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Consulting, Training and Development Services. Provides database design and development services for client/server, file server and web-based three-tier database applications.
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Best entries for Page and Errorencountered *errors
1 Error Handling: Stepping beyond True/False Results (Zend Technologies)
This article
This article will give you the capabilities to handle errors in an elegant manner without diverging too much from your lazy ways. We will look at how to handle PHP script errors, as well as passing around your own errors with the PEAR module: PEAR_Error.
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This article will give you the capabilities to handle errors in an elegant manner without diverging too much from your lazy ways. We will look at how to handle PHP script errors, as well as passing around your own errors with the PEAR module: PEAR_Error.
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2 Win98 Home Page
General troubleshooting
General troubleshooting for the Windows98 operating system. Common errors, with solutions on how to fix them.
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General troubleshooting for the Windows98 operating system. Common errors, with solutions on how to fix them.
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3 HTML and XHTML Syntax Checker
Locates webpage
Locates webpage coding errors, lists error number and page source.
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Locates webpage coding errors, lists error number and page source.
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4 PC Bug Doctor
Offers free
Offers free software download to scan a PC for errors. PC Bug Doctor will fix all types of windows errors.
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Offers free software download to scan a PC for errors. PC Bug Doctor will fix all types of windows errors.
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5 Pitfalls of Transactions with PHP (ONLamp)
Database transactions
Database transactions are important for data reliability and consistency. Used properly, they can prevent many types of errors. Used improperly, they can cause many other kinds of errors. Kimberlee Jensen demonstrates using transactions with PHP well.
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Database transactions are important for data reliability and consistency. Used properly, they can prevent many types of errors. Used improperly, they can cause many other kinds of errors. Kimberlee Jensen demonstrates using transactions with PHP well.
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6 DebugPackager Addin
Addin for
Addin for Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 to handle runtime errors in a compiled projects. Errors are sent to a central error handling location for easy logging or handling. [Shareware]
Addin for Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 to handle runtime errors in a compiled projects. Errors are sent to a central error handling location for easy logging or handling. [Shareware]
7 Muonics - 17 Common MIB Design Errors
A chapter
A chapter from the MIB Smithy Documentation detailing several of the most common MIB design errors, their basis in the ASN.1 and SMI specifications, and how to correct them.
A chapter from the MIB Smithy Documentation detailing several of the most common MIB design errors, their basis in the ASN.1 and SMI specifications, and how to correct them.
8 Web Traffic Brokers
Sells website
Sells website traffic from search engines, pop-unders, exit traffic banners, doorway pages, and 404 page errors.
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Sells website traffic from search engines, pop-unders, exit traffic banners, doorway pages, and 404 page errors.
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9 The Windows Registry Experts
Information and
Information and software utilities to fix most Windows errors: Registry and file errors, Windows tweaks and optimizing memory and disk space.
Registry Windows System Repair File Software Information Errors How Files Page Screen Regrepair Utilities Room
Information and software utilities to fix most Windows errors: Registry and file errors, Windows tweaks and optimizing memory and disk space.
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10 HTML-Kit
Edit, format
Edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish HTML documents from an easy to use environment. Full featured web page editor that can point out errors and optionally auto correct the HTML code.
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Edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish HTML documents from an easy to use environment. Full featured web page editor that can point out errors and optionally auto correct the HTML code.
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11 Mac Edition: Code Bitch
Detailed bug
Detailed bug list of CSS errors.
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Detailed bug list of CSS errors.
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12 TFB
CopyAnyFile can
CopyAnyFile can copy any file no matter if it has read errors.
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CopyAnyFile can copy any file no matter if it has read errors.
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13 Safe STL
An enhancement
An enhancement for the STL that tries to catch many typical STL programming errors.
Safe Stl Horstmann Safestlzip Company Standard Hewlett Packard Template Software Library Design Standardreaction Furthermore Cay@horstmanncom Catches * Stepanov
An enhancement for the STL that tries to catch many typical STL programming errors.
Safe Stl Horstmann Safestlzip Company Standard Hewlett Packard Template Software Library Design Standardreaction Furthermore Cay@horstmanncom Catches * Stepanov
14 Voiced Keyboard
[Win] Avoid
[Win] Avoid keying errors by listening to your documents as soon as you type them.
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[Win] Avoid keying errors by listening to your documents as soon as you type them.
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15 ExcelSavvy
Software to
Software to discover spreadsheet errors, help with auditing and understand complex models.
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Software to discover spreadsheet errors, help with auditing and understand complex models.
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16 VDaemon - Web Form Validation
A PHP library that check for errors and, if necessary, display messages to the user. [Freeware]
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A PHP library that check for errors and, if necessary, display messages to the user. [Freeware]
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17 Error Bank
A filtered
A filtered database of .NET exceptions, errors and their solutions that have been discussed by developers in newsgroups.
A filtered database of .NET exceptions, errors and their solutions that have been discussed by developers in newsgroups.
18 FindTutorials: ASP
Topics include
Topics include databases, email, file uploading, graphics, security, statistics, and errors.
Topics include databases, email, file uploading, graphics, security, statistics, and errors.
19 Insure++
An error
An error detection tool for C/C++ that automatically finds hidden errors at the source code level.
Memory Testing Errors Runtime Insure++ Error Tool Detection Analysis Variable Parasoft Pointer Safety Critical Leaks Corruption Virtualization Jtest Unit Manual
An error detection tool for C/C++ that automatically finds hidden errors at the source code level.
Memory Testing Errors Runtime Insure++ Error Tool Detection Analysis Variable Parasoft Pointer Safety Critical Leaks Corruption Virtualization Jtest Unit Manual
20 Websites Online 2000
Services include
Services include analysis and web site planning, page design, website hosting, web page promotion and search engine submissions, ongoing maintenance and web page redesign.
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Services include analysis and web site planning, page design, website hosting, web page promotion and search engine submissions, ongoing maintenance and web page redesign.
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21 CodeWizard
Helps developers
Helps developers prevent errors by automatically enforcing over 170 industry-accepted C++ coding standards. (ParaSoft)
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Helps developers prevent errors by automatically enforcing over 170 industry-accepted C++ coding standards. (ParaSoft)
Testing Error Analysis Safety Critical Virtualization Embedded Development Load Static Page Detection Platform Automotive Insure++ Sheet Peer Found
22 ArkiData Corporation
Developed automated
Developed automated data cleaning technology that is effective in eradicating errors from large historic databases.
Developed automated data cleaning technology that is effective in eradicating errors from large historic databases.
23 Red Hill Networks WebSpray
This tool
This tool allows you to stress test your web server through a LAN or modem connection. It will generate reports for errors and performance.
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This tool allows you to stress test your web server through a LAN or modem connection. It will generate reports for errors and performance.
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24 Holodeck
A testing
A testing tool that uses fault simulation to emulate real-world application and system errors. By Security Innovation Inc.
A testing tool that uses fault simulation to emulate real-world application and system errors. By Security Innovation Inc.
25 PrecisionCalc
Allows mathematical
Allows mathematical formulae to provide much more precise results, use of larger and smaller numbers and eliminates binary conversion errors.
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Allows mathematical formulae to provide much more precise results, use of larger and smaller numbers and eliminates binary conversion errors.
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26 IPCheck
Alerts Webmasters
Alerts Webmasters if a Webserver is not working correctly because the web service is down, CGI scripts return errors, or the SQL server is not reachable. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
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Alerts Webmasters if a Webserver is not working correctly because the web service is down, CGI scripts return errors, or the SQL server is not reachable. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
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27 Modem Doctor Diagnostics
A tool
A tool for finding and correcting many common configuration and installation errors with modems and UARTs. MS-DOS and Windows versions available.
Click Modemdoctorpagerequest Here Error Article
A tool for finding and correcting many common configuration and installation errors with modems and UARTs. MS-DOS and Windows versions available.
Click Modemdoctorpagerequest Here Error Article
28 System Cleaner
Repairs and
Repairs and prevents errors in Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP by finding and deleting junk files, with a full set of seven powerful tools.
Cleaner System Software Registry Privacy $ Nowfor Bit Computer Labs Support Windowsreg Download Vista Now Indexdat Center Testimonials
Repairs and prevents errors in Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP by finding and deleting junk files, with a full set of seven powerful tools.
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29 CDmage
Freeware CD
Freeware CD image handling tool. Extracts, scans for corruption, and repairs found errors in CD-ROM files on the harddrive. [Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP]
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Freeware CD image handling tool. Extracts, scans for corruption, and repairs found errors in CD-ROM files on the harddrive. [Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP]
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Web Page
Web Page Encryption is a tool to protect the content of your web page. It can protect your text, graphics or prevent others from copying your code or paypal links. With its help, spammers are stopped from extracting your email address from your web page so they cant send you spam emails.
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Web Page Encryption is a tool to protect the content of your web page. It can protect your text, graphics or prevent others from copying your code or paypal links. With its help, spammers are stopped from extracting your email address from your web page so they cant send you spam emails.
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31 Hot CPU Tester
A burn-in
A burn-in stability tester to tests all components for intermittent errors.
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A burn-in stability tester to tests all components for intermittent errors.
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32 Dataintro Software
Provider of
Provider of 2D barcodes for PDF forms. Zero errors in paper forms data capture.
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Provider of 2D barcodes for PDF forms. Zero errors in paper forms data capture.
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