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Stained Experience


1 Stained Glass by Csilla Soós Stained Glass
Miami Beach
Stained glass windows and unique leaded glass doors at affordable prices in Florida. I make custom stained glass windows and doors... Sans Narrow Arial Verdana Geneva State Florida This Stringfrom Arrayflag Gallery
1 Alpine Stained Glass Carries fusing
Carries fusing and hot glass supplies, custom stained glass doors and entryways, and free stained glass patterns.
2 Hauser Art Glass Co. and Willet Stained Glass Studios Specialize in
Specialize in stained glass windows for churches and institutions, repair and restoration of old stained glass windows.
Glass Hauser Verde Auto Claims Insurance Windshield Services Valley Accept Free Gallery Experts Provide Repair Sedona
3 Linley Stained Glass Studios Specialising in
Specialising in the conservation and restoration of stained glass at historic and religious buildings across the UK and Eire.
Glass Stained Linley Guards Recclesia Steel Stainless Visit Church Lights Leaded Commissions Casements Powder Y
4 Anthony Stained Glass Handcrafted stained
Handcrafted stained glass windows for the home and business. Includes a portfolio and event information.
5 Williams Stained Glass Studio Custom designed
Custom designed and fabricated stained glass for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs. Pennsylvania.
6 Cumberland Stained Glass Specializing in
Specializing in design, manufacturing, restoration and repair of stained and leaded glass. Includes gallery.
7 stained glass creations hand crafted
hand crafted stained glass gifts such as: sun catchers, window panels, and color streams.
8 stained glass solutions distributors of
distributors of paints for windows that produce the illusion of stained glass. includes directions for use and contact information.
9 Lynchburg Stained Glass Nationally renowned
Nationally renowned stained glass studio. All hand crafted design and production.
10 Jim Anderson Stained Glass Specializes custom
Specializes custom stained or etched glass as well as restoration. [Requires Flash]
Glass Stained Boston Custom Anderson Restoration Window Etched House Area Design Jim Commercial Developed Residential Min
11 Kivetts Incorporated Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of pews, benches, stained glass and other custom built church furniture. Includes examples of finished stained glass.
12 Julie L. Sloan Stained glass
Stained glass consultants advise on stained glass conservation issues.
Restoration Julie Recommendations Sloan Glass Stained Long Design Lectures Books Consultants Articles Management Prioritization Range Fax Needs Contract Cherrystreet
13 Louisville Stained Glass Custom stained
Custom stained glass windows for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
14 Mezalick Design Studio, LLC Provides historic
Provides historic restoration of stained glass windows. Designs, fabricates, and installs custom stained glass and mosaic artwork for commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
15 Anthony Stained Glass Studio Produces hand
Produces hand crafted stained glass windows for the home and business. Includes portfolio and information on design, classes and events.
Stained Glass Custom Windows Anthony Studio Designs Builders Patterns Artists Prices Studiowe Anthonys Handcraft Leaded
16 Laws Stained Glass Studios, Inc. Provide custom-built
Provide custom-built stained glass windows, frames, protective covering, light boxes, and restoration work for churches and businesses.
Glass Stained Church Windows Laws Stain Window Studios Religious Inc Carolina Virginia Pictorial Faceted Hand
17 Stained Glass Associates Design, fabricate
Design, fabricate and restore stained glass windows.
18 d and l stained glass supply, inc. full-line wholesale
full-line wholesale distributor of art glass supplies for stained glass, beadmaking, mosaics, fusing and lampworking.
19 Distinct Stained Glass Specializes in
Specializes in custom stained glass, slab glass, mosaic and murals for churches, commercial buildings and private residences.
20 Sunburst Stained Glass Company Design, fabrication
Design, fabrication, repair, and restoration of custom stained, etched, beveled glass windows and lamps, entry and cabinet doors for home, office or church. Located in Newburgh, Indiana.
21 Tiffany Stained Glass Ltd. Custom stained
Custom stained, beveled, and leaded glass windows, doors, domed ceilings, skylights, Tiffany and reproduction prairie lamps, and restoration.
22 Alpine Stained Glass And Door Supplier of
Supplier of hardwood doors and sliding french doors with beveled, architectural and stained glass for homeowners, contractors, and builders. Ships worldwide.
23 Cumberland Stained Glass Specializing in
Specializing in stained and leaded glass.
24 Ann Sotheran Stained Glass Features images
Features images and text relating to domestic stained glass windows and religious windows, carried out by the artist in recent years, with an artists statement and contact details for commissioning work.
25 Lyn Hovey Studio Designers and
Designers and restorers of custom stained glass windows.
Glass Stained Boston Hovey Collection Archdiocese Lyn Galleries Studios Studio Languages Lamps Restoration Contact Conservation Ourworks Great Photos
26 Kina Design Custom stained
Custom stained glass windows and room dividers.
Islands Kinadesigncom Contact Republic Saint United Sale Island French Timor Guinea Country Escrowcom South States Qatar Panama Marshallislands Montenegro
27 worden system stained glass
stained glass lamp kits, accessories, and equipment.
Lamp Globe Forms Cone Designs Brass Glass Bell Products Worden Fruit Caps Full Sc System Stained Table Sectional Wist
28 The Gil Studio Inc. Engaged in
Engaged in the fabrication, restoration and design of stained and leaded glass windows.
Glass Stained Projects Restoration Studio Design Contact Leaded Background Awards New References Incgil
29 inland manufacturer of
manufacturer of tools, equipment, and supplies for stained glass and lapidary hobbyists.
30 CanterburyUSA Custom stained
Custom stained and beveled glass doors, sidelights, transoms, and windows.
31 Lynchburg Stained Glass Offers custom-made
Offers custom-made architectural and ecclesiastical windows.
Glass Stained Lynchburg Window Windows Studio Church Religious Portfolio Restoration Aluminum System Stainedglass Choosing Opalescent
32 Witraze Sc Custom-made stained
Custom-made stained glass windows for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs. Located in Poland.
Glass Stained Architectural Fused Small Mosaic Panels Witraze Unique Partitions Public Design Ecclesiastic Sacral Przyrowski Decorative Witra¿e
33 Fox Studios Providing custom
Providing custom etched, beveled and stained glass windows and entryways for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
34 Obata Studios Custom designed
Custom designed, stained, leaded, architectural glass windows for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
35 Robert McCausland Limited Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of stained glass windows for churches, cathedrals, synagogues, and other architectural projects.
Ontario Toronto Window Manufacturing Designs Mccausland Glass Robert Services Contacts Portfolio Gallery Testimonials Limited Glazing Materials Making Rights Repairs Brunswick
36 Wilmark Studios Fabrication, installation
Fabrication, installation, repair, and restoration of leaded and stained glass windows. Includes portfolio.
37 Erskin Mitchell Stained Glass Services include
Services include design, installation, fabrication and restoration for liturgical, commercial and residential needs.
38 Bamboo Flooring Australia Offers solid
Offers solid, pre-stained, standard length boards in 12, 15, 18 and 20mm thickness. Based in Queensland.
39 creative international enterprises ltd. manufacturer and
manufacturer and exporter of stained glass decorative items including lamps and mirrors. china.
Solar Energy Collector Co Creative Limited Moregtgt Aluminum Flat Oct Canton Hichina Power Plate Creativesolars Copyright China
40 china bboss tiffany lamp co., ltd manufacturers of
manufacturers of stained glass lamps and windows. company background and photos of products.
Tiffanymarketcom Advance Cash Insurance Consolidation Debt Tiffanymarketcom Related Phones Section Best Browse Cellfree Credit
41 The Stained Apron Ezine by
Ezine by and for restaurant workers, dedicated to venting of food servers frustrations and educating the dining public.
Servers Story Apron Stained Stories Manglings Menu Celebrity Show Advertising Where Monthly Restaurant Tipping Dedicated Espn Stahler Journal
42 Wilmark Studios Offers Jewish
Offers Jewish stained glass, synagogue and architectural windows. Services also include restoration and fabrication.
43 Oakbrook-Esser Studios Creator of
Creator of stained and leaded glass windows and lighting for churches, residences, corporate art and restaurants.
44 olde mountain miniatures historical structures
historical structures, leaded stained windows, pre-revolutionary furniture, forged hardware and accessories.
45 Sigstedt Design Studio Stained glass
Stained glass, vinyl acrylic murals and woodcarvings for hospitals, residences, restaurants, schools and churches.
Sigstedt Studio Design Stained Glass Hospitals Carving Wood Quicktime Restaurants Churches Norma Often Hess Once Martin
46 catharine popesco manufacturer and
manufacturer and designer of fancy french jewellery, specialist in brooches and earrings in enamel, stained glass, and paste.
47 old world creations supplier of
supplier of hand painted metal home decorative pieces, stained glass gifts, and mosaic furnishings.
48 Spaces In Harmony Interior Designs Features photos
Features photos of interiors, entrances, stained glass and fireplaces. Located in Fort Collins.
49 Sonia Halliday Photographs A photographic
A photographic library specializing in stained glass photography, churches of Europe, Chartres Cathedral and the holy land.
50 Dimensional Plastics Corporation Manufactures Krinklglas
Manufactures Krinklglas, an alternative to stained glass, for churches and synagogues. Offers free samples and brochures upon request.
51 Adducci Studios Providing services
Providing services ranging from customized design for residential, religious, or commercial sites to stained glass restoration and repair.
Glass Adducci Stained Abstract Fused Studios Religious Residential Restoration Press Pendants Commercial Joseph Decor Information Windows
52 David Wixon & Associates Offers custom
Offers custom design, construction and restoration of residential, commercial and ecclesiastical stained and beveled glass. Located in Chicago.
Glass Stained Wixon Inc Restoration Gallery Church David Information Galleries Associates Custom Helpful Construction Beveled Transoms
53 c.t. matuzas enterprises, inc. handmade stained
handmade stained glass lighting and tiffany style lighting.
54 rainbow art glass inc. importing and
importing and exporting of stained glass and related products.
Glass Rainbow Accessories Tools Inc Supplies Lamp Dichroic Clusters Stained Cutters Nuggets Grinders Foil Bevels Mosaics Findings Aanraku Free Studios
55 Glaziers Custom Leaded Glass Stained glass
Stained glass windows and entryways for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
56 bradley bases supplies patterns
supplies patterns and molds for crafting stained glass lamp bases and shades.
57 Art-N-Glass Studio Designer and
Designer and manufacturer of custom stained glass panels, windows, doors and cabinets.
58 Femenella & Associates Stained glass
Stained glass and historic wood window restoration, such as the works of Louis Comfort Tiffany, John LaFarge and Frank Lloyd Wright.
59 nanjing well-tek tiffany co., ltd manufacturer and
manufacturer and exporter of stained glass lights, tiffany panels, and associated decorative items. china.
60 Rainsville Church Pew Offers pews
Offers pews, chancel furniture, steeples, baptistries, stained glass and fellowship furniture.
Church Rainsville Pew Pews Company Chairs Quality Tables Alabama Furniture Factory Racks Pulpits Manufacturing Work Main
61 Highland Village Glass Builds custom
Builds custom designed stained, leaded, beveled and etched glass windows.
62 morton glass works manufacturer of
manufacturer of tools and supplies for stained glass teachers, hobbyists and studio professionals.
Glass System Morton Tools Shop System[a] Made Usa Fused Projects Stained Mosaics Accessories[a] Portable Manufacturer Hand Hobbyists
63 DGlass Studio Manufactures and
Manufactures and designs faux stained glass, etched or cast glass, as well as ecclesiastic windows.
Studio Dquotglassy
64 Gilroy Stained Glass Custom design
Custom design and fabrication of custom windows and entryways for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
65 china-tiffany factory, ltd. designer, manufacturer
designer, manufacturer, and exporter of tiffany stained glass lamps, panels, windows, and zinc alloy.
Tiffany Lamps Lamp Stained Glass Order Packing Factory Products Bases Windowspanels Tiffanyfactorycom Screens Shade Limited Account
66 Kivetts Incorporated Custom manufacturers
Custom manufacturers of pews, benches, stained glass and many other custom built furniture items for all types of institutions.
67 docs candles produces handmolded
produces handmolded, handdipped and hand carved artistic candles which give the effect of stained glass. philippines.
Docs Candles Contact European France Visit Lipacityproducts * Christmas Batangas Barangay Usa Germany Inosluban
68 Masaoka Glass Design Contemporary architectural
Contemporary architectural stained glass window commissions. Located in Carmel Valley, CA. [Requires Flash]
Glass Masaoka Stained Design Architectural Contemporary Art Gallery Custom Window Homeowners Commissions Exhibitions Studio Builders Portfolio Serves
69 The Glass House Family owned
Family owned and operated business specializing in custom stained glass, repairs and restoration, lessons, and hobbyist supplies.
70 northwest art glass materials for
materials for the stained and fused glass artist. includes company background, product descriptions and information on ordering a catalog.
71 Potente, Inc. Complete liturgical
Complete liturgical interiors including stained glass, mosaics, sculpture, furniture, lighting and painting. Shown is business profile, portfolio, FAQ and contact telephone and email.
Church Religious Stained Glass Potente Art Lighting Restoration Interiors Figure Wood Prayer Complete Liturgical Renovation
72 G. Hormann Enterprises Inc. Supplier of
Supplier of fixtures in melamines, laminates, and stained hardwoods with solid suface tops or laminated moisture resistant plywoods. Many colors to match any decor package.
73 Bj Signs Techniques include
Techniques include gold leafing, hand painting, sandblasting wood and foam, carving and sandblasted glass and leaded stained glass. Sarasota, FL.
74 youghiogheny glass stained glass
stained glass manufacturer of stipple and other types, and art glass in the tiffany tradition.
75 McMow Art Glass Offers stained
Offers stained and beveled art glass as well as designs in carved, etched and faceted glass for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
76 kokomo opalescent glass manufacturers of
manufacturers of stained glass for architecture, kilnforming, and other glassworking arts. features online glass factory tour.
77 Thermal Industries, Inc. Windows manufacturer
Windows manufacturer offering vinyl windows including replacement, stained glass, bow, bay, casement, garden and double hung windows.
Patio Doors Energy Star Glass Sliding Replacement Vinyl Door Windows Legance Products Decking Features Options Composite Legancetm Doors Ask
78 Paluch Furniture Sells custom
Sells custom designed synagogue furniture with optional stained glass engraving. Products include wooden arks, doors, bimah, amud, and seating.
79 bullseye glass manufacturers of
manufacturers of stained glass for lamps, architecture, kilnforming, and other glassworking arts. glass includes ring mottles, cats paw, fracture and streamers.
80 spectrum glass manufacturer of
manufacturer of specialty sheet glass for art, architecture and the stained glass crafts. includes a tour, list of products, description of the process, and picture gallery.
Glass Spectrum News Company Studios Craft Welcome Retailers Spectrums Commercial Spectrumglass Professional Cutupstm Artquer
81 Emerald Stained Glass Manufactures leaded
Manufactures leaded glass windows for pubs and historic buildings, also restores church windows.
Glass Stained Restoration Church Emerald Window Ireland Tullamore Sash Refurbishments Offaly Before Architects Work Steel Manufacturer
82 kokomo opalescent glass oldest manufacturer
oldest manufacturer of opalescent and cathedral stained glass in the world. in continuous operation since 1888.
83 AMG Landmark Design Offers custom
Offers custom design wrought iron railings, doors, gates and stained glass windows and doors.
Metal Glass Design Artistic Inc Steel Railings * Products Stairs * Website Reserved Porchemail Stair
84 Shanghai United Decoration Lamp Co Ltd Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of lamp, china lighting, tiffany, stained-glass, and interior decoration items.
Tiffany Lamps Lamp Stained Glass Order Packing Factory Products Tiffanyfactorycom Screens Bases Windowspanels Limited Shade
85 Increte Systems Manufactures materials
Manufactures materials for stamped or stained concrete, decorative walls, and concrete overlay systems.
86 bohemian glassworks producer of
producer of bohemian art glass including engraved, historic, painted, cut, blown and stained glass.
87 china-tiffany factory, ltd. designer, manufacturer
designer, manufacturer, and exporter of tiffany stained glass lamps, panels, windows, and zinc alloy. china.
88 verrerie de saint-just french manufacturers
french manufacturers of antique, hand-blown stained glass for architecture, fusing, restoration, leaded windows and projects. glass includes flashed and multi-colored (bariolé).
89 Daprato Rigali Studios Artisans present
Artisans present their ecclesiastical art, statuary, stained glass, murals, and painting projects, which include restorations and renovations. Includes product and service descriptions, service and contacts.
90 Michigan PreStain Manufactures pre-stained
Manufactures pre-stained cedar siding, cedar shingles and vinyl-cement siding.
91 Uniques Beveled Glass Doors Specializes in
Specializes in creating custom entryways using beveled stained glass.
92 Bowling United Industries Inc. Manufactures church
Manufactures church lighting fixtures, fiberglass steeples, cupolas, and wall crosses, wood and acrylic pulpits and lecterns, solid brass chandeliers, and stained glass church windows.
93 Masterpiece Leaded Windows Leaded and
Leaded and stained glass windows in Certainteed vinyl frames, fully assembled and ready to nail in. Company history, product showcase, and ordering information.
Glass Leaded Windows Stained Masterpiece Poway Policy Contact Each Builders Tempering Plant San California Tempered
94 Custom Glass Doors Beveled and
Beveled and stained glass doors, windows, entryways, transoms, sidelights and decorative art. Large online selection or custom built.
95 Suburban Church Supply Specialized in
Specialized in church furniture, custom wood church pews, baptistries, church steeples, stained glass windows, and other chancel furniture and worship seating. USA.
96 Sheppard Doors & Glass Doors with
Doors with bevels and stained glass.
Doors Houston Wood Custom Texas Glass Hardwood Bevel Humble Iron Door Craftsman Entryways Exterior Mahogany
97 Karls Cedar Shingles Supplier of
Supplier of Northern White Cedar shingles in designs, pre-stained, and fire retardant, and other white cedar products.
Cedar White Lumber Shingles Duluth Sustainable Fence Decking Minnesota Northern Dock Boards Log Shakes Management
98 Aron Kodesh by Paluch Furniture Sells custom
Sells custom designed synagogue furniture with optional stained glass engraving. Products include Aron Kodesh, Holy Ark, synagogue doors, Bimah, Amud, and the Chair of Elijah.

2. Shopping and Stained Trade

1 Stained Glass Creations Offers stained
Offers stained glass windows, fireplace screens, beveled glass, mirrors, doors and custom stained glass work.
Hosting Web Space Host Unlimited Professional Welcome Website Services Domainstainedglasscreationscom Bandwidth Best Webhosting
2 Visions Stained Glass Original designs
Original designs in stained glass windows and lamps for sale by artist Carolyn Insler.
Designs Glass Stained Window Unique Stock Visions Abstract Gallery Objective Geometric Insler $ Carolyn | Order Jewelry
3 Allie Kays Stained Glass Custom designed
Custom designed stained glass pieces, instructional video, tools and supplies.
Glass Stained Texas Stainedglass Star Beveled Blue Customized Leave Logo Posted County Marine Bass Mouth
4 Alices Stained Glass Custom stained
Custom stained glass, specializing in southwestern and human figures. Also offers original patterns.
Glass Stained Miracle Bead Release Alices Patterns Alice Muddtm Designs Custom Glass~ Windows Inquiries Fused Since Ideas
5 Stained Glass Treasures Stained glass
Stained glass suncatchers, small panels, china angels, jewelry and mosaic items.
6 Stained Glass Magic Originally designed
Originally designed and handmade stained glass contemporary mirrors, dangled earrings, windows, and suncatchers.
Glass Windows Stained Mirrors Suncatchers Earrings Since Contois Handmade Jewelry Tiffany Orders Policy Hang Panels Magic
7 Sidelites Stained Glass Studio Coral reefs
Coral reefs, tropical birds and the islands in stained glass. Work done in both lead and foil.
8 Unique Stained Glass Works Stained glass
Stained glass ornaments and lamps created with recycled computer parts.
Glass Stained Unique Components Bill Electronic Works Contact North Combining Artist Recycled Information Website Art Through Japan
9 D and D Stained Glass Artisans Specializing in
Specializing in personalized signal flag plaques made of stained glass.
Nautical Gifts Flag Glass Stained Personalized Sailing Signal Flags Form Nautical Signal Oak Teak Plaques Any Boating
10 Susans Stained Glass World Offers stained
Offers stained glass windows, panels, suncatchers and clocks.
Page Stained Glass Home Bradenton Lakeland Navigationsarasota Susan Photos Main Artistic Click Brandon
11 MKD Stained Glass Sells stained
Sells stained glass garden decor. Includes outdoor candle holders.
Stained Glass Holders Yard Candle Mkd Fun Garden Art Romantic Dragonfly Copper Beautiful Beds Y
12 Kats Stained Glass Garden stakes
Garden stakes and fan pulls, handcrafted from stained glass. Butterfly, dragonfly, and hummingbird styles. Gift card option.
Garden Stakes Stained Pulls Glass Fan Kats Stake Ceiling Pull Each Pulls Ifstyles Whichever
13 Maple City Stained Glass Offers stained
Offers stained glass supplies. Located in Adrian, MI.
Certificate Stained Glass City Supplies Paper Maple Cutter Fusing Clusters Bottle Foil Votive Colour Fusible Border= Bails Inland
14 Delphi Stained Glass Online retailer
Online retailer of stained glass with a selection of mosaic supplies.
Glass Sale Supplies Items Stained Jewelry Tools Fusing Dichroic New Findings Mosaic Books Display Kits
15 Delphi Stained Glass Online retailer
Online retailer of stained glass with a selection of mosaic supplies.
Glass Supplies Sale Items Stained Jewelry Tools Fusing New Findings Dichroic Mosaic Books Display Kits
16 Marilyns Stained Glass A variety
A variety of stained glass lamp shades, suncatchers, window panels, fan lamps and garden stakes, as well as mosaic tables and stepping stones.
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17 Marilyns Stained Glass A variety
A variety of stained glass lamp shades, suncatchers, window panels, fan lamps and garden stakes, as well as mosaic tables and stepping stones.
年月 どれがいいんだ降圧剤 â–² ノルバスク 降圧剤を飲んでいる人の食事をわかりやすく 高血圧の人の看護にサバ料理・降圧剤で症状改善z 降圧剤のフローランについて 降圧剤と抑肝散・高血圧の人の運動æâ
18 Unique Stained Glass Works Selling handmade
Selling handmade items made from recycled computer parts and stained glass. Online catalog, contact information and testimonials.
Glass Stained Unique Bill Works Components Electronic Information North Schedule Springsummer Website America Designs Customers Recycling Artist Distancing
19 Ladybug Hill Stained Glass Mosaics Stained glass
Stained glass mosaic trivets, hurricane lamps, vases, and other items for the home inspired by American patchwork quilts.
Mosaic Art Mosaics Zimmerman Dawnmarie Mirrors Ideas Decor Mirror Craft Prada Hurricane Gifts Shoes Inspiration Gift Lamps Crafts Vases Other
20 Jennifer-Jane Stained Glass Design, manufacture
Design, manufacture and restore stained glass for ecclesiastical, architectural, domestic and commercial situations. Information on services and a portfolio of completed projects.
Found Btsweb Free Closed Hosting Apache Portserver Now
21 DLRRO Stained Glass Hand crafted
Hand crafted, leaded and foiled stained glass panels, lamp shades, picture frames, clocks, business card holders, and suncatchers.
22 Light Fantastic Stained Glass Custom designed
Custom designed stained glass artwork.
Enterbirds Here Descriptionbrief Flowers
23 Delphi Stained Glass A selection
A selection of stained and hot glass tools, supplies, and tips.
Glass Sale Supplies Items Stained Jewelry Tools Fusing New Findings Mosaic Dichroic Books Display Kits
24 Delphi Stained Glass A selection
A selection of stained and hot glass tools, supplies, and tips.
Glass Sale Supplies Items Jewelry Stained Tools Fusing New Findings Dichroic Mosaic Books Display Kits
25 Stained Glass Originals Stained glass
Stained glass, kids crafts and general supplies.
26 Crimson Fairy Stained Glass Ornamental boxes
Ornamental boxes of metal and stained glass.
Yahoo Geocities Help Sign Policy Copyright Maps Sports Privacy Archiveorg Trying Popular Longeravailable Reach Archives
27 The Oak Tree Stained Glass Studio Stained glass
Stained glass supplies, teaching software, classes, starter kits, custom and finished art glass panels.
28 Alices Stained Glass Custom stained
Custom stained and beveled glass. Featuring southwestern art, glass beads, patterns, books, videos.
Glass Stained Miracle Bead Release Alices Patterns Custom Designs Muddtm Alice Fused Specializing Unique Items Inquiries Gift Trees
29 Alpine Stained Glass & Door Custom glass
Custom glass and entryway services. Ordering information, catalog, and showcase of stained glass art.
Glass Stained Supplies Fusing Under Alpine Patterns Hot Kilns $ Custom Fusible Doors Policy Checkout
30 Tracys Stained Glass Workshop References and
References and supplies for stained glass, warm glass, mosaics and bead making.
Glass Stained Supplies Policy Browse Tools Workshop Tracys Warm Inland Security Privacy Corp Return Mosaics
31 Black Hills Glass Works Hand crafted
Hand crafted stained glass houses and feeders. Made from stained glass.
Bird Glass Stained House Feeder Houses Black Feeders Hills Works Wood Contact Hawk Information Birdhouse
32 The Avenue Stained Glass Studio Offers ready
Offers ready made and custom stained glass items and supplies for hobbyists. Includes photos and prices of jewelry, lamps, figures, candle shelters, and suncatchers.
Request Nginx Logglassstained Here Avenue
33 Kelley Stained Glass and Supply Offers stained
Offers stained and hot glass supplies.
Glass Stained Supplies Bevels Custom Fusible Classes Leaded Line Art Kelley Full Ogden Supplier Coe Etsy Large
34 Andys Stained Glass Stained glass
Stained glass supplies and custom work.
Z Andysstainedglasscom Y
35 Stained Glass Studio Offers stained
Offers stained glass supplies, lamp shades, vases and glass novelties.
Copyrightcustom Design Rightsreservedecommerce
36 Stained Glass by Elaine Shaw Handcrafted stained
Handcrafted stained glass gifts for all. Special gifts for dog lovers, West Highland terriers and scotties and custom orders.
Found Additionally Serverz Apache Found The Errordocument Port
37 Dodge Studio Designs Stained Glass
Stained Glass Patterns publisher with photographs as well as helpful tips for stained glass workers with new tips and free pattern added monthly.
Glass Stained Supplies Dhtml Star Dodge Studio Menu Hopewell Opencube Tools Art Dutchess Supply Here Kits
38 Nickates Stained Glass Supplies Inc. Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books for stained glass and beadmaking, fusing and mosaic work.
Glass Stained Supplies Clusters Bevels System Spectrum Patterns Fusing Accessories Books Tools Projects Grinder Bead
39 Southern Front Stained Glass Stained and
Stained and hot glass supplies.
Doors Glass Stained Supplies System Front Art Southern Garden Bevels Software Shop Kilns Commerce Entry Texas Wands Bead
40 Visions Stained Glass Stained Glass
Stained Glass windows and lamps, as well as glass supplies for the hobbyist.
Glass Stained Designs Window Unique Carolyn Stock Insler Abstract Objective Geometric Artist $ Lamps Windows Holders
41 Glass Kaleidoscope Stained glass
Stained glass kaleidoscopes and custom made stained glass art pieces.
Navigationshilfe Ty
42 Stained Glass Suncatchers Offers nature-themed
Offers nature-themed suncatchers and window hangings made from stained glass.
Suncatchers Glass Stained Night Sun Panels Planters Hangings Mini Photo Tiffany Wedding Suncatcher Boxes Light Nightlights
43 Dutchman Stained Glass and Antique Windows Suncatchers, stained
Suncatchers, stained glass castings and windows.
Windows Stained Dutchman Glass Pyramids Projects Knots New Celticmedieval Castings Catchers Please Life Oldemail
44 Stained Glass Windows Offers custom
Offers custom stained glass windows, lamps, and suncatchers.
Glass Stained Beveled Windows Custom Ocean Lamps Clear Past Flowers Religious Geometric Contact Beach Logos Animals
45 Starchimes Stained Glass Wind Chimes Original stained
Original stained glass art wind chimes, handmade by Andrea Mattison.
Artist Glass Starchimes Art Guestbook Chimes Fused Ebsq Wind Group Stained Gallery Gallery * Representing Sign Member Andrea
46 Stained Glass Garden Stones Stained glass
Stained glass designs molded into decorative concrete garden stones.
Sign Everything Lifestream Account People Places Policy Now Rights Date Terms Create Networks Read Insign Bulk
47 I.S.G.S. Stained Glass Supplies Stained glass
Stained glass supplies for the artist and hobbyist.
Glass Stained Supplies Tools Really Isgs Payment Pattern Processing Page Discounted Patterns Frits Instead Everything
48 Antique Stained Glass Windows Three galleries
Three galleries of antique stained glass windows from England.
Windows Antique Stained Glass Email Deco Click Painted Window Selection Sold Assistance Shipping Small Browsing Estate Beautiful Delivered Payment
49 Chocolate Swirl Offers stained
Offers stained glass boxes.
Chocolate Swirl Candy Chocolates Candies Leading Bulk Joingifts Fudgenet Chocolategifts Chocolateswirlcom Cotton
50 Castle Stained Glass Offers patterns
Offers patterns for making panels.
Begg Smith Sport Place Property Dale World Business Classifieds Australian Opinion Estate News Cars Real Page Greg
51 Randall, James Paintings sculpted
Paintings sculpted out of leather and then painted or stained.
52 Stained Glass Warehouse Provides supplies
Provides supplies, information, tips and instructions.
Displayed Cannotpleasepage Error Contact Providerfor
53 Stained Glass Chic Specializing in
Specializing in crosses in a variety of colors.
Posted Wordpress Valid Xhtml Plugins Planet Powered Posts Menuentries Forum Ideas Archives Themes
54 Adnilco Offers custom
Offers custom stained glass windows, panels and mirrors.
Stained Glass Adnilco Panels Mirrors New Stainedglass@adnilcocom Page Custom York Etching Longaberger Window Phila Individually
55 Golden Age Glassworks Stained glass
Stained glass windows and panels by Barbara Arrindell.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Sign Help Copyright Siteshosting Popular Sports Finance Trying Movies Visit
56 Stained Glass Source Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books.
57 Stained Glass Innovation Offers a
Offers a variety of original custom works of art.
58 Oak Tree Stained Glass Offers supplies
Offers supplies, original and custom patterns.
Navigationshilfe Ty
59 The Stained Glass Web-Mart Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books.
Glass Stained Tools Mart Web Supplies Cutters Information Table Items Making Bead Patterns Soldering Sales
60 Stained Glass by Betty Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books.
Glass Stained Supplies Betty Custom Contact Fusing Spectrum Patterns Order Art Toyo Evenheat Novacan Diamond Edco Tech System Specials Flameworking
61 HypnoSpheres Colorful mosaic
Colorful mosaic stained glass spheres for home and garden.
Hypnosphere Glass Stained Trinity Design Hypnospheres Mosaic Renaissance City Unique Nebraska Handmade Designs Festival Garden Tealblack$the Kcrfâ â  Been Love Blackglass
62 Stained Glass by Betty Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books.
Glass Stained Supplies Betty Spectrum Contact Patterns Custom Fusing Tools Wellerunger Classes Evenheat Edco Gryphon Morton Technologies Visa
63 Visionpact Tiffany style
Tiffany style stained glass windows, as well as art prints and cards.
Artist Mills Sharon California Fine Los Visinpactcom Gallery Angeles Visionpctcom Oil Prints Visionpacttcompainter
64 Timeless Tiffany Inc. Offering stained
Offering stained glass supplies, located in Elkton, MD.
Glass Stained Supplies Shipping Timeless Tiffany Projects Store Orders Free Classes Work Available Hours Elkton Picked Standard
65 Cathedral Stained Glass Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books.
Dieser Domain Click Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Informationen Cathedralstainedglasscominformationen Cathedralstainedglasscomz
66 Mosaics by Maria Selection of
Selection of stained glass tiles for mosaic work.
67 WellmeierFarms Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of animal themed stained glass stepping stones.
Wf Products Stones Round Angelic Handcrafted Cart Gardens Gift Wfstones Plants Certificates Unsubscribe Biblical Shipping Zen Sarah Welcome
68 Fantasia Glassworks Offering a
Offering a selection of stained, fused, and carved glass art pieces.
Glass Uncategorized Admin Posted Filed Rest Entry Blowing Kiln Bubbles Wwwfantasiaglassworkscom Troubleshooting Avoid Secrets Through Space Bubblesending
69 Its Up In The Air Art Bird portraits
Bird portraits, send them a photo. T-shirts and stained glass with a parrot theme.
70 Lalus Stained Glass Suncatchers, boxes
Suncatchers, boxes, frames and other gifts. Custom work available.
Navigationshilfet Y
71 Timeless Tiffany Inc. Sells stained
Sells stained glass supplies. Has product and service information.
Glass Stained Supplies Shipping Tiffany Timeless Store Projects Free Orders Helpfaqinfo Available Work Area Elkton Wood Upsusps
72 TidesWell Cottage Artist Studio Specializing in
Specializing in handcrafted beadwork and stained glass.
Studio Cottage Artist Beadwork Handcrafted Tideswell Glass Scratched Repair Stainedproperly When Stainedglass There Remember Just
73 Three Swans Designs Offers a
Offers a selection of patterns for stained glass and reverse applique.
Applique Swans Three Studios Patterns Quilt Harp Angel Dragonfly Quilting Celestial Privacy Dragon Bias Machine Patterns@threeswanscom
74 The Pug Zone Supplying clothing
Supplying clothing, stained glass and jewelry, with breed information and poetry.
75 MoonFire Studios Offers a
Offers a line of handcrafted contemporary, stained glass lighting.
Glass Studioslightingtimes Stained Modern Moonfire
76 NC Furniture Concepts Accent lighting
Accent lighting, featuring stained glass designs made in the USA.
77 Art of Patrizia Offers a
Offers a variety of stained glass night lights categorized by themes.
Lights Night Patriziahttptheartofpatriziacom [[domain]] Want Go Godaddycom Daddy Seepowered Luminabellanightlightscom Visit
78 Something Glassy Offers kaleidoscopes
Offers kaleidoscopes, windchimes, boxes and 3-dimensional stained glass products.
Agate Something Rewards Points Stones Beads Colorsin Room Account Coaster Assorted Just Brazilian Stone Crystals Program Simpova
79 Stained Glass by Betty Offers supplies
Offers supplies that include consumables, tools and books.
Glass Stained Supplies Betty Patterns Fusing Spectrum Contact Custom Evenheat American Mosaic Cascade Art Classes
80 Stained Glass by Betty Offers supplies
Offers supplies that include consumables, tools and books.
Glass Stained Supplies Betty Spectrum Custom Fusing Contact Patterns Art Morton Mosaic Paragon Canfield Store Specials
81 Sun-Catcher Boutique Offers a
Offers a wide selection of handcrafted stained glass suncatchers.
Sun Catchercom Leading Environmental Catcher Management Clocks Atomic Sunshades Net Barometersheat Join Z
82 Alpine Stained Glass and Door Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books.
Glass Stained Supplies Fusing Under Alpine Patterns $ Classes Hot Custom Fusible Account Basket Subscribe
83 Five Rivers Mail boxes
Mail boxes, stained glass windows, and lighting fixtures and lamps.
Navigationshilfe Ty
84 Online source
Online source for hand-cut stained glass tile and mosaic supplies.
Mosaic Tile Glass Selection Gallery Stained Trails Certificates Stepping Click Stainedglasstilecom Customer Best Tweet Stones Done Be
85 Shelly Walsh Studios Handcrafted mosaic
Handcrafted mosaic artwork from stained and vitreous glass.
86 Chantals Stained Glass Patterns, free
Patterns, free and for sale, designed by Chantal Paré.
Glass Stained Patterns Orchid Fairy Celtic Free Kaleido Chinese Easy Large Butterfly Collection Mini Bluebird Peony Allsorts Bird Paradise John Cattleya Oncidium
87 Lady Jane Tiffany stained
Tiffany stained and foil glass greenhouses, conservatories and display cases.
Lady Jane Glass Cases Display House Gallery Policy Miniature Lindas Museum Show Order Stained Tiffany Custom
88 Stained Glass Art Company Features original
Features original designs in windows, lamps, and jewelry boxes.
Glass Stained Art Windows Lamps Enlarge Lamp Panels Iris Classes Harvest Artist Gogh Resume Policy
89 A Glassman Studio Custom stained
Custom stained glass, windows, panels and lamps with galleries and photo art.
Misc Panoramas Flowers Sketches People Contact Photography Themes Elegant Glassman Px Alex Navigation Menu Wordpress
90 Evan Designs Graphics software
Graphics software to print signs, windows, stained glass and billboard ads.
Leds Model Train Software Designer Shipping Evan Trains Policies Contact Builder Models Gallery Toolkit Window Even Hobby Creator Sign Varietypack Leds Even
91 A variety
A variety of antiques, furniture, collectibles, glassware, Tiffany lamps and stained glass
Antiques Furniture Glassware Items Glass Collectibles Unique Decorator Candles Vintage French Enhance Meaken Etc Esthetics Desk Dress Chairs Country Phonograph
92 Delores Taylor Variety of
Variety of art glass such as stained, kiln caste, pate de verre and fused.
Glass Verre Pate De Concepts Art Woodinville Wa French Intensive Items Kiln Quality Artglass Specialize
93 GlassWerxx Offers solid
Offers solid oak interior shutters with crafted leaded stained glass panels.
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94 Fusion Stained Glass Inc. Provides online
Provides online shopping cart, contact details and product information.
Glass Stained Decorative Glassworks Services Grids Opal Fusion Architectural Doors Kiln Carved Manufacturer Stencils Supplies Crafts Workshops
95 Basketloft Stained glass
Stained glass lamps, cookie jars, and gourmet food gift baskets.
Here Datenschutzrichtlinien Basketloftcom Clickz
96 Luminarie Designs Full size
Full size stained glass patterns available printed, pre-cut, or as peel and stick.
Glass Stained Patterns Full Size Pattern Peel Free Stick Designs Want Enter Eliminate Paper Custom Self
97 Whispering Woods Gifts Offers hanging
Offers hanging plant sprouters decorated with stained glass.
Gifts Personalized Whispering Woods Photo Picture Schedule Cart Show Frames Grandkids Collages Mats Account Showcase Items Interests Built Faq
98 Candace Forgeá Gallery of
Gallery of mosaic wall hangings and sculptures created with stained glass.
Candace Stained Forgea Art Productions Glass Zforge Tripstream
99 Lighting Art 2000 Features original
Features original and signed shades made from fabric with the look of stained glass.
Art Lampshade Tiffany Southwest Wall Web Stained Turned Glass Shade Internet Vase Lighting Finish Puzzle Look Form Low Shiny Holman
100 Aljans Stained Glass Center Handcrafted night
Handcrafted night lights, clocks, angels and collectibles.
Aljans Privacy Sale Learn Database Request Intelius Policy Error Contactz People Cart Aljanscom
101 Stained Glass by Fran Features a
Features a variety of original leaded panels. Commissions accepted.
Glass Stained Made Panel Fran Leaded Animals Commission Commissions Hand Artist Photograph Custom Abstract Own Design
102 Mountain Design Company Stained Glass Specializes in
Specializes in lead-free kinetic mobiles.
103 Vidriosa Glassworks Offers a
Offers a wide variety of suncatchers in stained, hot, fused and dichroic styles.
Vidriosa Glassworks Ordonez Jerry Copyright Suncatchers Rights Reserved Anna Contact Shows Folk Inspired Etsy
104 Angels Afoot Angelic feline
Angelic feline designs on t-shirts, totes, stained glass, and cards.
Angels Afoot Totes Stained Glass Shirt Releases Shop Website Shirts New Visit Designs Tichota See
105 Katie Lane Quilts Offers quilt
Offers quilt patterns specializing in stained glass applique.
Gallery Katie Quilts Lane Amherst Scallop Quiltzillas Threads Pattern Newsletters Nh Quilt Wordpresscom Business Seroskie Marie Happy Maries
106 GiftSellers A collection
A collection of hand-painted metal decorative pieces and stained glass accessories.
Hosting Directnichttp+windowlocationhostname+cpanel Herecomingdomain Soon
107 Heirloom Stained Glass Offers custom-made
Offers custom-made windows, lamps, lanterns and kaleidoscopes.
Glass Stained Heirloom Windows Lamps Garden Kaleidoscopes Testimonials Transoms Arkansas Hank Victorian Craftsman Tiffany Established
108 Kaleidoscope Stained Glass Studio Specializes in
Specializes in books and supplies for crafting garden stakes.
Restoration Windows Products Custom Stained Glass Garden Contact Kaleidoscope Services Gifts Events Marketing Gallery Inside Classes
109 WithanE Designs Stained glass
Stained glass bird feeders and houses. Some styles have copper accents.
Glass Bird Custom Feeders Stained Designs Hoffman Withane Houses Anne Boxes Crafted Stainedglass Alongbirds
110 Linda Abbott Glass Studio Stained, carved
Stained, carved, etched, beveled and fused artwork.
Linda Glass Abbott Studio Design Directly Utah Vbscript Street Welcome Phone Cds Pleaseogden Renowned
111 The Connie Bennett Collection Specializing in
Specializing in handcrafted stained glass jewelry and home accessories.
Glass Connie Jewelry Bennett Stained Dichroic Collection Art Accessories Shows Earrings Handmade Savannah Mirrors Wearable Hand Works Shelby
112 Robin Lowe Mosaic Decorative and
Decorative and functional hand made stained glass mosaics for the home.
このドãÆ’¡ã‚¤ãÆ’³ã¯ãŠåå‰comで取å¾Ã¢â‚¬â€ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ます。 お名前comのトップãÆ’Å¡ãÆ’¼ã‚¸ã¸ &acir
113 Mountain Design Company Mobiles individually
Mobiles individually hand-crafted from stained glass and silver solder.
Glass Mobiles Jewelry Hanging Pendants Sea Vessels Jigsaw Shop Earrings Custom Rings Stained Barrettes Brooches Puzzle Ruvo Created Photographed
114 Haiku Design Original pins
Original pins, earrings, and seasonal designs made of ceramic and stained glass.
Haiku Design Prints Karen Still Original Wallaert Artist Abstract Life Nature Art Contact Glass Owner Of Original Oil
115 MacDonald Stained Glass Features candle
Features candle holders, crosses, sconces, mirrors, and custom projects.
116 Kaanch Stained Glass Studio Windows, doors
Windows, doors, panels and lamp shades for commercial and residential uses.
Create Tripod Requested Lycos Website Please Shopping Check Login Signuphosting Couldnt Page Lycoscom
117 A Pane in the Glass Custom work
Custom work in stained and mosaic designs. Free patterns, tips and classes available.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Sign Policy Help User Finance Toolbarmail Terms Sports Wayback Popular Reach
118 Galerie du Vitrail Offers antique
Offers antique stained glass windows from France, as well as smaller contemporary items.
Chartres Glass Stained France Stain Cathedral Glasses Du Galerie Decoration Vitrail Objects Till Creation Available
119 Timeless Classic Antique stained
Antique stained glass window dealer located in Montreal, Canada.
Trocadero Collectibles Antiques Fine Gifts Page Art Decor Premiumstorefrontsrights Vintage Reserved Categories Jewelry Popular
120 JefDen Designs Specializing in
Specializing in handmade stained glass stepping stones in various shapes and design themes.
Designs Gallery Jefden Class Work Glass Going Students Design Contact Schedule Whats Mosaic Stained Association Wwwiggaorg
121 Obscuria Jewelry, clothing
Jewelry, clothing and accessories, home decor, occult literature, DVDs and stained glass art.
122 Barnes and Wagner, LLC Offering handcrafted
Offering handcrafted lamps, light fixtures, clocks and stained glass windows.
Domain Namecheap Free Marketplace Transfer Namecheapcom Rapidssl Legal Name Certificates Disclaimers Geotrust Registered Whoisguard Y
123 Amaranth Gallery Offers stained
Offers stained glass, figurines, wine accessories, jewelry, and home decor.
Navigationshilfet Y
124 Za-Meks Sells collegiate-licensed
Sells collegiate-licensed stained glass clocks and a selection of mirrors for gifts or promotions.
Please Errorpagecannot Providerfor Displayed Contact
125 A Handmade Gift Offers wreaths
Offers wreaths, stained-glass suncatchers, Christmas decorations, pillows, and quilts.
Kits Felt Yarn Gallery Gift Handmade Order Hand Jewelry Fiber Orders Wahm Christmas Patterns Accessories Page Balls Beautiful
126 Creations by Jorge Stained glass
Stained glass ranging from small ornamental pieces to full size window art.
Glass Stained Gallery Art Patterns Jorge Stain Creations Leaded Lamps Windows Stainglass Lessonsmosaics
127 Skipping Lilies An assortment
An assortment of pendant necklaces made from stained-glass with real pressed flowers.
Metal Events Bigs Chains Squares Caring Weddings Lilies Print Other Botanical Collection Press Minis Larry Illustration
128 Peg and Rail Offers Shaker
Offers Shaker style peg coat racks in oak, cherry and maple woods, both stained or unfinished.
Racks Coat Shelf Peg Rack Solid Oak Maple White Shaker Cherry Hooks Ledges Colors Picture
129 Cliffside Studio Offers a
Offers a variety of prairie design stained glass lamp shade patterns.
Glass Stained Patterns Prairie Designs Books Free Photo Design Lamps Tips Directory Store Windows Artists
130 Jennifer-Jane Stained Glass Specializes in
Specializes in commissions, restoration, conservation for churches, homes and historic buildings.
131 Veterans Family Store Offers sport
Offers sport watches, military stained glass, bedding and home electronics.
132 Creations by Bonnie and Gene Handcrafted jewelry
Handcrafted jewelry and stained glass nightlights, wall hangings, and seasonal items.
133 Natan Taite Judaica Gallery and Studio Features a
Features a selection of handcrafted stained glass and metal creations.
134 Manuela Valenti Stained Glass Offers wind
Offers wind chimes, suncatchers, window panels and decorative accessories.
Yahoo Geocities Help Policy Sign Copyright Hosting Guidelines Toolbar Internet User Sites Maps Popular Longeravailable
135 Gary Smith Studio Craftsman specializing
Craftsman specializing in stained, etched, and fused glass design, service, and repair.
Navigationshilfe Ty
136 Cole Brothers Provides parking
Provides parking lot striping equipment and accessories, stained glass patterns, and business startup guides.
Tape Reflective Reflexite Rolls Prismatic Grade Tapes Yellow Type Orange Skid Intensity Chevron Blue White Conspicuity Basketball Carry
137 Warner-Crivellaro Stained Glass Inc. Offers supplies
Offers supplies, consumables, tools, books, pattern search and chat.
Glass Stained Warner Supplies Art Stain Tools Wholesale Price Fusible Classes Spectrum Shipping Visit Visions Cluster Hoy Rainbow
138 Stained Glass Art Company Features handcrafted
Features handcrafted windows, lamps, and jewelry boxes. Also offers private lessons.
Glass Stained Art Lamps Windows Enlarge Lamp Panels Gogh Iris Artist Classes Harvest Resume Piece
139 Sea Dreams Sells bath
Sells bath and body products, jewelry, stained glass, seasonal items, and childrens gifts.
140 Moon Faerie Stained Glass Studio offering
Studio offering customized work and patterns featured in the image galleries.
Dont Free United Terms Host Sign Services Guidelines Policy Easy Contact Premium Privacy Moonfaeriestainedglassicom Y
141 County Ways Lodge style
Lodge style furnishing with a snowshoe theme. Table lamps, rockers, and stained glass.
Snowshoes Snowshoe Ways Country Information Magazine Kits Contact Furniture Wholesale Growler Bindings Shipping Check Rustic Accessories Beer Weber
142 Margie Cohen Creates original
Creates original designs in stained glass from her home studio in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania.
Firedkiln Designs Paintedhand Glass
143 Moon Faerie Stained Glass Studio offering
Studio offering customized work and patterns featured in the image galleries.
Statement Available Easy Premium Privacy Dont Contact Acceptableuse Sign Terms Moonfaeriestainedglassicom United Account Services Y
144 Designs by Jan Easters Cumber Offers patterns
Offers patterns, workshops, pre-leaded blanks, and finished faux-stained glass projects.
Navigationshilfe Ty
145 Glenwood Sewing Center Specializes in
Specializes in original watercolor and stained glass patterns and kits. Also books, classes, and fat packs.
Glenwood Center Classes Fabrics Patterns Rss Kits Sewing Featured Apache Tips Independent Sew Xhtml Quilt
146 Have To Have It Co. Sells Tiffany
Sells Tiffany style, stained glass, banker, and character lamps including turtles, frog, birds, and flowers.
Shirt Shirts Dead Grateful Rock Sports Company Music Tie Roll Tee Dye Wholesale Co Baseball Naturet
147 GlassyLady Offers inspirational
Offers inspirational sayings and poetry framed in stained glass, as well as garden stepping stones, panels and trivets.
Glass Stained Gifts Wedding Jewelry Inspirational Glassy Lady Dichroic Purse Accessories Ornaments Framed Pendants Fused Verses
148 Andersons Custom Woodworking Birdhouses, some
Birdhouses, some with stained glass panels and copper roofs. Also sells wooden golf putters.
Anderson Each Woodworking Putter Ive Current Ordering Inventory Faqs Putters Country Gary Woodwoodworking Custom
149 Rays of Joy Sells handcrafted
Sells handcrafted stained glass urn with keepsake box or oil candle above cremains compartment. Includes photos and color chart.
Friend Standardcallemail Click Tell Mobile
150 The Avenue Stained Glass Studio Offers ready
Offers ready made and custom jewelry, lamps, candle shelters, and suncatchers.
Glass Stained Coe Gift Certificates Cathedrals Bevel Opals Tools Lamp Clusters Patterns Sheets Supplies Solder Saw Lighting Chain Saws Available
151 Casa Maxwell Mexican arts
Mexican arts and crafts include candles, forged iron, stained glass, furniture, and pottery.
Here Maxwell Web Casa Enter Thanks Hosting Free Please Yes Miguel Allendemxico Provider
152 Blackbird Design Studio Handcrafted stained
Handcrafted stained glass jewelry, brooches and pendants, with wire work and bead enhancements.
Blackbirdglass Favorite Favorited Added Glass Etsy Stained Shop Satin Cord Pendant Rattail Gift Design Shaped
153 Motion Glassworks Customized stained
Customized stained glass art specializing in horses, cats, dogs and classic cars. Located in Ontario.
Dogs Stained Horses Cars Motion Glassworks Glass Classic Ontario Art Custom Workshops Courses Canada Designs Supplies
154 VanBuskirk, Jim Features works
Features works in metal sculpture, stained glass, watercolor painting, and airbrush. Includes artist information.
Glass Metal Simulator Stained Nascar Sculpture Custom Made Art Gallery Moonlite Racing Sculptures Handmade Southwest Statues Zion Car Cactus Makeit
155 Country Gift Cottage Pressed flower
Pressed flower pictures, pottery, painted mailboxes, stained glass, windchimes, and collectables.
Williraye Collection David Heirloom American Butterfly Country Shipping Chestnut Fairies Price Frykman Cart Contact Noel Mini Willi
156 Crystal Clear Images Handcrafted stained
Handcrafted stained glass designs include lamps, windows, kaleidoscopes, frames and jewelry.
Wholesale Crystal Glass Stained Prisms Supplies Chimes Swarovski Clear Etching Images Leaded Books Kong Stencils Send Egypt Gallery Sold Austria
157 Rays of Joy Sells handcrafted
Sells handcrafted stained glass urn with keepsake box or oil candle above cremains compartment. Includes photos and color chart.
Email Mobilefriendcall Standard Click Tell
158 Garden Art Accessories Sells sculpted
Sells sculpted wall hangings, stained glass stepping stones, pottery, and water spitters.
Gold Coast Leave Melbourne Marketing Reputation Older Management Bathroom Company Renovations Uncategorized Help Good Businesses Clients Idea When Garden
159 Lady Jane Offers objects
Offers objects dart stained and foil glass miniature greenhouses, conservatories and display cases.
Lady Jane Glass Cases Display Gallery House Roomboxes Foil Tiffany Miniature Stained Schedule Show Museum Greenhouses
160 All Things Ukrainian Unique and
Unique and authentic arts and crafts from Ukraine such as Pysanky kits, stained glass , art, embroideries and jewelry.
Ukrainian Ukraine Glass Wood Pysanky Art Eggs Crafts Easter Supplies Arts Things Carved Carpathian Inc Moravian Business
161 The Majestic Market Sells a
Sells a variety of mirrors, shower enclosures, stained glass lamp shades, crystal chandeliers and clocks.
162 Allan-Dymarz Studios Providing custom-made
Providing custom-made wood, leather and stained-glass home decor furniture items.
163 Turtle Creek Studio Handcrafted Western
Handcrafted Western, Southwest, mission and prairie style stained glass lamps, panels and windows.
Glass Stained Windows Creek Studio Turtle Gallery Lamps Window Lamp Victorian Handcrafted Doors Transoms Floor
164 The Wedding Dept Specializing in
Specializing in handcrafted wind chime and aromatherapy ornaments. Also including seed, potpourri, and stained glass favors.
Cedars Garden Five Decorative Zone Post Arts Wild Contact Favors Wind Blog Birds | Water Clay Chimes
165 Contois Reynolds Handmade stained
Handmade stained glass mirrors, windows, jewelry and gifts in contemporary, southwestern, astronomical, and fantasy styles.
Glass Stained Mirrors Windows Tiffany Contemporary Art Jewelry Suncatchers Reynolds Contois Earrings Floral Studio Easy Sun
166 Jacqueline Winch Stained Glass Designs Handcrafted windows
Handcrafted windows and gifts including napkin rings, Judaica, and candle holders.
Glass Stained Jacqueline Cakes City Please Keyword Boxes Mosaic Charm Designs Leaded Sand Here Contact Goes Subtle Commissions
167 Onyx Xpressions Categories include
Categories include Art Deco, art of living, florals, music, nature, oriental, stained glass, and winter wonders.
Gallery Xpressions Stamps Rubber Name Black Nature Click Onyxxpressions Stamp Art Mounting Onyx Supplies Custom Full Sun Sea Solid Onyximpressions Order New
168 Taite, Natan - Judaica Gallery and Studio Features a
Features a selection of handcrafted stained glass and metal creations and ordering info.
Navigationshilfe Ty
169 Notas, Inc. Offers stained
Offers stained glass paintings, embossed ceramics, jute handicrafts, leather sculptures, and hand embroidered tapestries.
Colombian Handmade Leather Wall Hangings Gifts Ceramic Embroidered Jute Wishlist Sculptures Wooden Products Shopping Handicraft Google+ Embossed Log
170 Bird N Berry Creations Offering appliqué
Offering appliqué quilt patterns of birds and animals that can also be used for embroidery, crewel, stained glass, and stenciling.
Sign Lifestream Places Updated Now People Everything Policysimplifying Reserved Go Theres Insign Terms Inc
171 Moon Faerie Stained Glass In-stock or
In-stock or custom panels from a choice of patterns. Specializes in dragons, fairies and mythical creatures.
Free United Contact Easy Account Privacy Available Host Premium Guidelines Dont Services Policy Terms Y
172 Cosmic Jewelry Handmade stained
Handmade stained glass earrings and pins with crystals, beads, and kiln-fired gold, inspired by astronomy.
Glass Jewelry Stained Earrings Cosmic Pins Stars Handmade Dangle Pierced Moon ~ Handcrafted Studio Sun Beads
173 Cottage Rose Studio Mosaic art
Mosaic art creations using broken china and stained glass to cover vintage furniture and architectural finds.
174 Moon Faerie Stained Glass In-stock or
In-stock or custom panels from a choice of patterns. Specializes in dragons, fairies and mythical creatures.
Sign Available Contact Statement Free Premium Easy Moonfaeriestainedglassicom Guidelines Acceptableuse Dont Host Terms Services Y
175 Bear Paw Productions Features books
Features books and patterns for wholesale and retail. Specializes in stained glass, scrap quilting, and sharp pointies.
Patterns Brenda Productions Bear Workshops Quilting Kits Books Paw Toys Hennings Henning Discs Charm Amend Schedule Contact Traditional
176 Bloesch, Maureen Fine arts
Fine arts of handmade eggery, painting portraits of people and wildlife, Stained Glass, jewelry and collectibles.
Workshops Glass Stained Paintings Eggery Bloesch Jewelry Maureen Artisian Lamps Photography Flag Artist Crafts Arts Now
177 Hidy Tidy Features functional
Features functional wooden cabinets that conceal the unsightly litter box. Available in several sizes, styles, and colors, with stained glass options.
Hidy Litter Tidy Furniture Box Best Cabinets Worlds Tazzy Cats Terms Sale Quality Made Usa
178 Susans Artistic Accents Handmade wreaths
Handmade wreaths, bird houses, rain gauges, stained glass, and ornaments. Gifts for home or garden.
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179 Features stained
Features stained glass suncatchers. Designs include birds, butterflies, suns, stars, dragonflies, dragons, wizards and fairies.
Glass Suncatchers Stained Handcrafted Suncatcher Handmade Windows Studio Contois Hang Hanging Sun Policy Delight Guarantee] Horses Form]
180 Imapro Hand carved
Hand carved and stained mahogany items including doors, chest, screens, mirrors, coffee tables and home accessories.
Cgi Biny
181 Mistflower Studio Valerie Fuqua
Valerie Fuqua of Downers Grove, IL offers broken china, stained glass and tile mosaics for the home and garden.
Mosaics Media Mixed Art Photography Studio Mistflower Fuqua Mosaic Illinois Downers Ldmstudio Valerie Directory Artist
182 Points of Light Studio Handmade lampwork
Handmade lampwork beads, jewelry mosaic stained glass candleholders crafted and auctioned by Karen Higgins.
Navigationshilfe Ty
183 Mary Whitecloud Stained Glass Originals Jewelry, tables
Jewelry, tables, photo frames, and accessories. Includes information about the artist and past projects.
Glass Stained Mary Whitecloud Style Windows Art Jewelry Tables Fused Also Artist Professional Church Decor Lamps Stainglass Announcements
184 The Texas Store Souvenir and
Souvenir and gift shop offering bronze art, books, apparel, food, flags, home furnishings, and stained glass.
New Store Texasgiftitemscom Texasz
185 Silver Moon Studio Handcrafted stained
Handcrafted stained glass mosaics. Decorative mirrors, vases, trivets, flower pots, and candle holders.
Navigationshilfe Ty
186 Silver Horse Studios Offers t-shirts
Offers t-shirts, prints, stained glass, lamps, clocks, pillows and a selection of mule themed merchandise.
Horses Could Talk Store Horse Silverhorse Shirt Prints Studios Bruni Gifts Lovers Mail Beautiful Place Equine Farmers Coffee
187 Sova Enterprises Offers patterns
Offers patterns for beads, knitting, stained glass, wood, dolls, crochet, quilts, and paper. Also books and kits.
Gt Bead Inch Bracelet Sova Account Necklace Patterns Clear Illusion Mini Test Beaded How Ea Beading Hidden Patriotic
188 Juniper Hollow Sells a
Sells a variety of lampwork beads and vessels, jewelry, clothing, boxes, bags, stained glass and other handmade gifts.
189 Kellys Crafts Selection of
Selection of products include suncatchers, stained glass, sand art, magic bubble, buttons, and fabric paint projects and kits.
Pencils Wood Pencil Portal Page Sand Brands Image Colored Pieces Derwent Vendor Crafts Personalized Products Sorry Leftsearch
190 New England Artisans Studio Featuring the
Featuring the work of crafters including pottery, knitting, stained glass, soft toys, candles, soaps and lotions.
Shopping Economy Business Directory Education Sports Link Birmingham Entertainment + Ne Art Co Latest Sport Information Harvesting Middlesex
191 Dreamscapes Stained glass
Stained glass oragami, figurines, and panels inspired by oriental art or art deco, designed and crafted by Karen Ichiro, and pattern books by the artist.
Z Ftpquota Y
192 Down East Stained Glass Custom designed
Custom designed windows for residential, business, and churches. Includes a pattern club, with a variety of downloadable patterns available to members.
Glass Stained Patterns Free Custom Windows Pattern East Window Tiffany Club Work Religious Baptist
193 Legacy Studio Restoration of
Restoration of faded, torn, stained, or damaged photos, with high-resolution prints. Alterations can include adding or removing persons.
194 Parrish Relics Handcrafted clay
Handcrafted clay jewelry in gothic and renaissance themes. Embellished with semi-precious gemstone, stained glass, and natural scents.
Jewelry Parrish Relics Renaissance Ugly Betty Handmade Handcrafted Byzantine Necklace Jennifer Main Gothic Wedding Menu Earrings Periods
195 Sports Fans Hq Featuring licensed
Featuring licensed products from the NHL, MLB, NFL, NBA, and College. Including bar stools, tables, pool cues, stained glass lamps, comforters and watches.
Military College United Florida Carolina Tigers States Nascar Sports Ncaa Merchandise Eagles Nfl Cardinals Nhl Alabama Angels Shopping Clocks Oilers
196 The Urnist Creates custom
Creates custom stained glass urns for companion animals. Includes style gallery, color chart, pet tributes, and information about the artist.
Theurnistcom Perhaps Found Apologiesz
197 Glass Menagerie Stained glass
Stained glass windows, stepping stones, gifts and cabinets.
Sign Updated People Lifestream Places Policy Now Everything Trademarks Socialreserved Privacy Youre Network Search Simplifying
198 G.V. Security Leadlights Glass overlay
Glass overlay to produce an imitation stained glass effect.
199 Grey Wing Stained glass
Stained glass panels and suncatchers, etched glass and paintings.
Design Greywing Consulting Plans Building Etched Blog House Jackie Graphic Barnaby Englandstyles Renovations Civil Sandwich
200 Window Paintings Offers custom
Offers custom imitation stained glass window painting.
Glass Painting Art Contact Windowpaintings Stained Just Logosuncatchersun Decorating Hand Fine House Versatile Paintings Form

3. Stained Recreation

1 Evan Designs Graphics software
Graphics software to print signs, windows, stained glass and billboard ads.
Model Leds Train Software Trains Evan Designer Contact Policies Shipping Builder Paper Create Models Window Building Creator Minis Varietypack Made
2 Wilma Kinder Miniatures Dollhouse tour
Dollhouse tour, dolls, quilts, furnishings, gowns and faux stained glass windows.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing App Gallery Hosting Help Advisor Local Finance Sell Customer Also Network Music
3 Know Joe Home of
Home of the GI Joe FAQ. Includes sewing tips and patterns, information on how to clean up stained uniforms, and methods to identifying vintage Joes, Action Man, and other clones.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small App Local Hosting Advisor Help Gallery Terms Central Sell Affiliate Geocities
4 Leaded Features a
Features a photographic gallery of antique stained glass lamps that have been featured in recent auctions.
Collection Martin Lamps Tiffany Lighting Glass Duffner Suess Gallery Studios Kimberly Hart Leaded Makers Shades Road Antique
5 Antiquity Hill Farm Standing Ibn
Standing Ibn Naseri, Straight Egyptian and offering horses for sale. Also Arabian artwork, stained glass, personalized awards and Arabian native costumes. In Hartford.
6 Morel Madness in Michigan Morel mushrooms
Morel mushrooms are one of the passions of this Michigan couple, who use morel motifs in their stained glass creations.
Sign Lifestream Policy People Now Updated Everything Places Create Insign Youre Login Privacy Go Theres Networks Read

4. Computer & Stained Games Websites

1 Psp Stained Glass Collection of
Collection of stained glass tiles made into tubes.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Games Inc Sites Toolbarhosting Archives Sorry Machine Mail Reach
2 Designs by Rose Snow globes
Snow globes, page sets, clip art, stained glass and PSP tubes.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Help Copyright Movies Trying Sports Internet Reachpopular News Hosting
3 BingoWare Lessons on
Lessons on how to take a black and white image and add color to it by using layers. Restore stained or damaged photos.
Paint Shop Pro Vegas Ritzville Imperial Version Febuary Shjop Photo Clones Right Heres Park Masks Repair Trip Chair
4 Web Graphics by Pati Tutorials for
Tutorials for PSP covering stained glass, leading, opaque backgrounds and a lighthouse beam. Links to other tutorials for PSP6.
Tutorials Brushes Tubes Shop Psp Paint Webrings Page Email Pro Pysmatic Patis Services Design Forum
5 McKnelly Presets Original presets
Original presets available for download. Also included are several stained glass examples and a tutorial on creating lead edges in BladePro.
6 Water Tutorial Bryce4 tutorials
Bryce4 tutorials covering, using the terrain editor to create rivers, and using lattices to create a stained glass window, by Sarah Sammis.
Canadian Puss Diversity Portfolio Lgbta Month Format Genre Title Author Books Reboots Source Age Xena Bryce
7 Free backgrounds 2002 Free artistic
Free artistic backgrounds, with lots of variety. Backgrounds and borders, seamless textured tiles, tiled backgrounds in metallic, psychedelic, stained glass. There is something for everyone.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Trying Privacy Internet Machine News Hosting Games User Movies
8 Cookies Graphics Coordinated web
Coordinated web sets, swish intros for personal pages, stained glass graphics, featured artists web sets, bordered backgrounds, web page embellishments, holiday web sets, for personal pages.
Best Credit Luxury Cars Phones Tickets Smart Cheap Rates Funds Insurance Speed Internet Penny Free Stocks High
1 The Killas Korner Stained, messy
Stained, messy, and otherwise nasty furniture.
Killas Da Korner] Korner [enter Discretion Trashydrugobjectssponsored Advised] Sims] Related

5. Sports Websites concerning Stained

1 Antiquity Hill Farm Standing Ibn
Standing Ibn Naseri, Straight Egyptian and offering horses for sale. Also Arabian artwork, stained glass, personalized awards and Arabian native costumes. In Hartford.
Navigationshilfe Ty

6. Society, Arts and Stained Crafts

1 Stained Witch Candle spells
Candle spells and stained glass pentacles.
Designs Stained Glass Stainedwitchsponsored Close Z
2 phoenix urn handcrafted marble
handcrafted marble, granite, stained glass and hardwood urns.
Urns Handpainted Art Fine Phoenix Cremation Apache Permanently The Special Portserver
3 Christian Art Exhibit Online photo
Online photo gallery of large stained glass pictures.
Navigationshilfe Ty
4 The Jewish Sanctuary Online gallery
Online gallery of stained glass and inlaid Judaica art for the synagogue.
Glass Plachte Zuieback Stained Jewish Life Aron Whats Design Contact Contemporary Synagogue Sign Chronological Portfolio Artists Michelle
5 Hillsboro Baptist Church Contact information
Contact information, service schedule, and photos of the churchs stained glass windows.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Please Customer Terms Aabaco Help Domains Website Ecommerce Advisor
6 Hillsboro Baptist Church Contains pastors
Contains pastors profile, service schedule, and photographs of the churchs stained glass windows.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Ecommerce Small Marketing Hosting Advisor Gallery App Local Help Domains Please Sell Program Map
7 historical chapel built in
built in 1852. historic landmark in woodbury, ny with original stained glass windows, oak pews, and tolling bell.
8 Art of Ascalon Studios Geared towards
Geared towards furnishings, stained glass, recognition works for synagogues, and sculptures. Contains pictures, history of the artist, and testimonials.
Photography Photos Crazy Advice Taking Follow Posted Take Published Solutions Dont Simple Tagged Better Pictures How Must Full
9 First Presbyterian Church, Corpus Christi, Texas Pastors message
Pastors message, worship and weekly activity times, newsletter, pictures of the stained glass windows.
Corpus First Christi Church Presbyterian Higher Zone Page Aresolutionmaintained Reserved Corpuschristi Using Allrights
10 Saint Mary Magdalen Parish Hazel Park.
Hazel Park. Mass schedule, bulletin, directory, school information, stained glass windows, and directions.
Datenschutzrichtlinien Click Stmarymagdalencom Herez
11 Discount Catholic Store Sells rosaries
Sells rosaries and chaplets, statues, prayer cards, crucifixes, stained glass, childrens gifts, wide selection of medals.
Catholic St Store Gift Gifts Cards Books Book Statues Francis Pope Discount Art Medals Relics Joseph Religious Offers Order
12 Mirrys Art Glass Offering fabric
Offering fabric and stained glass Judaica. Larger items such as synagogue parochetare and windows are also available.
13 Mirrys Art Glass Offering fabric
Offering fabric and stained glass Judaica. Larger items such as synagogue parochetare and windows are also available.
14 Lyons Evangelical Free Church Pastors welcome
Pastors welcome, sample sermon, and stained glass images from their historic church building.
Free Lyonsevfreechurch Evangelical Church_ Study Useful Stained School Avenue Sundayam Pray Sermons Meeting Opportunities Prescott
15 Lyons Evangelical Free Church Pastors welcome
Pastors welcome, sample sermon, and stained glass images from their historic church building.
Evangelical Church_ Pastor Lyonsevfreechurch Free Prayer Vida Pray White Schedule Prescott Meeting Center Illinois Services
16 Christ Church Anglican, Meaford Provides location
Provides location, church photo, a brief history, and an account of its 'Splinters of Beauty', memorial stained glass windows.
Meaford Glass Church Memorial Windows Stained Harold Appleyard Christ Splinters Canadian Images Fragment Shaw Chichester
17 Gryffon, Dragon and Wolf Products for
Products for ritual and mundane use including hand crafted incense, oils, bath salts, candles, stained glass and other supplies. Web design services also available.
Oils Gryffon Dragon Readings Herbs Wolf Glass Candles Essential Incense Stained Flowers Art Root Supplies Faerie Astragalus Contact Darco
18 St Cuthberts Parish Church, Saltcoats, Ayrshire This site
This site covers history from the 11th Century, architecture, including famous stained glass, as well as information and photos of the various organisations and events.
19 Rehoboth Evangelical Lutheran Church Baden, Pennsylvania.
Baden, Pennsylvania. Worship and education schedule, pastor, mission statement, pictures of stained glass windows, calendar, and contact information.
Rehoboth Lutheran Church Evangelical Contact Us * Baden Preschool Visit News Pre Jesus Elca Nativity School Secretary
20 Our Lady of Victories Catholic Parish Includes Church
Includes Church information, stained glass window images, current and past weekly bulletins, events calendar, mission, and contact details.
Free Hosting Blog Topcities Sign Now Tell Mobile Started Rights Completely Lets Copyrightcreserved
21 Christ Church Anglican Location and
Location and photo of the church, a brief history, and an account of its 'Splinters of Beauty', memorial stained glass windows. Located in Meaford, Ontario.
Meaford Memorial Stained Windows Glass Church Harold Christ Appleyard Rector Parishduring Sure Shaw East
22 Trinity Episcopal Church Covington. Service
Covington. Service schedules, staff, history, stained glass and architecture galleries, directions, organizations, music program, links, photo album, calendar, and virtual tour.
Church Episcopal Covington Trinity Kentucky Sunday Lexington Rev Picnic Same Diocese Saturday Parish Linda Sex Young Local Music   Staff
23 All Saints Catholic Parish Information on
Information on masses, sacraments, organizations, parish history, location, staff, schedules and events. Online pictures of stained glass windows are included.
24 All Saints Catholic Parish St. Peters.
St. Peters. Information on Masses, sacraments, organizations, parish history, location, staff, schedules and events. Online pictures of stained glass windows are included.
25 Hope Presbyterian Church, Tinton Falls, New Jersey Worship times
Worship times, directions, calendar of upcoming events and meetings, material on ministries and groups, audio sermon archive, stained glass window details.
Click Datenschutzrichtlinien Hopepresbyteriancom Herez
26 Glass Art Work St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Toronto Works by
Works by Lutz Haufschild include pictures of his stained glass artistry at St. Andrews.
Filefoundthe Looking Resource Directory Unavailable Namechanged Been Might Removederror Temporarily Server
27 St Helens Church, Low Fell Details of
Details of this Gateshead church, including its personnel, location, history and photographs of the Victorian building and its stained glass windows, diary of events and information on the church hall.
Church Information Helens Saturday Lent Course Sunday Roof Hall St Diary Repair Brush Weddings Family Refurnishment
28 St Andrews Episcopal Church Information about
Information about a beautiful hundred year old San Lorenzo Valley church which lists current activities, Services, church history and photographs of church stained glass windows.
Church Andrews California Crystal Navigationshilfe Information History Altar Kythera Guildmail Lomond Articles Pledges
29 St. Georges-on-the-Hill, Toronto Offers a
Offers a welcome page, information about worship, Sunday school, youth, Kingsway College School, parish Scouts, events, outreach and ministries, church stained glass windows, links and contacts.
Z St Permanently The Server Anglican Sun Church Asp Georges Rhelmod_auth_passthrough Openssleapache Fips Hill
30 blood stained diamonds an investigation
an investigation of the ethics of the diamond cartel. the purchase of engagement diamonds supports a diamond trade heavily involved in debt bonded child labour and hazardous work practices illegal in the us or britain.
Diamond Roberts Diamonds Glitter Greed Jani Beers De Empire Blood Ethics Cutting Corporate Conflict Environment Afria Aborigines Janine
31 Anglican Parish of St. Georges on the Hill Offers a
Offers a welcome page, information about Worship, Sunday School, youth, Kingsway College School, parish Scouts, events, Outreach and ministries, church stained glass windows, links and contacts.
Candlelight St Georges Hill Church Events Anglican Eucharist Announcements Frontpagemod_fcgid Sun News Readerwelcome
32 North Easton: Unity Church of North Easton 'We are
'We are a friendly and active Welcoming Congregation.... We welcome diversity. Services are held in a handicap-accessible, beautifully maintained, 125-year-old historic church.... The church features two renowned LaFarge stained-glass windows.'
Unity North Church Easton Click Eastons Pleaseheresorry
33 The Priory Church of St.Mary and St.Cuthbert Details of
Details of the churchs past and current life. The historical section includes information about the altar, stained glass and paintings along with the rule of St Augustine, Wordsworths poetry about the priory and a virtual tour. Also on the site are directions, FAQs, information for school and other visitors groups, service times and forthcoming special events.
Priory Church Mary File Bolton Augustinian Here Abbey St Cuthbert Yorkshire Services Yet Nicholl Pdf Hartington Officebolton
1 leo art stained glass studio offers custom
offers custom and original design in traditional and contemporary stained and leaded glass, specializes in stained glass restoration and painting on the glass.
Glass Stained Painting Restoration Studio Design Windows Leaded Custom New Jersey Traditional Art Leo Mosaics
2 torr lith stained glass creates art
creates art in stained glass and lamps, and includes pictures of samples, the artist and her studio.
Stained Glass Studio Torr Muskoka Lith Trr Art Lth Photo Pieces Traditional Windows Stainedglass Using
3 stained glass artwork by karin crissey features elaborate
features elaborate, original stained glass lamp shades and windows.
Navigationshilfet Y
4 aanraku stained glass teaching studio
teaching studio features a gallery of elaborate stained glass projects completed by students following an intensive course.
Glass Stained Aanraku Pattern Studios Design Store Patterns Classes Courses Tools Studio Shop Grinders Distributors Shears Messageboard Tutorials Infringement
5 castle studio stained glass restores, reproduces
restores, reproduces, designs and fabricates stained glass windows for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
Studio Castle Contact Website Gallery Work Pennsylvania Inc Architectural Prospect Philadelphia Info@castlestudioinccomglasswelcome Located Avenorth
6 stained glass in-stock and
in-stock and custom stained glass windows, transoms, skylights and lamps, designed and fabricated by jim connelly.
7 stained glass by sheryl and ray leak gallery of
gallery of custom designed stained glass for church, commercial, and residential use.
年月 そのä»Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 趣味 エãÆ’³ã‚¿ãÆ’¡ 酵素ジãÆ’¥ãÆ’¼ã‚¹ã‚’ä½Ã…“りました Vio周りの無é§Ã¢â‚¬Å¾æ¯Ã¢â‚¬Âº æ&micr
8 stevenson stained glass studio custom designed
custom designed stained glass decor for home or office including doors, windows, panels and supplies for hobbyists.
Glass Leave Uncategorized Reply Decoration Custom Heat Tiles Indoor Designs Resources – Sliding Screened Silk
9 stevenson stained glass studio custom designed
custom designed stained glass decor for home or office including doors, windows, panels and supplies for hobbyists.
Glass Leave Uncategorized Reply Decoration Custom Tiles Heat Designs Indoor Resources Wordpress – Silk Screened
10 leo amery presents the
presents the core elements of leo amery’s work: stained glass for commission, stained glass for exhibition, courses, the studio, the artist and contact page.
Vitraux Amery Vitrail Leo Contemporain Dart Atelier Sur Exposition Stages Commande English Nov Artisanat Travailcreacuteation
11 stained glass and fine arts college offers academic
offers academic, technical, and artistic training as a stained glass artist. features curriculum and details about internships. in monthey, switzerland.
12 stained glass by stephen a. fregeau gallery, tutorials
gallery, tutorials and information on the art of stained glass.
13 stained glass art by kinuko laskey stained glass
stained glass gallery with tutorial and patterns.
14 the stained glass museum houses a
houses a national collection of british stained glass. the illustrated online catalogue can be browsed by designer, subject, date or place. includes brief biographies of designers.
Stained Glass Museum Lecture Clarke Visiting Click Page Downloads Geoffrey Research Events News Contact Collections Library Museum’s Workshops
15 the stained glass museum houses a
houses a national collection of stained glass. the illustrated online catalogue can be browsed by designer, subject, date or place. includes brief biographies of designers. ely cathedral.
Stained Glass Museum Lecture Click Visiting Clarke Page Collections Contact Education Research Downloads Library Appeal Norfolk Geoffrey Events News Clips
16 the stained glass museum, ely cathedral houses a
houses a national collection of british stained glass. the illustrated online catalogue can be browsed by designer, subject, date or place. includes brief biographies of designers.
Stained Glass Museum Visiting Clarke Lecture Page Click Contact Events Education Collections News Downloads Research Exhibitions South Library Wednesday
17 stained glass photography a comprehensive
a comprehensive guide to the stained glass of william morris, henry holiday, edward burne-jones, charles kempe, louis tiffany and others in churches throughout the world. from p. neil ralley.
Glass Stained Cards Windows Photography Art Reproductions Other Ornaments Vintage Buy Frameable Ralley Pictures Follow Angels Magdalene Notecards
18 the stained glass museum houses a
houses a national collection of british stained glass. the illustrated online catalogue can be browsed by designer, subject, date or place. includes brief biographies of designers. located in ely, united kingdom.
Stained Glass Museum Visiting Page Click Lecture Clarke News Appeal Education Events Research Library Downloads Friends Bagge Prices Educational Norfolk Exhibition
19 aakruti glass crafts a design
a design studio specializing in glass sinks, stained glass and imitation stained glass windows. located in india.
Domain Contact Policy Categories Testimonials Shopping Cart See Help Pm Todayour Call Glass Speak Customer Domains Request
20 the world through different coloured glasses photographs of
photographs of in-situ stained glass windows, secular and ecclesiastical, in south east england and the musee dorsay, paris, courtesy of south london stained glass.
Yahoo Geocities Help Copyright Sign Policy Wayback Archiveorghosting User Popular Finance Reach Internet Maps
21 stained glass guild of kansas a nonprofit
a nonprofit organization of kansas individuals interested in the understanding and appreciation of stained glass art.
Tripod Create Loginwebsite Page Tripodcom Lycos Hosting Lycoscom Requested Signup Shoppingcheck Please
22 glass threshold stained glass
stained glass studio of artist peter boucher, specializing in stained glass painting and glass restoration.
23 ted goodden stained glass ted goodden
ted goodden specializes in creating new stained glass panels for homes, public buildings and churches.
24 robert oddy stained glass artist gallery of
gallery of robert oddys naturalistic depictions in stained glass using plating, overlay, engraving and band saw. features include detailed articles on the artists techniques.
25 stained glass town square stained glass
stained glass forum also includes sections on hot glass, mosaic, and glass painting.
Glass Nov Pattern Sep Hide Ipboard Oct Stained Copper Buttons Station Content Czech Jul Gallery Full Lead Kindergarten Suburbs
26 cavallini stained glass studios, inc. creates stained
creates stained glass including faceted and etched glass, church window restoration, historical projects, and mosaics. includes projects, and contact information.
Mapcabrinichurch Grandbury Texasseries Frances
27 tribal glass art native american
native american stained glass and custom stained glass.
Tripod Create Signup Check Requested Login Lycoscom Tripodcom Page Couldnt Hostingwebsite Shopping Lycos
28 association of stained glass lamp artists a non-profit
a non-profit association for the perpetuation, improvement, and promotion of stained glass lamp making. features an online gallery.
Stained Glass Lamp Association Artists Membership Conti Board Asgla Members Asgla@comcastnet Kanick Calendar Card Lamps Contact
29 military stained glass hand-crafted stained
hand-crafted stained glass panels for all five branches of the military.
Navigationshilfe Ty
30 Stained Glass of William Morris Company Features over
Features over 100 images of mostly 19th century stained glass windows by William Morris Company.
Morris Jones Burne Manufacturer William Designer Cumbria Edward Country Uk Church Jesus Building Ponsonby Crucifixion Subject Crucifixion William Keyword Christ
31 cedarcrest a gallery
a gallery of stained glass panels and windows.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Games Flickr Privacy Reach Canada Sites Machine Visit Maps Popular Y
32 narcissus quagliata gallery of
gallery of stained glass murals.
Nquagliatacom Advance Cash Insurance Debt Consolidation Report Policy Domain Credit Privacy Sectionphones Free
33 hot flash annys gallery of
gallery of commissioned stained glass windows.
34 artistry stained glass contains photo
contains photo gallery and crafting information.
35 ezzell studios custom carved
custom carved doors with etched and stained glass.
Kent Ezzell Inquire Please Woodwork Crafted Prices Custom Hand Each Ezzells Doors Kentezzell@mecom Northwest Doorprices Doors Doors Installations
36 bygabriella specializing in
specializing in original stained glass art on custom designed furniture.
Please Servergateway The Thank Sorrydate Url Tengine Gateway
37 gourdgraphics a gallery
a gallery of pyroengraved, dyed, and stained decorative and functional gourds.
Z Navigationshilfe Y
38 unblinkingeye designs online portfolio
online portfolio of a stained glass artists works.
Stained Glass Posted Uncategorized Unblinking Different Antique Windows Middle Most Ages Catch Commonly Mouth Choosing Types
39 bryan w. lewis gallery painter of
painter of ecclesiastical stained glass windows and designer.
40 kemper studio fabricates stained
fabricates stained glass windows for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
41 fredrick stained glass features a
features a gallery that includes lighting, windows and sidelights.
Glass Stained Restoration Repair Classes Supplies Tools Lighting Interior Policy Privacy Terms Fredrick Faqs Services Gallery Monday
42 kuhl studios presents a
presents a gallery of contemporary architectural stained glass commissions.
Kuhl Contact Studiosy
43 irmi steding presents an
presents an online gallery of art bowls and stained glass windows.
Irmiglasscom Privacy Welcome Offer Domain Policy Tweets Videos Submit Free Easy Namesilooffers Tools Access Y
44 colgin, sean features oil
features oil paintings on wood, stained glass and clay sculptures.
Arts Colgin Seany
45 smith, dressler is a
is a colorist, presenting landscape, and seascape on paper, and in stained glass.
Dressler Smith Art Glass Stained Philadelphia County Gallery Windows Galleries Smiths Delaware Artist Exhibits New Church Colorist
46 sher-a-craft instructional videos
instructional videos for cake decorating and stained glass construction.
47 cut and paste mosaics mosaic art
mosaic art for inside or outdoors. designs are created from stained glass.
Navigationshilfe Ty
48 scholes studios studio specializing
studio specializing in custom designed stained, sandblasted and fused glass.
49 designs by smith presents a
presents a gallery of stained glass window and 3-dimensional mosaic projects.
50 The Shrubbery: Soul Coughing - El Oso Ed Parkers
Ed Parkers review: 'The groove on this one is so thick, it stained my pants.' Rated 80%.
Coughing Soul Doughty Music Review El Jazz Another Oso Shrubbery Oso_ Unlike Techno Album News
51 mosaicn me crazy mosaic signs
mosaic signs, windows, birdhouses, and tables created from stained glass.
ƒŒ[Æ’u[’e–Ñ‚ÌÅ’ø‰Ê‚Ɖñ” ƒŒ[Æ’u[’e–Ñ‚ÌÅ’ø‰Ê‚Ɖñ”fˆã—ÃÅ’n‚ªÃ¢â‚¬Å¡¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡·Ã¢â‚¬Å¡·Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ßy
52 kessler studios specializes in
specializes in the design, fabrication and installation of contemporary stained glass and mosaics.
Stained Glass Kessler Mosaics Studios Art Architectural Artliturgical Glassarchitectural Glasscontemporary Public Artarchitectural Consultantmosaic Installs Government Fabricates
53 lyle, elizabeth paintings, prints
paintings, prints, and stained glass that feature surreal and psychedelic themes.
Psychedelic Surreal Art Lyle Elizabeth Dreaming Stained Heart Spirit Filled Glass Pagan Artworks Goddess Virtual Classical
54 westminster stained glass features a
features a gallery of commissioned windows for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical projects.
Glass Stained Westminster Design Light Tradition Union Partners Proudly Studio Ecclesiastical Residential Commercialfabrication
55 century studios create stained
create stained glass tiffany reproduction lamps. gallery, studio and workshop.
Lamps Continue Vine Mail Chain Trumpet Lamp Blog Wall Jonquil Daffodil Sconce Tiffany Turtleback Dragonfly Rarr Lantern Clair West
56 redemption design custom made
custom made stained glass art work, with notes on each piece from artist h. b. clark.
57 century studios creates stained
creates stained glass tiffany reproduction lamps. gallery, studio and workshop.
Lamps Lamp Chain Tiffany Week Continue Studios Turban Blog Mail Geometric Lantern Fish Dogwood Photos Reading Century Additional Contact
58 leadlight craftsman makers of
makers of both traditional and contemporary leadlights and stained glass. located in brisbane, australia.
Glass Stained Residential Leadlight Finished Design Schools Work Featured Churches Piece Followphotography Contact Millard
59 wayne cain designs and
designs and crafts stained glass windows and entryways for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
Glass Stained Contemporary [more] Art Beveled Hand Cain Branches Restoration Made Sculpted Custom Bevels Virginia Reamy
60 harriet hyams stained glass
stained glass window artist for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs. specializes in architectural windows.
Hyams Fine Harriet Glass Stained American Artist Artsculpture Unique Residential Loading Corporate Specific
61 lost art originals custom stained
custom stained glass windows and hand painted tile by artist sherry yost.
62 stainedglassville message boards
message boards for stained glass discussion and information. includes project photos contributed by members.
Glass Stained Forums Stainedglassville Stainedglassvillecom Boards Message Looking Art Text Hot Webmasters Right Headline Y
63 reflexion stained glass includes online
includes online gallery of windows and entryways by thai artist siriporn phokthavi.
64 haeger stained glass gallery of
gallery of custom designed windows and mosaic murals for residential, commercial and ecclesiastical needs.
Glass Haeger Stained Commissions Windows Restoration Church Specializing Galleries Buildings Residential Repairs Commercial Mail Services Used Call Art
65 warner, renee containing computer
containing computer graphics dedicated to wolves and fairies, as well as stained glass works, poetry and quotes.
66 oddy, robert stained glass
stained glass artist whose subjects are based on nature. features articles and gallery of work.
67 firsttree art and artists paintings, prints
paintings, prints, stained glass, mosaics, decorative arts, antiques and collectibles by various authors.
Firsttreecom Cash Advance Insurance Policy Consolidation Privacy Debt Report Free Lifelearn Credit Section
68 olguin, antonio works in
works in various media, from oil pastel to ink, colored pencil, acrylic, stained glass, digital art, and wire mesh.
Create Tripod Website Tripodcom Hosting Check Login Lycoscom Page Requested Couldntlycos Signup Please
69 point silence a gallery
a gallery of contemporary works by stained glass artist mark shideler, including windows and panels.
70 katzban, jennifer l. specializing in
specializing in faux stained glass paintings, illustration in graphite and mixed media and henna body art.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Copyright Signnews Privacy Sports Guidelines Archiveorg Popular Hosting Terms
71 falling through this pattern stained glass dedicated to
dedicated to hardcore and emo music. includes photos, interviews, jokes, articles, and reviews.
Music Panic Falling Interviews Stained Through Emo Pictures Hardcore Youcan Doubt Window Sponsoredlife Yourself
72 ravenwood designs stained glass
stained glass look patterns for machine appliqued and quilted wall-hangings using reverse applique technique.
73 the big ogre works of
works of art include basswood and cottonwood bark carvings, stained glass, soapstone, and painted steer skulls.
74 ryan studios specializes in
specializes in the design and fabrication of stained glass windows and architectural accents ranging from contemporary to traditional work.
75 zumwalt studios specializing in
specializing in decorative and architectural painted and leaded stained glass windows. includes artist biography and portfolio.
76 old sage farm offers a
offers a variety of classes including how to make stained glass stepping stones, pressed flower art and mosaics.
Farm Sage Jewelry Mosaics Bracelet Wire Classes Gane Mokume Sunday Pendant Leather Earrings Beaded Steps Flat Classes *
77 mulders, marc dutch artist
dutch artist presents abstract paintings, photos, collages, and stained-glass windows. includes exhibitions listing.
Mulders Marc Glasobjecten Exposities Glas Lood Aquarel Collages Kunst Textiel Schilderijen Fotografie Overige Mode Interviews Schilder
78 gulsrud, mark eric specializes in
specializes in corporate, public, and liturgical arts incorporating stained and cast glass, fountains, sculpture and furnishings
Glass Eric Gulsrud Art Mark Architectural Stained Liturgical Church Public Washington Tacoma Settings Contact Designs
79 Stained Skin Tattoo and
Tattoo and body piercing studio. Includes care tips for tattoos and piercings, and photograph gallery of each artists work.
Stained Skin Tattoo Galleries Mighty Booking Nate Tour Apprentice Adams Dubois Artists Shaun Nathan Studio
80 suzanne coopers bead and stained glass features technique
features technique instruction pages, free patterns, kits, bulletin board and several photo galleries.
Glass Bead Stained Books Patterns Suzanne Pattern Free Cooper Beadwork Beads Beading Newsletters Mail List
81 dmitry mosaics artist combining
artist combining ancient byzantine mosaic techniques, stained glass, mural painting and relief to create textural art works.
Mosaic Art Dmitry Grudsky Mosaics Artist Classes Process Society Sculpture Tile Area Public Elementary Glass American Berkeley Teacher Lynnartnet
82 greenwillow glass stained glass
stained glass designs inspired by middle earth, especially the elves.
Uber Stained Glass Posted Vinyl Blog Driver Ultimate Guide Jobs Campaign Kirumo Drivers Cut Marketing Uberdriver
83 nickys glass gallery of
gallery of stained glass work created by uk artist.
Mens Watch Continue Reading Dial Watches Silver Black Swiss Admin Posted Victorinox Thursday Hamilton Reads Tone Eco Drive
84 glass chat warner-crivellaro provides
warner-crivellaro provides a stained glass message board.
Glass Posted Re Stained Jack Chat Came Bender Foil Chain Pm * Warner Shipping Pattern Paint Searching
85 spectrum glass large collection
large collection of simple stained glass patterns.
Services Information Error Manager Open Page Tasks Administrative Setup Helpmessageslinks Product Foundinternet Directory
86 kessler studios contemporary architectural
contemporary architectural stained glass by bob and cindy kessler.
Stained Glass Mosaics Kessler Studios Art Architectural Art Liturgical Glass Contemporary Glass Architectural Public Designs Churches Places Consultant Mosaic Kessler Cindy
87 judith schaechter online gallery
online gallery of stained glass windows using flashed glass techniques.
Images Judith Schaechter Carson Exhibitions Press Ghost Artist Oliver Claire Phyllis Bonnie Cao Glass Ghoststained Gallery
88 emilia lil stained glass unusual specializes in
specializes in contemporary glass mosaic columns and spheres.
89 wsg gallery martinsburg, wv
martinsburg, wv gallery offering stone sculpture, painting on canvas, and stained glass.
Wright Gallery Google+ Contact Jody | Welcome Artist Author Arlsculpture Carl Animator Whether
90 glass art magazine discusses blown
discusses blown, fused, etched, stained and decorative glass, as well as lampworking.
Glass Profiles Talk Art Cart Issues **print** Magazine Events Customer Store Products Editor Letter Mail Benefits Archives Expert Interest
91 john k clark glasspainter features commissioned
features commissioned stained glass projects by scottish glasspainter.
Glass Stained Project Title Dimensions Mouth Text Date Description Technique Blown Synagogue Location Glasgow Dim Flashed Christ Holy
92 jackmans glass studio specializing in
specializing in custom stained, beveled, leaded glass windows and doors.
—h‚ê‚éfx‹ÆÅ euÆ’Å’Æ’oÆ’Å’Æ’bÆ’w‚ÆÆ’aÆ’tÆ’bÆ’Å Æ’gÆ’cÆ’g‹k§Ã‚v “ú–{‘Â‚̕ۏؗ¿ Fx‹ÆÅ e‚ÌÆ’Å’Æ’oÆ’Å’Æ’b‹k§Ã†â€™w‚ÆÆ’aÆ’tÆ’bÆ’Å Æ’gÆ’cÆ’g‹k§ ‹ÆÅ e Fx à­Ã‹â€ «Ã¢â‚¬Â°»Ã¢â‚¬Å¡É‚æ‚é‹à—ËÅ
93 hetland, david j. stained glass
stained glass, glass mosaics, painted murals, liturgical and graphic design.
Error Requesty
94 Au Bois Tourné Manufacture and
Manufacture and sale of lectern and table-top music stands made of solid beechwood with a stained or waxed walnut finish. In English and French.
95 cocci and idee mosaic artist
mosaic artist sueann sher creates pique assiette custom mosaics for interior and garden use using old china, stained glass and other materials.
Mosaics Sueann Sher Mosaic Custom Art Garden China Workshops Pique Assiette Cocci Bettison Idee Gallery
96 torr lith stained glass located in
located in muskoka, ontario, canada. windows, lamps and sculptural pieces using traditional methods crafted by linda mcdermott.
Stained Glass Studio Muskoka Lith Torr Art Trr Lth Ontario Methods Traditional Located Enter Autumn Pieces
97 leaded features a
features a photographic gallery of antique stained glass lamps that have been featured in recent auctions.
Open Exclude Domainopenmerchant Results Show Limit Choose Character Nameprice Toddlanecom $ Changemerchant
98 glass campus offering online
offering online and on-site stained glass classes, as well as a forum. located in victoria bc, canada.
Glass Tray Setpdf *new* Combing Belt Campus Tutorial Sander Submissions Powder Fusing Intro Pebbles Click Choice
99 the cavallini company showcase of
showcase of stained glass and architectural mosaics created by the cavallini family. san antonio, texas.
100 new beginnings glass showcases some
showcases some of the stained glass work designed and created gayle brooks of south dakota.
101 Stained in Monochrome Images, character
Images, character profiles, and links for Lain and Weiß Kreuz. Also features fan art, fiction, and links.
Dischordia Stained Monochrome Sponsored Monochromecontains Lain Kreuz Works Experiments Serial Belleweiss Iseults Choose
102 hamilton design glass includes a
includes a portfolio of stained glass commissions as well as free downloadable patterns and screen savers.
Glass Work Portfolio Works Ecclesiastic Exhibition Residential Stained Hamilton Assemblage Discourse Museums Paper Magazines Sydney Design
103 classic glass studio church and
church and commercial stained glass restoration, fabrication and installation. based in north dakota.
Glass Stained Restoration Classic Church Design Process Protective Main Contact Studio Re Leading Traditional Painted Custom Email
104 butler, darrin hand crafted
hand crafted tables stained in unique colors using abstract designs.abstract and contemporary oil paintings are also available.
105 art glass design, fabrication
design, fabrication, and installation of beveled and stained glass by michael pascarella. gallery of commissions and contact details.
106 gorenstein, marcus montreal artist
montreal artist creates paintings, drawings, sculpture and architectural stained glass of landscapes, cityscapes, women and portraits. includes images and biography.
Abstract Realism Marcus Gorenstein Drawings Paintings Nudes Artist Sculptures Art Cialis Experimental Contemporary Rights Update Keats Realist Gallery
107 Stained Skin Tattoo and Body Piercing Studio Meet the
Meet the artist section, image galleries, links, aftercare instructions, contact and appointment information. [Columbus]
Stained Skin Tattoo Galleries Mighty Anthony Apprentice Dubois Adams Riffe Aftercare Studio Call Show Marti Capobianco
108 stephen bonesteel race glass presents stained
presents stained glass windows depicting notable moments in auto racing history.
Domain See Help Testimonials Shopping Policy Cart Categories Contact Close Specialist Joannesalleycom Daily Domains Allisonandstevecom Company
109 terris stained glass creations features a
features a gallery of side lights, cabinet doors, glass panels and stepping stones.
Glass Terris Stained Mail Flanders Jersey Onlyprivate Memberstudio Aterri@optonlinenet
110 dawn oman art gallery yellowknife metis
yellowknife metis artists gallery of original paintings, art cards, silk scarves, and stained glass.
Dawn Artist Oman Yellowknife Canadian Native Visit Page Wwwsistersgalleryca Prints Ferry Omanart@execulinkcom Gallery Crafts Art Edition Tees Umbrellas_
111 diablo glass & metal offering glassblowing
offering glassblowing, fusing, slumping, lampworking and stained glass facilities for public rental. class information available.
Under サーバーの移転のため工事中 Constructiony
112 rayner sunset gallery and framing framing services
framing services, oils, watercolours, stained glass and limited edition norman lindsay etchings.
Photography Canvas Port Printing Beach Framing Whats Postersprint Artwork Movies Cart Lindsay Collectable Fine Macquarie Photo Cancel Login Events
113 hamm glass studios leaded and
leaded and stained glass windows, doors, and lighting: historic restoration, reproductions and originals. in southern california.
Glass Hamm Leaded Greene Originals Stained Restoration Studios Fine John Windows California Art Doors Arts Clients Process Plus American
114 mosaic art by ray zovar contemporary or
contemporary or representational wall hanging, furniture or freestanding art created from chips of porcelain with inlays of stained glass, exotic woods, metals, marble, and granite.
Parallels Sphere Fileparallelsr This Page Found Thecopyright Error
115 frank lloyd wright mark freeman
mark freeman supplies photographs of the famous architect and a guide to his designs for stained glass, featuring many images, books, and links to other relevant sites.
Page Sorry Requestedfound Tofound
116 art glass works working with
working with homeowners, designers, contractors and architects, designing and fabricating stained and beveled glass entryways, windows and doors since 1974.
Glass Stained Windows Beveled Art Leaded Since Window Design Work Services Architectural Fabrication Architects Entryways
117 sherries art work an artist
an artist trying to find her ideal medium, with galleries including mosaic, stained glass, fused glass, porcelein, ceramic and other mediums.
Navigationshilfet Y
118 The Tristan Stained Glass Windows for Harden
for Harden Grange. William Morris chose the subject, based upon Malorys Tristan retellings in Morte Darthur.
Morris Jones Burne Tristram Tristan Edward Images Belle Isoude William Grange Glass Tristram_ Harden Pre Raphaelite Mail Imagesarthurian
119 fallon, wendy art and
art and articles by artist and writer and hosted guests highlighting personal creativity: web design, stained glass, textile art, creative writing, and related book and product reviews.
120 anderson, juliet c. expressions in
expressions in stained glass and sand-blasted items, watercolor, oils and mixed mediums are shown by the artist. includes some photography as well as creative works by close relatives.
Viewmore Business Started Yahoo Small Now Email Hosting Privacy Get Terms Domains Please Aabaco Customer Customers Registration
121 Holy Trinity Church, Casterton Victorian church
Victorian church in Cumbria with wall paintings and stained glass windows by Henry Holiday. Detailed descriptions of the pictures.
Cumbria Lakes Stay North South Hotels Area Cottages Friendly West Dales Heritage Travel Places Visit Holiday
122 mosaic creations one-of-a-kind artwork
one-of-a-kind artwork, tables, mirrors, wall hangings and lamps created from granite, marble, stained glass and vintage italian glass.
Create Tripod Website Tripodcom Shopping Signup Couldnt Lycos Please Page Requestedlycoscom Check Hosting
123 ellen mandelbaum glass art specializing in
specializing in glass painting and stained glass work for large architectural installations.
124 walker, james mold melted
mold melted glass sculpture, stained glass windows for architecture, and cast glass objects.
125 lacy, jean spiritual mosaic
spiritual mosaic - collection of mixed media, collage, assemblages and stained glass designs aligning ancient with modern forms to express afro-american urban life.
Domain Hosting Solutions Marketing Web Network Services Names Website Registration Grow Place Requesthost Helps
126 lacy, jean spiritual mosaic
spiritual mosaic - collection of mixed media, collage, assemblages and stained glass designs aligning ancient with modern forms to express afro-american urban life.
Domain Hosting Marketing Network Solutions Web Services Names Registration Website | Host Businesses Networksolutionscom Y
127 silicon folly stone and
stone and glass work, including instruction manuals for stepping stones, stained glass and hot glass, and forums.
Angel Forum Published Posted Gallery Blog Forums Glass Discussion Folly Memoriam Photo Board Gehenna Silicon Pabus Admin Forums  People
128 fairford church, gloucestershire cotswold hyperguide
cotswold hyperguide supplies photographs and a chatty description of the only church in the british isles with an almost-complete set of 15th. century stained-glass windows.
Troubleshooting Suggestionsindexhtmtemporarily Page Found Check
129 diablo glass and metal offering classes
offering classes and facility rental for glassblowing, fusing, slumping, lampworking, metalworking, and stained glass. serves the greater boston area.
Under Construction サーバーの移転のため工事中y
130 new hope stained glass artisan dan
artisan dan burstein and designer jill burstein display frank lloyd wright inspired window panels, custom designs and mirrors.
Glass Stained Hope Burstein Jill Sample Window Hand Blown County Panel Contact Pages Page Tiffany New Guild
131 artisan genuine stained glass traditional leaded
traditional leaded work from cheshire, uk. ecclesiastical, conservation, victorian, edwardian, and arts and crafts windows plus lamps and antique windows.
Glass Artisan Stained Made Windows Sale Page Painted Lighting Antique Hand Fired Here Designed Antiques Kiln Panels Design Manufacture
132 rayner sunset gallery and framing oils, watercolours
oils, watercolours, stained glass and limited edition norman lindsay etchings. framing services. located in port macquarie.
Photography Canvas Port Framing Printing Collectable Movies Whats Picture Artwork Postersprint Cart Beach Lindsay Favorites Photo Local Create
133 art glass forum general glass
general glass related discussion, including lampworking, fusing, and stained glass. includes vendor specific areas.
Click Artglassforumcom Here Datenschutzrichtlinienz
134 biezes art glass contemporary sculptures
contemporary sculptures made of steel and glass by laurie bieze, plus custom stained glass windows. gallery of commissions and contact details.
Navigationshilfe Ty
135 creative designers crafts offers craft
offers craft courses in candlemaking, floral decor, porcelain, ceramics, parchment, fabric painting, stained glass painting, embroidery, trichem, and wood.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Marketing Ecommerce App Gallery Advisor Help Local Hosting Domains Sell
136 elves of ester artwork by
artwork by cole sonafrank, lead-free stained glass using the foil method, paint, wood, mosaics, acrylic paint, hardwoods, gems, and precious metals.
Glass Stained Mosaic Lead Free Cole Mortar Visit Sonafrank Geophysical Soldering Resources Material Mosaics Dancer Un Foiled Dual Lit
137 live internet stained glass class live interactive
live interactive workshops - work along with students attending class in the studio.
United Disabled Mysite Mypoints Billing Free Priority Juno Classmates Services Netzero Megs Information Terms Frontpager Additional Company Extensions *
138 barbara keith designs stained glass
stained glass mosaic fine art by minnesota artist barbara keith. also available for commissions and murals.
Welcome Designs Keith Barbaraz
139 studio b custom art glass custom designed
custom designed stained, etched and fused glass windows, doors, garden fountains and skylights.
Studio Glass Portfolionewer Page Version Contact Linkscontent Requiresadobe Art
140 mosaic visions, california mosaic artistry mosaic and
mosaic and stained concrete counter tops, tables, flooring and mosaic art. commercial and residential commissions.
Navigationshilfe Ty
141 gerrodette art glass original stained
original stained glass artwork by anna gerrodette from cleveland, ohio. gallery of commissions, panels and trinkets plus information on classes.
142 hunt wildlife studios displays limited
displays limited edition bronze sculpture, fabricated metal sculpture and stained glass by bill and rebecca hunt.
143 shannondale craft camp create crafts
create crafts in the missouri ozarks while staying in a rustic lodge. classes include: blacksmithing, stained glass, tatting, rug hooking, teddy bears, quilting, spinning, shaker carriers, and weaving.
Navigationshilfe Ty
144 glass dog mosaics original mosaic
original mosaic art created in vitreous glass, italian millefiori murrines, stained glass, mirror, ceramic tile and assorted tesserae by paula nelson of florida.
Glass Mosaics Mosaic Art Nelson Paula Tile Ceramic Contact Stained Artist Smalti Dog Decorative Vitreous Sama Ebsq
145 mosaic mandalas stained glass
stained glass mandalas created from hundreds of pieces of art glass selected for color, brilliance and jewel-like qualities by artist by david chidgey.
Art Website Request Otherpeoplespixels Glass Greeting Mosaicmandalas Artwork Nginx Miniatures David Chidgey
146 Charles E Kempe (1837-1907) A brief
A brief biography of the Victorian stained glass window designer Charles Kempe, with particular reference to his work in Cumbria (The Lake District).
147 shuler brown, carlene original watercolor
original watercolor paintings and prints. watermedia collages with stained papers, lace and decorative papers. textured acrylic collages.
148 plique-a-jour enamels enamel works
enamel works and brief description of the plique-a-jour enameling technique. this is the style reminiscent of art nouveau and which resembles miniature stained glass.
149 highfire gallery senoia, ga
senoia, ga gallery featuring pottery, paintings, drawings, sculpture, photography, stained glass and artistic services by commission also available. framing services are available.
150 the stained glass artists group a fellowship
a fellowship of glass artists working to promote the industry.
151 lorraine lamond stained glass artist a gallery
a gallery of contemporary windows by lorraine lamond.
Owner Frozenwerefrozencontact Sorry Please
152 Stained Glass Windows of Louis Comfort Tiffany Featuring photographs
Featuring photographs of windows by Tiffany.
Studios Manufacturer Tiffany Location Montclair Building Union Designer Unknown Country Usa Church Congregational Tiffany Christ Keyword Jesus Subject The Jesus Photography Midianites Glass Gethsemane Keyword Abraham
153 peter mollica architectural stained
architectural stained glass windows designed by peter mollica.
Glass Mollica Stained Peter Contact Petermollicacom University Library Theresa Panels Residences Gatos Freehanging Alaska Small
154 dimensions in art glass custom designed
custom designed leaded and etched glass for architectural applications plus hand-made wood and glass furniture by erik borland and stained glass artist, deb kessler. based in colorado.
155 Tiffany, Louis Comfort: The Rivalry Between Him and John La Farge Long illustrated
Long illustrated article on the competition between La Farge and Tiffany, both of whom claimed to have invented American opalescent stained glass, both of whom trademarked it, their legal battle and its outcome.
Restoration Articles Recommendations Long Lectures Contact Religious Tiffany Design Prioritization Copyright Management Books Condition Louis
156 the glass artists fellowship glass art
glass art gallery and informational site featuring colorado regional artist members working in stained glass, glass jewelry, blown glass and sculpted glass.
Glass Upcoming Membership Events Gallery Artists Fellowship Announcements Classes Contact Learn Member Artist Veit Tanya Much Here Annex Lischka_
157 light screens: the leaded glass of frank lloyd wright on-line version
on-line version of an exhibition about frank lloyd wrights designs for stained-glass windows.
Frank Glass Wright Lloyd Screens Leaded Light Art Exhibition Sloan Martin Craft County Little Press Orange Gallery Robie Institution Prairie Julie
158 grand lake art gallery, inc. grand lake
grand lake, co. gallery offering decorative paintings, pottery, stained glass, wood products, and jewelry by local artists.
Grand Lake Gallery Artists Colorado Request County Sculptures Original Sportsclub Pottery Prices Copyright Commerce Pictures Independent Arts Wood
159 schupak-frishkopf, janice janice schupak
janice schupak frishkopf renders nature motifs in colored pencil and ink on paper, evoking stained glass or patchwork, featuring trees, flowers, and gardens.
Navigationshilfe Ty
160 barton art glass works an online
an online gallery featuring works by artist michael s. barton. includes original lamp shades and windows, made with stained or fused glass, as well as pâte de verre.
Barton Glass Art Michael Works Page Marbles Pate De Gallery Californiathe Glassworksfused Barton_
161 The Cotswold HyperGuide - William Morris Description of
Description of William Morris work in Cotswold with examples of stained glass windows.
Found Indexhtmcheckpage Temporarily Suggestions Troubleshooting
162 Holiday, Henry (1839-1927) A brief
A brief biography of Henry Holiday, a Pre-Raphaelite stained glass designer, who was a friend of Edward Burne-Jones, and who has a similar style. Examples of his work in Cumbria are given. From Visit Cumbria.
Cumbria Stay Lakes South Cottages Area Hotels North Friendly Visit Dales Travel West Places Heritage Roads Glamping
163 glass patterns quarterly magazine provides
magazine provides patterns and step-by-step photographic instructions for stained glass crafters.
Glass Patterns **print** Tutorials Issues Customer Store Events Gpq Quarterly Free Beveled Contact Painting Videos Dimensional Submit Lamps
164 art windows gallery of
gallery of stained glass windows and beveled glass windows by artist rick streitfeld of huntington beach, california. serving orange county and la county.
Glass Windows Stained Beveled Streitfeld Art Rick Articles Welcome Projects Beach Huntington Orange Color Ordering Church
165 Enchanted Visions: Photography by Robin Simpson: Photography Workshop Details of
Details of photography workshop fall of 2002 in Scotland. Main site gallery of photographic prints of Britain for purchase. Lochs, landscapes, seascapes, stained glass, castles, and flowers.
Travel Cruise Holiday Holidays Tips Deals Cheap Great Timeshare Enjoy Guide Hotels France Tours Europe
166 crimson laurel gallery bakersville, nc
bakersville, nc gallery exhibiting work by local artists in a variety of mediums, including jewelry, pottery, sculpture, glass, stained glass, paintings, prints, glass nugget lamps, woodwork, art tiles, fabric art, ironwork, and baskets.
167 the priory church of st.mary and st.cuthbert details of
details of the churchs past and current life. the historical section includes information about the altar, stained glass and paintings along with the rule of st augustine, wordsworths poetry about the priory and a virtual tour. also on the site are directions, faqs, information for school and other visitors groups, service times and forthcoming special events.
Priory Church Mary St Bolton Augustinian Abbey Yorkshire Cuthbert Wharfedale Skipton Canon Hartington Cromwell Slaughter Canons Chapter

Stained Dictionary

stained-glass window: a window made of stained glass
stained glass: glass that has been colored in some way, used for church windows
stained: marked or dyed or discolored with foreign matter, "a badly stained tablecloth", "tear-stained cheeks"
travel-soiled / travel-stained: soiled from travel, "travel-soiled clothes"
stained / varnished: having a coating of stain or varnish Reviews for Stained. The business hours may vary on holidays like Valentines Day, Washingtons Birthday, St. Patricks Day, Easter, Easter eve and Mothers day - Statistics: 3 SiteBook Points for "Stained" (visitors of this topic page). Stained › Reviews & Experience Experience and Review Stained Opening Times and Reports. Date:

Our Recommendations:

168 results for Stained: