milling Tool Vero Workflow Support Services Contact Turn Engineering Mill Education
15 Sescoi
Manufacturing software
Manufacturing software for mold, tool, and die processes: WorkNC automatic 3d shop floor programming CAM software, WorkPLAN enterprise resource planning manufacturing management software for custom manufacturers.
Worknc Cad Page Cam Policy Cookie Axis Contact News Company Software Events Action Continue | Metal
Manufacturing software for mold, tool, and die processes: WorkNC automatic 3d shop floor programming CAM software, WorkPLAN enterprise resource planning manufacturing management software for custom manufacturers.
Worknc Cad Page Cam Policy Cookie Axis Contact News Company Software Events Action Continue | Metal
16 ISC Engineering
Specialists in
Specialists in molded custom cable and harness manufacturing, over molded electronics, PCBs, sensors and components, as well as mold design, engineering and tooling for cable assembly termination. Located in California.
Molded Engineering Cable Assembly Isc Custom Relief Shipping Oems Tooling Refunds Warranty Circular Strain Privacy Mil Companys Conxall Delphi
Specialists in molded custom cable and harness manufacturing, over molded electronics, PCBs, sensors and components, as well as mold design, engineering and tooling for cable assembly termination. Located in California.
Molded Engineering Cable Assembly Isc Custom Relief Shipping Oems Tooling Refunds Warranty Circular Strain Privacy Mil Companys Conxall Delphi
17 COSS Systems Inc.
Manufacturing software
Manufacturing software for small and mid-sized make-to-order and mixed mode manufacturers like job shop, aerospace, tool and mold, discrete manufacturers. Includes integrated ERP for estimating and quoting, process and job planning, job tracking, data collection for tracking, costing and time keeping to scheduling and accounting.
Software Erp Manufacturing Industry Solutions Products Systems Coss Machine Services Job Customer Blog Technical Shops Data
Manufacturing software for small and mid-sized make-to-order and mixed mode manufacturers like job shop, aerospace, tool and mold, discrete manufacturers. Includes integrated ERP for estimating and quoting, process and job planning, job tracking, data collection for tracking, costing and time keeping to scheduling and accounting.
Software Erp Manufacturing Industry Solutions Products Systems Coss Machine Services Job Customer Blog Technical Shops Data
1 - PC Review
Rating: 4/5.
Rating: 4/5. By Darryl Vassar 'Square Enix breaks the Final Fantasy mold for its first foray into the MMORPG genre.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
Rating: 4/5. By Darryl Vassar 'Square Enix breaks the Final Fantasy mold for its first foray into the MMORPG genre.'
Navigationshilfe Ty
2 Dark Station
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Joel, [8/10]. 'Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks is a game that succeeds in breaking the mold of mediocre releases from the famous (or infamous) franchise.'
Tiffany Does Usc Page Pursuant Features Xx Wwwesilvergocom Darkcast Darkstation Reviews Staff Existsorry Shopluxuryus Defendants Outdarkstationcom
Reviewed by Joel, [8/10]. 'Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks is a game that succeeds in breaking the mold of mediocre releases from the famous (or infamous) franchise.'
Tiffany Does Usc Page Pursuant Features Xx Wwwesilvergocom Darkcast Darkstation Reviews Staff Existsorry Shopluxuryus Defendants Outdarkstationcom
3 1UP
Preview, by
Preview, by Matt Peckham: 'Determined to pop the one-hit mold, Cryteks encore has finally broken cover, and seductive as the pretty stuffs already looking, the not-so-small-anymore German developer wants Crysis to transfigure the way you play first-person shooters altogether.'
Port Server Apache Permanently Thez
Preview, by Matt Peckham: 'Determined to pop the one-hit mold, Cryteks encore has finally broken cover, and seductive as the pretty stuffs already looking, the not-so-small-anymore German developer wants Crysis to transfigure the way you play first-person shooters altogether.'
Port Server Apache Permanently Thez
4 1UP
Preview, by
Preview, by Matt Peckham: 'Determined to pop the one-hit mold, Cryteks encore has finally broken cover, and seductive as the pretty stuffs already looking, the not-so-small-anymore German developer wants Crysis to transfigure the way you play first-person shooters altogether.'
Preview, by Matt Peckham: 'Determined to pop the one-hit mold, Cryteks encore has finally broken cover, and seductive as the pretty stuffs already looking, the not-so-small-anymore German developer wants Crysis to transfigure the way you play first-person shooters altogether.'
5 GameSpot
'Onimushas focus
'Onimushas focus on action and its lack of tedious backtracking allow it to break away from the Resident Evil mold. While die-hard Resident Evil fans will be turned off by the games length, others will find it to be the survival-horror game for people who dont like survival-horror games.' Review by Joe Fielder. Includes screen shots, FAQs, GameShark codes and walkthrough.
Xbox News Gamespot Reviews Ps Pc Games Wii Warlords Topic Discussion Survival Horror Trailers Capcom Sign Latest Forum Pcmaclinux Create Show
'Onimushas focus on action and its lack of tedious backtracking allow it to break away from the Resident Evil mold. While die-hard Resident Evil fans will be turned off by the games length, others will find it to be the survival-horror game for people who dont like survival-horror games.' Review by Joe Fielder. Includes screen shots, FAQs, GameShark codes and walkthrough.
Xbox News Gamespot Reviews Ps Pc Games Wii Warlords Topic Discussion Survival Horror Trailers Capcom Sign Latest Forum Pcmaclinux Create Show
5. Sports Websites concerning Mold
1 Mold Alexandra Football Club Supporters Website
Player profiles
Player profiles, fixtures, results, match reports, and links.
Server Apache Permanently The Portz
Player profiles, fixtures, results, match reports, and links.
Server Apache Permanently The Portz
6. Society, Arts and Mold Crafts
1 marshall bitkower
encino attorney
encino attorney focusing on toxic mold litigation.
encino attorney focusing on toxic mold litigation.
2 the schindler law firm
trial attorneys
trial attorneys handling insurance law claims and other civil litigation matters. resumes and articles, including mold case law.
Page Free Policycontrol Tutor Seeing Tickets Best Smart Parental Internet Cars Construction Insurance
trial attorneys handling insurance law claims and other civil litigation matters. resumes and articles, including mold case law.
Page Free Policycontrol Tutor Seeing Tickets Best Smart Parental Internet Cars Construction Insurance
3 analytical, inc.
testing lab
testing lab specializing in microbiological analysis such as mold, bacteria and allergen testing.
testing lab specializing in microbiological analysis such as mold, bacteria and allergen testing.
4 Critical Rationalism Group Forum
Online group
Online group attempting to continue philosophy in the Popperian mold. Features email list and archive, as well as extensive related links.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Privacy Help Terms Please Account Website Web Solutions Times
Online group attempting to continue philosophy in the Popperian mold. Features email list and archive, as well as extensive related links.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Privacy Help Terms Please Account Website Web Solutions Times
1 General Protection Fault
General Protection
General Protection Fault is an on-line comic strip full of geeky fun, bizarre characters, and a sentient slime mold or two. Join Nick, Ki, Fooker, Dwayne, Trudy and Fred the Slime Mold as they try to keep GPF Software afloat, while surviving odd parodies and wacky situations. The strip runs every Monday through Saturday. A strip archive, plus 'geeky games'.
Comic Chapter Three Year Discussion Gpf Main Fri Jeff Nov Oct Posted Wed Limax Premium Wiki Support Jeffs Games
General Protection Fault is an on-line comic strip full of geeky fun, bizarre characters, and a sentient slime mold or two. Join Nick, Ki, Fooker, Dwayne, Trudy and Fred the Slime Mold as they try to keep GPF Software afloat, while surviving odd parodies and wacky situations. The strip runs every Monday through Saturday. A strip archive, plus 'geeky games'.
Comic Chapter Three Year Discussion Gpf Main Fri Jeff Nov Oct Posted Wed Limax Premium Wiki Support Jeffs Games
2 clwyd clippers
babs chorus
babs chorus from mold in north wales.
Close Move Sing Barbershop North Wales Clwydclippers Harmony Library Sample Testimonials Rehearsals Management Members Choral Coaching Xhtml Page Css Statement Copyright
babs chorus from mold in north wales.
Close Move Sing Barbershop North Wales Clwydclippers Harmony Library Sample Testimonials Rehearsals Management Members Choral Coaching Xhtml Page Css Statement Copyright
3 Mold (Yr Wyddgrug), St Mary
8cwt ring
8cwt ring of six in Flintshire. Practice and Sunday ringing times, contact details and diary.
8cwt ring of six in Flintshire. Practice and Sunday ringing times, contact details and diary.
4 Disciples of Spess
Pop rock
Pop rock band from Mold, North Wales. Site includes information, news, audio files, and a fan club.
Spess Disciples Grimble Records Music Indietruepage Of
Pop rock band from Mold, North Wales. Site includes information, news, audio files, and a fan club.
Spess Disciples Grimble Records Music Indietruepage Of
5 june goodnow
artist profile
artist profile and information about doll mold making and resin casting. includes a gallery of dolls and offers seminars and how-to videos.
Found The Foundy
artist profile and information about doll mold making and resin casting. includes a gallery of dolls and offers seminars and how-to videos.
Found The Foundy
6 vachtova, dana
an online
an online gallery of wax-modeled sculptures enhanced with sculpting, casting, mold melting, glass blowing and combining a variety of materials such as metals and wood.
Z Unsubscribe Y
an online gallery of wax-modeled sculptures enhanced with sculpting, casting, mold melting, glass blowing and combining a variety of materials such as metals and wood.
Z Unsubscribe Y
7 mold making videos
robert fida
robert fida sells instructional videos showing how to make rubber molds of sculptures or artwork.
Making Mold Videos Rubber Molds How Instructional Casting Network Youll Robert Shop Incsculptures
robert fida sells instructional videos showing how to make rubber molds of sculptures or artwork.
Making Mold Videos Rubber Molds How Instructional Casting Network Youll Robert Shop Incsculptures
8 a.r.t. research enterprises
fine art
fine art foundry - complete range of services, from mold-making, to complete fabrication in a variety of materials, as well as conservation, for artists and for architects.
Fabrication Conservation Services Stainless Paint Projects Clients Architectural Casting Steel Bronze Project Aluminum Rapid Plaques Polychrome
fine art foundry - complete range of services, from mold-making, to complete fabrication in a variety of materials, as well as conservation, for artists and for architects.
Fabrication Conservation Services Stainless Paint Projects Clients Architectural Casting Steel Bronze Project Aluminum Rapid Plaques Polychrome
9 walker, james
mold melted
mold melted glass sculpture, stained glass windows for architecture, and cast glass objects.
mold melted glass sculpture, stained glass windows for architecture, and cast glass objects.
10 Nightmare FX
Special effects
Special effects make-up design and application, prosthetic design and applications, creature design, lifecasting, mold and mask making.
Nightmare Webring Fx Where Horror Life Chambers Come Nightmares Design Sites Join Greg Mold Glimpses Next
Special effects make-up design and application, prosthetic design and applications, creature design, lifecasting, mold and mask making.
Nightmare Webring Fx Where Horror Life Chambers Come Nightmares Design Sites Join Greg Mold Glimpses Next
11 International Herald Tribune (IHT): Ironic Return to Formality at Viktor & Rolf Monsieur
Suzy menkes
Suzy menkes considers their debut menswear presentation 'mold-breaking' and credits them with effectively further urbanizing mens fashion.
International Tribune Herald Paris France Turning Points Page Focus Video Journalism Pulling Day Commentary Public Comatose Begins Setting
Suzy menkes considers their debut menswear presentation 'mold-breaking' and credits them with effectively further urbanizing mens fashion.
International Tribune Herald Paris France Turning Points Page Focus Video Journalism Pulling Day Commentary Public Comatose Begins Setting
12 Point of View: Mel Blanc
By Mark
By Mark Evanier. [POV Online] 'The great skill of Mel Blanc was as an actor: It is one thing to affect a funny voice - quite another to mold a coherent, believable characterization with it and to wring every drop of humor out of every line.'
Wordpress Gerber Evaniervoicework Foray Page Archives Hosted Mark Kress Earl Found Apologies Dreamhost Copyright
By Mark Evanier. [POV Online] 'The great skill of Mel Blanc was as an actor: It is one thing to affect a funny voice - quite another to mold a coherent, believable characterization with it and to wring every drop of humor out of every line.'
Wordpress Gerber Evaniervoicework Foray Page Archives Hosted Mark Kress Earl Found Apologies Dreamhost Copyright
13 yahoo! clubs slipdippersceramics
discussion group
discussion group for ceramists who pour molds. talk about tricks and tips on the non poppers (molds that have their own personality) tell club members about new molds and whats selling in your area. need to find a mold? ask a club member
Yahoo Slipdippersceramics Help Please Attachments Groups Style Celebrity Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Slipdippersceramics@yahoogroupscom Terms Inc Autos Xhome Finance News Answers
discussion group for ceramists who pour molds. talk about tricks and tips on the non poppers (molds that have their own personality) tell club members about new molds and whats selling in your area. need to find a mold? ask a club member
Yahoo Slipdippersceramics Help Please Attachments Groups Style Celebrity Subscribe@yahoogroupscom Slipdippersceramics@yahoogroupscom Terms Inc Autos Xhome Finance News Answers
14 june goodnow, doll artist
original fine
original fine art character, ethnic, and native american doll sculpture and limited editions by june goodnow. class schedule and silicone mold making video offered.
Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Click Dieser Domain Junegoodnowcomjunegoodnowcominformationeninformationen
original fine art character, ethnic, and native american doll sculpture and limited editions by june goodnow. class schedule and silicone mold making video offered.
Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Click Dieser Domain Junegoodnowcomjunegoodnowcominformationeninformationen
Mold Dictionary
drip / drip mold / drip mould: (architecture) a projection from a cornice or sill designed to protect the area below from rainwater (as over a window or doorway)mold / mould / cast: container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
mold mould molding moulding modeling / clay sculpture: sculpture produced by molding
iron mold / iron mould: a spot caused the staining with rust or ink
mold / mould: a distinctive nature, character, or type, "a leader in the mold of her predecessors"
mold / mould: a dish or dessert that is formed in or on a mold, "a lobster mold", "a gelatin dessert made in a mold"
/ bread mold / Rhizopus nigricans: a mold of the genus Rhizopus
/ slime mold / slime mould: a naked mass of protoplasm having characteristics of both plants and animals, sometimes classified as protoctists
true slime mold / acellular slime mold / plasmodial slime mold / myxomycete: a slime mold of the class Myxomycetes
/ cellular slime mold: differing from true slime molds in being cellular and nucleate throughout the life cycle
water mold: parasitic or saprobic organisms living chiefly in fresh water or moist soil
blue mold fungus / Peronospora tabacina: fungus causing a serious disease in tobacco plants characterized by bluish-grey mildew on undersides of leaves
mold / mould: a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter
mildew / mold / mould: the process of becoming mildewed
cast / mold / mould / stamp: the distinctive form in which a thing is made, "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"
potato blight / potato mold / potato disease / potato mildew / potato murrain: a blight of potatoes
leaf mold / leaf mould / leaf soil: soil composed mainly of decaying leaves
mold / mould: loose soil rich in organic matter
mold / mildew / /: become moldy, spoil due to humidity, "The furniture molded in the old house"
determine shape / mold / influence / regulate: shape or influence, give direction to, "experience often determines ability", "mold public opinion"
mold: fit tightly, follow the contours of, "The dress molds her beautiful figure"
shape / form / work c mold mould forge: make something, usually for a specific function, "She molded the rice balls carefully", "Form cylinders from the dough", "shape a figure", "Work the metal into a sword"
cast / mold / mould a: form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold, "cast a bronze sculpture"
model / mold mould a: form in clay, wax, etc, "model a head with clay" Reviews for Mold. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Mold" (visitors of this topic page). Mold › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Mold Opening Times and Reports. Date: