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Narrative Experience


1 The Narrative Press Prints first-person
Prints first-person accounts of historic adventures.
Browse Customer Press Narrative Life Cody William Bill Series Adventures Buffalo Including Himself Voyage Y
2 Turning Point Focuses on
Focuses on narrative poetry. Includes guidelines.
3 Shuster, Michelle Voiceover artist
Voiceover artist offering professional presentation of commercial and narrative copy.
4 AltaPoint Provides software
Provides software for patient billing, electronic claims, inventory, scheduling, reminders, clinical records, speech recognition for narrative dictation.
5 Frank Rosenstein Photography Wedding, commercial
Wedding, commercial, and fine art photography in a natural and narrative fashion.
6 Frank Rosenstein Photography Wedding, commercial
Wedding, commercial, and fine art photography in a natural and narrative fashion.
7 Jordan Mozer and Associates, Ltd. Chicago based
Chicago based firm providing integrated and narrative architectural and product design services for hospitality, retail and entertainment clients.
8 Purvisphoto Photojournalistic wedding
Photojournalistic wedding photography to create a narrative story of your day. Commercial, landscape, and portrait photography also available. Based in Pittsburgh, PA and available for travel.
Wedding Pittsburgh Photographer Purvis Photography Meghan Photographers + Amazing Ryan Throughout Hills Pennsylvania Awesome Pa Cranberry
9 Andrews & Galvin Appraisal Services, LLC Offers narrative
Offers narrative reports of industrial, hospitality, and complex residential properties throughout Connecticut, includes company profile, qualifications, and contact information. Based in Farmington, CT.
Appraisal Galvin Estate Real Andrews Types Commercial Services Property Valuation Clients Miles Llc John Each
10 John Burr Productions Offers comprehensive
Offers comprehensive audiovisual production expertise, as well as training in the art of narrative and voice-overs. The site describes their services, as well as the training process, in detail.
11 Elke Rosthal Wedding Photography Based in
Based in New York City Elke uses photojournalist techniques to create photographs that become your unique wedding narrative.
Wedding Photography York Elke New Nyc Rosthal Photographer City Connecticut Photographers Call Photos Jersey Island Raves Maine
12 John Kay and the Flying Shuttle Short biography
Short biography, photographs and narrative on his flying shuttle invention .
13 Titans Lounge Pictures San Francisco
San Francisco based film and video collaborative production company whose work includes music video, narrative, industrial, and documentary work.
14 Ted Weinstein Literary Management Literary agent
Literary agent representing authors of intelligent non-fiction, especially history, science, business, current affairs, environment and narrative non-fiction. No fees, follows AAR code of ethics.
15 Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency, Inc. An independent
An independent literary agency specializing in literary fiction and narrative nonfiction. New York, NY.

2. Shopping and Narrative Trade

1 Narrative Books Distributor of
Distributor of books about narrative therapy.
Therapy Workshops Center Books Narrative Kenwood Couple Family Individual Opportunities North Minneapolis Centre Llcndash
2 Helton, J.R. A memoir
A memoir 'Below The Line' and 'Man And Beast', a narrative of his animal welfare experiences.
Commentary Mobile Publications Jr Bio Home * Buy Zhelton *
3 For Those Who Love, Time Is Not Kay Brighams
Kay Brighams narrative compilation of the sinking of the U.S.S. Buck, based upon her fathers World War II era letters.
Error The Corppagefound Url Web Please
4 Hasson, Randall M. Narrative paintings
Narrative paintings combining fine art and calligraphy. Available as limited edition giclee prints.
Hasson Art Randall Sayings Quotes Journals Commissions Christian Workshops Testimonials Artist Design Painting Marketing Paintings Gallery Inspirational
5 Mills, R.E. Sepia Art
Sepia Art Gallery - A figurative artist, yet occasionally does narrative paintings with people of color as his main subjects.
Navigationshilfe Ty
6 Payne, Terrence His colorful
His colorful and whimsical works are all portraits using symbol and narrative to describe his subjects. This site contains all of his available works.
Terrencefine Enter Clickpayne Art
7 Vaquero Enterprises Featuring the
Featuring the western art and books of Ernie Morris, all with extensive pictorial and narrative descriptions of the California vaquero.
Vaquero Morris Ernest Ernie History Rawhide California Tradition Gear Thoughts Videos Roping Preserving Cowboy Favorite
8 Brigham, Kay For Those
For Those Who Love, Time is Not. A World War II true story of unconquerable love and faith. A narrative compilation of the authors fathers World War II letters.
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9 Room for Change: Empowering Possibilities for Therapists and Clients An unusual
An unusual book that describes psychotherapy from the perspective of the therapist and those of several clients who co-authored their case stories. Presents an eclectic approach to therapy that utilizes brief, strategic, solution oriented and narrative approaches depending on the needs of the client.
Navigationshilfet Y

3. Narrative Recreation

1 11 WWII Japanese wrecks in Coron Bay, Palawan WWII US
WWII US Naval attack narrative, ships technical specifications, US Navy Official Narrative, Dive Sites, pictures and drawings. Complete and current travel, lodging and diving information.
Coron History Wrecks Philippines World Busuanga Palawan Japanese Diving Bay Knowing Diver Dive Padi Temperature Tdi
2 Aimee and Her Cat Jessie Narrative about
Narrative about a calico who likes greyhounds.
Page Web Inna Welcome Thanks Hosting Dog Free Wwwparadoxinteractivecom Now High Shannon Life Sitehi Donna
3 What is Amnesia Brief narrative
Brief narrative with many related links describes the types.
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4 Jamie Wilson Personal narrative
Personal narrative, photographs, contact information.
Error Create Information Detailed Namechanged Setstatus Urlscanpath Einetpubclientsfocusdesigncomwwwrootjamie Logon Looking User Anonymous Summary Resource Temporarily Been
5 Story of Chivalry by B-P Narrative as
Narrative as told by Robert Baden-Powell.
Scout Scouts Chivalry Then Tells Good Oates Story Arthur Turn Boys Pole Patrol King Kim Practices Foundersthoughts
6 Story of Chivalry by B-P Narrative as
Narrative as told by Robert Baden-Powell.
Scout Scouts Chivalry Story Good Oates Tells Then King Turn Pole Turns Patrol Arthur Officer They White Errant
7 How Stuff Works Illustrated narrative
Illustrated narrative describing an assortment of testing decisions.
Pregnancy Health Testing Tests Prenatal Stuff Most Howstuffworks How Ultrasound Popular Hsw Love Pictures Video Non Invasive Adventure Also
8 How Stuff Works: How Hoverboards Will Work Illustrated narrative
Illustrated narrative basic information on hovercraft.
Airboard Stuff Most Science Work Hoverboards Popular Things Works Hsw Hovercraft Howstuffworks Culture Watched Wind Osmosis Laser Quiz Privacy Health Knows
9 Trains, Temples, and Hordes--Gozaimasu! A detailed
A detailed trip narrative from a first-time traveler to Japan.
Dosarrest Security Internet Restricted Client Ddosprotection Pleaseprotectionhost
10 The Jazz Jam Session Primer: A First-Timers Guide Narrative giving
Narrative giving descriptions of gigs and the performers from an outsiders perspective.
They Yuppie Yuppies Jazz Then It’s Let’s Session First ” Timer’s Primer He’s Pianists Quickly Bill Love” Ishould
11 John Hutter Photo Journal of Trip To Philmont Hundreds of
Hundreds of pictures of a trek plus a narrative essay about the adventure.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Advisor Hosting Local Help Gallery App Geocities Network Music Affiliate Screen
12 Notes from the Road Narrative experiences
Narrative experiences about science, art, people, places, history and the future in regions across North America.
Road Travel Notes Sketches Roam Guana Europa World Bakers Indies Neotropics Desert West Blog Travelogue Dry Essaouira Moroccosatlantic John Prairie
13 1965-68 World Finals in Tulsa Narrative history
Narrative history of this NHRA national event, held in Oklahoma. Includes photographs.
Navigationshilfe Ty
14 Joe Kopecky The 1922
The 1922 World Junior Middleweight Wrestling Champion. Brief narrative includes WWI injuries and newspaper excerpts of his fights.
Website Create Design Store Sites Features Log Advanced Customer Plans Webmail Sell Domain Ads Paid Traffic Included You Award
15 The Flying Maige Documentary of
Documentary of a Rotorway 162F experimental helicopter project. Includes narrative and video of various stages of build.
Maige Flying Rotorway Yassi Radiatorandfan Tailboom Verttrimfin Welcome Denki Motor Aviators Documentary Fuelsystem Alternatorwp
16 Highrocks Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Narrative by
Narrative by a young American, who has made a spiritual journey following the footsteps of Jesus, with the company of local friars.
Israel Aviv Amman Jordan Egypt Bethlehem Cairo Jerusalem They People Caesarea Jordanian Note Where Traveling Therefore
17 Kathy and Bills Ukrainian Vacation In-depth narrative
In-depth narrative of a 1997 trip through the Ukraine. Broken down by city, includes cultural information and pictures.
Travel Ukraine Ukrainian Vacation Ivano Country Author Frankivsk Odesa Theclarks@telusnet Charts Board Lviv Brama Mapper Shelters Posters Countries Odessa
18 HowStuffWorks: How Beer Works Illustrated narrative
Illustrated narrative describes this natural products ingredients and how brewers make it, with many related links. Also, home brewing information.
Beer Discovery Science Works Brewing Most Things Alcohol Stuff Howstuffworks Planet Health Whats Animal Popular Video Explore Hawking
19 HowStuffWorks: Espresso Machines Photographic narrative
Photographic narrative tour shows how the machines operate.
Espresso Howstuffworks Coffee Machines Work Quiz Machine Watch Most How Shows Latte Popular Pump Style Help Buying Solutions Remodel
20 Our Trip To Philmont Hundreds of
Hundreds of pictures of a trek at Philmont, plus a narrative essay about their adventure.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Marketing Small Ecommerce Hosting Help Gallery Local App Advisor Sell Developer Has Flickr Domains
21 HowStuffWorks: How Winemaking Works A photographic
A photographic narrative of the winemaking process, with a scientific slant.
Wine Winemaking Howstuffworks Works Science Making How Request Beer Learn Supernatural Beaujolais Exoplanets Incredible Infospace
22 Japan Trip Personal travel
Personal travel narrative. Includes some travel tips and photos.
Dieser Click Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Domain Interworxcomauinformationen Informationenz Interworxcomau
23 Daryl and Joels Acapulco Photo Album Narrative, and
Narrative, and vacation photos of Acapulco.
Page Daryl Joels Found Error Welcome Copyright Wordpress Powered Menu Reserved México Congratulation United Rights Y
24 Keys to the Game A fans
A fans narrative perspective of each game, includes predictions.
Mostvaluablenetworkcommost Network Leadingnet Valuable
25 Iceland - Small Place, Big Soul Narrative of
Narrative of the authors journey through Iceland in the summer of 2005.
26 True History of the Net Humorous narrative
Humorous narrative recounting important events in the history of personal computing.
Hoar Malcolm Copyright Elsoptm Trademarks Library Support Linkscan Linkscantm Page Contactplease Found Tech
27 P. Gordons Bolivia Exploration Journal of
Journal of a three week trip through Bolivia, including La Paz. Provides photos, map and daily narrative.
Apache Phpserver +squeeze Permanently Thedav Opensslo Svn
28 Turkey Conquest a travelogue
a travelogue presenting a narrative description of a week long trip to Turkey in 1998.
Create Tripod Login Lycoscom Lycos Please Tripodcom Website Hosting Requestedpage Check Shopping Signup
29 How Gliders Work 6-part illustrated
6-part illustrated narrative about gliders and soaring.
Flight Lift Air How Howstuffworks Soaring Control Science Request Work Glider Engine Without Gliders Landing Could Idoyi_wlvlyltvrb Gqzjtqyzerutk_pnzcwrirwublypq== Vehicles
30 Carina Brief narrative
Brief narrative about the Nordic Folkboat Carina, and its restoration project.
Page Finland Web Free Thanks Email Carina Nordic Hosting Send Loviisa Kerimaki Internet Provider Photo Svartback
31 Dennis Farrs Thing Narrative and
Narrative and pictures of authors Thing.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Sorry Privacy Machine Sports Popular News Finance Guidelines Movies
32 A London Theater Trip Narrative of
Narrative of a cultural visit to London in the spring of 1993, in particular to view several theatre shows.
Hotel Accommodations Destinations Travel Library Hotels Official Directory Page Want Reviews Tripadvisor Sorrybrowse
33 Harricanaw River Trip 12 day
12 day canoe trip cover 150km from Quebec to Ontario. Includes a detailed narrative and several panoramic pictures.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Guidelines User Populararchives Sorry Sites Trying Games Finance Visit
34 Original Kleptonian Neo-American Church Includes text
Includes text of 'A Narrative of the Early Years of American Psychedelianism' and offers the book for sale.
Neo Divine Toad Clippings American Bible Kleptonian Millbrook Photographs Hoo Boo Membership Sweat Server Hands Application Principles Original Color
35 Video Description by Narrative Television Network Makes movies
Makes movies and television programming accessible to blind and visually impaired people through narration.
Programming Network Stovall Television Ntn Award News Accessible Narrative Columns Movies Contact Visually Making Blind Survey Film Fax Free Fromth
36 All American Story Chronicles the
Chronicles the history of mans use of squirrels for their meat and desert survival tactics. Photos and narrative of wild and urbanized squirrels.
American Story Squirrel Immigrant Native Desert Free Hawaiian Americas Ground Web Angelfire Shortstories Tummy Style When
37 Three weeks in Greece A narrative
A narrative description of a three week mythological study tour around Greece. Places visited include Athens, Delphi and Crete.
Destinations Hotel Travel Hotels Library Accommodations Check Copyright Still Want Officialpage Contact Found
38 HowStuffWorks: How Intelligent Highways Will Work Graphic narrative
Graphic narrative shows the future freeways new, cheaper technology and explains how ubiquitous digital devices will aid in easing our traffic woes, perhaps using triangulation.
39 Bill Winterss Insulator Page This site
This site combines photos with a narrative which includes insulator interests, favorite insulators, personal background, and links.
Navigationshilfet Y
40 Insulator Magic This collectors
This collectors site combines graphics, pictures and narrative style text to present the insulator collecting hobby from a unique point of view.
Insulator Return Glass Whats Guestbook Ive Manhattan Here Porcelain Page Jewels Insulators Wire First Sponsors Mail Sign Bookstore Places
41 Travelogue: One Week in Nepal Features photographs
Features photographs and a narrative of Keith and Stephanie Jenkinss visit to Nepal, including a stay on an organic farm and sight-seeing in Kathmandu.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Copyright Sign Help Trying Archiveorgprivacy Hosting Wayback Guidelines Toolbar Machine
42 Otters Insulator Page This collectors
This collectors site combines pictures with a narrative including: What I Collect, Other Hobby Interests, Guestbook, hobby links and an email contact.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Hostingmaps Sports Mail Games Privacy Machine Trying
43 Photographs and
Photographs and narrative from Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, North America, Central America, and South America. Flash 5.0 or higher required.
Request Errory
44 A Few Days of Camping at High Point State Park Photos and
Photos and narrative of a father-son camping trip. Provides guestbook and Sawmill Lake Camping Area site map.
Page Point High State Camping Park Route Sawmill Lake Trip Year Classroom Savio Obits Nj Been Henion Same
45 F-16 Cockpit project F-16 Cockpit
F-16 Cockpit project home-made from scratch using found and recycled components. Pictures and narrative of construction.
Drill Shawnbluumax@yahoocom Kittys Cockpit Theater Bluumaxcom Shawnif Kitty Arizona Proj Cabin Mail Constructiontable
46 Tour de Cure Tour de
Tour de Cure is sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. Written in present-tense as on bike, plus other narrative and information.
Create Tripod Checklycos Tripodcom Lycoscom Login Requested Signup Please Website Page Hostingcouldnt
47 HowStuffWorks: NASCAR Race Cars Illustrated narrative
Illustrated narrative shows how race cars are made. Information on the frame, tires, bodies, and engine.
Nascar Auto Cars Racing Discovery Most Race Winston Car Tech Caterpillar Stuff Howstuffworks Planet Science Body Animal Subscribe Photo Chopper Popular
48 A Venetian Journal A narrative
A narrative and photographic journal by two Americans who visited Venice for ten days in the spring of 2002. Includes photographs of the gondoliers blocking the Grand Canal to protest unlicensed street vendors.
Click Santa Venice Canal Francisco Here Enlarge Noehill Eakin Robert Stefano Tomorrow Campo Chiesa Hendley West Hotel Leaving Adriaticohvar
49 HowStuffWorks: How Heat Stroke Works Brief narrative
Brief narrative explains the cause, effect and treatment of heat stroke.
Health Discovery Heat Most Howstuffworks Stuff Animal Body Popular Science Planet How Wellness Entertainment Auto Routine Activity Linked Destination Video Lots
50 My Trip to Japan Narrative and
Narrative and pictures from David Goldsmiths trip to Japan in January 2000.
51 HowStuffWorks: How Artificial Hearts Work Graphic narrative
Graphic narrative shows the self-contained AbioCor Implantable Replacement Heart, how its implanted, and how it compares to the failed artificial hearts in the past.
Science Discovery Heart Artificial Most Work Hearts Stuff Abiocor Health Things Popular Howstuffworks Planet Animal Hydraulic Driven Seven Hour Exoplanets Power Bonsor
52 Half Dome Photo Journal A narrative
A narrative collection of pictures of the hike from the Happy Isles trailhead, to Vernal Fall, and up to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park.
Dome Half Yosemite Emerson Photos Trail Valley Getting Return Started Xhtml Johnveycom Hike Little Actually
53 Spain and Portugal Trip Report Narrative on
Narrative on a 1993 journey in Spain and Portugal.
Hotel Hotels Spain Travelogue Report Trip Greece Library Travelogues Travel Accommodations Portugal Park Universal Bali
54 Chiropractic for Your Chiropractor Chiropractic vacation
Chiropractic vacation relief, easy new muscle stretches, fast soap notes, narrative report, speed up history taking, technique, x-ray report format and protocol.
Luis Pain Obispo Chiropractic Dieter Chiropractor Relief Muscle Poly Beach Slo Cal Sports California Chiropractors Website Laguna Cambria Atascadero
55 How Stuff Works: Hair Loss Illustrated 13-part
Illustrated 13-part narrative explains what hair loss is and describes the various hair replacement options available today.
Hair Health Discovery Replacement Most Baldness Good Alopecia Stuff Planet Popular Work How Science Animal Days Today Channel Why
56 1111 Spirit Road Offers both
Offers both half-hour and one-hour consultations by telephone and in person (British Columbia, Canada). Sessions focus on a spiritual, personal, and narrative approach. Also offers a chat room, articles, and testimonials.
Vancouver Psychotherapy Counsellor Josephs Messages Blog Joseph Book Counselling Readers Spirit Simply Psychotherapist Learn Intuition Enhanced Want Myth
57 Kongakut River Float A narrative
A narrative and photographs of a float trip down the Kongakut River within the wilderness portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) July 2002, by Art Timm.
Hosting Free Website Cart Now Php Shoppingsubmission Spacewebsitesubmission Web Business
58 The ODay Javelin Project The restoration
The restoration of a classic 1966 ODay Javelin sailboat using step-by-step pictures and descriptive narrative.
Javelin Restoration Boat Oday Project Very Take Fall Repairs River Trailer Repair Sailboat Clicking Step Larger Insignia Cannot Bottom
59 How a drip coffee maker works Photographed narrative
Photographed narrative of a drip coffee maker being disassembled, with repair tips included.
Coffee Makers Maker Discovery Work Works Garden How Howstuffworks Living Appliances Stuff Science Planet Animal Stain Inventions Genius Drip
60 Turkey & Greece Trip A narrative
A narrative and photographic journal describing a trip to Turkey and Greece in July 2000.
Doug Greece Place Neff Turkey Photos Albergs Alberg Information Experience Visitors Trish Travelogue Trip Y
61 Turkey & Greece Trip A narrative
A narrative and photographic journal describing a trip to Turkey and Greece in July 2000.
Doug Albergs Neff Alberg Photos Place Turkey Greece Family Information Douglas Experiencepatricia Friends
62 Aesthetic Realism and Stuttering Personal narrative
Personal narrative of Miriam Mondlin. In learning the cause of stuttering from Aesthetic Realism in classes with its founder, Eli Siegel, her stuttering ended. Describes philosophic cause of this impediment.
Error Internal Serverz Please
63 Family Therapy Training Program Program focuses
Program focuses on narrative approaches to thinking about and doing therapy. Customized training options include individual supervision, group case consultation, family of origin groups, and consultation. Offered by the Ann Arbor Center for the Family, Michigan.
Phd Family Center Containing Lmsw Arbor Services Therapy Page Ensor Md Remove Philosophy Manal Owned

4. Computer & Narrative Games Websites

1 Objects Have Failed By Richard
By Richard P. Gabriel, OOPSLA 2002 address, Seattle, WA. A paradigm fails when the narrative it embodies fails to speak truth, or when its proponents embrace it beyond reason.
Java Objects Smalltalk Perl Bricks Lisp Failed Object Actors Long Beyond Babbage Oriented Until Failed _opening Richard
2 How Stuff Works: How Augmented Reality Will Work Illustrated narrative
Illustrated narrative explains how this new technology will further blur the line between whats real and whats computer-generated by enhancing what we see, hear, feel and smell.
Reality Augmented Computer Stuff Work How Works Most Howstuffworks Popular Videos Hsw History Internet World Cloud Based Table Gender Kevin Youll
3 Home Inspection 2000 Providing quick
Providing quick, accurate, and comprehensive narrative reports for the professional home inspector. Find trial version, samples and frequently askes questions. [Windows]
Utah Sale Youll Homes Settle Best Need Looking Estate Price Perfect House Blog City Y
4 How Stuff Works: How File Compression Works Detailed narrative
Detailed narrative fully describes how a file is actually deflated, or compressed to get rid of redundancy - and save space.
Compression File Computer Stuff How Appears Works Times * Most Work Quiz Howstuffworks Files Internet History Popular Trains Dont Clicking
1 Masque and Stellar Crisis Includes a
Includes a creative history of his empire and narrative of a tournament Bloodbath game. Not maintained.
Masque Stellar Crisis Today History Browser Planet Click Best Sent Webtv Thiscommunique Anetscaperecieved
2 GameSpot 'Never before
'Never before have technology, playability, and narrative combined as well as in Final Fantasy VII.' Review by Greg Kavasin with screenshots and overall score [9.5].
Comicvine Gianthuman We Most Detected Abnormalbomb Traffic Gamespot Vpn
3 Previewed by:
Previewed by: Christian Nutt. '...[T]he aim of a game like Pirates of the Caribbean is to immerse the player, not through its narrative, but through its freedom.' [Xbox]
Caribbean Pirates Release Date Developer Caribbean_ Akella Softworks Gamespy Bethesda Rpgs Previews Violence Developerakella Articles Tech Christian Legend
4 1UP Preview, by
Preview, by Arul Desigan: 'Advent Risings action components dont let it down. But if its really going to shine, its promising narrative elements will have to hold up their end.'
Pc Games Rising Game Walkthrough Advent Ps + Flag Cheats Video Reply Reviews Grand Theft Deus Apache Babble Company
5 Rated 7.8/10.
Rated 7.8/10. 'Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine is slow and frustrating at times, but ultimately rewards you with brilliant level design and a finely crafted narrative.'
6 Fantasy Grounds An application
An application acting as a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games.
Grounds Fantasy Smiteworks Roleplaying Ltd Virtual Tabletop Features Gamescall Rights Privacy Cthulhu Dungeons
7 GameSpot Review (PS2) Rated 8.2/10
Rated 8.2/10 by Andrew Vestal. 'The original structure and narrative make Shadow of Destiny well worth playing, despite its minor flaws.' 75 screen shots. Reader reviews.
Giant Abnormalbomb Most Gamespot Vpncomicvine Detected Traffic Human We
8 Poremba, Cindy Weblog, articles
Weblog, articles and projects centered around multiplayer games, women and technology, emergence in communities and games and serial and reconfigurable narrative.
Morehellip Projects Design Digital Curation Teaching Games Game Documentary Kokoromi Media Sheridan Level Institute Street Videogames Version Inquiry Cporemba
9 GameSpot Greg Kasavin
Greg Kasavin gives a rating of 9.1/10. 'Its emphasis on stealth, strategy, and ingenuity, coupled with its strong narrative structure and excellent mission design, adds up to a game thats stylish, serious, rewarding, and unique.'
Xbox News Ps Pc Reviews Gamespot Wii Thief Features Sign Project New Topic Latest Discussion Aim Retro
10 GameSpot Preview. 'In
Preview. 'In the end, Shadow of Destiny seems the antithesis of a twitch game. There is, in fact, absolutely no combat in the game. If anyone out there still cares about narrative-driven, laboriously cinematic games, then Konami apparently has you covered.'
Xbox Gamespot Pc Ps News Wii Reviews Trailers Request Discussion Latest Games Bar Advertise Help Club
11 Geoza A complete
A complete roleplaying environment created using the ARIA system. Features include Narrative Environments, an intricate Reality system, and several unique expansions such as an alternate system for handling psychic abilities.
Z Geoza Y
12 GamePro Review, by
Review, by T3hPanda: 'Ultimately, Children of Mana is wonderfully rendered, but when compared to Secret of Manas engaging narrative, Children of Manas sparse and slow story falls short.' [Score: 4 out of 5]
Windows Pcworld Drives Idg Hardware Servers Ultrabooks Accessories Laptops Videos Security Edition Consumer Printers Tablets News Digital Palm Techhive
13 GamePro Review, by
Review, by T3hPanda: 'Ultimately, Children of Mana is wonderfully rendered, but when compared to Secret of Manas engaging narrative, Children of Manas sparse and slow story falls short.' [Score: 4 out of 5]
Windows Drives Hardware Idg Pcworld Mobile Business Ultrabooks Edition Subscribe Tablets Reviews News Phones Printers Gadgets Hub Policy
14 The Penny Arcade Website Pictures and
Pictures and narrative text showing historic pinball machines as well as early penny arcade machines.
Machines Pinball Arcade Page Sites Website Trade Wayne Namerow Bagatelle Penny Great Teller Rosens Early James Lots Hobby

5. Sports Websites concerning Narrative

1 1965-68 World Finals in Tulsa Narrative history
Narrative history of this NHRA national event, held in Oklahoma. Includes photographs.
Navigationshilfet Y
2 Joe Kopecky The 1922
The 1922 World Junior Middleweight Wrestling Champion. Brief narrative includes WWI injuries and newspaper excerpts of his fights.
Website Create Design Sites Log Store Features Works Ads Domain How Paid Services Webmail Seo Quickly Customer | Homestead
3 Keys to the Game A fans
A fans narrative perspective of each game, includes predictions.
4 Tour de Cure Tour de
Tour de Cure is sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. Written in present-tense as on bike, plus other narrative and information.
Tripod Create Hosting Couldnt Login Signup Shopping Found Lycos Lycoscom Websitetripodcom Requested Please
5 HowStuffWorks: NASCAR Race Cars Illustrated narrative
Illustrated narrative shows how race cars are made. Information on the frame, tires, bodies, and engine.
Nascar Car Racing Cars Howstuffworks Bill How Auto Race Davis Request Caterpillar Most Tires Work Terms Recap
6 Kongakut River Float A narrative
A narrative and photographs of a float trip down the Kongakut River within the wilderness portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) July 2002, by Art Timm.
Hosting Free Web Submission Cartwebsite Freewebsite Space Nowphp Shopping Business

6. Society, Arts and Narrative Crafts

1 Hillel Grossman Interview 'On the
'On the Meaning of Narrative': A conversation with Dr. Hillel Grossman by Anna Olswanger on the connection between Torah and Narrative
Grossman Olswanger Torah Hillel Jewish Anna Thats Dr Interview Jews University Ozick Does Follow Kleinman Eliot People
2 CNMI Guide Narrative and
Narrative and images of the invasion.
Cialis Viagra Saipan Pharmacy Buy Generic Canadian Prescription Cnmi Islands Safe African Tinian Guinea Networks Space Soft
3 Jacki Personal site
Personal site offering photographs and narrative.
Guestbook Slambook] Moreincubus Friends Music Sign Thoughts Much Life Journal Jackis Rocks Dislikesjournalmusic Support [sign Likes Sponsored
4 Walter Cleveland Harder IV Narrative of
Narrative of the campaign for Okinawa.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Privacy Help Web Terms Aabaco Customer Account
5 Walter Cleveland Harder IV Narrative of
Narrative of the campaign for Okinawa.
Yahoo Plans Email Business Local Ecommerce Marketing App Central Advisor Gallery Help Small Domains Hosting Already Sell Screen
6 Pacific Wreck Database Photo and
Photo and narrative about the invasion of Tarawa.
Tarawa Guadalcanal Atoll Mias Help Menu Tank Main Forum Hinz Earl People Hebrides Marshall British Thedefensive Betio Ontararwa Rabaul
7 Jo, Wooje Personal site
Personal site includes photo galleries and narrative.
8 Personal History and Philosophical Development Narrative of
Narrative of a practitioners spiritual journey.
Hopi Santa Barbara Rainbow Christ Banyacya Family Jesus During Angeles Guruji Peace Ceremony Tetron Kachinas Since Kachina History Rev Israeli Canyon
9 Women in Ancient Egypt A narrative
A narrative on the feminine genders legal and economic rights.
Egypt Ancient Egyptian Women Isis Kingdom Thutmose Greece Hatsepsut Anoupou Royal Egyptians Crystalinks Amenhotep Pharaoh Nefertiabet Cleopatras
10 Johnson Chesnut Whittaker Brief narrative
Brief narrative of one of the first three African-Americans to attend West Point.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Website Domains Customer Please Account Terms Help Solutions Also Policy
11 16th Connecticut Regiment, Volunteer Infantry Historical narrative
Historical narrative and roster provided.
Z Request Y
12 Old News: Roman Rebellion A narrative
A narrative account of Spartacus and his slave revolt against Rome.
Returnfrontpage Press Errornews
13 Tom Mahoods Search for A-12 #06928 A detailed
A detailed narrative on Toms hunt for an aircraft that went down more than 30 years ago.
Prepaid Serve Card Account Express App American Wallet Mobile Payment Debit Digital Credit Statement Privacy Logo
14 Bible Commentaries Book introductions
Book introductions, narrative style commentary, and personal application.
Bible Commentaries Free Commentariescom John Scriptures Jesus King Thessalonians Here Commentary Philemon Peter Word Study
15 The SR-71 Blackbird Aircraft description
Aircraft description, specifications, photos, and links. Includes a first-person narrative.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Account Domains Help Please Website Privacy Web Terms Nationalautismresourcescom Policy
16 a ground zero diary: 12 days of fire, fear and grit a narrative
a narrative of recent events.
Times Page Nytimescom Help Terms York Most Link Found Corrections Here Bound Work Advertise Report Article
17 Jensen, Chris Artist and
Artist and musician. Includes photographs, narrative and gallery information.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Copyright Policy Sorryarchiveorg Toolbar Maps News Terms Sites Hosting
18 James and Esther Personal homepage
Personal homepage with narrative and photos of families and a recent trip to Kenya.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy User Internet Visit Reach Trying Mapsnews Hosting Inc Archiveorg
19 Alt Text Personal narrative
Personal narrative on a variety of topics, current issues and events. Creative experiments and more web fun.
Edwards Linkedin Alttext Life Blog Apple Music Little Form Free Asides Story Shouldnt Politics Youtube Long Donald Number Pass Games
20 5th Maint Bn HQ and
HQ and Main Support Co, surrounding area in Phu Tai Valley Vietnam and short narrative of my stay there.
Th Maint Co Ccs Main Support Lt Guestbook Maintenance John Nd Archive Bn Brown
21 Noë Family Descendants of
Descendants of Hendrik Noe translated in narrative by Denis Noe. Focus is on the lineage from the Meetjesland in Belgium.
Permanently Theapache Server Navigationshilfe
22 attack on the uss cole (ddg-67) narrative, photos
narrative, photos, copies of news releases, and links to crew profiles and memorials.
Cole Al Yemen Navy Aden Yemeni Port Sailors Norfolk Badawi Harazi Killed Attack Oct Refueling Other Official
23 Splashdown on the Equator Narrative of
Narrative of the last flight of Handley Page Hastings TG579, which crashed in sea off RAF Gan Maldives on 01/03/1960.
Tripod Create Lycos Signup Requested Page Tripodcom Shopping Hosting Couldntlycoscom Check Please Login
24 Jermain Memorial Presbyterian Church Watervliet, New
Watervliet, New York. Map, contact details, narrative of programs and ministries.
Thats Found Errorz
25 Jennings, Joseph Lives in
Lives in Marrickville a suburb of Sydney, Australia. Includes narrative and photos of public sightings.
Create Tripod Couldnt Login Lycos Page Errorpage Requested Shopping Found Websitecheck Please Signup
26 Splashdown on the Equator Narrative of
Narrative of the last flight of Handley Page Hastings TG579, which crashed in sea off RAF Gan Maldives, march 1960.
Tripod Create Websitehosting Lycos Lycoscom Couldnt Login Requested Tripodcom Please Pagecheck Signup
27 Smithsonian Magazine - Covert Force Narrative on
Narrative on the 400+ women who served in combat during the Civil War, includes book references.
People |artshistory Science Smithsonian Travel Places
28 Lorens Doodle of the Day This art
This art students expressive drawings graphically illustrate the paradoxes of FTM identity, some with narrative text. LiveJournal and other links.
Doodle Lorens Zine Links** Nonsequitercom Bme Attention Network Day Livejournal Kurthalseycom Doodlesgsa
29 Deepsicks Creative nonfiction
Creative nonfiction, fictive fractured narrative, the up-to-date daring, and the dangerously fake. Prepare to get your head stomped.
Holle Meg Dead Art Deepsicks Found Satan Posts Camping Sad Fargo Garbage Zombies Now Internets
30 Spooky First-person narrative
First-person narrative of a pilot getting qualified, in 2002, to fly a restored AC-47 gunship. Includes a number of interior and exterior photographs of the aircraft.
31 Crime Library: All about Robert Pickton Narrative chronology
Narrative chronology of disappearances, information on suspects considered, and details of the first accusations against the man arrested in the case.
Found Found Theadditionally Errordocument Z
32 Hall Family Ancestry Descendent and
Descendent and ancestral tree plus narrative histories available by e-mail. Areas include Worplesdon, Surrey, Witney and Oxfordshire.
33 GospelSmiths Offers numerous
Offers numerous poems by Arkansas poet, Bob Smith, featuring biblical narrative poetry, tropes, shadows, types & patterns in the KJV Scripture.
34 Soul Sphincter Thoughts of
Thoughts of Jim, an Australian living in Sweden. A student and practicioner of digital culture with an interest in narrative, especially in relation to eLiterature and 3D virtual worlds.
Radio Media Minds Tools Urban Review Wfmu Digital Commons Electronic Humlab Soul Open Research Dormant Ultra Red Facebookshare Decolonisation
35 Empress of Scotland An illustrated
An illustrated history of the Canadian Pacific ship in operation 1930-1960. Provides narrative timeline, photographs, and statistics and deck plans,
Empress Scotland Interiors Pacific White History Empresses Illustrated Trans Statistics Plans Canadian Seaway Japan Pacifics Hanseatic
36 The Amazing Ancient World of Western Civilization - Act I Weaving the
Weaving the various ancient civilizations together in one narrative.
Request Rejectedy
37 Magellans Demise Historically critical
Historically critical narrative focusing on Magellans death.
Hotel Inn New York Suites Square Airport Park Times Holiday Brooklyn City Rochester Best Manhattan
38 Jesus Christ, the Son of God Narrative of
Narrative of creation and of Jesus life paraphrased from the Bible.
Jesus Christ Messiah God John Matthew Bible Lord Genesis Mark Luke Him Son Father Christian
39 Narrative of Sojourner Truth, The Free HTML
Free HTML EText. Read it online, page by page.
Sojourner Truth Narrative Books Isabellas Free Trials Death Book Last Mau Bomefree Master Religious Camp Meeting Illegal Fasting
40 Enki, A Sumerian High God A cast
A cast of one of the longest and best preserved of the extant Sumerian narrative poems.
41 The Pikes Peak Gold Rush Narrative of
Narrative of the gold seekers of the late 1850s, with photos and drawings.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Account Website Web Privacy Domains Please Terms Aabaco
42 Walter Cleveland Harder IV Narrative of
Narrative of the battle of Iwo Jima, list of commanders, and brief list of sources for further reading.
Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Website Customer Web Terms Help Domains Please Also
43 A-6 Intruder Country Photos, Intruder
Photos, Intruder history, narrative and links
44 Cosmic Buddha Group of
Group of friends and band mates consisting of both natives and foreigners. Offers narrative regarding cheap and expensive items and includes several photo galleries.
Posted Photos Food Google Email Yoshida Tumblr Stumbleupon Justin Print Reddit Pocket Pinterest Digg Linkedin Societyculture Chicken
45 Far from the Front Illustrated year-by-year
Illustrated year-by-year narrative account of the impact of the war on the Midlothian village of West Calder with index.
46 shades of oakwood a photographic
a photographic and narrative history of oakwood cemetery in syracuse, new york, including family histories and maps of the area.
Oakwood Syracuse History Pictures Cemetery Shades Acknowledgments Maps Early Webrings Present Past Families Clippings News
47 MacroHistory: Prehistory to the 21st Century A narrative
A narrative on trends, successes and failures across the ages in power conflicts, religion, philosophy, and political institutions. Also, monthly commentaries with a historical perspective.
Centuries World History Th Summaries Book Macrohistory Syria Before Maps Bce Timeline Story Century Inside Civilizations Perspectives
48 Kermit Zarley PGA golfer
PGA golfer promotes his two books, 'The Gospels Interwoven', a single narrative harmony of the Gospels, and 'Palestine is Coming: The Revival of Ancient Philistia.'
Kermit Palestine Zarley Jesus Author Tour Golfer Third Restitution Gospels Interwoven Bible Christ Coming Code Contact Life Books
49 Kinnersley Family history
Family history presented in narrative form, based on information from Census and Vital Records, as compiled by Bill Kinnersley. Includes pedigree tree.
Genealogy Bill Kinnersleys Information Poly Chart Standard Language Page Kinnersley Family List Descendants History Poems Baltimore Photos
50 Jemimah Media Producer of
Producer of the Gospel Country and Heartsongs programs, The Word For Today segments and The Passion of Easter narrative for christian radio. Programs can be heard in Australia.
Country Gods Media Jemimah Own Passion Radio Easter Heartsongs Gospel Produceschristian Broadcast Program
51 Museum of Tolerance - Visas for Life Relates the
Relates the story of Chiune Sugihara, the 'Japanese Schindler,' the Japanese Consul to Lithuania who saved more than 10,000 Jews. Photograph gallery and narrative.
Sugihara Chiune Japanese Proverb Center World Jews Angeles Yukiko Visas Japan Nazi California Pico Y
52 How Stuff Works: Submarines Six-segment narrative
Six-segment narrative describes how submarines actually work, including life support, power, navigation and rescue. Includes animation and a large list of related links.
How Work Submarine Submarines Howstuffworks Could Remarkable Request Airplanes Science Containers Air People Take Iffa== Facts Help Iduntgui
53 Morrissey Family History Heritage of
Heritage of Patrick Morrissy and wife Mary Phelan who moved to New Brunswick around 1837 from County Tipperary, Ireland. Presented in narrative format by Stephen Morrissey.
54 howstuffworks: how black boxes work illustrated narrative
illustrated narrative looks at the two types of black boxes, how they survive crashes and how they are retrieved and analyzed.
Flight Black Boxes Science Most Stuff Work Recorders Howstuffworks Hsw Things Transportation Cockpit Data Popular Brain Nature Evenwith Watched Behind
55 From Gospel to Sermon: Preaching Synoptic Texts Excerpt from
Excerpt from a new book on preaching the synoptic gospels from the perspective of narrative criticism.
Jesus Mark Peter Sermon Luke Matthew Gospel Preaching Texts Synoptic Peters Sermons Confession Biblical They Acts
56 A Hoosier in Holland Small town
Small town Hoosier now living in Holland. Includes several photo galleries and narrative about the host country and its people.
Updated Holland Rotterdam Hoosier Official France Netherlands Observations Dutch Gardens Living Flower Marathon Board Kasteel Tourism Most
57 The Thirty Years War Long- and
Long- and short-version narrative history of the Thirty Years War, links and a bibliography of English-language sources.
Years Thirty Peace Phase Westphalia Swedish Swedes French Palatinate Germany Bohemian Habsburgs League Battle Follow Franco Frederick Protestants Northernitaly
58 Bible in Modern English Charles Tempeltons
Charles Tempeltons blending of the four gospels of the New Testament into a single modern English narrative.
Jesus Templeton Charles Preface Bible English Modern Testament Contents Gospels Christianity Brads John Billy Foreword Brad
59 the crash of flight 401 a site
a site devoted to the december 29, 1972 l-1011 crash in the everglades, providing a narrative of events, passenger list, and notes on later sightings of ghosts of the pilots on other eastern airlines aircraft.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Account Website Terms Aabaco Domains Help Web
60 The T.S.S. Nea Hellas A narrative
A narrative and photo history of a passenger ship that had three incarnations.The first as the T.S.S. Tuscania (1922-1939), the second as the T.S.S. Nea Hellas (1939-1955), and the third as the T.S.S. New York (1955-1961)
Z Request Y
61 The Petersburg Volunteers 1812-1813 Narrative history
Narrative history of the Petersburg, Virginia Volunteers in the War of 1812. Annotated with sources and other links.
62 USMC Peleliu Combat Tribute to
Tribute to Patrick L. Finelli, a USMC WWII veteran who served at Peleliu, Yap and Ulithi with an underwater demolition team. Includes first-person narrative of wartime experiences and links to general information about Peleliu.
Wwii Usmc Wartime Peleliu Rss Log Combat Activities Visitorsunderwaterdiaries Apache Port
63 37th Alabama Infantry A narrative
A narrative history and chronology of the Alabama 37th Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, CSA.
Found Errordocumentadditionally Found The Z
64 How Nicholas Archbishop of Myra Became 'San Nicola di Bari' in 1087 Historical narrative
Historical narrative tracing the history of Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, to his final resting place in Bari, Italy.
Z Request Y
65 How Stuff Works: How the FBIs Carnivore Works In-depth narrative
In-depth narrative explains what exactly the FBIs Carnivore is, where it came from, how it works, and what its purpose is, with many related links.
Computer Carnivore Howstuffworks Works How Popular Worked Work Internet Most Shows Quiz Security Tech Advertising Jobs Mac Operation
66 The Visionary Poetry and Illuminated Manuscripts Of Stephen Berer. A site
A site devoted to narrative poetry in the jewish prophetic tradition, book arts and illuminated manuscripts, jewish renewal, and the ethical transformation of all people.
67 Frank and Joans news from Northern Cyprus Emigrated from
Emigrated from England to Northern Cyprus in 2002. Offers a journal on finding a retirement country, locating a builder, building a property, includes monthly photo galleries, narrative and monthly news reports.
Trnc Frank Th Cyprus Categories Posted News Hertz October Kantan George Joan Leave Introduction Heathrow Nowjoan
68 A Moment in Black History: John Marrant 02/14/03 John Marrant
John Marrant (1755-1791) is sometimes called the first black preacher in America. He was also the pioneer author of 'A Narrative of the Lords Wonderful Dealings With John Marrant, a Black.' Read a sketch of his life here.
Accessdenied Requested Could Generated Errorthe Fri Errorretrieved
69 The Battle of Saipan and Other WWII Articles Narrative of
Narrative of the battle of Saipan from the point of view of a Seabee who was there. Articles by others who served during WWII. Includes pictures of Saipan from 1944 and 1996 and references for those searching for records of relatives who served in WWII.
Saipan Moore Battle David Care Experiences Seabees Wwii Fighter Photos Acrobat Wwwbattleofsaipancom Navy Resources Pilot Cancer Case
1 Short Cuts, Narrative Film and Hypertext An academic
An academic paper, focusing on the application of narrative hypertextual theory to the film.
Cuts_ Cuts Short Hypertext Narrative Hollywood Altman Film Kolker Chad David Casey University Bordwell Press
2 ancient narrative interdisciplinary peer-reviewed
interdisciplinary peer-reviewed electronic journal publishing articles on greek, roman, and jewish novels and narrative from the ancient and byzantine periods. free abstracts available, articles in pdf for subscribers. also produces the petronian society newsletter.
Ancient Author Contact Novel Narrative Abstract Article Greek Review Literature History Reviewed Modern Letteratura Volume Ideal Martina Christian Punizione
3 Narrative Innovations in Film Noir A look
A look at one of the most important, and often overlooked, aspects of film noir: the form of the narrative.
Found Indexhtmtroubleshootingcheck Page Temporarily Suggestions
4 Using Picture Books to Teach Narrative Writing Traits Bibliography contains
Bibliography contains annotations for narrative writing traits, character traits, and curriculum connections.
5 skylondaworks consulting and desktop publishing of narrative poetry desktop publishing
desktop publishing of narrative poetry, including the authors onegin-like nineteenth-century friend in tetrameter sonnets.
Skylondaworks Consulting Processing Signal Electronic Poetry Narrative Design Shadowed Sculpture Th Century Scrapbook Gallery Radar Publishing Stoneware Carley
6 Positive personal
Positive personal narrative [9/10].
Recap News Celebrity Contest Watch Episode Recaps Movies Weekly Mindy Amazon Dumb Feuds Review Things Menace Blu Ray Privacy Gonzo’
7 A Vin Diesel Narrative Biography, photographs
Biography, photographs, facts.
Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Help Domains Terms Please Web Customer Website Policy Sell Central
8 u. s. lighthouses photos and
photos and narrative descriptions on many lights across the u.s.
Lighthouse Website Listing Lighthousescom Alphabetical Gps Directory Lighthouses History Buy Photos Using Webmasters Tower Latest Content
9 Hal Prince Biography Biographical narrative
Biographical narrative as prepared by The Really Useful Group.
Music News Perform Gallery Show People Reviews Really Useful Tickets Love Film Group Shows Awards
10 barr, joel does surreal
does surreal, and narrative art in oil, and mixed-media.
Joel Art Artist Paintings Barr Surreal Oil Spiritual Discovery Atlanta Abstract Colorist Cityscapes Red Texture Reserved Powered
11 jansheski, jay drawings, paintings
drawings, paintings, mixed media & narrative
12 Is It A Book: Cinema A discussion
A discussion of nonlinear narrative in film.
Cinema Book Literature | Bibliography Any Arts Conversations Tiny Intern Foyer Even Own Icommented Saq
13 gale, tom sci-fi and
sci-fi and fantasy artist portfolio and narrative multimedia projects.
Games Delnoro Galegames Friends Gallery Dice Tomgalecom Comics Original Illustration Personal Project Sites Artwork Comix Fiction Tomgale@yahoocom Scifi
14 collins, pat l. narrative and
narrative and figurative works in pastel and oil by this massachusetts artist.
15 God of Filmmaking: John McTiernan Fan site
Fan site offers narrative filmography.
Mango African Colon Cleanse Weight Loss Diet Green Bean Coffee Burners Asked Training Market Frequently Meltdown Most
16 Feels Like Rain Narrative drama
Narrative drama about deception, murder, and revenge.
Diana Narrative Quicktime Clips Stills Beattyfeels Beatty Rainsplash Family New Media Plot Photographs Dramatic Production Gallery
17 The Daily .WAV Sound clips
Sound clips of Boris Karloffs original narrative.
18 lord of the pit offers several
offers several metal and hardcore concerts reviews with narrative.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright User Toolbar Archiveorg Mail Machine Archives Internet Sites Y
19 God of Filmmaking: John McTiernan Fan site
Fan site offers narrative filmography.
20 2NU Biography and
Biography and audio samples for the surreal spoken-word narrative group.
Z Nu Y
21 the narrative thread: jill bialosky photos and
photos and interview with the poet and editor.
Blog Interviews Reviews Author Editors Theory Identity Film Book Essays Poetry Staff Justice Social Music Join Other Dufresne
22 Oni-chans Excellent Adventure at AX 97 Detailed narrative
Detailed narrative with some photos from the 1997 convention.
Anime Oni Day Expo Rossman Uganime Chan Therossmanexaminer Electronicmail Chans Thetopanimeskanksofalltime Hilton Ratings Japanese Uga Idol Animation Check Shinjisevafaqsandstuff
23 Flight404 Robert Hodgins
Robert Hodgins narrative and visual experiments in flash and proce55ing.
24 bascom, april narrative trompe
narrative trompe loeil sculpture in the ceramic medium.
25 adams, susan j paintings, prints
paintings, prints, video stills, and sculpture of a narrative bent.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Hosting Email Terms Web Domains Account Website Please Privacy Registration Existing Policy
26 hanson, marcus gallery of
gallery of abstract expressionist art. includes narrative, and poetry by artist.
27 comnick, julie narrative realistic
narrative realistic compositions of figures and objects with surealistic themes.
Comnick Julie American Artists Figurative Project Artist Narrative Websites Paintings Based Silent Arizona Miller Y
28 kypreos, christopher george - a contemporary oddysey a series
a series of lyric and narrative poems.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce Gallery Small Help Hosting App Marketing Compare Developer Please Shopping Already
29 Bus 44 Summary of
Summary of this narrative about a hijacking of a passenger bus, festival information, cast and crew, and photographs.
Colordance Pictures Requestenglish Video Nginx Crew Faq Newscorp 简体中文 Gallery
30 ward, damian color and
color and black and white line art illustration. editorial and narrative work.
Ward Damian Illustration Books Wonderflea Illustrator Captain Scratchboard Childrens Cur Illustrations New Featuringdigital
31 ficlets tiny fictional
tiny fictional snippets that tell a short story. each author adds to the larger narrative.
Ficly Jae Stories Story Thx Fiction Community Writing Hsar Inky Ii Blue Write Jonb Conflict Unwelcome Repost Random Light
32 baron, andrew l. narrative abstractions
narrative abstractions from this new york city painter. includes exhibitions listing.
Paintings Contact Andrew Leobaron Quotpersonaquotquotbiographyquot Biography Quotdetonatorquot Detonatorpersona Leo Baron
33 ballard fetherston gallery located on
located on capitol hill, they feature narrative/figurative and abstract art.
34 coady, norman - millionstories poems for
poems for gangsters, seeking to explore the new narrative possibilities of the internet.
Fall Decline Novel Coadys Yall Norman Z
35 volumeone a project
a project dedicated to the exploration of new narrative possibilities using graphic design methodologies as its foundation.
36 Sprout London ensemble
London ensemble that offers short-form and narrative shows, as well as improv workshops.
Hostname Unknowny
37 Not Still Art Festival Features abstract
Features abstract and non-narrative electronic motion imaging in relationship to music and sound.
Festival Still Art Video Imaging Sound Music Goss Non Motion Animation Electronic Calarts Carol Narrative Pm York
38 vrus, iris fabrics are
fabrics are put on a surface and presented much like a classic painting. includes gallery and exhibition narrative.
Navigationshilfe Ty
39 medora, eddy - sunrays tells the
tells the story of the band and its early days. includes photographs and narrative.
Create Tripod Loginshopping Page Couldnt Website Lycos Requested Please Signup Tripodcomlycoscom Check
40 mome raths a collection
a collection of personal writing. essays, lyrics, poems, narrative, fanfiction, and articles.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Copyright Help Maps Sites Terms Popular Finance Inc Sports User Longeravailable
41 brown, aaron m. art work
art work of interiors and exteriors, often containing figures, animals and objects, narrative and psychological qualities.
Navigationshilfet Y
42 bushe, robbie ironic figurative
ironic figurative narrative drawings and paintings, from the award winning scottish artist.
43 Andy Feehan: Tattooed Pigs and Hairless Dogs Narrative illustrated
Narrative illustrated chronology of art projects done between 1976 and 1984.
Artist Feehan Texas Email France Andy Heart Mussy Art_ Experienceere Erebio Sur Does Same Areessential
44 olaudah equiano, or, gustavus vassa, the african profile of
profile of the author and his interesting narrative, an autobiography opposing slavery.
Equiano Olaudah African Slave Interesting Brycchan Carey Guernsey British Questions Narrative Biography Frequently Download Vassa Anarticle Ship Extracts Asked American
45 tice, michael colorful narrative
colorful narrative paintings and drawings, that are concerned with themes of childhood, relationships, memory, and dreams.
Watercolor Painting Acrylic Tice Untitled Michael Gallery Art Artist Nude Email Paper Paintings Monotype Resume Mdtice@mindspringcom Featuring
46 wildthings woodcarving photographs and
photographs and narrative description of woodcarvings by john harris. carvings include birds and santas.
Wildwoodcarving Things Pageindexhtm Placeholder
47 ansell, jill colorful allegorical
colorful allegorical and narrative paintings from the realm of myth and archetype. images, statement, and curriculum vitae.
48 peterka, brian figurative and
figurative and narrative drawings by the oregon-based artist of briantown. includes resume for this graphic designer.
Request Rejectedy
49 perkins, roger the english
the english artists studio practice involves the use of transient materials to relate to the subject narrative of home.
Roger Perkins Artist Sculptor Installation Rodrigues Past Tila Art Hemingway Work Residence Trail Sculpture Public Statistics Drawing
50 new york review of books: the great narayan a narrative
a narrative of r. k. narayans life and works by pankaj mishra. (february 22, 2001)
Subscription Print Sign Books Items Nyr Renew Customer Alert Digital Cart Edition Editions Request
51 narrative nonfiction: the art of being there edward humes
edward humes provides an introduction to the genre, recommended reading, transcript of a lecture on immersion journalism, and links.
Humes Edward Books Jackson Garbology Loading Kendall Greatest University Bill Subscribe Freshman Oct Sorry Everyman Conference John Sanchez Constanzo
52 cummings, michael a. profiles artist
profiles artist and quilters. showcases narrative quilts that are dramatic representations of history and culture. new york.
Series Jazz Current Michael Cummings African Books Haitian Butterfly Commissions Quilter Posters Egungun Reviews Events Sizex
53 concepcion, jessica cuban american
cuban american artist, located in fort lauderdale, florida, narrative quality, figures and other images.
Contact Gallery Portfolio Store Nerd Jessica Bird Lauderdale Believer | Fine Concepcion Artistfort
54 Chimera Shrine Zelgadis fan
Zelgadis fan site with fan art, fan fiction, images, and bulletin board, presented in the form of an elaborate second person narrative.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Help Sign Inc Hosting Reach News Privacy Trying Popular Longeravailable Terms
55 walker, william russell american, florida
american, florida artist using classical, realist and romantic styles to create narrative paintings in oil.
Art Contemporary Realist Painter Painters Artist Christian Painting William Paintings Galleries Narrative Walker Masters Biblical Russell
56 Comic Thread, The A comedy
A comedy troupe that blends original written sketches to create narrative stories. Located in Chicago.
57 Primiano, Dwight Handcrafted portfolios
Handcrafted portfolios presented in an autobiographical narrative sequence. Commercial fine art and architectural photography and documentation.
Photography Art Primiano Dwight Documentation White Portfolios Format Architectural Fine Commercial Black Square Photographer Print Island Document
58 engel, norman contemporary figurative
contemporary figurative paintings on canvas. subjects include nudes, portraits and narrative. includes short biography.
59 English Translation and Kanji Guide for Princess Mononoke Narrative version
Narrative version of the story with scenes from the film, and glossary of Japanese terms.
Mononoke English Hime Translation Princess Graphics Japanese Computer Comic Shishi Kbmd Nigel Software Guide Kanji Script Lyrics
60 Robert Fulfords Column About Shohei Imamura Overview of
Overview of Imamuras films and narrative aesthetics. Originally appeared in The Globe and Mail.
Imamura Japan Japanese Robert Fulfords Shohei Tokyo Return Imamuras Ontario Column American Theres Even Desire Palme
61 demoss, max working with
working with the fragmented form, this california sculptors subject matter ranges from the figure to biblical allegory, from abstract to narrative.
Shop Demoss Promo New Photo Exclusive Bronze Portfolio Sculpture Max Contact Allrightscontent Shopping
62 poiraton-bonnerue, bernadette this french
this french artist shows narrative and symbolic works. includes exhibitions listing. background sound.
Navigationshilfe Ty
63 The Rolling Stones Review Fan tribute
Fan tribute site to the group. Offers reviews of their albums with narrative and a 1 to 5 rating system, logo graphics and guestbook.
Stones Rolling Sites Review Mail Check Approved Rock Interspace Great Webring Reviews Click Tripod Still Link
64 maedgen, kevin artist uses
artist uses vintage costumes, stage sets, and theatrical lighting to create narrative, figurative paintings in venice, california.
65 Manfrin, Gwen Narrative and
Narrative and figurative drawings that reflect the angst often felt by teenaged girls. The site includes an artists statement and a biography.
Narrative Drawings Works Gwen Manfrin Statement Portraiture Cvbio Artwork Paper Graphite Contact Realism Join Figurative Detailed Powered Pillows
66 yerman, marcia g. overview of
overview of work by this new york city artist and curator. she describes her art as 'narrative, psychological, and political.' includes exhibitions listing.
Yerman Marcia Artist Art Curator Writer Absolut Page Emotional Painting Psychological Menet Women Narrative Contact
67 linn, steve features a
features a gallery of contemporary, narrative, figurative sculptures, combining glass, bronze, and wood, in residential and public spaces.
Sculpture Steve Linn Art Glass Wood Narrative Contemporary Bronze Large Sandblasted Combination Sculptor Showing Y
68 cammer, michael different approaches
different approaches to art including painting, performance, criticism, and didactic narrative are shown here by a new york artist. includes resume and some adult material.
69 four hundred words small journal
small journal of micro-narrative fiction. submission guidelines, excerpts from current issue, and a list of shops that carry the publication.
Dnmarkcom Privacy Menu Sell Policy Wordscom Wwwwordscom Copyright Domainlatestinformation Home
70 The Onion A V Club: Brian Eno - The Drop Review by
Review by Joe Garden. '...its a lyric-free narrative, allowing listeners to create their own specifics to the waxing and waning of the music.'
Club Av Sorryz Dead Please Page Air
71 narrative of the life of frederick douglass and my bondage my freedom two complete
two complete online html texts, extensively annotated, with references cross-linked to the encyclopedia of the self.
Frederick Douglass Books Emotional Literacy Biography Authors Forum Pictures Life Classical Education Directory Self Knowledge Freedom
72 katz, babette this printmaker
this printmaker and book artist discusses the power of the black-and-white linocut print as a narrative tool in this photo interview at biddingtons.
Painter Katz Babette Artist Printmaker Biddingtons City York Contemporary Abstract Sculpture Linocut Narrative Scarf Sculptor Rein Models Monumental
73 Dog Tattoo Narrative and
Narrative and photographic account of a first tattoo and the process involved to get it. Artist Don Nolan.
74 the legend of the gnome narrative story
narrative story about a lawn gnome that was brought across the u.s. and returned to its owners.
Sign People Policy Updated Places Everything Lifestream Now Date Account Or Inc Login Networks Read Connecting Insign
75 the world of micah ian wright: doc savage personal narrative
personal narrative, doc savage code, steve holland.
76 volenski, alexander author and
author and poet, writing fiction, non-fiction, books and narrative tapes.
Expressions Solon Concepts Empathic Earth Loveverse Elizabeth Empathicexpressions Peru Narrative Alexander Wilderness Original Love Hi Tech Caves Indepth Northwest
77 my world of narrative poetry a collection
a collection of poems in response to world events, occurrences and happenings.
Please Then Pages Poetry World Poetic Feel Good Inspirational Welcome Sequence Sign Stories Might Last Hope Waysin
78 Batman On Film: Batman Begins Set Report Provides 5
Provides 5 part narrative description of the webmasters visit to the set.
Batman Bofs Disqus Christian Begins Report Halloween Bale Part Follow Nathan Privacy Gary Powered Policy Balebatmanbruce Characters Visit
79 Scamp Tattoo Image gallery
Image gallery and narrative of Susans tattoo travels. Artist: Trevor Marshall.
Trevor Ive Then Marshall Jims Tattoo Introduction They Iliked Dragons Iddrawn Geoffrey Trevorfretted Tattoosseabrook Florida
80 Macedons Taberna: The Craft of Writing Commentary on
Commentary on various technical aspects of writing: the nuts and bolts of narrative.
Z Request Y
81 cole reviews eclectic reviews
eclectic reviews ranging from yes to pet shop boys with narrative and a star rating system.
Tripod Create Shoppingcheck Website Tripodcom Couldnt Hosting Signup Loginplease Requested Lycos
82 strini, robert established artist
established artist working in virginia makes abstract and narrative works assembled from a diversity of materials. some pieces are then cast in bronze or ceramics.
Bronze Mixed Materials Wood Sculpture Ceramic Installation Strini Sculptor Robert Commissions Art Work Charlottesville Newsblog Biography Smithsonian Museum Endowment
83 ligare, david american artist
american artist who paints in a neo-classical mode using narrative and mythology in a historically informed body of work. images, essay, biography, and bibliography.
Ligare David Neo Modern Post American Artist Art Fine Classic Museum Painting Realism Exhibitions Narrative Contemporary Design Myths Uffizi
84 creamer, anne-marie british artist
british artist and curator presents an online portfolio and resume. conceptual installation and narrative pieces. images, scripts, videos.
Navigationshilfe Ty
85 belenikin, valeriy contemporary narrative
contemporary narrative russian painter who draws upon the classics as well as fairy tales to present his art. site includes exhibition information and artist’s biography
86 crane, gregory landscapes, images
landscapes, images of nature, invented landscapes, dreamscapes, narrative paintings by new york artist.
Yahoo Help Please Alsoprivacy Page Policy Central Incyahoos Onlineservices Ifyoure Terms
87 Film Comment Magazine Readers of
Readers of the magazine will find articles on films old and new, foreign and domestic, narrative and documentary.
Film Blog Lincoln Become Society Center Nyff Youtube Ndnf Free Directions Internships Elinor Jobs Rights Wave Patron
88 big band midi files offers big
offers big band midis by henry polk. includes song page, and narrative.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Aabaco Help Terms Please Web Domains Privacy Policy Articles
89 ballard/fetherston gallery seattle, wa.
seattle, wa. gallery featuring abstract figurative and narrative work by american artists.
Namecheap Ballardfetherstongallerycom Namecheapcom Please Registered Ballardfetherstongallerycom Parkingcrew Reserved Copyright Neitherprivacy Rights Policy Sponsored
90 cd reviews online offers narrative
offers narrative and a star rating system for rock, jazz, pop, country, and folk reviews.
91 How Stuff Works: Emmy Awards Informative narrative
Informative narrative about what the Emmy award means, how the winners are chosen and where the name comes from, with related links.
Emmy Awards Work Emmys Howstuffworks Shows Tv Most Quiz Popular Entertainment How Television Nelson Pamela Infospace Binge Watched Information Award Articles Writing
92 dennis, chris editorial and
editorial and narrative illustration by artist based in the uk. also includes fifteen paintings based on a novel by nick cave.
Navigationshilfe Ty
93 Adhesive Theater Project Not-for-profit off-Broadway
Not-for-profit off-Broadway theatrical company dedicated to the marriage of visual arts, dance, image, and avant-garde style with the traditional narrative.
Theater Adhesive Project Page Company Arts Profit Theatre Entry Performing Theatrical Erin Contact Style Road
94 baer, julie selection of
selection of work incorporating painting, the mixed media, collage, found imagery, and natural objects. includes narrative biography and exhibition list.
95 essays, plays, poems, and translations contains 'literature
contains 'literature and revolution' by fernando alegria. an essay about the authenticity of experimentation, innovation and the revolutionary dynamism of existing hispano american narrative.
Request Rejectedy
96 A Tribute to Eric Clapton A narrative
A narrative about the artist from the early days to the present. Includes a variety of photos from different career stages, audio and video cuts and personal biography.
97 a brief history of new dungeness lighthouse vintage and
vintage and contemporary photos plus narrative description on light situated on a spit in the strait of juan de fuca-puget sound in washington state.
Dungeness Lighthouse Cape Guard Coast Chapter Fresnel Community Website Indians History Brief Captain Protect Theson Ham_ Experiences
98 aor web site provides reviews
provides reviews and narrative for a variety of current rock albums. includes individual interviews, guestbook and past index of reviews.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Newswayback Guidelines Internet Toolbar Movies Hosting User
99 AllWatchers: Vera Cruz Review of
Review of the film using a detailed checklist to describe and assess it. Also a capsule narrative review by Daniel Staebler.
Yes Detailed Army Mercenaries Treasure Vera Error Summary Review Searching Here Contact Requestcruz
100 Denver Darkroom Basic darkroom
Basic darkroom classes, extensive workshops from landscape to figure and narrative. Instructors are widely exhibited fine artists.
Denver School Darkroom Photography Standish Standishs Thedenver Workshops Classes Lawder Denvers Independantcontact Leading
101 Clarity, Sean Comic book
Comic book and graphic illustrations by Joe Kubert school student. Includes sketches, pencils, inks and color work. Also features sequential narrative pages.
Palms Gbdc Theme Nne Nove Gallery Ditch Fnaok Trust Blog Illustration Costumes Campaign Fridays Inspired Music Ladies
102 horkay, istvan collaborative digital
collaborative digital collage and flash animation project devoted to a historical wartime topic. the confluence of narrative and picture-creating is the focus of this site, 'bolzanogold.'
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103 Video Library Preview: V for Vendetta Video clip
Video clip features commentary by Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman. Narrative by Ukee Washington.
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104 martin delabano, art and artist artist born
artist born in dallas known for lively paintings and sculptures which are figuratively narrative, and humorously serious. includes gallery, and show information.
Delabano Martin Fine Artist Projects Gallery Hopper Rogers Blog Kirk Rodney Arts Hand Art Sept
105 shankland, stephen contemporary portraits
contemporary portraits and figurative works of 'thoughtful figures usually wrapped up in a sense of narrative', as in coastal scenery, by scottish artist, 2004 bp portrait award winner, available for commissions.
Portrait Paintings Gallery Aberdeen Winner Peter Artist Art Stephen Portraits Figurative Actor Bp Award Shankland Painter Painters Narrative
106 Eric Clapton Features music
Features music reviews for the artist. Offers album set list, musicians playing on each song, narrative about the recording and album cover artwork.
Clapton Eric Little Disc Blues Medley Band Theres Allman Love Brothers Dont Johnson Derek Sock Web Sites Page Mccartney Folks Diamonds
107 how skyscrapers work this illustrated
this illustrated narrative by tom harris from howstuffworks explains that the main technological advancement that made skyscrapers possible was the development of mass iron and steel production.
How Skyscrapers Steel Engineering Howstuffworks Iron Ground Work Design Request Women Science Build Things Tall Earthquakes Getty
108 Gritzmacher, Doug [Uncompahgre Films] Washington, DC
Washington, DC cinematographer for documentary and narrative films and television. Biography, demo reel, credits, multimedia, and contact details.
109 Antelope Valley Independent Film Festival Regional festival
Regional festival showcasing narrative and documentary cinema in all lengths and formats. Based in Lancaster, California and held each May.
未分類 Posted Comments 年月 きらめきスタイル 実印は唯一のものである Wordpress 世界のはんこ 結婚は急ぐべし エステ脱毛におけるメリット Rss ログイン Sandbox Penfold 葬儀にかかる費用はどれぐらい?
110 Southern Cross Seaplanes Features a
Features a narrative history of the artists love of flying seaplanes. Offers aircraft registration and photos for several planes owned by the artist.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Help Policy Games Inc Wayback Visit Maps Popular Finance News Sites
111 anirman, david grecian rhetoric
grecian rhetoric in rhyme. book excerpts include a recently published 400 page narrative poem on the current world situation. site shared with graphic artist ruby lee.
David Writer Poet Anirmanz
112 Britannia: British History Timelines, narrative
Timelines, narrative histories, original source documents and important texts, biographies, maps, glossaries, reading lists, informative articles by guest writers, and interviews.
Britain British History Wales Tour Monarchs Tours Arthur England Anglo Saxon King Uk Medieval Geoffrey Country Early Castle Farm
113 stuhmer, marcelino this artists
this artists works feature narrative and interpretive subject matter in media including video, photography, painting, and printed matter. exhibitions listing.
Film Painting Stuhmer Contemporary Marcelino Based Video Installation Paintings Cinema Performance Projects Mirror Art Chicago
114 Broadways Woman in White to Shutter February 19 Articles addresses
Articles addresses weak areas of the play such as the curved white wall backdrop, tempo and over-heated narrative.
Broadway Tony Tweet Backstage News Videos James Photos Tickets Buzz Cast Wicked Kid Episode London Off Miserables Earl Baby Co Stars Ramin Ends
115 cosmicbens record reviews offers a
offers a variety of music reviews with emphasis on classic rock. includes bens online journal and a star rating system with narrative.
Sign People Places Policy Now Lifestream Everything Updated Go Theres Terms Reserved Social Privacy Learnmore Trademarks
116 Britannia: British History Features timelines
Features timelines, narrative histories, original source documents and important texts, biographies, maps, glossaries, reading lists, informative articles by guest writers, and interviews.
Britain British History Wales Tour Monarchs Tours England Arthur Anglo Uk Medieval King Saxon Country Burial Timelines Information
117 Martin, Juliet: Instant Future Suggests the
Suggests the future is a predetermined narrative. The subject of the site is a woman who has a history of sexual and emotional abuse, forcing us to question the nature of our own life narratives.
Contact Pleasecheck Julietpoweredmenu Martin Squarespace
118 7ARTS 7 ARTS
7 ARTS is a multi-disciplinary artist collective exploring an expansive collaborative process. Our original works push traditional boundaries of narrative and genre with a fresh approach to performance, filmmaking and exhibition. (Brooklyn, NY)
Z Arts Y
119 Britannia: British History - England, Britain, UK Timelines, narrative
Timelines, narrative histories, original source documents and important texts, biographies, maps, glossaries, reading lists, informative articles by guest writers, and interviews.
Britain History British Wales Tour Arthur England Monarchs Tours Medieval Anglo King Uk Saxon Geoffrey London Fawkes Sections
120 Michelangelo Buonarroti, Renaissance Artist Narrative on
Narrative on the life of Michelangelo and his Renaissance art, with details on his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Michelangelo Noah Adam Sibyl Creation Prophet Jonah Purchase Sistine Chapel Michelangelos Renaissance Genesis Story Cities Buonarroti Privacy David Neri Moon
121 smash! offers rock
offers rock album and concert reviews. provides a list of reviews with narrative and album cover, includes a new guestbook.
Smash Questions Christina Guestbook Reads Rama Vault Piss Answers Vintage Reviews Concert Updated Smash Well Crampsholy
122 don ignacios music reviews lengthy reviews
lengthy reviews of favorite or not-so-favorite albums. includes narrative, album ratings 1 to 10.
Reviews Music Duran Stuff Band Sparks Michael Fire David Ignacios Styx Nomi Velvet Klaus Mini
123 a chronology of the life and opinions of tristram shandy, gentleman chronology of
chronology of tristram shandys narrative, with publication dates.
Privacysponsored Policy Persiancaesarcomlistings
124 free online library: hesiod, homer and homerica unattributed hypertext
unattributed hypertext of narrative translations of the iliad and odyssey, as well as homerica and works by hesiod.
News World Business Free Entertainment Science Health Edit Background Library Npr Google Communications Newsgoogle Cnn Tribune Bookmarks
125 nicholls, graham installation art
installation art and video by london based artist and film maker. narrative works by artist who believes all art is a kind of visual autobiography. site includes flash, videos and still images.
126 wishful thinking a collaborative
a collaborative collection of poetry, prose, narrative and wishful thinking. accepts submissions.
Yahoo Email Plans Business Local Ecommerce Help Central Marketing Gallery Advisor Small Domains App Hosting Website Shut Style Games Compare
127 doc savage: the man of bronze - the movie narrative with
narrative with photographs. doc savage movie (1975) produced by george pal starring ron ely
128 the thomas cook travel book award awarded annually
awarded annually for the best narrative travel book. includes history, entry details, judges, nominees, and previous winners.
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129 Dedicated to
Dedicated to the 'music videos' seen in some movies that convey important narrative that would take too long to convey normally. Provides stills from the montages and information about the background music, as well as discussion forums.
130 Ozark Phlocking Parrot heads
Parrot heads phlock to Lake of the Ozarks the weekend after Labor Day. The highlight of the annual party is a Saturday performance of singer/guitarist Mark Northey. Offers a photo gallery, narrative and upcoming event schedule.
Saturday City Ozark Northey Mo Parrot Lake Galley Buffett Kansas Head Mark Gary Captains Phlocking Jimmy Annual
131 the humdrum of nothingness the humdrum
the humdrum of nothingness is a short (96pp.)work of related prose pieces and narrative verse, with seperate storylines but a common theme, flowed individually along each page to the end.
132 steve and abes record reviews offers reviews
offers reviews focusing on classic rock and pop by steve knowlton and his infant son, abe. includes narrative and a zero to ten rating system with reader comments and photos.
Paul Steve John Here Music Dennis Band Ill Reviews Abes James George Beatles Young Resume Lynyrd Dimension Knowlton Knowl Tones Bachman Turner Ladies Eric Etheridge
133 Album Reviews: Eric Clapton Features ten
Features ten album reviews with grading and narrative.
Scott Music Lists Reviews Cooper Floman Nash Albums Crosby Varioussoundtracks Additions Alternative Pumpkins Articles Stills
134 Review from Apollo Movie Guide Dan Jardines
Dan Jardines review of the movie examines the films imagery and narrative, and the site allows readers to submit their vote on the movie.
Server Error Internal Resource Ithere Displayeditcannotproblem Looking
135 ians music reviews varied music
varied music reviews archive, with narrative.
Navigationshilfe Ty
136 capnmarvels rock record review bonanza personal record
personal record reviews for a variety of artists and genre of music. includes narrative and an a to f rating system, reader comment guidelines and a rock history listening vocabulary.
137 lauri, daniel presents oil
presents oil paintings by a self-taught french painter specializing in the female nude. he also paints copies of the old masters, still lifes, narrative paintings based on the nude, and other works derived from the neoclassical tradition. has images and biography.
Hyper Realism Peintre Peinture Artiste Nude Figuratif Lauri Painter Realiste Arts Women Oil Peintures Nu Fusains
138 noel leicht contemporary designs
contemporary designs including narrative commissions, rings, brooches, cufflinks, bracelets, pendants, gorgets (neckpieces), replicas of childrens drawings, small sculpture, personal art jewelry, new work hot from the torch, wedding party & gentlemens gifts in silver, gold and mixed metals.
Noël Noel Leicht Page Kids Brooches Pins Reserved Ginkgos Rights Doodle Cuffs Exhibitiongorgets
139 Columns: Sequential Culture #34: Batman Begins and the Comics Six-part study
Six-part study of how the film 'Batman Begins' borrows and departs from its comic book source material. Registration required to rate and comment on narrative pieces. Book available.
140 art of bleeding live ambulance shows an avant-garde
an avant-garde education in medical emergencies and safety. presentations staged from an ambulance combine films, music, narrative, live performance, puppets, and managed accidents. hosted by abram the safety ape.
Server Apache Port Permanently Thez
141 HowStuffWorks: How Movie Sound Works Illustrated narrative
Illustrated narrative explains analog and digital sound systems, Digital Theater Systems (DTS), Dolby Digital and Sony Dynamic Digital Sound (SDDS).
Sound Movie Works Howstuffworks Digital How Systems Quiz Most Surround Theater Popular Entertainment Jeff Analog Action Juan People Everything Effects
142 free online library - douglass, frederick biography of
biography of frederick douglass and online e-texts of 'narrative of the life of frederick douglass an american slave.'
News World Business Free Entertainment Science Health Library Background Edit Npr Google Newsgoogle Bbc Cnn Reference
143 Treehouse Shakers A dance-theater
A dance-theater company committed to creating work that encourages people to experience their feelings and their connection to the greater community. Treehouse Shakers achieves this by creating humanistic stories, experimenting with narrative styles and exploring the storys elements through the abstractions of modern dance. (NYC)
Support Calendar Treehouse Shakers Contact Dance Preview Gallery Tweet Email Tickets Performances Current Productions Park Workshops Must Theatre See
144 doyle, katherine katherine doyle
katherine doyle, realist figure painter, brings a concentration and sensuality to her nude paintings and drawings that seems to capture the moods of tension and repose that occur in the lives of ordinary people, while her clothed figure paintings are rich with narrative intrigue. she has been featured in judy chicagos 'women and art: contested territory' and edward lucie-smiths 'art tomorrow' and her paintings can be seen in the tatistcheff gallery in ny, new york. (b san francisco, ca usa )
Sculpture Oak Publications Fusions Doyle Process Resume Natural Gallery Artist Kate Press Contact Ii +

Narrative Dictionary

narrative / narration story tale: a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events, presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program, "his narrative was interesting", "Disney's stories entertain adults as well as children"
narrative: consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story, "narrative poetry" Reviews for Narrative. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 4 SiteBook Points for "Narrative" (visitors of this topic page). Narrative › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Narrative Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

A narrative or story is any report of connected events, actual or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, or still or moving images.

145 results for Narrative: